rFs(d qo do REGD. NO. D. 1,.-33004 t99 qcro-3300a/99 *qt{ {41 Ehe (Sszette of gtndto SRIMI{gT EXTRAORDINARY II-€us 3-sq-qo-s (D PART II-Section 3-Sub-section (i) qFr vlfu*Riu-*IRti PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ti. ffi, T{stdqR, fF(ER 12, 2ot1/fiq ,1e3s NEW DELHI. THIJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER I2,20I3IBIIADRA 2I' I9J5 T$ 4631 No.4631 21 {ifrq-4t 3tt{ e'rfo'r trdi-aca rizra-q sfuqrdr T$ ffi, q fraqr, :orr cr.6lff. ozs(3r).-Gcfr €Eua t s1.& 309 t vigo r-{RI q-Eta lrfhd'df 6r rq}T adt * R-{rc ,1p56 ori 5q f'? W 6.{i Ev $rceq qifuE$rc tEI ffrr{ 1961, 6l gfurq"r t vt:e frcr rrcT t cr fi 'dt ffiFd ftfi a1q frqT zrqT --dri t, 3it{ nirr - 0) 5l frrat drtc 6} r{d dnl 2013 tr (2) { rrarr* Jt c-{ifi-d 6l} it, q-r ro fr':iclt 3ralll sfra a d, 2. cfuilrr - ra 1. dffqa ftqq furr, *Ti *T srqtd- '- riFq ars nrrffq siftq-drc d-fl ftqq' fi t (a,) '.t+' t furr 5 ih' lcftq{ (zl t 3ffi4 srefiq qiffirq tro dr* sflt-a tt (s) "xlqf t iq itr6 l-fl Jrqtr gn*a tt (rt "fr{izo qffi " t F€ 5 d REEc flffi $ffnd il (q) "ifr * f t Ail 4!fr * cbffi q lft t dirr f FqKfrs dri + filq Y-rr M t scrrs rqqff nr * q{RfffrreFrJftc ffi sFfr sffl-a tt (s.) "T-d-dq rf t frqg -l tt sFcErd oE qc ili eqr$ d 4 reqr* 61 g9*d tl M (q) "T$5I{" * ii+q vl6n snid tt (E) "ffi t ftca I + 3cft{n ttl tFffErE,Frci $ffnd tt (r) "srffirrf' t {iMt 3f{ o,r+rs 6r+tr{-i d"rcc afi*d 3944GI/20r3 (l) tl TTIE CAZE1TE OIT INDIA: F]X'TRAORDINARY [P^RT'II- SEC' ](i)I (g) "F* $ ,m *- ditr t ffid tr' t tM * qqfi-d ati *' ca"rd 3q *uft it df Tt trfl fI 3rifu 3it{ f{rjf sFaR-d ffi ird0 !tn+d t (l) di T{ fr{st f,l 3ttrW-dl S srq, cFfr * fi 0-{r * G aqffi dl ststdr fi rcka *.Aq Fsn f FqI ilq4l t (li)tdlrsFffist{ri$n6fit59ffifqEqr{orft-cltt'vtgra-anrwttt qr rrq F=fl 6Euil t a-S YE 6l qr{ur 6,rt + R'q 3qftrl a w 6l (') 'q{f t ra M *l t'lrFn s.fidt sfffd t' I (4"3fiTqFailfrqi"tdraff,ci'rqrFqiqrg-rgrfrqlufrilffi}'rcrffiiqraatffit f xrf-{r* FC16l ffi dFqra * r1tfE 341 t 3id'fd r{qFd drfr rrr Frsr zrar t $fli-d t I " rgqfird rrarfisi t td rrfifci cT ild-flfr rgcnt w ffi rrfiP+ci tt-sfrfrrd 342 + 3ia'fd r{qR-d ilfr 6Yi ur$ ; rqd w rrlrfe r5qrct 6l fut dFtra t :rye rrr r*sr zrqr t, nOita tr (il "€-{r' t ftfi 3 6 t$-i tlfud ilrrfic siffirq trdI (F{6 'er) q-6 rfffd Fr Jl fr.{-{a fr(' 3. *{T Fl zr6rT -$rrfrc rifa-drc tqr * ars t r.o, i-ol ?Tf6-d 6tff d W t-o 1o1 t €lT{.{ Tffi 4. ffi, $trfa rielr 3lt{ tf,6r 5affilca - O) 5d frcat + aqdi # aftc t' trn *t *n rfrt * {FaR-d 6+5c YE, trr6l isql 3it{ itrflila frEr1.{rt din, srqtd-:' trdt *rl #l ,m, +da fs 3ik +E ard qI 161 r5T arrr lirl lf. I Tsqr " ittrdrrra ..,..1 ff-ffi i;A.r-rtft x6fien6,, d6 slrrgfi-o Firfi{ 1. (qtrc*) + a-arfrqrfi < 75,500 sit{ x-6lfierr6 q{ luq fu, - a-rd 1tr 3 cfrlrfi *I $ffi, r€q cfrE* sdwr 2 -rqtnq qr ff{Tr cffi {{. m ?[( t { 80,000 zrq afrF{ | L I I ffca eff r;al 2 3. Fil?R CrIIsfrfi ,*tt 3Iq{ a-dftAerfi qr frtiro nffi. (qqQ*) tfrfisi;T { 67,000 - F-{rrI ft{d c$ r;q qcare i-{ G 3 sfrerd dl E{ I I ] .,0 * < 79,000 sis qirsfi-; *rfi (vscfr) t-ra *s -4 ifiqrd { 37,400-67,000 4 Tclrr I I tfri- 'r r 10,000 tk 6nififi fittT m fftno q frtiro tqalr5,!T*) ttrfi 13 -4 rtf rq qcaPr teasra < 37,400-67,000 i-dd ts < 8,700 __t t II qrq €Irs qlfd 3(i)l 6l IF|qt : .}I{ tlRq ,3it{ I f,q{.* *fr (ffi) FgTd fr4ffi, 3c sf,r6fiK qr ili-3 ttf,arr fr{iTfi cffi <sRr ftq-d 6tg a-ild { 15,600-39,100 +J iF- wlarq ;ffqe srrsh-fi 5 r { 6,600 6ffrr6 Fr-{fia 1*&ar) Wrco fthm, rqiura rffi A-fi +s-3 +ildrrtir t 15,600- fuiTc' cffi r-am fri-a *tf ..q?I'39,100 i-s *ra r 5,400 srilfis/ cFldsr ft-g-i 8. "(2013) o'rfi{rr --^ 206 --. -.-i-- w i staq 233 50 -j i ,t_._-_._ iF6t 9 229.. 7,600 (('fdlc€) cc-Fitm, Fn d rt-.rfirrra 3tffi tfif,4rd cr frriTfi vffi qara fi-q-d 6tS'tI {15,600-39,100 trE }trd- rerl qEarq 7. qq) l c{ra grcqra a-d-d fu-3 6. :nrt *' ilqrr tr{ qfrE-+d t 3rscrfi-d I ..siMI st{ 6r+o.{ mrql;era darfic i atl t'. 1"to15 t2 t 2008 3tr3ssqs drt€ 1.9.200s <-er<r ffi + 229 q'6 * t, tzz T{ trgr* jf vaa ol fts 4q tt si qsq* *l cfrfd isr * r-qrqfF-a rri * if ma qcl al qrrur ftq 5v rffi crqr( F qql -l ffi qr qasqqtrd| gr f qffifa frq aruzrl I 5-jr ful * cn'rr ft afts 6,I fffrd rhrrql cI ft{nt f 8lr|fiq {tiRrf,rq n-{r * 6-tdq (lTff) q{ 6'I ,Mf.' Fcrq Fa e) frre ful xreel *'srq rvrrc rggm tv ii qqT ?FfrE (1) il Atd {rd t ltd E rff rren: t ' p1 ge arilr jf rrc+re-q qr, fittr art l-rs,, FBfr'. 3l-cft t frs m;it fti f 6-ddq (qte) tra fi drtlr * rrqrf qfiEfi qr cirfa ei{ F6-S ti qr de +dn qr 1u) trfl * 3nfir t r{r{rt t, tt trdi 6f sfuFa *-r e-fiA t, df *ra ife +f,f,fla * friq-et + a-$rr ftl-r 4 * 3q-frcr (1) f sExR-d l.q fi FaqEq il; (zT) $rfir *' qnqrl *, iffl Tf srm{a, Frtrfi t, F"eRd ,nsfi * ri; (q) * rnft; *Er tr sBafd Rd 6-drq (T-€t) qc r{ 3frlfirt 5t 3r€ql1 qr Fqrl tfrq-d, f fi-grd fi Ts-fr t I (o) fr{{ 4 *' rc-fr{{ 1r1 d rffia trrfia t 37400-67000 (trr i { 8700) tr ztr arql-;ro qqa aM i'cc dt dEqT i*r6 e-i+dq ({{O qq 3fqtd- tfl f d-6 rrcsra rftr {r$:FT{ ii, wr i qrft 6-dfu (s-{O rE i} 30 cfrrd * rrm lFfi: qq fi ritst T6 3if{ fr, +r urqttrc qca M i qc 4r dgcr 5ff6 nnsfr*' *!fr * 6{-d rc ffiadfit 5. f{iTr nffi fYrn t - (r) sr{fr rrcn, giRq$t 3ifr 6rftr{ c,rcttrc-d ri"rfiq, fr{iTr qffi 'lllll GAZIITTE OF INDIA : ItX]'RAORDINARY IPARr Il-sr]c.3(i)l qlnr srrsc siRil-drc *cI.}t i tRrFrt * sn-fiq riMrc ffl fi (2) {T4 fr{iror tffi qirra t drFd qc *Fta-a errat tdai FmfrI, dTrt el 5ala, drrf fI {fr68n'3it{ cld dI T*6r + Trrrd ffi'c dtrflI sf ff$dt qr ncq sroni qr ds r'citr} q friilh srorfi qt rlga rrE rizrca qr xrrtr F{irrr qfi{T TtFt-{rrq qr EFfilqa rrrdt) * rt r-sr RfffrVa Elz} | (3) dffdtd $Fc eti qr rrsr ilrll rtr Frf q r€s {Fafud ?t}, fd * oa-t-rq 6i{ irn rr{rr rftrrfr d?ra{t *, sfu ctn t ra c} s6s fi{, qiErdr 3if{ c'rfo.{ rrdrcrla drcc ait{ ryfrenr', lifrc siRil-Arq arqtrc fn I (4) qft nrsrrr d 61, sg+rfi 3if{ ,t{F{6rt f6Fd f B-tr{ tlf!-d F rnft q{rr f,rfiT i' {FT.r$q or* 3ik qlffif rr( cfr"ril rrnq lr$ fuaT, ffi-Jffi cTfr t lrrrdt * rtt 6t rrrq-dr fr ar sirrt t (4) TF{, $.ErSl 9i rfi {En I 6. r|?i ar *il f st{ or{rr ordtaqa diwc * qrr sra&q tcl * Tq ar iwfir-rur 3it{ 3rrtra a-.tdq (1qe) q?i trrrlr fr.u gn defi6{ur_<t ) siMrq rtlr at crrsfro ft{{ 4 3c-fiq'{ (2) + 5qiiq f* + IiTrFEd gffit ff (€) 3it{ sciq (tI) * Agfu F frcal * ltr rl-.E-d + sgen ilrft t (2) fiar 4 ii' sc-frqn (2) i ttqiq 1c) st{ sciq 1a) i' lntr{ srrfrq siRrdrc n-fl tr tAq $ftrrffi *t rr.c+aar tfl*, <cro rggdt * nm-z*'ta o tf qqfffffre fu 3ri-dl {t 6T} * rr;q$-{ drfr | ffi ii, ffFa tfrt ti fr1fi}a i Rs crdr ff sr;.q rr* 3nctrT * sftrrt <Em rrqqTR-d fI trizfr | (3) Fr{r drFd,iffi *'frs vo, qrra r9tft or rra od it 3nfir *' Jq6 cr Jt{ t* a;q ra r<rqi, di JE{* rrr *' rdr 121 f efrtFa rEe t ffi5, r*rfr slr t{I f,I Fn rFrdt f rffi *l ffid * fs Bcr 6 * cc-fr{{ (1) * q€ rFfr c-rra effGrc q{rq{ t F{iTo el mqft-a fr'cl drq4r t rrffi lq-ftq{ (1) jf hfiile 6ft rffi, * L *ffi,}ttt jf Egfu +Rq 3q{fr afi vrnr rrlr t rrt 4r qc 6l srq fts r|rrr tt{ fr{i'f,c, cffi srq}4 *'qn*{ * rrrn s{ l{ fi ft3k *frs r{ w y#un irr rifi t r sr&c siffirq taT * {furFa rrt *Rs Ra aa rl<fifut fi rvgrrar rgqQ-r t srrr-z ib trr o * qqRBEle dFo r6-at {t a,re t ntq$a tffi | tfl t AFE ,1ffi t Hgfr t Rs cFdI fi sr-c ar* 3lrctr * Tofrrf t fr{iffi qffi E-cr<r :rrs|ta fi anifr (s) rqfda sc-frqa O) * ffG€ 619 stffi, at til + F.rft,M! * a-r-a 5l* q{ *fl it grrrffrd afi ft c,r Ra'a fdl t Tr qqa rt dlr cft t 3rri qgRT qKUr Bq qq qr tS r (4) r t :nalft'rrot q{a a $r d sf6o1; srqYrr + 3rra!il qr ffi rrEs * rlfifa 16 r6dT I SfdfiffisNEfre|l{afirHf S erq ftqF ih Tqttra * frs q-{d t *rr 6l r|iwefr q1{Hur-frq{ 4 * AEEf,{fr fr 4,qft * itdq (ftfl qc, frdRra tfr * st snizl: (1) 6ffE6 rrcera * rEqfr- t * qqFfrGFe ga a-d"a* (fq&l qq *' 50 qfrrrd qE .rrqil qqrrr ficlfrt f,I ari {rA g-fr cffidl Etm i'm.qe t fifr rd <qrc gt;mit t (2) 3r*is qiEcf,rc trdr * 6fr6 srqmt f ga c-*dq (T"tfi vq i 50 Yfrtra rq 7. A-fi t snr taarTra fraft rsm flt arA tr I a 9300-34,800 * aufr f #{ it *l ffird n-sl qrn rftfiIfrqt * f L cr't II urrs rll{il 41 {lqq; : qqTqT{ul 3(i)l * ll-S Es gtfr 3rffi * W aqfu *'rf, €Fe A!fr rrrl-d, t{r t TffE urcqrd f f,r ilrq|-rff r ftfi rd fr(' zrv 3rrcFtdl f,r FEfu * artc ar rffi Fs arts 6l rtrctl t t'BE Trrfira t rsor qr rFfr hgfr *.ft|vmer fi ff r q]-aa t Ra rffi *t Fgfu df arts er d|ft frs drts 5,l srqt r t 6,4tr6 srrrqra jf qqa qFEFd qr q* f o.ri *l ffirr ff O frs artc 6t sffi sit;rffr:o rrqqri I r* qr, f frgafrcr zrqr al $ qlqra-c-fr it r *cr * rfltrf-d rffi fi Fgfu 4I arftc er ilrft Fs art€ 6l rt srrfiq qiRq-trq tdr * sFnFa o.