Project Title Project Number Price Start Date Project Lead Electromagnetic Measurement Technologies: Expanding the use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum QET 2016/1 Programme QET April 2016 George Pask, Andrew Smith Co-funding target End Date Project Team March 2017 Staff: James Allerton, Sam AlveyTaylor, Andrew Beardmore, Janet Belliss, Daniel Bownds, David Cheadle, Paul Clarkson, Peter Davis, Richard Dudley, Chris Eio, Irshaad Fatadin, Rob Ferguson, Alva Fernandez, Edward Goodall, Christian Hart, John Howes, David Humphreys, Guner Ibrahim, Clinton Kelly, James King, David Knight, Chong Li, Benjamin Loader, Tian Hong Loh, James Miall, Phil Miller Imran Mohamed, John Molloy, Ralf Mouthaan, Mira Naftaly, Pravin Patel, Keith Pharaoh, Colin Porter, Stephen Protheroe, Nick Ridler, Martin Salter, Thomas Spellman, Daniel Stokes, Barry Thomas, Ben Thornton, Zhengrong Tian, Lucie Vansittart, Adrian Wheaton, Paul Wright PhD Students: Luis Gonzalez Guerrero, Deborah Ritzman, Laurence Stant Summary This project provides the underpinning metrology required for UK national infrastructure (communications and smart grids), develops new methods to accelerate innovation (smart antennas, and exploitation of microwave systems), and delivers traceable measurement services and expertise across the electromagnetic spectrum from DC to THz frequencies to enable trade, validate research and development, and ensure health and safety regulation can be met. The aim of this project is to provide the measurement capability necessary to underpin UK science, engineering and technology that exploits the use of the electromagnetic spectrum with the following aims: 1. 2. 3. 4. Improving energy efficiency of smart-grid technologies Establishing new measurement facilities for next-generation communications technologies Extending measurement bandwidths for space technologies Improving efficiency and the cost-to-accuracy ratio for metrological traceability Although there is much overlap with the spectral usage of these four science areas each area can be viewed as covering a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum: Smart Grids and Sensor Networks tend to be focused on very low frequencies up to RF; Communications and Electronics usually exploit the microwave and millimetre-wave frequency regions; Space and Medical Applications often impact the terahertz, infrared and optical regions. Measurement Traceability impacts all these frequency ranges, because traceability is a fundamental requirement for all technologies exploiting the electromagnetic spectrum. NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence The Need Need for the proposed research This Theme contains a research plan for each of the above four science areas. This plan is a response to identified need for research in each area. This need is described below. 1. Smart Grids and Sensor Networks Integration of levels of 50% intermittent renewable-energy-resources by 2050 requires a control, measurement and communications infrastructure in the form of “Smart Grids” to ensure a stable high quality electricity supply. Smart Grids are only as “smart” as the measurements that observe their state; metrology is critical to understanding power flows and instability mechanisms. The proposed work in this science area will examine the dynamics and observability of a unique trial grid which already integrates 50% levels of renewables in order to determine the disturbance propagation and instability needed to control networks with high renewable penetration. GPS-synchronised digitisers to determine power flows across the grid are emerging as a vital tool for engineers and this science area will examine applications and the metrology implications of its deployment. Smart meter data will also be utilised to determine grid power flows. The output from this work will culminate in a set of measurement tools to help manage and operate future electricity networks. 2. Communications and Electronics High bandwidth mobile communication is an essential tool for wealth creation by UK citizens, with a demandled compound data-growth-rate of 40% per year. The core fibre-optic network is facing a capacity crunch driven by the expansion of mobile data. Where possible, development of existing resources is more economical than installing new capacity and an area where metrology provides a benefit is the challenge for manufacturers to control the cost of next-generation component and test-equipment development. Underpinning metrology supports each new RF and core technology generation with a typical x4 or x10 capacity increase. Metrology is needed for both physical and specification standards development to provide maximum impact. Collaboration with university/industry groups, such as the University of Surrey 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) and the University of Bristol Centre for Communications Research (CCR) is an essential strategy. The output from this work will establish a metrology capability appropriate for next generation communications technology – in the shortterm (i.e. the next few years), this will focus on requirements identified during the upcoming establishment and roll-out of 5G technologies. 3. Space and Medical Applications In the Space area, the European Space Agency (ESA) has tendered the procurement of three earth observation platforms to operate with channels to least 220 GHz and an experimental channel as high as 800 GHz. The procurement processes requires manufacturers to perform the calibration of all equipment; however, the lack of available microwave space-tailored standards drives the development of in-house techniques for these calibrations. Pre-launch calibration error has already been identified as a significant problem in a number of earth observation platforms that utilise microwave channels to collect data about climate change and weather prediction. To strengthen the UK space offering, and secure further growth, the benefits of a strong supporting measurement and calibration capability cannot be overlooked. Medical applications require statistical sampling methodologies to be developed to speed up on-site assessment for