Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP FOR MEASURING DIFFUSIVE AND ADVECTIVE TRANSPORT OF RADON THROUGH BUILDING MATERIALS M. van der Pal1, E.R. van der Graaf2, R.J. de Meijer2, M.H. de Wit1, N.A. Hendriks1 1 Department of the Physical Aspects of the Built Environment, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 2 Nuclear Geophysics Division, Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, Zernikelaan 25, 9747 AA, Groningen, The Netherlands. This study describes an approach for measuring and modeling diffusive and advective transport of radon through building materials. Goal of these measurements and model calculations is to improve our understanding concerning the factors influencing the transport of radon through building materials. To reach this goal, a number of experiments has to be conducted. These experiments, including measurements in a large cylinder for creating diffusive and advective transport of radon under controlled, ‘dwelling-like’ conditions, are described here and the initial results are presented. A better understanding about the transport of radon through building materials will lead to more effective ways to decrease or to prevent the entrance of radon into dwellings. Keywords: Radon, exhalation, building materials, aerated concrete, diffusion, advective flow, modeling. INTRODUCTION In The Netherlands, unlike many other countries, the main source of indoor radon is the building materials. With a contribution of 20 Bq m-3 of radon, building materials contribute about 70% of the total indoor radon concentration. This was concluded from the results of the last Dutch national radon survey (Stoop et al. 1998) where radon concentrations and ventilation rates were measured in Dutch dwellings, newly built between 1985 and 1994. However, these results cannot be matched with the results from various radon exhalation measurements of building materials (Put and Van der Graaf 1996, Van der Graaf et al. 1998) showing considerable lower radon exhalation rates than expected from the estimated contribution of 70%. In addition, measurements of the diffusion length of radon in concrete also yield conflicting results. Radon exhalation measurements on two different sized concrete cubes of 0.15 and 0.20 meter respectively (Bosmans, 1997) showed no significant difference in radon exhalation rate when expressed on base of mass, indicating a large diffusion length (of at least 10 cm). On the other hand, recent measurements at KVI on (sealed) concrete cylinders show a much smaller diffusion length (Cozmuta and Van der Graaf, 1999). A probable cause of these differences might the assumed driving force of radon transport, diffusion. The radon exhalation measurements are based on maximizing diffusive transport. A vessel containing the sample is continuously flushed with nitrogen, resulting in a low radon concentration in the vessel. The low radon concentration leads to maximum diffusive transport and the calculated radon exhalation rate is considered the maximum exhalation. Because the measured exhalation rates can not be matched 23 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 with the results from the Dutch National Survey, other transport processes, such as advective transport of radon, should be considered. An advective flow can be created by pressure- or temperature gradients in a building material. In the light of the recent measurements, the assumption that advective transport would be very small compared to the diffusive transport and therefore could be neglected, should be reconsidered. An approach to investigate the importance of advective transport of radon through building materials via modeling and measurement of radon transport under various conditions is described in this paper. Therefore, an experimental setup is developed at the Eindhoven University of Technology to measure diffusive and advective transport of radon through building materials. Advective transport can be created by setting a pressure-gradient or a temperature gradient over a building material sample. Furthermore, the humidity (gradient) can be set. The ranges in parameters settings are chosen in such a way that conditions in dwellings can be simulated with a larger degree of control than possible with the ‘regular’ radon exhalation setups. This paper will describe the experimental setup together with a model for combined diffusive and advective transport of radon. MODEL CALCULATIONS Rogers and Nielson (1991, 1993) developed a formalism to describe the diffusive and advective multiphase transport of radon in porous materials. Van der Spoel (1998) successfully verified this model for dry and (partly) wetted sand via experiments. This formalism includes four processes that determine the (change in) radon concentration; diffusion, advective flow, radon production and radon decay. The time-dependent partial differential equation is given by equation 1. β ∂C a K = ∇(D∇C a ) + ∇Pa ⋅ ∇C a − βλC a + S ∂t µ (1) where β Ca D K µ Pa λ S = multiphase-corrected porosity = radon concentration in air-phase (Bq m-3) = bulk diffusion coefficient (in m2s-1) = intrinsic permeability (m2) = dynamic viscosity of air (Pa s) = air pressure (Pa) = decay constant of radon (=2.1.10-6s-1) = radon production rate per unit bulk volume (Bq m-3s-1) Effects of absorption of radon are accounted for via the multiphase-corrected porosity, β: β = ε a + Lε w + ρ b k a (2) 24 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece where εa εw L ka ρ 004 = air-filled porosity = water-filled porosity = Ostwald coefficient for radon (0.26 at 293 K) = surface adsorption coefficient for radon (m3kg-1) = density of the porous medium (kg m-3) For solving this time-dependent, partial differential equation in more than one dimension, a numerical, finite-element has been developed and validated. The deviations between model calculations and measurements of diffusive and advective transport of radon were well within 15% for dry sand and between 15% and 40% for (partly) wetted sand (Van der Spoel 1998). For building materials, this model has never been experimentally validated. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP To validate the radon-transport model for building materials, measurements on radon transport will be conducted under well-defined and controlled conditions. For this purpose, an experimental setup was built. The experimental setup, shown in Fig 1, consists of a large cylindrical cylinder with inlets and outlets to allow air to flow in and out of the cylinder. The cylinder is made of stainless steel, weighs 500 kg and has an effective diameter of 1000 mm. The lid is 30 mm thick, has a diameter of 1015 mm and weighs 400 kg. In the cylinder, a cylinder of building material with an inner and outer diameter of >500 mm and <800 mm respectively can be placed on the bottom plate via a removable ring of stainless steel. The top of the cylinder of building material is closed with a lid of stainless steel. Aerated concrete has been chosen as initial building material for the measurements because it cures fast and so possible effects due to aging are excluded, exhales measurable amounts of radon and is quite homogeneous and isotropic. The aerated concrete cylinder was made out of a 1 m-side cube, specially made for this purpose by Ytong (Meppel) in The Netherlands. More complex building materials such as concrete and gypsum will be considered after measurements with aerated concrete are found to correspond with model calculations. The aerated concrete cylinder is sealed to the lid (inside) and the inner ring with glue (Sickaflex). This way, two compartments are created in the cylinder, which are separated by the aerated concrete cylinder. In addition, radon transport between the two compartments (through the aerated concrete cylinder) is reduced to one dimension (only radial transport). Furthermore, the following parameters can be set and/or measured in the cylinder: - Temperature: The temperature is measured with four Kelatron K431 four wired PT100 temperature sensors that can measure in a range of 0-100 oC with an uncertainty of 0.1 oC. Two temperature sensors are placed in the inner compartment and two in the outer compartment. The air temperature can be set via heating the incoming air. Presently, the type of heaters to be used, is still under discussion. 25 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 - - - - Pressure: The barometric pressure is measured with a Setra type 276 pressure sensor that can measure in a range of 0.8-1.4 bar with an uncertainty of 0.5 mbar. The pressure difference between the inner and outer compartment is measured with two Setra type 264 differential pressure-sensors for a range of 0-100 Pa with an uncertainty of 0.2 Pa. The pressure in each compartment can be set by opening (for a decrease in pressure) or closing (for an increase in pressure) of the two Bronckhorst type F-004AC-LU-22-V control valves which are connected to the inner and outer compartment-outlets. The pressure difference can be set by opening or closing of one of the control valves. Ventilation rate: The ventilation rate is measured for each compartment with a Bronckhorst type F102D-FA-22-V mass flow meter, for a range of 0-20 Ln N2 per minute and an uncertainty of 0.2% FS. The ventilation rate can be set for each compartment with two Bronckhorst type F201C-FA-22V mass flow controllers. Relative humidity; To set the relative one mass flow controller is connected to an air-humidifier, producing nearly 100% humid air, while the other mass flow controller supplies dry air. By adjusting the ratio between these two mass flow controllers, the humidity can be set. Earlier experiments at KVI (Van der Graaf et al. 1998) and at the Eindhoven University of Technology (Brocken 1998) have shown that this system functions very well. Presently, the type of humidity meters to be used is still under discussion. Radon concentration: The radon concentration is measured with α-counting two quasi-continuous radon meters (Stoop and Aldenkamp, 1994). The radon meters have a detection limit of 10 Bq m-3 for a measuring time of 30 minutes. An overview of the devices is given in Fig 2. A Pentium-166MHz computer with a Keithley DAS1802HC data-acquisition board and a Keithley PD-ISO8 relays switchboard is used to collect the data and to control the set conditions. PLANNED EXPERIMENTS The conditions in the two compartments of the cylinder can be altered and set to ‘dwelling-like’ conditions, giving the possibility to simulate various realistic conditions and to examine the effect of various parameters on the radon concentration. The following experiments will be conducted: - The influence of an advective flow can be investigated by setting a temperature and/or pressuredifference between the two compartments. The influence of the humidity (gradient) on radon generation and transport can be studied by setting the ratio between dry and 100% humid air via the mass flow controllers. The influence of high radon concentration in cavity walls of dwellings on the indoor radon concentration can be studied by placing a radon source in the outer compartment. In addition, the effectiveness of radon-reduction measures, such as ventilation of cavity walls, can be tested. 