2015 Donors Judith Abrams Robert Beck Elizabeth Borowsky Donna Adams Linda Beckham Virginia Bowerman Kathy Adorna Holly Behre Tate Bowers Caroline Alday Carolyn Bell Dr. Nancy Bracken Glynn Alexander Wendy Belser Jacqueline Bradley Alfresco Georgetown Bistro Hal Benham Joan Brake Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Allan Mr. & Mrs. Dean Berry Jenafor Braley Lt. Col. & Mrs. Francis Raymond Allen Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bessant Ann Bray Margaret Ann Besso Rosalind Breit Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bethea Thelma Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Terrell Birch Nancy Bride Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Epsilon Chapter Eileen Birchenough Mr. & Mrs. John Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Billy Altman Nancy Laprade & Keith Bird Margaret Connally Britt Amazon Smile bisQit C.J. Brockington Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Arena Bistro 217 Sally Garr & Charles W.Brodhead Loretta Arnone Patricia Black Barbara Bronneck Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Arroyo Black River United Way Mr. & Mrs. Walter Browe Atlantic House Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. A. Edward Blackhurst Mary Boyd Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard Averette Karen Blackman Blanche Brown Mr. & Mrs. Frank Baker Peggy Bleiberg Mr. & Mrs. Luke Bruggeman Mary Ballou Miller Bleier Mr. & Mrs. Perrin Bryant Sandra Barbour Barney Blain Mr. & Mrs. Donald Budd Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Baril Susan Bley Simon Bula Mary Barny Delores Blount Mr. & Mrs. Howard Burgin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barone Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bluming Pam Burks Jane Barry Patricia Blunda Becky Butler Cathy Basslone Mr. & Mrs. Roland Boehm Dr. & Mrs. Michael Cafaro Susan Allen Diane Allen 2015 Donors Martha Cain Coggin Security Company Mr. & Mrs. Tom Davis Jill Callahan Karen Colburn Mr. & Mrs. Ken Davis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cameron Mrs. William Cole Janet Davis Jennifer Campbell Karen Collins Mr. & Mrs. Duff Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Timmy Campbell Mr. & Mrs. John Collins Mr. & Mrs. Clary Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Don Canna Janay Commons Carla Scumaci and BethDean Sonni Carlise Tim Connelly Nancy Dean Mr. & Mrs. William & Mary Carter Rosalee Cook Laura DeCando Mr. & Mrs. James Cooper Arnold Decker Cooper Designs Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dellasega Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coward Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cowieson Hermena Dentley Dr. & Mrs. Scott Crane Mr. & Mrs. Robert DePofi Dr. & Mrs. Lester Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Robert Devey Creative Landscaping / Sharon Turner Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Henry Carter Juliet Casper Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand Cassels Jan Caufield Anne Ferguson Caughman Nancy Cave Caryn Chechanover Margie Domer Chico's Retail Service George Cribb Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Downer Joan Childs Julia Cripps & Lu Jones Dresser Golf Enterprises Suzanne Christian Margie Cristello Frances Drexel Estate Mr. & Mrs. William Clancy Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clark Mr. & Mrs. John Cross Peggy Clary Mr. & Mrs. Richard Culbertson Valerie Coary Custom Home Decorating Mr. & Mrs. Richard Drummond Dr. & Mrs. Paul DuBois Dr. & Mr. Benton DuBose Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Duerr Coastal Chevrolet Cadillac Mr. & Mrs. Francis Damato Dunes Beach Home Rentals Coastal Community Foundation of SC Dorothy D'Ambrosio June Dunham Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dancu Coastal Urgent Care/ Dr. Gerald Congdon Amaryllis Duvall Robert Daragan Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Eaglin Nancy Davis 2015 Donors Alice Easton Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Fisher Nancy Roe Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Norman Eckley Mr. & Mrs. Carl Fisher Mary Lou Gienopie Eclectic of Pawleys, LLC. James Fitch -The Rice Museum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gillespie Deborah Edgar Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fix Robert Gillies Karen Ege Elaine Flannery Gio's Inc. Drs. Jeanne Fourrier & Jeff Eggart Robert Fleischman The