industrial and medical environments such as MRI suites in order to minimise the costs of implementation of EU directive EC95/40/EC. Many real environments have sources with non-sinusoidal waveforms and the sensitivity of field probes to these signals needs to be assessed. High frequency effects on cells, including gene regulation and growth stimulation/suppression, is an emerging area of bio-medical science which promises novel therapeutic modalities. Investigating and developing these applications requires traceable measurements for dosimetry, high-resolution temperature, THz beam propagation and interaction with cells in vivo. Work is needed to explore the effect in conjunction with accurate dosimetry for in-vivo and in-vitro research. NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence 4. Measurement Traceability This science area supports the fundamental infrastructure, facilities and expertise needed to deliver the traceable measurement services to industry required by the National Measurement System strategy and directly supports the research and development Themes in the whole Quantum Electromagnetics and Time Programme. To be competitive in a global market, every nation must ensure its industry has access to suitable measurement standards, in which there is universal confidence. In most cases, in the UK, these standards are certified/accredited by UKAS-accredited calibration and test facilities. However, a requirement of the accreditation process for these UKAS facilities is metrological traceability to national standards that are coordinated with those of our trading partners. Through participation in international measurement comparison exercises, systematic errors can be identified, addressed, and confidence maintained. For example, a comparison of Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) can be made by accessing the BIPM CMC database: Also, NPL’s excellent performance in international measurement comparisons can be viewed in the BIPM Key Comparison Database (KCDB): Current state-of-the-art The state-of-the-art for each of these four science areas is described briefly below. 1. Smart Grids and Sensor Networks Electricity supply and demand is currently controlled by the supply side by simply calling on reserve thermal generation to maintain energy balance. It follows that simple instrumentation sparsely located across the network has traditionally been sufficient to maintain grid control. Future systems with highly distributed generation will require complex instrumentation and data analysis techniques to determine power flows and the build-up of disturbances to avoid black-outs. 2. Communications and Electronics Fifth-Generation (5G) mobile communications is a topic of intense world-wide research with UK government and EU funded projects, and positioning papers in many international journals and at many international conferences (e.g. as sponsored by IEEE Communications Society). Objectives, such as a x1000 increase in capacity and the use of millimetre-waves for transmission, have already been agreed. New modulation formats have also been proposed but these are not yet ready for international standardisation. The current state-ofthe-art for optical core networks is a modulation rate of 400 Gbaud and work is now progressing to extend this to 1 Tbaud. 3. Space and Medical Applications In space applications, particularly earth observation, platforms are already routinely operating on channels utilising frequencies from 110 GHz to 800 GHz, with experimental channels extending to multi-terahertz frequencies. However, measurement standards (for parameters such as noise and power) do not exist above 110 GHz. Satellite channels obtain measurements that provide critical information concerning global climate change. The satellites are often supplied by different manufacturers and provide measurement data covering different parts of the world. These two sources of variability put a heavy demand on the need to assure the equivalence of the measurements (and the overall traceability of the measurements) coming from these different satellites. In medical applications, both treatments and exposure to radiated fields (from microwave and magnetic sources) continue to rise in frequency and complexity, requiring next-generation measurement techniques. 4. Measurement Traceability While current research activities generally provide the ground-breaking developments in electromagnetic metrology, the measurement traceability science area supports these developments and maintains them once in service, underpinning research activities within this Programme and beyond. NPL has facilities rivaling most National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) across the world – for example, facilities in: (i) primary RF noise; (ii) anechoic chambers (of the size and quality of NPL’s); (iii) the ability to deliver resistance measurements to customers directly against the primary Quantum Hall system, thus giving excellent accuracy; and (iv) a suite of NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence photonics production and characterisation services not commercially available in any other NMI; and (v) many others. Track record of the research team The research team involved in delivering this Theme brings together a suitably diverse range of skills and experience. Members of the team are part of either NPL’s Electromagnetic Technologies Group or the Electromagnetic Measurements Group. Recent significant achievements made by these two groups include: Development and deployment of on-site power quality measurement capabilities to determine the impact of renewables such as solar and wind-turbines on the electricity network. Development of complex-waveform measurement algorithms for, inter-alia, fluctuating harmonics, asynchronous sampling techniques, optimal sensor placement, and GPS-synchronised wide area measurements. Establishing uncertainties and traceability for the important communications system quality metric "Error Vector Magnitude" (EVM), with NPL publishing the world’s first journal and conference papers on this topic. In addition, an IEEE standard Working Group is in the process of being