| RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Contents Section 1 --- Introduction Section 2 --- Energy rating and the EPC Section 3 --- The RDSAP software Section 4 --- Property features Section 5 --- Constructions Section 6 --- Space heating Section 7 --- Water heating Section 8 --- Renewables Section 9 --- Recommendations RDSAP Manual March 2012 Section one | Introduction Welcome to this latest release of RDSAP Training Manual. We hope that you find it easy to follow and simple to use. This version of the manual has been produced to coincide with the introduction of the RDSAP 9.91 methodology in April 2012, which brings some substantial changes over previous versions. RDSAP Manual March 2012 How to use the Manual This manual contains much of the technical information you will need during your training and assessment for the Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) qualification. However, we may provide supplementary guidance as required in the form of additional handouts. Additional information may also be provided from time to time by other means, such as by email. It is advisable to add any supplements to the manual binder because once you are qualified it will be up to you to maintain your knowledge of the latest conventions. The energy assessment industry is a fast developing one and changes are inevitable and regular. It is strongly recommended that you read more widely than this manual on some technical areas such as, for example, building construction. While the basics are covered here, you may wish to continue to increase your understanding of residential construction technology in order that you feel competent to inspect the full range of residential property. A current reading list supplied in Appendix 2 at the end of this manual. Becoming qualified is not just a matter of learning the technical aspects of RDSAP. There are other aspects to consider such as understanding the regulatory framework within which DEAs operate. This manual can be interactive, and in fact, we have deliberately made space available for you to scribble away–so please feel free to make whatever notes, reminders or diagrams you need to within the pages. Just make sure that your notes are legible and technically correct as the manual will be a useful point of reference, not just during training, but also for information in the future. There are often times when it is useful to confirm your instincts with a quick check in the manual. The manual is divided into a number of clearly laid out Sections relating to major subject areas, e.g. heating or construction. Within each Section there are sub-sections containing subjects that are referred to in the contents page, for ease of location. RDSAP Manual March 2012 2. History of energy rating Section two | Energy rating and the EPC Energy rating of buildings is not new and it has long been known that as much as 27% of our total CO2 emissions come from our homes. SAP is used to produce energy ratings for new homes. RDSAP The Reduced Data SAP (RDSAP) is the government approved survey system used to produce the Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) required by 2002 European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), which came into force in 2006. The EPBD seeks to reduce the amount of CO2 which is emitted as a result of heating, lighting and providing hot water to UK homes, many of which have remained poorly insulated. With certain exceptions an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is required whenever a residential property is sold or let and is currently valid for 10 years. The EPC gives prospective buyers and tenants upfront information about the energy efficiency and running costs of the property they are considering occupying. The rating system that the EPC illustrates means that they can compare one property against another before choosing and, it is hoped that landlords and vendors would feel some pressure to upgrade their properties to make them more marketable and thereby some progress could be made in reducing the levels of CO2 emissions. The physical RDSAP survey of a home required to produce an EPC is a non-invasive inspection. The DEA is not required to lift carpets to see the floors or to drill holes in the walls to see the insulation and is therefore limited in what they can see of the property. There may be some reliance on documentary evidence instead. RDSAP produces an EPC that, on its front page, shows an eye-catching and easy-to-read graphical illustration of the energy performance of the property similar to the labels displayed on white goods. RDSAP Manual March 2012 The EPC The page 1 of the EPC shows the energy efficiency rating graph which illustrates the current rating (on the graph above of 49 or band E) and the potential rating (above of 75 or band C) that the property could achieve if the recommendations contained in the report were implemented. The graph starts at 1 in the red bar and extends to 100 in the dark green and represents the cost to the occupant of heating, lighting and hot water for the property. A low number in the red is an inefficient property and a high number in the green is an extremely efficient one. It is possible for a property to score above 100 but this is extremely rare and would normally involve exporting energy gained from a renewable energy system. It means that the cost of the energy consumption of the property is more than met by the ‗income‘ obtained from exporting surplus energy. On the front page the EPC will also provide an indication of the costs of providing heating, hot water and lighting to the property over a three year period along with a clear indication of the financial incentive to implementing the recommendations, i.e. the savings that could be made. It is important to note that these costs will not necessarily correlate with the occupant‘s billing history because RDSAP uses ‗standard occupancy‘ assumptions that may not reflect actual occupancy of the property. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Standard occupancy Standard occupancy is an important concept in energy rating because, in order to provide a means by which readers of an EPC can compare one property with another, a level playing field must first be achieved. RDSAP Manual March 2012 For example, you might inspect a five-bedroom house occupied by a single person whose running costs are lower than if the property were occupied by a family of five people. Conversely, you might encounter a large family inhabiting a very small flat and who use a lot of hot water and considerable heat. The RDSAP rating ignores the occupants and their behavioural patterns, focusing instead on the dwelling itself; its fabric, heating, lighting, etc. RDSAP works by measuring the annual cost of maintaining an acceptable temperature regime in a dwelling. The assumption is that an acceptable regime would be achieved by heating the property to 21 degrees Celsius in the lounge and 18 degrees Celsius in other habitable rooms for 9 hours per week day and 16 hours at weekends. The calculation uses the size of the property to estimate a suitable average number of occupants and hence the hot water requirements for that number of occupants. This method is sometimes referred to as an ‗asset rating‘. Recommendations The subject of recommendations is dealt with in more depth in Section nine of this manual. The EPC presents the reader with recommendations for improving the fabric of the building, the heating, lighting and other areas. The top three recommendations are shown on the first page of the report (see below). There is also a first reference to the Green Deal in this section. The improvements suggested help to prioritise the different ways of saving energy, illustrated over a three year period. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Some improvements make obvious economic sense, and others are really only realistic considerations when a particular item requires replacing. Loft insulation and hot water cylinder insulation, for example, are obvious improvements, as they are cheap to purchase, can be easy to install, and often save enough energy to produce real savings in less than a year. On the other hand, double-glazing and a replacement central heating boiler are examples of improvements that cost far more, and this means that they often will not be replaced unless there is the need, i.e. a broken boiler or rotting/leaking window frames are present. The idea is to present the homeowner with enough information to help them decide on the best value for money when investing in energy efficiency. The recommendations report offers an independent comparison of the options–for example: installing new double-glazing (often only adding 2-4 SAP points) with a new boiler and controls (which could easily add in excess of 10 SAP points). The running costs associated with the ratings can also help the consumer to identify the best ways to target their money to reduce fuel bills. Energy efficiency measures do make sense—for cost and comfort. A typical 1960s house could have its fuel bills reduced by £200 per year for an expenditure of about £500–an effective rate of return of 40%– tax-free and inflation proof. Warmer, less draughty properties are generally more comfortable to live in and may command higher prices when sold or rented. Furthermore, our understanding of the ill effects of carbon dioxide and other pollutants on our environment should be reason enough to act. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Other information on the EPC Page 2 of the EPC also contains basic details of the property‘s construction, levels of insulation, heating system, hot water system, lighting and other features and these are given an easily interpreted star-rating, depending on how efficient they are deemed to be. It is important that DEAs record these elements accurately during their inspection. Page 2 also shows details of any low and zero carbon technologies present. Page 3 (detail above) contains the full set of recommendations and an indicative cost for each, together with suggested savings per year. The green ticks suggest the measure could be applicable for Green Deal funding and the orange tick suggests partial Green Deal funding. Page 4 of the EPC (detail above) shows the environmental impact rating graph which illustrates carbon emissions associated with the property, expressed in tonnes of carbon dioxide produced per year. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Page 5 of the EPC (detail above) shows the details of any Green Deal charge associated with the property, including details of the installed measures, in this case loft insulation and double glazing, their monthly costs and savings, balance to repay and the interest rate charged. Survey of the property Data collection Consider for a moment what it is that you are actually doing when assessing the energy performance of a property. An input of heat is needed to replace the heat lost through the envelope of the dwelling. Some of this comes from natural solar input or is generated by the occupants, but most of it has to be supplied by the heating systems. So the DEA collects information on those characteristics of the dwelling which influence the heat loss; as well as the characteristics of the heating system. While learning the process of inspection you can follow a survey form which will prompt you with the data items you need to record while at the property. Take care not to miss anything at the property as doing so may mean you are forced to return again later. When completing the survey forms, make your entries clear and if you do not use a section strike a line through it to show that you have not simply forgotten to complete it. For example, if there are no extensions strike a line through the section of the form that relates to extensions. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Your site notes or survey forms are very important, firstly as a vital part of the training and assessment process, but also (once you are qualified) as part of the auditing process that DEAs are subject to by all accreditation schemes. You are obliged to maintain your site notes for a period of no less than 15 years. It is perfectly possible that you could be challenged on your findings long after the EPC was completed and your notes must be good enough to defend your position in this event. You will collect information on the building, the age, construction and insulation present in the dwelling, together with information about the heating and hot water systems and any renewable energy systems. Your survey forms should provide supporting evidence to back up any decisions you make. For example, it is not good enough simply to state that the property was built in 1980. You must provide sufficient evidence to allow an auditor (or other reader of your notes) to be confident in your decision. Did you see the deeds and photograph them? Did the planning office provide a date? Did you rely on stylistic clues and if so what were they? The thermal envelope In order to calculate the heat loss of the property, the software needs to know the area of the walls, the external wall thicknesses, the floor areas, and the roof area (assumed to be the same as the floor area) together with details of any insulation present. The assessor measures these areas as well as the room height and the length of the heat loss walls. The subject of property measurement is covered in detail later in this manual. Results of thousands of previous energy surveys allow the software to accurately estimate the area of the windows for a property of any type and age without the need to actually measure the windows, in most cases. It is necessary that the assessor follows the conventions so that all DEA end up with the same result. RDSAP Manual March 2012 U–values DEAs using RDSAP are not required to calculate U-values, but some understanding of them is important because the option of entering U values directly to the software is available if the assessor is presented with documentary evidence that fully supports the U values entered. U-values are numbers with units of W/m2K (Watts per metres squared Kelvin), e.g. 0.35 W/m2K. The U-values tell us the rate of heat loss of a wall, window, floor, etc. A built element with a larger U-value will have a higher rate of heat loss, so the built element will ‗leak‘ heat more quickly. The heat loss through the fabric of the building depends upon the construction method; material and thickness of each part of the envelope; and upon the area of that part. By collecting descriptions of the building age and construction, the energy rating software can assign a suitable rate of heat loss and Uvalue to each built element of roof, wall, floor etc. It can do this because the U-values are usually characterised by the building procedures of the period and (since 1966) by the energy design standards demanded by successive upgrades of modern Building Regulations. However, what the software needs to know is whether any changes to the insulation standards have occurred since the property was constructed. So for instance, a house built during the period of 1976–82 has an assumed wall U-value of 1.0. If the wall has had cavity wall insulation fitted the improved U–value falls to 0.40, a reduction of 60%. Such an insulation upgrade will substantially improve the EPC rating. RDSAP age bands are considered in Section Four of this manual. Heating systems The annual cost of providing heating (including water heating) to a home depends upon the amount of energy required to maintain the set standard of comfort, after allowing for the heat losses, the efficiency of conversion of energy to useable heat, the quantity of fuel needed to provide the energy, and the price of fuel. It will also be reduced or ‗offset‘ by the presence of any renewable energy system. Information is needed on the type of the primary heating system; details of the primary heat source (e.g. the central heating boiler); the fuel used (including for electricity–the tariff, i.e. on-peak or off-peak); the use made of secondary space heating systems; the type of water heating system; the type of hot water storage, if any; as well as types of controls and renewable energy systems incorporated in the space and water heating systems. Heating is considered in more detail later in this manual. RDSAP Manual March 2012 How does the software use the data? The software process When the DEA enters data into the software, it then uses the input data, combined with its built-in defaults, to carry out the calculations. The output of this calculation is the predicted running cost for the home under standard. The predicted running cost is then divided by the floor area of the home and this figure is then converted into an energy efficiency rating and an environmental impact rating, somewhere on the A to G scale. The calculation is then used to estimate the savings from installing energy efficiency improvements, so that the energy advice report can make recommendations for improving the home–and give a predicted potential rating if they were to be carried out. The Landmark Register The report is produced, reviewed by you and finalised when you are happy that its content can be finalised. Once finalised you cannot later change the report or its content. Once you are qualified, your EPCs will automatically be lodged on the Landmark Register where all EPCs are stored. During training and assessment you will not be able to lodge reports and do not have to worry about creating a ‗real‘ EPC for a property. You are able to practice with the software as much as you need to. RDSAP Manual March 2012 3. Section three | RDSAP software To Produce EPCs you need to use one of the softwares provided by different accreditation schemes. All softwares use same conventions and methodology. While training you will have access to a training account which will allow you to use most of the features of EPC online but will stop short of allowing you to produce ‗real‘ EPCs. You are able to practice with the software without fear of actually creating an EPC for a property. The software that you will use at this stage is essentially the same as the ‗live‘ software that you will use once qualified. Purpose of EPC Marketed sale This option should be used for EPCs required for marketed sales (known as single survey in Scotland). Non-marketed sale This option should be used for ‗Right to buy‘ or sales that are not advertised. For example the sale of a house by one family member to another. Rental (social) This option should be used for dwellings owned by social landlords; this could be local authorities or housing associations. Rental (private) This option should be used for rental EPCs from the private sector. Institutions such as universities will fall into this category. Not sale or rental This option should be used if the EPC regulations do not require and EPC for the dwelling, for example, if a homeowner wanted an EPC just to see how energy efficient their dwelling is. There is a field on this page that asks if the report is ‗created from existing data‘. This refers to the practice of cloning, whereby data is used from previous EPCs. This practice is outside of the scope of this manual and requires additional training. Further information may be gained by contacting NES. Consequently that field and the next, which asks for a reference number, should be left blank. RDSAP Manual March 2012 General details Here you are required to enter some fairly self-explanatory information about the property such as the detachment, the number of storeys and the number of extensions. You will be asked whether you measured internally or externally. Internal or external measurements The measurements required are: The floor area The exposed perimeter Room height on each storey Exposed perimeter includes the wall between the dwelling and an unheated garage or a separated conservatory and, in the case of a flat or maisonette, the wall between the dwelling and an unheated corridor. Internal dimensions are permissible in all cases. When using external measurements for a dwelling joined onto another dwelling (semi-detached and terraced houses) the measurement is to the mid-point of the party wall. Flats and maisonettes are usually measured internally. Whichever is chosen the same basis must be used for all parts of the dwelling. Room heights are always measured internally within the room, from carpet level to ceiling. The software automatically makes an allowance for the thickness of intermediate floors. RDSAP Manual March 2012 The ground floor area must not include any: Integral or adjoining unheated garages (a heated garage is defined as one which contains fixed heat emitters linked to a main/central heating system) Stores, coal sheds or other external (thermally separated) unheated spaces Thermally separated conservatories Unheated, thermally separated porches Terrain type The terrain type must be recorded for every survey. This allows the software to assume an average wind speed for the area. The average wind speed is used in the calculation of the benefit of a micro wind turbine. Even if a wind turbine is not present the terrain type must be recorded to enable the software to assess whether a recommendation for a wind turbine is viable. See the table for the choices and note that unless you are in a city centre location, suburban is the most common choice. Dense urban City centres with mostly closely spaced building of four storeys or higher Suburban Towns or village situations with other buildings well spaced Rural Mains gas available Open country with occasional houses and trees If there is a gas meter at the property or a mains gas appliance then you need to record that mains gas is available. The fact that there is a gas supplied to other properties in the street does not mean that mains gas is available to the property you are inspecting. Number of rooms and habitable rooms The software asks for the number of habitable rooms and whether any of these are unheated. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Habitable rooms include any living room, sitting room, dining room, bedroom, study and similar; and also a non-separated conservatory. A kitchen/diner having a discrete seating area also counts as a habitable room. A non-separated conservatory adds to the habitable room count if it has an internal quality door between it and the dwelling. Excluded from the room count are any rooms used solely as a kitchen; utility room; bathroom; cloakroom; en-suite accommodation and similar; any hallway; stairs or landing; and also any room not having a window. For open plan dwellings count all spaces thermally connected to the main living area (e.g. a living/dining room) as one room. For a kitchen to be a kitchen/diner it must have space for a table and 4 chairs. A lounge/dining room where the door was temporarily removed (i.e. architrave and hinges still there) is two habitable rooms. A lounge/dining room with the door permanently removed (hinge holes filled etc) is one habitable room. Flats and Maisonettes Note that flats are dealt with in more depth in Section Four. Semi-exposed elements This page asks for details of the flat or maisonette you are entering and will simply not apply if you are dealing with a house. If you are entering a flat you will need to enter the flat type; that is whether it is a basement, a ground floor, mid floor or top floor flat. You will also be asked to enter the flat‘s position in the block. If it is a first floor flat, the floor position will be 1 and the software helps you by providing the choices. Under ‗semi-exposed elements‘ the software asks if there is a corridor and, if so, what type and what length. A more detailed explanation of this and some examples is contained within Section Four of this manual. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Age and roofs Unknown or asbuilt Depending on the element, you will have the option of entering the insulation as being ‗as-built‘ or ‗unknown‘. Using either will mean that the software defaults to the insulation depth that apply according to the date you have entered for the property‘s (or extension‘s) date of build. However, with ‗unknown‘ there will not be a recommendation for further insulation. (Take for example a roof in a 1900 terraced house, over the page.) If you are unable to access the loft you might enter that the loft insulation is ‗unknown‘. The software will assume the roof is insulated as it would have been when new (in 1900 that would be none) and there will then not be a recommendation for increasing the insulation. This is because the roof has not been assessed for its suitability; there might be a condensation problem or there might already be 300 mm of insulation. This does illustrate why it is so important for the DEA to make every effort to inspect the roof space where possible. Choosing ‗as-built‘ for a wall for example, means the wall is as it was when built. For a 2007 house ‗cavity walls as-built‘ means the walls are built to 2007 Building Regulations and will therefore be insulated. Property age Property age is extremely important to the software. The property age is required for the software to select the default heat loss values (U-values) for the wall, roof and floor and to calculate the window area. Clearly properties of different ages will perform very differently and the general rule is that the newer the property is the better the U values of its component parts. Houses of different ages also have different window to wall and window to floor ratios. The age bands for newer properties correspond to changes in Building Regulations and the older age bands, pre-1966, with changes in methods of building. The RDSAP age brackets are as follows and the job of the DEA is use their best efforts to date the property accurately and place it in the correct age band. Age bands Pre-1900 1967-1975 E 1996-2002 I 1900-1929 B E 1976-1982 F 2003-2006 J 1930-1949 C 1983-1990 G 2007 onwards K 1950-1966 D 1991-1995 M RDSAP Manual March 2012 A Property age and how to date property is further covered in Section Four. Roofs RDSAP deals with roofs on the main property and any extensions. Each is entered separately, starting with the construction type. Roofs types, their insulation and the options available in the software are described in Section Five page 24. walls and floors This section deals with walls and floors and their insulation levels. For both, this is where you will enter the construction type, insulation type, insulation thickness and any U values that are known. For walls the overall thickness of the wall is required and whether there is a dry lining. Note that walls and floors are covered in detail in Section Five. Aalternative wall This section of the software relates to alternative walls only and you will simply leave the section untouched if there is not such a wall at the property. You would enter an alternative wall type where the property has a significant area of wall that is of different construction or insulation level than the building part it belongs to, but this wall type cannot be identified as an extension since it does not surround any floor area. Where an area of alternative wall exists but it constitutes less than 10% of the total external wall area of the building part it belongs to, it can be ignored. The 10% of the wall area is identified including the windows and doors; it is only when measuring to the area of wall calculate the area to be included into the data summary that the area of any windows and doors is subtracted. This means that if you believe there to be an alternative wall then you will have to measure any window and door openings. Alternative wall types can occur as part of the main house, or part of any extension and you should record which of these applies. It is possible to enter up to five alternative walls. Note that alternative walls are dealt with in detail in Section Four. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Left: The tile hung area of the wall might be ‗alternative‘, if you can determine its construction to be different than that of the rest of the house. In this example, it looks to be approximately 10% of the total wall area, but further measurement is required. Dimensions The software requires the following data for the main property and each extension: The floor area in metres squared. The room height in metres to the nearest centimetre. The heat loss perimeter (HLP) in metres. See Section Four of this manual for detailed RDSAP measuring conventions. Rooms in the roof Note that roof rooms are dealt with in detail in Section Four. This section of the software deals with rooms built within the roof space of a property and the section will simply be ignored if there is not one at the property. A room in the roof is a habitable room built into what would normally be a loft space, above the main part of the dwelling, or above any extensions. Note that for such a loft space to qualify as a room in the roof for energy assessment purposes, it must incorporate fixed staircase access, i.e. not just a loft ladder. It will usually have sloping ceilings for part of the area and may also include dormer or Velux windows. If a roof room is present, the software requires you to enter the age range, floor area and the details of the insulation present. If you are able to obtain documentary evidence of the U-values of the component parts, you can enter this information in the extended data section on roof rooms (see Section Four). RDSAP Manual March 2012 Openings windows Note that windows and glazing are dealt with in detail in Section Four. This section of the software deals with the openings in the property created by windows and also by any open fireplaces and ventilation systems. Details of any draught proofing are also entered here. The software asks that you enter whether the window area is typical of that type of property or whether it is more or less than typical. It also asks that you enter the proportion of the property‘s window area that is multiple glazed–if any–and what type of multiple glazing is present. if 60% of the area (including the frame) of a door is glazed, they are treated as windows. Open fireplaces Ventilation On the same page of the software in the ventilation section you are asked to enter the number of open fireplaces. These contribute greatly to the ventilation of the property and will remove some of the warmth generated by the heating. Note that open fireplaces are dealt with in detail Section Four of this manual. The software asks you to enter the ventilation method and the options are: Natural ventilation–this means the property is ventilated in the traditional way by windows and possibly vents in the walls and windows. Mechanical, supply and extract–this is a whole house mechanical system which both introduces fresh air into the property and extracts heat from the stale air. Bathroom and kitchen extractors DO NOT qualify as mechanical ventilation. Mechanical, extract only–this is a whole house ventilation system which mechanically extracts stale air from the property passive vents or gaps in the fabric of the building. This is sometimes known as MEV. Bathrooms and Kitchens extractors do not get classed as MEV. Air conditioning The presence of air conditioning in the property simply requires a box to be ticked in the software. Extended openings This section is for use when there is much more or much less than typical areas of glazing at a property and enables the location, dimensions, glazing type, orientation, U value and g value of each window to be entered individually. See also Section Five. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Space heating Main heating systems This important section of the software deals with the MAIN heating systems within the property. It is possible to enter either one or two main heating systems and apportion the amount of work each does in maintaining the acceptable heating regime that was described earlier in this manual. The ―Product Database‖ which contains specific technical information on a wide range of heating systems is located in this section of the software. Searching it for a system just requires clicking on the appropriate tab. A number of entries are required about the main heating systems and given the complexity and range of possible entries, these have been covered in the heating section of this manual (Section Six). RDSAP Manual March 2012 Electric meter See Section Four of this manual for more about electric meters. The first entry to be made in this section is to describe the electric meters present. The choices are: Dual rate Single rate Unknown 24-hour Heating systems Details of any secondary heating system are required including the fuel and system type. For a detailed definition of what a secondary heating system is please see Section Six of this manual. water and secondary heating The secondary heating system should be entered next and this important area is covered further in Section Six. Details of the water heating system should be entered in this section of the software, including the heating type, system, fuel and immersion heater type, if applicable. If there is a hot water cylinder, its size, insulation type and thickness and whether there is a cylinder thermostat should be entered. This is covered in more detail in Section Seven of this manual. Bath and shower details are also recorded in this section, as follows: Number of rooms with bath and/or ANY shower Rooms with MIXER shower AND bath Rooms with MIXER shower and NO bath This enables the software to make the appropriate recommendations in respect of waste water heat recovery systems (WWHRS). Heat recovery systems This section of the software asks for the number of waste water heat recovery systems (see section 6 for details) and also allows for two flue gas heat recovery systems (FGHRS) to be entered. Both systems have their own Product Database which allows for searching for and selecting specific models. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Conservatories and lighting If a conservatory is present at the property, its type must be recorded and if non-separated the floor area, whether double glazed, the glazed perimeter and the number of storeys in height it covers should be entered. See Section Four of this manual for a detailed look at conservatories. Low energy lighting Low Energy Lighting includes CFL, LED and fluorescent tubular lighting. You need to record: The total number of fixed light outlets. The total number of fixed low energy lights. Section Four of this manual explains low energy lighting in more detail including the conventions on counting combinations of lights. Renewables This section covers renewable energy systems; notably wind turbines, solar photovoltaics and solar hot water. Renewables can require some complicated software entries and these are covered in detail in Section 8. Addenda This section in the software enables the DEA to better describe the property‘s features within the format of the report by allowing certain anomalies to be explained to the reader. These include statements that explain that there are wall types that do not correspond to the options available in RDSAP and the presence of swimming pools. This section is the last of the data input screens and clicking ‗next‘ at this point will take you to the Results: Recommendations section. The list of addenda is some optional statements that can be added to the EPC if required. They describe situations which as yet cannot be modelled in the software. The aim is to reduce complaints from householders about features that are not adequately described on the EPC. The list of addenda is currently as follows and is occasionally updated. In case you are wondering why the list is numbered 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, it is because the missing numbers from this sequence represented addenda that have now been removed from the list because the software has developed to the point where it can deal with those issues. The screen shot below shows section P15 of the RDSAP software which allows the assessor to select addendum. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Results: Recommendations screen If you have fully completed each section so far, then at this point you will see a SAP Result expressed as a figure between 1 and 100. Also you will see a list of recommendations made by RDSAP. If the property has walls of cavity construction, there are additional questions about whether or not the cavity walls are ‗hard to treat‘. That is, whether there are access issues such as adjoining conservatories, garages or other outbuildings that might make the physical installation of cavity fill insulation difficult. This could also include any situation where access by means of a 5 m high ladder is not possible such as at higher buildings or flats. Cavity fill may still be possible but will be more expensive. Cavity walls which are within areas of high exposure may be subject to higher levels of driving penetrating rain. The DEA should refer to the map below to decide whether or not the property is in an area of high exposure and if so the appropriate box should be ticked and an addendum generated. Cavities which are less than 50 mm in width may require specialist cavity insulation or may not be suitable at all. Ticking the box to say that walls have narrow cavities will produce the appropriate addenda to inform the client of this. Narrow cavities may be identified by a total wall reveal thickness of less than 250 mm, yet a stretcher bond pattern to the brickwork. RDSAP Manual March 2012 4. Section four | Property features Property features introduction Some questions contained within this Section only apply to flats and maisonettes. Where this is the case, it will be clearly stated in the text. Some of the question titles (for instance, the number of rooms) appear to request the obvious, but do make sure you read everything through at least once, as there are a few points to remember. Basements A basement is defined as a part of the heated and occupied area of the dwelling that is fully or partly below external ground level and where 50% or more of the external wall area loses heat to the adjacent soil rather than to the external air. In order to be included within the energy assessment, a basement must be accessed by a permanent fixed staircase such that a person can walk down it facing forwards, and it is either: Heated by fixed heat emitters, or Open to the rest of the dwelling. If recorded the basement will become the ground (or lowest occupied) floor . Note that there do not need to be any habitable rooms present in the basement. When incorporating a basement in the assessment do not mix internal and external measurements. If a basement is included in the assessment, it is likely that internal dimensions will be used throughout the dwelling. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Bay windows You are required to measure and enter details of all bay windows if they increase the floor area of the property. If any of the building elements of the bay are different to the rest of the house, i.e. the walls, floor or roof, then you will need to enter the bay window as an extension. Remember that an extension does not have to have been built later. The ability to enter up to four extensions gives you the flexibility to more accurately record such perturbations as bay windows. The bay in the photo is rectangular but bay windows can also be either a trapezium shape or a semi circular shape. The following diagrams should assist you in calculating the area of a bay window. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Conservatories what is a conservatory? For RDSAP a conservatory is a structure with at least three quarters of its roof and at least half its external walls glazed. If the structure in question does not meet these requirements then it should be considered as an extension. The treatment of a conservatory depends on whether it is separated or non-separated from the dwelling. separated or non-separated A separated conservatory is effectively ignored for the purpose of calculating the dimensions and heat loss perimeters, although you do need to note whether or not it has fixed heaters. Most modern conservatories fall into this category; they will often have external quality uPVC doors separating them from the house. As a rule of thumb, if you imagine the conservatory was removed, you would need to ask: Would the doors offer sufficient protection from the elements? External quality doors are usually thicker and have features such as double-glazing, locks, bolts and weatherproof surrounds. A non-separated conservatory will either have internal quality doors–the thin, lightweight type that sometimes separate rooms, or will be open to the adjoining room. The doors may have been removed or the conservatory could have been designed to extend the room and have no doors. Consider whether the non-separated conservatory alters the number of habitable rooms. Several items of data are required about the non-separated conservatory: Floor area, measured internally Glazed perimeter (ignore areas of brick wall) Whether double glazed Conservatory height in storeys RDSAP Manual March 2012 Images 1 and 2 show an example of a separated conservatory, with sliding ‗patio‘ doors. These are of exterior quality, are double glazed, provide a good seal, and are lockable. Images 1& 2: Exterior quality door–note they provide a good seal, are heavy weight and lockable. Images 3 and 4 are of a non-separated conservatory. The interior quality doors are not deemed to thermally separate the conservatory from the main dwelling. Although it is not visible from the images, these do not close properly owing to the lack of wooden trim to the frame, the latches are missing and they do not lock. Images 3 & 4: Interior quality doors–note they do not shut properly and do not provide a good seal to the doorway. RDSAP Manual March 2012 To recap: In RDSAP there are four options for conservatories: A non-separated conservatory is like an extension in that the heat loss perimeter of the house does not include the length of house wall next to the conservatory. This is illustrated in the diagrams below. Conservatory No conservatory No conservatory present either separated or un-separated. Separated conservatory, no fixed heaters A separated conservatory is present, but there is no heating or only portable heating Separated A separated conservatory is present and is conservatory, heated by fixed heaters which may be from fixed heaters the main heating system. A conservatory that is open to, or separated Non-separated Data for nonseparated conservatory conservatory by internal quality doors, the main dwelling. Record the area, height, glazed perimeter and whether it is double glazed. The exposed perimeter for the conservatory should be measured in the same way as for the main house and extension but it is the length of exposed glazed wall that is required. If there are areas of brick wall, these can be ignored. This is illustrated in the diagrams below. Remember to indicate if the conservatory is double-glazed and to estimate the average height of the conservatory relative to the main dwelling storey height. RDSAP Manual March 2012 example 1: In this case, the conservatory floor area is 15 m2 and the glazed perimeter is 11 m. House with a non-separated conservatory House heat loss perimeter is: 6 + 6 + 9 + 4 = 25 m Conservatory glazed perimeter is 3 + 5 + 3 = 11 m Conservatory floor area is: 3 x 5 = 15 m2 In this case, the floor area is 15 m2 and the glazed perimeter is 11 m. example 2: In this second example, the conservatory floor 2 area is 12 m and the glazed perimeter is 7 m. House with garage and nonseparated conservatory House heat loss perimeter is: 6 + 8 + 6 + 5 = 25 m Conservatory glazed perimeter is 3 + 4 = 7m Conservatory area is 3 x 4 = 12 m2 RDSAP Manual March 2012 It is important to note that when calculating house floor areas and that you do not include within these the area and glazed HLPs perimeter of the conservatory. what if the conservatory is not a conservatory? It is not uncommon to find a ‗conservatory‘ that does not meet the RDSAP definition of such; i.e. a structure that does not have half its walls and three quarters of its roof glazed. Garden rooms may have a traditional flat or pitched roof. In these circumstances the structure should be treated as an ordinary extension except that you may need to make use of the ‗more than typical‘ glazing feature of the software which is discussed in the section on windows further on in this Section. passive solar design and sun rooms Separated conservatories provide shelter to the external wall, and also capture solar heat, which will partially warm the house. For most conservatories this effect is very small and both the solar heat gain and the sheltering effect are ignored in the RDSAP energy rating calculation. Some homes have exceptionally large unheated conservatories covering more than one storey and designed as a ‗solar space‘ to deliberately capture solar gain and pre-warm the home. These properties can be recognised by the fact that the ‗conservatory‘ will often extend to the full height of the dwelling and will make up a large proportion of the dwelling floor area. This can be dealt with by using one of the ‗more than typical‘ glazing options– see the section on windows. An example is shown in the image below. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Detachment Whether the property is detached, semi-detached, terraced or built in another form is important to the software so that it can select the appropriate set of default assumptions, including the pattern of window openings/glazing that should apply. Your choice of detachment will appear on the front of the EPC report. The options are described below. Detached Houses that are described as ‗detached‘ have no party walls and so have exposed wall area on all four sides. Here are some examples. Link detached houses (houses that are essentially detached and are only linked to neighbours by a garage) should also be classed as detached. semi-detached Semi-detached houses share one side (the party wall) with a neighbour. This leaves exposed wall area on three sides. Although end-terrace and semi-detached properties are similar in terms of exposed walls there is a slight difference in the typical window areas for the two built forms. An end-terrace property will usually have a blank gable end wall, where as a semi-detached house will most likely have additional glazing in the side elevation, being glazed on three sides, rather than just front and back. RDSAP Manual March 2012 End-of-terrace Mid-terrace As the name suggests this is the first or last house in a terraced row. End-of-terrace properties have three exposed sides like a semidetached, but tend to have blank end walls. This means that the typical pattern of glazing will be the same as for a mid-terrace. Mid-terrace houses have two party walls (one on either side) and two heat loss sides (front and back). If the terrace has a passage through to the back of the house, classify it as a mid-or end-terrace house, include the length of the passage wall in the lowest floor heat loss perimeter and consider identifying the heat loss floor above the passageway through the ‗extension‘ option. Enclosed midterrace These houses are often called ‗back-to-backs‘. Back-to-back properties are essentially terraced houses that also back onto another terraced row. From the street they will look just like a terraced house, but the rear of the property joins the back of a house from the next street, which gives us the phrase ‗back-to-back‘. They have only one heat loss wall, as the side walls are common with their neighbours and the rear wall is common with the property on the terrace of houses at the rear. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Be careful if a house is described to you as ‗back-to-back‘–sometimes this term is used to describe terraces that are built very close together with only a narrow yard separating them. These back-tobacks are not enclosed, they are normal terrace houses. Enclosed end terrace An enclosed end-terrace will be the first or last house in a terraced row of back-to-back houses. They have two adjacent heat loss walls, and two adjacent party walls. Modern ‗cluster‘ homes are also enclosed end-terraces; the block is essentially four enclosed end-terraces without any mid-terraces in between. A residential property adjacent to commercial premise It is possible to record a dwelling next to a shop or office in the following way: If a dwelling has a commercial property below, record as ‗partially heated space‘ below. If a dwelling has commercial premises above, record as ‗other dwelling above‘. If a dwelling has commercial premises alongside it, treat as a nonheat loss wall. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Dimensions Introduction Property dimensions are an important part of the energy rating calculation–remember that the energy rating is calculated by dividing the predicted fuel costs by the floor area so it is important that the floor area is calculated accurately. Your floor area calculation is displayed on the front page of the EPC. The heat loss perimeter (HLP) is needed to assess the heat losses through the building fabric and the room height is important, since the ventilation loss depends on the building volume, which is calculated using the room height. For a simple property such as a bungalow or a flat, the actual data entry could be as few as three items–floor area, room height and heat loss perimeter. For many houses, the floor area and HLP will be the same on all floors (but not the room height!), so the amount of data to input is often less than you might think. However, there are properties where the measuring can be more complicated. Imagine an irregularly shaped house with numerous extensions, bay windows, conservatory, etc; in such a case there is considerable measuring to do which will require a systematic approach. Floor plans A floor plan showing dimensions (and other property features) is essential in every case, even the simple properties. The plan should, among other data items, show the horizontal dimensions of the property, the room heights and the HLP. It is highly recommended that you highlight the HLP with a different colour, firstly to aid you in ensuring accuracy and secondly to allow someone checking your work to be able verify your accuracy. : A well-marked floor plan: The plan should also show the position of lights, windows, heat emitters and anything else that is relevant to the inspection. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Internal or external measurements For houses, internal or external dimensions can be used depending on which are easier to measure on site. If you measure externally, the program uses those external dimensions by adjusting them to allow for the wall thickness, but the entire survey needs to be carried out using either internal or external dimensions. Flats are usually measured internally, as is room height and room in roof floor area. You must not change between internal and external when measuring different parts of the house. Floor area At a straightforward rectangular property, the floor area is calculated simply by multiplying the length of the property by the width. By using external measurements you will be calculating the Gross External Floor Area (GEA) and by using internal measurements the Gross Internal Area (GIA). The software adjusts whichever you decide to use to GIA for the EPC report. Complicated properties will require more dimensions to be taken on site and a more careful and detailed approach to making an accurate calculation. Do not include external unheated porches in the floor area. Do not include unheated areas (such as outhouses, outside toilets, garages or coal stores) that are not accessed via an internal door, even if they are within the footprint of the dwelling. Do include unheated rooms, e.g. internal utility rooms and lobbies, so long as they are within the external envelope of the property and are accessed via an internal door. Heat loss perimeter The external or internal dimensions are used to work out the exposed wall perimeter. The exposed wall (heat loss perimeter or HLP) is extremely important for evaluating heat loss wall areas as well as the heat loss through the ground floor. Therefore it is essential that it is measured accurately. The energy assessor is required to record the heat loss perimeter (HLP) for the main house and, separately, for any extensions. The heat loss perimeter must also be calculated for each floor of the house and any extension(s) present. RDSAP Manual March 2012 For mid-terrace dwellings with a side passageway, the length of passageway wall is part of the exposed wall and its perimeter should therefore be added to the measurement for the exposed perimeter for the dwelling. Where there is an integral garage, or an attached garage, or any other external construction such as an outhouse adjoining the external wall of the dwelling, the perimeter of the house next to it is counted as part of the heat loss perimeter. This is because there will always be heat loss through the wall into the unheated space. Although the heat loss will be slightly reduced by the sheltering effect of the garage, this reduction in the heat loss through the wall is considered to be insignificant for RDSAP. So, the heat loss through the sheltered wall is calculated as if the garage or other external construction were not there. Enter separately the heat loss perimeter of any extensions–this is illustrated in Example 2. An example of an extension on the upper floor only is given in Example 3. For roof rooms, the heat loss perimeter is not required, since it is assumed that there is no heat loss wall on this storey. The software assumes that all the heat loss is through the roof/stud walls and calculates the areas of heat loss roof appropriate to a roof room construction, without need for a heat loss perimeter measurement. Example 1: Two storey house with integral garage. Ground floor area is (8 x 3) + (6 x 5) = 54 m2 First floor area is (8 x 9) = 72 m2 Ground floor heat loss perimeter is 8 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 5 = 25 m First floor heat loss perimeter is 8 + 9 + 8 = 25 m RDSAP Manual March 2012 Example 2: Two storey detached house with single storey extension. Ground floor area is 8 x 6 = 48 m2 Extension floor area is 5 x 3 = 15 m2 House ground floor heat loss perimeter is 6 + 8 + 6 + 3 = 23 m House first floor heat loss perimeter is 8 + 6 + 8 + 6 = 28 m (note: this is 5 m longer than the ground floor, i.e. the length of wall between the house and ground floor extension)Extension exposed perimeter is 3 + 5 + 3 = 11 m Example 3: Two storey detached house with extension over garage. House ground floor heat loss perimeter is 6 + 8 + 6 + 8 = 28 m House 1st floor heat loss perimeter is 6 + 8 + 8 + 2 = 24 m (note: this is 4 m shorter than the ground floor, i.e. the length of wall between the house and extension–not a heat loss wall) Extension heat loss perimeter is 3 + 4 + 3 = 10 m RDSAP Manual March 2012 Measuring perimeters when access is restricted There may be occasions where a part of the HLP for a dwelling is unable to be accessed. The below photo is an example where some of the HLP runs into the neighbour‘s garden and from the inside it is impossible to tell where the party wall ends and the external wall starts. Above: Heat loss perimeter in neighbour‘s garden. In order to obtain a measurement of this stretch of wall the only option available is to count the bricks. By measuring a single brick (including mortar) and counting the total number of bricks on this piece of external wall on the dwellings perimeter. The internal measurement would be required, so the thickness of the reveal from the patio doors would be subtracted to give a total. Room heights Room height is an important dimension because it enables the RDSAP software to calculate the volume of the property accurately. You should measure to the nearest centimetre. The energy assessor simply has to record a single dimension for room height on each level of the property. This is often as simple as measuring from carpet level to the underside of the ceiling and the room height will often be the same in all the rooms on that level (a few check measurements may confirm this). If there are extensions then a room height dimension will be required for each extension and these may well be different to the main house. Do not add on any allowance for the depth of the floor structure or the ceiling structure above since the software already automatically adds an amount to allow for this. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Area weighted room heights Where a storey has a number of rooms with different ceiling heights, as is sometimes the case with older properties, you can calculate the area weighted room height for the whole storey. Total storey area = 50 m2 Room 1: 15 m2 with room height 2.2 Room 2: 10 m2 with room height 2.3 Room 3: 10 m2 with room height 2.4 Room 4: 15 m2 with room height 2.5 [(15 x 2.2)+(10 x 2.3)+(10 x 2.4) + (15 x 2.5)] / 50 = 2.35 Sloping ceiling Another scenario is where a storey has sloping ceilings and you need to calculate an average room height; for example where a vaulted ceiling exists in a roof space (but does not qualify as a roof room). In this example you need to split the room into three sections as illustrated. The two sections at either end can then have their average height calculated: (2.0 m + 3.0 m) / 2 = 2.5 m The room height of the main centre section is 3.0 m. The overall average room height can then be calculated by averaging the separate section heights based on the overall room width (1m + 4m + 1m):[(2.5 x 1.0)+(3.0 x 4.0)+(2.5 x 1.0)]/6 = 2.83 m RDSAP Manual March 2012 Galleried rooms/balconied bedrooms Dwellings that have balconied bedrooms and double-room height rooms are dealt with in a particular way by RDSAP. The following schematic drawing depicts one type of this situation. The property is a mid-terrace with one bedroom on the upper floor. The upper floor is balconied and open to the rest of the property and only covers 50% of the ground floor area. The room height of 50% of the ground floor is 4.9m. In order to input this property, the area weighted room height for the ground floor needs to be worked out. Even though the dwelling is totally open-plan, treating the house as a single (very high) storey will not calculate the SAP correctly as it omits the upper floor area. In the SAP the floor area is integral to many of the calculations, such as hot water requirements and the zone 1 area. Therefore it is crucial that this additional floor area is included. 2 2 2 20.00m x4.90m220.00m x2.40m 3.65m 20.00m 20.00m Thus, the input into the RDSAP dimensions should be: RDSAP Manual March 2012 and NOT: Extensions introduction The energy assessor is required to identify any extensions at the property and up to four extensions can be recorded. The first thing to remember about the term ‗extension‘ is that this does not always mean a part of the house that has been added on to the main house at a later date. In RDSAP terms, an extension is any part of the heated and occupied area of the house that is ‗thermally different‘. By this we mean that it has been insulated to a different standard or has a different built construction from the main part of the house. The word ‗extension‘ is in a sense slightly misleading. An extension will usually be a part of the property that has been built at a later time. However, it could also be because an occupant has insulated part of a house (rather than the whole property); or a part of the original construction might be thermally different (e.g. a mono pitched roof single storey off-shot washroom at the rear of a Victorian terrace). Ask yourself if there is a significant feature that makes part of the property different to the rest and therefore justifies classing it as an extension. Are the roof, walls or floors different? Is there a significant difference in room height in one part? Is one part insulated and one part not? splitting the property Entering a section of a dwelling as an ‗extension‘ can be a useful way to artificially split a property to reflect the different thermal properties of different parts of the same property. For example, where two halves of a property have significantly different room heights the property can be artificially split in two–the differing room heights entered for each half. There is no reference made to ‗main‘ and ‗extension‘ on the EPC, so this will not lead to confusion for the customer. However, make sure to record in your site notes why you have artificially split the property. Entering the property into the software as having an extension allows the effect of different levels of insulation to the walls or loft/roof to be described separately. This gives the software a more accurate description of the property, and so increases the accuracy of the energy rating. For instance if a house has a pitched main roof, and part flat roof, this should be entered as a ‗main house plus an extension‘ even if RDSAP Manual March 2012 the roofs were built at the same time. The ability to use up to four extensions presents a means of quite accurately accounting for the various parts of complex larger properties. The entries for extension dimensions, age, wall and roof details are all separate from the main house details and there are appropriate sections of the software in which to record them. However, the EPC, once finalised, will not necessarily show the reader details of all of the extensions. If elements of an extension are considered too small to warrant inclusion (a 10% rule applies), they will feature in the background calculation but will not be mentioned in the EPC report. Note that on rare occasions you will come across a property that you think cannot be fairly described using the extension fields (maybe because it has too many different types of construction). In such a case where you believe you could need more than four extensions it will be necessary to combine extensions so that the number is reduced to four. When doing this, you should combine those extensions that are closest to each other in terms of their construction and insulation. For example, it is often possible to combine extensions from adjacent age bands. There is no difference in heat loss between an uninsulated loft from a house built in 1930-1949 and the same loft built in 1950-1965, but there is a big difference between un-insulated and insulated lofts of the same age band. Vertical extension It is possible to enter a new (or thermally different) upper floor to the software as a vertical extension. An example of this might be where a new floor has been built above what was previously been a bungalow. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Flats and Maisonettes For RDSAP a flat is a single storey dwelling located within a block containing at least two storeys. A maisonette is simply a flat that extends over more than one storey. It can still be part of a small block or a high-rise block. Flats require some additional items of data to be collected on site that don‘t need to be recorded for houses. Floor position for flats The floor position is simply a number that identifies on which storey of the block a flat or maisonette is located. The floor position number is easy to remember as it starts at zero for the ‗ground‘ floor. It follows that the first floor has a storey number of one, and the second floor a storey number of two etc. The floor position is used to work out the height of the flat and therefore the level of exposure to the wind (greater at higher storeys than at ground level). So even if the ground floor of a block of flats contains no dwellings (e.g. it may contain car parking or communal areas) this floor is still counted as zero. RDSAP treats a maisonette in exactly the same way as a flat so we refer to them as flats in this manual, but note that it is the lower floor of the maisonette which identifies its floor position. Basement level In some instances, a block of flats may incorporate ‗basement‘ levels, which may or may not include dwellings. In these circumstances the ‗bottom-most‘ of the basement levels should be identified as the ‗Ground‘/Level 0 ‗storey‘, with consecutive numbering from this point upwards as before. Therefore, the Ground/Level 0 storey will always be the bottom-most level in any block and will have a floor that is in contact with the ground, i.e., no further space below. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Flat type The software also requires the flat type (basement, ground, mid-or top floor) and the floor position within the block. For example, a flat on the second floor is entered as: flat type mid floor flat; floor position 2). Additional data for flats (and maisonettes) introduction Corridors next to flats A few extra items of data are required for flats, since flats sometimes have heat losses from exposed floors, unheated corridors and stairwells which are not usually associated with houses. For maisonettes, use the same conventions as for flats. Flats often have walls separating the occupied floor area from common areas, such as corridors, lobbies or stairwells. For simplicity the survey form refers to all of these as ‗corridors‘. The heat losses from the flat into the common areas obviously depend on whether the corridor is heated or unheated. The survey form therefore requires you to tick one of the following: No corridor Unheated corridor Heated corridor And in addition for unheated corridors: Length of sheltered wall (if unheated corridor) The relevant section of the survey form is shown below. The amount of shelter from an unheated corridor within a building split into flats is more significant than the shelter provided by garages or conservatories. Additionally, in a flat, the area of wall that is sheltered is usually a larger proportion of the total heat loss wall area. This is why it is necessary to separately enter semi exposed RDSAP Manual March 2012 wall lengths for flats, but not for houses and bungalows. If there is a heated or unheated corridor, it normally covers the main entry door into the flat. This helps to stop heat losses when the door is open–this is generally called a ‗draught lobby‘. A flat whose front door opens directly to the outside of the building allows heat to escape whenever it is opened, and the draught lobby reduces this effect. Remember that the length of the unheated corridor must be included in the heat loss perimeter of the flat. The wall that separates a flat from the adjacent corridor may be of a different construction than the other perimeter walls of the flat. If Corridors next to flats as an this is the case, the wall can be classed as an alternative wall. This only applies when the corridor is unheated. alternative wall Flats with a small entrance area For flats or maisonettes where there is a small entrance on the ground floor that is not separated by an external quality door the following procedure applies. Divide the flat into main and extension, where the flat on the upper for is the main and the small entrance area is the extension, the extension is likely to be two storeys. Flats: heat loss floors heat loss floor As with houses the heat loss floor type needs to be collected. Exposed floor: is above an open airspace, e.g. an archway to courtyard etc. Semi-exposed (unheated): above an unheated internal area (internal car park, unheated store etc.) Semi exposed (part heated): above a space heated to a lower temperature, or heated at different times to the dwelling concerned. For example, a flat located above a shop or an office. Other dwelling below: there is another flat below and the assumption is that there is not heat loss between the two. Ground floor: is in contact with the ground. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Habitable room count introduction The energy assessor is simply required to enter the total number of habitable rooms in the entire property. Arriving at this figure, however, requires some understanding of what a habitable room actually is. The habitable room count field is used to estimate the proportion of floor area that is heated to a higher temperature than the rest of the dwelling. The energy rating model assumes that zone 1 (typically the lounge and any areas open to it) is heated to 21о and the rest of the house (zone 2) to 18о. The habitable room count does not directly identify this area but is used to infer the zone 1 ‗fraction‘ assumed by the software. The greater the number of habitable rooms, the lower the zone 1 fraction assumed. The number of habitable rooms counted is important to the energy rating because more output is needed from the heating system to heat to a higher temperature, and heat losses are greater from the better heated rooms, i.e., the higher the zone 1 fraction, the greater the dwelling temperature. To count the required number and type of habitable rooms in a property, include any living room, sitting room, dining room, kitchendiner, bedroom, study and similar. Exclude other rooms such as any kitchen, utility room, bathroom, cloakroom, en-suite accommodation and similar; any hallway, stairs or landing; and also any room not having a window, or source of natural light. For open plan dwellings count all spaces thermally connected to the main living area (e.g. a living/dining room or non-separated conservatory connected to the living room) as one room. For example, a typical small two-bed mid terrace property might have six ‗rooms‘ in total, made up of the following: Lounge/diner Kitchen Master bedroom Second bedroom Bathroom Hall, stairs and landing In determining the habitable room count for RDSAP, the hall, stairs and landing, bathroom and kitchen are not included and the room count is therefore 3. RDSAP Manual March 2012 The lounge/diner counts as one room, even if it has been created by removing a separating wall e.g. opening up a through lounge. Non-separated conservatories should be included in the habitable Conservatories as room count depending on the presence of internal doors separating habitable rooms the conservatory from the main dwelling (conservatories will be explored in more detail later in this Section). If the conservatory is divided from the main property by internal doors, then it should be included in the habitable rooms count (assuming it is of habitable type, although it is unusual to find a conservatory that is solely a bathroom or kitchen etc.). If the conservatory is unheated, it should be classed as an unheated habitable room. If there are no doors between the conservatory and the main house, the conservatory effectively becomes part of the habitable room that it is adjacent to, therefore the habitable rooms count remains the same. kitchen or kitchen/diner? For a kitchen (non-habitable room) to be identified as a kitchen/diner (habitable room), the requirement is that it must contain a discrete, separate area large enough for a dining table and chairs. A kitchen with a breakfast bar would therefore not qualify as a ‗habitable‘ room. Room count: include only the types of ‗habitable‘ rooms as described above. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Porches RDSAP distinguishes between two types of porches: Internal porches External porches For RDSAP, a porch is defined as a small entrance area, which has doors at either end. Porches which are under the main roof of the dwelling, within its ‗foot print‘, are deemed part of the main building structure and are referred to as internal porches. The start position for assessing internal porches is that all internal porches are included in the assessed floor area, whether heated or unheated. However, if it is possible to identify the type of separation between the porch and the main dwelling the following conventions should be used: Include all heated internal porches, i.e. those with fixed heat emitters. Include all unheated internal porches (unheated includes those heated with portable heating units) that are not thermally separated from the main dwelling, i.e. have internal door separation only. Exclude all unheated internal porches that are thermally separated from the main dwelling, i.e. those that have external door quality separation from the main dwelling. External porches For RDSAP an external or ‗off-shot‘ porch is an entrance area (with doors at either end) built outside of the footprint line of the main dwelling. It may appear to be ‗added on‘ to the front of the property. External porches should be included if heated. It is highly likely that they will need to be considered as extensions because it is rare that you will be able to access the porch roof to be able to assess its insulation. The wall or floor construction may also be different to the RDSAP Manual March 2012 main house. External porches (with a door at each end) can be ignored if unheated regardless of the quality of the door separating it from the main house. Property age introduction The property age is extremely important to the software. It is required for the software to select the default heat loss values (Uvalues) for the wall, roof and floor and to calculate the window area. Clearly properties of different ages will perform very differently and the general rule is that the newer the property is the better the U values of its component parts. Houses of different ages also have different window-to-wall and window-to-floor ratios. The age bands for newer properties correspond to changes in Building Regulations and the older age bands (pre 1966) with changes in methods of building. The RDSAP age brackets are given in the table and the job of the energy assessor is to use his best efforts to date the property accurately and place it in the correct age band. It is important to note that RDSAP makes certain generalisations that may not always be strictly accurate in all cases. For example, you may find houses built post-1983 that DID NOT have cavity wall insulation fitted when they were built, even though RDSAP assumes it to be so. It is very important to record clearly how you dated the property. There will be times when you have exhausted all the easy means of doing so and are forced to resort to an estimation based on stylistic clues. Recording your methodology will serve to defend your decision if you are later found to be incorrect. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Age band A: Pre-1900 Significance of the age band Properties in this age bracket are usually easy to date purely on stylistic features. B: 1900-1929 Properties in this age band do not perform thermally significantly different to those in the pre-1900 band. C: 1930-1949 Cavity walls became the norm. Larger bay windows semis became popular. D: 1950-1966 This period saw a major boom in housing development and bungalows. Still no insulation to the fabric of the houses. E: 1967-1975 1966 saw the introduction of the modern building regulations and the first tangible moves towards conserving energy in homes. This is the first age bracket that assumes lofts to be insulated. F: 1976-1982 RDSAP assumes that cavity wall thermal performance improved significantly through the use of thermal concrete blocks and sometimes insulation. Cavities are assumed to be empty and capable of being retro-fitted with insulation. Loft insulation levels are assumed to increase. Extraction assumed; suspended timber floors sealed. G: 1983-1990 RDSAP assumes that cavity wall thermal performance improved still further in this age bracket and no further recommendation is made for cavity wall insulation. Loft insulation depths increase further. H: 1991-1995 RDSAP assumes that cavity wall thermal performance improved still further in this age bracket with a significant improvement in their Uvalue. Loft insulation depths increase still further. I: 1996-2002 RDSAP assumes that floors began to be insulated during their construction in this age bracket. J: 2003-2006 The performance of double-glazing improved significantly post 2002. Hot water separately timed. K: 2007 onwards All aspects of properties improve in terms of thermal performance. Primary pipe work insulated. RDSAP Manual March 2012 How to date a property There are various ways of establishing the age of a house or flat. It is best not to rely on a single piece of evidence but rather to use other means to corroborate where possible. Property age is one of the most important factors in the EPC calculation. It is worth noting that the date you input does not appear on the EPC for the client to see, but is part of the calculation in the background. You can ask the occupants. There is a good chance they may know but don‘t be surprised if they don‘t or if they are shown to be mistaken. Don‘t assume that people are always telling the truth. In some cases people can provide you with documentary evidence of completion of conversion or renovation work, even a NHBC certificate in the case of fairly new homes. If you ask people in advance, perhaps when calling to make the appointment, to prepare any documents they have, you are more likely to get to see them. Ask the estate agent, if there is one, or the housing association. If there is a solicitor involved in the transaction, they may help you, particularly if you already have a working relationship with them. Again, verify any information where possible. If you see an elderly neighbour or resident walking past, ask them (tactfully) when the properties were built. Older people are often very knowledgeable. Contact the local authority, particularly the planning archive team who are often helpful. Once you identify a helpful person, make a note of their name for next time. Use the internet. Google the postcode. There are websites such as Mouseprice.com that will often give you dates for houses or even whole streets and rely on surveyors and valuers to update them with new information. The Land Registry is a good source of copies of original deeds and plans of properties and will usually provide a date of build. However, there is a small charge which may be prohibitive. Your company may have access in some cases. Older properties are easier to date and arguably less critical. You simply have to place them in the pre-1900 age band so you are not overly concerned whether they are built in 1700 or 1899. There is not much thermal difference in properties in the next age band, 1900-29, and if unsure which of these two RDSAP Manual March 2012 bands to use you should test the difference with each using the RDSAP software. If there is no difference in the ratings you are safe to use either, probably using the worst case. For modern houses the date becomes much more important. Changes in thermal performance are significant between the RDSAP age bands. There are clues connected with Building Regulations. For instance the 1990 regulations introduced extract fans, and trickle vents into windows. If the house does not have these it may be before the 1990–95 age band. Be cautious using this rule, as the windows might have been replaced recently. Dating by stylistic features can be very tricky to do and you can easily get it wrong. Roof pitches were sometimes shallower in the 1970s, a period which also saw chimneys go out of fashion, to return in the early 1990s. Making an informed estimate based on style–looking at the whole street, not just the house being inspected, can be useful, although beware of the recently built ‗infill‘ property. Look at the windows on the neighbours‘ houses. Stylistic clues can be misleading, so try to take a few into consideration. The photographs on the following pages give some indication of stylistic clues to help you date properties based on their appearance. RDSAP Manual March 2012 pre1900s This age band contains the Georgian (1714-1830) and Victorian (1837-1901) housing stock which in some areas forms a large percentage of the total housing. Often these houses of different styles and ages are found near the town centre, built from local stone with stone roof tiles. Many have, of course, been substantially modernised. A summary of the characteristics of these houses: The use of local materials, e.g. local stone, brick or timber frame. Brick bonds typical of solid walls, e.g. Flemish and English bonds. The original windows would often have been wooden sliding sash windows, with smaller panes of glass usually indicating an older house and larger panes meaning a house late in this RDSAP age bracket. Car parking was not a consideration with these early houses. This means that the roads are now very congested by onstreet parking. The solid brick walls of these houses are often rendered. RDSAP Manual March 2012 1900to1920s This age band includes the Edwardian (1901-1910) housing stock which took many of its stylistic features from the Victorians. Thermally, there was no significant improvement in the buildings. Insulation was not really a consideration yet. Window glass was now being manufactured in larger sheets, but essentially the windows still appeared Victorian in many cases. The brick walls still tended to be solid, i.e. not cavity construction. The example above shows the decorative use of engineering bricks, sometimes used to improve the foundations and reduce rising damp. Hallmarks of Edwardian (or late Victorian) houses: Solid front door with fan light above. Decorative supports for window sills. Tiled floor to the porch. Closer inspection reveals 9 inch (230 mm) thick walls. The classical features of some of the Victorian houses made way for the Gothic revival of the Edwardian period. Typical features include: Decorated gables (e.g. on the semi-detached house below c1910). Sash windows with large panes, often one pane above and one below the meeting rail. Glazed doors are common. RDSAP Manual March 2012 1920s Not much house building had gone on during World War I, and the period afterwards was very significant in the development of housing in Britain. It saw the first ‗council housing‘ and there was a great emphasis on ‗social housing‘. The 1920s saw housing influenced by the Art Deco movement. A ‗70 ft rule‘ governed the minimum distance between houses, reducing density dramatically: from 20-30 houses per acre (common in Victorian and Edwardian terraces) to as few as 6-8 houses per acre. House building immediately after the first world war was much influenced by the garden city movement and the Tudor Walters report. Typical features of this period: Spacious, detached, semi-detached and terraced houses. Equally spacious hedge lined plots in an estate layout. South facing gardens. Note: The windows in the houses above have almost certainly been replaced with 1950s metal casements. RDSAP Manual March 2012 1930s Metal casement windows came into fashion in the 1930s and have much to do with the recognisable look of many houses from the 1930s. Typical features of the 1930s: Bay windows with horizontal banding The cavity brick wall, which was enshrined in the 1936 Model Bye Laws, came into more common use around this time Introduction of the hipped roof–expansive roofs with short ridges and tall chimneys Ribbon developments–suburbia as we know it began to grow along the approach roads of our towns and cities The car is accommodated on the plot, usually in a separate garage Building styles were influenced by developments on the continent, particularly by the Bauhaus (the influential German school of architecture). The ‗between wars semi‘ is another classic house type of this period. Features that typify the ‗between wars semi‘: Formal entrance with the half round opening to the porch area, front door is set back slightly. Decorative glazing in door panels. Roof extends forward over the bay window, with decorative timber or brick above the glazing. The densities have increased from the luxuries of the garden city houses of the 1920s; this is particularly so in the private sector house of this period. More examples of 1930s dwellings are shown in the following photos. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: Examples of 1930s houses. 1940s During the Second World War, house building came to a virtual halt except for the prefabricated dwellings. Many of these developments are still lived in today, many years after their design life expectancy of around 20 years. Immediately after the World War II there was a rush to fill the housing shortage with system built housing estates. There are dozens of different types of system built houses, too many to cover here, but it is fairly easy to research those where you live with the help of local information from the library or the council. To identify a 1940s house, look for: System built walls–concrete panels, although many of the houses will have been re-clad in brick with new windows RDSAP Manual March 2012 fitted under housing defects legislation. These should be entered as ‗system built‘ in wall construction. Corrugated roofing systems. Steel frames, often visible in the roof space. The houses depicted above are ‗Woolaway‘ houses. 1950s The 1950s saw the beginning of a major boom in housing developments, with mass production of building materials producing a standardisation across the country. Typical 1950s houses features: Festival of Britain (1951) influences in the flat roofed porches supported on metal posts. Plain brick walls (from the mass production of London bricks). Metal casement windows. Concrete roof tiles. Bungalows became popular during the 1950s. Open-plan estates where properties were less clearly separated from neighbours by clear boundaries e.g. no walled front gardens. 1960s RDSAP Manual March 2012 Houses in the 1960s: The chalet or dormer bungalow (notice the rooms in the roof). Integral parking provision (a feature of the late 1950s and 1960s). The kitchen/diner and open plan living room is often a feature of this period. Flats in the 1960s: In the public sector the 1960s saw major developments of flats in blocks of three or more storeys. The tall tower block is often from this time period. 1970s During the 1970s there was a positive reaction against the sameness of the 1960s. Signs of the 1970s: Developments of two and three storey houses–a conscious attempt to create not only a variety in the built form but also a mix of house types catering for a varied population. Increase in housing density created by the rise in land prices. Reaction against the ‗open-plan‘ estate, with the enclosure of private space by high walls and fences. Greater attention given to external detailing. Off plot parking and carports are a feature of this period. Dominance of gas central heating results in a lack of chimneys, and increasing number of ridge vents. Large windows reflect the use of double-glazing and the use of Velux roof lights can be seen. The Essex Design Guide (a planning guide produced by Essex County Council) was influential in promoting cluster housing, breaking up the fronting and reducing road widths. RDSAP Manual March 2012 1980s 1980s estates are also characterised by high densities. But there was a move back to a more conventional estate layout. Cul-de-sacs with tightly packed houses are a common feature. There is a conscious move to use different house types to give variety. The large windows reflect the common use of double-glazing but there is often a nostalgic attempt to soften the effect with curved window heads and imitation leaded lights. The chimney creeps back again particularly on the larger house type: but more as a result of the gas flame effect fire than any desire to revert to solid fuel heating. 1991–1995and1996– 2002 There is little difference in style between 1991–1995 and 1996–2002 but for relatively new homes like the one shown above it is more likely that the actual date of construction will be known. Houses are closely packed, often in large volume estates. House builders may use a number of subtly different house types to create variety. There is also a conscious effort to break up box-like outlines with a mixture of popular features from the past, often jumbled together: bay windows, pillars, porches, decorative brickwork, cladding or tiles to parts of elevations are commonly seen. The detached (sometimes only just) house is the most common built RDSAP Manual March 2012 form on many estates. Post-1990 houses will also have: Extractor fans (or sometimes passive vents in recent properties) in kitchen and bathroom(s). Trickle vents to windows. Allocated parking, driveways or garage (often two garage spaces for larger houses). Roof timbers may exhibit a date of manufacture in large painted letters. Electricity installations may be dated as may be hot water cylinders or gas meters. Take care not to rely on windows for dating; they are often changed. post-2002 For almost brand new homes it is likely that the actual date of construction can be found. However, there are visible differences between post-2002 housing and estates built in the 1990s, due to the influence of central government planning guidance (the John Prescott rules). These asked for higher densities in an effort to reduce the impact of new build housing, and encouraged the redevelopment of brown field land instead of green field development. Thus many post-2002 estates are redevelopments of inner city former light industrial areas. Houses are closely packed, often including three storey terraces and low rise apartment blocks. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Conversion date When dating a property, in some instances the conversion date rather than the original build date of the property should be used. However, it should only be used if you have documentary evidence of the date of the conversion. The conversion date will be more appropriate as conversions have to comply with Building Regulations and therefore their thermal performances will be improved. This does not apply to refurbishments, only conversions such as: Barns/mills converted to dwellings; Warehouses converted to dwellings; Houses converted to flats. In addition, if a property has been completely refurbished, choose the age band in which the building control approval was granted. Completely refurbished means walls, floors, windows and roofs. If a property has only been partly refurbished, the original build date should be used. If you are able to establish in advance of the inspection that the property is a conversion, you can request documentation from the owner and reasonably expect to get it. Design your pre-inspection questionnaire or telephone question list carefully. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Roof rooms For RDSAP rooms in the roof can take several forms: A house designed for occupation of the roof space such as a chalet bungalow, usually built with dormer or roof light windows. A conversion of what would normally be a loft space, above the main part of the dwelling, or above any extensions. Above left: Modern room in roof construction with ‗Velux‘ or rooflight window. Above right: dormer windows suggest rooms in the roof in this chalet style house. A: basic roof room B: roof room with vaulted ceiling C: roof room with dormer windows D: roof room with large dormer windows (chalet-style) For a roof room be included in the RDSAP assessment it must be accessed via a fixed staircase. For fixed access to be described as a staircase it must be accessible and traversable in both directions by an able-bodied person moving in a forwards direction. Loft conversions accessed by a fixed ladder rather than a staircase and require that you exit the room backwards in order to negotiate the ladder do not qualify as roof rooms and should be treated as loft spaces. A roof room does not need to contain any habitable rooms. For a roof room to be classed as such and not a separate storey, the height of the common wall must be less than 1.8m for at least 50% of the common wall (excluding gable ends and party walls) If the common wall is 1.8m of greater the room in the roof should be RDSAP Manual March 2012 recorded as a separate storey. A ‗common‘ wall is a vertical extension of the external wall of the storey below. Don‘t confuse this term with ‗party‘ wall. Diagram A Diagram B Diagram C Diagram A: Loft conversions are often constructed with stud partition walls that provide a vertical wall in the eaves, a space that would not be useful to the room. These stud walls lose heat into the void behind them, a space which is referred to as the residual roof space. Diagram A has a residual roof space to either side of the stud partitions which can often be accessed by hatches or small doors. In Diagram A the residual roof space is assessed as the main roof for the property and does not belong to the roof room. The height of the common walls in Diagram A is zero and the diagram clearly represents a roof room. Diagram B: The height of the common wall is denoted by the arrows. As it is less than 1.8 m this means that this diagram represents a roof room for RDSAP. There is no residual roof space Diagram C: The height of the common wall in Diagram C is greater than 1.8 m and this means that this would be an ordinary storey rather than a roof room. An area weighted ceiling height would need to be calculated. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Roof room or ordinary storey– refer to flowchart Where you identify the presence of roof rooms, details of this storey are entered in the ‗room in roof‘ section and not as a normal storey. Remember that you should enter the floor area as either an additional storey or as a room in the roof, gbut not both. Therefore the chalet-style house on the previous pae is recorded as a single storey dwelling PLUS a roof room. If you are certain that you are looking at a roof room (and extended measurements are not required – see later in this chapter) then you only need to measure the floor area internally. There is no need to measure a heat loss perimeter as the walls of the roof room are considered part of the roof. . The floor to ceiling height is also not required although it is good practice to make a simple elevation drawing as part of your site notes, to create a record of the situation you found. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Is roof room adjoining? If the roof room is connected to another roof room (in the same dwelling) or connected to another part of the dwelling then the ‗is roof room adjoining‟ should be ticked. This will reduce the assumed area of heat loss through the walls of the roof room. Note: a roof room within a terrace of houses, where the neighbouring house appears to have a roof room, is not considered adjoining. It must be adjoining part of the same dwelling. Roof room insulation Roof room insulation can be tricky to assess. The diagram below shows the possible locations of insulation. It may be possible to access the void above the flat ceiling (marked in blue) and the residual void either side of stud partitions (marked in yellow and entered as the residual main roof, rather than as part of the roof room). In these locations you would typically expect to find a layer of mineral wool fibre insulation. But it may be more difficult to assess insulation that lines the sloping part of the roof (marked in orange), the stud walls (marked in green) and the gable end (marked in grey). Access to these areas may be severely limited and it may be that you will have to rely on documentary evidence if a visual inspection is impossible. Parts of a roof room The insulation depth levels set in RDSAP are for mineral wool type insulation that usually comes in rolls. Where you encounter expanded polystyrene insulation board or multi foil insulation the convention is that you should double the thickness of the board so that its better performance is more accurately reflected. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Polystyrene insulation board and multi-foil insulation You may encounter other insulation types as insulation is a rapidly developing area. You can check with NES technical support if uncertain of how to record it. The screenshot above shows the section of the software that deals with rooms in the roof. Information is needed on the main roof room (and up to four other roof rooms, if there are extensions present). The floor area is required and is measured internally. The age range of the roof room is required; this might be the original date of build of the house or the conversion date if you are able to reliably establish it. Important Note: the residual roof spaces either side of the roof room are not considered below–they are part of the MAIN ROOF and NOT part of the roof room. The insulation assessment for the residual roof is recorded on the Age and roofs‘ page. RDSAP Manual March 2012 The residual roof space is effectively the remainder of what was the main roof after the roof room was constructed. The possible insulation entries are as follows: Unknown–this entry will mean that the software will use the default level of insulation for the year you have entered for the roof room. Pre-1966 this is likely to mean no insulation. No insulation–this is self-explanatory and means the software will consider the roof room entirely un-insulated. There may still be insulation at joists level in the residual roof space. Flat ceiling only– this is when there is insulation present above the flat ceiling and nowhere else. There may not be a flat ceiling at all in cases where the ceiling is ‗vaulted‘. All elements comprises of the gable ends, stud walls and sloping ceiling (orange, grey and green in the parts of a roof room diagram). There are 4 options for ‗All elements‘: o All elements 50 mm o All elements 100 mm o All elements 150 mm o All elements unknown–this is different to simply ‗unknown‘. It means that you can see insulation is present, believed to extend to all elements, but you are unable to sure of thickness. When entering insulation as all elements you will need to also enter the thickness at flat ceiling separately. If the roof room has a vaulted ceiling, select ‗not applicable‘ for the thickness at flat ceiling. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Extended data RDSAP calculates the area of the flat ceiling, slope, stud and gable walls based upon the floor area that has been entered. In most cases this approximation provides a good model of the heat loss of characteristics of the roof room. In situations where there is documentary evidence of the U-values of the slope/stud/gable AND those U-values differ, detailed measurements should be taken. There are four measurements required as well as the floor area: 1. Area of the flat ceiling 2. Area of all stud walls: include all vertical (non-gable) parts of the roof room 3. Area of all sloping part 4. Area of the gable end(s) If you know the U-values of the slope/stud and gable AND they are the same, you can enter the U-value in the extended data and use the RDSAP default areas (see below). Where detailed measurements are being made and the floor area of the parts of the dormer protruding beyond the line of the roof is less than 20% of the floor area of the roof room, measure the elements of the roof room as if the dormers were not there. If the floor area of the protruding parts of the roof room is 20% or more, total all the vertical elements of the dormers in that building part and enter as stud wall. Any flat ceiling parts of a measured dormer should be entered as flat ceiling. In most cases you will find that the dormer windows cover significantly less than 20% of the roof room area. This convention was introduced to make sure that large dormer windows in chalet bungalows (see photo) are included when measuring. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: Chalet bungalow with large dormer windows, the area covered by the parts of the dormer protruding beyond the line of the roof are greater than 20% of the roof room area. Above: Roof room with large dormers, but the area (white bounded by green) is less than 20% of the floor area of the roof room. Select extended data on the main roof room page to open the extended data fields. RDSAP Manual March 2012 The extended roof room data for each building part allows data entry for two of each roof room element. This has been provided to help when a very complicated roof room is measured and it may be easier not to combine all the slopes or stud walls etc.: Flat ceiling 1 and Flat ceiling 2 are any parts of the roof room that are horizontal. This could include the flat ceiling element of a dormer (if they are included). If there are no flat ceiling parts to the roof room (for example a vaulted ceiling) enter ―0‖m2. Stud wall 1 and Stud wall 2 are any parts of the roof room that are vertical walls added to the roof room, abutting the roof void. These could include the vertical parts of the any included dormer. In the unlikely event of there being no stud walls, enter ―0‖ m2. Slope 1 and slope 2 are any parts of the roof room that are sloping. They can be tricky to measure, but you must enter the area of the slope, not the floor area that the slope covers. If there are no sloping parts to the roof room enter ―0‖ m2. Gable wall 1 and Gable wall 2 are the parts of gable end that form the roof room. You may find that there are no gable ends, a mid terrace house or stud walls erected to provide storage in the residual loft. If there is no gable wall enter ―0‖ m2. If the roof room includes a common wall and a measured dormer window includes the common wall, enter the common wall part of the dormer into one of the Gable wall fields. RDSAP Manual March 2012 There are three columns containing information about the default values of the roof room. These are described below: Column A: these are the default areas for the four elements of the roof room, calculated from the floor area entered in the roof room details section. These figures cannot be overwritten and will remain visible for your reference when overwritten values in the other columns Column B: As with column A these are the default areas for the four elements of the roof room. However, in column B you are able to overwrite these areas with your own measurements. Column C: This column contains the default RDSAP U-values based on the information about age and insulation entered in the roof room details section. With documentary evidence these can be overwritten. Remember: you will only need to take detailed measurements of a roof room when: Evidence exists that the U-values of the slope/stud/gable differ and you know all three U-values. example: extended roof room measurement In this example there is documentary evidence that the stud and slope have been insulated to a U-value of 0.30 W/m2K and the gable ends to 0.25 W/m2K. The flat ceiling can be accessed via a small loft hatch and has 250mm of rock wool insulation. floor area of roof room = 3.5 x 7.2 = 25.2 m2 area of flat ceiling = 1.6 x 7.2 = 11.52 m2 area of stud wall = 2 x (7.2 x 1.2) = 17.28 m2 area of slope = 2 x (1.5 x 7.2) = 21.6 m2 RDSAP Manual March 2012 area of gable: The gable end can be a little more complicated to measure, you will need to divide the area into triangles or trapeziums and rectangles In this example divide each gable into a trapezium and a rectangle: area of rectangle = 1.2 x 3.5 = 4.2 m2 area of trapezium = ½ x 1.15 x (3.5 + 1.6) = 2.93 m2 area of gable = 2 x (4.2 + 2.93) = 14.26 m2 Above: Exampledata entry. All of the following photos are examples of rooms in the roof for RDSAP. Above left: A modern chalet-style house; above right: An early 1900s house with rooms built into the roof space. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: A modern house built with a roof room. Dating a roof room If a roof room is not a part of the original dwelling or extension, i.e. if it is a conversion made since the original dwelling was built, then how do you know how to age it? If the householder is present on an inspection and they know when the conversion was carried out, supplemented with documentary evidence, then you should use that age. Otherwise, as a worst-case scenario, you will have to assume the age of the dwelling or extension in which it resides. Flats and roof rooms There are three situations you may come across where you have a flat or maisonette and a roof room. These are illustrated in the diagram below. The shaded areas represent the parts of the building that are being assessed. (A): Flat totally in the roof space. This shows a flat that is located entirely within the loft space. This flat cannot be entered as a roof room, as in RDSAP a roof room cannot be entered without a dwelling below it. In case (A) the flat must be entered as a separate storey, a top floor flat at floor position 3. The room height for this flat should be entered as 2.2m. The floor area should be measured internal and is the area up to any stud walls. The heat loss perimeter should be measured and the wall construction assessed. RDSAP Manual March 2012 The main wall construction should be entered as timber frame, if the gable ends are of a different construction these should be entered as an alternative wall. If the ceiling above the roof can be accessed then the insulation should be measured. (B): Flat with roof room. For RDSAP this should be entered as a flat with roof room. The important thing to note with this example is that it is a top floor flat and the ‗floor position‘ and the fact that it is only one storey. The floor position in this example is 2. (C): Maisonette with roof room. As with Diagram B the roof room is not an extra storey and therefore the dwelling has two storeys and not three. This is a top floor maisonette with floor position 1. Roof rooms and standard rooms on the same floor Where there are both ‗standard‘ rooms and ‗rooms in the roof‘ on one storey, the dwelling should ideally be split between ‗main‘ and ‗extension‘ to separately identify the sections incorporating the different room types. Remember if a roof room in one building part is connected to a storey in another building part, the roof room should be described as ‗adjoining‟ .Where it is not possible to split the property in such a way, the decision to enter the data as either ‗rooms in the roof‘ or an extra storey is based on the following criteria. To enter a complete storey as rooms in the roof, at least half the storey must be made up of such rooms. Where there are less than 50% roof rooms, the complete storey should simply entered as a separate storey in the conventional manner. Note that room heights may need to be ‗averaged‘ and that the inclusion of alternative wall types may be appropriate to describe different walls within the mixed roof room/conventional room. Above: A house where the first storey is part ‗standard rooms‘ and part roof rooms. RDSAP Manual March 2012 In the example above the house should be artificially divided into main and extension along the red dotted line. The main house will be entered as a 2 storey and the extension as 1 storey with a roof room. The roof room will be specified as ‗adjoining‘ to account for the nonheat loss wall along between the main first storey and the roof room. Mansard roof A Mansard (or Gambol) roof is the top storey of a dwelling that is built into a lightweight timber framed and tiled structure very similar to a roof structure but built with near vertical external walls. RDSAP defines a Mansard as a structure with walls of external slope that are 70 to 90 degrees from the horizontal, rather than the typical 30 to 45 degrees of a ‗normal‘ roof line. A Mansard construction may also have a low pitch ‗loft space‘ directly above it that may be accessible for loft insulation assessment. Where a Mansard roof is identified it should be entered as a separate storey and NOT as a roof room. It may also necessitate the use of an alternative wall type in order to differentiate the near-vertical ‗wall‘, which is constructed of a timber frame and tiled, from the structure of the main dwelling. Above: A Mansard type roof where the external wall is actually part of the roof construction. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Windows introduction Windows can be framed in wood, metal or uPVC but for the RDSAP survey the frame material is not required. However the type of glazing (single, double or triple glazed) does need to be recorded. There are three key data items that are needed for windows, i.e. the total glazed area; the proportion of multiple-glazed area; and the multiple-glazing type. u-values and g values It is also possible, where presented with reliable documentary evidence, to enter the U-value and g value of multi-glazing. A g value is a measure of the total solar transmission, i.e. heat, through a window and is eexpressed as a number between 0 and 1. The lower a glazing‘s g value, the less solar heat it transmits. A window‘s g value is determined by the type of glass, or combination of types, that make up the glazing unit. In most domestic situations the specification of glazing concentrates on admitting solar energy whilst preventing energy from being reradiated from inside. If entering U-values and g values, and having reliable documentary evidence, additionally identify whether the g value is a BFRC (British Fenestration Registration Council) value or otherwise. A BFRC g value is for the whole window, i.e. the glazing and the frame; other g values are just for the glazing. If unknown, then assume the g value is not a BFRC value. RDSAP Manual March 2012 window area Total glazed area normal or typical When assessing window areas, we include all areas of glazing of the whole dwelling except for conservatories which are dealt with separately. ‗Normal or typical‘ applies if the surface area of the glazing in the dwelling is as would be expected of a typical property of that age, type, size and character. This applies even if there is slightly more or less glazing than would be expected (up to 10%). ‗More than typical‘ applies if there is significantly more area of glazing area than would be expected (15%-30% more), perhaps because several sets of patio doors have been added. ‗Less than typical‘ applies if there is significantly less glazing than would be expected. This is rare as homeowners tend not to remove windows. However, a property may have an unusual design with few windows. much more/much ‗Much more than typical‘ and ‗much less than typical’ should be less than typical used for dwellings with very unusual amounts of glazing; such as a glass walled penthouse flat or a garden room or sun room (that cannot be classed as a conservatory and therefore dealt with separately). This option allows the measurements of each window to be input into the software individually. This option can also be used if a dwelling has a mixture of glazing types, e.g. single, double and triple glazing and does enable a detailed and accurate entry of the windows to be made. Some traditional stone and cob cottages may have less than typical window openings and older houses may also be found with brickedup window openings leftover from the glass and window taxes of several hundred years ago. Each window will need to be measured, the glazing type noted and the orientation of each window recorded using the eight points of the compass. The screenshot of the software below illustrates this and also shows where U- and g values are to be entered. RDSAP Manual March 2012 It is not normally necessary to measure window area. The software contains defaults based on the age of the property, and whether it is a house or flat. These defaults have been obtained by measuring window areas on several thousand houses of different ages and represent the best possible approximation. However, if recording an alternative wall containing window openings, you may have to measure the windows within the area of the alternative wall. A glazed door is classed as a window if the glazing totals 60% or more of its surface area. Do not include conservatories in your property glazing assessments as these are dealt with independently elsewhere in the procedure. Proportion multiple glazed This is a simple assessment of the proportion of glazing that is double or triple glazed. Secondary glazing should be entered as double-glazing, because properly applied secondary glazing does decrease the heat loss through glazing. However, temporary secondary glazing using products such as cling film should not be counted. Note that the proportion multiple glazed is based on the window area rather than the number of windows. Multiple glazing type The software presents the following categories: Pre-2002 Post or during 2002 Unknown install date Secondary glazed Triple-glazed Pre 2002 doubleglazing The basic assumption for double-glazing pre-2002 in the software is for typical units that have a 6–12 mm air-gap between the panes. For identification purposes these will usually be starting to show their age. RDSAP Manual March 2012 The 2002 building regulations required replacement double- glazed Post 2002 doubleunits to reach a minimum standard for heat loss. In order to meet glazing this standard, most new double-glazed units now come with a Low-E coating. This is why the survey asks for the window installation date, as modern glazing is better than typical older double-glazed units. If the windows have been retro fitted since 2002, the householder will most probably be aware, and should also possess a FENSA certificate (required by Building Control). Sometimes it is possible to find a date of window build located on the metal strip around the edge of the sealed glazing unit; although this is not to be confused with any BS Kitemark dates that might appear on the panes themselves. The RDSAP software allows the different types of double-glazing to be accurately entered, but this makes surprisingly little difference to the overall result, and does not alter any recommendation that the software may make to replace the single glazing. The gap between panes may be up to 20 mm If you are uncertain whether a double glazing installation was made before or after 2002, the website of the Fenestration Selfassessment Scheme (FENSA) allows you to search by postcode for installation dates. Visit their website at: www.fensa.org.uk Secondary glazing Properly fitted secondary glazing should be counted as a type of multiple glazing. Where secondary glazing panels have been removed, e.g. during the summer in order to fully open windows, but the frames remain, if the assessor can be provided with suitable visual evidence that the glazing panels still exist and can be re-fitted, then the property can still be assessed as having secondary double glazing. