Inventory of Irish Marine Wildlife Publications

Inventory of Irish Marine Wildlife
Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 16
Inventory of Irish Marine Wildlife Publications
Caroline Roche, Sarah Clarke & Brendan O’Connor
AquaFact International Services Ltd.,
12 Kilkerrin Park,
Liosbaun, Galway.
Roche C., Clarke S. & O’Connor B. (2005) Inventory of Irish marine wildlife
publications. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 16. National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland.
Cover photo: Snakelocks Anemone (Anemonia viridis) © BioMar
Irish Wildlife Manuals Series Editor: F. Marnell
© National Parks and Wildlife Service 2005
ISSN 1393 – 6670
Many thanks are due to all those who took the time to assist in the complitation of this
inventory. A complete listing of all those who contributed to this inventory can be seen
in Appendix I.
To facilitate future data mining and strategic research efforts pertaining to marine
wildlife conservation, NPWS commissioned a review of existing published and grey
This review encompassed all habitats influenced by marine waters in
Ireland and the species dependant on those habitats.
A range of governmental and non-governmental organisations, and individual
experts and researchers both nationally and internationally contributed to this
review which will also serve as an important archive of Ireland’s marine research
Acknowledging that a review of this size will inevitably result in some oversights,
this inventory should serve as an important database to which ongoing work in this
regard may be added. To date, 4973 publications have been recorded.
Executive Summary
Scope of Review
Appendix I
Appendix II
The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of the Department of Environment,
Heritage and Local Government commissioned Aqua-Fact International Services Ltd. to
prepare a fully referenced inventory of publications that may potentially contain
information regarding the distribution and abundance of marine wildlife in Ireland.
Inventory Guidelines
The NPWS identified the following guidelines regarding the publication inventory:
No limitation with regard to publication date
The term ‘Marine Wildlife’ was to include all fully marine, estuarine and brackish
water habitats or species that rely on these habitats for a portion of their life
The review was to extend from the upper shoreline to the outer edge of the
Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Ireland
Only publications containing information that has the potential to become open
to public access were to be included in the inventory
All relevant sources of information were to be accessed
Appendix I shows details of the scope matrix that was created as part of this project.
This scope shows a contact list of individuals who contributed to this work.
contacts were assigned to groups reflecting their area of work (e.g. Academia, NonGovernmental Organisations, etc.).
Each of these groups will be discussed in more
detail further on in this report.
Initial contact was made via written letter/email. If a response was received, it
was one of the three following types:
Written or emailed response stating that no relevant information was
Emailed response accompanied by an electronic version of the
relevant information
Upon acquiring relevant information, it was entered into Endnote in a format shown
1. Where actual authors are identifiable, enter names one under the other in
the format
<First initial. Second initial (if avail.). Surname>
<First initial. Second initial (if avail.). Surname>
2. Where specific authors are not identifiable, enter <Anon>
1. Full name as it appears
2. No capitals except where ordinarily applicable
3. No full stops
4. Scientific notation apply (i.e., italics on species, etc)
1. For journal articles, there should be no spaces around the hyphen
2. For total number of pages, pages number space pp.
<number pp.>
1. This is the date the entry was made to the inventory
1. Where a complete set of basic information pertaining to the publication was
not readily retrievable, Incomplete was entered to flag this point.
1. These are determined from a list agreed with NPWS
2. They are entered one under the other
3. Keywords from the essential keywords list are entered where information is
available and applicable
4. Thereafter, selective keywords are chosen to adequately describe the
A list of the essential and selective keywords is shown in Table 1. The purpose
in selecting these keywords was to condense the broad array of topics down to
a small number of general terms. It must be noted here that the following
keywords shown below are those selected by NPWS and in no way reflect those
chosen by the individual authors/journals.
Table 1:
A list of the essential and selective keywords used in the compilation of
this catalogue
Taxonomic Key
Initially all contactable sources were grouped into categories based on their area of
work (e.g., Academia, Non-Governmental Organisations, etc.). Each category will be
discussed individually. While every attempt was made to ensure that all relevant data
from all of the sources mentioned below was included in this catalogue, due to the vast
extent of this project, some omissions are likely to be found. However, this catalogue
will be continually undated for new and omitted information.
