ARTÍCULOS CIENTÍFICOS - TÉCNICOS Rev. Bol. Ecol. y Cons. Amb. 25: 51-67, 2009 Banco de huevos de resistencia revela una alta riqueza específica de cladóceros en charcos temporales altoandinos Resting egg bank reveals high cladoceran species richness in high-altitude temporary peat land pools Jorge S Coronel1, Ximena Aguilera1, Steven Decleck2 & Luc Brendonck2 RESUMEN El análisis del banco de efipias (huevos de dormancia) presente en el sedimento de los cuerpos de agua ha resultado ser una herramienta útil para el estudio de la diversidad de cladóceros en sistemas permanentes de agua. Este método ha sido inexplorado en sistemas temporales que experimentan un periodo seco durante una parte del año. En este estudio se evaluó la riqueza de especies del ensamblaje de cladóceros (Branchiopoda, Crustacea) obtenido mediante la eclosión de efipias provenientes del sedimento de 61 charcos temporales de la cordillera del Tunari en Bolivia. La eclosión de efipias reveló más especies de cladóceros (total= 24; promedio= 6.7) que el número obtenido de los muestreos del ensamblaje activo (total= 21; promedio= 4.6). En promedio, el análisis de las efipias contribuyó con 2.1 especies de cladóceros por charco. El número de cladóceros (ensamblaje activo + análisis de efipia) alcanzó un total de 28 especies. Análisis de redundancia indicaron diferencias significativas entre la composición del ensamblaje activo y el ensamblaje obtenido por eclosión de las efipias. La cobertura vegetal fue la principal variable que explicó una variación en la estructura del ensamblaje activo de cladóceros, mientras que para el ensamblaje obtenido de la eclosión de efipias estuvieron la clorofila-a, el grosor de la capa de sedimento, y la conectividad entre charcos. Palabras claves: Bolivia, Charcos temporales andinos, huevos de dormancia, zooplancton de los Andes. ABSTRACT The use of egg bank analysis proved a valuable approach to uncover hidden diversity in permanent lakes. The efficiency of the method remains largely unexplored in temporary aquatic systems that remain dry for a variable part of the year. We assessed species richness of the cladoceran assemblage (Branchiopoda, Crustacea) from the dormant egg bank of 61 temporary peat land pools in the high Andes of Bolivia. The analysis of the dormant egg bank yielded more species (total: 24; mean per peat land pool: 6.7) than snapshot samples from active communities taken previously (total: 21; mean per peat land pool: 4.6). On average, the dormant egg bank resulted in the detection of 2.1 (45%) more cladoceran species per peat land pool than on the basis of active cladoceran assemblages. The accumulated (active plus dormant) cladoceran species richness of the study peat land pools mounted up to 28 species. RDA analyses indicated a significant difference in assemblage composition between dormant and active samples. Different environmental variables explained variation in the structure of the dormant and active cladoceran assemblages. Water plant cover significantly explained variation in active assemblages, while a model constructed by chlorophyll-a, sediment thickness, and connectivity explained variation in dormant cladoceran assemblages. The analysis of the dormant assemblages was essential, not only in revealing the potential species richness but also for better understanding assemblage structure of aquatic organisms. Key words: Bolivia, Andean temporary pools, Resting eggs, Bolivian zooplankton, Egg-morphotype. Unidad de Limnología y Recursos Acuáticos (ULRA), Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Tel: ++591 (4) 423 5622; E-mail: Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Naamsestraat 59 3000 Leuven, Belgium. 1 2 51 REVISTA BOLIVIANA DE ECOLOGÍA Y CONSERVACIÓN AMBIENTAL INTRODUCTION The cyclical and variable nature of the temporary pool environment creates a habitat that is quite distinct from permanent and more predictable habitats such as ponds and lakes. Their inhabitants require specific adaptations to deal with the variable and often extreme local environmental conditions, which often results in the presence of unique species not found in any other habitat types (Williams, 1997; Blaustein & Schwartz, 2001; De Meester et al., 2005). & Brendonck, 2008). Hatching of dormant eggs can be biased because some populations seldom or never produce dormant eggs (Jeppesen et al., 2003) or due to variation among taxa in their response to specific hatching stimuli (Cáceres, 