{i *frq srqta 6,cm ffi{ q-S f f ffid frqr zrqT qr qr fs drts sl Jffi e} rrcfrq sifrq-Stq n-fl * ff,q-fr frqr rrqT cr. Bl $ qrsrd-S Et r (3) cfrqn-dr cfurr 6{rtl fdr fi---------------afr (4) +fi fr- rt-{fffr rlr { FffEr fr-ql rcr t ttt-d srcqra ritr fs$ rc{ fi ,M tt clf,d cltrfr sffif ff fdgft dl drftq -6 ltft fus drtq {i 16 ry ,M if ffi + Rs ft{rrftq eb-dFfi rEft e-cm ffis qqa qS * {fuR-d frcI zrur f, nr hF drfrs ot s-+ ts r{ ,M * f,lt ?m t,. qt $ casrdril F} (b) tr{r *. md ,M f ffi * fits qri d-* sih crfir frg+t it qq€RfiE r t rrFrqu-s 16 d4 af fr rrr*-rt r ffi fiF flffirit *.3|IsK q{. gtffit 6} al qqa qgft i r-qm ffid ftt f ffid fqt wqlt, fr{rq 6ffs6 clrrgfi-r ,foft * it{drdrero qrriT 4rfr tr $Frrnd 4r ffi t, qr or{ ixiFriT 3 trr qr Bqr anrrat (71 rr arftBil sn-ftq c|rr{A-6 fti o {gTa :dcf * wq *Fil 3|ffi 6} A-fri-its 3 qr ira *c 1+RfrFFEle fc ira rrd Ar$mq 4,sft i cr wrra-r wrsfi'e i|.rd{ra rr{ c{ +r * frg+d ftqI arar t, af g{ trdI * s:r r6Rt 6t, ii Trf&c crlrse-fi fir + ilffit rffi * ql "t qI ts$ rn-+, uAoo g .114 ri mft a-o 5s ffil€ aM tr c1-n-d at1 frql rn-fiq calrsh-6, tEt * gffif fi :nr ftFlq *fi ti ffi # drts { +(' 'rcr t, it arqttrr 3nqr qr 3fr lM t frg6 +n Efl qrtrlTr I T6 iTFriitff tluft it ciafr fi cFdI tnf,EsE 6l Wr r'r} 3it{ *-fiq rran ?i-?Rr rrrq-Frq q{ Trt rr-q rEilii dk rEq* v * rgsr zrffd rnrd-a fifr * 3ltqttd fift 8. qftfrrr - 0) fif rd qT ffi <,em tcr * ff,g?d r-$o, $ffi s! E{ fI 3rdtu t (6) 4q* ru + $g{K qFfrB||rrfq t | Rq cfrffnr q{ (Fr, rrf lmfi;r t fr, friTc, rafr al rei re-ar t, T6 dt{ fr, cffi $rrd rriil{ s--{Kr {rm-Frnr w art rEtd} *, r"+*n vFdltt Rffrqc, ffi cft-Awl 3r.fr * sllq 6} srn fi' c!sr(. xr6 * RcT alqar rt{ tsT *! arl * anor rFd i.Fd 3ffi 6} rw rafr * t Gkd * d@a *a frqt qtqm t ct06t rrrfr rart rr {qIF *' *dr ffar gs futq sl rqr$ FgR (2) cfrfrFI rafri rrrmr Tr$er$ffid 3rdft + Wt att vr,fi sffi frgfu *Rq qt-q Filft-d ftqT qrar t al tt t{i W TE q{ md rrtqn vr cfrtrtrd frqI *qr dIs4I rilr cl.mq qa ftfrFmt s{ rd-fl fgFFd *t {rrro /l 'at4h 61U3-L r"rrx d gfr m fi amfr t llTIl CAZETTII OI INDIA (3) qE, cnddl nqft qI tsfi ffia 3rqfr, *fi : l'lX l'RAORDINARY rft errar il, *'qqra II,^RT lt Sri(.3(i)I T{' q{c,K +,r rf ill qf e-d t S 6tf rffi Td ffrgfu * qrr arfr t' at at rs sffi 6t fdryn q tr{I f r{dl firghn t qfe 5F* qlrrr arfra rE qr cffitd ar ro* t, *fi * qwat d t (4) cfidrrl 'tff qr 3T6t ffifr 3rafr + ctra, wr6r <-lrrr reff{f t 3rqhd W cfueuT 3t{'r{to cr-d{,F,trt * srrr *t sitr t$ c0F|3i qr ct{qi (fg*, 3intld Fa c&il * il' *st {r rq16 Fa-*. 6} crt 6T1 6} cftAdr * dalrrro sq t Ttriir Fll f,M-6 rat rr-& t t (s) ilfr ir6 qft-Oqrr f dfra rq rre-f,l * Frc *, w trar * q-cs Frs,r 6,{r{I w rt tr FTc rrc w art rgAof <-*nr Rffia rtt 9. dr6dT-(1) Ffr S d!fr * fitgR t{ t|I t cffid #t ct'661, 5d ffit + aotrt} f,r drt€ t f,ro, rf* ctq f,r rt l:rfi qftqrm drardr <{rtr sfurlFd 6t't, crB qt tril tffi rfifirt 4t.'-Orrdr Ta M t aqfi t.rfd s-Eqtta 'rfi *i'TE t 6! Aa fut * ar{. tt} f vf* fs ftr * lrffif c{ trt srrfic sifrq-Srq trfl frff' 1961 r *. 3r{gr rt rre$td *-ql ;Tq:rr I M * frgm qfut f,r EtEtrdI frtqffi rcqltd *I il("ff: (i) xdrdFr qiRESrq trfi * *tri gffif #i {tEd dEdI g{ e}atr *hv r;rs T{d t r11a f fr iria?ft dt{ m qqa *' grurr c{ cbTfi $ffi crqrfffi T{ra i' lrqfi q{ * to f *.o 514' cltrd rffi *l E{Edr rrqtlr <qm rai'qrra *, qoa tr tt'ft rtrR-si trqa 1ii1 trfr rd t E affi ii'srqr w ffgff 6tt * 6qfu qrqrardf qrrfi + tlttrT vr frga s* rr;q qGFddf t t+, ds rlzl fi qrsfta d6dr f,I Tqtd- trdr jf riafifa (3) fq{ 6 * t*a trdr * fi5fi rffit frqet * €fr M (rqtd,"F,M ffi tNfr;rt -l ffifahql zrqr t) qr ar{tt* *'qlsrd qrqrd rrrfrc siRq-drq {-ar * rs,M d Tfiioa +frq dfrt vo-a qff i rrdt rqFrfi * t nEcr * a-dqrnd fr arq.t 3it{ ffi qqfi t qr. q{ Fr56 6}t * acR fftS tnsrd-S t qqa *:rfirr rn rs rM * fa5fi T* 31a affit * tr'* snre rbn (4) tfi t dE s{q{rir f qr gct Ec{ * trd w fr1a $ffi f,t qrrsqft-o Fn'dar taT 3? ffi f T{rirrd *, Fs {rfrd wa fidt * raf,r $qFrfr * mr * ffqtfud 6trft 3ik Fr* qqa *'gllql{ T{ gFeFra frs zrs Jffi qrra *'s fr{ qr c}ii;ra s!ft $ffiqt t tE, d to**,564, 3iiltd f,{ (10) i-{T fi r;q lrs ' (1) *fl f figm affi rl rna * cT fiRd + rrer ffi (2) 6frT6 srrrsra r t tr{t*,Rs rrrc tr ofi di +drd*cr sn roar t r ftriro rftnrt' qI 6'r&Ffr aTi; ritr (i) til i gq[{ iqrfin ii' Eq nqi nffit * fig€ *Fv rYga lH +Rs 5s *!t *. gffii * (iD r{t 't!ft f gfu vr raan fft i ffi *As {Fd qra-srfuc ftFur wgrr f,t qleql -t4I fi (z) :ra rrrat 4l rrra ffi Gla 5a M * tit rqiq afi ft,qr rqr t ftr * sffi nil n-{ TO r*'rft *{fi ft'rrq-rrrr qr iifiq wfirr *' urgu {.tn' + nffi q{ aq rtfr ftr tfr t r tt t. vfrfrgFa - 1r1 aa M d sFalBd fr;df rra *' lfi 5v, lG srqn ft l.( {rc t fr nTr irrFtT jxr{lTfi qr sf*a t d ra 6rsif + Rq B} *sfi Fq ili dt{ 3trqt4 i' {Irq c{rmf t, I crq qI(| 6l Iniqi | fiftlr{Ul ll-€rs 3(i)l cfrf*gtFfr a'-era m v+-fr t f{rfi rrift drd r* t $fffo, afi dtfr 3it{ qfr sran frc {rrlrfi t a} rs rafu * Eolt oqfrrfuf d fr s{ tr rfl qr u.od f I g M * n$-{ trfl +FrS Avfi * fr1fi}d *' hs l-dr 3nm{ v{ llFr lrtsdl rta, r"am 3it{ 3ri6 tar rr Rffs{c srqt{ * c{rrlt t *;fiq r-ro,n <sm Brr wqm t (2) frdTr cffi n-fl * F{€t ci q5, frRq-a 3rafu t Rs *:fr neq $FFr{ qr :k Ffrrt t, frfr S M i r.q& (m?*a; qq tt ffi 3iilh etrfi Frt,rt $ t. * irttrd qE qr cr{ t-r* t Rs ffAfrE r.fr *,G|v rfaftg rr{ qrraT t Rq$ i rve qre f r1R or s* 3ih i n-{r + ffiq Sa-ca qr izrdd. + c,-f,q (r-{O r{.Ff qrsr dri iRs afa (c,) frft tt aqftFa f F{fi tz. frriat - st{ rFo rlg*-c ra s* t q-e frst 3rq-i cfr qrd rfi rlm (s) qfr qr rrqo cF* ffi q-d #{ t, tfcnfrqr t' qt * ffid rri ArS rl-a o-qfiFd * B-drF frcr t *dr * FrgFa ot : vreE vft .FI Tf strft;r il orat t fu tgr fiF{r6 € Eqfu sif{ furf t 3r-c rrrrd 3r$tc t 3it{ tgl g-d * Rs 3IFq 3nqn t a} a-a fr'$ cr6rd oi ar1 g*a €fr t Sfr rt Ecfr Tt fs Fqn t c-{ftT t q-. t s*,?fr | te. rEffEE crrre - ra {rrdf fi rrra ffi' Rv qa ffit tf at$ cnqri rfr h,q zrq t *lr * gffi dl tfl rr$ rfr Etft *gr B, rrr{t-{rrq vr *fiq srcn * rrgaa ta * gfrafrqt ra rffifwaqrr$Hr qI Fffid t' 14. Frfot c.rf fi aIfu - sdr +frc SFFlr ft qf rq t S tsr orar grnrFr E[r rr}Rc at arror f, 3d *s.6 *l* afi:dq aY*, i-qT rlrc}4 t v{rr{ *'tt' 5a ftqat t Fil :nfu 6f fr;rft flt friqa - r;I frqet * qmFFlmfrlt arcn I 16' acr{fr - ga ft{dt ft rs. i'FrS EcFirqt *l nrfr, FAa rr *bzff t h-&{a t'irfr qt o$ rra rcar t' a} tt {rn* qr rq-4 d fr{iTr qffi * Ft dft g;u tqradf q{ sltrc rfr u}3 rra' t$ rrrrlwit m3 srm, Ff,*,r *-frq sr+n qcnr ry dirr it qrq-wrq qr crt frq 4q sredt rgrn sTqRd ilff,qt gr{qRa ra-oredt 3:rq ffui Eat ritr rFq Rr}r c-flf h dqfi}a-dt *- Rq sqitr 6'{aI rfrat frr * t rggfr (hif f€ - t 8(1)l gr4 r. *qr i'+,ff6 -I ,i" at" Y srqlq *'rntqq t zET *-a qr Srfr rrfr * w :r-gq* fifi tr$ * *m z it EFa tfr t q- g* qffiat qftm *'nqq t fr'qt ilqfi 2. ctdr i Rs sFfr end ol aFIfifi lfdr sIRs rrr sFf,rt aSFT F'rq wrq Y{ 3tftqfrd qffiifiifr ffitdrFaftarq|frst t lHE GAZ[]1I.i OI' INDIA : UXIRAORDINARY IPAR1 ll--SEc.3(i)l S rr"fia ildt qgro $T* 3rrlfit-dT ; Fs Fxrfrd sIE-d 6Te 6 6q 3rymd fl 3tI{ f Bqr zrqr +}f rt q-ca 3nfir <fifi qtcnT f Yin * Bs tS sqttc dfficl il ri5?TI tl 4. cfim * {$'d-d|.q wat fagFa 5,1 6,$ 3fifrR re;n afi 6TaI t T{ tr R'T16I{ W aiq al nrqrqa saf * qlsrd rf nflqra afi ol ddfr, lilqd *dr * ff1fr *,Rs sfr r*rr f rvga tr s. Rr$ S 3rr{fr fi trfl * t rc, Argffa afi f,r qr rcil rr F6 fr'FroT{ ErraAFa tS FFrsr qftTI i' qlqra qf nflq|a af 6l qrdl fr srFd tt g|fi r+n * Trf,6' 3it{ effifu dti t T.