set up to develop new international standards for establishing the uncertainty in determinations of EVM. Establishing metrological traceability for scattering parameters from 750 GHz to 1.1 THz. This is another ‘world first’, this time in the area of submillimetre-wave electronics metrology. A paper describing this work has been submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. NPL’s THz team contains the only time-domain spectrometer which has traceable measurement validation for many of its parameters and the team holds a unique perspective from fundamental THz science to commercial applications and Intellectual Property (IP) exploitation. NPL has created a liquid phantom for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measurement, with unprecedented bandwidth, for transmitters operating from 0.86 GHz to 2.6 GHz, which is measured without changing the phantom liquid. This offers considerable cost savings for test houses and manufacturers when testing modern mobile phones. This measurement capability will be used with the optical electric field sensor system that is being developed for fast measurement of multifrequency and MIMO antenna devices to support the development of 5G communications. Delivery of approximately 1,750 calibration certificates and 15 optical artefacts to industry each year. Traceability is provided to UKAS-accredited laboratories, providing very significant fan-out (impact) on many thousands of end-user test and certification facilities throughout the UK (and elsewhere). Case for government funding This project will enable significant improvements to be made to the UK measurement infrastructure that underpins UK electromagnetic facilities in science, engineering and technology. This includes activities in both university research groups and industrial companies that require access to state-of-the-art measurement capability for supporting their on-going and planned research activities. Such generic infrastructure is not required by just a small number of these research groups and/or industrial companies – the need is ‘shared’ across many sectors of science and technology within the UK and so it is appropriate that the funding mechanism takes place at a national (i.e. governmental) level. The work in this project also synergies with other government research strategies, e.g. as outlined in several EPSRC Themes, such as Healthcare Technologies, ICT, and, Manufacturing the Future. Vision Long-term vision The long-term vision for this Theme relates to setting up and operating a national Electromagnetic Measurement Institute (EMI) that will provide measurement capability to support UK science and technology requiring access to state-of-the-art electromagnetic measurements. Such an institute will enable the coming together of leading UK experts in the field of electromagnetic measurement technology. This will lead the way to rapid and efficient interactions between these experts and the end-user communities (in academia and industry). It is envisaged that core capability (in terms of equipment and expertise) will be based primarily at NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence NPL with substantial ‘off-site’ activities being based at selected universities. These universities will be chosen to enhance and complement the overall capabilities on offer by the EMI – the resulting portfolio of capability will be truly world-leading and will act as a national science resource for many years to come. Vision for this one-year project segment During this 12 month segment of this Theme, high-level work will begin on the above vision. It is expected that this will include: (i) defining the scope (i.e. technical specification) for the EMI (during the first four month period); (ii) completing the selection of the university partners for the EMI (during the next four month period); and (iii) agreement on the choice of location of the various EMI capabilities, across NPL and the partner universities (during the last four month period). Each of these steps will be taken following periods of consultation with the EMI partners and the expected end-users for the various facilities. At the same time, suitable industrial companies will be consulted to ensure the suitability of the facilities that will be provided by, and operated at, the EMI. Industrial companies will also be approached regarding potential partnership roles that they could offer within the EMI. This could include commercial sponsorships of equipment, facilities, staff (students, etc.), and public knowledge-transfer events (seminars, workshops and training activities) organised through the EMI. Also during this period, work will begin on re-structuring the electromagnetics area at NPL to make it more capability-based rather than technology-based. The emphasis will be to put in place systems and capabilities that are more generic rather than aimed specifically at any given sector of technology. This approach will enable the capability to become fully adaptable to meet future end-user needs, whatever these might be. This has the advantage that the capabilities will not be dedicated, and tied, to specific areas of technology. Contributions to Metrology At the same time as the above planning activities for the new EMI, the necessary metrology research, development and maintenance activities will continue, as usual, to support the QET Programme. A significant amount of this work is linked to (i.e. co-funded by) on-going European Metrology projects (as part of both EMRP and EMPIR). When the EMI is launched (which will be beyond the 12 month period covered by this document), the majority of the future work in this Theme will be delivered through the EMI. This will help bring in partner organisations (and industrial end-users) as part of the delivery mechanism for this metrology capability. Project Scope The scope, during this first 12 month period of this on-going Theme, will be to make significant advancements with all science areas in this Theme. These advancements are described below, for each area. Smart grids A realistic implementation of the 2050 50% renewable energy scenario can be seen at Bornholm Island in the Baltic