This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Model-Based Fault Detection and Identification for Switching Power Converters Jason Poon, Student Member, IEEE, Palak Jain, Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos, Costas Spanos, Fellow, IEEE, Sanjib Kumar Panda, Senior Member, IEEE, Seth R. Sanders, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—We present the analysis, design, and experimental validation of a model-based fault detection and identification (FDI) method for switching power converters using a modelbased state estimator approach. The proposed FDI approach is general in that it can be used to detect and identify arbitrary faults in components and sensors in a broad class of switching power converters. The FDI approach is experimentally demonstrated on a nanogrid prototype with a 380 V DC distribution bus. The nanogrid consists of four different switching power converters, including a buck converter, an interleaved boost converter, a single-phase rectifier, and a three-phase inverter. We construct a library of fault signatures for possible component and sensor faults in all four converters. The FDI algorithm successfully achieves fault detection in under 400 µs and fault identification in under 10 ms for faults in each converter. The proposed FDI approach enables a flexible and scalable solution for improving fault tolerance and awareness in power electronics systems. Index Terms—Fault detection, fault diagnosis, state estimation, fault location, microgrid I. I NTRODUCTION Commercial buildings consume nearly one-fifth of the primary energy in the United States. In recent years, the concept of a zero-energy building has emerged as an important industrial effort towards realizing significant improvements in building energy efficiency, user comfort, and intelligence [1], [2]. Integral to the concept of a zero-energy building is its power distribution network, or nanogrid, as shown in Fig. 1. As opposed to buildings that purely consume energy, these nanogrids can contain on-site microgeneration resources, such as rooftop photovoltaics or wind turbines. Energy storage buffers, such as batteries or mechanical flywheels, store excess generated energy, which can be used for building loads or sold back to the utility. Additionally, electrical loads can be scheduled based on dynamic energy pricing, enabling demand This work is supported in part by the NSF through the Graduate Research Fellowship program, in part by Republic of Singapore’s National Research Foundation through a grant to the Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS) for the Singapore-Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the Tropics (SinBerBEST) Program, and in part by the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation. This paper was presented in part at the 2015 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference on March 16, 2015. J. Poon, I. Konstantakopoulos, C. Spanos, and S. Sanders are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA (email: {jason, ioanniskon, spanos, seth.sanders} P. Jain and S. Panda are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore, Singapore 119077 (email: {palakjain, sanjib.kumar.panda} response. Indeed, zero-energy building nanogrids introduce a new paradigm of how buildings consume, generate, and store energy. However, the confluence of power electronics systems and buildings in these nanogrids has introduced new challenges, particularly with respect to availability, reliability, and system security and safety [3]. Switching power converters introduce new failure points in a power distribution network. Moreover, the interactions between converters and the propagation or cascading effect of faults through a nanogrid remain open research questions. In general, systems with critical dependability requirements are designed with mechanisms for fault tolerance. Fault tolerance is the ability of a system to adapt and compensate, in a systematic way, to faults in components, sensors, or inputs, while providing completely or partially its intended functionality. There are three key elements to any fault tolerant system design: (1) component redundancy, (2) a fault detection and identification (FDI) system [4]–[6], and (3) a remediation or reconfiguration system that, once a fault has been detected and identified, substitutes the faulty component with a redundant one, or reconfigures the control to compensate for the fault. An FDI system is advantageous in that it can contribute to the fault tolerance of a system with minimal additional cost and system complexity (as opposed to an approach using component redundancy). An FDI system executes two tasks: (1) detection, which makes a binary decision whether or not a fault has occurred, and (2) identification, which determines the location of the faulty component [4]. It is important to note that an FDI system, in general, does not replace hardwarebased fault protection devices, such as fuses, circuit breakers, and internal semiconductor module protection. Instead, an FDI system provides on-line granular information about the converter state and health, which can be used for monitoring, prognosis, and automated fault remediation. Fault detection and identification for power electronics systems has been explored in literature before (see Table I), primarily for specific converter topologies and for specific converter faults. For instance, in [13], [15]–[19], [22], [25]– [27], [33], [35], [36], [39], [43], [44], [47]–[50], [54], [58], [59], the authors investigate FDI techniques specifically for three-phase drives in electric vehicles. In other works, authors have focused on detecting and identifying specific component faults (e.g. open- and short-circuit switch faults, gate driver faults, capacitor faults) in DC-DC converters [10]–[12], [34], [41], grid-connected AC-DC converters and DC-AC