1998). The shape and external sculpturing (ornamentation) of resting eggs were also suggested as a tool for identification at a higher taxonomic level and, in some cases, even to species level (reviewed in Brendonck & De Meester, 2003). Vandekerkhove et al., (2004a) showed that morphological characters of resting eggs allowed a rapid first estimation of cladoceran species richness in 20 shallow European lakes. A main feature of aquatic species permanently inhabiting variable aquatic environments is the production of diapausing resting stages (dormant eggs) that allow survival during droughts and recolonization after flooding (Wiggins et al., 1980; Cáceres, 1997). Zooplanktonic organisms, in particular, produce diapausing stages when environmental conditions become adverse (Brendonck & De Meester, 2003). After deposition, most resting stages sink to the bottom building a dormant egg bank. The largest fractions of viable (responsive) eggs usually occur in the top three centimeters, the so-called active egg bank (Brendonck & De Meester, 2003). At each occasion, usually only a variable portion of the egg bank hatches (Maia-Barbosa et al., 2003; García-Roger et al., 2006). Such partial hatching constitutes a bet-hedging strategy to buffer against extinction in the variable habitat, where sometimes there is even not enough time for maturation and successful reproduction (Brendonck & De Meester, 2003). The portion of resting eggs that does not hatch at the first occasion may do so later under similar conditions (Brendonck et al., 1998). This process results in the gradual accumulation of dormant eggs from different seasons and years in a persistent egg bank, integrating spatial and temporal variation in the abundance and distribution of freshwater zooplankton (Brendonck & De Meester, 2003). This property renders the dormant egg bank a potentially valuable tool for detecting hidden diversity with only a limited presence in the water column and an attractive complementary tool for the analysis of active community samples (Vandekerkhove et al., 2005a; Vandekerkhove et al., 2005b). In this study we tested the efficiency of using egg bank samples for detecting potential species richness in temporary peat land pools in the high Andes of Bolivia. By individual incubation of isolated egg morphotypes from 61 pools we specifically aimed to 1) assign ephippia morphotypes to species, 2) obtain a more integrated picture of peat land cladoceran species richness and composition by comparing the active and dormant cladoceran assemblages, and 3) explore whether the same environmental variables explain variation in structure of dormant compared to active communities. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study site Our study area is located in the Cordillera del Tunari (Cochabamba) in the Bolivian Andes between the coordinates 66o08- 66o22 W and 17o10-17o19 S, at altitudes ranging from 4000 to 4400 m.a.s.l. This area consists of numerous small peat land systems (locally called bofedales) scattered over valleys and mountain slopes. Most of these peat lands contain small temporary peat land pools, of which the number typically varies between 1 and 8, although pools can be more numerous in some of the larger peat land systems (Fig. 1). Peat land pools are mostly temporary and fishless, characterized by high water transparency and low values of conductivity, salinity, and total dissolved solids. The area is in general cha-racterized by grassland vegetation with exception of the peat land that is predominantly dominated by a hard-tapestry vegetation of Distichia muscoides and Plantago tubulosa (Navarro & Maldonado, 2002). This area is subject to a dry (April September) and rainy (October March) season. The study of the dormant egg bank in permanent aquatic systems revealed that the number of species hatching from sediment samples in the laboratory was usually higher than the number of species detected by snapshot sampling from the active community (May, 1986; Vandekerkhove et al., 2005b). Some studies on temporary pools, however, revealed a lower number of species than detected in the active community samples (Boven 52 CORONEL, J.S, X., AGUILERA, S., DECLECK & L., BRENDONCK: Running head: Hidden Andean diversity Cordillera del Tunari 17o N Toro Figure 1. Bofedal showing high-altitude peatland pools in the Cordillera del Tunari of the Bolivian Andes. Saito San Ignacio Taquiña Sampling Cochabamba Samples of both, the active zooplankton community and the dormant egg bank, were collected in 61 peat land pools from 31 peat land systems spread over four mountain valleys in the Cordillera del Tunari: Taquiña, Toro, Saito, and San Ignacio (Fig. 2). 