Sergio Eduardo Ulloa

January 2012
Sergio Eduardo Ulloa
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Clippinger Laboratories
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701-2979
740–593–1729, 1718
Condensed Matter Theory. Structure and electronic properties of solids: intercalation compounds, semiconductor heterojunctions, superlattices, quantum wires and dots. Many-body electron effects. Dielectric response
functions. Electronic transport. Optical properties of nanostructures and clusters. Molecular dynamics simulations of surface structure. Electronic correlations and magnetic effects.
Ph. D. June 1984, Physics, Condensed Matter Theory, State University of New York at Buffalo
B. Sc. July 1979, Physics, National University of Mexico (UNAM)
◦ Visiting Scientist — Dept. of Physics and Dahlem Center, Free Univ., Berlin, Germany, 5–7/11
◦ Visiting Scientist/Professor — Solid State and Theoretical Physics Institutes, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland, 11/98,
6/00, 4–8/02, 10/05
◦ Visiting Scientist — Theor Physics Institute, Delft Univ of Technology, Netherlands, 8/01
◦ Visiting Scientist — Institute of Theoretical Physics, Univ of California Santa Barbara, 11/98 and Jan-Mar 09
◦ Visiting Professor — Institute of Physics, University of Puebla, Mexico (IF-BUAP), 12/97, 7/00, 6/04, 6/05
◦ Professor — Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, 9/95 – present;
Assoc. Prof., 9/90–95; Asst. Prof., 9/86–90
◦ Visiting Professor, University of Munich, Germany (as a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation),
4–9/94, 6–9/95, 6–9/96, 7/97, 7/00
◦ Visiting Scientist, Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, 9–11/93
◦ Director of the Condensed Matter and Surface Sciences Program, Ohio University, 7/92–99
◦ Adjunct Professor — Dept of Chemistry, Ohio University, 8/92–present
◦ Coordinator of the Condensed Matter and Surface Sciences Program, Ohio University, 7/90–7/91
◦ Intl. Scientific Exchange Award NSERC Visitor — Simon Fraser University, 7–8/89
◦ Postdoctoral Fellow — Physics Dept, Simon Fraser University, 7/84–8/86; Sessional Lecturer, 9–12/85
◦ Research and Teaching Assistant — Dept of Physics and Astronomy, SUNY at Buffalo, 1980–1984
◦ Teaching Assistant — Physics Department, National University of Mexico, 1977–1979
Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2007
Elected Corresponding Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, 2005
Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for research stays at the LMU Munich, in the group of Prof.
J.P. Kotthaus, 1994–1997
Doctoral Fellowship from the National University of Mexico (UNAM), 1979–1984
INVITED TALKS (in 2005-2011)
• Spin orbit effects in Kondo quantum dots, at the Developments and Prospects in Quantum Impurity Physics
Workshop, MPIKS-Dresden, Germany, June 6-11, 2011.
• Spin-orbit effects in quantum point contacts and quantum dots: from current polarization to Kondo effect, at the
Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics V conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 6-10, 2010.
• Correlations in multiple quantum dot systems: tunable Kondo and coherent interference effects, at the Conf. on
the 150th Orbit of Alexander von Humboldt, Havana, Cuba, June 7-11, 2010.
• Electronic conduction in long molecules: structural correlations and the role of soft and hard phonons, at the
PASI 2010 Nano-Bio, Humacao, Puerto Rico, May 25, 2010.
• Kondo effect in magnetic molecules: Hybridization and charge transfer, at the 1st Nat. Congress of Science and
Engineering of Materials, Puebla, Mexico, February 15, 2010.
• Tunable pseudogap and quantum phase transitions in AB interferometers, at the Workshop “50 years of the
Aharonov-Bohm Effect”, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 11-14, 2009.
• Tunable Quantum Phase Transition in a Kondo System, blackboard talk at the Kavli Institue of Theoretical
Physics, UC Santa Barbara, February 12, 2009.
• Spin-orbit Interactions in Quantum Dot Systems, at the Workshop on Decoherence, Correlations and Spin Effects
in Nanostructured Materials, Via del Mar, Chile, January 4-7, 2009.
• Conductance signatures of a quantum phase transition in double quantum dots, at the 29th International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors 2008 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 27-Aug 2, 2008.
• Coherent Excitons in Quantum Dot and Molecules in Semiconductors, at the III International Physics Congress,
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, October 10-12, 2007
• Series of four seminars at the Institute for High Performance Computing, Singapore, September 24-28, 2007.
• Entanglement in Quantum Dots, series of five lectures at the Latin American School of Physics, Mexico City,
August 25-31, 2007.
• Transmission in double quantum dots in the Kondo regime: Quantum-critical transitions and interference effects,
Invited contributed paper at the 17th Intl. Conf. on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems, Genova,
Italy, July 17, 2007.
• Electrones, coherencia y punto, Invited talk as part of AMC ceremony to be named Corresponding Member,
IFUNAM, Mexico City, September 19, 2006.
• Spin polarized photocurrents from quantum dot ensembles, Multifunctional Materials Workshop III, Bariloche,
Argentina, March 6-9, 2006.
• Spin-orbit effects on electron dynamics in semiconductor quantum wells, wires, and dots, 12th CLACSA - Latin
American Conf. on Surface Science and its Applications, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 5–9,
• Quantum Computation with Quantum Dots: Rotation of Optical Qubits, RUIM-2005, Materials Research Symp.
University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico, November 23–25, 2005
• Electronic transport in complex molecules, in the session Materials Science & Engineering and Photo-polymerization,
National Conf. of SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science), Denver,
Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2005
• Quantum optics with quantum dots: control and polling of coherent states and exciton transfer, NSF-CIAM
Conference (Inter-American Collaboration in Materials), Cancun, Mexico, August 23–25, 2005
• Polarization and orientation effects and coherent energy transfer in nanocrystals, Excited States Processes in
Electronic and Bio Nanomaterials Conference, Santa Fe, NM, August 8–11, 2005
• Coherent exciton oscillations and dynamical suppression of tunneling: quantum optics with quantum dots, Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics (BWSP-12), São Jose dos Campos, Brazil, April 4–8, 2005
• La brújula de Einstein, el espı́n electrónico y la punta de la aguja, Inaugural public lecture of the World Year of
Physics 2005, Puebla, Mexico, January 26, 2005
• Panamerican Advanced Study Institute on the Physics and Technology at the Nanometer Scale, National Science
Foundation, Division of International Programs, $97,500, May 2001-2002, S.E. Ulloa, Project Director. CLACSA10 Supplement, $18,000
• Electronic states and physics of low dimensional systems in solids, U. S. Department of Energy, Division of
Materials Sciences, Feb 2001–2004, $195,000
• Zeolitic materials for nanoscale electronics and quantum computation, National Science Foundation, NIRT-NNI
grant, June 2001–2005, $1.13M; five co-PI’s, V. Soghomonian (Ohio U), Project Director. S. Ulloa receives about
$60K per year (incl. indirect costs)
• Center of Excellence in Computational Nanoscience, Indiana 21st Century Fund, 2003-2005, $1.41M; four university collaboration. Y.S. Joe (Ball State U), Project Director. S. Ulloa receives about $78K per year
• Ohio University Postdoctoral Fellowship Fund 2003–2004, $25,000
• Collaborative Research: First International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems, National
Science Foundation, $30,000, 2004-2005; co-PI, David Snoke, U Pittsburgh. Support for participants to conference
• Correlation Effects and Transport in Nanostructured Materials: An Argentina-Brazil-USA Collaboration, National Science Foundation. Total award: $132,000 for period 8/15/03 – 08/14/06 (two co-PI’s in Ohio). S. Ulloa
receives about $35K per year (incl. indirect costs)
• NIRT: Building Nanospintronic and Nanomagnetic Systems - Growth, Manipulation, and Characterization at the
Atomic Scale, National Science Foundation. Project Director: A. Smith; total award: $1.1M; 8/01/03 – 7/30/07
(four co-PI’s). S. Ulloa receives about $45K / year (incl. indirect costs)
• Optical response of biologically inspired nanocrystal assemblies, NBI at Ohio University. Project Dir.: G. Van
Patten; total award: $60K, 7/1/05 – 6/30/06 (two co-PI’s). S. Ulloa receives about $20K
• International Workshop: Correlation effects on surfaces and nanostructure systems, National Science Foundation,
$35,000, 2005–2006; co-PI, Andrea Latge and Enrique Anda, Brazil. Support for participants in workshop held
in Angra dos Reis, Brazil, December 2005
• Bonding effects and magnetic behavior of molecules on surfaces, NBI at Ohio University. Project Dir.: N. Sandler;
total award: $40K, 7/1/06 – 6/30/07. S. Ulloa receives about $13K
• CIAM Workshop: Novel Trends in Materials, National Science Foundation, $55,000, 2006–2007; co-PI, Pedro
Prieto, U of Los Andes, Colombia. Support to participants for workshop held in Santa Marta, Colombia, October
• Pan American Advanced Study Institute on “Electronic States and Excitations in Nanostructures”, to be held
in Zacatecas, Mexico, June 2007. National Science Foundation, Division of International Programs, $98,000,
2006–2008, S.E. Ulloa, Project Director.
• SPIRE: the “Spin Triangle” - Athens, Hamburg, Buenos Aires: Advancing Nanospintronics and Nanomagnetism,
National Science Foundation, PIRE Program. $2.5M, 9/1/07–8/31/12. PI: A. Smith, co-PIs: S. Hla, N. Sandler,
and S. Ulloa. Participating Institutions: University of Hamburg, Germany; CNEA, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
• World Materials Network Collaborative Research: Decoherence, Correlations and Spin Effects in Nanostructured
Materials, National Science Foundation, $1.385M, 9/1/07 to 8/30/11. PI: N. Sandler, co-PIs: S. Ulloa (OU), G.
Martins (Oakland U), K. Ingersent (U of Florida). Ohio U total four-yr budget is $797K.
• Quantum Dot Analogues of the Turin Model of Olfaction, NanoBio Technology Initiative at Ohio University
(BNNT group), $28K, 7/1/07 6/30/08.
• Materials Research at SACNAS: A proposal for 2007-2008 sessions sponsored by NSHP, October 11-14, 2007,
Kansas City, MO, National Science Foundation, DMR, $40,600, 9/1/07 to 8/31/09.
