B O O K by John J. Shea Smart Grids S. Borlase, editor CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway–NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 Phone: (800) 272-7737 Fax: (800) 374-3401 http://www.taylorandfrancis.com ISBN 978-1-4398-2905-9 595 pp., $99.95 (Hardcover), 2013 Smart grid has been described as the convergence of the electric system and information technologies. The electric system will be updated and integrated with digital technologies to provide utility customers the enhanced information, services, and reliability that are crucial in today’s market. Smart grid technology has begun with an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). These smart meters allow customers access to energy data: renewable generation, electric vehicle charging, innovative rate structures, and programs to allow consumers more control over how they use energy. Some envision being able to view energy usage via mobile devices, or on the internet, or on special home monitors. While the smart grid includes smart meters, it also involves extensive technologies across the grid that support communications and an array of intelligent devices on distribution and transmission systems that are able to isolate electrical problems, make automatic power ad- November/December — Vol. 29, No. 6 R E V I justments as needed, and hasten system recovery in the event of a fault or other problem. This will create an advanced analytical platform for better operational awareness and real-time optimization of the power system. This book describes smart grid and the present strategies of utilities, vendors, and regulators in regard to developing smart grid. It contains a blend of views from many authors to get a broader overview since the actual implementation is constantly growing and evolving. It describes the reasons for change in the electric utility industry and discusses the business motivation, benefits, and market outlook for implementing a smart grid. It also identifies enabling technologies and solutions and describes the role of technical developments and standards, including various initiatives and organizations driving the smart grid effort. In addition, it contains both current technologies and potential new technologies with discussions on any barriers and critical factors for success from a utility, regulatory, and consumer perspective. There is also a summary of recent smart grid initiatives from around the world and an outlook for the future new drivers and technologies. Technology managers would find this book very interesting based on the amount of new ideas that will be generated and the possible new technologies that will be developed opening up new product or service businesses. Engineers will also find this book useful for learning about the future of smart grid and the new technologies being used today. Based on all the new standards and regulations that need to be created, regulators and standards committee members will also find this book to be very good source to learn about potential forthcoming policies. Electrical Impedance L. Callegaro CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway–NW, E W S Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 Phone: (800) 272-7737 Fax: (800) 374-3401 http://www.taylorandfrancis.com ISBN 978-1-4398-4910-1 307 pp., $129.95 (Hardcover), 2013 Impedance measurements are generally used to characterize a device or system to develop an equivalent electrical model. The impedance of a material can also be measured. By knowing a material’s impedance, properties such as resistivity, permittivity, and permeability of that material can be derived. Impedance spectroscopy can also be used to characterize material behavior as a function of frequency. However, impedance measurements can be challenging since voltages and currents become geometry dependent, and different parts of the circuit can interact in unexpected ways because of mutual inductances and stray capacitances. Careful technique and a good understanding of the fundamental measurement method being used are essential so that the experimenter can make accurate and reliable impedance measurements. This book provides the fundamental background in many impedance methods and practical measurement techniques. It begins by defining quantities related to impedance, some theorems, and how impedance is determined. Equations representing resistors, capacitors, and inductors are defined along with two terminal networks, multiport networks, linear response theorems (Kramers-Kronig and Fluctuation-dissipation), and skin effect. Impedance definitions are described for multiterminal devices and devices with multiterminal wire pairs. This is followed by descriptions of the types of equipment used to make impedance measurements. These involve various types of voltmeters, power meters, tuned detectors, and voltage and current ratio devices. There is also very useful information on the effect of cables and connectors on impedance measurements and methods for shield- 75 ing samples (i.e., guard rings and coaxial geometries). Next, commonly used measurements cover the I-V method, two-voltage and three voltage methods, bridges, LCR meters, resonance methods, mutual inductance methods, and network analysis. These are well-established reliable methods commonly used to measure impedance. These methods are generally considered analog measurements. Digital methods for measuring are introduced. These cover relevant background in digital sampling, digital signal analysis, and digital impedance