ii ABSTnAC. If fi l m ia as a katriculati(n teaching to the to be taurht it. w hi ch d i s ci p l i n e . exam pl es, f o rm ulae and th es e subject, must teaching films individual in J ou th st ru ct u r a l genre film is scv of binar. b asi s the s t r u c t u r a l i s t tool for f11ms . The about the medium , been be t w e e n model an a l y s i s various its fu n c t i o n volati le and as Kitzes , .Stephen ..e a 1 n , .jtanlcy and C ol in as the va l u a b l e and constraints definite genre t h e o r y ' and reveal in g. entertainment films > re both function c o m ; lex and be used discussion and film as film theorists an artistic culture' upheld has always pr e c o n c e p t i o n s victor ierkins, not io n po p u l a r although c: an culture mo de s they in d u s t r y artistic. and .h oca s Scha v^ the in society, the of mu si c a l film uolomon, - ec a u e e of a c o m m e r c i a l a as a to de bu n k have around can y e a n , m a n y , like sou gh t of an or g a n i s e d dogma, Jim film content o. which of In ...cArthur have to giv en form c r it i c s p re ju di ce . 'ort ho do x recent numerous oppositions and by present These 1popular is cl ou de d cl ap pr o p r i a t e adherence ifically 'h i g h b r o w • a e s t h e t i c i a m and and A deconstruction o p p o si ti on s. the c r i t i c a l ar g u m e n t their the n a r r a t i v e framework for of school s a viable cet ho d s pe ci fi c pat'em:. that sec on da ry film c a t e g o r i e s becau se re vea ls we need be m e d i a Genre African and many adhere to a individual CONTENTS PREFACE .......................................................... Chapter INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. T E A C H IN , L i ; E R a T U r E A N D F I L M Semiotics : Sifae Comparing literary Metaphor and S ty le 2. THE TH EC R Y CP To w a r ds The semantic ana Film oncepts .......... ............ ......................................... S pa ce ,ENRE ................................... ....................................... a c ri ti ca l Elements of approach -enre s Plot Exiatents A STRUCT' Y A M S i i ilm ...... Formulae ................ ........ : Characters ......................... ANALYSIS Structuraliem to Senre ............................... Settings and ......................... Or’ THa rilm • VUSICAI................ .............................. A Structuralist An a l y s i s of the W e s t e r n ......... A Structuralist Analysis of the M u s i c a l ......... /♦ . SWING TIME 5. AN A M E R I C A N t C O M .AC\ IN 6 . u INGIN'. IN 7. LADY MY o y s terns . .............................................. Events 3. C w .Fx h A T I V E S T U D Y a .......................................... Symbolism lime and : FAIR .HE PARIS RAIN AN D Raut LUTI, N : N A T HA Liu... A N : REALITY ................. STYLIbATlON A N v ILLUSION : IN J l V I v U A L F'HaEDiK .......... AND S O C I A u RESTRICTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONCLUSION LIST ...................................................... OP R E F E R E N C E S BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX ............................................ .................................................... OF FILMS PREFACE The reeetirch film The for oouna impressed. this work began wh e n of i..u s i c . since then films, some m e d i o c r e , I hope this fi ab le prejudice I saw my I wu u nine y e a r s 1 have and cat oth er s d i s s e r t a t i o n will t h ro ug h old w i t h w h i c h many regard and musical enormously countless exceptional alleviate Virut genre in the ir some of the this po p u l a r ar ti st ry . unjusti­ cu ltu re mode . My sincere of the help thanks Witwatererand have been I acknowledge r e g is t e r e d And of also like a note pr egnancy arrive whose van Zyl of the e n c o u r a g e m e n t , aivi se University and co n s t a n t the Scho ol to e x pr e s s of Natal of d r am at ic Art •*’w h i c h I am student. my gratitude for a l l o w i n g to the me authorities to use their fa ci lit ie s. I extend my to hr John invaluable. U ni ve r s i t y Li br ary go as a l o s t - G r a d u a t e I would the mu s t when F inally, my standing and of a p p r e c i a t i o n a comfortable this work love and pride was my ha ve one, to my unborn and h a v i n g child the good for m a k i n g grace to completed. thanks been my go to my h u s b a n d , strength. whose under­ i-'ow that und the in sti t ut ed examination of stuay the as in a subject sonu Transvaal h of chccis l le n accej.te ., r e c o g n i s e d worthy of M a t r i c u l a t i o n fall in un oe r .d u c a t i o n u a p u r t u e n t , the there jurisdiction i a n urgent . film usin. the traditional methodo which ap ly to the . -he fundament-! 1 d i f f e r e n c e s Let.eo n the t.o i r.rratuve . while Literature exists -n tne v.r it ten word ate the . re l e v a n t for l i t e r a t u r e to :ilm only results in m i s p l a c e d , , this ho would cause confusion a visui l n a r r a t i v e «fe need a media about the nature of film and . i nifie. . Specific approach to the te ac h i n g of film . one hlch tut one c. u s e . film vhich conoid visu 1 : o f.lm us id for fi lm tc chir.f li te rat ure , u d take o into ac co u n t • Master Of o lL:. provide., time that Arts tu t;.r the ilssert it ion en ti t l e s -t -CC folic, in, a v era ge s p e n d . absorb inf ■ I..' the C -1 - ' V'l information white .L.e -so c ry .i regarding -out:; A f r i c a n n: act ice si cv6 the a m o u n t scuool of cnild :;c in: "-out:. Af r i c a n , upils ..pend 3*7 h o u r s (or V, * of t .eir leisur e time on the rc .in of ;oo s ; the balance of , , . (a fu rt he r b r e a k d o w n of be tt er pupils spend 3 ti;-- f i ( u r e - inuicate that the ore time on the reading of . There wa., no s i g n i f i c a n t d i f f e r e n c e between the two ."roups r e g a r d i n g the time . pent vievi;., tel ev is io n and films on the com me rc ia l c i r c u i t s - a strong ar gu me nt in favour of teachin, v i s u a l liter .cy at all levels of a c h i e v e m e n t at s c h o o l . ) " 1 . ./ *x . Mr cvticluaes ae it will in t er pr et of the that equip the the Department's introduced c o nt en t involved pilot of in study into six film iiouth A f r i c a n the vis ua l te achers study is of pupil vital with the means of c o m m u n i c a t i o n s the irancvaal in wh ic h Transvaal a film schools imp or ta nc e, media. hducati course auu ed to One n was that: "Visual media are very m u c h part of our everyday life, and if some or o t h e r form is not in tr od uc ed into s c h o o l s , e d u c a t i o n will become i r re le v a n t and the pupils will be u n p r e p a r e d to face the on sl aug ht of m a s b m e d i a when c o n f r o n t e d with the outside and adult world ..." 2 E xpo su r e to a g r o w i n g in cre ase in South s t a ti s t i c s In the which United 24 hours watch less have and been 35/ or me re than of Africa Kingdom w at ch averag e amo un t visual it is re leased of pupils week as re ad in g m a g az in es and reading books. « e can assume African pupil is a s s u r e d visual m e d i a ap pa re nt Grov* film it in se condary obviously methods the me th o d 12 - 14 32* of and from the abroad. a g 5 group this watch group an oppose : to 7,5 ho ur s spent C ,6 hours per week this the South that greater the could a convincing level, stage. which he but my is a new ex pos ure to t ren,; 3 w h i c h as the are ex amples of in a class room of and syllabus. to the medium, communication and Hi s one in a visu al of theae Grov£ narrative of film otill has for of is how n. in the ou tlined gi ven films the the seco nd ar y is ap pr o p r i a t e an an example mode. the teaching short si tu ati on is studi ed co nc er n are suitable each study p r o g r e s s , and the r e q u i r e m e n t s ana lys is each its of the there will appropriate be used time primary dissertation advocates five of as many In his case for subject, monitoring particularly provides limitations school it be c o n t i n u a l experimental which to c o n s i d e r Americans follow.ng made school jiace used, and the only of an even future others h a v e is taught. film the in the overseas. and at - news papers is on in cc untries per week. pc. me dia sh oc k i n g per week and 12 h o u r s ? S ,4 h o u r s of I am of in a g r e e m e n t with G r o v t 'a m e t h o d o l o g y the pro gress wh ich further teaching school s or It will form aims further part co nc ept s. In my op en i n g Chapter li te ra t u r e show that dispel the study. tea chi ng are of film, are the - en cod ed and decoded by the difference w a tc hi ng vis ua ll y a film sh own in fo rm at io n th" of and our encoded 'seeing' the of the own in his by image by de c o d i n g own m i n i . the n o v e l i s t to hie w o r k , ope ra te s assume that used it s u c c e ss fu ll y em plo yed of m e t a p h o r directly viewer. L i k e w i se literaiy symbolism which gr e a t e r and is it munt are m u t u a l l y * hen that the image. rea The er cr eat es concept, used significant,' context. that Kany it can it and hearic, of The is the sy m b o l i u m concepts. be is tt: <* medium. visual •‘x c l u s i v r the the w r i t t e n word and film - either providing and film - we hear a literary to and concept to l i t e r a t u r e , b u t sight exp la in s both visu al visual and is a u d i o be noted perceived the is that are liter a tu re the when concepts are au dib le a; p r e p r i n t s the literary Blues tone in a visual context in film through is help they which and rea lis ed they complexity applicable e film in a way w h i c h equ iv al en t perceived in be reconstructing di ff e r e n t l y la only of imagination Met ap ho r, to give how soundtrack and of film of literary message the and i n f or ma ti on imaginatively. 4 novel his with highlighting or c o n t r a d i c t s via study in which reinforces,complements communicates which te a c h i n g off shoot George on a screen, into the it must perception reception an image institutions. misconceptions t e x t , and seeing " provide s e c on da ry this wi ll and the wa y s to their d i f f e r e n c e s held How ev er , our "ways for that concepts extend li te ra tu re is an re t d e r / v l e w e r . between two d i f f e r e n t of seeing into the study in in encoded I hope film both of are c om mo nl y same. d if fe re nt , employed we are most if, that e s s e n ti al ly they as the and film used Education body t I aim do a c o m p a r a t i v e ways. that be illuminate com mun ic at e, notion One to att em pt s framework I will different may into H i g h e r in order they in entlrel) w hi ch a theo ret ica l of fi lm etudy been m a d e . of a gr ow i n g study and my a l rea uy ex amples even to build has and and A l th ou gh aye.bolian ia a spe cif ic presentation occurence and in a visual m o d e in a li te r a r y is re ce i ve d includ e signs of this from - Se m io ti cs , theory d i s cu ss of the to concep t li terary and the stylistic op en in g will of film film. style, how upon style, and it to use the M u s i c a l to its will also of the the science a p pl ic at io n fi na l l y , sh o w i n g i13 communicates chapter theory focus aevice, di f f e r e n t symbolism cr it ica l study of film My the and is ent ir el y form. visually. a discussion of artistic I will how is m a n i f e s t e d it differs in pa rt i c u l a r films. I have chosen category spend for some p o p ul a r study time mode. commercial film of c u lt ur e of te n c omp lex g e ne ric and e xam pl e and neglected of ence st ri c t l y and to the whole of the films cu lt u r e . especially Cr iti cs have are audience in cl i n e d of and one of the mo s t and i n di ff er output films th erefore have of films have on unworthy of Ho ll yw oo d borne films 1 i tie a p p r ai sa l. Because in a mass ma rk et , g e n r e been d o w n g r a d e d to view what co ntempt, to a n a l y s e str iking film critics impact has the matic u n jus tif ied . Th es e public musicals,have been made and to complex is form, a valuable m et aph or s, prolific eno rmous a measure of deg re e Lra'. of critic al for a mass s tr uc tu re d pr ov i d e s es capist cinema-going to a lack entertaining with a t t e m pt s The b ou nd ar ie s the d i s i n t e r e s t the 'Golde n as the the It li terary or d i s r e g a r d 01 its a d h e r e n c e The m u s i c a l and to this by visual to a large s e rio us within abundance va ri e d di s m i s s e d American c at er e d and is a t t e nt io n. relationship ma k e rs the artistry. Hollywood's been serious upon most ignore du ri n g and c r iti cs re cen tl y tended ma d e vivid of a part is a d e n s e l y limited I shall approaches it b e i n g conventions. because as a specific therefore falli ng film c a t e g o r i e s of many Until and and Genre various the m u s i c a l s t r u c t u r e s , the many symbolism the .respite in du str y f or m u l a e tea c h in g an a l y s i s , outlining c ul tu re p o pu la r and Fi l m these and to film­ popular 1 the masses' c o n s e qu en tl y films seriously. find lew Yet there ha v e been years,who ha ve sensed that there film a hackneyed plot and than There some critice, a growing realisation e x t eri or , pr es en te d in these structure and was that within the the critics various ap p r o a c h e s and inappropriate mediu m, but into which for it tt jories. what is is critical which As a b o v e , the m u s i c a l reputation criticism in for levelled turn c lo t h e s the critics being than all what pl ea su re they and there to provide about. like is Hoy any the It, that as a result of the g e n r e film the are it to com mo n escapism. wi t h Madsen, in from used to de sc ri be then the vacuous, and to be n o t h i n g mere of a few the m u nd a n e of something echoing nscapism of m u s i c a l s terms da rkness in m u s i c a l s aud ie nc e value is be lieved in the a u s e d :- rrivolous, and escape the film. en^oyec s h a l l o w , ir r e s p o n s i b l e , cha nc e thrusts note genre adjectives often cultur e and the most is c.ter. v ar iou s to examin e and this c r i t i c al channelled of the au di enc e value iaul cinema culture lives, a de e p e r m e a n i n g , film A as n e v e r i mp or ta nc e o ff er the of their d a i l y If The popular usea the most the a popular to fol lo w variety glo.cy, m e a n i n g l e s s ... indeed it a wide m u s i c a l , among unintelligent, fine at lurked essentially discourse stated glossy ac ce pte d e n d e a v o u r was the beneath Ihe~e m e t h o d s interesting to a genre performers. to an aly se of recent ste re ot yp ed "hat h a p p e n e d frameworke fi l m that films, attempted in iu of te n more a few was complexity. particularly the mo vi e it is in to sing views sours routines theatre. their and of many ability dance others hi m,wrote: " A l t h o u g h e s c a p i s m can be used to Justify anything, the thin st o r i e s and the m i n i s c u l e m e s s a g e s of the avera ge m u s i c a l make it c le ar that the only reason it thriv es dur in g days of ordeal in that it oilers the n a t i o n a l au di en ce c o l l e c t i v e p l e a s u r e , re l ax at io n and e s c a p i s m . fi l m and te le v i s i o n m u s i c a l s really find t he ir social v a l u e , if they neeu one, in giving the vi ew e r s o m et hi ng to sing ab out and in providing a respi te from c o n t i n u a l c o n f r o n t a t i o n with .he Iroblems". When one n o t e s during the the y e a r s of amount of m u s i c a l s that the U r e a t D e p r e s s i o n were and produced con si de rs how popuiHi they were, imi w ar ye ars (lot and nd logical. Hut is Incomplete and about the nature of it understanding Al th ou g h only it book de b u n k e d He Film the showed and in many it does as film it was the not and musicals argument shows popular negate or th o d o x structured that ap pe ar s of is not v a li di ty Perki ns theory upon the cul ture. its Victor of a lack senses, (197?) traditional that that the es c a p i s t is e s c a p i s t function, In nis <iddi. to its as art. successfully of film. d o g m a and prejudice: "f o rm u l a t e d u nd er the guise of an ae st h e t i c s of taete and personal r e s p o n s e which rested on c o n s i d e r a t i o n s of social status: the status and pr es tig e of the C in e m a as an Art and therefore, by im pl ica tio n, the status and pr es t i g e of the film j o u r n a l i s t - c r l t l c . " 1 During the around two do m i n a n t First ly noti lute the 1 9 5 0 ' y film which a p p r oa ch es e s ta b l i s h e d n of cine ma as a c h a ll e n g e d the 'High of an indivi du al approach a new ph en om en on Into talk about c u l tur e' . texts mass aw focus texts of And of a g r o u p upon Following their the u nde r T r u af f a u t , European Chabrol magazine an film and therefore idea Individual text and br ou gh t and these and films texts, ay one that could were was films, placed call ed into ana lys is the cou ld for sr ght foundation thrust was is n e c e s s a r i l y rooted in its again st In the the which early of of the 1960's in f l u e n t i a l to un c o v e r baaed the cri ti c class Fre nc h s t r u c t u r a l i s t s ' f r a me wo rk w ri ti ng art Individual a definite the critical to u n d e r s t a n d as 'p op u l a r structure critical there the of b eg an of a ca te gor y. du C i n e m a at only be an a l y s e d . oth er s Cr it ic s a discourse sociological theory culture theo.y. reg arded im portant Cahler T he ir and the of g e n r e industry. art with longer st ru c t u r e s all away no sociological that did be cau se provided of H o l l y w o o d thought a total label the 'film - genre the new to the texts function clung of of films which film. and to an recognition the methodology body part cul tu re . context we r e Genre po la ris ed form, focus a class Films but new criticism theory \rt' authority This and r e g a r di ng or thodox establishment1. to theory the d e e p the genre upon social must the film premise structure isola te and sro bin. in this, (auteur) once iircctivn relationship again theorists the ma in ta i n e d industry u ■•o t on t i the ith hi or th odo x we r e t there in the co ul d (fa In) .vac raise^ f i .m e:.tabl*ahoe«t t 1 -. rh- that t ■ xt . «t .cl.ywood Ie no first no »r: i t.«t new tit commercial j lacu director's e . t ik 1 i .h:cen f il.mz. ikir:: or a:, i n d i v id ua l' s . d i r e c t o r n i gh t try rulit.commercial experimentation soul:; utoor'tically ideolo y an; be crus.-es .-.hicn allots deviation fro m n- pro ve n room box cy the ; or office . • Ho .ever, the the critics John for., evidence had It became its . to aaxit . a ben aiinnelli made a : .. a very obvious t th.. that ... directors uli Alfred stron pe rsonal that each u t v u r , de . ■ .1 1 e or t file of -cunte the calibr e o ..itcncoch unci Vine mark bore upon t h e i r the f t f n b u c .u ...e o . indel ibl e films. ,ta:;p o .e struc tur e o , ort hod ox even th eo ri st s in a mass accounts; ap pe a l cin em a for this by the re was «i d x i 1 1 -n , * tha a place for the • upon s t r uc t u r a l i s t n e t h c d o 1 c y derive . : rcr.. li ng u i s t i c s , and systems in s o c i e t y po pu la r culture, vision Th es e und his t o pri nciple he eve solved that u n #• ..i 1y • t fie problem -as artist such i r • •tly r- ..ul t ir. ope rat es cu ltu re mode. an ..ere -' ; rt ichc. there •'<r.i c h x e d to • «c ortho; < ' the for .hey fout. . n l i m it at io ns of the an x x< :or tue hov. the continued . «■I i p v . a auteur room film film t. xs c a t e g o r y c r u 1 d inhabit as genre one. r..;n . e s v--1 * on a direct r urt.verr.. to .;enre in re. t hr individu; 1 art istry a to coexist »h •. v;. re i<.t i o i.m ;x , i- ficulty ;uteur .nu ^.ccepvvu w i th in acccytii. 1n o n — a r t i s t i c 1 or people flo uri sh eviti wi th i n lolly..ood film indu. try * . .t; t;.e mao sUx.o, *> m e d i u m the strict, «hxio «.hut -hxs retitort. . the refutation, .and perf o r a e r s no equally it held .rti- tic. at> the str cture of ..ol I/wo ..d 'f» le r.• .et iou for fhla of the re the d i r e c t : r- -r . -..L tneir - ti ..a -r, an-jr.t -• , er.re and .in. ..;'.ic-lt to ucce ;• vision o; the a u t e u r ■ L’iue ica 1: are u c o d L 1 n o 1 1 >.n < of tne c u a i c n l . enre the an . h ;. cun struct -*r »n p r i n c i I es : • ru on a 1 ai n-.ture of . , set of s t r u c t u r e s the ..us ic hich constitute the n a r r a t i v e core o» 1. . critic 1 e: : hosts au th or s and av.-cy fr exar.ine •- t e in :iv idu . texts t h <• brc - ier structure, o tr.c potulur • genre filn becane atructuralist ccnsi iered it a c ti vi ty re h is or ga ni se signify in absorb;- tern, issues r< » te :# unu n c .. -n of th< ir result co nc ep t vital n An the the < enre oper •te . eneric upon at. the n a i n s t r e a n thi of a b roa de r imp or ta n t into >■ ov.n interna l of senio- raised and •* struct -re , no., u - cohesion > o.y, v.. and as part u;■ s t e ... of of a this cr it i c a l a c t i v i ty , opular cu ltu re was an.; sao. to focus nov. i. ■ hu si c a l fils, r e ce i ve d but c ul tu r e ear •• ich are often , pr ob abl y stron. ' .n 1 t one o: criticised •• . re the most well- of tne •• popular .c . i inj .... .y i attitudes c ult u ra l towards »•.OM.cn importance mi o t h e r a .11 c r o : ..'ere r e f l e c t e d ...; .art social and o . - e geiire s . , . question deeply entrench;d social at n u r t u r e ,lt. » t ut simply 5 exposed and ac cep ted gave vent to a t t i t u d e s in s o c i e t y . The m u s i c a l a l re ad y prevalent re in f o r c e s or society's my the . The of works of R i cha rd the most art ist ic po pul ar Rodgers prolific sense and cult ure and at Cs ca r Ha om er et ei n, successful the medium and box writers offic e) re fl ect s (both Il lu m i n a t e society's two in the how a u nd erl yin g mythologies. Car ou s el w h i ch (1956) dealt Haameretein, used W hen he this Billy baricer who fails, unsav our y he falls y ears later he a guiding pride the A me ri can 's and Rodgers ends captured dilemma as a basis the Carousel even film in of the inspires ails The before 1 (1951) King with Eu rop ean children a huge go ve r n e s s , acco rd in g him ri fte en a hostile o v e r w h e l m in g of hope American to believe a man's and environment odds opt imism Dream. that "You'll success will end: King end Or ie n ta l and like many "When y o u walk through a storm hold y o u r head and don't be afraid of the dark At the end of the storm is a gold en land And the sweet gentle song of a lark... walk on walk on with hope in your heart and yo u' l l never walk a 1 one you'll never walk alone." In The to join capture. is with spirit one *t fac.^y. his posthumous Billy these the G re at unemploy­ is a film about to grips a ga in st and persuaded to escape to give and support his and his un emp lo ye d in a r o b b e r y . earth star. to and for Carousel poverty tries trying to Rodgers is a proud to crime Jigger to come But to be honest, widespread of d i f f i c u l t y . alone" in the poverty. knife in the myth n e v er walk come face trying failing. against Bigelow, returns dau gh te r in qu est is dr i v e n on his i.olnar' e liilo'" (1909) ethical desperately friend Billy upon Ke r e n c A m e ri ca 's The hero, Carousel his st ru g g le reflected m ent. based with ma n's corresponding w hic h was Rodge rs and Ha mm e r o t e i n family and an ob noxious who he to We ste rn in humb le up high e m plo ys to educate practices, subservience. create d di sp o s i t i o n . his is obliged C o mi ng as an it did to grovel only ten years after ar. influx 1 earl H a r b o u r was of Or i e n t a l unconciously American ye l l ow , whose a lie n King and respect, the S i am es e the A m e ri c an of Siam and m usi ca l, d ea li ng and to :he ha rmo ny the fact on serious Cne of is that in the film wae and but beyond its initial oth er deeper layers are with i ne vit ab le fantas y love (framed youth i nn oce nc e. for Bob Fosse's it as whichever let thio and story, e x t r e m i sm e x t r e m i sm re nd ere d joy there of and way it is lacific the issues hollow and aound referred content a very in si gn i f i c a n t . of Lusic (1965/, of a typical m u s i c a l impact as entertainment As well r e v ol vi ng the so ci ety 's and around da r k e r effects Ins pired paradise, only the h ar sh of Tne the reaching island to avoid upon fl^m the subject of dogma fear as of upon of provides an o u t ­ fee ling. Cabar et in a far more used the same subject e x tr em e and te rr if yi ng matt er way. aggression become re c u r r i n g mot if s in this of w ai t o r n Ber li n and he do n i s t i c Cab a re t of in t e r m a r r i a g e of war was and It reflects some serious s i g n i f i c a ti on . it focus es of i n t e g r a t i o n and exuberance em ot ion s hazism) these of a t te mp t the film, racial to a n o t h e r succe ss all of Couth the "Larch overtly attitu de s, threat In the of sy mpathy to a l l e v i a t e with tr ea tm en t tended and C h i n e s e 1'. social ominous this inspires is a more tropical panic. revelation sequence h e lp ed for it has and and final m u si c a l "heathen of unfathomable who complexities film. this m an have fr i v o lo us reaso ns genre de al ing the the the specifically mo m e n t s the issue these this that in fle eti ng cont ain ed Perhaps would p r ej ud ice audience. racial la nguage of I of xe no ph o b i c was qu ite blocked and whose P a c i f i c , (1958) e ntr en che d in the wake au sp ic i o u s de li gh t f u l of T he King a m ou nt a benev ol ent the fear South the as una unierstaniably children" e f f e c t i ve ly a c e rt ai n an enigma. Although end was people culture the lmc.igrantb, rellected socie ty attac kea , reveals its co nfused as much about the social but presented 'iolence ho rr if y i n g and picture heroine. climate of the 19/0 s an it a o <•s about a to ri ea are ro wartime longer Germany. part of the Eaaily palatable neceutiary love g e ne ri c fo r mu l a . The proble m with once a r ef le c t i o n and d lsc uaa ed , This Implle.-. has in been some the that exist. One a method hide discover in dividual na r r a t i ve like aims what film, and ge n e r ic verbal, aspect, consciously through formal vitally and it qu a l i ti es To decode formula e. la a song and th< which .-’or ol dance sty 11 nati on of of the " heyond the form ie or c o n t r a d i c t e d film g e st ur e by or which Its me an in g So m u s i c a l which that so .he d i s ­ s i g ni fi es , t h i u in a popul ar films considers are of its c o mp le x ami the is f o r e ­ an an a l y s i s to u n d e r u t a n d of up a communication analysis isolate Formula la a complex, procedures words propose atructure of music. to an not one structure; c u lt ur e m e d i u m deconstruct. a mu n leal i i lu, i tic ui.cd as part of the 'natural di scourse' is one of the f e a t u r es of tacitly lHupproprii le an says imparts a mu s i c a l iltlnu, h ona [erform vr o. is how did la to e x p r es si on, and cod in g n oth*T subtext iiff )cult The a u d i e n c e of and simp ly of c o m m u n i c a t i o n structure u nd ers ta nd its itself tnec. elves import an t. course. must lend and coop.emented i t y l i i e : form genre their a u d i e n c e s films make one's Iso lat ed and atructure in w hi ch that were made, mu sic al pern a -s a facial the m e d i a t i n g they c o he si ve discourse fo r e g r o u n d s automatically the system lu the m u s i c a l Solomon The lo film ce ase s. dissertation i: lividual system. iu a of in te rn al reinforc ed, the . e p r es s. on this the hew In natural Music the In of from constitutes groun ded. pose. truth aort, at ru ctu re In w h i c h To go a ; St m l e y narrative a visual tlmen thlu aoclal function the grim s tr uc tu red usually only for an a l y s i n g film. of examination the events of my an al y a ea the w i d e r fu r t h er that cases mu si ca l of to reflect pretend and cr i t i c a l That acknowledged for a 'We: tern' p e r f o r m a nc e prepared by the film serves vie we r tu accept but or a n o t h e r the dual that the g e n r e would genre. fu nc t i o n be This of defamiliuriainy the audience screen, are or become oblig ed effect is to view in thesis, events ide ntify it. a Brechtian of the alienating the m e d i a t i n g cann ot the T h e a t r e dial ect ic aimultaneousiy throug h submerged Organurn for M ar xi s t and 5 o the a u d i e n c e al i en at i ng Short who action 1'rom a di s t a nc e, of music. action the In is with the this outlined based the language pr inciple co nc e p t which on in A upon antithesis', synthesis. the 10 Brecht's own a l i e n a t i n g te chn iqu es stylised acting methods drew the aud ie nc es attentions the c h a r a c t e r onto the aspect performance. away His from reason choice for based this upon his out of a sympath In Beyond was or e m pa th y F o rm u l a , S t an l e y using musical songs at the into Nati ext re mi sm grotesque caricatures appar en tl y and hu mo ro us finally Musical films they can in an approach the specific the provide the most naturally and flow. properties film has the that ap pr oac h to insights entertai nm en t, » hat of any critical hence critical specific takes into endea vou r understanding ap proach with in fa c t o r which film which is of to di s c o u r s e to conside r is a p p r o p ri at e the is needed, a method the music al and in uncontrollable escapist fr a m e wo rk of The fighting. film.is of any approach ^1 presenting become function. im portant account of enjoyed An which film devices, p e o p l e , Indu lg ing of analysis suitable it takes The Genre Musical on s t a g e . fr ami ng by a than Bob Posse's provide Berlin simply that function to which whether not function be to provoke and extent the The a work, can are Klub violent characteristics co n si de ra tio n. should Kat real into character citer and to make rather the n ar ra ti ve . wa rt i m e ful fi l to on Kit of the B r e c h ti an situations co llapse Cenre al th ou gh and re sp on se S o lo mo n to co m m e nt se quences with s n owi ng ol the a u d i e n c e intellectual C a b a r e t as an e x amp le and to a l l o w - s o n g s , placards to the is the form i.e. c h a ra c t e r i s t i c s form. criticisn renew ed support and an alysis of Ho ll ywo od in recent years. Brom its early be ginnings when st ru ctu ral ist s texts, there were t a 1 k about classes r e f er en c es to v a ri ou s genres, musi ca ls, and it has emerged as so on, gent cri tic al that it accepts publicly essential system. have methodology. films The must theory about of genre 3 but expl oi ted genre because films recurrent general are by narrative artist film, wh e t h e r he suc ce s s f ul is and the elegance fres hne ss and He must and with It br il lia nt su cc ess ful . rich, some cat egory it a c c o r d i n g give of the of is most in si gh ts visual films poised of m i s e - e n - o c e n e in an images the g e n r e . F red a keen to v anc e the each nev Similarly step Vincent e never exhausts changing and i m pr es si oni sti c striking genre and fo rm ul ae and with constantly - a film. his is a to the content structure of but re c o g n i s e striking he the their fin es t the audience new b r a s h , opulent, be the of, a generic or a performer provide John Fo r d ' s for of lim itations a u d ie nc e. sense is alw ay s in spite that a n ti ci pa ti on , his will st r u c t u r e or a crime time films intrinsic name spontaneity Each that ge nre that de sc ri be s to give a few it admits the c o n v e n t i o n s way to make Audiences the be di sc uss ed for mulae finally and that generic rofi ta ble is not And underlying c o n t r o l l e d , elegant, always use disappoints M in ne ll i' s the genre wi t hi n artistry. is charged itself. of a filmmaker subject. reinforce he never it usual ly ex ci tin g Astaire's frame to s t ru ct ure who wo rk s will is and to the the whole their it consensus. if he ca n an old which and a musi c a l , a gangster So an original that l i mi tat ion s o pi ni on w h i c h western, into n e ce ss ary public of it accepts as been s u c c e s s f u l . is defined according Furthermore main ta ins the have long to do so. and of as c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s is into c e r t a i n is necessary viable intelli­ categor ies cr i t i c i s m it fledged fall ge ne ri c flatly, to be c o mm e r c i a l l y proven for mu la e films to loose its vital be a n a l y s e d it here. studio m o g u l s of began w e s t e r n s , th ri lle rs a fully and c o n v e n t i o n s in C h a p t e r repeatedly any Cne that H o l l y w o o d f o r m ul ae length points now and r e c o g n i s e d , acc ept ed individual at of the f r e n c h visual by tu rns and symbol of the cactus genre floer and Illustrates appropriate Liberty is dr aw n and pr ot e c t i o n The Ge nr e the fo rm ul ae generic systems . devised to analyse the of m e t h od ol og y It is and that a series the structure Barthes as his examinatlm p a rt ic ul ar ly romantic of H o r i z o ns of does as binary co nflict of the are to one vital lend the the West. mhows that two o p p o s i n g and it can 15 the be applied like like of and "hot/ co ld " this socie ti of reality as well of m y t h o l o g i c a l to this work. of this r e a l i t y/ fa nt as y the genre has and done form sort and part a s im il ar the W e s t e r n genre in it is a genre which m a n i f e s t s en vi ro n m e n t s In C h a p t e r offer the world to an an alysis Jim Kitzes s t r uc tu re by formi ng of realism, importance of of a criticism. that p e r p e t u at io n core basic the human min codes itself the It L e v i - S t r a u s s 1s de scribe in film. tl • world another, be used part genre Claude ana lysis oppositions at oi non-literate of crit ic is m of as to up can some maintained so c i e t y ' s thematic East in detail w hi ch st udying making used accept s in herent st r u c t u r e . * ejijt, and showing how oi film b etween model is are classifies objects by proved conflict and it deconstruction its na r r a t i v e analysis that the need tne m u s i c a l cat eg or y structuralist's Roland The music al broad Levl-5 trauas it the which on^y to use when model w h i c h of the environment . of genre I n co rp or at es oppositions process to prove have in of or " ra w/ co ok ed ". systems am the h u m a n mina of binary Fu r t h e r m o r e framework st r u c t u r a l i s m , classification principles th ematic the H o st il e it re co gn is es structuring of H a l l y 1s c r ea te s logical method opposition with.n who a harsh and b e cau se model the moat i n ai ci ti ve wilderness the mo s t the 01 The Kan who Uhot la a binary relationships sought the s t r u ct ur e to choose In flo we r t. i t h i n the structuralist premise image. films is a s t r u c t u r a l i s t principles in io mu s i c a l isolate I have ca pa c i t y can a g ai ns t ap pr o a c h dis cu s s i n g the the ma ti c cactus a woman she his un li k e l y Valance personality, fr^m 4 1 shall one which to a study (ideologies) discu ss I have of the this devised, the m u si ca l film. Th e Mnary used it as a method le valuab le the genre In this as opposition and Isolates respect specific return an to one of subject that it subject's examine 2) as g e n r e , 3) as a mu s i c a l order and stand in the Ch apt er Genre of and wil l explain 4, how 3, 6 and m u si ca l s its be drawn in order as To of this from ana the dom inant is to 2. are Here to gain taught under­ style all c o n s i d e r e d fu n c t i o n s in as a the nature as a def ini te na rr ati ve t. la narr at ive struc tur e t e an example ueical four as a g u i d e . In ch apt er a c c o rd in g Finally to 3 I The film purpose how to the in Ch ap te r important p r a c ti ca ll y the m a x i m u m as into film as a musical op po s i t i o n s dec on st ru ct to show be one must I c o n s id er opp os it io n model . be film are ma ni f e s t e d . and should film me taphor, with the m u s i c a l the model will film the mu s i c a l and use structures I will using studied be ginning dissertation it ope rat es fo rm ul ae bi n ar y 7, four analyses of film, into c o n s i d e r a t i o n of how hese dec on str uct specifically str uc tu ra li s t should symbolism, in C h ap te r I will analyse the the m u s i c a l semiotics. generic deal conflicts. teaching characteristics example 0 1 film various c o m p o n e n t s show how of for d e c o n s t r u c t i n g taking U n d e r s t a n d i n g how structure. and an examine is an alysed genre its To film 1. aspects and concept film and vital that fi lm genre: to p r es en t studied. at ine aim of my the m u s i c a l I believe themes and the is to be the genre m u s i c a l . method to analy.e, film and the method ptints made patterns. as film, for of film - fundamental 1) in its centr al a cr it i c a l it wi s he s na rr ati ve it c o n s i d e r s ap pr opr ia te the the musical an a l y s i s is helpful category introduction, of for critical becau se it provides one model of films these un de rs ta ndi ng can of be their content. I arc aware that in secondary it very difficult ever it is to study po ss i b le to schools films teach one time li m i ta ti on s in their e n t i r e t y . film in the course make how­ of the term by br ea ki ng seq ue n ce s. it down ..hat way " s e t - w o r k ” withi n a t he or e t i c a l Wh e t h e r at institution a film the it can or twelve m a n a g e a b l e be inc orporated cu rr i c u l u m . within school be ten could school fr a m e wo rk seco nd ar y into which level adapted I have to study or provided film. in a higher to meet as a the needs education of sp ec i f i c pupils. Por my 1970 ex amp le s and have attention. I have isolated .he most drawn upon m us ica l films a f for critical important r . k . . R a d i o film Studio, partnership of r red produced the by , specifically ones starring A s ta ir e Art hu r Preed and the Ginger unit 1Golden (1940 the klnne111. p a r t ic ul ar ly those made song and Rogers, of M e t r o (M .0 .M . ) during H o l l y w o o d ' s - I960); are from by 1930 the dance those Go ldw yn M a y e r & r a ' of mus ica ls films directed by Vin ce nt e - NOTES 1. Siov£, J.H.J l . Secondary 2» ibid. pg 1978, 3» pg by 3 the 1 in j»_l ra ne va al Uni tea 3. Madsen, Impact Through 7. N e a l e , S t ep he n 8. Ca'nler du C i n e m a ,founded abroad. 9• from the latest publ is hed pg : How in 1976 1 laeas are and l e l e v l a i o n Film pg 306 pg 11 pg 1 and film edited Journal the m i d - 1 9 5 0 1a it of Aute ur F ra n c o i s of /11m An Penre inf luential vuring co nc ep t film duri ng echoole. figures Cin em a Perkins, an at six of a survey ■department into ? 1 1 m 6. became Victor of Pllm Study States. N o ve .he resul ts quotes i n f o r ma ti on Blues tone , -ieorge 8.1. Jrractlce educ at ion pupils 4. Communicated are f i g u r e s , and the and pg 4 figur es 4 COO Jrov£ res ea rc h by C.E .S* Teaching These in vo lvi ng ibid. U.K. S c h ool 12 conducted The criticism, by Andre both Bazin, in France popularised first put and the forward by T.-auf faut . S o l o m o n , Stanley beyond rormula : Am e r i c a n Film Genres Pg v 10. Brecht, Bertoldt A Jhort ( rganum for the Iheatry p a r a . 45 - 47 11. S o l o m o n , Stanley Beyond Formula : A m erican Film pg 106 lc. Lev l- St ra ua e, 1?. Kltzes, Jim Claude H o r l zona T he Savage Kind * ea_t pg 11 pg 263 Genres CHAPTER 1 TEACHING ' .1 ^enlotlCB The of LITERATURE theory this two of that a e o i o t I c q , the worked th in kiu v fundamentally named Ferdinand de Sauesui Eu ro p e an p ri nc ipl es sign are the their m ea ni ng studie d issues their his behaviour. which are the are 1 At and the which their li ng ui st remains t h e o r et ic al of signs and semiotics aim to u n d e r s t a n d i n g of and same special for a science which ana t i ) what time, the example f o r mu la ti ng l it er at ur e in the forms of to s o c i e t y 1s r i t u a l s , the abound two laws gov er n different Analyse which upon Peirce was r e fe re nce 11) focused semantic and iii) systems Decode in the world field of outside zoo-semiotics, bionics. to use because direction, sing ul ar it y and a view the the dwiea study logy i) Ob s e r ve signals one chooses Structuralists, Peirce, though, proposed in art and behaviour, u n im po rt an t, same * of di sc ipl ine s while the ve Its on as a result semiology, in society made greetings. prevalent c y b e r n e t i cs Whether icv -* of s ig ns non-1inguistic of h u m a n in E u r o p e . function. be h a v i o u r with and term systems, % theory which would: ceremonies is life C.S. tics, is a product individually, emerged In essence 1 9 2 0 1 j de Sa us s u r e the and but same. the an Bigna" two c r i t i c al semi same i) a ha t they social the th' these and "hat the in s o c i e t y . to d e c o n s t r u c t the hie of in A m e r i c a were preferen. systems ./uring both s i m u l t a n e o us ly , Am erican, me Syatemb "s cience con tin ent s. ind ep en de nt were : A C O M P A R A T I V E STUDY : J l ^ n s jina -.eronntlc respec ti ve w h i ch FILM c e n t u r y » rooted fo un de rs their AND that and Peirce Am er i c a n and both would there of me ani ng the of de or Eu rop ean Saussure agree, is no universal perception. Any terminol ogy were mo v i n g along with realism act of the in later or comm uni cat ion , whether within l in g ui st ic the se ver al which have larger mediators exist no re vealed the The in Nel so n nh a . Goodman f a ll ac y l a n g u a g e , thus reality. of the dispelling * e bring present, of an eye,the out w h ic h past human is the notions to us the by signs language, by the way rec eiv er eye is statement: always to bear comes verbal in no c e nt eye upon affected classic here all of t h e m , and G o o d m a n 1s now is e m p h a s i z i n g instance but are en co d e s as e sign is ac te d st ructure meaning "Th ere ie no in nocent to the world" and hor l a rg e r transmitter them. system, of m e a n i n g . definitive the i nt er p r e t s se ma n t ic wi th i n one in which or n o n - 1 i n g u i a t i c , f u n c t i o n s comes ancie nt artificiality of an upon obj ec ti ve our through of in t e r p r e t a t i o n visual and verbal signs . The i n ev it abl e the theory of question which se m i o ti cs is: arises in any * b a t is a sign a sign is a s t i m u l u s , or a per ce pt ib le evokes a p a r t ic ul ar re sp ons e. a film is stimulus men t a l image first the first resulting sti mulus evokes communication. communicate albeit unconscious sign w h i c h blusher, but c o n s c i ou s systems or un co n s c i o u s m e di c a l of the which have as signs sym ptoms are mean illness of semantic and the mean again S a u a s u r c 1 a concep t resulted model. 4 in the Through and in which this -hue wi t h the the e m b a r r a s s m e n t of fire se m i o lo gy as in which as M y t ho lo gy the various in a the view to to is a.< the is no •arious sign the di ag nos is a result themselves c there involved. narrative lan gua ge formulation s t im ul us. il u s h ^ n g manifested of sign evokes or un co ns c i o u s . intention in the wh ich int en ti on is co n d u ct ed systems This sti mulus a sign illness, su bs ta nc e simply# an in he ren t s i gn al s is not tr e a t m en t second have conscious smoke include or s i g n . second A sign mu s t Quite of A p h o t o g r a p h , or a 'shot' in the the discussion ar. • of I n t e r p r e t i n g in the human and Fo lk lo re signs ooay which are made to struc tu re . as a m e d i a t i n g of an entirely m o d e l , lan guage new could IE structure, linguistic be treated as 2C . produced as a ccnc< juei.ce of t e in e rua • re i at * on nr. ip*. b e t w e e n the 1 ii.r u i u t ic jl^ns makes a distinction r o l e , and thi relationship between between law, ua^e these th% t 6>'l teru* th». a c t u u i » . ster.. si.ic . un between two uue c: structure ua u s a u r e 1 au< c, e r -1 e . it. 1 -a/ue. is essentially (l a n w u e ) the g r e a t e r u p the c o l e s nahin. with in cl tae sys te m I agu a & c o. and di;i eience rules and v.i 'w r .._±, opeccr. • » i thout 1 nn<:ue we as m e a n i n g c culd is only not lo^lcol.y transmitted in say terms me a n * n e.i -.1 anythin;, of the understanding • Conversely, l-.n ur the roc es. .c t - ■. . a C r which is only m e a n i n g f u l of e < .. <nic overned by the when ' ion • rules it is r e l a t e d Like wi se, and cols any of to num. an its playing, . I r tie! ?'.t in >:ue i nat ur e in the . si.n .see. system, cl signs by a no say in. le■- lUs^-re that every ela: orates sign upon tr.e is ma d e up c: two tr. is tne ■ . s 1 w ::1 f 1 ■■r no difference between the its in: .:r ■ . ~■ n , n inr rir.t of the .el. fora t unu Ja sl c a ^ ^ y , < ntent. r i uteri due 1 • a* . o u n d , the inj r< signifier Iform. , but tr.e ps .cuciO; ical si on that it ■ akes upon one's . ', and ' L a n f ut: :e, is c - owed of in fi nit e num i c r o. iir, u^s.ic a i r r. o . The re l a t i o n e hi; between the rig nil it r and governed ty co n v e n t i o n , to n , n iter or Lanruag# is a c o n s t r u c t in which relationship be t w e e n concept ( s i g n i f i e d ). itself, a small representation the 7 it, image The word four-leg of sound ed furry w h i c h we thire is its s i t,u i. a.e <i le. er ue,;re . is an ariltrary (ci, ni *d o tV .coy is not c r e a t u r e , it experience and the >-..e thing is cn^y throu gh the a mediating structure un.T.oti vat cu the of l a n gu ag e. sign thin ■ it , refer, ly to. v o the con ven t! .he cai oj.;>cs ite ••ora doj i.. an practice, m ea ns to t .. s , a n c t i v a t e u , hence the c o m m o n indic ate s that road si* ni a sl ip pe ry r o a : surface co nd i t i o n s for the cotori, t . 'Caution* The road could Lc co ul d mea n dangerous Its m es sl ■e is quite .et anc s li ppe ry ', clears and is . re ass ig n is situation, d i r e c t , :let , c an 1 .din, rial representation cn a . ct road of surface, the and . Motivated the and ..ay in implicit or unmotivated hlch explicit it; to use H C a. implicit the they aign language- of si, n iu also distinguished c o m m u n i c a t e me an in a ref that u 1. as are . A 'onveationnl rrr.ee to only , and .u t e r , it u n de rs t a n d a b l e Jhemi. tr; , are sign is a to by eit he r in C h e m i s t r y .motivated, those wno ill of whom mu. t tacitly use i.< ree types of . . anu e x p l ic it , A d i s t i n c t i o n must be made tetwer-n the d i f f e r e n t . sign 1) au: Something r es pe c t 2) 3) which u tar. is to ..one body which determines to refer to an object s tend somethin, in some or c a pa ci ty. Anything It for b uom to which for s o m e t h i n g thin • else itself to s o m e bo dy (its refers (its intcrpretant) (its object) in t c r p r e t a n t ) 4. It s t a n d 3 for (this and respect goes on to ref ers i.e. symbolic Iconic it the re c o g n i s e l ik e n e s s either of ways, sign, signs the b e tw ee n in w hic h according and exist relationship and to its to its (its s ig ni fi er ). the the its signify to the object the it direct ly b et wee n of to which signifier iconic, that sign The it and its indexical resembles in a m i r r o r and sign and of the b e ca us e signified signifier. Si mi la rl y, the resemblance. r e ce iv er su bj ec t. as reflection is one id en ti fy sign or the the sign impuls e can of a de fi ni te has ob je c t an iconic is an to w hich relationship object object It is a direct A photograph the the w hi ch iconic it refers be twe en it a reflec ts is iconic mode. Indexical index object Jlgnm usual ly and causal, the and s ig nal s implie s sign the indexical sound index of an index that metonymic the and sign signalling relationship actu al it su gg es ts de s ir e wind' s is ringin g to c o m m u n i c a t e . direction, is outsi de eynechdocal the w h o l e . signs and in de xic al to on is an Smoke of fire. as the enter. indexical, A crown is it A weathercock a knock wi s h i n g are de fi ni te . pos si bi li ty is also the is one w hi ch and the be twe en as is door is klost they use ina ex ic al a sign royalty . Signs which arbitrary as someone to sugge st the (s i g n i f l e r / s i g n l f i e d ) relationship s o m eo ne 's Symbolic that of a te le ph on e an Signs the in w hi ch relationship part three relationship rep re s e nt s relationship The of a triad respect Signs w hi ch is an about in some mode. icon An its g r o u n d ) c called be tw e e n oigns In an in is in one the signified. to som eb od y talk predominantly relationship something are in the relationship sy mbolic betwee n mode the are characterised signifier and its by an signified It ret; ui z*e - uctiv* ; :.rt ic i pu t i or. o:, the h a u c s u r e 1 .. 1 i:: -uititic < » i. lie , th art of the inter- t t c re la ticaohi} . the is a y c b o l i c mo..e , ince arbitrary ana the i-v 1 at i '.he r e c e i v e r of i ; Letv/een the th lin two u.stic inter• 51, rs can do not invol ve al'.ayu nil of belon. the to one o. these three g r o u p s si :nifier/si n i f l e d but relationships to . . , traffic tc c nt ln u e or s t o * , n. according to ; h' h light is , colour , .lie In signification. green, the b, 'real' >d in .'lies d a n g e r in our society, 1C riles safety. : Op ul a r c o n c e n s u s , orlb, there is & c o n n e c t i o n betv.een icons and . si gn s and have the no such connection rela ti on sh ip be t w e e n as they t he ir function s^ symbolically i.ifiers and si ;nifieds . . . , . ceanln of within the difference . vii r, depends ter:., and with upon its c o n n e c t ! . n to ot he r only h . n.e .nir. other sign, in terms constituting the signs of the sane se ma n t i c . only signifies signs in conetr the ints sy st em s nay whether by cul ture, _ .A . by virtue syste m. .hie: be the of me to bear transmitter individuality relationship c r o l c , or i n f lu en ce 1 nought its the tpeech to the act, has other other nin.