+a t st{ 5s+ WI 6E {r0tr cI Trafro q}q 7fi t ffi TF} a-d@i *' 3. Rr4ff frff{ *ffi ron ft rnn vfi fY dnrat t t 6 6tf$qGFd(6) Bri id acfu t frr6r qfi cI ffiI sd ffid t tncrfBcl t; qr (g) Brt sri cfr srro cd * #d rfAFS ra afu tFdrf frqI t trdT * qn afr rtm ErgfiH ot t qrq qft i'6q sron c,r rrr wnsrr rf qrar t fr, t{I FrIr iC qf,Fd git{ ftfrf ii, 3t;q cF6Rt Tt aq r+q m + flfrd f,fJtc t Jt( tsr e,Ti * fftr' s;c a{rqr t at Tf FS * afudTsftq{*qaisirfrt gr4 tl g-fr cffiA-dr cfi6l * {IEn t } Tfu srqara jl rrfr: ctrr o,r rrqtl.a - ftr t ilfu srcrra * Frgfu *' Rs srct4 a-ara art jf rs rqt*a * Rv Ffid Fg.q !it{ ena} qr a} srctlr qlra 5 rctra *'Rt fffr-d f,r qr{, crt, c0rr (m v{i wt qrild rr nri 6r c-fiff f "cosP * Fc * wr zs fi anlfra fi ilqlfr r W rfo, qrat *, s-r {rq [f, ET qfur + qftqm *'3ltqr c{ rt nri {rfr ftfilrd *l {@T frd fi alqrfr *{T | qtm rr dqr*a -retr qtm at {qr*a r{TR d{r{r rtrq-Frrq Y{ sfu€d tfd t sNrfir 6cRT ftcT ilrq4r S:c qfrrr -qfr Ts rpr * rafa trqtRa q0m w, * rfta ftBit *Rs fr1Fdci r,Ti * Fq}rd * Aq fi st* t d {f ti:F cftil Tr* dlqrfr, 3it( qr frr#Fa rrit m1rtz}, mhir. 6ff S .qfiFd stfr fiBNt sqil f,fr arr, *qT, ffi frq cr qn t, il ftgfu * Rq flqd * rrs d sFEfrd ttt i, F( fiifi o-{ Tt-tr I qft € q5't afre, *cr f firgfu *RsFsrrB.n ad a rqrl, t ai q rqi rtra'<a 3niff * ra M *'arr rtr 5{* flFtr{ ar rc*s 6trII, ffiffq q fqr F{rr *,q vrt a g4m t 3it{ t+ {redt * i}Tfi Qc, rrica qr 3nflTr d,Ir t str ta z * frEq 6rr rr E. Tr6rr qftFrffi flqd qr ?-qrr tm qfi {zrdri lrqtt ttr4r I 6rl t m rft n* 6 6qGFrra sfuqn-at sFd *sT +Fq sc-a rrrcffdt 6i s}ffi t <fitr $ftq6n {$ qRil .6l tqrr II-€rs J(i)l ltiffil : 3d{ q{ul srifi ari an q-Fq - 3n{rd 6t ctqil * sFnR-a 6t} *. ftts 3lrctl qqRT Arrlft-d Frtc t TFd tfd rifr wq * grr}fi o.rar 6ttlr 5. 3rB SITI - frs Et y$sil rrcltrd ff* t rq d* i rrrrea * q6-* arftc 6i $'qd fi sry 21 qf Tt Fl 3it{ 30 {t {t rfr ffi rnGv: rrf B, sr6'I{ {-{Rr ffic-qfir c{ rfuqn-d fitdt t diitr tr 3,q * 5{tl frfi * q-.-to, M t {iq f 3tfr|qF-d S{r rifr ml * 3rtinfta AR-d-dr fr atq7fr 4. I t 6. iift-tr a-fu -rrlqff, (il srra il *dq qr rr;q Erra-dra * cftfrqq 6-{ra ffia A;S Ft F -{crd-c qr drq t <drr fffid ffi rFc ft!t![ iTqta ct F€F{qrd{ 3t1ird xrqFr ilfrfrcq, 1956 fi qro 3 t 3rfri gtA-qmc *' sq it vr$ vri * ftfq ffia qt *fc 116r <crrr rrrc-q-trc w r.aaffa Rffi Fa$ Al# -{qtdc t :iRrfi qr lFlitrq sifuq-fi qr Jqc1ea sifrq-Al d t Rd t'o Fc-q 6 ss *arr E:i qFd frqI fiqr 6l qr riffi qr 4ftfrc {iMI lr rycTtrd siMI Frq if arrer Elfr narq sinq Inqr 6tdr qrft I At 3ilqtfi a'}, ffi qrg cq{t6 RFd ilFr qttq-dl ;rfi t, ffi*, w t qYr.q rri sirtr t *q *r fr, tse friS tt ra iaql ao* xrqlfd trn qtqr crs fi il, Rso,r rifi xrqt{ 4l rrc tf srrtrd 6t vtr tr ri}lr +Aa anryra qrrar t t (ii) t$ xrcd r rl--cqr qrr t wq t-fi e;s U F|rft FraF<-crdc * Fe fuqur: nqofro {rfdt S. cFa fi t, ffi sro,n (dnr {raraTl sr-a ;rd' t, tfr qtlrl * sFxfrfa 6}A * Fs sn*+r a-r q-6-e il 3it{ 3Ir*a i eRtorEen rd c'itt EcT tI s{rdr t t qr tl Ere t. frs* sq''e tt} 1iiil id rrqd, d 6tf ffi rf{'- cftTI t g+ t c{ i {s trfuTI * b *'Rs crl d qtd+, tfr T{ qtfi *Rs 3lricd w r+-i t t t$ 3rrqffi, qE 3rarqt crd d, 6t rft qmn S {Fnfud FH f,I 3r{Ffr A;Iqrft. iBa qt lrilr rifrq srar artzn rik {g lr{ t'rrtafta rFmB'fi ar ciHI crs rri ar rqr qqrsrtq rire !it{ q-.nm crn ti qt! gF 6i} t arc q} Tc i $-il( rqa rfi oTar t, ai 5t rit ol frrm arat anqm I 7. trrg:- grq|f 61 3nqtrr (,rRr En-d frt cT rrrara 6.fdr il,r an a-6, B :r$ w iirr tl *rc-src w rfrqFa qa tt{ qT frqrrd + a1rn rr0 q:s q ftqnra a fi drfttt 3rlarfi f,I qlrin ?II 3t;rnrl * art * grqt'T o,I lb'Ffri 3ifr{ fin 3it{ Fd * 3rad. m 3nfiT aerfi c-in rfisrvr infr nfi fr,ar trfl t' 6t qt!il f c'irr rfr frqr anqrfi t 9. --qrqr{ * frs ufiFa - 613 $]ald frfr 3|rqt4 {{m sfrsqur 6'T q -fir{& Egari]r qr ffi zrq q.Fril rF{a qtd qI Ttrfi qt rrseq Fa'rsr ti q atko ga-at furf ffi qr cfrHI * rirr cri i' Rs qt-qqr cti ra rffia dfr r.aRa mra 8. ctrr jt silT 3i4u e, tl t3-z ih- diq t l'UE GAZET"I'E IO OI,' INDIA : tiX'I RAORDINARY IP^Rr ll,--Src.3(ir] nqari qr vt6r rtr d 3|-dFfd srral ar wta 6 cI c-qt r 6-r} l5r r{d fiA * 3rftrrfi 6'r slfr Etfra ftqr rrqr t * fuflq, srq{rfu6. 3rftc!fin * rafu.f-d, TS, (6) 3r|qt r q3Rr 3i+?fifd * a-ca * Rs 3|r{tfd Rd $ qt!il d rlu S qr 3nqt{ <cr{I 3r{lFa ftm * snrran t frq Rrf rq t qT FRE€ s-{fo * Rq ffifd fuqr; Frfin t; (q) srfin <{Rr lrTn 3rrftd ffird t fffil-d hqr vr {r6-.il *; 3ik (r) cG (6 cFe * fr yrFE t ArS tlr { t, af rr{Fd-d tuf t s$-i 'tt{ rst furs 3r{rrrsPfi ffi ft dr r6-fr t I 10. Tq''n 3rFnhl fi {-* +cR Ei{ar - qtril *. cesrfr, wctT Fa inqfiHt ct r*e, 3rrcfi r,l ffrr sr{ t crEd 3i#f ih q}4 ({nr r+a firr t o-rr jt ;rq atm; fr rs rs if srcFr FqRiin * Fd tS srft rrcfltqt q,l fut qqr 3rf,6 crdr t, Ft rd ilal{ftiT durr * trq w frgT-r 6.c* +. frs fuwrftrr atn ft;t fs ctdr * qfrlunat + xtqr tr{ nrl o'l frhrqq frqr zrqr qr qf fr r{qfod ilrfd, ltq{frd iraEirfr lr rq @ ilrt * difofr t$ snqd 6l frt 3nfir (cro fdn|a erro. *. 3r$rF qfqft 3166 a-fi rr* orn t rik clnrtffi ffiar 6l erns rsl Tt Eq;a * re| Ev mtr qlra rt ffrgfu + As sIf€ Effra fucr rqr t 6f difui rAr * frc nnfta qE w ffia *' Rv r ffinr *t arqrfr 11. Es vtrr * frfud cfrdr dqr srqt r 6fi{T lfdrs |Iq tt rrlftf{f 6 alfutr cftrT rmFw 64 st w rrd * x"qrFa ttrft fr aifutr ytrTr * Rs rd zrs da, frfua vfun t As rd * E* sia * :o cfrlrd t 3rfur rfi iln r 12. t * rrar dtr crd{ir rr fuersr, aqr v$rr c-d-tr{ + iFq qfq Tfr clz}, dfflfr rrotr <-cm rrq-srq vr qqrfrta fuqr zrqr t vtm I ffi F{ aEq* -u lfrcerlsyfd; riMl f srrfrq t{r (FTr 'er;f,r frfra dffi s6a6" qdf c{ f,r v{ rrr* ree-fr{ a}oft tf f1fu * frs fi# f,r qsfr, qtra dl.r aSrcr 3rtq, t-{r &ft ar mt s. 3rffi rd fr rdfA ciaF qqa *, f,*.eik ffi |fI gnrR t{r t frc ;qd.d{ 3rftr iFtit qI rirqir ( l) (:2) Fitifi crrgFtr dtft 2. (3) ffiafirr (4) (5) ffi id xffi ffir qqat ra{ar crmftc, E|TT{T ,*sft T{I'I *16 quffic' *rfr ih t* rrfof,rt ffit f *a t nr *, qo'T+ *t ffid t-fl t I + tfir.r{ wrsfr6, *uft Safi <{RT EqEr aM**firrsftffiatrsrtqrffit T*{ qt A fr{ftd *lr * qM ded cwsfi-e, *6 f rs * o-s qs's* ffia trart r t qrq 3. II-srs 3(i)l qldF ({r{r rne6 cwgfi6, 4. lT{d i6l lISrEt : 3I{IltnIt4 +{ qrra qirKl ,10fr 6A!d qrrlgfie' duft * t$ 3rtr6rt ffit M * sro E{ # g-srirfr frcfia fcr +{ fr'qrso sqa rM jf t, qfr *tf il" q r*r a{ ft Fsr}sft ffid *-fi i 6frE6 cenqfrr rm f en s{ fi ffii tilr t (ffi 3ir.l-d +r arrqtso qsa 4off * # 'rfi-qrSilr drcttrtr irq-r taasrq{-S) g-ir{Ia J$T{ 3tiFt r rrrfcd fr3fr* affro srrsfi-o,tsft t sffi ffir cfisr .snm q{ 3rcfFd 6t* * Et *, ffi rffi rr$ fu(' rrs t rlrd E{ 4t 01 t zprar *'agsn a-o frqfua ffl t dffitd**srirmgift ffi: i-S rffqo q!rsfi-6'rM * 3rfi-6rfi ffi* t-fl * 6Aq6 rrqqra jt ffi fl qgfr <cra firfrq sifffi dar tr silr fuqr d 6f * c!rsB-o' rM ttfr orqlsc, qca a}qff) * F1Fi * frq crd {I; E q.Tr qrg rf tu A €-cr * fifr lr$ *' Tsfr t rfr ga rffi{t o} frffir a-d "rA dEaT dirft M tr r,ama c'ri E id rffi at qr 'F'' *dI t st{6it i'f { rirr al g*' f i' srq ra qr rfr E-qr kqT Erurq t ;rd-{t ffitrd EIITJTI 5. 6frG5 ffi ecm iT{FT crn€fi-6, tofr 6. Fls6 FrrFgrT I 7. I 11 m-{fr ir.ra f 6frTd (D Trr{rqra ftFa'd + 50 cfrlrd d6 s61 qfRr (ji) *sft tr ftft}-int i 50 t+ Etr6 srFr crfr 3rft-firfi ffil rM qiqE{#ffidtr{rt id q'frE6 qrr Et Fnr rlsft I qfrrrd ffi E?TT{I iT{FT * {fiq m;T frqfi-d I 3rfr6rt F"-ff d-qr t M * I rEqfi i AFa ttr t rrqtq 3rqlR-d tr <{rrl fI dri sr$ gS cftda-ar vttn t t rqtas sifril-Slf{'r i {itud tt 3rffii *r ffi <snr ffiI +fr{ +t-2, *mrqra r 9300_94800 | uis i-fi < 4600. ,ffif ffid{frffifrtr{rt Trtq{ I THE GAZE.N.E OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY IPARr II-Scc. i(i)] srrgffd, ,lufr (ffi), dE qurffT, 4!ft euqfi st{ rqm c{raftc,,M (lrzrfi qr ct-dF + rqtfa * frs' trcr fi 3rafu f,I qqar tr0m * ai t rrre r* f,t 1 cFrlt, t *l qrtrfl Esqsft-t : dq srqma (qsaqg), 6ff6 54.6 aqerdt + diq * ffiff $rti'cT crtdl trgr qt ur * t, ffi * frs Fqrr fuqI crT rrl lf w td-t dE ffi t diq f rfr kqr fr-qT sr'lTl yr{ Tf a-r rr r-cm fl t$ $F6, qr crffiT trfi, i fiSfrd ffi 3rtfi qt crddr tdr * ilrt 'flt t nfuo qT dI T*, uf S e;r d, * oa a Gf st( ffii; 3rri tS ofrait' affi {Fd ffif ffi 16-+ qr qrro tn crn fr tfi q'r * t 3flr* ram aM jf el;aft * Rs 3rq-A Rqsft-2 a-di cft-ArT tt fi rat {rrdt * {t rsa-aq+a a-r * dt ogqff-m 1frrr r 1el hifi flRdlq siRcdl {-fl dl * ffi qr cfr * diq f fer frs sr} t dTf,ar ffi vqp'r' fur:frc ffi fitr (t) I erc&q ,tg& + ih rus-d{ 1. t'frs #ifi xqf {q rII TEiFt, *{T aro, 2.qft{, TIR[6] st{ srrfi{ siR{f,rq *Er *' r"qar clngfrr rlsft ib As L rrc&q fl'dTf,il (2) {ikdfc trl crnsfrr 2. Rq funrfrc cfafr TAfr ffi riffiI trsI * dr6 grcFr .f,Fr5'4 -Jq!r if,r{n-r{a x-{rfiq F.iF{t {{€rr, -.se{!t 2. {q *6, *fl srct4 siRq$t st{ fifrr arqtac-{ datirq --{6Fr 1, g9{16 qr l. cersfi-tra}fr+Rqffi 3ffiIa rrT {q iiln z. cqFrr. *qT src}rr -$wst sFq, gffil rft l. rrrfrltrr, if,Frfi'Jr itrqtaRl;T irfi TiMI E;IliRr -sai€{r ar+drq, flfr{fr rfi{ fiTqFrr Trqi7{Ta a-rrfiq -T6Fq +. *Jtfrirm' 3it{ F|sc dr{crfifi 3rffi, ---!?iF{r Fdqttqs3Nf, {ifuirfl 3it{ qrfrq orqtaqa tr*q qrdlq siRr$l trT * TffE r.qfr{, crgfi-r &fr *' qrra ,ffi Trqtar) lNrsc; w ffi Ot( {iR[fi xt{ z. rofrtrm, gtR[dl crtre *rqtac-a tdc siMI dlrq idt{ 6T{i-'rr sTqiana l. rAfrttm rtr 6w raqrer*, qiMf -$Eqa 6rqtirq, rlrtc - stiF.r Jtt orf*;rr olctag:l t"rd-c --jr6Rr t qrq ll,€v:s i(i)l !I{it:6I {llttn | }IInttRvI rq{ gFd @Ftr*' *fr qri dq-d-d furr4 s. riq+-a nFc tcrD, rs-6 qtTf{ 3ift nilrr4 t'Trdq 4 5. . -TFFtr -g-(€q Trc rEr t sn-frc siRrrf,rq l.