Give Movement - Suzanne Evans Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flowers Jerry Eisenband Dr. & Mrs. Martin Gluntz Mr. & Mrs. Sutton Flythe Eleanor Pitts Gifts China & Jewelry Susan Golden Harriette Fogerty Anne Golden Mr. & Mrs. Wally Fortuna Elizabeth Taylor Satterfield Interior Design Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation Phil Emanual Mr. & Mrs. Harold Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Emerson Friendship Foundation Fund Louise Englehgard-Gunnell From the Beach, Carol Torres Regina Evans Amanda Frye Col. Joseph Exum Mr. & Mrs. David Michael Fultz ExxonMobile Foundation James Furbee Mr. & Mrs. George Fahs Deatra Gabriella Dr. & Mrs. Bill Fairey Peggy Gale Mr. & Mrs. Carl Falk Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gallo The Greater Bibleway Church of Georgetown Jean Marie Neal & Greg Farmer Mr. & Mrs. Melton Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Greco Paul Gardner Mr. & Mrs. James Dan Green Amy Garner Mr. & Mrs. Paul Green Winifred George Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Griffith Kirk Gruber Mr. & Mrs. Philip Filiatrault Georgetown County School District Mr. & Mrs. Charles Finley Georgetown Presbyterian Church Nancy Farnsworth Mr. & Mrs. Richard Faulk Susan Felder Margaret Ferraro Mr. & Mrs. Charles Golden Thomas Goldman Mary Lou Goodell Jane Gordon Jane Gower Mr. & Mrs. Watler Grady Christie Graham Bryan Grant, III Linda Gray Joe Guernsey Hanser House Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gerstmyer 2015 Donors Erica Haddock Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hinman James Johnson Gail Hadley Joan M. Hodges, CPA, PA Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Johnson Hammock Shops Holy Cross Faith Memorial Espicopal ECW Philip Johnson HandPicked Robert Johnson Horry Land Co. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hanley Debbie Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Houghton Anne Hardee Mr. & Mrs. James Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Charles Houseman Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Harden Kirby Johnstone Mr. & Mrs. Jason Howard Gail Harmon Dr. & Mrs. Robert Jones Mr. & Mrs. William Hoyle Karen Harper Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones HTC Mr. & Mrs. Rick Harris Robert D. Jones Claudia Hubert Debra Harris Anthony Hucks Mr. & Mrs. Wenster Jones, Southco Acceptance Lily Grace Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Tony Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hughes Andrea Kalat Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hull Sherry Kappauf Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hull Nancy Karabacz Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Humphreys Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaspar Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Humphries Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kay Independent Seafood Linda Keene Drs. Judy & Ron Ingle Laura Kelley David Ingle Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Kelliher Inlet Pediatrics P.A. Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kelly Harris Lean Systems Jean Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. Clark Hayes Dr. & Mrs. John Hazelton Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Head Head Over Heels Kathy Heagen Mary Ann Heenan Janice Hembree Hendrick Lexus Charleston Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Hermance Libby & Glen Insley John Kelly Mr. & Mrs. William Hewson International Paper Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Dale Isguett Kathleen Kenny Ken Israel Richard Kerr Elleen Jaboonski Loraine Keryc Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jobe Kids Can Give Too Janice Hickman Sandy Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Grant Highstead Marianne Hight 2015 Donors Barbara Kilian Dorothy Law Michelle Lusardi Donna Kinzer Peggy Lawrence Palmetto Ace Home Center Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lazzara Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mabe Kiwanis Club of Pawleys Island Jane Leach Judith Macgillis Mr. & Mrs. Henry Klibanoff Debbie Ledford Marianne Mackey Mr. & Mrs. Mike Knight Anne Rhodes Lee Helen Hefner Madden Patti Knorrs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lee Brandon Madden Edmund Knowlin Lee's Inlet Apothecary & Gifts Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mahany Betty Kohn Lee's Inlet