20 Kilometers 18o o 66 The active community was collected in the middle of the wet season between February and March 2004. In each peat land pool, 3 to 15 L samples were taken with a tube sampler (75 mm diameter and 1.5 m length) and filtered through a 30-µm mesh. Samples were preserved in sucrose-formaldehyde solution (5% final concentration). In the dry season, for the dormant egg bank analysis, the top three centimeters of sediment were collected using a KC-sediment core sampler (0.7 meter long plexiglass tube of 5.2 cm diameter), until completing one kilogram per pool. After collection, samples were wrapped in aluminum foil and transported to the lab in a cooler box. o 65 Figure 2. Map of the study area. Stars indicate the study mountain valleys in the Cordillera del Tunari in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Sample Analysis Zooplankton density estimates were based on counts of at least 300 specimens per sample. The density of potential zooplankton predators (cyclopoid copepods, mites, and larvae of the coleopteran genera Ranthus, Colymbetinae and Hydroporus, Hydroporinae) was also assessed by counting specimens in each sample. Zooplankton and potential predators were counted using an Olympus SZX12 stereo microscope. For each peat land pool, the following environmental variables were recorded: pH, conductivity (COND), chlorophyll-a (CHLa), pool surface (AREA), and water column depth (DEPTH). Besides, we also measured the thickness of the bottom sediment (SEDTH, measured as the thickness of the bottom organic matter layer), the percentage of water plants covering the pool (WPCOV), connectivity (CONN; measured as the number of peat land pools that directly drained into the sampled pool), number of neighboring peat land pools in a radius of 50 m (NGP), and distance to the nearest rivulet (DNR). In order to isolate dormant eggs of each individual peat land pool we removed gross material (mostly vegetal debris) from each sample using sieves of 1000 µm and 500 µm, while fine material and resting eggs were retained on a 63 µm sieve. The retained resting eggs were isolated by the sugar flotation method (Onbé, 1978; Marcus, 1990). We omitted the sonication step because none of the sediment 53 REVISTA BOLIVIANA DE ECOLOGÍA Y CONSERVACIÓN AMBIENTAL To explore for environmental variables that explain variation in community structure of cladoceran assemblages obtained from dormant versus active community samples, we used a standardized redundancy analyses (RDA). All recorded environmental variables (explanatory variables) were log (X+1) transformed except for pH. The RDA model was constructed using forward selection (999 Monte Carlo permutations). Only significant variables were retained. We evaluated the amount of variation explained by each environmental variable included in the model. Cladoceran densities (response variable) were square-root transformed to minimize the effect of high densities (ter Braak & milauer, 2002). Only peat land pools with samples allowing counts of at least 300 individuals were included in the analysis. Cladoceran species with less than 5% of pool-occurrence were excluded from the analysis, since they can disproportionately affect the results. samples were compact. The following steps of the original Onbé-Marcus method were retained: 1) filtration through a 48 µm mesh, 2) centrifugation of the residue in a sugar solution (1000 g table sugar in 1000 ml distilled water) at 3000 rpm for three minutes, and 3) washing of the supernatant over a 48 µm mesh using tap water. The isolated resting eggs were sorted on the basis of morphology and counted under a stereo microscope (Olympus SZX12). Dormant egg density estimates were based on counts of at least 300 specimens per sample. To allow identification to species level, the unknown resting egg types were incubated individually in 30-ml multi-well plates containing the Aachener Daphnien Medium (ADAM; Klüttgen et al., 1994) at a conductivity of 30 µS cm-1. Multi-well plates were placed in an incubator at 20oC with a photoperiod of 14 hours light and 10 hours dark. Incubation medium was refreshed every five days. For a period of two months, all multiwell plates were checked every four days for emerging