€Fir.*{r if,, t,ffs6 clrrgfi'e, ,M i TifrTfr 3ik rrfr, ar+;caa {zr*q ffi z. rtrfrirm, A;;fiq sifril-fi ar+a-q -3rr.x6 {rffil 3it{ rrffs rrci-ffd T-d|frc :. rflfirm dk gw rr{cfa-fi 3{ffi u{s{qq3il, 4 {Rf€{r --v(srl 3it{ cr4-o.{ q,rdi-;era dnra-q sd qE6t?tdl EiR[fi {g{-d sFf{. Tft fsr4 -s6Ft[ dlqa sfti tnn, --T(€rr g-.rfi cfr{rd 3itT {ra{r.t d"rrq a,rfiq' q.i qftIHuT Farnrr + arqfffrqs arrfrfrfffi s. 6. qffca rrq era t giRa-dt t-dT qtffi. * ctro sR-&r Trrqir{E l.gf{. rrfo's rrdi-flra eerrq z. rofftrr*, Alatr {iffil {rqtfiq, €iRrdf iik ;rfr* arq?;eaa tercc lrifra-f,I 3it{ -vtqw --g?tF.r :. rAfrtrm atr 1w a{qra-o sffi qaqcssnt. + 'dg*-a siMt rFfi 3ik a,r+rr arql-sq-a -T<€q dera-q (c!Ir), a-a dgnra rirra-q 7. srrfrq ufrd-fl S-{I * riltr+eq l.:lrt1flF rIT (6FI, siRc-& trar t affso rrqqra :dq dt6 t{T rrfir GAr'o it eiaft z. rrftq sifudl n-sl i;, -Jltqa t-awtrrr*,tM FF{ + 3rffi t rq gFl frtqrd t3r6q{(r{ -F(€tI r. $frir€l E. mff rrd qr el-dra gv tfu F{rfia * gR aht fi r. 3it{ 6rqi[-{ .Fr{rFiFr:T Tifrr€r 3f{ arfc's arqtaqa derrq z. rtrfiirm, *dc {ifrq-fi 6,rqt-flr, giffil 3if{ rrfoq arqF*ra derrq :. rfrfrtrm dtr geu or{qrrc rffi' vfue 1wo, rigtrra riarrc + dg+a ra /,{lls-, TqFq sft{. rrav8!q$, siE{fi Srhu l; 6rq -rtr[F 3it{ 6'r+5.{ e;rqtaqa dzr*q -_T{Fr -{?iFq 'I.I l4 IE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY lP^Rr SEc.3(i)l * fuS rr<s * r{cRtrd rfi t fdttrrfrq etrnfr qC sftfuna afi 6m, {frfr + ril} * 3rfu6 Fffqt * *c+ { *m fuqr ftqur : frErq dq air, +{T srcYr *'$tc!r {frfr f} tl ffi rgq*-ry (h{rr ( 4)il gcfrn(r) tdb ] *n-frq siF*Frq trfi * fifq arid-q qqt *l [ 6q mrtrq T. ,lofr qqq# + (2) (1) ?fr 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. rgrqa ritr rir6- rfltq ait{ dr{cttc :F,r{ ffi- (4) (5) (6) Q) (8) e-,: 4 14 tl 1 2 I2 12 --l I 2 - ---l 2 sqrtfdr rrfi, sEF str srffie, furwr dan dtr gl-ar dqalfi-dl fFffr l8r 11. Trffr{ Fd FifrRr qqkrur 1,2. 14. -*- I vi urqc aiw,'{ur r{-cta I a I I 13 t2 I i 0 I I I I I 2l -tI rii l0 I 0 4 ,t 7 I ea F6 I l sasl6(r{# -v qseq{ +Aq{ t&q{ r'qq$ qgw{-* 6}{f,r 10. 13. (3) I arm frerra ilfuc Fa-{sr 1 t I 2 4 b J 0 I I I tcFr ll i(i)l €rs €rpr 15. zFr i8. 1 rdrdrc fim :i€Frfi fifir€ 4fi qf, tdr4r{ {ta,q 19. 20. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 15 sit{ 3 13 t'i 20 I 6 4 ! I 2 '2 2 8 1rJ t4 I b I2 3 z J {tqr '{q}rr EI'T +-afFfi 2-1. {gq-i : el{rlqRol (r{ cFcr{ itnrlM 16. 17. qKd Sl lri rrffrt, rhr 0 ctfar 3rctrl ilfrur Fo,r{ fi-fla st{ cfrq,|fuFt q-grcrrff, grc qt{Fi df{ {til{rrt gmfrc' arc qi 6rct=T{a 6 8 7 2 1 ? 0 ,?. 2 I i)o 130 87 88 0 1 1 28. F€qrd 29. 6qr 30. tr+ca 1 31. o-rcrfir rrroi I 32. *t 0 33. t'rtt lfd-rrr{ 3it{ trte !;{FA t Frm Td {i{rq-r 35. z 0 sffiar sifrT#l ai o,r+rq 1 t{rtrr xt{ FrFdr 1 t 4 2 t 1 I I 7 l2 7 1 L 'lllli l6 R:qfr:- r. ' firf t 127 qql ol IP^Rr ll-- Srr. 3(i)i OAZI'TTE OF INDIA : UXTRAORDINARY Jr+qsqg *' at{ cr t-" 6;qr .rdt ?rqT 3if( Ft qg!-S * frqr gr ra tl 2. 'r* qifieoi c{rgffq, M t 3n Tq f t 30 cfurd dE 6*dc €{O v< rqta- i-qr tt dra Trqf,rd 3itr tr$ cqr t. sr * TS a,dq 1r'{CD q{t 6t ik+rqisr qqa Aufi i c-qrft-d ifi*rfrqtfrafrcI @TI , rgqd v tftcr rtA tdi errec F-{T{ siMrc frr * r.qrr irfirra t 6rt *'frv utrfta Rq +{ qErqtffi Frqa fift nEFr rri u|Tf{fifr6rdtra M srrfiq {iRq-dt t{t 6'l itr-crqtso' r.qFq. san|?r siir cfiffi.F, Tir{ ir6' rara frqr arar TiEqdr 3it( 6rfo,r ;rqtac-d -: FA i;'ffq *'qrrdt'qt t"ffq fdfc qiRdl 6'rqtfq, siREdl 3it{ - rr{gq ar{rr arqtaaa drr*c r. rofrtrm rtr 5w 6r{cld-tr nffi' cicsqs3n. siRr*l it{ 6r*r,s -rqtac-fi dirfiq z. rfrfiirm, - q?iFI 4 - 3ik 6rf6{ mrcFa{ra d"rfic F6€{r teq6 t ftS ft rcs Ct rgverfa t fun'ftq ffi {frfr sfrfusra aO rffir cG smfr t srt t sfr6 T<et * *dr * trrr frqT t I tq"r ' ffi {tI( xfi" qifurfi Acrq cfrh t Iqrr. ff :i. r lor rnlzoos-fi*wr'gt er. a!F. rnmt;r, {:w sF(. MINISTRY OF STATISTICS AND PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION NOTIFICATION New Delhi. the 9th sePtember,20l3 G.S.R. 623(E).- ln cxercise ofthc powers confened by thc proviso to article 309 ofthc Constitution and in supersession of the lndian Statistical Service Rules, 1961, except as respects things donc oI omittcd to bc following rules, namclyi These rules may be called the Indian Statistical Service Rules, 2013. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Cazette. DcliDition.- ln these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,"Board" means the Indian Statistical Scrvice Board refened to in sub-rule(2) ofrule 5; "Commission" means the Union Public Service Commission; "Controlling Authority" means the Controlling Authority referred to in rule 5; done before such supersession, the President hereby makes the l. 2. ra) (b) (c) Short Tide and CommenccrDent.- (l) I qFr q[{d II-B.s J(i)] (d) (e) (0 (g) (h) (i) 0) (k) 't7 6l lFiq? : T{ftnq "l)PC" means Departmcntal Promotion Commitlce constituted to considcr the promotion confirmation in any grade as specified in Schedule -lll annexed to thqse rulcs: *Du!y Post" means any post, \'hether temporar) or permancnt. included in rule 4. to or "Covcmment" means thc Central Government; "Grade" means any of the grades specilic d in su b-rule ( I ) of rule 4: " MOSPI" rneans the Ministry ofStatistics and Programme Implcmenlation; " Regular servicc in relation to any grade " means thc period of scrvicc iu that gradc rendctcd aflcr selection to the grade and includcd any period. (i) taken into account for thc purpose of scniolity in thc case of thosc already in service at thc timc ol' notillcation of these rules. (ii) during which an officer would have hcld a post in that gnde but lor being on leave or otherwise not being availablc for holding such posts. "Schedule" means a Schedule appended to these rulesi "scheduled Castes" means such castes, races or tribcs or parts of or groups within such casles, races or tribes as are de€med under article 341 ofthc Constitution to be the Scheduled Casles lbr thc pLrrposcs ofthc Constitution; 'Iribal Communitics or parts o l' or groups within suoh I ribcs "schedulcd Tribes" means such Tribes or .l deemcd under article 142 oi thc Constitution to be the Schedulcd t ibcs or Tribal Communities as are for thc puryos€s ofthe Constitution: and (m) "Service" mcans the lndian Statislical Service (Group 'A') constituted under rule 3. 3. Constitution of the Servicc.-'there shall bc constituted a Service known as lhe lndian Statistical Scrvice consisting ofp€rsons appointed to thc service. 4. Grade, authorised strength and its review.- (l) 'Ihe duty posts includcd in various gradcs ol thc Scrvicc, their number and scales ofpay, on the date ofcommenocment ofthcsc rules, shall bc thc lbllowing, namcly: - (l) Sl. No. Number of Designation Grade, Pay Band and Gradc Pav/Pay scalc Higher Administrative plus (l{AC Plus) Grade Pay Scalc Rs. 75,500-increment (43o/o-80,000/- . Director Gcneral, Ccntral Statistics Officc 2 and Dircclor Ceneral & Chicf l:\ccutivc OIIiccr, National Sample Survey Ollice, or any othcr desigmtion assigned by ihc Controllins Authority. 2 Iligher Administrative Grado Pa)' Scale Rs. 67,0009,000/ Administrative Grdde increnent Senior Additional Dircctor Gcncral, or any othcr designation assigned (irAG) by the t0 Controlling Authority. @3o/o-7 (sAG) Pay Band-4: Rs. 37,400- Deputy Dircctor (;encral, Adviscr, Statistical Advissr, or any other dosignation assignqd by the Controlling Authority. 8l 6'1,000/4 Crade Pav ofRs. 10,000/Selection Crade (NFSG) 3'7,400' Pay Band-4: Non-Functional Director, of any oth0r designation assigncd by the Controlling 30% posts Rs. posts Grade Pay ofRs. 8,700/- senior'l'imc Scale Junior Administrativc Grade (JAG) Pay Band-3: Rs. 39,100/- Grade 6 15,600- pay of 39,100/- Grade pay Authority. Deputy Director, Senior Research Officer, or 15,600- of 229** Rs. 7.600/Senior f ime Scale (S fS) Pay Band-3: Rs. Joint l)ireotor, Deputy Adviscr, or any othcr dcsignation assigned by the Controlling Rs. any othcr designation assiSned by 206 the Confolling Authorjty. 