
Industrial Management School
the catalogue
We are training. We are consulting. We are industry. WE ARE THE ENGINEERS OF INNOVATION
General Contents
We are training. We are consulting. We are industry.
Managerial and professional skills
Welcome to the world of Festo Academy
Festo Academy and Festo Consulting in Italy
Festo group worldwide
The value of Festo Academy Training Solutions
integrated with Festo Consulting
Whom we have worked with
People and Organizations
Management & Economics
Project Management
Innovation and Product Development
The map of Festo Academy know-how
Training Solutions INSIDE and OUTSIDE the classroom
Marketing, Sales and After Sales
Marketing and Sales in Industrial Markets
After Sales
General information
How to reach us
Operations & Supply-Chain Management
Industrial Management and Supply-Chain Management
Manufacturing, Process Excellence, Lean Six Sigma
Quality Control
Plant Management and Maintenance
Safety and Regulations
TECH 4 – Industrial automation skills
The world of Festo Academy
Welcome to the world
of FESTO Academy
Welcome to Festo Academy, the first Industrial Management School in Italy.
Our Training Solutions are aimed at companies and their people, to support them in their
business performance growth and in the development of individual employee skills.
Festo Academy Training Solutions are fully integrated and synergic with the services offered by Festo Consulting.
Our aim is to generate value for you and for your clients.
Festo C.T.E. has adopted the organization, management and control model in
compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, n. 231.
Festo C.T.E. is accredited by the Region of Lombardy for its Professional Training
and Teaching services.
Quality System certification in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.
The world of Festo Academy
Festo Academy and
Festo Consulting in Italy
1969 8,150
Festo was founded
Million euros turnover (2012)
Festo Academy participants
Client companies
Executive Masterclass and Executive
Solution Program
Role-specific Training Programs
Specialized Seminars
Specific skill areas (innovation rate
1.000 Days of inter-company training per
5.000 Days per year of in-company
Consultancy and Training
Consultancy and training projects
per year
Senior Consultants, with a wide
range of experience and
different backgrounds
The world of Festo Academy
FESTO group worldwide
Leader in the Automation Industry
Global turnover: more than 2 billion euros
300.000 clients in more than 200 sectors
14.600 employees
59 companies in 176 countries
Continuous global innovation
2.900 worldwide patents
100 innovations per year
Research and Development: 9.5% of turnover
Number one player in the field of education
15.000 laboratories installed
seminars in 26 languages
42.000 participants per year
Festo Supply-Chain Map - GPC Global Production Center - RSC Regional Service Center
Festo has won:
◼ Best Factory Award
◼ German Logistics Prize Bvl
The world of Festo Academy
We are training. We are consulting. We are industry.
The value of Festo Academy Training Solutions integrated with Festo Consulting
Industrial Automation
classroom classroom
Skills development
Improve processes
Best Practices
Industrial Management School
and custom program
The value of utilizing Festo Consulting
Industrial experience
The world of Festo Academy
Whom we have worked with
The world of Festo Academy
Whom we have worked with
The world of Festo Academy
Whom we have worked with
The world of Festo Academy
Festo Academy know-how
del Know How Festo Academy e le Soluzioni formative
Festo Academy know-how
Festo Academy know-how
Innovation and Product Development
Festo Academy know-how
Operations &
Project Management
Management & Economics
People and Organizations
and Regulations
Marketing and Sales
After Sales
Training Solutions
Festo Academy know-how
Training Solutions
INSIDE and OUTSIDE the classroom
Increase business performance by developing employee skills
Executive Masterclass
and Training Programs
Assists integration of operations and processes
To develop professional and managerial roles
To acquire specific skills
Executive tour, Business game
Analysis of training requirements
Skills evaluation
Development plans
All of the initiatives are personalized and implemented in-company
Festo Academy know-how
Training Programs
New in 2014
Industrial HR Manager
Coaching Program
Leadership Program
Team Leadership Program
Industrial Internal Trainer
Negotiation skills development
People and Organizations
Soft skills and People Management for different areas of industry.
Festo focuses on human resource management and soft skills
(leadership and negotiation) specifically designed for department managers, industry
directors, industrial process engineering personnel and warehouse employees.
This is just one of the advantages of working with Festo Academy.
People and Organizations
New in 2014
Training Program
Industrial HR Manager
Turning constraints into resources for business development.
Improve performance through the management of change, organizational development and
Human Resources.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Playing this role in industrial organizations and in particular those involved in processes of change
■ Developing and/or reinforcing the capacity to work as a Management partner in the development of the
business and in the clear fulfilment of Operations strategies
■ Supporting the Management in the definition and management of the organization of work
■ Supporting the operating managers in employee development
■ Contributing to developing a safety culture in the plant
■ Managing specialized aspects: selection, education and on-the-job training, development, evaluation,
performance Management, personnel administration and trade union relations
Module 1 (5 days)
Percorsi area
Persone e
HR Program
Duration: Module 1 - 5 days
Module 2 - 7 days
Participation: 2/3 days per month
For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
People and Organizations
Module 2 (7 days)
The role of HR: supporting
processes and performance
Human Resources tools: how to use them to support
business and processes
Operations and Organization
Role and service
KPI and Economics
Behavior and Organization
Organizational development
Skills selection and evaluation
Corporate restructuring
Industrial relations
Wage policies
Who it is aimed at
The Program is recommended in particular for those that hold, or will have to hold, Human Resources
management responsibilities within the individual unit or that coordinate activities from the main
It is aimed at Managers and Professionals with experience in organization and/or the management of resources
and involves looking closely at patterns, operating methods, tools and techniques that help them to interpret
their roles more effectively.
For those that are already established in this role, the Program enables the experience possessed to be more
integrated with the lines of business.
Training Program
Coaching Program
Grow as a Coach and Manager.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Acquiring knowledge and skills as a manager coach
■ Learning to define and direct individual and organizational change through coaching
■ Acquiring and applying goal-setting methodology, giving and receiving feedback during the coaching
■ Learning how to manage conflict and the emotions used in order to reach results.
Training Program outline
and knowledge
Relational skills
The tools and methods
for growth and
encouraging growth
Percorsi area
Persone e
HR Program
Who it is aimed at
Duration: 6 days
Participation: 2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
Managers at all levels that need to develop new behavioral models, group intelligence and culture, and
listening and feedback skills, to encourage a constructive approach to disagreement and implementing
The type of involvement and analysis anticipated in the program requires a strong personal motivation to
People and Organizations
Training Program
Leadership Program
Train Leaders that guide the performance of the organization.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Learning a pragmatic and effective model for evaluating your own management skills and leadership
style in relation to the company culture
■ Improving the ability to face the typical activities of a leader: management by objectives,
understanding motivations, giving and receiving feedback, assessing and guiding the behavior of people
■ Acquiring assertive communication skills to improve organizational quality
■ Learning how to involve and persuade colleagues in order to reach business objectives
■ Learning to recognise conflict from the point of view of psychology and communication
■ Learning how to analyze group dynamics as a team leader and being capable of removing obstacles that
stand in the way of reaching results
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (2 days)
Module 3 (2 days)
Being a leader - the
personal, relational and
organizational dimensions
Developing potential - the
4 dimensions of MBTI®
(Mayers Brigg Type
Acting as a leader
in groups and the
organization, influencing
Percorsi area
Persone e
HR Program
Who it is aimed at
Duration: 6 days
Participation: 2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
People and Organizations
Managers at all levels that need to develop a new way of thinking and developing new habits and ways of
Managers that need to develop skills aimed at reaching objectives of the organization using influence, power
and people involvement.
The type of program and analysis require a strong personal motivation to change.
Training Program
Team Leadership Program
Guide a results-oriented team.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Selecting the members of a team based on their profiles and skill set
Creating high-performing teams according to the business environment and culture
Identifying, sharing and balancing individual and team objectives
Guiding the development of the group and managing stressfull situations and conflicts
Discovering and using the strengths of team members using team coaching
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (2 days)
Creation of a team and
Personal resources
for guiding teams
Module 3 (2 days)
Team leadership
and team coaching
Percorsi area
Persone e
HR Program
6 days1): 5 days
Impegno: 2/3 days
2 days
Duration (Mod. 2): 7 days
on costs,
dates and Training
2/3 days
al mese
Program details, visit
Per informazioni su costi, date e dettagli del Training Program
Who it is aimed at
The Program is aimed at people in organizations that must acquire and exercise team formation and
management skills, such as Project Leaders, Team Leaders, Department Managers, and Coordinators of
cross-functional groups.
People and Organizations
Training Program
Industrial Internal Trainer
The role of trainer in an industrial environment, from the technical manual to on-the-job
training: techniques and tools for professional development.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Assessing the environment and expectations (macro-design)
Building an integrated program of training activities and methods (micro-design)
Building a system for measuring/evaluating training and learning
Managing the delivering phases in the classroom and on the job
Integrating the use of technological tools to support the training process
Managing the motivational elements related to the role
Using metaphors and rhetorical stratagems to support learning
Putting NLP techniques into context in the training environment
Using the operating instructions to build training cards and checklists
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (2 days)
Module 3 (2 days)
In-company training:
activities, techniques and
The design and
implementation of training
in the classroom
Training on the field
and tutoring: on-the-job
Percorsi area
Persone e
Duration: 6 days
Participation: 2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
People and Organizations
Who it is aimed at
Company trainers, HR training specialists, Product specialists, Technicians and employees involved in
setting up pre-sales and assistance.
Training Program
Development of negotiation skills
Strategic and behavioral skills for effectively managing typical negotiations in advanced
working environments.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Fully and effectively developing key negotiation skills at all levels
Providing clear application tools for the main types of negotiation in a working environment
Rationalizing your negotiating difficulties and potential
Building a self-assessment and improvement program for each participant to improve negotiating skills
Integrating and improving acquired skills and experience
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (2 days)
Module 3 (2 days)
Conflict management
within the company and
managerial negotiation
Business negotiation
Advanced negotiation
Who it is aimed at
Percorsi area
Persone e
Managers at all levels, Sales staff and Buyers, Organizational area and HR Specialists, Project Managers,
Legal department Professionals, Trade Union Representatives, organizational Consultants and cultural and
workplace mediation professionals.
6 days1): 5 days
Impegno: 2/3 days
2 days
Duration (Mod. 2): 7 days
on costs,
dates and Training
2/3 days
al mese
Program details, visit
Per informazioni su costi, date e dettagli del Training Program
People and Organizations
People and Organizations
Leadership and Personal Development
Communication and relationships
HR 060
MBTI profile and Personal Development
2 days
HR 165
Persuasive communication with NLP
2 days
HR 140
Coaching for employee development
2 days
HR 150
Conflict Management and Negotiation
2 days
HR 520
Stress management
2 days
HR 156
Business negotiation
2 days
HR 525
Time Management
1 day
HR 100
From director to leader in Operations
3 days
HR 102
The role of the Manager in the factory
2 days
Team Development
HR Management and Organization
HR 210
Management of work groups
2 days
HR 515
Ergonomics for performance and wellbeing
1 day
HR 230
Perfect management of meetings
1 day
GRU 150
Labor law and industrial relations
1 day
HR 530
The multi-cultural group and negotiation
1 day
HR 040
Redesigning the organization of a factory
2 days
HR 045
Change in Operations Management
1 day
HR 101
Management of multi-skilled and multi-functional
2 days
People and Organizations
Training Programs
Finance for non-financial Managers - the basics
Finance for decision making
Lean Administration
Management & Economics
Proposals for non-financial Managers.
Economics and Finance for those that play important roles in lines of business in
which it is necessary to have a solid understanding of management control, the
reading and interpretation of the balance sheet (of the company, its competitors
and suppliers) and by reading the numbers discovering the link between operating
decisions and company results.
Management & Economics
Training Program
Finance for non-financial Managers
Develop and improve economic and financial skills.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ “Reading” a company through the data and information contained in its balance sheet
■ Understanding the financial dynamics of the company
■ Applying the cost analysis techniques to thoroughly analyse company results
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (2 days)
Module 3 (2 days)
Reading and analysis of the
balance sheet
Cash flows and economic
and financial planning
Analysis of company costs
and the budgeting process
Who it is aimed at
Percorsi area
& Economics
Duration: 6 days
Participation: 2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
Management & Economics
■ Entrepreneurs and General Managers
■ Department, sales and marketing, production, research and development, and logistics managers in all
industrial sectors, public administrations, sales companies and service providers
Training Program
Finance for decision-making
Make decisions using economic and financial tools.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Analysing the specificness of different company situations
■ Planning the most appropriate management control systems
■ Using all economic and financial information to make the best business decisions
Management control
A new control system
Objectives Budgeting
Who it is aimed at
Percorsi area
& Economics
■ Entrepreneurs and Managing Directors
■ Department, sales and marketing, production, research and development and logistics managers in all
industrial sectors, public administrations, sales companies and service providers.