It must also be noted
that there is no consistency between author’s initials in this catalogue, and it may be
noticed that duplicates are present in the catalogue, however those duplicates are in
fact different publications.
1. Internet Sources
Standard literature databases were accessed through the NUI Galway Library.
They included the Web of Science, which incorporated Current Contents;
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), which incorporated Aquatic Sciences and
Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA); Hexacorallians of the World and the UK NBN
Gateway. Information was gathered from these sites by entering the selected
keywords (above) and carrying out a search of the publications held within each
website. In cases where no relevant information was retrieved from the search,
“Not Relevant’ was entered in the scope. Due to the vast quantity of journals
assessable through Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, a complete listing of the
ASFA journal titles can be accessed through the following websites:
The material covered by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts ranged from 1971 to
Web of Science, which contains 8, 700 journals ranging from 1970 to the
present can be accessed through the following website:
2. Irish Journals
Table 2 shows a list of the journals and years included in this catalogue. These
publications were taken directly from ‘An indexed bibliography of Irish marine
literature from 1839 to 1997’ (Kelly et al., 1997).
The 1997 to 2004
publications of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy’ were accessed
through the Royal Irish Academy web site. The 1997 to 2004 publications of
the ‘The Irish Naturalists’ Journal’ were accessed through the Irish Naturalists’
Journal web site.
The 1996 to 2004 publications of ‘Fisheries Investigation
Series’ were accessed through the Marine Institute publications web page. The
journals were searched, issue by issue and the relevant publications were
entered into the catalogue.
Table 2:
Publications included in this catalogue from Kelly et al. 1997
Years (inclusive)
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
Irish Naturalist
The Irish Naturalists’ Journal
Irish Journal of Environmental Science
Bulletin of the Irish biogeographical Society
Annual Report of Fisheries, Ireland
Fisheries Ireland, Scientific Investigations
Irish Fisheries Investigations, Series B
Fisheries Bulletin
Fisheries Leaflets
Lough Beltra Workshop Reports
Royal Dublin Society (RDS) Journals
Journal of the Royal Dublin Society
Scientific Transactions of the RDS, Ser. II
Years (inclusive)
Scientific Proceedings of the RDS
Scientific Proceedings of the RDS, Ser. A
Scientific Proceedings of the RDS, Ser. B
Journal of Life Sciences RDS
Non-Irish Periodicals
Irish Sea Study Group and Forum
Journal of the Marine Biological Association
1887-Feb. 1997
of the United Kingdom
Progress in Underwater Science
Porcupine Newsletter
1975-Jan. 1997
3. Public Services Ireland
Written letters/emails were sent out to the following organisations:
Marine Institute; Lough Beltra Workshops; Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM); National
Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS); ENFO; Geological Survey Ireland (GSI); The
Heritage Council; The National History Museum; EU Frameworks Projects; All
Fisheries Boards; The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); An Taisce; The
Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources (DCMNR); The
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DEHLG); All
County Councils and Heritage Officers; Galway Harbour Company; Dublin Port
Company; Cork Port; Shannon Port; Sligo Port; Rosslare Port and Marine
If a response was not received from the initial email/letter, contact was then
made by telephone. The responses were either accompanied by information or
stated that no relevant information was at their disposal (indicated by ‘Not
Relevant’ in the scope matrix). When information was received, it was stored
either as a hard copy or as a computer file.
These references were then
entered into the inventory. In some cases it was necessary to visit some of the
public service institutions to gather information by accessing their internal
databases/stockpiles of relevant material. In cases where no reply to written
contact/telephone was received, the term ‘Search Failed’ was entered in the
4. Public Services UK
Written letters/emails were sent out to the following organisations:
Natural History Museum, Wales; The Natural History Museum London; The
Centre for Environment Fisheries Aquaculture Sciences (CEFAS); Sea Mammal
Research Unit; Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC); English Nature
(EN); Country Council for Wales (CCW) and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).