bridge measurements. Measurements of the electromagnetic properties of materials are shown using the bar, eddy current, sheet, four-point probe, Van der Pauw geometry methods as well as measurement techniques for liquids, suspensions, and gases. The final chapters cover the topics of traceability and uncertainty, calibration standards, and reproducibility. The references are extensive and give the reader much further in-depth study. This book is very well written and provides an excellent source for the engineer or metrologist who needs to make impedance measurements on materials or devices. It provides a good background on all the commonly used methods and contains essential practical methods to ensure accurate measurements. Having all this information in one book is very convenient for the experimentalist. If you perform impedance-based measurements, this book is well worth owning. Polymer Processing and Characterization S. Thomas, D. Ponnamma, and A. K. Zachariah Apple Academic Press Inc. 3333 Mistwell Crescent Oakville, ON L6L 0A2 Distributed by: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway–NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 Phone: (800) 272-7737 Fax: (800) 374-3401 http://www.taylorandfrancis.com ISBN 978-1-926895-15-4 167 pp., $99.95 (Hardcover), 2013 76 Polymers have made many new applications possible. The synthesis of new polymers only adds to the number of new applications possible. This book deals with the synthesis of new polymer and polymer composites along with techniques used for polymer characterization. Some of the characterization studies cover adhesion and surface glass transition temperature of amorphous polymers. Lap shear measurements were made as a function of healing time at various temperatures. Polymers used were polystyrene (PS), polyphenylene oxide (PPO), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with the diffusion process being studied as the bonding mechanism for these experiments. Methods for determining the surface glass transition temperature are given using these diffusion bonded materials. The surface glass transition temperatures reported are generally much lower than the material bulk transition temperatures. Descriptions detailing the synthesis of new materials include phthalonitrile polymers, nanocomposite polymer electrolytes for lithium battery applications, and zinc sulfide nanocrystals for luminescence applications. These also include the effects of nanosized filler particles of Al2O3 on the electrical and dielectric properties on thin films of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Other areas cover a new method for measuring the cyclic crack growth rates of rubber vulcanizates as a function of carbon black filler loadings and different polymer types. There are also descriptions of the flow instabilities for thermoplastic vulcanized polybutadiene/highdensity polyethylene (TPV/HDPE). With extrusion being the most common method of forming polymeric parts, studying flow instabilities is important to ensure consistent and reliable part production. Flow instabilities can occur in melt processing from a combination of viscoelastic forces and large stresses that can create large and rapid deformations. These high stresses are generally associated with the high viscosity of molten thermoplastics and elastomers. The effect of a compatibilizer, maleated polyethylene (MAPE), to reduce these stresses is investigated. This is a very accessible book for those interested in polymer synthesis and char- acterization. The descriptions are well written, clear, and concise, especially the synthesis methods. Polymer chemists interested in nanoparticle effects on certain polymers and polymer composites will also find this book to be worth reading. Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, 2nd Edition A. J. Bard and M. V. Mirkin CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway–NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 Phone: (800) 272-7737 Fax: (800) 374-3401 http://www.taylorandfrancis.com ISBN 978-1-4398-3112-0 670 pp., $199.95 (Hardcover), 2012 Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) is a technique within the broader class of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) that is used to measure the local electrochemical behavior of liquid–solid, liquid–gas, and liquid–liquid interfaces. Spatially resolved electrochemical signals can be acquired by measuring the current at an ultra-microelectrode (UME) tip as a function of precise tip position over a substrate region of interest. Interpretation of the SECM signal is based on the concept of diffusion-limited current. Two-dimensional raster scan information can be compiled to generate images of surface reactivity and chemical kinetics. In addition to yielding topographic information, SECM is often used to probe the surface reactivity of solid-state materials, electro-catalyst materials, enzymes, and other biophysical systems. SECM and variations of the technique have also found use in micro-fabrication, surface patterning, and micro-structuring. Fundamentally, the instrument works from manipulating the electric potential through the UME tip in a bulk solution containing a redox-active couple (e.g., Fe2+/Fe3+). When a sufficiently negative potential is applied, (Fe3+) is reduced to (Fe2+) at the UME tip, generating a diffusion-limited current. The steady-state current is governed by the flux of oxidized species in solution to the UME disc given by iT,∞ = 4nFCDa, where iT,∞ is the diffusion-limited