2 days1): 5 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
Duration (Mod. 2): 7 days
on costs,
dates and Training
2/3 days
al mese
Program details, visit
Per informazioni su costi, date e dettagli del Training Program
Management & Economics
Training Program
Lean Administration
Apply the concepts of Lean Thinking, eliminating waste in corporate structures and
administrative processes.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Developing a new vision of non-productive company processes, organising them around activities to the
advantage of the Client
■ Reducing times (carrying out orders, signatures and approvals, filing, etc) and simplifying activities
Organization of non-productive processes (office, administration) per Value Stream
Identification of sources of waste and reduction of the number of transitions
Application of the 5S
Rethinking of the role of supporting structures: freeing part of their time and ensure that they become
agents of Lean change
Who it is aimed at
■ Department/unit managers, performance improvement Managers, Quality Managers, Administrative
Duration: 4 days
Participation: 2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
Management & Economics
Management & Economics
KPI 050
Lean accounting
1 day
KPI 100
Cost accounting
1 day
KPI 150
Economics for Commerce
1 day
KPI 200
Lean Office
1 day
Management & Economics
Training Programs
New in 2014
Project Manager
Advanced Project Manager
PMP® Certification
Project Management
Project Management
Training Program
Project Manager
Integrate Project Management Techniques and Tools with the managerial and relational skills
required to be effective within this role.
Develop a Project during the Program.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Acquiring an overall vision of the set of processes and their relation to the projects
Increasing capacity to plan and manage
Strengthening the capacity of the manager to relate and guide within the organization
Understanding and controlling economic and financial aspects
Using PM tools and techniques with ease
Training Program outline
Who it is aimed at
Duration: Complete Training Program 10 days
Participation: 2/3 days per month
The Training Program is aimed at managers, leaders and coordinators of project groups wishing to grow in
this role.
Minimum Training Program: 6 days
It is aimed particularly at
■ Project Managers and Project leaders
■ Junior Project Managers
■ Professionals responsible for coordinating projects
■ Department/Process Managers
■ Team members
For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
Project Management
New in 2014
Training Program
Project Manager Advanced
Study Project Risk Management skills in depth, manage the income statement of a project and
knowhow to negotiate with stakeholders.
The Agile method for project management.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Module 1
■ Developing the capacity to anticipate problems and identify solutions
■ Recognising the problem of positive and negative risks and their effect on the life cycle of a Project
■ Developing the ability to identify risks and the most effective response to them
■ Learning Risk Management processes
■ Risk Management techniques and tools
■ Learning the Agile method
■ Understanding differences using the PMI Method
■ Identifying the possibilities for using Agile (software development, etc)
Module 2
■ Revising the most important economic and financial concepts in project management
■ Developing the skills for reading balance sheet information that is useful in project management
■ Learning how to manage the economic and financial aspects of projects
Module 3
■ Developing awareness of the nature and objectives of the negotiating process within Project
■ Analyzing and discussing real problems and negotiation case studies in Project Management
7 days1): 5 days
Impegno: 2/3 days
1/2 days
al mese
per month
Duration (Mod. 2): 7 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information on costs, dates and Training
details, su
Per informazioni
date e dettagli del Training Program
Module 1 (3 days)
Advanced Risk
Agile method
Module 2 (2 days)
Module 3 (2 days)
Finance for
Project Managers
Negotiation for
Project Managers
Who it is aimed at
Project Managers that manage complex projects with large amounts of negotiation and that wish to
developand/or improve their economic and financial skills, Risk Managers, PMO, PM, Team Leaders.
Project Management
Training Program in preparation for
PMP® Certification
Be accredited in international tenders and jobs and guarantee the professional growth of
Project Managers.
More than 94% of participants have passed the PMP ® examination.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Reaching a recognized professional status that is considered a standard requirement at international environment
An effective systematization of knowledge already possessed
Coverage of all areas of PMBOK®
The identification of areas of weakness, a coherent and common vocabulary, greater influence and
visibility in relation with stakeholders.
The contents of the Program prepare participants for the PMP ® Certification examination and it is expected
that they already possess the necessary Project Management operating skills.
Project Integration Management
Project Scope Management
Project Time Management
Project Cost Management
Project Quality Management
Project Human Resource Management
Project Communications Management
Project Risk Management
Project Procurement Management
Professional Responsibility
Simulation of the PMP ® examination(4 hours, 200 questions)
Duration: 6 days
Participation: 2 days per month
Who it is aimed at
For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
Project Managers, Project Engineers, Project Leaders, Program Managers, Department Managers,
IT Experts, Research and Development Managers and anyone that plays an important role in project
Project Management
Project Management
Project Management
PJM 100
Project Management overview
3 days
PJM 320
La gestione multiprogetto
2 days
Project Management per Roles specifici
PJM 330
Project Management for marketing
2 days
PJM 340
Project Management for sales
2 days
PJM 500
Project Management for industry
2 days
Project Management
Solution Program
Integrate Design and Operations
Executive Masterclass
and Training Programs
Design For Six Sigma
Innovation and Product Development
R&D Executive tour
Innovation and Product
Innovation and Product Development
We practice what we teach
Innovation in Festo
Festo ranks second, after Apple, in the list of multinationals, for sales growth connected to R&D investments (according to an
independent survey of the Frahunoffer Institute).
Festo R&D Facts & Figures
Festo invests 9.5% of its turnover in research, development and technology.
The effective management of innovation, the systematic analysis of creation of value processes for the client and 20 technological development centers worldwide are the basis for
the development of approximately 100 new products per year.
2800 are patents registered Worldwide
600 people work in the Innovation and Product Development area
In the past 5 years Festo has won more than 70 international Product & Design awards,
including: Red Dot Award, iF Awards, iF Design Award, Ecology Award.
Innovation and Product Development
Solution Program
Integrate Design and Operations
The first cross-functional operating Program for Integrating Design and Operations. Be aware of the
development processes of a new product and understand their impact on the Supply-Chain. Improve design
and production times and costs.
Industrial Management School
Design and Operations
Solution Program
The Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Identifying and categorizing the critic points that normally exist between the Technical area and the
Operations area of the company
■ Providing the awareness of processes and tools that can be used to improve performance in product
development from the point of view of Design and Operations
■ Reducing development times
■ Improving “industrialization” results
■ Designing the product estimating its impact on the Supply-Chain
■ Compounding production experience in order to design in line with target costs and production
■ Acquiring and experimenting with cross-functional operating tools to manage product development, from
its conception to when it leaves production
■ Applying the principles of value analysis and industrialization of the product in order to improve quality
and reliability, and controlling costs during the development phase
■ Acquiring the Supply-Chain and Operations elements that are interdependent with the logics of product
■ Building a processes map and matrix of critical points involved in “Planning and Operations”
■ The Planning perspective
Engineering tools
■ The Operations perspective
Vision of the Supply-Chain
Lean Manufacturing
■ Project work
■ Solve the “matrix of critical points”
■ Follow-up in the classroom or in-company
For more information visit the website
Who it is aimed at
Engineering Directors, Technical Office Managers, Product Development Managers, Technical Managers,
Product Managers and Specialists, as well as Marketing, Operations, Factory, Purchasing and Production
Managers, and Planning Managers. This Program requires the participation of a team consisting of at least
two members with an appropriate degree of independence: one from R&D and the other from Operations.
Innovation and Product Development
Executive Masterclass
Design For Six Sigma
DFSS Black Belt Certification
“Design right first time”.
Design products and service with “0 defects” with increased effectiveness and safety.
Concrete results - individual Project work in order to achieve the certificate.
Industrial Management School
What is Design for Six Sigma
Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) is a method for the development of products and processes that uses advanced
design techniques and concentrates on anticipating problems in quality rather than reacting in order to solve
The method is used for the development of new products and processes as well as for the redesign of
existing ones. It is used in many application environments from purely technical environments, such as the
design of pneumatic suspensions with hydraulic control of the run (Ford), to Marketing environments, such
as the development of new concepts (Motorola Milestone) to launch new products on the market.
Main competitive incentives for innovating product development
Industrial Executive Master
Design For Six Sigma
Certificazione Black Belt DFSS
One of the greatest advantages of the DFSS lies in the possibility of studying solutions capable of
differentiating products, resolving manufacturing problems in advance.
The objective is to reconcile functional with manufacturing aspects during the design phase, creating a
synergy betweenthe reduction of time-to-market and the reduction of production costs.
The DFSS is also very effective in applications where it is important to maintain high levels of safety.
The DFSS is a development of the Six Sigma - DMAIC method
1): 5Executive
+ 3aldays
coaching + exam
2): 7 days
+ 3aldays
coaching + exam
Per informazioni2/3
su costi,
days per
e dettagli del Trai-
ning Program
information on costs, dates and Executive
Masterclass details, visit:
Innovation and Product Development
The DFSS consists of a structured approach of logic and tools applied mainly to the design and/or redesign
of processes,products and systems in order to guarantee their excellence.
It uses both integrated techniques and stand-alone tools that guarantee robustness in terms of:
■ Safety, through the assessment and prevention of events that may generate damage, malfunctioning and
interruptions in how processes, products and systems work.
■ Efficiency, through the analysis of all the factors involved in how processes, products and systems work
in order to optimize how they interact and their overall effects.
Outline of the Executive Masterclass
Who the Executive Masterclass is aimed at
The roles that benefit from an in-depth knowledge of DFSS are those connected to product and services design, development, efficiency and safety, namely:
■ Technical, R&D and Engineering Directors/Managers
■ Marketing Directors/Managers
■ Quality Directors/Managers
but also
Product Developers
Product Managers
Process Analysts and Engineers
Reliability of Systems/Products Managers
Innovation and Product Development
Training Program
Innovation and Product Development
Guide innovation, research and development by integrating the critical aspects: the business,
technology, the organization and industrial processes.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Working with the company management in the definition of the innovation strategy, and the management
of the life cycle of the product and the development process
■ Assessing the results and financial impact of the innovation throughout the entire life cycle of the
■ Conversing effectively with the marketing department and the sales force to learn how to read the market
and seize new opportunities
■ Developing the concepts that meet the real needs of the client
■ Designing in line with target costs and the efficiency of productive logistics processes
■ Identifying appropriate methods for reducing development times
■ Managing and organizing human resources in the areas of research and development
■ Guiding and developing cross-functional teams
Training Program outline
The Program is based on 3 modules, each of which presents
the topic of innovation and development from a different perspective.
Perspective 1: Innovation, Market, Strategy and Economics
Perspective 2: Innovating the value Chain - logic and operating tools
Perspective 3: Managing innovation - People, Processes and Organization
Duration: Complete Training Program: 12.5 days
Minimum Training Program: 8.5 days
Participation: 2/3 days per month
For information on costs, dates and Training Program
details, visit
Innovation and Product Development
Who it is aimed at
The Program is aimed at Managers and Professionals involved in
innovation and the development of new markets, new clients and products
that wish to use this innovation lever to make the business grow.
General Management or PMI holders
Research & Development Directors and Managers
Engineering, Technical Office and Product Development Directors and Managers
Marketing and Sales Managers
Project Managers involved in product development
Product Managers and Marketing Professionals
Training Program
The first Program for managing product development in less time and with less waste.
Optional module: Lean product Development.
Additional sessions online.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Drawing up a needs analysis used to define the product requirements
Developing a product concept and define its specifications quickly
Analyzing the product of competitors and developing benchmarking analysis
Developing the product rapidly and within budget
Setting up and managing the development projects efficiently
Organizing the technical office, defining roles and responsibilities
1): 5Training
days Program: 8 days
2/3 days Training
al mese Program: 7 days
per month
Duration (Mod.
7 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information on costs, dates and Training Program
Per informazioni
su costi, date e dettagli del Training Program
Who it is aimed at
Project Managers and Technical Office Senior
designers and project coordinators
Product managers
Staff with potential in the engineering and design area
Innovation and Product Development
R&D Executive tour
A voyage through the innovation of R&D Management.
Visit the Festo technology and development center in Germany.
The Executive tour provides the skills and tools for
■ Checking the management of innovation policies in the medium to long term
■ Learning how to set up internal and external knowledge networks
■ Discovering the methods and tools for managing product platforms and Multi-Project Management
For more information visit the website
Innovation and Product Development
Visit the Technology Center
Tools for protecting technology forecasting
Sources of innovation
Patent policies
Research and innovation programs and policies
The partners and the knowledge network (visit)
From product concept to development
The choices, organization and tools for product development
Innovation and Product Development
Manage Innovation and Product Development
SP 110
Lean Product Development
1 day
Methods and Tools
New in 2014
SP 300
FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
1 day
SP 310
DOE: Design of Experiment
2 days
SP 320
QFD: Quality Function Deployment
1 day
SP 325
Variety Reduction Program - reduce costs and the complexity of families of products
1 day
SP 335
DFx: value methods
2 days
SP 340
Design for Six Sigma and Robust Design
1 day
SP 345
Design for Maintenance
1 day
SP 350
Packaging design
2 days
SP 360
GD&T (Geometrical Dimensioning & Tolerancing)
2 days
SP 361
Iso Design
2 days
Innovation and Product Development
Solution Program
Integrate Sales and Operations
Integrate Sales and After Sales
Marketing, Sales and After Sales
Marketing, Sales and After Sales
Solution Program
Integrate Sales and Operations
The first cross-functional operating Program for improving profitability in after sales and services in the
industrial goods market.