If a response was not received from the initial email/letter, contact was then
made by telephone. The responses were either accompanied by information or
stated that no relevant information was at their disposal (indicated by ‘Not
Relevant’ in the scope matrix). When information was received, it was stored
either as a hard copy or as a computer file.
These references were then
entered into the inventory. In some cases it was necessary to visit some of the
public services institutions to gather information by accessing their internal
databases/stockpiles of relevant material. In cases where no reply to written
contact/telephone was received, the term ‘Search Failed’ was entered in the
5. Academia Ireland
Websites of the following Universities and Institutes of Technology were
accessed for their relevant post-graduate theses collections and relevant
departmental publications:
National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG); Galway-Mayo Institute of
Technology (GMIT); Trinity College Dublin (TCD); University College Dublin
(UCD); National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUI Maynooth); Dublin City
University (DCU); University of Limerick (UL); University College Cork (UCC);
Dublin Institute of Technology
(DIT); Institute of Technology, Tralee (IT
Tralee); Institute of Technology, Limerick (IT Limerick); Institute of Technology,
Sligo (IT Sligo); Institute of Technology, Letterkenny (IT Letterkenny).
The approach taken to access each college website was as follows:
Through the library website the theses were searched either by department
(where this option was available) or by keywords present in the theses
Failing both of these options, all theses were searched and the
relevant ones were catalogued. Each relevant department was then searched
for departmental publications and also for staff members individual publication
Information was also gathered from staff members within the colleges,
either over the phone or by visiting the colleges.
As the department varied
throughout all the colleges, it was not possible to give a standard list of
departments searched in all the colleges.
Instead, the departments which
information was gathered from in the individual universities are listed in the
6. Academia UK
Websites of the following Universities and Institutes of Technology were
accessed for their relevant post-graduate theses collections and relevant
departmental publications:
Plymouth Marine Laboratory; University of Southampton; University of Wales,
Bangor; University of Liverpool; University of Ulster, Colraine; Millport marine
Station; Glasgow University.
The approach taken to access each college website was as follows:
Through the library website the theses were searched either by department
(where this option was available) or by keywords present in the theses
Failing both of these options, all theses were searched and the
relevant ones were catalogued. Each relevant department was then searched
for departmental publications and also for staff members individual publication
Information was also gathered from staff members within the colleges,
either over the phone or by visiting the colleges.
As the department varied
throughout all the colleges, it was not possible to give a standard list of
departments searched in all the colleges.
Instead, the departments which
information was gathered from in the individual universities are listed in the
7. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
Written letters/emails were sent out to the following organisations:
Birdwatch Ireland; Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG); Irish Seaweed
Industry Organisation (ISIO); Sherkin Marine Station and Coastwatch.
If a response was not received from the initial email/letter, contact was then
made by telephone. Contact was continued until a response was received. The
responses were either accompanied by information or stated that no relevant
information was at their disposal. When information was received, it was stored
either as a hard copy or as a computer file.
entered into the inventory.
entered in the scope.
These references were then
If no response was received, ‘Search Failed’ was
If no relevant information was available/received, ‘Not
Relevant’ was entered in the scope.
8. Consultancies
Written letters/emails were sent out to the following organisations:
Ecoserve; Aquatic Services Unit; Moore Environmental; Woods Environmental,
Kirk McClure and Aqua-Fact International Services Ltd.
Relevant data from Aqua-Fact International Services were entered from existing
internal endnote libraries.
Information from the remaining consultants was
entered as it was acquired. If no response was received, ‘Search Failed’ was
entered in the scope.
If no relevant information was available/received, ‘Not
Relevant’ was entered in the scope.
9. Experts
Written letters/emails were sent out to a range of individuals with expertise in a
particular area of marine research.
If a response was not received from the
initial email/letter, contact was then made by telephone.
continued until a response was received.
Contact was
The responses were either
accompanied by information or stated that no relevant information was at their
disposal. When information was received, it was stored either as a hard copy or
as a computer file. These references were then entered into the inventory. In
some cases additional information was gathered from the individuals web pages
or departmental web pages. If no response was received, ‘Search Failed’ was
entered in the scope.