• World Materials Network Collaborative Research: Symmetry, Local-Environment and Time-Dependent Effects
in Nanoscale Systems: A Synergistic Approach, National Science Foundation, $1.02M, 9/1/11 to 8/30/14. PI:
N. Sandler, co-PIs: S. Ulloa (OU), G. Martins (Oakland U), K. Ingersent (U of Florida). Ohio U total three-yr
budget is $523K.
• Ph. D. Advisor for:
Jian Zhang
Dan Cheng
Yong Suk Joe
Xiaoju Wu
Dmitrii Kachintsev
Dominic R. Alfonso
Jakyoung Song
Francisco Mireles
Esmael Badran
Andreas Weichselbaum
Ameenah Al-Ahmadi
Efta Yudiarsah
Anh Ngo
Enrique Rolon
Ginetom Diniz
David Ruiz-Tijerina
Mahmoud Asmar
Jan. 1987 – Aug. 1990
Oct. 1989 – Aug. 1992
Jan. 1988 – Sept. 1992
Mar. 1991 – Jan. 1993
Dec. 1991 – Aug. 1995
Mar. 1992 – Aug. 1995
Jan. 1994 – Sept. 1996
Apr. 1996 – Aug. 1999
Sept. 1995 – Jun. 2000
Jan. 2001 – Apr. 2004
Sept. 2001 – Jun. 2006
Sept. 2004 – Aug. 2008
Sept. 2004 – Nov. 2010
Sept. 2005 – Aug. 2011
Sept. 2008 –
Sept. 2009 –
Sept. 2009 –
• Ph.D. Co-advisor for:
Felipe Ramı́rez
Jose Marı́a Villas Bôas
Carlos Destefani
Ruben Lopez Bolaños
Rodrigo Caetano
Edson Vernek
Mariama Dias Rebello
Daiara Faria∗∗
Nov. 1990
Nov. 1992
Nov. 1992
Nov. 1996
Aug. 1995
Aug. 1995
Sept. 1996
Sept. 1999
Aug. 2000
June 2004
June 2006
Nov. 2008
Jan. 2011
Nov. 2011
E. Cota, UNAM, Mexico
N. Studart, UFSCar, Brazil
G. Marques, UFSCar, Brazil
G.H. Cocoletzi, IFUAP, Mexico
P. Schulz, U Campinas, Brazil
E. Anda, PUC-Rio, Brazil
V. Lopez, UFSCar, Brazil
A. Latge, UFF-Niteroi, Brazil
• M. Sc. Advisor for:
Petra Stumm Sep. 1992 – Aug. 1993
• Postdoctoral Advisor for:
Nammee Kim
Xiaoguang Wu
Gregorio H. Cocoletzi
Cecilia Noguez∗
Tigran Shahbazyan
Ming Yu∗
Alexander Chudnovskiy
Miguel A. Olivares
Wei Zhang
Jose M. Villas Bôas
Dan Csontos
Mehdi Zarea
Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva∗∗
Edson Vernek∗∗
Mehdi Zarea∗∗
Arturo Wong∗∗
Diego Mastrogiuseppe∗∗
(∗ with Prof. David Drabold)
(∗∗ with Prof. Nancy Sandler)
M.Sc. Jan. 1994
Sep. 1990 – 1991
Jan. 1991 – Jul. 1993
Jan. 1992 – Dec. 1993
Sept. 1995 – Jun. 1996
Oct. 1995 – 1997
May 1997 – Mar. 1999
Mar. 1998 – Jun. 2000
Jan. 1999 – Dec. 2000
Jan. 2001 – Aug. 2003
Sep. 2003 – Jul. 2006
Oct. 2003 – Mar. 2006
Oct. 2004 – Mar. 2006
Sep. 2004 – Aug. 2007
Oct. 2007 – Sep. 2008
Jul. 2009 – Oct. 2010
Jul. 2009 – Oct. 2011
Oct. 2011 –
• Sponsor/Host for Visiting Scientists:
Prof. W. Luis Mochán, IFUNAM, Mexico, Aug. 1990 – 1991
Prof. Ernesto Cota, IFUNAM-Ensenada, Mexico, Apr. 1993 – Sept. 1993
Prof. Lilia Meza, IFUAP, Mexico, Oct. 1995 – 1997
Prof. Pedro Pereyra, UAM-Iztapalapa, Mexico, Oct. 1997 – 1998
Prof. Arkady Krokhin, IFUAP, Mexico, Jan.– Apr. 1999
Prof. Ben Hu, U of Akron, June 2001 & Jan. 2003
Prof. Alexander O. Govorov, ISP-RAS, Russia, Feb. 2001 – June 2002
Prof. Pablo Tamborenea, U Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jan. – Apr. 2003
Prof. Rafael Rey, U Nacional de Colombia, Sep. 2003 – Feb. 2004
Ms. Carla Romano, U Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oct. 2003 – Feb. 2004 & Jan. – Mar. 2005
Dr. Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva, UF Saõ Carlos, Brazil, Oct. 2003 – Mar. 2004
Prof. Jesus Manzanares, U Sonora, Mexico, Sep. 2004 – Dec. 2004
Mr. Edson Vernek, PUC-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sep. 2004 – Aug. 2005
Prof. Roberto Romo, U Baja California, Mexico, Sep. 2004 – Aug. 2005
Mr. Rodrigo Caetano, UNICAMP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Jan. 2006 – Jun. 2006
Prof. Ernesto Cota, CNyN-Ensenada, Mexico, Oct. 2010 – Apr. 2011
Prof. Noboru Takeuchi, CNyN-Ensenada, Mexico, Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011
• Member of local organizing cte. for Quantum Dot 2012 Conference, Santa Fe, NM, May 2012
• Elected to Chair-Elect of the Forum on International Physics of the American Physical Society 2011
• President of the National Society of Hispanic Physicists 2006–2007
• Co-chair (with Aldo Romero, CINVESTAV, and Noboru Takeuchi, UNAM, Mexico) of the Pan American Advanced Study Institute, Zacatecas, Mexico, June 2007
• Co-chair (with Alex Fainstein) of the Wrkshp. on Multifunctional Materials III, Bariloche, Argentina, March
• Co-organizer in the US of Workshop on Surfaces and Correlations, held in Angra dos Reis, Brazil, Dec. 2005 as a prequel of CLACSA 2005
• Co-chair of the First International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems, Seven Springs,
PA, May 25–29, 2004
• Co-chair of the International Workshop on Multifunctional Materials, held in Pucon, Chile, Oct. 2002; Huatulco,
Mexico, Oct. 2004
• Chair and main organizer of the Pan American Advanced Study Institute on Physics and Technology at the
Nanometer Scale, Costa Rica, June 25 to July 3, 2001
• Co-organizer of CLACSA-10, Latin American Conf. on Surface Science and Applications, San Jose, Costa Rica,
July 3–6, 2001
• Co-organizer of the Symp. 9 of the Intl. Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, Aug 30-Sept 4, 1998
• Member of the International Advising Committee for SLAFES XV (Latin American Solid State Symposium),
Cartagena, Colombia, Nov 1999
• Member of the Committee on Minorities of the American Physical Society (1998–2000), Chair in 1999
• Member of NSF Panels for 1996 and 2005 MRSEC competitions
• Member of the International Advisory Committee for the First Canadian-American-Mexican General Physics
Conference, CAM-94, Cancun, Mexico, September 1994
• Member of the Executive Committee of the Forum on International Physics of the American Physical Society
(1990 – 1994)
• Manager of the Journal Exchange Program of the Forum on International Physics of the APS (since 1993)
• Referee for
Journals: Science, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, A and E, Applied Physics Letters, Science, J.
Applied Physics, Canadian J. of Physics, J. of Low Temperature Physics, Superlattices and Microstructures,
Found. Phys., Physica B, Physica E, Solid State Comm., Physica Status Solidi, Rev. Mexicana de Fisica,
Brazilian J. of Physics, New J. Physics, Europhys. Lett.
Proposals: U. S. Department of Energy, and U.S. National Science Foundation, CONICYT (Chile), Colciencias (Colombia), CONACyT (Mexico), NSERC (Canada), NSF (Switzerland)
In State: Ohio Supercomputer Center (Time Allocation Proposals), MatNet Equipment Proposals
• Member of the:
American Physical Society, Division of Condensed Matter Physics, Ohio Section, and Forum on International
Physics; Physics Honors Society, Sigma Pi Sigma National Society of Hispanic Physicists
I have taught over a wide range in the physics curriculum over the years. Since 2000, courses taught include:
PSC 101 (Physical Science - a general elective with no prerequisites); PHYS 201 (algebra-based physics, first qtr.);
PHYS 253 (calculus physics for engineers, third qtr.); HTC 297T and 298T (calculus physics for honor students);
HTC 397T and 399T (modern physics for honor students); PHYS 416/516 (mathematical phys.); PHYS 611–612
(two qtrs. of graduate quantum mechanics); PHYS 623 (graduate statistical mechanics); PHYS 732 (condensed
matter phys.); PHYS 736 (quantum many-body physics). My evaluations in courses above 300 are excellent (A
and A–), while in lower level courses they are at or above the average for the department (≈ B+). I am continuously working on improving my lectures by fine tuning quizzes and assignments, incorporating “just-in-time”
teaching techniques, “personal response” activities, as well as increasing the number of “hands-on” experiences
during class. I enjoy teaching and the challenges it represents.
