Electronic Power Conversion DC-DC switch mode converters Challenge the future 1 1 7. DC-DC switch mode converters DC-DC switch mode converters 2 • Basic DC-DC converters • Step-down converter (neerchopper) • Step-up converter (opchopper) Applications • DC-motor drives • SMPS • Derived circuits • Step-down/step-up converter (flyback) • (Ćuk-converter) • Full-bridge converter (volle brug omzetter) DC-DC switch mode converters 3 Control of dc-dc converters • Output voltage has to be kept constant even though input voltage and output load may fluctuate • Controlled by switch on and off durations Switch control signal Ts t on 1 1 Vo = ∫ vo (t )dt = (ton ⋅Vd + toff ⋅0) = Vd Ts 0 Ts Ts DC-DC switch mode converters 4 vst vcont Control of dc-dc converters ton vcontrol = TS Vˆst ton Ts ton D= TS DC-DC switch mode converters 5 Step-down (Buck) converter 1 V0 = Ts Ts 1 v ( t ) dt = ∫0 0 Ts Ts ⎛ DTs ⎞ ⎜ ∫ vd (t )dt + ∫ 0 dt ⎟ ⎜ 0 ⎟ DT ⎝ ⎠ ton = Vd = D Vd Ts V0 = k vcontrol Features of basic circuit: • switch stress when load is inductive • fluctuating output voltage DC-DC switch mode converters 6 Features of basic circuit: • switch stress when load is inductive è diode • fluctuating output voltage è filter used DC-DC switch mode converters 7 Continuous conduction mode 0 < t < ton vL = Vd − Vo ton < t < Ts vL = Vo t t 1 iL (t ) = iL (0) + ∫ vL (t )dt = L0 1 iL (t ) = iL (ton ) + ∫ vL (t )dt = L ton Vd −V o = i L ( 0) + t L = iL (ton ) + −V o (t − ton ) L DC-DC switch mode converters 8 0 < t < ton ton < t < Ts vL = Vd − Vo vL = −Vo iL (t ) = iL (0) + Vd −V o t L −V o iL (t ) = iL (ton ) + (t − ton ) L DC-DC switch mode converters 9 0 < t < ton ton < t < Ts vL = Vd − Vo vL = −Vo vL,av = 0 è (Vd − V0 ) ton = V0 (Ts − Ton ) (Vd − Vo ) ⋅ ton + (−Vo ) ⋅ toff = 0 Ts Vo = D ⋅Vd Pout = Pin Vd I d = V0 I 0 I 0 Vd 1 = = I d V0 D DC-DC switch mode converters 10 Continuous and discontinuous mode R → Io Boundary between continuous and discontinuous mode DC-DC switch mode converters 11 Boundary continuous- discontinuous On boundary B: mode t 1 I LB = iL, peak 2 (b) V0 =D Vd I OB = so on (Vd − V0 ) 2L (a) DTs = (Vd − V0 ) 2L Eliminate either Vo or Vd from (a) and (b) depending on what is constant. Assume Vd constant: Boundary: Ts Vd I OB = D(1 - D) 2L DC-DC switch mode converters 12 Discontinuous conduction mode CCM: ? DCM VL ,av = 0 Δ1 ? I 0 = iL, peak è V0 = DVd V0 = f (Vd , D, I 0 ) (Vd − V0 ) DTs − V0 Δ1Ts = 0 V0 D = Vd D + Δ1 è There is a relationship between Δ1 and I0: D + Δ1 2 Eliminate Δ1 from (1) & (4) è (2) with V0 = Vd V ΔT I L, peak = o 1 s (3) è L 2 D 2L 2 + I0 D TsVd or I0 = V0 = Vd (1) Vo Δ1Ts (D + Δ1 ) (4) L 2 D 2 D + 2 1 ( I 0 / I LB,max ) 4 DC-DC switch mode converters 13 V0 = Vd 2 D 2L 2 + I0 D TsVd or V0 = Vd D 2 D + 2 1 I 0 / I LB ,max ) ( 4 where: Ts Vd I LB ,max = 8L DC-DC switch mode converters 14 D(Vd, Io) for Vo constant Boundary: TsV0 I LB = (1 − D) 2L (5) I LB ,max = TsV0 2L 1/ 2 (1) - (4) still hold V0 ⎛ I 0 /I LB ,max ⎞ D= ⎜ ⎟ Vd ⎝ 1 − V0 / Vd ⎠ DC-DC switch mode converters 15 Output voltage ripple and capacitor current (Down conv.) ΔV = ΔQ 0 C 1 1 = ⋅ '' base ⋅ height '' C 2 Δ IL = 2.Height: V0 (1 − D) Ts L 1 1 Ts V0 Δ V = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (1 − D) Ts 0 è C 2 2 2L ⎛ fc ⎞ Δ V0 Ts (1 − D) π = = (1 − D) ⎜ ⎟ V0 8LC 2 ⎝ fs ⎠ 2 or: 2 2 with: fc = 1 2π LC • Only valid for continuous conduction mode (CCM) DC-DC switch mode converters 16 Step-up (or boost) converter VL ,av = 0 è Vd D Ts + (Vd − V0 ) ( 1 − D)Ts = 0 V0 1 = Vd 1 − D DC-DC switch mode converters 17 Boost converter in DCM same procedure as down converter CCM: V0 = Vd 1− D ? DCM: From the time waveforms: VL ,av = 0 è Vd D Ts + (Vd − V0 ) Δ1Ts = 0 è V0 = f (Vd , D, I d ) V0 Δ1 + D = Vd Δ1 (1) IˆL = f (Vd , D) (2) I 0,av = f ( IˆL , D , Δ1 ) (3) Eliminate IˆL , D and Δ1 from (1), (2) and (3) DC-DC switch mode converters 18 Vo= constant Solution not important, however here is the plot: DC-DC switch mode converters 19 Boost converter - output voltage ripple and capacitor currents ΔVo = ΔQ I o DTs Vo DTs = = C C R C DC-DC switch mode converters 20 Buck-boost converter VL ,av = 0 Vd D Ts + ( −V0 ) ( 1 − D)Ts = 0 V0 D = Vd 1 − D and I0 1 − D = Id D DC-DC switch mode converters 21 Discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) Method: find several relations: VL,av = 0 è IˆL = f (Vd , D) Vd D Ts + ( −V0 ) Δ1Ts = 0 è V0 D = Vd Δ1 (1) (2) I 0,av = f ( IˆL , D , Δ1 ) (3) Eliminate IˆL , D and Δ1 from (1), (2) and (3) DC-DC switch mode converters 22 Voltage