If no relevant information was available/received, ‘Not
Relevant’ was entered in the scope.
This inventory of Irish marine wildlife publications contains 4, 973 references as
2, 808 Journal articles
880 Reports
588 Books or Book Sections
448 Postgraduate Theses
198 Conference Proceedings
28 Manuscripts
23 Magazine Articles
A full list of this inventory is provided in an accompanying Endnote database and is
also available in Appendix II.
Scope Matrix Details
Compilation Status
Web of Science
(e.g. years, levels,
etc, etc)
Not Relevant
Not Relevant
Current Contents
Hexacorallians of
the world
UK NBN Gateway
Compilation Status
Royal Irish Academy
(e.g. years, levels,
etc, etc)
RIA Website
Kelly et al.
INJ Website
Kelly et al.
Kelly et al.
Inish Naturalists' Journal
Fisheries Investigations
MI Website
Sent to
Received Information
(e.g. years,
(catalogued/awa levels, etc, etc)
Public Service Marine
Lough Beltra
Dr. Francis
O'Beirne, Dr. Ken
2003/2004 Fish
Stock/ 1981-
2004 Reports
from Website
Aqua-Fact Int. Ser.
CLAMS Projects
Cooper/Oliver Tully
Mr. Terence
Oliver Tully
Dr. Elizabeth Sides,
Oscar Merne/John
Dave Lyons
General email
Database not
accessed yet
Michael Geoghegan
Reports 19651994
Michael Starrett
Publications +
CMRC data
Mark Holmes
Geoffrey O'Sullivan
Projects 19942004
Gargan &
ports 1997-
Harry Lloyd
B. Maguire
Not relevant
Vincent Roache
Not Relevant
Kevin Rogers
Not Relevant
Eamonn Cusack
Not Relevant
Aidan Barry
Not Relevant
Brian Sheerin
Not Relevant
Alan McGurdy
Not Relevant
Peter Cunningham,
Not Relevant
Shane O'Boyle/John
An Taisce
Dawn Parkinson
Not Relevant
Margaret Mulhall
tions 19922001
General Email
Search Failed
Louth Co.
Lorraine Buchanan
Not Relevant
John Fitzgerald/Tim
carey (HO)
Mairin Mac
Fingal Co.
Wicklow Co.
Gilbert Power/Gerry
Search Failed
Search Failed
Search Failed
Not relevant
Clabby (HO)
Burns (HO)
Wexford Co.
Meath Co
to heritage
Guinan (HO)
Denis McCarthy
Search Failed
Katherine Walshe
Search Failed
Co. Council
Cork Co.
Kerry Co.
Fran Igoe
Limerick Co.
Tom O'Neill Will send on
EIS data
O'Neill (HO)
Clare Co.
tions 1969-
Mcgiure (HO)
Galway Co.
No relevant
Not Relevant
Search Failed
Not Relevant
Search Failed
2002 EIS data
mannion (HO)
Galway City
Sara Kennelly
Mayo Co.
Sligo Co.
Alice O’
Alice O'
Salter/Siobhan Ryan
Donegal Co.
Galway Port
Liam McCarron/Joe
Gallagher (HO)
Brian Sheridan
Dublin Port
Cork Port
Search Failed
Search Failed
Search Failed
Search Failed
Rosslare Port
Sent to
d from
(e.g. years,
levels, etc, etc)
ng compilation)
NHM Wales
Andie Mackie
Service UK
NHM London
Dr. Peter Mordan,
Dr. Geoff Boxshall,
ite 1897-2003
Dr. John
Lambshead, Clare
Alezander Muir
Dr. Julian Metcalfe
Jim Ellis
Sea Mammal
Amanda Pomeroy
Search Failed
Dr. Paul Rose, Dr.
Publications 1990-
Research Unit
Tony Weighell
Mark Duffy
Thomas Stringell,
Mandy McMath
John Baxter
Publications 19912002
Not Relevant
Not Relevant
Information Provided
Compilation Status
Academia NUIG
(e.g. years, levels,
etc, etc)
Library & Departmental Web pages
Zoo, Bot, Micro
Zoo, Bot, Micro, Geology,
Geophysics, Geography, Ocean
Library & Departmental Web pages
Physical and Life Sciences
Not Relevant
Physical and Life Sciences
Library & Departmental Web pages
Zoo, Bot, Biol
Zoo, Bot, Biochem, Biol
Library & Departmental Web pages
Zoo., Bot.
