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Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
The narrative is organized according Uniformat II, Level 3 Elements, to correlate to the
structure of the Schematic Design cost estimate.
Sustainable Design Elements
The narrative format describes “Sustainable Elements” which are summarized here.
Building Envelope
The exterior cavity wall system consists of veneer masonry and metal wall panels
over a metal stud back up system. The wall system has three inches of rigid wall
insulation in the cavity over the air and vapor barrier and sheathing, plus two and
one half inches of spray foam insulation over the back of the sheathing between
the studs. Windows have high performance “low e” argon filled glazing air, and
gym clerestory windows have translucent insulating glazing units which diffuse
the daylighting deep into the room. The roof system includes a highly reflective
(“coolroof”) PVC membrane adhered to rigid tapered insulation having an
average thickness of four inches. These elements in total result in a building
envelope with high thermal performance and which maximizes daylighting.
Interior Finishes
Interior finishes were selected with long life and low maintenance a paramount
consideration. Corridor, classroom and cafeteria floors are sheet linoleum, a low
maintenance “green” product. Glazed porcelain tile units are used as a wall
wainscot in the main corridors (over metal stud and drywall partitions) which
results in a wall finish that will last the life of the building. High traffic/high abuse
areas such as stairwells, the kitchen and gym have walls of painted concrete
block, and student toilet rooms have ceramic tile floors and wainscots, and FRP
clad upper walls.
MEP Systems
Low flow plumbing fixtures are anticipated to reduce water use by 30%, and hot
water piping will be routed to eliminate “dead legs” which saves water and
energy. The HVAC system will employ multiple rooftop units with energy recovery
(which allow for multiple zones for off-hour use), induction ventilation (“chilled
beam”) in classrooms, which reduces both installation and operation costs, and
high efficiency (82-86%) “improved” cast iron boilers. Lighting is highly efficient
with most areas using pendant direct / indirect fixtures with super T8 lamps. All
perimeter spaces will include “daylight harvesting” controls, which dim lighting to
take advantage of available daylight, in addition to occupancy sensors.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
The project has been designed to work with the existing steep terrain to the
extent practicable to minimize site work.
The site design has been developed to minimize impact on the adjacent
wetlands. Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) are designed to
maintain the existing site drainage patterns and site hydrology to avoid wetland
and water resource impacts. The Stormwater BMPs include underground
chambers that receive roof and pavement runoff to control the rate of runoff and
recharge groundwater resources. Parking and roadway collection system
includes deep sump catch basins for pretreatment and particle separator units for
water quality control. Other stormwater controls include a water quality swale,
surface and underground detention basins, diversion swales and level spreader
outlet systems and a plunge pool outlet.
A rainwater harvesting Cistern System is proposed as part of the roof drain
stormwater system for the new building to be utilized for site irrigation purposes.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Foley Buhl Roberts & Associates, Inc. (FBRA) is collaborating with DiNisco Design Partnership
(DDP) in the design of the New Elementary School for the Town of Douglas, Massachusetts.
The design of the new school is based on the Fort Banks Elementary School (an MSBA Model
School), constructed in Winthrop, MA in 2000. Modifications have been made to the Fort Banks
Elementary School design to accommodate a sloping site, new building codes, enrollment
projections and other requirements.
The purpose of this narrative is to summarize the basis of the structural design, describe the
primary structural systems and to provide structural quantities and materials specifications to be
used in the preparation of the Schematic Design cost estimate. The New Elementary School
will be designed and constructed under the provisions of the Massachusetts State Building
Code (780 CMR – Eighth Edition).
The proposed, three-story building will be constructed along the north side of the present, upper
and lower athletic fields, between the existing Elementary and Intermediate Schools. The
footprint of the new building will straddle the upper and lower fields, which are separated by a
20+/- feet high fill slope, running in the north-south direction.
Program elements at the First Floor of the new school include a Mechanical Room at the west
end (below grade and underneath the Gymnasium), the Kitchen and Cafeteria, an Art Room, a
Music Room and the Media Center (all in the central section) and Administrative Offices at the
east end. The floor of the Kitchen, Cafeteria, Media Center and the Mechanical Room will be
two feet lower than the entry level; internal ramps will be provided between levels. The
Gymnasium is located at the west end of the Second Floor; the balance of this level is dedicated
to classroom spaces. The Lobby, elevator and entry stairs are located in the “knuckle” that
connects the (west) Gymnasium wing to the central section of the building. Classrooms will be
provided throughout the Third Floor level. The roof of the Lobby/Entry space and an outdoor
(screened) mechanical area are located at this level, adjacent to the Upper Gymnasium. The
roof of the Gymnasium will be a barrel vault form. Outdoor (screened) mechanical areas will be
centrally located on the flat roofs of the center and east sections of the building.
Vertical circulation in the new school will be provided by an elevator in the Lobby and by three,
entry stair towers.
An upper level, Entry Walkway will be constructed on the west side of the building, connecting
the Second Floor to the (higher) existing, exterior grades.
The total area of new facility is approximately 83,000 (gross) square feet.
The New Elementary School will be steel framed, for reasons of economy, performance,
flexibility and speed of construction. Typical floor construction will be a concrete slab on steel
forms, supported by structural steel beams and open web steel bar joists. A concrete slab on
composite steel floor deck will be provided at the section of Gymnasium floor over the First Floor
Mechanical Room. Flat roof areas at the center and eastern sections of the building will be
framed with steel roof deck supported by structural steel beams and open web steel bar joists.
A concrete slab on composite steel floor deck will be provided at the exterior mechanical areas
at the roof level. The screens surrounding these areas will be structured with horizontal and
vertical, galvanized HSS members, braced down to the main roof structure. The barrel vault
roof of the Gymnasium will be framed with acoustical steel roof deck supported by structural
steel purlins, which span to steel bowstring trusses. Floor and roof steel framing will be surface
prepped and be shop primed, except at areas that will be fire protected.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Typical columns will be either rectangular hollow steel tube (HSS) sections or wide flange steel
sections. Lateral stability for wind and seismic loads will be provided by steel bracing in each
Foundations are expected to be conventional, shallow spread footing construction, per the
November 3, 2010 preliminary geotechnical report prepared by Weber Engineering Associates,
LLC (WEA); typically bearing on glacial till or on bedrock. First Floor construction will be a
concrete slab on grade. Existing utilities within the building footprint will be removed and
relocated to accommodate the new construction. Removal of existing fill (as much as 19 feet at
the western end of the building) and rock excavation will be required, as summarized in the
WEA report.
Exterior wall construction will be a mixture of glazing and steel stud cavity wall construction with
a brick veneer. Galvanized steel loose lintels will be provided at the heads of typical, punched
window openings. Elsewhere, continuous galvanized relieving angles will be provided.
Codes and Design Standards:
Building Code:
Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR) – Eighth Edition.
Structural Steel:
AISC “Specification for Structural Steel Buildings” and AISC “Code of
Standard Practice”.
ACI 318 and ACI 301; latest editions.
Design Loads/Parameters:
Live Loads:
Classrooms (with partition allowance):
Flexible, Open Plan Areas (Including the Gymnasium):
Mechanical Equipment Rooms:
70 PSF
80 PSF
100 PSF
100 PSF
150 PSF
Snow Loads:
Basic Ground Snow Load (Douglas):
55 PSF
Wind Loads:
Basic Wind Speed (Douglas):
100 MPH
Seismic Parameters:
Short Period Spectral Response Acceleration(Ss):
1.0 Sec. Spectral Response Acceleration (S1):
Seismic Use Group:
Seismic Design Category:
Site Class:
D (Preliminary)
Structural System:
Building Frame System
Lateral Load Resisting System:
Concentrically Braced Frames
(Not Specifically Detailed for Seismic Resistance)
Response Modification Factor (R):
System Overstrength Factor (Ω0):
Deflection Amplification Factor (Cd):
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
The preliminary foundation design is based on an assumed allowable bearing capacity of 6.0
kips per square foot (3.0 TSF) on natural soils (glacial till) or on a 12” thick cushion of
compacted structural fill overlying bedrock (to be confirmed by the Geotechnical Engineer).
Construction Classification:
The New Elementary School will be classified as Type 2B Construction (Noncombustible,
Unprotected). Typical floor and roof steel framing does not require fire protection. All steel
framed construction is considered to be restrained.
Sustainable Design Considerations:
Sustainable design considerations will be incorporated into the building design; it is intended
that the project will be designed to LEED standards or comply with the provisions of the
Collaborative for High Performance Schools, Massachusetts High Performance Green School
Guidelines: Criteria. No green roof areas are proposed.
A10 Foundations
A preliminary exploration program and assessment of subsurface soil conditions was conducted
by Weber Engineering Associates, LLC (WEA). A total of 8 borings, 21 probes and 6 test pits
were undertaken at the site within the proposed building footprint, pavement and athletic field
areas as described in the Schematic Design Phase geotechnical report prepared by WEA dated
November 3, 2010. Available subsurface information from previous projects available to WEA
was also reviewed.
The native soil conditions at the site consist of sandy glacial till described as fine sand, little silt,
trace to little gravel. Cobble and boulder size material, some to 4 feet in the largest dimension,
were also observed within the native glacial till deposit. The medium dense to very dense
glacial till material was encountered in the explorations taken within the lower field and just east
of the elementary school.
The surface soil layer observed within the lower field consists of approximately 1-1/2 feet to 4
feet of granular fill. The fill thickens at the demarcation between the upper and lower field and
based upon the explorations, it is possible that much of the upper field is comprised of a thick
layer of fill except where the fill becomes thinner closest to the existing elementary school. The
fill that WEA encountered in the upper field during the recent exploration program contains
boulders, wood fragments, a layer of roots and pine needles and soft / loose soil. One of the
probes taken within the upper field indicates that the fill can be 19 feet thick.
Bedrock is also present at the site and WEA anticipates that it is an uneven surface. Therefore,
bedrock can be higher or lower than the elevation depicted on the logs. The bedrock ranges
from excellent to highly weathered Gneiss. WEA anticipates that the upper few feet of the highly
weathered bedrock can be removed by excavating although blasting or other mechanical
methods to break the competent Gneiss will be required. Since the actual depth to bedrock
was difficult to interpret, WEA recommends that the depth to refusal encountered within the
explorations be interpreted as the bedrock surface unless clearly denoted as boulder. WEA
expects that this will provide a conservative estimate for rock excavation.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
The native undisturbed glacial till as well as rock is satisfactory bearing material while the fill
should not be used for supporting structures. Boulders, some several feet thick, are expected to
occur within the natural glacial till and the fill. The depth and location of bedrock is difficult to
interpret on site because of the presence of boulders which also produces refusal. We
anticipate that the bedrock surface is undulating and bedrock consists of relatively competent
gneiss as depicted at boring B-7 (RQD 77%) to relatively poor weathered Gneiss as depicted at
test pit TP-30.
Constructing foundations and portions of the building within the upper field requires removing
the existing fill some to as deep as 19 feet below existing ground surface which is approximately
El. 433. Based upon the expected floor grades for buildings within the upper field (El. 435 to
437, gym and cafeteria) we anticipate that most if not all of the fill would be removed in the
normal course of constructing the building.
The site is not susceptible to liquefaction and we anticipate that the site will be classified no
lower than Site Class D.
Except for rock excavation, WEA does not anticipate significant premium costs for site work
based upon its current understanding of site and project conditions. Imported borrow material
will be required for building construction and site grading below pavements and athletic fields.
Sustainable design considerations will be incorporated into the foundation design (concrete); it
is intended that the new additions will follow the provisions of the Collaborative for High
Performance Schools, Massachusetts High Performance Green School Guidelines: Criteria.
Preliminary subsurface explorations, consisting of borings, probes and test pits, indicate the
presence of fill (of varying depths) overlying medium dense to very dense glacial till. The
granular fill layer at the lower field varies from approximately 1½ feet to 4 feet in thickness. The
thickness of the fill layer increases at the transition to the upper field, then gradually becomes
thinner closer to the existing Elementary School. Fill encountered at the upper field contained
boulders, wood fragments, a layer of roots and pine needles and soft/loose soil. The maximum
depth of the fill layer at the upper field is approximately 19 feet. The native, glacial till is
underlain by bedrock (gneiss), ranging from competent to highly weathered. The actual depth of
bedrock was difficult to determine, due to the presence of cobbles and boulders which can also
result in boring/probe refusal.
Foundations for the new addition will consist of individual spread footings (at columns) and
continuous strip footings (at walls). All foundation walls and footings will be cast-in-place,
reinforced concrete. The preliminary foundation design is based on an allowable bearing
capacity of 6.0 kips per square foot (3.0 TSF) on natural soils (glacial till) or on a 12” thick
cushion of compacted structural fill overlying bedrock (to be confirmed by the Geotechnical
Engineer). The existing fill layer is not suitable for spread footings or slab on grade construction
and will need to be removed within the building footprint. Based on the location and lowest floor
elevation of the building, the site topography and the expected subsurface soils conditions, it is
anticipated that as much as 19 feet of fill may need to be removed in the western (upper field)
portion of the building site. The excavated fill is not suitable for re-use below the building. Rock
excavation will also be required in some areas; however, significant premium costs for site work
are not currently anticipated.
Groundwater was encountered in some locations; depths range from 6.4 to 18.0 feet below the
ground surface. Perimeter and underslab drainage will be required at First Floor areas that are
constructed below exterior grades (primarily those areas that are two feet lower than the entry
level). Perimeter and underslab drainage systems will discharge by gravity. Temporary
dewatering will likely be required during construction.
The site is not subject to liquefaction and has been preliminarily classified as Site Class D.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Refer to the November 3, 2010 preliminary geotechnical report prepared by Weber Engineering
Associates, LLC (WEA) for additional information.
A1010 Standard Foundations
Typical perimeter frost wall: 12” to 16” thick, with a 6” wide masonry shelf with
horizontal and vertical reinforcing each face (4.0+/- psf). The outside surface
of perimeter foundation walls should receive a trowelled-on bituminous
Typical perimeter frost wall continuous footing: 2ʼ- 4” wide, by 12” deep, with
continuous reinforcing bars, plus dowels to the foundation wall (10.0+/- plf).
The bottom of the footing will be placed 4ʼ- 0” minimum below the exterior
finish grade for frost protection.
Cantilever retaining walls (at areaways): 14” thick, with horizontal and vertical
reinforcing each face (8.0 +/- psf).
Cantilever retaining wall continuous footing (at areaways): 7ʼ- 6” wide, by 1ʼ8” deep, with 8.0 psf reinforcing. The bottom of the footing will be 4ʼ-0” below
the exterior finished grade.
Typical, average interior column footings:7ʼ- 0” x 7ʼ- 0” x 2ʼ- 0” deep, with 350
pounds of reinforcing. The bottom of the footing will be approximately 3ʼ- 0”
below the First Floor slab on grade.
Typical, average perimeter column footings: 4ʼ- 6” x 4ʼ- 6” x 1ʼ- 6” deep, with
125 pounds of reinforcing. The bottom of the footing will be approximately 4ʼ6” below the exterior finish grade.
Typical Piers/pilasters at interior/perimeter columns: 20 inches square,
reinforced concrete with 35 plf reinforcing.
Anchor Bolts: Anchor bolts at column base plates shall conform to ASTM
F1554 – Grade 36 and shall be headed type. Provide a minimum of four (4),
¾” diameter anchor bolts at all columns; additional bolts and/or larger
diameter bolts will be required at bracing locations.
A1020 Special Foundation Conditions
Elevator pits: Elevator pit construction will consist of 12” thick, reinforced
concrete walls and an 24” thick, reinforced concrete foundation mat, with an
integral sump pit. Waterstops will be provided at all construction joints and all
interior surfaces of the elevator pit will be waterproofed. Elevator shaft walls
will be 100% solid grouted, reinforced CMU construction (8” thick).
A1030 Slabs On Grade
First Floor Construction will typically be a 5” thick concrete slab on grade,
reinforced with welded wire fabric. The slab will be underlain by a vapor barrier,
rigid insulation and 6” of compacted gravel fill. Saw cut control joints (1.25” deep)
will be provided in each direction at each column line. Full depth isolation joints
will be constructed around columns. The Mechanical Room floor will be similar
construction, with a 6” thick concrete slab on grade. Perimeter and underslab
drainage will be provided at all lowered First Floor areas, as previously noted.
Provide a 12” thick layer of compacted drainage fill in all areas with underslab
Welded wire fabric for slabs on grade: 6x6-W2.9xW2.9.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Slab On Grade Thermal Insulation: R=5 extruded polystyrene foamed plastic
Slab On Grade Vapor Retarder: ASTM E1745 Standard for Specification for
Water Vapor Retarders Used In Contact With Soil or Granular Fill Under
Concrete Slabs; Class A.
A20 Below Grade Construction
B2020 Foundation Walls
Full height foundation walls (Mechanical Room): 12” thick, with horizontal and
vertical reinforcing each face (5.5+/- psf).
Typical, foundation wall continuous footing: 2ʼ- 4” wide, by 12” deep, with 2 #5 continuous bars and dowels to the foundation wall. The bottom of the
footing will typically be 2ʼ-0” below the First Floor slab on grade.
Foundation Wall Dampproofing: ASTM D1227 Standard Specification for
Emulsified Asphalt Used as a Protective Coating for Roofing; Type II , Class I,
non-asbestos fibers.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
B10 Superstructure
Structural Bays/Spans: The typical bay in the center, classroom section is
rectangular, measuring 27ʼ-0” in the east-west direction and 18ʼ-0” in the northsouth direction. Two columns will be transferred at the Second Floor level, over
the Cafeteria below. The structural grid for the east section will be similar. At
the Gymnasium, side wall columns are spaced at 11ʼ-0” o.c. Roof trusses clear
span nearly 60 feet over the Gymnasium floor below. Refer to the Schematic
Design Architectural Drawings for additional information.
Story Heights: The preliminary story height for the upper levels of the central and
eastern (classroom) sections has been established at 13ʼ-4”, which is consistent
with brick coursing. At the First Floor, the typical story height is 16ʼ-4”; this
increases to 18ʼ-4” at the aforementioned, lowered sections. Refer to the
Schematic Design Architectural Drawings for additional information.
Steel Framing Connections: Type 2 simple framing connections (shear only);
double clip angles typically.
Columns: Typical columns will be rectangular steel tube (HSS) sections or wide
flange steel sections.
Lateral Force Resisting System: Lateral (wind and seismic) forces will be resisted
by steel bracing, for reasons of economy, stiffness, reduced structural depth and
smaller column sizes. Bracing members will be square or rectangular HSS
sections. Brace configurations may include chevrons, inverted chevrons (“V”), or
single diagonals in short bays, as required by architectural considerations.
Expansion (Seismic) Joints: An expansion joint will be provided along the
northeast exterior wall of the Gymnasium, separating it from the central and
eastern sections of the building.
Fire Protection: As previously noted, building is classified at Type 2B
Construction (Noncombustible, Unprotected). The building will be fully
sprinklered. Typical floor and roof steel framing does not require fire protection.
All steel framed construction is considered to be restrained.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
B1010 Floor Construction
Second Floor and Third Floor Construction (Classrooms and Partial Gymnasium
Floors) consists of a 3 -7/16” (minimum) thick, normal weight concrete topping
slab with welded wire fabric on 9/16” deep, 26 gauge galvanized steel form deck
(4” minimum total slab thickness), supported by 22” deep, open web steel bar
joists spaced at 3ʼ-0” o.c. Steel bar joists span 27ʼ-0” to 18” deep, wide flange
steel girders. The steel girders, in turn, span 18ʼ-0” to HSS (tubular) steel
columns. Standard camber will be provided for open web steel bar joists;
topping slabs on steel form deck will be placed at the required elevation, adding
concrete to compensate for the deflection of the (unshored) steel framing. As
stiffness and vibration is a special concern for the Gymnasium floor construction
over the First Floor Mechanical Room, this section of the Second Floor will be
framed with a 4” (minimum) deep, regular weight concrete topping slab on a 2”
deep, 20 gauge, composite type galvanized steel floor deck (6” minimum total
slab thickness), spanning 7ʼ-6” to composite, wide flange steel beams. Steel
beams span 22ʼ-0” to composite, wide flange steel girders, which span 20ʼ-0” to
HSS steel columns. Composite action between the steel beams/girders and the
concrete slab on steel deck will be achieved by field welding ¾” diameter, 4½”
long headed shear connectors to the top flanges.