Understand the commercial process and its impact on After Sales activities.
Understand the After Sales process and its implications for sales.
Industrial Management School
The Program provides the skills and tools for
Sales and Operations
■ Building the matrix of critical aspects within the company, identifying the work areas that could be
benefitted from
■ Understanding how to improve customer service and Supply-Chain services together
■ Having a joint vision of the existing Best Practices and checking their applicability within your industrial
■ Sharing operating tools for building an effective Sales and Operations Planning process
■ Creating a more transparent planning process and greater capacity to respond to the market
Solution Program
■ The customer between Sales and Operations
■ Sales and Operations Basics
Market and choices
Supply-Chain and performance indicators
Sales, Marketing and performance indicators
■ Best Practices - integration tools
■ Project work
■ Follow-up in the classroom or in-company
Who it is aimed at
Business, sales, marketing, operations, industrial, Supply-Chain, factory, purchasing and production
For more information visit the website
Marketing, Sales and After Sales
This Program requires the participation of a team consisting of at least two members with an appropriate
degree of independence: one from R&D and the other from Operations.
Solution Program
Integrate Sales and After Sales
Industrial Management School
Sales and After sales
Solution Program
The first cross-functional operating Program for improving profitability in after sales and services in the
industrial goods market.
Understand the commercial process and its impact on After Sales activities. Understand the After Sales
process and its implications for sales.
The Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Improving customer service and regenerating new sales
■ Sharing operating tools between Sales and After Sales
■ Creating a joint vision of existing Best Practices
■ Understanding how After Sales can be a CRM tool and the dynamics of customer loyalization through the After
Sales service
■ Understanding when the service becomes a competitive differentiator compared to when it becomes a
boomerang out of control
■ Building an analysis of the company structure, identifying current strong and weak points
■ Identifying several operating proposals, increasing product and services sales: having the installed base made
■ The Customer between Sales and After Sales
The perceived critical points - critical aspects matrix
The market: an inevitable departure point
The role of Sale
The role of After Sales
■ Integration and Best Practices
■ Project work
■ Follow-up in the classroom or in-company
Who it is aimed at
Selected companies
Durable goods, plants, technical services, complex consumers.
Business, sales and marketing management.
After Sales
After Sales Directors/Managers, Assistance Directors/Managers, Technical Managers.
For more information visit the website
This Program requires the participation of a team consisting of at least two members with an appropriate degree of
independence: one from R&D and the other from Operations.
Marketing, Sales and After Sales
Training Programs
Industrial Marketing
Account Manager
Search for new customers
Marketing and Sales
in the Industrial markets
Solutions designed for industrial enterprises (B2B).
Aimed at all business networks, which involve complex sales, and have a medium to
long term sales cycle.
Businesses in which there are multiple partners or networks of contractors, which
are required to support their respective channels, in an environment increasingly
characterized by the development of the business (sell out).
Marketing and Sales in the Industrial Markets
Training Program
Industrial Marketing
Know and use marketing levers to compete with measurable results.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Renewing the approach to the market to find new competitive spaces
Learning to read weak commercial and economic signals
Guiding the company to the market in facts, not only words
Learning not to fear competitors
Bringing the voice of the customer into the company
Speaking and making yourself understood in other company departments (commercial, engineering,
operations and R&D)
Using the knowledge and tools present in the company to the maximum; assess new ones
Assessing whether the company is going in the right direction
Creating a profitable, long-term relationship with the customer
Having the basics of Project Management used in marketing and refining skills of working in a team
Module 1 (4 days)
Module 2 (4 days)
Module 3 (6 days)
Alignment of marketing
strategies decisions
The key decisions of
Marketing execution
Percorsi area
Marketing e
nei Mercati Industriali
Who it is aimed at
1): 5Training
days Program 14 days
2/3 days al
mese Program 4 days
Duration (Mod. 2): 7 days
Participation: 2 days per month Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
Producers and distributors of products and services in the industrial markets and in particular: General
Management and owners of SMB, Marketing and Communications Managers, Business Management, Sales
Management, New Business Managers and all those involved in the development of new markets, Managers
in charge of introducing new products.
For information
costi, dates
date eand
del TraiProgram
ning Program
details, visit
Marketing and Sales in the Industrial Markets
Training Program
Account Manager
Develop a new sales culture and commercial talent.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Managing the complex relationship with increasingly demanding customers more effectively
Learning how to select strategic customers
Practising how to put a correct portfolio analysis into practice
Studying in detail useful methods and tools for managing the sales process with greater efficiency
Facilitating group work in the account team
Improving skills and abilities to manage customers in the company portfolio
Learning the most innovative methods for increasing knowledge of the customer
Experimenting with tools for managing customers in the company portfolio at a profit
Increasing the ability to listen to the customer
Developing a new sales culture
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (2 days)
Module 3 (2 days)
Know the customer
and the market
Select, manage and
loyalize customers in the
company portfolio
Sales anatomy
Percorsi area
Marketing e
nei Mercati Industriali
Duration: Complete Training Program 6 days
Minimum Training Program 4 days
A Management development Training Program aimed at those responsible for selling in highly competitive
markets where it is necessary to develop a new sales culture.
Participation: 2 days per month The Training Program is aimed at those responsible for managing customers in industrial enterprises, such as
Account Managers, Key Account Managers, Global Account Managers, Sales Managers, Managers of executive
clients, Sales people and area leaders, advance sales technicians and experts that form a part of the account
team and Entrepreneurs that are faced with complex markets and customers.
For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
Who it is aimed at
Marketing and Sales in the Industrial
Training Program
Search for new customers
Make the process of searching for new customers more effective and efficient.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Today acquiring new customers is strategic
Acquiring new customers is an investment that must be capitalized
Learning to steal customers from the competition (win back strategies)
Defining a market entry strategy for new customers
Managing the many “no...I’m not interested” responses
Learning to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the search and acquisition process
Aligning marketing efforts with sales efforts
Choosing the right processes in order to avoid wasting time
Managing stress
Learning to avoid inconsistency
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (2 days)
Module 3 (4 days)
The process of searching
for new customers
The selection of potential
The management of the
searching process
Percorsi area
Marketing e
nei Mercati Industriali
1): 5Training
days Program 8 days
2/3 days al
mese Program 4 days
Duration (Mod. 2): 7 days
Participation: 2 days per month Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
Who it is aimed at
At producers and distributors of products and services in the industrial markets, and in particular: Business
Management, Sales Management, New Business Managers and all those involved in the development of new
markets, Sales people, Area Managers, Managers in charge of introducing new products, Marketing Managers,
Managers of departments that support sales, Purchasing Managers and employees required to look for new
For information
costi, dates
date eand
del TraiProgram
ning Program
details, visit
Marketing and Sales in the Industrial Markets
Marketing and Sales in the Industrial Markets
Marketing in the Industrial Markets
SE 240
Marketing from service to sales
2 days
SE 320
Product manager in the industrial markets
2 days
SE 315
Social network for doing business in the B2B
2 days
PJM 330
Project Management for marketing
2 days
Selling in the Industrial Markets
Marketing and Sales in the Industrial Markets
SE 060
Lean selling
1 day
SE 120
Commerce management for agents and retailers
2 days
SE 200
The basics of selling
2 days
SE 250
The hunt for new clients
1 day
PJM 340
Project Management for sales
2 days
KPI 150
Economics for sales people
2 days
HR 150
Conflict Management and Negotiation
2 days
HR 156
Business Negotiation
2 days
Training Programs
Novità 2014
Novità 2014
After Sales Manager
Technical Service
Technical Accounts
Marketing in After Sales
After Sales
To transform the area of after sales into a stable source of profit. Audits, training
courses and courses designed for companies that produce durable goods in B2B.
To guide after-sales decisions, build upon employee skills and organize business
networks effectively, exploiting business potential to the full.
After Sales
Training Program
After Sales Manager
The first Program for guiding the evolution of After Sales from a cost center to a profit center,
guaranteeing results and efficiency.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Rethinking After Sales
■ Understanding its importance and evolution in your own market
■ Expanding and renewing the range of services offered
■ Speaking and making yourself understood in other company departments (commercial, engineering,
operations and R&D)
■ Using the knowledge and tools present in the company to the maximum; assess new ones
■ Organizing the After Sales structure in order to guarantee service and efficiency
■ Managing After Sales staff and activities
■ Making comparisons with models of different sectors
■ Experimenting with organizational topics and possible choices in the classroom
Module 1
Rethinking After Sales
Duration 5 days
- After Sales: a business opportunity
or necessary evil?
- After Sales indicators
- After Sales and company processes
(R&D, Supply-Chain) - After Sales
and market
Duration: Complete Training Program 11 days
Minimum Training Program 5 days
Participation: 2/3 days per month For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
After Sales
After Sales
Module 2
Managing and organizing After Sales staff and
Duration 6 days
- Organizing and managing assistance
- Supporting Information Technology Tools
- Organizing and managing After Sales staff
- Organizing and carrying out network and client
- Maintenance policies for After Sales
- The management of replacement parts
Who it is aimed at
At producers or distributors of capital goods or services, and in particular: General Management and owners
of SME, After Sales and Customer Service Managers, Business Management, Quality Managers and Managers
in charge of replacement parts and assistance; contact persons in authorized help centers such as Account
Managers, Key Account Managers, Global Account Managers, Sales Managers, Executive Client Managers,
Sales personnel and area leaders, advance sales technicians and experts that form a part of the account team
and entrepreneurs that are faced with complex markets and customers.
In-depth analysis
1 day
Training Program
Technical Service
Aim for excellence in After Sales and Assistance Technicians
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Negotiating, communicating, building valued relations with the customer
■ Reinforcing customer satisfaction and customer retention
■ Highlighting benefits of the service
■ Understanding the real needs of the customer
■ Optimizing the technical service and troubleshooting
■ Certifying actions and securing the service
■ Training Commissioning Engineers to manage work orders better
Training Program outline
1): 5Training
days Program 9 days
2/3 days al
mese Program 4 days
Duration (Mod. 2): 7 days
Participation: 2/3 days per month Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information
costi, dates
date eand
del TraiProgram
ning Program
details, visit
Who it is aimed at
The Training Program has been designed for all professionals in charge of technical assistance and
installation that are in directcontact with the customer.
The design of the modules makes the Training Program particularly suited to:
■ Company technicians operating in the construction of machines, plants and complex systems sector that
deal with commissioning
■ Technicians that provide remote first and second level support (online and via telephone)
■ Technical assistance center (TAC) technicians, installers, service engineers of licensees and distributors
After Sales
New in 2014
Training Program
Technical Account
Business approach for technicians.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Having a deep understanding of the dynamics that govern purchasing and client acquisition processes
■ Exploiting the role and contribution of each team member from advance sales to after sales in order to
generate sales results
■ Making the technical core of the company understand how to seize business opportunities and how to
bring them back in to the company
■ Learning how to listen to customer needs
■ Interpreting customer needs from a commercial point of view
■ Passing from technical to commercial reasoning
■ Techniques for influencing the customer
■ Learning how to converse with the customer in a multi-cultural environment
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (2 days)
negotiating skills
Duration: Complete Training Program 4 days
Contribute to
and increase
Deal with multicultral
Participation: 2 days per month For information on costs, dates and Training
Program details, visit
After Sales
Who it is aimed at
Technical service managers, After Sales maintenance assistance technicians and Contract workers, but also
advance-sales technicians that wish to acquire essential knowledge of sales in order to gather and interpret
information from a commercial point of view and report it correctly to the company.
New in 2014
Training Program
After Sales Marketing
The first Program for effective After Sales Marketing.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Bringing the fundamentals into focus in order to build a valuable portfolio for the customer
■ Understanding the rules for dealing with pricing and improving the profitability of After Sales
■ Learning the tools for promoting the After Sales service and informing the customers of the valuable
qualities of what is being offered
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (2 days)
Moving from the sale
of a product to the sale
of a service
Pricing the After Sale
After Sales
Building a portfolio,
starting from the
installed base
1): 5Training
days Program 4 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
Duration (Mod. 2): 7 days
Participation: 2 days per month Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information
costi, dates
date eand
del TraiProgram
ning Program
details, visit
Promoting the After
Sales service (brochures,
special offers, internet,
Who it is aimed at
After Sales service Managers and their marketing and sales staff; all employees that wish to acquire
vital marketing knowledge in order to promote the After Sales service, from replacement parts to more
advancedassistance services.
After Sales
After Sales
After Sales
SE 070
After Sales as a source of business 2 days
SE 325
Drafting of After Sales contracts 2 days
New in 2014
SE 075
After Sales development through indirect channels 2 days
New in 2014
SE 328
Development of foremen skills 2 days
New in 2014
SE 080
Optimizing the After Sales warehouse for 2 days
replacement parts
New in 2014
SE 140
Technical Contact Center management 2 days
Operations & Supply-Chain
Operations & Supply-Chain Management
Operations & Supply-Chain Management in Festo
Festo has won:
◼ Best Factory Awards
◼ German Logistics Prize Bvl
In the past few years, Festo has reconfigured its Supply-Chain and
the processes of industrial Management.