converters [8], [14], [21], [32], [40], [42], [45], [46], [52], and in 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 380 VDC Distribution Bus Interleaved Boost Converter R1 L1 R2 L2 SW1 Buck Converter SW5 SW3 SW1 SW5 R L SW6 SW4 SW2 Switching Node SW4 SW6 Switching Node 1ϕ Rectifier L Rdc C C SW2 R SW3 3ϕ Inverter SW1 SW5 SW3 SW1 C SW2 SW4 SW6 Switching Node SW3 SW5 C SW2 SW4 Ra La Rl Ll Rb Lb Rl Ll Rc Lc Rl Ll SW6 Switching Node Fig. 1: A DC-based power distribution nanogrid. TABLE I: A review of existing literature in FDI methods for power electronics systems. Hardware-based (analog circuits) Model-based Signal processing (time domain) Signal processing (frequency domain) Statistical Machine learning Hidden Markov model Switch fault [7]–[13] [14]–[24] [32]–[34] [42]–[47] [44], [48] [13], [43], [47], [49]–[53] [56] modular multilevel converters [20], [24], [60]. Some literature has focused on detecting faults in current and voltage sensors in converter systems [27], [45]. However, to the best knowledge of the authors, no work has been reported towards a generalized FDI approach for components and sensors that is suitable for an arbitrary switching power converter. The majority of the existing FDI techniques are specialized for a specific converter topology and cannot be easily ported from one converter to another. Indeed, such a generalized FDI approach would be particularly beneficial in a nanogrid setting, which could feature an array of DC-DC, DC-AC, or AC-DC converters. Methodologies used for fault detection and identification can be broadly classified into model-based and model-free approaches. Model-based approaches use analytical knowledge of the system and are generally based on residual generation using parameter estimation, parity equations, or state observers [14]–[23], [25]–[31]. Signal processing techniques, which are a subset of model-based methods, monitor the difference between nominal and faulty states of signals to indicate abnormalities. Signal processing FDI approaches can either be in the time domain (see e.g. [32]–[41]) or in the frequency domain (see e.g. [22], [42]–[47]). However, in general, signal processing techniques require a relatively long time (10 to 20 ms) to identify faults depending on the computational complexity of the algorithm and the latency of the computing platform. Multiple switch fault [10] [25], [26] [35]–[40] [22] [22], [40], [54] [57] Open-phase [8] [18] [41] [44] [44] [55] - Sensor fault [27] [45] - Passive element fault [28]–[31] - Model-free approaches rely on artificial intelligence-based techniques, such as machine learning, artificial neural networks, or fuzzy logic, to develop an expert system that once trained, can identify specific faults [13], [22], [40], [43], [44], [47]–[55]. Drawbacks of these approaches are the excessive computational requirements and large data sets required to train the algorithms. Finally, the FDI techniques can be further classified into analog or digital implementation. It is evident that analog implementations can identify faults relatively fast (around 1-100 µs) (see e.g. [7]–[13]). However, the analog implementations are both converter and fault specific. Digital implementations generally provide more flexibility in terms of reconfigurability (see e.g. [14], [17]–[19], [22], [23], [32], [33], [35], [39], [41]). Additionally, field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementations have demonstrated fault identification at speeds comparable to analog implementations in some applications [14], [22], [32]. In this paper, we present a generalized model-based methodology for fault detection and identification in switching power converters. The proposed FDI approach is general in that it can be used to detect and identify arbitrary faults in components and sensors in a broad class of switching power converters. More importantly, the modeling and implementation of the proposed FDI approach is flexible for both the converter topology and faults of interest; that is, one would require minimal effort to reconfigure an existing FDI implementation 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics for a different converter topology or fault type. The proposed FDI method can be integrated with the existing control system of the switching power converter, requiring no additional electrical or computation hardware. In essence, the FDI method enables a layer of intelligence on top of existing hardware protection such as fuses and circuit breakers. The proposed FDI approach uses switched linear state estimator to generate a real-time error residual which captures the difference between the measured and estimator outputs (i.e. voltages and currents) of an arbitrary switching power converter. When a fault occurs in the converter, the error residual becomes non-zero, which enables fault detection. We show that the dynamics of the error residual can be used to achieve fault identification. We present an experimental demonstration of the FDI approach on a nanogrid prototype with a 380 V DC distribution bus. The FDI algorithm is implemented on four different switching power converters–a buck converter, an interleaved boost converter, a single-phase rectifier, and a three-phase inverter. We validate the performance and speed of the FDI algorithm for a variety of component and sensor faults for each converter. We show that the FDI approach enables fast fault detection and fault identification with speed on the order of application-specific implementations in literature, but with the advantage of being converter- and fault-agnostic in terms of modeling and implementation. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the switched linear modeling framework used to model the nominal and faulted dynamics of a general switching power converter. Section III presents the proposed algorithm for fault detection and identification. Section IV presents a simulation of the proposed FDI algorithm, and demonstrates its robustness in the presence of converter nonidealities such as switch and passive component parasitics and component parameter variations due to aging and degradation. In Section V, we describe the nanogrid testbed used to experimentally validate the FDI algorithm. We present the techniques used to implement the FDI algorithm in realtime. Section VI presents experimental results that verify the FDI algorithm on four different switching power converters. Section VII concludes the paper. II. C ONVERTER AND R1 SW1 SW3 SW5 vin (t) C SW2 SW4 iload (t) SW6 Switching Node Fig. 2: Boost converter topology. TABLE II: Possible open/close switch positions for the boost converter in continous conduction mode. σ(t) s1 s2 1 0 1 2 1 0 open/closed position for the switches in a converter (e.g. diodes, IGBTs, MOSFETs, etc.) and applying Kirchhoff’s circuit laws for the resulting linear circuit. The switching signal can be obtained by considering a logical union of the dynamics of ‘controlled’ switches (e.g. PWM applied to IGBTs or MOSFETs) and the dynamics of ‘uncontrolled’ switches (e.g. diodes) whose open/closed position depends on the state of the system (e.g. the polarity of current flowing through a diode). In general, the dynamics of an arbitrary switching power converter can be modeled as a switched linear system of the form [61]: ẋ(t) = Aσ(t) x(t) + Bσ(t) u(t) y(t) = Cx(t) (1) (2) where Aσ(t) , Bσ(t) , and C are the collection of linear state space models, and σ(t) is the continuous-time switching signal that indicates the active mode. Example 1. Consider the boost converter topology in Fig. 2. In the continuous conduction mode of operation, the mode of the system is determined explicitly by the PWM applied to SW2 . It follows that: iL1 (t) vin (t) x(t) = y(t) = , u(t) = vC (t) iload (t) FAULT M ODELING F RAMEWORK In this section, we present the modeling framework used to describe the dynamics of a switching power converter in nominal and faulted operating conditions. We use the boost converter topology shown in Fig. 2 as an illustrating example, but the modeling framework and formalisms are applicable to a broad class of switching power converters. L1 Aσ(t) = −R L s1 C 1 − sL1 , Bσ(t) = L 0 0 0 1 , C= − C1 0 0 1 The possible values for the switching signal σ(t) are given in Table II, where sk = 0 indicates switch SWk is open, and sk = 1 indicates switch SWk is closed. B. Post-Fault System Model A. Nominal System Model The switching power converters under consideration are those that can be modeled as a switched linear system, that is, a collection of linear state space models (modes) and a continuous-time switching signal, which indicates the active mode of the system at every time instant. The state space model for each mode can be obtained by considering every We consider two types of converter faults—(1) components faults, that is, faults that manifest in passive or switching elements, and (2) sensors faults, that is, faults that cause the measured values in y(t) to deviate from the actual values of x(t). 1) Component faults: Generally, component faults that affect passive or switching elements manifest as additive 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics deviations ∆A(t) and ∆B(t) from the nominal Aσ(t) and Bσ(t) , respectively, in (1). Thus, the state dynamics in the faulted condition can be modeled as: ẋ(t) = Ãσ(t) x(t) + B̃σ(t) u(t) (3) where Ãσ(t) , Aσ(t) + ∆A(t) and B̃σ(t) , Bσ(t) + ∆B(t). With algebraic manipulation, we can rewrite (3) as the sum of (1) and the product of a time-varying scalar component fault magnitude function φi (x, u) and a time-invariant vector component fault signature fi , that is: ẋ(t) = Aσ(t) x(t) + Bσ(t) u(t) + φi (x, u)fi (4) where i = 1, ..., I and I is the number of possible types of component faults. Example 2. Consider a fault in the output capacitor C of the boost converter in Fig. 2 that causes the value of the capacitance to change by a quantity ∆C. Thus, the dynamics of the converter in the presence of this fault are: R1 1 0 −L − sL1 L Ãσ(t) = , B̃ = 1 s1 σ(t) 0 − C+∆C 0 C+∆C The fault magnitude function φ1 (x, u) and component fault signature f1 from (4) are as follows: ∆C (iload − s1 iL ), C(C + ∆C) f1 = [0, 1]T φ1 (x, u) = 2) Sensor faults: Sensor faults manifest as affine deviations in the output readout map in (2). That is, the output readout map in the faulted condition can be modeled as: y(t) = (C + ∆C(t))x(t) + ∆E(t) (5) where ∆C(t) and ∆E(t) capture the affine dynamics of the sensor fault. Similar to the steps performed for the component fault model in Section II-B1, we can rewrite (5) as the sum of (2) and the product of a scalar sensor fault magnitude function θj (x) and a vector sensor fault signature gj , that is: y(t) = Cx(t) + θj (x)gj (6) where j = 1, ..., J and J is the number of possible types of sensor faults. Example 3. Consider a fault in the input inductor L1 current sensor of the boost converter in Fig. 2 that causes a perturbation in the sensor gain c1 (t) and in the sensor offset e1 (t). This perturbation can be modeled as: c (t) 0 e (t) ∆C(t) = 1 , ∆E(t) = 1 0 0 0 III. FDI A LGORITHM D ESIGN In this section, we present the proposed algorithm design for fault detection and identification. The objectives of the algorithm are two-fold—(1) make a binary decision as to whether a component or sensor fault has occurred or not, and (2) if a fault has been detected, identify precisely the type and location of the faulted component or sensor. Fundamentally, the proposed FDI algorithm consists of a switched linear state estimator that calculates an error residual between the measured output of the converter and the estimated output. In the fault-free (nominal) condition, the residual approaches zero. However, when a component or sensor fault occurs, the residual becomes non-zero, enabling fault detection. Moreover, we show that for different faults, the residual evolves in a deterministic direction in vector space, which enables fault identification. A. Fault detection We can build a switched linear state estimator of the system from (1) as follows: ż(t) = Aσ(t) z(t) + Bσ(t) u(t) (7) γ(t) = y(t) − Cz(t), (8) where z(t) is an estimate of the state vector x(t) from (1), and γ(t) is the residual of the difference between the measured output y(t) and the estimated output Cz(t). Fault detection is achieved by monitoring the norm of the residual γ(t) at each time step and comparing it with a predefined fault detection threshold Γ; the value of Γ is determined empirically. When kγ(t)k2 > Γ, the algorithm detects a fault. 