Welded wire fabric for slabs on steel form deck and slabs on composite
steel deck: 6x6-W2.9xW2.9.
The estimated total weight of structural steel for the First and Second Floor
levels of the new building; including beams, columns, bracing, plates,
angles, miscellaneous frames, connections, etc., but excluding equipment
screens, entry canopies, loose lintels, etc. is as follows:
Structural Steel Beams and HSS/WF Columns:
280.0 Tons
The estimated total weight of open web steel bar joists and accessories is
as follows:
Open Web Steel Bar Joists and Accessories:
70.0 Tons
B1020 Roof Construction
Flat Roof Construction (Classrooms) consists of a 1½” deep, 20 gauge, Type
WR, galvanized steel roof deck, supported by 22” deep, open web steel bar joists
spaced at 4ʼ-6” o.c. Steel bar joists span 27ʼ-0” to wide flange steel girders (14”
to 18” deep). The steel girders, in turn, span 18ʼ-0” to HSS (tubular) steel
columns. Standard camber will be provided for open web steel bar joists. As
noise and vibration is a concern at roof top mechanical equipment areas, these
sections of the roof will be framed with a 3½” (minimum) deep, regular weight
concrete topping slab on a 1½” deep, 20 gauge, composite type galvanized steel
floor deck
(5” minimum total slab thickness) spanning 4ʼ-6” to composite,
wide flange steel beams. Steel beams will span 27ʼ-0” to composite, wide flange
steel girders. Composite action between the steel beams/girders and the
concrete slab on steel deck will be achieved by field welding ¾” diameter, 3½”
long headed shear connectors to the top flanges. Acoustical screens will be
provided around all roof top mechanical units. Roof drainage will be achieved by
pitching the steel framing to low points at selected interior columns, wherever
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Gymnasium Roof Construction consists of a 3” deep, 18/20 gauge, galvanized,
cellular acoustic deck, spanning 11ʼ-0” to structural steel bowstring trusses.
Trusses clear span the Gymnasium floor below (60 feet) and are supported by
HSS steel columns. Steel framing for the Gymnasium roof will be Architecturally
Exposed Structural Steel (A.E.S.S.).
Welded wire fabric for slabs on composite steel deck: 6x6-W2.9xW2.9.
The estimated total weight of structural steel for the various roof areas of
the new building; including beams, columns, trusses, bracing, plates,
angles, miscellaneous frames, connections, etc., but excluding equipment
screens, entry canopies, loose lintels, etc. is as follows:
Structural Steel Beams and HSS Columns:
Structural Steel Bowstring Trusses:
25.0 Tons
The estimated total weight of open web steel bar joists and accessories is
as follows:
Open Web Steel Bar Joists and Accessories: 20.0 Tons
B20 Exterior Enclosure
B2010 Exterior Walls
Exterior walls for new building will be a mixture of glazing and steel stud/brick
veneer cavity wall construction. Galvanized steel loose lintels will be provided at
the heads of typical, punched window openings. Elsewhere, continuous
galvanized relieving angles will be provided. Refer to the Schematic Design
Architectural documents for additional information.
Horizontal steel girts (8 x 8 HSS sections) will be provided at two intermediate
levels between the Gymnasium floor and roof, to reduce the span of the exterior
wall steel stud backup.
The steel stud backup will be 16 gauge minimum studs, designed for an H/600
deflection limitation. Vertical slip joints will be provided in the metal stud backup
system at each level. Ties to the brick veneer will be installed at 16” o.c.
horizontally and vertically.
Mechanical Area and Kitchen Area Walls
8” reinforced concrete cast-in-place wall, continuous air and vapor barrier
(A&VB), 3” rigid insulation, 1” air space, with 4” masonry veneer system (brick
and ground face CMU, see exterior elevations, typical). Interior face of wall
epoxy painted.
Retaining Wall
At gymnasium wing, concrete retaining wall (See A20 – Below Grade
Construction) with membrane waterproofing, drainage plane/protection board, 3
inch rigid insulation, and footing drain (perforated PVC in stone trench wrapped
with geotextile fabric). Interior of surfaces retaining wall in mechanical area shall
receive epoxy paint. In finished rooms, retaining wall shall receive Z furring @
16” o.c., moisture resistant GWB and paint.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Gym Wall
Lower walls 8” reinforced concrete block backup to 14ʼ AFF with epoxy paint at
interior. From 14ʼ AFF to sill of clerestory, upper wall backup is 6” metal studs at
16” o.c. with 1/2” Dense glass sheathing and 2” fibrous wood fiber panels
(“Tectum”), painted at interior. Continuous A&VB over CMU and sheathing with
3” rigid wall insulation, 1" air space and 4” masonry veneer system.
Stairs (at ends of main corridor)
6” metal stud framing 16” o.c. with 1/2” dens glass sheathing, continuous A&VB
with 3” rigid wall insulation, 1” air space, and 4” masonry veneer system. Interior
face of wall shall have epoxy paint. Vestibule shall be window wall system (See
B2020 Exterior Windows for more detail).
Classrooms, Cafeteria/Stage, IMC and Administration Areas
6” metal studs at 16” o.c. with 1/2” Dense glass sheeting, continuous A&VB, 3”
rigid insulation, 1” air space, with 4” masonry veneer system (see elevations for
locations). Stud spaces to receive 2 1/2” spray foam insulation on room side of
sheathing, typical.
Equipment Screens
Galvanized structural tube columns with horizontal tube sections at top of screen
wall and 8” above the roof, with zee girts installed vertically at 4ʼ-0” o.c. between
top and bottom structural tubes. Exterior screen panels shall be .050 prefinished
concealed fastener aluminum panel with 12” face (Centria “Econolap” 1-½” thick).
Back (equipment) side of screen to be prefinished aluminum Centria “econo Lap”
1/8” perforated 3/4” 40% open staggered hole with sound dampening insulation
exposed fastener system. Top of screen wall 8' above roof elevation.
See Roof Plan for locations where metal stud/veneer masonry parapets serve as
equipment screens.
Sun Control Devices
EFCO E-Shade 36” rectangular, 2 ½” deep, 6063-T6 aluminum
prefinished, Aluminum with screw spline construction.
Light Shelf:
EFCO E-Lite 6063-T6 prefinished aluminum with screw spline
Panel Material 1 – B2010 Exterior Walls
6” metal stud framing 16” o.c. with ½” dens glass sheathing, continuous A&VB
with 3” rigid wall insulation, 1” air space, and 4” masonry reinforced stack bond
veneer system. Interior face of wall shall have paint.
6” NBK architectural ceramic tile – Terrart “Large: rain screen 12” x 60” natural
finish “Siena” on aluminum rainscreen girt support system.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Panel Material 2 – B2010 Exterior Walls
6” metal stud framing 16” o.c. with ½” dens glass sheathing, continous A&VB
with 3” rigid wall insulation, 1” air space, and 4” masonry veneer system. Interior
face of wall shall have paint.
Centria – Formawall Graphix Series 3” vertical flat R21, backface and 22 GA.
Exterior face aluminum – smooth flat, ½” RVL, vertical double tongue + groove
1/8” NOM.
Panel Material 3 – B2010 Exterior Walls
6” metal stud framing 16” o.c. with ½” dens glass sheathing, continuous A&VB
with 3” rigid wall insulation, 1” air space, and 8x16 scored ground face CMU
veneer system. Interior face of wall shall have paint.
VM Zinc – Pigemento Series on 9/16 thick “cemsteel” cementitious and
galvanized metal sheathing furred of metal exterior wall system with 7/8”
galvanized girts and furring channels rainscreen system.
Panel Material 4
UC-500 flush panel 1” deep Rheinzink finish and 12” panel width,
24 gal. on 6” metal stud back-up, ½” dens glass, A&VB with 3”
rigid insulation.; rheinzink Euro-Norm, standard Din EN 988.
6” metal stud framing 16” o.c. with ½” dens glass sheathing, continuous A&VB
with 3” rigid wall insulation, 1” air space, and Arris-Clip renaissance system
12x24 tiles by Arriscraft. Interior face of wall shall have paint.
Exterior Soffits
UC-500 flush panel 1” deep rheinzink finish and 12” panel width,
24 gal. aluminum prefinished aluminum (where noted) 20 year
Hylar 5000; rheinzink Euro-Norm, standard Din EN 988.
Exterior Fascias
Natural Metal
Rheinzink flat seam, gladdine, Euro-norm, standard Din EN 988.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
B2020 Exterior Windows
All window systems shall be thermally broken prefinished aluminum with 1” insulated
Argon filled Low E glass unless otherwise specified.
Gym Clerestory
Strip clerestory, 6ʼ high, constructed of 4 1/2 inch deep fixed windows (EFCO
2900 series) having 1” insulated low E glass and 1” translucent glass (“Solera” by
Advanced Glazing, Ltd.)– see elevations for locations. Assume prefinished
aluminum sills and prefinished aluminum head and column trim panning.
Cafeteria / IMC / Corridor 1A
9” curtainwall system (EFCO 5900 series) with inserted 2 1/2” operable windows,
all with 1” low E glass.
Project Area Windows + Vents in curtain wall.
4 1/2” deep window system (EFCO 2900 series) with fixed and operable lights,
low E glass.
Entry Vestibules
4 1/2” fixed window wall system (EFCO 2900 series) with low E glass.
Stair Towers / Lobby / Kitchen / Corridors
6” curtainwall (EFCO 5600 series) with low E glass.
B2030 Exterior Doors
Main Entry Doors:
Doors at vestibules are prefinished aluminum medium stile with
tempered insulated glass. Interior vestibule doors same as exterior,
but with tempered 45 minute fire rated safety glass.
Service Doors:
14 gauge galvanized steel frames ASTM A525 for exterior doors
and interior doors where noted, and 16 gauge for interior frames.
Doors to be fully welded 16 gauge exterior door and 18 gauge for
interior doors with 12 gauge closer reinforcement.
Security Doors:
Dorma – ESA 400, 3/8” tempered glass, low profile, .125 thick
prefinished aluminum, Hylar 5000, automatic operation w/
emergency breakout.
B3010 Roof Coverings
Low Slope Roof Areas: Sarnafil reinforced single-ply roof membrane (light colored),
with6” average roof insulation and vapor barrier. Tapered insulation as shown on the
Sloped Roof Areas: Sarnafil reinforced single-ply roof membrane with applied ribs
("Décor Profile") to simulate standing seams over 6" roof insulation and vapor barrier.
All roof edge flashings shall be PVC coated metal compatible with welded roof
membrane joints. Fascias, soffits and trim shall be prefinished aluminum. And natural
metal as noted. A natural metal gutter and 4” diameter downspouts shall be installed
along the low point of sloped roofs.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
B3020 Roof Openings
Roof Hatches - 3ʼ X 6ʼ, for ships ladder.
Smoke Vent – for the top of the elevator shaft; assume a 4ʼx2ʼ motorized control damper
activated by the fire alarm system. Vent shaft construction to be 8'x4'x6' high two hour
rated shaft wall construction with PVC roof membrane cladding.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
C10 Interior Construction by Room
1. Gym:
2. Cafeteria
3. Kitchen Area
Floors C3020
Wood athletic flooring system, 2 1/4” overall
thickness, 15/32” maple on 2 layers 15/32”
plywood with resilient pads over vapor barrier.
With main and cross court basketball lines and
volleyball court lines. Vented rubber base.
Walls –
8” CMU with epoxy paint to 14ʼ AFF.
Steel tube trusses and WF purlins & acoustic roof
deck, painted.
Heavy duty sheet linoleum with field installed
inlaid pattern (Forbo Marmoeum “Elementary”,
2mm thick, with welded seams), vinyl cove base.
5/8” GWB, painted, on 6” metal studs (at interior
walls). Wainscott 36” high, plastic laminate on 1/2
particle board with continuous 1X3 natural finish
maple trim at top and bottom edges and at 4” o.c.
vertically (applied over GWB).
2,000 SF of ATC 24 X 24 inch fiberglass tegular
lay in (Armstrong “Optima”) .90 NRC in 15/16 grid
(Armstrong “Prelude XL”). Assume 2,000 SF
hung GB ceiling, painted “high” and “low” ceiling
areas vary (12ʼ low, 14” high)
Quarry tile, 8 x 8 inch, mud set (including cooler /
freezer floors) with QT base.
2” fibrous wood panels (“Tectum”) painted, on 8”
metal studs with batt insulation (at interior walls)
from 14ʼ AFF up to underside of deck/clerestory
Staff toilet: Ceramic mosaic tile, mudset.
Office and dry food storage: VCT, 12 x 12 inch,
(Armstrong “Imperial”) with vinyl cove base.
8” CMU with epoxy paint.
ATC, 24 x 24 inch with scrubbable face
(Armstrong “Clean Room VC”) in 15/16” hot dip
galvanized grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL Fire
Guard”). Ceiling height 9ʼ-4” AFF (kitchen & toilet
Office and Dry Food Storage: 24 x 24 inch ATC,
tegular (Armstrong “Cortega”) NRC.55, in 15/16
grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL”) ceiling height 9ʼ-4”
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
4. Platform
5. Music/Practice
6. IMC
Wood dance flooring system: 2 1/4” overall
thickness, 25/32” maple on 2 layers 15/32”
plywood on resilient pads over vapor barrier.
Sub floor construction: Concrete slab on grade.
Risers consisting of solid maple 18” deep treads
and 7” high risers (two treads & three risers)
over fire retardant plywood and wood framing.
5/8” GWB and 6 inch metal studs with acoustic
insulation, painted. Procenium opening and
surround maple veneer paneling and hardwood
trim furred on metal stud back-up.
Exposed structure, painted, with painted floating
corrugated perforated metal ceiling panel
installed on rigid fiberglass acoustic board and
suspended metal furring 24” o.c. Ceiling height
Sheet linoleum (Forbo Marmoeum “Elementary”,
2mm thick, with welded seams) with vinyl cove
5/8” GWB painted, both sides acoustic stud
chase wall (two rows 6” metal studs @ 16 in.
o.c. with acoustic insulators by Mason Industries
installed between every fourth stud (4ʼ-0” o.c.) at
48” o.c. vertically) with acoustic batt insulation.
ATC in “checkerboard” pattern, 50% 24 x 24
inch ATC tegular fiberglass panels, NRC.90,
(Armstrong “Optima”) and 50% 24 x 24 inch
ATC with scrubbable vinyl face (Armstrong
“Clean Room VL”) in 15/16” grid (Armstrong
“Prelude XL”). Ceiling height 10ʼ-4” AFF (9ʼ in
practice rooms).
Provide heavy duty linoleum flooring sheet
goods with welded seams (carry $10/sf
5/8” GWB both sides 6” metal studs @ 16” o.c.
with acoustic installation, low VOC painted.
1,000 SF of 24 x 24 ATC tegular edged
fiberglass panels NRC.90 (Armstrong “Optima”)
in 15/16” grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL”), hung
painted GWB and wood ceiling panels. Assume
1,000 SF GWB and 1,000 SF of wood ceiling.
Ceiling height varies, 12ʼ – 16ʼ.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
7. Toilet Rooms
8. Stairs
Ceramic mosaic tile, mud set, pitched to drains,
over WP membrane, all with CT base.
Walls C1010
1/2” plywood over studs to 4” above ceiling. 4ʼ
high ceramic mosaic tile wainscot on cement
backer board. 1/2” moisture resistant GWB
from wainscot to underside deck. 1/8” fiberglass
reinforced plastic panels (Kemlite) on upper
Toilets at
Gym Walls
8” CMU with epoxy paint to 9ʼ-0” AFF.
2 x 2 lay in ATC with scrubbable face
(Armstrong “Clean Room VL”) in 15/16 hot dip
galvanized grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL Fire
Guard”). Ceiling height 8'-4" AFF.
Steel stringers (C-Channels) and concrete filled
steel pans. Guards fabricated from 2 1/2” x 1/2”
barstock with 9 gauge wire mesh infill. 1 1/2”
steel pipe handrails mounted on guards and
walls. Underside of steel pans, stringers,
guards and railings painted (no ceiling).
Rubber tile at intermediate landings and rubber
riser/step treads on stairs (Norament 925) with
rubber base at walls (not at steel stringers) and
Sheet linoleum with field installed inlaid pattern
at main floor landings (see corridors).
9. Corridors
1A – 1B
Walls C2020
5/8” abuse resistant GWB on 6” metal studs at
16” o.c. with epoxy paint. 36” high wainscot of
ceramic mosaic tile on 5/8” cement backer
Hung GWB ceiling. Low VOC epoxy painted
Stone Source – Porcelain series Heavy duty
commercial grade 12 x 24 porcelain glazed.
5/8" GWB with paint on 6" metal studs @ 16"
o.c. with acoustic insulation . Wainscot, glazed
12x24 porcelain tile 10ʼ height. (see plans for
feature finishes)
ATC, 2 x 2 foot tegular edged lay in, Armstrong
“Cortega” mineral board (NRC .55) in 15/16”
grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL”). Ceiling height
10'-4" AFF with 20% Hung GWB system
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
10. Corridors
2A-2B /
3A – 3B
11. Classrooms
(including Art )
12. Administration
13. Gym Storage,
Electrical and
Data Closets
Sheet linoleum with field installed inlaid pattern
(Forbo Marmoeum "Elementary", 2mm thick,
with welded seams). Glazed CMU base (see
5/8" GWB with paint on 6" metal studs @ 16"
o.c. with acoustic insulation . Wainscot, glazed
4”x8” porcelain tile x 7'-4" height.
ATC, 2 x 2 foot tegular edged lay in, Armstrong
“Cortega” mineral board (NRC .55) in 15/16”
grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL”). Ceiling height
10'-4" AFF.
Sheet linoleum (Forbo "Elementary" without
pattern) with 4" vinyl base.
5/8” GWB on 8” metal studs at 16” o.c. (at
exterior wall), painted.
2 x 2 ATC tegular, fiberglass panels, NRC .90
(Armstrong “Optima”) in 15/6” grid (Armstrong
“Prelude XL”). Ceiling height 10ʼ-8” AFF.
Assume 25 LF x 2' wide x 2' high GWB/metal
stud soffit along corridor wall for ductwork. (9'-0"
AFF). (see RCP & Bldg section)
Sheet linoleum with field installed inlaid patter
(forbo marboleum “elementary, 2mm thick with
welded seams) with vinyl base.
5/8” GWB both sides 6” metal studs @ 16” o.c.
with acoustic installation, low VOC painted
2 x 2 ATC tegular edged (Armstrong “Cortega”)
NRC .55, in 15/16 grid (Armstrong “Prelude
XL”). Ceiling height 9ʼ-4” AFF.
Low VOC epoxy painted concrete.
8” CMU, low VOC painted (when adjacent major
space having CMU partitions).
Underside floor deck and structure, low VOC
painted. (Underside deck @ 13ʼ-6” AFF).
5/8” GWB both sides 6” metal studs at 16” o.c.
with acoustic batts, low VOC painted
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
14. Nurseʼs Suite
15. Janitor Closet
Staff Toilet Rooms
Sheet linoleum with field installed inlaid patter
(forbo marboleum “elementary, 2mm thick with
welded seams) with vinyl base.