Kitchen Debbie Heller & Jim Mallow Patricia Kolencik Mr. & Mrs. Ross Lenhart Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maloney Mr. & Mrs. George Kosko Anna Lesley Diana Maltese Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kowaleski Paula Lewis Elizabeth Marlow K-Rae's Waterway Grill Karen Hinson Ligon Brenda Martin Mr. & Mrs. Theo Krapels W. Shannon Linning Robert Martin Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kreikemeier Litchfield Books Mr. & Mrs. Chandler Martin Catherine Kremzner Litchfield Real Estate Shirley Mathew Eleanor Kubeck Mr. & Mrs. Delvin Litman Matrix Program Management Services Amy Kunde Beverly Little Mr. & Mrs. William Lacourciere Mr. & Mrs. Paul Logan E.B. Ladson Mr. & Mrs. George Long Kristen Laga Mr. & Mrs. Harold Long Willbur Lambert Mr. & Mrs. John Long Deborah Lamont-Lucas Moes Orginal BBQ Kathleen Langdon Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lord Anthony Langley Judy Lowe Mr. & Mrs. William Lapworth Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Lowery Lisa Latall Maureen Lundgren Sue Matz Mr. & Mrs. CR Maxwell Thomas May Mrs. & Mrs. Jason Mayhew Mr. & Mrs. Luke McCain Debbie McCandless Mr. & Mrs. Richard McCann Linda McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Clebe McClary Sherry McCoy 2015 Donors Doreen McDermott The Misfits Joyce Nimocks Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gordon McDevitt Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Mitchell Julie Noie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Molnar Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O'Connor Gid Montjoy Mr. & Mrs. Gary O'Laughlin Tim Mooney Sarbara Oloughin Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Morabito Mr. & Mrs. John O’Neal Georgia McDowell Mr. & Mrs. Francis McGinnis Mr. & Mrs. James McKinney Celise McLaughlin J. Raymond Moran Denise Oshea Julia & Lee McLeod Endowment Coastal Community Foundation of SC Dr. Marthena Grate-Morant Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ottinger Nedra Morant Doward Owens Mr. & Mrs. Alfred McMahon Mary Beth Morea Donna Owens Lindsay McRae Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morgan Owens Liquors II Rosalie McSwain Benjamin Mosely Mr. & Mrs. Bob Pace Rita McTaggart Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mountford Mr. & Mrs. Joe Padgett Nancy McVay Mr. & Mrs. Victoria Paine Sue Meany Mr. & Mrs. Roger Mower Vickie Paine-Mantha Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mednikow Rebecca Mudd Mr. & Mrs. Edward Meehan Drs. Nicholas & Meredith Papadea Charles Munson Lacy Meinert Drummond Murdock Dr. & Mrs. Steven Meixel Jim Murphy Patricia Mercogliano Mr. & Mrs. P.W. Nagele Nancy Meyers Jean Marie Neal Mr. & Mrs. William Michael Lorry Neher Ellen Mick Emily Miller Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pavek Jill Miller Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Nemeth Charlotte Pavlides Mr. & Mrs. Olan Mills Mr. & Mrs. Lee Neuville Pawleys Island Bakery Tena Mims Mr. & Mrs. Fred Newby Pawleys Island Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. John Parker Lydia Parrish Denise Patrick Patrick M. Siau Insurance Agency Jane Patrone Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Patton Mr. & Mrs. J. Stuart Newton 2015 Donors Sandy Pearson Barbara Provini Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Revere Annette Perreault Pat Puckett Mr. & Mrs. Felix Rhue Mr. & Mrs. Pete Peterson Donna Purcell Mr. & Mrs. Leon Rice Peterson Toyota Mr. & Mrs. John Purcell Rice Birds Mr. & Mrs. Domnic Petrone Patricia Putman June Rich Beverly Freeman & Brian Petty Solomiya Pyatkovska Jean Richardson Mr. & Mrs. William Phares Mr. & Mrs. Don Quattlebaum Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Riley Judith Phelen Dr. & Mrs. Rex Quigley Anna Rion Monique Philips Quigley's Pint & Plate Madeleine Ritchie Cafe Piccolo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ritter Mr. & Mrs. Michael Piepenbring Jan Rabe RJT Remodeling Col. & Mrs. Joseph Pinson Rita Raney Sharon Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Lester Pittman Mary Ranna Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Robinson Selma Piver Mr. & Mrs. Henry Raynor Mr. & Mrs. David Robson Kerry Pixton Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Real Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Rogers Brig. Gen. (Ret.) & Mrs. Robert Plowden Realstar Group, Renee