Sea. This “green island” is a living community of 40,000 which successfully integrates distributed generation into a stable electricity network. NPL and its partners have gained access to this unique resource and we are currently preparing wide-area measurement systems using a set of NPL designed GPS-synchronised digitisers (or Phasor Measurement Units, PMUs), transducers and associated algorithms for deployment in a major measurement campaign set for installation in September 2015. PMUs will be deployed in six key locations around the grid and an additional two devices will be positioned either end of the single transmission link with the mainland. Results from these PMUs will be analysed to determine how disturbances in the network propagate (attenuate or resonate). This knowledge will be used in conjunction with circuit models to predict and ultimately control instabilities that lead to power blackouts. The results and conclusions will be an invaluable input to the planning and operation of future smart grid systems operating in the 50% renewable scenario as they evolve throughout the UK/EU. Network impedance is critical to system design, dynamic capacity-rating of systems and modelling. PMUs are also being prepared in this science area in order to make field measurements of overhead line impedances. NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence This is a difficult measurement, as the impedances involved are very low and they need to be measured in a high voltage, high noise environment. Laboratory-based measurements will be made to help perfect these PMU techniques. Sensor networks Observation of power flows in electricity networks with a high penetration of distributed/renewable energy resources is critical to control these future systems to avoid disturbance and black-outs. Measurement coverage can be achieved by “brute-force” by simply placing sensors in every leg of the electricity networks. However, such sensors would each require the fitting of a transducer to the live network, a communications infrastructure would be required, a maintenance/calibration schedule would be needed and vast quantities of sensor data would need to be collected and analysed to determine the system state. Clearly this is undesirable in terms of cost and practicality. As an alternative, this science area is examining the optimal sensor network configuration such that the power flows in electricity networks can be determined with the minimum number of sensors. Algorithms are being developed that build on state-estimation techniques to rank sensor locations in order of importance. The outputs from the resulting design tools will be used to inform network operators of the substations where they require instrumentation. The project is also investigating the use of mass lowgrade smart meter data to determine network state. Having developed these methods and tools, trials on highly instrumented grids will be used to see which of the installed sensors are effectively redundant. This will verify the operation of the optimisation techniques such that they can be deployed in the design of future instrumentation networks. Communications The ongoing Theme will: (i) complete the development of under-sampling strategies for large antenna and smart antenna measurements; (ii) develop a traceable MIMO (2 x 2) antenna system; (iii) develop precompensation strategies for multi-level optical communications; and (iv) develop a relationship between optical Signal-to-Noise and optical EVM metrics. Work will also have begun on massive MIMO antenna arrays and traceable RF Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR). Electronics The development of a stable nonlinear verification device will be completed and this will be available for the continuing work on Nonlinear Vector Network Analyser (NVNA) metrology (both at NPL and elsewhere). Such a verification device will enable systems to be compared that operate using fundamentally different operating principles. This will be the first time that such systems will be compared using devices that are resilient to these different operational methods. In addition, we anticipate that the need to move to higher frequencies will require a redesign of NPL’s ElectroOptic Sampling (EOS) reference system. This work could be undertaken in partnership with the University of Surrey where a new commercial EOS system is being installed later this year for non-invasive field sensing applications (e.g. for electronic components). Space The work within the space portfolio will target space-specific requirements at higher frequencies supported by the development of measurement of key microwave parameters. In antenna measurement, this means extending operating frequencies from 110 GHz to 220 GHz in the spherical antenna ranges. In waveguide, work is continuing in conjunction with the University of Birmingham to extend power measurement capability to 220 GHz. A key activity within this portfolio is to continue working with strategically important organisations, such as the European Space Agency (ESA), to establish a greater understanding in the industry of pre-flight and post-flight measurement and calibration requirements, and what are the best ways of solving challenging measurement scenarios that occur with many space applications. The space portfolio also contains research to investigate thermally-activated phase transitions and accompanying changes in dielectric properties of materials using THz spectroscopy. The work requires solving the engineering challenge of building and characterising a cell capable of maintaining material samples at precisely determined temperatures from 50 °C to +1,200 °C whilst also permitting THz measurements. These NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence measurements will be applied to glasses, in the first instance, but they are also of importance to the qualification and characterisation of space components. Health The health portfolio addresses the interactions of signals from MHz to THz frequencies with humans, animals and plants, primarily for health and safety reasons, but also for industrial applications where the electromagnetic spectrum is