Stucco: StoPowerwall over Masonry - 6.XX Series Details Index Description Detail# Components 6.00 Installation over Metal Lath 6.04 StoCreativ Brick Finish 6.05 StoCreativ Brick Finish over Waterproofing 6.06 On Masonry Components Free Standing Site Walls 6.08 Termination at Balcony 6.12 Termination at Underside of Balcony 6.15 Window Head 6.23 Termination at Sill 6.24 Joint 6.50 Alternative Horizontal Joints 6.55 Termination at Parapet 6.60 Foam Shape Feature Band 6.70 StoPowerwall™ Stucco on Masonry Detail No.: 6.00 Components Date: October 2007 Notes: Masonry Sto Bonding Agent (optional) StoPowerwall™ Scratch Coat Detail shows the installation of StoPowerwall Stucco on masonry. 1. Sto CR245 Bonding Agent (optional) 2. StoPowerwall Scratch Coat 3. StoPowerwall Brown Coat 4. Sto Primer 5. Sto Finish StoPowerwall™ Brown Coat Sto Primer Sto Finish (smooth or textured) ATTENTION Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto’s instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto’s control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO’S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, R Sto Powerwall® Stucco on Masonry Installation over Metal Lath Detail No.: 6.04 Date: April 2008 Notes: Concrete masonry units Building felt Expanded metal lath Sto Powerwall® scratch coat Sto Powerwall brown coat Sto Hot Prime Sto finish (smooth or textured) Attention Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto's instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto's control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO'S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, 1] Detail shows installation of Sto Powerwall Stucco over masonry using expanded metal lath and building felt or other approved water resistive barrier. 2] When metal lath is used a separator sheet is required to prevent the stucco from bonding to the concrete masonry units. Should the stucco bond to the masonry, differential expansion between the lath and the masonry would result in excess cracking in the stucco. 3] Sto EmeraldCoat™ would be a superior alternative to building felt or other approved water resistive barrier. R Detail No.: 6.05 StoPowerwallTM Stucco on Masonry StoCreativ® Brick Finish Date: April 2008 Step 1 Notes: Step 1 Level CMU with StoPowerwallTM stucco Sto Primer Creativ 806 Step 2 StoCreativ® Brick template 1] Level surface of CMU with StoPowerwallTM stucco (Refer to Sto Detail 6.00) 2] Install Sto Primer Creativ 806 over the StoPowerwallTM base coat. 3] Optional: Apply a second application of Sto Primer Creativ 806 to provide a slightly uneven color to simulate variable mortar color. Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 4] Apply the StoCreativ® Brick template to the dry primer. Step 3 Sto finish Step 4 5] Install appropriate Sto finish to match the StoCreativ® Brick texture specified. Refer to StoCreativ® Brick Specification A100 FF Finish touch-up Step 4 Template removed Step 3 Step 4 Step 3 6] Optional: After the finish dries, touch up the finish with StoCoatTM Acryl or StoTique in colors and pattern to match approved sample. 7] Remove StoCreativ® Brick templates (stencils), taking care to avoid tearing of the finish. Attention Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto's instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto's control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO'S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, R StoPowerwallTM Stucco on Masonry StoCreativ® Brick Finish over Waterproofing Detail No.: 6.06 Date: April 2008 Step 1 Notes: Level CMU with StoPowerwallTM stucco Step 1 1] Level surface of CMU with StoPowerwallTM stucco (Refer to Sto Detail 6.00) Sto Flexyl or Sto Watertight Coat with Sto Mesh 2] Install Sto Flexyl or Sto Watertight Coat and embed Sto Mesh Sto Primer Creativ 806 3] Install Sto Primer Creativ 806 over the base coat. Step 2 StoCreativ® brick template Step 1 4] Optional: Apply a second application of Sto Primer Creativ 806 to provide a slightly uneven color to simulate variable mortar color. Step 2 5] Apply the StoCreativ® Brick template to the dry primer. Step 2 Step 3 Sto finish Step 4 Finish touch-up Step 3 6] Install appropriate Sto finish to match the StoCreativ® Brick texture specified. Refer to StoCreativ® Brick Specification A100 FF Step 4 7] Optional: After the finish dries, touch up the finish with StoCoatTM Acryl or StoTiqueTM in colors and pattern to match approved sample. Template removed Step 3 Step 4 8] Remove StoCreativ® Brick templates (stencils), taking care to avoid tearing of the finish. Attention Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto's instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto's control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO'S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, StoPowerwall™ Stucco Detail No.: 6.08 On Masonry Components Free Standing Site Walls Date: October 2007 Notes: Note: Extend waterproofing or otherwise seal unfinished sides of masonry wall to prevent water infiltration. Cap Seal around anchors Sto Watertight Coat Masonry wall StoPowerwall™ Stucco 1. Top of masonry walls capped or otherwise protected to prevent the entry of water into the wall. 2. The below grade portion of the wall must be protected to prevent water penetrating into the masonry. 