6,600/,| (i.c 67,OOO/- _aDovc) 5 ol senror outy Authorit). Junior'l'ime Scale g2hq d,fl t3 ^ 4- Assist4nt qircctor, .B9Iq"h ,O-{]]gelr il,4!ty izz in and 1'llll GAZETTE OF INI)lA :EXTRAORDINARY Pay Band-3: Rs. 39,100/- Grade pay 15,600- of Rs. lP^Rr lt src.3(i)l other designation assigned by the Controlling Authority. .5,400/8 9 Leave,4'rainin g Reservc 50 Total 8li (2013)Subject to variation depcndcnt on Note: r* out of the 229 posts in thc JAG, 127 posts have been upgradcd to SAG vide MosPl's order No. I l0l5/2/2008-lss dated 1.9.2008.'lhesc posts would reven back to JAG/ NFSC level altcr ollicers holding the upgraded posts in SA(i are adjusted against authorised strength of SAG. l he statcmcnl of thc duty posts of Indian Statistical Servica on the dalc ofoommencement ol thcse rules in various Minislries or Departments be as specificd in thc Schedulc Iv annexed to these rules. (2) Notwilhstanding anlthing contained in sub-rule ( l) of rule '1, the Covernment may,(a) from time to time, by order make temporary additions or alt€rations to the str€ng1h ofthc duty posts in various gradcs, for such period as may be specified therein; (b) in consultation with the Commission, include in the Service such posts which are equivalent in tcrms ofpay band or grade pay or pay scalc to thc posts included in sub- rule(l) ofrule 4; (c) in consultation with the Commission, appoint an officer to a duty post includcd in the scrvioc under clause (b) to the appropriat€ grade in a temporary capacity or in a substantive.capacity as it considers nccessary (3) The Non-l.unctional selcction Grade mentioned in sub-rule (l) ol'rulc 4 in thc scalc ol pay ofRs. 37,400-67,OOOI- (Grade Pay Rs 8,700/-) shail have a strength equivalent to 30 perognt ol'the senior duty posts. namely all duty posts at the lcvel ofScnior Time Scalc and above in thc Service: provided funhcr that the numbor ofposts in the Non-Functional Selection Grade shall be limilcJ to lhc numbcr ofposts sanctioned in the Junior Administrative Grade. 5. (l) The Governmenr of tndi4 Ministry Controlling Authority ol'the service. Controlling Authority.- Implementation shall bc the of statistics and Programme (2i Maior policy matters (cadre r0view, rcstructuring of cadre, revicwing thc roles and f'unctions oi thc 0adrc vis-d-vis other Ministries or l)eflartments or State Covernments or Union Territories or lbreign Covernments and United Nation Organisations or any other matter as dccidcd by the Governmcnt from time to tinc) rclating to the managcment ol-Indian Staristical Service shall be decided by the Cadre Controlling Authorit) in consultarion with the lndian Statistical Scrvice Board. (3) The Board shall bc presided over by the Cabinet Secretary and in addition consists of six members of whom at least four shall be the Sccrotarics of the participating Ministries. The other two mcmbers shall be the Secretary, Ministry of Slalistics and Programmc 'lhe lloafd may bc assisted in mattcrs Implem€ntation and the Director General, Central Statistical Ofiicc. (4) which are technical in naturc, if so rcquired, by a committee of members consisting of olficials and nonofficials, without prejudice to the recognised functions and responsibilities ofthe Commission (4)-fhe administrative management oflndian Statistica I Service shall be with the Secretary, MOSPI Encadremctrt of posts to thc service.- ( I ) 'I'he cncadrement of poits to the service and appointment 6. of officers holding duty posts which are cncadrcd into the service under clausc (b) and clause (c) ol sub-rulc (2) of rulc 4 shall be as provided in these rules. (2) The suitability of the oflic€rs for appointment in the Indian Statistical Servicc under clause (c) ol sub-rulc (2) ofrule 4 is subj€cr to their fulfilling the educational qualification as spccified in paragraph 6 ofPart-ll to the Schedule-t. the othcr eligibility conditions for appoinlment to various grades of thc servicc shall bc dctcrmined by the Controlling Authority in consultation with the Commission. (3) The Govemment, shall constitute a Selection Committee consisting of a Chairman who shall be the Chairman or a Member ofthe Commission, and such other membels who are tho members mentioned in column (2) ofSchedule III for respective grades and the suitahility ofthe officers specified in sub-rule (1) ol tule 6 fbr appointment to the difl'erent grades ofthe sen'ice shall be dctermined by such committee. (4) An officer refened to in sub-rule (l) above who is not found suitable for appointment to any grade in thc Service, shall continue to hold his parent post and may be reconsidcrcd by the Controlling Authority fbr appointment to the Seryice at a subsequent year in consultation with the Commission. The suitability ol these candidates for inclusion in the lndian Statistical Servicc arc subj€ct to fulfilling all thc educational qualilicalion as specified in paragraph 6 of Part II to the Schedule-l. 'l'he other eligibility condiiions fbr appointmenl to various grades of the Service shall be determined by the Conrrolling Authority in consultation with the Commission. (5) An officer referred to in sub-rule (l), who on selection to any grade in the Service, opts not to bc absorbcd in the Seryice, may continue to hold the post held by him immediately befbre the selection as il'he had nol been selcctcd. Explanation: For the purpose ofthis rule, the absence ofa member other than the Chairman or a Mcmbcr ol the Commission shall not invalidate thc proceeding ofthe Selection Committee. 7. Future Maintenance of thc Scrvicc. - The duty posts in any ofthe grades rcfcrrcd to in rule 4, shall be tilled in the following manner namel] l tqrlr (l) II,€rc qld SI lFdq{ : 3lqlq(ul l(i)l 50 percent oftho total duty 19 posts in the Junior'limc Scalc shall bc filled by dircct fc0ruitment through an open compctitive examination to bc heid by the Comnlission as specified in Schedulc-l; (2) 50 percent of thc total duty posts in the Junior 'l imc Scalc shall bc fiicd by promotion liom amongsl oiliccrs bclonging to the Subordinate Statistical Servicc with Crado Pa)'Rs. 4600 in the pay scalc ol Rs. 9i00-34,800/in Pa)'Band-2 with thrcc ycars regular service in the gradc. (3) All subsrantive appointments of officcrs rccruited to thc Scrvice through competitivc exanlination shall be 'lhc datc ol appointrnent ol direcl made in the entry gradc only, namely, Junior Tirpe Scale ofthe Service. recruit shall be thc date on rvhich he or she rvas rccommcndcd by thc Clommission lbf afJpointflent to the Junior 'Iime Scale. l'he date of appointment ofpromotcc ollicer shtll be the datc on rvhich hc or shc Nas included in Select List recommended by Commission for Pronrotion lo Junior l ime Scale or the datc on \\'hich olilcer was appointed to the Junior'lime Scale whichqvcr is latcr. lhc dale of appointmcnt ol oll]ccrs encadrcd to the scrvice shall be $e datc pn which he o| she rvas includcd in Selcct List recommcnded by (iommission lbr inclusion in the Indian Stalistical Serlice or thc datc on $hich oltcer uas appointed in thc Indian.Statislical Service. whichever is later. (4) The datc ofappoinrmcnt of officers promoted to th€ Scnior Time Scalc and above shall bc the datc on which he or shc was includcd in the Sclcct List as recommended by thc Dcpartmental l'romotion Commillee as specihed in Schedulc lll for promotion to that gradc. or (hc datc on rvhich he or shc $as appoinled to thc grade. whichever is later. (5) The lietd of selection and cligibility criteria for p,onolions to various gradcs ol lhe Sorlice shall be as specificd in Schedule Il. (6) The promotion of officers to various grades shall be madc by thc method 01' 'sclection , 0xccpt placcmcnl of officers in the NoFl:unctional ,selection cradc of thc Juniot Administrative Grade, which shall be on NonSelection basis. on the basis ofthe rccommcndations o{'the l)cpadrncntal Promotion Committce constiluted in accordance with Schcdulc Ill. (7) Whencver any lndian Administrati\ e Service ofliccr of thc State or Joint Cadrc is posted al thc Centrc 10 a particular