5/8” GWB on 8" metal studs (exterior wall)
2 x 2 ATC tegular edged (Armstrong “Cortega”)
NRC .55, in 15/16 grid (Armstrong “Prelude
XL”). Ceiling height 9ʼ-4” AFF.
Ceramic mosaic tiles, thin set
5/8” GWB with low VOC epoxy paint. Wainscot4ʼ-0” high, ceramic mosaic tile on 5/8” cement
backer board.
24 x 24 inch ATC with scrubbable surface
(Armstrong "Clean Room VL") in 15/16" hot dip
galvanized grid (Armstrong "Prelude XL").
Ceiling height 8'-0".
16. Mech/Elec Rooms/ Floors
Elevator Machine
5/8” GWB both sides, 6” metal studs @ 16” o.c.
with acoustic insulation, painted.
Concrete with low VOC epoxy paint.
VCT with vinyl base (office only)
8” CMU low VOC painted.
ATC, 24x24 inch tegular edge mineral board
NRC .55 (Armstrong "Cortega") on 15/16" grid
(Armstrong "Prelude XL") ceiling height 9'- 4"
(Office only).
2 hour rated GWB, painted (Elev Machine
Room, Emergency Electric Rooms only),
underside deck and structure, low VOC painted
(all others)
17. Receiving
18. Entry Vestibules
Sheet linoleum (no pattern) with vinyl cove
8" CMU with low VOC epoxy paint.
ATC, 24x24 inch tegular edge NRC.55
(Armstrong "Cortega") on 15/16" grid
(Armstrong "Prelude XL") ceiling height 10'- 4"
Entry grate, entry mat
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
C1010 Walls
All wall construction full height to underside deck above.
C1020 Interior Doors and Frames
Hollow metal welded frames with typical 4ʼx7ʼ solid core wood doors with lowVOC natural finish. Allowance for sidelights and safety glass in doors.
For specific hardware requirements, refer to Room Data Sheets. Generally“
Sargent Signature Series” mortised door locks.
Assume aluminum storefront inner door assemblies in main lobby and lower stair
vestibule. See B2030 Exterior Doors.
At main office counter, motorized security grate (open aluminum "mall grate")
fromceiling closing to counter top.
Interior aluminum vestibule and doors – EFCO “D502” with 1” insulated glass at
exterior glass; fire rated 45 min. safety glass at interior lights.
Interior aluminum doors and windows – EFCO 403-NT prefinished aluminum
kynar 500 with 3/8” tempered glazing.
C1030 Fittings
Markerboards & Tackboards: Painted Steel writing surface on hardboard backing
with extruded aluminum frames and chalk tray. Tackboards with linoleum cork
(i.e. -Forbo “bulletin board”) covering on hardboard backing (no vinyl covered
tackboards for IAQ reasons). See Room Data Sheets for locations.
Recycled solid plastic toilet partitions & urinal screens.
Stainless Steel grab bars, bathroom accessories such as soap, towel,
sanitarynapkin, and toilet paper dispensers, recessed waste bins, mirrors, etc.
Exterior building canopy mounted signage (assume 16” high cast aluminum
letters:“Douglas Elementary School” at first floor and ground floor canopies). (2
Flag pole: (1) one. Cast Aluminum 35ʼ tall
Exterior Column Covers: Una-Clad Series 200 single section, .125 thick,
prefinished, custom color, Hylar 5000.
Interior Column Covers: Stromberg, GRG high quality glass fiber gypsum
reinforced covers ready for field finish.
Interior Signage
Vandal resistant frame and sign with raised vinyl lettering, integral raster Braille
(raised) and removable vinyl insert.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
C3010 Floors and Walls
Feature wood walls (see plans for locations) Maple veneer paneling and
hardwood trim on metal furring.
Feature porcelain tile walls (see plans for locations) 4x8 glazed porcelain tile (at
2nd and 3rd floors), 12x24 glazed porcelain tile (at 1st floor) on cement backer
Mats & Grates:
Mats: “Berber” 100% solution dyed UV stabilized polyproylene with 10%
recycled content and rubber backing 3/8” thick.
Grates: ADA complaint “Deep recessed dual-track” 1 5/8”
6061-T6 heavy gauge aluminum with grey vinyl scrapping inserts &
charcoal nylon dring inserts (see drawings for sizes).
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
D10 Conveying
D1010 Elevators & Lifts
Holeless hydraulic passenger elevator, 3,500 lb, three floor stops, 100 fpm.
Stainless steel doors, frame, and cab interior. Shaft shall be 2 hour reinforced
D20 Plumbing
D2010 Plumbing Fixtures
Number of plumbing fixtures will be added in the facility to accommodate
population of 276 male students and 276 female students and shall be in
accordance with 248 CMR Paragraph 10.10, Table 1.
Plumbing fixtures will be equipped with the following water conserving features
(for 30% indoor water use reduction-LEED- WE Credit 3)
Water Closet
Dual Flush Valve
(Sloan WES-111,
1.6 gpf up and 1.1
gpf down) Or
Electronic sensor
1.28 gpf flush valve
(Sloan 8111-1.28)
Electronic sensor ultra
low flow flush valve type0.25gpf (Sloan WEUS
1002) Or Waterfree
Urinals (Sloan WES1000)
Sloan Optima EAF-275ISM “Solis” solar powered,
sensor activated, hand
washing faucet with
integral spout temperature
mixer, 0.5 gpm flow
restricting aerator spray
head and field adjustable
run time limit setting.
Water closets and urinals will be commercial vitreous china, wall hung (ADA
compliant). Lavs will be self-rimming counter mounted china. Each floor includes
a janitorʼs closet with a corner mop service basin. Toilet cores on each floor will
include alcove-recessed electric water cooler, in a high-low handicapped
accessible configuration. Toilet and mechanical room will have a floor drain with
trap primer.
All classrooms will have self-rimming stainless steel sink with gooseneck type
faucets (Chicago#786-GN). Plumbing connecting and faucets will provided to
each kitchen appliances requiring plumbing work. Exterior non-freeze wall
hydrants will be provided on all side of the school building.
D2020 Domestic Water Distribution
New main 4” domestic water supply will enter into the mechanical room and
reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer will be provided to the main domestic
water supply to protect the service (per the DEP regulation 310 CMR 22). Boiler
water feed and make-up, and any other mechanical take-Offs will branch off
through a reduced pressure-principle backflow preventer.
The domestic cold water piping inside the building will be distributed in “L” type
copper tube with wrought or cast copper fittings. The piping will be insulated to
prevent condensation.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Two high efficiency (86%) oil fired water heaters with storage tank. (Veissmann
Vitola 200, 300 MBH with two 130 Gallon tanks) will be manifold together to
supply hot water distribution to classroom fixtures and kitchen appliances. The
domestic hot water distribution system will be in re-circulating system to the
fixtures, with no dead leg more than 12” in length. There will be 2 different hot
water supply / recirculation systems in the building. One system will operate at
140°F and will serve the kitchen dishwasher and 3 compartment sink. The other
system will operate at 120°F and will serve the other kitchen sinks and
appliances, as well as the custodian room sinks, lavatories and classroom sinks.
At the lavatories, the faucets will reduce the temperature to 110°F at the
lavatories, and 105°F in the toilet rooms and class rooms sinks.
Domestic hot water will be distributed in “L” type copper tube with wrought or cast
copper fittings. The hot water (HW),and re-circulating (HWC) piping will be
insulated for energy savings. No HW or HWC piping will be concealed beneath
the slab.
D2030 Sanitary Waste
The 6” sanitary waste system will drain by gravity and will run to exit the building
and connect to the new sewer system at the site
A dedicated 4” grease waste line will be installed to collect grease laden waste
water from the new Kitchen appliances and fixtures. The grease line will exit the
building adjacent to the Sanitary Sewer and will be connected to an exterior
grease trap outside the building. For culinary sink or prep sinks grease tarp will
be provided at the source.
Above ground sanitary drainage and will be piped in cast iron with “no-hub”
joints.(3” or larger) . Piping smaller than 3 inch will be piped in copper. Piping
below floor shall be weight cast iron hub and spigot
D2040 Rain Water Discharge
Roof Drain system will carry rain water away from the flat roof of the new building
with conventional primary roof drains.. The surface of the roof deck will be
drained with dual level promenade drains (a minimum of two) with the lower drain
bodies flashed into the waterproofing membrane. RW piping and the system will
be sized to handle a rainfall rate of 4 inches per hour, with a total runoff from the
main roof and the roof deck of just under 1 cubic foot per second. The storm
system will be installed in cast iron piping with all horizontal piping insulated to
prevent condensation. The storm system will exit along the side of the building
and connect to the site storm water collection system.
See G3030 – Storm Sewer for a description of the exterior storm drain system.
D2090 Fuel
Fuel source for the domestic hot water heating will be fuel oil #2 and kitchen
equipment will be propane gas and electric
Sustainable Design Features:
All plumbing fixtures will be equipped with ultra low flow water conserving faucets in order to
achieve 30% water reduction of water usage from the base design.
To receive maximum LEED credits, following plumbing measures will be considered for further
evaluation during design development phase.
• Reduce potable water use for sewage conveyance by storm water harvesting.
• Solar thermal water heater.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
D3010 Energy Supply
Energy for the school shall be provided by a 10,000 gallon, #2 heating oil tank,
below grade. Tank shall include leak detection monitoring.
D3020 Heat Generating Systems
The central plant will consist of two - 2000 MBH oil fired hot water boilers sized at
2/3 capacity each. The boilers will provide hot water for heating to energy
recovery units (ERU), roof mounted air handling units RTU-1 and HV-1, and
various terminal units throughout the building. The boilers will be controlled in a
manner to maximize overall plant efficiency by firing the boilers at the lowest
possible hot water temperature based on outdoor temperature.
Hot water is distributed throughout the building by two base mounted end suction
pumps (one is a full size spare), each controlled by a variable frequency drive.
D3030 Cooling Generating Systems
The chilled water plant consists of a 80 ton air cooled chiller. Chilled water is
pumped in a primary-secondary system separated by a plate heat exchanger.
The chiller uses the “green” refrigerant R-410a.
D3040 Distribution Systems
1. The classrooms are heated, cooled and ventilated by ceiling recessed active
chilled beam units. These chilled beams will be supplied with ventilation air
provided by a roof mounted energy recovery unit (ERU). Each space shall be
controlled by a wall mounted thermostat.
2. The three ERUs provide tempered ventilation air to classrooms, corridors,
and other miscellaneous spaces throughout the building. The first stage of
heating is by the VFD-modulated energy wheel. Further heating is achieved
through a hot water coil. The first stage of cooling is also through the wheel
and further cooling is provided by a direct expansion (DX) condensing unit
section. The DX cooling coil also provides dehumidification in conjunction
with a wrap-around heat pipe (for reheat).
3. The ERUs operate continuously during occupied hours but only operate
during unoccupied hours to provide air for chilled beam units to maintain
unoccupied setpoint.
4. The corridors will be heated, cooled, and ventilated in the same manner as
the classrooms. The second floor corridor (top floor) will have supplemental
heating provided by wall recessed convectors.
5. The cafeteria will be served by a roof mounted air handling unit which
provides heating, cooling, and ventilation. Heating is provided by hot water
and cooling is accomplished through a DX condensing unit. Fans are
controlled by VFDs and operate at 66% of full load until a call for further
heating or cooling. Demand controlled ventilation modulates the outdoor
airflow from 10% to full outdoor airflow based on readings at the return air
carbon dioxide sensor. The unit is also equipped with economizing capability
which uses outdoor air for cooling when the outdoor air enthalpy is within an
acceptable range.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
6. The kitchen hoods are connected to a roof mounted exhaust fan. The fan will
run cotinuously during occupied hours. Makeup air is provided by a roof
mounted makeup air unit. The unit provides heating with a fully modulating
hot water heating unit.
7. Administrative Area (1st floor) – The group of spaces on the first floor which
seves school administrative staff is served by a roof mounted air handling unit
which provides heating, cooling, and ventilation. Heating is provided by a hot
water coil and cooling is accomplished through a DX condensing unit.
Demand controlled ventilation modulates the outdoor airflow from 30% to full
outdoor airflow based on readings at the return air carbon dioxide sensor.
Heating and cooling modulates based on readings at the discharge air
temperature sensor. The unit is also equipped with economizing capability
which uses outdoor air for cooling when the outdoor air enthalpy is within an
acceptable range. Each individual space is served by a variable air volume
terminal box (VAV) which consists of a motorized damper and a hot water
reheat coil. Each space has a wall mounted thermostat which modulates the
damper for precision cooling and the heating coil for heating.
8. The IMC is served by a roof mounted air handling unit which provides
heating, cooling, and ventilation. Heating is provided by a hot water coil and
cooling is accomplished through a DX condensing unit. Demand controlled
ventilation modulates the outdoor airflow from 25% to full outdoor airflow
based on readings at the return air carbon dioxide sensor. Heating and
cooling modulates based on readings at the discharge air temperature
sensor. The unit is also equipped with economizing capability which uses
outdoor air for cooling when the outdoor air enthalpy is within an acceptable
9. The gymnasium is served by a roof mounted air handling unit which provides
heating and ventilation. Heating is provided by hot water. Fans are
controlled by VFDs and operate at 66% of full load until a call for further
heating or cooling. Demand controlled ventilation modulates the outdoor
airflow from 10% to full outdoor airflow based on readings at the return air
carbon dioxide sensor. The unit does not provide cooling, but environmental
cooling is provided by economizing, which uses outdoor air for cooling when
the outdoor air enthalpy is within an acceptable range.
10. The main V/D head end room is cooled by a split DX system. Smaller
elec./data rooms are cooled with supply air provided by supply fans through
ductwork and diffusers.
11. There are miscellaneous spaces throughout the building that contain
convectors, cabinet unit heaters, and finned tube radiation for heating.
12. All entrance vestibules and stairways shall contain ceiling mounted cabinet
unit heaters to provide heat to the space.
D3060 Controls & Instrumentation
The building shall be controlled by a direct digital control. The DDC System shall
be capable of monitoring and controlling all points in the building HVAC system,
energy recovery units, boilers, chiller, etc.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
D40 Fire Protection
D4010 Sprinklers
Building will be served from the new 8” fire service line from the street. Cross
connection control shall be provided by use a supervised double check valve
assembly backflow preventer on the fire service as it enters the building in a
dedicated Fire Pump room adjacent to the exterior building wall. A Fire pump will
be provided to meet the pressure and flow requirements of the sprinkler system.
The entire building shall be protected throughout with a wet automatic fire
suppression system. A fire department Siamese pumper connection will be
provided outside the fire pump room. The FDC will either be wall-mount or freestanding, depending on the final details and the preference of the responding Fire
Department AHJ. This system shall be designed in accordance with NFPA
Standard 13, 2007, the Massachusetts State Building Code, 8th Edition and the
town of Douglas Fire Department requirements.
Sprinklers shall be supplied from the standpipes. Floor control valve stations,
consisting of a monitored shut-off valve, flow switch and an Inspectorʼs test valve
and sight glass, shall be provided at each floor take-off from the standpipe
system. This shall report sprinkler flow to the fire alarm system on a floor-by-floor
Sprinkler heads in electrical and mechanical rooms shall be standard response,
212 degree temperature listing. Sprinklers in all other areas shall be quick
response heads.
D4020 Standpipes
Standpipes shall be supplied in all required egress stairs. Standpipes would be
designed in accordance with NFPA Standard 14, 2007, and Douglas Fire
Department requirements. Standpipes shall be located in each required egress
stairway, and adjacent to the Stage. Additionally, standpipes shall be located so
that no part of the building is more than 200 feet from a standpipe valve. Each
standpipe shall be equipped with a 2 1/2” fire department hose valve with 1 1/2”
reducer at the stair floor landing. At the Stage, fire department valves shall be
provided on each side of the stage. These shall be in recessed cabinets.
Because the building is not a high rise, there is no minimum pressure
requirement for the standpipes.
D4090 Fire Protection Systems
Standpipes & sprinklers shall be supplied from a dedicated water service,
entering the building in the fire pump room. The building service shall be
equipped with a wet main alarm riser check valve, located at the service
entrance. From there, this line would run to each stairways, and then up through
the stairways as standpipes. Fire protection piping shall be schedule 40 piping
with threaded fittings for any piping sized 2” and less. For sizes over 2”, schedule
10 piping with roll grooved fittings and couplings shall be used.
All valves controlling the flow of water shall be equipped with supervisory devices
that report to the Fire Alarm system. Kitchen hood will be protected with a dry
agent “Ansul R-102” packaged hood suppression system
Following hydrant flow test information was obtained from the Douglass town:
Static Pressure: 80 psi Residual Pressure: 56 psi Flow: 1180 GPM
Based on the above hydrant flow data and the elevation, we feel a fire pump is
required for this project.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
D50 Electrical
D5010 Electrical Service & Distribution
Furnish and install the underground primary electric service conduits from the
existing aerial utility primary service. The pad mounted transformer and
associated primary electric service cables shall be furnished and installed by the
utility company. The primary electric service voltage for the pad mounted
transformer will be 13.8 KV and the secondary electric service voltage will be
277/480-volts, 3-phase, 4-wire.
Furnish and install the multiple secondary electric service cables from the padmounted transformer to the secondary switchboard located in the new electric
Furnish and install a new 1600-ampere rated main switchboard consisting of a
1600-ampere main breaker and metering section, 277/480-volt feeder section,
and a metering cubicle.
Furnish and install four meters (main, lighting, HVAC and receptacle) and
metering sections in the switchboards.
Furnish and install the required 480/277-volt and 208/120-volt normal lighting and
power distribution system including transformers, panels and associated feeders
in conduit. Furnish and install the required lighting, receptacle, and power panels
including associated feeders in conduit. All panels shall be installed in the
electric closets provided on each floor of the building.
Furnish and install a lighting and receptacle system in each of the areas within
the building including all branch circuit wiring from the respective panelboards.
Lighting and receptacle branch circuit wiring shall be installed in conduit
raceways or shall be type MC metal clad cable in concealed locations.
Furnish and install all heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and plumbing power
wiring, magnetic starters and disconnect switches. All power wiring shall be
installed in conduit.
Furnish and install the power wiring in conduit for the elevator.
Furnish and install the power wiring in conduit for the fire pump if required.
Provide surge suppression protection on switchboard and all distribution panels.
D5020 Lighting & Branch Wiring
Lighting design: .75 W per square foot. Occupancy sensors controlled lighting.
Classrooms and library - Pendant mounted indirect lighting fixtures.
Cafeteria - Pendant mounted indirect lighting fixtures, wall sconces and
downlighting. Provide track lighting for stage.
Gymnasium - Compact fluorescent high bay lighting fixtures controlled by
occupancy sensors and daylighting controls.
Offices and conference rooms - 2 x 2 recessed indirect lighting fixtures. All
offices and administration areas - pendant mounted, ceiling recessed and wall
mounted lighting fixtures.
Corridors and stairwells - Wall mounted sconces, Recessed downlights
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Lighting occupancy sensors in classrooms, toilets and offices. Occupancy
sensors: WattStopper dual technology DT-200. As part of the daylight harvesting
system, exterior classrooms and the gymnasium shall be furnished with dimming
ballasts, daylighting controls and photocells. WattStopper or approved equal.
Conrols: automatic dimming control module WattStopper LCD 101. Photocells
WattStopper LS-190C. LEED EA Credit 1 – Optimize Energy Performance.
All classrooms and conferences room lighting fixtures shall be furnished with
fluorescent dimming ballasts and wall dimmer switches. Advance Mark X or
approved equal
Electric rooms, mechanical rooms and storage rooms - Surface or pendent
mounted lens lighting fixtures.
Furnish and install an internally illuminated exit sign system at all paths of egress
within the building.
Site lighting fixture to meet IES full cut off rating. All site lighting to be controlled
by multi-zone programmable time clock.