• Department Committees
Graduate Committee 1992–1993, Chair 1993–94, member 1997–present, Chair 2008–2011
Graduate Curriculum Committee Chair 2011–present
Comprehensive Exam 1996–2001, Chair in 1999-2001
Graduate 1st year advisor 1999–2008
Faculty Searches: 1987 (2), 1990, 1992, 1997 (2), 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 (2), 2003, 2005, 2006
Promotion and Tenure since 1995; chair in 1998-99 & 2002-03
Advisory 1994–2003; 2006–2011
Ad-hoc Board of Regents Ph.D. Evaluation 1995–1996
Ad-hoc Physical Science Cte., Chair, 1998–2002
Faculty Mentor for G. Harp, J. Shields, L. Wilen, J. Heremans, S. Hla, I. Braslavsky and A. Neiman
Teaching Evaluation Cte. 1997, 1998-chair, 2002, 2004
Service Evaluation Cte. (1999, 2000-chair, 2005–2007, 2007-chair, 2010, 2011, 2012-chair
Research Evaluation Cte. 2002
Nanoscience ad hoc Cte. 2000-chair
Ad hoc Cte. to write prop. for Univ. Research Priorities, 2003-2004
Search Cte. for Dept. Administrator 2000, 2006
Executive Cte. of BNNT (BioNanoscience and NanoTechnology, part of OU NBI), 2004–2010
• College Committees
Curriculum 1993–1994
Promotion and Tenure 1990–1994, 1997–2001, 2003, 2005
Ad-hoc Research Task Force 1994–1995
Dean of Arts and Sciences Search 1995–1996
Research and Scholarly Activities 1996, 2002-2005
Contemporary History Inst. Review Cte 1998, Chair
Chemistry Dept. P&T 1999-2002 & 2004
Chemistry Dept. Faculty Search 2003
• University Committees
Advisory Cte. Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute 2009–present
Chair of Task Force to create the Graduate College at OU 2007-2008
Council on Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2000–01, 2002, 2003-2009/ Chair 2003–2008
Co-chair (with Mike Mumper) of the Graduate Education and Research Board 2006–2008
Vision Ohio - Research Team Task Force 2005–2006
Search Cte. for Provost, 2004-2005
Ad hoc Cte. to evaluate VP Research Priorities, 2004–2005
Frontiers in Science 1999-2000, 2001–2002 Chair
Doctoral Enhancement Evaluation – Spring 2000
Fac. Search for Interdisciplinary EECS position 1999 and 2000
Condensed Matter and Surface Sciences Program, Director/Coordinator 1992–1999
OU Research Committee 1990–1993
Postdoctoral Fellow 1991, 1992
Provost ad-hoc Instruction Technology 1996
Misc. Staff Searches 3+
ORITE Review Cte. 1998
1804 Undergraduate Education Fund Cte. 1998
• Other Activities
· Member of Ohio Univ. Faculty Senate 1994–2000
(Promotion and Tenure Standing Cte, 1994–1997;
Professional Relations Standing Cte, 1997–2000, Chair in 1998-2000)
· Member of Academic Committee for Ohio MatNet, 1996
• Publications in Refereed Journals
1. G. S. Diniz, A. Latgé, and S. E. Ulloa, Helicoidal fields and spin polarized currents in CNT-DNA hybrids,
submitted to PRL (Dec 2011).
2. J. E. Rolon, K. C. Wijesundara, S. E. Ulloa, A. S. Bracker, D. Gammon, and E. A. Stinaff, Oscillatory
acoustic phonon relaxation of excitons in quantum dot molecules, to appear in JOSB (2011).
3. A. Wong, W. B. Lane, L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, K. Ingersent, N. Sandler, and S. E. Ulloa, Signatures of
entanglement and quantum phase transitions in parallel quantum dots, submitted to PRB (2011).
4. T.-M. Liu, A. T. Ngo, B. Hemingway, S. Herbert, M. Melloch, S. E. Ulloa, and A. Kogan, A quantitative
study of spin-flip co-tunneling transport in a quantum dot, submitted to PRB (2011).
5. M. Zarea, S. E. Ulloa, and N. Sandler, Enhancement of the Kondo effect through Rashba spin-orbit interactions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 046601 (2012).
6. A. T. Ngo, J. Rodriguez-Laguna, S. E. Ulloa, and E. H. Kim, Quantum manipulation via atomic-scale
magnetoelectric effects, Nano Letters 12, 13–16 (2012).
7. A. T. Ngo, E. H. Kim, and S. E. Ulloa, Spatial correlations in chaotic nanoscale systems with spin-orbit
coupling, Phys. Rev. B 84, 155457 (2011).
8. K. C. Wijesundara, J. E. Rolon, S. E. Ulloa, A. S. Bracker, D. Gammon, and E. A. Stinaff, Tunable exciton
relaxation in vertically coupled semiconductor quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 84, 081404(R) (2011).
9. E. Vernek, P. Orellana, and S. E. Ulloa, Suppression of Kondo screening by the Dicke effect in multiple
quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 82, 165304 (2010).
10. U. G. E. Perera, H. J. Kulik, V. Iancu, L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, S. E. Ulloa, N. Marzari, and S.-W. Hla,
Spatially Extended Kondo State in Magnetic Molecules Induced by Interfacial Charge Transfer, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 105, 106601 (2010).
11. J. E. Rolon and S. E. Ulloa, Coherent control of indirect excitonic qubits in optically driven quantum dot
molecules, Phys. Rev. B 82, 115307 (2010).
12. W. Zhang, R. Yang, Y. Zhao, S. Duan, P. Zhang, and S. E. Ulloa, Interchain coupling induced localization/delocalization in coupled one-dimensional ordered and disordered chains, Phys. Rev. B 81, 214202
13. A. T. Ngo, P. Debray, and S. E. Ulloa, Lateral spin-orbit interaction and spin polarization in quantum
point contacts, Phys. Rev. B 81, 115328 (2010).
14. L. G.G.V. Dias da Silva, M. L. Tiago, S. E. Ulloa, F. A. Reboredo, and E. Dagotto, Many-body electronic
structure and Kondo properties of cobalt-porphyrin molecules, Phys. Rev. B 80, 155443 (2009).
15. W. Zhang, R. Yang, and S. E. Ulloa, Charge transport in DNA molecules: Cooperative interplay between
the disordered base-pair channel and the ordered backbone, Phys. Rev. E 80, 051901 (2009).
16. P. Debray, S. M. S. Rahman, J. Wan, R. S. Newrock, M. Cahay, A. T. Ngo, S. E. Ulloa, S. T. Herbert, M.
Muhammad, and M. Johnson, All-electric quantum point contact spin-polarizer, Nature Nanotech. 4, 759
17. E. Vernek, N. Sandler, and S. E. Ulloa, Kondo screening suppression by spin-orbit interaction in quantum
dots, Phys. Rev. B 80, 041302(R) (2009).
18. E. Vernek, C. A. Büsser, G. B. Martins, E. V. Anda, N. Sandler, and S. E. Ulloa, Kondo regime in
triangular arrangements of quantum dots: Molecular orbitals, interference and contact effects, Phys. Rev.
B 80, 035119 (2009).
19. C. L. Romano, P. I. Tamborenea, and S. E. Ulloa, Spin-orbit effects on two-electron states in nanowhisker
double quantum dots, Physica E 41, 1577 (2009).
20. J. E. Rolon and S. E. Ulloa, Förster energy transfer signatures in optically driven quantum dot molecules,
Phys. Rev. B 79, 245309 (2009).
21. L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, N. Sandler, P. Simon, K. Ingersent, and S. E. Ulloa, Tunable pseudogap Kondo
effect and quantum phase transitions in Aharonov-Bohm interferometers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 166806
22. C. Trallero-Giner, V. Lopez-Richard, S. E. Ulloa, and G.E. Marques, Eigenstate symmetries and information transfer in parabolic quantum reflectors, Phys. Rev. B 79, 153403 (2009).
23. A. T. Ngo, J. M. Villas-Bôas, and S. E. Ulloa, Spin polarization control via magnetic barriers and spin-orbit
effects, Phys. Rev. B 78, 245310 (2008).
24. L. Meza-Montes, C. F. Destefani, and S. E. Ulloa, Spin-orbit coupling and the singlet-triplet transition in
lateral double quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 78, 205307 (2008).
25. L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, K. Ingersent, N. P. Sandler and S. E. Ulloa, Conductance signatures of Kondo
interference and quantum criticality in double quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 78, 153304 (2008).
26. A. H. Rodriguez, L. Meza-Montes, C. Trallero-Giner, and S. E. Ulloa, Multi-level system in ac-driven fields:
symmetries and dynamics in a self-assembled quantum lens, Phys. Rev. B 77, 235405 (2008).
27. E. S. Noh, H. M. Lee, S. C. Lee, and S. E. Ulloa, A theoretical study of a spin polarized transport and giant
magnetoresistance: The effect of the number of layers in a magnetic multilayer, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 083903
28. E. S. Noh, S. E. Ulloa, and H. M. Lee, A theoretical study of an amorphous aluminium oxide layer used as
a tunnel barrier in a magnetic tunnel junction, Phys. Stat. Sol. B 244, 4427-4430 (2007).
29. L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, N. P. Sandler, K. Ingersent, and S. E. Ulloa, Dias da Silva et al. Reply: A Reply
to the Comment by L. Vaugier, A. A. Aligia, and A. M. Lobos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 209702 (2007).
30. L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, J. M. Villas-Bôas, and S. E. Ulloa, Tunneling and optical control in quantum
ring molecules, Phys. Rev. B 76, 155306 (2007).
31. E. Vernek, E. V. Anda, S. E. Ulloa, and N. Sandler, Phonon-assisted tunneling regimes in diatomic
molecules, Phys. Rev. B 76, 075320 (2007).
32. J. M. Villas-Boas, S. E. Ulloa, and A. O. Govorov, Spin polarized photocurrent from quantum dots, Phys.
Rev. B 75, 155334 (2007).
33. E. S. Noh, S. E. Ulloa, and H. M. Lee, Finite-element method study for the spin-polarized transport in a
hybrid spin valve, J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 310, 1889–1891 (2007).
34. D. Csontos and S. E. Ulloa, Crossover from diffusive to ballistic transport in semiconductor nanostructures,
J. Appl. Phys. 101, 033711 (2007).
35. L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, N. P. Sandler, K. Ingersent, and S. E. Ulloa, Zero-field Kondo splitting and
quantum-critical transition in double quantum dots, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 096603 (2006).
36. A. Weichselbaum and S. E. Ulloa, Tunability of qubit Coulomb interaction: Numerical analysis of top-gate
depletion in two-dimensional electron systems, Phys. Rev. B 74, 085318 (2006).
37. W. Zhang and S. E. Ulloa, ac-Field-controlled localization-delocalization transition in a one-dimensional
disordered system, Phys. Rev. B 74, 115304 (2006).
38. D. Csontos and S. E. Ulloa, Spin polarization control in semiconductors by electric-field gradients, Phys.
Rev. B 74, 155207 (2006).
39. C. L. Romano, P. I. Tamborenea, and S. E. Ulloa, Spin relaxation rates in quasi-one-dimensional coupled
quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 74, 155433 (2006).
40. C. Ellenberger, B. Simovic, R. Leturcq, T. Ihn, S. E. Ulloa, K. Ensslin, D. C. Driscoll, and A. C. Gossard,
Two-subband quantum Hall effect in parabolic quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 74, 195313 (2006).
