Emergency Lighting Conference 2016

Emergency Lighting Conference 2016
Compliance and testing in the real world
25th February, 2016
What is emergency lighting?
Purposes of Emergency Escape Lighting
An emergency lighting design must be implemented to meet the requirements of a
specific building and its use in accordance with of BS 5226-1.
Sub-divided into 3 areas
Escape Route Lighting
– Lighting provided to ensure that the means of escape can be
effectively identified and safely used by occupants of the building
Open Area Lighting
– Lighting provided to minimise panic and ensure there is enough
illumination to allow occupants to reach a place where an escape
route can be identified
High Risk Task Area Lighting
– Lighting providing illumination for people involved in potentially
dangerous processes, to enable proper shut down prior to
Types of Emergency Lighting
The first issue to resolve once a risk assessment has been completed, and the
necessary levels determined, the practicalities of how this lighting is to be achieved
needs to be considered. There are essentially two main choices for emergency
lighting systems.
Self-Contained Luminaires
Self contained luminaires have on board batteries
and control circuits to allow the luminaire to
operate in the event of a local power failure
Luminaires operated from Central Battery Systems
Luminaires that operate as slaves which are
connected to a central emergency power system
(CPS), in which a bank of batteries are located
Why test emergency lighting?
Why Should I Comply
Is there a legal requirement?
Under UK Fire Safety Legislation, non-domestic buildings must be safe at all times
The Fire Regulatory Reform Act (2005) instructs that buildings are ‘Fire Safe’
This not only means that the necessary risk assessments are carried out, but all
precautions are taken should a fire occur, and this includes the use of emergency
lighting where appropriate
Any accident involving injury or loss of life following a building emergency could result
in those responsible being brought before a court of law
Who is responsible?
Anyone who has a degree of control over certain areas or systems can deemed ‘the
responsible person’
For example, an employer, an occupier, a manager responsible for certain systems
Regulatory Compliance Has No Commercial Benefit
Tata Steel - £200,000 Fine (2015)
Travelodge, £13,000 (2015)
How Can I Comply
Testing and Maintenance
An emergency lighting system must be tested to ensure it’s compliance with BS EN 5266-1
and BS EN 50172. For the system to be tested a mains power failure must be simulated
forcing the emergency lighting system to operate via its secondary source. The test can be
carried out as either
Manually Testing
– A switch is provided to isolate all luminaires on the system. The tester must then
walk the entire site and ensure that the luminaires are functioning as specified
– Once power is restored, the tester must walk the site again to confirm that the
luminaire batteries are charging
Automatic Testing
The testing is performed automatically, usually
from a central point
The results of the monthly and annual tests
can be recorded
Greater flexibility of testing, not dependent on
circuit isolations
Testing can be carried out at any time, even
without a presence on site
Reliable results not subject to human error
An addressable system can provide 24/7
reliable monitoring and reporting of your
emergency lighting, not just the outcome of
your mandatory testing
Emergency Lighting Testing
General Information about Emergency Lighting Testing
Emergency lighting testing should be carried out monthly and annually according to BS EN
50172. This includes inspection and functional testing.
BS 5266 also states that a fully rated duration test should be undertaken at least once a year.
Test results must recorded and reported to the responsible person.
Test results must be retained and acted upon within a reasonable time.
Testing in the real world
Performance can only be assured by systematic regular testing, followed up by the
necessary maintenance. Automatic testing is a means of avoiding the problems
associated with conventional testing techniques highly susceptible to neglect.
BS EN 62034
Compliance using 62034
What Does BS EN 62034 Involve
Automatic Test Systems For Battery Powered Emergency Escape Lighting
• Performance and safety requirements for components incorporated
into automatic testing systems
• It covers the individual components as well defining the functionality of
how the system should work
• It is aimed at self-contained luminaires as well as those using a
central battery system
• It also refers to other emergency lighting standards such as:
BS EN 61347-2-7 Lamp Control Gear (Battery supplied control gear)
BS-EN 61347-2-11 Lamp Control Gear (Miscellaneous electronic circuits)
BS-EN 60598-1
Luminaires: General Requirements and Tests
BS EN 60598-2-22 Luminaires: Requirements for Emergency Luminaires
What Is Needed
There are several ways to create a BS 62034 system
• The simplest system consists of standalone selfcontained luminaires (S)
• Monitored luminaires with remote display of system
results (P)
• Monitored luminaires with remote display and recording
of system results (ER)
• As with types P and ER but also provides individual
indication of individual luminaires (PER)
• Configurable system with additional features provided by
a central controller (PERC)
What Does BS 62034 Give you?