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Triple-glazing Triple-glazed windows consist of three panes of glass with two air gaps. They are quite rare and likely to be slightly thicker than double-glazing. If you come across double-glazing with the addition of secondary glazing (often found in houses next to busy roads), this should be entered as post 2002 (post 2003 in Scotland and post 2006 in Northern Ireland) double-glazing. single-glazing Single-glazed units lose heat more rapidly than double- or tripleglazing and tend to be draughtier. However, because multiple-glazed units can be expensive, it is common for ‗multiple-glazed‘ properties to still have some single-glazing, particularly in rooms where less time is spent, e.g. downstairs toilets, porches or store rooms. Since 2002, Building Regulations have prevented the installation of replacement single-glazing in most cases. Extended glazing and sunrooms The RDSAP definition of a conservatory is that it is a structure with at least 75% its roof and at least 50% of its walls glazed; and of course to include the conservatory in RDSAP it must be nonseparated (i.e., not separated by external quality doors). Sometimes you will come across a structure that has 75% + of the roof glazed (or polycarbonate) but not 50% of the walls glazed, or vice versa (often referred to in estate agent details as ‗sunrooms‘). In these cases you should make use of the extended glazing facility in NES one. The example below shows you how to enter the ‗sunroom‘ details as an extension with extended glazing. The sunroom in question is little more than a lean-to. It has three solid brick walls with small windows but a totally clear polycarbonate roof. In the illustration below, the blue highlighted area shows the clear roof and two small windows. The way to treat this ‗sunroom‘ is to enter it as an extension and use the extended glazing facility. This will enable you to put in the roof as a ‗rooflight‘. If the glazing in the rest of the property is ‗typical‘ there is no need to measure all the windows; use the windows area RDSAP Manual March 2012 table to calculate an assumed area for the main property and enter this as 1 window. To show you what should be entered in the software lets assume that the roof in this case is 8.2 m2 and the two single glazed windows in the sunroom are 0.50 m2 each. The total floor area of the 1967 house with pre 2002 double glazing is 78 m2. Assumed window area: (0.1239 x 78) + 7.332 = 17.0 m2 Doors and high performance doors The DEA must record the total number of external doors which includes doors to unheated corridors and any doors within the heat loss perimeter: Ignore doors to heated corridors Include doors to separated conservatories, unheated garages, stores, etc. Identify the number of insulated doors: this can only be done with documentary evidence Record the U-value of the insulated doors: again documentary evidence is required with this option With more than one type of insulated door, record the average U-value of the doors RDSAP Manual March 2012 Draughtproofing RDSAP requires the DEA to assess, identify and collect the number of windows and doors that are draught proofed: The proportion of draught proofed windows and doors is entered as a percentage (%) and then allows a more accurate recommendation for draught proofing to be made. The following conventions apply: All external doors and at least two windows must be assessed. If a window is locked or inaccessible endeavour to try another one. If the condition of the draughtproofing cannot be determine then assume multi-glazed units to be draught-proofed and single glazed units not to be. Lighting Portable lamps The energy assessor must record: The total number of light fittings in the property (counted in accordance with the conventions outlined below). The number of low energy lighting fixed outlets in the property (counted in accordance with the conventions outlined below). Lamps that are plugged in and therefore portable are ignored. A quick lighting reference Following is a quick reference to the common types of lighting. nonIncandescent or general light low service lamps—25-100 watts. energy non– Tungsten halogen lamp–these can low be 12 volts or 240 volts, but neither energy is low energy. Low voltage does not RDSAP Manual March 2012 mean low energy. They are often used as recessed spot-lights. low energy Fluorescent tubes–common in garages and occasionally in kitchens. low energy Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) 315 watts approx. low energ y low energ y This CFL is designed to replace halogen spotlights and on close inspection the small fluorescent tube can be seen within. low energy This CFL is shaped like a bulb. It may flicker when switched on. Light emitting diode (LED). LED technology is constantly developing. These can replace halogen spotlights and down lighters. what is a low energy light? A low energy light outlet is an individually wired lighting outlet that is either low energy by its inherent design, e.g. fluorescent strip lights, or a ‗standard‘ outlet that has low energy lamps installed. Low energy lights are efficient in the sense that more of the wattage goes towards producing light than with traditional tungsten lighting. With a traditional non-low energy light, up to 80% of the energy powering it goes toward generating heat and only 20% to light. Try placing your hand close to a non-low energy light and feel the heat it produces. Further clues to identify low energy lighting: Low energy lights will often flicker when switched on. They may not instantly reach full illumination. They may be seen to flicker when illuminated, if viewed through your digital camera. They will not radiate heat to the extent of a non- low energy light, if you place your hand close to the light. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Electricity meters According to the BBC‘s Watchdog programme, over 6 million households in the UK have dual rate meters, which are used for offpeak electricity tariffs such as Economy 7, Economy 10 and Economy White Meter (Scotland only). The electricity is switched to the cheaper off-peak rate for use with electric storage heating systems and water heating with electric immersion. Cheaper electricity is available during the night when nationally less is being used. Remember that for the RDSAP assessment we are trying to establish the electricity rate ‗regime‘ that applies to the property being inspected. That is, is the system currently working on a single or a dual rate? It is possible to find dual rate meters that are capable of operating dual rate but that are currently set only at single rate. In this case we would say that the meter is a single rate meter. single rate meters Single rate electricity is charged at the same rate regardless of the time of day used. Left: single electricity meter. Dual rate meters Dual rate meters were first introduced in 1969 to create a steadier, round-the-clock electricity demand and lessen the burden on the network at peak times. Dual meters are cost effective when at least 20-25% of the electricity is consumed at off-peak rate. Timers attached to the heating and water heating systems turn those systems on in the night when electricity is charged at a cheaper rate. Electricity customers on a dual rate do usually pay slightly more for their day-time (or on-peak) electricity. RDSAP Manual March 2012 24 -hour electricity tariff The 24-hour electricity tariff applies only to modern slim line storage heaters, combi storage heaters and fan assisted storage heaters. These types of electrical heaters lose their charge of heat by the evening and therefore are considered by many to be ineffective. To counter this problem some electricity supply companies have allowed some customers to obtain cheaper than peak rate electricity to recharge their storage heaters. This system may be difficult for the DEA to identify without talking to the homeowner and even looking at the electricity bill. The metering arrangement may not provide all the information needed but the presence of a tele-switch may be a clue as remote control by the electricity company is usually a feature. Mechanical dual rate meters Left: tele-switch When identifying a dual rate meter, it is necessary to establish that there are two rates. On the mechanical electricity meter shown below, two rows of figure dials can be seen: ‗Normal‘ and ‗Low‘. On some meters these may also be called ‗Day‘ and ‗Night‘, or ‗Rate 1‘ and ‗Rate 2‘. Above: mechanical dual rate electricity meter. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Digital dual rate meters On a digital dual rate meter an LED display is used to display the tariff information. There are different types of digital meters; depending on the model of the meter, the LED information may be displayed in sequence, or a button may need to be pressed to show the readings. Both the on-peak and off-peak units are displayed one after the other, with a number at the top indicating which rate is currently being used. For example: ‗1‘ is displayed along with the total number of units for Rate 1, and then ‗2‘ with the total for Rate 2 (see photo below). Above: digital duel rate electricity meter. other tariffs A 24-hour tariff is used only with whole-house storage-based heating systems and is only available in Scotland. The primary and secondary heating, water heating and electricity for pumps and fans are all charged at a lower rate. All other electricity use is charged at the normal rate. The storage heaters are re-charged remotely by the electricity supplier, so this arrangement can be identified by the presence of a separate tele-switching device. Above: tele-switching device. RDSAP Manual March 2012 storage heaters with single rate meter If the meter has been identified as a single rate meter and there are storage heaters at the property, this system should be entered as on-peak electric heating in the software. This models the actual unit cost more accurately, and will reduce the SAP rating accordingly. If the meter is not accessible, or if the meter type cannot be determined, unknown should be entered. For storage heaters and other off-peak only heating systems entering unknown will enable the software to assume dual rate. dual meters that appear single Some meters, notably the ‗Ampy meter has only one screen and shows the tariff information by switching from one reading to the next every fifteen seconds. You will have to watch it for this length of time at least to be able to determine whether it is set up for one rate or two. Note: On this meter, the ‘Single-phase‘ refers to the 220 volt electrical distribution system at the property and is unrelated to single rate. This has been an area of confusion in the past. Above: dual meter, showing one reading at a time. meters with a blue button Above: these meters allow the user to switch between the various tariffs by pressing a blue button on the meter. RDSAP Manual March 2012 smart meters The UK Government has recently announced plans for every household to have a smart meter fitted by 2020. Smart meters give real-time information on electricity usage to allow the householder to better monitor (and reduce) their electricity consumption. Above left: Smart meter; source: www.hydroone.com; above right: Smart meter; source:www.echelon.com. Open fireplaces–ventilation This is a straightforward count of the open fireplaces within the property. The software simply requires the number of open fires to be entered. However, the energy assessor must understand the conventions that apply. There are two reasons why open fireplaces are important in RDSAP: As a possible heating system; this is dealt with in the section on heating systems. As a ventilation system, which is what we are concerned with in this section. Anyone who has sat in front of a roaring open fire will know that open fireplaces and their chimneys strongly affect the ventilation rate of the house, with a lot of heat escaping up them. Even when unlit the ventilation continues, which is why you will often encounter measures to block up or restrict the loss of heat from open fireplaces and their chimneys, particularly if the fires are never lit. We need to define what counts as an open fireplace and we are primarily counting any open fireplace that has an unrestricted flow of air up it. This would include the following: Unrestricted open chimneys that have a diameter of over 200 mm, if circular or 30,000 mm2 in cross sectional area. Open chimneys with a non-flued appliance installed For example an un-flued gas fire standing in the hearth. Temporarily closed chimneys where the occupant has taken RDSAP Manual March 2012 temporary steps to reduce heat loss such as using cardboard or foam to block the chimney. This could easily be removed. Do not include in the open fireplace count fireplaces that incorporate: A chimney less than 200 mm in diameter. This can be difficult to judge sometimes. Small Victorian fireplaces can be less than this but if in doubt worse-case would be to record it as open. A flexible flue liner sealed into the chimney that restricts flow below the 200 mm diameter. A fireplace fitted with a damper. This is usually a metal plate that can be easily opened when the fire is in use or closed when not. A chimney for solid fuel appliances with controlled flow of the air supply below the 200 mm diameter. A chimney fitted with an open flue gas fire where the flue outlet is sealed to the chimney. This usually means a plate is fitted at the base of the chimney (top of the fireplace opening) which restricts the flow of air below the 200 mm diameter. A fireplace that contains a flued appliance such as a wood burning stove or gas fire. A permanently blocked fireplace perhaps fitted with ventilators where the fireplace would have been. The ventilators allow enough ventilation to the chimney to prevent dampness within it. A chimney pot with a cap on top that prevents a flow of air and rain entry. Above: these caps effectively prevent air flow up the chimney. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: these ventilating chimney pots DO NOT effectively restrict heat loss up the chimney. Above: the solid fuel stove fitted to the fireplace means that it is not open for RDSAP. The stove restricts air flow up the chimney. Above: a damper which enables the air flow up the chimney to be closed off when fireplace is not in use. Fitted at base of chimney. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Self-test: Do you understand all the key points made in this Section? Test your knowledge here! If you get stuck then note down your best guess, go and Section 4 find the answer from the pages of the Section. Q1 (3 marks) Examine the photographs of dwellings shown here as A to D, and then attempt to the following questions: A B C D (a) Give one example of a dwelling built prior to 1900 ________ (b) Give one example of a dwelling built in the 1930s ________ (c) Give one example of a dwelling built since 1980 ________ Q2 (1 mark) Look at the details in this photograph. What age band would you predict for this property? RDSAP Manual March 2012 Q3 (2 marks) From the picture, what is the property type, built form and age of the dwelling? Property type ____________________________ Built form _______________________________ Property age _____________________________ Q4 (5 marks) For the flat bounded in red in the photo below, complete the property details. Flat type ________________________ Floor position ____________________ Built form _______________________ Floor heat loss type _______________ Property age _____________________ RDSAP Manual March 2012 Q5 (3 marks) Examine the photographs of dwellings shown here as A to D, and then attempt the following questions: A C B D (a) Which dwelling has rooms in the roof ________ (b) Which dwelling has an external porch ________ (c) Which dwelling is likely to have an alternative wall type ________ Q6 (1 mark) In the diagram below what is the length of the heat loss perimeter? ______________________________________________ RDSAP Manual March 2012 Q7 (2 marks) From the picture shown in Q4, what is the flat type and floor position of the flat bounded in red: Flat type ____________________ Floor position_________________ Q8 (5 marks) (a) Under what circumstance would a conservatory be classed as nonseparated? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ (b) What data is recorded for non-separated conservatories? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Q9 (1 mark) A three-bed semi-detached property has the following… Hall, lounge, kitchen/diner, separate dining room, stairs, landing, three bedrooms, study, family bathroom and downstairs shower-room. How many habitable rooms are there?__________________ The answers to this self-test can be found on the next page. Section 4 Self-test result: ____ / 23 RDSAP Manual March 2012 self-test answers Q1 A C D Q2 The solid brick walls and fan-light over the window indicate it is likely to be 19001929. Q3 Property Type........ Q4 House Built form.............. Detached Property Age......... 1930-49 Flat type................... Mid-floor Floor position............ 5 Built form.................. Enclosed end terrace Floor heat loss type.... Other dwelling below Property age............. Q5 1950-1966 A D C Q6 8.3 + 8.3 + 5.7 = 22.3 Remember to include the length of the unheated corridor in the total heat loss perimeter Q7 Flat type................... Top-floor Floor position............ Q8 3 If it is open to the rest of the dwelling, or it is not separated from the main dwelling by an ‗external quality‘ door. The length of the glazed perimeter The height (number of storeys) The floor area Whether it is double glazed Q9 7 habitable rooms: lounge, kitchen, kitchen/diner, dining rooms, 3 bedrooms, study. Not habitable rooms: hall, stairs and landing, bathroom and shower room. Section 4: Score:_____ / 23 RDSAP Manual March 2012 5. Section five | Construction Wall construction types introduction The first section of Section Five deals with wall construction in sufficient depth to provide the new entrant to energy assessment with the necessary basic knowledge. Further reading on the subject is recommended and a good reference book is Marshall and Worthing, The Construction of Houses (provided with your training material). In this Section of the training manual we concentrate on what is required for the energy assessment of standard UK housing stock, specifically the entries for walls that are required for the RDSAP software. There are wall types (used mainly regionally) that are not covered here. For example, bungeroosh of Brighton, clay batt of East Anglia and others. If you encounter these you can use the EPC addenda to help explain this in the EPC. Getting the wall type right is essential. Consider for a moment the implications of getting such a fundamental element wrong. Your choice of wall type appears in the EPC report and anyone reading it, on noting your error, will have reason to doubt your competence and the accuracy of the EPC report in its entirety. RDSAP wall types The software uses the wall type that you enter along with the property age and insulation to assign a suitable rate of heat loss to the wall. The DEA is required to correctly identify the wall type(s) at the property, including any insulation and enter the wall(s) in one of the following RDSAP wall categories: Cavity Solid brick Timber framed System built Sandstone Granite or whinstone Cob RDSAP Manual March 2012 These wall types are listed broadly by how common they are. With some regional variation, cavity walls are the most commonly encountered, generally built from the 1930s to the present day. Next are solid brick walls, used in most of the Victorian housing stock. At the bottom of the list is cob which many DEAs will never encounter unless they live in a few specific locations, mainly in the south-west. The NHER survey form prompts you to record certain information about walls. Wall identification can be difficult and the information we provide here will help identification in most cases. Because walls can be plastered internally, sometimes rendered externally and generally do not allow you to see within their structure, it pays to take time and care to make an informed decision on the wall type, reflecting on all the evidence and not relying on the first clue that presents itself to you. Use more than one piece of evidence for the wall type; consider the following: Measure the reveal (the wall thickness) Look at the brick bond Observe the inner surface of the wall in the roof space where you may be able to see the bond Are there drill holes from insulation works? What is the age of the property? Is there insulation? Retro-fit or from new? Consider what the software will assume about the walls given the age; remember that your knowledge of the RDSAP age bands tells you that the software assumes no insulation for walls pre-1966, fully filled cavities from 1983 and so on. (See Section Four.) Are there gaps around pipes or vents that might actually allow you to view within the wall using your torch? Any wall type may be found to have an external outer layer, e.g. a render (sand and cement/lime) coating, vertical tile hung elevations, stone tile facing, weatherboarding. These do not generally alter the basic wall type. For example a cavity wall which is tile hung is still a cavity wall. Each wall type is will be considered in the following pages. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Remember your site notes: record how you identified the wall and its insulation so that anyone reading your notes can verify your wall identification. wall identification tips cavity walls The cavity wall was originally designed to reduce water penetration and, although used earlier, became the norm in the UK in the 1930s, replacing the solid brick wall. The cavity wall consists of two skins of brick or block work, with a gap in between, i.e. the cavity. The outer and inner skins will be joined by wall ties, which connect them and keep them parallel. A useful by-product of the cavity was that it trapped air (air being a poor conductor of heat and therefore an insulator) and so was thermally better performing than solid brick walls—even without added insulation. From the outside, a brick outer skin will look like this (image below). Note the absence of ‗header‘ bricks, only the sides of the bricks are visible. Above: Examples of cavity wall construction. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: Cavity wall with insulation. Above: A cavity wall could have an outer skin of reconstituted stone blocks. This is still a cavity wall; note the drill hole for retro-fitted insulation. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: Section through a typical 9‘ solid brick wall. Above: Examples of solid brick walls. Timber framed walls Timber framed properties have been around for hundreds of years and it is helpful here to consider them in two separate categories: the old and the newer types. Traditional timber frame The photo below shows a traditional thatched timber framed house, clearly pre-1900. The panels between the timbers can be rendered wattle and daub (or lathe and plaster), sometimes replaced by brick. Above: The walls of this property should be entered as timber framed in the RDSAP age bracket pre-1900 and the software will apply the appropriate heat loss values for the walls. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: Infill panels replaced with brick. Modern timber frame Modern timber framed properties often appear outwardly to be very similar to cavity walled houses and will require a close inspection internally. The basic assumption for modern timber framed walls is that they are constructed of an inner wooden frame which supports the load of the building. The frame contains or is adjacent to the insulation. There may be a cavity which allows air to circulate around the timbers. The outer layer of the wall is generally of a single layer of bricks. Timber frame dwellings, built during the 1960s, typically used two methods of insulating the frame: either a 25 mm quilt stapled to the frame or a bitumen impregnated fibreboard on the outside with a foilbacked plasterboard on the inside. The former gives a slightly lower rate of heat loss. Above: Traditional or modern timber framed houses can also be weather-boarded over the timber frame. RDSAP Manual March 2012 In the mid-1970s timber frame housing was at its peak with a slice of the housing market of up to 25%. The 1970s constructions used 60 mm of insulation quilt. Since the early 1980s, 80 mm or 90 mm of insulation has become the norm. Right up until the 2001 Building Regulation changes, this construction performed better than was required by legislation, outperforming standard cavity constructions houses. Above: A partly built timber frame house by Potton Ltd. This property has a block outer skin, which will be rendered (apart from the stone edging and window surrounds). Above: A section through a typical timber frame wall showing the outer brick skin, internal plasterboard and vapour barriers. Total wall thickness is similar to cavity wall constructions. RDSAP Manual March 2012 How to identify timber frame A systematic approach to inspection will enable the DEA to identify timber framed wall construction but DON‘T rely on any one clue. Make a decision based on the following: Externally there may be open perpends in the brickwork. Although these may also be present on a cavity wall, crucially on a timber framed wall these will be found at eaves level and are designed to ventilate the wooden frame. Tapping the interior plastered wall surface in a number of places should produce a hollow sound. You are tapping on plasterboard mounted to timber studs so this will sound different to the solid sensation of tapping on a cavity wall. Note: beware the hollow sound that may be heard if a cavity wall has a plaster boarded inner surface mounted on wooden battens or plaster dabs. This may sound confusingly similar. Look in the loft space and the inside of the triangular gable walls of the wooden frame will be seen; these may possibly be covered in a sheathing board material. If the house is connected to another house, plasterboard may be visible as a firebreak separation between loft spaces. In a cavity built house these triangular gables would probably be brick or block. Look for access points that may enable you to see inside the wall structure. These could include meter cupboards, telecoms hatches and vents. Some timber framed houses will be built with the windows set in line with the wooden frame thus appearing to be slightly recessed in the wall. This is unreliable in many cases where windows may have been replaced.–Ask the owner–this is the kind of thing they may well know. Left: View of gable end from within roof space– note the mineral fibre batts protruding up into the roof space, and the sheathing is also visible between the studs. RDSAP Manual March 2012 System built houses System-built refers to many different non-traditional construction methods, such as prefabricated concrete panel construction or steel framed housing. Many of these were built in the years after World War II in a bid to make up for lost years of house building. Timber frame is not classed as system-built but is entered as a separate wall type. The software tries to attach a suitable rate of heat loss to the majority of non-standard constructions. The date built is the most influential factor when selecting this wall type. Many of these homes were or still are in local authority ownership so it may be possible to obtain accurate information on date. For the age bands prior to 1967 an assumption is made that system-build construction did not perform particularly well thermally. Many of the 1960s tower blocks would also be classed as system built; they were often of concrete, steel and glass construction. Even some modern homes fall into the system built category if their construction does not fall into one of the other wall type brackets. If these are recently built, their walls will have been required under the building regulations to perform as well as other walls. It is impossible to consider all the hundreds of types of system-built homes here but there are publications available to help with identification of specific types. All that is required of the DEA is that he or she determines simply that the walls are system built, their insulation and the date. There are many types of system-built walls that have been successfully insulated, mainly by local authorities or housing associations. Again, the subject is too large to cover here but the DEA needs to establish through discussion with the owner and through a visual inspection if the walls have been insulated internally, externally or within a cavity if one exists. stone walls Stone is a very common building material found in a wide range of properties from the vernacular rural cottage to the grand townhouses of cities like Bath and Edinburgh. The stone would often be locally quarried and in its traditional form it is rarely used today for new house building. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above left & middle: Examples of stone wall construction; above right: Bath town house. The software assumes that stone walls are thicker than other constructions (500 mm). For the purpose of RDSAP, stone walls are divided into two very broad categories to reflect their different thermal properties: Granite/ Whinstone Sandstone Granite/ whinstone Above: Examples of granite wall construction. Granite is a very hard, igneous (volcanic) stone which is found across the UK but is notably more common in Scotland, Devon and Cornwall. It can be recognised by its very hard, coarse texture and often crystalline appearance, and local knowledge of your own area will help. RDSAP assumes that un-insulated granite walls lose heat more rapidly than do sandstone walls. Whinstone is a term used to describe a group of very hard dark stone types quarried for building use. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Sandstone Above: Examples of sandstone wall construction. The sandstone wall category represents most of the stone houses in the UK including the limestone used for many of our grand city buildings and much of the rubble stone walling that forms the more ordinary vernacular housing in many areas; it is often rendered. Sandstone is softer to the touch and being of a sedimentary origin may be visual layered in its structural appearance. Its porous structure is generally greater, trapping air and therefore improving slightly on granite‘s poor thermal performance. Cob walls Cob walls are primarily found in just a few geographical areas of the country, most notably the south-west. Local knowledge is invaluable in understanding any peculiar wall type in your area because identification in some cases can be difficult without it. Cob walls are constructed of unfired earth mixed with rubble and straw formed into a homogenous mass wall structure, built up in layers on top of a stone or brick plinth wall base. Cob is almost always rendered which can conceal the wall and give the appearance of a stone wall. Desk research, local knowledge and talking to the owners may help identification. Visually the corners of the house may be rounded off, thatched roofs are common and the walls may in some cases have an uneven look. It is possible to find other wall structures involving unfired clay such as the clay batts of East Anglia but those are more likely to perform like solid brick walls and lack the thickness of a cob walls. An un-insulated cob wall performs better thermally than either of the stone wall types. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above left: a cob wall with the render partly removed, above right: a traditional cob cottage. Wall insulation introduction See the following section in this Section for the wall insulation entries that you need to make to the software. For the purpose of RDSAP, wall insulation takes three forms: Cavity wall insulation Internal wall insulation External wall insulation In rare cases, it might be possible to have a combination of these types of insulation. For example: cavity filled walls plus an external wall insulation. Cavity wall insulation Cavity wall insulation may have been installed within the wall when it was originally built or it may have been retro-fitted later. In recent years a cavity wall built with insulation would probably contain an expanded polystyrene board within the cavity. This will probably be impossible to see and you will be relying on the date of the building to enable the software to apply the correct default U-value for the wall. Left: A cavity wall with insulation. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP makes the assumption that all walls built after 1983 contain this type of insulation and makes no further recommendation to add more insulation to the cavity. Cavity walls built before 1983 are assumed to have empty cavities and are able to be retro-filled with insulation in most cases. Before 1983 some improved thermal values may have been achieved by the use of thermal blocks. These assumptions are fairly general and in reality it is entirely possible to find cavity walls built after 1983 that have empty cavities and could be retro-filled. This is a limitation in the RDSAP methodology. Modern cavity fill techniques usually use 10-20 mm holes drilled into the mortar joints between the bricks following a specific drill pattern. The insulation usually takes the form of blown fibre or expanded polystyrene beads, injected through the holes under pressure to completely fill the cavity. The specific drill pattern is used to ensure the complete filling of the cavity with insulation. The holes are then filled with a matching mortar and in many cases fairly close inspection is needed to spot the holes. Retro-fitted cavity wall insulation Evidence of a cavity wall having been filled could include the following: Identifying drill hole patterns. Asking the householder: if the work has been carried out in the last few years they will probably have a Guarantee certificate from C.I.G.A. Peering through any openings in the wall, internally or externally, such as air-bricks, vents, extractors, cracks, damaged mortar, meter cupboards, etc. where the insulation (expanding foam in particular) can be seen escaping from the cavity in several possible locations including the top of the walls in the eaves and either at the top of or between the joints of the blocks in the gable end wall, where the pointing is poor. If there is tile-hanging on the external wall, this will prevent drilling for insulation and in these cases you will need to check the corresponding wall surface inside the house for drill holes. Your torch, shone across the wall, will reveal concealed drill holes after decorating. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Health and safety rules now prevent in some cases the installation of cavity wall insulation in first floor walls above garages and conservatories. The installer may have drilled from inside the house. If there is an area of wall that has not been insulated owing to a lack of access for the installer then this must be consider a possible area of alternative wall. This means all walls must be checked for insulation–don not rely on just a few drill holes. There are other means of injecting cavity walls that are under development and different methods have been used in the past, including removing whole bricks. The DEA should be aware of advances in technology and other techniques. Don‘t rely on just one piece of evidence. Always corroborate your findings with other evidence. You might think that drill holes would be conclusive evidence of a cavity wall but installers have been known to insulate timber framed and system built walls. Above: Drilling a hole in the mortar and inspecting the cavity. Above: The first place to check for drill holes (usually 2-3 brick courses below the windows). RDSAP Manual March 2012 Internal insulation Internal insulation is most often applied to solid brick walls as a retro-fit improvement measure but may also be found on stone walls, system built, and very occasionally on a cavity wall. It usually takes the form of a standard plasterboard panel backed by expanded polystyrene insulation board, as in the photo below. The plasterboard and insulation may be mounted on wooden battens and the whole combination may be between 50 mm-100 mm thickness. This will reduce the room size slightly and because the plasterboard may then be decorated over; it may be difficult to detect the insulation. Installing can be awkward around existing room features, so a close inspection may reveal places where you can actually see the insulation, such as in cupboards. Internal insulation on solid walls can be detected by tapping gently on the internal surface. There is a noticeable difference in sound between plasterboard on a soft insulation and other surfaces. This form of insulation will mean that the room will heat up quickly as there is no need to use energy to heat the mass of the walls. Remember that when measuring polystyrene or polyurethane insulation board the convention is to double the measured thickness, to give a rock wool equivalent. Dry-lining Beware the term ‗dry-lining‘ which is a commonly misunderstood term. Dry lining is a plaster boarding system that does not require wet plaster to be applied and it does not include any insulation. It is simply a plaster board applied to either wooden battens or dabs of plaster. RDSAP Manual March 2012 An air gap is created between the wall and the plaster board, improving the thermal performance of a solid wall by about 25%. An uninsulated solid brick wall of 225 mm thickness would have its U-value improved from 2.1W/m2K to 1.55W/m2K. The presence of dry-lining is determined by tapping the inside face of the wall in an attempt to locate the more solid ‗dabs‘ among the hollowtapping parts of the wall. 2cm to 4cm of additional wall thickness will be created by the dry-lining. Above: installing internal wall insulation. Left: Traditional Lathe and Plaster is also classed as a dry lining by virtue of the air gap that is created behind the plaster. RDSAP Manual March 2012 External insulation Unlike internal insulation, this insulation system is applied to the exterior of a wall. It is still fairly rare but has seen some increase in popularity with local authority housing, including some system built. Most commonly it is seen as a retro-fit improvement measure to solid brick walls but can also be found on other wall types. External insulation does not reduce room size and does not cause internal disruption. It may also provide weather protection to the external façade of the property and provide an attractive decorative finish. The system takes advantage of the thermal mass of the wall by having that mass on the inside of the insulation, heating up and cooling down slowly and thus maintaining an even internal environment. Above: schematic diagram of external wall insulation system. There are various systems of external insulation that have been used including an aerated insulation-containing render and insulation boards covered by render. It is not always possible or desirable to alter the external appearance of a property in such a drastic manner. Above: External wall insulation being installed–in this photo the final layer (render) is being applied. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: Social housing on the Cockhill Estate, Birmingham. Above: the ‗step‘ that suggests external wall insulation. Render alone does not constitute insulation. You must be certain that the wall is insulated. As it is a retro-fit measure there may be a step of up to 100 mm or more near the base of the wall where the insulation starts. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Tile hanging The photo below shows a solid brick walled cottage that has had the first floor hung with tiles probably to stop penetrating damp. To recap on this chapter ask yourself: Q: Is the first floor a solid brick wall too? A: Probably in this case but in some cases the upper wall might be timber framed. Further investigation is required and definitely an internal inspection. Q: Is the first floor wall alternative? Answer: Not if it is a solid brick wall. Just because it is tile hung does not change the fact that it is solid brick. Q: Is the first floor externally insulated? A: There is no evidence to suggest this from the photo and it is highly unlikely. Tiles alone do not constitute insulation. Above: Solid brick wall with tiles hung on the first floor. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Data entry The screenshot above shows the data entry screen for a solid walled property with two extensions. Construction type: The Construction type entry asks for the basic wall type, in this case solid brick. Insulation type: Depending on the wall construction, the insulation type could be internal, external, unknown or as built. In this case it is As built, i.e., it is as constructed. Insulation thickness (if there is any) is requested next. Insulation thickness: A drop down list gives a choice of insulation thicknesses. In the unlikely event of encountering both internal and external insulation on a wall the convention is to add the two thicknesses together and enter them as being external. Wall thickness: This is usually measured in a window or door opening and is the dimension taken from the internal finished surface of the wall to the external finished surface. The requirement to enter the wall thickness has been incorporated for a number of reasons: o To improve the calculation that converts external measurements to internal measurements o To improve the ground floor U-value calculation o To help identify narrow cavities o To calculate a more accurate u-value for stone walls Wall thicknesses of between 50 mm and 1500 mm can be entered. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Unmeasurable: If the wall thickness is unmeasurable the option to tick the ‗unmeasurable box‘ exists in the software. This should be a last resort and this option must be accompanied by evidence, possibly photographic, of why you could not measure the wall. Dry-lined: If the wall is dry-lined there is a tick box to check. This option is only available with stone and solid brick walls. The impact of dry-lining is less pronounced with the other wall types. U-value known? If you have reliable documentary evidence that justifies entering a U-value directly, then this can be done. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Floor construction types introduction The software uses the floor construction and age to calculate the rate of heat loss through the floor, which can be in the region of 10% of the total heat loss from the building fabric. A separate floor entry is required for the main property and any extensions and the floor type will appear on the EPC report. The DEA is not expected to lift carpets and it can be difficult therefore to make a visual inspection of a covered floor. Some skill is required to correctly identify a floor in some cases. There is the option in the software to record unknown for the floor type but this should only be used in extreme cases. By the end of reading this section on floors and with a little practice you should be able to identify floor construction in almost all cases. The default approach to recording floor insulation is to use As-built unless there is evidence of retrofit insulation having been installed. However, it may be reasonable in some cases to record unknown for the floor insulation only where there is conflict between what you can see and documentary evidence you have been shown. Your visual inspection would usually override anything you are told by the occupant. In RDSAP there are three recognised floor types: Suspended timber Suspended–not timber Solid Construction and identification Surveyors use a technique known as the ‗drop heel test‘ to help identify floor construction. It involves raising the heels off the floor, standing on the toes and then dropping the heels down on to the floor. The surveyor will observe whether the resultant sound and impact/flex suggests a hollow or floor structure. It may be possible to see the top of the floor structure in cupboards, under the stairs or where carpet is missing. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Suspended timber floors This is a wooden floor suspended over joists above a void. The floor could be constructed of wooden (or composite wooden) sheets or traditional floor boards. A suspended timber floor may feel ‗springy‘ and may creak when walked upon. Outside the property at the base of the walls there are likely to be ‗air bricks‘ present to aid ventilation which is important for timber floors. Above left : A suspended timber floor; above right: An air brick/vent. Insulation For RDSAP, a suspended timber floor will be assumed to be insulated when built, if built after 1996. Retro-fit insulation is still uncommon because of the difficulty of installation. It can take the form of mineral wool or insulation board suspended beneath or between the floor joists or as an insulation board laid on top of the floor boards. These are normally suspended concrete floors, also known as beam and Suspended, not block floors. The joists are suspended above a void and are usually timber floors concrete with concrete blocks inserted between them. There may be a concrete ‗screed over the top and/or a boarded surface. They will feel solid underfoot and will often be more even-surfaced or level than a suspended timber floor. Unlike solid floors there are likely to be air bricks present, more in common with a suspended timber floor. Performing the ‗drop heel test‘ in the centre of a room may reveal some vibration in the floor and possibly the audible sensation of the void beneath your feet. Suspended–not timber floors are more likely to contain insulation from their original construction because they are a more modern system of flooring. Again 1996 is the key date from which the software will assume them to be insulated and whether original or retro-fitted, the insulation will either be beneath, sandwiched within or on top of the floor. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Solid floors These are concrete structural floors that have been ‗poured in‘ at the time of construction, directly on to the substrate without there being any void. This type of floor will have no air bricks present and will feel solid underfoot. A drop heel test will reveal no movement and no sound associated with a void. Left: A solid floor being broken up. 1996 is again the date from which the software assumes these floors to be insulated. This insulation may be beneath the concrete surface ‗screed‘ or laid above the floor in board form. If retro-fitted it is most likely to be above any concrete and therefore may be visible. Mixed floor types It is common to find properties with more than one floor type. This may also be true for houses built on sloping plots. Many Victorian properties have a suspended timber floor through most of the dwelling but a solid floor in the kitchen. In these cases the dwelling should be divided into main and extension. This enables the different floor types and their respective levels of insulation to be represented exactly in the software. Remember that term ‗extension‘ here is used in its RDSAP sense of a part of the property that is thermally different. Floor insulation entries unknown insulation If there is conflicting evidence presented and you simply cannot be sure enough to use the default As-built option. As with other elements such as roofs and walls, using unknown has the effect of suppressing any recommendation. as-built insulation As-built should be recorded where the floor insulation has not changed since the dwelling was constructed. The software will assume levels of insulation based on the age of the dwelling and the building regulations of the time. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Retro-fitted This is rare and especially difficult to see, given its location, and if encountered you may have to rely on the owner‘s documentary evidence for proof of installation. Photographic evidence may be acceptable. Remember that floor insulation under one part of the house does not mean that it extends under the whole house. It may be necessary to split the house into main and extension if the house floor is only partly insulated. Where floor insulation is identified, the insulation thicknesses are 50 mm, 100mm, 150 mm and unknown. Unknown will mean an assumption in the software of 50 mm. U-values can be entered for floors if reliable documentary evidence is available. This is simply a matter of ticking the ‗known box‘ and entering the value. You do not need to record floor construction and insulation when inspecting an upper floor flat. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Roof construction types introduction For RDSAP residential roofs are divided into two basic categories: Flat roofs Pitched roofs Flat roofs Flat roofs are defined as being roofs which are laid at an angle of up to 10 degrees from the horizontal. They may be found above the main dwelling but are more commonly covering garages and rear extensions. The insulation is likely to be sandwiched within the layers of the construction of the roof and therefore inaccessible. Above: flat roof above extension. Flat roof insulation If the flat roof is inaccessible (usually the case) you can record unknown and the software will base its insulation assumption on the age of the property (or extension). If you are able to see or have evidence of a retro-fit installation of insulation, the software allows you to enter 50 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm or unknown. Unknown in this case will mean 50 mm is assumed by the software. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Pitched roofs Pitched roofs are defined as being laid at an angle of between 10 and 70 degrees from the horizontal. Less than a 10 degree angle and it becomes a flat roof, more than 70 degrees and the roof becomes wall. Roof insulation within a pitched roof can usually be accessed during the energy assessment and will be found either laid at ceiling joist level or at the rafters. Above left: examples of pitched roofs right: loft insulation at Above middle: loft insulation Above rafters (less common). at joists level The software uses the roof type description along with the property age and loft insulation to assign a suitable rate of heat loss to the roof. The only requirement is to identify a broad description for the roof construction, and whether the insulation (if present) is located at rafter or joist level. Using the software roof construction The options in the software for roof construction are: Flat Pitched, access to loft Pitched, no access to loft Pitched (thatch) Other dwelling above If the roof is pitched but you cannot access it for the inspection, then select Pitched, no access. If there is another dwelling above the property you are inspecting, select Other dwelling above. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Roof insulation There are further options to record the position of any insulation: Rafters Joists Unknown None Flat roof insulation Insulation thickness The thickness of the insulation should be entered by selecting the closest depth from the options available. If the actual thickness falls between one of the software insulation depths, err toward the worst case option. Above: Celotex is a brand of expanded polystyrene insulation board and its thickness should be measured and doubled. Expanded polystyrene insulation board is a more effective insulator for any given depth than mineral wool roll. The convention is to double the thickness of the insulation board to get a mineral wool equivalent thickness. Foil backing is not considered to be significant and should be ignored. Measuring loft insulation thickness in practice The thickness of loft insulation significantly affects the energy rating result, therefore this should be carefully measured when inspecting an accessible loft space with insulation. Insulation board thickness should be measured and doubled if found. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Insulation at rafters If insulation is at rafters it is likely to be of an expanded polystyrene type and may well not be accessible for measurement. In this case you can select unknown and the software will default to a value appropriate to the age of the property. If you can measure the rafters insulation–not forgetting to double any thickness of expanded polystyrene–the options in the software are 50 mm, 100 mm or 150 mm. Insulation at joists If insulation is at joist level and is the common mineral wool type you should measure where possible. Assess as best you can whether that depth is consistent over the whole of the loft area. If it is, you will simply need to enter that depth–or the closest of the options available in the software. If the insulation is inconsistently laid, partially missing or heaped up, you will have to judge an average depth and enter that. If the insulation is boarded over or otherwise obscured (perhaps by stored possessions) to the extent that you cannot see 50% or more of the insulation, then you can legitimately enter that the insulation is unknown. This will result in the software defaulting to the level of insulation that the age of the property would suggest it would have been built with. The following table shows the loft insulation depths and U-values in the various age bands. These are what the software will use if you do not specify a depth. The table is just for guidance, but note that it assumes NO insulation in the roofs of all properties pre-1966. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Age band RDSAP assumed thickness1 (at joists) K: 2007 Onwards 250 mm U-value 0.16 J: 2003-2006 250 mm 0.16 I: 1996-2002 150 mm 0.262 H: 1991-1995 150 mm 0.29 G: 1983-1990 100 mm 0.40 F: 1976-1982 50 mm 0.68 E: 1967-1975 12 mm 1.5 A, B, C, D: until 1966 0 mm 2.3 Be careful using unknown: firstly, if you can see there is insulation present and the property is pre-1966, the software will assume there is NO insulation present; secondly, any recommendation for further insulation will be suppressed. There are a number of other less common insulation materials in use and the number of these is likely to grow. Sheep‘s wool and hemp matting are two examples. If you encounter anything you cannot identify, measure and photograph and seek advise. Thatched roofs Thatched roofs should be entered as pitched (thatch) and any additional insulation at joists should be recorded. For thatched roofs there will not be any loft insulation recommendations, therefore if there is no access to the loft space simply record unknown. RDSAP Manual March 2012 To recap, study the following two tables: Roof construction type Pitched, loft access A pitched roof (slates or tiles etc) where the loft is accessible. A loft that is boarded or only a head and shoulders inspection is possible due to boxes around the loft hatch is still accessible. Pitched, no loft access A pitched roof where there is no loft access, this could be no loft hatch, or an obstruction such that building work would be required to access the loft. Recording no loft access will prevent erroneous loft insulation recommendations. Pitched (thatch) A pitched roof that is thatched. Note that the current convention for adding half the thickness of the thatch to the insulation thickness at joists no longer applies. Additional insulation at joists can be recorded, but there will be no recommendations for insulation. Flat A flat roof. Another dwelling This is only an option for a flat or maisonette where the floor position and above floors in block do NOT denote a top floor flat. Roof insulation None The loft space can be accessed but there is no insulation at either joists or rafters. At joists The loft space can be accessed and the insulation is at joist level. The thickness of the insulation should be recorded. At rafters There is evidence of insulation at rafters, either visually or documentary. Flat roof insulation Where there has been retro-fit flat roof insulation. Unknown This should be used where the insulation cannot be determined. A boarded loft for example. RDSAP Manual March 2012 U-values for roofs can be entered where reliable documentary evidence is available. See screenshot below. If you feel comfortable with what you have learnt in this Section, then have a go at the following Self-test Questions and move on to the next Section. RDSAP Manual March 2012 self-test: Section 5 Do you understand all the key points made in this Section? Test your knowledge here! If you get stuck then note down your best guess, go and find the answer from the pages of the Section. Q1 (1 mark) Look at the pictures, what is the wall construction? Q2 (5 marks) Read the following statements and decide if they are true or false… (a) In general terms, a 1930 solid brick wall has a higher rate of heat loss than 1930 cavity construction. True/False (b) Recording roof construction of flats is not necessary. True/False (c) Insulation thickness should be recorded where there is internal wall insulation. True/False (d) ‗Low-e‘ is a coating applied to glass that reduces heat loss through glazed units. True/False (e) A house with a tile hung wall should be recorded as externally insulated. True/False Q3 (2 marks) What indicators could be used to recognise a suspended wooden floor? _____________________________________________________ RDSAP Manual March 2012 Q4 (4 marks) When would you measure and record an insulation thickness? Answer true or false to the following questions. (a) The thickness at joists of any residual loft space, where there is a room in the roof created by converting the loft space, and more than 50% of the residual loft space is accessible. True/false (b) A room in the roof with documentary evidence of retro-fit insulation of all elements with a vaulted (cathedral-style) ceiling True/false (c) A room in the roof where the flat ceiling is accessible and there is mineral wool insulation laid at joist level. True/false (d) A flat roofed extension, with documentary evidence of retro-fit insulation. True/false Q5 (2 marks) Name two places that you could look for evidence of a filled cavity… 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ Q6 (2 marks) What 2 wall types can be assessed as having dry-lining? 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ The answers to this self-test can be found on the next page Section 5 Self-test result: ____ / 16 RDSAP Manual March 2012 self test answers Q1 Q2 Solid brick (a) True (b) False - Roof construction is necessary when the flat is on the top floor. If flat is not on top floor record ―other dwelling above‖. (c) True – if it cannot be measured or there is no documentary evidence of the insulation thickness, record thickness ‗unknown‘. (d) True (e) False – unless there is evidence that there is additional insulation, tile hanging itself is not considered insulation. Q3 Q4 Air bricks; The floor will be springy underfoot. (a) True – record insulation thickness in the residual loft space if at least 50% of the residual loft space is accessible. This is recorded in the roof construction section. (b) False – insulation thickness is not applicable for vaulted ceilings. N/A should be selected for ‗thickness at flat ceiling‘ (c) True – if the flat ceiling above a roof room can be accessed and there is measureable insulation at joist level this should be recorded. (d) True - if it cannot be measured or there is no documentary evidence of the insulation thickness, record thickness ‗unknown‘. Q5 You should have two correct answers from this list: Air bricks Look in the loft – foam or fibre between the skins of brick cavity walls Meter boxes Ask the householder if they have documents or guarantee certificates Pattern of cavity fill drill holes in a cavity wall Q6 1. Stone walls 2. Solid brick walls Section 5: Score: ____ / 16 RDSAP Manual March 2012 6. Section six | Space heating Main and secondary heating introduction The topic of heating is one which can cause some confusion when assessing a property for energy efficiency. There are more errors made by DEAs in recording the heating correctly than in any other area of RDSAP. Take your time working through this Section. You only need to know the basics and are not expected to understand the complexity of the systems as a heating engineer would. We start by looking at what the software requires from you before moving on to look at the range of heating systems you may encounter. The heating system and controls have a major impact on the RDSAP rating and care is needed to ensure that it is correctly identified. The DEA is required to enter the heating systems that are present in the property accurately and according to the conventions as described in this section of the manual. In principle any DEA inspecting any property should record the heating systems in the same way and arrive at the same result. Main and secondary Confusion can arise when there is more than one heating system in the property. The software allows two main heating systems and one secondary heating system to be entered. Main heating 1 and 2 The software allows the entry of up to two main heating systems (if two are present). Usually the selection of the main heating system is straightforward and one system is clearly the primary heating system. For example, in a house with a boiler and radiator system and a focal point fire in the lounge, it is the boiler and radiators that is the main heating system and the focal point fire is the secondary system. The focal point fire would not be classed as main heating 2 as it only supplements the boiler and radiators when required. It is generally the case that there will just be one main heating system. RDSAP Manual March 2012 There is an option to input two main systems to cover the situation of Conventions for different systems heating different parts of a dwelling. two main heating systems If main system 1 heats all habitable rooms, there is no main system 2 unless it serves DHW only. Main systems 1 and 2 cannot be room heaters except in the case of the dwelling‘s heating consisting solely of room heaters. A main heating system is generally one that would be described as central heating (i.e., a heat generator providing heat to several rooms via a heat distribution system); however, the term does also include for example storage heaters and fixed direct-acting heaters in each room. When there are two main hating systems, system 1 always heats the living area and: Where two systems serve different spaces, the percentage recorded for each system is in proportion to the heated floor area served by each system. Where two systems serve the same heating circuit the default assumption should be a 50/50 split. A different ratio can only be used if there is clear documentary evidence to back this up. When there are two main heating systems and a recommendation is made for heating system upgrade, include addendum 9. A second main heating system is not to be confused with a secondary heater. The latter is a room heater heating an individual room, either as a supplement to the main heating system in the room (e.g. a wood burning stove in the main room) or for a room not heated by the main heating system(s). See Section Five for rules on secondary heaters. If there is more than one main heating system within a room, select one of them according to the rules in SAP Appendix A and disregard the other. Integrated storage/direct acting in living area, normal storage heating elsewhere: treat as two main heating systems. However, if in a large house, you encountered two boilers serving Example 1: two main radiators in different parts of the house, entering two main heating heating systems systems enables you to accurately model the combination of heating systems using the software. If the two systems serve different parts of the property estimate the proportion (as a percentage to the nearest 10%) of floor area served by each system. RDSAP Manual March 2012 In this specific example, if the two boilers serve roughly the same floor area you would apportion 50% to each boiler. If in this same example the two boilers served the SAME set of radiators then the proportion would also be 50% main 1 and 50% main 2. Another example of this: a three-storey house, each storey is 45 m2, a gas boiler provides heat to radiators on the ground floor and there are Example 2: two main storage heaters on the two upper floors. The % main 1=33% gas boiler heating systems heating and % main 2=66% storage heating. The percentage does not determine which system is which; rather main heating 1 should be the system that heats the living room (zone 1). RDSAP Manual March 2012 Example 3: separate boiler for DHW Sometimes there is a separate boiler providing domestic hot water (DHW) only. A generic boiler can be selected from the water heating options. If the boiler is located in the database, specify two main heating systems with: Main system 1 is the one providing space heating Main system 2 is the DHW boiler Percentage of main heat from system 2 is zero Water heating is from main system 2 Additional notes to help with heating Some general rules that apply to heating: Bear in mind that storage heaters may not be found in all rooms because they work by ‗drift heat‘ around the property. Storage heaters cannot be recorded as a secondary heating system–only main. A boiler and radiator heating system cannot be recorded as a secondary heating system–only main. Open fires in upstairs rooms are ignored completely when identifying the heating systems (it is assumed that these are historic feature fireplaces and will not be used). The exception to this rule being reverse level houses with the bedrooms downstairs. Any open fireplace may still be considered open for ventilation purposes. If boiler/heating system is present but not working (or condemned) it should still be entered as the main heating system If boiler not present but intended–enter no heating system. Open fires that remain potentially operational downstairs are still potentially heating systems. It is not how the present owners use them that matters, but the fact that they are there. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Secondary heating Secondary heating is a term used to describe additional room heaters that supplement the main heating system(s). It is important that any fixed secondary heating system should be entered even if you think the main heating is sufficient to adequately heat the property on its own. However, only one secondary heating system can be entered into the software, so the conventions described below will show you how to deal with there being more than one secondary system in a property. The following are some common secondary heating systems: Traditional open fires. Gas or electric focal point fires fitted to the fireplace. Electrical fans in bathrooms. Heated towel rails or bathroom heaters. Electrical radiant heaters in bathrooms. Kitchen plinth heaters. We will look at these in more detail later but what these have in common is that they are rarely used as a main heating system. RDSAP will attribute (in most cases) ten percent of the heat supplied to the secondary system. Remember: central heating systems and storage heater systems cannot be described as secondary heating. More than one secondary system You may come across dwellings where you have to select from one or more secondary heating systems. Under these circumstances you should make your selection on the following basis: Could the system be counted as main heating 2 rather than secondary If not, select that which heats the greatest number of rooms. Or if the heated room count is the same: Select that which uses the cheapest fuel. Rroom heater can only be main heating 2 if main heating 1 is also room heaters. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Portable heating Portable heaters are generally ignored. By portable we mean a heater that is free standing and can be picked up and carried away. If electrical, it will be plugged into a socket and if gas fuelled, it will have its own bottled fuel. If a portable heater is mounted on the wall, fitted to the fireplace or hard-wired, it is no longer portable and must be considered for RDSAP. Inadequate heating If there are any habitable rooms that are not heated by either the primary or the secondary heating, then the dwelling is said to be inadequately heated. The software asks you to enter the number of habitable rooms AND the number of heated habitable rooms. If there are unheated habitable rooms, the software will make the following amendments to the calculation: If less than ¾ of the habitable rooms are unheated and no secondary heating system has already been identified, then the software will assume portable electric heaters as secondary heating for the purpose of the calculation. Note: the software will do this automatically behind the scenes and the assessor does nothing. If ¾ or more (but not all) of the habitable rooms are unheated, no secondary heating system has already been identified and the main heater type identified is a room heater. Tthe software will assume portable electric heaters for the main heating and the room heater entered as the main heating will be used as the secondary for the purpose of the calculation. Note: the heating should be entered as it is observed; the above procedure happens behind the scenes. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Main heating systems central heating introduction The two most common main heating systems encountered in UK homes are the boiler and radiator central heating system and the electrical storage heater system. There are many different systems that are capable of providing heating. Here the term central heating is used to describe systems that are generally capable of heating the whole dwelling. All central heating systems should be entered in the software as main heating system. Storage heating is technically not considered as a central heating system and they are covered separately later in this Section. Boiler The typical central heating system consists of a central boiler and a circuit of pipe work distributing hot water to a number of radiators. A hot water cylinder can also be fed off the same circuit. There are several types of central heating boiler with widely differing efficiencies, so it is important to correctly identify the boiler type. This is covered in detail under the heading Boiler Type later in this Section. All boilers are entered by selecting heater type as Boiler. Above: The essential components of a boiler and radiator system. Emitters/ radiators Most commonly these are radiators, but sometimes a boiler provides heat via an under floor system. Radiators are situated in strategic locations throughout the house and are sized by the installing engineer for optimum performance. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Under floor heating There are two main types of under floor heating systems. ‗Wet‘ under floor heating connected to the central heating Electrical under floor heating–considered later in this Section. With regard to ‗wet‘ under floor heating systems, the under floor element runs off the rest of the heating system (normally a boiler), so will consist of a circuit of small bore pipes that carry hot water from the boiler beneath the floor. Inspection note: on inspection these may be tricky to identify but visual clues could include the presence of a boiler and plumbing, but no evidence of radiators. The under floor circuit may extend beneath the entire floor of a property, or where there has been an extension built, it may be just beneath the newer part. With houses, you can find a combined system with under floor heating to the ground floor and radiators upstairs. If there is one boiler providing heat to both the radiators and the underfloor circuit, enter radiators as the emitter. If there are two boilers (one for underfloor and one for radiators) then this can be split into main heating 1 and main heating 2. Above: A wet under floor heating system during installation. ‗Wet‘ under floor systems only require the boiler to heat the water to around 50°C. As there is a low circulation temperature this optimises the efficiency of a condensing boiler. By comparison, a boiler and radiator system would contain much hotter water–around 70-80°C, which requires burning more fuel. The heating of the air in the room is also more even without so called ‗cold spots‘. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Electric boilers Electric direct acting boilers are becoming more common and a typical electric direct acting boilers example is shown below. They are vastly smaller and slimmer than dry core boiler units. The direct acting boiler (also called electric flow boilers) can solely use on peak electricity. If there is a dual meter, RDSAP assumes that some of the heating requirement uses off-peak electricity. However, the off-peak fraction will only be 10-30 percent depending on the tariff and therefore it cannot be compared to a storage system. The direct acting boiler will normally be a tall thin white unit, about 1 m tall and 0.1 m square. Although it can be a wall hung, more rectangular unit. The system can provide hot water as well as heating, if used in conjunction with an indirect cylinder. The controls for these boilers have the same options as gas boilers. To enter this boiler into NES one, choose heater type: boiler, boiler: standard, fuel: electricity and system: direct acting. . The electric core boiler contains bricks that are heated overnight on off Electric dry core peak rate (in the same way as storage heaters–explored later in this boilers Section). A fan blows hot air from the bricks onto an air-to-water heat exchanger to provide hot water for the space and water heating. The boiler requires a dual meter (Economy 7 electricity). Smaller units suitable for flats or small houses are similar in size to an under counter fridge or freezer; larger units are the same size as an upright fridge-freezer. All units are free standing. They were particularly popular in the 1970s but are now very rare. To enter a dry core boiler into NES one, choose heater type: boiler, boiler: standard, fuel: electricity and system: dry core in heated space. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: An under-counter electric Above: Water storage boiler. drycore boiler. Water storage boiler The water storage boiler is similar to the dry core boiler in that it heats up using off-peak electricity overnight. However, rather than thermal bricks, the heat energy is stored in water. The units are quite large as they incorporate the water store. The main difference between this and an electric CPSU (combined primary storage unit discussed below) is that it uses only off-peak electricity and the domestic hot water is provided directly from the water store. The CPSU provides water via a heat exchanger within the thermal store. To enter this boiler into NES one, choose heater type: boiler, boiler: standard, fuel: electricity and system: water storage in heated space. electric CPSU The electric combined primary storage unit differs from its gas counterpart by the fact that the thermal store for the electric CPSU must be a minimum of 270 litres (for gas this minimum is 70 litres–this will be explained in more detail later in this Section). It uses a dual tariff and the majority of the heating is done at the offpeak rate. The electric CPSU works by using electricity to heat a store of water that is then piped to the radiators. The hot water is provided indirectly via a heat exchanger within the store. In contrast to the small and narrow design of the direct acting boiler, the electric CPSU will typically be around 1.8 m tall and 0.6 m as it encompasses a minimum 270 litre thermal store. The units are often housed in a cupboard. The controls for this system have the same Above: Electric CPSU housed in a option as the gas CPSU. cupboard. To enter an electric CPSU into NES one, choose heater type: boiler, boiler: CPSU, fuel: electricity and system: electric CPSU in heated space. RDSAP Manual March 2012 warm-air Warm-air systems produce hot air, which is then distributed around the property by a combination of ducting and natural air movement. The systems are generally large, e.g. occupying most of a full height airing cupboard, and can also provide water heating via a heat exchanger. They can be fuelled by gas, oil or off peak electricity. Some systems are fully ducted, from the heat generating equipment to every room in the house. Others are stub-ducted, where the main unit is placed quite centrally in the property and a limited number of short ducts run to the living areas downstairs. There will often be vents at high level, allowing the warm air to be returned to the main heater for reheating. These return grilles are not normally found in wet areas. Warm air heaters are entered by selecting heater type as Warm air. Above: Warm air unit and vents that can be seen in walls and ceilings of a dwelling. Heat pumps Heat pumps work by absorbing heat energy from a low-temperature source and upgrading it to a higher temperature so that it can be used for heating. There are a number of heat pump techniques to achieve this. The ratio of heat energy released to the energy consumed (this is known as the co-efficient of performance or SPF) is always greater than one–equivalent to an efficiency of more than 100%. Heat pump systems are slowly becoming more common. Heat pumps can either be wet systems which feed radiators/underfloor heating or warm air systems. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps Heat pump systems operate most efficiently when the source temperature is as high as possible and the heat distribution temperature is as low as possible. So heat pumps are categorised by the low-temperature heat source used (e.g. air, water, ground), with different default efficiencies for each, ranging from 250% to 320%. A heat pump is more efficient when supplying an underfloor circuit rather than radiators as a lower flow temperature is required. Where occupants have installed air conditioning/comfort cooling and the system is reversible in order to provide heating, this system would normally be entered as an air-to-air heat pump fuelled by on-peak electricity. Heat pumps are entered by selecting heater type as either Heat pump– wet system or Heat pump–warm air. Heat pumps can be selected from the product database or if it cannot be located in the product database by selecting a default system. Most heat pumps are limited as to the water temperature that they can provide. Heat pumps that are used to provide domestic hot water often have an electric immersion heater to deliver hot water over and above what the heat pump can deliver. For a default system, RDSAP assumes that when a heat pump provides the hot water as well as space heating, 50% of the domestic hot water is delivered by the immersion heater. If the heat pump is selected from the product database and the product requires an immersion to top up the water heating, this information will be contained within the product data and the DHW efficiency reduced if applicable. To select a heat pump from the product database, you must know the Heat pumps make and model (as with a boiler). If the heat pump cannot be located from the product in the product database, a default system must be entered. database For each heat pump in the product database there are three entries, one for radiators, one for underfloor heating and one for fan-coil units. You must choose the correct system and emitter to enable the correct efficiencies to be retrieved. RDSAP Manual March 2012 You may find that when you select a heat pump from the product database you do not get a result and the error message states: ―Error calculating Appendix N: The plant size ratio is too big”. The plant size ratio is calculated from the size of the heat pump and the heat loss characteristics of the dwelling. A heat pump must be correctly sized for a dwelling to work efficiently. If the plant size ratio is too big, this means the heat pump is oversized for the property (i.e. a small well insulated flat with a high output heat pump.) Conversely, a heat pump with a small output in a large poorly insulated dwelling may be undersized and cause a calculation error. If, when selecting a heat pump from the product database, you get a plant size ratio error, you should use a default system instead. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Community heating Community heating schemes, also known as district heating schemes, are defined by heat being produced in a boiler house or boiler room in a block of flats (centralised unit), serving a number of dwellings and communal areas. old large volume Old style storage heaters are the large volume, deep units (around 9‘ or 23 cm deep) and dark brown in colour, typically installed in the 1960s. They contain a large quantity of bricks with a high thermal mass to store the heat. They are normally free standing/floor standing rather than being wall mounted because they are so heavy. Left: Old style storage heater. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Modern slimline Modern heaters are all the slim-line models. They are usually a cream or beige colour and are not as deep as the older units. They contain different bricks for storing the heat, which are smaller and perform better. This means that the heaters are normally secured to the wall but will still have small floor supports. Left: Modern slim-line storage heater. Fan-assisted Fan assisted heaters incorporate the use of a fan to control and extract more heat from the appliance and the fan(s) may be linked to room thermostat control. Fan assisted storage heaters can derive more heat from the storage heater by blowing air over it, however, RDSAP still requires a secondary heating system to be specified, or assumed by the software is none is present. They can be easily identified because they will have two electric input cables, one to charge the storage part of the heater, and one to power fan motor. The fan may be visible if you shine a torch through the grills and of course it may be heard rotating. Above: Fan-assisted storage heater with 2 power cables visible. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Combi-storage heaters A combined (combi) storage heater is a modern slim line storage heater with an un-fanned convector panel bolted to the front of it. If required, the occupant can switch on the convector panel to gain an additional boost of heat. The controls are manual and in effect the appliance is exactly the same as a storage heater and a convector panel heater that are not attached to each other. It is just convenience that has caused the design. These are visually similar to integrated or fanned storage heaters but shining a torch down through the grills on top will reveal the simple heating elements of the convector panel. These are entered to the software as a storage heater with a panel heater as secondary. Integrated storage/direct acting heaters These units are more sophisticated versions of the combined units and incorporate automatic on-peak top-up as and when required. Consequently they are more responsive but include a higher fraction of on-peak energy and can be more expensive to run and more expensive to install than conventional storage heaters. Examples of this heater type would be the Dimplex DuoHeat and Creda EcoResponse units. Electric underfloor heating introduction These are based on elements installed under the floor which cannot be seen and often provide partial heating only. They can run on offpeak or on-peak electricity. off-peak only This system uses the floor as a storage facility for the heat in the same way that storage heaters use bricks. They will usually have numbered dial on a wall (usually in the lounge), which is usually not marked with temperature. This heating system requires a dual tariff and should have a secondary heating system. on-peak only This system uses embedded cables quite close to the surface of the floor and can use solely on-peak electricity. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Integrated storage/direct acting electric underfloor heating Room heaters introduction In these cases, the heating will consist of embedded electric cables that can be used with on and off-peak tariffs. It may be a tariff arrangement, or may include two sets or areas of cables with one offering a storage component by heating the floor slab and the other being located nearer the floor surface to offer a top-up facility. Many identical room heaters placed around a property may provide all the heating required. This means that room heaters would be entered as the main heating system. A mixture of different room heaters could also be entered, with the type serving the living room (zone 1) being recorded as main heating 1 and the main heating 2 and secondary heating allocated based on proportion of floor area served. However, with more and more dwellings being fitted with some form of central heating or storage heating, the room heaters in this section will be commonly seen as secondary heating systems, e.g., a boiler and radiator system with a gas flame effect open fire in the lounge. Depending on the main system specified, secondary heating systems provide for up to 10-15% of the total heating demand. Gas fires How do you know if a room heater is a gas appliance? One way to spot a gas fire is to identify the gas supply pipe going into the appliance, check along the skirting. Another way is to check that the flames are real, imitation flame effects are used in electric appliances. There will also be an ignition and control for the level of flame. These are usually located beneath a cover at the base of the fire. Gas fires, like gas boilers, can have different types of flue, and can be classed as convector or radiant heaters. Pure gas convector heaters use an internal gas flame to heat air, which is then pushed out into the room. Convector heaters tend to have a balanced flue and have no visible flame, but the gas supply pipe should be visible. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Radiant heaters have visible flames or glowing elements, which we feel heat from. They are more easily identified because they look more like the typical gas fires we are all familiar with. There are different types of radiant gas fires, and the efficiency of these appliances can vary with age, style, and flue type. This leads to more options in the software. More modern gas fires use a heat exchanger of one form or another to capture more of the heat from the flames and transfer it into the room. The heat exchanger could be ceramic grids, coals, wood effect, or even stones in new appliances. . Old gas fires did not have this heat exchanger; they burnt more fuel because more flame was needed to directly feel the heat. These units are now rare, and even quite old appliances often fit the description of modern gas fire. Condensing gas fires work on the condensing boiler principle, and require an additional drain or collection tray to deal with the condensate generated. These fires have a high efficiency but are also extremely rare. RDSAP Manual March 2012 The section on secondary heating later in this Section has more detail on gas room heater types and how they should be entered as part of the RDSAP data set for either main or secondary heating systems. Open fires Open fires are exactly that: open fires which burn on a grate or hearth within an open fireplace. They are usually set into the chimney breast and burn solid fuel. Left: A solid fuel open fire. Unless the property is located within a smoke control area, the RDSAP convention is to record dual fuel for open fires. That means mineral and wood. In a smoke control area the fuel type should be recorded as smokeless fuel. This applies unless you have evidence the fire is designed to burn only a specific fuel type. Other than open fireplaces in bedrooms, if an open fireplace is present and is capable of supporting an open fire, it should be included in the heating assessment, regardless of whether it is in use. Important note: don‘t forget that an open fireplace is not the same as an OPEN chimney. The latter relates to ventilation (see later in this Section). RDSAP Manual March 2012 closed fires (stoves) Closed fires are enclosed units, with a door on the front. They might be set into the chimney or can be freestanding in a room, attached to an open flue. These fires can often burn a variety of solid fuels. Left: A solid fuel closed fire. These might be referred to as log burning stoves or something similar. If there is evidence that it can only burn one type of fuel, record this as the fuel type. If it can burn more than one type of fuel, or there is no evidence as to the fuel it is designed for, then record the fuel type as wood logs unless in a smokeless zone, in which case record anthracite. Some HETAS approved wood burners can be used in smokeless fuel zones and further research will be required to establish if this is the case. All room heater systems are entered by selecting heater type as Room heaters. Other heating systems ceiling heating As the name suggests this system provides heating to the room by a circuit similar to electric under floor heating, except it is mounted at ceiling level. This type of heating is recorded by selecting the heating type electric ceiling heating. These heating systems can be uncomfortable to live with. In simple terms, the human body requires warm feet and a cool head, and with ceiling heating the opposite can be achieved. Above: Electric ceiling heating during installation. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Heating fuels mains gas Is mains gas available? This is the normal gas supply that is piped in from a connection point in the street. It is one of the cheapest and one of the cleanest fuels (it emits a low amount of CO2). However, the gas network still does not cover all towns and villages in the UK, so many properties will not be able to use this fuel supply. As part of the RDSAP process, there is a requirement to identify whether mains gas is available. If mains gas is available and the property does not have mains gas heating, the software will investigate the benefits of switching the heating to mains gas and make recommendations appropriately. Mains gas is assumed to be available in the dwelling only if: A mains gas meter is present at the dwelling, or A mains gas appliance is present in the dwelling (the meter may be inaccessible). Note: The fact that mains gas is present in the street is not sufficient to record that mains gas is available. Use of the above criteria is to avoid making recommendations that may prove to be prohibitively expensive when investigated. LPG This stands for Liquid Petroleum Gas, which is stored in small metal cylinders or a larger metal tank in the grounds of the property. A separate entry is required for each type, either: Bottled gas LPG LPG special condition 18 LPG special condition 18 is specific to four towns: Colden, Llanfyllin, Llanwrtyd, Stornoway where there is an independent LPG network charged at the same rate as mains gas. It is unlikely that houses using LPG have access to the gas network, as the fuel can be quite expensive, even when bulk buying for the larger size tanks. The tanks may be concealed underground. If you discover that the property you are assessing has LPG as the primary fuel, it may be worth pre-warning the owner that the SAP rating may be low due to the unit cost of LPG which can be as much RDSAP Manual March 2012 as double that of mains supplied gas. Above left: bottled gas; Above right: LPG storage tank. Oil This is another bulk buy heating fuel, typically delivered to rural homes off the gas network. Large green or black storage tanks of plastic or metal are usually sited close to the property. The same comments apply to oil heating as for LPG and you are unlikely to find oil heating where mains gas is available unless the oil systems predates the gas supply. Left: Oil storage tank. Coal Coal can be burnt in solid fuel fires or boilers and open or closed room heaters. Coal fired boilers can be manual feed or auto feed, where a hopper on top of the boiler slowly feeds the fuel in via a screw-feed mechanism. Smokeless This is a manufactured smokeless fuel and fuel gives off less soot in its smoke than other solid fuels, and is still permitted in smokeless zones of the country where the level of soot in the emissions is limited. You can find out about local smoke control areas from the local council or from the following website: www.smokecontrolareas.co.uk RDSAP Manual March 2012 Anthracite Anthracite is a naturally occurring smokeless fuel and is a grade of coal that has high carbon content. This means that the fuel has a higher calorific content, and burning this fuel provides more heat for a given volume when compared with standard coal. Biomass fuels The afore mentioned solid fuels are all types of mineral solid fuels. Biomass fuels are solid fuels produced directly from energy crops, which if managed appropriately in a closed-cycle, can greatly reduce the net Carbon emissions. The following biomass fuels are incorporated as options within RDSAP and should be included if identified on site: Wood logs Bulk wood pellets Dual fuel (mineral and wood) Wood chips Dual fuel Liquid bio-fuels Appliances are referred to as ‗dual-fuel‘ if they are capable of burning both mineral fuel and a biomass fuel, e.g. an open coal/wood log fire. These fuels are derived from biomass and include: B30K (a mix of 30% biodiesel from cooking oil and 70% kerosene Biodiesel from any biomass source* (for appliances specifically designed to use biodiesel and fuel is verified as wholly derived from biomass) Biodiesel from used cooking oil only* (for appliances specifically designed to use biodiesel and fuel is verified as wholly derived from used cooking oil) Rapeseed oil* Appliances able to use mineral oil or liquid biofuel* Bioethanol (secondary heating only). *These fuels are only available for selection via the product database. RDSAP Manual March 2012 In addition to the fuels already identified, there are a number of Community heating other fuels associated with community heating: fuels B30D Waste combustion or municipal waste incineration Biomass Biogas–from sewerage or landfill. Waste heat from power stations. Electricity: standard tariff /single meter Electricity: dual tariff/meter This is the standard metered domestic supply of electricity found in homes with a meter showing only one reading, referred to as ‗single rate‘ and charged at the same rate throughout the day and night. A dual-rate tariff offers an off-peak rate and an on-peak rate. Electricity is described as off-peak when it is charged at a lower rate. The meter records the electricity used during a set off-peak period (usually seven hours at night, which is where the term Economy 7 comes from). Off-peak periods are periods of low demand on national electricity grid so are charged at lower rates than the standard domestic supply, and this feature is typically taken advantage of by electric storage heating systems. During the day the electricity is charged at the on-peak rate which tends to be higher than the standard tariff. As well as Economy 7, there is also a 10-hour tariff where there are three off-peak heating periods during each 24-hour period. If you select a dual electricity meter the software will select the appropriate dual tariff according to the main heating system. Electricity: 24-hour tariff A 24-hour tariff has been available in Scotland for some time and is now also available in certain parts of Northern England. The 24-hour tariff is used for storage based systems, and is only available for certain storage heaters: modern slim-line and fan assisted. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Boiler type introduction The heating system in a dwelling greatly affects the cost of heating over a year. A more efficient boiler will burn less fuel to heat the home to the same temperature. This means that the same levels of comfort can be achieved more affordably. The description of the boiler (specified on the survey form) is used by the software to work out the central heating efficiency. Sometimes there are clues to the type of boiler you are looking at on the outside of the boiler casing. In many cases there will also be a pull down/slide out panel with the manufacturer and model information written inside. The boiler leaflet, if available, will also have the information needed. If you can identify the precise make and model of the boiler on site, you can select it from the Product Database. Boiler identification Identifying a boiler from its identification plate: If marked, a gas boiler can also be uniquely identified by its Gas Council No. (GC number), when also appearing in the Product Database. However, identifying the type of boiler by sight alone is actually quite simple. A later section explains how to identify the different types of boiler without having to rely on manufacturer labels. You should always do this, even if you feel confident that you have identified the boiler from its label, since it is not always possible to find the boiler in the Product Database RDSAP Manual March 2012 Product database The Product Database (or PCDF: Product Characteristic Database File) used to be known as the BEDF or SEDBUK. It contains a list of gas and oil boilers and has recently been expanded to contain some micro-CHP, solid fuel boilers and heat pumps. Clicking on Product Database in the RDSAP software enables you to search for any of these systems and therefore determine an accurate efficiency value for an appliance. If you can definitely identify the installed system in this database, its precise details can be automatically downloaded into the software without having to select from drop down menus. This is often the easiest way of identifying a boiler. Unless you can guarantee identification of a boiler from the information available, you will also need to identify the boiler generically so that you can select the default type from the various options available in the software. The classification is described later in this Section. You should always use the Product Database if possible. Regular boilers Regular (also known as standard or conventional) boilers use a hot water cylinder to store hot water for the taps. They can be identified as having three pipes (if non-condensing). Regular boilers can have open, balanced or fan-assisted flues (fan-assisted flues are more common on newer appliances). Flues will be covered in the next topic of this Section. Regular boiler with three pipes: 1. Gas/oil (fuel supply). 2. Heating flow (hot water from boiler to radiators and hot water cylinder) 3. Heating return (colder water from other end of radiator circuit to boiler for re-heating). RDSAP Manual March 2012 The hot water supply to the taps comes from the hot water cylinder, often found in the airing cupboard. The stored hot water is heated indirectly by the boiler. This means a heat exchanger or coil of pipework is heated directly by the boiler and transfers that heat to the stored water in the cylinder. With a regular boiler, although you have a tank of hot water ready to use, there are losses associated with the pipework between the boiler and cylinder (primary pipework) and from the cylinder itself, even when very well insulated. Combination boiler Combination boilers (combi boilers) heat domestic hot water on demand without the use of a hot water storage cylinder. A combi boiler will be plumbed into the cold mains supply entering the property, and when a hot tap is turned on, the fall in pressure in the hot water pipes triggers the boiler to fire. The boiler heats water from the cold mains supply within the boiler casing, and circulates it to the hot taps on sinks, bath tubs etc. The boiler will also be plumbed into the radiator circuit as normal, so a combination boiler has more pipes entering the casing than the conventional types. It is not necessary to remember what all these pipes do, but for completeness the usual five pipes are listed here: 1. Heating flow (hot water from boiler to radiators). 2. Heating return (colder water from other end of radiator circuit to boiler for re-heating). 3. Gas/oil (fuel supply). 4. Mains cold water (from the supply outside in the street). 5. Hot water supply (hot water from boiler to hot water taps in the property). Since the boiler can only heat up a certain amount of water at once, the hot water flow might be slower than with conventional systems using a hot water cylinder. Some combi boilers contain small stores of hot water (usually about enough to fill a kitchen sink) to supply a limited amount of hot water at a higher flow rate. Electric showers are also commonly installed with these systems. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Left: A combi boiler. A combi boiler can be distinguished by: More pipes entering the boiler case (count 5 or 6, rather than the usual 3). Boiler fires when the hot water is turned on. Look for a pressure gauge on the front of the boiler. There is no hot water cylinder. Combi boilers tend to have fan-assisted flues as these are more common on newer appliances. Flues will be covered in the next topic of this Section. Condensing boilers use a second heat exchanger to recover heat Condensing regular from the hot flue gases before they are exhausted through the flue. boiler This increases the overall efficiency of the appliance. Above: A condensing boiler showing the larger diameter condensate drain. Condensing boilers will have an extra pipe (a plastic pipe as the acids in the condensate will corrode copper) to allow condensate from hot flue gases to drain away. This makes four pipes on a standard condensing boiler. RDSAP Manual March 2012 1. Gas/oil (fuel supply). 2. Heating flow (hot water from boiler to radiators and hot water cylinder). 3. Heating return (colder water from other end of radiator circuit to boiler for re-heating). 4. Condensate drain (plastic pipe). Other clues to help identify a condensing boiler: A plastic drainpipe (1¼‘ or ¾‘ diameter) from the boiler to a suitable drain, internal or external. Most probably a fan assisted flue. On a cold day in winter you may notice steam coming out of the flue terminal. Condensing combi boiler Cpsu–combined primary storage unit Combi boilers can also be condensing, the plastic condensing pipe should be visible. This is a single appliance designed to provide both space heating and domestic hot water, in which there is a burner that heats a thermal store. The store must be at least 70 litres, if the store is a different appliance from the boiler i.e. contained within a separate overall casing, the system should be treated as a boiler with a hot water cylinder. CPSUs are entered by selecting heater type as boiler and boiler type as CPSU. A CPSU is a boiler with an integral thermal store. The thermal store must be greater than 70 litres (except electric CPSUs); otherwise the system is simply a storage-combi and in RDSAP would be entered as a combi boiler. RDSAP Manual March 2012 A thermal store is a vessel for holding hot water, but unlike the hot water cylinder that provides domestic hot water with a regular boiler, the hot water within the store provides the hot water to the radiator system. The boiler heats the water in the thermal store directly and within the store is a heat exchanger (coil of pipe) that provides the hot water. Sometimes a CPSU will have the thermal store separated from the boiler unit. In these cases the RDSAP convention is to enter the heating system as a regular boiler with cylinder. The volume and insulation of the thermal store should be recorded against the hot water cylinder details. An electric CPSU must be a minimum of 270 litres. Back boiler A back boiler will usually be located out of sight within the chimney breast. For gas-fired or solid fuel-fired room heaters with a back boiler, the back boiler can be identified by water pipes entering the appliance (or chimney breast) and sometimes by radiators in the property with no separate boiler. For a gas or solid fuel fire with a back boiler that feeds radiators you should enter the system as Boiler in Main Heating, and then enter Back-boiler in the Boiler type. The heating fuel should be specified appropriately. For a gas or solid fuel fire with a back boiler that only provides hot water (i.e. there are no radiators), then specify the heating type as Room Heaters and choose the appropriate system, with (no rads) .For a gas fire with a back boiler that provides space heating, the back boiler should be entered as the main heating and the gas fire should be recorded as secondary heating For oil or solid fuel fires with back boilers, the fire should not be entered as secondary heating. Where the main heating incorporates a back boiler for water heating, the water heating type should be referenced as being from the main heating system. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Range cooker boilers Kitchen ranges incorporate a boiler that delivers space heating, space and water heating or just water heating. To enter a kitchen range cooker boiler, choose Heater type Boiler and Boiler type range cooker. If you have the make and model and can locate the range cooker in the Product Database, you can select from here. If not choose a default system. If the range cooker provides hot water only, it should be selected from the water heating page (see Section Seven) or enter it as main system 2 if it can be located in the PCDF. micro-CHP Micro-CHP stands for micro combined heat and power. This refers to a heating technology which generates heat and electricity simultaneously, from the same energy source, in individual homes or buildings. The main output of a micro-CHP system is heat with some electricity generation, at a typical ratio of about 6:1 for domestic appliances. Any electricity generated and not used in the home can be exported back to the grid. Micro-CHP systems are comparable in size and shape to an ordinary, modern, domestic boiler and can be wall hung like most boilers, or floor standing. Servicing costs and maintenance are estimated to be similar to a standard boiler–although a specialist will be required. RDSAP Manual March 2012 PCDF Micro-CHP units must be correctly sized for the dwelling, in order to use the data from the PCDF. If you choose the micro-CHP unit from the PCDF and get an error message about the plant size ratio: ―Error calculating Appendix N: The plant size ratio is too big”. The plant size ratio is calculated from the size of the micro-CHP unit and the heat loss characteristics of the dwelling. A micro-CHP unit must be correctly sized for a dwelling to work efficiently. If the plant size ratio is too big, this means the micro-CHP unit is oversized for the property (i.e. a small well insulated flat with a high output micro-CHP unit.) Conversely, a micro-CHP with a small output in a large poorly insulated dwelling may be undersized and cause a calculation error. If, when selecting a micro-CHP from the product database, you get a plant size ratio error, you should enter a condensing boiler and add addendum 5 Above: Baxi Ecogen Micro-CHP in appearance much like a standard boiler. RDSAP Manual March 2012 There are no default micro-CHP systems. If you cannot locate the micro-CHP unit in the product database, it should be entered as a condensing boiler and include addendum 5. Flue type introduction Spotting a flue on the outside of a house can help you locate and identify the heating system within. It can provide you with useful clues that can help you decide on the primary and secondary heating systems within a property. With a little practice you will find yourself automatically taking a mental note of the flues as you approach and explore a property. The flue type has an impact on the efficiency of the heating system. The software uses the information to return a more accurate energy rating. It is necessary to identify the presence of a fan-assisted flue, as well as whether it is balanced or open as these will affect calculating the SAP. For clarity, the typical flue types are described in the following pages. open flue Open flues act just like a narrow chimney, and have a diameter of around 200 mm (about 8‘). They rely on the drawing effect of outside air to suck air from the appliance up the flue. Open flues are predominantly vertical, with the minimum of bends as these interfere with the airflow. Appliances with open flues are not ‗room sealed‘ as they take air from inside a room, use it in the combustion process and then exhaust the waste gases through the flue to the outside. Appliances with open flues require ventilation within the room; you may find an air brick or grille in the outside wall of a room with an open flued appliance. This type of flue tends to be found on older floor mounted boilers, and these boilers are still very common. Other appliances that typically use open flues are the solid fuel/wood-burning stoves and gas fires. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Left: Open flue schematic. . open flue–fan assisted It is unlikely but possible that you may come across a fan-assisted open-flued appliance. In these circumstances it would be categorised as open and fan-assisted. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Balanced flues Balanced flues are the larger, square flues that appear on the outside walls of a property. They are about the size of a cake/biscuit tin, and need to be this size as they rely on natural air movement (rather than air being forced by a fan). These flues are always found exactly on the other side of an external wall to where the boiler/room heater is mounted. The flues run horizontally through an external wall (as the natural air movement only works over a short distance) and so will be mounted low down on external walls for gas fires, and might be higher on the wall when used with a wall mounted boiler. Boilers and room heaters that use this type of flue are described as ‗room sealed‘. Outside air enters the boiler through the flue, is used in the combustion process, and then is exhausted through the flue to the outside once more, i.e., the combustion process is sealed from the room itself. . . Balanced flue schematic RDSAP Manual March 2012 Fan assisted room sealed As the name suggests, these flues use a fan to ensure that the right mix of air and fuel is supplied to the appliance. As with balanced flues, they are room-sealed so only use air from outside of the property, and exhaust air back outside. They are therefore not classed as open flues. This type of flue can accommodate more bends than other types, so boilers need not be fixed to external walls, or have space for a vertical flue directly above them (as with open flue appliances). . Above: Examples of fan-assisted flues. Certain types of boiler may incorporate the use of fan assistance on an open flue, rather than in conjunction with a room sealed appliance. For boilers, both the flue type and whether it is fan assisted need to be separately identified. Flue gas heat recovery introduction A flue gas heat recovery system (FGHRS) recovers heat from the hot flue gases and uses this to pre-heat the cold water going to a hot water cylinder or combi boiler. Flue gas heat recovery can only be used in conjunction with a gas (LPG or mains gas) or oil condensing boiler. There are no ‗default‘ FGHRS, it can only be selected from the product database. The system can be integral/specific to a certain boiler (Passive Flue Gas Heat Recovery Device (PFGHRD) or generic/compatible with a range of boilers (FGHRS). RDSAP Manual March 2012 PFGHRD If the flue gas recovery system is integral within the boiler or specific to a particular boiler, this will be automatically identified when selecting the boiler from the product database. For a PFGHRD you do not need to select the flue gas recovery system from the product database, the software will complete the relevant flue gas recovery details from the information about the boiler. FGHRS A flue gas heat recovery that is separate from the boiler (normally installed on top) must be selected from the product database. There are different FGHRS are suitable for various boiler types, i.e. some FGHSR are only compatible with combi boilers. . Heat store PV Some flue gas heat recovery systems for combi boilers incorporate a small thermal store. This store uses heat transferred from the space heating circuit to additonally pre-heat the hot water. The store will be small and may be integral to the FGHRS. If the FGHRS has a store these details will be held with the information in the product database, you do not need to enter any store details. Some FGHRS use PV to provide energy to am immersion within a heat store. If this is the case the PV details will open up on the heat recovery screen and you should enter the PV specification. The PV system is likely to be small in comparison to a normal domestic installation, 1 or 2 panels at most. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Remember: flue gas heat recovery is only compatible with condensing boilers. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Main heating controls introduction The controls for the main heating system will differ with the type of system. This section describes the different controls and how to identify them and then describes the various options within the software. Boiler controls are covered first and then the different controls associated with other heating systems. Types of control room thermostats In most dwellings the room thermostat will be situated in the lounge or hallway. The purpose of this heating control is to measure the internal air temperature, and depending on the set temperature will turn the heating system on or off. In some cases you will come across dwellings with zoned heating with more than one room thermostat. This allows the warmer living areas of the house (e.g. lounge) to be assessed independently of say, the bedrooms, which could be kept cooler. (See Full Zone Control, later in this section.) Above: This room thermostat also has a delayed start button. When pressed it stops the thermostat calling for the heating to come on, usually delaying the heating by an hour for each press. A programmable room thermostat allows the heating times and temperature to be set from the one unit. This means it counts both as a room thermostat and a programmer on the survey form. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Programmer The programmer is nearly always found near to the boiler or the hot water tank. It is basically a timer that only allows the heating and hot water systems to operate for certain times of day. Most programmers will allow for independently timed operation of the space and water heating. Most central heating systems have a programmer (or time clock) otherwise the boiler/heating unit would be on continuously. Above: Analogue and digital programmers with separate times for water and space heating. Sometimes on an inspection it may appear a programmer is not present (despite there being other heating controls; thermostat, TRVs). Note that sometimes programming (timer) control is provided integrally within a boiler. TRVs Thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) are used to control heat locally i.e. on each radiator. The hot water flow rate through the radiator is adjusted in line with the setting on the TRV, thereby altering the heat output from the radiator and allowing different temperatures to be obtained. A TRV differs from a cut off (or on/off) valve on a radiator in that it has numbers usually 0 or * to 6 or 7. Above left: A radiator cut off valve; above right: A typical TRV. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Time and temperature zone control This allows both the heating times and temperatures of two or more zones to be set independently of each other, for example one upstairs and one downstairs. This involves separate plumbing circuits, either with their own programmers, or separate channels in the same programmer. (By contrast TRVs provide only independent temperature control). Boiler interlock Where there is a boiler interlock, the wiring of the boiler controls is such that the boiler runs only when there is a demand for either heating or hot water. The pump is also controlled by the interlock so that both boiler and pump turn off. Usually missing from older systems, the lack of this control arrangement causes wasteful ‗boiler cycling‘. Without an interlock, the boiler keeps running (turning on and off at brief intervals) even though no heat is required. This results in a 5% reduction in operating efficiency. For the purpose of the SAP, an interlocked system is one in which both the space and water heating are interlocked. For solid-fuel boilers and dry-core electric boilers the question of boiler interlock is irrelevant. It is not usually possible to assess the presence of a boiler interlock in a short inspection, so the software deduces whether a boiler interlock is present based on the controls identified–there is no need for the Assessor to look for this feature. Flow switch/bypass This device switches the boiler off when flow stops in the boiler flow line, because the TRVs are all closed. It is situated close to the boiler or cylinder with an electrical connection. A flow switch may be installed as an alternative to a room stat. Flow switches are not included in RDSAP because they are difficult to identify in a site inspection. In the unlikely event of your finding one in an Inspection, you should enter it as a bypass. RDSAP Manual March 2012 A Boiler Energy Manager is a device used in conjunction with TRVs, which controls the water temperature to suit the external temperature. It also senses the return water temperature and Boiler energy manager switches off the boiler when this rises above a certain level. For the purposes of the SAP, the latter function is equivalent to a hard-wired interlock. 