hatchlings. Hatchlings were transferred to 50-ml vessels and fed Scenedesmus obliquus (100.000 cells ml-1) until maturation. All cladocerans were identified to species level using Paggi (1995), Alonso (1996) and Smirnov (1996). RESULTS Ephippia morphotype analysis We identified 24 different morphotypes of cladoceran ephippia down to species level (Table 1; Appendix 1). Most of the isolated ephippia contained one egg with exception of those belonging to Daphnia pulex, Daphnia peruviana, Macrothrix atahualpa, Ilyocryptus cf spinifer, Paralona piagra and Streblocerrus serricaudatus that presented two eggs. A similar morphotype was observed for Ceriodaphnia cf dubia and C. cf laticaudata. On average, most cladoceran ephippia hatched during the first 8 days of incubation (Table 1). Statistical analyses Differences in composition between cladoceran assemblages obtained from both the dormant egg bank and active cladoceran samples were tested with permutation tests (999 permutations) on redundancy analysis models (RDA; CANOCO 4.5). Nominal dummy variables constructed for the two cladoceran assemblages (dormant and active) were used as explanatory variables and the densities of individual species as response variables. Cladoceran densities were square-root transformed to minimize the effect of high densities (ter Braak & milauer, 2002). Composition and species richness of dormant and active assemblages Composition of the cladoceran assemblages obtained from the resting egg bank versus those from the active cladoceran samples differed significantly (RDA analysis: Trace= 0.123; F= 17.2; p= 0.001). To test for differences in species richness between dormant and active assemblages across all peat land pools sampled (n = 61) we used a paired T-test for dependent samples. In addition, the degree of association between pool species richness derived from the dormant egg bank analysis and species richness from active cladoceran samples was evaluated using product moment correlations. Associations between environmental variables and species richness of the dormant and active assemblages were also evaluated with product moment correlations using the statistical software STATISTICA V8.0, Statsoft INC., Tulsa, O.K. The study of the dormant egg bank yielded 24 cladoceran species, in comparison with 21 species in the active cladoceran samples (Fig. 3). The number of cladoceran species retrieved from the resting egg bank was significantly higher (mean per pool: 6.7 0.6) than the number collected from the active assemblages (mean per pool: 4.6 0.4) (paired T-test = 6.3; df = 60; p = < 0.001; Fig. 4). 54 CORONEL, J.S, X., AGUILERA, S., DECLECK & L., BRENDONCK: Running head: Hidden Andean diversity Table 1. Cladoceran species detected in temporary peat land pools in the Cordillera del Tunari, Bolivia. Species are ordered according to their frequency of occurrence (from high to low) in the 61 study peat land pools. Average densities refers to the mean number of eggs (eggs per Kg) for the dormant community and the mean number of individuals (individuals per liter) for the active community, across all study pools. DFH shows the number of days for first hatch to occur. Valley shows the mountain valleys where the respective species were found: a = Taquiña, b = Toro, c = Saito, d = San Ignacio. Species occurrence Dormant Chydorus brevilabris Alona ossiani Macrothrix atahualpa Alona cambouei Simocephalus mixtus Alonella excisa Camptocercus aloniceps Alona davidi Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Graptoleberis testudinaria Daphnia pulex Alona glabra Daphnia peruviana Ephemerophorus hibridus Paralona piagra Pleuroxus caca Ceriodaphnia cf laticaudata Pleuroxus sp. Streblocerus serricaudatus Alona boliviana Scapholeberis spinifera Drepanothrix cf dentata Pleuroxus cf aduncus ossiani Bosmina huaronensis Ephemerophorus cf acanthodes Ilyocryptus cf spinifer Pleuroxus hardingi 52 55 53 42 47 30 23 17 22 11 7 4 5 7 6 0 8 6 5 3 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 Average densities Active Dormant Active 59 51 46 44 37 48 24 12 14 9 6 6 5 2 3 9 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 26.30 48.67 61.75 26.20 35.20 8.49 9.26 9.85 9.36 3.67 1.31 0.74 0.16 4.28 0.67 0.00 3.34 1.38 2.92 0.75 0.08 0.44 0.13 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 71.63 6.47 10.40 3.04 6.30 5.04 2.07 0.68 2.40 0.30 0.07 0.05 0.17 0.30 1.54 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.10 Seventeen cladoceran