All lighting fixtures in the building including gymnasium shall be controlled by
local room switches and a building wide computer based lighting control system
by Wattstopper. LEED EQ Credit 6.1 & 6.2 – Controllability of Systems,
Perimeter & Non-Perimeter. Building wide lighting control system shall consist of
control panel, computerized timeclock, relays, switches, LAN connection,
software, etc.
D5030 Communication & Security
Fire Alarm System
Furnish and install a complete addressable fire alarm system throughout
the addition. The system shall consist of pull stations, smoke detectors,
heat detectors, duct detectors, standby batteries and alarm speakers with
strobe lights. All fire alarm system wiring shall be installed in conduit or
fire alarm type MC metal clad cable in concealed locations.
Smoke detectors shall be installed in egress areas including all corridors,
stairways, lobbies.
Audible/visual alarm notification horn/strobe light units shall be installed in
all corridors, stairways, classrooms, conference, lobbies, gymnasium,
mechanical spaces and toilets.
Manual pull stations shall be installed in paths of egress.
The fire alarm control panel is located in the main electric room. The fire
alarm system shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72.
Technology Systems include: Voice/Data/TV System, building-wide WIFI internet
access, Cable TV and Video Distribution System, local Gym/music/cafe Sound
Systems, Master Clock & PA/Intercom System.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Voice/Data System
Voice/data outlets shall be installed in all offices, library,
classrooms, gym, Cafetorium, and conference rooms. Voice/data
outlets shall be installed at every desk location in all offices.
Furnish and install conduits between each floor IDF closet and the
MDF closet in the first floor. Provide 10Gb fiber optic cable and
multi-pair voice riser cable between each IDF and the MDF.
Provide fiber patch panels and voice cross-connect blocks.
Furnish and install eight data drops in each classroom.
Furnish and install two gang outlet box, plaster ring, 1¼” conduit to
nearest accessible ceiling, insulating bushings and pull line for all
voice/data outlet locations. If nearby accessible ceiling is not
feasible extend conduits to nearest IDF closet.
Furnish and install a structured cabling system consisting of all cat
6 voice/data cable, modular jacks, patch panels, wiring blocks,
racks, fiber optic cable, fiber patch panels, 2-post open equipment
racks, devices plates, outlet boxes, conduit, etc. for a complete
and fully functional voice/data/video system.
Each classroom, library and conference room shall be wired for
wall mounted LCD projectors with multiple short throw projectors,
interactive white boards and teacher lectern location. Furnish and
install required conduit and wire.
Provide 100% wireless coverage in the building. Provide wireless
access point ceiling and wall Enclosures at designated locations
throughout the building. Provide a cat 6 data outlet for connection
of a future Wireless Access Pont at each Enclosure to the building
Local Area Network.
Provide conduit raceway for future interactive white board in all
Provide a telephone system in the building including telephone in
all classrooms and at all teacher/staff workstations. The
telephone system shall be capable of Voice over IP. Provide all
head end equipment including a voice mail system sized
appropriately for the number of users. Provide telephone
handsets in all classrooms, at every desk in offices and in
common spaces, such as conference room, library, Cafetorium,
and gym.
Video Distribution System
Video outlets shall be installed in all offices, gym, library,
Cafetorium, classrooms, and conference room.
The system shall be digital (Video over IP). Provide digital head
end network equipment in the Head End MDF room.
Furnish and install all cat 6 cable, devices plates, outlet boxes,
conduit, etc. for a complete and fully functional video distribution
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Furnish and install two gang outlet box, plaster ring, 1¼” conduit to
nearest accessible ceiling, insulating bushings and pull line for all
cable video outlet locations. If nearby accessible ceiling is not
feasible extend conduits to nearest IDF closet.
Furnish and install conduits between each floor and the MDF
closet in the first floor. Provide insulating bushings and pull lines.
Gymnasium Local Sound System
The sound system shall be furnished with an amplifier, compact
disk player, wireless microphone transmitter, microphone outlets
and an assistive listening system mounted in a sound system rack
with a lockable door. Provide speakers, mic jacks and wiring in
the gymnasium.
The two program channel sound system shall provide for the
pickup, amplification and simultaneous reproduction at any single
or group of speaker locations. Program sources are compact disc
player, and microphones.
Music Room Local Sound System
The sound system shall be furnished with an amplifier, recorder
compact disk player, wireless microphone transmitter, microphone
outlets and an assistive listening system mounted in a sound
system rack with a lockable door. Provide speakers, mic jacks
and wiring in the room.
Cafetorium Local Sound System
The sound system shall be furnished with an amplifier, compact
disk player, wireless microphone transmitter, microphone outlets
and an assistive listening system mounted in a sound system rack
with a lockable door. Provide speakers, mic jacks and wiring in
the café and stage.
The two program channel sound system shall provide for the
pickup, amplification and simultaneous reproduction at any single
or group of speaker locations. Program sources are compact disc
player, and microphones.
Master and Central Sound System Clock
Provide a new master clock system in the building. Secondary
clocks shall be installed in all classrooms, offices, admin areas,
and in all common spaces such as conference rooms, library, gym
and Cafetorium. The master clock shall be located in the MDF
Provide a central sound system with speakers in all classrooms,
offices, admin, conference rooms, library, gym, Cafetorium, and
corridors. The Central Sound system equipment shall be located
in the MDF room. System shall be accessed thru the telephone
system via access codes. The Central Sound system shall be
interfaced to the Master Clock system for scheduled bell tones.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Security System.
Furnish and install a complete security system include magnetic contacts,
motion detector, sirens, key pad control pane, conduit and wire. Furnish
and install magnetic contacts on all exterior doors. Furnish and install
motion detectors in gym, corridors, lobbies and all exterior window rooms.
Furnish and install a security camera system including server, color IP
cameras with housings, conduit and cat 6 cabling. Furnish and install
interior IP cameras at all egress doors and corridors. Furnish and install
exterior cameras around the exterior of the building. Furnish and install
Ethernet switches with Power over Ethernet (PoE) ports for all IP security
cameras. Furnish and install a Network Video Recorder (NVR), Video
Management software system, and Client software. The NVR shall be
sized for three (3) to four (4) weeks of image storage. Provide a
cabinet/rack for the head end equipment to include the NVR, rackmounted monitor, and a UPS system. Head end equipment shall be
located in the MDF.
Furnish and install a video/audio door intercom system at the main entry
doors to provide for verification of visitors and remote door release from
the main office. The system shall include door stations, master stations,
and all low voltage cabling and power supplies. Electronic door latch
hardware shall be provided by the door vendor.
Furnish and install a Card/Proximity Access Control system at the
designated door locations. The system shall include Card/Proximity
Readers, all low voltage cabling and power supplies, a system server with
Management Software system. Electronic door latch hardware and
Request to Exit devices shall be provided by the door hardware vendor.
Furnish and install a complete conduit system for the security system.
Furnish and install all required conduits, outlet boxes, pull lines, plaster
rings, junction boxes required for a complete security system.
Classroom Speech Reinforcement System
Provide a speech reinforcement system in all classrooms. System to
consist of amplifier, IR sensor, speakers and cabling.
Video Presentation Equipment
Provide video presentation equipment at all teaching stations including
classrooms, SPED rooms, IMC, etc. Equipment to include interactive
whiteboards, short throw video projectors, security devices and plat panel
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
D5090 Other Electrical Systems
Emergency Electrical Light and Power System
Furnish and install an emergency life safety light and power system. The
system shall consist of lighting fixtures, exit signs, conduit, wire, auto
transfer switch, supervisory relays, two-hour mineral insulated cables,
panelboards and cabinets. Life safety emergency lighting shall be
installed in accordance MEC Article 700. Life safety emergency system
shall serve emergency lighting, exit signs, fire alarm system and fire pump
(if required).
Designated lighting fixtures in all paths of egress such as corridors,
interior classrooms, cafeteria, toilets, library, gymnasium, lobbies and
stairwells shall be connected to the emergency lighting system. Also,
designated lighting fixtures in the administration offices, toilets,
mechanical rooms and electric rooms.
Furnish and install an emergency standby power system. The system
shall consist of conduit, wire, auto transfer switch, panelboards and
cabinets. Emergency standby system shall be installed in accordance
MEC Article 702. Standby system shall serve kitchen refrigeration,
boilers, boiler pumps, gym and cafeteria AHUs, intrusion security system,
and communication systems.
Furnish and install a new exterior diesel driven emergency generator in
sound attenuating enclosure with double wall sub-base fuel tank, and new
ductbank into new main electrical room. New generator located adjacent
to the building.
Lighting Occupancy Sensors
The occupancy sensor based lighting control system shall ensure that the
lighting fixtures are turned off automatically after a reasonable time delay
whenever a room or area is vacated.
Dual technology sensors shall detect the presence of a person by
detecting doppler shifts in transmitted ultrasound and by detecting
passive infrared heat changes.
Dual technology sensors will be installed in all offices, classrooms,
conference rooms, storage rooms, and toilets.
A building lighting management system with timeclock capabilities shall
be installed to control all lighting in corridors, stairwells, gymnasium and
all other areas not covered by occupancy sensors.
A design alternative considered as part of the daylight harvesting system
is daylighting controls and dimming ballasts shall be installed in all
perimeter rooms.
The entire lighting control system will be evaluated on a life cycle cost
analysis (LCCA) basis.
The entire lighting system shall meet all requirements of the State Energy
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
General Note:
Refer Room Data Sheets for Equipment & Furnishings, which are included as
part of the construction cost.
E10 Equipment
E1010 Foodservice Equipment
The foodservice program will consist of a full service kitchen and serving area
sized to accommodate elementary level students and staff.
The new serving area will be a modern double line servery system as traditionally
found in this grade level.
Kitchen and Food Preparation Area
The facility shall include all the necessary components of a functional kitchen to
include a receiving area to be used as a staging point for the breakdown and
distribution of delivered goods. Refrigerated rooms for the bulk storage of
refrigerated and frozen products are to be offered and sized to accommodate the
needs of the facility. Dry goods storage shall also be made available for the
keeping of canned, boxed, and other non-refrigerated food items. Food grade
storage shelving and dunnage platforms shall be provided for dry goods storage
and for storage of disposable items like plastic utensils, foam serving trays, and
other paper related items.
Food preparation shall take place on stainless steel tables of various sizes and
configurations. Tables may be fashioned with sinks, drawers, shelves, and
overhead pot storage hooks. Motorized food preparation equipment such as a
food slicer, food cutter, and mixer shall be provided. Sizing of this equipment will
be based on the scope of food preparation as many purveyors now sell preprepared ingredients that are pre-washed and sliced.
Cooking shall take place in a central location adjacent to both food storage and
preparation. Equipment shall consist of standard pieces such as convection
ovens, boiling kettles, braising pans, steamers, and open burner range tops.
Adjustments shall be made to cooking equipment to suite the specific menu.
The facility will include the necessary ware washing equipment to process ware,
pots, trays, and pans.
Other support facilities located in or adjacent to the kitchen will include a staff
toilets for men and women, a dedicated kitchen slop sink with enough space for
the storage of mops, buckets and detergents. A clothes washer and dryer will
be provided for the washing of mop heads, aprons, and kitchen hand towels.
Typically grouped with this equipment are employee locker accommodations for
the storage of personal items like coats, handbags, or shoes.
Serving Area
Serving will take place on various counters organized into a linear configurations
allowing for orderly and secure serving of food products. Counter are grouped
into multiple hot food serving lines that will serve the typical school lunch. These
lines shall include the necessary equipment needed to provide the cold side
offerings such as fruit, salads, and beverages.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Other serving lines will consist of the alternate hot food line with the ability to
serve hot sandwiches, burgers, pizza, and any other alternate hot food items.
Each of the lines will funnel into a common area large enough to accommodate
the flow of traffic where the transaction is to take place. Counters with tray slides
will be provided to accept "Point of Sale" terminals where students can pay with
cash or type in a code that is linked to a declining balance pre paid system.
E1020 Institutional Equipment – Refer to Room Data Sheets
Audio-Visual Equipment: N/A (Furnishings & Equipment)
Platform Curtain: Velour stage curtain on heavy duty cord operated track with
E1030 Vehicular Equipment – NA
E1090 Other Equipment
Maintenance Equipment: N/A (Furnishings & Equipment)
Unit Kitchens: One each in teacher lunchrooms and Life Skills Room (2` total)
Athletic Equipment: – Refer to Gym Room Data Sheets
Motorized basketball backstops (two main court and four side court),
wall padding, motorized gym divider curtain, manual bleachers,
volleyball inserts, scoreboards, shot clocks, etc.
E20 Furnishings
E2010 Fixed Furnishings
Fixed Casework: (Refer to Room Data Sheets) all custom fabricated.
Each project area to have custom fabricated
cubiesconstructed of prefinished solid maple and
maple veneerplywood.
Classroom Casework:
Each full size classroom shall have sink base, wall
cabinets and storage cubbies. All cabinets constructed
of prefinished solid maple andmaple veneer plywood
with plastic laminate countertops.
Main Office:
Main office reception counter, work room counters
andwall cabinets. Staff mail box cubbies. All casework
prefinished solid maple/maple veneer plywood
withplastic laminate counter tops.
Room divider, circulation counter plus 360 LF 36” high
custombookcases on outside wall concealing fintube
radiation,with grille on top and as shown on the
drawings. Work Room base and wall cabinets. All
casework prefinished solid maple/maple
veneerplywood with plastic laminate counter tops.
Art Room:
Modular pre-manufactured wall and base cabinets with
epoxy tops as for “science rooms”.
Window Treatment:
Perforated (1% opeonness) window shade with chain
clutch, bottom rail and fascia.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
E2020 Moveable Furnishings – NA
Includes furniture & accessories, moveable rugs & mats, etc. which are NOT to
be part of the estimated construction cost (F&E).
F10 Special Construction – Not Applicable
F1010 Special Structures – Not Applicable
F1020 Integrated Construction – Not Applicable
F1030 Special Construction Systems – Not Applicable
F1040 Special Facilities – Maintain services and egress elements to occupied existing
school building while new building is constructed. F1050 Special Controls &
Instrumentation – Not Applicable
F20 Building Demolition
F2010 Building Elements Demolition – Not Applicable
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
G10 Site Preparation
G1010 Site Clearing
Strip and stockpile all topsoil within the project area below building and pavement
footprint and within the work area.
G1020 Site Demolition and Relocations
Demolish existing pavements, fencing and other existing site features as required
for the new work.
G1030 Site Earthwork
Strip and stockpile all existing topsoil to project subgrade or deeper as necessary
within the structure footprint and below pavement areas.
G1040 Hazardous Waste Remediation – Not Applicable
G20 Site Improvements
G2010 Roadways
Bituminous Concrete Pavement Vehicular: 1.5” Wearing Course, 2” Base Course,
12” Compacted Gravel Base.
Concrete Pavement Vehicular: 9” Reinforced Concrete with #4 rebar @ 12” each
way, 12” Compacted Gravel Base, Light Broom finish, expansion joints, spaced
at 20 feet maximum, shall have steel slip dowel connectors.
Granite Vertical Curb: 6” reveal, saw top spit face granite. Depth and setting to
match the Massachusetts Highway Departmentʼs Standards.
Cape Cod Berm: 12” wide x 4” high sloped bituminous concrete. Materials and
installation per Massachusetts Highway Departmentʼs Standards (MHD).
G2020 Parking Lots
Bituminous Concrete Pavement Vehicular: 1.5” Wearing Course, 2” Base Course,
12” Compacted Gravel Base.
Granite Vertical Curb: Vertical Granite Curb shall be Vertical Granite Street Curb
both straight and curved pieces: 18” Depth of pieces, Lengths and radius of
pieces vary. Materials and installation per Massachusetts Highway Departmentʼs
Standards (MHD). Specifications and as modified by the Landscape architect..
This is for all granite curbing. 6 inch ht. of exposed curb varies per grading.
Cape Cod Berm: 12” wide x 4” high sloped bituminous concrete. Materials and
installation per Massachusetts Highway Departmentʼs Standards (MHD).
Vehicular Pavement Line Striping: Striping and Handicap Parking Symbols shall
meet all applicable requirements of the Massachusetts Highway Department
(MHD) and the manual of uniform traffic control devices (MUTCD).
Handicap Parking Signage: Metal signs on metal posts, (1) per handicap parking
space. Signs shall meet all applicable requirements of the Massachusetts
Highway Department (MHD) and the manual of uniform traffic control devices
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
G2030 Pedestrian Paving
Bituminous Concrete Pavement Pedestrian: 1” Wearing Course, 2” Base Course,
6” Compacted Gravel Base.
Concrete Pavement Pedestrian: 4” Reinforced Concrete with WWF 6x6 W2.9 X
W2.9, 6” Compacted Gravel Base, Light Broom, sandblast, exposed aggregate
finish, expansion joints, spaced at 20 feet maximum, and tooled control joints
spaced 4 feet max.
Concrete Pavement Pedestrian – Colored and Colored and Stamped: 4”
Reinforced Concrete with WWF 6x6 W2.9 X W2.9, 6” Compacted Gravel Base.
Integral color by Scofield or approved equal selected from standard colors.
Stamped pattern by Bominite, circular granite stone pattern with colored smooth
concrete banding. Expansion joints, spaced at 20 feet maximum, and tooled
control joints spaced 4 feet max.
Detectable Warning Concrete Unit Pavers: Rated for light vehicular loading, 3”
(min.) thick pavers, standard size and color to be selected, 1” asphaltic concrete
base, neoprene tack coat, 8”
Concrete Unit Pavers: Rated for light vehicular loading, 2 3/8” (min.) thick pavers,
standard size and color to be selected, 1” asphaltic concrete base, neoprene tack
coat, 8” compacted gravel base.
G2040 Site Development
Concrete Retaining Walls: For height see drawings, 18” thick, #5 vertical
reinforcement @ 9” OC, #4 horizontal reinforcement @ 12” OC. 4000 PSI
concrete with expansion joints @ 30ʼ-0” OC max. 3000 PSI concrete footing. #5
rebar @ 9” OC for footing. Metal handrails 3.5ʼ high on top of the wall made with
1.5” O.D. rails. Walls three feet or larger need to be approved by a structural
engineer. Footing width 5ʼ deep and 1.5ʼ thick.
Concrete Seat Walls: 18” height, 24” thick, reinforced concrete walls with light
sandblast finish. Footing to frost depth.
Concrete Stairs: Reinforced concrete with a light sandblast finish and with 1.5”
OD galvanized Metal Handrails. Stairs shall meet all applicable requirements of
the Massachusetts state building code, and the Massachusetts Architectural
Access Board (AAB).
Concrete Handicap Ramps: The same than Concrete Pavement Pedestrian with
Metal Handrails.
Handicap Curb Cut Ramps: To be made with Concrete Pavement Pedestrian and
detectable warning pavers.
G2050 Site Improvements
Trash Receptacles: (6) - Chase Park trash receptacle by landscape forms, side
opening, 24” x 40”, surface mounted. Liner: 36 gallon polyethylene, black.
Polyester powder coat, standard silver/gray color.
Flagpole: 35ʼ high concealed halyard cone-tapered aluminum flagpole of
extruded tubing. Ground set and embedded in reinforced concrete foundation.
Inside mounted winch. Flagpole to accommodate a 5ʼ x 8ʼ flag at a constant wind
speed of 100 MPH. Manufactured by Concord Industries, 214-380-8186.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Metal Benches: (8) – parc vue surface mounted, polyester powder coat,
standard silver/gray color by landscape forms.
Decorative Stainless Steel Bollards: (8) foot diameter x (3) feet tall with flat top.
Attach to footing 12” below surface. Footing to frost depth.
Metal Bollards: (8) foot diameter x (42) inches tall painted metal bollard with
dome top. Imbed in concrete. Footing to frost depth.