ripple and capacitor current Calculate voltage ripple ΔVo = ? DC-DC switch mode converters 23 Full-bridge dc-dc converter • Either + or - switch is on so output voltage is solely determined by status of the switch-gate signal (not by the current polarity) • Current polarity determines whether T or D is conducting • Applications: • 4-quadrant dc motor drives • dc-ac sine wave conversion (Chapter 8) DC-DC switch mode converters 24 Dc-dc converter Dc motor drives Source: STMicroelectronics http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/apps/SE413/AS214/AC899 DC-DC switch mode converters 25 VAN = Vd DTA+ DTA− = 1 − DTA+ è VBN = Vd D T B+ Two PWM control switching strategies • PWM bipolar switching: simultaneous synchronized operation of the phase legs • PWM unipolar switching: independent operation of the phase legs DC-DC switch mode converters 26 Bipolar voltage switching • single control signal vcontrol vcontrol > vtri TA+, TB- vcontrol < vtri TA-, TB+ VBN = (1 − D1 )Vd VAN = D1 Vd V0 = VAN − VBN = (2D1 − 1) Vd vcontrol V0 = Vd = k vcontrol ˆ Vtri with k= Vd Vˆtri 4 quadrant operation: All combinations of polarities of (average) current and voltage possible DC-DC switch mode converters 27 Unipolar voltage switching • double control signal +vcontrol and -vcontrol vcontrol > vtri TA+ − vcontrol > vtri TB+ V0 = VAN − VBN = (2D1 − 1) Vd vcontrol Vd = k vcontrol ˆ Vtri V k = d = constant with Vˆtri V0 = Comparison unipolar/bipolar: • ripple in i0 at 2fs • smaller ripple current for the same L • slightly more complex control; 2 control signals required DC-DC switch mode converters 28 Summary Considered circuits Assumptions for analysis: • all components ideal (no voltage drop on switches, infinitely fast) • output capacitor voltage assumed to be constant è voltage source • output inductor current assumed to be constant è current source Phase arm: • uni- and bipolar switching • control signal uniquely determines vAN(t) and vBN(t) • current depends on VAB(t) and load • 1, 2 and 4 quadrant operation For all these circuits: L-side voltage always smaller than C-side voltage DC-DC switch mode converters 29 Comparison of dc-converters • switch utilization • transformer core utilization • size of passives Switch Utilisation Ratio P0 SUR = PT with PT = VˆT ⋅ IˆT and P0 = V0 ⋅ I 0 Problem: VˆT Sketch V0 and IˆT I0 as a function of D for: - step down converter - step-up converter - buck-boost converter Assume for simplicity L to be infinitely large (flat current waveform) DC-DC switch mode converters 30 Figure 1 shows a boost converter used in the Toyota Prius hybrid electric vehicle for stepping up the ba:ery voltage from 150-­‐250 V to 500 V. The converter’s switching frequency is fs= 20kHz. (5) Calculate the criJcal (maximum) inductance value of the output filter inductor to ensure that the converter operates in the disconJnuous conducJon mode for the given input voltage range and the load current up to Io= 10A. (5)Given the inductance value obtained in 1.1 calculate the duty cycle range to keep the output voltage Vo constant (500V) for the given range of the input voltage and the nominal current of Inom= 4A. (10)Calculate the required capacitance value of the output filter capacitor to ensure that at the nominal input voltage (Vinnom = 200V) the peak-­‐to-­‐peak output voltage ripple is less than 2% of the nominal output voltage (Vo). DC-DC switch mode converters 31 Vd = 250 V. Switching frequency is 30 kHz. The bridge is connected to a speed controlled dc machine. The armature inductance La = 0,2 mH. The armature resistance is negligible. (a) The bridge is controlled to provide an average output voltage, Vo = 200 V. Find the duty raJos D1 and D2 and the ripple frequency of the two control principles. Sketch vo(t) for the two control principles. At a given speed, the back-­‐emf Ea = 200 V. Unipolar PWM is used. (b) The armature current, Ia, is 1 A, find the maximum and the minimum instantaneous armature current. Sketch the armature current, ia(t). Indicate which of the power semiconductors are conducJng. Also sketch id(t). (c) As in Problem (b), with Ia = 20A. 32 (d) As in Problem (b), except bipolar PWM is used. DC-DC switch mode converters Image credits • All uncredited diagrams are from the book “Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design” by N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland and W.P. Robbins. • All other uncredited images are from research done at the EWI faculty. DC-DC switch mode converters 33