species were detected in both the active and dormant assemblages (Table 1), whereas seven species (Ceriodaphnia cf laticaudata, Pleuroxus cf aduncus, Pleuroxus sp., Streblocerus serricaudatus, Drepanothrix cf dentata, Alona cf ossiani, and Ilyocryptus cf spinifer) were exclusively observed in the dormant assemblage (Table 1). Some cladoceran species were uniquely present in the active cladoceran samples (Pleuroxus caca, Bosmina huaronensis, Ephemerophorus cf acanthodes, Pleuroxus hardingi) (Table 1). The accumulated (active plus dormant) cladoceran species richness of the study pools mounted up to 28 species (Table 1). DFH Valley 6 8 6 6 7 6 10 6 6 5 9 10 9 10 15 10 abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd bc abc bcd abd bc abc a bcd ab abcd a ab ac ac ac b a c b b 7 10 7 11 8 16 with species richness of the dormant community (Table 2). Explanatory environmental variables of dormant and active assemblages For the active assemblage, the forward selection procedure of the RDA analysis indicated water plants as the main environmental variable explaining variation in community structure (Trace = 0.063; F = 2.07; p = 0.49; Table 3). For the dormant egg banks, a model including sediment thickness, connectivity and chlorophyll-a explained a significant portion of the variation in the assemblage structure (Trace = 0.182; F = 2.15; p = 0.002; Table 3). Species richness of active cladoceran samples was significantly associated with water plant coverage and 55 REVISTA BOLIVIANA DE ECOLOGÍA Y CONSERVACIÓN AMBIENTAL I. cf spinifer and S. spinifera) were easier to identify than others because they still maintained some ornamental characters of active individuals. Adults of Alona glabra, for instance, usually present a tuberculated ornamentation in their shield. This ornamentation was maintained in their ephippia (Appendix 1). Cladoceran identification solely based on ephippia morphotypes may result in an underestimation of true species richness as similar morphotypes sometimes occur among different species (Vandekerkhove et al., 2004a). In our study, morphologically similar ephippia were observed in species within the genera Ceriodaphnia and Pleuroxus. 26 24 22 Species richness 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Although cladoceran assemblage composition derived from the resting egg bank resembled the assemblage obtained from active samples, on average 45% more cladoceran species per peat land pool were detected by egg bank analysis. This discrepancy may actually be even much higher as still some species may not have hatched at all (bet-hedging effects) in the single incubation event (no multiple inundations). To our knowledge, a higher species yield from dormant egg banks versus ac-tive assemblage samples has mostly been reported for permanent lakes (May, 1986; Havel et al., 2000; Crispim & Watanabe, 2001; Vandekerkhove et al., 2004a; 2005a; 2005b). Vandekerkhove et al., (2004b) found on average 35% more cladoceran species per lake in dormant egg banks of 95 European permanent lakes than in the corresponding active assemblage samples. In rotifers from lake Loch, Great Britain, the assemblage of resting eggs also contained higher species richness than in the water column in any single year, but was fully concordant with the assemblage observed over a six year period (May, 1986). 70 Number of pools Figure 3. Species accumulation curves for cladoceran assemblages derived from active (empty symbols) and dormant (filled symbols) samples across 61 high-altitude temporary peat land pools of the Cordillera del Tunari, Bolivia. Cladocera species richness 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 ACS Although our results underline the efficiency of resting egg bank analysis for species richness assessment of zooplankton assemblages in temporary peat land pools, other studies on temporary aquatic systems revealed opposite results. In Kiskunság National Park (Hungary), for instance, the resting egg banks of 12 temporary pools yielded only 19 cladoceran species out of a total of 32 species observed in the active assemblage samples (Boven & Brendonck 2008). Incubation of the resting egg banks from eight temporary pools in South Africa did not yield higher species richness than active assemblage samples (De Roeck et al., in press). In these examples, hatching success and low species yield may have resulted from bet-hedging effects which are expected to be more important in the variable