2016 MEDIA KIT THIS IS ROCHESTER. THIS IS ROCHESTE R. TALILA LEWIS “WE HAVE A PROBLEM IN THE UNITED STATES. IT’S BEYOND WORDS.” J O N ATH A N B I N STOC K Captain of t he MAG Issue 11 May / June 2015 | POST THIS IS ROCHESTE R. THIS IS ROCHESTE R. 1 ISSUE 5 M AY/JUNE 2014 | POST THIS IS ROCHESTE R. SH AW N DU N WOODY Might be the coolest guy in Rochester. P OV E R T Y U P - C LO S E T H E B U S I N E S S O F CO L L E G E G E N E S E E B R E W E RY A N DY GA LLI N A Solider in the fight on poverty W I LD AT H E A RT INSIDE THE STUDIO OF $ 7. 0 0 A NDR E A DUR FEE S E P T/O C T 2 0 1 5 Be a part of the story. POST IS AN INCISIVE, INSIGHTFUL, AND RESPLENDENT PUBLICATION THAT OFTEN INTRODUCES NEW, YET VITAL, ASPECTS OF ROCHESTER LIFE. ­—GRANT HOLCOMB, director emeritus, Memorial Art Gallery 1 …THE EDITORS DO SEEM TO CHOOSE INTERESTING SUBJECTS AND PEOPLE TO INTERVIEW—VOICES THAT SHOULD BE HEARD. —G. PETER JEMISON (HERON CLAN, SENECA), site manager, Ganondagan State Historic Site 5. IT’S A SLOW READ POST readers tell us they savor every page of the magazine. THE TOP 10 REASONS TO ADVERTISE IN POST Because it’s a slow read, your ad is appreciated. It’s not read in a hurry on a smart phone. It’s read while someone is completely relaxed and, very likely, in a wonderful mood because downtime has begun. 4. OUR STORIES MATTER At the heart of every POST story is a human being. We don’t care about surface. We care about what’s in people’s hearts. WHO READS POST? What motivates them, makes them hurt, makes them smile, 10. POST IS FOR KEEPS makes them do what they do to make the world a better place. Most magazines get recycled with the pizza boxes. POST If people want fast news, they can read the daily paper. Our readers are loyal. They save every issue. They collect them on stories are meant to evoke feeling, inspire change, and shift the their coffee tables. They line them up on their bookshelves. And way you think. they show them to family and friends. That means your ad gets 3. YOU’LL BE PART OF THE REVIVAL viewed over and over again. POST magazine was born as a way to represent a more diverse 9. WE ARE WHERE YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE Rochester, post-Kodak, post-our reliance on manufacturing, to POST is sold in the most convenient places possible: Every a more diverse work force of small businesses and individuals single Wegmans, every single Barnes & Noble, Hart’s Local doing what they do best—whether its metal sculpture, culinary Grocers, Abundance Co-op and Lori’s Natural Foods. These are arts, writing or research. So when you advertise with us, you our partners. We love them. They love us. send the message: I believe in Rochester. 8. WE SELL OUT 2. YOUR AD WILL BE TRUSTED The stores who carry POST all say the same thing: They sell Yes, you have a multitude of options when it comes to more of POST than any other local magazine. In fact, POST advertising your business. But consider this: A study done by consistently sells out every single Rochester-area Wegmans and Simmons Multi-Media Engagement showed that magazines Barnes & Noble. score higher and are viewed as being more “trustworthy” when compared to advertisements on television or online. 7. YOU’LL LOOK REALLY GREAT ON PAPER Hold POST in your hands. Our paper is heavier. Our format 1. THIS IS ROCHESTER is larger. We invest in the quality of our printed product, and Every single person on the staff of POST either grew up in it shows. This means your ad looks like a million, feels like a Rochester or went to school here—and stayed. And we all have million, and is that much more impactful to the reader. one thing in common: We live and breathe this place! We love it! But we’re not here to tell you what’s happening around town 6. OUR CONTENT IS MADE BY THE BEST (other publications are doing a great job of that). We’re here to If you want to experience some of the best