-, .and other r f miotic u ;on tne ccnmunic or r e c e i v e r or religion. act of of the message, tion, like Within a ae mi o t i c ayatem, natlc or pa r a d l f m a tic Th ese relationships system. The de t e r m i n e p a r a d i g ma ti c from the or absent possible been used organising show By how of the 1The one signs these units lingui st ic the signs cat', o rde r have nouns, to c o m p l e te cho sen 'hound'. s u b s t i tu t e d 'moggy' from might the have ranfe and th* act the sy n t a g m at ic a sign which order be altered, oo dog far, this of cat signs discussion the each aignifier se miotics meaning. at' or likely have or a choice is mace def inite successful. one or even Thus d et er mi ne s n a rr ow s co mb in ed dog', could 'pussy' axis If in or become s more to be the one could 'canine' ince have. their the chooses 'Siamese', me an i n g will of all 'followed' 'cat'. sentence: pa rad igm ati c of dog 1D o b e r m a n ', to the o t h e r and the sys te m the se m i o t i c s and and the has of how the me ani ng att empted to me an in g would d e s t r o y e d , 'Cat ic a sign sy s t e m aa system of a whole. its relationship it becomes which apparent signs relationship meaning. sign. is organised individual The constitutes c on si de re d a li ng u i s t i c di sc ip li ne s, relationship only arbi tr ar y signified to other d is ci p l i n e wi th i n of system, according signs is the one place in a se ntence chased axle of various ax is c o ns is ts In for of the words, as a sign Applying that up or c o m b i n a t i v e / d i a c h r o n i c place could the c h a s e d ' . language b e t w e en 'The an from which pos sib il it ie s, a combination the to create re la ti ons hip , 'feline', sufficed Its all sy nt a g m a t i c horizontal take .e made act. of c o m m u n i c a t i o n is used. change the of involve ord in ar y if we adverbs, and the So a f t e r ' , 'looked 'chased', ahowe c h a n g e , either 1B o x e r 1 , 'Alsatian', 'Ran The in order which a speech the the me an in*’ will in a c e rt ai n verbs, of They combinative arr ang ed signs rules in a r e l a t i o n s h i p wh ich of a sBO cl a tlv e / selec tlve/ s y n c h r o n i c possible axle a message. or d r a s t i c al ly . dog chased v e rtical in a aynta»;- other. internal can c h o o s e . or the are ei th e r to each the or to signify rearranging minimally which signs, exiet relationship alternatives have algns t'' each of these S e m io ti cs can be successfully li te ra t ur e, l i t er ar y the f il m and and text its inherent in terms in the of us e r of the into a sign of the ac c o r d in g ba c k g r o u n d . the exist theory of a bunch sign, who Signs are They of The have uses order roses to is the bunch of as a sign. a sign, it cea se s sign which object. s ig n i f i c a t i o n w i sh ed and to c o m m u n i c a t e passion. signifier as and signifi ed. It m ea n i n g A simple the Iconic the object the framin g which the the the o b je ct s them of wea lt h of roses In this new is bunch and fu nctions of roses of the is synonymous for a specific making them signify co ntext. Cars characteristics we a l t h and power are wh ic h it be twe en represents it r e c e i v e s visual sign is is at the hand its sign in consensus. image is given the are the r e c o g n i s e d , c o n v e n ti on al public wi t h artistic car by - person who the to as it is filled power, agieed signi­ - the and been c o nt ex t the entity of roses belong de Sa u s s u r e si g n i f i e r roses in a new context, they of c intent of the viewe r a bunch is a sign, information, relationship and is why use is an easily has it a bunch them with signs by the passio n as a simple "hen that a certai n w a y , or framing used of how a bunch manifests A f i l m m a k e r may e n d , by enc o di ng Once its to w m c h is a totally to f u n c t i o n the h o r t i c u l t u r a l of and in t h e m s e l v e s , they passion. total the pre determined, leading interpreters as s o c i a t iv e they information it agains t culturally how be twe en way, signification si gn if y and encodes a ce rta in e x amp le considers signs, who no m e a n i n g the to r e v e a l ­ relationship aignlf i e r , while the roses the organi zin g Se m i o t i c s be t w e e n or of a sp ec if ic a view of the g r e a t e r sys te m semiotics, of film its with tex«. in afforded produces This that personal, fied, wh ic h signs, filmmaker) one of the in i s ola te i n te rp r e t s own in terms signifi ed. of ten to relationships to his be framed wi th of (1. *■ . the Barthes, analysis It e m p h a s i z e s filmma ke r. Roland can in o r d e r sign so that its i g n i f i e s reader only and de c cns t rue t i on individual the in a text. and the meanings si g n i f y and s tu dy inv olves or film p r i nc i pl es ing used on a screen signification of often m i s t a k e n by the filmmaker. for the thing in 26 itself, and why trap the visual of to explain, iconic framed, a sign as understood. to this type signs stand, and theory of are s e mi ot ics naturally to sake The model which film, as to any a tool to the I have but fundamentally seminal the dar ras ine is no no d e f i n i t i v e 'realistic' realism, and this tion of the that the novel works of in o the r words signiflers In no ce nt at visual the are the of film, signs this in Barthes in and has body also signs displa y appear of m e a n i n g . co ntrived The work various novel is a c o ns tr uc te d an 14 of by a n a t u r a l i z a ­ reader in any way. belie vin g 'Realistic' pa lp abi lit y 'n a t u r a l 1 objects, ther ef or e and Any im pre ss io n in the a reduced to be In his of a text. two ways. been exclusive, 1o b j e c t i v e 1 text, is ach ie ve d results to clarify of B al za c' s no at length successfully to give in upon s t r u ct u r a l i s t literature the tea ching film mu s i c a l stage is con- true ted which and founded approaches. reader, f o rm in g has not sort the to u n d e r ­ be d i s c u s s e d deconstruction d is cou rs e, this sem iotics not n e c e s s a r i l y cr it ic al re al is m conte nt novel be p ar tic ula rly ana lysis model semlotic are Holand His how both two works revea ls -here the di f f e r e n t two. for incorporating the of These will is n e c e s s a r y of using cri ti ca l combined code. it Fi rstly, can the s e m i o t i c s as easy for a n a l y s i n g a structuralist in C h a p t e r me thods. of ip, signification. for cri ti ca l de co di ng it sign at visual but not the cat egory p ri nci pl es . implication is with Its recognising ne c e s s a r y Milm laden d e vi se d structuralist the and its 1y understandable. stated, 3» so d i f f ic ul t that look teaching me th o d p a r t i cu la rl y I have as re co gni se as lead them val uable the signification before its meaning. easy is in wh ich a detailed are isolate be tw ee n se co nda ry absorbed both texts th erefore, "a film par ti cu la r way Thus to to u n d e r s t a n d " . 1 he of a n a l y s i s individual Visual is, of that easy it. and is revelation and genre text prompted to a con fu si on the be de c o d ed com plete suited by must a particular order 1 a so understanding in ac ce pt ed will it was say in g re la t i on ah i o leads invested dense Metz media because a sign and ol Christian purports of not to be sign, totall y among d e n o t a t i v e. other t hings that between objects, objects themselves, which a n a ly se s expe riences. analysis, systems r e al it y exists and the im po rta nt be f or mu la te d into a cr itical wh ic h In turn the relationships the m e a n i n g the d i s c o u rs e of upon strue tu ra l l s m a n a ly si ng of m e a n i n g . the its binary film Barthes the in concept, genre's an alysis occur is ex plained any cri tical art is and sign facets w h i c h ma ke of up signification explains that and semio- a r t e f a c t s which ori gi na te s l i n g u i s t i c s " . 15 its of the visual its of meaning, as n a r r a t i v e the the of musi ca l the co nt e n t , film, of that work upon signifieos. isolate the the various thus is of a of its sh o u l d patterns, genre focusing and discussing context text se m i o t i c s elgmfiere the m u si ca l wi t hi n of an al ys is co n s i d e r between c o n v e n t i o ns ulae which film also d e co n s t r u c t relationships Cri t i ca l met ho d tiemlo-structuraliat codes o p p o s i t i o n model should and act ively two the his of signs than is: str u ct u r al is t musical all be twe en "a mode of an al y s is of cul tu ra l in the m e t h o d s of c o n t e m p o r a r y Althou gh that an a r t w o r k . of any n a rr a t i v e , its c o n v e n t i o n s r e f l e c ts as a m e t h o d presumption state relationships more art, concentrates the u l t i ma te ly may upon In which are Semlo-structuraliem, create a ctiv ity which man's rests structured So o t rue t u r a l 1 a t pr in ci pl es , form­ the in di v i d u a l the whole generic structure. Various visual film c o nc ep ts metap hor , (iconic or call to an overall films app ea r mount up when the easy their na rr at iv e the context s t r uc tu re s. in terms function 1 am type of as of th eir To of signs using, text Alt ho ug h layers signs concepts, a struc tur e Genre. the visual these which specific of film, in other Teaching to u n de rst and , viewed and c on st it ut e this in a film n a r r a t i v e , ex pl ain ed examp le signs ca te go ry b ro ad er be rec og nis e and used sy m b o l i s m can all In these the musical, within to form. film, are re la ti o n s h i p s . le arning a n a r ra tiv e musical visual index leal) their ee mlotic involves which in the wh ich we belongs these of s i g n i f i c a t i o n re la ti ons hip s teach film adequately, we must go bey 2nd an awareness of this that of, visual the level and need narrative pupils will of initial to d i s c u s s , t h e moae. a c hi e v e recognition, ana It is underlying only an a c c e p t a b l e by se m a n t i c s aoing sta nda rd foster this, of visual 11teracy. 1*2 To Comparing teach Li te r a r y propel Film es and must different admit class the a novel to literary mode way. film the of art to its end setwork only And the in the S tu d e n t s have even need read the novel, presuming could ab so r b the same period they they would encoded is net in a wee k' s so, and to,or in is the this at way, re pl a c e m e n t i.e. pupil, confusing because it falla lit erary a visual wit h c om es to context, metaphor throug h And moden. it is teach s impl est in novel. through sight level the and b e ca us e is henrlnr, d a n g e ro us of m e a n i n g text it reduc es common to min ut e as that and the this recep­ of visual only dange rou s. between cannot while It is visual d i ff e r e n t l y directly the of latter language. the na r r a t i v e them both their in be equated receiver both, they obv iously is not st r u c t u r e to use other. Teaching occur screen The form er the m e d i a t i n g pote nt ial ly the other, on or in fo r m a t i o n us a type po t e n t i a l l y Lite -ary d e vic es subtly presumes to d i s c r i m i n a t e metaphor our senses, to us but of screened, production film of, the l i t e ra ry for the of el se wh er e. using plot to the both media, in their length the in a ninety amo un t in a li te ra tu re form that schools change is plot, in a mu t u a l l y re in f o r c e s if a film are a co m m o n s ho win g one uni qu e texts in senior Th at ,t oo , same the d i f f e r e n c e s confusing and that Film share plot may from reaoln,-. be d i sc us sed l i t er a tu re aid remark ed in fo r m at io n tion will transition own A tea chi ng communicated of is m e d i a its such. they practice work. as te ac he rs significantly not form w i t h if literature their which discipline. even encoded common or dramatic a meth od be r e cog ni sed texts is kost that we need an a ut on om ou s be a p p l i c a b l e to e x c l u s i ve is needs each n a r r a t i v e will Film C o n c e r te film su cc es s f u l l y , speci fi c. meth od and form to the plot. Even 29 this may a novel ties a lt er and t r ans la tio n, exclude of the variou s is that visual media, the and pupil understanding a film and of the novel, of n o v e l , or the the The aim of fall A s + ude nt he will not visual li te r a t u r e or drama. g r as p whatever also form, st y l is ti c and narrative d ev ic es . ing film, is to as literature. an au to no m o u s 3y their comparing should be kept The problem w h i c h and film the raw m a t e r i a l been the adapted success far kany or only m o d e r a t e audience at te m p t s the lit era ry director ie not way. ia e xp e ct ed tion He is work given regarded as the a sign hope obvio us and matching any is will .. . . . . .. . subjec ts Geography. to part works li ter atu re have films for which have ach iev ed their the and the in the The in any any d e v i a ­ 1 r e a l 1 author. face of such he mi gh t have at fall . R the two and the novel to provided Firstly, artefact. spirit, inevit abl y of and h i g h ­ te ac h i n g and to change which of it must modes between s u c c es sf ul attempt nut threefold. to its of t e a c h ­ an o ffshoot reason of d i s r e s p e c t to be up to the no vel ..A_ true aim a few have an a rt is ti c licence to be No d i r e c t o r could p re jud ic e only a comparison an as those The q u a l it ie s ir r e c o n c i l a b l e literary sources, success to evoke and who att emp ts and novel, p ar t i cu la r and not as History scripts, under­ understanding that pr ed ec ess ors . failure, up ho ld s apart film. unique two n a r r a t i v e important literary their form, readi ng takes, film m e d i u m . obvio us anyo ne for film from of as it of complexities the its and plot to fo s t e r the similarities become faces is clear. art the L i k e w i s e , the the these fundamental d i f f e r e n c e s , it will they of be isolate a recognition characteristics be treated l igh ti ng promote and sign with his xorm consider as an art trap of all literary must priori­ visual of of potential re co gni se the teaching, It must fhe basis plot to tne of the may the to the signification the w r i t t e n word unique prey recognition of l it er a tu re the a c c o r di ng in on a o n e - t o - o n e but of any standing poetry equate it. s u m ma ri se the d i r ec to r. will co nfu se films events s c r i p t w r i t e r and danger with in short _____ of au d i e n c e about The a novel second novels the expectations. into they basic the of the He applicable filmed of narrative which a film which d i r e c t o r must cin em at ic way and encode the do with own s t ru ct ure not in ternal syn on ym ou s instances and the unlike the constraints. publicity the genre tions may and status director The the he to generi c to meet of a ' h i g h b r o w 1 art texts the of status the is based art. as 'popular culture' critical de sc ri be s as novel form upon films by and the as in a pa rt ic ul ar ly significance. communl a new based ate artwork u p o n , but in many cu lt u r e med iu m to nu me ro us distribution, act as m e d i a t o r s In a p op ul ar f o r m ul ae worn wit hi n and upon cu ltu re mode these limita­ conventions. of genre therefore and Novels the enjoys the criticism of its aesthetics of taste and of novels implication are often unw ort hy classed of serious attent io n. ♦he openin g film and all To be with subject to work The plot a popular requirements a ud ie nc es . individual In the des tro ys fin all y, production, is obliged a filmmaker cohesitn, is work. the most which novel. reception around to a lit erary the where in a film f i n a l l y , is and work of devices content wi th i n his f i l m m a k e r' s adhere of works aspec ts uses film, ori ginal no velist, film, be adapted deman ds the an 1 a u d i e n c e Individual like with the spe ci fi c is reduced an 1 me an in g or au di bly . the of tran sl at e the or ig ina l. visual it co mp le xi ty to orientated and rec re at e visually its work di sc o u r s e , the afford simply characterised in m a k i n g tries literary dif fe re nt . adaptations appropriate literary root, :ie must of so many uses are expectations i n d i v i d u a l ly considering nor novels visual filmmaker w i th ou t a de ns e c om pl e xi ty its that Thus level s u c ce ss f ul is and failu re the cinema. Vany plot. the directly are n e i t h e r context. for films, n ar rat iv e audiences' p r e d e t er mi ne d reason propert ie s the are The ch ap te r of N o vels the f u nd a m e n t a l two "The task make you 'ways that see" of I'm i n to f i l m , G e o r g e difference s e e i n g 1 and tiying betwee n quotes to ac hi ev e tiluestone li te r a t u r e D .W . Gr i ffith: is above n. all to and and J o s e p h Conrad: "My taak which I am trying to a c hie ve ia by the power or the w r i t t e n word, to make y o u hear, to mak e y ou feel - it ia before all, to make you aee." 16 B lu e at o ne and ia e m p h a s i z i n g the n o v e l i s t m edi u m same, end are 'see' to c o m m u n i c a t e to a r e c e p t i v e a desire to d e s c r i b e speaks the vi a u a l message, while process, one In his The aa The it that film sees the ignores into o; w hi ch image also the He according which have sound. s im il a ri ty the term ia used Griffith his a mental to those prose, wo rd s . as well text. the upon audience and been basis .resents. i n f o r m a t i o n can devices: the of be by sayi ng p h ys ic al ly This arg um en t film. encoded must calls It 1* ei t h e r the transl ate d for the deconstruc- s y m b o l lam, analy se and a film of film thematic into a film, is structure of the text. text criticism, twin ch an n e ls for c o m p a r i s o n perceived re sponse understanding methodology into tne particular metaphors, s e m io ti cs encoded has viewer co dified na tu r e L i t e ra tu re visual been the point tiicks. dependent film film c o m m u n i c a t e s a f o r m a li st and fllama-er of how r e a d e r / a u d i e n c e decod es to a specif ic nee a novel Conrad's to ren .e r a co m p l e t e the considering it this C o n r a d '^ words re sp on se He makes medium, various and m y t h o l o g y si mil arl y, but to d e s c r i b e ana lys is visually, the or sound in which by the the to co nv e y recr ea te s 'heering* Blues tone'a a visual demanded tion of use by Co n r a d . uses a mental is i n co mp let e. are and Conrad he is to a c h i e v i n g reception, reader the c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ! , The ways the means own it. image the aim 'seeing' uilaa communicates Just m es sa g e h the , problem w.th la that not In wi is c a p . b l e 'seeing' the which uses fi l m m a k e r Alt hou gh figuratively image Con ra d own mind re ad e r and the their their a u d i e n c e ty G r i f f i t h both via Both G r i f f i t h literally by a message aud ience. to commu nic ate , dif fe re nt . or the d e si re st ru c t u r e s of the tht. story. image and only This is the only must point acc ept entity. it of that A film intersection each is text should ther ef ore is a c oh es iv e m e a n i n g f u l fails because film to "the film it has the n o v e l , and is true to by r e m a r k i n g , "the o ri gi na l art none work" form. ia u nde r no o b l i g a t i o n or ig i na l form. n ov e l i s t and raw m a t e r i a l The these spirit of a filmmaker book" litt le of or its respect that successfully even it the that, failure, for the a film d i r e c t o r to the novel can and or by st at i n g Be l a for th ei r work, work i.e. Comparing theorist each film film as an a u t o n o m o u s accept to be f a i t h f u l film cin ematic success the showed °hould as q u a l it ie s. its d i s co ur se as a se parate successful existence one cr itical regarded inherently director F u rt h e r m o r e either of the any be qualifying the denies and in i»s Balaz .s. note s that use the a same though: "the subject or story, of both w o r k s is i d e n t i c a l , their c on t e n t is n e v e r t h e l e s s d i f f e r e n t . * t is this di..erer. i. conten t that la ad eq ua t e l y e x p r e s s e d in the changed form re su lt in g from the a d a p t a t i o n . " 1 The a r t is ti c conten t of a work is re lia nt the n o v e l i s t or tv « f i l m m a k e r m ak es They are not interdependent expl a in s the n e ce ss ity narrative for of his their upon the p ar ti cu la r m e d i u m . success. for d i s t i n g u i a h i n g use wh ic h Bl ue sto ne between these two modes: " Vi ewe d in these t e r m s , the co m p l e x re lations between novel and film emerge in c l ea re r o u t l i n e . Like two i n t e r s e c t i n g lines, novel and film meet, at a point then d i v e r g e . At the i n t e r s ec ti on , the book and the s h o o t i n g script are almost i n d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e . But where the lines a i v e r g e , they not only resist c o n v e r ­ sion, they also lose all r e s e m b l a n c e to each other. At the furtheres t r e m o v e , novel and film and all e x e m p l a r y art h a v e , wit hi n the c o n v e n t i o n s that make them c o m p r e h e n s i b l e to a given audience, made ma xi mu m use of their m a t e r i a l * . At this r e m o v e , what is p a r t i c u l a r l y filmic and what is p a r t i c u l a r ly nov el is ti c cann ot be co nv er te d wi th ou t d e s t r o y i n g an integral part of e a c n . That is why rroust and Joyce would seem as absurd on film as C h a p l i n would in print. And that is why the great i nn ova to rs of the twen ti eth century, in film and novel both, have had so little to do with each other, have gone their ways alone, always '.eeping a firm but re sp e c t f u l d i s t a n c e ." 10 and each emphasizes which that cannot be there are certain translated from q u a li ti es one form pa rt i c u l a r to the other. to 33 fill., is iconic analysis and of e i t h e r f or: r 1 d i f f e r e n c e both literature fall of t h e s e is lin. u i c t i c . tvo ...odes should into a c c o u n t . into the t r a p ue stone Any take critical this -nd .._c.. -r ...on c 1 defining: film as a visual .:.ediua , fi lm li te ral ly m ■; one 1see 1 n v e , ina inatlvely* -ut ’ , de: cri; e<i a. Y e 'r d r.ce vt uni ,( rodard 1 s ■t . .v: ■ : for ex ar ie \ an La ioe Rena is -■ h i ... close ex-.. ...ation . . of in fe r at ion can be ea a c.ally, t r.e oO un :1 1*.tc r narrative cf t h • The exists novel are l a n -ua. . vital in a s t r u c t u r e arc f rm s the z. • speech i I;, the m u s i c a l to .n e film : jc »ure c:..d .1: . l i t e r a r y co ncepts >•h 1 c h e n cooed. therefore . :ta particularly urativf or, of entranced sit. i noveliotic 1 ir linjui^tlc *a .;•' ..r.s * sijns m the and language ^ v .her .^gu:eo and comprise -. figurative be' . • ‘t n t a n a .. .n ^ . v ^ > . the difference meaning) be tv v n ..hat is a c t u a l l y and what is in fe r r e d m e a n i n (if tent co n t e n t , . -f ..inc ■ r i e in *.r.it said on a s e c on da ry . -o ot he r crucial co nt ex t, (manifest level aspect s c : ot ■.1 1 n of -* nd c ( nr.< tat i v r. • , ir.. Ilf'S the '’irureti ve or 3 ttent me >n i r. .hich is embed, eo . . . . fros the n ve 1 ■i r :r. Vie; ■ .utn i:... ^ ro- .A '• "hie eyes were r jcuccd to ciiinku, and >*i v >.rgin. wr in k l e ^ a p p e a r e d round then., ex ten din upon his c oun u n a n c e i i ^ the rays in a r u d i m e n t a r y t,xetc.. o. t: ricing nun. 1 ^.n 34 it becomes ap pa re nt description will im ag in a ti on . rised but as this devices precision ex ac t l y is not have A l th ou gh through create mean and me a n must be a c c e p t e d again w i t h i n and they in a visual of have follows, these it has the l i te ra ry it can never s leu 1 i and difference film ab ili ty a subtle mode. in literary medium. to si gni fy images of are to film. "hat necessarily transformation In the will both are made the the na tu r e con ce pt s ot her in a visual co ncepts or aural own to detail, stru ctu re these to his is c h a r a c t e ­ Sim pl e the undergone and subject can. the soundtracks. different, which attention the prose or no e x i s t e n c e is that reads Thoma s H a r d y ' s that m e t a p h o r iconic, and image a ph ot og ra ph place in image as person who a ment al and to say no film occur each F or a l t h o u g h by its signif y that discussion and be when occurence isolated and examined. k.?tapnor what critic s and they state that 'pictures' its with film /11m th e o r i s t s is a 'visual sibject, is the 1r e a l i t y ' by virt ue Rudolf power of it, A r nh el m in his "Just as a appear as skeleton, on a film always at And r 4 Bazin essential of re in fo rc es to s o m e n o w have c ap tu re discussion iconic belief 1 reality' of medium' connection its the tried to e m p h a s i z e , when or that which a film has resemblance that the by h o l d i n g film meta pho r. He film to it. cinema has the the ap pea ran ce explains: g r in ni ng de at h' s head does not in a film a symbol but as an actual part of the human so the c o n n e c t i o n between two objec ts shown s i m u l t a n e o u s l y never seems m e t a p h o r i c a l but once real and ontological.' sup por ts Anil ie im in his characteristic by de sc r i b i n g the is ont olo gy belief its abilit y of the to that the cinema picture p ho t o g r a p h i c reality image: "The ae st het ic q u a l i t i e s of photogra phy are to be sought in its power to lay bare the r e a l i t i e s . It is not for m e to se p a r a t e off, in the complex tabric of the objec tiv e world, here a r e f l e c t i o n on a damp sidewalk, there the g e stu re of a child. Only the impassive l e n s , s t r i p p i n g its object of all those ways of seeing it, those piled up pr eco nce pti ons , s that spi ri tu al dust and grime with w h i c h my eyea have co ve r e d it, 1 a able to present it in all its vi rg ina l purity to my a t t e n t i o n and c o n s e q u e n t l y to my love. t-y the power of pho tography, the n at ura l image of a world that we n e i t h e r know nor can k n o w , nat ur e at last does more than imitate art, she imitat es the art is t. " 21 B a zi n' s when fundamental it r e cor ds metaphor by the tue 'true makes For it prepared to accept to novelist the Virginia wr it te n word equivalent the do, all tna t cinema premise opinion by m a i n t a i n i n g that and quest coh ere nt visual is cinema must realism. a d out what the for if one that pho tog ra ph ic her is 1m a g e , t h e n , says is only meaning of film c i n e m a 1 is its of adds su cc e s s f u l discussion is true central no tio ns is moat visual theory * oolf film of the Bazin 's to convey in of this purest s h u 1 ti not if vocation However, ard world, on to lo gy realism. adhere that r ed un da nt . defined Bazin, the belief power The film can of the Imp re ss io ns has no the cinema. "Lven t e si mp l e s t image "my love's like a red, red r v Ue that's newly sprung in June", presents us with imp r e s s i on s of m o i s t u r e and warmth and the flow of crimson and the so ftness of petals i n e x t r i c a b l y mi ted and str un g upon the lift of a rhyt hm which is itself the voice of the passion, and the h e s i t a t i o n of the love. All this, w h i c h is a c c e s s i b l e to words and w or ds alone, the cin em a must avoid." 22 * o c 1 f is d e n y i n g codified formal medium aspect. the va li dit y and restricting But film does limited way. Nu me r o u s ouch of as those actors and 'reality' to some point the the film space, and has an cannot be always signi fy its as ignored. signified. the actual so signify context, the simple, iconic The It can object . when iconic and only to bear upon one should r e s e m bl an ce ph ot og r ap hi c be its power' it ceaoeg if image a shot A r n h ei m' s the deman ds of subject which of a car will is so close of a car car it is framed is lost. The manipulated on a one-to-one to function relationship text. accept its sign if ie r recogni sed How ever, to of me an in g cameraman, the upon purely in this or m e d i at or s is de pendent since to the signify 'pic t u r e a ' is al wa y s image a car, 'wealth and brought fu nc t i o n sc rip twr ite r, N e ve rt h e l e s s , that its influences, a film extent . film as a c o m m u n ic at lo na l not director, so on are which of to basis be made in a specif ic as an ordinary car S inc e an this discussion explanation the of how li mi t at io ns Pr om of in what can exist form, and l i t e r a tu r e , word and w ork s The the of of m e a n i n g to is that ac ce p t e d 'lily may like' suggest adjectiv es ! perfect, to be the Yet, to each and delicate, Meta pi or reader of by the of can Metaphcr is sr. reader the m e t a p h o r lily, whom rich with virginai, the r e a d e r the seems Of at tnese quiet, perceives s yn on ym ou s no ve li st possible the w o r d , concept various or more becomes once creates. to be mea nin g. '11;y ' is the h o r t i c u l t u r a l be appears To the description i.e. a w om an has the and is imp os si bl e 'she', the woman the the 'a lily' description «hatever of reveals This way or all it imparts woman some so on. simultaneously vast, ronn oand gees entity the w <>rd 'lily'. is a literary relationship o p e ra te s of it the an al og ue lit er atu re . The Fi rs t l y A deconstruction a lily' b e a u t i f u l , pure, pure d e n o t a t i o n d e s cri be d the and conception tative m e a n i n g beyond of device. characteristics his exact c o nte xt and referent, the former. twofold. in a f i g u r a t i v e a combination of is a l i l y . characteristics. fr agile with 'she' of a lily in the literary is re fe re nt to the secondly, 'She was woaar s e n s e , but in terms appropriate the and has in which the n a r r a t i v e . statement the the applied is In Metaphor terms a t r a n s f e re nc e precise, if so, a f i gu ra ti ve and t r an s f e r e n c e in The r e f e r e n t described an al o g u e is de s c r ib ed more ana a compari so n, an an al og y. latter following! in a literal to make are of such whether medium, substituting and here. transformations. the a n a l og ue the m e t a p h o r i c analogy aural in order reveal o e appropriate to a s c e r t a i n of description a complexity of one of m e t a p h o r , in a li te ra ry mo d e to what involves by a process purpose ma kes possibl e or concep t u s a ^ e , would c o m p o n e n t s , the characteristics that op er at es su b j e c t a likeness essential the in a visual, metaphor two so be for a literal ex p r es s 1+ its t h i s , it will metaphor co ns ide rs c on st ru ct , between a semantic s l g n i f ier, in a s e c o n d - o r d e r signified semiolo gy. sy st e m and An ordinary in wh ic h sign, sign 1,11 i ; 37 the woman, wh ic h sound image (the ii) is framed or i g i n a l a lily 1o the 1) and in a new sign w om an and as p r i nc ip le and associative a lily. Instea d lily flower, Another f.nalogue and to me t a p h o r implies save that the a n al og ue to the su gge sts that sub tle to make not Meton ymy , but that re la ti on s of an by refer link the me t o n y m i c government. uses part, A si mil ar without 'hands' using object. and . metapnor of possible. a lily' It the A result s invites and in the the reaaer referent is s e mi ol og ic al exploits based Thus institution "Pr et or ia " concep t term, are "The Co a part a g r ou p as h e r e , is and its of an object Crown" which 'heads'. link is represent replaces is the Sim ilarly seat is eynedoche, object wi t h of an of wo rkm en the an ass ociation, of M o n a r c h y . the whole system, sytagmatic a name may to me t o n y m y repla cin g the upon ao a part for exampl e of cattle ./ " X dhere ana log ue it object. a name. ap pli es was be a literal one. the Hence a group re l a t i o n w h i c h of identical o c c u r e d , simili would as between e x p r es si on the c o n v e n t i o n the whole or is a,most betwee n characteristics that M e t o n y my fi gu ra t i v e Roy a 1 personage chrysanthemum, relationship second-order latter or object, meaning. synonymous. to the whole institution the the language. ex is t e n t i a l to are chosen a lily'. by hi nt in g they from s u b s t i t u t e , the uned like like m e t a p h o r , i c is differ s or an 'She was in various to create the 'She is paradigmatic, adjectives. already a t r an s f e r e n c e a comparison similar, have associative ot her the (iia) (iiia / wh ic h di ff er en ce . of the m e t a p h o r Bimilt have is 8 imi 1 «•, w h i c h ref ere nt in sign the the s i g ni fi ed in order invol vin g fundamental woman In other words, as easily tr ans fer enc e such change following one 8 i g n i ’ ier s ignif i t-r (la) to of its conce pt la g e n e r a l l y of a host referent (the new the w r i t e r co nc ep t ol a a the language. could one literary is framed ac co rd in g of by he or Its new Metaphor re la tio ns are made rose, way. functions total si g n i f i e d in a c om pl et el y selections of its (ill) results the w o m a n associative object, are The of which Just refers des cribed a to as syntagm at ic betwee n two adjacent 30 p r o pe r t i e s like 'the African South Pretoria' or 'The Queen' and government' 'heads' and 'the and crown 'where 'cattle'. hue relationship is c o m b i n a t i v e rather al s o appli es in the ay ne do ch e. Wh a t needs exist to be in any case seen way now, within the equivalent to the m e t a p h o r i c op e r a t e li te ra tu re ? Conventions individual tive and text patterns nas Concepts part of patterns of m e a n i n g as part conventions had same form Be ca us e is and are their severe that fairly roots wh e n Consequently, they for film. and and for but novels self-defeating filmic instan ce these are s i m il ar a final to D.H. to between only specific and Many but filmic they have from one exist method in the of critical via d i f fe re nt There i d en ti ­ channels equ iv al en ts between are obvious film editi ng and literary si mil ar in concept. bergei which impression J u x t a po se (thesis Lawrence's ch ar acters. and do not isolate c o n ve nt io ns . fciaenetein'e e x p e r i m e nt s to create communicate accepted as a ♦. an sfc rin g is n e c e s s a r y probably women literature, mutat ion s Kuleshov use two images ♦ a n ti th esi s of fl o w e r showed of un d e r s t a n d a b l e n ar rat iv e. an a u t o n o m o u s pa r a ll e ls his in reader are well-established film narra­ histo ry the of film c o nv e n t i o n s why novellstlc is its each ex pec tat ion s. are em er ge nc e is films metaphor form, medium, and and specific its long trans­ which film, and m e t a p h o r discourse the and and con cepts or aural systems the of *deas sy m b o li sm a de fi nit e to anothei. analysis it of have to u n de rgo medium art to B e cau se p r ec on ce iv ed Despit e new novel as an art ist ic novelist's readers. comparatively fi ab l e status the which if so what a visual metonymic according its mediu m. certa in the and presides, lit erary and Is there in both 1 ; <e struc tu re , of to most ari se n is d e c o d e d tr a d i ti on al a novel as have un dergone. or the m e t on ym ic these film m e d i u m they it than ass oci at iv e, is w h e t h e r formations in have of she wears' = synthesis) imagery how when in order to de sc r i b e a shot of an actor bed Is juxtaposed or a f Ire t i r e d n es s or bed d es c r i b e languag e be tw ee n inc or por at e poetic processes novel, the m e s s a g e is reader . au d i e n c e by the d i r e c t o r director, v i ew er mitt ed re f e r e n c e the it requires visual and and a contact, is worked onto the have a context There must mes sage, stood. and Both against n o n - ve rb al ever give L.H. an of the the beauty. his ana convey s ill us io n choice a ch ar ac te r of vivid are of and be while Finally, that me ssa ge un derpins the and under­ the the the of his range the so act ual ly can his linguistic emotions. in herent striking hy success­ invokin g and density an im pr e s s i o n 1 feel' quest His ma ste ry power ana pr ec isi on only itself. his writin g he fine to the no ve l i s t ' s aiscourse, of h um an creates we of T h rou gh through they e xp eri enc e of e x c e e d i n g poet's case characters. str eng th convention, in their desire each be the ad dre sse e. analysed L o v r r s reveals imagery. he in it ,n eve r a novel that which intent and re a l i ti es reality feels uses writing, of the novel. a subtle of words, the novel s t r u c tu re .ions and this of be t r a n s ­ it should w i t h i n which can to towards na rr at iv e It is rich with metaphors an make so on, of filmic exp erience, inner and and is other agents, st r u c t u r e nov elist wr it te n word e vo ca t i o n s fully the be of soundt rac ks. addresser text the no v e l i s t the impress ion Lawrence's to reveal the it would and The novel the film a film me ss ag e Secondly, be a st r u c tu re which literature f i l m ma k e r convey both ther ef or e In film in to in and by the case i m a g e , and soup, communication the me ssa ge in m e c ha ni ca l. the is c o m p r e h e n s i b l e to us li ter atu re edito r which the actor in i t i a t e d r or to a c o d e . should is sound a c co rd ing the m e s s a g e of of *ne difference Si m i l a r l y com po se d film gi ve n a hunger, the to J a k o b a e n ' s of viewers. in film, of a combination camer am an, or gr ou p are shot Imagery. In the the art ia descriptions of soup, s i g ni fi ed condition with conveye d the emotional a bowl 3 o the revealed model. whose the the c o m m u n i c a t i o n be shots, an a result. L aw ren ce 's and vario us .i< iut 1 s e x p r e s s i o n or warm th visua lly . can that with with her: ol of how 40 " the child, too, me l t e d with her in the mixing pot of moo nl ig ht , and she rested with the hills and lilies and houses, all swim t o g e th er in a kind of swoon." 23 Lawrence's description of Mrs M o r e l ' s her momentary loss its connotations. em otional experience enou gh al th o u g h to assume characteristic des c r i b e of all his represented only traits, and the is by white deathlike, r ea li ty of realism. use it, One of and in of h um an is powerful of his flower c h a r ac te rs . imagery Mrs Morel to is lilies: pallid Miriam flowers by '• "She lifted her hand im pu ls iv went forward and touched tb roses - a white vi r g i n see ♦ i n t e n s e , pure and is intense communication il lusion the various w o m e n ol His a shocking "She touched the big then shivered" *?4 cold sense d is or ie nt at io n, self on their petals ,o s e s : ,o the f l o w e r s , she w o r s h i p . . .ivory s a cr if ic in g, ana Cl ar a by chrys an th em um s: "Clara glanced through the w i nd ow s a f te r him as he tied up the too heavy flo we r br an ch es to their stakes. . .she wanted to shriek her h e l p l e s s n e s s . " strong is and su cc e s s f u l screen of in sensual. in a novel novelist's image. can words anu and iihat ever he it difficult must be is foregrounded. and are au diences ob v i o u s l y with film. realis m of white rose the Returning works, his are ! he likely roses to Barthes' be these film most a shot visual re me m b e r e d rose as Miria m. and of that Jit, it in j u x t a p o s i n g so ph i s t i c a t e d is so Juxtap os ed that M i r i a m successful of how the providing a device which to be In comparisons ontology sig ni fi es exposition re create of a white of Miri am strong ch a r a c t e r appropriate choices the the actively is more to accept too for experiments presum ab ly is through a understands be mode as lio a l t h o u g h it must A ____________________ can today, sign f e el i n g own, anv m e t a p h o r to us properties fcisenstein's less literal. a shot is p. white are and ac a rer.ult of But m e t a p h o r unacceptable imagery reader can to make accepted image. images The believes visual not a mood choose of it comes to the c h a r a c t e r is more this use becau se imag ln at .c n. be extended film subtle l a n g u a g e , evoki ng the re ad e r ' s the This a code 1realistic' in of texts d is pl a y is a reduce d im p o rt a nt it should here, e; oeai physical description. upon and the d em and s of the information exp ressed occur!ng the thus show in the as of the for verbal La wr e n c e the also Clara's which exists a vast describes is d e p e n d e n t visual aspects amount of c h a r a c t e r me y also surround providing ther ef ore of in the a u d i t o r y her. bs Chrysan­ a subtle the m i o e - e n - s c e n e . must frame. se nsu ali ty need what by the in a visual the wh ic h icons, context of c h a r a c t e r Cl ar a into d ra wn from in a film st ru ct ur e reduce concept be suc ce ss fu l show Cl a r a ' s She signs to re le va nt de fin ed encoded. f u n c t i on is Inis bo un d a r i e s the dress. visual sign. vi sually space, and be of her c h a r a c t e r re jction \etapho. be n a t u r a l i s e d into discourse. express non-verbal bittern es s, more In Jons c ha ra ct er 's spec if ica ll y poetic and importance. of La wr e nc e ' s it is a specific finds film's must semantic of uses reader lan guage to the will t.hr image cf the and the re vealed objects, st re ng th is often of these im pl ic a t i o n s of the image, but or into itself. to that the the It is up specific the film medium. convention,^imlli, and A fi lm mak er because so undtracx acco rd ing can un de r s t a n d s visual reveal they ana to u n de rs ta nd literature. of into the m e an in g to co mm u n i c a t e and m e an i n g to dec od e the are with turn accepts l i t e r a l n e ss be encoded s t r uc tur e literary in co mm o n di ff ic ul t ico no gra phy the viewer latent upon rea de r aevice photographic in f o r m at i o n the relies traits La wr en ce of fig ur at iv e description iconic, he these inhibition in wh ich relationships flowers. to evoke sexuality, a context Lovers unconscious The use like creat es and witn de sc r i p t i o n r e l a ti ons hi ps , their co nc ep ts the n o v e l i s t displayed. in the The the soundtr ac k, can themum s would to 'he only in film of m o v e m e n t , gestu re channel and film can metaphorically, be are with in presence the if a o iyn of don n a n .i c o v e rs could and To of <2 w i t h i n Com par 1 oup if they A be.auee a p p e a r nntu d isc ou rse . sense pa lp a b i l i t y redu nda nt it it is applie d to film oource. by direct in Tho ma s extraordinarily creates inch some like a subtly imagines Hardy's visual "It was with face rising It would it ima*/e view rising that face not even the simili slowly with the be ap p r o pr ia t e to encode of a verbal Gabri el 's na rrated An face tion who of verbal cannot every care and can be dra wn the in onto blind must to d e t a i l . through from image show it would as Har ay the be of his Indeed terms used of so m e t h i n g it be sound track show bush this It is only like of a s s o c i a t i o n explains can f r a m e , it would Nor would the by ba ths heb a. d ir ec to r Film can behind inch exactly and any in how visual or is u n n e c e s s a r y . setting, a t t e n ti on principle from * e are every reader. comparison de s c r i p t i o n . see. item, s e e , he appear s point the One which Hardy of the m o o n . commentary. reader. rising the a s s o c i a t i o n to his this reinforcement important the Gabriel 1 a mo ve men t familiar the effect associate to make to explain the through appearance be n e c e s sa ry form C r o w d , the ast on is he d r or alt ho ug h ri si n g of slowly of the any vi ew e r w ou ld which would the face to re create creates, cinematlcally. unlikely the M adding in the mind r o u n d , blank is in full face from it literary s ur pr is e that she saw Gabrlg l Cak's the ;noon behind the hedge" z ' be d i f f i c u l t Gabriel's far from slmlll: comic Ga b r i e l ' s until t r a n s la ti on and men be ne c e s sa ry in Ha rdy 's r e cr ea ted Often what we what regarding with the nov eli st d o not know is alre< dy co m m o n the f u n c ­ for those world and infinite uses and the cannot to our e x p er ie nc e. The delineation reveals In and an important p r e s e n t at io n difference the n o v e l , lit erary them and they ca nn o t st one explains that when the usually cannot be these fulfil c ha ra ct er s betwe en cha ra ct er s forms film of exist the in e x te rn al is ed ch ar ac te rs our in each me di u m novel and film. the lan guage which in any way. Blue­ appear to us i;i a expectations: "Because la nguage has laws of its own and literary cha ra c t er s are i n s e p a r a b l e from the language which forma t h e , the e x t e r n a 1 1 sation of such ch aracters often seems d i s s a t i s f y i n g " 28 and adds thf' i ti.ei s is u : *'d i s t i n c t i o n between the c h a r a c t e r that comee to us throu gh a screen of la nguage and one who cooes to us in visual i m a g e s . . . " ' v Fil m c ha ra c t e r s aural images, rea d er ' s c h oo se s takes own but li te ra ry the which to bear the a soundtrack, m e s s a ge of this medium meal;a word, the r e c re at es it in hie Providing a visual na r r a t i v e comes of the the Wessex in words i.e. an image, is ana ; particular!) easily nat ur e of that and personal to reveal via the all by its which twin d e c o n s tr uc ts the in the novel, which via one chann el t, me ssa ge and imagination. t..e chara ct er s to in between in film, : to m e film. picture concept reinforced d i ff e r e n c e reader d e c o n s t r u c t s for the tne writte n word. it c o m m u n i c a t e s :• i j , by reader of viewer it, the a p p r o pri ate it c o m m u n i c a t e s de rs ta nd can Law ren ce brings his forms environment Iconic do when be decoaed the sound, the own la ndscape and then, i.e. to '' to the He with image mu s t two n a r r a t i v e in order the w r i t t e n because pr esented sight and is a m o n o s e m i c he makes and subject implied to be of Clara. C l ea rl y these is a polysemic cha n n e l s is and latent me an i n g . 'reading' to him upon what v i ew e r i m ag in at io n. properties seem picture are of visual as a ch ry sa nt he mu m, associative a mental h i s t o ry Cl ar a in a series characters p e r c e p t i o n and chiysanthemums a film presented to de sc ri be all builds are in a the fi l m m a k e r A single that Hardy shot of describes more: "The hill was covered on its n o r t h e r n side by an ancient and d e c a y i n g plantation of beeches, whose uppe; verge forms a line over the crest, fringing its a r c h e d curve a g a i n s t the sky, like a mane. T o n i g h t these trees sh eltered the S o u t h e r n slope from the keenest blasts w hi ch smote the wood and flo un d e r e d through it with a sound as of grumb lin g or gushed over its c r o w n i n g boughs in a weakened moan... Su dd en ly an u ne xpe ct ed series of sounds began to be heard in thl i place up against the sky. They had c l e a r n e s s whic'i was to be found nowhere in the wind, and a se qu e n c e which was to be found nowhere in nature. They were the notes of Farm er Oak's flute." Through his description, Hardy builds a picture of the Wessex countrytiiat process Dental La which coclinatlve inu. e. co nt ex t and of visual 1 en har dy u tret;~ 12 w h i c h he can the slip these aspect into time ana only . tec. he au-.-* things hi cha racter anc the sound:, u.,ic. by m a n i p u l a t i n g the the ee..e with h a r mony. simultaneously Oak'. into tion: nip with hit; inh ere nt Ly addin,, 2ne r v ..ul t ^ in a coap l e x fa mi l i a r i t y it. c: new finally place, its the haunt in.' clarity by and ex prvuties C k 1 . rvi environment show all t rovtv wit., each and can of the The time - iln can re inforce wind and novel is icund c in the noveli st . principle in film to a n o t h e r w i t h i n give the that this was to and space aptly another referred ex amp le Padding Crowd be su cc e s s f ul ly filmmaker Ianof sky d if fe re nc e to from these one area is able to first realises b et wee n processes as from ..nrdy'a nove l and scene reveals by mov in g the of time. an e s s e n t i a l the e q u i va l e n t can space that impression med ia and Ta kin is in Jo hn the way the the comparing dch 1 c 3 i n g 6 r 'a -r . n, me di u m it r . r cn tr.e in wh ic h n o n - v e r ba l ti .r..;i ■»" eu two exp er ie nc e -o anv -hei • , receive . • j. en 1 1 n e m . . .t .... • a j his n e i £,.n h o u i t and w he • d es cri bekee pin him as a man a calm ociot ions ..hose pa-aiona ex t e r i o r in c .v .i.s the . only run way he so deep that can keep his ...t ...... t■. n iii.- co:: ,c sure at all ■ Bo ld wo od of exists emo tio ns r e n d e r h im "His in a state so tenucu: of perfect that any • e q u il ib ri um - a balance up.= p t has the pot ential to * tar.t« equii ibriuii. dio tu rb e . he w in extreme all at < him, a feeling not nasterin, him was entirely latent, u turnant or rapid, it was n e v e r s.ow. he wan ei ther hit mo r t a l l y or he was missed. " 1 ..chlesinrcr' l dir ec ti on P o l d w o o d 1□ inner turmoil A of the din in. room scene in a p a r t i cu la rl y ex pr es se s s u c c e s s .ul and all c in em ati c at way. a large B o l d w o o d , (Peter P i n c h / , ia ornate rs* v n o d i c a l l y . Pi nc er s some who and they lie and we side quietness poised, next lie is c ha rg ed the cam er a still waiting cuts as listen to the loud ticking which time passing ma r k i n g the in ha bi tan ts . ca pac ity to destroy with presence its ticki ng aurally the subti tle s the op ini on ac ces sib le the this The language thought and what convey has inner its poetic imagery alone'. the of signs the objects to these and visually, of theue his The clock tension. on conve.i^ng has the means since abs tra ct co nv ent io ns of fi gurative disposal Film so he can des cri be reads can Thue by be the mode the c h a r ac te r so the that same interred by infer the signals twitching, s they end by signification the di re ct or . we can the m a n t l e ' e d is co ur se s that ach ieves and to is not the visible su rr oundings, Li ke wi se visually in object s signs. cxock of them in space thought the iconic. in a lirguis*lc reader. the Con tr ar y Cinema purely room is cr.argea cf way. and to it has power, is fe el in g them the as a threat regularity in fortn, a de af en in g room a character by de c o d i n g and the of emotion. is af fo rd ed image. stands in this back and imp re ss io n arra nge me nt the at his provoked as sum es in a vivid lack the has on the in b o l d w o o d 1s mind. thought the c lo ck the the thoughts words beyond by metaphor accessi ble a rr an gem ent e m ot i o n energy so mething. i n tr ud er remar ka ble to convey recreating as is to go defined are fu nction the dull order and nov eli st and thoughts, the "to words an cy co ns ta nt ly c o nt r o l l i n g card like of V i rg in ia Wool f, are for swings and bverything only of hu man It, iL di ff icu lt world. and scene str eng th co ncepts calm, him. can m a i n ta in and pendulurn B a t h s h e b a' s a.'lected out to the and Doberman with a n e r v o u s to the V a l e n t i n e w hi ch the str un g and whine, then pr esumably to B o l d w o o d 1e ex t e r i o r which twit ch a^one silently two hig h l y we w at ch its about slowjy, and presence and eats are d i st ur ba nc e, the meal mantlepiece tension, his He occasionally T hei r T hr ou g h o u t and by imaginary alert. table. seated the spatial Boldwood latent his :hey s content of dis tu rb an ce wh in in g cogs refle ct their m a s t e r ' s index leal, the there is a cause si g n if ie r and the into i h 1s is a description O the r which verbal concepts is body the are visual they must the are signs part the ch a r a c t e r and and of the used Cak's ah e e p s x i n order semiology rustic and refl ec ts ticki ng the using Cak sword. conventional show his the d i s co urs e and E dit in g is devices and one the no vel is t Hardy can ships with Troy again, use the of flower strong, imagery iconogr ap hy Boldwood Troy nature, a Troy signllles by to to na tur ali se uses his an assau lt and is a c o m p ar is on s necessity here. as second- character, and Ser ge an t to mime sword on tiatheheba. that he is as sword. to most powerful stylistic the same in m e t a p h o r and ii gu ra ti ve the d i f f er en ce and bo ld wo od implies are their imply re v e a l i n g her Schleainger of his or crook d e v i c e s , S c h l e a i n g e r hav filmmaker'u be used couches ex pl ai ns each and of the the of significance. shepherds and m id e his em ph as iz ed of his In . * im c h a ra ct er of hie m e n . Lawrence li terary lethal as and occupation cha ra ct er Once icons extensi ons c h a r a c t e r s ,Schlesingerfe * he re ana significations Lawrence's of himself, is e x p re s si ve bright Like is being as an e x t e n s i on It Jacket a strong crook, vi sually. subject, a second-order is as a re fl ec ti on intri nsi c clock, glistening of his his w o m e n iconography with m e a n i n g • from first-order pastoral. to describe ic o n o g r a p h y . non­ the M a d d i n g Crows Gabriel re pr es e n t a t i o n s to describ e in far assuming visual use that icon, Their be but to d e s c r i b e as an icons. narration, e n v i r o n m e n t , or as func tio ns also can invested b o l d w o o d 's clock are can also all m a n i f e s t a t i o n s about a v i s u a l are are which fi l m m ak er setting. C l ea rl y thought between be. e d iti ng which elfins are relationship Inner of thought, of kn o w l e d g e occur as effect .hese sound t r a c k , as a v o i c e - o v e r con cepts devic es and turmoil. the s ig nif ie d. encoded of a b s tr ac t emoti ona l be twe en these to the differences 1 h i .g u n g e . b a t h s h e b a 's r e l a t i o n ­ by na r r a t i n g th oughts in f o r m a t i o n which the encounters rea de r alt with rwards. by jux ta po si ng these scenes ftr.ti c n c O d l o t. their co n v e n t v.ith ui.N.i: leant vis ua l . B a t h s h e b a weara her fee Hr. s for then ti t ht habit ridln, hair on both, these wi t h occ a. ion o . oldwoo d and her he i r she reflect* her is d r es s e d in a is t i e d , while wi t h Troy ' » foregrounds the differences bet., eon the t.o aen ana the-r ' The conclusion cetavhor is hi c k po ss i b l e d i f f e r e n t , both b e c o c c ; ev i c e n t from in filn, is n e c e s s a r i l y but it in ..nvre it occ ur s thia, is tnat ,n\ i- appro, riate am . necessity to its to d e s c r i b e spatial created ima one • *r. : 1 , e , wf.erea. in the mini of the in tne u u vJ < v the neve, r ader, fron that a»v-c..eo subject is the d e s c r i p t i o n o: . Manifest meanings l i t e r a l n e s s many are so o bv io us full prey in a visual to the trap of Sign .hai the the visual m e d i a ’ to so meone's nedie.tir. influence. Al th oug h in .any films the ' a dee pe r cany of probe its into 1 tent the visual mean in a. c ntent Vi s ua l of a f i l m will si as are isolate : e e ;Ui va.ci. v . It must and on bn remembered also there! ore m e t a p h o r thn sou nd tr ac k. film »n.i ver ba l ho.ever decide v.hether or not that H a polysemic description it is up to the it woulu be appropr ia te cun re medium inciuued : i-.