MINISTRY OF ENERGY Connection Timelines – Capacity Allocation Exempt (CAE) Small Generation Facilities 60 days: no expansion 90 days: expansion req (Whether Tx CIA req or not) (S 6.2.12) 120 days: Upstream LDC CIA req (Reg.326) Application deemed complete Notice to generator All CIA(s) completed (Tx and Dx) Detailed cost estimate(s) (for all Tx/Dx upgrades required) Offer to Connect Capacity formally allocated to generator Notice to upstream LDC Requirements 5/10 days Generator Requirements 60 days S 6.2.12 CIA application submitted Accept offer to connect (or capacity may be withdrawn by LDC) CAE Small generation facilities means a distribution-connected facility greater than 10 kW (micro) and is 250 kW or less if connected to a less than 15 kV line and 500 kW or less if connected to a 15 kV or greater line. 1 MINISTRY OF ENERGY Connection Timelines – Small and Mid‐Sized Generation Facilities 60 days, whether Tx CIA req or not (S 6.2.13) Application deemed complete Notice to generator 120 days: Upstream LDC CIA req (Reg.326) All CIA(s) completed (Tx and Dx) Capacity formally allocated to generator Detail cost estimate(s) (for all Tx/Dx upgrades required) Offer to Connect 6 months S e.i Later of 90 days (S 6.2.16) OR Notice to upstream LDC Requirements 5/10 days Notice to upstream 10 days Comments received 30 Comment period (no timeline given) days Generator Requirements CIA application submitted Payment for detailed cost est. Signed CCA (or capacity withdrawn) Small generation facilities means distribution-connected facility greater than 10 kW (micro) and is 500 kW or less if connected to a less than 15 kV line and 1 MW or less if connected to a 15 kV or greater line. Mid-sized generation facilities means distribution-connected facilities with capacity of 10 MW or less and not a micro or small or generation facility. 2 MINISTRY OF ENERGY Connection Timelines – Large Generation Facilities 90 days, whether Tx CIA req or not (S 6.2.13) Application deemed complete Notice to generator 120 days: Upstream LDC CIA req (Reg.326) All CIA(s) completed (Tx/Dx) Capacity formally allocated to generator SIA request to IESO Detail cost estimate(s) (for all Tx/Dx upgrades required) Offer to Connect Later of 90 days (S 6.2.16) OR Notice to upstream LDC Requirements 5/10 days Notice to upstream 10 days Comments received 30 Comment period (no timeline given) 6 months (S e.i) *9 months if tx SIA required *17 months if tx upgrades required *recent DSC amendment (S e.i ) days Generator Requirements CIA application submitted IESO Gx payment to LDC for detailed cost estimate SIA application deemed complete by IESO and Tx within 10 days of request Signed CCA 150 days (Reg.326) (or capacity withdrawn) SIA completed Large generation facilities means distribution-connected facilities with capacity of greater than 10 MW. 3