writing, uncover the amazing people who make Rochester what it is— photography, illustration, and design in town, open POST. the researchers, artists, chefs, renegades, leaders, and givers— Our magazine has attracted the best of the best in Rochester— and the inspiring work they do on a daily basis. If someone is dedicated, hard-working, and talented folks whose award- doing work driven by their soul, you’ll find them in POST. We’ve had e-mails from 80-something retired professors, tweets The core of POST readers are local and want to experience from college students, requests from artists and musicians things first hand, like Rochester’s world-class music, museums, living overseas, and subscription orders as far as Florida and universities, art galleries, plays, farmers markets and food. California. Our readers are wide-ranging and diverse. But they They are out there living life. And they believe Rochester is a all seem to share the following qualities: optimism, creativity, well-kept secret—on par with any big city in the world. inventiveness, astuteness, and generosity. AGE OF OUR READERS 30 - 65 YEARS OLD FIELDS OF WORK CREATIVE CLASS ACADEMIA EDUCATION SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE FOOD MUSIC INNOVATION LAW NON-PROFIT HEALTH ENTREPRENEURS WHERE THEY LIVE SUBURBS EAST SUBURBS WEST EAST END PARK AVENUE SOUTH WEDGE NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE ARTS BROWNCROFT HILLSIDE CANANDAIGUA winning work has also appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, Vogue, and FINALLY, A MAGAZINE ROCHESTER CAN BE PROUD OF. Conde Nast Traveler. — LEWIS STESS, co-founder, Greentopia Festival, The Garden Aerial 2 3 AS A NEWCOMER TO THIS AREA, I WAS PLEASED TO DISCOVER POST. NO OTHER PUBLICATION TAKES ME SO QUICKLY INTO THE CULTURE, DIVERSITY, AND UNIQUE STORIES OF ROCHESTERIANS. ­ — WARD GHORY, head of school, The Harley School POST MAGAZINE IS ARTISTRY IN LITERATURE. CAPTIVATING PHOTOGRAPHY, ENGAGING INTERVIEWS AND ARTICLES, AND AN IMPECCABLE ATTENTION TO DETAIL—EVERYTHING ABOUT POST SAYS QUALITY. HOW LUCKY WE ARE THAT “THIS IS ROCHESTER”. ­ — JAMAL J. ROSSI, Dean, Eastman School of Music EDITORIAL CALENDAR 2016 STORIES FROM THE CITY WE LOVE THE INTERVIEWS: Profiles of extraordinary people JANUARY / FEBRUARY MAY / JUNE SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER making an impact in Rochester and beyond. These are STORY TELLERS STYLE Rochester’s biggest and brightest stars as you’ve never seen HARVEST (the 3rd Anniversary Issue) ad close: November 14 ad close: March 16 ad close: July 13 MARCH / APRIL JULY / AUGUST NOVEMBER / DECEMBER them before. Past interviews have included: Rita Shane, Steve Gadd, Betty Strasenburgh, Brother Wease, Sharon Napier, Frank DeBlase, and Chuck Arena. DISCOVERY ad close: January 12 FOOD: An in-season recipe from resident chef, Dan Martello; food history; tricks and tools; healthy eating; public market conversations; and plenty of entertaining inspiration. THE GREAT OUTDOORS ENTERTAINING ad close: September 14 ad close: May 14 note: specific editorial dates subject to change MAKERS: Artists of all kinds—some known, some unknown—open their studios, show us their work and discuss their craft. UP FRONT: Intriguing little nuggets about people, places, non-profits, business, innovation, ideas—you name it. FEATURES: Our features tackle questions and ideas of local and national scale, but ground them in local sources, including some of the most notable university researchers in the world. PROUST QUESTIONNAIRE: A multitude of quirky questions—from favorite flower to worst fault—asked in-themoment to a recognizable Rochester character. FREE SPEECH: We ask four people to comment on a particular subject. Subjects have included everything from “coincidence” to “fear.” AUTHENTIC, RELEVANT, CREATIVE, EDGY, COOL, DIVERSE, URBAN, COMPASSIONATE. THESE WORDS AND THE EMOTIONS BEHIND THEM EXPLAIN WHY I LOVE POST MAGAZINE. POST IS A SPECIAL PUBLICATION THAT FEELS LIKE HOME TO ME. — DR. ELAINE SPAULL, Rochester City Councilwoman, East District; director, Center for Youth 4 5 THE PHOTOGRAPHY IS CAPTIVATING; THE PAPER POST IS PRINTED ON MAKES IT A PLEASURE TO READ AND LEAVE FOR OTHERS ON MY COFFEE TABLE. ­— MICHELLE ASHBY, CEO, Tipping Point Communications POST DOESN’T STOP AT ‘GOOD ENOUGH.’ EVERY SQUARE INCH IS WONDERFULLY INTIMATE, BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED, AND ALWAYS UNEXPECTED. IT’S GOT ATTITUDE. I LIKE THAT.­ — MIKE GOVERNALE, president and chief blogging officer, RochesterSubway.com FILE SUBMISSION Kindly submit your advertisement to Katie Wilson, director of advertising sales (katie@postrochester.com), or your personal Advertising Representative using the A D V E R T I S I N G R AT E S 1 INSERTION 3 INSERTIONS 6 INSERTIONS BACK COVER $2,700 $2,300$2,100 INSIDE FRONT COVER $2,700 $2,300$2,100 following guidelines: - CMYK images at 300dpi in final size - B&W images in grayscale - Submit ‘press-quality’ PDF PRODUCTION SPECS 1/4 PAGE AD INSIDE BACK COVER FULL PAGE $2,700 $2,300$2,100 $2,200 BACK COVER AD 1/2 PAGE HORIZONTAL AD INSIDE FRONT COVER AD 1/2 PAGE VERTICAL AD FULL PAGE AD OPPOSITE CONTRIBUTOR’S PAGE $1,800$1,700 1/4 PAGE AD HALF PAGE $1,200 $1,000$900 QUARTER PAGE $775 $575$450 OPPOSITE CONTRIBUTOR’S PAGE $2,100 $2,000$1,900 OPPOSITE EDITOR’S LETTER $2,100 $2,000$1,900 INSIDE BACK COVER AD 1/4 PAGE AD OPPOSITE EDITOR’S LETTER 1/4 PAGE AD BACK COVER (FULL BLEED) trims to 9.5”W x 11.5”H add .125” bleed on all sides INSIDE FRONT COVER (FULL BLEED) trims to 9.5”W x 11.5”H add .125” bleed on all sides INSIDE BACK COVER (FULL BLEED) trims to 9.5”W x 11.5”H add .125” bleed on all sides A 12.5% commission of gross advertising charges will be paid to recognized advertising and media agencies. DISTRIBUTION FREQUENCY We print 8,500 copies of each issue of POST. In addition POST is published six times a year, with issues in Jan/Feb, to newsstand sales (Wegmans, Barnes & Noble, Abundance March/April, May/June, July/Aug, Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec. Co-op in the city and Lori’s Natural Foods), we also have a FULL PAGE (NO BLEED) 8.25”W x 10.25”H HALF PAGE HORIZONTAL (NO BLEED) 8.25”W x 4.75”H HALF PAGE VERTICAL (NO BLEED) 3.86”W x 10.25”H QUARTER PAGE (NO BLEED) 3.86”W x 4.75”H fast-growing subscription base. WITH EACH EDITION, IT BECOMES MORE AND MORE CLEAR THAT THE FINE TEAM AT POST MAGAZINE HAS THEIR COLLECTIVE FINGER DIRECTLY ON THE PULSE OF ROCHESTER. OPPOSITE CONTRIBUTOR’S PAGE — JOHN NUGENT, producer/artistic director, Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival OPPOSITE EDITOR’S LETTER 6 (FULL BLEED) ) trims to 9.5”W x 11.5”H add .125” bleed on all sides trims to 9.5”W x 11.5”H add .125” bleed on all sides (FULL BLEED) 7 I’M THRILLED TO HAVE SUCH A WONDERFUL HOMETOWN PUBLICATION, AND WISH YOU CONTINUED SUCCESS ON THIS VENTURE. ­— SHARON NAPIER, CEO, Partners + Napier C O N TA C T U S DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS? Need to know a bit more? Want to schedule a meeting to figure out your marketing and advertising needs? Contact Katie Wilson, director of advertising sales, by phone (585.329.1698) or email (katie@postrochester.com). Katie and her team are happy to help. OTHER POST CONTACTS: EDITORIAL Amy Calabrese Metcalfe Editor in Chief amy@postrochester.com PHOTOGRAPHY Hannah Betts Photo Editor hannah@postrochester.com WEB & DIGITAL Dave Vogler Digital Creative Director dave@postrochester.com COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Mike Calabrese Publisher mike@postrochester.com ROCHESTER IS HOME TO AN INCREDIBLE NUMBER OF ENTREPRENEURS, PHILANTHROPISTS, AND TALENTED ARTISTS. POST MAGAZINE BRINGS THESE TALENTED INDIVIDUALS AND COUPLES TO OUR ATTENTION. ­ — OLIVIA CORNELL, owner, Cornell’s Jewelers