26 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 ADDITIONAL EXPERIMENTS To model the experiments in the cylinder, various properties of the aerated concrete and other model parameters have to be measured in separate experiments. A selection of these additional experiments is given below. To determine the effective radon production, the effective radon diffusion length and the effective porosity for radon of the aerated concrete, a ‘multiple-volume’ measurement will be conducted; A sample of aerated concrete is placed in a closed compartment that is connected with a gas tap to a second compartment. The radon equilibrium concentration is measured with the gas tap closed and opened. This measurement is repeated with a calibrated radon source in the first compartment and the sample in the second. From these measurements, the radon production, diffusion length and porosity can be derived. The radon exhalation rate of aerated concrete was measured at KVI via a flush and adsorb experiment. The density, total porosity and open porosity for water of the aerated concrete were measured at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Permeability of the aerated concrete will be calculated from measurements in the cylinder whereby the cylinder will be closed off while a pressure-difference over the aerated concrete cylinder is created and the change in pressure-difference measured in time. From this measurement, the permeability can be derived. Porosity will be measured on large samples with a specially designed setup based on the gas expansion method. Furthermore, the possibilities of using image-analysis for determining parameters such as porosity and tortuosity, will be explored. To assure that radon is mainly transported through the aerated concrete and not through the Sickaflex connection, the possibility of transport of radon through the Sickaflex has to be assessed. This is done by glueing a cylinder of building material with Sickaflex with one side on a steel plate. The other side of the cylinder is glued with Sickaflex on a steel lid sealing a closed compartment, thereby creating two compartments separated from each other by the glue and the aerated concrete as shown in Figure 3. The inner compartment is filled with a high radon concentration by connecting it to a radon source while the outer compartment is flushed with nitrogen at an accurately known ventilation rate, setting a radongradient over the building material. The radon concentration in the outer compartment is measured in equilibrium. Thereafter, the cylinder is removed and sawn in two equal parts and glued together again with Sickaflex, and the radon concentration is measured until equilibrium has been reached. If a large part of the radon is transported through the Sickaflex connection, this will result in a large difference between the radon concentration before and after the sawing. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS The influence of uncertainties in the various model parameters on the radon concentrations calculated with the finite-element model is determined with the following numerical procedure; First, an estimation of the average values of the various parameters and the achievable accuracy was made from information from literature. Secondly, a set of 24 parameter values was created by a random-number generator according to a normal distribution with an expectation value and standard 27 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 deviation equal to the estimated value and uncertainty of the model parameters. Using these values, 24 radon (equilibrium) concentration-profiles were calculated with the finite-element model. Subsequently, the average value for and the deviation in the radon concentration were calculated for both compartments and the building material. This procedure was conducted for every individual parameter to get a better understanding of the influence of the various model parameters on the radon concentration. In addition, a set of numbers was generated to calculate the influence of all parameters together on the radon equilibrium concentration. The values and conditions used for the sensitivity analysis are shown in Table 1. RESULTS, DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The values and accuracy’s of the parameter values found in literature and measured at KVI or the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) are shown in Table 2. The values of some parameters, e.g. the radon exhalation, depend on the relative humidity. For these parameters, the estimated value is given for a relative humidity of 50% although this condition was not always well defined in literature. In comparison with ‘regular’ concrete, aerated concrete has a very high porosity. This is probably the most important reason for the relative high values for the diffusion coefficient and the relative low values for the density and the radium content of aerated concrete. The influence of the uncertainty in model parameter on the variance in the resulting radon concentration is given in Table 3 as R, the ratio between the maximum relative standard deviation in radon