Bicycle Racks: (6) - FU2-10 for 10 bicycles, galvanized and powered coated by
BRP Enterprises, 888-438-5311.
Chain Link Fencing: 10ʼ high vinyl coated. Steep Pipe, PVC coated finish 2.375”
OD end, corner, intermediate and gate posts, 1.66” OD top and mid rails. PVC
coated helically wound 9 gauge 2” diamond mesh. All post caps, braces,
sleeves, ties, clips, stretcher bars, truss rods and other accessories to be vinyl
Chain Link Fencing: 4ʼ and 6ʼ high vinyl coated. Steep Pipe, PVC coated finish
2.375” OD end, corner, intermediate and gate posts, 1.66” OD top and mid rails.
PVC coated helically wound 9 gauge 2” diamond mesh. All post caps, braces,
sleeves, ties, clips, stretcher bars, truss rods and other accessories to be vinyl
Baseball Backstop: Steel pipe, PVC coated finish, 4” OD end, corner and line
posts and 2” OD horizontal rail and roof members. PVC coated helically wound
and woven 2” diamond mesh roof fabric and side fabric, diamond mesh of 9
gauge core wire for roof and 6 gauge for side fabric. All post caps, braces,
sleeves, ties, clips, stretcher bars, truss rods and other accessories to be vinyl
Aluminum Fencing: 6ʼ high anodized aluminum picket fencing. The posts and
rails shall be extruded HS-35 aluminum alloy having minimum yield strength of
35,000 psi. All pickets shall have a minimum yield strength of 25,000 psi.
Minimum (3/4) inches x (.050) inches thick. Spacing between pickets shall be a
maximum of (4) inches on center.
Home Plate and Pitching Rubber: HP-100 Bury All Home Plate and PR-424
movable pitching rubber by Jaypro, 800-243-0533.
Basketball Goal and Post: Heavy duty 6” diameter goose-neck pole, heavy duty
rectangular backboard and rim # 00176540 with cloth net by Porter, 603-9294384.
Dugout Benches: Provide products which meet or exceed this equipment by
Gametime (800) 235-2440 or Equal. Bench: 8 foot bench with back # P1842,
bolt-down, with expansion bolts. Frame Color: Dark green powder coat. Seat
and Back Color: Dark green PVC
Infield Surface: INFIELD SURFACING: Manufactured by Partac Peat
Corporation, Kelsey Park, Great Meadow, New Jersey, (908) 637-4191 or
Approved Equal. Beam Clay Baseball Diamond Infield Mix, Beam Clay Pitcherʼs
Mound Mix and Beam Clay Home Plate Mix, depth as recommended by the
Home Plate and Pitching Rubber: Provide products which meets or exceeds the
requirements of this equipment by Jaypro (800) 243-0533 or Equal. Home Plate:
HP-100 Bury-All Home Plate. Pitching Rubber: PR-424, Movable
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Basketball Hoops: (3) hoops by Porter (603) 929-4384 or Equal. Heavy duty
Gooseneck Pole – #176, 5-9/16” diameter pole with 6 foot extension. Backboard
and Goal - #00176540, rectangular backboard and heavy duty orange rim with
tamper proof hardware and cloth net.
Playground Surface: Poured in place surface by Surface America, Inc., Contact:
PO Box 157, Williamsville, NY 14231; Telephone: (800) 999-0555, (716) 6328413; Fax: (716) 632-8324; B. Proprietary Products/Systems; Or approved
equal. Poured-in-place playground surfacing system, including the following:
Polyurethane PlayBound Poured-In-Place Primer, 5” thick PlayBound Poured-inPlace Basemat, ½” PlayBound Poured-In-Place Top Surface (2 colors) over 2” of
asphalt binder and 5” of crushed stone.
Track Surfacing: Lightning Plexipave System as manufactured by California
Products Corporation and distributed by Cape and Islands Tennis and Track,
Court Patch Binder shall be used to correct any minor surface deficiencies in the
Bituminous Concrete Surface. Tack Coat, Plexitac Binder, Rubber Granules
(Color to be selected), Plexitrac Coating (Color to be selected), Plexiclor Line
Paint, Plexicolor Pigment to be installed as recommended by the supplier.
Discus Cage: Provide products which meet or exceed the requirements of this
equipment by M-F Athletic Company (800) 556-7464 or Equal. First Place
Discus Cage #9976A with (6) 3” curved posts at 13”-1” exposed height, heavy
duty weather treated net with pulley system and ground sleeves and caps.
Shot Put / Discus Circles: Provide products which meet or exceed the
requirements of this equipment by M-F Athletic Company (800) 556-7464 or
Equal. Web/Shot/Hammer Circle #9328A galvanized steel web and Web Discus
Circle #9329A galvanized steel web.
Shot Put Throwing Area Wood Edging: No. 1, 6 x 6 nominal western red cedar.
Stone Dust For Shot Put Throwing Area: 6” thick compacted stone dust resulting
from the quarrying of bluestone. Set on Marifi filter fabric.
G2060 Landscape Drainage (Multi Purpose and Softball Field):
Drainage Blanket: 1ʼ deep.
U.S. Sieve
3 inch
1 inch
Pea Stone: 3/8” washed pea stone.
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50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Ridged and Perforated PVC Pipe and Fittings: SDR-35.
Solid and Perforated Flexible Pipe and Fittings: ADS/Advanced Drainage
Systems, 800-821-6710.
Filter Fabric: Mirifi #140.
Granular Fill: Granular fill as required for fill beneath sports field areas shall be
uniformly graded sand or sand and gravel consisting of clean, inert, rounded
grains of quartz or other durable rock and free from loam or clay, surface
coatings, mica, other deleterious materials with the following gradation.
U.S. Sieve Size #
Percent Passing
4 inches
1 inch
Number 4
Tests shall be by combined hydrometer and wet sieving in compliance with
ASTM D422.
The ratio of the particle size for 70% passing (D70) to the particle size for 20%
passing (D10) shall be 8.0 or less. (D70/D20 < 8.0)
The saturated hydraulic conductivity of the fill shall not less than 2 inches per
hour according to ASTM D5856-95 (2000) when compacted to a minimum of
92% Standard Proctor, ASTM 698.
Rigid Pipe: 6” Solid And Perforated PVC Drain Pipe And Fittings.
Flexible Pipe: 6” Solid And Perforated Pipe And Fittings
Flat Pipe: 12” Advanedge Flat Pipe and Accessories as Manufactured by
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc., 1-800-733-9554.
G2070 Soil Preparation:
Topsoil: Existing and stockpiled on site.
Coarse Sand: Uniformly graded coarse sand.
U.S. Sieve
0.002mm clay
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Compost: Stable humus-like material produced from aerobic decomposition of
biosolids amended with yard trimmings, agricultural residuals and/or source
separated municipal waste.
Chemical Fertilizers: As required and recommended by testing laboratory.
Subgrade Scarification: Discing, ripping or rototilling 12” deep.
Amended Topsoil for Lawns and Sportsfields: 2 part topsoil, 1 part coarse sand,
1 part compost. 12” deep for sportfields, 6” deep for lawns.
Amended Topsoil for Plant Backfill Mix: 3 parts topsoil, 1 part course sand and 1
part compost.
G2080 Landscaping
All plants shall be specimen quality per the American Standard of Nurserymen
Provide amended imported topsoil for backfill mix in all planting pits and beds.
Provide a 20 – inch minimum layer for all shrub beds. Provide a 15 - inch layer
minimum for all ground cover and bulb beds. Provide imported topsoil for backfill
mix 12 minimum around the sides of all root balls. Provide a 12 – inch layer of
course sand under the complete bottom of the totally excavated tree pit for
drainage and settlement stabilization.
Mulching: All planting beds and tree pits shall be mulched with a 2 inch layer of
mulch which shall be shredded aged pine bark.
Trees: As shown on the drawings. All trees shall be staked and guyed.
Shrubs: As shown on the drawings.
Groundcovers: As shown on the drawings.
Lawns: Seed mix shall be 65% Fescue, 25% Perennial Rye Grass and 10%
Annual rye grass. Hydroseed with hydromulch.
Sports Field Lawns: Seed mix shall be 20% Fescue, 10% Perennial Rye Grass
and 70% Kentucky Bluegrass. Seed with cultipac seeder.
Lawn Maintenance: Warranty and replacement 90-day maintenance by the
Contractor, 90-day replacement and warranty by the Contractor. The Ownerʼs
Maintenance begins at the acceptance of the 90-day Maintenance.
G2090 Irrigation:
Provide and underground, automatic irrigation system for the multipurpose field
using town water. Provide all necessary water and electrical connections for the
irrigation system.
The existing well will be used for the upper fields. Provide a new well with the
necessary pumps and booster pumps as a water supply for the lower fields.
Lawn Maintenance: Warranty and replacement 90-day maintenance by the
Contractor, 90-day replacement and warranty by the Contractor. The Ownerʼs
Maintenance begins at the acceptance of the 90-day Maintenance.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
G30 Site Mechanical Utilities
G3010 Water Supply
Water supply for domestic water service and fire protection will be from the
existing Town of Douglas water main that extends into the site from Davis Street
(Rt. 16) and presently terminates at the south side of the Intermediate School.
The existing water service consists of an 8 inch ductile iron main that includes
two exterior fire hydrants at the building. The present water services to the
Intermediate School Building are located from this 8 inch main to the south side
of the building.
Under the proposed plan, the existing water service to the Intermediate School
Building will be retained. The water main to serve the New School will be an 8
inch ductile iron pipe extended from the end of the existing main to the south side
of the school and around to the west side of the school. Domestic water and fire
service will be to the Mechanical Room at the south side of the building. Four
new external fire hydrants are proposed around the perimeter of the building.
The two hydrants at the east side of the building are positioned to also provide
improved fire coverage to the Intermediate School.
The new 8 inch water main is proposed to be extended from the New Elementary
School, approximately 500 feet westerly along the access drive (Gleason Ct.) to
the existing water main off the north corner of the existing Elementary School.
This will form a loop with the existing water mains to improve water pressure and
flow, and eliminate the existing dead ended systems to better serve the project.
The new water main location takes into consideration the project phasing such
that all portions of the new main installations will be permanent with no need for
temporary connections during the project.
G3020 Sanitary Sewer
The existing sanitary sewer for the Intermediate School is a single 6 inch cast
iron pipe that connects to a small pumping station off the southeast corner of the
building. The pumping station discharges via a 4 inch pvc force main over 1600
feet to the municipal sewer system at White Avenue to the north.
The Town has recently constructed a new sewer pumping station located on the
project site just off the entrance drive at Davis Street. That sewer pumping
station has the capacity for the Intermediate School and the New Elementary
School and an 8 inch sewer stub was provided for this purpose located at the
access driveway.
The proposed project will include a new 8 inch pvc gravity sewer to both the
existing Intermediate School and the New Elementary School. This will eliminate
the existing pumping station and force main now serving the Intermediate School
The new sewers beyond 10ʼ of the foundation wall shall be constructed of SDR
35 PVC pipe except at shallow applications below vehicular pavement where a
minimum of Schedule 80 PVC pipe or equivalent shall be used.
The new sewer location takes into consideration the project phasing such that all
portions of the new sewer installations will be permanent with no need for
temporary connections during the project.
See D2030 Sanitary Waste for more information.
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50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
G3030 Storm Sewer
The Stormwater Management System for the proposed project will be designed
to comply with the current Mass. DEP Stormwater Regulations as required and
includes the following components:
Stormwater Collection System for Exterior Parking, Driveways and
Landscaped Areas
The stormwater collection system for parking areas and vehicular pavement
consists of a curb and gutter system directing runoff to Deep Sump Catch Basins
for pre-treatment and a piped drainage system to convey stormwater runoff to the
stormwater treatment systems.
The stormwater collection system for landscaped areas and non-vehicular
pavement will include area drains and catch basins as necessary and a piped
drainage system to convey the runoff to the stormwater treatment systems and/
or recharge systems.
Roof Drains from the building will be collected in a piped drain system to convey
stormwater site drainage system and recharge system. Small portions of the roof
that can not enter the internal building drains will discharge via gutters to grade
for overland flow to the stormwater collection system.
All collection systems will be designed for a minimum 25 year storm capacity with
no overflow for up to a 100 year storm. Piping systems will be PVC SDR 35 pipe
or HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) pipe except in areas of minimal cover or
special load requirements. In those locations, reinforced concrete pipe or ductile
iron pipe will be utilized as conditions dictate. For landscape area drains and
minimal load requirements, HDPE pipe will be used.
To meet the Mass. DEP Stormwater Management Regulations, the site drainage
system will discharge to various water quality treatment BMPs, peak flow
attenuation BMPs and Stormwater Recharge BMPs selected to best fit into the
landscape and considering soils and groundwater conditions, and the
characteristics of the receiving wetland resource areas. These are described in
the following sections:
Particle Separators
These are structural water quality treatment systems designed to meet the water
quality discharge standards of the Massachusetts Stormwater Management
Regulations. They designed to remove more than 77 percent of the annual total
suspended solids load and will also trap floating debris and hydrocarbons such
as gasoline and oils. There are several types of these units available that are
suitable for this purpose including “Stormceptor”, “CDS Technologys Units”
“Downstream Defender” and “Baysaver” to name a few. These treatment units,
in combination with the proposed deep sump catch basins, will provide in excess
of 80 percent TSS removal to meet the Mass. DEP Stormwater Regulations.
Three units are proposed for this project.
Stormwater Detention Systems
To meet the requirement to not increase the peak rate of stormwater runoff to the
wetlands resource areas, stormwater detention systems are proposed to
temporarily store excess stormwater and slowly release it to the outfalls. These
include two underground chamber systems, two surface basins and two
detention swales.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Underground systems are used where there is lack of space for surface basins
and where groundwater depths permit. One under a paved parking lot will be
concrete chamber and the one under a play field will be an HDPE plastic
chamber system.
Surface Detention Basins are vegetated ponding areas that temporarily store
water and slowly drain dry following a storm event. They can handle large
quantities of stormwater. Detention swales are small, narrow vegetated
detention facilities that are positioned along the contour of the land and handle
smaller watershed areas.
Subsurface Stormwater Recharger System
A stormwater recharge system is proposed to meet the recharge requirements of
the Stormwater Management Regulations. This Best Management Practice
(BMP) consists of an underground chamber system that will receive runoff from
the New Elementary School roof and the driveway and parking areas to the south
of that school building. It will infiltrate the runoff into the soil to recharge
groundwater resources. It will consist of HDPE arched chambers surrounded in
stone and wrapped in filter fabric. It will be located in an area of favorable soils
under the proposed play fields to the west of the Intermediate School Building.
During severe rain events, the system overflows to the storm drain system. The
soils in the areas of the recharge systems are sandy and well suited to recharge
Infiltration Galley System
The infiltration galley system in this case is an underground chamber system,
surrounded in stone and filter fabric that is intended to function to recharge
stormwater, serve as a water quality BMP and also has a detention function.
One system is proposed for this project to receive stormwater from a portion of
the proposed new driveway to the southeast of the existing elementary school.
This will be an HDPE chamber system.
Water Quality Swale with Sediment Forebay
This is a water quality BMP that is designed to remove in excess of 80 percent of
the Total Suspended Solids when combined with the pretreatment of Deep Sump
Catch Basins and Sediment Forebay. It will receive runoff from the parking area
to the west of the existing elementary school that is being modified and enlarged
under this project. The treated stormwater will discharge to a level spreader to
safely deliver the runoff to the adjacent vegetated terrain. During large storm
events, excess flow above the “water quality volume” will bypass the water
quality swale and drain to a surface detention basin for flood control.
Plunge Pool and Level Spreaders
These are outfall control BMPs that are required in certain situations to lower the
velocity of the stormwater discharge to a non-erosive velocity for safe delivery to
the receiving area. A plunge pool is a stone basin used where a large quantity of
stormwater is flowing down a steep drain system to take the energy out of the
flow before discharge to the receiving channel. Level spreaders are discharge
BMPs used when there is no defined discharge channel to spread the discharge
along the land contour so it discharges at many small discharge points or sheet
flows to flow over the existing vegetated terrain. One plunge pool and two level
spreaders are included in this project.
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50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
G3040 Heating Distribution
Not Applicable
G3050 Cooling Distribution
Not Applicable
G3060 Fuel Distribution
Not Applicable
G3090 Other Site Mechanical
Not Applicable
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
G40 Site Electrical Utilities
G4010 Electrical Distribution
Furnish and install the underground primary electric service conduits from the
existing utility company manhole. The pad mounted transformer and associated
primary electric service cables shall be furnished and installed by the utility
company. The primary electric service voltage for the pad mounted transformer
will be 13.8 KV and the secondary electric service voltage will be 277/480-volts,
3-phase, 4-wire.
Furnish and install the multiple secondary electric service cables in concrete
encased schedule 40 conduits from the pad-mounted transformer to the
secondary switchboard located in the new electric room.
G4020 Site Lighting
See Drawings for locations of all light fixtures. Provide reinforced concrete
footings at frost depth for each lighting fixture. Provide all associated trenching,
electrical conduit, equipment, and other costs necessary to install proposed
Roadway and Parking Lot Light Fixtures – IES Full cutoff fixture on 20ʼ-0” pole.
Walkway Light Fixtures - IES Full cutoff fixture on 14ʼ-0” pole.
Building mounted lighting fixtures – Building mounted lighting fixture IES full cut
off, CFL lamps shall be provided as required at all doors and for building security.
Pole mounted and wall mounted exterior lighting fixtures for the entrances to the
building shall be controlled by multi-zone programmable time clock (LEED EA
Credit 1 – Optimize Energy Performance).
G4030 Site Communications & Security
Furnish and install the 4” underground communication service conduits in
concrete encased ductbanks from each existing utility company manhole.
Typical for telephone, cable TV and fire alarm.
G90 Other Site Construction
G9010 Service and Pedestrian Tunnels
Not Applicable
G9020 Other Site Systems & Equipment
Not Applicable
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
The Douglas Middle School narrative is organized according Uniformat II, Level 3
Sustainable Design Elements
The narrative format describes “Sustainable Elements” which are summarized here.
Building Envelope
Existing to remain except where noted.
Windows will be retrofitted to have high performance “low e” argon filled glazing,
and are “tuned” to their respective solar exposure. The roof system includes a
highly reflective (“cool roof”) PVC membrane adhered to rigid tapered insulation
having an average thickness of six (6) inches. These elements in total result in a
building envelope with higher thermal performance than the current envelope
Interior Finishes
Interior finishes were selected with long life and low maintenance a paramount
consideration. Most flooring will be long life, low maintenance linoleum flooring
with porcelain and quarry tile flooring in the high traffic and high service areas.
Existing concrete masonry units is used as wall construction will be painted with
low VOC epoxy paint which results in a wall finish that will last the life of the
MEP Systems
Low flow plumbing fixtures are anticipated to reduce water use by 30%, and hot
water piping will be routed to eliminate “dead legs” which saves water and
energy. The HVAC system will employ multiple rooftop units with energy recovery
(which allow for multiple zones for off-hour use), induction ventilation (“chilled
beam”) in classrooms, which reduces both installation and operation costs, and
high efficiency condensing boilers. Lighting is highly efficient with most areas
using pendant direct / indirect fixtures with super T8 lamps. All perimeter spaces
will include “daylight harvesting” controls, which dim lighting to take advantage of
available daylight, in addition to occupancy sensors.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Foley Buhl Roberts & Associates, Inc. (FBRA) is collaborating with DiNisco Design Partnership
(DDP) in the modernization and repair of the existing Middle School, located at 21 Davis Street
in Douglas, Massachusetts.
Structural conditions were observed during a tour of the building on June 15, 2010 and again on
December 15, 2010. Original Architectural and Structural Drawings were also reviewed.