current, n is the number of IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine electrons transferred at the electrode tip (O + ne− → R), F is Faraday’s constant, C is the concentration of the oxidized species in solution, D is the diffusion coefficient, and a is the radius of the UME disc. In order to probe a surface of interest, the tip is moved closer to the surface and changes in current are measured. There are two predominant modes of operation, which are feedback mode and collection-generation mode. In feedback mode, in a bulk solution, the oxidized species is reduced at the tip, producing a steady-state current that is limited by hemispherical diffusion. As the tip approaches a conductive substrate in the solution, the reduced species formed at the tip is oxidized at the conductive surface, yielding an increase in the tip current and creating a regenerative “positive” feedback loop. The opposite effect is observed when probing insulating surfaces, as the oxidized species cannot be regenerated and diffusion to the electrode is inhibited as a result of physical obstruction as the tip approaches the substrate, creating a “negative” feedback loop and decreasing the tip current. In tip generation/substrate collection (TG/SC) mode, the tip is held at a potential sufficient for an electrode reaction to occur and “generate” a product while the substrate is held at a potential sufficient for the electrode product to react with or be “collected” by the substrate. The reciprocal to this method is substrate generation/tip collection (SG/TC), where the substrate acts to generate a species that is measured at the tip. When imaging a surface, changes in current as a function of distance between electrode tip and substrate surface allow imaging of insulating and conducting surfaces for topology and reactivity information by moving the tip across surfaces and measuring tip current, similar to atomic force microscopy. The most common scanning mode is constant-height mode, where the tip height is unchanging and is scanned across the surface in the x-y plane. Alternatively, a constant-current mode can be used, where the device attempts to maintain a constant current by changing the substrate to tip distance, d, and recording the change in d. Spatial resolution is dependent on the tip radius, the substrate to November/December — Vol. 29, No. 6 tip distance, the precision of the electronics, and other considerations. The first commercially available SECM quickly became an indispensable tool for surface reactivity studies because of its ease of use and practical quantitative results. After becoming commercially available in 1999 and with the introduction of new probes and new practical applications, SECM is now used to characterize interfaces at nanoscale dimensions and to obtain molecular-level surface chemical information. This book presents the fundamental theory and background and in-depth overviews of various applications. Besides the many biological and chemical applications, some of the more relevant applications for our readers where SECM is used are for metal deposition, metal and semiconductor etching, polymer formation, and other surface modifications requiring high resolution. The book can be broken up into three major parts, with the first part covering experimental and theoretical background. This includes principles of SECM measurements, instrumentation, SECM probe preparation, imaging methods, and theory. The second part discusses various applications and current research topics ranging from biological systems, sensors, to probing reactions at liquid–liquid interfaces. Each topic provides sufficient details to allow a specialist to evaluate the applicability of SECM for solving a specific problem. The final part describes recent advances of SECM in the areas of single cells, corrosion, electro-catalysis, and hybrid scanning electrochemical techniques. Researchers involved with liquid surface chemistry on the micro and nanoscale resolution and self-assembly will be intrigued by this book. It contains state-of-the-art methods for analyzing liquid surface chemistry and surface imaging using the latest SECM technology that would be useful in their research. SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, 3rd Edition M. H. Rashid CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway–NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 Phone: (800) 272-7737 Fax: (800) 374-3401 http://www.taylorandfrancis.com ISBN 978-1-4398-6046-5 558 pp., $149.95 (Hardcover), 2012 Spice was originally developed to model low-power electronic circuits. However, with the proper models and setup, Spice can also be used to model higherpower circuits such as power electronics and power distribution circuits. This book demonstrates how to model these circuits without any prior knowledge of Spice. After a brief introduction to various Spice platforms available on the market today, the book uses the PSpice A/D platform for examples thorough out the book, but the methods presented will apply to any particular type of SPICE program being used, such as OrCad, LTSpice, B2, IsSpice. All perform the same function— modeling circuits—but each has different windows and the circuits created may not be compatible with each other. This book can be divided into three major sections: first, is the introduction of Spice commands and features, which includes source and element modeling and Spice commands. This section is an excellent way to learn the basics of PSpice. It provides many examples, generally