equilibrium concentration in the inner compartment and the relative standard deviation in parameter value; R= σ Rn (3) σ Parameter where σRn σparameter = maximum relative standard deviation in radon equilibrium concentration = relative standard deviation in parameter value The total influence of the uncertainties in all parameters on the variance in the equilibrium radon concentration is shown in Fig 4. It can be concluded that the radon equilibrium concentration can be calculated with a relative standard deviation of less than 2% for the inner compartment and of less than 5% for the outer compartment for the conditions given in Table 1. Although for other conditions the sensitivity analysis has not yet been conducted, it seems that experimental results and model calculations can be compared with an accuracy of less than 10%. In the light of the large differences between the calculations based on radon exhalation rates and measurement of the indoor radon concentrations, this can be considered as accurate enough. 28 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is funded by the Centre of Technology for Sustainable Development (TDO) of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Also, the authors are grateful to Ytong Nederland who specially made for us the king-sized cubes of aerated concrete. REFERENCES [1] Bosmans G, Optionele maatregelen ter reductie van de stralingseigenschappen van praktijkbeton, Intron report 96173, 1997 (in Dutch). 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[8] Rogers VC, Nielson KK, Multiphase radon generation and transport in porous materials, Health Physics, 60, 807-815, 1991. [9] Stoop P, Aldenkamp FJ, Sources and Transport of Indoor Radon - Measurements and mechanisms, PhD thesis, University of Groningen, 1994. 222 Rn and [10] Stoop P, Glastra P, Hiemstra Y, de Vries L, Lembrechts J, Results of the second national survey on radon in dwellings, RIVM report 610058006, 1998. [11] Van der Graaf ER, Cozmuta I, Van der Spoel WH, de Meijer RJ, Calibration of the KVI instrument to measure radon exhalation rates from building materials under controlled conditions, KVI report R 99, 1998. [12] Van der Spoel WH, Radon Transport in Sand, A Laboratory Study, PhD-thesis, University of Groningen, 1998. 29 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 Table 1. Settings of model calculations for sensitivity analysis. Parameter Inner Aerated concrete compartment Outer compartment Inner radius 0m 0.3 m 0.4 m Outer radius 0.3 m 0.4 m 0.5 m (1.00 ± 0.04) h-1 0 0 --- (700 ± 7) kg m-3 --- 1 (0.50 ± 0.02) m3 m-3 1 Emanation factor --- (0.30 ± 0.01) Bq Bq-1 --- Radium content --- (15.0 ± 0.5) Bq kg-1 --- 1.10-3 m2 s-1 (0.62 ± 0.02).10-6 m2 s-1 1.10-3 m2 s-1 Ventilation rate Density Multi-phase corrected porosity Bulk diffusion coefficient 30 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 Table 2. Overview of values for various properties of aerated concrete from literature and measurements at the KVI and Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE). Parameter Value Source Density (560 ± 6) kg m-3 TUE Total porosity (0.73 ± 0.03) m3 m-3 TUE Water-filled Porosity (0.42 ± 0.04) m3 m-3 TUE Radon production (2.01 ± 0.06).10-6 Bq kg-1 s-1 KVI Radium content (11.52 ± 0.19) Bq kg-1 KVI Bulk diffusion coefficient 0.62 .10-6 m2 s-1 Folkerts et al. (1984) Table 3. Results of sensitivity analysis, influence of deviation of parameter on radon concentration given as ratio between its relative standard deviation and the resulting maximum relative standard deviation in radon concentration. Parameter Value R (1 ± 0.04) h-1 0.98 (700 ± 7) kg m-3 1.00 Effective porosity (0.50 ± 0.02) m3 m-3 0.10 Emanation factor (0.30 ± 0.01) Bq Bq-1 1.00 Radium content (15.0 ± 0.5) Bq kg-1 1.00 (0.62 ±0.02).10-6 m2 s-1 0.70 Ventilation rate inner compartment Density Effective diffusion coefficient 31 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 air out lid (outside) air out to radon monitor 2 from radon monitor 2 outer com partm ent lid (inside) PT 100 T T pressure transducer P P T T P P from radon monitor 1 to radon monitor 1 building material inner com partm ent diffusion- box air in air in Figure 1. Schematic cross-section of the radon cylinder 32 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece MFC MFC H2O Radon Source 004 Humidity Meter Heater T P Humidity Meter Air MFC H2O Humidity Meter valve ∆P ∆T MFC Flow Meter T P Heater Humidity Meter Flow Meter valve MFC = Mass Flow Controller Figure 2. Flow diagram of the experimental setup: an overview of the devices for measuring and controlling various parameters in the radon cylinder (the radon cylinder is represented by the large block divided in the middle by the building material) 33 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 Radon source Radon source Radon meter MFC MFC Aerated Concrete Sickaflex Figure 3. Experimental setup for measuring transport of radon through Sickaflex-connection: 34 Radon meter Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 70 -3 radon concentration (Bq m ) 80 60 50 average +1 std -1 std 40 30 20 10 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 radius (m) Figure 4. Average Radon concentration, represented by the solid line, ± 1 standard deviation caused by estimated uncertainties in model parameters, represented by the dotted lines. The aerated concrete is placed between the vertical dotted lines. 35 Radon in the Living Environment, 19-23 April 1999, Athens, Greece 004 36