The purpose of this narrative is to identify and describe the structural systems of the building
and to comment on the structural conditions/issues observed. Comments relating to the
proposed modernization and repair of the building (governed by provisions of the 2009
International Existing Building Code (IEBC) with Massachusetts Amendments) are presented as
The following documents were reviewed in the preparation of this Schematic Design Structural
Junior – Senior High School (1986):
Structural Drawings S-1 to S-13, prepared by John C. Powers, P.E. dated February
Architectural Drawings A-1 to A-13, prepared by O.E. Nault & Sons, Inc. Architects,
Worcester, MA, dated February 1986.
Additional information was obtained from previous reports and studies (e.g. the 30 March 2001
Facilities Audit and Master Facilities Plan, prepared by C&R / Rizvi, Inc.) and from discussions
with school personnel. Exploratory demolition or structural materials testing has not been
conducted at this time. A preliminary evaluation of subsurface soils conditions on the site was
conducted by the Geotechnical Engineer.
The Douglas Middle School was constructed in 1986 as a Junior-Senior High School. A new
High School was built in 2001 and the building now services grades 3 through 7. The total
(gross) floor area is approximately 88,245 square feet, distributed over three levels. As
enrollments have been increasing over the years, twelve (12) portable classrooms have been
added along the west side of the building. An addition to the Cafeteria was constructed on the
south side in 2002 (no construction documents available).
The site slopes downwards from the west to the east; approximately two levels. The main
entrance to the school is on the north side of the building, at the Second Floor. The entrance on
the west side is at the Third Floor level. The (partial) First Floor of the building is located at
grade on the east side.
Typical floor and roof construction is precast, prestressed concrete plank supported by masonry
bearing walls and steel framing (in limited areas). Roofs over the larger, Gymnasium and
Auditorium/Lobby spaces are steel framed with mansards. Wood framed hip roofs were
constructed at the east wing stair towers and the main entrance. Foundations are conventional
spread footings.
Exterior walls of the Middle School are brick veneer with a reinforced CMU backup.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
The following summary is based on observations at the site, a study of the original construction
documents and a review of previous reports, prepared by others.
Codes and Design Standards:
Building Code: Massachusetts State Building Code – Fourth Edition
Structural Materials:
Structural specification sections were not available and the referenced Structural Drawings
contain minimal information with regard to material strengths. As the building was designed in
1986, FBRA assumes the following minimum strengths are applicable:
Concrete: 3,000 psi minimum strength at 28 days
Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615, Grade 40
Precast Concrete: 5,000 psi minimum strength at 28 days
Prestressing Steel: ASTM A416, Grade 250K
Structural Steel: ASTM A36, Fy = 36 KSI
Design Loads:
Live Loads:
Design live loads are not specifically noted on the Structural Drawings; however, live loads for
the precast plank design are specified as follows:
35 psf, with a maximum snow drift loading of 105 psf
Classrooms, etc.
50 psf
100 psf
100 psf
100 psf
Rehearsal Rooms:
100 psf
150 psf
Library/Media Center 150 psf
Representative structural calculations suggest that the steel framed roofs of the Gymnasium
and Auditorium spaces can support a snow load of at least 40 psf. Note that the State Building
Code in effect at the time of construction (Fourth Edition) would have required a minimum 35 psf
snow load, plus drifting snow.
Wind and Seismic Loads:
Design based on the Massachusetts State Building Code (Fourth Edition)
The design allowable soil pressure is not noted on the original Structural Drawings. Based on
representative calculations, it appears that spread footings have been proportioned on the basis
of a 2+/- tons per square foot (TSF) allowable soil bearing pressure.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Fire Resistance:
Fire resistance for floor and low roof construction is achieved by the precast, prestressed
concrete plank and the masonry bearing walls. The plank likely has a fire resistance rating of
1½ hours to 2 hours, depending on the cover to the reinforcing. Precast plank is supported by
structural steel beams and columns in limited locations; sprayed fireproofing has typically been
applied to the steel (thickness/rating unknown. Fireproofing of the structural steel is somewhat
inconsistent; not all exposed steel framing has been protected (e.g. intermediate steel framing at
the Gymnasium and the Auditorium). The steel framed roofs of the Gymnasium and Auditorium
spaces are unprotected, as roof framing that is more than 20 feet above the floor below does
not need to be rated. However, columns which support this framing do not appear to be
protected. There are no sprinklers in the building.
A10 Foundations
A preliminary exploration program and assessment of subsurface soil
conditions was conducted by Weber Engineering Associates, LLC (WEA). A
total of 8 borings, 21 probes and 6 test pits were undertaken at the site within
the proposed building footprint, pavement and athletic field areas as described
in the Schematic Design Phase geotechnical report prepared by WEA dated
November 3, 2010. Available subsurface information from previous projects
available to WEA was also reviewed.
The native soil conditions at the site consist of sandy glacial till described as
fine sand, little silt, trace to little gravel. Cobble and boulder size material,
some to 4 feet in the largest dimension, were also observed within the native
glacial till deposit. The medium dense to very dense glacial till material was
encountered in the explorations taken within the lower field and just east of the
elementary school.
The surface soil layer observed within the lower field consists of approximately
1-1/2 feet to 4 feet of granular fill. The fill thickens at the demarcation between
the upper and lower field and based upon the explorations, it is possible that
much of the upper field is comprised of a thick layer of fill except where the fill
becomes thinner closest to the existing elementary school. The fill that WEA
encountered in the upper field during the recent exploration program contains
boulders, wood fragments, a layer of roots and pine needles and soft / loose
soil. One of the probes taken within the upper field indicates that the fill can be
19 feet thick.
Bedrock is also present at the site and WEA anticipates that it is an uneven
surface. Therefore, bedrock can be higher or lower than the elevation depicted
on the logs. The bedrock ranges from excellent to highly weathered Gneiss.
WEA anticipates that the upper few feet of the highly weathered bedrock can be
removed by excavating although blasting or other mechanical methods to break
the competent Gneiss will be required. Since the actual depth to bedrock was
difficult to interpret, WEA recommends that the depth to refusal encountered
within the explorations be interpreted as the bedrock surface unless clearly
denoted as boulder. WEA expects that this will provide a conservative estimate
for rock excavation.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
The native undisturbed glacial till as well as rock is satisfactory bearing material
while the fill should not be used for supporting structures. Boulders, some
several feet thick, are expected to occur within the natural glacial till and the fill.
The depth and location of bedrock is difficult to interpret on site because of the
presence of boulders which also produces refusal. We anticipate that the
bedrock surface is undulating and bedrock consists of relatively competent
gneiss as depicted at boring B-7 (RQD 77%) to relatively poor weathered
Gneiss as depicted at test pit TP-30.
Constructing foundations and portions of the building within the upper field
requires removing the existing fill some to as deep as 19 feet below existing
ground surface which is approximately El. 433. Based upon the expected floor
grades for buildings within the upper field (El. 435 to 437, gym and cafeteria) we
anticipate that most if not all of the fill would be removed in the normal course of
constructing the building.
The site is not susceptible to liquefaction and we anticipate that the site will be
classified no lower than Site Class D.
Except for rock excavation, WEA does not anticipate significant premium costs
for site work based upon its current understanding of site and project conditions.
Imported borrow material will be required for building construction and site
grading below pavements and athletic fields.
A1010 Standard Foundations
Foundations are typically continuous strip footings below interior and
perimeter load-bearing masonry walls and individual spread footings at
interior column supports. As noted above, footings appear to have been
proportioned on the basis of a 2+/- TSF allowable bearing capacity. Given
the topography of the site, the building was likely constructed on natural soils
in some areas (e.g. the east wing) and on compacted structural fill elsewhere.
Drainage: The original construction documents indicate that perimeter
foundation drainage was provided behind below grade walls. The perimeter
drains apparently tie into drainage structures on the site. There is no
underslab drainage system.
A1020 Special Foundation Conditions
Elevator Pit: Elevator pit construction consists of 12” thick reinforced
concrete walls supported on a 12” thick reinforced concrete mat. The top of
the mat is dampproofed with a trowelled on mastic coating.
A1030 Slabs on Grade
First Floor Construction at the east wing and Second Floor construction other
than that at the east wing is a 4” thick concrete slab on grade, reinforced with
welded wire fabric. Third Floor construction at the westernmost section of the
building and at the Auditorium is also a 4” thick concrete slab on grade,
reinforced with welded wire fabric.
A20 Basement Construction - NONE
A20 Below Grade Construction - NONE
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
B10 Superstructure
Structural Bays/Spans: Bearing walls in the east wing are arranged in a double
loaded corridor fashion – precast concrete plank spans 29ʼ-4” clear at the
classrooms and 9ʼ-4” clear at the corridor. Typical precast plank spans at the
center section vary from 24ʼ-0” to 25ʼ-10” at classrooms and 12ʼ-0” over the
corridor. Columns supporting the Gymnasium floor are arranged on a 16ʼ-0” by
20ʼ-0” rectangular grid. Clear spans for the Gymnasium and Auditorium roofs are
80 feet and 64 feet, respectively.
Story Heights: Story heights are as follows:
First Floor to Second Floor:
Second Floor to Third Floor:
Third Floor to Locker Room Roof:
Third Floor to Low Roof:
Third Floor to Gym Roof (TOS):
Third Floor to Auditorium Roof (TOS):
Columns/Bearing Walls: The roof and floor structure is typically supported by 8”
reinforced CMU walls. Steel columns are typically 8” wide flange sections.
Lateral Force Resistance: As the building was designed in 1986, wind and
seismic load resistance requirements in effect at the time (Massachusetts State
Building Code – 4th Edition) have been incorporated into the structural design.
The Structural Drawings include a certification by the Engineer of Record that the
building has been designed to meet the wind and earthquake loading
requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code. Lateral load resistance
is typically provided by reinforced masonry shear walls in each direction.
Expansion(Seismic) Joints: A single, north-south expansion joint (2” wide) was
provided in the building, separating the three-story east (classroom) wing from
the balance of the two-story construction to the west.
B1010 Floor Construction
Third Floor Construction consists of 10” deep precast, prestressed concrete
plank, spanning 18ʼ-4” to 29ʼ-4”, supported by masonry bearing walls (or steel
beams in limited locations). The Drawings indicate that there is no concrete
topping on the precast floor plank; however, a ½” thick (non-structural) “leveling
coat” was apparently applied to even out the irregularities in the concrete plank
surface and joints. The composition of this material is unknown; however, the
Architectural Drawings suggest that it may be gypsum based. Third Floor
construction at the westernmost section of the building and at the Auditorium is a
4” concrete slab on grade, reinforced with welded wire fabric, as noted above.
Second Floor Construction at the east (classroom) wing is similar to Third Floor
construction, consisting of 10” deep precast, prestressed concrete plank,
spanning 18ʼ-4” to 29ʼ-4”, supported by masonry bearing walls (or steel beams in
limited locations). The balance of the Second Floor is a 4” concrete slab on
grade, reinforced with welded wire fabric, as noted above.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
B1020 Roof Construction
High Roof Construction at the Gymnasium consists of a 1½” deep, 20 gauge
galvanized steel roof deck spanning 5ʼ-4” to 52DLH12 steel joists. The joists
span 80 feet in the east-west direction and are supported on exterior masonry
bearing walls. Roof construction at the Auditorium is similar, with 1½” deep, 20
gauge galvanized steel roof deck spanning 4ʼ-10” or 4ʼ-11” to 36LH11 steel
joists. The joists span 64 feet in the north-south direction and are supported on
exterior masonry bearing walls. In each case, end walls parallel to the joist span
are braced by a horizontal steel truss that integrates with the steel joist bridging.
Low Roof Construction consists of 8” deep precast, prestressed concrete plank,
spanning 17ʼ-0” to 29ʼ-4”, supported by masonry bearing walls (or steel beams in
limited locations). Roof drainage is achieved through the use of tapered
insulation. Ballasted membrane roofing has been installed at flat roof conditions.
Standing seam metal roofing was installed at the mansard sections of the
Gymnasium and Auditorium roofs and at the wood framed hip roofs of the east
wing stairways and the main entrance. There are two large mechanical units
supported on steel dunnage at the low roof.
B20 Exterior Enclosure
B2010 Exterior Walls
Exterior Wall Construction consists of a 4” brick veneer (“jumbo” type brick; 4”
high x 12” long units) and a 2” wide insulated cavity, with an 8” reinforced CMU
backup wall (load-bearing). There are no control joints in the brick veneer.
Weep holes have been provided at brick shelves. As most window openings are
“punched”, the brick veneer stacks down to the foundation wall – typically, there
are no relieving angles.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Structural Conditions at the Middle School were reviewed (to the extent possible) on June 15,
2010 and again on December 15,2010. Generally speaking, floor and roof construction appears
to be in satisfactory condition. There is no evidence of structural distress that would indicate
significantly overstressed, deteriorated or failed structural members.
Foundations appear to be performing adequately; there are no signs of significant, total or
differential settlements.
It appears that floors and roofs have generally been constructed in accordance with the original
Structural Drawings.
Structural/structurally related conditions observed and/or discussed during the site visits include
the following:
Areas of distress (depressions, telegraphed cracks, etc.) in the flooring were
observed in the corridors of the east (classroom) wing and elsewhere. As
previously noted in this report, there is no topping slab on the precast, prestressed
concrete plank. A ½” thick “leveling compound” was applied to the plank to level out
the surface and prepare it for finished flooring. Due to the relatively thin application
of this material, normal anomalies in the plank surface and joints may be
telegraphing through. The leveling material may be gypsum based; if so, it would
be relatively low strength and subject to deterioration under moist conditions (during
routine mopping of floors, tracked in rain/snow during inclement weather, roof leaks,
etc.). Several areas of the floor will be opened up for review/inspection and
laboratory testing will be conducted on several samples to determine the
composition of the material.
Cracks in the brick veneer were observed; particularly at building corners. As
previously noted in this narrative, there are no control joints in the brick veneer.
Accordingly, there is no mechanism to control/relieve the horizontal, volumetric
movement of the veneer (expansion and contraction resulting from temperature and
moisture fluctuations). Full height vertical cracks have developed at nearly all
building corners, due to the uncontrolled expansion and contraction of the veneer.
Localized distress to the top of the foundation walls at building corners has also
resulted from this condition. Control joints are also missing where the support
elevation for the brick veneer changes (e.g. on the south side of the building where
the higher, Gymnasium volume continues over the roof of the 6th Grade Science
classroom). Vertical cracks have also developed at these locations. Saw cut
control joints will be provided at the appropriate intervals (approximately 50 feet on
centers) and at conditions where the brick support elevation abruptly changes.
As noted earlier in this narrative, a fully insulated cavity was provided between the
brick veneer and the reinforced CMU backup wall construction. It does not appear
that an adequate drainage cavity exists. Further review and evaluation of the
exterior wall construction by the Project Team continues.
The expansion joint between the three-story east wing and the balance of the
building to the west is open on both the north and south building walls, allowing
moisture to enter the building and creating the impression that the building sections
are pulling away from each other. The expansion joint will be repaired and properly
closed/sealed to prevent future moisture infiltration.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Presently, there are no roof leaks; however, there have been a number of roof leaks
in the past (the original, ballasted membrane roof remains), damaging ceilings and
floors. Localized areas of ponded water were observed at the low roof; the number
of roof drains appears to be minimal. FBRA recommends that the condition of the
roofing and roof drainage issues be evaluated further by the Project Team. As there
are no parapets, significant ponding of rainwater is not an issue.
The existing windows and doors are in need of replacement; in some cases, door
frames have corroded due to improper grading/drainage at entryway slabs.
General comments relating to the modernization and repair of the Middle School are
summarized in this section.
Renovations, alterations, repairs or upgrades to the building will be governed by provisions of
the 2009 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) with Massachusetts Amendments. The
Prescriptive Compliance Method (Chapter 3) has been chosen by the Design Team. There will
be no change in use and the primary gravity and lateral load resisting systems of the building
will essentially remain unchanged. Accordingly, minimal structural investigation and evaluation
will be required and seismic upgrades to the building will not be necessary.
The relatively low story heights of the Middle School will present a challenge to the Project
Team in designing new MEP/FP distribution systems while maintaining acceptable ceiling
heights throughout the building.
Local alterations to the existing floor and roof structure can be made to accommodate new
Architectural and MEP/FP requirements; however, such alterations need to be carefully
planned. Modifications to the precast, prestressed concrete floor and roof plank construction is
difficult and must be carefully considered. Cores for new services should align with the cores of
the plank so that prestressing tendons are not cut or damaged. Cutting larger openings in the
plank is difficult, as the affected plank will need to be headed off by a (fire protected) steel
member and the planks on either side will need to support additional loading.
The anticipated scope of structural work relating to the modernization and repair of the Douglas
Middle School is summarized in this section. The proposed Architectural and MEP/FP work
does not involve significant alterations to floor and roof framing or the masonry shear walls. No
sections of the building will be demolished and removed/rebuilt and no structurally attached
additions are proposed. The scope of structural/structurally related work is expected to include
the following:
New openings in floor and roof construction will be required to accommodate new
MEP/FP services. Local alterations to the existing, precast prestressed concrete
plank floor and roof structure can be made; however, such alterations need to be
carefully planned. Cores for new services should align with the cores of the
plank so that prestressing tendons are not cut or damaged. Larger (shaft/chase)
openings will be cut in the corridor – steel H-frames will be installed below the
plank (spanning to the corridor bearing walls) to support the affected plank units.
The “leveling compound” that was applied on the precast floor planks in the
original construction will be sampled and tested. As noted in our 6/25/10 Existing
Conditions Structural Report, this may be a gypsum base product, which has
deteriorated under moist conditions. Removal and replacement with a selfleveling, cementitious compound (e.g. Ardex K-15), may ultimately be required
(corridor areas framed with precast plank).
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Repairs to the exterior brick veneer and saw cutting of new control joints will be
required, as previously noted in this narrative.
Repair of the expansion joint in the exterior walls, between the east wing and the
western section of the building will be required, as previously noted in this
Modular classrooms: The existing modular classrooms will be removed; this will
not have a structural impact on the existing building.
B2020 Exterior Windows
All window systems shall be thermally broken prefinished aluminum with 1” insulated
Argon filled Low E glass unless otherwise specified.
Gym Clerestory
4 ½” prefinished aluminum window (EFCO 2900) having 1” insulated low E glass
with ceramic frit solar control exterior lite.
Aluminum Entrance Window Wall Framing
4 ½” (EFCO 403-T) with insulated 2 1/2” operable vents. Entrance framing shall
be glazed with both 1” low e glass at exterior and 1/4 inch glass at interior
vestibule framing.
Project Area: Windows
4 ½” deep window system (EFCO 2900 Series) with fixed and operable lights, 1”
insulated low E glass. Provide expandable foam insulation at all window
perimeter cavities / backer rod and sealant.
B2030 Exterior Doors
Main entry doors at vestibules and exits are prefinished aluminum medium stile with
tempered insulated glass. Interior vestibule doors same as exterior, but with 1/4”
tempered glass. Exterior service doors shall be insulated galvanized hollow metal,
painted. Remove three courses of brick, 8” of insulation and existing flashing. Provide
new metal flashing, insulation and replace brick. Tooth-in brick to match existing.
Service Doors:
14 gauge galvanized steel frames ASTM A525 for exterior doors
and interior doors where noted, and 16 gauge for interior frames.
Doors to be fully welded 16 gauge exterior door and 18 gauge for
interior doors with 12 gauge closer reinforcement.
B3010 Roof Coverings
Existing Roof Areas: Sarnafil reinforced single-ply roof membrane (light colored), with 6”
average tapered roof insulation on sloped and level steel and 6” average thickness
(tapered at level steel) poly iso roof insulation, and vapor barrier. Provide new pressure
treated blocking for new dimension of insulation thickness.