41. M. Zarea and S. E. Ulloa, Spin Hall effect in two-dimensional p-type semiconductors in a magnetic field,
Phys. Rev. B 73, 165306 (2006).
42. M. S. Kushwaha and S. E. Ulloa, Plasmon excitations in a two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit
interactions: Zero magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 73, 205306 (2006).
43. M. S. Kushwaha and S. E. Ulloa, Charge-density excitations in a quasi-one-dimensional electron gas with
spin-orbit interactions: Zero magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 73, 045335 (2006).
44. E. S. Noh, H. M. Lee, and S. E. Ulloa, A theoretical study of the effect of electronic structures of ferromagnets
on giant magnetoresistance, J. of Korean Phys. Soc. 48, 451–459 (2006).
45. F. Mireles, S. E. Ulloa, E. Cota, and F. Rojas, Bipolar spin filter in a quantum dot molecule, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 88, 093118 (2006).
46. A. N. Al-Ahmadi and S. E. Ulloa, Extended coherent exciton states in quantum dot arrays, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 88, 043110 (2006).
47. R. Romo and S. E. Ulloa, Dynamic polarization tunneling: A new spin filtering mechanism, Phys. Rev. B
72, 121305(R) (2005).
48. M. Zarea and S. E. Ulloa, Landau level mixing by full spin-orbit interactions, Phys. Rev. B 72, 085342
49. E. Vernek, E. V. Anda, S. E. Ulloa, and N. Sandler, Phonon Rabi-assisted tunneling in diatomic molecules,
Phys. Rev. B 72, 121405(R) (2005).
50. L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, S. E. Ulloa, and T. V. Shahbazyan, Polarization and Aharonov-Bohm oscillations
in quantum-ring magnetoexcitons, Phys. Rev. B 72, 125327 (2005).
51. J. M. Villas-Boas, S. E. Ulloa, and A. O. Govorov, Photocurrent oscillations in a quantum dot photodiode,
Solid State Comm. 134, 33–35 (2005).
52. C. F. Destefani and S. E. Ulloa, Anisotropic electron g-factor in quantum dots with spin-orbit interaction,
Phys. Rev. B 71, 161303(R) (2005).
53. G. E. Marques, A. C. R. Bittencourt, C. F. Destefani, and S. E. Ulloa, Multichannel field-effect spin barrier
selector, Phys. Rev. B 72, 045313 (2005).
54. C. F. Destefani and S. E. Ulloa, Oscillatory spin relaxation rates in quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 72,
115326 (2005).
55. D. Csontos and S. E. Ulloa, Quasiballistic, nonequilibrium electron distribution in inhomogeneous semiconductor structures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 253103 (2005).
56. J. M. Villas-Bôas, S. E. Ulloa, and A.O. Govorov, Decoherence of Rabi oscillations in a single quantum
dot, Phys. Rev. Lett 94, 057404 (2005).
57. C. L. Romano, S. E. Ulloa, and P. I. Tamborenea, Level structure and spin-orbit effects in quasi-onedimensional semiconductor nanostructures, Phys. Rev. B 71, 035336 (2005).
58. C. F. Destefani, S. E. Ulloa, and G. E. Marques Spin-orbit coupling and intrinsic spin mixing in quantum
dots, Phys. Rev. B 69, 125302 (2004).
59. W. Zhang and S. E. Ulloa, Extended states in disordered systems: role of off-diagonal correlations, Phys.
Rev. B 69, 153203 (2004).
60. C. Trallero-Giner, S. E. Ulloa, and V. López-Richard, Parabolic quantum corrals, Phys. Rev. B 69, 115423
61. M. Sigrist, A. Fuhrer, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, S. E. Ulloa, W. Wegscheider, M. Bichler, Magnetic field dependent
transmission phase of a double dot system in a quantum ring, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 066802 (2004).
62. J.M. Villas-Bôas, A.O. Govorov, and S. E. Ulloa, Coherent control of tunneling in a quantum dot molecule,
Phys. Rev. B 69, 125342 (2004).
63. A. Weichselbaum and S. E. Ulloa, Charge qubits and limitations of electrostatic quantum gates, Phys. Rev.
A 70, 032328 (2004).
64. J.M. Villas-Bôas, S. E. Ulloa, and N. Studart, Selective coherent destruction of tunneling in a quantum-dot
array, Phys. Rev. B 70, 041302 (2004).
65. L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, S. E. Ulloa, and A.O. Govorov, Impurity effects on the Aharonov-Bohm optical
signatures of neutral quantum-ring magnetoexcitons, Phys. Rev. B 70, 155318 (2004).
66. A. Weichselbaum and S. E. Ulloa, Aharonov-Bohm phase as quantum gate in two-electron charge qubits,
Phys. Rev. B 70, 195332 (2004).
67. A. N. Al-Ahmadi and S. E. Ulloa, Coherent state monitoring in quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid
Comm., 70, 201302 (2004) .
68. A. Pioda, S. Kicin, T. Ihn, M. Sigrist, K. Ensslin, A. Weichselbaum, S. E. Ulloa, M. Reinwald, and W.
Wegscheider, Spatially resolved Coulomb blockade in quantum dots, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 216801 (2004).
69. C. F. Destefani, S. E. Ulloa, and G. E. Marques, Spin-orbit and electronic interactions in narrow-gap
quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 70, 205315 (2004).
70. T. Heinzel, R. Jäggi, E. Ribeiro, M.v. Waldkirch, K. Ensslin, S. E. Ulloa, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P. M.
Petrof, Transport signatures of correlated disorder in a two-dimensional electron gas, Europhys. Lett. 61
674–680 (2003).
71. A. Weichselbaum and S. E. Ulloa, Potential landscapes and induced charges near metallic islands in three
dimensions, Phys. Rev. E 68, 056707 (2003).
72. A.O. Govorov, S. E. Ulloa, K. Karrai, and R. Warburton, Polarized excitons in nanorings and the ‘optical’
Aharonov-Bohm effect, Rapid Communications, Phys. Rev. B 66, 081309(R) (2002).
73. N. Takeuchi and S. E. Ulloa, First principles calculations of the structural and electronic properties of the
ScN(001) surface, Phys. Rev. B 65, 235307 (2002). [Erratum: ibid 67, 049901 (2003).]
74. M.A. Olivares-Robles and S. E. Ulloa, Dipole crystals in two-dimensional systems, Phys. Status Solidi (b)
233, 280–285 (2002).
75. J.M. Villas-Bôas, W. Zhang, S. E. Ulloa, P.H. Rivera, and N. Studart, Non-perturbative electron dynamics
in crossed fields, Phys. Rev. B 66, 085325 (2002).
76. W. Zhang, A.O. Govorov, and S. E. Ulloa, Polarons with a twist, Rapid Communications, Phys. Rev. B
66, 060303(R) (2002).
77. W. Zhang, A.O. Govorov, and S. E. Ulloa, Holstein polarons in a strong electric field: delocalized and
stretched states, Phys. Rev. B 66, 134302 (2002).
78. S. Lindemann, M. Bänninger, T. Ihn, T. Heinzel, S. E. Ulloa, K. Ensslin, K. Maranowski, and A. C.
Gossard, Lateral superlattices on parabolic quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 66, 165317 (2002).
79. F. Rojas, E. Cota and S. E. Ulloa, Quantum dynamics, dissipation, and asymmetry effects in quantum dot
arrays, Phys. Rev. B 66, 235305 (2002).
80. W. Zhang, A.O. Govorov, and S. E. Ulloa, Delocalization of Wannier-Stark ladders by coherent phonons:
tunneling and stretched polarons, Europhys. Lett. 58 857–863 (2002).
81. F.M. Izrailev, A.A. Krokhin, and S. E. Ulloa, Mobility edge in aperiodic Kronig-Penney potentials with
correlated disorder: perturbative approach, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Comm., 63, 041102–1 to –4 (2001).
82. A. H. Rodrı́guez, C. Trallero-Giner, S. E. Ulloa, and J. Marı́n-Antuña, Electronic states in a quantum lens,
Phys. Rev. B 63, 125319–1 to –9 (2001).
83. J. Song and S. E. Ulloa, Magnetic field effects on quantum ring excitons, Phys. Rev. B 63, 125302–1 to
–9 (2001).
84. M. A. Olivares and S. E. Ulloa, Interaction potential between dynamic dipoles: polarized excitons in strong
magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. B 64, 115302–1 to –8 (2001).
85. C. Trallero-Herrero, C. Trallero-Giner, S. E. Ulloa, and R. Perez-Alvarez, Electronic states in a cylindrical
quantum lens: quantum chaos for decreasing system symmetry, Phys. Rev. E 64, 056237–1 to –7 (2001).
86. R. López-Bolaños, G. H. Cocoletzi, and S. E. Ulloa, Electronic states and tunneling times in coupled
self-assembled quantum dots, Superlatt. Microstruct. 30 279–285 (2001).
87. A.L. Chudnovskiy and S. E. Ulloa, Kondo and mixed valence regimes in multi-level quantum dots, Phys.
Rev. B 63, 165316–1 to –5 (2001).
88. P. Pereyra and S. E. Ulloa, Magnetic field and quantum dot asymmetry effects on excitons, Phys. Rev. B
61, 2128–2137 (2000).
89. A.L. Chudnovskiy and S. E. Ulloa, Quantum Hall conductivity and resonances in coupled layers, Europhys.
Lett. 49, 362–368 (2000).
90. M. Yu, S. E. Ulloa, and D. A. Drabold, Local basis quasiparticle calculations and the dielectric response
function of Si clusters, Phys. Rev. B 61, 2626–2631 (2000).
91. F. Mireles and S. E. Ulloa, Strain and crystallographic orientation effects on the valence subbands of wurtzite
quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 62, 2562–2572 (2000).
92. R. A. Nava-Vázquez, S. E. Ulloa, and M. del Castillo-Mussot, Excited states effects in the dielectric function
of a 2D boson system, Phys. Stat. Solidi 221, 797–813 (2000).
93. G. H. Cocoletzi and S. E. Ulloa, Quasi-one-dimensional excitons in lateral surface-induced superlattices,
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94. F. Ramı́rez, E. Cota, and S. E. Ulloa, Coulomb coupling and the role of symmetries in quantum dot arrays
for cellular automata, Phys. Rev. B 62, 1912–1920 (2000).