environment of temporary pools. Bet-hedging occurs when only a fraction of all viable resting eggs hatches under ideal conditions DEB Figure 4. Average of the total number of cladoceran species recovered per pool from samples of the dormant egg bank (DEB) and from snapshot active samples (ACS). Errors bars represent 1 standard error of the mean. DISCUSSION The observed number of egg morphotypes in the dormant egg bank yielded higher number of cladoceran species than in active samples. Incubation of isolated unknown egg morphotypes allowed identifying cladoceran ephippia down to species level (Appendix 1). Some cladoceran ephippia (e.g. A. glabra, C. aloniceps, G. testudinaria, 56 CORONEL, J.S, X., AGUILERA, S., DECLECK & L., BRENDONCK: Running head: Hidden Andean diversity Table 2. Pearson correlations for environmental variables and species richness of dormant and active community samples. Only peat land pools with samples allowing counts of at least 300 individuals were included in the analysis. Codes: TP = total phosphates, TN = total nitrates, pH = pH, COND = conductivity, ALK = alkalinity, TRANSP = water transparency (Snell measure), DEPTH = water column depth, AREA = pool surface area, WPCOV = water plant cover, CHLa = chlorophyll a, DNR = distance to the nearest rivulet, NGP = neighbor pools, CONN = connectivity, SEDTH = thickness of the bottom sediment, Mac. Pred. = macroinvertebrate predators, Act. Sp. Rich = species richness from active communities, Dor. Sp. Rich = species richness from dormant communities. **: P<0.01; ***: P<0.001. TP TN pH COND ALK TRANSP DEPTH AREA WPCOV TP 0.10 TN 0.17 0.16 pH 0.07 0.24 0.04 COND 0.05 0.24 0.31 0.18 ALK 0.09 -0.21 -0.26 0.02 TRANSP 0.08 0.14 0.52** 0.03 0.00 0.12 0.52** DEPTH 0.17 0.08 0.25 -0.08 -0.24 0.14 AREA -0.21 WPCOV -0.46** -0.03 -0.23 0.08 -0.30 -0.13 -0.25 0.26 0.09 -0.07 -0.58*** CHLa 0.01 0.14 -0.02 -0.07 -0.08 -0.05 DNR 0.01 0.23 0.10 -0.15 0.30 0.26 NGP -0.14 0.15 0.18 -0.03 0.08 -0.31 CONN 0.18 0.29 -0.28 -0.16 0.13 SEDTH -0.06 -0.31 0.11 -0.07 -0.13 -0.23 Mac. Pred. 0.12 0.14 0.29 -0.11 0.18 -0.11 0.08 Act. Sp. Rich 0.14 Dor. Sp. 0.33 -0.11 0.20 0.16 0.15 Rich 0.26 -0.10 -0.31 0.03 0.04 -0.01 0.26 -0.06 0.17 0.12 0.13 0.01 0.26 0.30 -0.04 -0.03 -0.08 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.28 0.31 -0.46** 0.24 0.14 -0.28 CHLA DNR NGP 0.01 0.06 -0.02 0.00 -0.14 -0.33 -0.04 0.07 0.21 0.09 0.12 0.31 0.13 -0.17 -0.02 -0.09 0.08 -0.12 0.07 -0.20 0.10 0.05 -0.28 -0.33 -0.17 0.73*** 0.24 CONN SEDTH Mac. Pred. Act. Sp. Rich 0.08 Table 3. Environmental variable models explaining variation in cladoceran assemblages in dormant and active samples. The total variation explained by the model, the percentage contributions of its constituents, and significance values are shown. Only peat land pools with samples allowing counts of at least 300 individuals were included in the analysis. See materials and methods for an explanation of the variable codes. Variables Co-variables Total Variation % Variation F-ratio p-value 0.063 2.079 0.049 0.182 2.156 0.002 3.147 2.445 1.928 0.002 0.020 0.046 Active community samples Entire model WPCOV Dormant community samples Entire model SEDTH, CHLa, CONN Individual contribution SEDTH CHLa CONN CHLa, CONN SEDTH, CONN SEDTH, CHLa 0.089 0.069 0.054 57 48.9 37.9 29.6 REVISTA BOLIVIANA DE ECOLOGÍA Y CONSERVACIÓN AMBIENTAL between species richness of the dormant egg bank and chlorophyll-a (Fig. 5b). (Brendonck et al., 1998; Brendonck & De Meester, 2003). In our study, the detection of cladoceran species living in close association with the substrate (S. serricaudatus, D. cf dentata, and I. cf spinifer) and that were therefore absent from active assemblage samples shows the effectiveness of the dormant egg bank analysis (DoleOlivier et al., 2000; Tremel et al., 2000; Fefilova et al., 2006). Similar observations were reported by Vandekekhove et al., (2005b) who collected benthic taxa like Ilyiocryptus sp, Alona sp., Leydigia sp., and Pleuroxus sp., from the dormant egg bank. In our study, the absence of the above mentioned species in the active samples may be influenced by seasonal dynamics. Two months of field sampling was too limited to collect cladoceran species occurring at different times during the inundation cycle. Seasonal dynamics in invertebrate communities was shown as a typical phenomenon, even in temporary pools (Lake et al., 1989; Lahr et al., 1999; Jocqué et al., 2007; Boven & Brendonck, 2009). The thickness