All roof edge flashings shall be PVC coated metal compatible with welded roof
membrane joints. Fascias, soffits and trim shall be prefinished aluminum.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
B3020 Roof Openings
Elevator Smoke Vent – for the top of the elevator shafts; assume a 4ʼx2ʼ motorized
control damper activated by the fire alarm system. Vent shaft construction to be 8'x4'x6'
high two hour rated shaft wall construction with PVC roof membrane cladding.
Stage Smoke Vent – For over the stage assume four 6ʼx6ʼ fuseable link controlled smoke
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
C10 Interior Construction by Room
1. Gym:
2. Cafeteria
3. Kitchen Area
Floors C3020
Refinish existing maple flooring (3) coats low
VOC finish and add main and cross court
basketball lines and volleyball court lines.
Replace and repair existing vented rubber base
as needed.
Walls –
Paint existing CMU and steel framing with low
VOC epoxy paint to 14ʼ AFF.
Replace existing panels with new 2” fibrous wood
panels (“Tectum”) painted.
Existing steel trusses and WF purlins & roof deck,
and duct work with low VOC painted.
Stone Source – porcelain series heavy duty
commercial grade 12x24 porcelain glazed thin set
with cove base. Door transition at cafeteria entry
Paint existing CMU walls with low VOC epoxy
ATC 48 X 48 inch fiberglass tegular lay in
(Armstrong “Optima”) .90 NRC in 15/16” grid
(Armstrong “Prelude XL”). GWB light cove and
gypsum board / metal stud soffit and ceiling bond
separating “high” and “low” ceiling areas.
Quarry tile, 8 x 8 inch, thin set (including cooler)
with QT base.
Staff toilet: Ceramic mosaic tile, thin set.
Office and dry food storage: VCT, 12 x 12 inch,
(Armstrong “Imperial”) with vinyl cove base.
Paint existing CMU with low VOC epoxy paint.
ATC, 24 x 24 inch with scrubbable face
(Armstrong “Clean Room VC”) in 15/16” hot dip
galvanized grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL Fire
Guard”). Ceiling height 9ʼ-4” AFF (kitchen & toilet
Office and Dry Food Storage: 24 x 24 inch ATC,
tegular (Armstrong “Cortega”) NRC.55, in 15/16
grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL”) ceiling height 9ʼ-4”
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
4. Auditorium
5. Stage
6. Music/
Practice rooms
Existing concrete under seats and in pit, patched
concrete and resurface with linoleum with vinyl
base. Aisle to be “non-slip” linoleum surface.
New prefinished maple veneer plywood panels
mounted on metal furring (see drawings) with
5acoustic panels above. Procenium wall new
maple veneer plywood panels. Rear wall maple
veneer plywood paneling to 8ʼ AFF with fabric
wrapped acoustic panels from 8ʼ AFF to ceiling,
installed over 5/8” GWB on metal furring @ 16”
Articulated suspended clouds of hardwood
veneer paneling on existing framing with natural
maple trim. (See drawings)
Wood dance flooring system: 2 1/4” overall
thickness, 25/32” FSC certified maple on 2 layers
15/32” plywood on resilient pads over existing
sub-floor barrier. Risers full width of stage
consisting of solid maple 18” deep treads and 7”
high risers (two treads & three risers) over
existing sub-framing. Low VOC water based
Existing painted with low VOC painted.
Exposed structure, low VOC painted.
Sheet linoleum (Forbo Marmoeum “Elementary”,
2mm thick, with welded seams) with vinyl cove
5/8” GWB painted, both sides acoustic stud
chase wall (two rows 6” metal studs @ 16 in. o.c.
with acoustic insulators by Mason Industries
installed between every fourth stud (4ʼ-0” o.c.) at
48” o.c. vertically) with acoustic batt insulation.
In band & Chorus rooms, assume 50% of upper
wall surface to have applied fabric wrapped
acoustic wall panels in “checkerboard” pattern.
ATC in “checkerboard” pattern, 50% 24 x 24 inch
ATC tegular fiberglass panels, NRC.90,
(Armstrong “Optima”) and 50% 24 x 24 inch ATC
with scrubbable vinyl face (Armstrong “Clean
Room VL”) in 15/16” grid (Armstrong “Prelude
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
7. IMC
8. Toilet Rooms
9. Stairs
10. Corridors
(TBD) with vinyl base. Carry $10/SF allowance.
Paint existing CMU with low VOC painted.
Ceramic mosaic tile, thin set, pitched to drains,
over WP membrane, all with CT base.
Paint existing CMU walls with low VOC paint.
5/8” GWB on a suspension system with low
VOC epoxy paint.
Steel stringers existing – Painted with low VOC
paint. Add new to existing ballastrades; Guards
fabricated from 2 1/2” x 1/2” barstock with 9
gauge wire mesh infill. 1 1/2” steel pipe
handrails mounted on guards and walls. New
slanted metal toe plates at each riser. Welded
to existing stair construction.
New rubber tile at intermediate landings and
rubber riser/step treads on stairs (Norament
925) with rubber base at walls (not at steel
stringers) and landings.
CMU with low VOC epoxy paint.
2 x 2 lay in ATC, tegular edged, mineral board
tiles (Armstrong “Cortega”) NRC .55, in 15/16”
grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL”) at top of stairs
and floor level landings only).
Paint CMU with low VOC epoxy paint.
2 x 2 lay in ATC, tegular edged, mineral board
tiles (Armstrong “Cortega”) NRC .55, in 15/16”
grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL”) at top of stairs
and man landings only.
Low ceiling: 5/8” GWB hung ceiling system,
painted. High ceiling: 48 x 48 ATC (“Optima”) in
15/16” grid (Armstrong “Prelude XL”)
GWB/metal stud soffit and light cove at high/low
ceiling areas.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
11. Classrooms
12. Science
Classrooms /
Commercial Ed
Linoleum with vinyl base.
Paint CMU + GWB with low VOC epoxy paint.
2 x 2 ATC tegular, fiberglass panels, NRC .90
(Armstrong “Optima”) in 15/6” grid (Armstrong
“Prelude XL”).
Linoleum with vinyl base.
Paint CMU with low VOC epoxy paint.
2 x 2 ATC tegular, fiberglass panels NRC .90
(Armstrong “Optima”) in 15/16” grid (Armstrong
“Prelude XL”).
New casework / Counters (See drawings +
Section E20)
New full height hardwood veneer and trim utility
panel at entry. (See drawings)
13. Auditorium Lobby
(Rms 340 & 341)
14. Administration /
Nurse /
12 x 24 porcelain tile with tile base with
transitions to meet existing corridors.
Paint CMU with low VOC epoxy paint. Clean
existing exposed brick.
2 x 2 ATC tegular, fiberglass panels, NRC .90
(Armstrong “Optima”) in 15/16” grid (Armstrong
“Prelude XL”).
Linoleum with vinyl base.
5/8” GWB both sides 6” metal studs @ 16” o.c.
with acoustic installation, low VOC painted at
new wall and existing CMU painted with low
VOC + vinyl base.
2 x 2 ATC tegular edged (Armstrong “Cortega”)
NRC .55, in 15/16 grid (Armstrong “Prelude
New GWB acoustically isolated and suspended
ceiling system under auditorium stage. (See
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
15. Gym Storage,
Electrical and
Data Closets
16. Renovated Locker
Rooms (new
17. OT/PT
18. Janitor Closet
Staff Toilet Rooms
Low VOC epoxy painted concrete.
8” CMU, low VOC painted.
Underside floor deck and structure, low VOC
Linoleum with vinyl bases and concrete with low
VOC epoxy paint.
At classrooms + offices – metal furring with 5/8”
GWB painted.
24 x 24 ATC.
Resilient rubber tile (Mono “ramflex”) with base
with wall pads. (See drawings).
8 inch CMU with low VOC epoxy paint.
24 x 24 inch ATC tegular edged (Armstrong
“Cortega”) NRC .55 in 15/16” grid (Armstrong
“Prelude XL”).
Ceramic mosaic tiles, thin set with ceramic tile
Low VOC epoxy paint at CMU.
24 x 24 inch ATC with scrubbable surface
(Armstrong "Clean Room VL") in 15/16" hot dip
galvanized grid (Armstrong "Prelude XL").
Ceiling height 8'-0".
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
19. Mech/Elec
Elevator Machine
Concrete with low VOC epoxy paint.
CMU low VOC painted.
ATC, 24x24 inch tegular edge mineral board
NRC .55 (Armstrong "Cortega") on 15/16" grid
(Armstrong "Prelude XL") – Office only.
VCT with vinyl base (office only)
2 hour rated GWB, painted (Elev Machine
Room, Emergency Electric Rooms only),
underside deck and structure, low VOC painted
(all others)
21. Receiving
22. New Guidance
CMU with low VOC epoxy paint.
ATC, 24x24 inch tegular edge NRC.55
(Armstrong "Cortega") on 15/16" grid
(Armstrong "Prelude XL").
6” metal studs with 5/8” GWB painted low VOC
epoxy paint.
2 x 2 ATC.
C1010 Walls
All new wall construction full height to underside deck above.
C1020 Interior Doors and Frames
Where new: Hollow metal welded frames with typical 3ʼx7ʼ solid core white oak
wood doors FSC certified (no added urea formaldehyde) with low-VOC natural
finish. See drawings for affected doors.
At existing door frames to remain: Provide new 3 x 7 solid core wite oak wood
doors and hardware mounted in existing frames.
Generally “Sargent Signature Series” mortised door locks for all doors in project
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Assume aluminum storefront inner door assemblies in main lobby and stair
vestibules. See B2030 Exterior Doors.
At kitchen, new roll down stainless steel manual security grate at new
dishwashing area.
C1030 Fittings
Markerboards & Tackboards for each classroom, and as noted on the drawings:
Painted Steel writing surface on hardboard backing with extruded aluminum
frames and chalk tray. Tackboards with linoleum cork (ie - Forbo “bulletin
board”) covering on hardboard (no urea formaldehyde added) backing (no vinyl
covered tack boards for IAQ reasons).
Recycled solid plastic toilet partitions & urinal screens.
Stainless Steel grab bars, bathroom accessories such as electric hand drivers,
soap, sanitary napkin, and toilet paper dispensers, recessed waste bins, mirrors,
Exterior building canopy mounted signage assume 16” and 24” high cast
aluminum letters: “Douglas Middle School” one each on the west and east
entrances. (2) two total.
Fire extinguishers, including recessed cabinets.
Flag pole: (1) one. Cast Aluminum 35ʼ tall
Interior Signage: Vandal resistant frame and sign with raised vinyl lettering,
integral raster Braille (raised) and removable vinyl insert.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
D10 Conveying
D1010 Elevators & Lifts
Existing elevator to remain. Provide new complete code compliant upgrade of car
station, control panel and hall station devices at floor landings.
One wheelchair lift at auditorium stage.
D20 Plumbing
D2010 Plumbing Fixtures
Majority of the existing plumbing fixtures will be replaced with new fixtures to
comply with ADA and water conservation requirements. Number of plumbing
fixtures will be in accordance to 248 CMR Paragraph 10.10, Table 1. .
Plumbing fixtures will be equipped with the following water conserving features
Water Closet
Dual Flush Valve
(Sloan WES-111,
1.6 gpf up and 1.1
gpf down) Or
Electronic sensor
1.28 gpf flush valve
(Sloan 81111.28)
Electronic sensor ultra
low flow flush valve type0.25gpf (Sloan WEUS
1002) Or Waterfree
Urinals (Sloan WES1000)
Sloan Optima EAF-275ISM “Solis” solar powered,
sensor activated, hand
washing faucet with
integral spout temperature
mixer, 0.5 gpm flow
restricting aerator spray
head and field adjustable
run time limit setting.
D2020 Domestic Water Distribution
The existing main domestic water supply in the boiler room will be remain and reused for this project. New 4” reduced pressure backflow preventer will be added
into the main to protect the service (per the DEP regulation 310 CMR 22). Boiler
water feed and make-up, and any other mechanical take-Offs will branch off
through a reduced pressure-principle backflow preventer.
The domestic cold water piping inside the building will be remain. Any new piping
for the new plumbing fixtures will be taped off from the main piping. Domestic
cold water will be distributed in “L” type copper tube with wrought or cast copper
fittings. The piping will be insulated to prevent condensation.
Existing domestic water storage tanks and associated piping in boiler room will
be removed in its entirety and will be replaced with Two high efficiency (86%) oil
fired water heaters and storage tank. (Veissmann Vitola 200, 300 MBH with four
130 Gallon tanks). Tanks will be manifold together to supply hot water distribution
to classroom fixtures and kitchen appliances.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
The domestic hot water distribution system in boiler room will be all new. There
will be 2 different hot water supply / recirculation systems in the building. One
system will operate at 140oF and will serve the kitchen dishwasher and 3
compartment sink. Existing hot water system will operate at 120oF and will serve
the custodian room sinks, lavatories and classroom sinks. At the lavatories, the
faucets will reduce the temperature to 110oF at the lavatories.
Where ever new domestic hot water will be used, it will be distributed in “L” type
copper tube with wrought or cast copper fittings. The hot water (HW) and recirculating (HWC) piping will be insulated for energy savings. No HW or HWC
piping will be concealed beneath the slab.
All lab classrooms will be provided with tempered and protected water to supply
emergency combination eye wash/shower. Existing propane gas will be used for
the science labs. Each lab will be provided with master gas shut off valve.
D2030 Sanitary Waste
Majority of the existing main underground and above ground sanitary piping will
be remain. New sanitary branch piping will be provided to the new plumbing
Existing grease trap for culinary sink and prep. sink will be remain and reused.
Existing grease waste line will be inspected and cleaned and re-used for this
Science room laboratory sinks will be discharge to a new common acid
neutralizing tank prior to the connection to sewer connection. Piping will be
Schedule 40 polypropylene with electrical heat fusion type fittings
The above ground sanitary drainage and vent in renovated building will be all
new plumbing system and will be piped in cast iron with “no-hub” joints (3” or
larger). Piping smaller than 3 inch will be piped in copper.
See G3020 – Sanitary System for a description of the exterior sanitary system
D2040 Rain Water Discharge
The existing roof drains will be replaced with new dual level promenade roof
drains. One will be a regular drain and the other will be overflow drain. The new
roof drain will be secured cast iron dome extension receiver with the lower drain
bodies flashed into the waterproofing membrane.
The existing storm water piping will remain intact and modified with new storm
water piping to pick up all new roof drain location. The storm system will be
installed in cast iron piping with all horizontal piping insulated to prevent
See G3030 – Storm Sewer for a description of the exterior storm drain system.
D2090 Fuel
Fuel source for the domestic hot water heating will be fuel oil #2 .
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
D3010 Energy Supply
Energy for the school shall be #2 heating oil and shall be provided by the existing
5,000 gallon above grade oil tank
D3020 Heat Generating Systems
The central plant will consist of two - 2000 MBH oil fired hot water boilers sized at
2/3 capacity each. The boilers will provide hot water for heating to energy
recovery units (ERU), roof mounted air handling units RTU-1 and HV-1, and
various terminal units throughout the building. The boilers will be controlled in a
manner to maximize overall plant efficiency by firing the boilers at the lowest
possible hot water temperature based on outdoor temperature.
Hot water is distributed throughout the building by two base mounted end suction
pumps (one is a full size spare), each controlled by a variable frequency drive.
D3030 Cooling Generating Systems
The chilled water plant consists of an 80 ton air cooled chiller. Chilled water is
pumped in a primary-secondary system separated by a plate heat exchanger.
The chiller uses the “green” refrigerant R-410a.
D3040 Distribution Systems
The classrooms are heated, cooled and ventilated by ceiling recessed active
chilled beam units. These chilled beams will be supplied with ventilation air
provided by a roof mounted energy recovery unit (ERU). Each space shall
be controlled by a wall mounted thermostat.
The three ERUs provide tempered ventilation air to classrooms, corridors,
and other miscellaneous spaces throughout the building. The first stage of
heating is by the VFD-modulated energy wheel. Further heating is achieved
through a hot water coil. The first stage of cooling is also through the wheel
and further cooling is provided by a direct expansion (DX) condensing unit
section. The DX cooling coil also provides dehumidification in conjunction
with a wrap-around heat pipe (for reheat).
The ERUs operate continuously during occupied hours but only operate
during unoccupied hours to provide air for chilled beam units to maintain
unoccupied setpoint.
The corridors will be heated, cooled, and ventilated in the same manner as
the classrooms. The second floor corridor (top floor) will have supplemental
heating provided by wall recessed convectors.
The cafeteria will be served by a roof mounted air handling unit which
provides heating, cooling, and ventilation. Heating is provided by hot water
and cooling is accomplished through a DX condensing unit. Fans are
controlled by VFDs and operate at 66% of full load until a call for further
heating or cooling. Demand controlled ventilation modulates the outdoor
airflow from 10% to full outdoor airflow based on readings at the return air
carbon dioxide sensor. The unit is also equipped with economizing
capability which uses outdoor air for cooling when the outdoor air enthalpy is
within an acceptable range.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
The kitchen hoods are connected to a roof mounted exhaust fan. The fan
will run continuously during occupied hours. Makeup air is provided by a
roof mounted makeup air unit. The unit provides heating with a fully
modulating hot water heating unit.
Administrative Area (2nd floor) – The group of spaces on the first floor which
serves school administrative staff is served by a roof mounted air handling
unit which provides heating, cooling, and ventilation. Heating is provided by
a hot water coil and cooling is accomplished through a DX condensing unit.
Demand controlled ventilation modulates the outdoor airflow from 30% to full
outdoor airflow based on readings at the return air carbon dioxide sensor.
Heating and cooling modulates based on readings at the discharge air
temperature sensor. The unit is also equipped with economizing capability
which uses outdoor air for cooling when the outdoor air enthalpy is within an
acceptable range. Each individual space is served by a variable air volume
terminal box (VAV) which consists of a motorized damper and a hot water
reheat coil. Each space has a wall mounted thermostat which modulates the
damper for precision cooling and the heating coil for heating.
The IMC will be heated, cooled and ventilated by ceiling recessed active
chilled beam units. These chilled beams will be supplied with ventilation air
provided by a roof mounted energy recovery unit (ERU). Each space shall
be controlled by a wall mounted thermostat.
The gymnasium is served by a roof mounted air handling unit which provides
heating and ventilation. Heating is provided by hot water. Fans are
controlled by VFDs and operate at 66% of full load until a call for further
heating or cooling. Demand controlled ventilation modulates the outdoor
airflow from 10% to full outdoor airflow based on readings at the return air
carbon dioxide sensor. The unit does not provide cooling, but environmental
cooling is provided by economizing, which uses outdoor air for cooling when
the outdoor air enthalpy is within an acceptable range.
10. The main V/D head end room is cooled by a split DX system. Smaller
elec./data rooms are cooled with supply air provided by supply fans through
ductwork and diffusers.
11. There are miscellaneous spaces throughout the building that contain
convectors, cabinet unit heaters, and finned tube radiation for heating.
12. All entrance vestibules and stairways shall contain ceiling mounted cabinet
unit heaters to provide heat to the space.
D3060 Controls & Instrumentation
The building shall be controlled by a direct digital control. The DDC System shall
be capable of monitoring and controlling all points in the building HVAC system,
energy recovery units, boilers, chiller, etc.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
D40 Fire Protection
D4010 Sprinklers
Building will be served from the existing 6” fire service line from the street. The 6”
fire service enters the building under stair "B" and run through double check
backflow preventer, fire pump, supervised OS&Y valves etc and feed two 3"
standpipes located in stair "A" and stair" B". The fire pump is 50 HP electric pump
and is located in room below stair "B". The Fire pump will provide the pressure
and flow requirements of the sprinkler system.
The entire building shall be protected throughout with a wet automatic fire
suppression system. A fire department Siamese pumper connection is existing
outside the Stair “B”. This system shall be designed in accordance with NFPA
Standard 13, 2007, the Massachusetts State Building Code, 8th Edition and the
town of Douglas Fire Department requirements.