95. F. Mireles and S. E. Ulloa, Zeeman splitting of shallow donors in GaN, Appl. Phys. Lett., 74, 248–250
96. H. Kato, F.M. Peeters, and S. E. Ulloa, The remote plasmon polaron, Europhys. Lett. 45, 235–241 (1999).
97. E. Badran and S. E. Ulloa, Frequency-dependent magnetotransport and particle dynamics in magnetic
modulation systems, Phys. Rev. B 59, 2824–2832 (1999).
98. F. Ramı́rez, E. Cota, and S. E. Ulloa, Correlation and symmetry effects in transport through an artificial
molecule, Phys. Rev. B 59, 5717 (1999).
99. D. Alfonso, and S. E. Ulloa, Simulation of hyperthermal deposition of Si and C on SiC surfaces, Appl.
Phys. Lett. 74, 55–57 (1999).
100. F. Mireles and S. E. Ulloa, Ordered Hamiltonian and matching conditions for heterojunctions with wurtzite
symmetry: GaN/Alx Ga1−x N quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 60, 13659–13666 (1999).
101. E. Menéndez-Proupin, C. Trallero-Giner, and S. E. Ulloa, Resonant Raman scattering in self-assembled
quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 60, 16747–16757 (1999).
102. T.V. Shahbazyan and S. E. Ulloa, Localized states in strong magnetic field: resonant scattering and the
Dicke effect, Phys. Rev. B 57, 6642 (1998).
103. F. Mireles and S. E. Ulloa, Acceptor binding energies in GaN and AlN, Phys. Rev. B 58, 3879–3887 (1998).
104. T.V. Shahbazyan and S. E. Ulloa, Coulomb drag in mesoscopic rings, Phys. Rev. B 55, 13702–13706 (1997).
105. L. Meza-Montes and S. E. Ulloa, Dynamics of two interacting particles in classical billiards, Rapid Communications, Phys. Rev. E 55, 6319–6322 (1997).
106. C. Noguez and S. E. Ulloa, First principles calculations of optical properties: applications to silicon clusters,
Phys. Rev. B,56, 9719–9725 (1997).
107. T.V. Shahbazyan and S. E. Ulloa, Resonant scattering in a strong magnetic field: exact density of states,
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108. H. Kato, F.M. Peeters, and S. E. Ulloa, The remote Wigner polaron in a two-dimensional electron system,
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109. D. Pfannkuche and S. E. Ulloa, Selection rules for spectroscopy of quantum dots, Festkörperprobleme,
Advances in Solid State Physics 35, 65–80 (Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1996). Invited Review.
110. D.R. Alfonso, D.A. Drabold, and S. E. Ulloa, Structure of diamond (100) stepped surfaces from ab initio
calculations, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 8, 641–647 (1996).
111. D.R. Alfonso, C. Noguez, D.A. Drabold, and S. E. Ulloa, First-principles studies of hydrogenated Si(111)–
7×7, Phys. Rev. B 54, 8028–8032 (1996).
112. J. Song, S. E. Ulloa, and D.A. Drabold, Exciton-induced lattice relaxation and the electronic and vibrational
spectra of silicon clusters, Phys. Rev. B, 53, 8042–8051 (1996).
113. C. Noguez and S. E. Ulloa, Anisotropic optical response of the diamond (111)-2×1 surface, Phys. Rev. B
53, 13138–13145 (1996).
114. T.V. Shahbazyan and S. E. Ulloa, Far-infrared absorption in parallel quantum wires with weak tunneling,
Phys. Rev. B 54, 16749–16756 (1996).
115. D.R. Alfonso, D.A. Drabold and S. E. Ulloa, Phonon modes of diamond (100) surfaces from ab initio
calculations, Phys. Rev. B 51, 1989–1992 (1995).
116. D. Pfannkuche and S. E. Ulloa, Selection rules for transport excitation spectroscopy of few-electron quantum
dots, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 1194–1197 (1995).
117. H.M. Guerrero, G.H. Cocoletzi and S. E. Ulloa, Wannier states in a ‘diatomic’ semiconductor superlattice,
J. Appl. Phys. 78, 2541–2546 (1995).
118. E. Cota and S. E. Ulloa, Charging effects on double barrier resonant tunneling, Phys. Rev. B 51, 10875–
10879 (1995).
119. D.R. Alfonso, D.A. Drabold, and S. E. Ulloa, Structural, electronic, and vibrational properties of diamond
(100), (111) and (110) surfaces from ab initio calculations, Phys. Rev. B 51, 14669–14685 (1995).
120. J.Y. Song and S. E. Ulloa, Geometrical confinement effects on excitons in quantum disks, Phys. Rev. B
52, 9015–9022 (1995).
121. X.J. Wu and S. E. Ulloa, Collective electronic excitations in C60 crystals, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications, 49, 7825–7828 (1994).
122. D.R. Alfonso, S. E. Ulloa, and D.W. Brenner, Hydrocarbon adsorption on a diamond (100) stepped surface,
Phys. Rev. B 49, 4948–4953 (1994).
123. G.H. Cocoletzi and S. E. Ulloa, Excitons confined by split-gate potentials, Phys. Rev. B 49, 7573–7576
124. D.M. Kachintsev and S. E. Ulloa, Dielectric function and collective modes of two-dimensional interacting
bosons, Phys. Rev. B 50, 8715–8721 (1994).
125. Y.S. Joe, R.M. Cosby, M.W.C. Dharma-Wardana, and S. E. Ulloa, Conductance oscillations due to a
controllable impurity in a quantum box, J. Appl. Phys. 76, 4676–4681 (1994).
126. Y.S. Joe and S. E. Ulloa, Reply to Comment on “Electroconductance oscillations and quantum interference
in ballistic nanostructures”, Phys. Rev. B 49, 16803–16804 (1994).
127. X.G. Wu and S.E. Ulloa, Electronic states and collective excitations of a two-dimensional electron gas in
a uni-directional magnetic field modulation, Phys. Rev. B 47, 7182–7186 (1993).
128. Y.S. Joe and S.E. Ulloa, Electroconductance oscillations and quantum interference in ballistic nanostructures, Phys. Rev. B 47, 9948–9951 (1993).
129. X.J. Wu and S. E. Ulloa, Raman scattering and collective excitations in doped tunneling semiconductor
superlattices, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Comm., 47, 6799–6802 (1993).
130. X.G. Wu and S. E. Ulloa, Collective excitations of a two-dimensional electron gas in a two-dimensional
magnetic field modulation, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications, 47, 10028–10031 (1993).
131. N. Kim and S.E. Ulloa, Collective modes in tunneling quantum dot arrays, Phys. Rev. B 48, 11987–11990
132. Y.S. Joe and S. E. Ulloa, Quantum electronic interferometer without a potential barrier, J. Appl. Phys.
74, 5892–5894 (1993).
133. X.J. Wu and S. E. Ulloa, Collective excitations and inelastic electron scattering in semiconductor superlattices, Phys. Rev. B 48, 14407–14415 (1993).
134. D.R. Alfonso and S. E. Ulloa, Molecular dynamics simulations of methyl radical deposition on diamond
(100) surfaces, Phys. Rev. B 48, 12235–12239 (1993).
135. W. Han, E.R. Hunt, S.E. Ulloa, and R.F. Frindt, Surface superlattice in Ag-intercalated TaS2 , Phys. Rev.
B 45, 14415–14418 (1992).
136. S. E. Ulloa, A. MacKinnon, E. Castaño, and G. Kirczenow, From ballistic transport to localization, Chapt.
16 in Handbook on Semiconductors, P.T. Landsberg, editor (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1992) Vol. 1, pp.
863–975. Invited Review.
137. X.G. Wu and S. E. Ulloa, Electronic levels and collective excitations in a two-dimensional system with a
spatial magnetic field modulation, Solid State Commun. 82, 945–949 (1992).
138. J. Zhang, S.E. Ulloa, and W.L. Schaich, Infrared active excitations in tunneling superlattices and dparameter theory, Phys. Rev. B, 43, 9865–9878 (1991).
139. X.G. Wu and S.E. Ulloa, Electron-phonon interaction in double-barrier resonant tunneling, Phys. Rev. B
44, 13148–13151 (1991).
140. J. Zhang, S.E. Ulloa and W.L. Schaich, Electronic modes and infrared optical excitation in tunneling
superlattices, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Comm., 41, 5467–5470 (1990).
141. S.E. Ulloa, E. Castaño and G. Kirczenow, Quantized ballistic conductance in a mesoscopic superlattice,
Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Comm., 41, 12350–12353 (1990).
142. Y.S. Joe and S.E. Ulloa, Surface resonant levels in semiconductor superlattices, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 2,
7137–7142 (1990).
143. E. Castaño, G. Kirczenow, and S.E. Ulloa, Nonlinear transport in ballistic quantum chains, Phys. Rev. B,
Rapid Comm., 42, 3753–3756 (1990).
144. Y.C. Lee, B.S. Mendoza and S.E. Ulloa, Superconductivity in slender structures, Superconductor Science
and Technology 1, 352–359 (1989).
145. J. Zhang and S.E. Ulloa, Miniband-gap optical excitations in doped semiconductor superlattices, Solid State
Communications 71, 643–647 (1989).
146. S.E. Ulloa and G. Kirczenow, Electronic states of doped semiconductor superlattices in magnetic and electric
fields, Phys. Rev. B 37, 8337–8345 (1988).
147. J. Zhang and S.E. Ulloa, Depletion regions and electronic surface states in doped semiconductor superlattices, Phys. Rev. B, 38, 2063–2067 (1988).
148. S.E. Ulloa and G. Kirczenow, Electronic structure of staging dislocations, electron scattering states, and
the residual resistance of graphite intercalation compounds, Phys. Rev. B 35, 795–805 (1987).
149. S.E. Ulloa and G. Kirczenow, Nonlinear theory of domain walls and domain effective interactions in intercalation compounds, Phys. Rev. B 33, 1360–1371 (1986).
150. S.E. Ulloa and G. Kirczenow, Staging walls in graphite intercalation compounds, Comments on Cond.
Matter Phys. 12, 181–198 (1986). Invited Review.
151. S.E. Ulloa and G. Kirczenow, Novel electron tunneling behavior at staging dislocations and the residual
resistance of graphite intercalation compounds, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2537–2540 (1986).