used for qualifications of products for human consumption. A significant part of the portfolio address gaps in current metrology of electromagnetic fields (100 kHz to 18 GHz), and will extend the upper frequency range to cover 18 GHz to 3 THz to support imaging and therapies that use this frequency range. Measurement of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) continues to be important with new challenges such as the introduction of MIMO, LTE 4G and 5G, increasing transmission bandwidths, non-adjacent channels and non-repeating modulations causing additional uncertainty when using probes based on diode detectors for the measurements. To overcome these problems, a time-domain measurement system is required, which allows the SAR to be assessed for multiple transmitters simultaneously. This portfolio also supports the emerging area of using electromagnetics in agricultural technology (Agri-Tech), a priority area for UK government strategy, which creates technological solutions at frequencies ranging from MHz to THz and in application areas ranging from the farmyard to the supermarket shelf. The major drive is to increase productivity while minimising environmental impact and waste. Specifically, the Theme provides cofunding for three Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board, TSB) projects developing sensors for crop health monitoring, improved post-harvest product sorting, and vision systems for automated harvesting of high value crops. NPL’s core expertise in microwave and time-domain metrology has enabled new intellectual property (IP) and products to be developed while having impact on the UK health and environmental sectors. Measurement Traceability The scope and technical work of the measurement traceability science area will be to: Calibrate, verify, service, and repair all relevant equipment and facilities to maintain capability and infrastructure necessary for the delivery of NPL’s measurement services, both externally and internally. Demonstrate capability nationally, through UKAS and LRQA audits, and internationally, through participation in international key comparisons of appropriate measurement quantities, as part of the BIPM/CIPM Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) international framework. Safeguard UK interests by scrutinising CMC claims made by other NMIs to ensure the validity of calibration certificates issued through the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA). Coordinate UK traceability with that of other countries through participation in, and piloting of, EURAMET and CIPM CCEM international measurement comparisons. Provide traceability for electrical standards to UKAS-accredited laboratories, and other laboratories, through provision of the measurement services underpinned by this Theme. Provide access to facilities and expertise through measurement consultancies. Keep staff expertise up-to-date through attendance at appropriate workshops, conferences and standards meetings. Where not covered by other, more specific, Theme activities, provide input to standards development. Some examples of planned improvements to traceability for AC technologies are: Upgrades for the Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC), enabling more precise and efficient measurements, both in terms of man-power and liquid Helium usage. NPL is currently building the electronics for an upgraded CCC and intend to incorporate this into a full Quantum Hall system, delivering more efficient Resistance measurements for internal and external customers NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence Using the new design for the Smart Power Quality Analysers, NPL intends to invest in the production of two units in this Theme to help support efficient delivery of our AC Harmonics service. Some examples of planned improvements to the traceability for high-frequency technologies are: Upgrades to the CR40 and CR18 radiometers are expected to be completed, delivering more efficient measurements by the RF and microwave Noise area. Upgrades to the power measurement multistate reflectometers will improve significantly the reliability of these systems. Investment in NPL’s Electro-Optic Sampling system to ensure a robust fast-pulse measurement service and capability for the research and development activities that use this facility. A re-designed Standard Reference Dipole will be finalised and put into production. NPL has had numerous requests for the manufacture of these devices from various UK companies. This will give NPL the ability to produce a “gold standard” for customers as well as supporting other measurements in the RF and microwave antenna industries. Benefits Benefits of the current 12 month phase of the Theme The current 12 month phase of this Theme will enable three key activities to take place: It will enable plans to be developed and implemented relating to the proposed Electromagnetic Measurement Institute (EMI). By the end of this 12 month period, all these plans will have been completed ready for the EMI to be publically launched by mid-2017. By the time of the launch, all partners and all EMI locations will be fully operational. A variety of launch events will be scheduled to take place during the latter half of 2017. It will enable a critical review of the Measurement Traceability science area to be undertaken. This will relate directly to strategic reviews of the provision of measurement services in order to maximise the cost-to-benefit ratio for these activities. It is not envisaged that there will be an overall reduction in operational costs for this science area; rather, it will concentrate on the re-allocation of existing funds to ensure identified priority areas are given sufficient support and investment to develop the on-going suitability of these areas for many years to come. In addition, a plan will be implemented aimed at maintaining the long-term knowledge base; to accommodate staff either retiring or moving on, and, enabling efficient succession planning. The science activities, in the four science areas of this Theme, will continue on their usual trajectory. The direction of much of this science is coordinated with