of the sediment layer may influence hatching requirements. Resting eggs displayed over thin bottom sediments are certainly younger than those ones buried in thick bottom sediments. Younger eggs rapidly respond to environmental stimuli resulting in high rates of hatchlings (Brendonck & De Meester, 2003). Sediment layer thickness was negatively correlated with species richness of the dormant assemblage (r =-0.33, p = 0.051; Fig. 5c). Connectivity significantly explained variation in dormant assemblages but was not included in the explanatory model for the active ones (Table 3). Species richness decreased with connectivity (Fig. 5d). It is likely that community homogenization occurs in more connected peat land pools through dispersal of dormant eggs. Patterns of higher species richness in pools of intermediate isolation in comparison with highly connected pools were also revealed by Vanschoenwinkel et al., (2007) in temporary rock pools in South Africa. It remains unclear why this pattern was revealed in our study only in dormant and not in active communities. Probably the pattern was obscured in active communities as several species were missed. Further studies should elucidate whether these species mainly occurred in isolated systems. Cladoceran species only observed in the active assemblage (P. caca, P. hardingi, B. huaronensis, and E. cf acanthodes) were probably missed from dormant samples due to their low densities in the egg banks (see Table 1). Moreover, these species occurred in very low densities in the active assemblage in a specific mountain valley (Table 1). Different environmental variables explained variation in the cladoceran assemblages of the active and dormant samples (Table 3). Water plants were more important for the active assemblages (Table 3). Species richness was inversely correlated with water plant density (r =-0.46, p = 0.001; Fig. 5a). Although vegetation may increase the number of habitats, niches and food resources and reduce the susceptibility of aquatic invertebrates to fish predation (Jeppesen et al., 1998; Diehl & Kornijów, 1998), in fishless systems, water plants may increase invertebrate predation pressure rather than being a shelter (Meerhoff et al., 2006; 2007). Our results suggest that the selection of resting egg on the basis of morphotypes and their subsequent hatching is a reliable method to estimate cladoceran species richness in temporary high-altitude peat land pools. This method may replace labor intensive field sampling, particularly in areas of difficult access and harsh climatic conditions. However, care must be taken since different species can produce morphologically similar eggs. Results of assemblage structure analyses revealed that variables explaining variation in dormant assemblages were not concordant with those explaining variation in active ones. This may result from the fact that egg banks integrate eggs produced during years of variable environmental conditions, while the analysis was done on the basis of single moment measurements. On the other hand, higher species yields by incubation of the egg bank may have contributed to a higher resolution to reveal assemblage structuring patterns. Analysis of the dormant egg bank is therefore invaluable, not only in revealing the potential species richness but also for better understanding assemblage structure of aquatic organisms. Dormant egg bank analysis revealed important environmental variables that structure zooplankton assemblages. In our study, chlorophyll-a was an important variable structuring dormant assemblages. This result shows the effectiveness of the dormant egg bank in detecting environmental variables which cannot be detected by the analysis of active assemblages. A data set with an increased number of species probably offers a better resolution in the analyses. Although a correlation does not imply a cause effect, there was a positive correlation 58 CORONEL, J.S, X., AGUILERA, S., DECLECK & L., BRENDONCK: Running head: Hidden Andean diversity a 1,15 Species richness DEB 1,10 Species richness ACS b 1,20 1,15 1,05 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,50 0,75 1,10 1,05 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 0,70 0,65 1,55 1,60 1,65 1,70 1,75 1,80 1,85 1,90 0,75 0,2 1,95 2,00 2,05 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,20 c 1,20 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 d 1,15 1,10 Species richness DEB Species richness DEB 1,15 1,05 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,50 0,75 0,4 1,0 Chlorophylla Water plant coverage 1,10 1,05 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 0,75 -0,2 2,0 0,0 Thickness of the bottom sediment 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 Connectivity Figure 5. Scatter plots showing the associations between ecological relevant variables for species richness recovered from the dormant egg bank (DEB) and from active samples (ACS). 