152. S.E. Ulloa and G. Kirczenow, Charge profiles of the staging walls in graphite intercalation compounds, Solid
State Commun. 60, 31–34 (1986).
153. S.E. Ulloa and G. Kirczenow, Novel surface states and the quantum Hall effect in an anisotropic threedimensional system, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2991–2994 (1986).
154. S.E. Ulloa and G. Kirczenow, Nonlinear theory of domain walls and the anomalies of intercalation kinetics,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 218–221 (1985).
155. Y.C. Lee and S.E. Ulloa, Wavelength-dependent dielectric function of a thin semiconductor film, J. Phys.
C 17, 2239–2247 (1984).
156. Y.C. Lee, S.E. Ulloa and P.S. Lee, Multiple branches of acoustic plasma oscillations in thin wires, J. Phys.
C 16, L995–L1003 (1983).
157. Y. Okamura, E. Blaisten-Barojas, S.V. Godoy, S.E. Ulloa and S. Fujita, Study of the correlated walks with
reflecting walls, J. Chem. Phys. 76, 601–608 (1982).
158. A. Isihara and S.E. Ulloa, Magnetic susceptibility of a two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum strong
magnetic field limit, Solid State Commun. 41, 763–764 (1982).
159. E. Ley-Koo, E. Castano, D. Finotello, E. Nahmad-Achar and S.E. Ulloa, Alternative form of the hydrogenic
wave functions for an extended, uniformly charged nucleus, Am. J. Phys. 48, 949–953 (1980).
• Refereed Conference Proceedings
1. L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, N. Sandler, K. Ingersent, and S. E. Ulloa, Transmission in double quantum
dots in the Kondo regime: Quantum-critical transitions and interference effects, EP2DS 2007 Conference.
Physica E 40, 1002-1005 (2008).
2. J. E. Rolon and S. E. Ulloa, Förster signatures and qubits in optically driven quantum dot molecules,
EP2DS 2007 Conference. Physica E 40, 1481-1483 (2008).
3. L. Meza-Montes, Arezky H. Rodrguez and S. E. Ulloa, Terahertz fields and the dynamical control of spin
in quantum dot molecules, EP2DS 2007 Conference. Physica E 40, 1226-1228 (2008).
4. D. Csontos and S. E. Ulloa, Strong spin relaxation length dependence on electric field gradients, 4th Intl.
Conf. on Physics and Applications of Spin-related Phenomena in Semiconductors (PASPS IV), August 2006;
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 3, 4259–4262 (2006).
5. A.T. Ngo, J. M. Villas-Bôas and S. E. Ulloa, Spin polarization control in two-dimensional electron systems:
enhanced Zeeman splitting and spin-orbit interaction effects, IEEE-NANO 2006. Sixth IEEE Conference on
Nanotechnology, 2006. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2, 838–841 (2006).
6. D. Csontos and S. E. Ulloa, Modelling of transport through submicron semiconductor structures: A direct
solution to the Poisson-Boltzmann equations, International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE10), West Lafayette, IN, October 25–29, 2004. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 2006.
7. E. Vernek, S. E. Ulloa, N. Sandler, E. V. Anda, Kondo Regime of a Quantum Dot Molecule: A Finite-U
Slave-Boson Approach, Physica E 34, 608–611 (2006).
8. J.M. Villas-Bôas, S. E. Ulloa, and A.O. Govorov Photocurrent and spin manipulation in quantum dots,
Physica E 34, 333–335 (2006).
9. L. G. G. V. Dias da Silva, S. E. Ulloa, and T. V. Shahbazyan, Impurity effects in the optical absorption
of quantum rings, Physica E 32, 37–40 (2006).
10. D. Csontos and S. E. Ulloa, Spin injection and accumulation in inhomogeneous semiconductors: A selfconsistent, semiclassical approach, Physica E 32, 412–415 (2006).
11. J. M. Villas-Bôas, S. E. Ulloa, and A. O. Govorov, Spin polarized photocurrent from a single quantum dot,
AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 683–684 (2005).
12. A. N. Al-Ahmadi and S. E. Ulloa, Dynamics of quantum dot clusters and state monitoring, AIP Conf.
Proc. 772, 761–762 (2005).
13. A. Pioda, S. Kicin, T. Ihn, M. Sigrist, A. Fuhrer, K. Ensslin, A. Weichselbaum, S. E. Ulloa, M. Reinwald,
and W. Wegscheider, Spatially resolved manipulation of single electrons in quantum dots using a scanned
probe, AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 781–782 (2005).
14. C. F. Destefani, S. E. Ulloa, and G. E. Marques, Intrinsic and phonon-induced spin relaxation in quantum
dots, AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 1325–1326 (2005).
15. J. M. Villas-Boas, S. E. Ulloa, and N. Studart Coherent control of tunneling in a quantum dot array, AIP
Conf. Proc. 772, 1445–1446 (2005).
16. A. Weichselbaum and S. E. Ulloa, Decoherence of Charge Qubit Systems, AIP Conf. Proc. 772, (1),
1467–1468 (2005) (2005).
17. F. Mireles, F. Rojas, E. Cota and S. E. Ulloa, Spin Filter Effect in a Parallel Double Quantum Dot, J.
Supercond. 18, 233–239 (2005).
18. J. M. Villas-Bôas, S. E. Ulloa, and A. O. Govorov, Damping of coherent oscillations in a quantum dot,
Proc. Intl. Conference on Quantum Dots, Banff, Canada, May 2004. Physica E 26, 337–341 (2005).
19. A. Weichselbaum and S. E. Ulloa, Charge qubits and limitations of electrostatic quantum gates, Proc. Intl.
Conference on Quantum Dots, Banff, Canada, May 2004. Physica E 26, 342–346 (2005).
20. G.E. Marques, A.C.R. Bittencourt, V. Lopez-Richard, C.F. Destefani, and S. E. Ulloa, Spin carrier dynamics under full spin-orbit coupling, Microelectronics J. 36, 480–483 (2005).
21. F. Rojas, E. Cota, F. Mireles, and S. E. Ulloa, Spin and charge polarization in quantum dot arrays, Phys.
Stat. Sol. (b) 242, 1214-1218 (2005).
22. A. H. Rodriguez, L. Meza-Montes, C. Trallero-Giner, and S. E. Ulloa, AC-Stark effect in a semi-spherical
quantum dot, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 242, 1820–1823 (2005).
23. G.E. Marques, A.C.R. Bittencourt, V. Lopez-Richard, C.F. Destefani, and S. E. Ulloa, Symmetries and
anisotropies of the electronic states within full spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 242, 1788–1792
24. W. Zhang and S. E. Ulloa, Structural and dynamical disorder and charge transport in DNA, Proceed. III
Ibero American Workshop on Nanostructures for Application in Micro and Optoelectronics, Madrid, Spain,
March 2003; Microelectronics J. 35, 23–26 (2004).
25. J. M. Villas-Bôas, W. Zhang, S. E. Ulloa, P. H. Rivera, and N. Studart, Dynamic localization in tilted
magnetic fields, Proceed. Intl. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh, UK, 29 July to 2 August
2002. To appear in 2003.
26. W. Zhang, A. O. Govorov, and S. E. Ulloa, Holstein polarons in strong electric field, Proceed. Intl. Conf.
on the Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh, UK, 29 July to 2 August 2002. To appear in 2003.
27. J. M. Villas-Bôas, W. Zhang, S. E. Ulloa, P. H. Rivera, and N. Studart, Electron dynamics in quantum wells
under tilted magnetic field and intense AC field, Proceed. 23th Conf. Low-Temperature Physics, Hiroshima,
Japan. Physica E 18, 157-158 (2003).
28. F. Rojas, E. Cota, and S. E. Ulloa, Magnetic field and dissipation effects on the charge polarization
in quantum cellular automata, Proceed. Second International Workshop on Quantum Dots for Quantum
Computing and Classical Size Effect Circuits (IWQDQC-2) held at University of Notre Dame, August 7-9,
2003. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 3, 37–41 (2004).
29. Arezky H. Rodrı́guez, C. Trallero-Giner, S. E. Ulloa, and J. Marı́n-Antuña, Electronic states in a quantum
dot with lens shape geometry: exact solutions, Proceed. of NANO2000, Mexico, Nov. 2000, to appear in
30. S. E. Ulloa, A.O. Govorov, A.V. Kalameitsev, R. Warburton, and K. Karrai, Magnetoexcitons in quantumring structures: a novel magnetic interference effect, Proceed. EP2DS-14; Physica E 12, 790–793 (2002).
31. T. Heinzel, R. Jäggi, M. v. Waldkirch, E. Ribeiro, K. Ensslin, S. E. Ulloa, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P. M.
Petroff, Transport signatures for correlated disorder in self-assembled InAs quantum dots on GaAs, Proceed.
EP2DS-14; Physica E 12, 591–594 (2002).
32. A. Krokhin, F. Izrailev, U. Kuhl, H.-J. Stckmann, and S. E. Ulloa, Random 1D structures as filters for
electrical and optical signals, Proceed. MSS-10; Physica E 13 695–698 (2002).
33. A.O. Govorov, A.V. Kalameitsev, R. Warburton, K. Karrai, and S. E. Ulloa, Excitons in quantum-ring
structures in a magnetic field: Optical properties and persistent currents, Proceed. MSS-10; Physica E 13
297–300 (2002).
34. E. Cota, F. Rojas, and S. E. Ulloa, Dissipative dynamics in quantum dot cell arrays, Proceed. of the PASI,
Costa Rica, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 230 377–383 (2002).
35. A. Chudnovskiy and S. E. Ulloa, Kondo effect in a two-level quantum dot coupled to an external fermionic
reservoir, Proceed. EP2DS-14; Physica E 12, 819–822 (2002).
36. L. Meza-Montes and S. E. Ulloa, Triangular quantum dots in magnetic fields, Proceed. of the PASI, Costa
Rica, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 230 451–456 (2002).
37. A. Weichselbaum and S. E. Ulloa, Electronic dynamics near a metallic island array, Proceed. of the PASI,
Costa Rica, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 230 325–330 (2002).
38. E. Cota, F. Rojas and S. E. Ulloa, Decoherence effects in arrays of coupled quantum dots, MRS Proceed.,
Boston, MA, Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2000, R. Leon, R. Noetzel, S. Fafard, and D. Huffaker, eds., MRS Symp.