European EMRP and EMPIR projects that receive co-funding from this Theme. Other areas (of particular strategic relevance to NPL and the UK science strategy) will continue to be given priority and investment. These will be influenced by the Outcomes identified towards the end of the description of this Theme. The emphasis with this work will be on undertaking science activities that will position NPL (and its partners through the EMI) in a world-leading position in the area of electromagnetic science and technology within two years of the launch of the EMI (i.e. by the middle of 2019). This will be timely for responding to national, European and global initiatives set within this timeframe, such as the on-set of global 5th Generation (5G) mobile communications and the impact on the Internet of Things (IoT). Benefits of the completed Theme (3+ project cycles) Many of the benefits coming from the completed three year cycle (and beyond) for this Theme have been mentioned above (i.e. in the description of the current 12 month phase of this cycle). This is because the following three year period will be a time when the strategic planning and direction-setting that will be taking place in the 12 month period will become fully implemented and become a part of the overall fabric of UK national science strategy. At that time, the measurement capability made available by this Theme will be fully integrated into the national science framework, particularly with the operation of the EMI, which, by then, will NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence be harmonised with other UK science initiatives (through generic Centres, Institutes, etc, some of which are already in place at some UK universities and other research institutes). NPL’s ‘new’ status as a Government-owned Government-operated organisation will greatly help with implementing this strategy. This is because it is envisaged that NPL’s move to be closer to UK universities and the UK science base will facilitate forming the necessary links and partnerships with the identified research partners for this Theme. The list of collaborators, given below, will make a good starting point for identifying these partners and beginning the necessary scientific and commercial negotiations. Collaborators Collaborators for this Theme are drawn from three main sources: (i) National Metrology Institutes (NMIs), particularly from those within the EU Region; (ii) Universities (from the UK, and also internationally); (iii) industry, particularly UK-based industry. Specific examples of these collaborators are listed below: (i) NMIs: From countries within the EU Region: Germany, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Greece, Denmark, Turkey, Romania, Bosnia and Hertzogovena. From countries outside the EU Region: USA, Mexico, Argentina, China, Japan, South Korea. (ii) Universities: From the UK: Surrey, Strathclyde, Leeds, UCL, ICL, Birmingham, Reading, Bristol, Kent, Sussex, Durham, QMUL, Heriot-Watt, St Mary’s, Harper Adams; also Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (STFC) and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. From outside the UK: KU Leuven (Belgium), Chalmers (Sweden), TU Delft (The Netherlands), ETH Zürich (Switzerland), West Bohemia (Czech Republic), Radboud – FELIX laboratory (The Netherlands), Second University of Naples (Italy), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Bratislava (Slovakia), Copenhagen (Denmark), Padua (Italy), Rennes 1 (France), Marburg (Germany), Tomsk State (Russia), Slovak (Slovakia). (iii) Industry: From the UK: Flann Microwave Ltd, Polar Instruments Ltd, Keysight Technologies Ltd, Western Power Distribution, UK Power Networks, Scottish Power, Scottish and Southern, National Grid, Fluke, CGI, Antenova, NEC, Toshiba UK, Quintel, Mesuro Ltd, Marks and Spencer, Weatherford, Berry World, Narda Microwave Ltd, MMG Citrus, W3S, Distell, Shadow Robot. From outside the UK: WICO (Hong Kong), ESA (Europe), Rohde and Schwarz (Germany), Finisar (USA), Anritsu (USA and Japan), Seikoh Giken (Japan), Menlo Systems (Germany). Additional support As well as substantial support from collaborators on the core research science areas of this Theme, the ongoing activities of the measurement traceability science area will also ensure that much additional support (both scientific and financial) is provided. The measurement services provided by this science area (particularly with regard to ensuring traceability for electromagnetic measurement quantities) already has enormous outreach into both the national and international metrology communities and infrastructures. An example of this is the industrial companies and organisations that rely on these services to maintain traceability for measurements made at their locations. During the past few years, measurement traceability has been provided for more than 50 such organisations, of which nearly a half are located in the UK. These UK organisations include: BAE Systems, Airbus, AWE plc, BBC, GlaxoSmithKlein, and Jaguar Land Rover. These services also provide measurement traceability to very large, multinational, companies such as: Boeing, AT&T, Bombardier, EDF, Pfizer, Raytheon, Samsung, and Sony. This gives a very strong indication of the importance and relevance of these services to national and international industrial sectors. NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence Another example is the number of the NMIs from different countries that rely on these services to maintain their own national measurement traceability infrastructures. Again, during the past few years, this has included nearly 30 NMIs across six continents (i.e. Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and Africa). This gives a strong indication of NPL’s leading role in international metrology in the area of electromagnetic science and technology. Knowledge Transfer and Exploitation Knowledge transfer NPL’s two Electromagnetics Groups have a strong track record in the area of knowledge transfer and exploitation. This includes long-standing relationships with the Professional Institutes (e.g. IEEE, IET, etc) for publications, workshops, technical committees and standards development. Some of these activities are identified below. NPL’s role as the UK’s national measurement institute includes a requirement to provide UK representation to support international metrology management. This includes active participation in international committees, such as those coordinated by BIPM, CIPM and EURAMET. These activities are also identified below. Scientific publications: IEEE Transactions: Instrumentation & Measurement; Microwave Theory & Techniques; Terahertz Science & Technology; Power Delivery; Antennas & Propagation. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Photonic Technology Letters. Conference presentations: IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), European Microwave Conference (EuMC), European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG), Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurement (CPEM), International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW), International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS). Trade magazines: IEEE Microwave Magazine, IEEE Communications Magazine, Microwave Engineering Europe, Microwave Journal, Microwaves & RF. Technical Committee representation: CIPM Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism (CCEM), BIPM Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM), Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), IEEE MTT-S “Microwave Measurements”, IEEE MTT-S “Terahertz Technology & Applications”, EURAMET Sub Committee “Power and Energy” (Chair). Professional Institutes: IET Technical and Professional Networks (TPNs): “RF & Microwave Technology”; “Antennas & Propagation; “Electromagnetics”. IEEE Societies: “Microwave Theory & Techniques”; “Antennas & Propagation”; “Instrumentation & Measurement”; “Photonics”, “Signal-Processing”. International Standards Committees: IEEE MTT-S Standards Coordinating Committee (Chair); IEEE P1785 “Waveguides above 110 GHz” (Chair); IEEE P287 “Precision Coaxial Connectors at RF, Microwave and Millimetre-wave frequencies” (Vice-chair); IEC TC-46 “RF and Microwave Passive Components”; CTIA – The Wireless Association (MOSG and MUSG), ETSI (ISG mWT “millimeter-wave transmission”), IEC TC86 “Fibre Optics”. Workshops and training: at the European Microwave Conference (EuMC), IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), the Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG), Keysight symposium series, University of Bristol Centre for Communications Research seminars. Web presence: NPL’s Electromagnetics web-pages will be revised and updated regularly (i.e. every month); EMRP and EMPIR web-sites (MORSE, HF-Circuits, MET5G, PlanarCal, Smart Grids) to be maintained. Broader dissemination activities: Sale of NPL developed equipment to both NMIs and top level calibration laboratories; students from universities (Surrey, Strathclyde, Bristol, UCL, KU Leuven); training courses (IET, University of Surrey, etc); invited/Keynote talks at conferences (e.g. at EuMC 2016); Cambridge Wireless, TechUK Future Network Technologies, Wireless TIC. NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence Exploitation plans The long term exploitation plan for this Theme is closely linked to the setting up of a UK Electromagnetic Measurement Institute (EMI) during 2016. This institute will encourage exploitation at all stages of the metrology “supply chain” – from cutting edge academic research, through development phases (e.g. for standards and metrology development), metrology delivery (e.g. metrology traceability services for end-users) and, knowledge dissemination (for both academic tuition and industrial end-user training courses). The work on knowledge dissemination will form a separate, dedicated, work activity in this subsequent future electromagnetic Theme in the QET programme (e.g. for the 2016 to 2019 period). This will ensure that close links are put in place and maintained between the knowledge generation process and the dissemination and uptake of the knowledge outputs from the EMI. As part of this process, researcher visitor placements in to, and out of, the EMI (for periods of weeks or months) will become routine activities. Risks 1. Because of the sheer range and diversity of the measurement capability that is covered by this Theme (ranging from low frequency technologies, through RF, microwave, millimeter-waves to terahertz, infrared and optical) it is very costly to ensure that modern, state-of-the-art, test equipment is in place for all areas. As a result of this, a significant amount of the equipment is old and often no longer supported by the manufacturer because it is considered obsolete. This is particularly the case for much of the equipment used for the Measurement Traceability science area. There is a risk that this equipment can malfunction or fail, and due to age the equipment may not be repairable. A critical review of the Measurement Traceability science area will ensure that, in appropriate areas, more up-to-date and sustainable equipment is used. 2. Related to the above problem of obsolete test equipment is that much measurement system software is often based around obsolete software packages (e.g. HT Basic, Visual Basic, etc) and aging communication interfaces (such as GPIB). Again, this is particularly the case for the Measurement Traceability science area. The above-mentioned review of this science area will also consider this software sustainability issue and this will help with the priority setting for this area’s future. 3. Scientists and engineers with skills in electromagnetic science and technology are highly sought-after by the industries that use electromagnetic science. Therefore, loss of trained staff, through commercial “head hunting” (for example from high-tech companies, such as those found in the communications industries) is a major risk to the required stable knowledge base for these science areas. This risk will be mitigated by ensuring that all staff will have rewarding career development opportunities through task diversification, e.g. often involving participation in activities in more than one of the four science areas in this Theme. In addition, interaction with, and participation in, new activities brought about by the launch of the Electromagnetic Measurement Institute (EMI) will ensure career diversity for staff at all stages of their career path. In addition, there will be inevitable loss of staff due to retirement. This needs to be managed by appropriate long-term succession planning, especially for key members of staff. 