-.muKv-r to to include • the visual and image is capab le the s o u n d t r a c k only of repeats conveying it. the aarc Jounu should in fo rma tio n cor:lemont and rei nfo rce therefore the virtual na r r a t i v e . communicate in two ways, Thus the u n d e r s t a n d i n g , this concept autonomous of the must be and v i su al ly consequently based and of c i n e ma ti c is can and aur ally. the te ac hi ng upon an a w a r e n e s s to the fi l m medium, stru ctu re Film m e t a p h o r that of it an integral is part semantics. S y m b ol ism Ac c o r d i n g which to Pe ir c e ' s there b e tw een is no n e c e s s a r y the oignifier is a rb it rar y of definiti on, and or in trinsic its and d e pe nd s instance or anger de p e n d i n g Cu lt u ra l ly are the c o l o u r de te rm in ed accepted thoug ht that upon to a large the context sj moo le at an have early upon of the h u m a n mind links A d is ti n c t i o n visual w h i ch they are symbolism its should symbols, e l g n i f i e r and to between the be made form er formed. r e l a t i o n s h i p with the arbitrary Time An of meaning, principles exp lains to es ta bl is h 2 linguistic subje ct to the symbols language in both the c l o s e n e s s in the has the film tne s i g n i f i e r ontologies^ world the d i r e c t o r in a sym bol ic cf an 'real' cases, and in the r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n of a c a r object it f u n c t i o n of the ways si gn if ic a ti on . in wh ic h must consider time and forms m a n ip ul at e states Image symbolic despi te encodes into the the mode. jpnee analysis cate by and objects. is ar b i t r a r y s i g n i f i c a t i o n whi ch to make and are is ch ar ac t e r i s e d An ana b e tw ee n nhile si g n i f i e d a l r n i f i fld. image clouds canger that am tries % a r b it rar y s^gn. our society ma in tai ns one process it occurs. perme ate d age when the passion, in w hi ch Levi-Strauss of r e l a t io ns hi p an ordinary is su gg es ti ve is a c h a r a c t e r i s t i c it begins The extent affect s in relationship red as na tu ra l. la a sign signified. institutionalisation which For a symbol time The their space. and novel of c o n s c i o u s n e s s literature space use the to encode communi­ how the a n a rr ati ve internal pe rc e p t i o n film two forma tiv e In oth er words, describes and of and action, by ap pe ari ng two with dlii er en t to move through time with t he narrative. etream-of-consciouone'je novel can be different in of in a sense that of internal Joyce's proves consciousness. B l u e s t o n e , beJ.ieve represented technique creating modes James how time, oi powerful space Many, action use like the the and George cannot be as well f * Lm: " T h e r e n d i t i o n of m e n t a l s t a t e s - m e m o r y , a r e a m , i m a g i n a t i o n , c a n n o t be as a d e q u a t e l y r e p r e s e n t e d by f i l m as by l a n g u a g e . If f i l m h a s d i f f i c u l t y p r e s e n t i n g s t r e a m s of c o n s c i o u s n e s s , it h a s e v e n m o r e d i f f i c u l t y p r e s e n t i n g s t a t e s of m i n d w h i c h a r e d e f i n e d p r e c i s e l y by t h e i r a b s e n s e in t he visible world. C o n c e p t u a l i m a g i n g by d e f i n i t i o n has nhat no B lue s tone film. and of existence It must states mind power of can of mind cates complex and that conceptual tion it has definitions no a dialogue, and has the subject cope w i t h them according different states? the novel time answer without is Film is not even though always to pant expression, of homen their all appropriate space, specific is events to regarding we move and slip the relating from a acceptable in c e r t a i n filmic films. these novel. back for must and each must capabilities. and consider difficult or All So f i l m other "hen by d e f i n i ­ themselves. end can argues emotions arises, and communi­ either. d rea m s , memories easy Add and film the lantasy and soft conventions Usually two Quite to The c o n s ci ou s .orth film reality f l a s h b a c k s , superimpoeitions, are film difficulties the the bluestone language the of emotions. t he in states and one an experiences same is do It liberty emotions of channels image, how them opaque. at the two is difficulty. recalling disso lve s is describes becomes m e r e it relate in nature soundtrack. visual existence of automatically media The to t he Although experiences both which no has immediately existence are question and descriptions for the range meaning. imaging into Through polysemic film reveal subtle of the that from to traits. web is encoded shot logical be m i s t a k e n novel be inferred car. c o n v e y music not can be here, forgotten close-up to t h i s a be strongest performer s pac #*. " ignoring not also the cinema's is in simply through issue signal that sequence. illusion locus and they are a veroai and not 50 commen tar y at least ie re quired s ug g e st on the a change in ch a r a ct er ' s co ns ci o u s n e s s . Some of the finest have been ex e c u t e d reason for this c h a ra ct e r i s e d and by realism. built the and dream the n ar ra tiv e is the Ballet' his the vision about m eans * d vi su al is e Mi n ne l l i ' s music art the of his the vivid shown visually sequence context and heard is a c ce p t a b l e of his the genre and of the p r es en ta ti on and vivid fulfils the which Kelly's ex presses dance as about ihe of his framed and his com pl ex it y im a g i n a t i o n .his the •^n c e n t e fantas y in the music. it is Gene b a l l e t ', dance tor Lise. beauty is film and using in upon fantasy two. film, of .c re - no claim sequen ce in Paris love because the med iu m the reality is to formulae of the m u s i c a l Kelly's and to dimila r^y , 'Am er ica n the genre it has between fantasy. car ee r as an artist and of is a m u si ca l to signi fy em otions because ^ he it c o ns ci ou sl y suited capabilities re ma r k a b l e used ideally easi ly 'Br oa dw ay R h yt h m accep ts al th ou gh st ru ct ur e can shift sequences category. becau se or or the and a d h e r e n c e dlhotomy thematic explain fanta sy genre readily s e qu en ces to se qu e n c e Firstly, stylisation Danee Se co ndl y, into the m u s i c a l of exp res sio n, itself. of fantasy its time succes sf ul the a u d i e n c e as a form grounds in the is t w o f o l d . c o n ve nti on , dance and most soundtrack, type o. within ex pe ct a ti on s are a ream the o. the audience. D r e a m s , m em o r i e s fully in film selves, must and While film do not focus only must au t om at ic al ly without in be handled foreground the care­ them­ discourse. .hey using the cllch6d devic es past, present tuturo, or a di ss olv e. has three tenses o n e , a continually the flux to refer sequences occur na tu ra ll y q u e n t l y , the d i r e c t o r render they be framed the novel has fanta sy because therefore of soft and faces of time. to other un f o l d i n g a problem when Through t e n s e s , and can dialogue, recall m ana present. Co- he attempts he has to mind ,e- to the means the past by co mme nt a ry at least is re qu i r ea s ugg es t on the a change in c h a r a c t er 's consciousness. Some of fin es t have been the reason for t his characterised and in is by the the m u s i c a l twofold. its as a f o rm grounds of fantasy realism. built and Dance d re am S e c o n d ly , into the the na ri ati ve 'Br oad wa y can Rhythm m uel c are the ideally the tne of his em ot i on s the vivid context and heard is a c c e p t a b l e cf the genre love in vivid and it in fulfils the is film and Gene K e l l y ’s which us in g ex presses dance as b a l l e t 1, dance and his com pl ex it y im a g i n a t i o n This framed about Ihe of his the »m c e n t e fantasy the music • upon fantasy two. for Lise. beauty because and film, fore­ no claim sequence of p r e se nt at io n the m u s i c a l in Paris Kelly 's his the med iu m to the the is to formulae S i m i l a r l y , in 'Am er i c a n and and of the genre it has between fantasy. as an ar t is t sequence of The it c o n s c i o u s l y of reality c a pa bi li ti es to signi fy ■ isually because easily ca re er shown accepts suited st r u c t u r e sequences a d h er en ce B a l l e t 1 is a m us ic al remarkable used because or or the category. a l th ou gh di hutomy shift to vi s u a l is e Minnelli's readily sequ en ces thematic vision a bout means is and explai n fantasy genre st yl i s a t i o n to se qu en ce firstly, of exp ression, itself. time suc ce ss fu l c o n v e n t i o n , the au di e n c e dance his and most executed soundtrack, type are o . dream within ex pe c t a t i on s the Of the au dience . D r e a m s , memories fully in film selves, must and do While focus the fantasy be cau se not therefore of soft and be framed witho ut in be handled foreground care­ them­ the d i s c o u r s e . .hey using the cllch6d devices past, present future, or a dis solve. novel has three only quently, the d i r e c t o r tenses o n e , a con ti nu al ly the flux to refer must au t o m a t i c a l l y occur n a tu ra lly film has render they se quences of to other faces time. un fo ldi ng ana present. Conse­ a problem when he attempts Th rou gh t e n s e s , and can dialogue, recall he has to mind to the m ea ns the past t>y 51 it it t u L a ::y about talkin r r e ; cut. medium , Thia and it> ilatinct v. ..hile an -tt eLipt to a..:., it al - aj . render a ima r may characteristic su/j. e.A of any it^ h i s t o r y visual or even '• thn iaa e conveye sense of past many and of things time simultaneously, in motion , tut it it cr eat es is only a an , A distinction shoul I be ue, at t. is :ir.t, between tne two • Chronclo leal c o ns t an t and com upon in thre*- : ur- d in it stream. ay .hus unit., - ..ich are time real in fl ex i b l e time may ^ u ,.evert:.e i v.,. presentee In , the preeiue . ..yckoio, leal pe rc ep ti on . rec, ed , tut co nt i n u o u s ti on e, unchr-.n. tr. . is de pe nd e nt or ti of the narrator':; .u.uti n of tine an . the stretched ^n a .it- : .tur- , e n r o n r l 0 £icu- actual ke and -ime occurs the read in,,, the dura­ upun of the n a r ra ti ve . the span one read:, the novel narrator of events in the na r ra ti ve in a ..:ek. as a story te lle r, may ..o ..ever take fifty ye ars while if " e accept -c t a cit ly rec to ^h e the conventic.i • c h r o n cl o the leal time v i c .i n r , which in r a t r and is take.. * v . or:..c, the is u s ua ll y betwee n subject to actual one and or vie the r adr r' s uur ati cn of cur hours, and er's percep ti on . of tin., if it i, to pas., more to v a r i a t i o n compre fillc : slowly. and .it:, activ ely . I h e r c .ore through ths c on se nt of the euair-ncc purpose of the direc tor . in div idu al leal ph'*c 1 cc 1 use be tw ee n fi lmm ake r, cf the time up •.evice, - low s u b j 'ct to fii;.. may not io n effect. style, and the unique earn is oUl j ec v or extend c n be m a n i p u l a t e d a no ve li s t ' s are sdEB peed tine up time <-. 1st s in unn.ea.ur a k-1 r units. . ti: r by uoliu; the ° *1 ^ ^ The d i f fe re nc es psychclc Un fi lle d it n^th to suit the s the the le oi an cnernc .erisvxes 52 of the m e d i n di f f e r e n c e In w h i c h between they work. a l i n g u i a tl c mode. S t y le is c o n e t r u c t e d art! at m ak es in the whether these conte nt a eo e ct a the vision di re c t l y wo r k can of of the work related to exist the anT these two c at eg ori es. axis. optio ns which d e v i c e s , wh e t h er he soft focus, all the have imply and that his ch o i c e s on and ment the of the l^ony. use of editi ng in a n a r r a t i v e for choic es used and choic es stru ct ur e the i.e. structure he makes when is c o n s tr uc ted by of r e g ar di ng and his He axis ol time. too, chooses the of a m e cs ag e ol irons or s y n t a g ­ range poetic the na rra tiv e, the artist of has and at his imagery the no ve li st events from the a r r a n g e ­ the c o m b i n a t i o n arranging add uocn nov eli st symbolism, to would pre sen ta ti on paradigmatic The the These aspects to co m m u n i c a t e open the frame, s y n t ag ma ti c include d e vi ce s wh ich example met ap ho r, sy nt ag ma ti c the dependent in the in a For his m a n i p u l a t i o n elements be units wh ic h he makes structure. ei th e r can stylistic of sentence So style exist and the vertical freeze of his w o r k . is also i'arac ipmatic of The order, the n o v e l i s t words w hi ch a sequence the fi lmmakers axes. disposal use style of range i.e. or iconography choices the signs possible costumes, influence options which matic his from into of technical so axis style cho ic e signs fall signs. shot, horizontal The as a w i d e - a n g l ed setting, in a se quential can choose used frame­ relation­ artist or absent is that or s y nt a g m a t i c been upon the been noted possible The events in pa ra digmatic of a style. the of signs to the or of style in the bu il di ng include d e p e n de nt posed to the f u r th er subject, he the co mb inative, all open content, will are an thematic The m a n i f e s t a t i o n visual the his of all uses ai d-shot wnich First could this would of It has al re a d y are r e l a t i o n s h i p which choiceu is the narr ati ve the forma l, they which are In other w o r d s filmmaker to in a p a ra di gma tic ship, alternatives the the o r g a n i s a t i o n of the n a r r a t i ve . either an iconic portrayal p e rt ai n the a r ti st . and from d ia ti nc t choices In e a e e n e e tnis ann are his the words which involves in a sequence. t h rou gh in the choiv-r and a rr an ge men t ot' aigna in a semant ic of style must points. An e x a m i n a t i o n clarify by th e r e fo re this point. the in te nsi ty to detail recur and concern his the his as to express their from Sons Lawrence displays of two very and characterised are passage, his imagery. s t yl is tic attention Ce rt a i n motifs. images tils choice i m p o r t a n t , ec is his and man's sexuality. his fun dam ent al novels uses women' s L o v ers two ana lysis prose will par ti cu la rl y He a l s o Any L aw re nc e' s of his industrialisation passages ing w or ks is env ironm ent. nature Lawrence's vi vi dne ss imagery with of J.H. these of hi a d e s c r i p t i v e t h r ou g h o u t of flower co n s i d e r system. and In relationship to relationships with the two fo llowing L a cy C h a t t e r le y' s ...iculwv s e n s i t i v i t y and Lov er understand­ d i f f e r e n . women; "Paul looked into V i r i a m ' s eyes . She was pale and expectant with wonder, her lips were parted and her dark eyes lay open to him. His look seemed to travel down into her. H er soul q u i v e r e d . It was the co mmunion she wa nte d. . . Che looked at her roses. They were white, some incurvea others holy, others expanded in e c s t a s y . " 4 "He turned a g ai n to loo., at her. Che was kn eeling and holding her two hands slowly f o r w a r d , blindly, so that the c h ic ke n should run in to the m o t h e r - h e n again. Ana there was so m e t h i n g so mute and forlor n in her, c omp as sio n flamed in his bowels for her." ^ Lawre nce 's he style u s e s , the he arranges :11m style choice fe elings can also of signs is visual and aural by brilli an ce mi ae- en - s ce ne , he identified to becau se polys emi c . by a balance be firstly film with which expresses available are marked its he of his choice and of signs, the sequence the words in w hi ch them. d ifferent. because is e result their the directs and harmon y the of semiotics, fi l m m a k e r is cohesion A Mi nn e l l i of colour, fluid film its but the are ne ce s s a r i l y iconic and secondly Vincente k i n n e l l l 's m us ic al s internal co nt en t. the in end music al the detail camera mo ve m e n t musical all the and and se quences. their cin em ati c density of .heir is r e c o g ni sa bl e beauty of the the se ns i t i v i t y They are elements. always An im portant this point di scu ssi on , te aching of has wh ich film. consider and the made are exist to in the film co nce pts the the s t r uc tu re exist sou ndt ra ck . there for e mous characteristics. two t h i n g s . h ol din g which will in be They done the the a p pe a r a n c e and the Vict or it, 56 of film and its a cri tical methodology the cine ma which and takes logically arc encode d onto film concepts p a rt ic ul ar a u t o n o ­ states that films do 'r e a l i t y 1 ty present an Perki ns c ommun ic a t i onal medium. of its they si gn i f y i n g on tol ogy or are is ordere d "hat it is wr.ich con cepts to capture and that of l a n g u a g e , while Perkins power of and imagin ati on. iconic nature of of of film cannot to u nd ers ta nd in terms have is the subje ct images this con ce pt s Lit er;ry artefa ct attempt must The ana for film i.e. as metaphor, in visual Any of signs. form. course to the a n a l y s i s iconic na t u r e nature and the the a u di b l e same In h is devise d firstly and cl ear whi in l i t e r a t u r e , such in film subject is r e l e v a n t po lysemic up of visual found itaell Any me t h o d puepose mujt secondly made image by the fil mm ak er s is emp ha si zi ng art istic * e must accoun t the art ist ic here, fun cti on therefore ol as a ceveiop the visual endeavours of the of analysis, one filmma ker . Genre c r i t i c i sm which falls must wit hi n develo p 'classes s tr uct ure calis the cri te ri a of texts' i.e. w hic h in the the which Genre. with As the cat ego ry . own met ho d discipline recognise confo rm overall film that texts, generic cha pte rs texts of film theory. there are "e certain to a co hesive n a r ra ti ve individual re ma in in g individual m u s i c a l a generic its wider w hi ch be co nsi ste nt follows fcr genre system. of films must The a pp ro ac h this work both as film, and consi der s as part of NOTES 1. de Sauaaure, F e r d i na nd Course in G e n eral Lir^ uiatica pg 16 2. ielrce, 3. Go odman, 4 . C .S . N e ls on T he K a w k e s , Terenc e >,niiin.me - Jtructu: /erlotlcs de Saus su re , 6. de S a u a a u r e , Ferdinand op. ci t. pg 16 7. de S a u a a u r e , Ferdinand op. cit. pg '3 8. Peirce, C.S. op. cit. vol ? 9. Peirce, C.S. op. cit. vol 2 11. H a w k e a , Terence H a w k e a , T e re nc e 13. Monaco, James op. tit. op. cit. How to and SealoticB pg pg 130 - 131 Head .a ■~i_lj5 P' 14. Barthes, Boland S/Z 15. B a r t h e s , Hoi and E l e m e n ts of .Jemiolop' 16. B l u e a t o n e , George 17. ibid. pg 6? 18. ibid. pg 6 3 No ve l a pp 19 - cit. Structuralism de S a u a a u r e , Ferd in an d 12. op. ana 3. 10. F e r di na nd llsm ;-L'L- into Film ^ ^ P? 1 PP 129 - - 56 19. H a r d y , Tho ma s K » r from 2 0. B l u e a t o n e , George op. clt. 2 1. Bazin, Andre Is C i n e m a ? 22. woolf, Virginia What 1 The the M a d a l n g pp 19 Mo v i e s Cr owd pg 15 - 20 and Reality' in JMew r e p u b l i c, X LV II 23. Lawrence, D.H. 24. i b i d . pg 35 25. ibid. pg 198 2 6 . i b i d . pg 393 27. H a r d y ,Thomas 28. Sons and op. clt. B l u e a t o n e , George Lovere pg 35 pg 27 op. clt. pg 23 29. i b i d . pg 23 3 0. Hardy, Thom as 3 1 . I b i d . pg 3 2 . see H a w k e e , T e r e n c e 3 3 . B l u e a t o n e , Geo rg e 3 4 . Lawrence, D.H. op. cit. 35. Lawrence, D.H. T.eriy Che t t e r l e v ' e Lover 36. Perkine, Victor op. cit. pg 18 HQ op. cit. op. cit. pp 54 - 56 pg 4 7 198 Film as Film PR 119 CHAPTER 2 THE THE ORY OF GENRE 2*1 Towardr a C r itical The e me rg enc e of a c o h e s i ve to d i s re ga rd ed film c a t e g o r y , the m a i n s t r e a m in particular, sixties and important that it early theory which cased ap pr oa c h to unde r l yi ng I have of upon a specific auteur and prove his and in artistic he was cultu re text. genre capabilities the inherent Perkins notes film culture of a critical aesthetics, as a the need social and 'high-art1 for an structures in tro duc tio n, the but focused industry. contradictions in my str uc tu re s upon Many of a conflict w o rki ng and two of texts. to analys e the H o ll yw ood cinema, late n in et ee n fu l f i l l e d and the cinema out and his terms the the or thodox i l l u m in at ed class pointed the au th o r theory of taste a hit he rt o commercial the rele va nc e of it films, a bo ut Dur in g c o n s id er ed the attempt genre r e l at io n s hi p the mass the status film which did not between c h al l e n g e d Secondly, facilitated 1 1m as r i 1 m . ' V i c t o r the n o tio ns alread y various which genre by q u e s t i o n i n g protected theory seventies, e ff ec tiv ely institution. As film. In was disc ou rse Hollywood functions. e s t ab li s h m e n t cr it ic al Theory, by a desire and promote »enre betwe en system. The in spite 'Tom Ryall of the and mea ni ng s saw this individual directo r had the mediu m placed di s c u s s e s the au t e u r genre relat io ns hi p cr iti cs restraints in the early in upon him the ap pr oa ch to by problems thus: "One of the major impulses behind genre c r i t i c i s m lies in the common sense a s s u mp ti on that commercial films are produced acc or di ng to generic formula, that film tradition and the hioto ry of the cinema play an important role in d e t e r m i n i n g the actual sp ec ificity of any single A m e r i c a n picture. The 1a u t e u r t h e o r y 1 though important and val uable during the 1 9t>01 s and 1 9 6 0 1s for drawing a t t e n ti on to the importance of the DO .ericun . i i_ u , 1 . .t ... re dioc— . ..n tern., per.cn' 1 vi t-i c n , on." So the 15 i.uVeuriut .eerr.eu in;: . vatic h uirt-o tors t,t;.‘i< ^0 c - . u r n c t e . i-ed t y n r e ; r. 'riot 9 or 11oru 1 r c ul tu r e meat l ed ti.fi* , xn .ividvvti • finally a c i ..d v « 01 to tin a c t i v e or.; : *l’t ► / i r.in a t i o n of j"- - n , ...tit - o e..*.e:. vXuxlj .i. * t he vk -oit o c c u r r e d . i ouu i theory *h.et> 3 j n syo terns und . .i t ’ nir. a s p e c i f i c 1er 1n us cT. . 3 of tl.ecretir; has c ri ti c io : t tv. rj. ut out tf-'-r. sketchy » er.r a nd especial*.y n r tr.ca c. hen col.5 -red .i - h 6 ..-9 • r:e,vor.d : or: ul a the need for : 1m : fir.r rlc a valid f et.re > e n r ea S t a n l e y dolooon citeo theory! the aukJect still l a v s the kind 0. in tel lec tua l ap p r o a c h that could .-jU lify the .; --r ■ up p r o eh as a pl au sib le c o t e . cry of film criti And Stephen *ht a rt ic le. -eale reinforce^ • o t . tl- th... ..e..ti...ent by ‘-ion -■t-yir e by notiry I cm that sx..ce ,iy l . . , and • J ir. Kit.-. e*ii rd •0 or i . _ yf ,t v . -n ■ c«. rtnui o — ~ d .u .A . I "Very little has "0c ■ 11 pu ^ xi ah eu since that has a o u % ... , more systematic wori i n 5 ou t and a ; plication 01 »he ' thrcu* h u c o h e r e n t c r i t i q u e 0 t i o n of the s'- c nee: This which in thesis have r< c e n t f rnr.r ill been examine raised year. « an some an d 1;n u .:u l s v ;;u e nt ■ -c a . . tf the di.cursed c o - o r - in* t« most 1, transform- relevant various t h i n concepts ( on re vr« 1c s a n viable .n e o r e - ou l exactly .1 ten r e ; ork . Tnitieliy we m u s t auk th question: hat iv » , . be very s i m p l e , it ral.es ,.n i m p o r t a n t qu. a ti on. .ec a u u e < although that one they can g r o u p share any certain two texts characteristics, logic al or de si rab le Todorov therefore qualifies cl a s se s of by a d d i n g - texts to ge t h e r to re fer to this his It on la not g r o u p i ng statement the ground as a genre. that genre s "those cl asse s of texte that have beer perceived such in the course of hi s to ry ." 6 ana he cites the the h i s t o r i c a l pr ovided the example ev idence that of by the ex is ten ce st art in g point of Its of the tragcay theory exi s te nc e of genres. lodorov described in two di f f e r e n t also notes they as Itself. is the that can of the evidence 'tragedy' of genre ways; are Is a genre because exi st en ce and the wora always proof genres Thus of can the oe be "empir ica lly n ob s er ve d" or an alysed in f o r m a t i o n brought result can the patterns. for m u la e the Individual and Tom Ryall be fr m the content. texts perceived generic reinfo rc es to the abs tract theory way. In other words conte nt A genre Injtitutionalisation to the whole vital be deduc ed to bear upon of in an of or induced, is produced as a ce rt ai n nar rative will m a n i f e s t these recurring by the rea de r (audience) in rel ati on system. the no ti o n of a class of texte which In of genre: "The mas te r Image for genre c r i t i c i s m is the triangle com po se d of a r t i s t / f 1I m / a u d l e n c e . Gen re s may be d e f i n e d as p a t t e r n s / f o r m s / a t y l e e / e t r u e t u r e s which t r a n s c e n d individual films and which s u pe rv ise both their c o n s t r u c t i o n by the filmmai.er, and their re a d ­ ing by the audienc e." H and arguee that for genre de co n s t r u c t the the audie nce . relationship However, to analyse the genre entity secondly does, and however, f un c t i o n acts make of genre construction of the betwee n Ryall film omits firstly as part an im portant by the of wr iti ng text U of ex pec ta ti on" . acting, as to be the valuable artist, to m e n t i o n a coh esi ve point about supports. it must his individual system. It supervises it inf lu en ce s in To do rov 's He the twofold d i r e c t o r or as Todorov and film and the ne c e s s i t y of a larger generic w h i c h T o do r o v of a film as a "model readi ng cr it ic is m says the it the au die nce 's words, as a "ho riz on 60 One of the that in most genres demand the way which he recur lised. 1C genres, in Hie and Gen r es a narr ati ve familiar, the ir from one a new by the to narrative how the may also fi c t i o n poems form Thus tragedy, defined and are And by all content comedy as a genre groups of de si gne d appreciation texts, Cnee to make genre became it once famixi ar of the drawn. film may theory, str uc tu re and is depends romance, all genre to a need films. which particularly They science for generic of the two recurring way. the def in it io n a class the upon re x O g i c a x l y becauac ot sonnets, organised. synthesis For co mm e r c i a l odes, raw material be port social it and is an are defined, ballads, in a fa miliar in re sp ons e of genres bo a genre is di ff er en t be film genre alone, they can it must conte xt thus tr ag icomedy regard ed the and presented and and is s t r u c t u r e d finally, strictly mu s t examine times as definite Lit er ar y constitute la more cri tical are no real practice. enough genre the content of genre sp ec if ic al ly and or classes of content all genres. Fi l m In the is partly 'Westerns' , 1 -angstera vis ua l lit erary as genre. mode. and the conventions by common categorised of a text or crime i.e. and of ca te g o r i e s d i s c u s si on . be defin ed categories. between f i l m ua ke r bo there re pe at ed the d i s c o u r s e content in society. auaieme for mulae result. became on genre the next. needs and been of r e l a t i o n s h i p which The de fin ed will betwee n form of cf this institutiona­ ex istence code the shows la properties been produced in dustry. structures The d if fe ren ce issue w hi ch genre have of a genre. has films film emphasising usually icdorov of disc ou rse are of genre dis cu rs iv e "an agreed the cr ea t i o n are thematic gen re s nam in g theory historical ev id e n c e film pattern 'Musical' the the bu il d i n g concerning texts. and the ce rt ai n narratives about thus for cre ati on rules 11 the recognition. for that talks has with r e s p o n s i b le the tne t e claim about how argument upon au dience" public public individual C o l in M c A r t h u r and points d e s cr ib es based su pports vital of film to be popular culture theory was for greater Genre underlies relevant theory certain to Holly- wo od film. bo genre type of film 'g e n r e 1 is w he re the and theory not film eynon ym ou e theory had is only in g e n e r a l . wi t n its popular d is cu s s i o n gen re s and which co m e d y and t r a g i c o m e d y , while r e je ct s he that says, dual it cannot, film point are hor ro r of view. also not because and So lom on the c a t e g o r y nolr text could the c u rr ent repeat ed or an public neo-realism exhibit in films diagonal narrative genre film. Genre film popul ar wort hy ii 'high the popular culture w h e n art towa rds that how the began has a more film support the these categories, industry ideology Italia n filmma xi ng w h i c h strange co nn ect ed largely for e x a m p l e , ex tabl iahment" with of to the n o t i o n the ol as a subject recently. have sett­ the properties ignored until is outlandish be confused discursive media and by the ni gh tma re and an alysis -he tended entertainment to be and d is ­ In Cultu re .a nd S ociety Raymond split away be twe en b e tw ee n about intellectual div ision Firstly, of been of mass came to move persona^ g r o u p of f i l m m a k e r s , not must not cr it i c a l c o n t e m p t uo us reasons. style i n t r i n si ca ll y film culture shows co mm e r c i a l li gh t i n g as Italian n e o - r e a l i s m the related it as escapist. Williams and serious art' so me wh at mi s s e d is thus on one's two be r ec og ni se d s ty le and to indivi­ be c a t e go ri se d and they are because, each Both G e r m a n e x p r e s s i o n i s m can c u l t u r e , which of easily in f lu en ti al be l o n g i n g formulae genres, He also and for secondly a sp ecific this is tragedy, literary other genr es from unmotivated c h a r a c t e r s , but that 1f i l m - n o i r 1 is a genre genres one. German E x p r e s s i o n i s m ing, are film d e p e n d i n g di vo r c e d filmmaker that be rega ru e d presentation' . just as or w a r popul ar culture and the of of exp lains Ge r ma n E x p r e s s i o n i s m they are because of t11m can they too many co nsi der ed In a film co nte xt c u lt ur e classe s bu t 'm od es involves a ga ngster, of of w h i c h film gen re s to a ce r t a i n roots. In hie not ap pli cab le during from its elite. 'highbrow' so called 'high-art the Homant ic general period, aud ience hd Buscom be notes and 'mass' c u lt ur e 62 rests u p o n the l e v e l o f u n d e r s l a n d i n g w h i c h the a u d i e n c e h a s of e a c h : "The c o n v e n t i o n s of... g e n r e are k n o w n and r e c o g n i s e d by the a u d i e n c e a n d s u c h a r e c o g n i t i o n ia in i t s e l f a p l e a s u r e . P o p u l a r a r t , in f a c t , h a s a l w a y s d e p e n ­ d e d on t h i s 1* P o p u l a r c u l t u r e is to a l a r g e e x t e n t d e t e r m i n e d a n d m o d i f i e d by v a r i o u s c o n s t r a i n t s . characterised films film industry is by i t s o v e r r i d i n g c o m m e r c i a l i s m and a d h e r e n c e to c o n v e n t i o n a l However, The Hollywood and formulaic patterns of f i l m m a k i n g . as a r e s u l t o f t h e r e j e c t i o n of t h e s e v a l u e s , t h e themselves have likewise been rejected: " . . . r e j e c t i o n of H o l l y w o o d and i - s v a l u e s , t h o u g h u n d e r s t a n d a b l e a n d e v e n l a u d a b l e , h a s l e d to a r e j e c t i o n of A m e r i c a n m o v i e s w m c h is n e i t h e r , w h e n o n e d i s c u s s e s l i t e r a t u r e a n d to o r p a i n t i n g a n d u p to a p o i n t , d r a m a , one c a n p l a c e t h e a r t i s t , h i s w o r k a n d h i s a u d i e n c e in a v e r y d i r e c t r e l a t i o n ­ ship. H o w e v e r no s u c h d i r e c t r e l a t i o n s h i p e xi st s f o r the d i r e c t o r in H o l l y w o o d . T h e r e a r e at w o r k s e v e r a l m o d i f i e r s of m e a n i n g , f a c t o r s w n i c h c o m p l i ­ c a t e t h e s e r e l a t i o n s h i p s . .h e m o s t o b v : o u s a r e the s t a r s y s t e m a n d t n e s u b j e c t of t h i s boc'c, g e n r e b o t h , of c o u r s e , p a r t l y e x p l i c a b l e in t e r m s of the o v e r p o w e r 1 n £ ly c o m m e r c i a l b a s i s of H o l l y w o o d p r o ­ duction." M c A r t h u r ' s p o i n t h e r e is t h a t g e n r e f i l m s h o u l u be a n a l y s e d as p o p u l a r c u l t u r e of g e n r e must and all the c o n s t r a i n t s be c o n s i d e r e d . ihe and c o n v e n t i o n s auteur r e l a t i o n s h i p is important in a l l it s h o u l f -tot be u s e d as t h e f o c u s of o n e ' s c r i t i c a l d i s c u s s ­ ion. of f i l m s a n d g e n r e f i l m s a r e no e x c e p t i o n b u t Tnis r e l a t i o n s h i p b e l o n g s m o r e ' h i g h art' constraints aesthetics. Hollywood of g e n r e , i t s f o r m u l a e , b o t h e s e m u s t be of critical approach prime to this properly f i l m is m o d i f i e d and its n a r r a t i v e about two c o n f l i c t i n g against the p r o g r e s s turn of t h i s century by t h e i r content, to a r e c o g n i s a b l e n a r r a t i v e A Wer t e r n ideologies, of the h a s t , somewhere v Ni patterns, p o p u l a r art form. p a t t e r n of e x p e c t a t i o n . visual by the importance when considering a G e n r e f i l m c a t e g o r i e s a re a 1 a o partly d e f i n e d which usually adheres to t he d i s c o u r s e in structure f i l n is normally t h e a n a r c h y oi which takes the W e s t place at tne the A m e r i c a n mid-west. or Similarly, the m u s i c a l sequences of s i n g i n g and d a n c i n g . e l e m e n t s w h i c h act as audience. 1h o r i z o n s Other narrative character generic f il:u is a l w a y s types, ihese l o v e and i n c l u d e s are n a r ra ti ve of e x p e c t a t i o n 1 .‘ or t h e elements include s e t ti ng s , recurring plot f or mu l a e , t h e m a t i c s t r u c t u r e s and iconography. T h e r e is a 1 w a y s a n i n t e r t e x t u a l i t y p a r t of a s p e c i f i c g e n e r i c definition between reaffirm its limits. definition which principles. Genre the f i l m s that are c a t e g o r y , w h i c h not only lea ds of t h a t g e n r e b u t c o n t i n u a l l y new film w ill e i t h e r define about the g e n r e reassesses to it. Each ae it s t a n d s o r r e ­ is a s t r u c t u r e , a c c o r d i n g t o l i a g e t ' s i n c l u d e s the f o l l o w i n g three f u n d a m e n t a l 16 a) the i d e a of b) the i d e a of wholeness trane.ormation c) the i d e a of s e l f - r e g u l a t i o n By w h o l e n e s s r i a g e t m e a n s t h a t a s t r u c t u r e m u s t h a v e c o h e r e n c e . All the p a r t s of g o v e r n it. different that s t r u c t u r e So as a n i n t e g r a l to w h a t they would c o n f o r m to a s e t of l a w s w h i c h p a r t of be structure if t h e y w e r e s e p a r a t e Without the e nc om p a s s i n g whole, individual meaningful this concept existence. Applying the f o l l o w i n g b e c o m e s a p p a r e n t . normal signs are made within m e a n i n g of structure to g e n r e the f r a m e w o r k to m e a n a n d m e a n a g a i n . Piaget's next point i t to m a i n continually flux. of g e n r e kcr example signs, in sugges.he to t h e g o v e r n i n g they occur. is t h a t a s t r u c t u r e always i n c or po ra te s new material, and adds film, r e l a t i o n s h i p to h i s e n v i r o n m e n t . signs will change acc or di ng in w h i c h entities. p a r t s h a v e nc t h e w e s t e r n g e n r e h o r s e s f u n c t i o n as I n d e x i c a ^ t i v e of t h e c o w b o y ' s t h e y are b o d y of the s t r u c t u r i n g and Piaget uses human is n e v e r s t a t i c processes It a c c o r d i n g l y structure. therefore but Structure exists is in a s t a t e ol l a n g u a g e as e v i d e n c e o: a t r a n s f o r m ­ i n g s t r u c t u r e b e c a u s e n e w w o r d s and s o u n d s a r e c o n s t a n t l y to it. Similarly, genre changes i n the s t r u c t u r e structures itself adaed in the s a m e w a y a n a a r e d i r e c t l y d e p e n d e n t u p o n h o w the film are industry evolved perc ei ves from formulae w h ic h make up the never ftructure and where genres do a c o m b in at iv e are analysis au di enc e of change. de s i r es process static. a genre In ans we r come?" To do ro v and to ^enre of film m a k i n g Na rr at iv e are needs. ele me nt s tlways the and which u nd er go in g question: rrom responds: h y , quite s i m p l y , from other g e n r e s . A new genre is a l w a y s the tr a n s f o r m a t i o n of one or several old genres: by inversion, by di sp la cem ent , by c o m b i n a ­ tion ." 1 ' Every text f or mat ion arisin g froi of other from an old one, a genre texts. let To show how vs co ns i d e r and Elashaance. Traditionally, the pre sentation of couch this sexuality sen sitive m et ap h o r i c a l l y as subjec t the need to hide to show openly. Jo Sally lover to go to bed boasts the about her protagonist eexual in what indica tio n of elements. A vital perscnae was role the is reversed as It revives the dream 1950's, a popula r York's Eawby's bar, this rather sordid York Academy Piaget's final has and files, this goal. structure point outside its the bred the w o m a n genres Astaire asks her (rlashaance) a male-dominated the Beale own invites also com bi ne s and - personified with the hides and new her much of ro.e of the that a struc tur e rati ona le internal the with cl in the 198C's. setting, J e n n i f e r aspires in a cc or da nc e 'feel spirit to the Jew rrom Beaminess. and with he l p from her is This Hell) in a totally new none is Gene Kelly the of as na rr ati ve lover to by Gene spirit and by a desire (C a b a r e t ) openly of one of environment, achieves and needs no of )un cti on displaced Having always to In Cabaret a g g r e s s i ve ne ss . sentiment of J a n c i n g of old musical which Beals was avoid ed prefe rin g her and J e n n i f e r Jennifer r l a shdanc e of film has of iov ema kin g. been arises of C a b a r et way, in seq ue nc es trans­ f u nc ti on as the wo ma n' s Svengali. Am eri can great mus ica ls part exa mples overt Bowles and a new genre the m u si ca l sex has in v e r si on their the m u s i c 1 . the with the in an e x h i b i t i on s F l a s h d a nce it is an ab so r p t i o n the New formulae friends, she is se lf -r e g u l a t i n g to val id at e its laws wh ich have existence. no reliance A upon othei itself iyc Leu wi th ou t 1r e a l i t y 1 or re fe ri ng ihus music In his and stru ct ur e needs points wh ic h of mo s t covered above. It must If a film of the be s t u d i o ’s 'star' It must and the thl» were use to the it valid. outlined provide to genre a valid have been is a co mm e r c i a l then formula of the judged it dev elo ps art which office. reason exploited a genre for box the of is c o n s i s ­ ap p r o a c h file for for therefore, s t u d i e s , and the similarly. the c i n e m a ’s contact contact film issues wh ich to make money pe rfo rme rs *ne has at the and without to make points access The success rec og ni se from l thorns. structure, Jchatz fi nan cia lly , isolat ed profit. hese to and system. critical filmmaking tied s uc ce .s fu l will any as a n e c es sa ri ly musical ,nomas 'closed'. exists rules rat io nal e outside is g e n r e , fa mi l i a r rel eva .t that in its cap aci ty That Ge nres own the this he accept is commerc ial 2. ol it leaves ot her of no out side is in t r i n s i c a l l y lay to any feels 1A incorporate. summary success to its re g u l a t e s upon w i tho ut as a closed feature book h o i 1y \nod film must 1. according as a st yl ist ic audience which language exists on or r e fe re nce the 'rose' sense bloom with green film itself tent with four red the musical reliance nglish anu to call In this in the word of tr ex ietu any n e ce ss ity 'objectiviiy' . to the regulates t, u lure havin, P i a g e t ’s example c o n s t i t u e nt - with the a u d i e n c e . the formula for e u b - ae .uent genre _f i_lms . Popular cultu re of which they cussion about uncover the of t e x t s . forms reflect.. ouch are Cne soci ol og ic al way. always of popular art the purposes forms is often Po pul a r cultu re these myths rooted in the soc ieties of critical as genre tilm, patterns which under.y Public mo ra l i t y a my th-like permeate art throug ho ut reflected helps society. is to Certa in by genre to reveal, dis­ classes films transmit .hue genre films in and may be re garded the Image Seldon, bohemian with and 3• charm. Sally It a c c e :ts that neo 1 urn the Rain /wenty years liberated, o! to the women the ^athy i19b 2) later yet genre. co yne ss (Cabaret ) who Both c o n f o r m e d and image in innocence, Bowles se xu a l l y hurt. the status showing -a k e tor an example in the mu si ca l of bi ng i n g chori ne fe min in e comers* re flected the he ro i n e presented easily Id eo logical of w om en pert young tional as ie a and conven­ au diences are is b r a s h » still vulner ab le c u rr en t myths and r e g ar di ng in society. cinema is a n a r r a t i v e ( s t o rv-tellingj tori e s are dr amatic but based upon c ultural is es pec ial ly relevant to the mu s i c a l c o n f 1 lets . Inis point for mu la e are occ up a t i o n often with based upon class seem in gl y g a m b l e r / h e i r es s, chorus g e n er al ly the proves conflicts • illmat ch ed g i rl /m ale sent im en t lovers love Ihere as plot is a pre poor boy/rich s t a r 1 and that genre girl the genre ov ercomes social barriers. 4 . In the Ku s l c a l )enre artistry fi lm m a k e r s capacity to worx la m e a s u r e d wi t h i n the in terms e s t a b lished of the generic conventions. This re in f or c e s is not of a valuable M c Ar th u r ' s supreme point impor ta nce issue. Any and performers must the genre consideration. use the into g e n r e , its ex ci ti ng way Astaire's so are is Vincen te marked narra ti ve is inoicitive the full, own 'world to work within and the of of all the c e rt ai n al though ol the director/performer can in a new and successful. type visual 'high art' and films w hi ch and sound film di re ct or who 'individual popular culture mode limi ta ti on s. Bred of success, in cr eating «nich is dire ct or s ana this the it industry as v i s i o n ' and in re la ti o n s h i p of genre formulae, brilli an ce Unlike those w o r k i n g the work regarded by their harmo ny indulge his agree be Minnelli's can If conventions elem en ts . of auteur criticism the co n st ra in ts then he may persona the to genre an al ys is take that style to tacitly is not to 67 say that they must asp ir a ti on s , but of genre must ?.2 The In his impo rt an t preface study and while He m a i n t a i n s the con ve nt io ns that every adds two narra ti ve theory words story through w hi ch Of na r r a t iv e the be applied th rou gho ut the book. c o nc ep t rests and are its that dance every and its ^ day. by a s u b ­ communicates, d i s c o u r s e , d i s co ur se atory c r it ic s film comic co nc ept s ’what' tne to tne is uno er pi nn ed imp or ta nt to Literary and music its na rr ati ve its via In In t:.e of narrat ivity stories discipline s in gl em os t the can consume how structure work scu lp tu re s, explai ns the of na r r a ti ve D i s c o u r se he notes stratum which its that artistic D i s c o u r se Se y m o u r Ch a t m a n conce pt does they paintings, and t h eo ret ica l to confine medium that Story the of his to Story strips, acknowledge as Ch a t m a n inclined verbal personal of Genre out lines Much film m e d i u m any be respected. s u c ce s sf ul l y are simply El em en ts fiction. r e li n q u i s h and he upon which 'why'. being In other the m e a n i n g is t r a n s m i t t e d . theory C h a t m a n states the following. It: "... has no critical axe to grind. It's objective is^ a crid of po ssibilities, through the e s t a b l i s h m e n t o. the minim al n a rr at ive c o n s t i t u t i v e features. It plots individual texts on the grid and asks w h et h e r their a c c o m m o d a t i o n requires ad ju st me nt of the grid. It does not asse rt that a u th or s should or should not do so-and-so. Ra th e r it poses a question: A hat can we eay about the s tr uc tu re s like narratives organise t h e m ­ and selves?" c goes on to note na r ra ti ve has a dis co ur se two that parts (diecouse) st ru ct u r a l i s t a story theory (histoire) the m e a n s states that the content, through which and it is c o m m u n ­ icated . Since genre na r r a t i ve la a n a rr at ive th r o u gh a breakdown of the this twin st ru ctu re c ha nn el s st r u c t u r e and i.e. it of story the way transmits and that a discourse, it is c o mm un - will on of genre. d raw upon m u s i c a l oc cas io n are For the to the appropriate. show how that constit ute purpose genre films of this a n al ys is and for examples este rn and g a n g s t e r Chatman a narrative its provides ope rates and genres wh er e isolate c a c a ♦j v XI 3 1o 4-> c 41 c o <M o ft. o o 2 41 O G ed *» tn 0 c & c O o ■H CO (0 4> G CX K 1) a k o 0 H M to 4) G a 3 <M K ■n O til £3 a 0 -H v 4> t3 ® •H e 8) 81 O O O ® 41 8) ® B ® c •H c t o. a! X m o ♦» o c G cx 4? 1-* G « CX G 3 m G 4) U « G 6 J3 O m % C •H -n x * OJ r-4 V 4-> 4> *» tZ) e w G V 4) V > -r. <fl 3 a 0 G G er 85 c » m G Ctf O C jG x> X 3 +-» 8) to K fit c o as 4) +-> G 3 ♦•> tn 6) V 3 G ♦-» U) CX X> 0 41 41 o •H U ** -H H # 0 « B a> o -> X I 41 f-4 + (-C C r-l c 4> -H C3 > 0 11) a. G t 4> r-l X to > til 4) iG XI C <8 >1 G O 01 m h O o G 4) 3 ►. U G o o o - 4) ► *> Cfl G t. ed le. ______ re;e r tney the el em en ts structure. 4) : the fol lo wi ng mode i to of el eme nt s f-i a> m G cx K 4' C le a r l y each the musical film a story genre is a n a r r a t i v e structure via By d e c o n s t r u c t i n g the C h a t m a n 1 a m o d e l , one can get e s s en ti al closer eye tern. a round are to the Chatman a struc tu re organised narrative, of the which explai ns while plot the and create can be are that while the plot, placed . of and ne calls events, or 's a t e l l i t e s ' form and add various the course also of event (action) as had The narrative elements of of in the musica l all The most common musicals though, boy meets girl, Around this identified involves loses the the and notes advancement only These of of provide secondary the narrative to it. The major ^n a spe cific event way, and mo ments. deciding hvents may 'h a p p e n i n g s 1 depending direct control over the of external forces ( h a p p e n i n g ). the musical of genre will na tu ral ly are core, one can underly ing f o l lo wi ng girl, include coy nu me ro us the most familiar plot by Timot hy ocheurer in an a discuss ion of of all events; song and gets variat io ns for mul ae essay several the genre . almost sequence sings Under isolate ch a r a c t e r i s t i c pattern the be analysed events and ex i s t e n t s . film genre of wh ich one generic e v o l v e d , and had one must na rr ati ve boy a plot it was a result c at ego ri es 'events' formulae, acti on against i to which to the at climatic no control the heading plot form to the main p r ot ago nis t over which he plot and the of a a f u rt he r dis tin cti on Subtext 'a c t i o n s ' or or w h e t h e r under Ch at man 's set tin gs of s i g n i f i c a t i o n the na rr ati ve the the plot 'ex i s t e n t s ' are re a d e r / v i e we r. pe rt ai ni ng be classi fi ed upon w h et her for the advance raising q u e sti ons J o the which fnvents 1 env ir onm ent 'k e r n e l s ' . others i ntercut or kernels the up physical m a n i f e s t a t i o n s esse nti al incidental events form are the is built 1e x i s te n t s 1 . they medium. narr ati ve narrative Ch a t m a n makes are layers of this a sp ec if ic 'events' some events these tnot unfolded. characters types any 'exIstents' of a na r r a t i v e the that a way characters between el em ent s 'events 1 and in such content the of using specific in is c o mm un ic at ed genre the and have have girl. been been entitled "The A esth eti cs The of *'orn. nnri c o n v e n t i o n ex istents el em en t s length tion of the music al of c h a r a c t e r and the secti on of the co nc ep t about a virtual Events 1. A il-Star nevue Be rkeley was a string the m aj or of 'ha] the um br e l l a of a huge de scribed the revue as of 1929, of credit that he tional gaze inventions studio lavish included and what appeared the into any film of to it and The of Busby at type the Berkeley. re pu tations mel od y of of largest credit never the but exhibit films cinematic before. be tr ans lat ed cinematic. as such of these been seen not a staircase for his the In each text s t u d i o ’s star 1 9 Z 9 i Pa ramount 191k ail His gallons tha . could plot quest water over a sp ec if i c a l l y was no s of cho rin es ribbon. out ra ge ou s Berkeley and pumped the in a way the H o l l y w o o d crowds as Ho w e v er be insatiable to t yp ew ri te r of w hi ch had Br oa dw ay V.elody vast under c a m e r a ’s undirec- be regarded there arcadway the 20 000 it was to ge t h e r to rer keiey In his which formula extr ava gan t of film me d i u m form, from in the Z a n u c k , releases rate Busby plot logically It was he used the time . likes joined each more to m o v t . har p' s give perpetuate performers . of knowl edg e of this could last. an a q u a c a d e that the other this .n e x a m i n a ­ B e g in ni ng with the ci ne m a could one must innovations, He used at the se qu en ce s from human in the world at fo rmu lae pr oducer Dar ry l P. that allowed plot were simil ar m u s i c a ls built wa t e r fa ll minute, served 'event' . released and as an ything include proponent e tings under in de s ig n for dr am at ic be di a cu ia ed si> r< •u e , which only he, a vast num be r am b i ti ou s the n a r r a t i v e i c o n o g r a p h y , the body the f o l l o w i n g film g e n r e : in which s e tt in g *111 . fo rmulae musical Busby i.e. on s e tti ng will of identi fi es The genre the i».ovie Ii.usicaj. subject. : ‘lot Sche urer and in the on I a r & i * - A 2 j 0 indulgent style 2. .he Thie B a r k a t a r e ku s i r a l type Revue, of music al except that in story. It was not within a plot which the the just who fina nci al try cho rus girl fam il ia r P re di ct ab ly events of the chor us the held by the theatre numbers ge n e r al ly part of the reflect not the Berkeley exc e ll ed to his credit the show lover the can faces an D lr ge ra of Po o t ll gh t Rogers chorine of this be listed otregt co nf lic t a leg be offered to Also D l/gers in the in type and fe at ur es difficulties. all showi ng fear of u n e m p l o y m e n t films were all and un a n i mo us as a result u ne mpl oy ed The forever. of w hi ch the same concern in the ir poverty problems, for refuses optimism. In the musical it and and were Gold of as and the one was and typical the usual were c h a r a c t e r ­ lack the future, and no upon irantic beset with J e p r e s e i o n years of her starred Astaire Rogers is and the star The who are busby to decide Fashions is s i mi l a r may as well, same mould 1935, are they the most de serving of a show and cho osi ng fracture. Fleet which to stage : un ct io ns g e n r e , tney forces her Annie «..e the musicai in w hi ch the trying films between place. gir.s, structure. Follow by films starved 4 2nd ill Satellite of film musical to A ny ti me girls. fall lavish the musical Circumstance 1 G ? ; , Gold -inti the thematic type internal the should the chorus P a rade. financial ised at role it should uno b tr u si ve film's there A n ot he r Although the s uggests actor. in rehearsal. of with to take her these oi the ne g l e c t e d narrative suffe rs offers beset to the she d ir e c t o r is in a gr ou p success . of In i n c i de nt al the or her c a r e e r . former when lives con cer ns with lady is au dit ion ed management. the matic leading conflicts, is arouna Set demand s that a r e s o un di ng and show which integrated the by a but a show usually leading t r a um at ic came raderie are the she ac hi eve s involve backstage that of and framed Iormula. which necessity told, the hea rt 'e v e n t ' is a member be revue, revolved a revue to tne Ai l-otar revue was filmed story Generic to the to a typical to stage story wine another the problems. is also a love former ad ner ed de pre ss ion years, ch ar ac t e r s and aau aim 1 1 nr In co nce pt o. money, but musical No one ever victimises film aid always cane or to the deserving • of V i n ce nt e the story Mention Minnelli's of a a h o u 1d be maae film on Bro adw ay has q ui ck ly f o r g o t t e n his talent. is cu st om ar y and As dance the matic sequences w hi ch mu si c a l s is to be the R a in, and the the Stanley bu siness grouped is involves vehic le B on en 's for the f.u :ng reveals true nature overri di ng commercialism which essence are it reveals a them* which formulae simple can love studio's 3• fed the first ra g c - to - n c h e s rests narra ti ve unfolds a y ou ng girl achieves w o m a n h o o d . upon the In each potential ably the hero is the catalyst because of her love guidance, Bady that story shows g i r l , rises social Gjgl into a woman adoles ce nt composure. among tale the and con structed web aui.ence. In and of illusion, films. iwo the plot the Oak ley 's in the working until she reaches her French and plot clas. Tft.L E and the flow er and girl who blo ssoms rrom a clumsy, her natural rise In *incente M i n n e l l i the hero. met eo ri c Invari­ growth, sophisticatioi classes • to reveal the under his s e n si ti ve to attain of as she remarkable a lowly upper refined As awKwaraness. is entre nc hed love allegory. self-awareness. of a young t ra ns fo rm s Annie this to full stati on she i n d u s t r y , its the sh ooting of we watch for him, above and wins and P y gm al ion for joolittle simple be in the h a L o , the off her girlish al le gor y her also often hi larious reality is gradually how k l i z a accept an ce is the casts she m a t u r e s the P y gm al ion industry story^. case true is in film. fomrula it b e tw ee n otner B in gi ng could the movie be lieving as s t h • snow film tnis in r i ng in g plot and of of Bon and Cathy, sound the in many musical be d i s t i n g u i s h e d story of its ca re ful ly dicotooy trie film same comeback. Through to a willing, is m a ni f e s t e d The C i n d erella This and into the il lusions film Bonen the s^ng lehears ng ol .onv's musical. the cuslca., basically e x a m i n a t io n of manuf ^ and enormous integrated a b a ck st age myths as fully plot A s t a i r e ) trying success in a Mi n n e l l i ihe and (Fred to a the at ri ca l world which previous ore all st ructure. back stare The .band v & s o n , which nai ra ^e s 1h a s - b e e n 1 p e r fo rm er to make a co ne ba ck in this category to fame elegance and (in Annie _ge_t s 73 Ycur iun) .s u uu pe rt her con ra e ha b it j need to ■ <* t t , v . a Lcar^n be fe mi n i n e ..hen nr. . ahe f ,n . ^nfluencr <; o l only realise., in love and tne ue.,ireu 1. A c: or us r.irl ..ho a c h i e v e and be cot • . .. ' plot formul a .erke le y' u r co,;i.iticn for h e r talents : ' in '.n. t.. r . a! ty e of the an. an thiu Gi .a ■: er fil ca te go ry , cun cor e overall be clay, eu husLy Jux .r 1 ^ - tur .n , . This ca te g o r y made for rise to fane of tie fil:: :..u ic 1 13 r< fert> s p e c i f i c a l l y lie T o r p o r s -: of a chorus n in t h <1 9 3 C 1. ct ar ri ng the girl, tr m s f o r m a t i o n . the love story to those f roc girl • is na r k e d :y the • chequered fe el in gs • of the . asae character type. , Aat r e 1s Sauve nusxc-... in an . 