◼ Continuous Improvement: for years Fest has been running programs based on Lean thinking, the Theory of Constraints and Six
◼ More than 80 national warehouses have been replaced by 5 Regional Service Centers
◼ Organization of the poles of productivity: Global Production Centers (GPC) for each continent and other plants for sub-components
based in emerging nations
◼ Reception of orders in every nation integrating real-time scheduling
with manufacturing and service centers.
Festo’s global network of logistics and Production
Festo Local Companies
RSC - Regional Service Centers
GPC - Global Production Centers
Operations & Supply-Chain Management
Operating Units:
Global Production Centers
Modular products
Volume Production
Competence Centers
Regional Service Centers
Assembly and Distribution
Delivery from stock
Fast and on-time delivery
Vicinity to the markets
Geo-localized specific production
Operations & Supply-Chain Management
Industrial Management & Supply-Chain Management
Manufacturing - Process Excellence - Lean Six Sigma
Quality Control
Operations & Supply-Chain Management
Solution Program
Executive Masterclass
Integrate Sales and Operations
Integrate Design and Operations
Operations & Supply-Chain Management
Operations & Supply-Chain Executive tour
Industrial Management and
Supply-Chain Management
Industrial Management and Supply-Chain Management
Solution Program
Integrate Sales and Operations
The first cross-functional operating Program for improving profitability in after sales and services in the
industrial goods market.
Understand the commercial process and its impact on After Sales activities.
Understand the After Sales process and its implications for sales.
Industrial Management School
The Program provides the skills and tools for
Sales and Operations
■ Building the matrix of critical aspects within the company, identifying the work areas that could be
benefitted from
■ Understanding how to improve customer service and Supply-Chain services together
■ Having a joint vision of the existing Best Practices and checking their applicability within your industrial
■ Sharing operating tools for building an effective Sales and Operations Planning process
■ Creating a more transparent planning process and greater capacity to respond to the market
Solution Program
■ The customer between Sales and Operations
■ Sales and Operations Basics
Market and choices
Supply-Chain and performance indicators
Sales, Marketing and performance indicators
■ Best Practices - integration tools
■ Project work
■ Follow-up in the classroom or in-company
Who it is aimed at
Business, sales, marketing, operations, industrial, Supply-Chain, factory, purchasing and production
For more information visit the website
Industrial Management and Supply-Chain
This Program requires the participation of a team consisting of at least two members with an appropriate
degree of independence: one from R&D and the other from Operations.
Solution Program
Integrate Design and Operations
The first cross-functional operating Program for Integrating Design and Operations.
Industrial Management School
Design and Operations
Solution Program
Be aware of the development processes of a new product and understand their impact on the Supply-Chain.
Improve design and production times and costs.
The Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Identifying and categorizing the critic points that normally exist between the Technical area and the
Operations area of the company
■ Providing the awareness of processes and tools that can be used to improve performance in product
development from the point of view of Design and Operations
■ Reducing development times
■ Improving “industrialization” results
■ Designing the product estimating its impact on the Supply-Chain
■ Compounding production experience in order to design in line with target costs and production
■ Acquiring and experimenting with cross-functional operating tools to manage product development, from
its conception to when it leaves production
■ Applying the principles of value analysis and industrialization of the product in order to improve quality
and reliability, and controlling costs during the development phase
■ Acquiring the Supply-Chain and Operations elements that are interdependent with the logics of product
■ Building a processes map and matrix of critical points involved in “Planning and Operations”
■ The Planning perspective
Engineering tools
■ The Operations perspective
Vision of the Supply-Chain
Lean Manufacturing
■ Project work
■ Solve the “matrix of critical points”
■ Follow-up in the classroom or in-company
For more information visit the website
Who it is aimed at
Engineering Directors, Technical Office Managers, Product Development Managers, Technical Managers,
Product Managers and Specialists, as well as Marketing, Operations, Factory, Purchasing and Production
Managers, and Planning Managers. This Program requires the participation of a team consisting of at least
two members with an appropriate degree of independence: one from R&D and the other from Operations.
Industrial Management and Supply-Chain Management
Executive Masterclass
Operations & Supply-Chain Management
Industrial Management School
Skills and tools for reaching industrial objectives
Integrating the processes and functions within and beyond the confines of the company
A chance to build a model of your own Supply-Chain
Identify points for improvements and take effective action
Design and Manage the Supply-Chain and Operations
The Supply-Chain is “all the steps that are taken to make a product or service available - to meet the demand of
the market - along an ideal path ranging from the suppliers of the suppliers to the customers of the customers”.
Excellent results are reached through the ability to design processes and organizations based on business choices and reconfiguring them when necessary
Industrial Executive Master
& Supply-Chain
The Executive Masterclass provides the skills and tools for
Duration:(Mod. 1): 5 days
Impegno: 2/3
days al mese
+ exam: 26 days
Executive Masterclass + exam
visit to Germany:
(Mod. 2): 728days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
Participation: 2/3 days per month
Per informazioni su costi, date e dettagli del Training Program
For information
on costs, dates and Executive
details, visit
Industrial Management and Supply-Chain
Analyzing the environment, strategy, objectives and configuration of your own Supply-Chain
Measuring its performance and creating a benchmark
Collecting ideas and suggestions for practical application in your company through a Project work
Creating the processes map using the SCORTM method
Understanding the fundamentals and language of other functions and facilitating integration by moving
towards a process culture
■ Understanding the dynamics of customer and supplier relations and identifying potential innovations
■ Managing the change towards new industrial structures and processes under the guidance of Lean
■ Qualifying professionally with with a highly innovative course of study in a classroom full of experts and
colleagues that deal with similar topics on an everyday basis
Contents of the Executive Masterclass: 3 pillars for encouraging integration
1 - The Fundamentals of specialized Know how
2 - Managerial Aspects
3 - Integration Components
■ Change Management, structures, mechanisms and organizational behavior
■ HR Management
■ Economics and risk management
■ Investment Analysis
■ Supply-Chain Strategy
■ Analysis and re-engineering of the Supply-Chain (SCOR
■ Management of internal and external relations
■ Customer& Supplier collaborations
■ Industrial Best practices (Lean Six Sigma and Toc)
■ SCM benchmark
Market and Sales
Innovation and Product Development
Excellent logistics and production processes
Who it is aimed at
Managers and specialists that wish to acquire a broad range of skills for the management and integration of industrial processes in order to make a contribution to
the improvement in overall performance and to promote change.
Industrial management
Factory Operations management
Supply-Chain Managers
IT Managers
The Executive Masterclass offered by Festo Academy supports the growth of a
common vision within the company and the capacity to see beyond company
functions and to develop the necessary skills for managing and integrating
the Operations and Supply-Chain. All with a boost from Lean Thinking.
Return on the investment made with the Project to be developed during the Executive Masterclass
Identification of a strategy for one of the company’s Supply-Chains
The mapping and measurement of the performance of processes “as-is” in order to identify the critical points and potential points for improvement
The proposal of a possible “to-be” process and the assessment of its impact on the identified indicators
Comparison with the teacher and other participants on the course
Possibility of starting a change process immediately for the designated areas of concern
Explore the cases and results: visit
Industrial Management and Supply-Chain Management
Operations & Supply-Chain
Executive tour
A voyage through the innovation of the Supply-Chain and Operations Management.
Visit Festo’s production center and logistics hub for Europe in Rohrbach, Germany, winner of the
Best Factory Award and the German Logistics Prize Bvl.
The Executive tour provides the skills and tools for
■ Getting to know and seeing the entire Supply-Chain of a company that is a world leader in its sector
■ Understanding how strategy is supported by operating and information processes on a global scale, from
the receipt of an order to its delivery to the client
■ Visiting a top performance factory and a distribution center, and destination for company tours from all
over the world
■ Gathering direct experience from the main players in an extraordinary case of Change Management
Order fullfillment and management systems
Integration of the production and logistics centers
Change and re-engineering management
The reconfiguration of the Supply-Chain and order fulfillment in Festo
Focus on the production system and the Theory of Constraints project
What they are saying about this venture
3 days1): 5 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
Duration (Mod. 2): 7 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For more information visit the website
Per informazioni su costi, date e dettagli del
ning Program
Industrial Management and Supply-Chain
“The three days spent together were of great benefit, both with regard to what we were able to see in Festo
as well as for the experience gathered from the participants from other companies. I also thought that
the considerate investment planned and implemented by Festo for on-going improvement using a special
structure within the company was significant. Furthermore, I learnt several interesting tips on its system for
receiving and scanning orders, which I will discuss within the group”
Luigi Della Lucia – ISC Short Term Planning & Operation Control Manager - Luxottica
“The tour was incredibly useful. I will discuss what I saw with the Management Committee as well as with my
colleagues. Well done indeed! In particular, I intend to discuss the management of order processing with our
IT department and I hope to be able to work together with you one day to implement something similar in
Mauro Felice – Industrial Director of Datalogic Automation
Industrial Management and Supply-Chain Management
LGT 050
Supply-Chain Management & SCOR Model - the Fundamentals
2 days
Novità 2014
LGT 052
Redesign the Supply-Chain – Advanced SCOR Model
2 days
Novità 2014
LGT 053
Management of Supply-Chain risk
2 days
LGT 075
S&OP: Sales & Operations Plan
1 day
LGT 080
KPI in Operations & the Supply-Chain
2 days
LGT 051
World Class Manufacturing
1 day
LGT 065
Theory of Constraints
2 days
HR 040
Re-design of production plants
2 days
HR 045
Change Management in Operations
2 days
Industrial Management and Supply-Chain Management
Solution Program
Integrate Production and Maintenance
Executive Masterclass
and Training Programs
Lean Manufacturing Engineer
Lean Six Sigma - Green and Black Belt Certification
Production Manager
Production Technician
Process Excellence
Lean Six Sigma
Manufacturing, Process Excellence, Lean Six Sigma
Solution Program
Integrate Production and Maintenance
Industrial Management School
Production and Maintenance
Solution Program
The first cross-functional operating Program for truly integrating production, operations and
Learn about production processes and understand their impact on maintenance. Learn about the
methods and tools for managing assets in order to optimize results.
The Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Sharing operating tools in order to maximize the output of plants
■ Improving the planning and management processes of production and maintenance activities
■ Assessing the implementation of TPM methods and organization
■ Planning and managing growth in versatility
■ Sharing the main components of the Lean approach and maintenance processes
■ Learning to assess the operating and economic impact of production/maintenance choices
■ Verifying the applicability and usefulness of the most appropriate KPI in your own working environment
■ Experimenting with shared problem-solving methods
■ Analyzing the impact, resistance to change and the options for the organization of the resources and the
management of production and maintenance personnel
■ From the organization of each function to the logic of each process - Assets, Economics and KPI
The link between asset management, production performance and company results
The need to integrate processes
Cost management
The panel of indicators
■ Lean Production to Knowledge Maintenance
Beyond Lean Thinking and TPM
The organization
■ Project work
■ Follow-up in the classroom or in-company
Who it is aimed at
Industrial Sector/Utilities: Production Management; Operations Management; Engineering/technical management; Maintenance Management
For more information visit the website
Automobile Fleet Sector: Operations Managers, Engineering/Technical Management; Maintenance and Workshop Managers.
This Program requires the participation of a team consisting of at least two members with an appropriate degree of independence: one from Production and the other from Maintenance.
Manufacturing, Process Excellence,
Lean Six Sigma
Lean certification
The Lean certificate, which is recognized internationally and promoted by SME
(Society of Manufacturing Engineers) in association with the AME and Shingo
Prize, aims to establish the official standards in the application of Lean tools in
the industrial world.
In order to obtain the certificate each individual must pass all of the SME exams
as a prerequisite.
The Festo Lean Manufacturing Engineer Executive Masterclass meets all of the
training requirements for the Lean certification.
Bronze (tactical)
Silver (integrative)
Gold (strategic)
New in 2014
Preparation for the SME (Society of Manufacturing
Engineers) Lean certification, Bronze Level
LGT 061
Duration: 3 days
Preparation for the SME
Lean certification Bronze level
Reserved for Lean professionals
Prior extensive training in Lean thinking. Development of
at least two Lean thinking operating projects as a team
Manufacturing, Process Excellence, Lean Six Sigma
Executive Masterclass
Lean Manufacturing Engineer
Aligned with the requirements of the SME and Shingo prize Body of Knowledge for the achievement of Lean Certification.
In the Executive Masterclass participants carry out a Project in their own company – thus there is
high investment return.
Industrial Management School
The Executive Masterclass provides the skills and tools for
Focusing attention on the customer and market demand
Mapping and analyzing the value flow through processes
Contributing to “make” or “buy” decisions
Industrializing new products and defining their cost
Managing plans to improve processes
Assessing solutions for creating a continuous flow
Learning the guiding principles of modern approaches to industrial management
Learning basic communication techniques
Understanding organizational dynamics
Industrial Executive Master
Lean Manufacturing
25 days
day of coaching
al mese
1 day
Duration (Mod.