Grade carrying a spccific Grade Pay in Pay lland 3 or Pal lland 4, or on the Ilighcr Administrativc ilrade Scate. the members of the Senice , r*ho are senior to such Indian Administrativc Ssrvicc oificcr by two ycars or more and have not so far been promoted to that particular grade, shall bc appointed to thc samc grade - on Non-Functional basis from the date ofposting ol the lndian Administrative Servicc ol'licer in that particular grade. This will be subject to satisfaction of eligibilil)- criteria for promotion to the relcvant Grade and other , instructions issued by th€ Central Governmenl li0m limc lo timc and based on thc rccommcndalions ol thc Screening Commitlee constituted in accordanoe with Schcdulc V. irobation,- (l) Ilvery officef appointed tolhc Sorvicc, eitherby direct rcoru itr'rlcnt olby promotion in 8. . Junior Scale shall bc on probation 1br a period 01't$o ycarsl provided that the Conlrolling Authority may extcnd thc pefiod of probation in accordancc with thc instructions issued b) lhc Covernmcnt litrm lime to limc: providei furthcr that any dccision for extcnsion of a probation period shall bc taken ordinlrily within eight rveeks after thc cxpiry olthe prcvious probationary period and communicatcd in wriling to thc concerned ollicer together with reasons for so doing, rvithin the said period On completion ol the period of probation or any extension thercol. officcrs shall. il considered lit lor permanent appointment, be retained in their appointmcnts on rcgular basis and bc conlilmcd in due course (2j ' again$ the avai lablc substantive vacancies, as thc case may be (3) lf. during th€ period of probation or any extension thsrcol, as the casc may bc (jovcrnmenl is ol the opinion ()lliccr to the post that an officer is not fit for permanent appointment, Covcrnmcnt may dischargc or re\rert thc may be. as lhc oasc in thc service, prior to his appointment held by him (4) During the pcriod o1'probation, of any extension thereol; candidates may bc requiled by the (;ovcrnment I of training and instructions and to pass such examinations and tests (including unclergo iuch "ourra, examination in Ilindi) as it may think fit, as a condition to satislhctory complction of probation. (5) As regards othcr matters relating to probation, the mcmbers of the Scrvice shall bc govcrncd by thc instructions issued by thc Government in this regard liom time to timc 9. Seniority.- (l) The seniority ofthe officers ofthe Service, appoinled to any grade shall be golcrned by thcir relative seniority obtained immediately before thc datc ofcommencement ofthese rulcs: Provided that if the seniority Ofany officcr ofthe servicc has not been delermined belbrc the commcncement of these rules, the same shall be determined in accordancc t\/ilh the lndian stalistioal scfvice l{ulcs 196l applicable to officers ofthe Service b€fore the commencement ofthcse nrles 'fime Scale shall be delefm incd as lollou s: The seniority of pcrsons appointed to the grade oI Junio r ' (ij iij.lh" int".-r"'r"niority amongst the office$ promoted from the Subordinate Stalisti.al Service shall bc ol an earlier determincd in the ordcr 01'1hei[ selection for such promotion and the officcr promotcd on th9 basis selection; promoted ol subsequent on the basis selection shall rank scnior to those ]'Hll 20 (ii) CA7.L1 TE OF INDIA : EXI'RAORDINARY lP^Rl ll slic. 3(i)j The inter-se seniority amongst thc direct recruits shall bc in the order of thcir selcction by thc conrmission and any pcrson appointed on the basis of an earlier selection to thc service shall rank senior to appointed on thc basis ofany subsequent selection to thc service. all othcr persons (3) Thc inter-se seniority of olTiccrs appointed to the service under rule 6 ( i.e encadred to the scrvicc ) alter the commenccmcnt ofthese rules to the entry grade ( i.e grade at which officer is encadrcd to) shall be dctermincd in the order 01'thcir position in thc rcspective select lists for inclusion in the Indian Statistical service to such $ade and any person appointcd on the basis ofan earlicr sel€ction to the service shall rank senior to all other persons appointed on the basis ofany subsequent selection to that grade ofthe service. (4) The inter-se seniority of officers appointed to the Senior Time Scale and abovc of thc servicc shall bc determined in thc order oftheir position in the respective sclect lists for inclusion inlo such gradcs ol'thc service and those included on the basis of an earlier selection shall rank senior to lhosc promotcd on thc basis ol a subsequenl seleclion in the service. 10. Othcr Cotrditions of service,Officers appointed to the service shall be liable to serve anywhcrc in India, including ficld service in or out oflndia. The controlling authority may provide for(i) suitable ransfer and relieving policy for its officers for the smooth functioning ofthe service ;and (ii) suitable professional training course for officcrs of any grade to qualify for confirmation in the grade or for promolion to a higher grade. (2) The conditions of the scrvicc of the officar of the Service in respect of matteff for \r'hich no provision has been made under these rules shall bc the same as are applicable t'rom time to time, to thc officcrs ol cquivalent (l) fanL ol lh( Central Covcrnmrnt. Deputation.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 8, where the Government is I l ol thc opinion thal necessary or expedient so to do, it may for reasons to be recorded in wriling and in corsultation with Commission, fill-up duty posts in any gradc by deputation lbr period not cxceedinB three years, which ma) in it is special circumstances be extended upto five years, as the Govemment may think lit. lhe qualilication. cxperience and the qualifying servicc for appointment to any grade of lhe Scrvicc under this rulc shall bc decid€d by the Government in consultation $ith the commission on each occasion. (2) 'lhe Contfolung Authority may depute, from time to time, members ofthe SeNice to work iD posts under any Statc Government or Non-Covernmental Organization or international organization including lbreign governments for a specified period to enable them to enrich their experi€nce and make thcm more suitable 1bf holding duty posts in the Service. 12. Disqualification.- No person- (a) who has entcrcd into or contracted a marriage with a pcrson having a spouse living, or (b) who, having a spouse [iving, has entered into or contrac(ed a marriagc wilh any person. shall be eligiblc for appointment to the Service: Providcd that thc Covcrnmcnt may, if it is satisficd that such marriagc is pcrmissiblc undcf thc pcrsonal la\\ applicable to such pcrson and the other party to the marriage and therc are othcr grounds for so doing, cxempt liom the operation oflhis rule. 13, Residuary mattcrs.- l'he conditions of service of thc members ofthc Service in respect ol'mattefs lbr which no provision is made in thcsc rules shall be the same as iue applicable from time to time to oUicers of eouivalent rank ofthe Cantral GovcmmenL 14. Power to relar. - The Covernment may, in consultation with the Commission, and for rgasons lo be recorded in writing, relar any of thc provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of pcrsons. 15. lntarpretation,- Ifany question rclating to the interprctation ofthese rules arises, it shall bc dcoidcd by rhc Government any pcrson 16. Savi[g.- Nothing in thesc rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of age-limil and othcr 0onccs$ions required to be provided for the Schedulcd Castes, the Scheduled 'Iribes. ex-service men and olhcr special categories ofpersons in accordance with the orders issued by the Govemment from time to time in this regard. SCTIEDULE.I PART (See l. T rule 8 (l)) DIRECT RECRUITMENT THROUGH THE U NION PUBLIC SERVICE COM MISSION Direat recruihnent to Junior Time Scale ofthe service shall be made through an open aompelitive examination in the manner prescribed in Part Il ofthis Schedule. A candidate for the examination must be a citizen of lndia or he must belone to such catcporics ol' pcrsons as may from time to time be notified by the Govemment. I qFr II ](i)l @rc 3. crfd 4l IFTqt i slglqRvl Any attempt on the pan ofa candidatc to obtain supporr for his candidarure by any unfair 21 means may be held by the Commission to disqualily him fbr admission to the examination. 