Sprinklers shall be supplied from the standpipes. Floor control valve stations,
consisting of a monitored shut-off valve, flow switch and an Inspectorʼs test valve
and sight glass, shall be provided at each floor take-off from the standpipe system.
This shall report sprinkler flow to the fire alarm system on a floor-by-floor basis.
Sprinkler heads in electrical and mechanical rooms shall be standard response,
212 degree temperature listing. Sprinklers in all other areas shall be quick
response heads.
D4020 Standpipes
Existing 3” standpipes will be removed and replaced with 4” standpipes.
Standpipes would be designed in accordance with NFPA Standard 14, 2007, and
Douglas Fire Department requirements. Standpipes shall be located in each
required egress stairway, and adjacent to the Stage. Additionally, standpipes shall
be located so that no part of the building is more than 200 feet from a standpipe
valve. Each standpipe shall be equipped with a 2 1/2” fire department hose valve
with 1 1/2” reducer at the stair floor landing. At the Stage, fire department valves
shall be provided on each side of the stage. These shall be in recessed cabinets.
Because the building is not a high rise, there is no minimum pressure requirement
for the standpipes.
D4090 Fire Protection Systems
Standpipes & sprinklers will be supplied from the existing dedicated water service,
entering the building. The building service shall be equipped with a wet main alarm
riser check valve, located at the service entrance. From there, this line would run to
each stairways, and then up through the stairways as standpipes. Fire protection
piping shall be schedule 40 piping with threaded fittings for any piping sized 2” and
less. For sizes over 2”, schedule 10 piping with roll grooved fittings and couplings
shall be used.
All valves controlling the flow of water shall be equipped with supervisory devices
that report to the Fire Alarm system. Kitchen hood will be protected with a dry
agent “Ansul R-102” packaged hood suppression system
Following hydrant flow test information was obtained from the Douglass town:
Static Pressure: 80 psi Residual Pressure: 56 psi Flow: 1180 GPM
Based on the above hydrant flow data and the elevation, existing fire pump can be
reused for this project.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
D50 Electrical
D5010 Electrical Service & Distribution
Existing primary electric service to remain. If adequate spare capacity is
available, existing switchboard to remain.
As required, furnish and install lighting, receptacle, and power panels including
associated feeders in conduit. All panels shall be installed in the electric closets
provided on each floor of the building.
As required, furnish and install a lighting and receptacle system in each of the
areas being renovated within the building including all branch circuit wiring from
the respective panelboards. Lighting and receptacle branch circuit wiring shall be
installed in conduit raceways or shall be type MC metal clad cable in concealed
As required furnish and install all heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and
plumbing power wiring, magnetic starters and disconnect switches. All power
wiring shall be installed in conduit.
Provide surge suppression protection on switchboard and all distribution panels.
D5020 Lighting & Branch Wiring
Lighting to be controlled by occupancy sensors.
Existing classrooms – Existing 2ʼ x 4ʼ lensed troffers will be replaced with 2ʼ x 4ʼ
Lithonia RT5 series or approved equal.
Cafeteria - Pendant mounted indirect lighting fixtures, wall sconces and
Gymnasium - Compact fluorescent high bay lighting fixtures controlled by
occupancy sensors and daylighting controls.
Offices and conference rooms - 2 x 2 recessed indirect lighting fixtures. Lithonia
RT5 series or approved equal. All offices and administration areas - pendant
mounted, ceiling recessed and wall mounted lighting fixtures. Litecontrol,
Peerless, Lithonia, Focal point, Winona
Auditorium – Furnish and install new theatrical lighting system and house lighting
Corridors and stairwells - Wall mounted sconces, Visa Lighting and Winona
Lighting. Recessed downlights Lithonia or approved equal.
Lighting occupancy sensors in classrooms, toilets and offices. Occupancy
sensors: WattStopper dual technology DT-200. As part of the daylight harvesting
system, exterior classrooms and the gymnasium shall be furnished with dimming
ballasts, daylighting controls and photocells.
Electric rooms, mechanical rooms and storage rooms - Surface or pendent
mounted lens lighting fixtures.
All lighting fixtures in the building including gymnasium shall be controlled by
local room switches and a building wide computer based lighting control system
by Wattstopper.
Furnish and install an internally illuminated exit sign system at all paths of egress
within the building.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Site lighting fixture to meet IES full cut off rating. All site lighting to be controlled
by multi-zone programmable time clock.
D5030 Communication & Security
Fire Alarm System.
Furnish and install a complete addressable fire alarm system throughout
the addition. The system shall consist of pull stations, smoke detectors,
heat detectors, duct detectors, standby batteries and alarm speakers with
strobe lights. All fire alarm system wiring shall be installed in conduit or
fire alarm type MC metal clad cable in concealed locations.
Smoke detectors shall be installed in egress areas including all corridors,
stairways, lobbies.
Audible/visual alarm notification horn/strobe light units shall be installed in
all corridors, stairways, classrooms, conference, lobbies, gymnasium,
mechanical spaces and toilets.
Manual pull stations shall be installed in paths of egress.
The fire alarm control panel is located in the main electric room. The fire
alarm system shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72.
Technology Systems include: Voice/Data/TV System, building-wide WIFI internet
access, Cable TV and Video Distribution System, local Gym/music/cafe Sound
Systems, Master Clock & PA/Intercom System.
Voice/Data System
Voice/data outlets shall be installed in all offices, library (IMC),
classrooms, gym, cafeteria, auditorium, and conference rooms.
Voice/data outlets shall be installed at every desk location in all offices.
Furnish and install conduits between each floor IDF closet and the
MDF closet in the first floor. Provide 10Gb fiber optic cable and multipair voice riser cable between each IDF and the MDF. Provide fiber
patch panels and voice cross-connect blocks.
Furnish and install eight data drops in each classroom. Furnish and
install twenty-eight data drops in the Tech classroom and twelve data
drops n the science classrooms.
Furnish and install two gang outlet box, plaster ring, 1¼” conduit to
nearest accessible ceiling, insulating bushings and pull line for all
voice/data outlet locations. If nearby accessible ceiling is not feasible
extend conduits to nearest IDF closet.
Furnish and install a structured cabling system consisting of all cat 6
voice/data cable, modular jacks, patch panels, wiring blocks, racks,
fiber optic cable, fiber patch panels, 2-post open equipment racks,
devices plates, outlet boxes, conduit, etc. for a complete and fully
functional voice/data/video system.
Each classroom, library and conference room shall be wired for wall
mounted LCD projectors with multiple short throw projectors,
interactive white boards and teacher lectern location. Furnish and
install required conduit and wire.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Provide 100% wireless coverage in the building. Provide wireless
access point ceiling and wall Enclosures at designated locations
throughout the building. Provide a cat 6 data outlet for connection of a
future Wireless Access Pont at each Enclosure to the building Local
Area Network.
Provide conduit raceway for future interactive white board in all
Provide a telephone system in the building including telephone in all
classrooms and at all teacher/staff workstations. The telephone
system shall be capable of Voice over IP. Provide all head end
equipment including a voice mail system sized appropriately for the
number of users. Provide telephone handsets in all classrooms, at
every desk in offices and in common spaces, such as conference
room, IMC, café, auditorium, and gym.
Video Distribution System
Video outlets shall be installed in all offices, gym, (IMC), cafeteria,
classrooms, auditorium, and conference room.
The system shall be digital (Video over IP). Provide digital head end
network equipment in the Head End MDF room.
Furnish and install all cat 6 cable, devices plates, outlet boxes, conduit,
etc. for a complete and fully functional video distribution system.
Furnish and install two gang outlet box, plaster ring, 1¼” conduit to
nearest accessible ceiling, insulating bushings and pull line for all cable
video outlet locations. If nearby accessible ceiling is not feasible
extend conduits to nearest IDF closet.
Furnish and install conduits between each floor and the MDF closet in
the first floor. Provide insulating bushings and pull lines.
Gymnasium Local Sound System
The sound system shall be furnished with an amplifier, compact disk
player, wireless microphone transmitter, microphone outlets and an
assistive listening system mounted in a sound system rack with a
lockable door. Provide speakers, mic jacks and wiring in the
The two program channel sound system shall provide for the pickup,
amplification and simultaneous reproduction at any single or group of
speaker locations. Program sources are compact disc player, and
Music Room Local Sound System
The sound system shall be furnished with an amplifier, recorder
compact disk player, wireless microphone transmitter, microphone
outlets and an assistive listening system mounted in a sound system
rack with a lockable door. Provide speakers, mic jacks and wiring in
the room.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Cafe Local Sound System
The sound system shall be furnished with an amplifier, compact disk
player, wireless microphone transmitter, microphone outlets and an
assistive listening system mounted in a sound system rack with a
lockable door. Provide speakers, mic jacks and wiring in the café and
The two program channel sound system shall provide for the pickup,
amplification and simultaneous reproduction at any single or group of
speaker locations. Program sources are compact disc player, and
Master and Central Sound System Clock
Provide a new master clock system in the building. Secondary clocks
shall be installed in all classrooms, offices, admin areas, and in all
common spaces such as conference rooms, IMC, gym, auditorium,
and café. The master clock shall be located in the MDF room
Provide a central sound system with speakers in all classrooms,
offices, admin, conference rooms, library, gym, café, corridors, and
gang toilets. The Central Sound system equipment shall be located in
the MDF room. System shall be accessed thru the telephone system
via access codes. The Central Sound system shall be interfaced to the
Master Clock system for scheduled bell tones.
Classroom Speech Reinforcement System
Provide a speech reinforcement system in all classrooms. System to
consist of amplifier, IR sensor, speakers and cabling.
Video Presentation Equipment
Provide video presentation equipment at all teaching stations including
classrooms, SPED rooms, IMC, etc. Equipment to include interactive
whiteboards, short throw video projectors, security devices and plat
panel monitors.
Security System.
Furnish and install a complete security system include magnetic contacts,
motion detector, sirens, key pad control pane, conduit and wire. Furnish
and install magnetic contacts on all exterior doors. Furnish and install
motion detectors in gym, corridors, lobbies and all exterior window rooms.
Furnish and install a security camera system including server, color IP
cameras with housings, conduit and cat 6 cabling. Furnish and install
interior IP cameras at all egress doors and corridors. Furnish and install
exterior cameras around the exterior of the building. Furnish and install
Ethernet switches with Power over Ethernet (PoE) ports for all IP security
cameras. Furnish and install a Network Video Recorder (NVR), Video
Management software system, and Client software. The NVR shall be
sized for three (3) to four (4) weeks of image storage. Provide a
cabinet/rack for the head end equipment to include the NVR, rackmounted monitor, and a UPS system. Head end equipment shall be
located in the MDF.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Furnish and install a video/audio door intercom system at the main entry
doors to provide for verification of visitors and remote door release from
the main office. The system shall include door stations, master stations,
and all low voltage cabling and power supplies. Electronic door latch
hardware shall be provided by the door vendor.
Furnish and install a Card/Proximity Access Control system at the
designated door locations. The system shall include Card/Proximity
Readers, all low voltage cabling and power supplies, a system server with
Management Software system. Electronic door latch hardware and
Request to Exit devices shall be provided by the door hardware vendor.
Furnish and install a complete conduit system for the security system.
Furnish and install all required conduits, outlet boxes, pull lines, plaster
rings, junction boxes required for a complete security system.
D5090 Other Electrical Systems
Emergency Electrical Light and Power System
Furnish and install an emergency life safety light and power system. The
system shall consist of lighting fixtures, exit signs, conduit, wire, auto
transfer switch, supervisory relays, two-hour mineral insulated cables,
panelboards and cabinets. Life safety emergency lighting shall be
installed in accordance MEC Article 700. Life safety emergency system
shall serve emergency lighting, exit signs, fire alarm system and fire pump
(if required).
Designated lighting fixtures in all paths of egress such as corridors,
interior classrooms, cafeteria, toilets, library, gymnasium, lobbies and
stairwells shall be connected to the emergency lighting system. Also,
designated lighting fixtures in the administration offices, toilets,
mechanical rooms and electric rooms.
Furnish and install an emergency standby power system. The system
shall consist of conduit, wire, auto transfer switch, panelboards and
cabinets. Emergency standby system shall be installed in accordance
MEC Article 702. Standby system shall serve kitchen refrigeration,
boilers, boiler pumps, gym and cafeteria AHUs, intrusion security system,
and communication systems.
Furnish and install a new exterior diesel driven emergency generator in
sound attenuating enclosure with double wall sub-base fuel tank, and new
ductbank into new main electrical room. New generator located adjacent
to the building.
Lighting Occupancy Sensors
A building lighting management system with timeclock capabilities shall
be installed to control all lighting in corridors, stairwells, gymnasium and
all other areas of similar occupancy.
The entire lighting design will be evaluated on a life cycle cost analysis
(LCCA) basis.
The entire lighting system shall meet all requirements of the State Energy
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
E10 Equipment
E1010 Foodservice Equipment
The foodservice program will consist of a targeted upgrade of the existing
Scope for Serving Area shall include:
Replace the existing serving line in order to improve it current function.
This work would involve adding two drop in cold pans and sneeze guards.
Add two floor sinks to service the serving line. Trenching the floor will be
required along the entire length of the current serving line location to allow
for new drain lines and power requirements related to the cold pans.
Provide power and data for the cash register systems
Reconfigure wall openings to improve student flow and visibility for
kitchen staff.
Scope for Kitchen Area shall include:
Provide new faucets and lever waste drains for the prep sink.
Provide a new wall shelf above the prep sink.
Reconfigure drain line so that prep sink waste is air gapped. This will
require floor trenching.
Provide new faucets and lever waste drains for the pot sink sink. Weld,
grid, and polish plug weld holes left by removed sink bowl heater and sink
bowl agitator.
Replace the steam kettle with a self contained tilting kettle. Trench floor
and provide a floor trough to service the kettle
Remove old boiler base and replace it with a new self-contained steamer.
Trench floor and provide a floor trough to service the existing braising
Remove the existing range and replace it with a new electric griddle.
Replace the existing exhaust hood.
Provide a hood fire suppression system to cover all cooking equipment as
Replace existing walk-in cooler and freezer with a new panels and
mechanical systems.
Scope related to existing equipment shall include:
Foodservice equipment that is scheduled for reuse shall be removed and
stored off site.
The Kitchen equipment contractor shall verify and document the operating
condition of all relocated equipment prior to its being disconnected.
Document the condition of the equipment to note any dents, scratches,
broken components or other damage prior to placing it in storage. Protect
equipment during transport and storage, and assume responsibility for its
re-installation in the condition viewed prior to removal.
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
Related trades shall perform disconnecting and reconnecting of services
to "Existing" equipment.
This Contractor shall restart all existing equipment following its
reconnection to building services and verify its correct operation as
viewed prior to removal.
Foodservice Equipment Budget:
Equipment budget range is $95,000 to $115,000 for targeted upgrades of
the foodservice equipment.
E1020 Institutional Equipment
Stage Curtain: Velour stage curtain on heavy duty cord operated track with
valance with an additional 2 hour rated fire curtain.
E1030 Vehicular Equipment – NA
E1040 Other Equipment
Maintenance Equipment: N/A (Furnishings & Equipment)
Unit Kitchens: One each in teacher lunchroom, and Administration Area. Existing
to remain with modified HP station
Undercounter refrigerator / freezer with icemakers and dishwashers for
science prep rooms. Refrigerator, range, microwave oven, dishwasher
and washer and dryer in one of Life Skills classrooms.
Athletic Equipment:
New retractable basketball backstops + hoops (6) total with suspended
vertical retractable divider curtain.
Stage Equipment:
New stage rigging, stage curtains, theatrical lighting and sound systems,
and projection screen.
E20 Furnishings
E2010 Fixed Furnishings
Fixed Casework:
Includes prefinished maple veneer counters with plastic
laminate tops in main office, teacher mailboxes (75 staff),
library, and circulation desk – 40 LF.
Wall Paneling:
Factory finished maple veneer plywood and solid maple
trim at sidewalls and proscenium wall of auditorium.
Science Casework:
Modular pre-manufactured wall and base cabinets in
science rooms and prep rooms including teacher
demonstration tables and student lab benches with hot
and cold water, data and 120V power, constructed of
maple veneer plywood with 1” epoxy resin tops. One HP
accessible work station in each classroom and in each
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
prep room. One vented acid storage cabinet and one
flammable storage cabinet in one science room.
Art Rooms:
Modular pre-manufactured wall and base cabinets with
epoxy tops as for science rooms.
Auditorium Seating:
Fixed upholstered retractible auditorium chairs (see plans
for quantities and layout).
New Lockers:
Remove existing lockers and replace with new metal
lockers with sloped top mounted on existing concrete
base (Approximately 480).
Window Treatment:
Perforated (1% opeonness) window shade with chain
clutch, bottom rail and fascia.
E2020 Moveable Furnishings – NA
Includes furniture & accessories, moveable rugs & mats, etc. which are NOT to
be part of the estimated construction cost (F&E).
F10 Special Construction – Not Applicable
F1010 Special Structures – Not Applicable
F1020 Integrated Construction – Not Applicable
F1030 Special Construction Systems – Not Applicable
F1040 Special Facilities – Maintain services and egress elements to occupied existing
school building while phased renovations and additions are underway.
F1050 Special Controls & Instrumentation – Not Applicable
F20 Building Demolition
F2010 Building Elements Demolition
Selective demolition of building areas to remain includes all windows, interior
finishes, roofing, interior partitions, all plumbing, fire protection, HVAC and
electrical systems, and exterior wall construction at the gym (see demolition
F2020 Hazardous Components Abatement
Before building demolition and renovation, abate all asbestos containing
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
G10 Site Preparation
G1010 Site Clearing
G1020 Site Demolition and Relocations
G1030 Site Earthwork
G1040 Hazardous Waste Remediation - *** ALLOWANCE FOR POSSIBLE OIL
G20 Site Improvements
G2010 Roadways
G2020 Parking Lots
G2030 Pedestrian Paving
G2040 Site Development
G2050 Athletic Surfacing – Not Applicable
G2070 Landscape Drainage
G2080 Soil Preparation
G2090 Landscaping
G2100 Automatic Irrigation
G2101 Sports Lighting:
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
G30 Site Mechanical Utilities
G3010 Water Supply
G3020 Sanitary Sewer
See D2030 Sanitary Waste for more information.
G3030 Storm Sewer
G3040 Heating Distribution
Not Applicable
G3050 Cooling Distribution
Not Applicable
G3060 Fuel Distribution
G3090 Other Site Mechanical
Not Applicable
G40 Site Electrical Utilities
G4010 Electrical Distribution
Existing primary electric service to remain..
G4020 Site Lighting
See Drawings for locations of all light fixtures. Provide reinforced concrete
footings at frost depth for each lighting fixture. Provide all associated trenching,
electrical conduit, equipment, and other costs necessary to install proposed
Roadway and Parking Lot Light Fixtures – IES Full cutoff fixture on 20ʼ-0” pole.
Walkway Light Fixtures - IES Full cutoff fixture on 14ʼ-0” pole.
Building mounted lighting fixtures – Building mounted lighting fixture IES full cut
off, CFL lamps shall be provided as required at all doors and for building security.
Pole mounted and wall mounted exterior lighting fixtures for the entrances to the
building shall be controlled by multi-zone programmable time clock (LEED EA
Credit 1 – Optimize Energy Performance).
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011
G4030 Site Communications & Security
Existing site communication ductbanks to remain.
G90 Other Site Construction
G9010 Service and Pedestrian Tunnels
Not Applicable
G9020 Other Site Systems & Equipment
Not Applicable
Massachusetts School Building Authority Project Nº: 200800770010 / 200800770100G
50% Construction Document Submission – Douglas Elementary School / Middle School
15 August 2011