Bus. Admin, Envi. Res. Manag., Ani.
Sci & Prod., Expt. Phy., Zoo., Bot.,
Ind. Micro., Geol., Edu
Library & Departmental Web pages
Not Relevant
Library & Departmental Web pages
Fac. Of Science and Health
Not Relevant
Library & Departmental Web pages
Life Sciences
Publications 1977-
Library & Departmental Web pages
Zoo., Ani. Ecol., Plant Sci.
Publications 19202002
Zoo, Ani. Ecol, Plant Sci., Bot, Archae
Library & Departmental Web pages
Biol. Sciences
Not Relevant
Publications 20022004
IT Tralee
Library & Departmental Web pages
Chem. & Life Sciences
Not Relevant
Chem. & Life Sciences
Library & Departmental Web pages
Applied Science
Not Relevant
IT Sligo
Library & Departmental Web pages
Fac. Of Science
Library & Departmental Web pages
Science + Biology
Not Relevant
Information Provided
Compilation Status
Coverage Description
(e.g. years, levels, etc, etc)
Academia Plymouth Marine
Library & Departmental Web pages
Not Relevant
Reports 1974-2004
Ocean Science + Biology
Ocean Science + Biology
School of Envi. Sci.
Non Relevant
Library & Departmental Web
BioMed & Life Sci.
University of
University of
Library & Departmental Web Southampton Ocean. Centre
pages - Not Relevant
University of
Library & Departmental Web
Wales - Bangor
University of
Biol., Earth, Ocean+
Library & Departmental Web Oceanography, Ecology and
Oceanography, Ecology and
University of
Millport Marine
Library & Departmental Web
Library & Departmental Web
Initial Request
Sent to
Received from
Information Compilation
(e.g. years,
levels, etc,
Steve Newton
Dr. Simon Berrow
Dr. Simon Berrow
Dr. Stefan Kraan,
Dr. Robert Wilkes
Dr. Robert Wilkes
Mr. Matt Murphy
Mr. Matt Murphy
Karin Dubsky
Search Failed
Initial Request
Sent to
Received from
Compilation Coverage
levels, etc,
Mr. Chris Emblow
Search Failed
Mr. Gerard
Search Failed
Search Failed
EIS 2002-
Services Unit
Declan Moore
Dr. Tara
Dr. Tara Gallagher
Ruth Sugrue
Brendan O'Connor
Search Failed
Dr. James Bell
Initial Request
Received from
Compilation Status
James Bell
(e.g. years, levels,
etc, etc)
Publlished papers
& books
Dr. Mark
Prof. James
Publlished papers
Dr. Vivenne
Dr. Mark
Prof. James
Viv. Gotto
Prof. Michael
& books
Prof. Michael
Dr. Brenda Healy
Brenda Healy
Mr. Mark Holmes
Mark Holmes
Dr. John Keogh
John Keogh
Dr. Pauline King
Dr. Pauline King
Dr. David
Dr. David
Dr. Dan Minchin
Dan Minchin
Mr. Matt Murphy
Mr. Matt Murphy
Mr. Geoff Oliver
Geoff Oliver
Dr. Elizabeth
Dr. Elizabeth
Prof. Noel
Dr. Jim Wilson
From NET
Publlished papers
& books
TCD Website
Publication Inventory
A. Murphy & Co. 1990. Bannow bay tidal cover, sedimentology, salinity and nutrients. Bord
Iascaigh Mhara aquaculture site survey programme. 14 pp.
M. K. Abdel-Moez. 1954. On the occurrence of a new variety of Nereis virens (Sars) in Dublin
Bay. Irish Naturalists' Journal. 11 (8) 226-230.