much better than the software manuals, on how each circuit element is specified and, more importantly, how the various options and special commands are used. There are also good examples that show how to model various circuit components such as a power transformer by using a combination of elements and commands. The commands cover all the Spice dot commands in addition to Fourier, MonteCarlo, and sensitivity analysis. Although this section is a very good introduction to the basics of PSpice, the reader may also want to review some of the recommended reading referenced in the book. The second part of the book focuses on modeling power electronics. It covers rectifiers, DC-DC converters, inverters (pulse width modulated, resonant-pulse, voltage-zero switching), AC voltage controllers, and other control applications (Op-Amp control circuits and signal conditioning circuits). These examples show 77 how to model many commonly used power electronic components and conversion circuits. The reader could easily apply these examples to their own work to make complete PSpice models. Many of the examples show how to model various types of power electronic components such as IGBTs, thyristors, and high-power diodes and other higher-power components. Using component manufacturer’s device data and the methods shown in this book allow the reader to be able to create accurate circuit models and to optimize their own circuit. The final section pertains to characteristics of DC motors, induction motors, and simulation errors. This small but practical section of the book shows the fundamental theory of motors and how to model the motor in PSpice. The material on simulation errors contains excellent advice on the little details in PSpice that are important when higher currents and voltages are being used in power electronics and other higher-power circuits. Making the recommended adjustments to default parameters and inserting certain components to prevent convergence problems can prevent many difficulties commonly encountered with PSpice, especially at higher current and voltage levels. Electrical engineering students, especially those with a power engineering interest, will find this book very helpful for validating circuit designs. Electrical engineers will also find this book useful as a concise reference source for PSpice simulation examples for various power electronic circuit examples. It could also be used as a supplemental textbook in an undergraduate electrical engineering course, since it has problems listed at the end of each chapter and is a very good instructional resource book. Practical Reliability Engineering, 5th Edition P. D. T. O’Connor and A. Kleyner John Wiley & Sons 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 Phone: (877) 762-2974 Fax: (800) 597-3299 http://www.wiley.com ISBN 978-0-470-97981-5 502 pp., $79.95 (Softcover), 2012 78 Reliability is very important, especially in consumer and safety markets, where it is demanded. Generally, reliable products demand a higher value or perceived value such as seen in the automotive industry where reliability can be used to market products and gain customer share and loyalty. Improvements in product reliability can be a market differentiator driving new sales growth. Thus, reliability engineering is a very important part of product design and needs to be considered in the product design process. This book provides a practical introduction to reliability engineering with the emphasis on practical applications of solutions with mathematical theory limited to that needed for the solution of the types of problems covered. This book is suitable for engineers or managers who deal with quality control and product reliability who need immediate solutions to their reliability process. The book begins with an excellent description of what reliability engineering is all about—why products fail, the probability of failure, failure patterns, standards used to access reliability, and other fundamental areas. This lays the foundation for the remainder of the book, which covers various methods used to generate reliability statistics. Some of these methods include life data analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, load-strength interference, life prediction methods, and design for reliability (mechanical, electronics, software). There are also testing methods described—design of experiments, analysis of variance, and extensive testing methods described. These test methods provide a basis for performing the necessary experiments to obtain the required information to determine product failure modes and life under accelerated life conditions. There are many examples that show how the theory can be applied to practical situations. The numerous appendices contain values and tables used in various reliability analyses as well as a typical table for corrective action reporting. One of the appealing aspects of this book, besides being very application oriented, is its coverage of not only the reliability of mechanical systems but also electronics and materials. Its broad coverage will appeal to a wide audience, and because it contains many practical ex- amples, the book can be put to immediate use since each chapter is self-contained and does not rely on preceding chapters. The Science of Energy R. G. Newton World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd. 27 Warren Street Suite 401-402 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: (201) 487-9655 Fax: (201) 487-9656 http://www.worldscientific.com ISBN 978-981-4401-19-7 