• ORDINANCE NO. 1552 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH ADOPTING MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 7.70 ENTITLED GOOD NEIGHBOR OUTDOOR LIGHTING WHEREAS, on March 9, 2011, and March 23, 2011, the Planning Commission conducted a legally noticed public hearing and, and after reviewing and considering all documents, testimony and other evidence presented, voted to recommend that the City Council adopt the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on May 3, 2011, July 12, 2011, and August 16, 2010, the City Council conducted legally noticed public hearings and reviewed and considered all documents, testimony and other evidence presented; NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH DOES ORDAIN, as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 7.70 is hereby added to the Laguna Beach Municipal Code to read in its entirety as followings: Chapter 7.70 GOOD NEIGHBOR OUTDOOR LIGHTING Sections: 7.70.010 7.70.020 7.70.030 7.70.040 7.70.050 7.70.060 Declaration. Purpose. Definitions. Applicability and Good Neighbor Information Process. General Standards. Exemptions. 7.70.010 Declaration. The City Council declares as follows: Properly designed and installed outdoor night lighting can benefit everyone by increasing safety, enhancing the City's nighttime character and providing security. These benefits must be balanced with the fact that outdoor lighting that is improperly designed and/or installed can create problems of excessive glare, light trespass, and higher energy use. Excessive glare can be annoying and may cause safety problems. Light trespass can reduce a sense of privacy. Higher energy use increases utility costs and contributes to global climate change. There is a need for a lighting ordinance that recognizes the benefits of outdoor lighting and • provides clear guidelines to mmUlllze any negative effects. Appropriately regulated and properly installed, outdoor lighting contributes to the safety and welfare of the residents, business and visitors of the City. 7.70.020 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate outdoor lighting in order to reduce or prevent light pollution, to reduce or prevent glare and light trespass, to promote the conservation of energy, and to preserve and enhance neighborhood character and night-sky beauty of the City of Laguna Beach, while also respecting the need for safety and security. 7.70.030 Definitions. As used in this chapter: Accent lighting means any directional lighting that emphasizes a particular object or (A) draws attention to a particular area. (B) Floodlight means a lamp that spreads light over a wide area. Full Cut-Off means a luminaire that allows no direct light emissions above the (C) horizontal plane (see definition of horizontal plane). (D) Fully shielded means light fixtures shielded or constructed so that no direct light emissions occur above the horizontal plane (see definition of horizontal plane). Glare means stray, unshielded light striking the eye that results in discomfort glare, (E) such as bright light causing squinting of the eyes; and/or disabling glare, such as bright light that reduces the ability to see into shadows. Horizontal Plane means a ninety degree (90) angle measured from a vertical line (F) from the bottom of the lamp or bulb extended to the ground. (G) Kelvin means the measure of the color temperature of a light source. Lamp or Bulb means the light-producing source installed in the socket portion of a (H) luminaire. (1) Light pollution means general night sky glow caused by scattering artificial light in the atmosphere and resulting in a decreased ability to see the natural night sky. (1) Light trespass means light emitted by a fixture that directly illuminates beyond the property on which the fixture is installed. (K) Lumen means a measurement of light energy generated by a light source. (L) Luminaire or Fixture means a complete lighting unit, including the lamps or bulbs, together with the parts required to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to COImect the lamps to the power supply. Lux means one lumen per square meter, a unit of luminance. (M) (N) Shielding means a method to control light rays so as to avoid light trespass or glare. (0) Spotlight means any lamp that incorporates a reflector or a refractor to concentrate the light output into a directed beam in a particular direction. Watt means a unit of electric power consumed by a lamp or bulb. (P) 2 7.70.040 Applicability and Good Neighbor Information Process. (A) Amortization Period. Any luminaire or fixture that does not conform to this chapter, but which lawfully existed as of the date of the enactment of the ordinance codified in this chapter, shall be abated or made to conform within ninety (90) days of the property owner or business owner receiving written notice that the luminaire or fixture is nonconforming. (B) Any person or business may submit an application to the Community Development Director for an administrative exemption from, or a delay in completing corrective action, pursuant to the requirement of section 25.05.020. The request shall state fully: 1. The circumstances and conditions that justify an administrative exemption; and 2. The circumstances and conditions that would result in a financial hardship or deprive the applicant of reasonable use of the land or building; and 3. How granting an administrative exemption will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. (C) Compliance with this chapter shall be administered and enforced by the City of Laguna Beach Community Development Department pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.15 of the Municipal Code. Any adjacent neighboring property owner affected by glare or trespass shall first discuss the concern with the owner of the light fixture prior to filing a service request with the City. The filing of service requests shall be limited to adjacent neighboring property owners directly impacted by light trespass. (D) The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to all federal, state, and local governmental agencies to the maximum extent permitted by law. (E) In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the chapter and any other section of the Municipal Code, the more restrictive requirement shall apply. General Standards. The following general standards shall apply to all 7.70.050 outdoor lighting installed after the effective date of this chapter: (A) Light trespass that results in glare is prohibited. (B) Outdoor lighting must be hooded, fully shielded, and aimed downward. Examples of acceptable and unacceptable light shielding and hooding are shown in Table A. (C) Mercury vapor and low pressure sodium lighting are not permitted for street lighting and commercial applications. 