7 days
per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
Per informazioni su costi, date e dettagli del Training Program
For information
on costs, dates and Executive
details, visit
Manufacturing, Process Excellence,
Lean Six Sigma
What are the key skills of a Lean Manufacturing engineer
Ability to guide processes in order to create value for the customer
Systematic vision of the company
Analysis of processes and the interdependencies that link them
Assessment of performance
Management of the economic aspects linked to the product/process
Relational and communicative ability for guiding cross-functional teams
Safeguarding of the most modern industrial management approaches
of production
Process and Product
Involvement of
Who it is aimed at
The Executive Masterclass is aimed at Managers and Specialists in the following areas:
■ Engineering
■ Production
■ Product and Process Industrialization
■ Quality
■ Technical Services
■ Work organization
■ Improvement
as well as for:
■ Employees that show great potential within industrial management and production units
■ Managers responsible for improving performance that are motivated to achieve Lean Certification
■ Know-how selected and conveyed by people that have truly experienced life within the company, in order to encourage learning that can be easily and immediately
transferred to the participants’ own working environment
■ Discussion, comparison and sharing of the experiences of the participants in order to ensure to the greatest extent possible that theoretical contributions are
integrated with real-life experiences within the company
■ A high degree of practical interaction with the use of business games, cases and exercises aimed at reinforcing the learning process
■ Possibility of involving colleagues of the participants in some sessions in order to encourage the integration and activation of change processes in the company
■ Designed with the contribution of our clients and Scientific Committee, integrating the experience they have matured in consulting projects
■ Several testimonies and materials may be in English
■ The Executive Masterclass has a “light schedule” (2-3 days per month) so that it can be easily integrated with participants’ activities in the company
■ Visits to Lean companies
Project work
■ The participants will carry out a Project work with the objective of improving performance in their own company
■ The result of this Project work will count towards the final exam
■ The Projects work from past courses as a whole have generated more than 6 million euros of savings
Manufacturing, Process Excellence, Lean Six Sigma
Executive Masterclass
Lean Six Sigma
Green Belt and Black Belt Certification
Integrate the Lean and Six Sigma tools to increase the productivity and profitability of processes.
Project to be carried out for the certification, thus generating savings.
Industrial Management School
The Six Sigma
The Six Sigma method is an improvement strategy based on the strength of objective measurement. It
combines tools and techniques used in Total Quality Management to analyze the primary causes of problems
within company processes and aims to reduce errors and control results up to a 6 Sigma level (3-4 errors per
every million).
A correct implementation of Six Sigma methods can achieve financial benefits that can be valued at 2-3% of
turnover, peaking at as much as 10%.
Industrial Executive Master
Lean Six Sigma
Certificazioni Black Belt e Green Belt
Lean and Six Sigma, used together, guarantee:
- efficiency and flexibility in production and decision-making flows, reducing waste (Lean)
- improvement in the reliability and quality of internal processes, products and services offered to clients
(Six Sigma)
The 7 Muda: banish all waste
Anything that does not create value is waste (Muda).
Belt (Mod.
22 days
2 days of coaching
1): 5+days
Impegno: 2/3
+ 2days
Green Belt: 12 days + 1 day coaching
Duration (Mod.
+ 1 day
2): 7ofdays
11 days
days al
+ 1mese
day coaching
+ 1 day of exam
1. Overproduction:
Producing when it is not
needed; Producing in advance
7. Stock/Stockpiling
2. Waiting times/Queues
To complete the cycle, for
a piece/machine
6. Defects/Rejects
3. Transport/Transfers
5. Movements
4. Processing
All the unnecessary phases
Per informazioni su costi, date e dettagli del Trai-
ning Program
2/3 days per month
For information
on costs, dates and Executive
Masterclass details, visit
Manufacturing, Process Excellence,
Lean Six Sigma
The Executive Masterclass provides the skills and tools for
Testing an operating program that is highly efficient in order to manage company improvement
Defining the objectives and working plans for running a Lean Six Sigma project
Mapping processes at the right level of detail (flow charts, SIPOC – Value Stream Mapping)
Knowing how to choose the appropriate analysis and improvement tools from those provided by Lean and Six Sigma
Depicting a complex problem using the formula y=f(x) and structuring the appropriate collection and analysis of data
Learning how to use statistical methods for problem-solving through the use of Minitab v.16TM software
Acquiring the tools for team management, leadership and company change
Managing the actions taken to implement the program, assessing its economic impact and performance
Who it is aimed at
The aim of the Executive Masterclass is to guarantee the enrichment of the knowledge of Managers and professionals that are familiar with Six Sigma and Lean
projects and that wish to thoroughly analyze the techniques and tools they have learnt in order to manage projects effectively.
■ Multi-national groups that wish to carry out Green and Black Belt certification training in Italy
■ Industrial companies and service providers in highly-competitive sectors or in sectors with critical requirements with regard to levels of service that wish to set up
a Six Sigma program or integrate the Lean approach with the Six Sigma approach
■ Factory directors
■ Function and/or process managers
■ Managers of improvement projects
■ Quality managers
■ Process/system engineers
■ Project Managers
■ Design, industrialization and new product development managers
■ Production Managers
■ Logistics and Supply-Chain managers
The Festo Academy Executive Masterclass and certification have been created based on the Six Sigma certification model and competence standard, which are
recognized internationally.
In order to achieve the Six Sigma Green and Black Belt certification at Fest Academy the participant must:
■ attend at least 70% of the days scheduled in the program
■ achieve a pass mark of at least 80% in the tests for the chosen Belt
■ present an individual Project work, containing the correct application of the DMAIC model adapted to the required certification, including a financial assessment
of the benefits to be gained by the company through the implementation of the project
Manufacturing, Process Excellence, Lean Six Sigma
Training Program
Production Manager
Manage the production department in line with company objectives.
Gestore di
Reparto Produttivo
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Having an overall vision of company processes and their implementation also in other areas
Developing specialist skills on production and organizational methods
Having a profound and specialist knowledge of continuous improvement tools and methods
Developing skills on the management, organization and development of the entrusted resources
Increasing the ability to improve the performance of the technician’s line managers
Increasing integration levels with staff functions
Guaranteeing and certifying the skill level of staff members
Promoting and supporting the potential growth of staff members
Duration: 9 days
Participation: 2/3 days per month
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Manufacturing, Process Excellence,
Lean Six Sigma
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (1 g)
Module 3 (1 g)
Production Management and
performance indicators
Budget and cost control in
Scheduling and Supplies
Module 4 (2 days)
Module 5 (2 days)
Module 6 (1 g)
Employee management
Management of the department
with a view to continually
improving efficiency and levels
of service
Environment and Safety:
the role of the manager
Who it is aimed at
Aimed at processing and manufacturing companies.
The Program is specifically recommended for:
■ Production managers in SME
■ Department managers
■ Managers of workstations, elementary technology units, etc.
■ Shift managers
Training Program
Production Technician
The evolution of the traditional role.
Times and Methods from a Lean point of view.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Managing the performance of production processes: responsibilities, skills, tools
Removing waste on manual and automated cycles
Guaranteeing product/process standards
Promoting innovation and improvement in production processes
Guaranteeing the development and continuity of know-how that is being lost
Supporting improvement, organization and start-up processes
Setting up projects to recover effectiveness
Encouraging the development of the Times and Methods function using the Lean Thinking approach
1): 5 Training
Program 11 days
days alTraining
mese Program 5 days
Impegno: 2/3
Duration (Mod.
7 days
per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information
costi, dates
date eand
ning Program,
Program visit
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (1 g)
The Production Technician and performance
indicatorsAnalysis of industrial costs
Continuous improvement
Module 3 (3 days)
Module 4 (5 days)
Analysis and optimization of production
flows from a Lean point of view
The study of the methods, the definition of
standard times andLean applications
Who it is aimed at
Time and Methods analysts
Production managers and staff
Process technicians
Technical office employees
Manufacturing, Process Excellence, Lean Six Sigma
Manufacturing, Process Excellence, Lean Six Sigma
Manufacturing, Process Excellence,
Lean Six Sigma
LGT 051
World Class Manufacturing
1 day
LGT 060
Lean Production
2 days
LGT 095
Value Stream Mapping: workflow improvement
1 day
LGT 210
Layout techniques for manufacturing companies
1 day
LGT 230
SMED: reduction of set-up times
1 day
LGT 320
Visual factory and 5S
1 day
LGT 330
Kai-Zen for continuous improvement
2 days
LGT 335
Materials management with Kanban
1 day
QAS 160
Six Sigma Champion
2 days
QAS 161
Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification
2 days
QAS 170
SPC - Statistical Process Control
3 days
HR 100
From department head to leader of Operations
3 days
HR 101
Team management: multi-skilled and multi-cultural employees
2 days
HR 102
The role of the Manager in the factory
2 days
HR 240
Problem-Solving Tools
2 days
Training Programs
Industrial Planner
Training Program
Industrial Planner
The first Training Program for learning how to balance resources based on market
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Understanding the dynamics of how the Supply-Chain works and the role of planning
■ Acquiring basic tools for the analysis of market demand
■ Collaborating in the planning process in the medium to long-term in line with the Supply-Chain strategy of
the company
■ Identifying the most appropriate planning and control methods based on your own logistics and
production process
■ Learning supply management criteria, in line with cost and service objectives
■ Discovering the advanced planning and control models for raw materials based on the characteristics of
the logistics and production process
■ Satisfying market demand with the effective use of resources
■ Supporting re-engineering projects for processes and cost containment
■ Understanding the basic principles for the use of software dedicated to the planning and scheduling of
production activities
Module 1 (3 days)
Duration: Complete Training Program 8 days
Minimun Training Program 3 days
Supply-Chain Management
■ Dynamics and performance indicators of the
■ Economics and KPI for planning
■ Demand Planning
Participation: 2/3 days per month
Who it is aimed at
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Module 2 (5 days)
Planning and control systems of the Supply-Chain
■ Planning models
■ Planning and scheduling
■ Supply management
■ Advanced models - TOC
Managers responsible for planning plant or inter-plant production in moderate manufacturing companies
Industrial area managers that supervise planning
Logistics Managers
Industrial IT specialists
LGT 075
S&OP: Sales & Operations Plan
1 day
LGT 090
Demand Planning: management of business forecasting techniques
1 day
LGT 100
Production planning in manufacturing industries
3 days
LGT 110
Planning and production management for sales personnel
2 days
LGT 130
Inventory Management
2 days
Training Programs
Industrial Buyer
Training Program
developed in collaboration with
Industrial Buyer
Methods and tools for analyzing and managing supplies in order to maximize purchasing
Buyer levers for guaranteeing results in the Supply-Chain.
Initial and final self-assessment of skills involved in the role, and learning certificate.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Ensuring that Industrial Buyers have the professional skills and operating tools necessary for being as
effective as possible in complex situations
■ Acquiring a new integrated perspective on the Supply-Chain in order to be able to understand and manage
purchasing levers better, by contributing to the performance of key processes (Plan, Make, Source,
Deliver) in terms of costs, times and required quality
■ Increasing the ability of Buyers to analyze and make choices
■ Verifying the contribution of suppliers/partners to production performance
■ Confronting one’s own performance with that of other set-ups
■ Guaranteeing and certifying the skill level of staff members and supporting their growth
■ Improving effectiveness in terms of the process and the cost of industrial purchases.
Module 1 (2 days)
Module 2 (1 day)
Role and organization of the purchasing
process in the Supply-Chain
Module 3 (6 days)
Module 4 (2 days)
(0,5 day)
Management tools: portfolio, levers,
e-procurement, needs analysis
Negotiation techniques for the Buyer
Skills certification
(Mod. 1): Training
5 days Program 11,5 days
2/3 daysTraining
al meseProgram 8,5 days
Duration (Mod.
7 days
per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Program, visit
Per informazioni
su costi,
date e dettagli del Training Program
Who it is aimed at
Buyers of industrial goods and technical services
Operations area Suppliers
Category Managers
Product Development Managers
Purchasing Office Managers of SME
New in 2014
LGT 240
Strategies and management of supplies
2 days
LGT 244
New contract models for industrial supplies
1 day
LGT 247
Demand Management: management of internal services demand
2 days
LGT 248
Early Involvement - Purchasing for the development of a new product
2 days
HR 156
Business negotiation
2 days
Training Programs
New in 2014
Distribution Logistics Management
Warehouse Manager
Distribution Logistics - Transport and Warehouse
New in 2014
Training Program
Distribution Logistics Management
Optimize transport performance in terms of service, overall cost and risk.
Assess alternative national and international possibilities.