109 pp., $14 (Softcover), 2012 Energy sustains life as we know it. The earth receives virtually all its energy from the sun, but there are many other forms of energy on earth such as fossil fuels and chemical, nuclear, and electrical energy that are used to perform work. This book nicely describes the scientific aspects of the concept of energy in a language understandable to readers with no scientific background. It starts with a layman’s description of the fundamental laws of energy conservation and explains various forms of energy including chemical, electric, and nuclear. The author goes on to describe ways in which energy can be stored for a relatively long time frame (i.e., petroleum, gas, and coal) or for short periods of time in flywheels, batteries, pumped storage, fuel cells, and liquid hydrogen. Modes of transporting energy are also touched upon, especially optical and electrical energy using lasers and transmission lines, respectively. Quantum mechanics is also described to present an altered view of energy and discrete energy levels. There is also some discussion on the development of the universe from the time of the big bang and how this form changed from pure radiation to the creation of the chemical elements in the world. This informative, quick read will give the reader simple explanations and an overview of the various major forms of energy and how energy is stored and transported. It is even more interesting for those with a scientific background because it provides simple explanations on complex topics that many of us maybe familiar but have never really studied or have forgotten about over time. It is also IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine filled with background on many famous scientists and various other historical facts and certainly makes for interesting and enjoyable reading. Handbook of Dielectric and Thermal Properties of Materials at Microwave Frequencies V. V. Komarov Artech House 685 Canton Street Norwood, MA 02062 Phone: (800) 225-9977 Fax: (781) 769-6334 www.artechhouse.com ISBN 978-1-60807-529-4 182 pp., $99.00 (Hardcover), 2012 The complex dielectric permittivity of materials can provide a measure of material behavior when it interacts with electromagnetic radiation or more specifically how the material is affected by an electric field and its effect on an electric field. The permittivity of a material describes how much electric field (more correctly, flux) is “generated” per unit charge in that material. More electric flux exists in a material with a high permittivity due to polarization effects. Permittivity is directly related to electric susceptibility, which is a measure of how easily a dielectric material polarizes in response to an electric field. Thus, permittivity relates to a material’s ability to transmit (or November/December — Vol. 29, No. 6 “permit”) an electric field. The response of materials to external fields generally depends on the frequency of the field. This frequency dependence reflects the fact that a material’s polarization does not respond instantaneously to an applied field. Thus permittivity can be represented by a real and imaginary part, which is a function of the angular frequency of the applied field. The static permittivity is a good approximation for alternating fields of low frequencies, and as the frequency increases, a measurable phase difference occurs between D and E. The frequency at which the phase shift becomes noticeable depends on temperature and the properties of the material with ε′ the real part of the permittivity, which is related to the stored energy within the medium, and ε″ the imaginary part of the permittivity, which is related to the dissipation (or loss) of energy within the medium. Many items in use today are exposed to microwaves including food, medical applications, and materials processing. This handbook is a compilation of dielectric and thermal properties of microwavable materials as a function of temperature and frequencies in the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) frequencies or frequencies close to these bands. The tabular data presented in this book are based on food materials; biological tissues; fibrous materials; polymers, resins, and plastics; ceramics; soils and minerals; and pure and composite chemical substances. Unfortunately there are only tables showing select values of the complex dielectric permittivity (both real and imaginary parts) rather than graphs over a frequency and temperature range, but nonetheless, these data points give the reader a good measure of the permittivity even if the frequency or temperature are not the exact values desired. Thermal data (density, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity) for these materials are given in the form of analytical equations, mainly polynomial expressions. These equations generally agree with experimental data presented but, in some cases, are only approximate. For those who need to verify the source, references are provided that were used to determine the information presented and how it was obtained. In addition to the tables of values, this book provides a nice concise summary of three different methods for measuring complex dielectric permittivity and the theory for temperature characterization all in one convenient handbook. And for those who model dielectric media, need to determine material heating rates at certain frequencies, or just need to know a material property at a certain temperature and frequency, this book is an excellent place to start. 79