Guest Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy
Monroe Township Public Schools
Guest access to the Monroe Township Public School's electronic network, which includes Internet access, computer services,
software, computers, peripherals, and related technologies require acceptance and signature of this Acceptable Use Policy.
This network is provided for educational purposes.
Guests are NOT permitted to:
-Post information that, if acted upon, could cause damage or a danger of disruption.
-Access, submit, publish, display, or send material that is profane or obscene, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence
or discrimination toward other people.
-Engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks, or Cyberbullying.
-Harass another person. Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person.
-Knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or organization.
-Use speech that is inappropriate in an educational setting or violates district rules or laws.
-Use the district system to engage in any illegal act.
-Transmit material, information, or software that is in violation of local, state, or federal law.
-Use the network, computers or related resources for commercial use.
-Use the Monroe Township Public Schools electronic network for political lobbying.
-Use another person's account, forge electronic mail messages, access another person's files, attempt to "log on" as a network
administrator, "hack", or go beyond authorized access.
-Make deliberate attempts to disrupt the network or destroy data by spreading viruses or any other means, abuse network
resources or intentionally waste limited resources.
-Share or post personal contact information about other people. Personal contact information includes address, telephone, school
address, or work address.
-Share or post privacy-revealing personal information about yourself or other people.
-Provide personal or district-assigned passwords to anyone under any condition.
-Relocate hardware, install peripherals, install, upload or download software, or modify settings to any component of the electronic
network without the consent of the district technology department.
-Introduce or attach any software or hardware to any component of the district electronic network, which is not owned by the district
or specifically authorized for use by the district technology department.
-Damage computers, any portion of the electronic network, or network-related resources.
-Engage in activities that do not advance the educational purpose for which the electronic network is provided.
Guests may receive a temporary individual e-mail account with the approval of a district administrator when it is for a specific,
district-related purpose.
Guest Wireless Network
The district wireless guest network provides limited access, fixed bandwidth and is filtered for CIPA (Children's Internet Protection
- Guest -
Act) compliance. Users of this network are subject to all district policies, plus any state and federal laws related to Internet use.
Technical support is not provided for general guest access, unless access is related to a specific educational purpose.
Portable Electronic Devices
The district accepts no responsibility for electronic personal property brought to the school by Guests. Guests should take all
reasonable measures to protect against theft or damage of their personal devices.
The district technology staff will not support or configure any personal electronic device.
Guest-assigned district portable technology devices must follow the rules of the signed district equipment agreement form.
It is the Guest's responsibility to immediately alert school personnel if a district-assigned device is lost, damaged, or stolen.
Guests using personal or district-assigned portable electronic devices are subject to all district policies, plus any state and federal
laws, when using device.
General Conditions
The Monroe Township Public Schools electronic network has not been established as a public access service or a public forum.
Monroe Township Public Schools has the right to place reasonable restrictions on material that is accessed or posted throughout
the network.
It is presumed that Guests will honor this agreement they have signed. Beyond the clarification of standards outlined in this policy,
the district is not responsible for the actions of Guests who violate them.
District policies on copyright and plagiarism will govern the use of material accessed and used through the district system.
The printing facilities of the electronic network should be used judiciously.
purposes is prohibited.
Unauthorized printing for other than educational
Acceptable use policy and regulations apply even if away from school if district technology resources are used.
The district reserves the right to monitor all activity on this electronic network to maintain system integrity, confirm users are using
the system responsibly, and ensure compliance with Federal and State laws that regulate Internet Safety. Guests will indemnify the
district against any damage that is caused by their inappropriate use of the network.
Network storage areas shall be treated in the same manner as other school storage facilities. Students should not expect that files
saved on district funded storage areas will be private or confidential.
The district reserves the right to monitor and immediately limit the use of the electronic network or terminate the account of a user
for violations of this policy, or law.
Designated district personnel reserve the right to remove internally posted messages that are deemed to be unacceptable or in
violation of board policies and regulations.
Due Process
The district will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted
through the district network or with district-owned technology.
Limitation of Liability
The district makes no guarantee that the functions or the services provided by or through the district network will be error-free or
without defect. The district will not be responsible for any damage suffered, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions
of service. The district is not responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the network or district
technology. The district is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the network.
Violations of this Acceptable Use Policy
Guests violating Regulation and Policy no. 2361 may lose access to the district electronic network, shall be subject to the discipline
code outlined in the district policies and regulations regarding discipline as well as other disciplinary or possible legal action and
reports to the legal authorities and entities.
- Guest -
Acceptable Use Policy Agreement Form
Monroe Township Public Schools
I have read and received a copy of the Monroe Township Public Schools' Guest Acceptable Use
Policy. I agree to follow the rules contained in this policy. I understand that if I violate the rules my
access can be terminated and I may face other disciplinary measures.
Purpose of access: _______________________________________________________
Organization/Company (if applicable): _________________________________________
Name (please print): _______________________________________________
Monroe Township Public Schools
Williamstown, NJ
Media & Video Waiver
School events, classroom activities, and special programs are sometimes photographed or
videotaped by school representatives or local media to post in newsletters, newspapers,
television stations, electronic yearbooks, magazines, or other professional periodicals and
venues. Some newspapers also print electronically on the Internet. Permission is required to
authorize your voice, physical presence and participation to be transmitted and possibly
recorded for viewing by others.
Activity/Event: __________________________________________________________
_____ I DO authorize permission for my voice, physical presence and participation to be
transmitted and possibly recorded for viewing by others. In addition, pictures, recordings and/or
interviews may possibly appear in print for local and national newspapers, magazines, or other
professional periodicals or electronically as part of the Internet, district or school web site, on
local television stations, or as a CD/DVD. I release and discharge Monroe Township Public
Schools and its employees from any liability to me by virtue of any representation that may
occur in the making or editing of said recordings.
_____ I DO NOT authorize permission.
I have read this agreement, prior to signing below, and warrant that I do fully understand its contents.
Name (please print): ____________________________________________
Organization/Company: ______________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________
Date: ________________