3. Opposite side of masonry wall must be protected to prevent water pentrating into the masonry. Sto Primer or Sto Hot Prime Sto Finish Stucco termination minimum 4” above earth, 2” above pavers, sidewalks, etc. Casing bead Sto Watertight Coat below grade waterproofing ATTENTION Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto’s instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto’s control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO’S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, R Detail No.: 6.12 Sto Powerwall® Stucco on Masonry Termination at Balcony Date: March 2010 Notes: Masonry Sto Powerwall® Stucco Sto Primer Sto finish (textured or smooth) 1] Install Sto Watertight Coat on the balcony and turn up the wall as per Sto Detail R 9.5.1 2] Install casing bead over the Sto Watertight Coat and a minimum 2" (50mm) above the finished deck. 3] Install Sto Powerwall® Stucco. 4] Apply Sto Primer. 5] Apply Sto textured or smooth finish. Casing bead Sealant Sto Watertight Coat and mesh Attention Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto's instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto's control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO'S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, R Detail No.: 6.15 Sto Powerwall® Stucco on Masonry Termination at Underside of Balcony Date: March 2010 Masonry Barrier membrane* One piece joint at change in substrate Casing bead termination (See Sto Detail 6.12) Casing bead at edge of balcony Sto Watertight Coat Barrier membrane* over floor line joint Casing bead above and below floor line joint or two piece expansion joint Casing bead continuous at underside of balcony Sto Powerwall® Stucco Notes: 1] Wrap Sto Watertight Coat around side of balcony and onto floor slab. 2] Install casing bead with a 1/2" (13 mm) joint. Seal the joint so water coming off the balcony is directed away from the floor slab. 3] Install a barrier membrane* across the floor line joint. 4] Install casing beads above and below the joint leaving a 3/4" (20 mm) joint or install a two piece expansion joint. 5] Install a casing bead at the underside of the balcony. 6] Seal all joints using casing bead. * Do not extend barrier membrane beyond expanded metal flange of accessory. Sto Primer Sto finish (textured or smooth) Attention Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto's instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto's control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO'S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, R Detail No.: 6.23 Sto Powerwall® Stucco on Masonry Window Head Date: March 2010 Notes: Masonry Sto Powerwall® Stucco Sto Primer Sto finish (textured or smooth) 1] Wrap Sto Watertight Coat around rough opening and lap onto the face of the wall. 2] Install casing bead with the edge of the expanded lath in line with the edge of the membrane. 3] Install Sto Powerwall® Stucco. Casing Bead 4] Apply Sto Primer. Head Flashing 5] Apply Sto textured or smooth finish. Sto Watertight Coat Wood blocking Window Backer rod and sealant Interior air seal Casing bead Align edge of Sto Watertight Coat and expanded portion of casing bead. Attention Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto's instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto's control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO'S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, StoPowerwall™ NExT on Masonry Detail No.: 6.24 Termination at Sill Date: October 2007 Notes: Masonry Sto Watertight Coat Wood buck or shims Interior air seal Backer rod and sealant Window Casing bead Sill flashing StoPowerwall™ Stucco Sto Primer Sto Finish (textured or smooth) 1. Provide a mock-up installation and test using materials and subtrades associated with the project. 2. Prepare opening* prior to the installation of the window. Coordinate installation with other associated subtrades. 3. Provide pan flashing at sill to drain water to the exterior.