Proceed. Vol. 642, J1.12.1–6 (2001).
39. F. Rojas, E. Cota, and S. E. Ulloa, Quantum dot cell coupled to a single mode quantum cavity, MRS
Proceed., Boston, MA, Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2000, R. Leon, R. Noetzel, S. Fafard, and D. Huffaker, eds., MRS
Symp. Proceed. Vol. 642, J3.1.1–5 (2001).
40. F. Rojas, E. Cota, and S. E. Ulloa, Dynamic behavior of asymmetric quantum dot cells, Proceed. of
EP2DS-13, Ottawa, Canada, August 2–6, 1999. Physica E 6, 428–431 (2000).
41. D.R. Alfonso, and S. E. Ulloa, The initial stages of Si and C atom deposition on SiC surfaces studied via
molecular dynamics simulations, Proceed. of CLACSA-9, Havana, Cuba, July 5–9, 1999 (World Scientific,
New York, 2000), p. 29–38.
42. L. Meza-Montes, F.M. Izrailev, and S. E. Ulloa, Quantum-classical correspondence for two interacting
particles in a one-dimensional box, Proceed. of SLAFES-12, Cartagena, Colombia, November 1–5, 1999.
Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 220, 721–727 (2000).
43. M. Yu, S. E. Ulloa, and S. H. Yang, Local basis GW calculations and the dielectric response of Si and C
clusters, MRS Proceed., Boston, MA, November 29 – December 3, 1999, E.L. Shirley, J.R. Chelikowsky,
S.G. Louie, and G. Martinez, eds. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 579, 97–102 (2000).
44. A. H. Rodrı́guez, C. Trallero-Giner, J. Marı́n-Antuña, and S. E. Ulloa, Electronic states of self-assembled
quantum dots: Symmetries in a quantum lens, MRS Proceed., Boston, MA, November 29 – December 3,
1999, E.L. Shirley, J.R. Chelikowsky, S.G. Louie, and G. Martinez, eds. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol.
579, 129–134 (2000).
45. P. Pereyra, A. Kunold, J.L. Cardoso, A. Anzaldo, A. Myzskowski and S. E. Ulloa, Heteroestructures and
quantum dots, Rev. Mex. Fis. 46, 95–100 (Suppl. 2) (2000).
46. E. Badran and S. E. Ulloa, Frequency-dependent magnetotransport and effects of symmetry in magnetic
modulation, ICPS-24, Jerusalem, Israel, 3–7 August 1998. Published in CD form in Summer 1999 to accompany the Conf. Proceedings (Plenum, NY, 1999). Paper V.F.3.
47. A.L. Chudnovskiy and S. E. Ulloa, Quantum Hall effect in coupled layers with different bandwidths, Proceed.
of XXII Condensed Matter Theory Conference, 1–6 June 1998, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN. To
appear 1999.
48. C.Trallero-Giner, E. Menéndez-Proupin, and S. E. Ulloa, Resonant Raman scattering in asymmetric semiconductor quantum disks, Proceed. of ICSSS, Schwbisch Gmnd, Germany, Sept. 5-7, 1999. Phys. Stat.
Solidi (B) 215, 459–463 (1999).
49. E. Badran and S. E. Ulloa, Frequency-dependent magnetotransport in a two-dimensional magnetic modulation system, EP2DS-12 Intl. Conf., Tokyo, Japan, 22–26 September 1997. Physica B 249–251, 339–342
50. L. Meza-Montes and S. E. Ulloa, Effects of interactions and level statistics of two particles moving in an
infinite quantum well, EP2DS-12 Intl. Conf., Tokyo, Japan, 22–26 September 1997. Physica B 249–251,
224–227 (1998).
51. F. Mireles and S. E. Ulloa, Acceptor binding energies in GaN and AlN, Proceedings of the 1997 Fall MRS
Meeting, “Nitride Semiconductors,” F.A. Ponce, S.P. DenBaars, B.K. Meyer, S. Nakamura, and S. Strite,
editors. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 482, 839–844 (1998).
52. S. E. Ulloa and D. Pfannkuche, Level statistics and interactions in a two-dimensional quantum dot,
Proceed. of Third Intl. Symposium on Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems, Santa Fe, NM, 19–24 May
1996, Superlatt. and Microstr. 21, 21–28 (1997).
53. C. Noguez, R. Esquivel-Sirvent, D.R. Alfonso, S. E. Ulloa, and D.A. Drabold, Optical signature of the GaN
(1010) surface, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 449, 911–916 (1997).
54. L. Meza-Montes, S. E. Ulloa, and D. Pfannkuche, Electron interactions, classical integrability, and level
statistics in quantum dots, Invited Talk in International Workshop on Novel Physics in Low-Dimensional
Electron Systems, MPI-Dresden, Germany, July 28 – August 8, 1997. Physica E 1, 274–280 (1997).
55. T.V. Shahbazyan and S. E. Ulloa, Luttinger liquid approach to non–dissipative Coulomb drag: persistent
currents in coupled mesoscopic rings, International Workshop on Novel Physics in Low-Dimensional Electron
Systems, MPI-Dresden, Germany, July 28 – August 8, 1997. Physica E 1, 259–261 (1997).
56. G.H. Cocoletzi and S. E. Ulloa, Effects of periodic gate potentials on quasi-1D excitons, Proceedings of 7th
Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, July 16–21, 1995; Brazil. J. of Phys. 26, 202–204 (1996).
57. C. Noguez, J. Song, S. E. Ulloa, D.A. Drabold, and S.H. Yang, Size dependence of the optical properties of
silicon clusters, Proceed. of Third Intl. Symposium on Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems, Santa Fe,
NM, 19–24 May 1996, Superlatt. and Microstr. 20, 405–410 (1996).
58. F. Ramı́rez, E. Cota, and S. E. Ulloa, Coulomb effects in artificial molecules, Proceed. of Third Intl.
Symposium on Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems, Santa Fe, NM, 19–24 May 1996, Superlatt. and
Microstr. 20, 523–529 (1996).
59. D. Pfannkuche and S. E. Ulloa, Few electron quantum dots: correlations and collective response, Proceed.
of the Adriatico Conf. on Submicron Quantum Dynamics, Trieste, Italy, June 1994, Quantum dynamics of
submicron structures, H.A. Cerdeira, B. Kramer, and G. Schön, editors (Kluwer Academic Pub, Dordrecht,
1995), pp. 289–296.
60. S. E. Ulloa and D. Pfannkuche, Electronic correlations and the non-linear conductance of quantum dots,
Proceedings of the Banff Conference, August 1994, Superlatt. Microstr. 15, 269–273 (1994).
61. D.R. Alfonso, D.A. Drabold, and S. E. Ulloa, Structure of diamond (100) stepped surfaces from ab initio
calculations, Proceed. of Gordon Conference on Diamond Synthesis, Plymouth, NH, June 1994, to appear
in High Temp. Sci.
62. X.G. Wu and S. E. Ulloa, Electronic states and collective excitations of a two-dimensional electron gas in
spatially modulated magnetic fields, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems, Newport, RI, June 1993, Surf. Sci. 305, 428–433 (1994).
63. R.A. Pappas, E.R. Hunt, and S.E. Ulloa, STM study of CuCl2 intercalated in graphite, International
Conference on STM, Interlaken, Switzerland, August 12–16, 1991, Ultramicroscopy 42–44, 679–682 (1992).
64. J. Zhang, Y.S. Joe and S.E. Ulloa, Surface resonances, tunneling and optical response of doped superlattices,
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures, Ann Arbor, MI,
July 17–21, 1989, Surf. Sci. 228, 422–425 (1990).
65. J. Zhang and S.E. Ulloa, Single-particle and collective excitations of doped superlattices and d-parameter
theory, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems, Grenoble, France, September 1989, Surf. Sci. 229, 415–418 (1990).
66. S.E. Ulloa, E. Castaño and G. Kirczenow, Novel mesoscopic superlattice in a ballistic constriction, Proceed.
SPIE 1284, 57–64 (1990).
67. Y.S. Joe and S.E. Ulloa, Impurity and geometrical effects in ballistic transport in electronic nanostructures,
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November 26 – December 1, 1990, Mat. Res. Soc. Extended Abstracts,
EA-26, 47–50 (1990).
68. S.E. Ulloa, Y.C. Lee and B.S. Mendoza, Interlevel plasmons in quasi-one-dimensional structures, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nanostructure Physics and Fabrication, College Station, TX,
March 13–15, 1989, M.A. Reed and W.P. Kirk, eds. (Academic Press, San Diego, 1989) pp., 141–145.
• Other Contributions
◦ J. E. Rolon and S. E. Ulloa, Procesos Cuánticos en Islas Semiconductoras: Manipulación Óptica y Control
de Estados Coherentes, (Quantum processes in semiconductor islands: optical manipulation and control of
coherent states), to appear in online magazine Mundo Nano (2009).
◦ S. E. Ulloa, Nanoscience in Latin America, Invited Report on the Pan American Advanced Study Institute
on Physics and Technology at the Nanometer Scale, to appear in J. of Nanoparticle Research (2002).
◦ S. E. Ulloa, Atoms, electrons and other solid things, FORUM (publication of the Ohio University College
of Arts and Sciences), Fall 1993, pp. 11–14.
◦ S.E. Ulloa, Confined Electrons, First Colloquium on Surface Physics, University of Sonora, Mexico, May
23–24, 1991 (SEP, Mexico, 1992). In Spanish.
◦ S.E. Ulloa, Optical and Transport Properties of Electronic Structures, Visions (publication of the Ohio
Supercomputer Center), Spring/Summer 1991, pp. 11–15.