1) Fault-free (nominal) condition: Let e(t) , z(t) − x(t). In the fault-free (nominal) condition, the dynamics of e(t) are governed by: ė(t) = Aσ(t) e(t) γ(t) = Ce(t) (9) (10) The open-loop error dynamics of the state estimator are stable (see [62]). Moreover, due to losses in the converter and corresponding model, the error residual is zero in the steady state for a fault-free system. Thus, γ(t) → 0 as t → ∞, and no fault will be detected. 2) Component faults: When the ith component fault occurs, the dynamics of the faulted converter can be modeled as in (4). Thus, in this case, the dynamics of e(t) are governed by: ė(t) = Aσ(t) e(t) − φi (x, u)fi (11) −Aσ(t) t γ(t) = Ce(t) = Ce e(0) + ... Z t ... + C fi e−Aσ(t) (t−τ ) φi (x, u)dτ (12) 0 The fault magnitude function θ1 (x) and sensor fault signature g1 from (6) are as follows: θ1 (x) = c1 (t)iL1 (t) + e1 (t), g1 = [1, 0]T −Aσ(t) t The term Ce vanishes as t → ∞. However, the Re(0) t (scalar) integral term 0 e−Aσ(t) (t−τ ) φi (x, u)dτ will become non-zero depending on the dynamics of φi (x, u). Thus, when the magnitude of this term causes kγ(t)k2 > Γ, the algorithm will detect a fault. 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics TABLE III: Component fault signature library. Library element Buck converter i=1 i=2 Fault event Change in capacitance by ∆C Open circuit fault in SW1 Interleaved boost converter i=3 Change in capacitance by ∆C φi (x, u) fi ∆C (i (t) − iL (t)) C(C+∆C) load s1 − L vin (t) [0, 1]T ∆C (i − s2 iL1 C(C+∆C) load 1 − ∆R iL1 (t) L ∆R2 − L iL2 (t) i=4 Change in phase 1 series resistance by ∆R1 i=5 Change in phase 2 series resistance by ∆R2 i=6 Open circuit fault in SW2 s2 i=7 Open circuit fault in SW4 s4 Single-phase rectifier i=8 Change in capacitance by ∆C ∆C (i (t) C(C+∆C) load Three-phase inverter i=9 Change in phase a series resistance by ∆Ra i = 10 Change in phase b series resistance by ∆Rb i = 11 Change in phase c series resistance by ∆Rc [1, 0]T [0, 0, 1]T − s4 iL2 ) [1, 0, 0]T [0, 1, 0]T iL vC (t) , 0, − C1 ]T L1 i 2 T (t) ,− L ] [0, vC L2 C [ − iL (t)) ∆Ra i (t) 3L a ∆Rb i (t) 3L b ∆Rc i (t) 3L c [0, 1]T [−2, 1, 1]T [1, −2, 1]T [1, 1, −2]T TABLE IV: Sensor fault signature library. Library element Fault event Buck converter j=1 Fault in iL (t) sensor j=2 Fault in vC (t) sensor Interleaved boost converter j=3 Fault in iL1 (t) sensor j=4 Fault in iL2 (t) sensor j=5 Fault in vC (t) sensor Single-phase rectifier j=6 Fault in iL (t) sensor j=7 Fault in vC (t) sensor Three-phase inverter j=8 Fault in iLa (t) sensor j=9 Fault in iLb (t) sensor j = 10 Fault in iLc (t) sensor 3) Sensor faults: When the j th sensor fault occurs, the dynamics of the faulted converter can be modeled as in (6). Thus, the dynamics of e(t) are governed by: ė(t) = Aσ(t) e(t) (13) γ(t) = Ce(t) − θj (x)gj (14) The term Ce(t) vanishes as t → ∞. However, the term θj (x) will become non-zero depending on the dynamics of θj (x). Thus, when the magnitude of this term causes kγ(t)k2 > Γ, the algorithm will detect a fault. B. Fault identification Fault identification is achieved via a two step process. First, prior to running the FDI algorithm, a collection of component fault signatures fi and sensor fault signatures gj are assembled into a fault signature library, as shown in Tables III and IV. The fault signatures are obtained by modeling faults of interest and extracting fi and gj mathematically via (4) and (6). Second, in real-time, an L2 -inner product is computed between the residual γ(t) and every element of the fault signature library. Intuitively, the L2 -inner product will reveal θj (x) gj ∆c1 (t)iL (t) + ∆e1 (t) ∆c2 (t)vC (t) + ∆e2 (t) [1, 0]T [0, 1]T ∆c3 (t)iL1 (t) + ∆e3 (t) ∆c4 (t)iL2 (t) + ∆e4 (t) ∆c5 (t)vC (t) + ∆e5 (t) [1, 0, 0]T [0, 1, 0]T [0, 0, 1]T ∆c6 (t)iL (t) + ∆e6 (t) ∆c7 (t)vC (t) + ∆e7 (t) [1, 0]T [0, 1]T ∆c8 (t)iLa (t) + ∆e8 (t) ∆c9 (t)iLb (t) + ∆e9 (t) ∆c10 (t)iLc (t) + ∆e10 (t) [1, 0, 0]T [0, 1, 0]T [0, 0, 1]T which fault signature the residual most closely aligns with in vector space. In the case of the ith component fault, we see from (12) that γ(t) will align with C fi . Mathematically, the L2 -inner product is calculated as follows: Z t hγ(t), C fi iL2 = γ T (t − τ )C fi (τ ) dτ (15) t−W where W is the window size of the inner product calculation. Similarly, for the j th sensor fault, we see from (14) that γ(t) will align with gj . Mathematically, the L2 -inner product is calculated as follows: Z t hγ(t), gj iL2 = γ T (t − τ )gj (τ ) dτ (16) t−W When the magnitude of an inner product calculation result exceeds the predefined fault identification threshold Λ, the algorithm identifies the fault as the one associated with the appropriate fault signature. In the instances when a component fault signature or sensor fault signature is not unique, the magnitude of the L2 -inner product can be used to identify the appropriate fault. Moreover, 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics L1 Rpar1 Cpar1 vin (t) 15 SW1 C Cpar2 Rpar2 SW2 Ron Resr Lpar2 Lpar1 iload (t) iL1 (t) [A] R1 10 5 0 Rpar3 0.5 1 1.5 Time [s] 2 -3 ×10 (a) Inductor current iL1 (t). Fig. 3: Boost converter model with switch and passive component parasitics. Component parameters C L1 R Parasitic parameters Resr Ron Rpar1,2 Rpar3 Cpar1 Cpar2 Lpar1 Lpar2 Operating point vin (t) iload (t) Switching frequency Vbase Ibase 2200 µF ±20% 5.00 mH ±20% 25 mΩ AND 400 350 300 0 38 mΩ ±50% 1 mΩ 100 Ω 5Ω 1 pF 1 nF 5.00 nH 1 nH 190 V 5A 10 kHz 380 V 10 A a frequency domain analysis of the residual γ(t) can also be used in order to identify the fault (as shown in [14]). However, the fault detection method remains unchanged. IV. S IMULATION vC (t) [V] TABLE V: Simulation parameters for boost converter. 