1. . con s i s t e n c y nr... th** succe. . of extent th upon Usually the ~ n t e r p 1 y o: i*o. n f r their these ; -l...s relie s c uflict end to re so lution, tne c .n f , »ct is because o: a lack of . . in tneir files *n every dance revealu their i n h e r e n t sense . honesty only and si n c e r i t y re solved when in u reli tionuhi; they allow ana t!i e conflict is th e.aselvec to ex pro. -• their . the levers and he go somethin.- 1 .ke events w h i c h make thiol affection. wi th e r he The is one who a secret Astaire or betr ot hc u for fear that ________ n' court, . oyer, tie is betrothed lose his and usually ..ins her to a this ; party. (f - r ex nr p i e , estaire,' he 1 ill . up the n a r r a t i v e new keeps love. t .is -hen Ho. e r s dis c ov er s breaks why off her return found that her the love s om e o n e claim her and Tor Hat Ih e A s ta ir e altered, cannot but accepts that he must In the m e a n t i m e the else this allows to return and for himself. all conform owing to this him fianc6 has T i m e , .he simple else and understand plot lay to Rogers divorcee formula. was H o l l y w o o d ' s attempt to 'h i g h b r o w 1 art form of the ( pera into industry with the aim of m a k i n g a profit. succeeded in this films escape their two most important and vehicles des ig ne d star Eu rop ean story notacly nddy, Grayson. lo ca l e s , (plot) in f l u e n t i a l ov er wh elm in g are Lu bi t s c h ' u of their fun and .he Kerry of the are the set studio's M a ur ic e in colour enjoym en t. Lanza exotic The love the songs o e s t , tneae * l d o w and -rnst usually costume. and ol of later Ma rio s e tt i n g and and m a g m f i c e n c sense and h e a r t r e n d i n g, At of films were u.ac^onald, N o r m a l l y , they in flavour. some directors, talents Je anette in period opu len ce ihese the hey is to the credit urace M o o r e is usually q u a oi -po et ic a lavish to display Nel so n Kathryn and which incorporate the c o mm er ci al miraculously Ro u be n Kamoulian. performers, C hevalier, v e n t u r e , an. senti me nta li ty, Lu bit sch ful to someone ( ne re tt a film and oetrothed f i a n c 6. The Sc re en ( peretta the is relati on sh ip. for him has to his and lover Of are films display and m ai nt ai n the most an success­ » a m c u l i a n 1o ^ove me Ton:ght. A subtype formula ie the the charac te rs inhabit a world of 'm a k e - b e l i e v e '. the is the most Minnelli's examples The hunlcal One this love story film. best of of of plot vital Hriga doo n and the fan ta sy /r om an ce thread Joshua fantasy/romance which runs in which Cnee again through Logan's Camelot are category. biography the most s u c c es sf ul plot f o r m u l a e , in terms oi its the the capacity w hi ch to make m o n e y , was the career unfolded. musical works b io g r a p h i e s career were w ri t er s in order these were usuall y tampered to make the career second. came love The J o l s o n of to life Story film u n f o r t u n a t e l y revels in his relationship careers of Dancing for them of the C a s t l e ' s is not ment as a display life of J o h a n S t r a u s s which a apts of the work conventions of the is when age improved and of how music the -. presence St ra us s He The «hile receives and does so there exhibits an the and engaging of the musical genre. has Treat and how plot centred with his and the two the pe r s rr.a ^ Irene,,_Castle with of unity form. and love. of The this how "altz i.he Great— * a 1 t_z co mposer artistic a loving the s u p e rf ic ia ll y. of gaini ng e m p l o y ­ partner to the endea vou r to e n c o u r ­ shows a romantic ar tistic In sp ira tio n a b s o r b e d , processed impulse through i n s p ir at io n to write Al though simpli ci ty In Gotta the view is is iound in and m an if es te d through which music makes drivi ng then. The 'b.anmy1 but dealt It shows is a vessel felt. only career artist script­ is h i g h l i g h t e d , w:.ile the is the subject and and and allow unsuccessful essential into a c o n c r e te and and actual contains so much a means their is w r i t t e n environment, the artist. are be kn own of Vernon lovers genre. the inspire c ha nn el le d Story the studio the genre. (1946) Showers' the the thf lile and dealt 'April In The from of his by songs re l a t i o n sh i p s . in these it more m a r k e t a b l e , they c h ar a c t e r ' s great J o l s o n with in or ca n c e r was drawn story c o n ve nt io ns 1b i o p l c s 1 as around the biography, co ntained usually but to the composer seque nce s composer it to co nf o r m of of a famous The music al of the %he musical by its park one day his Great Waltz inaccurate, which ad her es the to the Sing Gotta Dance film spirit John Kobal writes of it: "The Great W a l t z is an i n t o x i c a t i n g flow of heady images dedicated to the spirit of Strauas, while letting the facts take care of t h em se lv es . It is not so much a bi ography as gl orious musical imagery in waltz time. Ex iatentG With in : C h h r a c t •*r h the fr amework been c a t eg o r i s e d functioning of as the level fu l f il l ed 'stars' for at which the and also total formula the public has for c ha rac te rs who they could and I have will Id ent ifi ed discuss the them und er repeti­ Is due them. for to ihey Its relate foll owi ng to on groups two hea din gs male Characters In this appears I'h* A n at omy in id en t i fi ed by the five cr itical ' which can apply equal ly well This where the gods and could envi ro nme nt. His being and might power even of a god. the legends laws are he of Modes modes, to his are five works, Is su pe r i or which defined fellow man and types of hero these their the hero He in kind five in classical envi ron men t is s u p e r i o r is capable of performing is usually Invested in him Is a prince In fi cti on of nature in of this may be reversed. the Romantic mode. to man mar ve ll ou s to his fellow by a su pe ri or or a king, sort, Is a ureek m y t h o l o g y in degree In station he He and and m an ip ul at e superior though to man being. is only writt en each and as a divine is found defy Hornantic mode, although there in literary of hero *n the man. p r o t ag on is t Is classed beings. feats, the the he:o lesser the Theory to film. mode, tyoj Ihe of fi ct io na l Consequently environment god. of be identi fi ed In the Ky t h l c essay of C r i t i c i s m . N o r t h r o p Frye has c a t e go ri es relationship en v ir on men t. and the which basis. 'horizon's '.heir succes sfu l with need thus and I de nt if ie s The H e r o : and of 'types', have female. Vale his part ch ar a c t e r s proper ti es audience. as genre, recognised the a u d i e n c e a specific ch ara ct e r s and easily the genre a on e-t o- on e of Into the muBlcu l r e c u r r i n g n a r ra ti ve expectation' tion w i t h i n of belief hoik he has the Is su s p e n d e d tales and 1 ;k hi,, h • ni;:i■ Lie moae ie.t hero .ho i; i -perior in a e, ree . r u : : i: serin in <1 chcrnft ant; upaetting . . .o - , St th. hro i. ak i n to h < .. feilo. a an . xth oth er s but is i d e n t if ia bl e as a htr o because of a • A hero cast ir. the ironic : - .e i- inf erior to sun and his e n v i r o n m e n t , usually in in te ll ig en ce rr,. - of his us \ e its o c c a s io na ll y . e i. snie st ati on .■ r . ecuteu > . c :, but cut sometime ... by t;.e community .e often reveals • • , . -.enoible to moot In the mu si c a l node as he is of th« genre akin community. tht here to his is generi -^.y of the fel lo w man and also lo .-cl&etic to his env iro n- t« . . i're t •r s i t hero •arene of the mu sic al n : conviction film t .an his } ecro • ill al s o l o w r himself - he into the , in. He is not aver; e to ni se rin, in alien s u r r o u n d ! <. a ■it. . Yet to the .here audienc e inf' rior or u n co mf or ta bl e people he rr f r ■m a h i . her sociuu al. ays m a i n t a i n s a self assui- . i the just a performance. lUeicnl . li. cinematic g e n :e becaui •• the h.ro's _^ irony me s s a g e is successful i: in n ■ - dogmatic. It cannot th r e a t e n behaviour. -hen ing he Astaire inferiority and ex presee o our fears and all ow s hero has alised and assured, he is his he all His and his loyal be quest the to risk aining one. have also a woman's eve ry th in g and care, He shows emphasizes feelin gs the of ment al harm' ny w h ic h they wit hi n this s e c t l n , Thomas persona should he makes mark it clear in the created be raised achieve ana genre an i d en ti fia bl e girl, rather as a lover he is and with his from a giri a. ukens union, her and aone '4 lovemaking pnyeicai ana .overt,. o t trie generic In n oily wood who have made oo of to new the tog ether as ano beauty This m et ap ho ri c actors persona. r.s to power ana analysed . have ana com mi tt me nt u c h a t z 'u concept that ce rta in various ana their .Ives, he would assurance the in her b o i y . intensity and changes her dance as an explor itory medium, a huge guilt. his she it of improving co urting a l t h o u gh love Under whicn thj to amass how he a previous pure reflects the hope when aside, renounce Svengali. ac hi ev es w o m a n h o o d . rhythms and in leaving nim occ up at io ns seen of is an to gambling, to gemcle is n e v e r ne self- paint.n< , ga.. i i - regaro an ex te nsi on and implication, t h i s , also with to live with his truth by Dancing, instinct is hit as a whole. convictions. f u lf i l m e n t * than guidan ce the genre all ap pr o p r i a t e in. responsibility is for sensitive to m e are involved that wit hi n reflects loved service her forever, and anr too. as a c t e l c l ^ n and His ga mb li ng preparea a no th er can of the hero and he casts lose them. id en ti f ia bl e occupation be noted and our own d i f f i cu lt ie s are c o n v e n t i o n ­ pursue life aociaiitet wh ic h hero mi.*nt fortune. of a n u m b e r of c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s surely we is talented personality presence Le -1tir‘' can admit ing and na ti o n a l should .arty, if he a r t i s t , and his the the accf-;j vahie c>; at a society in to ac ce p t order, ror se n s i ti ve freedom to arriveu di scomfort us easily F i r s t l y , he of uncial own reserv at io ns , own s h o rt co mi ng s, The our Benue Decause Ce r t a in ly enr ejs their they have mucn ot the s uc ce ss of many perform er s. men can Ana Fred musi cal s u c c e s s , but if to Not they that sv s tern both Astai re accepted public, coping. felt Astaire audience, mak in g dancing. He ensured verre self that h: artistry en ca psulated are cane and Astaire his dancing persona. and Go sli ghtly too is balding His is Kobal in its wri te s the that at especially tr.e generic ground, audience. of least living he was poised on the His phjt.i^al him. nis \ i , elegance the was as his clear, around someone own char ac te r sensitive, world the Am er i c a n is as easy as his 01 always and anc sheer 'ami liar top hat They synonymous with slim, nead . and cannot it is always the needs that as bre ath ta ki ng brilliance. one same con cerns shoes. in the audience time lens it met in tne e xp ec ta tio n dancing that always creaking ne^ because bo un d a r i e s iconic, the as a choreogra phe r. to see to the become smile let witrin belie ve presence has his or Kelly. share the of one's name, belly of form ila for if ge ne r o u s wise the r e s p o n s i b il it y -lives were assure of dance, create the respons­ success the a a m i r a t 1 on ol his couia created the c ntinuaily of largely even reassured them are :orce realised de pr es s i o n years who p a r t i c u l a r , two life and they is s uc ce ss !u i inspires in to their They genre, them were persona the the Kelly the formula. is Aotaire of fa mil iar and always and Gene as a pe rformer and As t air e' s Duri n g being only did liberties with one's name and out as film s h a p e , the art is tr y film. ad he r i n g be at tr i b u t e d the musical Astaire for the take in be singled genre. ible ,*enre filr.s can he are dapper He arouses never today In uotta as an. 1 igu e, Ia i ▲ s , eatj a certain tails it was to fulfil in the it. 1930's, d ing Gotta Dance v ohn of Astaire: "None have been able to make dancin g appe ar as e f f o r t ­ less and natural as breathing, one o* the normal fun ctions of life as does Astaire. Chore ogra ph i ca 1 1,» , there is nothing anyone has done that Astaire could nt do,but his dancing has n ev er succumbed to a display ol athletic prowess... Astai re was and is the essence o. the grace and beauty of the dance... -ihe reason lor his large appeal over the years, is in part, a ver^ 00 lovable per son al it y. He possesses a dignity combined with m o d e s t y , and i n t e l l i g e n c e ao out himself, about production, and the entire film b u s i n e s s . He also has a perfect knowledge of the beauty of m o ve me nt and an abs olu te sur et y of what he does. nis dancing creates a s u c c e s s i o n of images infinite:/ flexible, sometimes a preci se statement, as often a vague evocation, e x p r e s s i n g feeling s that ran e 1 rom the most simple to the subli me. " Gene Kelly's boundless persona energy. 1950's, and genre. Like Ame rican the old top hat out mod ed and tap and sighted shirts zest respect and always his have sight strive The Heroi ne' s to be found of their to achieve duitor: of genre He faithful to his one g oi ng that one even on day the rebound. deeper than words cannot love. feeling ne and cannot In his she will He suffers but is presume like A s t i a r e 's i rank open the ankle and laris, and the clear­ o :r.r-ir.£— ^n He challenges or -iblic and the he r o i n e ' s the them to the love in so far as love suitor, the extreme a hope, requite is the pain w hi cn he as a mar ty r derive and to be regarded kind he his passions, which goes hie imagines suffers as imagines al though he declares that he will types upon whom we are allowed to him and sighs, his the ’orcmon character se lf -in dul gen t turn enjoys is signal li ng in personal is sentimental rut his and He idealism or H r l ga do on have won him untalented,msn no s y m p a t h y . stock. o: his His ho n e s ty the most to waste a laughing tailor­ American bocy. icons ana them. One adored the with above audiences. goals in the musical weak-willed,usually cropped visual .own of his what Dream ana in An American the the musical identify athletic performer. :i r at e. in oi tne the st re ng th strong become of this idealism the new A m e r i c a . s m i l e , pants ad mi ra t i o n to lone with for c o n v i c t i o n wh e t h e r the R a i n . The not shoes, and his n e e d s . Kelly's of the A m e r ic an its large op en -n eck ed values dy na m i s m in he knew in and theoe in and hope e mb od im en t face with energy to meet and presented believed believe by his the hope op t i m i s m Kelly would belief physical expresses Astaire, ed his c h a r a ct er and his He natural public shatters is c h a r a c t e r i s e d he love no he is persecution. the same ma s o c h i s t i c 61 le cure fr ( t< ■ . • * . •■ ■ • u. * - . . ’ his to tendency ■■l 11 ow i iii<" <$ ur: , tu* u i id V< in r* .± ■ as R i c a r d o R o m e r o y Fair Ln d;y doe they n^.vln,- •:pre s a no ,-ive a pe r f o r ma nc e of their in:e and Fred dy re;. . . • ..t i::-it., love. uov« doen in t:.ey only io object!i ieu ant: , the v.omnn but The H e r o 1 or the .gj -V' , . e.t .• r i e n d / • urro t .a t h r r : - his ch r-ct- r can . neces sa ry in t..e -uuir .. y o u n f; man ..ho shares u n de rs t a nd s a in the same hi.; v.o ti v t _ . lue and P r a n k acre nre. viuatra experienced in father • e is either an filter.-^ts as - os-.o .. ; figure the hero anu ro in ^ .(.oietx — — — ^2. ( 19 56 ) or ..no a c c e p t s enc. ■ etic t h at an older t he h e r o is . * The fr i e n d / f a t h e r the lovers f i. a r c , ci.i ;.ct a. m e d i a t o r re tween should a m i a u n d t r u t a n d i n occ ur aa ha youn,~ man w h o has be with iver. i* Ron thr ,uf:, su pe rst ar aloe n Ron's ..tatus Cosmo ( k c i i y 1. test an I .iucc* keeps hi:: • is rr friend anu ■■ u dven whe n in c n V ct '-it:, tne ected con- acr.xvvee aim vac . prevents Ron kelievin, in ii« :■ y t h -.no cceptin tne to » He , knows that Lucky full into bad ally to g a m b l e . coulu company and easily since make enou l os e 1-c n .u hi s L,one L money ..en. e of to i.e. to a l l o w perspective :ork him to or specif re­ marry 62 sor.ev.hut port ly 2 i :uro i. - ux. -» t. . reati.: th< rcu rn . . pajv-r, of the a i. a r - . e t - u ozen c ha ra ct er s types rto .re usuall y 'u i anc .hey lancer;.' .1 can be be inf specif icall The a certain r.- of w o m e n audi nee. to p o pu la tio n. .. : . : . e n c c un ter imlnxical »1 e r e n c e a a . i oul a; a in ate ;. a a r v< ide..ti.ied eneric and tc -heir ; i.c* r< . • * c nc u :• a « -- i ua in tae zausica. . recogr.-s-ble aa to the ire: :aive re i:.e: in thi; role the • oman is m- . . * become hero, woman -n his t oge th er ana *r..i .ore is ^ven expre...;in he r to e x p e ri en ce usually 4C..ieve oc cu p i e s h er pote-.tia- ... i wokei. tneir the beauty u job fall love oi in which she needs *he her inner feelings and in son ;era he r..ythm ana harmony h- r talents ana -eac. es ^n a potential are . escape impetus from her social to achieve in u st re am rut this. f caustic but has n e i t h e r her vulnerability ir rtee, r.s the c. oru: Liie .-can s nc r -he is oiten couchca v.‘ ich uc co rd in to , citric , . , emotional stiflin, of n cl ois ter ed up b ri ng in g. girl, cr need tut hcio of love is the r* suit .:.d iulfiis.ent ure just as strong to realise (S in gi ng love and pursue Dale too <r dependant provides a ca re e r the film a soci al ite from her class who moves girl whose and courage industry. physical and And in closed u pb ri ng in g ana the hero Cathy be I d e n chorus all her emoti ona x her with enough in upon to womanhood. R a i n ) is a pert y ou ng sa t i s fi es Tremont released she transformation in the for Don needs, to her and co nv i c t i o n in _-_2J£— LULt t circles, taught the is value of love . In The Sound Maria, o r M u s ic this a woman of great her experience and un de rs t a n d i n g and it is of a desire types, The of music purest is the most a 'vamp'. dubious mor al s wo ma n' s ling evil to his Dance greed she provides ohe and and is by living marx her as a of feeling. evolved one. " hen she from genuine vi is a worldly, a*i :mas caring ihe woman it she to arouse her is intense partners to display Her fu nc ti on the hero genre experienced woman tempts her man, Her beauty means the mu sic al c h a r a c t e r whicr. illumina tes Like kve from J i ngi ng so charms. in herseli he can and s.ie of the film provt In the an - senses. in the context that appeai- his strength 1-roadway the h a i n , the danc er Rhythm (Cyd tmbodii C u n n i n g , erotic inexp eri enc e (1951) Al th ou gh her a pp re ci at io n to the heroine, resi st ing her sequence Ch ar ie st ) sort, a shady a welcome to tempt of ch ar act e r Ballet depth lust. uses it powerfully. musical joy and into complete. qualities. p h y s i c a l , and uses the and evolved conviction. is small, and As a c o un te rp ar t often uses with love type has and to ch er is h her loved X a r ia Vamp: strength of men and person wi t h c o nf id en ce love, ch a r a c t e r and and ) exhibits sensual, trust. past sins, The Unrefined evokes Coarse of exploits Kelly 's Ava G a r d n e r ' s the strength charm c h a r a c t e ri st ic for she of the vamp, the sympathy Heroine: Kiss . ulie personality and sexual W h o w b o at sensual but her ultimate of s u i 1 ering the audience. In this category the woman 84 trcns *re. jeu h a v i o u r for thv rules ov< rain, the fem al e a chi ev eme nt s, ut tally places tt. im po r t a n c e ex and sccial*. i. c e. table loudly proud o. :.er in a :.iale-doiuinate • sphere. on her looks, scoff, be­ uLe femininity and . self in z. refined i, .nner, she i, .tort, conv, nti non: , . she car. dc anythin,- they can, a:.v ccn.ie cnt^y no nee a c. . thus s at is fy in g a deep e g o t ..tical tie need. A coarse ■ her combine, strength Theae of c h a r a c t e r at ti tu des and fulfil film gr ud g i n g a d m i r a t i o n the reflects are ex i as and wants if she till fca. ed upon ttuticn. o: doffiii. -nt public th« role mod el s unlovable. to su ccesses and :i • ui t it •- 'r -.nre ^nec society', is branded for her r hero be equal nee. «r"« opinio n The musical and thus a coarse ,,-oman r c £ iruu ;.er as a partner to him he treats her like a men, • Genre films help to entrenc.. the lominunt ideology and ..o not ■ 3he ucc pted the r t . onulbi.ity of being feminine *n hei . to unaerg o tr: .o 1 ore tier: in vrfcr tt v.in her man am. «.ne »'«. »- . destroy in, the and finally and de 1 :;tin, his ego a. same time. CL arieee no awe her chant - . of m a r r i a g e , and the ir o lan cot..mi-.~..i|' in .,. .x fe'.r by r e p r e s s i n g her feminine released when in a sensual she puts t o- inspires instincts. on u pair of darce un le as he s - *he are r.ilk Blockings, her sexuality. vigi, in 1 . A • rises from her w o r k i n g scenes of the film, she is a lady ful object class beg inn in, a to become h e r m e n t o r r.iggind fails of benrii that he nnd plucked e l e g a n c e , not off the a ..o_un to notice that just a d i s t a s t e ­ street. - m o t h er replaces the h e r o i n e ' s natural m o t h e r and wa.cr.e~ ■ the matrons of society and • have staunc h c on vie - ^.«s »c.. 1 She controls oversees the the impulsive, lovers' irrati on al courtship, acting d e si re s of youth and as a ch a p e r o n e when . model 3f re same mould Fair and traint, are rs chi. atity . earue L a d y ) H e rm oi ne had e Hurd ■ick talented sound advice. la ay:. « . r u (..y hair Oingold (l i . i ) La be l aIso in the r.x £ t ins Ana erson (~v.in~ li me; (Top H a t ). A few g e n e r a . : oints mu si ca l ly and should and hove te m.de about the a b i l i t y the vui-i ous nus-cax to sing and dance . potential and the implications that it ..as upon .heir . , ■ of musical they have films the are also always p o te nt ial to be physically ind realise attractive, this or potential at . m a t e r i al believe. for c r e a t i ng her oi ne a .Joe 1 ety ex ternal beauty unfortunately im pli es industry always h n u , and belief au long as it in whom clings inner beauty probably prevails. the audienc e to ana the n; t ion can taut the commer cia l still will crn^ irm .ilm ..'.is axis tents Jett ings : Se tt ing s are re latively in a sp ecific in any n s e , because locat . w hi ch im p or ta nt 1 ' the sys te m of re n a r ra tiv e s tr uct ur e. the problem field un i mp or ta nt urring tne its of ^hat occurs f>ea 1 e has concept oe unfolded ic o no gr ap hy signs whicn exp la in in g can appropriate. is w t ep he n of using of cin em a film visual the musica l genre the n a r r a t i v e is deemed m u sic al to drawn is i.e. the in the at te nti on ic on og ra ph y to in the that: "The problem with the concept of ico no gra phy - and with the uses to w hi ch it has been put - is not that it does not fully correspond to the concept specified by the term in the field of art histor y from whi ch it derives. It is rather that it is loosely and i m p r e ­ cisely defined within the field of cinema. Ed Bus combe for Instance, uses the term simply as a synonym for 'visual conven ti on s' , th emselves u n s p e c i ­ fied in gen-ral t e r m s , and Colin M c A r t h u r similiarly refers to ico nog rap hy simply as 'patterns of visual imagery . ' „hat Neale is objec tin g many theorists genre for t h a term to It lanofsky and chows the same while legs is a body of uses the iconography that term diffe ren t event. ^omc them As a di sci pli ne in the of how visual .aken i co n og r ap hy of the cr uc ifixion. of th^ genre images pe rtaining to the Before d i s cu ss in g this film it would images may paint He may the film visual concept all Is be built subject Images const! the;e with up o i.e. regard to to co ns i d er the Western genre, in which structure is i n tr in sic all y to the Getting. the ultimately setti ng and various the musica l revealing between It is the the setting. ana linked crossed with cruci fix ion . is to signify pictured app rop ria te r el a t i o n s h i p field presented, feet be more of the calls subject. be used Christ's to ge t h er about a visual c r u ci fi xi on by side. of kno wl ed ge iconography about the artists tute a body The i m pr eci sio n with which has m e a m n ; in a very definite side or straight. the 'i c o n o g r a p h y ' and he knowl edg e the example otheru paint bent use is be clarified. of art h i s t o r y , sense. to here more the themetic An an alysis the various recurr ing vi util wi&nw v-ill cluri-'y and its a p p l i c a t i o n film is at ta c h ed genre to to of co nflict the ±ta the c nee pt of theory o: lo ca tio n and played out iccno^rujhj genre. -he ..eetern e s se n t i a l l y it is a in two oppos in meetings each . , brutal rules. E d e n ’ which i. lerr And on the r e p r es en ts justic -nri lav other iu the last, the > rc res* and char re. 1daruen of en.b03 ies >r.f ore ei.ent, education, in --hurt '. , , , , , icons, occur not repeated only thr u hout in t ac the individual enre. ..or tern f i - — -ut r ep eti ti on -- - e ci a visual • has used a single for that genre. inage iita, e once to be added :1., cnctu. flover is indexical, ref lectin, th< and made a strong enough to t:.c ic on ography in ll.c 1. r. who beauty of the inpact .»astern ^nct.. l^.b; rty— " of a v.oman, A.ri.££. ••a-.iie, - ..eatu . ' Kid is .-.Iq o indexiral ,g surtr.nrises . icture the e ss enc e of the of the cnan e tern's in t.crld to wnich con: lie t anu c c ni ^ r..... * An e x a mi na ti on de nce upon the of the vi: ual wungrt as.act: r genre oi reveals a strong : fitting. -his seitin depen­ , , war ped psychi. si nister ing sense shadow, of dan nit. e n v i r o n m e n t never or and io place J i ht enough it.pending of to remove doom. .turnnet . ana tne alr-ect. r ac ­ ns in werrnan Expression)st internal flics, a i 1 emma of pe rception of the He is a victim of hi s enemy who grad ual ly di s to rt ed angles, The reality ic on og ra ph y but shocking, str iking horse' s icon head riv et in g Decone is r r a n d s placed one it occurs of it once so of genre th «» cinema with some The of Ico no gr ap hy Isolate because b icause the musical the musical not reality modes f se tt i n g s cr-ated ana usea by are thematic structure lighting or the use of the by if it is vis ua ll y of subject. In J l ngi ng sense of t h e a t r ic al it y meant for me', and D i r ec to rs the from fantasy setting w i t h i n which he can and but are to vi su al is e a specific adas their the type of be called to the meani ng evokes in the sequence sound either to reflect colour could by t r a n s f o r m i n g a bare to the s e t t i n g . in the .tain bene kcily ill usion provided diff ic ul t locatable and and imagery. .he re fore sig nif ica nt and the years, themselves of a partic ul ar iconic over the dir ec to r film. theme Although the confines of often not .his images. is more out of a severed of the m a f i a has naturally the characters realitie , or used fantasy arise and particularly producer. visual genre conven­ 'moll' vivid way. within in and interr.el its gr ue s o m e l y of its finest slips iln have cam er a framing. the image violence filmmaking, it does One a recurrent su cc essfully of a occur often makes signifi ca nt it embodies un kno wn of unusual they to a power and in a new and who have worked cons tr ai nt s the sense limousines, r'ord Co p p o l a ' s Lea next truly is fa miliar and terrifying. the genre 's most only visualises in by an unnatural in w hi ch of or tne a u d ie nc e. His genre g u n s , black ti:.es eye th e use by a maze the uns ee n faces pursues lighting ana context some of by as a is n e v e r by in on h i m . the ga ng st er the symbol paranoia, is mi rrored of ca tacomLed watched, the aistortei 'the city' om n i p r e s en t closes incl ud in g telephones, them own nis ihe g a n g s t e r be in, ex preasionis tic tionalised shapes the camera's ana presents alleys. is co nst ant ly in buildinru, It of me na cin g dark cl au st r o p h o b i c setting m a g n i f i e s pro tag oni st the w o r l d . conglomeration a l o n e , he the ^ a n f s t e r stage a e c 1 are his a 'You were into a love l or vathy . 89 i< ■ •m atrnou pherl< breeze for-: the o t a t e , ann beauty theit vincente piece visually visual elements of colour camera angle, ol dance. He and focus adds All these of Kelly's i m a g in at ion as a lover and arly iconic am too, is the overt he recreated Century of the in firework elements ettir.g, ror in quently its of Ast aire's visually c h a rac te r code relates top hat, the tail s i g n if ica nt of the is anoth er and of used is of his So sett­ In ligi 19th and in the aspect the visual structure. convention­ realis m and category which the shoes, bears persona, cane conse­ /red are all the generic S i m i l a r l y , Gene Kelly's system which by discussion persona. ana of his natural tne hig hl y vast. his p ar ti cu l­ genre. thematic and tap iconography is c h a r a c t e r i s e d of that a brash display It defies reflect ic onogra phic . and iconography coat, the disp lay ed part both argue the early the deep er is complex performer. also foreg ro und ed Minnelli genre, la icono gr aph ic in symoolic- reality inspiration, which Kelly balance iconography technique. he created stylisation. to tne and s t yl i s a t i o n as his presentation, i c o n og ra ph y rich of colour of laris illuminate ana in the musical and athl et ici sm. and use once again 1 irate against to create fo re grounding style pos sib ili tie s nis internal His artist&c ex ores a i oni s m , thus One could often drawings .he its is anothe r this the the musical theatri ca li ty and of strong al ised mode There repeated tne of rrench presents us with style. t a r ln he of film signs artist. ballet styles and and reflect visual colours and calm is a m a s t e r ­ uni leu is visually t h ea tr ica lit y use painting. energy is using Jem's in Am eri can whicn a confused in laris his ana ana the grace caries. ure visual of Vincente M i n n e l l i ' s and harmony the cine ma ti c to this tha various a mise-en-scene ings, gentle t el ly 's mental ballet powerfully and framing creat ing American inherent lorm with imp ressionism, the de ucribes in laris which cainters ienee. the Am erican ha rmo ny of aliy o j our and r ■ lationship. innelli' of o i c o n o g r a p h y w hi ch reflect of lighting, dress is m e ani ngf ul in the context of this genre. es indexes s i g n i f y i n g the His boater exuberance and ana blazer function idealise, of an A m e r i c a n youth. To return any to C h a t m a n ' s na rrative story can which up of of the be divided and disco ur se . is made model into Chatman its .he content two c om po ne nt s describes the str ucture of the the headin g of < si formulae isol te the m us ic al cussed this to film. chc events pnrtic di st i nc ti o n which the actual tive and structure, settings. the an: form and The various performers all encodj of visual from more. fuse and A film together In this then, structure, to the focused upon and e x i s t e n t : , in the and context the of genre of the genre to plot ol a certain cnoose his elements own artistic the content ana oi film, still of meaning clarity. of its content theory. the narrative structure rilmmaxers ' s t o r y 1 part substance of its me ani ng stylistic cohesion examined a c ha ra ct er s it. these media tor s it internal th a 'what' and de te rm in e whe n the form or de r i.e. the v ubstu.nce ol I have sp ec if ic has genre change in in the n a r r a ­ plots, ndd his dis­ consists content with ana the actor will to afford of of the the content Vhe dir ec to r will technical is successful secti on narrative related thus of a. ents w o r k i n g upon the various And also make: content tne na r r a t i v e plot functi': occur types Under I have the content they of the sig ni fi ca nc e. at his disposal. performance substance as the patterns ex istents C h atm an in other v.ords the .:he substance various appear and form of existents the semiotics of they the by of genre. narr at iv e structure. by •mount or story, the existenta, preprocessed out lined ob servable nere. events is mediated and between is relevant have setting as ar g e ner ic and is a result 1.. the category ter and elements as: '^eprocessing And two essential the narrative, "The people and things as they are author's cu ltural codes." In this case of narrative, its Analysis events element s that content. of 91 •!CTE.j , . no 17 pe 2 ti . PC 1 4. N e a le , ■■ L e : n e n 'e.. r c i? . h istory VIII 6 . ibid. 7. ibid . F " 162 6. R y & l l , lom 9. Todcrov, no 1 pj 161 F-' 162 o p . cit. :zvetan P£ op. cit. p 1' . PC 21 . 1 2 . . . in ^ c r c <■n , Vol 11, “ O , P 4 . 16. Piaget, Jean -it rue t u r a i i - .l )' 5 “ lb __ ■ / 92 . . 19. Chatm an f Se y m o ur 2C. ibid. Fg 16 - i o c o u r :>jc . tor.' ana ? 19 . in the Lovie husic Grant, Barry 1' in film ^nrc : .neary_anc: r • (ed, . 23. . rye, •■ort'. r c , 24. Jchatz , 25. Kobal, John 26. Neale, Steph en .-i1.a t c -ho::.f. --:olly-L . ,_____ op. cit. pt> 137 Genre P6 1C , 26. Chatman, — eymo ur op. cit. p- - - C r i t i c i sm C HAP TE R 3 A STRUCTURALIST 3.1 ANA LY SI S Structuralism The structuralist relat es and the dis cou rs e n ar r at iv e neturning the d et er mi ne s takes. The into a fr am ew or k st ru c tu ra l is t of again content analysis plane the of its 1h o w 1 component to C h a t m a n 1t di st in cti on the a r r a n g e m e n t the binary film g e n r e , 1h o w 1 of na r r a t i v e 1h o w 1 involv es T h i s , in turn, the music al It co nsiders 1w h a t 1 and or of to the di sc our se structure. of the nar ra ti ve . between ; i1m an al y s is spe cif ic al ly narrative Or ' HL K U o l U A L overall of the the content. structure wh ich of a music al oppositions, of this genre fora, film is and the encoded therefore a is both appropriate and revealing. Structuralism is rooted in tie individual between upon at the ways assumed and the are and its the about does but soci et ie s patterns ex istence every to something three Jtrueturalism and as a r e s u l t . is relationships, and in adherence F u r t h e r m o r e , an object isolated to a no th er only else. themselves, phenomenon structural is th erefore centred to liaget's organise as a separate, it relates has w h o l e n e s s , continually wh ic h arise thinking, in structures wh ic h comprise a c c o r di ng ol which in the rel ationships act ivity of a g o v e r n i n g c o n s t r u c t . r el at io ns hi p not exist tr an sfo rmi ng within, An object the world, be s e l f - r e g u l a t o r y . :.any s i mu lt an eo us only has m e a n i n g when of of u sense in which co n t i nu al ly has no ob jective structure. study to s t r u c t ur al is t to the rules or ideas, t h e o re ti ca l display structu ral to nave reality struct ure s must, themselves Ac co rd i ng which These definition, examines that Its main perception transform of thinking e v e n t s , objects our world. looks premise them. ' the point is a met ho d object entity. within a ob ser vab le This leads It in terms us to a not he r ships important between objects concept, that objects which are t he m sel ve s. 1he aim 01 it is only visible the to us, relation­ not the the s t r u c t ur al is t is to create as full a p er ce pt io n by is olating and of the world ex am in in g the rel ati ons hip s m ov em en t can be traced who in his as activity possible, which maze up the world. The st ru c tu r a l i st Italian J i a m b a t ti at a proposed and that man in doing this co ns t r u c t s so he str ucturing inherent d veloped the theory a ’ong am st ruc tu r a l is ts and objects are governed have to structures lines and the - rom this, thems el ve s which and are is thi nki ng in a n t h r o p o l o g y , and and literary appare nt ly later critic is m. random b e h a v i o u r and human str uc tu ri ng them. of, that been infl uen tia l psychiatry up human it, Vico m a i n t a i n e d and has shown how by certa in perceives s t r u c t ur al is t of lin gu is ti cs which make accor din g Mo de r n philosophy, The as he * the ihe New s c i e n c e , is a c h a r a c t e r i s t i c these study in the fte.ldu of the creates: himself. process book the world in the human mind. has ised Vico, back as far as items artifacts principles and are organ­ they it is the conduce that fabric which comp ri se s our w o r l d . If we accept invent the s t ru ct ura lis t the world we inhabit" foste r of an objective, are immediately reality if each person is The word itself is only in terms of place Also, it must de fin i ti on the thing of what or itself. A word to and If it or invents determines his vast the that his reality, of reality, own and reality, and the derives word are not 'reality' each is to define language. and the for r e p r es en ta ti on between the two constructs his is own understanding impossible. person own? to be mi s t a k e n a universal realism reality its meani ng of human a linguistic person "we which we might reinventing his stru ctu re each and that or a de finitive relationship is true own notions and 'reality' is only states do we even begin inventing the of the concept perception r or how a construct, in which ex istence be r e m e m b e r e d , that it refer arbitrary. world, its then any pure di spelled. legacy, brings his Ev er yo ne past history, his inte gri ty of the cultural to bear world. is d e f e r e n t cu ltu ra. al ong to c on ti nua l of objects tend things cultural hich can static say complete, like or society mean as signs within and its social our experiences perception in a state s t r u c t u ri ng simply exa mined certain significance. of that structures. the or structure• are invested the\ culture can only or s o c i e t y . culture visible -n J ub cu lt ure explains of themselves, But that of processes. events in objects signs makes ing of S t y l e , Dick Hedid ge and our is subject a larger m e d i a t i n g the context r e l a t i o n s h i p b e twe en and 1realities1 but always unending and process the struc tu ra li st s, but are isolated un ae rs tan din g their informat ion to man's partic ul ar meanin g n at u r a l i s e s interpret as signs w i t h i n a culture and personal but societies p h e n o m e n a , are not be own or or gan isi ng Str uc tu re s with The to is n ev er to us. subject fu nct ion # i thin individual, finally, are never Soc ia l end c o n s tr uc ti on re vision as new always and his p a t t e r n - m a k i ng lines. app ar en t the world, but This groups will understanding flux, upon his for each s im il ar become background function : .he and j.e a r ­ of signs in a cultures "All aspects of culture possess a seniotic v a l u e , and the most ta xe n- fo r- gr an te d phe nomena can function as signs : as elements in c o mm un i c a t i o n systems governed by semantic rules and codes w h i c h are not themselves directly app re he nd ed in experience. These signs are, then, as onaque as the social relations which produce them, and which they represent." This point has semi oti cs val ua bl e of film. The f i l mm ak er in a certain w a y , m a ki ng in a shot a meeting, wea lt h and power. of whic h recognise the of wealth and clothing, These it fun ction the h el ico pt er If that signify sign the man's fo rm ati on power. Oth er forms weal th part and might a briefcase the ar object .-or instance from a hel ic op te r is a sign signs a code to frame us a s 1 g n . of a code which his wrlstwa tc h, signs c on sti tu te when we con sider chooses of a bu si n e s s m a n al i gh ti ng attend all implications of the to businessman's of a system of signs, power then we can describes include or his the his car, nome ami of " being wealthy and concepts his office. powerlul . When these sirns vi s i bl e and pattern a it would and as be a genre The body subject now so many making its signs st ru ctu re Rola nd to show how c ar efu ll y reveals an cater Novelists and confirm preva le nt style to film, discourse a house rea.ism by the a certain attitude Film messages easy r e co gni tio n is a coae and are and through to a be of to be real. the dominant He presented of realism entrench carriers as being succes sfu l because Ci it is, and o; serious in carry t.’.e iconic to rec ognise to a lack and •' <ia.irth oi in this society's the world for what r i* h t , an d i •s * e o 1 v ^ ideological about led hence itscl. It is easy which has the v i s u a 1 media, perceives parti cu la rl y or a dress oarrasir.e the concept reinforce about in this way image. in the reality. ideology Their works or a horse purport as natural present dom ina nt of the visual to of who correct. is conveyed for whom he was writing. im pression of reali sm d a l z a c 1 s novel surrounding served artists ideological about pertai ni ng ite literary rea de r state me nts beliefs. and the certain the promote what society a code mak es of » orks w h i c h to the mythology them with a me di at ed this and na rr at iv e 'r e a l i s t i c 1 within of re al is m code. of the a c c e p t in* the fallacy im pr es si on id eol og y of ana n ere , iconography. n a t u r a l i se s he dec ons tr uc ts 1 realistic' na tu r e generic the genre 's appear natural Bal za c' s ing as used businessmen or the code they en tr e n c h n a t ur a l powerful of visual realism, w h i ch example that constru ct ed realistic, w a y, as a n a r r at iv e the icons them of the narrative. Barthes societv to make fun cti on wit hi n disciplines, book 3 / 7 . in wh ic h By wealthy functions other times au di enc e To extend about would eno ur h to an en r e results* icons. like repeated re co g n i s a b l e the signs the are an image it is un de r s t a n d i n g ex a m i n a t i o n their c o n t e n t . Roland by Barthes society id eology ex pl ai ns in his how myth classic is n a tu r a l i s e d is created and work M y t h o l o g i e s , and by the media and fed perpetuated shows how to a willing o. 97 accept in#: aud ie nc e . picul o ui r carrit r in t h i ay, cul t ur-f an. ur.ct on. >•.e :: ivc .Ire as at. iueolo- y ween no., "-he • to e x ; In in ho. it my tho art is nec ee ua ry created iziu tr a ns mi tt ed to dec nstruc t the :.e a n -n of .n .locioty narthes1 • In u "first tween the order seaiolo." icui sif.nifier and the ays ten" oir;nified the re la ti on sh ip results be ­ in the ; orau- . ■ • . becomes a w i p n i f i e r with a n c •• wi pni.ied uno a ne t .&n - - . f o l i o - i.n. ..'.el, ... cn in no; : "Svery thing h a pp en s as if myth shiften the formal tnis lateral shift is es sential for the analysis Of , I snail re present it in the f o ll ow ing , , , spa ti a ln za ti on of the r tt«rn is here only u nets' he rs " ® 2. Signified . Language 5. bipn ii Signified ^i gnifier 1 Myth ill Sign l.yth ..orka in film . by systematic re .n ter p re ta ti on and re-represen- . . code of reali nm involves tion of the discourse, palpability of reference to detect iv es robbery and which the si/ n» the the private in process turn results .hi.; cun letective are we n solving egpoinagc. twofold crimes of a n a t u r a l i s a ­ in a reducer, be shown witn . i 1n • •-vt , in wnich involving A comi.ion sign particular murder, ( j • Jigx*; pziva.e rape, become.; a seconu crJer sirn (iii uit-n ) or -.yth -..her. i u io . r&i-fcd -i* ; u i ! i. of solver of .u i~j o r c ^ c i,. t h i s , is that in :.is np, roach -hf t e private second try de t e c t i v e » icut *oi. i.. botl ;,rof e ..a i^j-x ..ork zt-. : u 11 1 : t r I.•■• to his . . ■rivutc invt . ti. iLora . olvi' crime:-, o: -.ur-fr. viii 3i^n or Ky t h ) . to our vie' of the world f in ve st ig at or operate . n<i our v 1 o.. o: hov. a private ■ 1 r i v a l c in ve st i g a t or *i pcrtru,, eu * :;y th therefore le rl tlc is es the i d e o l o g y that : t re pre sen ts ty . agre that uuc h adu lt er ou s of t h e i r spouses and ork involve s t ra il in g the ir cxient's ;hot o< rt. ph in ; tneai in eoaprccis ing situations. C ne of the c o r n e r s t o n e s in Cluuae of str uc tu ra li st L e v i - d t r a u a e 1n ?reals* structures his world ac cordin — e th c d ou og,» ■'•i} root eu that can to u serieu perceives oi and binary oppos i- . to devise cost and a theory of ho the huaan cind functions nn tu r 1 utat< , and lc ■ tudyin e x pan •e . his theories in its '•ne non - - 1 ^e about v.hat he t eraed i » sa »age 1. . bus been subjected accultur ati on, For in studying fund ame nta l and vi a, to the ..itr these processes the aocietie st ru ct uri ng which organise pervades the world which o-c u i 1 p u primitive , hr processes behaviours 1 patte rni . peoples e t he ms el ve s their social .hie) in terms system, and analyse socic kj.es. t-Ira 1 to discover Hr believed by cre ating m y t h ol og ic al to un der sta nd of sya tealsation and govern i.an's actions ‘ r. 1 1 non-literate of u and tr.e 'poetic they make me ta - s t r u c t u r e s sing 1-2 events. wiBdoi..' spusl u* against The lull 99 i m p l i ca ti o n of this concept, structuralists' beliefs Th ro u g h or his of a series ' n a t u r a l ' state has is there integral L ev i - S t r a u s s world tends of binary that oppositions. r,ven in are a few basic thinking, that nature. the and primitive along the from ana principles this ev idence organising ihe h u m a n mind, for c l a s s i f i c a t i o n lines its a.ost org an is in g s t r u c t u r i ng in man's passion found the own reality. the world concludes a natura l his to organise to man's inherent it supports that man creates research, Levi-Strauss 1s a v a g e ' mind w hi ch are is that trie hf says, that: "builds mental s t r u c t u r e s which fa ci l i t a t e an unaers tan di n g of the world in as much as they resemble it. In this sense savage thought can re defined as a nal o g ic a l thought" 6 Prom and this original org an is in g of a pattern which are being, to man state man such as the as "cold". ±t is 'reality' that and detail,' ritI nc that up constitute his to L e v i - S t r a u s s 'a study "raw" explains is made rel ationships that a few fundamental between a structuring society these he maint ain s Terence Hawkes in more . Re t u r ni ng perceives differences . is by nature th • ’.neory societies, natural thought grew of the w o r l d . of n on -l it e r a te and tha of r e la ti on sh ip visible p erc ept io n premise and in the most re la tionships "cooked", the notion and "hot" of analogical it: "works by imposing on the world, a series of structural "contra st s" or "o pp os i t i o n s " to which all members of the culture tacitly assent and then proposi ng that these opp ositions are a n a l o g i c a l l y related in that ♦heir differences are felt to resemble each o t h e r . -a a result, the analysis of the analogical re la tionship between the oppositions of 1up' and down , hot ami 'cold' 'raw' and 'cooked', will offer insights into that nature of the p a r t i c u l a r reality that each culture perceives" ' Ha wke s ma intains irjlste and examine particularly themsel ves that apt using common culturally thinks is edible "Analogical in order its g o v e r n i n g examplo the st ru ctures. of how diff er ent an al og ic al defined and to underst ana one must He gives a societies re la ti on sh ip o p p o si ti on a society between regarding what perceive the a society inedible: thought will move a culture to distinguish a 1 f o r e i g n 1 culture from itself on this basis, so that the o pp os it io n 1 e d i b l e - i n e d i b l e 1 will become an alo g ic al l y related to the o n p o s i t i o n 'native foreign'. Thit, m e a n that ' t " inuf orma t i ons ' between the two sets -f 'similar differences' become possible : ''..it which is i n e d i b l e ' becomes a me to p}. ^ of ' that w hi ch is f o r e i g n ’ . do one of the persistent English me t a p ho rs for the French occurs because frogs' legs, placed under the headin g 'edible' i n ; ranee, find th emselves under the h e a d i n g 'i n e d i b l e ' in England." Each society rules, org an ise s a st r u c t u r e existed e. is not aie learned is shown may in pattern as the same and actual upon is binary agency perceptible of the capsble worts which he the by pr ocedures which principles s t r u c tur al ist cipline critical of literar y thrust literary works already of na rrative S/Z. process These an encoding basic culture art principles have expressions. to the All and upon an analysis Barthes ond s i n g u l a r i t y w o r k , carries to isolate acc or di ng into of to .hus the d i s ­ st ru ctu ra li st s c o n s ci ou sl y mediated shown how h o 1 ana indulges behaviour. incor po rat ed an 1 the of the str uct uri ng and is structured thought been based of c o mm un ic at io n which man subject all centred vocation relationships the h u m a n nina n a t u r a l l y govern realism s as e d i b l e - i n ­ reveals E true turalis t critics hove are different is f u n d a me nt al ly an nlogcus act crit ic ism has An au thor's the critic's is defined artistic thinking has of literature. have then, which the a n a ­ differently, of crratin,- a whole produces are i m p l ic at ion So al th ou gh human mind into every incl ud ing his in. since r e l a t i on sh ip s the organi sin g o p po si ti on s. undertakes, encoding these its own in the human m i n d , it older. of what of given legitimi zes that inherent relationships. been incorporated to a set society, structu ri ng Levi-J t n - u s s 'a study st ru cturing in every revolves around between certain and maintains these example ac c o r d i n g defines one grows perceive edible , their the constant thought societies which Le vi -S t r a u s s principles logical itself main the structures revealed how all by their a u t h o r s . uncovered of m ea nin g ideology, and the I fallacy in his book therefore these myths w h e r e v e r it is they are ound and show critic is a m e t h o d st ru ct u r a l i s t s understanding our world. reveals the hold +hat or not a n at ura l itself the theory and cr i t i ci sm -he principles of -hat for vision and Str u ct u r al is t its principles end structu re Structuralism and the sing all and art and of his narrative the of a text, one can grasp its genre ca te g o ry films its relevant broad therefore of the genre t - and co ns id er in applying theory re la t i on sh ip s tne can between presents a certain these s tru ctu ra li st analysis isolating and exam in in g A St ru ct ura lis t view fundamental serves the form, of individual be gleaned its of purpose of the of a firstly and by a n a l y ­ primary opposi­ so on. the world which rel ationships. content Analysis book H o r i z o n s West, the internal *ny a nalysis ' r<-ali ty -fantnsy 1 , ' talented-un talented 1 anc film of genre a structure. respect as a narr at ive in, latent meanings. two factors. film he re la ti on sh ip s to the structure. of a musical to the is by d ef in it io n adhere of any in a certain way. an alysing pa rt icularly into an the artist, and is media, analysis is subje ct background for visual be i n c or po ra te d to a work corresponds with In his art because the analagcus A musical j ,2 can imp lic at io ns important ihe me an in g tions, is its which is ul tim ate ly is film should text. /orld, je construetion organise m e t ho do lo gy rules which govern the structure for c la ss if ic at io n, literature, cultural comprise Levi-d t r a u u s 1 a c-elief oraer his Because criticism, as a generic successful of for systems w h i c h one accepts is important structure. structure genre tne ov ertones • oniy a met ho d semantic s t ru ct u r a l i s m appropr ia te method personal it i» in the way he important. All In ti.is way ide ol ogi cal passion not narrative with si.