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Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 156µm, width: 90µm Narrowing at posteroventral side, brown-dark color Very alike to A. ossiani Alona boliviana 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 205µm, width: 153µm Two detectable ridges on the egg Alona cambouei 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 113µm, width: 84µm Transparent color Egg covered by oval-shape valves Very alike to A. ossiani Alona cf ossiani 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 229µm, width: 122µm Narrowing at posteroventral side Longitudinal ridges are observed. Alona davidi 100 µm 62 CORONEL, J.S, X., AGUILERA, S., DECLECK & L., BRENDONCK: Running head: Hidden Andean diversity Cont. Appendix 1. Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 164µm, width: 105µm Oval shape Tuberculated ornamentation. Alona glabra 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 135µm, wide: 79µm Narrowing at posteroventral side Without sculpturing on the valves Very alike to A. boliviana. Alona ossiani 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 162µm, width: 103µm Oval shape Valves with a net like ornamentation Alona excisa 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 127µm, width: 67µm Oval shape Longitudinal ridges on the valves Camptocercus aloniceps 100 µm 63 REVISTA BOLIVIANA DE ECOLOGÍA Y CONSERVACIÓN AMBIENTAL Cont. Appendix 1. Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 95µm, width: 67µm Oval shape Often with floating cells Ceriodaphnia cf dubia 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 152µm, width: 135µm Like circular shape Prominent postero ventral angle (*) * Chydorus brevilabris 100 µm Characteristics: 2 eggs Length: 167µm, width: 123µm Egg in the dorsal part Darkly colored Daphnia peruviana 100 µm Characteristics: 2 eggs Length: 191µm, width: 119µm Egg in the dorsal part Dark-brown colored Daphnia pulex 100 µm 64 CORONEL, J.S, X., AGUILERA, S., DECLECK & L., BRENDONCK: Running head: Hidden Andean diversity Cont. Appendix 1. Characteristics: 2 eggs Length: 93µm, width: 88µm Egg in the dorsal part Transparent Drephanotrix cf dentata 100 µm Characteristics: 1 eggs Length: 124µm, width: 109µm Egg in the dorsal part, circular shape Brown color Ephemerophorus sp 100 µm Characteristics: 1 eggs Length: 239µm, width: 141µm Egg in the dorsal part, oval shape Brown colored with hexagons-like sculpturing on the valves Graptoleberis testudinaria 100 µm Characteristics: 2 eggs Length: 109µm, width: 103µm Transparent egg and circular shape Like tuberculated valves with concentric rings Ilyocryptus cf spinifer 100 µm 65 REVISTA BOLIVIANA DE ECOLOGÍA Y CONSERVACIÓN AMBIENTAL Cont. Appendix 1. Characteristics: 2 eggs Length: 101µm, width: 87µm Egg in the dorsal part Brown-dark colored Macrothrix atahualpa 100 µm Characteristics: 2 eggs Length: 146µm, width: 130µm Curved ridges on the valves Transparent egg Paralona piagra 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 161µm, width: 126µm Brown-dark colored Pleuroxus aduncus 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 171µm, width: 171µm Prominent ridges and depressions on the valves Brown-dark colored Pleuroxus caca 100 µm 66 CORONEL, J.S, X., AGUILERA, S., DECLECK & L., BRENDONCK: Running head: Hidden Andean diversity Cont. Appendix 1. Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 177µm, width: 139µm Rhombus-like sculpturing on the valves Brown-dark colored Pleuroxus sp 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 94µm, width: 61µm No sculpturing on the valves Intense brown-dark colored Schapholeberis spinifera 100 µm Characteristics: 1 egg Length: 177µm width: 107µm Narrowing sharply at posteroventral side No sculpturing on the valves with floating cells Intense brown-dark colored Simocephalus mixtus 100 µm Characteristics: 2 eggs Length: 161µm, width: 153µm Small rhombus-like sculpturing on the valves Brown-dark colored Streblocerus serricaudatus 100 µm 67