Eckley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roskow Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reavis Mr. & Mrs. John Rosso Mr. & Mrs. Rand Reedy John Rowell Rustic Table Susan Ruane June Reich Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ruark Mr. & Mrs. Paul Reid Mr. & Mrs. Eric Rucker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reilly Christine Ruf Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Reilly Angelica Ruggiem Mr. & Ms. Robert Reinke Mr. & Mrs. Ron Runkle Kemilou Pomplun William Porter Melinda Poston Gail Potts Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Powell Precious Blood of Christ Church Precious Blood of Christ Women's Club Prince George Episcopal Church DCW Nancy Reitano Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Parker Renelt Frank's Restaurant Leslie Pringle Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rentz SAGE Event Management 2015 Donors Salt Water Creek Cafe Snaffle Bit Bracelet Company Susan Swift Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Santopietro Kris Southard Miriam Swiler Marian Saunders Rebecca Sparrow Mr. & Mrs. Lee Talbot Mr. & Mrs. John Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Alex Spivey Mr.& Mrs. Jody Tamsberg Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schaap William Spivey Mr. & Mrs. Rich Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Charles Schooler Mr. & Mrs. Gene Spivey Eloise Temple Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schuhmacher Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spradlin Mr. & Mrs. Lois Scott St. Paul's United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Robert Seimbida Patricia Terrill Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Thomas Ann Thomas Seven Hundred Modern Grill St. Paul's United Methodist Women Valerie Thomason Mr. & Mrs. John William Severin Judy Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Bill Thompson Emily Shearer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Steele Tidelands Health Mr. & Mrs. "Booty" Shelley Nancy Stein Rose Tilley Muriel Sheubrooks Mr. & Mrs. Mark Steinle Kathy Tinius Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shortt Linda Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tonzola Barbara Shuett Diane Stern Total Tree Care Becki Michael & Pat Siau Nancy Stewart Townhouse Restaurant Eileen Sieffer Mr. & Mrs. William Stiles Patricia Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Roy Siegle Penelope Stokes-Hall Harold Trappier Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Siegrist Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stowe Mr. &Mrs. Mike Travis Silicon Valley Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William Strell Kathy Trotta Brenda Stroup Sondra Tucker Mary Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Turner Sisters of Charity Foundation of S.C. Summers Roofing Ultimate Gullah Eggs Up Grill Andrea Suydam Debbie Valentine Mr. & Mrs. Larry Smith Suzanne Evan Coachings of SC Judith Van Dillen Michael Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ted Sweitzer Tamra Vanderhorst Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sipe 2015 Donors Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Varhol Mr. & Mrs. W.E. Wesel Kitty Vickery Julia West Waccamaw Community Foundation Dale Whitt Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Whitteaker Dianne Waits Martha Moore Wickman Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Walker Jennifer Walsh Wildes Financial Strategies, Jeff Wildes Debra Walter Pamela Wilk Jill Waring Robert Willey Kenny Washington Shirley Williams Drs. Sheryn & John Waterman Muriel Williams Old Fish House, Jenny & Bucky Watkins Mr. & Mrs. William Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Doug Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Watkins Maria Wilson Gregg Watters Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wise Joyce Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Donald Withers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Webb Anne Withers Jim Webb Agnus Wittschen Webster Rogers Financial Advisors Mr. & Mrs. Victor Wood Virginia Welch Kendall Woods Mr. & Mrs. Jack Welde Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wrigglesworth Carla Wells Mr. & Mrs. John Wright Deborah Wells Mr. & Mrs. Jim Yount Wells Fargo Philanthropy Fund, Brigden Charitable Gift Fund, Richard Brigden Judith Zachar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wenchell Mary Wesel Mr. &Mrs. Wally Zeddun Marianna Ziegler