-ns and wh e t h e r that man has will meanings. oe-myr tif ie a hie w o r l d . tru et u r a l i s m he their cultural The of de co ns tructing, genre film. the w estern Jim Kitzes has devised a binary _Hir.a r v— C p: oa lti ons j e s e r t / A i l d e rnet;s a) Individual :n the extern .Civilization/Garden a) freedom illusion in tegrity co mpromise a el f- int er ea t social soli ps iam purity ex perience emp ir ic i s m pragmati sm bru tal is at ion savagery c) West fro ntier equality agr ar ia ni sm trad ition the r e s c o n a i b i 1 ity dem ocracy b) Culture co rr up ti on knowledge legal ism idealism refinement hum anity East Ameri ca the C o mm un ity inatituti ona ael f -k no w ledge Nature past g,aen re st ric ti on hon our b) ol Europe America class i nd us tr ia li sm change the future 104 i l i P s m Testament B s E ' t ethic of "an eve 11 , 17" r ror an p v » M according d 4 to the old 104 bu re au c ra cy federal that and c o rr up t i o n la., and the he. practiced it 1„ than in of ju.tlce the old the harah, Instituted this i-y becomes su bm erg ed a.e upheld c h ar ac te ri se d by justice an Ju st ic e "Alst.nce, of "an eye reliant and the dominant the shifts and on both theme str iki ng the liberty no s t a l g i c a l l y west. a.e hum anity, He Marvin ) ■car and dread. live .ith, this cacti and .hlch of to the the the clt ls. ns comes l a.ayer o< Hi, people only and part of the lifestyle archetypal personal assaults integ rit y Liberty purpose society. inspiring they must env ironment. all Into scrubland, (James S t e . a r t ) acting as a m is si on ar y is to bring of the . 1 1 . . m e s s . for upon of Shi nbo ne ty its stark this and and fello. men. hostil e the East aho.s presents Images Hansom Stoddard fro. the Isolates in . profound sporadic the h.r.h » ne.ly qualified the .ages old in each. of his is c h ar ac te ri se d thornbuahes, civil,cation. a.e to the environment, ..del Is yet an ot he r h a rd sh ip .hlch a product setting, and and threat He plays conviction is the out la. .ho has no respect or decency, is a constant recalling their a natural of the oonfliot, a man of h o n o u r and CC" “ “ ndl‘ ,h* respect ■ilar.ee Kit*.,' ideologies John W a n e W e s t e r n e r To. Conof.n, Being prevailed, apparent .as according V a l a n c e , John Pord of con fl ic ti ng .ay, old sides contradiction.- In j h e . llan ,„o shot generic survived. la in div iduals to a hosti le la., of nature the fittest foro.s subje ct of a railroad, ho n ou r and for an eye". upon and A ten inhabitants, albeit but perso nal - fro nti er government, out, ia Institution: schools, Integrity, carried the fund ame nta l strongest Of Personal .as g e ne ra lly ethic of its their anarchic .hlch of the Weet, .orth. good or the str uc tu re , the old We st er n the bru tality of m o r a l it y Identity. of so ci ety 's it has ethica l the indiv idu al the c o m m un it y Alt hou gh a sens, Te st ame nt on. of in to -h e, he r or a courthouse. d ev elo ped too complex, as the measur e according . hen education, in no g u a r a n t e e en v ir on me nt Ahd „ith fair, 'ey. for an eye' hoetile become There 1. acre ne ve rt hel ess . order' judged in hand i hd u. tr la ii aat io n. ay st e a ap pr o p r i a t e com- hand Ran som ', Justice and c h a ra ct er progress contr ast s sharply with those around ance. He is defined belief in the refinec of and physical even when Ha n s o m town's Such o: the as fitting male a t t r i b u t e s . he refuses mart) r, 10m is ly turns physically uses a gun he wears is boots to and the old way and other c h e e k , Hansom justice Tom he is always like a true wears a suit and be. in tegrity and sing ula rit y It out wins the respect is to Ford's succeed But finally to tame the the fruits s c h o o l h o u s e , the tragedy there like -om D o n ' f a n be expected come to an end destroyed Day Ford in the new civilizes to change like him have tamed and equals because and he respect provide day with the the way for interesting and is efforts refined Hart place life, He of but their cannot others time has Tom upon which he ia thrives. in this film, while night the for he and progress. cont ra st s justice sees He society. frontier barren wast el an d light is no is the ola they must make along with and night is that about it is Ransom railway, of justice. Weste rn genre be u p ­ and of his -astern cl othing and baste in metho ds of credit is good in the w i l d e r n e s s . as a s e na to r and we witne ss d e s e r t , a new that of n e c es si ty out. he uses a book and always ex presses all elected men and is an intellectual, he finally carried the new order which of the courage By direct contrast, if need is strong work­ scorn are shown as c ha ra ct er s who can citizens. of life, and strength and while H a n s o m even Tom h i m s e l f . as model an aprca and ana p e rs ev er an ce held is socially to pressure spurs while Hans om both of these men of what their insults justice, that to Yet despite put on an apron by system in the the disgust physical strong where and to wnsfolk and that inspire portrays Ra n s o m as a man of deep of purpose the the to achieve prepared rord to succumb by others by do nn in g citizens w..o see a just to submit the no r m actions appear­ Idealistic, to in stitute threatened t r an sg res se s and showing an inherent He refus es be ha vi ou r for a man, ing as a v.alter. jibes, values, he attempts in Shinbone. violence ac ce p t a b l e in attitude sys te m which he rep res ent s. order community. both by r.at, tern learned, law and him, and symbolizes 1C6 the and folk uncerta in ty in h h i n b o n e . e mbo di men t reflec ts Liberty of all the that inherent assaults s c o r ni n g all 'devil' *he good of Ford's black and cruelty liberty era l ord H e brings preys 'light' is always makes c o m mu ni ty and upon presentation self of evil, a the c o m m u n i t y . shows interest. progress and and all he in which Liberty insults to the On the ridding stands for, respon ds with co mm uni ty and town of symbolizes to feel as a C h r i s t - l ik e ana other the men do not need portrays him m a r t y r who accepts Liberty He the is an tVhile Tom is the force and and Valance day a new threatened. society, the car ry in g a silver whip, indexrs R a n s o m , by bri nging the new this Liberty weari ng the outlaw, and d a n g e r o u s . goodness threate n the A e s t . decency. who shuns the evil in which in victimising re fl ec ti ng his hand Valance, at night, iconography always a n ar ch y is evil s a v a g e , b r u t a l , lawless his and figure, a compassion. dri-es out the d a r k ­ ness . Caught between these and the who by accepting valance other of signals t hi s, pro gre ss have protected de s t r o y e d , i o m He progress the the way would his Ki_d reworks of thp classic skilled Butch and criminals who avoid harmin g en orm ou sl y in left in past and the Hutch the he roes and hill the caught and the are Jundanre conflicts entertain­ extremely professional them as characters, 1 it e which victim him. striking and their been between ideological presents likeable to escape a true Cassidy of would the community. destroy and dene outlaw has two outlaws the cou rs e anyone. charismatic by their inability place in a par tic ul ar ly outdance, and Libert' the finally film Had he not that the my th ol og ic al Acotern genre ing way. lives ili's shooting Liberty now by and is Tom Donofan, society. other m y th ic threaten r. Hut haunted of to a halt he has no ioa is like C-'Orgc xoy (1969) come domain. finds forces which for a new have of evil destruct ion and c i vi li sat ion , re sp on si bi li ty ia a -onely here, o- change. two two f o r c e s , one who two are they have trapped created for themselves. futility, as even criminal lot. criminal past, They must men, and The keep are ology become no of place the Miling old ideology which must society as needs part by the before and acc ording hutch forces has ways as are in the m y t h ­ let them escape of d e st ro yi ng the proces. can be introduced, proof that the be located define passing. demands be forced killed, and old West in h i st or y that era and In the Gre ek that to he must Justice be carried pay for his be killed c l a ss ic al cr im in al and if he to the old ways, he must die and pursued re le nt l e s s l y Sun dan ce of order and their ult imate re qui rem ent s part test, Is a 'cleansing' new its they are and S u n d a n c e cannot their characters d e c 1are If he too. eacapln g it Bolivian own cha racters. entrenched Su nd anc e must the criminal must lived them the West, are hunted of the old society the W e ste rn genre a ct iv iti es. to and are or their to them. la that Butch la a n e r e a s a r y of an era, and They la*' their soldiers. their legend is changing, in it. hutch tradition, has of the their corpses ultimately out pert upon in an obscure of of their open police and the myth them option Butch and S un da nc e old world of of 'the and Su ndance sla ugh ter ed from be done died. will Butch facing it. has running. in to improve from no other that world allowed seem wh e t h e r force by a sense successful they have to retire al though are never the run, ‘y a massed They have are marked they they finally tragedy unable on lives when a ct iv i t i e s Always village Their are civiliz ati on. d e s tr uc ti on There because acc or di ng is no it fulfils the of the mythology. ’n the sequence of 'tiaindrops makes a strong statement place In the mid-west. bicycle temporarily of the song: keep falling showing As Butch ignoring on my head' the changes and their Ktta fate, «<a lnd ro ps keep falling on my head and Just like the guy whose feet are nothing seems to fit..." Hill which are ride around we hear too big the taking on a lyrics for his bed 108 and realise the c h a n g i n g world. Old .a s t e r n my th ol og y. this that feeli ng the outlaws will n e v e r They are sy mb ol ic Ironic all y be c o m f o r t a b l e of and tied they attempt in to the to alleviate of exclusion: "because N o t h i n g ' a w o r r y i n g me .i,-thing's w o rr yi ng me." and maintain society hinds could n e v e r they co m m u n i t y :. " The t h e i r comic believe . a pp or t allow them opp os i ti on model for a n a l y s i n g the st r u c t u r e three -art reality and :n vario us fantasy in the fantasy and fantasy the stylistic the n a r ra tiv e film as generic to which to them. example, is usually Part accepts (c) shows how so that reality co nsidered not have the chara ct ers and expressed the (b) deals shows how of the while same isolates the frame wor k of values which are in a song for the same effect. conviction emotion Generic and who are generlcally those who do not, the Ideologically and the moral that singing i m pl ie s settings Part to be This secti on wit hi n sincere, a process sequences ones. An emotio n w hi ch into between is revealed musical of as a basis undergoes reality. oppo sit ion s tion c ha ra c ter is ed of the of this re la ti on sh ip con cep ts in the l e n r . n , Thomas Sch .t z stable eyes is divided opposition of the musical, as a result does films, p r es en ta ti on In H o llywood cally the the n o n - m u s i c a l i.e. those who have talent selves and their emotions. between but in the of m u si c a l these elementj in speech c o n v e n ti on In t he ir own I have devised is u lt ima te ly convention, expressed of genre become attached but ;.r.e musical which the is e x pr es sed opposed ant in o m ie s and Each of re versal "ith cf (a) consi der s films. are killed, condemned. N_o.t_ruc_tural ist Analysii parts. the, to be free. in their freedom, they are binary until truth. opposed express them- makes an Important distinc­ co ntested settings and Ideologi­ of genre films. by a settin g which Is 15 The ..eetern genre ideologically contested. la .his Ide ol og i ca l films. New ones, sad and and values the inly the code and and class of socially U933), he s i t uat io n wi t h miee m c o nfi de nce threat a way which goes against /ene K 5 l l y '8 8 i n eing and of -he oppositions wh ic h therefore, a l th ou gh one , the musical in society, it does e ti quette adapts in the the and rain his what is not. embodies the It opposit io ns An ex am ina tio n and is this cultural of the imp lications obvious suggested relationships of the musical Vor prevalent In dev ising a model and formal by are not, conflicts is between what fundamental original or the setting. flim genre, ca tegory is a joyful genre of the musical this generic to a part- the for the d e c n nu tr uc tl on in rather like in response way. ship legiti- is a classic in a my th -li ke The most and lau ghed at. in the musical the position other, need norm, in favour of ideology social ch ar ac te rs may act so into cons ide rat ion . to the of his that threatens no one, are found come and Jo wh en fred to rationalise b e ha vi our reflects in to ai, realises behavioural argument concern ing it identity. to tr anscend talented dancing Kelly a persuasive but transthen places in jest. taken ligutly u n c o nv en ti ona l icular ci rcu ms ta nc e. expression, res ponse . the can be but in Flvln, He Ku s lc al ly Jester who e xpo si tio n u n iv er sa ll y an take advantage their myths their existe nc e. is talented, to their allows him to society. and both As a fu ll y-r ea li se d kusi c- But he does not institutions the court and behaviour initially, ease. is film to express event disco mf ort relative inherent restrictions. tneir is f table it is always at a society feigns poses no the musical adhere of old attitudes the mu si cal ly chara ct ers di sti nct io ns, arrives and old merely „ester n the expense a c c e pt ab le conflict, of most although, the he r o may mock social Astaire i':an, his " these or core at In c ntrast, the hero, talented society, introduced ideology which r.e/er to evoke the is at the destruction by an accepted. °ven are inevitable. u nd er pi nn ed gress con flict ot her elements vital is musica l and difference which the narrative between, relation­ and ard non -musical the content. content modes, will lie B i n a r y positions in the Aiuaicai Non Vualral a) Mua ical Reality b) reflection interpretation growth stasis emotions re p r e s u e d Jtriet social emotions expressed social freedom institutions illusion self-awareness Reality Fantasy b) fantasy Naturalism b) dramatic Stylisation theatrical speech lyric soliloquy song dialogue harmony sentence melody rhythm improvised walking rhythm metered dancing Conflict re-* - <n c) Resolution instinct senses emotions rationality suspicion imagine tion trust compromise risk physical fulfilment emotional fulfilment Ill reveal the essence of this genre' s ' e fo r e d i s c u s s i n g t h e m o d e l Illuminate the i m p l i c a t i o n s primary modes acceptable to t h e a u d i e n c e . of c o m m u n i c a t i o n rir a w s In d e t a i l It is n e c e s s a r y to It is u s e d in a c c o r d a n c e is t h e r e f o r e f a m i l i a r a nd As a n o n - n a t u r a l i s t i c it c o n s c i o u s l y f o r e g r o u n d s a t t e n t i o n to i ts o w n a r t e f a c t . d i s c u s s i o n of H o m a n J a k o b a e n ' s form itself and An e x a m i n a t i o n a nd c o m m u n i c a t i o n model will reveal the w a y in w h i c h m u s i c w o r k s . uishes b e t w e e n six d i f f e r e n t f u n c t i o n s ^ Jakobsen disting­ of c o m m u n i c a t i o n w h i c h a d o p t t he c h a r a c t e r of w h a t e v e r f u n c t i o n in tile c o m m u n i c a t i o n e v e n t . .Jakobsen 1s r a t e ^ n n .s and leaning. of u s i n c m u s i c as o n e of the of e x p r e s s i o n . w i t h g e n e r i c c o n v e n t i o n a nd stru ctu re is d o m i n a n t of C o m m u n ic at io n referential (context) (addresser) emotive (addressee) conative poetic (message) phatic (contact) mctalingual (code) If c o m m u n i c a t i o n is o r i e n t a t e d t o w a r d s the c o n t e x t , the r e f e r e n t i a l f u n c t i o n d o m i n a t e s a nd t h e m e s s a g e w i l l c o n t a i n objec ti ve i n f o r ma ti on about about an event. If t h e communi­ c a t i o n is c o n c e r n e d w i t h t he a d d r e s s e r , the e m o t i v e function d o m i n a t e s and the c o m m u n i c a t i o n m a k e s a s t a t e m e n t a b o u t t he emotional state of i t s a g e n t . C o m m u n i c a t i o n a i m e d at the . a d d r e s s e e h a s a c o n a t i v e f u n c t i o n a n d s h o w s a n e c e s s i t y to f o r c e h i m i n t o an a w a r e n e s s If t h e c o m m u n i c a t i o n the vha wishes that the m e s s a g e is o r i e n t a t e d t j c f u n c t i o n la d o m i n a n t a n d towards the c w to c o m m u n i c a t e f o r i ts o w n s a k e . . is a i m e d at h i m . the c o n t a c t then .unicator simply Communication events 112 aomlnant m In th , m of o n m n . u n l n . t l j a . m m . s ip s ia i 115 :l'a i v ' m “ m a i c a t ta-ent .U ;a 1 o n 1. i m p l i e s morally charac . s en s it iv e onf i d e n t , ana that m e t a p h o r "I c a n n o t s i n g " oame was tic those of sincere. »1 c a n s i n g ' , implies characterises lene Conversely, a the p e r s o n s h a l l o w a nd is " g o o d " w h e r e a s la a l s o c o n v e n t i o n b o u n d , the " n o t s o g o o d " characters. e x p r e s s e d as "I c a n d a n c e " / " ! apply lo ve h a s cannot dance". of d a r u n i o n of a l l ny, a r t i s t r y , balance, These to t h e m u s i c a l p a r t of at its f i n e s t . the w ^ e n t s form and physical d e m o n s t r a t e s its beauty ana c o m p l e x i t y It of d a n c i n g , i)ance is a v i s u a l e x p r e s s i o n of t h e c o n c e p t vivid way. the " K y l o v e is a d a n c e " m e a n s the q u a l i t i e s ahe -i a perfect and Exactly g e n r e w h e r e they are e as il y r e c o g n i s a b l e and f or m int er na l logic. the if t h e m e t a p h o r m e t a p h o r s a re o n l y v a l i d a n d a p p l i c a b l e hat l a c k of a c c o r d i n g to g e n e r i c p r o c e s s of t r a n s f e r e n c e w o u l d its cohesive ti0 ere loyal, wno t h a t a p e r s o n is i n s e n s i t i v e , flawed. convention, self-realisation ana -0 '•v levii interaction. of l o v e a n d in a p a r t i c u l a r l y k i l n is e s p e c i a l l y s u c c e s s f u l in t h i s k i n d of -'jsuai c o m m u n i c a t i o n w h i c h c o n v e y s n o n - v e r b a l c o n c e p t s . The other a e . a p h o r f requently my music e uses allows in is m y i m a g i n a t i o n " shows in m u s i c a l f i l m s s o n g a nd d a n c e c a n how tc e x p r e s s a na r e v e a l a c h a r a c t e r s inner life. the c h a r a c t e r to e x p l o r e h i s i m a g i n a t i o n a nd the t r a n s l a t i o n of aur .1 s i g n . is repeated The to f o r e g r o u n d i subconscious tnought i n t o a v i 8 U al or the p o e t i c or a e s t h e t i c while simultaneously f u n c t i o n of the r e i n f o r c i n g t he i hc o p p o s i t i o n b e t w e e n t a l e n t e d a n d u n t u l e n t e d are of t h e i r t ru e in s o c i e t y w i t h o u t message. internal characters is by the f a c t t h a t m a n y of the t a l e n t e d c h a r a c t e r s unaware expression results e f f e c t of u s i n g s o n g a n d d a n c e as m e t a p h o r s com mu ni ca ti on event, m e s s a * <* . complicated Lusic potential question. Music and a c c e p t is an a c c e p t a b l e m o d e for a n y o n e who has a g e n u i n e need d o a l t h o u g h a c h a r a c t e r m a y be c or. ;.ivni t y , and m a y a l s o a d h e r e that s o c i e t y their places of to c o m m u n i c a t e a m e m b e r of the f i l m ' s to the v a l u e s w h i c h u p h o l d s , generic c o n v e n t i o n a l l o w s f o r th a t person to express nuns in his m e ss ag e ihe .:ound thoug ht oi .-usic, and reason. They so ci et y w hic h makes and or ga ni s es a l th o ug h no rm al live ritual genuinely epitome flouts the rules , are forced to ask By using of every lives of its members. is unable existence, to conform Laria, to the in tne convent. h o we ve r u n c o n s c i o u s l y jibbet?^ will the nuns and the nuns a "cloud" are able that to sense regimen, it is because by her im ag ina tio n Ma ri a cannot be needs to be close pinned through her love com munity she she and her down by of music using encoded o' and con ve nti ons of charac ter s n e ce ss ar il y come apparent orderly chorus ch ara c t er s does not provides musical into therefore of spiritual them hero 'Ascot rules, she it life there insight into the Gavotte' is no indication "hat wl11 content. musical For example The characters their situation, as it only expression. of the musically A d i r e c t o r may choose a thematic from be ~ co mmunity which the pre ro ga ti ve to reinforce their is foreg ro un de d generic of the film's a problem like Maria" truly or heroine. sequence remarkable not for freedom. from ’good'. of that do you solve are not give to tr.eir experiences the n a r r a t i v e an a c c e p t a b l e means are talented are other aspects pattern .hey of genre without thoee of "How and singers that in the sequence lyrics. and singing. C o ns eq uen tly , encode the is to° influ­ desire insti tu ti on s implications. di rector will She essen tia l m e ta pho ri c are into the wisp". cannot. use a chorus the to the metapho ric does not confo rm to her en v ir on me nt films w hi ch are been and a "will although enced of the the wi sp ? A clown?" of b’ .arla w h ic n have is a "clown", strict o' draw a t t e n t i o n She Songs day in desperation: a song, de scr ip t i on s music st ruc tur ed do you solve a problem like f aria do you catch a cloud and pin it down A°f li bb er ty the of rational in a str ict ly beha vi our ex pe ct ed She Any tne ^he singin, a part devout, of or a oance. are the s p i r i t u a l standards "How How in a song point. to use a ueorge C uk or s the music al My ^ l r L a djr shows the class structure part ic u l a rl y sense has way. been su bmerged C uk o r en tir ely in unison, any real we have ardent with been led pose and ality, r e nd er ing so lavish cloying si ncerity only of Astaire. it well will achieve true musical is feel kind of his Ca pta in ev erything on heart no to his and He aucience. any e x p r e ­ so as a n e c e s s a r y That express ion beauty love, of for him. the talent but is also indulgent sympathy song, no r m ­ the a n a . it is so real the ofcsessea own performance. simple that Hicardo Romero, is articulate, his suitor only His in­ and sincerity those who strength as an expressive medium, of se lf -aw are nes s character ist ic of the Things" to her lack of in T h e o o und_of pretension and ma terial f o r her, the va luable things in life are the simplest, and her ce le bra ti on ling. ardent their persona. draws a t te nt ion wants. the reinforces K a r l a ’s rendition of "My fa vourite K usl c to sing despite when can use its is here". in E w l n ^ l ime, is to amplify respect the protocol is done Any ch a ra ct er and that all he is like c e can serves and without ia summoned the sings race it insincere. of music and the sings hand it destroys that emotion about him. incorporated that R i c a r d o ’s use use are is that he is costumes wnich who s h o u l d ’ve been here perfec ti on ssion which and is setting, *ho wins per sonalities. concern thus uses withou t suitor to Gin ge r Rogers primary individual -he chorus moves in this way, the techn ica l the their of the Ascot and event. to believe strikes a stiff His shows how iconography characters himse lf highlig hts into a group consciousness. is important egocentric expresses the "e veryone certain shallow, and expression, in in a s i n n i n g , effectively black and white. wi th ou t and England avoids na tu r a l i s m i m m a t e r i a l , what Often, by the interest ob served He identity, < s emphasized in w h i ch are visua of comm un ity at titude This cf E d w a r d i a n Karla's of these simple things Is both sincere and joy co ntrasts with compel­ the oour attitudes of v o n Trapp w h o me life is filled with all the trappings of wealth and is a barren wasteland of emotion. His childr en 116 h av e grown up w it h o u t love or gentleness, and L a n a a b l e to i n s t i l l In t h e m a l o v e of special things are not beautiful for t he i r own sakes ..i'ch for theo u et ar y v a l u e a t t a c h e d to t he m: " R a i n d r o p s on r o s e s and w h i s k e r s on k i t t e n s Bright copper k et tl es and warm w o o l l e n m ittens B r o w n p a p e r p a c k a g e s t i e d up w i t h s t r i n g T h e s e are a f ew of my f a v o u r i t e t h i n g s . . . ..hen the d og b i t e . , w h e n the b ee s t i n g s W h e n I 'm f e e l i n g s a d I s i m p l y r e m e m b e r my f a v o u r i t e trim. l. a nd t h e n I d o n ' t f e e l so ba d ." T o c h e e r h e r w h e n s h e is d e p r e s s e d , L a r i a o n l y n e e u s r e m e m b e r t h a t the w o r l d is a g a i n s t all h e r simple The musical film philosophy which talented characters; dance about, place. there by a l l things. to e x p e r i e n c e it a nd d e r i v e thought ssive medium, L a r i a and o thers like ana s..own h o w oi it f u n c t i o n s as a m e t a p h o r w i t h i n between in the m u s i c a l f i l m w i l l provide category. whi ch have been isolated in the m o d e l i n t e r e s t i n g in- -hese binary o pp os it io ns c a n be f o u n d in m o s t f i l m s and it is t h e r e f o r e o f f e r e d as an a p p r o p r i a t e framework within which The a discussion concerning t he b i n a r y o p p o s i t i o n s s i g h t e i n t o this g e n e r i c 3.3.1 fust ieing is e n o u g h to b r i n g h a p p i n e s s . the g e n r e , the a n a l o g o u s r e l a t i o n s h i p s musical they simply wish i m p l i c a t i o n s of u s i n g m u s i c as an e x p r e ­ the n a r r a t i v e s t r u c t u r e manifested to s i n g a n d t h a t the w o r l d p l e a s u r e f r o m it. of a d m i r i n g t h e w o r l d the its t r u l y is a l w a y s s o m e t h i n g h a v e n o d e s i r e to p o s s e s s w h a t t h e y l o v e , Having explained Self-pity u n d e r p i n n e d by a is is s h a r e d e v e n if it is o n l y the contains many beautiful capable to p r i n c i p l e s and m a t e r i a l g i f t s a r e of no r e a l v a l u e to h e r . very a beautiful is s to d e c o n s t r u c t the i n d i v i d u a l film. R e a l it y/ Fa nt as y o p p o s i t i o n b e t w e e n r e a l i t y and f a n t a s y thematic s t r u c t u r e of t h e m u s i c a l in e a c h of its i n d i v i d u a l me d i u m w h i c h foreground. films. is I n t e g r a l to the f e n r e , a n d c a n be I s o l a t e d Music is a n o n - n a t u r a 1 i s t i c I t s e l f in t w o w a y s . firstly, as a m et a p h o r for self device w h i ch mode expression, defan.il inrioes of e xp re ss io n reality, seems that that fantasy. Society, a view the world w hi ch and of hence this imaginary which se t t i ng where evolve as the they the generic Any to define attempt futile, it refers can 'reality' 'invent world w h i c h two is things. » e must presented society and two, that that able society. hi ms el f has in this semio log lca l Barthes code shown how is famili ar to the au dience. ing its to Applying own this the musical, ideology erecting necessary and uphold emotionally barriers collective w h i c h reveals certain is of the real reveals presented in as a in oruer to be a c c e p t ­ of it, a code which in each genre the audience is characters it as 'real' and accept Myth about or accord­ 'life-like' . .hey are o. by cl as s- conscious, community and is an ideological the and the dominant socially their specific identity. decodes film, to the structure 'natural'. Inhibited things concun- an impres si on of reality s p ec if ic al ly to define is of realism working (myth) of what the untalc nt cd easily implication, more iilm as Likewise , system w hi ch concept in the An exa mi na ti on an impression p er cep ti on the actual the aut ho r always med iates presents us with a semantic repre­ that reality individual of realism sys te m only create creates clari­ a linguistic re: ember also, is a code can di rector are to the s t r u c t u r ­ rel at io ns hi p to the musica^ reality and the 'reality' is only by each there se c o n d - o rd e r to that The of reversal ac c o r d i n g our own reality'. One, their dreams. and is, d e f i n i t io n a c o n st ruc t which is create d ity - we :rom to a fantastical, the stages an ar bi tra ry to. objective charac ter s indulge 'fantasy' , perpetuates context. because se ntation w h i c h has lifts irom deal with as natural, them isolates terms fied wi th i n concept content must is accepted a its content in the mus ic a tr an s p o r t s op po ri ti on model alists, that portrayed and Conseq uen tly , to remove !r e a l i s t i c ' , while music 1r e a l 1 world binary s e c o n d l y , as a stylistic the a c t i o n . appears to imply as and culture which their carrier accepts . ana for'., u structure wr. j.c» ovi. n. u it- tent.v + ou, . mirrors ' ■ society to whoa it communi ca te s, a numccr =1 . ' George Cukor's struct ure s class fv in S a w a r u l a n structures result fair :,..y :l: nd) should of hir. worxir. (a film v,hici be rigid, examine- pe rp et ua te s cla.s the n y t a that and shows what happens cl :,,_etn.ic_a bein ■ acceite_d_a.s_a . .oolittle's Alfred rise in status Jo ol it tl e' s dse is t- t: see ms .Ifred to prove has that become m i s e r a b le, clas» structu res . p re se nta ti on of E l iza 's rise from her h u mb le b eg in ni ng s as a . she prover that bein, a member of any class is not a necessary . In p.n in,: in A h ^ . h a i n good speech co ns i s ts u tan ley of bonen unravels proper ar ti cu la ti on the myth that and precise , sign: A film secondary ftlls at the signification wreak correctly, fax office iv tnat* he r.unt, is The rtxcuL raced "hones eu pos es hio ' . to communicate. the f c ^ c “ performer mu.t una toescs are learn „to a v e ^ n,.v;va r e ^ . ^ _ c% » quence in rot e., 119 Tho dc who dance should properly be and Kelly Singing room d a n c i ng He of correct Song and dance must abnormal to sing Because such myths appea ran ce of whi ch make up the being of a community reality and have For that Kelly's that he feels ana expect to a stronc in inner they he They own They have recognition recognise what Keliy is dancing, are only they m e mb er of and agrees realise that man has can be changed, lor accepts to abide by they its his to invent he can the fallacy of man's for aim exists sur.ace discover that myths beyond ^nto t.,e Although to see +. at signification. to bols.er order belongs hut rigid is easy, their each to a class they lail 01 to and institutions or static. reinvent his The own reality, to all who are the ..e it is beyond fallen own world and of the joy is responding see rules. c. is raining. is easy they are not n e c es sa ri ly Truth it social the ability to listen. beyond Knows that he constructed as facts t:.e a r u e . a c * lies it the uctalen ted members .he deep er m u s i c- m an has reveal The u n d e rs ta nd ing . of the it is and have are acc ept ed u n w it ti ng ly of using what the community society he decode R e c o g n i t io n occasion that he is doing, cannot capable ideology. because anq ._in rain. that to un der sta nd as: anti-social. is a c e l e b r a t i o n matter the sign: the est a b ­ th e n they would the rain impulse their c om pr ehe ns io n. trap of m i s t a k i n g could, it doesn't anyone against to tra ns cen d truth w h i c h if they singing they So w r o n g, _time proper the used for r a i n , is framed teing of reality. no means or in who sings or to be natural, 'life-like' fabric and or presumed d i sc ov er the ap pea rances. doesn't are the going for the in the streets theatre conventionally plage, beh vlour be kept the in is therefore song and it is a n ti -s oc ia l. and dancing in the wrong where Anyone or at a tine not is s i ng in g norm,; in considered that in socie ty v/.^.^ci. is or at the Opera. wrong conditions. lished the my t h p e rf or man ce s it is acceptable d a nc in g, is and for in L.usic has a place in a place, singing believe reserved defined, living dances Gene untalcn ted framed. rigidly one's are prepared common-place world. •he se tt in g a crc nt ir n the o 1 the mus ic-ir. 'in1e world ol his ch a r a c t e r re l a t i o n re ali ty ov.n imagination, forms a true to the world. define it univ ers all y a 1wayg subjective. fined. .he definition if he is fant asv his existence o.. the w o r . d it is not rea.ity i.e. real, examine his fe eli ng he does not and of this has totally By creating a visually in it, to describe to our natural is or u nd ers ta nd of - like concept. 'realistic* the nature can to be of a the love he feels their emotional, is achieved with all its vital because The correct, existence. their physical as a result da nci ng they relationships seem in invent and reality been created and serves of the by t h e m ­ to justify It art ears natural, knowledge ch ara cte rs be ha vio ur - singing ana but clear. is one which has as obj ec ti ve ly ihe musical vention, become their dally it corresponds about and ' r e a l it y1 as a to indulge the street s in 'unnatural* defies all c o n ­ their own world and explore structures, their grasp upon is far stronger. The model and each a perception perceived or explore -rue aw ar ene ss characters reinforce cussed function n o n - n a t u r a l i s t i c ) a character strength therefore accepted reality because sea rching self-anal ysi s. no n-m usical and fully fulfilment. A reversal selves, place of realism life used here the cons tr uc t which partner and the sexual cannot l i e — like", and nis norm. does not co rr es po nd transcend for his nalise is is out never de­ n» vds no ccoe rati in of his vioion is exp er ien ce d ana self to try and since by an establishea t n e a t r i c a . , stylised and no at tem pt vthe term fantasy i.e. .vithin that world un d e r s t a n d i n g 1 ir,i l a t i o n , ana he retricted set tin his c h ar ac ter fantastical, of self and or obj ec ti ve ly Reality implies situ ati on which but he m ak e# true mu sic al to objec tif y but awa reness Although is incomplete, is often isolates of the the binary stages of this op pos iti on re versal horizontally, re lat ion shi ps will be d i s ­ in turn. C har act ers who are not talented, and who cannot use music to 121 express themselves, subject to its events and events appe ar which they she true musica l The ir not allow vision. He needs and not content seen and to understand with surface own comment them all" in b in din g, m about that he should. films to be himself, ol to cloud his ol the his world and "hen Lon begins is prompted the A the world latent m e an in g "Once you've not her concerns experience which comprise he studio has in her own mind. illusions the image, the become fantasy appearances. 'star' Lon and make demands his tne as a Holly woo d have values and r el ati on shi ps in his pertinent concerns interprets false ideology to possess public tuese to question the myth which reality ch ar ac te r and will of the Lina Lanort the since 1 eel no re .1 urge believes she has con fus ed believe in their lives. in terms the and are rel 1 ec.t upon about her status Decause around her. structure only l o o k s , and her desire In other words, and they conce rne d for her, created occur their m e a n i n g s . her him care to, to their societ y 1hey to be mot iv at ed adhere is only 'star', bound co nst rai nts . issues which or examine Rain remain is to by Cathy's seen one, you've image created by the studio s y s t e m . similarly, in .he uound ch ar act er who rea lise: one's own desires make his and her wife. choices. love position and Her senses his love. his and for of A u s^L, that the comforts is not that she will gentleness to Maria, who and for him or them. out noticing immediately that aware it person nor enters lacks families being hie person, ability to him or his inclina ti on rtefact, the warmth, should share. ,n. she to is a woman from while child­ to truly Von Trapp's household is a loveless it the things, from his Elsa to by his social to his restores is ol no real value -hr that happiness which all derive the Baroness ren as she has n e i t h e r the means care that Influenced grown out of a response rep ressed own background to allow sacrificing does not lust after m at er ia l the Captain In con trast is an interpret ati ve loving a person means oeing willing -he love has karia M ar ia loughte- and with­ is As a result tation of allow of their their will in be. pr ejudices their The people f ortu nate to the social does not bound by by it, unlike the hero not genre, the the. reveal its c o n d e m n a t i o n for his and vigorous the music al others succumb of modes, dong is both Consider the Ca pt ain 's continual issues which falls also fearing questioning, confront into stagnate. easily him the trap wh^ch ».usic a : : ords him the med iu m which to a musica, is something which he envey in society. enables him an, reinvent his world. and sincere characters, a n and dance. the of exp re ss io n within performer talented Throu gh an e xp res si ve emotion comes the place and al though structural, w e a k n e s s e s w it ho ut Ex pre ss i on able mode i- que stion nis invent articulates. ideolo cr genre may to constan tl y readily in the w e st er n or of the m u sic al he cannot emotion are of the gan gs te r opinions. because characters anti -h er o to g r o w , providing of truths v e r w. film is uncontesteu, ch aracter nev er to. as or the ex p l o r a t io n daily, means th< it always them as a menace ^nlike and 'estern protagonist society and regard trey leave no room usica. the hero accepts his of it is as are ac ce pte d structure. the musical characters created them. the ga ng s t e r g e n r e , the sett m , percetueted been beliefs society ar..1 i n t e r p r e ­ their v i s i o n , and believiny to qu es t i o n be cau se a threat to cloud systems which have attem pt percep tio n the n o n - m u s i c a l environ me nt for c h a n g e , becaus e when few true surroundings, personal st agnate lac/, o: dance understands, the genre, and the dif fe re nc es in The. J j . u n d ^ _ L u s i c . and accept­ that Consequently, in these either between and it implies and committed. emotions ter, accepts is a conveni ent most a rt ic ul at e their true chara the two expressive in a song cr a aria's chara cte r He repres ses ana all fee lings • to allow his angered children when h'.aria makes sing and romp around. is app rop ria te warmth capable to or love, indulge them in 'normal' pliyclothes, Alt ho ug h his socially, their of exp re ss in g her and engagement relati ons hip k a r i e , by contrast, child play and teaches joys and her fears. to to the Bar on es e lacks any is vital, them is real exuberant In " I have and 123 c onf idence", she a n a lya infi whet need to be questions lies her ahead she four of the realises future that and by she has no afraid: "A Captai n with seven children, what's so !ears one about that? Ch I must stop these doubts all these worries If I don't I just know I'll turn back I must dream of the things I am seeking I am s e ek ing the courage I lack The coura ge to serve them with reliance Pace my m i s t a k e s without defiance Show them I'm worry and while : show them I 11 show me so Let them bring on all their problems I'll do better than my best I have c o n f i d e n c e they'll put me to the test But I ’ll make them see I have co nfluence in me." ny singing, able and readily to ex orcise release One of the musical years for what deep emotions vital of H o l l y w o o d ' s to A m e r i c a n a popular culture are drawn fro m allow upon love even ignores musical his film transgress is kuuic the and of feeling. examined genre's Song As themes an i dance imposed jlots may match and in ^outh bar wh e n a young white one the this. res trictions versa, and man has in the Luring reflects of the musical a P ol yne si an leads i~.e, the dis tin ct io ns were island a subtle m e ssa ge which orderings them. does the music al or vice in love with own social K ar la structure. definitions. girl and it represents. the colour bears is raised to transcend social in his is capable social many tr.e society a rich soldier falls and life and mode, rigid poor boy with that he "Golden Lra", the c h a r ac te rs them by ic mi s s i n g issues wh ic h g e n r e , is class central emotion, the Von Tra pp household, she inspires search the her any feelings of reserve and discomfort. When she ente rs Captain to ex pr es si ng a ;aci:_ic American girl. The is that man creates the means to recognise to change myths or for what they a r e . Astai re' s her oe s to adapt The to any Astaire have what level each man of society strives at any persona has no de finite :or, time, the ability in any place. class affil iation, nor is 124 it s p e c i f i c a l l y of m us ic al his films ape but porary located in a p ar ti cu la r era. "Everyman". have exciting and audienc es . which delies any it in film history. easily located of the his world Ameri ca be he will remain at elegance sen sitive the ...( vies M i ch ae l none to, of the 195u's, Dream". He nas to make him secure. and always confident. Wooa it or persona is mere "Ame ri can and and to catego ris e he needs aware they don t even to c o n t e m ­ vital A m e r i c a n no class a f f i l i a t i o n because is a kind reason why them, uene K e l l y ' s proverbial can always the has a rich attem pt as the young, em bod i me nt Pro vid in g he probably un de rs t a n d a b l e His da n c i n g locate the is a timeless q u a l i t y a bo ut rem ai n versatility rhie He explains explore In his ooos. that: "Fred As ta ir e is a style, but uene nelly is a state of mind, almost an ideology. Astai re is our enduring dream of th» effortless c o n q u e s t of recalcitrant ( ^ circumstance; Kelly is the in de fa tig abl e A m e r i c a n . .. In the m u si cal and heroine share The the vital genre come it is not from simil ar same desires issue boy gets his dau ghter of is In High a wealthy is a 'ne'er-do-well' way into h er upon view that either from a lower se riously m ixed and challe nge s was killed regret social mixed m a r r i a g e s attitude was Ultimately, engagement were itself the the who croons his left to marry the enemy unaccepted of Couth that The to feel a person sense war, the film never racially to marry second world ending presents an the musical unable which (Bing Crosby) In accordance with a dist or te d in the myths the is the is never ideology. again st in the creates one de cision class. still wi d el y reflected society and were and the bl es s i n g of her family in society, Pacific in action during the hero fi l m usually the dom inant in S outh in a heroic m an if est s final ly wins culture emotional needs. differences of average means, The music al or high er as long as they other's any that the hero S o c i e t y , the heroine of re l at io ns hi ps popular lovers resolve suitor, partner will func ti on of each b u s i n e s s m a n while their ma rriage. optimistic ing heart important backgrounds, and fulfil that they girl. really as the hero while perform­ forces. Kacially in 1956, and this lac.ifi c. of reality society holds which to be ru.; . .< ..ivb u n d e r t.oe8 > ix ove vaa nuaical chai r.cter 3 of •>:■ - i ■ i’uc'i.-, ..eun:; i« ..nven . hiu Vecc ie von iu !ity j refeil -y antesy. * '-'he by o^ ae rv in * unu ' visi on ani: p e r c e p t i o n r en ti re ly lui.eciive, as t>av «...o ' Ne v e r t h e l e s s of his jrawp the co mmunity 'objectivity', of reality because ' sin. ul is far de e p e r it dec pe ls any rity of ne an i n than ia 1 1 a c 1 • 8 and .. tnat o- Pu:'r‘ xistence’. ,.3 . Na tu r al is e/ tyl isation '..is theo retical Cinema? 'eallty ork cone Andre Bazin ani makes rninr the nature of file, hat__is a d i s t i n c t i o n between draaat.c the itrical reality, ate tint that: "Drama is the soul of the theater but tnis soul s o m e ­ times inhabits o t h e r bod ie . A sonnet, a i a r *.e a La Fontaine , a novel, a film can o.. e their e i ; e c t - ••e ne s> to what nenri douhier calls "fae aromatic cutey o r i e e " . -•roo this point of view it is useless to claim autonomy for the t h e a t e r . •• inat i. to say a play cannot be dra ma ti c - n le a novel i-: : ree to be concede its immense influence and ~loO that the cinet.a is the lea. t . cely of the arts to ( scape this in­ fluence." Th eat ri c al reality aspects perf or man ce . o implies recorded a.-. dra...atic, in the t h e a t r e . not exclusive a co nscious of In other -vorus theatrical ,v virtue Bazin admits to the awareness theatre of i ti thouyh and may the formal reali *y c o m n u n i c 1 in f a thf t dramatic r e a l - V be found is in different • reality may also director uses he visual and to tin musical but the the be seen techniq-- thematic film song and in film, it dance e.. pec: .1 1 ; • eu hr of f orcy round in., to def.mil i a n s e content. Applying this dis tinction is evident th t the plot s e q u e n c e ; are theatrical. is dramatic, cve.it in which the Similarly, or w h i c h any draw An analysis hark' form is conscio us ly visual settings att en ti on which to their b e t w e e n t he d r a m a t i c , is iconography, rand " a g o n theatrical. are n o n -n at ur al is ti c, of V i n c e n t e M i n n e l l i ' s s e q u e n c e from the film The a visual fo re grounded are theatrical. 'Jancing illustrate: in the the d i f i e r e n c and t h e a t r i c a l rea li ty . The oallet r e p r e s e n t a t i o n w h i c h s h o w s h o w the t w o p e r f o r m e r s i n t e r a c t on a n e m o t i o n a l level. They explore the p o s s i b i l i ­ t i e s of t h e i r r e l a t i o n s h i p by t e s t i n g e a c h o t h e r in the n a n c e . E a c h o n e ' s s u b - c o n s c i o u s r e s e r v a t i o n s and c o n e r n s a re g r a d u a l l y r e v e a l e d as t h e i r m o v e m e n t s b e c o m e m o r e e x p r e s s i v e . Minnelli's s e t t i n g is N e w Y o r k ' s C e n t r a l p ar k, it in a n o n - n a t u r a 1 i a t i c w a y , e m p h a s i s i n g and the f o r m a l a s p e c t s of d a n c e . but he p r e s e n t s the t h e a t r i c a l i t y H i s c o n t r a s t of l i g h t a r c d a r k is b o t h s p e c t a c u l a r a n d i n c i s i v e . Cne cannot hexp n o t i c i n g t he b r i l l i a n c e of G a b y ' s w h i t e d r e s s o f f s e t by t he r i c h d e e p b l u e s a n d g r e e n s of c e n t r a l p a r k at n i g h t . The i m a g e f o r e g r o u n d s i t s e l f b e c a u s e it is so s t r i k i n g , message unfolds effortlessly. a non-naturalistic are important Tony (Fred that he ties has been He is selected is not a dancer who 'only' up to her standards, perfect example the s t o w , of popul ar culture. In the final to. styles as she lower their standards, the rhythms While driving disastrous and but each of respect through central reh ea rs al provided session, with a proves they allow them in Tony and Gaby or be sensitive individua l park that artistically. their artistry them must their As a result., clashing with technically and to compromise convinced of his a b i l i ­ presented analysis Astaire of danci-% can merge Neither of them needs other's is, in the in turn, and disinterest. aesth et ic is m show- is unsure is di sdainful and here we are 'high art' is as co mpetent is trained Gaby, e al . in a new a tap dancer and and treats him with coldness T h e i r two e m e r g e f r o m it to perform can m at ch her ca pa bilities. they argue about he t he a t t i t u d e s w h i c h (Cyd Charisse) ballet. w h e t h e r he A l t h o u g h it is a d a n c e s e q u e n c e , to the t w o p e r f o r m e r s and a r e I n h e r e n t l y Astaire) opposite Gaby classical form, and t h e to capabilities. the evening alter a come upon a gr ou p of young ccuplea They wait to join movement the until improvise they dancing they a few to thr music are alone, steps. and dance they can achieve Sty 1 isat ion and Kinn el li out m u s i c a l , even and it after original style where sequences In e v e r y d a y practice, m us ic al genre, c is t. th* any played style, era, Lasis that Gigi was pictured in the musical dramatic for filmed Colette's found in va r y ­ sequences by the formal aspects is also true, and the non than theatrical. one g e n e r a l l y c o m m u n i c a t e s v e r b a l l y C o m m u n i c a t i o n is a l s o u s u a l l y In the c o n t e x t reveals literal m e a ni ng while to s u g g e s t n a t u r a l is a c o n v e n t i o n a l which signals character revelation. the c h a n c e of the c o n n o t a t i o n s a nd l a t e n t m e a n ­ u se d i a l o g u e d i s c o u r s e and t h e s o l i l o q u y conflicting emotions as therefore The converse speech normally the character has o, can coexist. a specific is used than c o n n o t a t i v e . Dramatic works pretensions Cecil Beaton's is re inforced a s o n g is e n c o d e d w i t h c o m p l e x ings. 