Manage KPI, effectiveness, information flows and customs procedures.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Understanding and assessing the impact of transport choices on the overall Supply-Chain of the product
Choosing the right operator for the required service
Assessing the correct level of cost associated with the service
Stipulating agreements in compliance with the laws in force
Defining and managing a correct KPI system to measure the service
Correctly managing dialogue with Customs Authorities and the origin of the goods
Transforming transport from a simple cost to a competitive advantage and a useful tool for reaching
company objectives
■ Being capable of managing the complexity of 3 different fronts and integrating the necessary skills:
- break-down of the Supply-Chain
- changeability of demand
- specific techniques and regulations in the transport sector
Module 1 (3 days)
Module 2 (1 day)
Module 3 (3 days)
Supply-Chain and
transport management
Risk management and
legal aspects
Import Export INCOTERMS
Who it is aimed at
Duration: Complete Training Program 7 days
Minimun Training Program 3 days
Participation: 2/3 days per month
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Supply-Chain managers
Logistics managers
Transport managers
Distribution logistics staff
Import Export employees
Purchasing managers
Buyers and buying office employees
Sales managers (module 3 is suggested)
Training Program
Warehouse Manager
Optimum warehouse management by controlling costs and performance.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Ensuring that the warehouse Manager possesses the required professional skills, operating tools and
ability to manage employees in order to perform as effectively as possible in this role
■ Recognizing the consequences of your actions along the Supply-Chain and in the processes managed
■ Identifying the opportunities for innovation and improvement, formulating operating plans for
implementing change
■ Increasing ability to analyze and understand the contribution that the warehouse can make to the
■ Being capable of managing staff based on the service and expected results
Module 1 (6 days)
Warehouse management in the Supply-Chain
Management of supplies
Layout and operating processes in the warehouse
1): 5 Training
Program 8 days
Impegno: 2/3
days alTraining
mese Program 6 days
2 2):
7 days
per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
Module 2 (2 days)
Management of the team and colleagues
Who it is aimed at
■ Warehouse managers (raw materials / components / finished products) of industrial companies
■ Distribution center managers (retail / 3PL)
For information
costi, dates
date eand
ning Program,
Program visit
New in 2014
New in 2014
LGT 260
Transport management in the Supply-Chain 3
3 days
LGT 261
Import - Export
2 days
LGT 263
INCOTERMS: problems, news and updates
1 day
LGT 264
Transport: risk management and contractual aspects
1 day
LGT 270
Logistics Management Control
2 days
LGT 130
Management of supplies
2 days
LGT 250
Physical management of warehouses
2 days
Training Programs
Training Program
Reduce time and waste in the industrialization process in manufacturing.
The first modular Training Program for building customized job skills.
Effective industrialization can reduce new product development and manufacturing
costs by 30-50%.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Correctly analyzing new products that have been developed based on necessary technological requirements
Identifying the best solutions in less time and containing development costs based on specific requests
Identifying technological solution costs introduced by competitors
Effectively setting up and managing development projects for equipment, moulds and the automation systems
needed to manufacture new products or improve existing ones
Managing a work group with the various bodies of reference (technical office, production, purchasing, etc.)
Supporting improvement plans for product development/industrialization processes
Introducing short-term methods and tools for reducing industrialization times and costs to the business
Supporting plans for industrial growth and the choice of new plants/production lines with appropriate skill
Reorganizing the industrialization process
Acquiring the professional skills and operating tools for managers and professionals involved in the
Industrialization service
Module 1 (2 days)
Industrialization and KPI
Duration: Complete Training Program 8 days
Minimun Training Program 4 days
Participation: 2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Module 2 (2 days)
Economics for industrialization
- target costs and investments
Module 3 (4 days)
Processes and tools
- Between planning and the
Module 4 (optional)
In-company Project work
Who it is aimed at
The Training Program is designed for Managers and Professionals that follow industrialization phases in manufacturing
In particular:
■ Industrialization, Engineering, Technical Office and Planning Managers and Professionals
■ Production and improvement Managers and Professionals
LGT 200
Industrial Engineering
2 days
LGT 220
Industrial Organization: Times and Methods
3 days
LGT 225
Low cost automation
1 day
QAS 115
Metrology - tools and methods
1 day
PJM 500
Project Management for industrialization
2 days
Explore the courses we offer also in the following areas:
Innovation and Product development
TECH4 - Skills for industrial automation
Quality Control
Quality Control
Quality Control
New in 2014
QAS 125
Quality Control Management in Production
4 days
QAS 115
Metrology - tools and methods
1 day
QAS 110
The Management of measuring instruments
1 day
QAS 116
Reading mechanical designs - for operators and fitters
1 day
Quality Control
Solution Program
Integrate Production and Maintenance
Executive Masterclass
and Training Programs
European Maintenance Manager
Maintenance Supervisor
Maintenance Specialist
Plant Management and Maintenance
Plant Management and Maintenance
Solution Program
Integrate Production and Maintenance
The first cross-functional operating Program for truly integrating production, operations and
Learn about production processes and understand their impact on maintenance. Learn about the
methods and tools for managing assets in order to optimize results.
Industrial Management School
The Program provides the skills and tools for
Production and Maintenance
Sharing operating tools in order to maximize the output of plants
Improving the planning and management processes of production and maintenance activities
Assess the implementation of TPM methods and organization
Planning and managing growth in versatility
Sharing the main components of the Lean approach and maintenance processes
Learning to assess the operating and economic impact of production/maintenance choices
Verifying the applicability and usefulness of the most appropriate KPI in your own working environment
Experimenting with shared problem-solving methods
Analyzing the impact, resistance to change and the options for the organization of the resources and the
management of production and maintenance personnel
Solution Program
■ From the organization of each function to the logic of each process - Assets, Economics and KPI
The link between asset management, production performance and company results
The need to integrate processes
Cost management
The panel of indicators
■ Lean Production to Knowledge Maintenance
Beyond Lean Thinking and TPM
The organization
■ Project work
■ Follow-up in the classroom or in-company
Who it is aimed at
For more information visit the website
Plant Management and Maintenance
Industrial Sector/Utilities: Production Management; Operations Management; Engineering/technical
management; Maintenance Management
Automobile Fleet Sector: Operations Managers, Engineering/Technical Management; Maintenance and
Workshop Managers.
This Program requires the participation of a team consisting of at least two members with an appropriate
degree of independence: one from Production and the other from Maintenance.
[Certification of Maintenance Personnel
Certificate of Competency in Maintenance - CICPND
The Certificate of Competency in Maintenance means that the individual is able to demonstrate
a quality standard of professionalism. Ensuring that employees are competent in this key role is
an important step in protecting business assets. The certification provides a clear and objective
understanding of the role of maintenance professional. For the Company, this means guaranteed
credibility and influence on the development of the business, both internally and externally. Professionals can obtain the following levels in the Certificate of Competency in Maintenance: Maintenance Managers (Level 3), Maintenance Supervisors (Level 2), and Maintenance Specialists (Level 1).
This is the first Italian system of certification for maintenance personnel within the Mechanical,
Electrical, Instrumental and Multi-Specialty sectors and was established by the CICPND (Italian
Center of Coordination for Non-Destructive tests).
The Certification System
for the Certificate of
Competency in Maintenance,
regulated by rule n. 299 of
the CICPND, complies with
the specifications set out in
new regulation UNI 11420.
Festo is the first Consultancy and Training agency to be approved as an examination centre for the
certificate and its educational programs meet the standards required for the certification.
Management and Planning
of maintenance activities
Management of managerial,
organizational and technical aspects
Technical remedial measures and
operations carried out in plants
Maintenance Manager
Maintenance Supervisor
Maintenance Specialist
Attendance of the Executive Masterclass
is the equivalent of one year’s practical
experiencefor admission to the Certificate
of Competency exams, Level 3.
The Training Program satisfies the educational requirements (64 hours) for admission to the Certificate of Competency
exams, Level 2.
The Training Program satisfies the educational requirements (40 hours) for admission to the Certificate of Competency
exams, Level 1.
Plant Management and Maintenance
Executive Masterclass
European Maintenance Manager
Skills, methods and tools for strategic Asset Performance Management.
Industrial Management School
Maintenance Manager: a key role
Maintenance Managers today are required to take on a more managerial role, which cannot only come from
experience and seniority, but requires tools and methods that provide a systematic view, enabling them to
take on increasing levels of responsibility and develop their decision-making capacities.
Companies require their Maintenance Managers to integrate technical skills with managerial skills, so that
they can be reliable problem-solvers while pursuing the performance and budget objectives assigned to the
Maintenance area and the business.
Industrial Executive Master
European Maintenance
The team has to be involved in a new maintenance culture that is not only effective in fixing faults, but that
can also predict and plan so that the traditional condition of necessary cost is overcome and maintenance
instead becomes an important means of saving.
The 8 key skills
The skills required by the Maintenance Manager, which are in line with the “European Maintenance Manager”,
are grouped into 8 categories.
The Executive Masterclass (*) has been designed and developed on the basis of these categories:
24 days
1): 5
day examination
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
7 days
per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information
costi, dates
date eand
del TraiMasterclass
ning Program
details, visit
Plant Management and Maintenance
Having a global view of the processes, organization and market of your own company
Knowing how to organize and manage maintenance policies in the pursuit of an improvement in performance
Ensuring the reliability of the assets and guaranteeing their availability to the production or operations areas
Being aware of diagnostic techniques and condition-based maintenance, analysis methods and problemsolving
Operating with Project Management techniques, methods and tools
Being a leader capable of motivating and involving your own human resources in the sharing of business
Knowing how to design an effective maintenance plan, in line with budget and saving strategies
Managing outsourcing and the Global Service and operating in accordance with the regulations on the protection of safety and the environment
(*) consistently with the indications of the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (CEN/TC
319/WG 9 “Qualification of Maintenance Personnel”) as well as UNI, CEI, EN, CICPND.
The Executive Masterclass provides the skills and tools for
■ Obtaining better performance levels in maintenance and reducing its costs
■ Improving and optimizing the performance of the production system (O.E.E.)
■ Bringing the maintenance service into line with the business and its strategies
■ Supporting employee growth, qualifying and certifying their skill levels
■ Conveying a systematic vision of maintenance as a culture
■ Diffusing the essential technical and methodological skills for filling the position
■ Assessing and guiding intangible assets, human resources and protecting the logic of integration among functions
The maintenance
tools for Maintenance
Maintenance design
and planning
Safety and
Facility and Energy
Who it is aimed at
The Executive Masterclass is aimed at workers with great potential that have several years of experience and that wish to acquire a broad range of skills on the management of assets and move towards the new role of Maintenance Manager.
Maintenance Managers and Technical Service Managers
Company Managers that work in outscourcing and in the global maintenance service
Maintenance Engineering Managers
Facility Managers
The Executive Masterclass is aimed at private or public companies, in which asset management is of extreme importance and that need to shape employees with
potential, capable of holding the position of Maintenance Manager.
■ Manufacturing companies, processing companies and service providers
■ Public transport, urban hygiene and utilities companies
Plant Management and Maintenance
Training Program
Maintenance Supervisor
Complies with the professional profile of Maintenance Technician (Maintenance
Engineering employee), Level 2 Certification in Maintenance.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Guaranteeing the continuity of operations and output of the plants
■ Applying company maintenance policies and providing suggestions for improving them
■ Organizing the work of your own colleagues and external companies in compliance with safety in the
workplace and protection of the environment
■ Developing the skills of maintenance workers, aiming for versatility and specialization
■ Describing the maintenance process, defining its structure, performance indicators and integration
methods with the production and/or operations process
■ Managing and motivating maintenance staff, promoting communication and collaboration
■ Drafting and implementing maintenance plans, in compliance with company maintenance policies
■ Promoting the development of Maintenance Engineering, applying techniques and analysis methods, such
as FMECA, and adopting reliability criteria (RCM)
■ Successfully choosing and using the techniques and instruments for production maintenance and
condition monitoring
■ Optimizing troubleshooting and knowing how to get to the root causes using problem-solving methods
■ Effectively managing the maintenance budget, replacement parts and outsourced goods, also with the use
IT tools
■ Using and ensuring that the procedures and provisions on safety in the workplace and on protection of the
environment are duly respected
Duration: Complete Training Program 10 days
Participation: 2 days per month
Level 2 Certification in Maintenance
The educational program complies with the professional characteristics of the Level 2 Maintenance Technician
laid down in Regulation CICPND no.229 and qualifies participants for the certificate examinations for
Maintenance Supervisor.
It also complies with the profile of the Maintenance Supervisor and/or Maintenance Engineer according to
regulation UNI 11420 - Qualification of Maintenance Personnel.
Who it is aimed at
■ Supervisors and Managers of teams and maintenance departments, maintenance engineering workers
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Plant Management and Maintenance
and service providers
■ Manufacturing companies, processing industries, local public transport companies, multi-utility
Training Program
Maintenance Specialist
Complies with the professional profile of Maintenance Specialist (Regulation UNI 11420).