A. Abuin, C. Clabby, P. Martinez, U. Goswami, F. Flavin, N. P. Wilkins, J. A. Houghton, R. Powell
and L. Sanchez. 1996. A NOR-associated satellite DNA in the genome of two salmon
species (Salmo salar and Salmo trutta). Genome. 39 671-679.
S. Acevedo and J. M. Fives. 2001. The distribution and abundance of the larval stages of the
myctophid Benthosema glaciale (Reinhardt) in the Celtic Sea and west coast of Ireland in
1998. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 101B (3) 245250.
S. Acevedo and B. F. Keegan. 1996. Reproductive cycle of Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu, 1830)
(Bivalvia: Thyasiridae) in Galway Bay, west coast of Ireland. In: Irish marine science 1995.
Galway University Press Ltd. Galway. 143-158.
S. C. Acevedo. 1994. Aspects of the biology and ecology of the bivalves Thyasira flexuosa,
(Montagu, 1803) and Mysella bidentata (Montagu, 1803) in Galway Bay (west coast of
Ireland). Ph.D. Department of Zoology. National University of Ireland, Galway.
C. Ackermann, P. A. King and D. McGrath. 1996. Reproduction and settlement of the mussel,
Mytilus edulis, on an exposed rocky shore in Kinsale Harbour, Co. Cork, Ireland. In: Irish
Marine Science 1995. Galway University Press Ltd. Galway. 191-206.
G. Ackers, D. Moss and B. E. Picton. 1992. Sponges of the British Isles (sponge V). A colour
guide and working document. Marine Conservation Society. Ross on Wye. 169 pp. (Ex.
G. Ackers, D. Moss, B. E. Picton and S. M. K. Stone. 1985. Sponges of the British Isles (sponge
IV). A colour guide and working document. Marine Conservation Society. Ross on Wye.
199 pp. (Ex. Index).
P. Adam. 1987. Some observations on Irish saltmarsh vegetation. Bulletin of the Irish
biogeographical Society. (10) 42-55.
P. Adam. 1997. BioMar biotope viewer: a guide to marine habitats, fauna and flora of Britain
and Ireland. Environmental Sciences Unit, Trinity College Dublin. Dublin. 0 9526 735 4 1.
A. L. Adams. 1878. On the recent and extinct Irish mammals. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal
Dublin Society. 2 (1) 45-86.
J. Adams. 1904. Catenella repens at Ballygally Head. Irish Naturalist. 13 (3) 71.
J. Adams. 1908. A synopsis of Irish algae, freshwater and marine. Proceedings of the Royal Irish
Academy. 27B (2) 11-60.
J. Adams. 1909. The biological subdivisions of Ireland: supplementary note. Irish Naturalist. 18
(1) 1-2.
J. Adams. 1909. The distribution of lichen in Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy.
27B (2) 193-234.
J. Adams. 1910. A list of synonyms of Irish algae, with some additional records and
observations. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 28B (5) 167-214.
J. Adams. 1911. Additions to Irish algae, lichen and fungi to the end of the year 1910. Irish
Naturalist. 20 (4) 67-68.
J. Adams. 1987. The green holes. Diver. 41
J. A. Adams. 1992. Ecological changes over 30 years caused by drainage of a salmonid stream,
the Bunree River. Irish Fisheries Investigations, Series. 34 1-16.
J. A. Adams. 1993. Lough Beltra 1989 - 1991. Proceedings of the R.V. Lough Beltra Workshop.
Lough Beltra -1989 -1991. Proceedings of the R.V. Lough Beltra workshop, Dalkey, 30th
and 31st January 1992. Dublin. P. Byrne, D. J. Curtis and E. Bignal. Fisheries Research
J. A. Adams and H. D. Dooley. 1992. Feeding relationships of trout Salmo trutta L., perch Perca
fluviatilis L. and roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) in Lough Sheelin, Ireland. Irish Fisheries
Investigations, Series. 35 1-22.
J. A. Adams, J. H. Frazer, D. D. Seaton and S. J. Hay. 1993. Aspects of the exploitation of hake
Merluccius merluccius belonging to the northern stock by fleets based in Ireland. Fisheries
Bulletin. 13 1-17.