450 ROBUSTNESS A NALYSIS In this section, we present a simulation of the FDI algorithm using the boost converter as an illustrating example. The FDI algorithm uses the ‘ideal’ model shown in Fig. 2 and developed in Example 1. However, the boost converter plant is simulated using the model shown in Fig. 3, which accounts for switch and passive component parasitics and also component parameter variations in the output capacitance C, the input inductance L1 , and the ESR of the output capacitance Resr . These parasitics and parameter variations are used to test the robustness of both the fault detection and fault identification algorithms in the presence of such converter non-idealities. Fig. 4 shows the dyanmics of the parasitic model in steady state with nominal component parameters. Variations in the input voltage vin (t) and the load current iload (t) do not influence the FDI algorithm as these variables are explicitly measured from the plant and fed into the state estimator via the input vector u(t). The implementation details of the simulation are as follows. The converter and FDI algorithm are co-simulated at the minimum and maximum of each parameter variation, that is, at the corners of the accepted parameter space of (L1 , C, Resr ). The residual γ(t) is normalized to the appropriate Vbase and Ibase shown in Table V. The fault detection threshold Γ is selected such that the worst-case voltage and current transients 0.5 1 1.5 Time [s] 2 ×10-3 (b) Capacitor voltage vC (t). Fig. 4: Steady state dynamics of boost converter model with switch and passive component parasitics (Fig. 3) with nominal component parameters. related to circuit parasitics do not cause kγ(t)k2 to exceed the fault detection threshold Γ. Similar design considerations are used to select the fault identification threshold Λ. For the simulations, we select Γ = 0.5 and Λ = 0.1. Of the eight corners of the accepted parameter space that are simulated, the worst-case scenario with respect to dynamics adversely affecting γ(t) occurs at (min(L1 ), max(C), max(Resr ). Our selection of Γ and Λ provide sufficient tolerance to prevent false positives while still ensuring minimal time to fault detection and identification. The fault signature library for the simulation contains two fault signatures: (1) f1 , the component fault signature for a fault in the output capacitor C, as derived in Example 2, and (2) g1 , the sensor fault signature for a fault in the input inductor L1 current sensor, as derived in Example 3. First, we simulate a fault in the output capacitor causing C → 0. The fault emulates the dynamics of a capacitor open circuit fault, which can be caused by a rapid increase of Resr . As shown in Fig. 5a, fault detection occurs essentially instantaneously as kγ(t)k2 exceeds the fault detection threshold Γ at t = 0. Fig. 5b shows the L2 -inner product between γ(t) and C f1 and g1 . As shown, the residual correctly aligns with C f1 , and exceeds the fault identification threshold Λ in 0.20.3 ms. Second, we simulate a fault in the input inductor L1 current sensor causing the sensor gain c1 (t) → 0. Again, fault detection occurs essentially instantaneously as shown in Fig. 6a. Fault identification occurs in 0.1 ms, as the residual correctly aligns with g1 as shown in Fig. 6b. In both fault cases, the FDI algorithm is able to correctly detect and identify the appropriate fault even in the preswence of the non-ideal plant dynamics. For fault detection, the threshold Γ prevents any dynamics caused by parasitics or component parameter variation from raising a false fault detection flag. For fault identification, the moving window W of the L2 -inner 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. kγ(t)k2 [p.u.] This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics TABLE VI: Specifications and ratings for nanogrid testbed. 1 0.5 Γ 0 -2 -1 0 1 Time [s] 2 ×10 -3 (a) Plot of kγ(t)k2 and the fault detection threshold Γ. [p.u.] 1 hγ(t), C f1 iL2 0.5 Λ 0 -2 hγ(t), g1 iL2 -1 0 1 Time [s] 2 ×10 -3 (b) Plot of hγ(t), C f1 iL2 , hγ(t), g1 iL2 , and the fault identification threshold Λ. kγ(t)k2 [p.u.] Fig. 5: Simulation of the FDI algorithm for a capacitor fault injected at t = 0 causing C → 0. Shown is the worst-case scenario caused by parameter variation (min(L1 ), max(C), max(Resr ). Γ -1 0 1 Time [s] 2 ×10 -3 (a) Plot of kγ(t)k2 and the fault detection threshold Γ. 1 [p.u.] 5.00 mH 0.82 Ω 2200 µF 5.00 mH 25 mΩ 2200 µF dSPACE DS1103 controller 100 µs 10 to 20 kHz Typhoon HIL602 500 ns 20 ns 1 MHz A. Nanogrid testbed 0 -2 hγ(t), g1 iL2 0.5 hγ(t), C f1 iL2 Λ 0 -2 150 V, 40 A, 2 kW 305 Vrms , 11 Arms , 1 kVA 150 V, 33 A, 165 W 220 Vrms , 8.7 Arms , 3.3 kW 1200 V, 25 A, IP67 enclosure Infineon FS25R12W1T4 Semikron SKHI 61R LEM LA25-NP LEM LV25-P Fig. 7. The complete specifications and ratings are presented in Table VI. 1 0.5 PV emulator ratings AC grid emulator ratings Controlled DC load Three-phase AC load Switching node ratings IGBT module Gate driver Current sensors Voltage sensors Buck and interleaved boost converter L, per phase R, per phase C Rectifier and three-phase inverter L, per phase R, per phase C FDI computing platform Model Controller time step Converter switching frequency Real-time model-based estimator Model Simulation time step PWM sampling interval ADC/DAC sampling rate -1 0 Time [s] 1 2 ×10-3 (b) Plot of hγ(t), C f1 iL2 , hγ(t), g1 iL2 , and the fault identification threshold Λ. Fig. 6: Simulation of the FDI algorithm for a fault in the input inductor L1 current sensor injected at t = 0. Shown is the worst-case scenario caused by parameter variation (min(L1 ), max(C), max(Resr ). product provides an added benefit as a natural low-pass filter that removes the effects of parasitic ringing and transients. The fault identification threshold Λ accounts for dynamics caused by variations in component parameters. The prototype nanogrid testbed consists of four converters that interface two sources—a PV emulator and a single phase AC grid emulator—with two loads—a controlled DC load and a resistive three-phase load—through an intermediate 380 VDC distribution bus. The circuit schematics of all four converters are shown in Fig. 1. An MPPT-controlled interleaved boost converter interfaces the PV emulator with the DC distribution bus. A single-phase rectifier interfaces the AC grid emulator to the DC bus. A buck converter and three-phase inverter are used to interface the DC load and three-phase AC load, respectively. The design of each converter is modularized by using a standardized switching node. A switching node consists of a sixpack IGBT module configured as three half-bridges, a gate driver module, and four current and four voltage sensors all enclosed in an IP67 rated enclosure. The implementation of the switching node is shown in Fig. 8. A switching node is configured with appropriate passive elements to form each of the four converters. Finally, two dSPACE D1103 controller boards implement the closed-loop control for each converter. It is worth noting that the converters are controlled individually, that is, there is no supervisory controller for the entire nanogrid testbed. V. I MPLEMENTATION AND NANOGRID T ESTBED In this section, we present a prototype nanogrid used to validate the FDI algorithm on four switching power converters. Moreover, we discuss the real-time implementation of the FDI algorithm proposed in Section III. A photograph of the prototype nanogrid and FDI computing platform is shown in B. FDI computing platform The FDI algorithm is implemented on two separate realtime computing devices. First, the state estimator discussed in Section III is implemented on a Typhoon HIL602. The FPGA processor architecture of this device is tailored for 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Typhoon HIL602 280 mm Current and voltage sensor boards PV emulator dSpace DS1103 Controllers 380 mm AC grid emulator Interleaved boost converter Buck converter and controlled DC load Gate driver IGBT module 380 VDC bus Single-phase rectifier Inverter and three-phase AC load DC connection AC connection Fig. 8: Switching node implementation. Fig. 7: Photograph of the FDI computing platform and prototype nanogrid testbed. solving switched linear state space models of power electronics systems with a fixed simulation time step of 500 ns, including input-output latency [63]. Moreover, the multi-core architecture enables multiple state estimators of independent converters to be solved simultaneously. This allows us to run the state estimation algorithm for each of the four converters in parallel on a single device. Second, the fault detection and identification algorithms are implemented on the dSPACE DS1103 controller boards. These devices, in addition to operating the closed-loop control for each converter, execute the FDI algorithm discussed in Sections III-A and III-B. That is, for each converter, the DS1103 performs the following tasks: (1) stores the fault signature library, (2) generates an error residual based on signals from the converter sensors and the state estimator output, and (3) generates fault detection and fault identification flags based on the magnitude of the error residual and the L2 inner product calculation. VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS In this section, we present experimental results of the proposed FDI algorithm on the testbed presented in Section V. Figs. 9, 10, 11, and 12 show the dynamics of various faults and load changes in four different converters, where fd indicates the instance of fault detection, and fi indicate the instance of fault identification. For each converter, we choose the fault detection threshold Γ = 0.5 and the fault identification threshold Λ = 0.1. In every test case, these values provide sufficient tolerance to dynamics caused by converter nonidealities, such as parasitics and parameter variation. Table VII presents the experimentally measured time to fault detection (td ) and time to fault identification (ti ) for each fault. For most faults, the time to fault detection is one or two time steps of the real-time FDI computing platform (in this case, fixed time step is 100 µs for the dSPACE DS1103 controller). The time to fault identification generally depends on the dynamics of the particular fault and how fast the fault signature evolves. TABLE VII: Experimentally measured time to fault detection (td ) and time to fault identification (ti ). Buck converter Current sensor fault Open circuit fault Load change Interleaved boost converter Current sensor fault Phase open circuit fault Load change Single-phase rectifier Current sensor fault Capacitor fault Load change Three-phase inverter Current sensor fault Phase open circuit fault Load change td ti Fig. 9a Fig. 9b Fig. 9c 280 µs 132 µs - 880 µs 113 ms - Fig. 10a Fig. 10b Fig. 10c 360 µs 340 µs - 4.4 ms 8.65 ms - Fig. 11a Fig. 11b Fig. 11c 146 µs 400 µs - 456 µs 9.3 ms - Fig. 12a Fig. 12b Fig. 12c 220 µs 170 µs - 2.90 ms 3.45 ms - Additionally, for each converter, we test load changes in order to demonstrate that the FDI algorithm is immune to events external to the switching power converter, such as changes in load or input power, or faults in elements external to the