15 RESPON SE 5 BOILER TEMPERATURE C0 1 HEATINGSAVING 5 7 9 11 3 13 WATE R 1 15 RESPONSE RATE OFF ON C OM PENSATOR An exte rna l tem p era ture Sensor BEM 5000 0 OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE C There are numerous products on the market claiming to be Boiler Energy Managers but which in fact only delay boiler firing, similar to a delayed start thermostat. These do not count as Boiler Energy Managers for the SAP. Delayed start thermostat This is a room thermostat that delays the initial switch-on at the start of a heating period if the room temperature has not fallen as much as usual during the off-period. It does not advance the switchon in cold weather. Delayed start thermostats are not included in RDSAP because they are difficult to identify in a site inspection. In the unlikely event of your finding one in an Inspection, you should enter it as a normal room thermostat. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Options for control types controls for boilers no time or Where there is no timing or temperature control for the heating temperature control system. The thermostat that controls the temperature of the water leaving the boiler (the boiler thermostat) can be used to (crudely) control the room temperature. However, this is not recognised as an option for control types. Programmer only Where the heating system can be set to come on and turn off on certain parts of the day. There is usually separate timing for water and space heating. As there are no thermostat heating controls in the dwelling the temperature cannot be adjusted, the controls relate simply to when the heating occurs. Room thermostat only Where there is temperature control only and the times for the heating to be activated cannot be specified. This relates solely to space heating. It works by sensing the air temperature that has been specified, e.g. 21°C. When the temperature rises above the setting, the thermostat tells the central heating system to switch off (normally the pump)–in turn this stops the boiler firing. programmer and room thermostat Where there is both a programmer and room thermostat present. This can also relate to programmable room thermostats (a thermostat and programmer in the same unit). The timing of space heating and water heating can be specified independently from one another. TRVs and bypass Where you identify TRVs but no room thermostat or programmer, there will normally be a bypass, as this is simply a loop of pipe or an open radiator (radiator without a TRV). It allows the hot water to continue to circulate when all the TRVs have closed down; this ensures the correct temperature information is received by the control unit for it to adjust the boiler output accordingly. This is wasteful compared to having a room stat, because it allows the boiler to continue firing even when no heat is needed. There is no need to search for the bypass if there are TRVs and no programmer or no room stat, this is the controls that should be entered. TRVs, programmer Where you identify TRVs and a programmer, but no room RDSAP Manual March 2012 and bypass thermostat, there will normally be a bypass. No boiler interlock is possible since there is no room stat to turn off the boiler when there is no need for heat. A bypass is often located as close to the boiler as possible. There is no need to search for the bypass if there are TRVs and a programmer but no room thermostat; this is the controls that should be entered. A flow switch may form part of this arrangement but this is ignored for RDSAP. programmer room stat and TRVss Where there is a programmer, a room thermostat and over 50% of the radiators in a dwelling contain TRVs. If less than 50% of radiators have a TRV, the dwelling should not be assessed as having TRVs. TRVs should not, ideally, be located in the same room where the room thermostat is fitted as it could make the thermostat sensing inaccurate. programmer and at Where there is a programmer and two thermostats located within a least two room dwelling. As there is only one programmer there is no zone timing thermostats and therefore separate temperatures can be specified in different zones but they turn on and off at the same time. This is NOT time and temperature zone control. TRVs, programmer and boiler energy manager Where there is a programmer, more than 50% of the radiators containing TRVs, and a boiler energy manager. A boiler energy manager is an intelligent boiler/burner management control that reduces the unnecessary firing of burners and aids tighter control on temperatures. It works by sensing the water flow and return temperatures in conjunction with the TRVs (there are sensors on both flow and return pipes). The return temperature is used to determine when to reduce the boiler setting and when to extend the firing cycle. This allows the boiler to determine the optimum firing pattern by automatically matching hot water temperatures on demand. When the temperature is reached the boiler switches off, similarly the boiler. RDSAP Manual March 2012 time and temperature zone control A control system which can independently control the temperature and heating time in each zone. This will require separate heating circuits, each with its own programmer or a single multi-channel programmer (TRVs do not constitute zone control). This means that different parts of the house can be maintained at different temperatures for different periods of time. There are three types of control that can be used with electric controls for storage storage heaters: manual charge; automatic charge; and CELECTheaters type. Celect controls are not included in RDSAP and are treated as automatic charge. Determining if the storage heaters have manual or automatic charge control can be difficult. The best way to check is to take the model number and check on the manufacturer‘s website. manual charge control As the name suggests this is a simple hand operated control on the storage heater. With manual charge control the user must set the input (normally a dial with a choice of 1-9, 9 being the highest charge used in winter). Of course this means that if the night is unusually warm the storage heater will still draw the same charge as if it was very cold. The user is then left with lots of unwanted heat the next day. automatic charge controls An automatic charge system has a thermostatic sensor either external to the heater itself or on the wall. This sensor determines the amount of charge drawn based on the ambient temperature. If it is warmer less charge is drawn overnight. Therefore the storage heater is ‗in tune‘ with the ambient temperature and according to manufacturers this can lead to cost savings of up to 15 per cent. If in doubt as to whether the storage heater is automatically charged or not you should take the model name and number and search for it online. controls for warm air systems Similar to the options for boilers, but there are fewer options as TRVs are not relevant for warm air systems: (including warm air heat pumps) No stat control of room temperature. Room stat only. Programmer only. Programmer and room stat. Programmer and at least 2 room stats. Time and temperature zone control. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Note the temperature zone control option. If there are room controls for electric thermostats in each zone (possible each room) but no programmer, ceiling heating select this option. No stat control of room temperature. Room stat only. Programmer only. Programmer and room stat. Temperature zone control Time and temperature zone control. The options are mostly self-explanatory: controls for room heaters No stat control of room temperature should be used when there are no controls, or a simple on-off control. Appliance stat only. Room thermostats only. Appliance stat and programmer Programmer and room stat. For wet heat pump systems the control options are as follows: controls for heat pumps with radiators or underfloor heating No stat control of room temperature. Room stat only. Programmer only. Programmer, TRVs and bypass. Programmer and room stat. Programmer and at least 2 room stats. Time and temperature zone control RDSAP Manual March 2012 Community heating controls There are six types of heating controls for community heating systems that are split into two categories. These are categorised as either flat-rate charging or from a charging system linked to the use of the community heating system: Flat rate charging: where households pay for the heat according to a fixed monthly or annual amount, not related to the amount of heat actually used. This applies even if the charges vary within a scheme for other reasons, e.g. dwelling size. Charging system: where the charges are substantially related to the amount of heat used, usually linked to the use of heat meters. The options are then self explanatory: Flat rate charging, no thermostatic control of room temperature. Flat rate charging, programmer no room thermostat Flat rate charging, room thermostat only. Flat rate charging and TRVs. Flat rate charging, programmer and TRVs. Charging system linked to use and room thermostat only. Charging system linked to use, programmer and room thermostat only. Charging system linked to use and TRVs. Charging system linked to use, programmer and TRVs. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Types of secondary heating mains gas room heaters Some of the most common room heater types are mains gas units. These are available in a range of types but for RDSAP purposes are categorised as follows: Gas (including LPG) room heaters: Flue Type Gas fire, open flue, pre-1980 (open fronted) Open flue Gas fire, open flue, 1980 or later (open fronted), sitting proud of, and sealed to, fireplace opening Open flue Gas fire or wall heater, balanced flue Balanced flue Gas fire, closed fronted, fan assisted Balanced flue Condensing gas fire Flush fitting Live Fuel Effect gas fire (open fronted), sealed to fireplace opening Balanced flue Open flue Efficiency 50% 63% 58% 72% 85% 40% Flush fitting Live Fuel Effect gas fire (open fronted), fan assisted, sealed to fireplace opening Open flue 45% Decorative Fuel Effect gas fire, open to chimney 20% Gas fire, flueless Open fireplace No flue 90% This refers to an ‗open‘ flame effect gas fire underneath an open Decorative fuel chimney. The energy calculations assume that these heaters are only effect gas fire open 20% efficient as most of the heat escapes up the chimney. to chimney Above: Examples of decorative fuel effect gas fires. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Left: Cross section illustrating a decorative fuel effect fire open to the chimney. Flush fitting live fuel effect gas fire (open fronted), sealed to fireplace opening Whilst still an open flame-effect gas fire, these units are more efficient than the above as they are sealed to the fireplace opening and therefore provide a more restrictive and controlled flow of combustion ventilation. Overall efficiency is increased from 20% to 40% and these appliances may also be fitted with a back boiler. Note: The fact that they are sealed to the fireplace opening will mean that the fireplace is no longer open for ventilation purposes and will not be included in the open fireplace count. Above: Examples of inset fuel effect gas fires. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Above: Cross-section illustrating an inset Live Fuel Effect gas fire which is sealed to the fireplace opening flush fitting live fuel effect gas fire (open fronted), fan assisted, sealed to fireplace opening As for ‗flush fitting live fuel effect gas fire (open fronted), sealed to fireplace opening‘ but with fan assistance improves the assumed efficiency by 5% to 45%. gas fire, open flue, pre-1980 (open fronted) Above: Example of a pre-1980 gas fire; assumed efficiency of 50%. RDSAP Manual March 2012 gas fire or wall heater, balanced flue Above: Examples of a gas fire and wall heater, both with balanced flues. Assumed efficiency of 58%. Gas fires with balanced flues must be closed fronted. gas fire, open flue, 1980 or later: (open-fronted), sitting proud of and sealed to fireplace opening Above: Example of post-1980 open flue gas fire. Assumed efficiency of 63%. Gas fires can be open-or closed-fronted. Open-fronted means that the fuel bed and combustion gases are not sealed from the room in which the gas fire is fitted. Such an open fire may or may not have a glass panel in front of the fuel bed but the panel will not be sealed to the front of the fire. Closed-fronted means the fuel bed and combustion gases are sealed (generally with a glass panel sealed to the front of the fire) from the room in which the gas fire is fitted. Any openings around the glass panel mean that the fire is not closedfronted. RDSAP Manual March 2012 gas fire, closedfronted, fan assisted Above: Example of a closed fronted fan assisted gas fire, Assumed efficiency of 72% . This fire will have a glass front and has an integral fan which blows the convected heat back into the room. condensing gas fire It is extremely rare to come across one of these types. Assumed efficiency of 85%. flueless gas fires As their name suggests these gas fires require no flue and therefore need not be mounted on an external wall. The heat loss normally associated with the flue is removed, resulting in a highly efficient appliance. Left: cross-section shows the operation of a flueless gas fire. The assumed efficiency is 90%. When attempting to identify a gas fire type, first identify whether it is as live fuel effect fire or otherwise, which will immediately narrow down the options for selection. When in doubt always opt for the fire with the lower efficiency. RDSAP Manual March 2012 solid fuel open fire These are true solid fuel open fires: open to the chimney with real flames. If used regularly they will tend to have a guard in front to prevent hot coals escaping into the room. Expect to see ash and the tools for stoking the fire near the hearth. Above: Example of a solid fuel, open fire. solid fuel closed fire/closed room heater Here the flames are enclosed behind a door. These closed fires tend not to have guards in front of them. Flames can normally be viewed through a glazed window in the door(s). There is usually an open flue, which may feed into the chimney if the unit sits in a fireplace. Above: Example of a solid fuel, closed fire. Electric room heaters Fixed electric room heaters providing secondary heating can take the form of panel convector heaters, fan heaters and radiant heaters. Modern electric fires often look quite like their gas equivalents, but even though they try to mimic the flame effect they are easy to distinguish from gas units when ‗lit‘. They are more difficult to tell apart when not switched on, but there will be no gas supply pipe present, and on closer inspection you might be able to spot an on- switch or decorative bulb. Electric fires may incorporate a radiant bar heating component or a fan heater. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Electric room heaters can also consist of wall mounted panel convector or fan convector heaters and radiant bar fires mounted at high or low level. bio-ethanol room heater A bioethanol fire uses liquid or gel alcohol based fuel. Rather than burning the actual fuel, they burn the vapours given off by the fuel. It requires no flue and therefore can be placed anywhere in a room, not just against a wall. These types of fire are becoming more popular in flats and apartments where there is no chimney or place for a flue. A bioethanol fire will have no gas supply. These are expensive to run so the SAP rating will go down but they are environmentally friendly so the Environmental Impact (EI) rating will go up. summary In this Section you have learnt how to: Categorise the heating systems present in a property into the main and secondary systems Complete the details for main and secondary systems Identify different heating fuels Understand the difference between boiler types and flue options Describe relevant main heating controls If you feel comfortable with what you have learnt in this Section, then have a go at the following Self-Test Questions and move on to the next Section. RDSAP Manual March 2012 self-test: Section six Do you understand all the key points made in this Section? Test your knowledge here! If you get stuck then note down your best guess, go and find the answer from the pages of the Section. Q1 (1 mark) What type of boiler is this? _________________________ _________________________ Q2 (1 mark) What type of flue is this? _________________________ _________________________ Q3 (1 mark) Which appliance has the higher efficiency, (a) or (b)? ____________ (a) a gas flame effect fire, open to chimney or (b) a gas flame effect fire, sealed to fireplace opening Q4 (2 marks) Name two heating controls typically found with a boiler and radiator system? 1. _________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ RDSAP Manual March 2012 Q5 (1 mark) Choose the correct answer to the following. Where would you expect to find a room thermostat control?________ (a) in the airing cupboard (b) in the kitchen (c) in the hallway Q6 (2 marks) (a) What type of appliance is this? _________________________ _________________________ (b) Would you record it on the survey form? Yes / No Q7 (1 mark) What type of storage heater is this? _________________________ _________________________ Q8 (3 marks) Can these heating systems be described as secondary heating? (a) storage heaters Yes / No (b) gas room heater Yes / No (c) electric portable heaters Yes / No RDSAP Manual March 2012 Q9 (1 mark) What fuel does this appliance use? _________________________ _________________________ Q10 (2 marks) Can the following systems be recorded in RDSAP? (a) electric under floor heating Yes / No (b) electric ceiling heating Yes / No Q11 (3 marks) For each boiler type below, how many pipes would you usually count entering the boiler casing? (a) regular condensing boiler (b) regular boiler (c) combination boiler ________________ ________________ ________________ Q12 (2 marks) Which of the following boilers are compatible with a flue gas heat recovery system? (a) regular condensing oil boiler Yes / No (b) solid fuel boiler Yes / No (c) LPG condensing combi Yes / No The answers to this self-test can be found on the next page Section 6 Self-test result: ________ /21 RDSAP Manual March 2012 self-test answers Q1 Combination boiler Q2 Fanned flue/ fan-assisted flue Q3 (b) The ―gas flame effect fire, sealed to fireplace opening‖ has the higher efficiency. Q4 Two typical boiler and radiator heating controls: 1. programmer/timer 2. room thermostat 3. thermostatic radiator valves – ‗TRVs‘ Q5 (c) in the hallway. This is not the ideal location though. Room thermostats should be located in the warmest living area i.e. the lounge/living room, and away from draughts. Thermostats in hallways usually need to be set to a lower level, because otherwise by the time the hallway gets up to temperature, the rest of the dwelling is overheating and becomes uncomfortable. On the other hand, if the hallway is heated by solar gains and the rest of the house is north facing, the hall thermostat may switch the heating off too soon, leaving the lounge a bit chilly! Q6 (a) The appliance is a form of portable electric heating – an oil filled radiator. Don‘t make the mistake of recording it on the form under Heat emitter: Radiator; this refers to a wet heating system radiator. (b) No, it should not be recorded on the form. Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 The appliance is a modern, slim line storage heater. (a) No (b) Yes (c) No Electricity (a) Yes as either on or off peak depending on the system (b) Yes Q11 (a) A regular condensing boiler will have 4 pipes Q11 (b) A regular boiler will have 3 pipes Q11 (c) A combination boiler will have 5 or 6 pipes Q12 (a) yes (b) No - FGHR is only compatible with condensing boilers (c) yes Score: /21 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Section seven | water heating Water heating introduction The method of water heating must be specified for every property. In most cases the water heating will be from the main/primary heating system or by immersion heater(s). In reality, hot water demand varies with the number and habits of the occupants. In RDSAP it is the hot water demand is calculated from an assumed number of occupants derived from the floor area of the dwelling. The hot water energy requirement takes into account losses in heating, storage and distributing the water around the house. For most systems, the losses are due to the heat released into the dwelling from storage cylinders and the distribution pipe work. When water heating is supplied by a system using off-peak electricity, the calculation assumes that a proportion (determined by the floor area and cylinder size) of the water heating will take place at on-peak times. water heating type How you enter the hot water system will depend to some extent on the heating systems that are present. Clearly, a gas boiler will usually provide the hot water as well as the heating, whereas a storage heater system will not. none Use this option when there is no water heating system installed. The software will use electric immersion for the purpose of the calculation. The DEA is not expected to ascertain if a water heating system is working or not, so if there is a water heating system present this should be recorded, regardless of whether the DEA thinks that it is working or not. Regular The term regular simply refers to standard water heating system. Range cooker This should be selected if the range cooker heats the hot water. You will then need to select the relevant system. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Hot water only community scheme This option applies if the property does not have its own independent hot water system but shares a system with one or more other properties. This should only be selected where the community scheme provides hot water only. If the community scheme provides space heating as well, the community heating should be entered for the main heating with water heating type ‗regular‟ and water heating system from main. You will then need to select whether the community heating is from boilers, CHP or Heat pump, and also the relevant fuel. water heating system This should be selected if either of the two possible main heating from main systems also heats the hot heating 1 or 2 water for a property. From secondary system RDSAP Manual March 2012 Electric immersion Immersion heaters are essentially just a larger version of the heating element found in normal jug kettles. They protrude from the side of the cylinder and contain a built-in thermostat which is usually factory-set to 60 degrees Celsius. If you select electric immersion, you will need to identify whether this is a single or dual immersion. There are two common circumstances for identifying a single immersion: Where a dwelling has older style electric storage heaters there will often be a poorly insulated hot water cylinder with a single immersion Single immersion heaters are very often found in cylinders that are connected up to a boiler and radiator system. However, in this case the immersion heater will be an emergency backup for use when the boiler is being serviced, or has broken down. These back up immersion heaters should be ignored when completing the survey form. If the immersion heater is a backup, the cylinder will be an indirect cylinder (you will see extra pipes carrying the hot water from the boiler); this is a clue that the immersion heater is not the main hot water system. To identify a single immersion heater, first select electric immersion for the water heating system then choose single in the immersion section. If a hot water cylinder is heated from the main heating system, e.g. the boiler, then do not record the single backup immersion on the survey form (this will indicate to the software that all the water heating is from electricity). This will make the energy rating of the property worse than it should be. The correct water heating entry is from boiler/main heating. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Dual immersion True dual immersion hot water cylinders are normally only found with electric heating systems that operate on a dual meter*, usually charged on the Economy 7 or Economy 10 tariffs. *Records two sets of numbers, one for the on-peak electricity and the other, offpeak, charged at the cheaper rate. Dual immersion cylinders have two immersion heaters. For larger cylinders (typically 210 litres) this will consist of a bottom entry immersion for heating the whole of the water overnight on the off-peak rate and a top entry immersion, normally located about one-third down from the top of the cylinder, to provide faster top-up as and when required on the on-peak rate. Alternatively, some smaller cylinders will have a two-in-one immersion heater with two elements (one long and one short), with the longer element heating the whole of the cylinder during off-peak periods and the shorter immersion providing a partial top-up during the day. The two-in-one type can be distinguished by two supply wires entering a single immersion heater end-cap and there will often be a local timer controlling the two heaters. There is one other type of two-in-one immersion heater occasionally found in older properties. These are usually attached to a switch with a sink/bath option. They operate in a similar way to the system described above, with the bath option heating the whole cylinder and the sink option only heating a smaller volume at the top of the tank. However, this is still classified as a single immersion heater since the electricity used is the same for both elements for these particular systems. Dual immersion systems usually use a large hot water cylinder, since this way they gain most benefit from the cheaper, off-peak rate. To identify a dual immersion heater in the software, first select electric immersion as the water heating system and then choose dual in the immersion section. Water heating via single or dual immersion is charged at a mix of offpeak and on-peak, depending on what time of day the water is heated. There are tariff plans available that link the water heating directly to the off-peak meter, so that the cheaper price is always applied to the water heating regardless of the time of day. These tariffs are fairly rare in England and Wales, and tend to be termed ‗24-hour space and water heating tariffs‘. It is far more likely that a property operates on the usual Economy 7 or Economy 10 tariffs, in which case you will find the single and dual immersion options more applicable. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Electric instantaneous Electric instantaneous water heaters are often wall mounted and placed over or under each sink outlet. They can be used to feed single outlets or one unit may be sized and plumbed to provide several hot water outlets. Instantaneous electric water heaters are expensive to run because they use on-peak electricity. Instantaneous electric water heaters require much higher power ratings than small direct storage units and would normally only be used for items such as electric showers. In the unlikely event that the only hot water available is via an electric shower, record this as the water heating option. single-point gas Similar to instantaneous electric water heating, single-point heaters can only supply hot water to one basin. They are normally wall mounted by each basin and can be identified by the visible gas supply pipe. There will often be a visible pilot light through a window in the unit and can incorporate a small store of hot water or may be fully instantaneous in operation. Multi-point gas Gas multi-point water heaters can provide hot water to a number of outlets. One multi-point unit can supply hot water to the kitchen and bathroom within a property. They are often found in the bathroom. Both single-point and multi-point gas heaters work like a combination boiler, heating cold water directly from the mains supply. The important difference is that they only use this supply for domestic hot water, not to feed a heating/radiator circuit. For both multi-point and single-point gas water heaters, you need to choose the fuel type from mains gas, LPG, LPG special condition 18 and bottled LPG. Boiler/circulator (water heating If there is a boiler or circulator that provides water heating only, and the boiler could not be located in the product database (in which case only) use main heating 2), select this option. A circulator is a small boiler that provides hot water direct to the cylinder (rather than indirectly as a regular boiler does). You will then need to select the relevant fuel. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Hot water cylinder size introduction The size of the hot water cylinder changes depending on the size of the property and the type of system it is part of. Individual properties may differ, but listed below is what you would typically expect to see. Electric cylinders tend to be oversized for the property. Gas/oil cylinders will be normal in size for small properties and increase with size of dwelling. Solid fuel cylinders will tend to be large. They need to be big to avoid the water overheating, as the heating appliances can produce very large amounts of heat and are not as controllable as other systems. The DEA must measure each cylinder where possible to do so. It may be that there will be a label that gives a volume in litres or alternatively the height and diameter of the cylinder. Make a note of these and refer measuring cylinders in practice to the chart on page 8. This is the most common size of cylinder; you will probably find this size cylinder in average sized terraces and semi-detached houses that use a boiler and radiator system. Flats and maisonettes with boilers and normal (90–130 litres) radiators will tend to have a cylinder this size too. This is more likely for larger houses, up to four bedrooms, running a boiler and radiator system. Solid fuel boilers are likely to have a medium cylinder and this is also the most likely option for small medium (131–170 litres) properties using off-peak electric water heating (cylinders tend to be larger with electric immersions to charge a good store of water on the cheaper overnight tariff). large (over 170 litres) This option is commonly found in slightly larger properties with electric water heating (e.g., three-and four-bedroom properties) and large properties with radiator systems (typically four double-bedrooms and over). no cylinder You should tick this option where there is community heating and hot water with no individual cylinders within the dwellings. no access Use this option when you know that there is a cylinder present, but it is impossible to identify the size, perhaps due to it being boxed in. In this case the software will use the most appropriate default for the size and insulation, based upon the heating system and age of the dwelling. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 If you select no access, there will be no recommendations made for cylinder insulation. This is because what is being recommended might already be installed. cylinder sizing chart Water content (litres) for different size cylinders: Height in mm without insulation Cylinder diameter in mm without insulation 300 350 375 400 425 450 600 35 48 55 60 70 77 750 45 62 70 80 90 98 825 50 69 78 89 100 109 900 55 74 87 96 110 120 150 975 60 83 95 107 120 135 164 1050 65 90 103 115 130 144 178 257 1200 75 103 118 134 150 166 200 290 1350 85 116 133 152 170 194 234 339 1500 95 130 148 170 190 218 255 370 180 206 230 265 320 450 1800 500 600 Some common cylinder size 825 x 450 110 litres 900 x 400 96 900 x 450 120 1050 x 400 115 1050 x 450 144 1500 x 450 218 Hot water cylinder insulation Insulation Insulation is entered in the software in two sections, insulation and thickness. none This option should be used where a hot water cylinder has no jacket or spray foam insulation, or occasionally where there is a jacket in such poor condition that it might as well not be there. Jacket Hot water cylinder jackets only provide good insulation if they are RDSAP Manual March 2012 thick, and are a snug fit. Spray foam Spray foam cylinder insulation is a better insulation material than glass-fibre in a jacket. E even though it may appear thinner, it provides a more uniform layer of insulation and is factory fitted as standard on most new cylinders. Above: spray foam cylinder insulation. Thickness Gaps in the jacket where you can see the cylinder dramatically reduce the overall effect of the insulation. Therefore, if the jacket is in poor condition you should downgrade to a thickness that is actually less than your measurement. If a customer has a badly fitting jacket they will then receive advice in their EPC to fit an additional thick jacket snugly over the top of the original. Otherwise, choose the closest option in the list to the thickness you have measured. The list options are: 12, 25, 38, 50, 80, 120, 160 mm. The thicknesses are appropriate to both spray foam and cylinder jacket insulation types. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Pre-insulated encapsulated cylinders In some cases cylinders will be supplied insulated and encapsulated in metal or plastic covering and will often be of unvented design. Whilst the unvented function is of no consequence as far as RDSAP is concerned, these cylinders should be assumed to incorporate 50 mm of spray foam insulation. Left: Insulated and encapsulated. Thermal stores Some modern systems incorporate the use of a thermal store for heating and hot water supply. Thermal stores effectively reverse the primary and secondary functions of a standard cylinder, thereby using the stored reservoir of hot water for the space heating and an indirect heating coil for the water heating to provide mains pressure hot water. Thermal stores should be input as cylinders of the same volume as the thermal store, with insulation again defaulted to spray foam of 50 mm thickness. Ignore any back up electric heating that may be present with a thermal store. Left: Thermal store. non-cylindrical water storage Some older systems incorporate the use of a square tank for hot water storage rather than a cylinder. In these circumstances the store will be entered into RDSAP as a cylinder of equivalent volume to the actual store, with jacket insulation of a thickness equivalent to the thickness of the walls of the square tank if this insulation can be seen and potentially measured. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Hot water controls programmer cylinder thermostat Heating programmers normally allow the householder to set the space and water heating times independently, but for RDSAP there is no need to specify independent space and water heating control. Reducing the temperature of the water in the hot water cylinder has a large impact on the cost of water heating within the home. As water gets hotter, it also loses heat more rapidly, so to keep the temperature rising, more and more energy is required. Keeping this in mind, it is well worth reducing the target temperature of the hot water cylinder, even by 5 or 10 degrees as this can quickly produce real savings. A cylinder thermostat is a cheap way of providing these savings. Without one, the water in the hot water cylinder will be heated to far higher temperatures than required, typically in excess of 80oC. This is the water temperature required for radiators, and is far too hot for running baths etc. A cylinder thermostat should be set to an ideal temperature of 60oC. This is high enough to minimise the level of harmful bacteria whilst still producing improvements in energy efficiency. It also knocks a typical 15oC off the water-heating target. Remember this top-end temperature reduction removes the really expensive last bit of water heating. Above: Cylinder thermostats, both these examples are fitted to spray foam insulated cylinders. Electric immersion heaters normally incorporate a thermostat in their construction. Whilst the adjustment can normally be made under the cap of the immersion heater, which may also expose live electrical connections, there is no need to identify its presence as the ‗built-in‘ thermostatic control within the immersion heater is automatically assumed within RDSAP. RDSAP Manual March 2012 You may occasionally come across a valve that looks like a TRV attached to one of the pipes entering the cylinder. These are known as cytrol valves and are not recognised in RDSAP. Whilst they can regulate the temperature within the cylinder, they are not wired to the boiler and therefore do not prevent the boiler cycling when the temperature in the cylinder is reached. Above: A cytrol valve. Bath and shower details introduction The details of the bathrooms and showers present need to be collected to inform the recommendation for waste water heat recovery. You will need to collect the total number of rooms with a bath and/or shower, this includes electric instantaneous showers. Include any en-suites that contain either a bath or a shower. A downstairs cloakroom with only a toilet and a sink should not be included in the count. The number of mixer showers need to be assessed, as waste water heat recovery is only applicable to mixer showers. This includes power mixer showers but not electric instantaneous showers. In RDSAP a mixer shower is defined as: “A shower where the hot water is provided by a boiler (combi or regular), heat pump or immersion heater. A mixer shower attached to bath taps is recorded as a mixer shower only if there is a permanent bracket over the bath and there is a Above: Mixer shower. shower curtain or screen “ You should record separately mixer showers in rooms with a bath and those in rooms with no bath. Remember: an electric instantaneous shower (IES) is not a mixer shower. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Waste water heat recovery introduction A waste water heat recovery system (WWHRS) is a device that recovers the heat from the warm waste water of a shower and uses it to pre-heat the cold feed to a hot water cylinder or combi boiler and shower. Waste water heat recovery is only compatible with mixer showers. There is no default system and it can only be recorded if it is located in the product database. An installed WWHRS would not be visible to an DEA, so you will need evidence to record the presence of one. This evidence should include the make and model. Left: a typical WWHRS installation Data entry RDSAP can accommodate up to two WWHRS, you will should collect the make and model of the system to enable location in the product database as well as the following for each WWHRS: The number of mixer showers connected to the WWHRS in rooms with a bath The number of mixer showers connected to the WWHRS in rooms without a bath RDSAP Manual March 2012 Self-test: Section seven Do you understand all the key points made in this Section? Test your knowledge here! If you get stuck then note down your best guess, go and find the answer from the pages of the Section. Q1 (1 mark) What size of hot water cylinder would you expect to find in a 2 bed semi with standard gas and radiator heating system? (a) Normal 90-130 L (b) Medium 131-170L (c) Large >170L Q2 (1 marks) How would you record the immersion type for a house with electric storage heating and a hot water cylinder with two immersion caps visible. (a) single (b) dual Q3 (1 marks) What is the control used to limit the water temperature in a hot water cylinder? ___________________________ Q4 (4 marks) Answer true or false to the following statements (a) The ideal temperature to set a hot water cylinder thermostat is 60oC. (b) Gas single point water heaters are so called because they provide all the domestic hot water from a central appliance. (c) When recording the thickness of a very loose cylinder jacket, you should choose the option that is smaller than your actual measurement (d) Spray foam insulation is a better form of insulation than a jacket of the same thickness. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Q5 (1 mark) Name a main heating system that cannot supply domestic hot water, i.e. one where you cannot use Hot Water ―from main heating‖. _______________________________________________________ Q6 (1 mark) What insulation would you record for a pre-encapsulated cylinder? (a) None (b) 50mm spray foam (c) 50mm jacket Q7 (1 mark) When would you record the water heating type as ‗none‘? (a) When there is no water heating system installed (b) When the water heating system is not working The answers to this self-test are on the next page. Section 7 Self-test result: ____ / 10 RDSAP Manual March 2012 self-test answers Q1 (a) Normal 90-130 litres Q2 (b) Dual immersion Q3 (a) True Q3 (b) Hot water cylinder thermostat Q4 (a) True Q4 (b) False Q4 (c) True Q4 (d) True Q5 Pick one from the list below: 1. Storage heaters 2. Room heaters without back boilers 3. Electric ceiling heating Q6 (c) 50 mm spray foam Q7 (a) When there is no water heating system installed Section 7: Score: RDSAP Manual March 2012 /10 RDSAP Manual March 2012 8. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Section eight | Renewables Renewables introduction Renewable energy is energy produced from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished. The introduction of government initiatives to increase the number of domestic renewable installations has led to these becoming more common. RDSAP caters for wind turbines, photovoltaic panels and solar thermal panels (for hot water). The energy costs on the EPC do not include any benefit from microgeneration (wind or PV). photovoltaic panels Solar electricity systems capture the sun's energy using PV cells. The cells convert the sunlight into electricity, which can be used to run household appliances and lighting. The panels are often mounted on the roof but can also be located in other suitable positions. Each cell is made from one or two layers of semiconducting material, usually silicon. When light shines on the cell it creates an electric field across the layers. The stronger the sunshine, the more electricity is produced. PV cells come in a variety of shapes and colours, from grey solar tiles that look like roof tiles to panels and transparent cells that you can use on conservatories and glass. The strength of a PV cell is measured in kilowatt peak (kWp). That is the amount of energy the cell generates in full sunlight. Above left: roof-mounted PV panels; above right: PV roof tiles. In terms of recognition, PV roof panels may have a glassy surface, often with a grid pattern of squares or diamonds. The owner will be keen to tell you about this system and data about it may be found by the electricity meter in the house. The panels may be located elsewhere, such as in the garden; or if the house has PV roof tiles they may be less RDSAP Manual March 2012 obvious. If documentary evidence (there is normally information or a schematic of the system, adjacent to the meter)of the kWp of the PV system is available then the following information is required: The kilo Watt peak (KWp) rating, which may be found on a data panel, often located close to the electric meter. The pitch of the PVs (horizontal, 30°, 45°, 60°, vertical). If in doubt select 30°. The orientation of the panel if it is not horizontal (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). South facing PV will benefit from most direct sunlight. Any over-shading from trees or other buildings should be selected from the software‘s options of none or very little, modest, significant or heavy. If the kWp of the system cannot be ascertained: Enter an estimate of the percentage of the total roof area which the array covers to the nearest 5%. Here the total roof area includes the main roof and any extension roofs. Multiple PV systems If there are PV panels on different planes of the roof, enter as different systems. If a single kWp figure is provided, estimate the relative area of each and apportion the kWp accordingly. Up to three different PV systems can be entered. RDSAP Manual March 2012 wind turbines introduction 40% of all the wind in Europe blows over the UK, making it an ideal country for small domestic turbines. Wind turbines harness the power of the wind and use it to generate electricity. Small systems known as micro-wind or small-wind turbines can produce electricity to help power the lights and electrical appliances in a typical home. Data entry If there is documentary evidence of the hub height and rotor diameter this can be entered into the software. If the wind turbine details are known, up to five wind turbines with the same specification can be entered. If there are multiple wind turbines with varying hub heights or rotor diameters, contact Technical Support who will provide a spreadsheet to work out the equivalent data entry the multiple turbines. The hub height is the height of the hub of the turbine above the roof ridge line. The rotor diameter is the diameter of the area swept by the rotor blades. Left: wind turbine. If there is no evidence of the specification of the wind turbine, tick the ‗has wind turbines‟ check box and the software will assume a default system of 2 m hub height with 2 m rotor diameter. Documentary evidence is required to overwrite default values for wind turbines. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Feed-in-tariff The Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) is a government initiative introduced to help increase the level of renewable energy in the UK. The FIT applies to energy from Wind and PV that have been installed in accordance with the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS). The recipient of the FIT is not always the owner of the house it is installed on. Some companies will ‗Rent a roof‘, i.e., they will pay for the system and benefit from the FIT payments, whilst the occupant receives some free electricity. The recipient of the FIT will receive a payment for every kWh of energy produced and also a payment for every kWh exported (currently assumed to be 50%). The FIT is only applicable in England & Wales and Scotland. The FIT payments are not included in the SAP rating, nor the estimated energy costs of the dwelling. Therefore if your survey includes PV or wind you should add addenda 8: “The assessment does not include any feed-in tariffs that may be applicable to this property.” Solar thermal panels introduction Solar water heating systems use free heat from the sun to warm domestic hot water. A conventional boiler or immersion heater is then used to make the water hotter, or to provide hot water when solar energy is unavailable. Solar panels called collectors are usually fitted to your roof. These collect heat from the sun and use it to warm water which is stored in a hot water cylinder. There are three types of solar water heating panels: evacuated tubes, flat plate collectors and unglazed panels. Unglazed panels are less efficient than evacuated tube or flat plate panels and are typically used to heat water for swimming pools. Above left: Evacuated tubes; above right: Flat plate collectors. RDSAP Manual March 2012 With either type, a boiler or immersion heater can be used as a back up to heat the water further in order for it to reach the temperature set by the cylinders thermostat when the solar water heating system does not reach that temperature. (The cylinder thermostat should be set at 60 degrees centigrade.) Larger solar panels can also provide energy to heat your home as well, though usually only in the summer months when home heating is unnecessary. Despite the fact that the UK weather is unpredictable, solar thermal systems can cut water heating bills significantly. In terms of identification, solar thermal should not be confused with photovoltaic systems (PV). The home owner will usually be keen to tell you about the heating system and visually you may see water pipes entering and leaving the panels. There will be a control unit somewhere in the house, probably with the water cylinder. Data Entry The data entry for solar thermal panels can be divided into three sections: 1. Roof information Pitch Orientation Overshading 2. Solar panel details Collector type Area of the panel (s) Zero loss efficiency Heat loss coefficient Solar circulating pump 3. Solar store details Solar store combined Dedicated solar volume Total cylinder volume RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Roof information The roof information can be entered from visual evidence, even if the specification of the actual system is not known. The pitch of the panels (horizontal, 30°, 45°, 60°, vertical). The orientation of the panel if it is not horizontal (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). Any over-shading from trees or other buildings should be selected from the software‘s options of none or very little, modest, significant or heavy. solar panel details Documentary evidence is required to overwrite the default solar panel details. This information is often found on a specification sheet. Collector type (unglazed, flat panel, evacuated tube). Area of the panel (s) (between 0.5 m2 and 10 m2). Zero loss efficiency (η0)–a measure of the proportion of radiation falling on the panel that is absorbed. (Values between 0.3 and 0.9.) Heat loss coefficient–a measure of the ability of a panel to retain heat (values between 0.5 and 20.0 W/m2K). Solar circulating pump (electrically powered, PV powered or unknown). solar store details If there is documentary evidence of the solar hot water store, this can be entered. If details of the panel are known but not the store, enter the panel details and default store details will be used in the calculation. Solar store combined: is the dedicated solar hot water storage in the same vessel as the domestic hot water? Dedicated solar volume: the volume of the combined or separate solar store (values between 0 and 500L). Total cylinder volume: the volume of the hot water cylinder (values between 100 and 1000L). If no panel details are available tick solar water heating and the RDSAP default values will be used for the calculation. Documentary evidence is required to over-write collector or solar store values except that orientation, tilt and overshading can be overwritten with visual evidence. RDSAP Manual March 2012 self-test: Section 8 Q1 (1 mark) Which of the three solar panel collector types is likely to be uised to heat water for a swimming pool? (d) unglazed (e) flat plate glazed (f) evacuated tube Q2 (2 marks) Which of the following data items regarding solar panels can be overwritten without documentary evidence? (c) Orientation (d) Area of solar panel(s) (e) Solar circulating pump (f) Overshading (g) Zero loss collector efficiency Q3 (1 mark) How many different PV systems can be entered into RDSAP? _______________________________________________________ Q4 (3 marks) Answer true or false to the following statements (e) Solar thermal hot water systems can only be entered into RDSAP if there is documentary evidence of the specification (f) Solar PV systems can only be entered into RDSAP if there is documentary evidence of the specification (g) Wind turbines can only be entered into RDSAP if there is documentary evidence of the specification Q5 (1 mark) How would you estimate the size of a PV system if there were no evidence of its output? _______________________________________________________ RDSAP Manual March 2012 Q6 (1 mark) What does FIT stand for? _______________________________________________________ Q7 (2 marks) What are the two items of data that can be entered into RDSAP when the wind turbine specification is known? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ The answers to this self-test can be found on the next page. Section 8 Self-test result: ____ / 11 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Self test answers Q1 (a) Unglazed Q2 (a) orientation (d) overshading Q3 Three Q4 (a) false-a default system can be used if details are not known (b) false-a default system can be used if details are not known (c) false-a default system can be used if details are not known Q5 Q6 Q7 Estimate and enter the % of the total roof area covered by PV panels. Feed In Tariff–a government initiative that provided payments for energy produced using micro-generation such as Wind or PV. Hub height: the height of the hub of the turbine above the roof ridge line. Rotor diameter: the diameter of the area swept out by the rotor blades. Section 8: Score_____ / 11 RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 Section nine | Recommendations Recommendations introduction Recommendations are an important element of the EPC. One of the main purposes for introducing the EPC was to assess where improvements could be made and reduce running costs and carbon dioxide emissions. The recommendations produced by the RDSAP software for inclusion in the EPC are selected from a standard set of energy efficiency improvement measures available to residential dwellings. The EPC displays the recommendation together with the potential SAP rating and cost saving, if installed. General criteria Energy efficiency improvement measures become recommendations for a particular dwelling if they fulfil the following criteria: Are relevant to the property in question (i.e. cavity fill where a cavity wall is present) Produce the required increase in the SAP rating The minimum SAP increase for each of the recommendations is in most cases 1 SAP point, less for low energy lighting, draught proofing and waste water heat recovery. The minimum SAP point difference required is set in the product database and is changed periodically. For this reason, recommendations which you might expect to appear in the report sometimes do not. The measures are applied in prescribed order, with fabric improvements coming first. The savings calculated are cumulative, so applying individual measures will get a different saving. For example if the recommendations and savings on the EPC were: Loft insulation £100 Heating controls £57 The heating controls saving is the saving AFTER insulating the loft, if you suppressed the loft insulation recommendation, you will see that the savings for the heating controls will change. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Removing a recommendation from the EPC A recommendation should not be suppressed unless there is evidence, visual or documentary, showing that a specific recommendation is not appropriate. For example a letter from English Heritage stating that double glazing is prohibited as part of the listing. A listed building or property in a conservation area is not sufficient grounds in its own right to suppress a recommendation. If a recommendation is removed, this must be recorded in the site notes, together with the evidence. As the EPC lasts for 10 years, it is important to leave recommendations in whenever possible. It may be that a recommendation that is not appropriate now, may become so in the future. Unknown vs. As-built Entering a building element as insulation unknown or no access will also have the effect of suppressing any recommendation for further insulation. For example, using pitched roof–no access will prevent any recommendation being made on the EPC, as no inspection of the roof space has been made to ascertain suitability. There may already be insulation present in sufficient depth. This applies to insulation recorded as unknown for walls/floors/roofs and roof rooms. Unknown should only be used in exceptional circumstances e.g. when there is conflicting evidence (inspection and/or documentary) of added insulation whose presence cannot be ascertained conclusively. If there is no evidence to suggest a cavity wall has been insulated, do not use unknown–use As-built and allow the recommendation to be made. RDSAP Manual March 2012 The recommendations The recommendations are applied in the order described here; they can also be accessed in their entirety in Appendix T of the SAP 2009 Specification document. Note that the savings associated with each measure are cumulative. The savings associated with a boiler replacement assume the preceding insulation measures have already been installed. Loft insulation This refers to increasing the depth of insulation at joist level. Loft insulation will be assessed by the software if the main property or any extensions have a pitched roof (not thatched) with an accessible loft space and insulation at joist level. If the insulation thickness is less than or equal to 150 mm or the entered U-value is greater than 0.35, the recommendation is to increase the insulation at joists to a thickness of 270 mm, provided that this makes the requisite SAP point increase. Note that the specification for the measure in the calculation engine is to increase to 250 mm, as there is no RDSAP option for 270 mm The EPC states 270 mm as this is the accepted best practice. Entering insulation as ‗unknown‟ will suppress the recommendation. Entering the roof construction as „pitch, no access‟ will suppress the recommendation. Most insulation benefit is gained from the first 150 mm of the insulation; adding more may not always make much difference to the rating, so this recommendation may not always appear where you might expect. Rafter insulation There is no recommendation for insulating, or upgrading existing insulation at rafters. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Flat roof Insulation can be retro-fitted to either the inside or outside of a flat roof. Flat roofs often need replacing and this is a good opportunity to add insulation. If the property has a flat roof with less than 100 mm of insulation or a U-value greater than 0.5 (entered or assumed) the impact of insulating the flat roof to a U-value of 0.18 will be assessed. A flat roof with As-built insulation in age bands A-F (pre-1983) will have an assumed U-value greater than 0.5. Entering insulation as ‗unknown‟ will suppress the recommendation. Room in roof insulation This recommendation refers to insulating all parts of a roof room, including the flat ceiling. If the property has a roof room with any part (slope/stud/gable/flat ceiling) having less than 100 mm of insulation or a U-value greater than 0.5* (entered or assumed) the impact of insulating all parts of the roof rooms to a U-value of 0.25 will be assessed. A roof room with As-built insulation in age bands A-F (pre-1983) will have an assumed U-value greater than 0.5. Entering the insulation as „unknown‟ will suppress the recommendation. Cavity wall insulation Cavity wall insulation involves drilling small holes in the external brick work and pumping insulation into the cavity: The impact of cavity wall insulation will be assessed where there are unfilled cavity walls with a U-value greater than 0.6* (entered or assumed). An As-built cavity wall in age bands A-F (pre 1983) has a U-value greater than 0.6. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP assumes that cavity walls built after 1983 were constructed with insulation already within the cavity. The energy assessor must have entered the wall insulation as ‗As–built‟ for the recommendation to be generated. Using ‗unknown‟ will have the effect of suppressing any recommendation. The measure will assess the impact of ‗filling the cavity‘, the U-value of the improved wall will range from 0.50 to 0.35 depending on the age of the wall Some cavity walls are not suitable for standard cavity fill insulation Hard to treat cavity and may require specialist treatment that may be more expensive. walls Also, some stone walls and system build walls could be suitable for cavity fill. RDSAP does not recommend cavity fill for stone or system built walls, but addenda are automatically added to the EPC if uninsulated stone or system built walls are identified. If there is a cavity fill recommendation an addendum can be added to the EPC to pre-warn that the cavity fill may not be straightforward should be added. These ‗tick box‘ options are available on the Results page on EPC online. Access issues: would there be problems for an installer reaching the walls of the upper storeys, such as a conservatory or narrow passage? If there are, the ‗Property has access issues‘ should be ticked. High exposure: is the dwelling in Zone 3 or 4 (the blue and green areas) of the exposure map. If so, tick the ‗Property has high exposure‘ box. If in doubt record as high exposure. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Narrow cavities: a narrow cavity is a cavity less than 50 mm wide. They are indicated by a stretcher bond brick pattern and wall thickness of 220-250 mm. If you wall ‗may‘ have narrow cavities tick the „Property has narrow cavities‟ to add an appropriate addendum. The table shows when the ‗tick boxes‘ are available and the wall further assessed. Wall System build with insulation Age band A-F ‗As-built‘ or ‗unknown Stone walls with insulation Addenda options Access issues High exposure Access issues A-F ‗As-built‘ or ‗unknown Narrow cavities High exposure Access issues* Cavity A-J Narrow cavities* High exposure* *if there is a cavity fill recommendation RDSAP Manual March 2012 Solid wall insulation Solid wall insulation refers to either internal insulation or external insulation. The measure is only assessed for solid brick or stone walls that are ‗As-built‘. The impact of solid insulation will be assessed where there are As-built stone or brick walls with a U-value greater than 0.6 (entered or assumed). An As-built solid brick wall in age bands A-F (pre1983) has a U-value greater than 0.6. The U-value of stone walls is dependent on the thickness of the wall, so you could find a very old (but thick) stone wall has no recommendation for insulation. The energy assessor must have entered the wall insulation as ‗As–built‟ for the recommendation to be generated. Using ‗unknown‟ will have the effect of suppressing any recommendation. The measure will assess the impact of insulating to the wall to achieve a U-value of 0.30. Floor insulation Insulation can be retro-fitted to floors, for suspended wooden floors this can be relatively simple, by laying insulation between the joists. The measure applies to ground floors and exposed upper floors (exposed floor and semi-exposed to unheated space). Note there is no floor insulation measure for semi-exposed floors to partially heated spaces. If the property has a ground floor (As-built) in age bands A-J (pre 2007) the impact of adding 150 mm of insulation will be assessed. If the property has an exposed floor or semi-exposed floor to an unheated space the impact of adding retro fit insulation will be assessed (see SAP Appendix S Table S12 for the Uvalues of retro insulated exposed/semi exposed floors). If the property has a ground floor with retro-fit insulation of 50 mm or an entered U-value greater than 0.5, the impact of adding 150 mm will be assessed. Entering insulation as ‗unknown‘ will suppress the recommendation. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Cylinder insulation The software will recommend additional cylinder insulation as described below, where the existing cylinder is accessible as follows: No insulation present: install 80 mm jacket. Spray foam insulation (factory applied), less than or equal to 25 mm–add 80 mm jacket. Jacket insulation, less than 80 mm: add 80 mm jacket. Note that if the cylinder has insulation that is poorly fitting or partially missing, you should downgrade the thickness to the point at which the software recommends a new jacket. In addition to facilitating a new jacket the impaired function of the insulation is better represented in the software. Draught proofing The impact of draught proofing is assessed where less than 100% of the windows and doors are draught proofed. Low energy lights Where the existing proportion of low energy lights in the dwelling is less than 100%, the impact of increasing this proportion to 100% will be assessed. Cylinder thermostat Where there is a hot water cylinder that is present and accessible but has no cylinder thermostat, the impact of adding a cylinder thermostat will be assessed. Note that for electric immersion heaters, the software automatically assumes that a cylinder thermostat is present. Immersion heaters are equipped with thermostats within the appliance itself, adjustable but usually factory set to 600 C. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Heating controls for wet central heating systems A wet central heating system is one supplying heat to radiators or a wet underfloor system such as boilers, micro-CHP and heat pumps. If the main heating is a boiler or micro-CHP supplying radiators and the controls are anything less than ‗programmer, room thermostat and TRVs‘, then upgrading to these controls will be assessed. If the main heating is a boiler or micro-CHP supplying radiators and the controls are ‗programmer, room thermostat and TRVs‘, the impact of upgrading to ‗time and temperature control‘ will be assessed. If the main heating is a boiler of micro-CHP supplying heat via a wet underfloor system and the controls are anything other than ‗time and temperature control‘, then the impact of upgrading to ‗time and temperature control‘ will be assessed. If the main heating is from a heat pump (radiators or underfloor) and the controls are anything other than ‗time and temperature control‘, then the impact of upgrading to ‗time and temperature control‘ will be assessed. Heating controls for warm air systems Install biomass boiler Install biomass room heater with back boiler Where the main heating is by mains gas or LPG warm air systems (including heat pumps), the impact of upgrading to ‗programmer and room stat‘ control will be assessed and recommended. Where the existing main heating is by an independent solid fuel boiler that is not biomass or dual fuel and mains gas is not available, the impact of installing a manual feed biomass boiler (wood logs), HETAS approved. Where the existing main heating is by a solid fuel open fire or solid fuel room heater (with or without back boiler) and is not biomass or dual fuel and mains gas is not available, the impact of installing a HETAS approved wood pellet stove with radiator and water heating (with summer immersion heater) will be assessed and recommended accordingly. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Upgrade boiler— same fuel Where the main heating is by a mains gas boiler (including range cooker boiler) or CPSU, or by an LPG or oil boiler (including range cooker boiler) and mains gas is not available, the impact of upgrading the boiler will be assessed as follows: Existing boiler to a condensing boiler. Recommended boiler will be either standard or combination boiler, depending on whether a cylinder is present. Non-condensing CPSU upgraded to condensing CPSU. Range cooker boiler upgraded to either standard boiler or combi boiler, depending on presence of existing cylinder. The specification for the boilers is held in the Products Database (PCDF) and may be updated periodically. Condensing oil boiler Gas condensing boiler installation (no fuel switch) If the main heating is currently from an oil warm air system and mains gas is not available, the impact of upgrading to a condensing oil boiler will be assessed. The boiler will be standard or combi depending on the presence of an existing cylinder. Where existing main heating is by mains gas fires, the impact of installing a mains gas condensing boiler with radiator heating will be assessed and recommended accordingly. Recommended boiler will be either standard or combination boiler depending on whether there is a cylinder present. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Gas condensing boiler installation Where existing main heating is by one of the following: Solid fuel boiler LPG boiler LPG fires Oil boiler (non-condensing) incorporating fuel switch to mains gas Oil warm air Solid fuel room heaters Electric storage heaters Electric under floor heating Electric room heaters Electric ceiling heating No space heating system present And mains gas is available; the impact of installing a condensing mains gas boiler to radiator heating will be assessed and recommended accordingly. Recommended boiler will be either standard or combination boiler, depending on whether there is a cylinder present. Note that where the original system is off-peak, storage heaters or electric underfloor, the measure includes changing the meter to a single tariff. FGHRS Installing new or replacement storage heaters Where there has been a recommendation for a new condensing gas boiler (mains gas or LPG), the impact of also installing a flue gas heat recovery system will be assessed. Where the existing main heating is by storage heaters other than fan-assisted storage heaters, or by electric room heaters or electric ceiling heating and mains gas is not available, the impact of installing fan assisted storage heaters with automatic charge control is assessed and recommended accordingly. Where the water heating is via a single immersion or from solid fuel secondary heating, this is also upgraded to a large pre-insulated (50 mm spray foam) dual immersion hot water cylinder as part of this assessment. If there is no secondary heating present, then on-peak electric heating is assumed as secondary heating as part of this assessment. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Upgrade warm air unit Where the existing main heating is by mains gas or LPG warm air and the system is pre-1998, the impact of installing a new (noncondensing) warm air unit (same fuel as original) is assessed and recommended accordingly. Solar water heating Where the dwelling in question is a house or bungalow and there is no existing solar water heating present, the impact of installing a 3m2 solar water heating system will be assessed and recommended accordingly. This does not apply for dwellings with thatched roofs. WWHRS Where the dwelling has at least one mixer shower and no waste water heat recovery, the impact of installing a WWHRS will be assessed. Double-glazing Where the existing proportion of windows that is multiple-glazed is less than 80%, the impact of replacing existing single-glazed windows with double-glazing will be assessed and recommended accordingly. The specification for the double glazing is U-value 1.5 and g-value 0.63. Secondary glazing Where double-glazing has been recommended as above but deselected by the assessor, the secondary glazing of existing singleglazed windows will be assessed and recommended accordingly as an alternative. Insulated doors Where there is a flat/maisonette with no corridor or a house/bungalow with any un-insulated doors directly to the outside, the impact of changing the doors to insulated doors with a U-value of 1.5 is assessed. For flats and maisonettes with a corridor there must be more than one door for the measure to be assessed. This is to avoid recommending an insulated door to a corridor, which is already sheltered. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Photovoltaics Where the existing dwelling is a house or bungalow, which does not have a photovoltaic system, or which has a PV array of less than 1kW at peak output, then the impact of installing a 2.5 kWp PV system will be assessed and recommended accordingly. This recommendation does not apply to dwellings with thatched roofs. Wind turbine Where the existing dwelling is a house or bungalow, which does not have a wind turbine, the impact of installing a micro wind turbine will be assessed and recommended accordingly. The wind turbine measure has a 2m hub height and 2m rotor diameter. Alternative measures introduction Alternative measures are a set of additional measures that do not appear in the main recommendations list. There are no savings displayed, but the measure must make at least a £10 to appear on the EPC. The purpose of these alternative measures is to advice the householder that there are other measures that they could consider which would improve the energy efficiency of their home. External wall insulation with cavity fill When there is a recommendation for cavity wall insulation, this additional measure is also assessed. The cavity wall insulation measure ‗fills the cavity‘. The associated U-value used in the calculation is taken from table S6 (E&W) and is dependent on the age band. The assumed U-values for a filled cavity in RDSAP range from 0.50-0.30. The alternative measure assesses the impact, after applying the cavity fill, of changing the wall U-value to 0.30. If the impact produces a saving of more than £10, external insulation with cavity insulation will appear on the EPC in the Alternative measures section. RDSAP Manual March 2012 Biomass boiler This will be assessed if both the following criteria are met: o The original heating is not solid fuel or community o There is a heating system recommendation The improvement is to a wood logs boiler with the specification from the Product Database (PCDF). This is the same as improvement ‗J-biomass boiler‘ and this is why it is not assessed as an alternative measure if the original heating is solid fuel. It will have been assessed already. If the impact produces a saving of more than £10, biomass boiler will appear on the EPC in the Alternative measures section Heat pump This will be assessed if both the following criteria are met : o The original heating is not a heat pump or community or a wet underfloor system o There is a heating system recommendation The improvement is to an air source heat pump (ASHP) with radiators and the specification from the Product Database (PCDF). The alternative measure is displayed on the EPC as ‗air or ground source heat pump‘. As the efficiency of a ground source heat pump will be higher than an ASHP the impact is assessed using an ASHP. If the impact produces a saving of more than £10, heat pump will appear on the EPC in the Alternative measures section. Heat pump with underfloor heating This will be assessed if both the following criteria are met : The original heating is not a heat pump or community: o and there is a wet underfloor system and the heat pump (radiators) alternative measure does not apply o There is a heating system recommendation The improvement is to an air source heat pump (ASHP)with underfloor heating and the specification from the Product Database (PCDF). The efficiency of a heat pump is higher with underfloor heating as the flow temperature can be lower. If the impact produces a saving of more than £10, heat pump RDSAP Manual March 2012 with underfloor heating will appear on the EPC in the Alternative measures section. micro-CHP This will be assessed if both the following criteria are met : o The original heating is not from micro-CHP or community o There is a heating system recommendation The improvement is to a mains gas Micro-CHP unit with the specification from the Product Database (PCDF). Mains gas does not need to be present for this measure to be assessed. If the impact produces a saving of more than £10, micro-CHP will appear on the EPC in the Alternative measures section. Green deal introduction Golden rule The RDSAP EPC will be used to flag to which recommendations on the EPC will be eligible for Green Deal finance. This will be indicated by a tick (or lack of) next to the recommendation. The Green Deal finance assessment is based upon meeting the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule calculation uses the estimated savings, life time and indicative cost of the measure to calculate if the annual savings are more than the annual repayment over the lifetime of the measure. If the annual savings are greater than the annual repayment, the Golden Rule has been met. Green tick If the Golden Rule has been met, the recommendation will have a green tick next to it. The only exception to this is Solid Wall insulation. There will be grants available via the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) for solid wall insulation, so whenever this RDSAP Manual March 2012 recommendation appears, it always has a green tick. Orange tick If the measure is available with the Green Deal but has not met the Golden Rule, an orange tick will be displayed. This means the Green Deal can be used to finance some of the cost of the measure, but additional finance will be required. This could be the householders own finance, or a grant may be available. no tick If the measure is not available with the Green Deal there will be no tick. The only RDSAP measure that this currently applies to is low energy lighting. Green deal package All of the measures that have a green tick are combined to form the Green Deal Package. RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012 RDSAP Manual March 2012