'high a r t 1 and its he ightened essence t h r o u g h t he m e d i u m of s p e e c h . more denotative Through passages are Ki nn e l l i wrote are more of It is no n - n a t u r al is ti c which content this unity imurxs spectacle. It is core marked of singing and dancing. music al the ha Styliaation the narrative by that they by teg.ii> partnership. of the oem drawings wnich characters. ing degrees. are the aspect aesign concept. the proving charm. upon it is this vital a whole and band. 1 c e 1 a confident the cultural is mar ke d visual is based that the no n -m us ic al (1958) col our and because away of colour and design for Girl them «.inne 3 1 i unites th ea tricality in an arena vivid status, proving outdoor tentatively ol a h ar mo ni ou s 1 popular c u l t u i e 1 stri pp ing ae s t h e t i c is m and an then 'then each together, sty 1 i sat ion of dunce, and o: verbal poetic form By u s i n g t ne s o l i l o q u y , to r e v e a l h i s i n n e r m o t i v e s a n a to the a u d i e n c e . S i m i l a r l y , d i a l o g u e is a s t y l i s t i c c o n s t r u c t w h i c h s e r v e s to s h o w the c h a r a c - e r a p a r t i c i p a t i o n in a c o m m u n i c a t i o n e v e n t . A song can replace eith er of these two dramatic forms, and is 126 usually employed to re inforce strand, or as a vehicle express his through which feelings. is Billy Bi g e l o w ' s w hic h he is due and take action. Billy he imagines does, and President to him proudly that sirable to the The thought instincts teach him moral ly sex and the son will be a girl, tr.irn s become occurs and r.e as her mother, be sotted with h er to his so he re solves and angles is a boy, It suddenly of ha vi n g a girl appea ls ego, possible or "marry his boss's child will opposite His responsibility, to do all she will be as beau ti fu l and his financially, the proul emi. If the child for a c a r o u s e l " . perhaps expects from all States, the a parent. ponders w h e t h e r his United or "bark that issue that he will of the daughter", to into scon have an addea the can the musical becomes prompts him to analyse resolve the ch aracter ex p lo ra ti on to face when he that he will finally or a thematic 's o l i l o q u y 1 from Carousel r e a l i s a ti on an a c t i o n emo ti ona ll y e- fatner. protective to prepare for the himself birth f ms daughter: "I've gotta get ready before she comes, I've gotta make certain that she Won't be aragged up in slums with a lot oi bums like me. She's gotta be sheltered and fed and dressed in the best that money can buy I never knew how to make money but I ’ll try, by Ood, I'll try „ I'll go out and make it, or b o r r o w it, or taxe it, or aie. El iz a Do ol ittle's Higgins' 'Just you wait 'I've grown accustomed 'enry 'iggina' to h < r lace' (tty fair L_a_dv) , n I r— D a ^ ) and M a r i a 's 'I have c o n f i d e n c e ' (The Jound of M u s i c ) more many of the genre's ch a ra ct er M us ic meter structure. and in that the formal which are not d r a w appea ra nc e less Meaning the means :or elements organised attention of rhythm, into a Definite but it difiors to its of being na tu ralistic adherence three soliloquy. is also a c o n st ru ct it does displaying communication. by harmony Language Spee ch has the like', in a musical is c ha ra ct er is ed melody, music revelation songs which provide are to the is created by formal .non own arti.ace. and 'life­ aspects the syntagmatic of and usually emvloyed to re i n l o r c e strand, or as a vehicle express his through which feelings. Carousel is Billy which he is due realisation an act io n 'soliloquy' B i g e l ow 's to face from the musical soon have and take action. Billy he imagines does, and President proudly or "bark that that sirable to the thought instincts financially, It teach him Jtates, the of hav in g a girl ego, morally so he and possible angles child to do all is a boy, the son will things become It sudden.y be a girl, be as bea utiful sex and His or "marry his boss's child will opposite problems responsibility, the ponders w h e t h e r his she will and his from all for a c a ~ous el". perhaps expects The that he will of the United daughter", to him to issue the a parent. an addea the resolve into becomes prompts him to analyse finally the c h ar ac te r can exp loration when he that he will or a thematic r.e resolves de­ * - th r.er tatner. to hit e m o t io na ll y and as her mother, besotted appeals occurs protective to prepare for the himsexf birth of his daughter: "I've gotta get ready before she comes, I've gotta make certa in that she fion't be iragged up in slums with a lot of bums like me. dhe's gotta be shel te re d and fed and dressed in the best that money can buy I never knew how to make money but I'll try, by Cod, I'll try „ I'll go out and make it, or borrow it, or taxe it, or oie. Eliza Doolittle's Higgins' 'I've grown and Maria's more 'Just you wait 'I have of the genre's ch aracter Music structure. in that in a musical communication. (My rair L a d j ), ILY. J R,ir “ V-.V-JL' by the form al which not a pp ea ra nc e leas are elements Meaning of being of organised draw at t e n t i o n adherence themeans i or soliloquy. is also a con struct it does displaying to h< r face' songs which provide and harmony Language Spee ch has the like', many revelation meter 'iggins' c o n f i d e n c e ' IThe bound of Music ) are three is ch ar a c t e ri se d melody, music accust om ed 'enry but into a definite it differs naturalistic by the from to its own art: ace. to the formal is created rhythm, and life­ aspects syntagmatic of and paradigmatic of words gives combinations ia the improvised and relationship there of speech and mutual distrust are ences while their love meant for have content *ho but through song I ’m by is minimum of contrivance • * ‘if' a is reflected modes. while u a by and Central other in the their music Tony Park by opeech in von musical all a use a framed of songs in ravourite You'll the the moral their is of values primary to emotions who which means rely converse you Without expressing of were and repertoire is upon the Rain Uinring ( . he Sound in of the * a 1k Alone ,,anc e Rain) lusic) (C a r o u s e l ) ( .j w i n g 1e n ry .> a i t . ime ■ you (r..y r'air confidence Like L y u e i f Rhythm lady.) Lady) in oneself: (it's A l w a y s (An American Confidence Uiy r u i r 'iggins (The rair „ e a t h e r ) in r a rl_s) und of M u B i c .) love: something I Could've Good (T h e Danced Sound of N.u a i c ) All Night can vast. (My Fair Ladjy) this each of feelings stylistic in about anrer: I Have reveal "You all oppositions those used g e n r e ’s Things Never Gonna I Got differ­ sentence/ are parting: I their sequence rnythm binary while ^ peech myriad as as sincere, and Singing Just to ^athy Joy: Never of their and of h o p e : of use leads resolve and rhythm/metered because impact. subject*., of is in art extension less songs which communication solil< quy/son, , d i a l o g u e / h a r m o n y , which Characters by emphasis of improvi.-ed antinomies are 1low the act suspicion each and and me. and generic and signs, the expressive dancing for inflection lovers as linguistic that resolved. Spcech/lyric, melody the music conflicts by highlighted impression of implies. discourse speech everyday be revealed There are Gigi (G i r l ) You were aeunt, lor and of exuberance and I.:a k e 'em Laugh Good Mo rni ng Be a Clown Th er e are (The m the .-ain) P i r a te) of conflict: A Fine Homance I can do (Swing cele bra tin g songs to cheer ,Vhat do the Simple walking takes (Swing in the antinomy meanings. context the narra tiv e function, ihe hero co m m u n i c a t i o n of which song and If rhythms in In film he elegantly sub conscious embodiment its musica l soc iety's Th ro ug h noise strolls, visions tions and its structu ral and that music affords the Fred todance. O' w:th his his world. reality is subject the world the streets, of he in terms channels st ructured music. invented among rhythms of body. hand in pocket, and of means own a or aestnetic the potential the serves conscious of song and dance, a world which its latent vital and hie of reality finds music city, who's is a thereby wa lki ng Sub con sc io us ly into a tangible create itseli revealing perceives his rel ationships. the expressive mo des c har act ers of y res non in,' to dance serves a poetic film, between communi cat ion genre. categories, dance is that how d a n c e , is always In a similar way Gene Kelly of and the e n v i ro nm en t the visual again, fore gro und s content the mu sic al is body once of the musical while Astair e each to be considered App lyi ng Ja xob sen 's ref er en ti al inherent (Csmelot , It shows form of movement r e i nf or ci ng Time) Folk ao and dancing. sty U s e d one. Up stylistic place (Sw. ng T i m e ) the depressed: Yourself final (/ n,n 1 e -<e t : our— J.un i beauty: Pick The better ii m e y The way you look Tonigh t and th e r.qinj (J i n ,:in/ in the rtain) (dinging songs in zeat: A n y t h i n g you can do songs (d inging qc in response the musicai to their own to their relationships. cars and turmoil ol him a strong awareness pe rc e p ­ Astaire a disco rd an t of self and -V - 131 environment. In the from place The place to hero discovers it through his itself into a city Jun. rhythm amonpst i m a g in at io n pattern. and dunce to his emotions Viith in the formal rarely rendered w hich The results latent a is world One speech. the purpose ardent to declare his love a simple lilting sympathy of his with uses meloay to c om ple me nt to the i c o n i c , fornal actding complexity techniques. aspects contained in to of the songs lyrics are of ordinary r or audience for instance, bj the phrases evoking the he r o i n e ' s to win of His techniques performance the film, their praises respect in and the its while visual tracking camera. The is enhanced almost 'Dancing by like in the Dark' an eavesdropper, se nsitive editing, intense content. while a emotion, by a slow sequence the subtle m ov em en t of of c i n e ­ and aural is reflected content. capacity is always by b r i s k , sharp of ballet s i m ul ta ne ou sl y powerful of a c h a r a c t e r can c o m m u ni ca te lyricism of a song add a vast array use of tne camera emphasizes incorporated to the na r r a t i v e and display is com plemented poised the illust ra te med iu m situation and the me lodious camera, are aspect. as opposed po it. his and s i g n i f i c a t i o n film as an artistic Band " agon revealed q u a s i - p o e t i c , lavish the cinem ati c Vincente k i n n e l l i ' 8 films and vent audience. the directo r close-up shot to give is speci fi cal ly is g ua ran te ed by A tap dance it The hero who sings enre, to the tightly their a thematic suitor find performance that u nf ami li ar will is an a li en at in g device the audien ce is in s p i r a t i o n an acc ep ta bl e medium. our experi enc e In the musical matic into its and alienates and disgust. ch a r a c t e r is very by films of re in for ci ng the heroine's scorn are of listen of the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s c or res po nd - he n they of son* decoded for the mu si c a l fa mil ia r and to look and them oi noise. to st ructure is a source Jong in an awa reness merely accepted. it rush by fi l t e r i n g of m u s i c , emotions sen timental. of the cac ophony discord the musical struc tur e be writt en ho cares allow its form and must the and a l l o w i n g by c h a nn el li ng conten t at r a n d o m , people a , a i n . t a ba ckg rou nd for m u s i c , an i anyone it. car^ move of ~ he of M i n n e l l i 1s acutely aware ol . by L.cre stylistic cup hvirccny o: this cler-ent . iiich :.uds to tr. v i u ,,i scene. Jcnf i ic t/:.' . olution An in t e re st ing opposition k^co:..e. the v.aye in . hie:, dif ferent to s i t ua ti o n s to ve rbalise appsrvnt cate. orie.. .ind es.oti ... • one cons ide rs ch ara cte rs of •he n o n — m u sic al feel in.,3 in o r d e r his v.hen chare respond ter st temp * 3 rational!. ■ them to in terms . 1 or ignore an event v.hich f .11- out.: ice cf nio perceptions of » selfch a r a c t er q range of com lex /.ill net them. interprets ignore and learns (The •.n and into impulse, in order tnroupn d a n c e , .me., f 0 cu 0 . »»ie ...u^ica^ feel in 3 , but to rain expression* imagination world re 1 ity emotions these Instincts allowed his .re never facets used • ven objects \ ) , do battle ianci o: '•* fence, that h#1 can tr a n s f o r m a hats tar. ~ ■.n d but are to feed tr.e li mi tations of h u m a n er - ..nar-Cwei and experiences repressed ..motions are to tran sc en d di sc o v e r new ex plores brings the t;.e visible - red .-.staire dancing ilk ball" partner >center t r. ra,d_e; n can be mode to have ne meanin,.. ard need not be . each phenomena ,.hlch make., up our reality, has svveral different • partner, live., on the the capacity dancer. as his perfect ...ti’enrt to tr a n s f o r m Without partner, it o »•.;>t.•irt n from Antairt , the hatut it is th< balance, essence - o. ;. < i.vr< .. , he has inanimate object, m. o: a ..irror c t A . tairv into a is only a h a t s t a n d ,but , race, elegance and hiurt 1 . • Rea on an 1 rat io na li ty churncterii. e the untalent, u cuai -c *• .s who attar pt to explain the experience, and what will create order they present perceive m terms 01 their to b • . 1natural in their exis te nc e even where . it is pus*, -he^ in­ i;3 app ropriate. The Sound house a barracks a mi litary outfit. march whistl e where and in a dare extremity All treats not speak of this of life, back stylised. creating snifts to the In direct to the Captain, impulse Unlike rigid contrast and lifestyle characters into wh ic h identity and c o mp ro mi se is subject pared has only to take even been heard demands the quiet Trapp's children that The they have instincts 'sing heard sacrificing what His a result of his personal by with what is common and film the She ' rea 1 ^t is pre­ She teaches von is shocked to find governed of involved when some­ hesit at io n experience the future. are better they will they content Characters o partly xoo many they alreaay have. to their ex pe rience. b.v to improve his life, If he believes and as a result out to sing. bet without with ..aria an institution which risks possesses. gamble to 1 arm a is a gamlier, a desire his of 'late for chapel' . or learned for som et hi ng thing and gain notning, when instincts. Maria's perception. to part with what by striving the wor-d values, growth and wealth courageous people are reluctant fear that music songs is worth g a ini ng he makes regret. of submerge their individual and to co ns id er he already led by her inhabitants. of a music al wait fantastical in the abbey', of its and moti vat ed does not always thing they must to appreciate nevei sense is a creature is is repeatedly respect hero or h e ro in e keen He to she their personal and as a simple to make Maria who use to her own vision risks, in its a p p e a r ­ ..hat begins ana *ne limits. in c o nd uc t i n g her life the untal en ted proclaiming results bizarre fu rthest they announce into the line. patterns it is taker. t% its in sailor j-n the sequence loudly behaviour' i.e. runs his dressed them to L a n a a pace highly to are hailed with a turn. a step forward, 'ra tional ana existence, von Tra pp them are out of introd uc es reference his ch il dr en as he would seven of retreating theatrical one's and by taking t hei r name and or de ri ng ex em pl if ie d with 'c r o c o d i l e ' formation, the C a pta in t he ms elv es ing is best of ...usic in w hi ch C a pt ai n like suits, This They xose e v e r y ­ themselves stagnate when they believe th t they !.«ve ..c *«. ved the .t that . frcn this refuoal to believe to offer n per., ii. troti that n of myths society The Lovers' re elution tion uug 1 * f e h a a a OLie tLln., Lac >■ of t . eriencc t hr ou gh ou t hos no i..e of re j ectin in tne musical tares the rer.re. society, .erpe- because tnem. for:., of conflict Ac ordin. and di.tru. t resolver better gene ra te t h e levels of *11 discour, e often pic i v th:»t to ,eneric i'. .elf wrthrn the and conven­ two • in the love ation from relati nship naivity woman ho od . The etandinrs, ana the w o m a n undergoes to a a r e n e s s , in other words love dance in which characteristically ritual in w h i c h the reveal the aepth true partners ot In storm and taae shelter in n covered "A Lovely vtiy" . by conflict advances. and .__y . tneir em otions , ..ale and Jerry Until no. mle ..hen he to t *r. court sh.p responses fe*. -ing bandotaud fcr and i.. a slew are caught -n a j.a*.r. the sequence their rel .ticnahip has has shunn ed begins and to any n a s un de r- with a complex each other's trusting way. girlhood they resolve begin; test a transform­ been marked all Jerry's heavy -h an de d to ;.er, she softens and • listen ..hen he c urt become “hey so engrossed Jo yfully her an a invite. in their dancin.. release r to dance . and the;.ae Ive *. n m soon in encn other accept they *hat the possibilities . • won and C a t h y ’s initial meeting t, have need tc impre..a each of t h e m s e l v e s . other ana they ..'hen they finally i m p r e a s icne are cast eu inc una truthfully and film making presented of the genre expression. create dance they clouded by their false impreesione togethei these false re. P o n ci to o n e unot.aei sensitively. In the m u si cal overtly been make there is very little in the narrutiv. > but dance an acc ep ta bl e Gene Ielly'n embracint love- the conventions equivalent dance with vyd u* vharisse of sexual in the * 3 road v/uy ,iiiy tho B u l l e t ’ uucwt; the who naive ravishes hio, and the irexp rienceu cmun in and Kelly is a., a Hyiabol o i her sec n.l role • ± . . e .e n v ^o then ab andons purity and . ant view unaware of v/one r<• o...* n crea tu res who their desires an. physical aspect the lover's cation, truly need fulfil the cl 3 fulfilment m a x i m u n ci nematic do not im- >. •• ■ u s. uc.i s : ivy sex >*■•-. strong a'-le partner to aw&*en • their sexual ne e s c • xml and cxjarieuce unity ct. express unders ta nd re or. in a syntolic is he ig h t e n e d nose who uo not ■ orid. a- nee, Consequently dance, and afforded their total characters, their couching j by nor do tney impli­ -hey car.no>, ae . sense will of physical fulfilment, achieve cooplete in their musical genre c el eb ra te s Although relati on shi ps the with purest it; character!, ed by carir. to another's physical opposite s e x . i orr. of ^ u .— Ihe love ana shews , respect • sensitivity films that in r . p o n s e to a certain need society' are marked cultural \y n dense inherent in the narrative the formulae and mode. The st ru c t u r a l i s t a grid rf possibilities conventions model the c o m ;iex the structural c o n t e n t , as v.ell as of is valuabl upon which attitudes, and .'hio e x a m in at io n h *3 focu. cd upon relationship, isolating provided r nd reflect the finest genre narrative . the and talented needo. mu si ca ls were in society, those who are e.n,otionu* , spiritual, filment that love while this y u pular because narrative it culture provides content can , and how meani ng has I y ex amining the medium, and been encoded iiuwlicutiono real is in found in the musical music and th.-t the genre into of us in binary re. sit from 'natural' discourse, it. music ae an expressive oppositions w;iic;> are the juxtaposition we can finally strike of at tne NOTES 1. 2. C h a t m a n , S e ym ou r Hawke s , Terence Story ibid. pg 18 4. ibid. pp 11 - 15 Hrd idge, uIck 6. Hawkes, 7. ibid. 8. Levi-Strauss, 9. Hawkes, Discourse PR 19 Structuralism 3. 5 . and subculture Terence op. cii. and -,emiotic_s PR I7 : :he k e a n i nR of Style pg 13 pg 131 - 132 pp 52 - 53 C The Savage Lind Terence 10. ibid. 11. Kitzes, 12. Solomon, 13. Schatz, 14. H a w k e s , Terence 15. flood, Michael 16. Bazin, op. c i t . p 26 3 p 52 pp 52 - 5 3 Jim S Horizons Beyond Thomas Anare "cst Formula Hollywood op. cit. p 11 American Hilm Genres Genres pp M - 8b America attn? Movies. flhat is C l n e u a ? p 81 P !«. CHAPTER 4 SWING TIME Conflict : CO NF L I C T AND R E S O L U T I O N and re solution a n Rogers musica l displays this It adheres lovers about vital to the become each films ch'ir.ic teriutic and M a r k Sand rich's generic love/hate, involved other and the c a s e , conflict and Ginger Rogers tion duo were made they have to grace are m u t u a l l y arises have .ne resulted the screen. and individual physical as and Rog er s ccess talents. is not Astaire They iheir success of movement. together two artists as a combit.—* song and dance artistically films, helped they to lay elegance, voices. The the they combine on all their levels, other peri ecti,\ grace, is a result one ol wit a m energy and .luid- the sum oI exciting shocked genre to compromise was a perfectionist, that and each interact each the musical of his w o r k . in a way Doth their which perfectly m a t c h e d . of Astaire, Astaire to define. than Rogers, Regers co mm un ic at e turn, as he was not the sheer genius responded they so complement ity standards. and films their ca pa b i l i t ie s as solo and joined artistic the greate st ease with whi ch their With the arrival an- ex ce pt i o n a l, si ng in g none have matched flows from and resolves successful is difficult more tne e ff ort le ss and mental. parts and is usually of the genre. their but extremely Com mer ci al ly a d e q u a t e , although not artists, living, as partners ni p of Fred Astaire in nine ,,uperb d a n c e r s , Astaire for the of confused aitituaec their 1 9 3 C 1s musical ic of Astaire reason strongly. formula, distrustful. in everyday been accl ai me d the foundations a, identity for the r.aaio Corporation, a success, The mi st a k e n ..wing ^ ice. (1D36 / , particularly in a complex web •.self in song and dance. which were oppos it io n of the Astaire/ He was suddenly his personal and nc one wixl inspired the Hollywood took an dispute and his audience film i n d u s t r y . / 139 Quick tage to jump on the bandwagon, they of this new success formula to Astaire's and Roger's credit films was art istic The Astaire and found merit persona was enormo us In each film he blonde. cast the is always Asta ire 's hero He take risks and will be lived. he makes anyone us believe live s y n o n y m o u s , and to the Lucky (Astaire) to gain sacrifice, are most casual good .re gi.t c. of a situation, does. from can if they care or an out­ a sensitive, and i. He is prepared to In a others how life effortless breathing, d a n c e , anyone to listen, lives. in­ the unfamiliar. to him as dances, ger re, debona.r an innovator, w a y , he shows relevant He takes cugh„ can sing, anyone, ^n -iving and dancing are by implication, proves This films and I4 ' message depression. upon c their nces with hi* one must be thn* have. fate one lives life idealistic struck lives, but life and prepared attitude to risk are that those who is cha racteristic a sympathetic those shows us If one does make chord and hope was people who were Those who the comraon-place always supports of fulfil me nt their true feelings rewarding but not with one might already to the Am erican a national improve is a gambler, ceserving. audiences. The away like Astaire Astaire of most musical more their the pert-wisecracki rv aspect true happiness, what happiness allow plays that anyone if one .s full. material w o r l d . that familiar, it until he as eary can hear music s h o r t , can the not shy It is it tne American cineragc* r s . but simply very g e n t l e , persuasive to with every explores ol the musical ordinary man who has understa nds he doesn't he in none of is never or a social misfit, sight. that first Rogers h u m o u r e d , e s se nti all y p o s s i b l e , and ever c o m p r o m i s e d . sympathy m a n - a b o u t - t o w n , while as took as much ad va n­ caught in the particularly in the grip of untalented will never who sing and dance, to be expressed, will enjoy and a richer life. name Lucky Garnett is obviously signified in the film, and in terms end . his of the Astaire Although inherent finally his he he may luck will his rather than have When their love The of a powerful correct visual York as as time Lucky impression daughter. his fortune He takes his father Lr Cardetti steadying attracted to h e r . later, amends he decides prove that he friend along with him, in Lew :ork,he instructress one balance and left completely expertly t i mis ju dg e and fall that dance, over. wh at ev er ■et u on Penny and applies that she pretends stumble The only and Astaire respects Penny grows impatient with him played, own persona but enough lose his the. we is fooled that Astaire in whateve r to know perseveres "Nothing's impossible I have found For when my chin is on the ground I pick myself up, dust myself off start all over again." to watch sc elegant!), person who never accept that he over the finally tr.is ii becomes ironic absorbing and J 1 there can be no mi staking could of F u r n e s s 1e is inn. * d 1 a t overtly right, c h a ra ct er he his to go to Lew chances Astaire ironic his to be as a companion and insists > timing a performance. is P e n n y , we the audience, cannot whe 1 1 foot with executed are witne ss in g and of the mo genre, has ^;.e and c o n f i d a n t e , or surrogate .'he follows to d a n c e . Unfo rt­ Lucky spends is worthy In order to meet her again, is unable guilt, to the daughter the wedding ceremony nhile of the musical by past Betty F u r n e s s . leaves his his steps, tainted fortunately, lessons and most simple and bride waiting at good sequences as losing her to be married for dancing him confuse his is aptly named risks to the studio teacher. that that he and (Singer Hope r e ), a dance ensure to create ('lop'), influence. senny, adjusting his suit In order to make to make too, businessman, and is cirl, fulfilling. it transpires preening in the claim her withou t is about for too lonr and abandoned. Penny and r wins in himself love com premised pure always be loainr for her and and wealthy so much the altar their Lurky belief turn. love remains but to he can eventua lly film opens unately, appear opt imi sm and even gambles events. persona. film this. singing. By statin#- t n 1 s , -enny own character. ties but Jhe too, overcvzney like Astaire, them. ch a r a c t e r and appealin' to the her father and in life. Finally loses all though, ineptitude exchange and sends attempts Lucky The she capabilities. start felt He invites their re 1 a t i o n s h i : is complex. est and Lucky allows shows what she as soon as they desirable He m an ip ul at es ..ar. .rich's So without the generic caused this to a and baiancea, dis ­ pent-up true with him and that from the harmonious talent use their ana to its full ­ pa rtnership of film irony and fa mi l i ar "e is is ex ce p­ of the genre. formula, that conven tio n structure, complete overhears all the as a c o ns eq uen ce the c nv en tio n upon others of ac hieving as a dancer. to dunce to seem to allow relies is a splendid to exhibit her and works in upper class repress nis to aance is capable and natural. tionally successful a dancer, Penny start him perfectly who the manag er es s how much fo llowing dance Penny far . etty, unwittingly by showing while watching she, rude and unhelpful of A s t a i r e 1r talents which a ll evi at es tension we have than Her m a n a g e r e s s realises what he has taught him. that patience with ^ucky's her for being to rectify matte rs Fenny has know him away. and dismisses customer. play i enny dif fi cu l­ ly ex tension refuse i.; her str ength anu like him to guide her realise audience takes about her who accepts 3 1 ra iph t away we from d i sa ppo int me nt society. a ,;reat deal is an optimist, is a talented stro nr er and more shelters i o revealinf Aytaire as to be transgressed. that specific irony could not work as successfully. This sequence of conflict result also m a n if es ts and resolution. and while they be resolved. Immediately fa 1 1 away they and know that e v e n i n g , apartment, he amuses when start Himself dance, the jenny by playing they lovers all belon. are alone the in this film is a through which their conflict to dunce, ultimately Lucky and of expressive mode cannot they that op position .he conflict of them using a naturalistic to communicate Later the central other cannot problems together. in lenny's piano and singing while shr* shnmpoos her hair "The way you clearl y a celebration of way that he It of cl arifying al is also and obvious not. Betty, as dancers that since in s h a m p o o , the about enters but he nist ideally snampoo beautiful. and mi staken the The conflict which so-called intensifies song on; results dance, indifference that she circulation. insisting from that cannot groomed sings covered this paradoxea are by conventional in her hair a m but she even then reinforce the sense essential repertoire. the In be singing to a lover, illusions accepting to this The pr ot ag o­ which u n d e r ­ this Lucky to resolve romance. to her try the situation He has been both himself leads in best in to conflict re la tio nsh ip with Penny .nd refuses remarks the the wrong medium expresses nis as real, is suffering c om mu ni ca ti on to break .then she to respond to her that she is cold, he fla:ping her arms to speed up her Jhe moves closer they walk around fathom his new tn err. his should app ea ran ces wh e n Lucky, who but he chooses In order sugrests to taunt Penny cn ce ,at te mpt s without overtures. Penny to Penny. fmm the crisis. romantic blood to change, paradoxes which should reveal., day deceitful, and u n h a p p i n e s s . he feigns not 1r e a l ' world . of a guilty c c n s r to resolve compatible nead Lucky ouc h and the following and a appeara nc es which are extricate himself which are song a sublime c h a r m . of strange still her. the room entranced. in the Antaire/Ro.-ers lie unfaithful about begs Penny enters is is Lucky's of his jenny si t u a t i o n of having is also an ironist, pangs she is singi ng room with film and others and else, should appear c o r re ct ly of irony He of broken co nv ent ion s. the remains Lucky and there are a numb er Betty, practice feels the subject linger rtogers maintains then, result is and looks nor her char ac te r and while he in the unglamorous scene jenny ideal m a t e . . obliv iou s to anyone 2ven loveliness knows and because they are n e i t h e r her ienny'a look Tonight" sudden to him vigorously. change him singings "A fine romance with no kisses fine romance my friend this is and he moves away Un erstandably, of attitude and begins „ e should be like a couple of hot toaatoes But you're as cold as yes te rd ay 's mashed potatoes..." and leaves s it ua tio n Lucky's feeling hurt to her and deceit. and she confused . feels losing her, that he decides she has learned to the still m o r e . Penny and that he has presumes ings lie reversal and ends with Each the 'r e a l ' and discourse. While rel ationship will to a climax of the use via that deceives her really does renny's about love her true feel­ sudden to are taikin, resolution . his cinematic the twin again shows and not "A and are is primarily both it is ol i.e. that extent song l e v e l s , physical, the sequence mental, emotional Although striking because therefore directly referent hnve object has -*•u also been become g e n r e , dancing and visua. an a a u ii b a.e , audible, have As an ex f reisive medium, and subconscious. they appear it ket aph or and hearing. one of examples to occur simult aneously "Never Gonna unnc e " music discourse. ultimately generic. vrirarily synonymous with co mmunication* this co mm u n i c a t i o n it si>ht the musical and their suspicion. successful ludible and to some visual lancing and purticulirly channels of realism in the r usical sequence and to the analogue, been that line Romance", the cn racteriet ics of the which the other's motives ia one of the most and suspicious :e found in n o n - n a t u r a 1 i .tic ea -1 ier scene and and appearances have once are In the context music allows loveis the genre is both visual transferred become surface of film metaphor, is specifically dance ol to sing: be clou,, ed by conf.ict "Never donna .,ance". singing, turn been mi st ake n they si* u;.1 1 jr. in the another. u n wi tti ngl y that he thought ’•e is unaware of them distrustful truth. un d e rs tan din g implies further, trifled with her while his both has and perceived accept love. ol romance with no clinches romance with no pinches..." as in film, truth and even the true because to bear tne it is his neither know leads ieel are his cannot accepted I he unable of attitude other. true and situ at io n r’ailln.- to u n der st and sequence of the the alienated elsewhere. "A fine A fine The even more To complicate Lucky has a chan-’e of heart -top's explains is a metaphor to be on many u ° 1n ‘or tne just danc.ng, , , co mmitment because and c o m p a t ib il it y their dune in as luv etm,. reveals 1 hey the e ..ential fceion beauty together r.f their relationship. respite Lucky 1 . to accept to that v-etty, and understand ouli l ... he -a morall y end his tnat ucn oi' h.s love for l e n n y , he iu force- bound to fulfil re la ti o n s h i p with his com-itrnent 1enny. their loving ...ust end because Loth of them as a musical • deep sense of c n v i c t i o n and l o y a l t y , so he is bound by his word even if he must happiness. Ienny al.o to stand risk sa cr if ici ng h.s own and real..:: and accepts 1e n n y 1s L u c k y ’s dec ision and • fully, her, Lucky replies Penny qua lifies that the she .oe , nd sensing that he means question by ad di n g "the girl that you . Asking if a man', strange -action, logical myriad Does future wife one. but Underlying share his ship successful? tive the person? they it la an acceptable .ctual mam if eo t me nin. -hich con vic tio ns Are beau tif ull y may seem a ithin the genre of other quest ion s she dances e im; lied an. .cyalty? are a by the first - Is their r e l a t i o n ­ sexually com; atitle? ..ill she fulfil his and Is she a s en si ­ emotional needs? I enny is all • but the rel ationshi strengths. between I enny can Lucky and rutty has none bt> r.-ttiafie . in kn< .in of these that Lucky love. , Taking the metc. 1. r a ote; furth r Lucky sings "Never donna Lance" a c o m i c /tra, ic oon< in which he declares that he .ill • iu hi., vital means fice amounts ing will of his of < prune ion, to emotional be devoid impendin and good-hum our of all uuirid.. b. c force-, such a sa cri ­ \ ill be a ive, true mcanin, . t ra, euy and ainringi his 11 ut w e n but liv­ in the face l o s s , he main vuins his dignity "To Groucho l-.orx I'll rive ir.y cravut Io Harpo goes my s* iny s ’lk hat." H o w e v e r , the amplify its comic un derlying ar d sym pathetic climax to this be last the implications of sequence time, is pure and Dance has and they confusion each their f u t u r e . other with they are living The perfect da nci ng embrace and Rogers dance success perform one dances had Th» lay and 1 n rt'.'rfo ("The in Ilyin/ can provide sense, perfect the viewers musical and life is immediately bombastic and Lucky needs lightening. tempos realised and After each the repeated Tor resolves and vital steps, that '*hey ask and 1 iccolino" ) sounds in this waltz son* the atmosph ere the band to to be excit­ and make reuking away performing in the contra di ct io n absorbing. tr.an the After it from zest listening an Italian ana ordinarily requires, of the res tnurant play a waltz is eventually of their combined Although formula they move with a joy and a waltz display set the impact which the itself rhythm. the of their a t ("The riogers tan e a simple sentiment protests of exuberance. to Rio in t e r m s , but infectious decide is a stunning talents. "--altz in Jwing Time" Ricard o Romero Penny film a u d i e n c e , is R.K.C. Astaire ing Ricardo's aow: which Astaire c’ancin/. Yam"). injected with mon* ings effectively production number which conventional wa ltz dance and cease by implication, of their c o m b .ned of a co ntr adi cti on '..wing', with new to the they in the deepest internal ("The Continental"), different dunre. which of their situation. such huge upon ..ivorcec something the .ueir r e l a t i o n ­ "><altz in owing Time" before a large Am eri can audiences ing conflict, . enr.y ana Lucky j irtners and of "The Carioca" included of two believe will previous and when alive aware the they their lives to stay duet a breathtaking display these end to partners. impressive films all reality . ogether, the means provide is resolved. the a parting To serve acutely for what in their dance tr.-n:.cenus replaced become loss. dunce danc in,-, they meta fh c ricallj destroy and we their mutual m is u n d e r s t a n d i n g ana ship pathos of the son.-, only played. talents and s t i f l ­ .heir and f e e l ­ they have a captive audience, unl ike music Ricardo, and it is unnecest try, all each other. out being and deep sense of non-ver bal reveals the sets and easy each of us su bc ons ci ou sl y places rationalise our constraints can be b r o k e n . technically co mpetent stand and lives, artistic this and it try. is are around isolated there are characters juxtaposed with elegant, of his talent, and life ani by of the dance its and a w a r e n e s s « films like is prove that be as the is stunned fail these point is at their to under­ living will allow are them similar in structure revealing text. talent and these are persona formulaic and of true, completely can be Consequently, Astaire's o; extent he by his to ccm- m .ny other genre musicals is indicative reflective is able but to define and oppositions which true dc not . res trictions He to dance, as t.*e remains pure his in control command o constant ::usical ot o ? excellent m o r n • convictions. rut to a certa in from oy their dance seem ef f o r t ­ interesting and implication, a character living. removed is, Yet also. exhibit He to. but they content of each who f 1ms. Lucky to life and sauve Husic-t-.an is highly in each command those who as no one else one will never of binary in the n a rr at ive is a visual and L u c k y . and H o - e r s , but Iney, a series some- limits upon what we will Their audience both of the.ie films. able s a y , is able ac hi evements, P .re some built ;enny they mako 1 erhaps as Astaire fulfilment and between jenny and I,:any of the other As ta ire /Ho ger s to Swing Time i nis our constraints that an open attitude to achieve step they learn the me ta r.nor of aance they are they e impose the risk and tneir mutual harmony other. and fluidity Everyo ne try and a c h i e v e . each is the conce ntr ate d w i t h ­ them apart from society, os walking. physical and feelings less to take in every new of performing what grace expresses attitudes, underlying F u r t h e r m o r e , it elegance, and themselves display is capable .'he dance of unity, about they need It is fu lf i l l i n g and indulgent. thinr new that r.is nis daily is an outsider to society, extraordinary sensitivity to mock social ap pearing bitter or a g g r e s s i v e . In g wing c ontrasts sharply with Ricardo Romero's institutions without 1me his own stiff talent posturing. And upon entr rin.’ a socie ty d i s c o m f o r t , pretending top hat and cane. persona as an top hat with only his of This sequence to once in at home again n e w spa pe r displays he of mtn's is not loud and atmosphere. the easily any exhibition are expected surroundings. is noisy .his angered are and bold any and Oa of individual r.is In -_q2 for social norms * o tre iolds irritation obnoxious. totally -hen as he destroys the calm, jab at the status and and illuminating. there In this Heal peace -he of calmness. to be sociable, rarefied ex pression to normal prestige quiet and c o m p o s u r e . impre ss io n presumably upset. to conform that he is benefit obvious m a nn e r • destroys patrons are * e know h e r e , only a false imbalance the Astaire uses his care and d is re sp ec t both humourous to be found Alt hough nis a place for his for the in any to tap dance and c l u b s , is sli gh te st normally f e i< n s an exclusive m e n 1 l c 1 -ib and p a t r o n s , hr starts sa nctified enters in a elderly leaves, he find r ei nfo rc es be uncomf or ta bl e as u e r r y , he the --ay J l v o r c e e , he eleganc e an i dexterity. a u d i e n c e , Astaire when, .he thnt he cannot i r o n i s t , since pretending H a t , he pi-rty in atmosphere, is frowned standards they upon. Patrons of quiet and discrete cehaviour. Jerry's pursuit of vale Tremont evokes her ann oyance of sctr.c social eh ip is both u n f a mi li ar and to conflict holds her vigil. But Jerry resolved when he prisoner at first dances in a taxi and is not in the canoe was mutual mistrust similarly unconven ti on al rather than her afl ection. a wealthy young w o m a n leads is standing 3 , his unwelcome. noisily she brash coui t- ner by his constant of "A lovely vay" there and is where their f i l m s , dinger hogerc Ei th e r she girl. Each is a f r ust ra ted of these v u l ne ra bi lit y which iVhile she appears plays socialite characters one of two c h a r a c t e r s . or a vulnerable is marked chorus oy her essential is hidden beneath a caustic conf id en t there is not. al lection and trust. In it in the room abo^e hers, irritates suspicion, i.- Inevitably dauntc i, their initial conflict sequence and aince ana and sell-assured, repartee. she lac its the 143 zero's a e ’th of awareness and needs him realise her he allows To g e t h e r full full potential. bhe embody life and all express that in Swing T i m e , . •enny does use medium. the Lucky full what and truly is of aance inherent enjoy life. for living a the medium is a dance potential reveal, him to love while is neces sar y it t h r o u g h Although not teaches her to unleash her feelings they to awaken and of dance. instructress she as an expressive in her, but not exploited. Penny's opposite businessman. extension is Betty rurne Lucxy's shallow, accepts it w ithout in her eyes Astaire's ardent suitor who in any real and moving. existence extreme. He of his desires. lover and on the rebound and when it that in his of Other musica l and Penny, that she scenes their of comic ow.. mutual their love bickering. However, Lixewise, Penny's but lacking it is with a voice that oi it is with pe r­ expression so as breathing and is both excessive and itself in his could ..hei never into on him. being late He is late importance. not quite Anderson the Although ho seizes Penny be happy with him, kicardo of than the object position as a svurned sympathy by mirro rin g fulfilment. compatible for her, is synonymous love sense and babel relief successful. sings, tricks characters who are 'Pops' himself ially Penny belongs is to prove own suffering. own vanity and are Bhe but sht prai.e with claims her and of his and is by prejudiced is as natural for the weddi nr we can waste no because ana is a means it in love we know Lucxy insensitive. Son,: for him Ricardo wallows delights talent iir-.e is Ricardo Romero, courtship is mere of a wealthy laden with sentiment, for Astaire Ricardo's usical If Lucky Although he insincere. to his ana lavish with smooth and formance while no be finan in Bw in/ emotion. immediately vital question. i. the daughter is restrictive then he must orjcsite so honeyed fianc£ has pretentious to a co mmunity which s, .10 obvious who as Lucky provide various lovers and achieving they are blissful is fraught with domestic they are completely and squabbling at ease with each and other end de li ght ful ly and a w k w a r a , but with this loving th*y are la t e - f 1 owe r m g The no n- mu s i ca l Yheir c a n c i n t: is c 1 uir.sy obviously characters are ma jor ity of characters who ne ith er appe ara nce s in the For to base one's blurs seek knowledge truths, is not ' * ose who lives because a secure in terms belonging a part 'r e a l 1 have of the world but dangerous and what other ard the is in their interests this as own ex is t Individuals make sense it fulfils As uilre and rely life on the characters to live collective identity which hegers strength fully. proper e end provides of their have a sense of their desire to be only need to belong of their individual They do not panders as it to do so. identity. and upon powerful their structure been is f a n t a s y . are clearl y defined, of a larger s t r u c t u r e , they to that in it defines of s o m e t h i n g . to each and perception is real if it and t h e r e ­ believe belong to the upper classes accept ■ right, them with them dance Those who only misgu ide d iml institutions to reinforce 3in,- nor the vast re co gnition with u n d e r s t a n d i n g . and between what of the film's comprises them as natural, trap of equating ' edges nhere 'reality'. and accept caught so-called ihis commu nit y in false contenteu ± oreser. tative community. believe and love . internal fore happy require to itself that by creating rules for living. Astaire can demystifies be stronger to be found through for greater the means his exploration to achieving he creates proving this and there and only respond with his w o r l d , and always When arriving reality, turmoil strives recep tiv e Ast aire's provides zy filtering and chaos. one might fly dancing he in New Y o r k , Lucky for music. He questioning imagin." t ioz. cf to dance whe rever it. individual is a deeper reality discovery. personal through an active, and accept that the fulfilment and music order and meanin g out invitation inspiration by society and self-awareness perceptions is an than his world and one must is always in touch to whet finds world be, Thert it might offer. the city's mayhem an is never silent and he allows a bounce to escape his Perhaps to slip into his s trice and lips. Astaire's most in s t i t ut io nal iz ati on from the a very film in which he society twenty male dancers who invitation attack upon society and is to be found ■'o r Hat prestigious si gn ificant as an item in a show and the to his The sequence Initially he appears the thought of society's play his the action. as an i jciety. the main plot, destr oy in g Although for who would expose: The notion The Gay trying all that believe that By shooting judgement the upon invitee, then becomes on the c h o r u s , gun and shoots identity is supposedly the earlier scene vitally twenty ana strong c h o r u s , Astaire demands adherence regular meetings which entrench a certain meets Astaire aauaintances and falls and members behaviour ideology. its m e s s a g e . is also examined in is an unhappy wife husband. .n the in love with him. of the its own existence reinforces Ginger hogers to divorce her fait hl es s to play wit hi n a film effectively simultan eo usl y in which deified to its to redefine Jivorcee unrelated the ill-at-ease necessary a society which social which as a sanctified, needs of acceptable them in the men's practices and the event and to that Astaire has advocated are of the but is framed as a play within institution they song: is expected - lie dancing which to mind The foreground ing device alienates in which he the n a r r o w m i n d e d , the wealthy conventional by having of the film, It recalls existence. pronounces event 'reads' is but another one the collective this it reinforces club where he this turns of it's formal, to have b e e n that theatres He 'improvised' as if it were a machine structure throughout. centre upon him sinister as finally he symbolically to the pleased part and don his costume. raises his cane forms dawns self-erected increasingly all, rather is framed dances with a chorus reinforce audience sequence receives an invitation to event. Astaire in a memorable "Your presence is requested this evening, A top hat, white tie and tails..." slowly a whistle upper class process Various she triends, pass judgement upon her because indulges in she is still 1 i m m o r a l 1 behaviour. her husband agrees a d u l t e r y , and it finally for a number hidden truth scene for while he would Society himself finds Astaire's of years the see of the file abounds unjustly ^his in society, accused he tries of a just acceptable Ho, e r a ' honest successfully their friends. hypocrisy wich the h u mi lia tio n of that he has been but has ana his wife adultery and the end c o m e ; tc light from his wife aptly uncovers to spare At w o m a n , and opanly to divorce her on the grounds unfaithful the a married public as long as relaticnshii trial. it is discreet, is frowned upon and cendecned . In an analysis of the m u s i c a : sequences Time an important to provide vital a climax oppositions illusion and the point lovers in which conflict dance are central and because that true of all musical which numbers content. factors Considering the are apparent. ism in the c o m m un ica tio n nc n- na turaliotie modes facts, and content. others physical or not they are revealed "The in which and compatible Using impact and meaning. although are of the narrative each testing indicating whether *h e latent content is of expression. is framed the content i,hen Lucky celebrates his song thematic a number of follows, responses, lovers. in out a deliberate is a soliloquy which in "A Fine Romance" those replaced n a t u r a l ­ impact she This to their own a r t e ­ plays this medium gives both physical and mental, modes Song and dance attention he leads and and between with the main stylisaticn has via a ncn-nat u r a 1 io t i r mode song. especially Up" Astaire no reality opposition model, emotional Way You Look Tonight" its form, films, draw the can be experienced. afford maximum In "Fie/ Yo urself embodies conflict the d i s c o u r s e . which sim ultaneously courtship ritual the binary of each All integrated Firstly them is used, it is in the expressive reality are of to the film, resolution. is characteristic the musical Each the narrative and is rc.olved of song and is revealed. of the film dv. ing lenny's by greater loveliness, is sincere and truthful. he appears not to care about her And and evokes her suspicion and belong together. because they ]ove and and Ess ent ial ly sing need distrust th^ same of music. they diffi cul ti es wh ic h neither when they do control conflict their are affords many ment to each must part. levels discourse. other although Luc«y dance, is complete the symbolic and all been prepared each other rather than compromise Swing Time is a fine film fulfils many of the it its .eneric in the repeats what it uses and striking The every sequence wrote the Astaire's is different following be applied to any of Although resolved in of this genre dancing lines about persona. the r e s o l u ­ ce . ere. tisk nosing purity. acceptable and film it adheres sheer artistry. the con ve nt io ns to create new work of a r t . they the Astaire/Rogers musical world are is fa miliar and commit­ to conventional narrative its strength the their love and obligations. 'real' 'f a n t a s t i c a l ' . know that of what r.as gone its of how formulae is always occur summarises example familiar their total the end of the dance at the close of to sacrifice , ana m e a n ­ dent . of their me ta -phyeical is made more m ea nin gf ul in terms They have of complexity ana Penny tion easily and dut in ".'ever sonna -/ance ^t implies they finally reunite that from cir cum sta nce s in song of expression when the by their of them can c o n t r o l . different Their union constitutes which they sace harmony united results situation, as the mode ing to the narra tiv e patterns the that is r e s o l v e d . By using music Sandrich share song and Conflict wp know each Conflicts Ihe world is not of that it to an a u d i e n c e , but an exciting is timeless and wholly in on^ m a g i c a l • its beauty, Arlene Cioce "A Lovely Jay" which could as the Astaire/riogers dances, and aptly the metaphors "the point isn't tap dancing, it's r o m a n c e : - if this isn't perfect dancing it is the perfect that dancing like this aims for and a shining moment in the history of the musical film. 4 joy 153 NCTES 1. Groce, Arlene pp 6C - 6 ? ' % The Fred Artalre and <in,-c r l-tc.'ers ook CHAPTER 5 A" AM E R I C A N Cne IN RARIJ of the cost : NATURALISM AND 3 T Y L IS AT ICN obvious recurring £•e n r e , is the t the mode i'(•qtures of expression is often overtly foregrounded. 'Ihe musical sequences of naturalism, both organisation c o n t e n t , and the formal sequ enc es are more often naturalistic stru ctu re coexist, of one generic aspects code, successfully, action and opposition to be construct style, the narrative This interplay in a particularly the medium within of the musical's in order to show how Vincente i nt er ­ w a y , ana to to examine how to juxt ap ose elements which this striking one needs In other word.