S. M. Adams and R. B. McLean. 1985. Estimation of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides,
growth using liver somatic index and physiological variables. Journal of Fish Biology. 26
W. E. Adeney. 1900. Studies in the chemical analysis of fresh and salt waters. Part 1.
Applications of the aeration method of analysis to the study of river waters. Scientific
Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. 9 (3) 346-361.
W. H. Adey and P. J. Adey. 1973. Studies on the biosystematics and ecology of the epilithic
crustose Corallinaceae of the British Isles. British Phycological Journal. 8 343-407.
Admiralty Charts and Publications. 1994. Irish Coastal Pilot. Offshore and coastal waters round
Ireland including routes to the Irish sea from Atlantic ocean landfalls.
F. F. Ahmad. 1978. Circulation and mixing in the eastern Irish Sea. Ph.D. University of
J. J. Aitken. 1961. Revised list of Aphroditidae (Polychaeta) from Strangford Lough and
neighbouring coasts. Irish Naturalists' Journal. 13 (12) 272.
J. J. Aitken. 1962. Experiments with populations of the limpet, Patella vulgata L. Irish
Naturalists' Journal. 14 (1) 12-15.
J. J. AItken and J. P. Hillis. 1959. The occurrence of Elminius modestus (Darwin) in North
Ireland. Irish Naturalists' Journal. 13 (4) 100.
J. K. Al-Abaychi. 1978. Studies on the HPLC of the pigments of phytoplankton and on the
hydrography of the eastern Irish Sea. Ph.D. University of Liverpool.
F. R. S. Alastair-Graham. 1971. British prosobranch and other operculate gastropod molluscs.
Academic Press. London. 0122948505.
M. L. Alcantara. 1989. The production of zero-smolts of Atlantic salmon in Ireland. M.Sc.
Department of Zoology. University College Cork.
J. Alder and A. Hancock. 1844. Report on the British nudibranchiate Mollusca. British Association
for the Advancement of Science. 24-29.
J. A. Alder and A. Hancock. 1905-12. The British Tunicata: an unfinished monograph. I-III. Ray
Society. 5591.
J. C. Aldrich, W. Crowe, M. Fitzgerald, M. Murphy, C. McManus, B. Magennis and D. Murphy.
1980. Analysis of environmental gradients and patchiness in the distribution of the
epiphytic marine hydroid Clava squamata. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2 293-301.
J. C. Aldrich and M. Crowley. 1986. Condition and variability in Mytilus edulis (L.) from different
habitats in Ireland. Aquaculture. 52 (4) 273-286.
J. N. Aldridge, P. Kershaw, J. Brown, D. McCubbin, K. S. Leonard and E. F. Young. 2003.
Transport of plutonium (239/240Pu) and caesium (137Cs) in the Irish Sea: comparison
between observations and results from sediment and contaminant transport modelling.
Continental Shelf Research. 23 (9) 869-899.
Alginate Industries Ltd. 1978. Locations and sources of seaweeds - United Kingdom and Ireland.
B. M. Allen. 2004. Distribution, seasonal occurance, recruitment and growth of juvenile
commerical flatfish species on the west coast of Ireland. M.Sc. Department of Physical and
Life Sciences. Galway Mayo Institute of Technology.
B. M. Allen, P. A. King and J. M. Fives. 2004. Diet of lemon sole Microstomus kitt (Walbaun
1792) in Galway Bay, on the west coast of Ireland. Irish Naturalists' Journal. 27 (9) 329334.
D. Allen. 1993. Inishbiggle: a challenge. Cathair na Mart: Journal of the Westport Historical
Society. 13 145-148.
E. J. Allen. 1897. Report on the present state of knowledge with regard to the habits and
migrations of the mackerel (Scomber scomber). Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the United Kingdom. 5 (1) 1-40.
J. A. Allen. 1954. A comparative study of the British species of Nucula and Nuculana. Journal of
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D. T. G. Quigley and K. Flannery. 1996. Albino angler fish Lophius piscatorius L. Irish Naturalists'
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D. T. G. Quigley and K. Flannery. 1996. Common dolphin-fish Coryphaena hippurus L. in Irish
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