Hydro Ottawa Rates Change January 1, 2013 Effective January 1, 2013, Hydro Ottawa’s distribution rates have changed. The bill for a typical residential customer, using 800 kWh per month, will increase by approximately 0.58 percent or $0.66 per month. Small commercial customers consuming 2,000 kWh per month and having a demand of less than 50 kilowatts will see their monthly bill decrease by about $5.35. Components of the Electricity Bill Distribution charges cover the cost of building and maintaining our infrastructure. With this change, Hydro Ottawa’s distribution charges represent 20.4 percent of the total bill for a typical residential customer. We pass on the remaining charges, without mark-up, to respective parties on behalf of our customers. Our distribution rates are set by the Ontario Energy Board, based on applications submitted by Hydro Ottawa. The rate-setting process is open and transparent, with opportunities for public participation. In Hydro Ottawa’s rate application, major Hydro Ottawa business priorities included the need to continually invest in our infrastructure to keep services reliable; and the need to prepare for the industry-wide challenge of an aging workforce by continuing to grow our trades apprenticeship programs. Hydro Ottawa’s distribution rates have remained stable over the past several years, helping our customers to manage their costs. OEB industry comparisons have consistently shown that Hydro Ottawa’s operating, maintenance and administration costs are below the provincial average and we continue to make efficiency improvements. How to reach us ... For the most effective and timely response to your customer-related inquiries, please contact councillorinquiry@hydroottawa.com. Information on power outages is available 24/7 at 613-738-0188 or www.hydroottawa.com/outages. Distribution Charge (paid to Hydro Ottawa), 20.4% Electricity Generation Charge (paid to generators of hydroelectric, nuclear, fossil-fueled, wind, biomass, biogas and solar electricity), 52.0% Debt Retirement Charge to pay the debt of the former Ontario Hydro (paid to the Provincial Government) 4.4% Regulatory Charges for administering system and funding programs (paid to Independent Electricity System Operator, Ministry of Energy) 4.1% Transmission Charge (paid to Hydro One), 7.6% Harmonized Sales Tax (paid to Federal and Provincial governments), 11.5% *For a typical residential customer using 800 kWh per month. Inside Distribution Sector Panel Releases Report Page 2 Let’s Talk Electricity! Page 3 Hydro Ottawa Raises Record Amount for United Way Page 4 Electricity Sector News Distribution Sector Panel Releases Report In April 2012, the Ontario Minister of Energy established the Ontario Distribution Sector Review Panel to advise the government on how a restructured distribution system could lead to “price stability, a more efficient and reliable system configuration, as well as fairness and value for money”. On December 13, the Panel released its report after consulting with more than 80 stakeholders including Local Distribution Companies (LDCs), industry associations, consumer groups, unions, government ministries and agencies, financial and investment organizations and individuals. Key recommendations include: Regional Distributors The Panel recommends that today’s 73 LDCs should be consolidated into 8 to 12 regional distributors that are large enough to deliver improved efficiency and enhanced customer focus, while at the same time maintaining a strong connection with their local communities. Of these 8 to 12 distributors, two would be in northern Ontario – one in the northeast and the other serving the northwest – leaving 6 to 10 regional distributors in southern Ontario. New regional distributors in southern Ontario should have a minimum of 400,000 customers. The new regional distributors must have boundaries that are contiguous. Consolidation should be completed within two years of the provincial government’s acceptance of the recommendations of this report. Hydro One There should be no across-the-board sale of Hydro One Networks’ distribution assets, the Panel states. The creation of the new system of regional distributors will be facilitated by the merger of Hydro One Networks’ assets with those of the other existing distributors. The Ontario government should give clear and unambiguous direction to Hydro One to lead and engage in the discussion of the merger of its distribution assets with the appropriate interested utilities. The discussions will be based on a fair, market-based evaluation of assets, according to the Panel. The owners of the current LDCs will get shares in the new regional distributors they voluntarily create in proportion to the valuation of the assets they contributed. LDCs that are amalgamated through mandatory mechanisms will have their assets valued at book value. Ontario Government The Panel recommends that the provincial government should appoint a Transition Advisor to oversee the consolidation process. The Transition Advisor will advise the government on the progress of achieving complete consolidation. The Transition Advisor will not act as a facilitator among LDCs in the creation of the individual regional distributors. The Ontario government should enter into discussions with the federal government to facilitate removal of the transfer tax on the sale of LDC assets to private investors, the Panel recommends. 2 Local Distribution Companies in Eastern Ontario. Source: Independent Electricity System Operator Cost Savings Any funds from the disposal of excess utility assets would be re-invested in the regional distributors to strengthen the system, the Panel recommends, and not used for dividends or other nonelectricity purposes. It also expects that savings from the increased efficiency of the new regional distributors would be shared between the shareholder and customers. Given the requirement for significant capital investments, the Panel expects that much of the savings accruing to the shareholder will be reinvested in the electricity distribution system. Governance The membership of the Board of a regional distributor should have at least two-thirds independent directors, says the Panel. It believes a Board with 100 percent independent membership would be preferable. As for affiliates currently owned by LDCs, the Panel recommends that they would not be included in any consolidation. Overall Savings and Benefits The consolidation of LDCs into regional distributors will result in an estimated cost savings of $1.2 billion (after transaction and transition costs are paid) at net present value over the first ten years. The Panel says this