-, the various of presentation in ; a is manifests successfully, incompatible. in a is fa: iliar to its audience. film ^ r. American has used ~uch those which are is acceptable M inn ell i's Mi nnelli of the narrative presentation. so that within and st yl is at io n the film display an avoidance file two o.posing styles s t r u c t u r e , and discuss of juxtaposed with easily ana n at ur al i sn in the of tno cusical styles which appear one must isolate constitute his the narrative has been and de ­ individual encoded with meaning. The notion of film and in the specific is even more adhered Hollywood personal placed of the to, film style goes and must include technicians. marriage auteur A of all the of important film analysis days principle was both generic beyond vision visual, and that a definite constraints and the individual when fashionable the studio system and influences the question to be true Of exhibltinr the rigid issues, of ,-cnre theory, renerally held successful the of genre were capable style despite upon them by a number In the early it was directors But raises context opaque. an acceptance widely style limitations convention. of the director of any number of artists and film is aural the and proauct thematic of a harmonious elements which are presented. However, none bear stamp of his are the will different, films style and is without resides unique in the doubt en-scene, his choice 'beyond and of actor, of this film will Paris Pallet, and will only structurally, to any musical genre its its songs 'heavies', courtship, film, parting and in Paris artistic for of his Kelly. ambitions. its generic and energetic, with ^ene K e l y ' e not a manife st at io n of his character outset of the internal the brash, patronage judgement, untl] He Is a of an older in order to further of Milo is insensitive, but upon him. it is It would liberties with are the genre. artist, is Gerry's enthusiastic, delightful the ideal­ purest rendition of on the bar.KG of the river Geine, sincerity is the Kelly we know and and go the situation becomes the desperate His in film Gerry a hero who's motives take and 'all- conflict. is the Kelly who exhibits "I Got Rhythm" and of in most musicals, Judgement as a singer and dancer. Gershwin's This he characters and confident, the to have be reserved Contracted in similar ways of it being otherwise, doet of the of self-questioning torn by better convention and Minnelli down alter ego whom we cannot help but admire. talent ic on o­ the Ame rican in 'good* persona At to pronounce So Judgement must istic the mise- the remainder His treatment pretence up upon ,t breaxs painter who accepts and he makes no clearer. the means at his use of music and centre of love, wealthy woman against his clouded, of framing, it has as a character grasping young against choice he is the same idealistic is portrayed difficult complex­ Minnelli's of reconciliation. is indicative An American his a visual choice examine film briefly. American', strictly with formula'. the they mark his worx as distinct. Discussion of Gerry they have That of the genre's they adhere most conscious the camera angle and artistry. superior to many formulae disposal, graphy all vision for although conventions ity which that Vincente Mi nnelli's musicals and usually is clear, generic deny uninhibited identify with, is joy in living. and his simplicity and zest with restore our belief in the conventions of expres si on and carrle the ,-enre, and conviction. that Kil o in seme way her. is the deeper of sincerity, „ c can only to blame foi st rength surmise Jerry's therefore, treatment of dinging; "I got rhythm I got music 1 got my girl who could is an admi ssi on has music, ness. of what conviction an. person. ask for anything more" is truly rhythm an-, a girl, tion as a painter but music connotations of chara cte r is hio character. Concurrent Gerry because potential. love, im:ortant ana to him. by implication s e l f - a w a r e ­ so although he would it is secondary is insecure about He already to his enjoy fulfilment his abilities of his musical talent we are sure In the musical genre it follows recogni­ as a as an artist, that he must have that one influences the other. et the fact ble to the hero. He knows that essence of his the remains audience, she is enraged ind talent we arc o: circumstance. successful lie as a painter anc than to accept is marked he is answerable lover and ilo'e although he to Kilo. a parasite, willing to believe needs to prove that patronage. are In but because that he that he can there is no is in be other Althoug h unsavory, the most acceptable as a person of convict! into the category of talented the for Lise deepens. It amplifies his character and he comer to understand love, and himself recognition n because he characters. sincerity become more apparent an his love Kilo for a conventional owing to position. Gerry and questionable believes the choices which he has made his -erry's motives are accept- a young shop assistant is both a cheating enormous option although they are pursues Lise, he grip that Hie falls imagination film progresses all that is good what he truly as a painter without having to and in wants, prostitute or his work. by contrast, is characteristic of the untalented members of the com: unity ana ulthou h perhap- u e r r y 11» insensitive to blare bought many for believing for a price. an rtiot as somewhat credit. cnic, It ,ives her a aense participated her sexual believes oi it is -ut her interest that she a If-s^ti^facticn, interest in 3 e r r y , and is o..ed not p at ro ni s­ to ner social in the cultural aesthetic ism ever vicariously. a r t i s t s , it ..ilo considers ana be ..yatea provides uniucopnised vanity. ueocrve car in,; can patronage for talented society's oe- not un e on^y nut, herself that loyalty ana ••hi. 1 e the opportu nit ies also reinforces ing tre .tmer.t of her, she of in art by hir to have 'hi.jh a r t 1 h o w ­ is subordinate patronage, only his gratitude to she but his love and affection. The heroine u 1s e , is aloO no t i c a b l y talented taurht in the rigid simple innocence conventions is attractive o' his Gerry to release he r from everyday beyond engaged quandary 'realistic' the classical appe uhe needs experience ranees. are small. -hi. . trong, ^nd com}lex to grew ana m t u r e hood. uid nee Under assured . Jerry's It is obvious subsequent desertion ti.at they show her ,m 1 red favourably, n . his to realise tnat Lise lover. is responsible -u no ion ic tacly enraged to. belong the finned escenti.-i v.• ii c : t:u slip; in she ana xs deep love for Gerry from a girl seconer oi her f l a n e 6 . ult is Gerry and not r.im who Of her character. .he in the .-or although affords her the means Her the contact with to another m a n , her kno led e of true love relationships worthy ballet. to d e r r y , especia lly light things own moral of as a dancer, to wo ma n­ poised and selftogether. be condoned for the ycun is act Lise's since it transformation girl who he was .-ortrayed altogether ne; a f coniiuea with his failure froi.. hie . <• is character ist ic grasp make him an un­ oi a specific generic . ' love with love oh racter is difficult for us to feel One of the itself, than with index ical and i.iost salient th< object of his d e s i r e . . fa iiiar to the a u d i e n c e , -,o it is ny:.,:a the tic to his features of Ai: 11 h t . r-ic: a i:. •a r i, is n -he 156 Mi nn e l li 's juxtaposition of America in this case, oi rranee). environments, but more being. Gene amidst Kelly a foreign is am. - -ro:e (particularly, It refers not importantly, the American culture. only to two to two opposing in laris, For a l t h o u g h he often cultural pretension. 1 hey all language but use they artist. it cleverly, Gerry appreciate :<enoi r and M a n e t , and believe and that he Js not participate situation and attitude, fe station style, of culture. In his book uubcul explains that a style wnich defines and is a visiole style subculture tity. Ctje cuild it rationalises style this is a m a n i ­ to that visible by adopting their existence. .here or a R a s t a f a r i a n , which but which is vital to that them with a definite sense of iden­ provides tbrought a refusal that to truly not conform themselves seem outlandish, They function signal enough ts become a form of st igmata wnich are made up a style them. and as to of J t y l e , Jick nejldge of being a Te ddyboy to the onlooker may belongs culture. : caning subcultures make of art", Underpinning that .ho coe. Ide of that e : Inr towards there is a sense art. is the not io n places himself whicn French in French d " anyone leans among the conviction of a true is an ousider in the world Toulouse-Lautrec, other artists without of residing is an artist with his co lleagues "the states an alien artists his discourse speak .ifferent imparting as part of to conform a symbolic that to to significance to s u b c u l t u r e 1s iconography, the dominant ideologyi "...this process begins with a crime against the natural order, though in this case the deviation may seem slight indeed - the cultiva ti on of a quiff, the aquisition of a scooter or a record, or a certain type of suit. But it ends in the construction of a style, in n gesture of defiance or c o n t e m p t , in a smile or a sneer. It signals a refusal." I Hedidge his is emphasising point can the be anplied way impart significance create a style of style in s u b c u l t u r e , but to larger cultural style aoes not necessarily also role signal a r e f u s a l . to various of existence. objects, Roland groups in which Dominant and Barthes' cultures in their own classic V ytholo/.les exposes the ways in which world live and shows how a certain view of the in which they society's mystify work .n. the world is purported realistic. code Barthes of realism in s h o r t , to be natural, shows how in which t exhibits Amcilcar, style of b e in,- American, these ar^ in certain two diametrically them as juxtapo.sir. - worlds portrayinr with of estern genre opposing cultures The East " est is symbolises all is indicative In An American significance, Min ne ll i' s original and yet and what visual styles. Gerry's and Minnelli's and that thit to it: is new He masterfully fhe established stru Prom to be French elements define is a result of American the He haa public could synonymous with K e l l y ' .hat is most ov er whelming striking zest and idealism i nd inner strength, shifts as 'Mr Average', genr^,and co ns idering hopes and 1 9 b 0 's American of flux, going searching beyond who suffers and who has insurmo .ntuble. this cha racter ing all America's form, society. of conviction culture mode, new is his music v r o v e r b i a 1 "American Jream", the musical a state to be the . e n r c . or American, the they arc never the also had Minnelli of s a m Q moral During ideology. of Gershwin's persona within although the their different developing character and iral opposition. it means This is the embodiment structure. this worx, identify. He juxtaposition was George Gershwin'a of cre ating a char ac ter with whom American similarities progressive to be sure about Minnell i' s and add., an oth er layer of vital e examination character is a presents narrative ana mere score. char ac ter do states. for the film, aural there of being french, interaction. integral of whet that obviously here as the in Paris draws his notions us another important inspiration Amerlean snows opposed o : an older, .n Paris style. of experience, are its own function as o i g n s , visual a style their conflict ana the objects i a r i s , Mi nn el li ana and hence any society creates a specific In 1 life-like' its a the problems, ftithin the context of function as a popular is enormously successful, express­ belief:, for a bright f u t u r e . style was relatively n e w , yet for direction. old dimensions Art was m taking u of experience, and music ! -: 'Orteti to be n a t u r a l , :ea iii tic. ;e < 1 arthes realism iort, In 1' shows how In which certain in laris. and hence any society creates exhibit!, a specific American life-like' objects visual Minnelli its own function as signs, style. snows us that there is a ■ "'1 " '' tneir a. tw0 d iame trica .ly opposed juxtaposir. worlds portrayinr their conflict •'■ith the ..'estern genre states. of experience, and He presents masterfully interaction. The similarities are obviously here as the Juxtap os it io n . The -a: t symbolises all that is new and ■ t iv. indicative of an older, ir‘ A£2— ricar. in laris oi. nit i c a n c e , and yet Ag-grlcan draws hie notions and vnat lerry's and the i d e o l o Ly. this adds another layer of vital for the film, in Paris score. of what structural From this work, elements define ch ar act er opposition. was George Gershwin's it means to be French visual and aural styles. established another Important i n n e l l i 1s inspiration orlglna more progressive , is a result Linnelli or American, their different of Gershwin's music . to be :iure of cr eating a ch aracter with whom the er.‘ .-y, his developing about ch aracter pcrrona within innelli'a American ie in the embodiment character o' name moral although new overwhelming vroverbial conviction and inner strength, 'Mr Average', never thl ■o r m , going searching beyond old idealism a the problems, Aithin the context of its function as a popular successful, express- belisfe for a bright future. 's Am erican style was of flux, zest and who suffers and who has this char ac te r is enormously and striking "American Jream", insurmountable. genre, and c o n s id er in g a 1 America'., hopes a state /.hat is moot th- shifts an culture mode, uurin, the genre. is his could to be synonymous with Kelly' of they ar< the musical also had public relatively for direction. dimensions new, yet Art was in taking a of experience, and music began to be people. blues, and indigenous sounding with A mericans were party from the now vocal specific tonal white mu s i c ia ns Kern. r r a n e e , on the e x n i pi ted to the qualities were like Gershwin, other hand, vazz, it was expectations. a gentle without easy established the its rhythms by popular and culture polished ana the and restrained. indigenous music be in. anti-establish.nent. of Unlike to, and aid not assault our had a flowing melody, harmony, of jazz .inti incorporated elegant, to listen It rise of its Irving Berlin and Jerome was an u s i c a i forms we. e classical, charm, voice hlack m i n o r i t y , and a style which was Prance had the which was played a regular rhythm on avery solid and piano acc era ;on by a smiling Fr enchman with a moustache- wearing Stripe: was also a young girl, .. shirt s-'.y, r.mve and moraiity trays and and flirtatious; courtship upon by timeless charm, paintings. is and has the most he gives us a picture our dreams. onion sellers, pianos glorious The small working immortalised all of the generic which cake shops, . tyle is the mere painted vivid of old garretts, exhibit in which -hey also display a marked U v i n c and the kind of style of subcultures. to acceptable artistic in Minnelli's predictably is charu :teristic of the dames, than life. dress m a i n l y , and the artists generally index ical to grande tyle of fantasy, of artist s who are to confora categories, f l o r i s t ' , butchers, all explains of what is exactly faithful servants community a by Henoir in his discreet in s variety presumably It exudes grand mansions, his por­ ing is visible of our expectations bound of F a n s is brighter and a 'ere t . cour of taken no liberties with our f a n t a s i e s . are minia tur e represents a refusal and Minnelli sellers, and which Hebidg e Inevitably, vegetable colour. everything by a strict coae wiser I irisians. and conven ti on There guarded p a r a d i s e , where L.innelli fulfils In this, vast but the older, captured about, France -ccedure. -aris as the lov.-rs' smiled raris and a beret. a standards It of wear a shapeless smock untidiness which imagination, His own is appearance ar..: ;ivin,™ cend i t i < ne ceun very little to him, . , .>0 . t..i> st;, lc o: an artist C j. v m s film, its domin ant *he cannot be read as one and in the context m a r c h ic or threatening to culture. 'Americ an masterpiece, is a gentle in laris B a l l e t ’ , which many provides the climax to V'is regard complex as i n n e l 11' film ana . innelli wrote: 'The ballet had to be true to the spirit of the Gershwin music. rhe different sections were to be in the style of different painters who had painted P a r i s , b e c a u e * this boy was a painter. Also it had to be a mental ••.'i^ iia ithin rim — a time when he was verv upset emotionally, not only bis love affair, but the storv of -nris here he meets the rirl, loses her and rets mixed up ith the ralntera. uo the ballet had to keep y ou out of the line of the story and also help the story pr og r e s s , because when the ballet was over the pic - -re '.as over. -1 was quite a mental e x e r c i s e ." The v.hole ballet is a brilliant narrative, is juxtaposed wit!, the more naturalistic which sequences showing lifestyle. the ecause setting and 'reality' iconography are sequence begins hands and o: intr with t) eir o w n e r s . up and intc view, the .c an: the At fra; confident towards image , an t th streets camera. The posed in an exaggerated creused lead. He dances around at this her led in the style cone of blazers, pale is u el i cerate .ly fiel .ere. point, open: in the by Kelly, brightly coloured an,, gay f 1 ballet raised starts they move f 01 ward dancers, of green frame aspects of ant. the deeper of five hats .he m ;se-en -scene ana aggressive the the Parisian revealed. the music i a landscape c o t t a g e s , cobbled it *ho tthe r s are boaters. t h e a t r i c a l , /. of laris and foregrounded, French middle class young men, l rr users and of overtly stylised it is a f a n t a s y , the visual reality of > » U y 's imagination The piece s decorative Kelly i both and moves quickly to reveal position waiting in mock courtship, Lite, who is to follow alternately his ■ , lvJ J 0 1 ‘‘S" - eheru- 0* 6 --eeru, a n d aeet .,1th . ■ ■ ■ .n; epicure '-r— thv t xu >* " fr°E“>• dorai.unt. “, e W e e 6f th6 b,l,' t 13 • rl.ual d i s p l a y . . . procedure lar* is also st ri ct ly 16 C ° t0 6 re et patterned, and a man must 1 ' " ' ‘h. to ecrrt . girl. He be pro- should also expect rejection arlections. initially, As well as this, If an outsider wishes he must conform m ann er ism s language and invested m ea n i n g to be accept ab le society, as one of signified on many genre film. short space vital to the genre, camera and of time, cm that is indicative above the ankle Use dance, we complete costume. bright l i n e and shape and been emphasizes of the Above List the transformed black, tight and the trousers cropped shirt with a V-neck and dress with a flowing in design. from a girl a skirt From this moment to a woman, of their total absorption balletic, one colours and candy He wears harmony as dancers/lovers. is essentially has persona, wears a simple white is transformed setting, fleeing the others at Their dress and a cotton-knit form to create beginning as Gerry and or the Kelly become aware performers, is sequenc- s of the <'ir.ema. is particularly American watch as Lise the different element which perfectly after of in a comparatively dance, of French style, into an ordinary and only one Music, of love, style and song. is to my stunning sequences together all it excludes section. f-om a caricature which of this in Paris Pallet, signification, they are alone, of the first collar. l e v e l s , v i s u a l , aural, visually beautiful it is a dance stripes, and director all combine most harmonious end in web of latent the densi ty and quantity It brings of meaning and realise semiotics A natu ra lis tic mode of expression of the American the most monumental levels the visual subtext. -’he middle section musical its s ty 1 Leati on of the n a r r a t i v e , . innelli has •'r.ich communicates not have community, them. the dance sequence with a complex narrative mind He must use in other woras,its indexical and m e t a p h o r i c . could to that of rules culture ana adopt idiosyncrasies. of that a c nscicus there are a number to the dominant order tn communicate - before he finally wins he,; Although as they in one another the aance it incorporates a softness the relationship we of between the 164 careers* :he re is a rr eat er men e of the conveyance el.c,t ions t t a n in the a r tic ul ati on of an aesthetic* /•.ien looking at the m i a e - e n — ae.ne which to this \ \isual his section ol the dance, complexity and mood use style is without doubt wnich Minnelli lezanne and been and his followers. Cezanne's incorporated into his its own internal source of light, imposed from the Light, therefore, bear out truly, •hey this light theory and seems ballet a ,most, by the work of internally. translucent is translucent f a n t a s y , u seen" which would disappear if one of its delicate perpetua t in.-. of fire. ana -1 begins Not a burning, clone* a hen There elements least connected two the sense participants, brilliant which use to dance, dancers, camera and set gives various reflecting and is ne of blues and world. It watches as we watch, ful not to disturb the is warm greens which fire and water, And there are forms are the ii like shadows poses. it invade quietly and all only Minnelli's - overs an Infinite nor does self- interplay of the three their world. shadowing >*' intrusive, too suggestive one which unfolding. the in of reality smoke, but r ■ ility, air, overs ana the of yellow The of a f a n t a s y the of his with breathed is no sense tr a haze dark enveloping water. reinforce It is the ultimate consuming fire, are like in the inner life as if it were in a haze It changes them to life. and almost t r a n s i e n t , as essence. but we are aware quality, echoes this if one could never grasp its too b o l d l y . paintings their own s h a d o w s , and Mi nnelli deeply or stared His them bringing of casting which that light should not to the a r t i s t . to rad 3 ->te from setting which through was that a canvas has show a vague to be a l i v e • the fhe artistic discovered itself at major belief, and o u t s i d e , but seem to be capable appear, painting, reveals backdrop of the impressionist influenced was be the achieves camera. reminiscent m o v e m e n t , and must have forms one can only marvel of lighting, propertiei of Also, their space in of the his private u n o b s e r v e d , car e­ perfect harmony. G e r s h w i n 1s score changes here. although hesitant at first, a 165 new sound is introduced, the sound and are aware that to his feeling elly style. ^he t h ■.t the saxophone, &: of American Jazz. loaediatel^ is in hia element and piece idiom. e s s e n c e , for it allows tc be held followed by syncopated a note buile .nt; in haunting, rhythm makes listening as it only -..e must to we adapt is a s l o w , rousing melody which is encoded with a stron.j Jazz possible moment, vital .iruing is of the the last intensity and falling a- .y, « rinding melodic it strange seems until and to fulfil phrase. It's disquieting its formal obligations at the very e n d . Ihe lover's dance is one of discovery, p h y s i c a l , emotional • openly express genre, the truest the theatrical deepest, would themselves. re.lity setting ii. found allows the levers be aware of, everyday hu man events experience. oecomes a p a r e n t , which important revelation, their imaginations, t ey have danced Use not one to the other. to impress to share their tiee:ly and m d totally absorbs by ance she becomes a woman capable this from r.erry dance is their most They dance one another. strongly, r i viz.. they using Until now display ror the first of a a n c l n r . time, up her Frenchness and c o q u e t l ; h n e . ., allowing ncrself the event them­ to become Under Jerry's guid ­ cf feeling stiong emotions desires. Their dunce is overtly The tenderness sexual reinforce partner as the a g g r es so r and score also unaerlines leading up to a series arousing. and is a metaphor for l e v e m u k i n g . of the tr loving and masters his love, and their things that partner and steps out of her environment, thus her naivit end of Paradoxically, far removed *s that acutely aware in the to indulge As Lise and one thing selves, .n f a n t a s y . innermost fantasies ana explore not normally normal And as is conventional Yet the the rase with which Kelly the conventional roles of the male the ferule as passive. the sexual si, .ificance Gershwin's of the d a n c e , by of crescendoes, simultaneously coupling lovers must of the A. carresoing be seen in terms it of their entire is also spiritual union. and which understanding their reality each in turn lends of each learned his the most life. but ised, self thing, to achieve not can talent concrete form, of in terms cannot be imposed and Cne they have transformed to ana has of the meaning of has to be prepared success. fills so aptly it will to Art cannot be ra ti on al ­ is the articulation as Cezanne upon a work, leave of self or a r t , only comes the inspiration which is 1 -ke light, that setting, They grown as a man, be b o u g h t , it Talent to t h e m . If Lise has True a w a r e n e s s , wheth er of one's this fantasy Knowing through exploration and s a c r i f i c e • give expression of their Amidst too has valuable physical Their interpretation apparent given of their deepest selves. then Gerry being to greater self-awareness other. becomes ever more a woman, as to the mutual other not on y fulfilled, become well and e m o t i o n a l . of the m u s i c , leads them inner beings, As reveal in a a receptive m i n d . p e r c e i v e d , it itself through that w o r k . This second secti-n of what the musical medium. rest and of ilirnelli's ball is capable showing as an Its intense theatricality of thp film. Yet despite obviously foregrounded revelation 'real'. of true The choreography and colour, camera angle and achievements Section three The in cinematic the most difficult outlandish becomes of the this ballet, attention to lighting, precision is clearly is one of the finest harmony. one in Paris Ballet, to decode, amidst a turmoil of and in it, we see how scenery. characters is lost and is symbolic is without people dancing in strange changing illusory s e t t i n g , Lise this this the it as vitally cinematography, iconography involved with these Clearly, from the and musically, imagination mark costumes and constantly expreasionistic expressive so strongly staged shows V i nn el li 's close of tha American Gerry loses Lise grusp. result, is the embodiment it apart being visually in every aspect in e v i d e n c e . sets its emotions and detail, doubt of t, slips while he in this out of his of his infatuation with the French and n a i n t e r s , and shews his co u r t sh ip with exp ressionism other artistic mover.f-nts. c aricatures deformed quite of Tou. pattern real, but use-Lautrec, fill of decadence consume him, by alien ielated bereavement. na and to his state physical Gersh Using likewise, the score, and takes harsh and uneasy. in ­ of this nature, is of of the mental >erry1e dilemaa -nese imaginary device is from characters, visually communication ab or aurally. iconic in particularly especially Jerry's mental representation of a n o n ­ the sound, and the tonal discordant music. also create characterised conventional harmony turn and only are we disturbed uenre quality percussion rf loud, visually, but of string t::c siund, for them as instruments results instruments, adaed p h r a s e . , and l.near, the second it to in an eerie, at random continual cyclic motion. of tr.e first sequence was by short becomes is as uncomfortable of falls appear to be at odds with le rshwin'.• use the effect line calm and :he characters is for the audience. the o: isecraant melodic line into a threatening Not musically as well. melodic this i n t n iucen a all s e m e The music dominate His tne employment of figures context, through the e r ry concept. in, away. if are representative either visually is revealed It is as and nis sense tic Furies. effective within a filmic resented oranges upon their victim and function as a sign of suffering. be reds and to engulf and ...innelli presents ireek theatre, torture art the dancing a perspective. loss of Lise, visual w a y , through inflict mental must threatening. of like .'hey are never of fiery particularly anguish w • ich he feels. classical setting, illusion. all sense he characters a striking, the forces which attempt destroyin volvement with art, directly and in their costumes are constantly ex plosive is surrounded ..trance characters, »here the brisit and likewise was , upon itself rather like and Gtrry himself who Finally, amidol the the scenery, in hounied and its frenzied pursued tu: .oil and confusion of characters ly his own torm the dance, Gerry it. and - ier around world find one another and th j m . and It i a their final the to the scene Kelly alone deserted of their and only can be h e a r d . it In th- and to pick slowly only its si: pie This conveys beauty second climax. and deepest iconic reinforcement, memorable and The final Lise's the audience, and the camera inwards impression is of b u l l e . provides of the its symbolic l o v e r s , which effectively is marked As a love symbol and used transferred It needs complete still while He bends section of truth but with feet. Cur lasting it turns to face the lighting fades .he rote with impact. that repetition of the love significance impression lover, in and Gershwin*s realism. is brilliantly strong visua. to rise emphasizes at his it completely idealism, by using of colour in an otherwise monochrome ists the music once again rose left is visible. perfection, which has been imagination, realism. sketch and when Kelly the unity of the its Minnelli i or L i s e , while Gershwin by allowing in to a close-up, the connotations grounds searches is in the action, into Gerry's truth and black ana white the rose final musical place of Gershwin's music into f r a m e , confronts not-ces a red phrase f: cm the all intrinsic it up ana holds tracks leaving h 1% the break ballet . • elly vanishes to find a backdrop of a black and white Paris! ;u an illusion, the camera h* -'hey return again All around strains 1r e a l 1 the other characters, the whole shot he rushes scene. is still an: frantic movements then turns until of Lise places final street stage. the haunting reconciliation, In the of the love-dance and Lise is lodged as echoes his crov.ds v.ho clacour rejection Ihus by this complete the dis appearance where the pa eudo-nea th e t ic isn. of art. on the bare effectively ercnpe and i.innelli f o r e ­ only splash This poets symbol ana novel­ film medium and makes no explanation, its single by its harmony, the rose evokes netting. to the perfection it as the t y countless the image, a no verbal the film has a ending. is not of Gerry but Gene Kelly, the the pointer, or Gerry, persona who steps out of the confines the of character and idealistic, choreograph with energetic American. d and filmed outstretched ath le ti c. sm ana sense In this the remarkable elements the genre, genre but only image inspired ting each if but indulging its own formal mode straints to the . 1g n i f i c a n c e . caring. fullest. ana form, definite dance can be uned indulged to the fullest is Minnelli's final of its in the talent are celebrated shows o tylisat ion is that the s t r o n g ­ one's fantasies in the same film, and of each Lanoc , although an explicitly the most Minnelli 'n t u r a l 1 emotions the limitations hat the mu: ioal ex panned and con­ imagination film is governed by for: u l a e , fantasy has no limits. expressively an.: visual artistry 1real i s m 1 if the setting ation. for the two contrasting styles Jo within r or although To of c l o s u r e , incorpora by exploring The to vision which the a r t i s t . and Minnelli side by side of the genre conventions Here from within of presentation reveals love sincerity and respect America and France are united imagination. exhibiting sense Art and that to each themes t_na reconciling all can be discovered can exist strik­ the ability attention enormous a perfect and of simultaneously. strongly a r t i c u l a t e a . with naturalism, expression levels as a personal of Gerry and L i s e . one's in all on the fact have requires minute rose creates unites is both complex it requires they are manifested est reality 1 he fulfilled conventions is founded different this oppositions. contrasted is so familiar. successfully tne musical, of the films m aj or relationship unmistakable the structuralist of genre as well of the central like he appears is ultimately Minnelli Its complexity to create conventions not ballet, on so many decode a work are all rose. and especially communicate detail, evokes to create a work which films that energy which that he of film and ingly b e a u t i f u l . i s movements i displaying restrained of the the t he means, for maximum impact and limbs, of ex pe ctation the discovery presents ut, v.ith all extent. There is somewhere is no necessity in a character's can be for imagin­ er 1 CHr.rTZa 6 * • ^ T • •> **< U 1 i* ’ 1 *• u “•.11 J.n »•' * .*Zi *t a.*i rtEnL-vY J tur.lcy vonet.1&. oln^in.and a complex cor. non plot f genre omul to a i :u in the i^Uoic;; "ain Til;... Jicple, f a et bo; girl, (ly?2) 1.. both )i because it uses r.t "tin irl, elngln.* . or.* a ad con density of . igr.i-'ic to. n ..hich D o n e n 1 os .n lex as a , tn< irl result affords oftht the narrativ . , wood not i n picture truths industry and about th<* m t u r e of reality. a r e c r e a t e d , r ,tur U s e d cy . urtherni uncovers zany in,ortant :» shows ho., illusions throu h s o c i e t y as and transmitted r r , he n a n i p u l a t e s the to re v ea l how plot p e o p l e c r ate t h e i r o r. p -r: r.al m y t h s as a j u s t i f i c a t i o n 'or t h e i r b e n a v i o u r a n d life. t. L e „ . ..in in, ^ n the ..ain is an arc: e t y p e or the : u s i c a i < e nr e a s ivonen s n o w s e n o r n o u s r e s p e f o r a n d adhere., to its s t r u c t u r a l fcr. u l a e a m generic plot . ter.; a re g e n e r i c t y p e * a n d the sin. in a n d d au ci n. is part o' an e a & i l y - r e c f , r . .!<: n a r r a t i v e co.. e , the :ii.., ..ever exhsu. . i.i a 1 ■ • y vi :.u t e r i The .-i I . e c i t i c '.' ..e , • ve 1..., n tl r «. ..c .1 ... of e n c o d e d t• . t • .t . is one opposition but een r- tli t.v a n d fantasy of the most . , definitive presented meanin s eneric in a musical hei they m u s i c , f intas.y d i s c u used inversi i. are becomes ! h a pte r 3 r. ta ke s opposition because in :-rinci pit ■>. pl.ee, vitally fin-in, in when filir. we ; in a reality. and in an itneos express© shown reality t he he important inversion different binary stages . i n ■~in r and f a n t a s y :n of thei m ed i uc , so i opouition through which t i.c ar f.i r. tht mode1 this them to the film's structure, .he dr.in is about reality an. llluslo . '2 c.ouel Co- the f o r k for cl. e U o s i o n . * ;lc c n a l y a i t c o n s i d e r the- t». o c o n t e x t * in ..r.. cn vr.nen use., tne r c i i t y / fantasy opposition, th in *...e . ti n re l e t i o n s h i ; .e t w e t n th Kollyv. oou is notorious of society's ».hi -o and eneruted real need ica.-e of a iodu*tr;- n ie * i rtc • ’ i«. irable' in no exploitation ut these are only ~o t .e ;lie a., ula lifestyle v.hich is cultivated p- rceivea is a to ■•hat the in .us try society. a nc ^ ovt r. . i'oj its oOj.. .erci&lian in response in that icture promote the lecad- n t , alanorous • syste.. is rc lly ' st ar s' re. .: , t hl a i r ...cnuf ac t ur« t o - . . a y c a-: u ni c a t i o n ...ct, .accord nr to s o c i e t y ' s i d e a l i s e d an 1 i d o l i s e d ty t h e i r a u u l e n c e s . see the m y t h , a t a s t e s ana are ut a u d i e n c e s only n e v e r the r e a l .ty a nd J c n e n e x p o s e s the t r u t h in ay t ha t is c o r e k i n d th c r u e l , a: ; hu.. c r o u s rath r t ha n . lifestyle to te industry', y n o R y o c u s w i t h an i d e a l one a n d u n e a r t h s t he ove^rldin. w i l l in t'ly s u p p o r t co.. crciulis:... th ic she., e th a t the p u b l i c m y t h s t h e y a re fed and d e s i r e to b e l i e v e • t h e s e sc re n i cl. . 1 .y .•o ' ■ an., its p u 1 1 c a r e — ut uttxly e t e n •-r.t . , (1 ne hr lly) ■■ .St i n d u s t r y a n i t..e r • r tn r, the rc. * ty; u; lie, nr. ; ■ 1 oroui I. *1 ac.... hr ro, by the r. ». i t n his s u l t r y s c r e e n L .zr.cnt (Jt :n Hn t n ) d r a p e d on h i s - ..uite . c.up]. , i d pr« .it lookin, , co«. . i ..• n t , . . ••vtiv- in vui t v . .; m hi le .it is t ood- s h o r t ' th* , ..rf-ct n a n ' , , nr rratci h is l i f e t o r y , tell inf t he s.iuienci ti it it w a s a i who succeeds without ever beeomin corrupted or tainted with 174 motives. Icpure success to Don's how his parents' all went Jonen snows queueing the iool to see ' The accurate different room he relates as we watch Don by his in of him and how they father, ./angers of Dracula" early career his but d i g n i f i e d . to watch -ih uv and 1 oliere's is somewhat thrown out oi . ov ever, us scenes from ^on's friends made a fuss to the theatre The reality plays. being and see him at the c i n e m a . in showbusiness he is equally i n ­ calling a bar room the in slapstick, experience dance hell performances with role his story, which are anything life About Ideology ^ that is a j .st rev.ard for tn«- d e s e r v i n g • contrast early It expreesou u simple 'amateur night' drama academy exclusive and icnaervatory of F:ne A r t s , at an . audience that adored o f f i c e , and unemployment try was cated The a stuntman. as managers are more when relationship with Dina. war kicked viciously the are we behind den: nd; that and public always Don at film says h e w a s "dignity uni the indus­ sophisti­ dignity". and his they l o s e credi­ nature of to t h e public that toward him, cut i n truV. the i.en he refused h e r f i r s t hi the true shown Ie prcfea.es as they are out of soon into t h e illusion and helpful hi • » jealously ar As been was motto for their creating still al. a y s initiation At all times h e contrasts w i t h reality has his s a u v e , and hi. and bility them while we see him and C o s m o ^on'a she advances, vide . attention and h i s public eye she love. they b i c k e r a n d squabble. ■■ i n g m g had in Just come rany vation von upon hi: assuming her to .n a i ut i to the cinema. important is justifiably are raii.id. issue, worried about that ing as trivial as unaware satisfy froi an that uhe a public the by comparison, adoring is a :eric c when sOUli: he producers inno­ are public will accept a soundtrack Lira not , the ith the ua vent of t h i s new career. adulation fully set about whether the concerned and r: i: f.e n e e d , and cculd it could have is u n c o n c e r n e d , n a i v e l y sound c o u l d public. creation effect Unlike of be the v o n , she film quickly * interfere with is bliss­ industry, destroyed if nude she failed which her to in position needs fad t va y . snail e Hollywood this in the i fusions a realises that he is nythiciseo they she won portrayed grown Reynolds) you've maintains to ..hen h e she them all'. her in theatre. Her no understanding cultural of the upon it. .he: tr e, while film on:y caterr these film by Donen the the is cynics Cathy's in a hall the to chorus shattered ego away for equals and In following the industry, an and were explore n its bare their needs sequencer,, nvoke mood for using va,~uely It teaches axe as an evocative wonen artistic lighting at ana medium. her and Cathy are of .a t h y aoout the and its charming the film mode. bun a few fantasy. film capacity power t o the of are snell its L.uch dancing humiliation a end genre inviting illusions by uuco judge­ nightclub/music the Jon in have establishment. capabilities atmosphere who interesting discovers suffer protected is works a history, and levelled seamy Now she of t h o s e culture ^on one, a c t r e s s and tradition popular be Here when maxes inane critical demonstrate.! ana me". a see. won an she to it: He capabilities stage, to comes (webbie hero, typical culture both though It because self-perpetuated other medium. meant its they limitations, artistic reality "You neither a is audience. distress in Hollywood, s to t h e m o v i e s his and who system even Cathy criticisms this and line, the to has own person persona. she is film hi:; at Thus when of art, closer establishment. stripped as high embarrassment burlesque mass kind grinding look that says, ’s t a r 1 'once y o u ' v e s e e n medium a person screen cf sensitive from if s h e g prejudice for away that tne superior . :.e exact orthodox cleverly to a ar■ as and a Hollywood ’s t a r ’ because film ments that own adds is tne liveable asks h e r Che craft by realise to doesn't that that him a studio, recognise h i m meet. seen tae in h i s believe doesn't replies of an e x t r e m e l y as to reinforced outside surprise first as and meet gr?at and aware survive. as .tuff more to has manufactured the is order he of on constantly is nart tenuous. be he are is is to ■■hen w e .,he suspend sequence medium to transforms .,1.. p i e proper- ties, the setting cen be what wind .or as in real into the a v.nv which Cathy. can be found stylised mode emotions and inforce dance of has n to dance gether t "I and in acutely can see they m e a n t reveal nis feelings trash, it enough to her o: n to a period to her and and cannot a as toll the a n g e l s m u s t h n / e y o u just f or me". true an sent to type re­ with won at until Don of ard instincts hen they she her explor- she teacher/svengali, her a a experience hall copies As her uses stylistic 1t e s t i n g 1 D o n supports he only dance follow of he as the music him. awareness foregrounded individuality. after ..hut o join allow.3 h e r dance Cathy's difficult her of are vulgar true expressing aware which fantasy setting is value content. finds feelings. the dance, the deutroy emotions alien see become ana wishing new can Don ont- the Although presentation, the In fantasy. She ' p r a c t i c e s 1 on patient to depict in she he can film transform Despite tangible. is a b l e can indulging of confident it perfect that that r m t ive been shown recognise »e feels is i m a g e , film almost tau Cathy consequently first. fantastical. a to song the effectively somethin/* it into ht of ned:um. elements as ladder, tneatre, and is by step are c r e a t e d , ^ on u ue a tne makes ha. for ato.y •> e photographed that he and dance. theatrical olor; in u machme finally unleashes experiences y e t , Don you not sings: and . scene love marks for the each beginning other. of loner, their growing reveal the awareness harr.ony and implicit in . is and a visual dance. dependent, metaphor implying Visually i.e. r ippor t .v e relationship with i n t e re: tin, point. setting and their ing illusions. and though their Although they meant arc the t in the . iov n one .-on that Den and Don of and . h 0 is Cathy expression still unsure lovers aancc, Lina relationship a of discourse is song they are mutually Comparing Don ana with were Lina reveals presented in Catr.y1a an a 1r e a l 1 clouded with misunderstand­ have ouch illusions is no stylised and t h e m s e l v e s , the even 'unnatural scene is . m irkpd by its ainplir ity and Cne of the basic narrative the incidence of musical enra^in,- h o n e s t y . elements talent Consequently categories, those with talent ana strong and true In oin ,in.; in talent industry. she her innocuous usually fall are sn a 11 o v., vain the sain J e n , Cosno and now C a t h y , of cha racter while Lina x.amcnt that is ban about to obtain be l e a r n e d , only into two by i n }.1 ica* j.on sensitive, is f r i v o l o u s , insensitive attempts is those lr c kin-_ talent, the tint a 1 ented and aeptn is an incarnation of all it cai are self-a.-are while and deluded. reveal character, the talented genre as a crit er io n for ass essing character. predictably, of the musical serve the motion picture and arrogant, end t lent, and her belief to amplify what in the that others is ingrained. The character of Cosmo Brown of how a generic afford stereotype provides can be used it greater complexity often demands mentor who realised, successful character in hi no illusions mode and allows us to lnu.-h at h i m . 'Kake of at ourselves the primary escapism, He function our him and be assured t ic notion and the laugh". us to laugh protective myths. industry', It should: the invites then be able is to entertain "Make cm laugh make em laugh all the world wants to do is entitled in such nigh esteem illusions and echoes ol films ironic oebunks himself and as in so d o m , , we will at.If tic display in the or the In a hilarious routine ridicules and do away with Cosmo is a the ...edievil court the vorId around take o f f e n c e . industry. to laugh at him, This comic Like personal dignity whic:; is held by the film In Cosmo ac out himself puts himself 'em Lau -h1 Cosmo en erg eti cal ly concept it. o/.n right. He del iberately that no one will and offers present us with a fully- film industry. can ridicule convention rash decisions ana company v,hen he needs actor who ha. jester Cosmo Generic to « beut f r i e n d , companion or Jonald C ’C o n n o r talented example in aginatively, value. the hero ma k in g advice -oner, and and the here have prevents him valuable Brown, that an interesting and belie* provide that He is repeatedly studio, workers of a flie, attempts is that interupted are b> what bu..ily involved they are or himse lf ir the 15. in the r.ufi.cturintT "cakin;-" entert ai nm en t while Courao to tell us hov. vital Cosmo is happening is providing being aware this is. .he ubt le irony entertainment without of it. He the studio is a human embodiment of the w o r d , he is enterta .nment without bein': self-con sci ous ly so. performance and he Cosmo's by subjecting himself repeatedly hit to a variety by wo o de n orcperties to make his te 11 i n u s that we a brick wall face exciting rlanke and should all it t be like being then using them as effective. while routine dummy into an open door and has to continue of this transforms a dressmaker'- us l a u g h 1 laugh he walks straight in order part 'cakes of accidents r utine even more believing 'r e a r r a n g e 1 his the most is hi larious the to song. ierhaps occurs when Cosmo into a partner by flirting . -Ihen 'she' adopts returns his compliment he feigns the stock e:ture. of coyness, to unusually ing his h t over his ear. manages the most life. to give even Finally, embarrassment hiding his face and comic e f f e c t . clic..6d gestures and pull­ Cosmo & new lease the aummy/v.onnn seduces him and pulls him of behind . ends with ,0 jao r u n n m - to emphasi ze his this action he oint - m? / e om l a u g h . ‘alls emphasizin g the up the walls and somersaulting through illusion Cr. the n constructed of film and third flat crawling backwards repeat of onec again to his feet sings . everything he possibly could 10 tea chin.- us about lau ght er and thing to laugh a b o u t . funny, that true itself of The 0 while in every area character's juxtaposing lessons 1 reveal entertainment, *.-)t >ve ■ have inherent of that to make to try. person's and life. thin ivcnen is 1 0 soy in c ill manifest It is a measure the difference Lina have In us som e­ conviction. in which von and once more he gives it: -. character and seIf-awareness scenes reach his audience. The studio contrives Co • 0 don. talent try and elocution between a char ac te r who has a nusical interests talent and of Ivon's and tives have aavised .ike regardin' that it sque be riven . her deaf it has entirely believes she uently culation ooe.; net she which she must class only way. Logic; 11y , * ,na cannot in her own mind improvement. a, t i v* tea; The scene r i. be r m s in her mind undergone is unwilling ;up.l rt.c; equally with him for it. sounds of the in a parrot-like to improve there because is no room for requirements for learning ui.succe. sf ul but tongue is can be gained in the education reading Her as a trial the requirements be expected that to learn ar t i ­ the exercise th t knowledge tn.i end tne necessity as she repeats by the so far from between fulfils believes renders "the distinction see ne of tht. bas.c a reco -nition Lon's she is an persona so unequivocally but Lina regards inasmuch her v i c e is synonymous with her own illusion.., an;: c.nse suffer ana .he i r concern uhe has fc en led ruth their o;-in ion of hersel f blurred a c cm ale t e inversion. teacher is patient ex ec u­ re cents criti cis m it must her reality. she i uars . in her star illusion has becautf In the jrity with justified, own faults. become reality and t a r e ... popu ut i ina *a inflated the truth and that losino k and although to her not. cot., of to or. tar.« speech clauses so many other silent m abrasive .vho hat i n a 1s career:., the stuaio as a precaution against audiences on process . in a different w a y . twisters from an ' pupil Lc: i: teacher has additional willing to learn and superior k n o w l e d g e , but he stimulation. immediately seen that the dry, uni nteresting “ ay. ness by gesture, imitating him clearly the boring to be of any because and passively accepts loemo enters 1enson teacher1 value the method s of the tutor' i, narrow-minded practice the anarchic of speaking. 'moses with supposes his this and neeas carried out in a teacher1u grim se ri ou s­ buck, to Don and the the classroom and is bein. lie mocks lehind his is re tless that in a typical schoolboy are too staid the class is unsuccessful approach to tne in mind, Cosmo tosses ana are roses' teaching triggers routine which Don nrnp.'rly deflates cultural pretension. to join him in tin exuberant, un inhibited celebrates r h y t h m , rhyme and sound pletely unfamiliar p e d a n t i c , and his and articulate destroys sheer enjoyment w hi ch that the provokes c ince which in a way which to the teacher. demand He His use of speech it should always leauty is c o m ­ be precise of language and car. be got from it. is the In tneir dance, Don and Cosmo re.ease a . treac of pent-up emotions as a mock protest against exuberance silence. dance He can only and show each p h r a s e , speaking upon teacher and his methods. and co nv i c t i o n contrast abandoning a 1' tables the it, sit and watch c not m i n t . other the n ngir. The like the ised by the pover of teacher, Moses they drape scene into another fee t and try talent. As books an' as they leap on chairs era. with to copy they arag the teacher them only understand expression they can detect in common speech man ot learning and for:; , ana meaning. the hi 1c experience has like his of real icon w i t h picture Of people, he ha. sounds. diagrams an a mouth the thi form in inherent the only But his tne of his diagrams, /owe 11. rhythms ever used them as aids the mistake bound mke to a diagram and hang •hey two-dimensional is not too many to do this and it on a w a l l . of a other pleasure of hearing are still able they and speech aefects. He has made itself. Becau se in teach r , a superior pictures, for, ot ten the simple Don a -d C o s m o to limit speech objects. the They have succeeded to improving ar ti cu la ti on and overcoming confusing an them. of to his of their rejection on his head. are po*3try and emphasizes his lack of phrase with life so imaginative and ana force Don and Cosmo seat him and heap his paraphernalia re presentations life In an imitation the curtains finally the ultimate become improvising injected with exploring. injecting a simple have of the simple d ncir. ■ it, it is ana .era is only able to watch m e s m e r ­ two minds themselves teaching methods, in bewilderment possibilities to make him dance and wooden attempts shocked the imagination is empnasized here v o n e n 1s < nower of with his -hey it, its rhythms and meanings, feeling. sharply Iheir new refuse A great deal nature and will can be learned from function regard of poetry. analysis. than the work the act itself. endeavour is being confused self but a means of criticism is more The function of critical h e r e , it is not an end discourse about a w o r k . have a method w^ich does They become absorbed in its structures poetry the letter, by the and text, ;y being of sound and albeit unconventional. participate real meanings which are sensitive and a w a r e , they the latent beauty in s p e e c h . Poetic devices like meter assonance and rhythm are understandable because The phrase they "Mooes supposes sensical until knowledge while Lina's is clear, ature involved is borne and appreciation rejection ignorance and understand why valuable for out of a greater und er st an d­ of s p e e d work literary and Art and a p p r o p r i a t e . should not it should be used, of active of her own two sequences iilm concerts arc ..ot artefacts their own s a k e s , but aids is a result as to any punil studying liter­ maker who can use ther where he feels meaningful Jon's and Cosmo's The message of these and can be of benefit or film. in it. is n o n ­ of her teacher is a result stubbornness. real and they are used. his toeses are roses" one becomes rejection of the teacher ing, in it­ Don and Cosmo improvise and discover the in the work. reveal the critical to achieving greater understanding and promoting valuable inherent the be analysed p r o c e d u r e , called In other words nonut An insensitive reader it as a structure which must according to a specific important this scene to the poet they will or film­ be effective, True understanding of an artistic participation and be objectified or mystified, enjoyment of it. but absorbed and loved . The film's framing device of n film within a film is effective as a method of f ore ground in,’ the s u b j e c t . of the film industry five years aptly before dinging shows the advantage actors huddled around of the new audition of hindsight we strategically discussion industry as it was In the an 1n was released, the studio's clumsy handling Having the Donen's are able placed twenty and we note to film technology. to chuckle at the pot plants concealing microphones, afraid s peaking directly to move out of r a n g e . to the f olit. ,-e and *t is easy new innovation could have net with the studio movement thanks personnel and fur action, successes nnd ities and it undoubtedly it, and embraces it readily, In the "Broadway Rh yt h m Pallet" be possible capabilities. hopeful young actor, various theatre.. the theatre he goes scene he mode. arrives ing the real cept ucnen has finding work on pert mode. to maximise its effect. Despite his repeated in the same structure prominent translated re present­ feature example and of e v e r y ­ of cinematic suggestive a literary of con­ By implication and c o n v e n t i o n , is a case of "knocking setting means that but reinforced aisposition ana inherent belief though he faces disappointment. ness or resignation of this on d o o r s " . the action is at the same tine rejection from the theatre ::nna. ements, a cheerful s e a r c h , showing his out -/on uses mime is answered is a fine successfully roadway in his face is representative and from the audience Don maintains as a routine when the I he effect theatricality, This Cre ting a non-realistIc alienated the goor slams is a two-dimensional the into the visual to its full in h a n d , knocks on tap canee e s t a b l i s h m e n t , and the in which the whole. ultcase of expression and one is its stage door. metonymy the studio what sound one u n p e r t u r b e d . oy its Bach theatre pos sibil­ to the m o v i e s . .