ATM Transfer Terms The ATM transfer service to the debit of the payment card is offered by Euronet Polska sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw [00-085] at ul. BielaĆska 12, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000030408; holder of Statistical ID No (REGON) 011163179, Tax ID No (NIP) 5261030333, with share capital of PLN 57,904,000, acting for and on behalf of Euronet 360 Finance Ltd., 6th Floor Watson House, 54 Baker Street, London, W1U 7BU, United Kingdom (commercial register: 6298422), supervised by the Financial Conduct Authority (numbers in the register: 900110 and 900009, respectively). An ATM transfer order requires that these conditions be accepted by the ordering party (an adult), the payment card (issued under auspices of Visa or MasterCard, other than prepaid or anonymous card) of the ordering party be used at the ATM of Euronet Polska, and that the card PIN code, the Personal ID No (PESEL) of the ordering party, the mobile phone number of the ordering party, the mobile phone number of the recipient (a person other than the ordering party) and the transfer amount be provided. The ordering person expresses consent to the transfer by accepting the summary of transfer data displayed on the screen of the ATM. The transfer is accepted for execution after the positive verification of the data, including the amount of funds corresponding to the transfer amount together with the fee. If the ordering party makes an error when providing the phone number of the ordering party or the recipient, the ordering party will be obliged to file a complaint with the Euronet Customer Service Office. Transfers are made only in PLN. The transfer amount must be a multiple of PLN 50. The maximum amount of transfer cannot exceed PLN 2,000 in a calendar year. This limit is reduced by the bigger of the following amounts: (i) the sum of transfers of the ordering party, paid and awaiting the payment this year, or (ii) the sum of the amounts returned or awaiting the return to the ordering party this year. The amount of transfers ordered by all ordering parties to the recipient cannot exceed PLN 4,000 in a calendar year.The transfer is executed until the end of the next business day (Monday–Friday, excluding statutory holidays) after the date of receipt of a correct transfer order, by providing a unique transaction number, also referred to as the Order ID (via SMS to the ordering party’s phone number, provided correctly by the ordering party, and in the form of an ATM printout), the transaction PIN code (via SMS to the recipient’s phone number, provided correctly by the ordering party) and making the transfer amount available to the recipient for withdrawal at ATMs of the network of Euronet Polska. The transfer amount is paid out after keying in at the Polish ATM of the network of Euronet a correct unique transaction number (Order ID), the transaction PIN code and the Personal ID No (PESEL) of the recipient. The ordering person is obliged to independently notify the individual transaction number (Order ID) to the recipient. The fee for transfer is PLN 0. The fee is debited to the funds related to the payment card used. If the transfer amount has been debited to the funds related to the payment card and the transfer has not been paid within 7 days of its execution, refusal of payout, refusal to execute the transfer or cancellation of the transfer, the amount of the transfer will be returned to the ordering party. This amount will be returned by making it available for withdrawal at ATMs of the network of Euronet Polska and sending the PIN code of the returned funds (via SMS to the ordering party’s phone number provided by the ordering party). The amount of the returned funds will be paid after keying in by the ordering party the correct Personal ID No (PESEL) of the ordering party, the unique transaction number (Order ID) and the return PIN code. If the amount of returned funds is not paid within 7 days of the date of sending of the return PIN code, the ordering party will receive another return PIN code (valid 7 days of the date of sending). In order to pay out the amount of returned funds after the expiry of the second return PIN code or in order to cancel the transfer (possible until the transfer has been paid out), one need to contact the Customer Service Department, tel.: 801 324 024, 22 519 77 71 (fee for the call per the current tariff of the operator). If these terms and conditions are not fulfilled, a fraudulent transaction is identified or in cases specified by law, the execution or payout of the transfer will be denied. Complaints may be filed in writing by mail to the address of Euronet Polska sp. z o.o., electronically to the address: or by phone at the Customer Service Department. Complaints will be processed without undue delay, but no later than within 30 days of the date of receipt (after notifying the ordering party, this time limit may be extended to 60 days in particularly complex cases). The method of processing of the complaint will be notified in writing to the address provided by the ordering party or via e-mail, if the ordering party has requested such a method of notification.