4. In order for new areas of science and technology covered by this Theme to be worked on, there is an ongoing requirement for continued investment in major capital equipment to keep pace with needs in this rapidly developing area of technology. There is a risk that if this investment is not maintained, some areas will no longer be providing the state-of-the-art required by the end-users and recipients of these services (either through measurement traceability, or metrological research and development capabilities). Highlevel (i.e. Senior Management and government) recognition of the value of the science areas covered by this Theme will ensure that appropriate provision for capital is set aside, on an as-required basis. This will be facilitated by the proposed approach, that will be taken long term for this area, of achieving generic capability growth – i.e. making the capability generally applicable to all areas of emerging and new science, including work coming from other Themes in this Programme, other Programmes, and science funded by other mechanisms (such as the UK Research Councils and other funding bodies). 5. Finally, there is a risk to the science in this Theme due to major investments being made by other National Metrology Institutes (NMIs). In this context (i.e. of capability building), these NMIs should be considered as NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence competitors to NPL (and UK metrology) in that these NMIs could become the global market leaders in these commercially and scientifically attractive areas. These other NMIs include: NIM (China), NIST (USA), PTB (Germany), and NMIJ (Japan). This risk can be mitigated by a rapid and concerted effort on behalf of the UK to push the metrology capability in this Theme. The setting up of a national Electromagnetic Measurement Institute (EMI), led by NPL, is one way of ensuring that this will happen. Planned Outcomes 1 Start: 04/2016 End: 03/2017 Outcome 1: Provision of traceability to laboratories accredited to international quality standards, UK SMEs and other UK government agencies, and NPL researchers to increase trade, shorten time-to-market, improve product quality, and reduce costs. 1. Maintain and upgrade facilities to an accredited level to satisfy customers 2. Review customer needs and the relevance of the services offered and introduce new capabilities from the research programmes 3. Ensure that services critical for NPLs operation are maintained (e’g for radiometry, in relation to the dissemination of standards and the SI) 4. Support the NMS investment through revenue generation by offering commercial services 2 Start: 04/2016 End: 03/2017 Outcome 2: Support the creation of a cleaner, black-out free power grid that incorporates renewables and other clean energy sources by providing measurement capability to implement energy policy and regulations. 1. The new capability will comprise a set of measurement tools that will contribute towards managing and operating future power and electricity distribution networks. 2. Collaborative R and D with network operators and other stakeholders to deliver and demonstrate cost effective monitoring and control methods for the power grid 3. Development of metrology hardware, software, algorithms and protocols to deliver traceable measurements in situ 4. Knowledge transfer to key industry players through continuous engagement for example with Strathclyde University’s Power Network Demonstration Centre and NPLs Centre for Carbon Metrology 5. Dissemination of best practice and awareness raising through publications, standards committees, web articles, conferences 3 Start: 04/2016 End: 03/2017 Outcome 3: Acceleration of commercialisation of the R and D of Electromagnetic Technologies by UK organisations and commercial companies by validating the performance and ensuring compatibility, compliance with protocols for interoperability, and health and safety of electromagnetic devices and systems 1. Development and demonstration of traceable metrology at higher frequency ranges, for specific applications and sections of the bandwidth that need to be exploited where the metrology does not exist 2. Engagement with international bodies producing document standards, (IEC, IEEE and ETSI) 3. Ensuring international metrology policy, sponsored by CIPM-CCEM, BIPM-JCGM, EURAMET TC-EM, supports and is relevant to the UK 4. Participation in European research projects (EMPIR), in partnership with other European NMIs, universities and industries. 5. Engagement with UK stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem and government departments where EM technologies can help to deliver economic growth and government policies (e.g. defence, health and safety, climate change, satellites, and aerospace industries) with the aim of forming new government/industry partnerships to sustain facilities 6. Working with other NMIs to ensure that the capability forms part of an international system supporting trade 4 Start: 04/2016 End: 03/2017 NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence Outcome 4: Increasing the innovation opportunity for the UK science community (i.e. university research groups and researchers in industry) by providing new metrology capability for R and D and access to this at the point of innovation 1. Development of new sensors, sources, detectors and metrology systems with collaborators 2. Providing access to, and knowledge of, the state-of-the-art electromagnetic metrology research located in centres of excellence (e.g in MW and THZ research with Surrey University) 3. Papers published in high-impact scientific journals and at leading international scientific conferences. 4. Key-note speeches at a leading international conferences and organisational roles in at least four international conferences. NPL Management Ltd - In Confidence