converter. In this way, fault or events in one converter will not influence the FDI algorithm in a separate converter. A. Buck converter (Fig. 9) The dynamics of a fault in the current sensor (iL (t)) that force the sensor gain to zero are shown in Fig. 9a. As shown, when the fault is injected, the measured iL (t) begins to exponentially decay, while the dynamics of vC (t) and iload (t) remain unchanged. The FDI algorithm detects the current sensor fault in 280 µs, and correctly identifies the fault in 880 µs. Fig. 9b shows the dynamics of an open switch fault in SW1 . The current in the inductor iL (t) immediately becomes zero, while the capacitor begins discharging across the output load. This fault is detected in 360 µs. The time to fault identification depends on the RC time constant of the output capacitor 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Fault injected fd fi Fault injected fd fi Load change vC(t) vC(t) vC(t) iL(t) iL(t) iL(t) iload(t) iload(t) iload(t) 500 us/div 5 ms/div 50 ms/div (a) Sensor fault in iL (t) sensor. (c) Load step change in iload (t). (b) Open switch fault in SW1 . Fig. 9: Buck converter FDI experimental results. Fault injected fd fi Fault injected vC(t) fd fi Load change vC(t) iL (t) iload(t) iL (t) 1 iL (t) 1 1 iL (t) 2 5 ms/div (a) Sensor fault in iL2 (t) sensor. iL (t) iL (t) 2 2 20 ms/div 5 ms/div (c) Load step change in iload (t). (b) Open phase fault in phase 1. Fig. 10: Interleaved boost converter FDI experimental results. Fault injected fi Fault injected fd fi Load change vC(t) vC(t) vC(t) iL(t) iL(t) iL(t) iload(t) iload(t) 10 ms/div (a) Sensor fault in iL (t) sensor. iload(t) 10 ms/div (b) Capacitor fault causing C → 0. 10 ms/div (c) Load step change in iload (t). Fig. 11: Single-phase rectifier FDI experimental results. and resistive load, as this will determine how fast the fault signature evolves. In this case, fault identification requires 113 ms. Finally, Fig. 9c shows the response of the system to a step change in the load current. As shown, the step change causes the inductor current iL (t) to increase. However, the FDI algorithm recognizes this as an external event to the switching power converter, and does not raise a fault flag. B. Interleaved boost converter (Fig. 10) Fig. 10a shows the dynamics of a sensor fault in iL2 (t) that force the sensor gain to zero. The measured current in iL2 (t) becomes zero, while vC (t) and iL1 (t) remain unchanged. The fault is detected in 360 µs, and is identified in 4.4 ms. The dynamics of an open phase 1 fault are shown in Fig. 10b. As shown, the current iL1 (t) immediately becomes zero, and the current iL2 (t) increases in order to compensate for the lost phase. The output voltage vC (t) remains unchanged. The FDI algorithm detects this fault in 340 µs, and identifies it in 8.65 ms. Fig. 10c shows the response of the system to a step change in the load current iload (t). The load increase causes a balanced increase in the currents flowing through both phases (iL1 (t) and iL2 (t)). Again, since this is a normal external event, the FDI algorithm does not detect it as a fault. C. Single-phase rectifier (Fig. 11) The dynamics of a current sensor fault (iL (t)) are shown in Fig. 11a. As shown, the measured current becomes zero, while the remaining measured outputs (vC (t) and iload (t)) remain unchanged. This fault is detected in 146 µs, and identified in 456 µs. Fig. 11b shows the response of the system when the output capacitance C of the rectifier becomes 0. As shown, the fault causes a large periodic ripple in the output voltage vC (t), while subsequently causing a distorted waveform in the inductor current iL (t). The FDI algorithm detects the capacitor fault in 400 µs, and correctly identifies the fault in 9.3 ms. Finally, Fig. 11c shows the response of the system to a step change in the output load. As shown, the periodic current 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2541342, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Fault injected fd fi Fault injected fd fi Load change ia(t) ia(t) ia(t) ib(t) ib(t) ib(t) ic(t) ic(t) 5 ms/div 5 ms/div (a) Sensor fault in ia (t) sensor. (b) Open phase fault in phase b. ic(t) 10 ms/div (c) Balanced load step change in Rl . Fig. 12: Three-phase inverter FDI experimental results. pulses in iL (t) become larger, while the output voltage vC (t) remains unchanged. The FDI algorithm does not raise a fault flag for this external event. D. Three-phase inverter (Fig. 12) Fig. 12a shows the dynamics of a current sensor fault in phase a of the three-phase inverter. As shown, the measured current ia (t) immediately becomes zero, while the current in the remaining two phases are unchanged. The FDI algorithm detects the fault in 220 µs, and identifies it in 2.90 ms. Next, Fig. 12b shows the response of the system during the phase b open circuit fault. This fault can be modeled as a sharp increase in the series resistance Rb . The current in phase b immediately becomes zero, while the currents in phase a and c become 180 degrees out of phase. The fault is detected in 170 µs, and is correctly identified in 3.45 ms. Lastly, the dynamics of a balanced load change are shown in Fig. 12c. As shown, the load change causes a balanced increase in the currents in all three phases of the inverter. Again, the FDI algorithm does not raise a fault flag for this external event. VII. C ONCLUSIONS This paper has demonstrated an approach to model-based fault detection and identification for arbitrary switching power converters. The approach is experimentally implemented and validated for four different converter topologies that demonstrate the applicability of the FDI method for a nanogrid setting. The experimental results show the efficacy of the proposed approach for fast fault detection and identification for a variety of common fault events in switching power converters. In this way, the proposed fault FDI method enables a flexible solution for improving reliability and fault tolerance in an array of power electronics applications. R EFERENCES [1] U.S. Department of Energy, “Quadrennial technology review - an assessment of energy technologies and research opportunities,” 2015. [2] P. Torcellini, S. Pless, M. Deru, and D. 