7.70.060 Exemptions. The following are exempt from the provisions of this chapter: (A) Fixtures not fully shielded shall be allowed only if less than 3000 kelvin and/or 750 lumens per fixture. (B) Traffic control signals and devices. (C) Street lights installed prior to the effective date of this chapter. New or replacement lighting shall comply with this chapter. (D) Temporary emergency lighting (e.g., for use by fire, police, or repair personnel). (E) Moving vehicle lights. (F) Residential holiday lighting between November 15 th and January 15 th and turned off no later than 12:00 a.m. Residential holiday lighting, as defined by City Council 3 (G) (H) (1) (1) (K) (L) (M) (N) resolution, between January 16th and November 14th limited to no more than seven (7) consecutive days and turned off no later than 12:00 a.m. Existing outdoor sports-field lights installed prior to the effective date of this chapter. New or replacement lighting shall comply with this chapter. Special events approved by the City pursuant to a Temporary Use Permit and emergency or City approved night-time construction. Safety lights not exceeding 2400 lumens (150 watts incandescent equivalent) per fixture and that are controlled by a motion sensor switch and do not remain on longer than 5 minutes after activation. Low voltage landscape lighting that does not exceed 400 lumens (35 watts incandescent equivalent) per fixture or string of lights. Approved lighting fixtures on any building or structure listed on the City's Historic Register and Historic Inventory. Nonconforming lighting fixtures consistent with the character of a historic structure may be exempted, subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. Approved fixtures shall be consistent with the architectural period and architecture of the structure or district and shall not exceed 750 lumens (60 watt incandescent equivalent) and 3000 kelvin. Accent lighting for art located in public places subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. Lighting for U.S. flags. Lighting required for the purpose of public safety or crime prevention and approved by the Chief of Police. 4 Table A ACCEPTABLE SHIELDING, HOODING AND AIMING OF OUTDOOR LIGHT FIXTURES The following schematics show what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in the City of Laguna Beach. ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE Fixtures that Shield the Light SoW'ce [0 Minimize Glare and Light Trespass ­ Facilitating Better Night Vision Fixlures thar. Produce Glare and Light Trespass \~ '=~~-- "~ 11\ rfIiP2J'' "O<1''. ~ B B ·· .".' r~J 1] r:J",--s&?,,-­ D Unshielded or Poorly-shielded Floodlights I ~ J )/i;,://.!:/JI iiiiij !j~ / Q) IF;') " J Full Cutoff Fixtu res e ~ ,,­ ,'~~ l=/ •..,rhK""'& Umhiclded WalJpack~ & Poocly­ shielded Wall Mount Fixtures fkl ...... --­ & [Q r[-~ ~ .... , .. .... ~ -~ s,re",~~ Unshielded Security Ught ~~, ~ Fully-sluclded Fixmres ~ ~w~ \ - ,(, P}' .- :;. . -J" '("7 . . . .. '- . _.':.:;'-- -. """, /; ; ; '( #...'f''-\.("­7 ,'" 'f'\ Unshielded 'Period' Style hxrures ~ Full Cutoff Street light Shiel~ Fully Security Light ~ ~----- ~ ~Unshielded PAR Floodlights I ~;~i~':1d - I Drop-lens & Sag-lens Fixtures with Exposed Bulb/Refracwr Lens ~:. I ,. l;ully-shiclded Wallpack & Wall Mount Fixtures ~ l1:g=-z;b Unshielded ­ a;;:6 lliJ& ('; JiS ~ ~ ~ ~ W Drop,lens Canopy Fixtures Shielded/Properly Aimed PAR Floodlights 5 ooib:J.Woklfld in Of).f.u~U(.' 'lOP VI t - ~ '. ~. ~ ); FuJJy Shielded 'Period' Seyle Fixtures ~--- ~ - ~-~~~-~- --­ Flush Mounted Canopy Fixtures ACCEPTABLE Fixtures that Shield the Light Source to Minimize Glare and Light Trespass ­ Facilitating Better Night Vision UNACCEPTABLE Fixtures that Produce Glare and Light Trespass Full Cutoff Street Light Unshielded Street Ught Unshielded Security Light Fully Shielded Security Light Street and Parking Lot Pole Ughts Street and Parking Lot Pole Lights '.' 0': : :.. . . ... • 0' o • • °0 "0 '0 ," : • ' '" : :' :' :' . .. : .. '0 . . . ::/j~\.... . . . . . . . ... Blocked! Properly Aimed Light " . . 0° ,0 • No Light Should Fall OIl this Side of the Property Line I+-- Neighbor's _ _ Your Property---~)o I Property Street and Lot Light Cut-off at Property Une I - Neighbor's ­ I Property Your Property --_)0 Street and Lot Light Cut-off at Propeny Line 6 SECTION 2. This Ordinance is exempt from compliance with the California Envirorunental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 3. If any portion of this Ordinance, or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance to the extent it can be given effect, of the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby, and to this extent the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 4. This Ordinance is intended to be of Citywide effect and application. All ordinances and provisions of the Laguna Beach Municipal Code and Sections thereof inconsistent shall be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency and no further. SECTION 5. The City Clerk of the City of Laguna Beach shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published in the manner required by law in the City of Laguna Beach. This Ordinance shall become effective on February 1,2012. ADOPTED this 16th day of August, 2011. Toni Iseman, Mayor ATTEST: Lzy[~/ ~ City Clerk 7 I, Martha Anderson, City Clerk of the City of Laguna Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council on July 12, 2011, and was finally adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on August 16, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER(S): Egly, Rollinger, Iseman NOES: COUNCILMEMBER(S): Boyd, Pearson ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER(S): None City Clerk of the City of Laguna Beach, CA 8