MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK DIRECTION NO.- 07/2012 : NORMS FOR RECOGNITION OF POST GRADUATE TEACHERS FOR THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE WHEREAS Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Act, 1998 has been passed by the State Legislature to establish the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences for the purpose of ensuring proper and systematic instruction, teaching, training and research in modern Medicine and Indian system of Medicine and to have a balanced growth so also uniformity in various courses in the health Sciences in the State. AND WHEREAS it is a power and duty of the Academic Council to recognise Teachers in the affiliated Colleges / Institutes in various faculties as provided under sub-section (2)(l) of section 29 of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Act, 1998. AND WHEREAS prescribing qualifications, procedure of recruitment, workload, code of conduct, terms of office, duties and conditions of service, including periodic assessment of teachers of the University and the affiliated Aided and Unaided Colleges / Recognised Institutes (except those Colleges or Institutions maintained by the State or Central Government or a local authority) is a subject matter of statute as per the provisions of section 48(8) of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Act, 1998 and the University has already notified the Direction No. 02/2012 for the same. 1 AND WHEREAS the University is required to give recognition to the teachers from the affiliated Colleges / Recognised Institutes and prescribing the norms for recognition of the teachers is a subject matter of Ordinance as provided under section 50(vii) of an Act and such an Ordinance for the norms of recognition of Teachers is not in existence. AND WHEREAS making of an Ordinance is a time taking process. Now, therefore I Prof. Dr. Arun Jamkar, Vice – Chancellor of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences in exercise of powers conferred upon me under subsection 8 of section 16 of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Act, 1998 issues the following direction – 1) This Direction shall be called “Norms for recognition of Post Graduate Teachers for the Faculty of Medicine.” 2) This Direction shall come into force with effect from the date of its issuance. 3) As per provision under section 62 of the Act, the Authorities of the University may appoint a committee with suitable terms and reference for any specific task and such committee shall consist of members of the same authority constituting such a committee and also such other persons as that authority may nominate to recommend the recognition to teachers as Postgraduate Teachers in the Faculty of Medicine. There shall be Post Graduate Teacher Recognition committee for considering of the proposal(s) for PG Teacher recognition under the chairmanship of Pro-Vice-Chancellor (if available) and in absence of Pro-Vice-Chancellor the same shall be chaired by Dean of the Faculty. The Committee shall consist of the following members. 2 i) Pro-Vice-Chancellor - (Chairman) ii) The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine – (Member, and in absence of Pro-Vice-Chancellor as a Chairman) iii) Any two Chairman / or two Senior Members of Board of Studies to be nominated by the Vice - Chancellor – (Members) iv) Registrar - (Member Secretary) 4) The Recognition granted by the Post Graduate Teacher Recognition Committee shall be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor for perusal and approval. 5) As far as possible the meeting of the Committee shall be arranged quarterly (i.e. preferably in the month of January, April, July & October) 6) The proposal(s) for recognition as Post Graduate Teacher(s) which needs urgent attention due to admission/allotment of the students to such PG Teacher or any other reason may be decided by the Vice-Chancellor. After perusal of all documents, the recognition as Post Graduate Teacher shall be granted to the Teacher(s) who fulfills the norms of recognition and such proposal(s) shall be submitted to the said Committee for its perusal and post facto sanction. 7) The guidelines regarding recognition as a Post Graduate Teacher for the Faculty of Medicine shall be as follows: i) PG recognition shall be granted only to the Full time teachers up to the maximum age of 70 years (yearly basis after attaining the age of 62 years) working in the affiliated College/ Recognised Institute by following the due procedure explained under clause 7(vi) of this Direction. Provided that, the 3 actual PG teaching is being done in the concerned subject in that College/Recognised Institute. ii) PG recognition shall be granted only if, the said teacher is having approval to his/her appointment as a UG teacher. (This is not mandatory in case of teachers of Govt./Local authorities Colleges, However, it is advisable to obtain UG Teacher approval to the concerned Teacher). In case of Institutes where only PG teaching is imparted, the Dean/Director of such Institute shall obtain approval to the appointment(s) of teachers of his Institute as per the provisions of Direction No. 02/2012 of the University. There after only the proposal(s) for recognition as a PG Teacher(s) shall be processed by the University as per instant Direction. iii) The recognition once granted to any teacher of the Central Govt./State Govt./Corporation College(s)/ Recognised Institute(s) shall remains valid till the teacher remains in the service of Central Govt./State Govt./Corporation irrespective of change in his/ her place of posting within the Jurisdictions of the University and or change in his/her Designation and subject to the terms and conditions in the appointment order. However, it is the responsibility of the Dean/Principal of the College and also the concerned teacher to communicate the change of place (Transfer, Resignation, Termination, Retirement etc.) to the University immediately for information and necessary action (if any). iv) In case of teacher whose name is changed due to marriage or any other reason, in such case the University shall take a note of it, subject to submission of copy of Gazette Notification/Marriage Certificate. No fresh order of recognition shall be issued to him/her. 4 v) PG recognition granted to the teachers of Private Medical College(s)/Institute(s) shall remain valid till the teacher remains in the service of that particular College(s)/Institute(s) only or attains the age of superannuation i.e. 62 years of age. The provision under clause 7(i) of instant Direction shall also be applicable to these teacher(s). vi) The PG recognition to the teacher(s) above 62 years of age may be granted on yearly basis on submission of the following documents by the Dean/Principal/Director of affiliated College/Recognised Institute. a) Resolution passed by Management of the College/Institute or the concerned Competent Authority (who has the power of appointment of teachers) stating that services