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His research interests include power electronics, digital control, and embedded and cyberphysical systems theory. Palak Jain received her B.E. degree (2012) in electrical engineering from Delhi College of Engineering, D.U., Delhi, India. She is currently working on her Ph.D in electrical engineering at National University of Singapore, Singapore. Her research interests include the areas of system reliability theory and their application to energy systems, cyberphysical systems theory and real time simulation. Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos received the Diploma Engineering degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2012 from the University of Patras, Greece and the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences in 2014 from University of California, Berkeley. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley. His current research interests include statistical learning theory, machine learning, game theory, and optimization theory. Costas Spanos (M’87–SM’92–F’98) received the EE Diploma from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in 1980 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in ECE from Carnegie Mellon University in 1981 and 1985, respectively. In 1988 he joined the Faculty at the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences of the University of California, Berkeley. He has served as the Director of the Berkeley Microlab, the Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering and as the Chair of the Department of EECS. He works in statistical analysis in the design and fabrication of integrated circuits, and on novel sensors and computer-aided techniques in semiconductor manufacturing. He also works on statistical data mining techniques for energy efficiency applications. He has participated in two successful startup companies, Timbre Tech, (acquired by Tokyo Electron) and OnWafer Technologies (acquired by KLA-Tencor). He is presently the Director of the Center of Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) and the Chief Technical Officer for the Berkeley Educational Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS). Sanjib Kumar Panda (S’86–M’91–SM’01) received B. Eng. Degree from the South Gujarat University, India, in 1983, M.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge, U.K., in 1991, all in electrical engineering. Since 1992, he has been holding a faculty position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore and currently serving as an Associate Professor and Director of the Power & Energy Research Area. Dr. Panda has published more than 200 peerreviewed research papers, co-authored one book and contributed to several book chapters and six patents. His research interests include high-performance control of motor drives and power electronic converters, condition monitoring and condition based maintenance, building energy efficiency etc. He was the recipient of the Cambridge-Nehru Scholarship and M. T. Mayer Graduate Scholarship during his PhD study (1987-1991). He is serving as an Associate Editor of several IEEE Transactions and Editor of the Journal of Power Electronics, South Korea. He has served in various capacities for the two key conferences IEEE Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS) Conference and IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET) Conference series organized and managed by the IEEE Joint IAS/PELS Society Chapter, Singapore Section. Dr. Panda has received the IEEE Third Millennium Medal. He is serving as the IEEE R-10 AsiaPacific Liaison Officer for the IEEE PELS. He is also the recipient of the IEEE Singapore Section Outstanding Volunteer Award in 2010 and the IEEE Region-10 Outstanding Volunteer Award in 2014. He has served the IEEE Section Congress 2014 as a Member of the Program Committee. Seth R. Sanders (S’88–M’88–SM’08–F’10) is Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. He received S.B. degrees (1981) in Electrical Engineering and Physics, and the S.M. (1985) and Ph.D. (1989) degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Following an early experience as a Design Engineer at the Honeywell Test Instruments Division in 1981-83, he joined the UC Berkeley faculty in 1989. Dr. Sanders technical interests are in electrical energy and power conversion systems . Dr. Sanders is presently or has recently been active in supervising research projects in the areas of flywheel energy storage, electric machine design, renewable energy systems, integrated power conversion circuits, and IC designs for power conversion applications. Dr. Sanders is co-founder and CTO of Amber Kinetics, Inc., a technology developer, manufacturer, and project developer of utility scale flywheel energy storage systems. During the 1992-1993 academic year, he was on industrial leave with National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA. Dr. Sanders received the NSF Young Investigator Award and multiple Best Paper Awards from the IEEE Power Electronics and the IEEE Industry Applications Societies. He has served as Chair of the IEEE PELS Technical Committee on Computers in Power Electronics, Chair of the IEEE PELS Technical Committee on Power Conversion Components and Systems, and as MemberAt-Large of the IEEE PELS Adcom. He is an IEEE Fellow, a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE PELS and IAS societies, and recipient of the IEEE PELS Modeling and Control Technical Achievement Award. 0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.