4. Succcss in the examination conf'ers no right 1br appointmenl, unlcss Covcrnmenl is salisiicd, alier such inquiry, as may bc oonsidered ncc0ssary, that the candidale is suitable in all fcspecrs tbl appointment to the service. 5. No candidate shall b€ appointed,to the scrvice, r^.ho af'ter such medical examination, as thc Govcmment may prcscribc, is nor'found ro be in good mcntal u.bodily hcalth and free liom any mental or physical defect likely to interf'crc with the dischargc ol the duries ol'thc scrvicc. 6 No person- (a) who has cntcr€d into or contractcd a marriage with a person having a spouse li!ing, or (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered jnto or contractcd a marriage \\,ith any p0rson, shall be cligible lor appoinrmenr to rhe Scrvice. Provided that the Government may, if it is satislled that such marriage is pcrmissiblc under thc personal law applicable to such person and the othcr pady to the marriage and there are other grounds lbr so doing, exempt any pcrson l-rom the operation ofthis rule. PART. II l. RECRUITMENT THROUGH COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION TO .IUNIOR 1'IME SCAt-E OF THE SERVtCEI Holdilg of examiitation.- An examination (hereinafter rclbrred lcr in lhis schedulc as "examination") for appointment to Junior'l'inre Scale ofthc Scrvice shall be held at such limc and places as may be prescribcd in thc noticc issucd by the (tonmission fbr the purposc. Iivcry such Notice will, when possiblc, announcc the number ol'vacancios to be lilled on thc .csull ol thc cxamination. Conduct of Eramitration.- Lvery examination shall be conductcd by thc Commission in such manner as maybc notified by the Governmcnt fiom tim(] to time. 3. Combined Examination.- 11'an examination held undcr this part is a combincd exarnination lbr thc purpose of making appointmenls to more than one service, the fbllorving provisions shall apply, namery:- 4. a. any person may apply to bc admittcd a.s a candidate lbr appointmcnt in all or any ofthc sen,ices for which he is eligible. lf hc w,ishes to be considered lor appoinrmcnt in more than one service, hc shall state in his application lbr the namcs ol'the serviccs lbr which hc rvishes to be considered, and the order of his prcLrences lbr thcm and in such cases onll one application form will be necessary and onc payment ofthe fcc rcferred to in paragraph 7 will bc sufficient. b. Covemment shall assign successf'ul candidates to each service on a consideration circumstances, including any personal prclbrence expressed by the candidatcs. ol all Forrn of Making Application.- A candidate must apply lbr admission ro rhc examinarion. beibre such date, in such manner and in such form, as the Commission nray prcsclibu. 5. Age limit.- A candidate must have attaincd the age of 2l years and musr not have attaincd thc agc of30 years on the first day ofAugust ofthe yea| during which the examinalion is hcld: Provid€d that thc upper age limit may be relaxed in respect of such categories as may bc norilied by the Covemment from time to time to the cxtent and subject to the condirions notified in respect ol' eacn caregory. 6. Educalional Qualilicatioos.- A candidate must havc obtained i) a Bachelor's degree with Statistics / Mathematical Statistics / Applied Statistics as onc oflhe subicct or a Master's degree in Statistios / Malhematical Statistics / Applicd Statistics t'rom a University incorporated by an Act of thc Central or State Legislatures in lndia or other Dducational Institutes €stablished by an Act of the Parliament or declared 1o bc deemcd as Universities under Section 3 ofthe University- Grants Commission Act. t956 or a lbreign University approved by the Cenbal Governmcnt from time !o time. Ng!g: In exceptional cases, the Commission may treat a candidate not possessing the qualiflcalion prescribcd above, as cduoationaliy eligible provided that he/she has passcd 0\irminations conducted by other lnstitutions. the standard of which in the opinion ofthc Coflfi issio!r .iustiilcd his admission to the examination- akq c,4 ts-6 l'HE CAZEf I'E O| INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY 22 IPARr ll- Src.3(i)j ii)Candidates who arc otherwise eligible but who have taken dcgrces liom foreign universities which are not recognized by the Govcrnment may also apply for admission to the examination and may bo admitted at the discretion ofthe Commission. iii) A candidate who has appeared or intends to appear at such a qualilying examination. thc render him cligible to appear at the examination may apply lbr admission to the examination. Such a candidate will be admitted to thc cxamination, ifothcrwise eligible, but thc admission would be deemed to be provisional and subject to cancellation il'hc passing of which would proofofhaving passed the examination as soon as possible and in any casc not later than two months after the commenccment ofthe examination. does not produce thc '1. FEE.- A ca.ndidate must pay the fee prescribed by the Cornmission, unlcss exempted thcfe liom or granted concession thcreof in accordance with the exemption and/or concessions in this respecl notified from timc to time. .8. The decision ofthe Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidatc lbr admission to the examination shall be final and no candidate to whom a certificate of admission has not bcen issucd by the Commission shall be admittcd to the exam ination. 9. Penalty for Misconduct.- A candidate who is ol has been declared by the Commission guilty of impcrsonation or of submitting fabricated document or documents which have been tampcred with, or of making statemcnts which are incorrect or false, or of suppressing material inlbrmation or otherwise resoning {o any other irregular or improper means lbr obtaining admission to thc examination, or of using or attempting to use unfair means in the examination hall. may, in addition to rendering himsclfliable to criminal prosecution, a) bc debaned perunanently or for a specified pcriod by the Commission fiom admission lo any examination or appearance at an intervicw held by the Commission lbr sclcction ol candidatcs: , b) be debarred by the Covernment from employment under them; aild c) be liable to disciplinary action under thc appropriate rules, il he/she is already in scrvicc under thc Government. 10. Preparation of list of successful candidatcs.- After the examination, the candidates will be arranged by thc cornmission in the order of merit as disclosed by the aggregatc mafks linally awarded to each candidate; and in that ordcr so many candidates as are found by thc Commission in . thcir discretion to be qualified in the examination shall be recommended for appointment upto the number ofunreservsd vacancies decided to be filled on the results ol'the cxamination. Provided that any iandiddte b€longing to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled'lribc or OBC, who though notiualified by the standard prescribcd by the Commission is declared by them to be suitablc lbr' appointment thereto with due regard to the maintenance of efficiency ol'administration, shall be recommended for appointment to vacancics reserved for thc rcspective groups. ll. The examination shall comprise written examination, followed by viva voce ofsuch candidates, as may bc called by the Commission, subiect to the condition that the marks allocated for viva vocc shall not exceed 200lo 01'the total marks allocated for the written examination. 