<on shows does a short on to the next dance as his means music begins with non uressea Inevitably is heightened in the attempting to fine work on Broadway at door ana manager appears. of sound thinking about the if they used The sequence of all their those who refuses prospect it could h ve for bring in effects would allowing future film Ion is one o: by t h > daunting restricted that we o e them to renp the benefits failures. to be depressed to see how this such resistance from yet Jonen admits perseverinr with ere v. s and audiences cinema because being in his in his own abilities There in his movements perseveres is no trace even of bitter­ only un overriding optinisr and desire attitude might to succeed. te misco ns tru ed but in the musical, In ei. ' other ( en-e ' s us e foolish and naive hope, generic convention dcmanus that tno ’ maintain our respect ho must not hesitate in nis convictions . tho instinct to do well and the desire to grow by constantly reinventing his r e a l i t y . t nee again, Donen debunks superior art form to film, tradition and history more that the and deconstructs arc necessary valid artistic medium. an older, .ho notion is a the myth that a pre-requisites while he admits established mode theatre for a that the theatre of entertainment is than film , our respect. one you've Cathy's curlier remark that 'once you've seen them ell' tho theatre as in the coulc it is to film. tion is very much like just as easily be applied to Theatre type of plays which are is often repetetlve staged and one theatre the next. been exposed and no* Broadway seen Cathy's 'reality* is examined for Each theatre building and each manager instltu- has alreau:, the same is similar, the ;^:a:.oe anc attitude. film (H ol ly w oo d) and theatre former :^tr. (Broadway) are concerned with commercial aspects of the entertainment ability of th, products to society. fact rely on success at that they purpose. business and the the market- Lelther can escape the the box office for their . petuatea ana generated under the guise Donen refuses to spare theatre of culture and art, or film from his incisive critic i s m . After completing ht= vipito ing that non. to theatre manager, and dlacover- of them con.leer him viable box office material (a subtle Irony considering Gene -elly'" brilliance oe a dancer) Don 1. shown into bad company". In the familiar scenario of '•fulling At this and conventions which are point Donen draws upon formulae part of the gangster genre, .on 164 finds himself locale, shady in Ihe alien environment o/ the gangster typified characters by a sleazy nightclub whose of the underworld . e presume decent young American he has had no this boater and strined tap dancing shoes among the pin striped force the view that he are that as '■ prior experience tyre of situation and his dress, trousers, patrons of jacket, is oddly suits and two-tone spats, is uncomfortable here. lirnt out of place which rein­ Ihe nightclub i v a m p 1 (Cyd C h a r i s s e ) summons him to dance witn ner ana 1ravishes' she him in an overtly is representative found of a generic both in gangster films as musical, have physical dhe is indexical cunning, Their dance is explicitly sexual . t. , is completely more 'the m o l l 1 , ana in the and materialism wr.icn lifestyle, and although intensely erotic with the woman bewildered. scene experience. aance in therole oi is used as a visual It is Don's first encounter type and her cunning seduction leaves Wealthy men are signified by their casual exhibition of money, they flip coins attention, to her greed and appealing to attract the woman's lust for power. is a typical gangster genre Don's adventure icon, of 'taken', the ballet both ends with two gangsters holding exhibiting warped rich and the physically and financially. is a strong index his boyish naivety, and yet he manages of the Broadway way prey upon innocent citizens. has been overwhelmed to escape He has -his section values and corrupt characters. powerful The used to signal him upside down to shake money out of his rockets. been sexual. she abandons him to join wea + tr.ier, In this with a woman of this a rambler. is -. powerful men. tossing coin 'vamp' Don's attraction for her is only satisfied met ap ho r for sexual him As the character type which of the evil infiltrated the Broadway alluring and way. of life, ::ere, the Don, in by the unierwnrld relatively unscathed. His natural capacity for interpreting and reflecting upon life a0 he finds it, allows him an illusion created the people by the it attracts. victims of a warped to realise powerful that this world is just who seek to manipulate The woman and the gangsters arc all society in which money is all-powerful and violence i:< an acceptable that money and pov.^r cannot self-f ulf i Icent and envy which material which scene the He true an:; honesty. which f o l l o w s , won fantasises about the woman the evil lifestyle of which she is a in a flowing white She is submissive is a gentle and sensitive one. and staircase providing in soft focus impart a gentle times to reinforce the transience a fantasy wi thin a film, his character, setting with a to it. The scene impression of fantasy Although it ic four a dance within a fantasy within ^on/Kelly reveals s e l f - a w a r e , sensitive and the 1t r u t h 1 of unrestricted. e to mind his < arlier dance with Cathy and find that once a.-ain he takes the role of sv engali and fantasy setting in which partner's character. medium in which This He respects her the only definition. removed from reality, recall and her innocence as she did his. Donen uses a pale blue and white abstract is shot robe with they dance and although he is the dominant purity and does not violate white greed by each successive in the destruction of purity her hair loose and her feet bare. partner he ihey evoke wealth are addictive desires imagines her dressed passive when ^ cn understands satisfact ion and illusion ol' it. i ov.er and and removes her from part. brin, is temporarily quelled gain. re s ul t In the only expressi ,n. ~ance incorporates a truth about his is highlighted can traditional as an exploratory be realised. ballet m o v e m e n t s , of understanding which contrasts with shallow eroticism of what went woman from Broadway places her back the imagination and emotion d a n c e , which exhibits a depth to reveal creates b e f o r e . and its web in her context, felly releases of false values the the before he enriched by the intensity of their d a n c e . At the close of the sequence, for all hie experiences. been used and recognise rejected Jon He has by it, and it's false values The music man is triumphant is a changed man, travelled in his wiser through /roadway, turn learned to so that he finally can reject because on his journey he has it. 166 pained true experience Bent. „hat he rain, merely far outweighs what He e xp a n d , and knowledge of an a ien envi-or. the other, as a character to change, processes while Broadway's existence, the web of materialism and structure of know a, inhaoitanta of it. through interpretation and growth, rationalise their by passing through this "orr,, of perception, characters compromise and stagnate in self perpetuating greed, the music man's 'reality' is always subject incorporating all bis new experiences and gain. knowledge. of his artistry. — Apart from being superbly execute- a..- pzn. r apartment, and finding that it is raining. But in.tea allowing it to dampen his exalted feelings he uses mirror his inner self. loses all sense of adult V He is childlike responsibility, it in his abandon, -aught of us in and 167 it from a functional object of protection to object which cocpleuentw hia. multiplies in strength as belly in gay abandon, continually -he effect proceeds thrilling himself doing rain, of th.a s c i e n c e to splash about and his uuuitnce the unexpected, in life: "I'm sin, in.- in the aesthetic uy and sin, ing out his joy just singing in tne r a m I'll walk do.vn the lane v.ith a nappy .e^iain cos I'm singing and dancing m the r a m . It ...a. odd eyeo" perhaps, that he should hut ret aphorlcally thl the rain as others are remark "*he our.'s in ajr Is true. Jon 1= == happy in the sunshine. o him It is as i. the aun ■ere dees. With engaging simplicity and , ithout sentimentality the musical genre oho.vs that love is the means >• n the world throws at h i m ana height of hia enjoyment, censor this strange I" 1 DVC * invites to true ' the rain to 'come on n th. tecs, at a policeman arrive- to witness ana performance and Jen unwitting.y -urns ' he merely turns and sings "I'm singing ana dancing policeman confused and be lidered, and .. in tne r a m f leaving the in a final gesture of ' Junen makes a strong comparison between society, bv the policeman who conventional is indexical of order, represented rationality behaviour and belly who transgresses and the bounuurlee ■ an adult apparently indulging in childish of public reaction, reaultin, judice. what in the from their they do not understand rain has been a vital practices, is typical ignorance ana they don.enn. exciting pre­ ..elly . experience, which we the audience have Jinflnr in the min discuss the concepts the structuralists' reality order been lucky is D o n e n 1 a attempt of reality patterns is a construc ted to make is generally structured through society nature of Hollywood the and conviction. actress of and urouna values whic.i Jatny is revealed as wh t sne with only her looks illusion. ne follows shows how is naturalised to s o c i e t y . Jonen shows film industry ana not r.ully and the in to re: >mmena code trans­ true its place sincerity to become a successful simply Lina's is, jn Vhis Jca. and Cathy reflect, is ces tinea to conter t w i t h . to deconst ru ct and m y t h s , generated as truths. the in. think in?: and code which in her own right, illusions and it readily acceptable mitted he upholds to share a vain, her, voice. shallow and a heap And -ina woman of shattered CHAPTER 7 Toe often, the ;-a. * ■ of ccutit lit i; y ir .v that it is ’ while E h a w ’s undoubtedly status cf a c l a s s i c , .uj-erb dra:^ . has crner and achieved the Loe ■e ’3 musical film is . the prejudice and d o e;ma of dominate, serious judgement upon nil orien tatei. an: attitude, 'hi h art' film the ory an. criticism, popular cu]tu:e modes escapist. towar.o ues tk et ic iaci which film novels and dramatic ana as entertainment It is also typical of critical which have their roofs works. Literature ..uoo es in successful as the claer narrative . art medium. industry, C ing film, to the constraints .n : specially as a subject for critical However, ccm m r it ons films are ation the autor.rm^ uc narrative cated self form. according different ii. situations L a d y . share only The differ, if t h e y 1 me cc. f rm, 1. and to d i f f e r e n t lay on cf .y-.; .enomiuator, the t r a m Inti; n f r om development -nd practical application discipline common be determined it ct-eks to analyse. practice method for an alysing one In the each p a r t i c u l a r e nc o de d the film ned .um, and perceived eruditions the their in by film ,lot, their .y ana -air even of a critical of the t, it has. been criticism methods of u suitable ana communi­ : or::, to a n o t h e r . litar^r,, .he absence and take i nt o c o n s i d e r ­ by the nature to use conventional for discuss!'n purpose.. and plays liom ana in m e t h o d o l o g y » should been neglected novels do not 1 t.edium >e ific a u 1 j - ct udience. . one s and characteristics respective this f 11 ,.n i n l i v i d u to re:.re film has tnalys i s . betv/e defeatin' of the commercial film theoretical in p m ticulur genre film, h&s led to a grpv.t ae^l Films hich share nrvel or dramatic of prejudice the faame root ork, tend of this cross-pol li na to ry inu confusion. uource as a successful to suffer ...Ost as a result critical.;,, and most are Judged inferior to their lit r-ry c o u n t e r p a r t s . y : .i r L a d y , ha_ intrinsically tneir common ha a the unfortunate problem of Lein, connect-d :lot, una to S h a w 1s falling t ;; ,.i.n: bo Lh i o n , uy virtue of within the category of genre . teen o v e r l o o k e d , and any d is cu ss io n ha., led t u the same conclusion, o; cation which is that as inferior t Of lily fair lady autonomous „ne to be "or- should larger generic structure. focus film as ted to reveal the .ork. one central particular case, be be discussed coe is im pl i­ tea as an as part of a this examination of a genre and it will oppositions as it is i-ut for any analysis Consequently, A structural!, t analysis, in this snal * eunls ;f a l , i .. must film text and upon the po.rulrr culture at its will bedecons tru c­ core. both Interesting and it sho s the adherence revealing of hr fair . . The letter if, dealt with in , re ctdetail the overall the genre • to makes about class as a . . hlblti toy points which and contributes the conventional lose. rirl it is tht : y sin.a female plot s m. partner who .etc r: inant.,, bey meets an . get; brings :*rl. irl, Interestingly, self-awareness and releases . though, that dominator ana In its ip. ins, :11 i z a 's of the theme of class, oppositions wh .ch occur working cl as;; so ore juxtaposed with s-condly, the .tor, always remains the she the dominated. presentation 3tjuctur.;l n. individual .ids by there are i..e . two 'i rstly the the u,,pcr clas.es and is juxtapotx I with the c o m m u n i t y . As an i n d i v i d u a l , hliza is fre from social ..ft. restriction, her talent and self-tiwcreneas identity and own being. encodes into oeauty o; icons. ihe all emphasis their form, * 1c e a... n g c t h • r s like ironic -hat ow,r first sli ould be th': are they her cultivated, they need while them alive. 'he fact oppose "Why cai 1 t the En, lish" . linguistic:;, society ladies, like than tht?r beautiful imcge of Clara and L'.rs who is discovered of bedraggled and violets. and all in the violet on Like *v-= n food flourishing. Eliza's as a necessary is expanded which diametrically and the hliza, delicate enough to wxthstan. of life, who are hound­ into the m u d , by an overzealouv. of class an d in »e e a her flowers need nothing more of her character, theme their continual nurturing and cossetting to after a minor cleaning. but strong society they are well-bred and careiully to keep them alive even be trodden tive a taxi. the abrasive the working classes, s of into the upper class woman corner selling bunches sunlight to take -1 is *nt ere., tin; Cukor contrasts A ins i ord - 1.i 1 j. . ith survive the shad represent the eaucateu often nothing more exteriors. and them. of beauti- the delicacy and petulant Clara and her mother, flowers a street by using in various is upon and Insight ing r reddy into finding keep or the film, he shov.s a host l a d i e s , c u l t u r e d , c u l t i v a t e ; and society sequence the visual narrative g r o ,,n blooms, pink and a p r i c o t . of the difference between tne working to function as * u- conser vatory sense ordering to confirm her In the opening montage and upper classes subtle her a definite she needs no social cukor subtly flowers afford .-an , and indica­ inherently vu ln e r a b l e , of life's difficulties. but somewhat distasteful first of many sequences th - upper and workin g classes, henry upon hetrin, ..i gg ins , professor of language Eliza't, wuilin and c a t e r w a u l i n g , implores: ">Yhy cnr.'t the English teach their children how to speak this verbal clasn a 1 ti net! c-n by now should be antique... why if you spoke us ahr docs sir instead of the way you uo why you might be selling flowers too... An Englishman's way of speaking absolutely clas ii'ies him the minute he talks he makes some other Englishman despise h i m ... one c o.Ti. ; n 1 an,, uc, e 1 1 -.fra: : ..'11 it- ver ot oh v...y c u n ’ t the ..n 1 . oh le;.:n to o et a ( ot ; exe...j le ...11 (my u n d e r l i n i n g s ) This del ig ht fu l class sequence is de fi ne d t - veals an ^m;ortant by the use whi ch c o n c e p t , th- t a com: unity makes of . into a certain class roup they ar*1 boat 1 to that speech i oor pattern; . classes and v\ the ,,roup as •■ay that Ion. they will and u they adhere to its ;eh int.. the orking si e e t-. , i.e uays ei sure6 that " .c-y u peak, n-ver n .e above their statin: "It's 'eh' end 'yarn' t h .t he not h«-. retched cloth- . and Higgins believes fundament her in •r place, irty f ce Lly in the 'verbal cla_ dlatinc. his c h .racteriotic only be a dream ideolist on the pessimism Cukor leads him to mourn presentj that this can igyins as a frustrated one h a n d , ;ni v.ctim uf his own prejudice on . . 'silly g i r l 1 , a ' bu age', i. ' . ailin,_ c u t 1 and says her voice . she were a laay io shown m the sequence "wouldn't it be . look at the sensitive work .n, and optimistic. she believe*, are bein' cart bitter fannir. c la. ,« , ..lisa' ■>he do ts all the mannerisms which oh m e t eristic or cynical, cnr. uj r.n i reel m e .eruel: vigcrc ur ly , her v c rk i n < cl wishful-thinking is both er-cl v.so lady in her All her character and she ithout 'c a r r i a g e 1 , a dust .c t i nr. arc alien , e • t s euc: pose to us • Intere: t i n g l y , her beliefs about concern that priorities tr. <y have what she th* lacks. r.re specifically w o r k i n g define her a t. be Ion. in? higher sta tion would to that upp-r cl-.^oes show a ..'or mot i vat ions ana class in orientation and background. i ovi..g into u enable aer to alv.ays be w a r m , comfortable and w e l l - f e d , thin,., u member of the upper class takes for granted. All Aliza v,nnts she sin. u; "... is a reoE somewhere far away frci.. the cold night .ir with one enormous chair Aw wouldn't it be luverly Lots of chocolates for me to eat Lots of coal a a k i n ', lots of 'eat ..arm face, ware 1anas v arm feet Aw wouldn't it be luverly..." Amongst the workin g classes luxury usually imagines and mention o chair reserved for the man that recline an easy she will have eat choc is a spec\al of the house, one for herself, ^ate. In E l i z a ' _arean in which there . u t u i v . ire lor comfort money, and Elxza to is no andsome on­ to protect her. Cukor's presentation of w o rki ng class London and cinema tically ing is about striking. particularly starting effective, their day's colours are crab greys various destinations, which immediately film. He freezes His sequence nd and of the shows how the activities. crowns. people frame for a fe The purpose in the seconds of go •heir dominant «s they move itself rich early m o r n ­ towards Cukor employs an interesting foregrounds action to continue. is visually this cevi'c context and tneir o: tne ;hen allows tne s ries of freeze‘ * Cukor invites importance us to examine tneir daily of ear.. : ember of a society Each one is part of a ncver -e na in g living, freeze whic frame equilibrium. past action and process ie has caught tion of the n.rr within future as genre, images are co mp l e t e l y appropriate. leans towards and they are portrayed as a large the backbone of ponsible balanced. the for keeping backbone of th' its industry ir. cverj at the which uses stylisaconvention, C u k o r 1.j presentation the sentimental happy structure. poise.i in it were, live content as an acceptable of thr* working classes reaiu.ee the of working class action are each action, the musical and to its overall skor aho. s us is perfectly decisive moment. these lives family which however, count English nation and and economy solvent. ite, is res­ The re neated reference especially into to uiliza as a 'noble daughter' cloying. The film the conditions of worki ng keening with the genre popular culture wants cla.s in general, in society. to believe omits making any about life, and but It reflects what Cukor Beaton's ma gn i f i c e n tl y "Ascot Gavotte" visuali sat io n sense and Ascot seeks taker, the moat wear a black and white brilliant the theatrical..y vital screen. elements them for the maximum outshine of the irpaot. when each member the others. e n s e m b l e , and black the a r i s t o c r a c y , tne shown society at their most aloof, to impress and in the society it is brought to the event and foi© gr oun de d ,e are is designed In this is p a r a m o u n t , along with effectively this of the working classes, sequence. stylisation with which Cukor has picture of the upper classes and of event prote i t s t 1i . to this and white real its function as As a direct contrast presents Cecil is All of the women each is a masterpiece of design and co-ordination. he hats are decorated with all manner to assume of flowers and feathers vast and even absurd . they strive create It is Cukor's rigidly controlled Any dissension results want following new are accepted they have that fat, lions and the followed tacit approval of accepted and proves defined by speech and are numerous of of that Higgins' is a fallacy. recreated by the belief Class peonlc who behavioural norms which 1ashione or at least -scot as an excuse the upper classes. ccies insist on community, known is the Although they mese that community. but widely ident- behavioural 1 l i b e r a t e d 1, and the whole and institution. ostracision. for horse-racing, to the unwritten etiquette, social fadt, of conouct, by the group identity adherence and and the upper class and or ga nis ed progressive as much an occasion created belie! or transgr ess ion and share a com:.on taste, is both definitive in immediate and complete tv a pear forcing they a community style which ifiable. most to be different, is not for rein­ It demands -odes of social that class is institutions are be Ion.- to tn»m, only those there born into a •>na unt;■ > .•'•mutt « . uko <1: =)pit e collectiv vi sue' l y » fcj ire .- nt in. them in the 'nacot G&votte stren, th u; in series c y ..c a. ; e t a the o. in upper class still turn, -hots their i i.ips, ♦, r . turin, mi uniforme ir.ea i n grey mornmr ■ k c o l l c t iv» f orce t.-.ey sing: :,e v e yon< w h o s h o u l d 1 v p b e e n h e r e i. .bat e s m a s h i n g p o s i t i v e l y d-.shin. t c o - ho:., i: race... aztd each here admits: ;r ,ir c rl e t t i nj t .**; i u ’ . • • ,1 n. re. depth o; It fashionable •din ... * emotion t 11c . eu and excite- an- h desir- & "her, ■ •a ct h an a p p r o p r i a t e w u v . h . .• u ' vi .e •ly >-r i .. .-.^izu, a d o r n e d via- ' jn ■re h e ■'c i ■■e /. " n t e n d it. ,o m u c -i n, t o ,e i t of n:i cane the occasion, chatters to a t ad about she h an d i n r when forgets aunt •ho who m e drank she swa l l o w e d a > lea i0 thet do 'ie ' mu in t 1:: • nv ent ion iz', .y , " on, wet rin. h r iv” . -n ol iled h . - 1 th< u, :: shf -i i n e « x n0 tro. n s u i t , ins the •vliev f ivctie.ne . inds her peculiar manners attractive nd believes they must . ' I; taken aw a sign , of ba breeding. belong to a certa in society may • n 1y tnose -he transgress -m tru.y its rule-. Ihe ., "Ascot Gnvotte" ueuc e d is pi a y « b l. .x ik. um use v ■> for* r r o u n u inc technique, max im urn i m p a c t . elements Its result in order to a : crd > -hu thv .. vwm&u* the visual extreme utjlisalion cl in a c o m p l e x iconography into which tne • dre.-.s and a p p e a r a n c e of force community their a who re merely own of cultural identity. • ;nber and Jla ss o t h e com .unity retriction and as Hig js not of e x i s t e n c e which of his relationship priorities ana views c h a r a c t e r ! : t i c , speec.., jefines to the oi o ri c ana person -rich cl a..., ha., ana er. u, h ue-ieves of m i n d .individual g ro u p . tue is n o t the rein­ man-rent ins 'verbal d i s t i n c t i o n 1 it is an a t t i t u d e a a state terms sense e ac h to in its adopting bridge tne gap ■ Higgins' nento his laboratory, is b o t h otatus outside the te ll Street um is o upper constraints surroundings ..i m p o l e reflective among the ..here hr. c o n d u c t s of linguistic :.is p e r s o n a l i t y clasueu. class anu but h i s definition c- in at he is *'he i c o n o g r a p h y a visual expr.ri- in e l e c t i v e lie b e l i e v e - behaviour, otherwise. clearly his personal ten of c: t:.e man . his m e . c u l i n i t y , of his aged, o n character bachelor h i i z a ’s arrival br ow n leather, an, bionze brands him as an a va st l-brary middle- upper-class, int el - e c t u a - • orking-clas s upbrin m , at busts, Higgins' ho u se , is . h e re uniquely she h o p e s dis) Icyev. in h - r to purchase elocu- • convinced her hile her a p p e donned w h a t v.ith which t correct th ranee she she {rove believes is ill at s p e e c h v.ill i m p r o v e ot he r- i se . dhe to be the c o r r e c t ea: e and her h s ur.: or t u..c i u ly attire, a lar. e h at st-.tion, a handbag decorated with • . and outlook, she . must begin to trunk Uke a lad,, not just 197 c a l l o u s , he educates with those son's speech but consists class of one's lazy, The the force of economic prejudice own elm come , who about and see allies him classes are conditions. not analytically, respons­ Higgins' c-ass lazy and re:eats t.ile Higgi ns a 2 ^ o. now not in principle vvitn his rather like -ina, he speech in it by choice, or social willing to hear her mistakes. is re f l e c ­ imprecise the ..or, in,- classes as Eliza begins her lessons good correct grair.car, shows a lack of unders ta ndi ng about distinctions that somehow .orklng ible for their own situa tio n and are through and speech character, 1^M'I',‘fcre nature. in th t s? eecn is responsible dis tinctions, a slovenly scenes ia interestir.f . ins believes precise arti cu lat io n this he also maintain:, for Dritains indicates cf Hig these the sain, Lina take eloc uti on lessons, and L i n a 1a teachers, beyond tive Con., irinf in the curlier film -.insinr in which Jon and Like thro urn f e a r . her uncouth. unaware and un­ sounds m cnu ical.j to spend hv^ro 1 True learning can only cone nition and geni^uc faults, and about as a result perseverance. gins is too Hiiza does insensitive of tault r ec og ­ not hear her to help and guide her, * grows more impatient, while her lack of progress. bin she sin. r "Ju: t you wait she will have effect his swim, when by royal 'enry Hhe will 'ig ins" urn. imagines the The different attitudes in revenge powerful enough to leave him drowning while they . at her revenge t r u a - sy and more frustrated with ncr anger and humiliation to die wh e n he f 1 1 ,a ill decree. discovers her l y , if ore becomes a Indy and dec.Ira. leave him -liza becomes s< nd: i: or have hie. benended short-lived as hig.-ins her Luck to tne voa. e n. ci....t . of work in cl' o and upper c.'aes men . Shall Never L't a „ omnn Luck". Although Higgins and Doolittle sex, but react in ry Lite" they are and "with a Little from different share social similar feelings in different way# in their rel Hit cl backgrounds about the opposite tionships with them. Higfir.t feel, do their utmost co ns tructed costs, they to disrupt lifestyle . is dev ast a t ing nature. that to his destroy creaturea who u mar.1 s carefully ,v oil on 1 .. influence, a equilibrium and ihey s ould because, and are scheming be kept e explains, affects his out of o n e 1 better life at al^ he sin,.: "Let a woman in your life and patience hasn't got a chance She will ask you for advice, your reply will be concise then she'll listen very nicely and , a out and do precisely what she likes... Let a woman in your life and your serenity is through in a line that never ends come an army of her friends come to nat te r and to chatter an.i to tell her what the mat ter is with you'." and withou t a woman Higgins likes to fee. "... an ordinary man who prefers to spend the evening who likes an atmosphere as quiet an average man am I of no eccentric whim who likes to live his life, free doing w h a t e v e r he thinks is best just an ordinary man." Contrary cal and and to his i d e a s , Higgins insensitive. preconceptions. and cannot He understand as trying as he Doolittle His that father. expects sensitive to cook and and In upon prejud.ee prepared to compromise at all a woman might find him j us t than Hig ins treatment in his relationships o J r.liza's mother, keep r.ou-se lor him while he goes shirks all ith a Little working-class based ego ti st i­ finds a woman. is no more philandering of strife of him is e c c e n t r i c , selfish, possibly with w o m e n , as he show:, by his whom he he is: in the quietness of nis room as an undiscovered tomb view^ aie all is not that responsibility Lit of Luck" he as a husband and expresses a common attitude when he sings: "Ch it's a crime for man to go philandering to fill his wife's poor heart with fear and doubt Ch it's a crime for man to go philandering Put with a little bit of l u c k , with a little bit of luck you can see ‘he bloodhound don't iind out. Doolittle, Higgins like Higgins can afford in philosophy, to is selfish and 'play' insensitive, his linguistic and while games and dabble Doolittle disregards responsibilities altogether. As an ar chetypal working class man, he loathes work and loves d r i n k i n g , but he weakne sse s and is essentially admit ling his honest, • htfty c o n e s s in, to s nature: "The Lord above gave man an arc o! iron so he could do his work and never shirk... but with a little bit of luck... someone e l s e 111 do the blinkin' work. The Lord above made liquor fo: temptation, to see ii man could turn av.ay from sin... but with a little bit of luck... when temptation comes you'll . ive right in." Doolittle feels or remorse code no obligation for his behaviour. like hxm, them. in an attempt he sells Liza are purely to H i g gi n s sane moral : is motives, codes party and Doolittle the strata, abound and oound in their individual and sold at random, but They share of sympathy vhat his dau^z.-cr io a tria-. m e n , alt hough accepts prostitutes her strikes a chord .act prepared to conform to intrinsically He transaction. of the "u nu eserving Cukor oh O', s he-, t o ^ o - e o. extra drinking money pounds. to the shrew and her mother a constant himsel f as one an selfish and he knows an. to be bought in H ig ins wh e n he bemoans lot ana not is acceptable within his to Higg.ns for five is a willing and f eels no shame procure a little if she were an object the It of w r rking class morality, others as to change, to him. poor" .ie refers ^o wno is happy with his 'middle class' mora^i. . they are iron d i : : erent to the prevalent attitudes situations, can share ^deae and ..nich . then together and reinforces In the seq jence cf " h e Eliza climbs herself from a t-^ir in .r: lh- ranks -pain her far greaier awareness are to understand. necessity with in thr generic been has learned sensitive. i ain.y in tne she etructu.e, doe ia inherent dickering destroys net need rids one class As a truly talented from her experiences Unlike Higgins leave effectively she Heality not -'lain , to speak has than Lig< ins and dor. to a group. to define her reality. hlizi "or she to join another, to belong tays Her learning afforded institution ine identities. cf the v.rrking classes and of all class connections. able scu the person institutions in her own person, because she has always who remains a prisoner 01 A his own self-created will not to criteria individual indicates of of speech [ecple, as •ii;. -nu doe.; ..hetr.er or a ' cial b a c k g r o u n d . Higgins an J c < her kindne.s new-found fallen sees communities. pas.: i o n , sel f- owa ren ee o in love with stren. th o: this love. ing "1 Could've Danced and Her go to led. flower, irl .r.ich ..liza H e r talent sense a lack to a The characters musical of Ky openly nil heroine who it be generous best where . conform in music, her formulae, and experience to a certa.n through conventions of and livin of e have and the truly therefore by of deep e m o t i o n s . revealing her dreams passions ("Just You -ait Danced All ..ight it is this rather than the ability individual freedom. class and cannot learning and any­ the of self ana The greatest with, -he has no 'belong' the working classes this knowledge the r e s t r i c ­ prize which from and loving is her womanhood . H i g g i n s ' character also undergoes u subtle, ation as he gradually allows as a prejudiced, Eliza slow tra nsform­ to enter his life. dominating man whose insensitivity are distinctly ,• of her fe elings finally leads society mark her as a true l a d y . begins by sing­ to be quiet enables her to transcend upper classes within her, Hig -in; the out of accepted ("I Could've depth and Eliza has elements she has gained to the and capable ..overly"), properly which real affiliation refusin is talented musically, to her becoming a woman, of clac. > nd In Eliza uoolittle This a. arene ,s of the true tions that she ..he is radiant with flaunts convent ion Hight", ' igg ins ") and her love to speak and familiar types grown expresses herself 'enry une Fair Lady formulae. Wouldn't ins, and concurrent with generic implication sincere, ("A HI to realise onan. the g e n r e , and are recurrent brings her tra ns fo rm at io n ha;, been t ..of o l u , from a to a lady from a girl She people Jne in Higgins. Eliza's has .liza haa no jrejuuicc* j udfe and classify acco rdi ng sees prejudice, non-musical. He arrogance and here nliza is impulsive life or/an, sed. confirms She all his ed lifestyle existence prior b i Li el's about wo me n chatter", equilibrium, and until But contrary slowly he becomes finds intelligent. Accustomed to her has become upon Eliza: in general. an integral that he cannot she gras; but it upsets his carefully arang- to his expectations nor does and is reasonable and his e finds ncr be;.aviour stranye, destroys his honest l :. i f; <z in s a no irrational, scheme, In the sol of his do without her. Eliza coes not and Face" Higgins part she is always loquy/song admits hew "natter and "I've Grown dependent he "... she almost makes the ay begin I've grown accustomed to the tune she whistles night and noon Her smiles her frowns her ups her downs are second nature to me now Like breathing out and breathing in I was supremely independent and content before we net surely I can always be that way again, and yet, I've grown accustomed to her smile her something in the air accustomed to her face." Eliza's face is used person, which has becomes angry at curses her as a metonymic made such an impact the thought ingratitude, caused her defection. which will ultimately "confirmed old replacement that failln, His bachelor", in Higgins' love has from of their love, has replaced and Higgins arc equals. est recurrent of mind create their own real and He themes, barrier; is clearly and to being a class for each distinctions th t clans or verbal which they be a flower one is more other. and Eliza of the an attitude distinction. continually strong­ people reaffirm as right. character of Freddy of the film, emotions development as a result Cukor recmnhaoizes than a socio-economic natural, The generic reverting to a otron,- respect freedom has alien just as nliza could never .heir mutual growth and Individual He that he could have awakened seller again. led life. she could leave him and to see prevent him for her whole is an unfortunate an acceptable, identifiable as one in the context fam iliar one within the heroine's desperate V the genre. suitor. %02 Cur first see him hounded sister. impression of r'reddy by his is of his w e a k n e s s , and v/e domineering mother and his r'reddy is ineffectual class male, he does with society n t people . s u i t o r s , enjoys and he proven, his until s of the upper and he spends all of h .s time being of the genre's conven­ in love ana suffering ardour by waiting rendition Freddy's performance character and meaning]ess. of insincere and is remarkable renders He declares in its the shallow po..er, sentiments to all sense day You L i v e 11 emotions. but his expressed hollow .ithin earshots "I have often v.alked down this street before but the pavement always stayed beneath my feet All at once an I, several storeys high knowing I'm on the street where you live." and denies all rejection, outside Kliza's door n a p p e a r s ."On the Street "here is a magnificent ineffective reflective '■!e , like all tional and night v. ork and petulant of res ponsibility before by ex c l a i m i n g : "Let the time roll by I won't care if I can be here on the street where you live." Freddy uses the form of music without of sincerity character. and Freddy's tion and moves days conviction the song transcends of Eliza and when he patience his inp a r d o u r . which mark truly emotions grow He burst implications talented all rules into extreme sentimentality. for a glimpse for his next its greater He has waited is finally to the of dis cre ­ rewarded point of all-consum- into song with: "Speak and the world is full of singing the heavens ringing higher than the clouds. Touch and my heart begins to tremble the heavens tumble darling..." and Eliza, who is outraged although Eliza's Higgins suitors uses words coldly his with an excess real meaning, at his indulgence So appear to t e at opposite extremes; and mechanically of emotion which they arr silences him. both leaves incapable and Freddy charges them aevoid of all of curing for her genuinely. Higgins' Colonel friend colleague and Fickering, to Eliza, partner in the is a gentle, and a surrogate transformation sensitive father person who of t-liza, is both a in the absenae of Doolittle. should be, station, Eliza, .0 he considerate fenen:us represents what of 11 a true fentlenan people no matter what and kindheurted. their In her w o r d s : "He treats a flower girl as if she were a lady... I shall always be a lady to Colonel i ■ckering because he always treats me a one." dickering, real although distinctions prejudice and belonging between social people both friends living with Higgins. plate so Higgins' be defection he assumes If he had "hailed sex that women are that he could absurd. ana allies the opposite believes in his life. eviuence of to aliza while she problems irrational that she is or inconsistent in his re la t i o n ­ are clearly of his inadequate of the his moth er and -irs N e ith er are dil:ic ult in their characters, He free about women are and h e a r s a y , from the other two important women ships with is essentially tha t Higgins' opinions prejudice Fierce are and sees no restriction. " e can only surmise based upon to the upper clashes, own making. and refuses to contem­ in some way. is ungrateful, Cf Eliza's selfish, and ceen: as a Frince. by one an:, by a l l , he asks: " " ould I start weeping like a bathtub overflowing? And carry on as if r.y home were in a tree? would I run off and never tell me where I'm going?" The scenes she can behave as ■hen he before and after takes her accepts her as his life. he ut in the forgets Eliza which he has less a working class settle . iggins an. her to the ball he to lead - ual both excitement o: re. ardt place that he nn. in society. environment unn has among the upper classes . restriction succeeding obnoxious, symbolically of some sort. partner in her only as an object for the acnieve- made her homeless, Job­ bne no Ion, er belongs no financial means nliza is free o: but logically no one can exint without to an institution proves in his experiment, He .'Ivcs her no creait to realise a at his most in station and us a us a person and and without ball at which Eliza a lady show created. ment and faxlo the to social belonging in Doolittle' £> raj id is both the difficult effects rise .nu in station uncomfurtaole of a sudaen and Jiiice Do olittle has honest morality, to J in the niddle become he hu^ forces for Jukor reveals ch i, e in circumstances. respected bvi n hin. classes creed ana renowned to .dapt to for his ' m i d .1e ' Eliza's mother. a final, In "(Jet id. mournful fa rewell to the Ch u r c h to his on lime" he bachelor days anu himsel f for a life of m a tr im oni al isolation. marriag e it similar to death, and a sexual companion and ho: ..ekeeper he bids pre.area For Joolittle, hile he needs a woman as relieves in male free- . to become domineer,nr an., df r. ;in . lie ante the pleasures sequence in ..hich . "vet me Cukor to the on presents a vivid drinking and portions, physical . ice" i. picture personify in their of . orkin. contact. zest typically p e t u l a n t , inhicited situation, a e pi e t c a s nd counterparts. behaviour and are Doolittle't forced change the class of one's to to ; ssume its dress, ana are .<crkin*, have as their their codes of which Cukor shows comically Iy air La .y reinforces that one cannot move out­ .ithcut at. op tin.- different one nlrea.y holds. It is not itn. the r social enough institution, patterns or its particular m a n n e r i s m s . Cne must learn and accept a fully-i e 1 is ed musical belong to a class Upper delicate, ana restricted message. the tra r pit. •!. o its speech coarseness . in circumstances ha* caused him , r o .p dis ti nc ti on the ones nlike aliza they of outsiders. boundaries and t-hows us attitudes just a ceriou.- appetite for sex and thin and too, considerable misery and ur -wish, but n pt without pro­ hap. y ana contented v.ith their They suspicious lid® eating, clac: -conscious . but as c l ass -c ons ci ous upper class . nesty ana are ch a ra ct er is ti ca ll y people are class Its women are of emple for livin the worki ng cl os^ class women side another well-endo.. e d , v.ith t. healthy uninhibited class hurch the > overn, . slizu, as c h a r a c t e r outgro. c the necessity to of people id.olo y. and her identity is not defined by a social allegiance. ohe is neither v.ork in. upper c l a s s , but an assured, elegant cman v/ho responds to her own n e e d s , understands her necessity freely accepts her submerging them ir.divicual who talented of his and to remain fellows. express case so, group. like Doolittle reason for using it leads her beyond it reinforces the its shares Doolittle circumstance social his sense define existence. the group and pensable in his life. she only goes be sensitive and and hio transcend prejudice, visual style. while et play upper class servei that elements to reinforce society design concept reveals how love her that he of the bac k­ shared Hie incor­ the oppo si­ similarly, further highlights a specific is arab and muted brash. In contrast in style, black and white of film to Indies. both exhibit clans at work flamboyant The indis­ upper class of the n a r r a t i v e . it is colourful and its colour c h o i c e s . experience proving the visual icons The working is always is confident to a barriers. class women and and and to respect and him from his distinctive their differences, learned released structure orkim Beaton'y by the middle is necessary Higgins' social the thematic tion between she earing. individual poration of flowers as Cecil because he believes back to him ..hen she In M.y Fair L a d y , Cukor usea expose protection and a free man who is forcea that He has musical char acter hns attitudes provide the film ends happily when Eliza returns iggins who accepts ground the to the class morality. changed will restriction and to c nfirm to something he loathes, 1redictably, both of belonging He wants is ultimately classes and middle and tne prevailing true self-awareness. restriction of working class mo rality in it. class man song and d a n c e , and to ac hieving in Doolittle's People and .y hliza and her father are themselves both use song as a means In Eliza's group persona. is an essentially working is comfortable attitudes to love and responsibilities without into a collective c o n t r a s t , Dooli ttl e cla:, s , nor the but conventional "Ascot Gavotte" in ma gni fi cen tl y dla playu hov the upper classes create in their quent a definite colour has a strong impact cant. The upper clauses s h a d e s , Lrs Higgins decorated in pale an elegant Uie girl, sings to generic Visually, it is usually show a preference resides for signif i­ paste 1 in a towrhouse which pink shades, and is appropriately mirrors personality. fulfils many of t..e genre's narrati ve formulae simplest boy atyle. lilestyle and her refined I.;,v Fair lady even because to be different, plot determinant, boy meets son.- nr s gets girl. t y p e s , the hero, ,'lrl, boy loses Its characters the heroine, are the hero's best friend, th»- ar er.t suitor an. And sub-plots are recognisable within the structure its musical g e n r e , the heroine woman and rises Higgins' in station individual procedures to which their members they are on opposite purpose, individual. constraints and what tacitly ends of the fundamental Cukor either class it i, are social by the expressed inevitable resolved as they illustrates restriction. subject ..crking to the same their own group identities pledge characters allegiance. arc is ultimately statements to a characters. of the social bound of the to a l a d y . is only true really and create True musical are Kelly, which ..h; ch is to rationalise people wheth er other's freedom and and upper classes structuring common from a girl import?.nt opposition which :'y ■■air Lady is between cla.ses of each surrogate m o t h e r . from a flower girl suspicion and mistrust become more aware most transformed and Eliza's relat ion shi p is clouded conflict, The is the heroine's t -ue or they which So although spectrum they share a the existence of each free from social telling us, are not. This is that is one the musical film ma k es , by /red A. t a i r c , Uingrr Rogers, Donold C 1Connor or Eliza D o o l i t t l e . Cene 207 CCNCL:- >.!! i he ,truct ureliut mcdel muslca: sis. genre the of binary is valuable eu a tool t provides n grid of narrative mapped. content what makes of it genre he and focuses purpose category taught, comv anc film, are the its st ructural . irstly, vhich alout ^o this relationships. various differences p .nta have m: nve/ t ir ing b society's ,nsi t. into he structure has come that attitude about by feedin, culture genre inventing films producers which one that to have a greater sees 'natural' In the musical of life, itself, i.e. they oi 'true the ..orld they pander viev, oi to and and no-one see vhe .rils desire lile. lopular rcnlit, , but never enre, carry and confirm a of reality, and directors sense Analys­ as being natural ana is reflective portrays a d i s to rt ed which import .nt. they serve, to bcllev, them a so-called are shown us a fact leads the world Audience., want to hide anything. in society, ideological carriers the . ociety in , enre role to be regarded are specific industry's third-./, formulaic ana ad- particular community about film And vhich is continually pi ular culture messages presented to promote the forces and constraints is highly ulfilo a certain o pul nr culture modes to l i f e 1 . literary itself. opular c: Iture .nly recently, ept that between appeal artforn. especially the musical ,nr ps to an overall and a popular culture me d i u m needs understand operate u ion e masc ■ilm and of this it i.i i.eces,ary to a. i , must b<- n been to ehov. how a certain to Secondly, to It has special attention and any analysis which aims iscour, can Le the jenre m u si cal ,ca n be stuuied in attempting le. . -hid. is its specificity particular content urtain fundamental f 11.:. analy­ a,. vinst the film musical. of this work has to li ht. there and 05 upon for critical possibilities orkuble, in mind in the in individual film text a certain clas.> of texts, devised bearing oppositions sccr.^ class uistinctions pretends uhut tney 2C8 not exist. and even desirable with C n the security c o n t r a r y , t h e y are accepted because and a sense Put popular culture the society which it entrenches dow provide the of co:ncunity is really onl„ it r e f l e c t s . the dominant into the nature we must tey ideology, ana culture but as films In recent years numerous .-i Kitzes, e attempted the concept of genre criticism, i were are often complex, taneously on many When v.e view to which but must impact. 1beyond model of binary first serious attempt both complex ist model of binary which will discourse Cur to do tni. and achievea the simul­ '2 and m e t a p h o r i c . from the society is to understand An analysis and one of nostalgic a form which of genre structuralist the revealed a film dense. category -he s t r u c t u r a l ­ in the music il genre, to provide a critical of films. can use about a hi therto misundt rutood, film popular culture, hitzes' thematically to students, who they still have a strong interest an important group valuable basis tor in the - estern genre was oppositions attempt to analyse prove but formula' • oppositions which was wise a serious indexical consider their function as also go like ^tanley to a need in sr • 'ty, relevant itself so o b v i o u s l y . ategories must be consiaer- it has now are dislocated leading to a concern foregrounds and can ecause although genre l e v e l s , literal, them t o d a y , they this, t h e m s e l v e s , not stylised works which c o n m u n . they were most curiosity, beyond Ihocas Schatz ana Colin and in response visual and narrative a win­ to create an intellectual it deserve-. provided because provide, film critics -tephen lieale, KcArthu- f; to be-on^ing to a definite ed a r t . ac ceptance relevant of a certain community. of film which car. be serious serious identity. socially category Solomon, individual It is necessary con sider the individual just as popular as natural is lik e­ framework within I hope it to neglected that promote renre. it 2C9 REFERENCES B a r t h e s , Roland k'y tholof; i > - Tr Annette London S/L : Granada publishing, Ir by Lonaon Buzin, Andre Bertolt Chatman, Se ymo ur : Ca lifornia University rreso, : University Northrop Cr,.anum for the Theatre in Sima und !•orm Story The Barry Y. ed . : Cornell Fred : lottsuam, University .-reus, s Button, 1972 of Criticism : Atheneum, ,p n r p : Tl.eory 196 6 and Criticism • . 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Pisch London : Cornell Brecht on Theatre Ke<v York .fill iaras , Raymond Culture London ■Vright, "ill Six !!ichael 1966 : Hill and n a n g , 1964 : Chatto and .Vindue, and Society 1956 : A Structural Study Western Berkeley Wood, P ’-ess, and Society Guns of the University A„ioricn He •• York : University nt of California the ilovieo : Basic Looks, 1975 xresc, 217 • riodioalft ’ /enrr-s A . l a c u s e i o n of T o d o r o v on the . a n t a., t ic in literary Higtorv VIII No 1 Autun.n 19 76 B u e c o m b e , Bd ye, Douglaa ihe i d e a o 1 .en re in > h e A m e r i c a n C i n e m a in -jc r e c n Vol 11 lio 2 C e n r e a rd L o v i e a in i-ovie R y a l l , Tom No 20 1 975 i e a c h i n b I .-.rough G e n r e in s c r e e n ^ c u c a t i o n No 17 Ihe N o t i o n of G e n r e in ^ c r e e n Vol 11 N o 2 3 ch c1ea , Robert T o w a r d s a P o e t i c of F i c t i o n in N o v e l 2 1 9 6 9 iodorov, Tzvetan 7he O r i g i n of G e n r e s ln :-ev< L i t e r a r y Visaer, The G en e r i c in N o v e l . •<o o l f , V i r g i n i a I d e n t i t y of the N o v e l ..'inter 19 7 8 ihe i>.ovies n id R e a l i t y in 1 ev. Ne; ub 1 ic Unpublished Grov&, j . V I I I N o 1 A u t u m n 1 97 6 History XLVII A u g u s t 1 92 6 Thesis l h ± - -N-PMcn 1 and z m e t ire at GecotiJar.v -.c ho n University oj ■11 Jtu.l y ■p v e l of the uitv.atei srund 1 9 8 1 2ie index cf FILLS i- e G a1*• Broadway Uelody or 1929 1929 Paramount 193c 1932 on Parade I art- .turner Droi io dio „arner Bros Footlight Parade Warner aros of 1933 R .K • C . The Gay D i v o r c e e The Kerry -ido.v Fashions cT 1934 Top Hat Broadway Melody Golddiggers 1937 Faranovnt V,arner B r o s R.K.t. 1. .G •i•a of 1'• ?t of 1939 1948 1949 195C R .r.•C • k . •K "he the Hleet Ireat '•al t z R.K»L • rteK eC e c i r l C y Of v rucn snd Irene Oe.tle i»l•G • • East er Parade k •G •k • Cn The To-vn i».eG •k e The student ;rinoe k*G»k« Annie Get Your Gun k •G eke An American in Paris k eJ e e uhow boat 1„•G e e Singing The in the Lain Band wagon j-o *’• .g .k. ...•G eke Brigauoon A star k.G.k* .... K •G • • It'S Always 1'elr ..eathcr 1955 1956 „ arner Bros The Jolson Story 1952 1954 • Paramount 1951 1953 R .h •(- • Follow 1939 1946 Bros Warner Swing Tine Llay tine 1938 • Street Golddiggers 1936 Ca R aK Plying Down 42nd 1935 ount Love Ke Tonight 1933 1934 pf.ranount k a g n a / B .1• Enterprises Carousel It",G •I.• High Society The King and % Twentieth Century Fox -— m 219 J. • 1957 1959 196 2 1964 1965 1967 1969 1972 1983 SjIk Stockings South ft1 • • Twentieth C e n t u r y S'ox lac if 1c Gigi The u-an <ho Shot Liberty .< a r n e r Bros C.d.S./earner Ky lair Twentieth Cen tu ry lox/ Argyle W a r n e r Jros lady The Sound of .«uaic C aaelot Kid 3 U t =h C a j s i a y a- d *h = 3 u n d a n c « Twentieth C e n t u r y I'ox AdC rict ires/ allied Artists Cabaret United A r t i s t s Flashdance listed indicate the y e a r of r e l e a s e . W ' f' Author Hiltermann T V Name of thesis A structuralist analysis of the musical film genre and its relation to the teaching of film concepts 1983 P U B LIS H E R : University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg ©2013 L E G A L N O TIC ES : Copyright Notice: All materials on the U n i v e r s i t y o f t h e W i t w a t e r s r a n d , J o h a n n e s b u r g L i b r a r y website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal and/or educational non-commercial use only. 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