of the said teacher(s) is required by their College/Institute. b) Undertaking/affidavit (on letterhead of the College) by the Management of the College/Recognised Institute stating that it will be their responsibility to appoint another eligible PG recognised teacher or make arrangement of transfer of PG student to other eligible recognised guide of their College. In case, if the existing PG teacher leaves the College for whatsoever reason. However, the said PG teacher shall not be allowed to leave the present College till the completion of the current academic year to avoid the academic loss to the PG student. c) Letter/Appointment order stating his/her services are continued based on the resolution of the management. d) Joining report and/or acceptance of terms & conditions of new appointment/continuation of service. vii) The appointments of Govt. Colleges/Post Graduate Institutes of Central Govt./Corporation Colleges are being done by their respective Competent 5 Authorities (viz. Central/State Govt./Corporation) therefore, the experience considered by the appointing Authorities at the time of such appointments shall be considered as it is and accordingly if found eligible, then the recognition as Post Graduate Teacher(s) shall be granted to such proposals. viii) Educational qualification for Recognition of Post Graduate Teacher shall be a recognised PG Degree in the concerned subject after obtaining M.B.B.S. Degree, however, in case of subjects Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Microbiology, M. Sc. under the Faculty of Medicine with Ph. D. shall be accepted as per guidelines of Medical Council of India, New Delhi. ix) The teacher shall possess total approved teaching experience of 8 years at under-graduate level out of which, at least 5 years approved teaching experience as a Asst. Professor/Lecturer shall be after obtaining the PG Degree. x) Notwithstanding anything done earlier, the recognition as Post Graduate teacher henceforth shall be granted subject to submission of minimum one publication in the National/International Indexed Journal within the period of one year. xi) Notwithstanding the approved teaching experience as explained above, the competent authority of Armed Forces Medical College and other Institutes of Central Govt. may adopt the following criteria for appointment of teachers in the Faculty of Medicine. a) The Graded Specialists with requisite recognised Post Graduate qualifications and three years experience as Graded Specialist may be designated as Lecturer/Asst. Professor. 6 b) The Classified Specialists with requisite recognised Post Graduate qualification and 2 years experience as Classified Specialist may designated as Reader. c) Adviser/Consultant with a minimum of 5 years experience in that capacity may be considered for being designated as Professor. Also the required teaching experience gained in the recognised teaching institutions/training hospitals for various teaching designation shall be as follows as per the decision of the Medical Council of India vide letter MCI-12(1)/2005-Med.(Misc)/9706 dated 17/08/2005. i) Lecturer :- Shall possess the Recognised Post Graduate Degree in the concerned subject. ii) Reader/Asso. Profesor :- Shall possess the Recognised Post Graduate Degree in the concerned subject plus five years teaching experience in the concerned subject as a Lecturer. iii) Professor :- Shall possess the Recognised Post Graduate Degree in the concerned subject plus four years teaching experience in the concerned subject as a Reader/Asso. Professor. 8) Recognition of Super Speciality teachers:In case of Super Speciality, the teacher who possess 8 years of teaching experience, out of which, at least having 5 years approved teaching experience in the concerned subject as a lecturer or Asst. Professor gained after obtaining the higher Speciality Degree, shall be recognised as Post Graduate Teacher for the Super Speciality Course. Provided that, in case of Super Speciality Courses, which are newly Instituted, the matter regarding relaxation of the qualification and experience of Post Graduate Teachers shall be taken up by the appointing authority with the Medical Council of India for its 7 consideration. The decision of Medical Council of India on the same shall be final and binding. 9) Consultants or specialists who have the experience of working for a period of not less than 18 years and 10 years in the teaching and other General Departments in the Institution(s) or Hospital(s), not attached to any Medical College, and where the Postgraduate teaching is being imparted as contemplated under sub-regulation (1A) of regulation 8 of Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations, 2000 shall respectively be eligible to be equated as Professor and Associate Professor in the Department concerned. The requisite experience for equating a Consultant or Specialist working in the Super Speciality Department of the said Institution(s) or Hospital(s) as Professor and Associate Professor shall respectively be 16 years and 8 years. Consultants or Specialists having Postgraduate Degree qualification, working in such an Institution(s) or Hospital(s), who do not have the said period of experience, shall be eligible to be equated as Assistant Professor in the Department concerned. Provided that such conferment of nomenclature of the designation/status of postgraduate medical teachers shall be awarded only to those many number of consultants in the concerned hospital/institution so as to fulfill the minimum requirement for imparting Postgraduate Medical Education to the sanctioned annual intake of the respective Govt. Hospital/Institute. 10) a) If DNB qualification is acquired from MCI recognised Govt. Medical Colleges/PG teaching Institutes, the teacher shall possess minimum 06 years of total approved teaching experience and minimum 02 publication published 8 in National/International Indexed Journal as a First Author after acquiring DNB qualification. b) If DNB qualification is acquired from MCI recognised Private Medical College/PG Teaching Institutes, the teacher shall possess minimum 07 years of total approved teaching experience and minimum 02 publication published in National/International Indexed Journal as a First Author after acquiring DNB qualification. 11) In case, if the teacher leaves one Medical College & joins another Private Medical College/ Institute, He/She shall be required to apply through proper channel to the University for getting fresh recognition as PG Teacher (if desired) after appointment of such teacher by following due procedure of the University at the new college. 12) With the issuance of this Direction, earlier Direction No. 12/2000 on the subject – matter stands repealed, however every act done as per the provision of said Direction and every decision taken in consonance with the provision of said Direction, before promulgation of the instant direction, shall be treated as valid. Sd/Prof. Dr. Arun Jamkar Vice-Chancellor Date : 04/12/2012 Place: Nashik 9