12. The details of standard and syllabi for the examination, and other aspects of conducting thc examination shall be as prescribed by thc Commission from time to time. SCHEDULE.II lsee rule 7(5) l The method of recruitment, selcction and the minimum qualifying servicc in thc next highcr grade for appointment of o{Iicers on promotion to posts included in the various gradcs of lndian Statistical Scrvice s. Name No, Gradc of the Mcthod of Whether promotior on Recrl|itment is By promotion Selection selection or non-sclection brsis (2\ I Higher Administrative (3) Higher Administrative Grade Oflicers of thc Higher Administrative Grade with at least one year ol'regular service in the grade, Grade Plus 2. Field of Selection and the minimum qualifying s€rvice for promotion. By promotion Selection Officers of the Senior Adminislratir \ ith thrcL' )uar\' ,egrlar' .crricc in the srade or $ilh lrrent\ llrc r (:lrs' Crade t qFr II Errs 3(i)l lllGt {T {rnFEJ : 23 3{qTqRvt - I ."eririi ii.;ii" rvith onc year rcgutar i servicc should l. By promotion Senior Selec(ion Adminis(rative (irade bc in rhc Senior ]_Aq!1inistraive GIade. Office|s in the iunior Adminisrralive lgradc with cight years' rcgular scrvice I in the grade inclusive ol'servicc, il any. I rendcred in thc Non-l:unclional j Sclcction Crade or *ith scvcnrecn ycars I of regular servicc inclusive of four ] Icats ol'rcgular servicc in thc .lunior Ctadc (including service rendercd in thc Non-liunctional i Administrative 4. Non-Functional Selection Grade Appointment by placement in the (NFSG) Gradc on Non- Non-Selection I Sclection Grade). Fom'.crs in rhc JuniorlAdnrliristrarivc ,CraJc on enterin8 thc fourtccnlh )ear ] ol overall rcgular sefvicc on lst January I of the ycar calculatcd liom thc year lbllowing the yeaf of examinatiotl otl Selection basis. :::,,,?,1:l'"' t-'''"'" uhich the or'ncer I Note: The Junior ,\dminislralivc rras ( 'radc I officers rvho cntcr(d the Indian Statistioal Scrvicc b) thc mcrhod 01' promotion in thc Junior l'imc Soale of I the Scrvioc shall also bc 0onsidercd cligiblc lor apf\oinlrn.nl in thc Junior ' Administrati!e Gradc (Non I.unctional lSclccriln Grade). provirJcd thcy havc I cntered the lourleenth ycar of ser! ice In ]Croup 'A' by following the Rules lgoveming seniority along rvith ollicers $ho entered thc founeenth ycar ol' scrvicc through the mcthod oi dir€ci I lrecruttment. 5. Junior Administrative By promotion Selcction Of'ficers in the Scnior 'lime Scalc with 5 years rcgular servicc in thc gradc. Grade 6. Senior 'l'ime By promotion Sclection Scale 't. Junior 'l ime Scale (i) 50% Yacancies of in Ofliccrs in the .luni or 'l imc Soalc \! ith 4 ycars r0gular service in the gradc. Through an open competilive cxamination hcld by thc (lornnrission in thc manner prcscribcd in Sohcdulc-l the the Grade by direct rccruitment B1 prornotion liom arnongst otliccr'. lo the \uhUrdillutc Stutistical Service uith (;rcdc Pa) Rs. .16U0 - in Pa) Band-2 in the scalc ol ld\ ol Rs. 9100-34.800/- wilh thrue )cars rcgular service in thc grade. hclLJnging (ii) 50% of the vacancies in the Gradc promotion by Selection Note I: For the purpose ofpromotions to Senior'Iime Scale (S'fS), Junior Administrative Gradc (.ln 0), Scniol Administrative Grade (SAG) and }ligher Administrative Grade (t{AC) , thc length of service shall bc rcckoncd from the Isl of January of the year lollowing rhe year of the examination through which the mcmber was recruited, Note II: ln cases where juniors who have completed their qualifying or cligibility selvice alc bcing considered lbr prornotion, their seniors would also bc considered providcd they are no1 short ol thc requisite qualilying or 3t4+ 44 ts-7 t-- 'l'llE GAZETTE 24 OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [I',^R] Il--sr]c.3(i)l eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying or eligibility service or two ycars whichever is less and have successfully completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already completed such qualifying or eligibility service. SCHEDULE-III lsee rule ? (6)l Composition of Departrnental Promotion Committee fbr considering the cases of promotion or conlirmalion in the Indian Statistical Service. Grade 99tn!9$q "19Pup'A'DP((21 (l) I Promotion to Higher - UPSC MOSPI l.Chairman/Member, Administative Grade Plus of 2. Secretary, Chaifman Member -' Indian Statistical Servicc. 2. Promotion to Higher Administrative Grade of Indian UPSC MOSPI 2. Secretary, Chairman l.Chairman/Membeq Member Statistical Service. 3. Promotion to Senior Administrative Grade of Indian Statistical Service UPSC MOSPI CSO, l. Chairmanfvlember, MOSPI 4. Director Ccneral &CEO, - NSSO. MOSPI 4. MOSPI to the Selection Gradc (Non-f'unctional) of 2 Junior Administrative Grade (NFSG) of Indian Statistical 3 Director Appointmeni Chairma Member Membcr 2. Secretary, 3. Director General, l. Secrctary, Direclor General, CSO, MOSPI NSSO, Scrvice. General & CEO, MOSPI Membcr - Chairman - Member - Member 4 Additional Secretary, D/o lndustrial Policy & ?romotion Cooperation - Mcmber 5. Joint Secretary(Admin), - Membcr M/o Road Transpon and Highways 5.' Promotion from Senior Time Scale to Junior Administrative Grade of Indian Statistical . Member .- Member D/o Agdculture &Cooperation Joint Secretary(Admin), M/o Road l'ransport and Highways, Member Designated nominee Member MOSPI MOSPI 5. Promotion from Junior Timc Scale Chairman MOSPI Director Ceneral, CSO, 3. Director General & CEO, NSSO, 4 Joint Secretary, service. 6. - L Secretary. 2 to Senior Time Scale of Indian Statistical Service. ofDoPT - S&PI l. Secretary, Ivl./o 2. Director General, CSO, MOSPI 3. Director General & CEO, NSSO, MOSPI 4. Joint Secrctary (Admn.) M/o water 7. Promotion from Subordinate Statistical Service to Junior Time Scale (JTS) of Indian Statistical Service. 8. R€sources Member - Member oflSS - Member - Member Chairman Member General, CSO, MOSPI - MOSPI Secretary, MOSPI Recruits 2. Direalor 3. Director Ceneral & CEO, NSSO, 4. Joint Secrctary (Admn-) M/o Water / - l.Chairman/Member,UPSC -Chairman l Time Scale Chairman Member 2. NFSG/JAC levelofficer 3. Deputy Secretary/Director(lSS), Confirmation of Direct Promotees at Junior - MOSPI. Resources - Member - Member t!n'r II Ers l(i)l qld 6T {qq-{ : {q]sRor Note : 'fhe absence of a membcr, othcr than the (-'hairman Commission, shall not invalidate the proceedings ol thc DPC, anended the mceting. ii 25 a Mcmber ol'the l,hion Public Scrvicc ore thaD hall mcmbcrs 01-the comlr1ittcc had or SCHEDULE-IV [ ( See sub-rul€(l) of rule 4) | STATEMENT OF DUTY POSTS FOR THE INDIAN STAI'IS1'ICAL SERVICE ( llde SI Ministry of I (2\ F F z I Agriculture 2 Chemical l Civil A\ ialion 4 6 7 Coal Commerce & Industry Corporate Aflairs Consumcr Affairs. Food & PD o Communication & IT 9 5 (t) (4) d & Fertilizer t2 2 2 2 ,) I I t3 t2 2 I . rl .-. ! - I l Culture t) 2 4 0 Def'ence 3 3 7 2 Devclopmcnt ol'North tjast Region Irnvironment & Foresl l Finance 4 I 3 4 f ood Processing Industriss 0 I tlcalth & Family wclfarc Ilome Affaifs l3 t'7 4 20 6 2 2 7 2l Human Rcsourcc DeveloDment Labour & Emplo' ment Micro, Small and Medium ljntcrprises Mines Petroleum & Natural Cas 22 Plannins. Commission 5 o 'l 8 9 20 I 2 2 Science 2t 26 27 28 29 30 .q 0 6 2 t s 2 8 55 7 I 5 2 8',7 Iiq I 2 I 2 4 I Textiles 'fourism ) 32 llrban Development t) Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation Waler Resources Drinking Water and Sanitation Women and Child Dcvclopmcnt Ccntral Information C0mmission Financial Intellisencc Unit i 38 U l.r0 3l 36 37 5 Steel 'liibal Affairs l5 t2 2 0 3l 34 6 0 & Technology Shipping, Road l ransport & | ligh\ al Social Justice & I1mDowerment Statistics & P.l. Total 5 ia I Rural Development l. l. l4 4 7 l .l 5 229 206 23.3 7 I I t2 I ', l0 8l * out of this 127 posts upgraded to SAG of ISS and upgraded posts are opcrated in s^(i. ** Ofthe total posts at Junior Administrative Gradc. 30 percenl of(he senior duty posts, namely all duty posts at the lcvcl rf Senior Time Scalc and above in the Service will bc in the Non-Functional Selection Crade oporated in PB TI-IE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY IPARr Il-sEc.3(i)l SCITEI'ULE-V [scc rulc 7(7)l Screening Committee for considering the cas€s for lndian Stari*ical Service. upgrddation to the grade upto and including Highcr Administrative Grade oflSS grfit ofnon-functional 2. Director ceneral, CSO, MOSPI 3. Director General & CEO, NSSO, MOSPI 4. Additional Sec upgradarion to higher scale in rhe Mcmber Membcr t Notc ; The abs€nc€ ofa member, other than the Chairman shall not invalidare the proceedings ol'the Screening Commine€, if more than half mem bers of the comm ittee h ad attended the meetine. [F.No.l l0l Ulz009JSSl BADHAWAN, Jt. Secy. S.S. I t Pnm.d by lho [rmgor, Gov.mm.m ot hd. Prr.r, RlDg Ro.d, frt.pud, N.u rnd Pub[8hod by tho Conrolbr ot Plb c.donr, Dctht-ttoo64 DolhFfitDoil 'l