◦ Colloquium: Confined Electrons in Semiconductors: From Artificial Atoms to Resonant Scattering and Cellular
Automata, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 26 April 2001
◦ Colloquium: Confined Electrons in Semiconductors: From Artificial Atoms to Resonant Scattering and Cellular
Automata, Marshall University, Huntington, WV, 27 April 2001
◦ Seminar: The Kondo effect in quantum dot systems, CCMC-UNAM, Ensenada, Mexico, 28 November 2001
◦ Colloquium: Confined Electrons in Semiconductors: From Artificial Atoms to Resonant Scattering and Cellular
Automata, Bowling Green State University, 6 December 2001
◦ Colloquium: Confined Electrons in Semiconductors: From Artificial Atoms to Cellular Automata, Dept. of
Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 31 January 2002
◦ Seminar: Interactions and dissipation in quantum dot systems, Dept. of Physics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 12 February 2002
◦ Seminar: Excitons in quantum dots, state symmetries, and optical response, Solid State Inst., ETH-Zurich,
Switzerland, 12 April 2002
◦ Colloquium: Holstein polarons in solids: delocalization, stretching, and twisting, Joint ETH-Z and University
of Zurich Colloquium, 24 April 2002
◦ Seminar: Strong-level mixing and the Kondo effect in multi-level quantum dots, Solid State Seminar, University
of Hannover, Germany, 8 May 2002
◦ Seminar: Holstein polarons in solids: delocalization, stretching, and twisting, Theoretical physics group, University of Freiburg, 19 June 2002
◦ Seminar: Holstein polarons in solids: delocalization, stretching, and twisting, Materials Science Inst. (ICMM),
Madrid, Spain, 27 June 2002
◦ Seminar: Kondo effect for pedestrians, Ensslin’s group seminar, ETH-Zurich, 11 July 2002
◦ Seminar: Phases, dots, and rings, Ensslin’s group seminar, ETH-Zurich, 20 August 2002
◦ Seminar: Phases, dots and rings, Theory group, Pontificia Univ. Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17 September
◦ Seminar: Holstein polarons in solids: delocalization, stretching, and twisting, Physics Dept., Pontificia Univ.
Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 19 September 2002
◦ Seminar: Correlated disorder and the metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional electron gas, Pontificia
Univ. Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 26 September 2002
◦ Seminar: Correlated disorder and the metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional electron gas, Federal
Universidade Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, Brazil, 3 October 2002
◦ Seminar: Correlated disorder and the metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional electron gas, National
University of Colombia, Bogota, 18 February 2003
◦ Seminar: Holstein polarons in solids: delocalization, stretching, and twisting, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,
Colombia, 19 February 2003
◦ Invited Talk: Electric polarization in quantum dot systems: quantum dynamics, dissipation and control at
the nanoscale, Festschrift in honor of Prof. Ruben Barrera, Institute of Physics, National University of Mexico,
UNAM, Mexico City, 3 April 2003
◦ Invited Lecturer: Minicourse on Nanostructures: Optical response and electronic transport, 8 hours of lectures,
Inst. of Physics, University of Puebla, BUAP, Puebla, 16-25 July 2003
◦ Colloquium: Electric polarization in quantum dot systems: quantum dynamics, dissipation and control at the
nanoscale, Lab of Semiconductors, Inst. of Sciences, University of Puebla, BUAP, Puebla, 23 July 2003
◦ Colloquium: Electronic transport in complex molecules: structural correlations and dynamical effects, Inst. of
Physics, University of Puebla, BUAP, Puebla, 25 July 2003
◦ Seminar: Electronic transport in complex molecules: structural correlations and dynamical effects, Centro de
Ciencias de la Materia Condensada, CCMC-UNAM, Ensenada, Mexico, 20 August 2003
◦ Invited Lecturer: Optical response and electronic transport in quantum dots, 6 hours of lectures, as part of the
V National School of Condensed Matter Physics, Armenia, Colombia, August 30 - September 1, 2003
◦ Colloquium: Electric polarization in quantum dot systems: quantum dynamics, dissipation and control at the
nanoscale, Dept. of Physics, Universidad de los Andes, Cali, Colombia, 24 October 2003
◦ Colloquia: (1) Electronic conduction in DNA: myth or possibility?, and (2) Coherent oscillations in artificial
atoms and molecules, Faculty of Sciences, National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, January 23,
◦ Colloquium: Coherent control and probing of artificial atoms, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Texas at El Paso,
April 17, 2004
◦ Seminar: Coherent control and probing of artificial atoms and molecules, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy,
Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, April 21, 2004
◦ Seminar: Coherent control and probing of artificial atoms, Univ. of North Texas, Denton, TX July 6, 2004
◦ Seminars: (1) Charge quantum bits and their implementation in real single-electron transistor arrays, and (2)
Optical control and decoherence of excitonic states in self-assembled quantum dots, Institute of Physics, Univ. of
Puebla, Mexico, July 15 & 22, 2004
◦ Seminar: Control and decoherence of excitonic states in quantum dots: manipulation of optical qubits, Center
for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Univ. of Mexico (UNAM), Ensenada, Mexico, August 25, 2004
◦ Seminar: Control and decoherence of excitonic states in quantum dots: manipulation of optical qubits, Dept. of
Physics, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, October 1, 2004
◦ Seminar: Control and decoherence of excitonic states in quantum dots: manipulation of optical qubits, Dept. of
Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State Univ., October 11, 2004
◦ Colloquium: Polarons in Solids & Molecules: delocalization, stretching, and twisting, Dept. of Physics and
Astronomy, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, November 10, 2004
◦ Colloquium: Nanoscience Ohio University: Spying on coherent Processes with quantum dots, Dept. of Physics,
Wright State Univ., Dayton, OH, January 21, 2005
◦ Colloquium: Einsteins gyrocompass, the spin of the electron and the head of the pin, Kenyon College, Kenyon,
OH, April 15, 2005
◦ Colloquium: Nanoscience Ohio University: Physics and surprised in surfaces and quantum dots, IFUAP,
Puebla, Mexico, June 9, 2005
◦ Colloquium: Quantum optics with quantum dots: Rabi oscillations and Förster effect, IFUNAM, Mexico City,
Mexico, June 10, 2005
◦ Colloquium: Nanoscience Ohio University: Physics and surprised in surfaces and quantum dots, CCMCUNAM, Ensenada, Mexico, June 16, 2005
◦ Seminar: Quantum optics with quantum dots: Coherent states and polarization in energy transfer, Physical
Chemistry Division, Univ. of Florida, Gainsville, FL, September 20, 2005
◦ Seminar: A simple bipolar spin filter in a quantum dot molecule, Nanophysics Ensslin group, ETH-Zurich,
Switzerland, October 7, 2005
◦ Seminar: Qdot can do Kondo and Rabi too, QSIT, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland, October 20, 2005
◦ Seminar: Qdot can do Kondo and Rabi too, Dept. of Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany, November 2,
◦ Colloquium: Nanoscience: Fun and surprises all the way down, Athens High School Auditorium (with Prof.
Arthur Smith), November 15, 2005.
◦ Seminar: Quantum Computing with Quantum Dots, Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina, March 9, 2006.
◦ Colloquium: Coherent Energy Transfer and Polarization Transfer in Nanocrystals Dept. of Physics, Ball State
University, April 20, 2006.
◦ Colloquium: Electrons, coherence, and dots, Institute of Physics, UNAM, Mexico City, September 19, 2006.
◦ Seminar: Electric field effects on spins: inhomogeneous semiconductor spintronics, Frontiers in Condensed
Matter III Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 11-15, 2006.
◦ Seminar: Kondo effect in magnetic adatoms and quantum dots, Centro de Ciencias de la Materia Condensada,
National University of Mexico (UNAM), Ensenada, Mexico, December 6, 2007.
◦ Colloquium: Quantum optics with quantum dots: coherent excitons and spin dynamics, North Texas University,
Denton TX, 22 April 2008.
◦ Colloquium: Kondo effect in magnetic adatoms and quantum dots, Institute of Physics, Univ. of Puebla,
Puebla, Mexico, 5 September 2008.
◦ Colloquium: Quantum optics with quantum dots: coherent excitons and spin dynamics, Univ. of Louisville,
Kentucky, 24 October 2008.
◦ Colloquium: Kondo effect in magnetic adatoms and quantum dots, Department of Physics, Birzeit University,
Palestine, October 15, 2009.
◦ Seminar: Kondo effect in magnetic adatoms, molecules and quantum dots, Institute of Physics, University of
Puebla (BUAP), November 4, 2009.
◦ Condensed Matter Seminar: Exploring the Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots and Magnetic Molecules, Duke
University, Physics Dept., Durham, NC, February 25, 2010.
◦ Colloquium: Probing Magnetic Phenomena on Surfaces... One Molecule at a Time, Physics Department,
Marietta College, Marietta, OH, March 5, 2010.
◦ Condensed Matter Theory Seminar: Exploring the Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots and Magnetic Molecules,
CNEA, Bariloche, Argentina, March 25, 2010.
◦ Colloquium: Probing Magnetic Phenomena on Surfaces... One Molecule at a Time, Physics Department,
Albion College, Albion, MI, April 9, 2010.
◦ Colloquium: , Coherent Excitons and Spin Dynamics in Quantum Dots, Physics Department, University of
North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, April 30, 2010.
◦ Seminar: Topological Insulators, CIAM/MWN Workshop: Physical Properties of Nanoscopic Systems, PUCRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15, 2010.
◦ Seminar: Time Dependent Phenomena in Spin Currents, CIAM/MWN Workshop: Physical Properties of
Nanoscopic Systems, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 13, 2010.
◦ Colloquium: Probing Magnetic Phenomena on Surfaces – One Molecule At A Time, Physics Department,
University of Buffalo, NY, August 27, 2010.
◦ Condensed Matter Theory Seminar: Exploring the Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots and Magnetic Molecules,
University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, September 23, 2010.
◦ Public Presentation: The Role of Immigrants in Science – Physics at the “A Spotlight on Immigration”, John
Carroll University, Cleveland, OH, October 2, 2010.
◦ Seminar: Exploring the Kondo Effect in Quantum Dot Systems, Physics Dept., ETH-Zurich, Switzerland, May
27, 2011.
◦ Seminar: Spin-orbit effects and atomic corrals on surfaces, Applied Physics Dept., University of Hamburg, June
29, 2011.
◦ Seminar: Dynamical and magneto electric effects in two-dimensional quantum corrals with spin-orbit coupling,
CSIC, Madrid, Spain, July 12, 2011.
◦ Seminar: Exploring the Kondo effect in quantum dots and magnetic molecules, Physics Dept., Ludwig Maximilian Univ., Munich, Germany, July 19, 2011.
◦ Seminar: Dynamical and magneto electric effects in two-dimensional quantum corrals with spin-orbit coupling,
Physics Dept., Würzburg Univ., July 21, 2011.
◦ Seminar: Dynamical and magneto electric effects in two-dimensional quantum corrals with spin-orbit coupling,
Instituto Balseiro, CNEA, Bariloche, Argentina, August 11, 2011.