The standard sets out requirements for Automatic Test Systems (ATS) to allow an end user to
demonstrate testing requirements are met. Aspects include:
All components of the system conform to the appropriate luminaire standards
Testing strategies are controlled by appropriate personnel
Testing outcomes are reliably indicated (and recorded)
The ATS takes in to account the impact of any local phenomena such as local power failures
All aspects of the emergency function are tested
Maintained luminaires are tested in both normal and emergency modes
System failures as well as luminaire failures are reported
The Industry Committee for Emergency Lighting endorse the use of automatic systems as
they can bring significant safety, maintenance and cost benefits, as well as peace of mind.
BS 62034 and beyond
An ATS Can Provide 24/7 Monitoring and Testing
Download from the remote display the latest
test results and current system status utilising
the latest logging tools
Highlights any current faults on the network
Highlights any luminaires which have failed a
Generate and Print Panel Test Reports and
Luminaire Reports
Generates a test history for each luminaire
Allows easy archiving of test results
Expansion from monitoring one remote display
to the whole campus through networking
Simple Network
Once a network is established, it is possible to coordinate all emergency lighting testing,
and consequently manage all necessary compliance, even using the Cloud
Cloud Enabled Remote Monitoring
View your cloud based data via a mobile app or via your web browser.
Lux Intelligent Mobile App
The Mobile App provides you with:
At a glance system status. Number of Current
Faults and advisories, last update date/time
Number of current faults by type
Number of advisories by type
Devices with a particular fault status
Drill down through your Sites and Panels
At a glance fault/fail info per site and panel
View luminaires by Panel/Zone/Loop
View luminaire Test History with Results
Generate Reports including Panel Test Report,
Maintenance Report, Advisory Report and
Luminaire Report
Lux Intelligent Web App
View in any Web Browser
All features and reports available in Mobile
Share data with colleagues at a location,
site or panel level
Manage shares, and revoke shared
View details of generated reports, and
details of which recipients opened the
Manage your account online, and
purchase monitoring credits
View an event history for the whole system
View connected devices and account
access history
Monitor Multiple Sites From Anywhere
Unlimited Low Cost Networking
LAN Networking
Easy to add a panel to any system, or build new systems covering anywhere the internet
goes. Totally secure. Amazingly simple. More economical than traditional panel
AND other Networking
LAN Networking vs Direct Serial
Easy to add a panel to any system, or build new systems covering anywhere the internet
goes. Totally secure. Amazingly simple. More economical than traditional panel
Other Connectivity Options
Easy to add a panel to any system, or build new system, including places where the
internet may not reach. Totally secure. Amazingly simple. More economical than
traditional panel networking.
Fixed Line connection to systems
Fixed PSTN telephone connections
Tied to accessing a local panel or PC
Fixed telephone line access
Limted data rates
GSM Modems
Will work anywhere there is a mobile
Limited data rates
Costlier solution (SIM cards etc.)
Savings Calculator
Simply demonstrate the potential cost saving achievable!
Cost Parameters
Five Year Cumulative Costs
Key Points
Key Points
• The installed emergency lighting must meet the appropriate lighting
requirements determined by a responsible person
• Compliance can only be achieved through meeting all appropriate
standards and codes of practice
• Buying ‘CE’ marked luminaires DOES NOT ensure compliance
• Using Automated Testing Systems creates a solid platform to
achieving compliance
• Emergency lighting is a grudge purchase, but essential for safety
• Automatic Testing Systems can be an economic route to compliance
• Automated systems provide the best route to the recording and
sharing of information on your emergency lighting installation
Thank You
Dave Henderson
Advanced Electronics
February, 2016