would equate to a $70 annual saving for Ontario electricity customers. The panel also states that consolidation would allow LDCs to avoid $1.3 billion in infrastructure investment over the first 10 years, resulting in a 5 percent reduction in depreciation and return on capital when compared to the continuation of the status quo – which it says is worth $300 million in present terms. Let’s Talk Electricity! Electricity plays a role in almost everything we do each day, whether at home or at work. It is a major driver of our economy, a source of jobs and investment, and a contributor to Canada’s competitive advantage. Yet most people know very little about how it is made, how it gets to them, how to use it efficiently and manage the bill, and what value it provides. To help our customers and all our stakeholders better understand the product we distribute and the services we provide, Hydro Ottawa has created the Let’s Talk Electricity Fact Book. It’s a great source of information about electricity, including: • the broader context of its importance to Canada; • how electricity is made and distributed in Ontario; and • a detailed focus on the business of Hydro Ottawa, the services we provide our customers, and the value we bring to the community. Here is just a small sampling of the facts that you will find in our Let’s Talk Electricity Fact Book. • Canada’s electricity sector contributed $28.4 billion to the nation’s economy in 2011; employs more than 108,000 Canadians; and had net exports of $1.7 billion. • Electricity makes up about 3 percent of the average household expenditure in Canada, and costs on average only $3.74 per day for a typical Hydro Ottawa customer. • Hydro Ottawa plans to invest $100 million annually between 2012 and 2016 to maintain, replace and enhance our infrastructure. • In Ontario, emission-free nuclear and hydro power made up 79 percent of all electricity generation in 2011. • Hydro Ottawa is the third largest municipally-owned electricity distributor in Ontario; and we are also the largest municipallyowned producer of green power. • We have provided dividends of $121.3 million to the City of Ottawa since 2005, while growing shareholder equity in the company by $104.3 million. • Since 2001, the average household electricity use in Ottawa has declined by more than 100 kilowatt hours per month, and now averages only 650 kilowatt hours monthly. • About half of all power outages are caused by weather, loss of power from the provincial grid, vehicle collisions and animal contacts. View the Fact Book online at www.hydroottawa.com/factbook. Increasing our Energy Literacy Energy decisions affect all of us, but most people have relatively little understanding of how energy is created, how it gets to the customer, and how to use it wisely. Increasing energy literacy was the major theme of a recent speech by Rosemarie Leclair, the Chair and CEO of the Ontario Energy Board, to a breakfast hosted by the Ottawa Business Journal and the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce. “In my discussions with industry and consumer leaders alike over the past year, one theme has come up repeatedly: consumers’ lack of understanding of the industry, the energy bill, what drives costs and how the value of energy compares to other services,” she told the audience. “I believe that closing that information and education gap has to be a top priority for the Ontario Energy Board and others in the energy sector, if we are going to maintain consumer confidence in our energy system.” 3 This is a theme that Hydro Ottawa has embraced, not only through our website, but also through recent products such as the Let’s Talk Electricity Fact Book and a series of in-depth backgrounders on electricity subjects that is now under development and that will also be available on the website. As for the Ontario Energy Board, Leclair said the regulatory body is revamping its consumer outreach website and feedback forms after a year of consulting with Ontario residents to better align the interests of the energy sector with the interests of consumers. “Enabling energy literacy is an ambitious undertaking, but it is one that we believe is essential to aligning public policy, utility and consumer interests and maintaining consumer confidence in Ontario’s energy system,” said Leclair. Hydro Ottawa raises record amount for United Way Hydro Ottawa’s United Way workplace campaign has raised a record $201,950 to help create lasting change in our community. Over the past 12 years, Hydro Ottawa’s campaigns have raised more than $1.2 million through employee donations and corporate matching dollars. Hydro Ottawa’s 2012 workplace campaign is the largest donor among the more than 100 companies in the Construction, Manufacturing and Services category. The company’s matching dollars are directed to Hydro Ottawa’s Brighter Tomorrows Fund, a community investment program that supports frontline agencies that serve people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. The funds are invested in energyefficient technologies or products. The company’s United Way achievements would not be possible without the leadership of its employee volunteers and strong support from employees across the company. More than 300 employees pledged to support Hydro Ottawa’s 2012 United Way Workplace Campaign. “The enthusiasm of this workforce is outstanding. I am proud to see Hydro Ottawa employees give generously to help the community we serve,” said Bryce Conrad, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hydro Ottawa. Small Business Lighting Program Boosted By Councillors In October, Hydro Ottawa approached City Councillors to help spread the good news about our saveONenergy Small Business Lighting program, which offers an incentive of up to $1,000 worth of energy-efficient lighting and equipment upgrades. The City has already achieved excellent results by participating in this program. City-owned facilities are now saving almost 672,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, and reducing their electricity bills by close to $58,000 a year, through lighting upgrades. A number of councillors posted articles on their websites, and 13 councillors tweeted about the program. In fact, there were 19 direct Tweets and 21 re-Tweets. Traffic on our website pages on the Small Business Lighting program tripled during the campaign period compared to the preceding months. Here’s hoping that translates into more participation in this great program, more energy efficiency, and more bill savings for Ottawa’s business community. For more details on how to participate, please visit www.hydroottawa.com/lighting. 4