** 4. In cold climates this detail will provide little insulation around the window opening. The designer should take care that condensation from vapor diffusion is prevented at the vapor impermeable barrier membrane around the opening. * Do not extend opening protection beyond expanded metal flange of accessory. **2003 International Building Code, 1405.3 Flashing ATTENTION Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto’s instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto’s control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO’S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, StoPowerwall™ Stucco on Masonry Detail No.: 6.50 Joint Date: November 2007 Notes: Masonry Backer rod Barrier membrane Casing beads Sealant StoPowerwall™ Stucco Sto Primer Sto Finish (textured or smooth) ATTENTION 1. Install closed-cell backer rod in joint prior to installing barrier membrane. The backer rod will reduce pressure induced movement and weakening of the barrier membrane. 2. Install barrier membrane over joint as per membrane manufacturer’s recommendations. 3. Install casing beads back-to-back on either side of the joint. The expanded lath portion should extend to the edge of the barrier membrane to reduce the chance of cracking. 4. Install the StoPowerwall Stucco and Finish. 5. Install sealant between the casing beads following sealant manufacturer’s recommendations. Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto’s instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto’s control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO’S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, StoPowerwall™ Stucco on Masonry Detail No.: 6.55 Alternative Horizontal Joints Date: November 2007 Alternative 1 Concrete floor StoPowerwall™ Stucco Sto Primer Sto Finish (textured or smooth) Two-piece slip joint Top of masonry wall Alternative 2 Concrete floor StoPowerwall™ Stucco Sto Primer Notes: Alternative 1 1. Install a two-piece joint of appropriate dimensions to accommodate specified thickness of stucco and anticipated movement of the joint. Alternative 2 2. Install flexible barrier membrane behind back-to-back casing beads. The expanded lath portion should extend to the edge of the barrier membrane to reduce the chance of cracking. 3. Install sealant between the casing beads following sealant manufacturer’s recommendations. Sto Finish (textured or smooth) Sealant Casing beads Barrier membrane ATTENTION Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto’s instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto’s control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO’S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, StoPowerwall™ Stucco on Masonry Detail No.: Termination at Parapet 6.60 Date: November 2007 Notes: Casing flashing Barrier membrane or roof membrane Wood blocking Casing bead 1. Wrap roofing or barrier membrane over top of parapet wall. 2. Install casing bead at top of wall so the lower edge of the expanded lath is in line with the lower edge of the membrane. 3. Install StoPowerwall Stucco. 4. Apply Sto Primer. 5. Apply Sto Textured or Smooth Finish. StoPowerwall™ Stucco Sto Primer Sto Finish (smooth or textured) ATTENTION Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto’s instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto’s control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO’S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website, StoPowerwall™ Stucco on Masonry Detail No.: Foam Shape Feature Band 6.70 Date: November 2007 Notes: Masonry StoPowerwall™ Stucco Sto Base Coat and Mesh Sto Primer Sto Finish (smooth or textured) EPS feature Sto Adhesive StoPowerwall™ Stucco ATTENTION 1. Install StoPowerwall Stucco. 2. Install EPS foam shape using Sto Adhesive. 3. Rasp EPS shape to provide a uniform surface without ridges. 4. Install Sto Base Coat over shape and feather it out over stucco surface. Immediately trowel reinforcing mesh into wet base coat. Allow base coat to cure a minimum of 24 hours. Refer to Sto Detail 1.04a for sloped surfaces thicker than 2’’ (50 mm). 5. Install Sto Primer over the entire surface of the stucco and EIFS profile. Finish as specified. Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto’s instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto’s control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED EXCEPT FOR EXPLICIT LIMITED WRITTEN WARRANTIES ISSUED TO AND ACCEPTED BY BUILDING OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO’S WARRANTY PROGRAMS WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. For the fullest, most current information on proper application, clean-up, mixing and other specifications and warranties, cautions and disclaimers, please refer to the Sto Corp. website,