Satisfies the compulsory educational requirements for admission to the Certification of
Competency in Maintenance level 1.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Correctly carrying out mechanical, electrical and instrumental maintenance, respecting procedures and
assigned times
■ Being aware of and knowing how to use tools and methods for finding and fixing faults in devices and systems
■ Recognizing and assessing operating conditions and intervention methods for different technologies
■ Adopting all safety in the workplace criteria personally and for other workers
1): 5 Training
Program 5 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
2 2):
7 days
per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information
costi, dates
date eand
ning Program,
Program visit
General training
Specific and operative training
■ The integrated production system
■ The fundamental principles of Total Productive
■ Productivity improvement
■ Independent Maintenance
■ Maintenance policies
■ Support in the development of maintenance
and production integration
Definition of fault mechanisms
General method for finding faults
Specific methods for finding faults
Prevention of faults
Certification of Competency in Maintenance - CICPND
The educational program complies with the professional characteristics of the Level 1 Maintenance Technician
laid down in Regulation CICPND no.229 and qualifies participants for the certificate examinations for Maintenance
Who it is aimed at
■ Mechanical, electrical and instrumental maintenance workers and service providers
■ Manufacturing companies, processing industries, local public transport companies, multi-utility companies
The following companies have already participated:
Amsa Milano, Asja Ambiente, Ge Oil & Gas - Nuovo Pignone, Eural Gnutti, FDP Worthington, Intendis,
Martini & Rossi, Nacco Materials Handling, Nuvera Fuel Cells Europe, Oerlikon Graziano, Sanofi Aventis
Plant Management and Maintenance
Plant Management and Maintenance
Management and Maintenance
MTZ 050
Total Productive Maintenance
2 days
MTZ 060
Advanced methods for maintenance decisions and
1 day
MTZ 105
Reliability Centered Maintenance
2 days
MTZ 110
Budget and Maintenance KPI
2 days
Maintenance Tools
Plant Management and Maintenance
MTZ 300
RAMS techniques: reliability, availability,
maintainability and safety
2 days
MTZ 310
Techniques for predicting maintenance
2 days
MTZ 330
Managing changes in maintenance
1 day
MTZ 360
Problem Solving for maintenance
2 days
MTZ 400
Plant & Machines Energy Saving
2 days
SP 345
Design for Maintenance
1 day
TEC 100
2 days
Training Programs
Directive on Machinery
Machine Maintenance and Safety
Electrical Systems
Culture and Safety in the workplace
Safety Rainbow
Safety and Regulations
Safety and Regulations
Training Program
Directive on Machinery
Integrated Design
Design the functions, safety, availability and maintainability of machinery in
compliance with the Directive on Machinery 2006/42/EC and EN Technical Regulations,
harmonized on a European level.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Clearly and logically learning the integrated design method for safety
■ Systematically and thoroughly dealing with the procedure for the assessment of risks related to the
■ Being open to advanced methods for checking the compliance of existing machinery and new machinery
to be purchased
■ Correctly implementing the concepts of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS)
The regulatory framework
and risk assessment
Command systems
and safety devices
Electrical equipment
and the instruction manual
Who it is aimed at
Duration: Complete Training Program 6 days
Participation: 2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Safety and Regulations
New machinery designers and technologists
Designers of modifications to be made to existing machines
Designers and those involved in the regulation of existing machines
Factory technicians involved in the selection and installation phases of new machinery
Occupational Health and Safety Managers and Workers
Control body technicians (Local Health Unit/Regional agency for the protection of the environment)
Training Program
Machinery Maintenance and Safety
Strategic integration of accident prevention with preventive maintenance.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Implementing the basic concept expressed in Italian Legislative Decree 81/08, namely the requirement
to guarantee the presence and constant effectiveness of the most up-to-date prevention and protection
measures for hand-manufactured articles, in relation to the contemporary state-of-the-art concept, to all
machinery within the company
■ Assisting business technicians and occupational health and safety operators during the inspection phases
prior to purchasing machinery and during the phases of assessing risks occupational risk
Risk factors
Critical situations
Regular checks of
preventive maintenance
Safety maintenance
Who it is aimed at
Occupational Health and Safety Managers and Workers
Maintenance managers and technicians
Factory technicians
1): 5 Training
Program 4 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
2 2):
7 days
per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information
costi, dates
date eand
ning Program,
Program visit
Safety and Regulations
Training Program
Electrical systems
Risk assessment, management and maintenance of safety
Accurate analysis of electrical risk in companies, on machinery, distribution plants and
substations; with technical and organizational policies integrating management and
maintenance with prevention, as prescribed by Italian Legislative Decree 81/08.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Integrating the concept of accident prevention with preventive maintenance in the following businesses:
medium voltage electrical substations, electrical distribution plants, lighting plants, providers of electrical
equipment for machinery and processing plants
■ Guaranteeing close supervision of the implied degree of safety in electrical plants and effective
organization aimed at the safety of managers and maintenance staff, thanks also to the synergic
collaboration of the Occupational Health and Safety Service and the Maintenance Service (also in the case
where the latter is outsourced to external companies)
Compliance with state-ofthe-art standards
Employee safety
Who it is aimed at
Technical and organizational training and revision aimed at:
Duration: Complete Training Program 4 days
Participation: 2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Safety and Regulations
Occupational Health and Safety Managers and Workers
Electrical Service Maintenance Managers and Technicians
Plants Service Technicians
External maintenance
Management personnel
in charge of restoring
Training Program
Culture and Safety in the Workplace
Careful analysis of company attitudes to the subject of prevention.
Planning of technological, educational and organizational actions to ensure
that safety is integrated with the production system.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Learning various guidelines for setting up a progressive cultural change process for accident prevention
and health and safety in the workplace
■ Acquiring familiarity with new and particularly advanced methods for risk assessment and elimination
■ Identifying tangible possibilities of collaboration and synergy between the various business sectors, such
as: the Occupational Health and Safety service, Production, Maintenance, Technical Services, Supplies
and Human Resources
■ Acquiring a wide-ranging and particularly articulated vision of prevention, understood as a cultural model
to be aimed for
■ Becoming more professional with regard to action plans to be implemented in the company
■ Taking advantage of the revision of a wide range of disciplines (technology, psychology and social issues
■ Making comparisons with colleagues and experts
■ Prevention and business dynamics regarding the interaction between the four main areas involved:
working equipment, operators, working environment and organization
■ Logical analysis of the interaction between the sources of danger and the people that could suffer the
■ Origin, evolution and effects of design, implementation, behavioral and organizational errors
■ Training on culture and safety in the workplace
1): 5 Training
Program 6 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
2 2):
7 days
per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information
costi, dates
date eand
ning Program,
Program visit
Who it is aimed at
■ Occupational Health and Safety Managers and Workers
■ Directors and people in charge
■ Training managers
■ HR managers
As well as various figures outside the company:
■ Safety trainers
■ Safety consultants
■ Inspectors from the Local Health Unit/Regional agency for the protection of the environment
Safety and Regulations
Safety and Regulations
QAS 406
QAS 408
The role of Director in safety management
Five-yearly update for Directors
People in charge
2 days
1 day
QAS 405 The role of the person in charge in safety management
1 day
QAS 407
Five-yearly update for the Person in charge
1 day
QAS 409
Safe Behavior management
3 days
Safety trainers
QAS 410
Training for safety trainers
3 days
QAS 411
Techniques and tools for safety trainers
3 days
Maintenance Workers and Operators
QAS 400
Training for (skilled/informed) electrical
maintenance workers
2 days
QAS 401
Safety of working at heights
1 day
QAS 402
Confined spaces
1 day
QAS 403
Qualification to use work equipment
2 days
QAS 381
State-of-the-art maintenance of machinery safety
1 day
PNE 210
Maintenance of pneumatic control systems in
connection with safety
1 day
QAS 412
Inspection of electrical systems
1 day
QAS 365
Risk assessment of machines that do not carry the
EC mark and actions to standardize them
2 days
QAS 413
Electrical switchboards
1 day
QAS 390
The ATEX directive
1 day
QAS 391
PED regulations
1 day
* All the highlighted seminars are New in 2014
Safety and Regulations
Safety and Regulations
QAS 365
Risk assessment of machines that do not carry the
ECmark and actions to standardize them
2 days
QAS 385
Risk assessment of machines that do not carry the
EC mark
1 day
QAS 330
The new Directive on Machinery 2006/42/EC
1 day
QAS 331
How to draft the machinery instruction manual
1 day
QAS 413
Electrical switchboards
1 day
QAS 390
The ATEX directive
1 day
QAS 391
PED regulations
1 day
QAS 414
Five-yearly revision training for trainers
1 day
QAS 402
Confined spaces
1 day
QAS 325
Management of Contract Work
1 day
QAS 210
Waste management
1 day
QAS 417
Water management
1 day
QAS 430
Dangerous substances
1 day
QAS 630
Safe behaviour
1 day
QAS 412
Inspection of electrical systems
1 day
QAS 418
The drafting of the Risk Assessment document, a
fundamental part of the company safety system
2 days
QAS 419
Safety and Organization: opportunities for
1 day
Auditors and Inspectors
QAS 415
Environment system assessment
1 day
QAS 416
Safety system assessment
1 day
* All the highlighted seminars are New in 2014
Safety and Regulations
Training Programs
Multi-skilled Operator
Multi-skilled Technician and Maintenance Operator - Basic
Multi-skilled Technician and Maintenance Operator - Advanced
Designer of plant, machinery and automation systems
Junior Multi-skilled Operator
Junior Multi-skilled Technician Maintenance Operator
Skills for industrial automation
What it is
“courses that aren’t on technology, but on how to use technology”
“the need to integrate technical skills using one method”
“the operation of machinery is becoming more and more strategic: technicians must acquire a strong ability for diagnosis and resolution”
“for professionals technology alone is not enough anymore: safety, plant efficiency, regulations, etc need to be discussed”
A wide range of articulate technical Training Programs for the creation of the skills and professionalism needed to sustain growth and development in
industrial companies.
TECH4 has established itself as a point of reference for the industrial system.
Destination: machinery and plants during their full life cycle
Scope: development of the skills of people appointed to design, manage, maintain and exploit this fundamental asset.
TECH4 has 4 lines of development, hence its name.
Learning factory
Technology on machinery
For us Technology means
Electro-mechanics and Switchboard
PLC and Industrial networks
Motion control
Technician and
Operator - Basic
Technician and
Operator Advanced
Designer of
plant, machinery
and automation
Junior Multiskilled Technician and Maintenance Operator
Contamination Integration
Multi-skilled Technician and Maintenance
Operator - Basic
“What is needed”, a few and essential concepts within the individual modules on technology.
Multi-skilled Technician and Maintenance
Operator - Advanced
These topics are integrate ore thoroughly in the programs OK! through specific
training modules.
Multi-skilled Technician and Maintenance Operator
- Basic
Multi-skilled Technician and Maintenance Operator
- Advanced
Designer of plant,
machinery and automation systems
Energy saving
Costs and
Specific modules- where the required analysis is high.
Learning factory
■ Methods and tools
■ The ability to measure learning
■ The Festo showroom
■ The Learning factory gym
CETOP (European Hydraulics and Pneumatics Committee) – Assofluid Certification of Competency in
Pneumatics and Industrial Hydraulics
Certification of Cetop Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 skills on fluid technology on a European level Festo è Centro
d’esame Cetop per i livelli 1, 2, 3
HYD 100 Hydraulic systems maintenance
HYD 100Hydraulic systems maintenance
HYD 200Maintenance and improvement of hydraulic
HYD 100Hydraulic systems maintenance
HYD 200Maintenance and improvement of hydraulic
ELM 100Maintenance of electro-mechanical systems
Level 1
PNE 100 Pneumatic systems maintenance
Level 2
PNE 100Pneumatic systems maintenance
PNE 200 Maintenance and improvement of automatic
pneumatic systems
Level 3
PNE 100 Pneumatic systems maintenance
PNE 200 Maintenance and Improvement of automatic
pneumatic systems
ELM 100 Maintenance of INF electro-mechanical
INF 200 Introduction to industrial communication
+ exam 4 days
+ exam 8 days
+ exam 11 days
Level 1
+ exam 4 days
Level 2
+ exam 8 days
Level 3
+ exam 11 days
Training Program
Multi-skilled Operator
Industrial Management School
Training line staff to be versatile makes it possible to reduce the number and frequency of micro-stops statistically one of the major causes of low productivity.
The Training Program provides operators with the ability to carry out self-maintenance and constantly
monitor the machinery they are responsible for, interpreting weak signals that forewarn of possible
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
Training Program
Managing automated systems and workstations independently
Managing the plant in such a way as to reach production and efficiency objectives
Achieving the correct assigned level of self-maintenance on different kinds of technology
Making independent inspections
Perceiving and interpreting weak signals, identifying risk levels
Suggesting improvement methods to regulate and manage plants
Carrying out ordinary checks on the different kinds of technology
Guaranteeing that machinery is properly cleaned
Multi-skilled Operator
Minimum Training Program (4 days)
Plant management and Maintenance (1 day)
Mechanics (1 day)
Electro-mechanics and Switchboard (2 days)
Training Programs technical area
Duration: Minimum Training Program 4 days
Participation: 1/2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Pneumatics Hydraulics PLC and Industrial networks Maintenance safety (for skilled/informed workers)
Build your Training Program
■ The modules can be attended individually
■ The minimum suggested Training Program is 4 days
Who it is aimed at
Production technicians
Machine Operators
Team leaders
(1 day)
(1 day)
(1 day)
(2 days)
Training Program
Multi-skilled Technician and Maintenance Operator - Basic
Industrial Management School
Due to their complexity, production systems nowadays often experience faults caused by a combination of
different technological factors. Training maintenance teams to be versatile enables machine-stop times to be
considerably shortened in the case where a simple fault can be caused by the combination or interrelation of
several technological factors. The Training Program provides maintenance operators with the ability to apply
effective remedial measures in different technological areas.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Dealing with the most frequent and common cases
■ Increasing the versatility and interchangeability of technicians and maintenance operators
■ Methodically tracing and assessing the abilities of technicians and maintenance operators
■ Fulfilling training obligations as an employer
Preparation test to assess entry level
Training Program
Multi-skilled Technician
and Maintenance
Operator - Basic
Training Programs technical area
1): 5 Training
Program 9 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
2): 72 days
to 4 days per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information
costi, dates
date eand
ning Program,
Program visit
Minimun Training Program (9 days)
Mechanics (3 days)
Electro-mechanics and Switchboard (4 days)
PLC and Industrial networks (2 days)
Optional The Profession of Maintenance Operator
Pneumatics Hydraulics Electrical safety (for skilled/informed workers)
(2 days)
(4 days)
(4 days)
(2 days)
(2 days)
Build your Training Program
■ The full Training Program on offer can be attended in order to acquire a variety of skills on the most
common or customized technology based on the technology found in your systems
■ If necessary, the Training Program can be planned over two years
■ The minimum suggested Training Program is 9 days.
