Very Low Cost Remote Controlled Home Automation Surya Penmetsa Electronics and Communication Engineering NIT Warangal Abstract- This paper will present the concept of efficiently modifying the electrical system of an entire house into a remote based one, with low cost. Keywords- Arduino, ATMega328, ASIC, TSOP, Relay, Infrared radiations. I. INTRODUCTION Even with technology evolving day by day, implementation in day to day life is tough. For example, speech controlled home appliances are already in action, but it still isn’t used extensively; the main reason being cost and complexity. Here, I have discussed the possibility of a very low cost remote based system for a general house; the cost of which would be around Rs.1000 and could further be reduced when released in bulk. I have also provided details of the prototype design, with which the accuracy of the system was tested. II. COST EXPECTED S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Component ATMega328 Remote Relays (15x) TSOP1756(15x) Transistors 5V adapters Total Cost Rs. 225 Rs. 50 Rs. 300 Rs. 300 Rs.50 Rs.75 Rs. 1000 Fig1. The pin mapping of the controller in the product B. The Remote It is similar to the television remote we use in our daily lives. Old television remotes can also be used for this purpose. C. The IR Receiver (TSOP) TSOP17xx are specially designed to decode a specific frequency, such as infrared radiation at 38 KHz, and filter the rest. So, it can receive the signals sent by the remote and send them as to the controller without changing it. The cost of the product could decrease up to Rs. 700 when released in bulk. III. HOW IT WORKS? A. The Controller This design incorporates the use of ATMega328 as the prime controller. It will receive the data from the TSOP, process the data, decode the IR Signal and then finally send the control signals to activate the solid state relays. The pin mapping of the controller is shown in Fig 1. Fig2. TSOP17XX D. Activation of Relays The output signal from ATMega328 is fed to the transistor, which acts as a current driver for the solid state relay. This way, with a normal controller which works at 5V, we can control a 230V AC signal. IV. BLOCK DIAGRAM ATMegs328 has 14 output pins. We can use ATMega2560 if we need more output pins; up to 54 pins are available. To be more specific, Pins 2, 3, 4, 5 were connected to Light Emitting Diodes. Pin 11 was used to receive data from the TSOP1738. An additional library, named IRRemote, was downloaded from [3] has been used to decode the array of 0’s and 1’s received. Later, the Light Emitting Diodes have been replaced by a relay driven by a Transistor. The below picture depicts the wiring of the circuit (Light Emitting Diodes are used in the place of relays). The circuit had reaction time as low as 0.5seconds which can be improved by using an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). V. PROGRAMMING The Code (Written in Arduino0022): #include <IRremote.h> int RECV_PIN = 11; IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); decode_results results; int valueReceived; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, OUTPUT); pinMode(4, OUTPUT); pinMode(5, OUTPUT); irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver } void loop() { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { if(results.value < 1100) { digitalWrite(results.value-1023, HIGH); Serial.println("pin 2 HIGH"); } else if(results.value > 66500) { digitalWrite(results.value-66559, LOW); Serial.println("pin 2 LOW"); } irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value } } VI. PROTOTYPE DESIGN ATMega328P/PU has been used in Arduino (FreeduinoV1.16) environment to test the accuracy of the design. The code given in the previous section has been dumped into the microcontroller using Arduino 0022. Fig3. The prototype design VII. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION A house can be equipped with this product within an hour, thanks to its easy installation process. This design will be replacing the current switch board of the house. The wires in the switch board will now be connected through the relays. VIII. PARAMETERS UNDER CONSIDERATION A. Accuracy The accuracy of the system can be improved by using an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) instead of the multipurpose controller. B. Space It doesn’t need extra space. It will only be replacing the current switch board. C. Complexity It is simple circuit with easy to understand installation procedures as the design uses only one IC, which controls the whole house. IX. EXTENTIONS A. Reprogrammable chip The chip also gives an extra degree of freedom to the user, as it is reprogrammable. The consumer will be given extra options such as modify, create and save codes of a general infrared remote. This way the consumer can control all the appliances he/she owns with an existing remote, rather than buying a specific new one. B. Controlling Television/Air Conditioners This can further be extended to televisions, air conditioners and almost every technology that works with infrared remotes. C. Using the Bluetooth/RF Module Infrared radiations are directional in nature, which means that the user has to point their remote to the TSOP receiver. This can be overcome by using a Bluetooth module, to directly control each appliance with a mobile phone. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3]