Who it is aimed at
■ Technicians and Maintenance Operators working in industrial companies
■ Fitters and technicians in the production area working in companies that build plants and machinery
■ After sales assistance technicians
The Training Program has been designed to provide the basics for employees that do not have specific skills
and/or previous training in the types of technology selected in the Training Program.
Training Program
Multi-skilled Technicians and Maintenance Operators
Count on expert technicians and maintenance operators with multiple skills that are capable of tackling complex, non-standard problems.
Industrial Management School
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Tackling complex, non-standard problems
■ Defining maintenance standards
■ Improving the weak points in the plant
■ Building a preventive maintenance system
■ Managing maintenance costs
■ Methodically tracing and assessing the abilities of technicians and maintenance operators
■ Contributing to the improvement plans
Preparation test for assessing entry level
Training Program
Multi-skilled Technicians
and Maintenance
Operators - Advanced
Minimum Training Program (10 days)
Plant performance and reliability (2 days)
Electro-mechanics and Switchboard (4 days)
Pneumatics (4 days)
Optional PLC and Industrial networks Directive on Machinery: fundamentals Mechanics Hydraulics Motion Control Energy Saving Problem solving for maintenance Electrical safety (for skilled/informed workers)
(4 days)
(1 day)
(4 days)
(4 days)
(2 days)
(2 days)
(2 days)
(2 days)
Training Programs technical area
Duration: Minimum Training Program 10 days
Participation: 2/4 days per month
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Build your Training Program
■ The modules can be selected based on your own professional profile
■ They can be attended also individually and planned over two years
■ The minimum suggested Training Program is 10 days
Who it is aimed at
■ Expert Technicians and Maintenance Operators working in industrial companies
■ Fitters and Technicians in the production area working in companies that build plants and machinery
■ After-sales Assistance Technicians
The Training Program has been designed to provide specialist training to employees that have specific experience and previous training in the types of technology selected in the Program.
Training Program
Designer of machinery, plants and automation systems
Industrial Management School
The Training Program provides a clear answer to the need for modern designers to possess integrated skills.
The market needs modular solutions that allow for design and construction economy as well as professional
figures in the design area that have an integrated view of the different types of technology and design
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Reducing Time To Market
■ Reducing operation and start-up times
■ Prolonging life cycles
■ Increasing reliability in terms of:
- ease of inspection and maintenance (reduction of MTTR)
- increased reliability and performance (increase of MTTF)
Preparation test to assess entry level
Training Program
Minimum Training Program (12 days)
Optional Designer of machinery,
plants and automation
The profession of Designer Engineering Tools Pneumatic systems design Machinery Directives: the basics Axis control system design (2 days)
(3 days)
(4 days)
(1 day)
(2 days)
Estimating and design to cost Energy saving Mechanical systems design Hydraulic systems design PLC automation design and planning Sensor choice design Training Programs technical area
1): 5 Training
Program 12 days
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
2): 71 days
to 4 days per month
Impegno: 2/3 days al mese
For information
costi, dates
date eand
ning Program,
Program visit
(2 days)
(2 days)
(5 days)
(4 days)
(5 days)
(1 day)
Build your Training Program
■ The modules can be selected based on your professional profile
■ They can be attended individually and planned over two years
■ The minimum suggested Training Program is starting from 12 days
Who it is aimed at
■ Designers
■ Managers of sales people
■ Sales support technicians
■ Industrializers
■ Industrial Buyers
■ Buyers
Junior TECH 4 Training Programs
Multi-skilled OperatorMulti-skilled Technician
and Maintenance Operator
Industrial Management School
The pursuit, selection and introduction of trained technical staff that are capable of working as operators
and maintenance operators in automated plants is a priority for the industrial sector.
Festo offers two basic Training Programs designed on its experience of introducing workers to a wide range
of manufacturing jobs.
The Training Program provides the skills and tools for
■ Selecting and training newly employed staff with an integrated program that unites managerial and
technical aspects aimed at two specific roles: Operators and Technicians/Maintenance Operators
■ Guaranteeing independence in a short period of time
■ Introducing personnel correctly with regard to company processes and performance
Support in selection and assessment
Entry test
Balance of Skills
Objective identification of job profiles andskills
Junior TECH4 Training Programs
Multi-skilled Operator
Junior TECH4 Module (Duration 3 days)
Indicators and Industrial Company work flows
Business Game
The organization in the factory
Roles and conduct
Multi-skilled Technician and
Maintenance Operator
Training Programs technical area
Junior Operator
Junior Multi-skilled Maintenance
Complete Training Program 23 days
Participation 1/2 days per month
For information on costs, dates and details on the
Training Program, visit
Supporting activities
Junior Technician and Machinery
Training Program complete
Junior Multi-skilled Operator
Complete Training Program 12 days
Participation 1/2 days per month
12 days
Training Program complete
23 days
Plant Management and Maintenance
1 day
Profession of multi-skilled Maintenance Operator 2 days
Pneumatics 1 day
Pneumatics 3 days
Hydraulics 1 day
Hydraulics 3 days
Mechanics 1 day
Mechanics 3 days
Electro-mechanics and Switchboard
2 days
Electro-mechanics and Switchboard
3 days
PLC and Industrial networks 1 day
PLC and Industrial networks 2 days
2 days
Electrical Maintenance Safety
(for skilled/informed workers)
2 days
Electrical Maintenance Safety
(for skilled/informed workers)
Final assessment on leaving
2 days
■Construction and
integration of coaching
Programs for new employees
■Involvement and training
of company tutors and
trainers to support new
■Identification and management of a Project and
tasks within the company
to accompany the Junior
Training Programs
Who it is aimed at
■ New machine operators and
■ New technicians and
maintenance operators
I Seminars TECH 4
Multi-skilled Operator
Multi-skilled Maintenance
Operator - Basic
Multi-skilled Maintenance
Operator - Advanced
Designer of plant,
machinery and automation
Operation and restoration of
pneumatic systems
Pneumatic systems maintenance
Improvement and maintenance of
automatic pneumatic systems
Pneumatic systems design
Maintenance of pneumatic control
system related to safety
Systems maintenance and vacuum technology troubleshooting
Maintenance of pneumatic components in the process of automation
Operation and restoration of
hydraulic systems
Hydraulic systems maintenance
Maintenance and improvement of
hydraulic systems
Design and installation of hydraulic
Mechanical intervention for production operators
Maintenance of mechanical systems
Maintenance and improvement of
mechanical systems
Mechanical systems design
Interpretation of mechanical designs for operators and fitters
and Switchboard
Operation and restoration of
electro-mechanical production
Basic maintenance of electromechanical systems
Electro-mechanical and electronic
systems maintenance and improvement
PLC and Industrial
Operation and restoration of automated PLC systems
Maintenance and restoration of PLC
PLC operating program diagnostics,
restoration and modifications
Operations interface panel settings
and modifications
PLC automation design and planning
CoDeSys: HW-independent programming system
Introduction to industrial communication networks
Motion Control
Maintenance of motion control
systems - basic
Production plan control and processes
Sensor design selection
Management and maintenance of
industrial refrigerator plants
Process control tools
Process control and supervision
■ Maintenance Problem-Solving
Axis control system design
■ Training for electrical maintenance personnel
(skilled and informed workers)
■ Plant & Machines Energy Saving
■ The new Directive on Machinery
2006 42/EC
■ Design for Maintenance
TEC 100
Troubleshooting methods and techniques
2 days
PNE 050
Operation and restoration of pneumatic systems
1 day
PNE 100
Pneumatic systems maintenance
4 days
PNE 200
Maintenance and Improvement of automatic pneumatic systems
4 days
PNE 210
Maintenance of pneumatic control system related to safety
1 day
PNE 300
Pneumatic systems design
4 days
PNE 410
Systems maintenance and vacuum technology troubleshooting
1 day
PNE 420
Maintenance of pneumatic components in the process of automation
1 day
HYD 050
Operation and restoration of hydraulic systems
1 day
HYD 100
Hydraulic systems maintenance
4 days
HYD 200
Maintenance and improvement of hydraulic systems
4 days
HYD 300
Design and installation of hydraulic systems
4 days
Novità 2014
MEC 050
Mechanical intervention for production operators
1 day
MEC 051
Interpretation of mechanical designs for operators and fitters
1 day
MEC 100
Maintenance of mechanical systems
3 days
MEC 200
Maintenance and Improvement of mechanical systems
4 days
MEC 300
Mechanical systems design
5 days
Electro-mechanics and Switchboard
ELM 050
Operation and restoration of electro-mechanical production plants
1 day
ELM 100
Basic maintenance of electro-mechanical systems
4 days
ELM 200
Electro-mechanical and electronic systems maintenance and improvement
4 days
PLC and industrial communications networks
INF 200
Introduction to industrial communication networks
3 days
PLC 050
Operation and restoration of automated PLC systems
1 day
PLC 100
Maintenance and restoration of PLC systems
2 days
PLC 200
PLC operating program diagnostics, restoration and modifications
4 days
PLC 210
Operations interface panel settings and modifications
2 days
PLC 300
PLC automation design and planning
5 days
PLC 310
CoDeSys: HW-independent programming system
3 days
Motion Control
ED 200
Maintenance of motion control systems - basic
3 days
ED 300
Axis control system design
2 days
SENS 300
Sensor design selection
2 days
Controllo impianti e processi
CP 100
Process control tools
3 days
CP 200
Process control and supervision
2 days
UTS 210
Management and maintenance of industrial refrigerator plants
3 days
General Information
How to reach us
General Information - How to reach us
General Information
Training Plans
Support in the analysis of business training needs is available in order to define individual and group development plans. A
special discount plan will be applied to these Training Programs.
Certificate of Attendance
Festo Academy issues a certificate of attendance at the end of each course stating the course content, which indicates the
training plan followed by the participant.
The Center
Unless specifically stated otherwise, courses will take place at our center in Via E. Fermi, 36/38 - 20090 Assago (MI)
Tel. +39 02 45794.350 Fax +39 02 4884.2012
Enrolment methods
Advance enrolment on courses via telephone are formalized by sending the enrolment form via fax (+39 02 4884.2012) or
e-mail ( The enrolment form is found on the website or can be requested from
the course secretary (+39 02 45794.350).
Methods of payment
The participation fee can be paid using the following methods:
- Bank transfer upon confirmation of the course by Festo C.T.E. Srl and the sending of the payment receipt
- Banker’s check or draft made out to Festo C.T.E. Srl and sent by the participant
Participation fee
The participation fee for each course includes the course material distributed to the participants as well as business lunches.
Dates are subject to change. In this case participants will be informed immediately.
All prices are before VAT. An invoice will be sent subsequent to participation.
The confirmation that the course will take place will be announced via e-mail at least one week in advance.
Any cancellations must be communicated by the week prior to the starting date of the course and in any case before the official
confirmation is given by Festo Academy.
In the event of a late cancellation, the entire enrolment fee will be charged.
General Information - How to reach us
How to reach us
Festo Academy is located in the Southern Milan area near the
Forum Sport and Leisure Center and the Milanofiori management center and is easy to reach.
By car
Exit the West bypass at Assago Milanofiori, direction Viale
Famagosta. Go past the Forum Sport and Leisure Center and
head towards the center of Assago. After approx. 1.5km you
will come to a T-junction, turn right and then immediately left.
At the end of the street after the curve you will find the Festo
building in Via Enrico Fermi 36/38.
Public transport
Forum Assago MM2 stop - green line.
Then take bus 321 along the Assago Forum - Assago via Verdi
route. Festo is located in via Enrico Fermi 36/38 and is 700 m
from via Verdi.
By taxi
Forum Assago MM2 stop - green line.
Approximately 5 minutes travel time.
On our website you can find a list of the nearby hotels, which
offer special rates for participants in Festo courses.
General Information - How to reach us
Industrial Management School
We are your partner to reach your goals
We show you new ways forward
We shape the future together
Via E. Fermi 36/38 - 20090 Assago (Mi)
Tel. +39 02.45794.350 fax +39 02.4884.2012