Nottingham HOUSE - Saint

An Exemplar of Low-Energy
Offsite Manufactured Housing:
Nottingham H.O.U.S.E
The very fabric of
new home energy efficiency
The Saint-Gobain Nottingham H.O.U.S.E Journey
The collaborative Nottingham H.O.U.S.E (Home
Optimising the Use of Solar Energy) project between
Saint-Gobain and the University of Nottingham has
travelled an incredible journey. As main sponsor we
assisted the group of Architecture and Engineering
students to detail and specify their vision of a viable
starter home for the UK market, which not only met
the 2016 ‘zero carbon’ challenge but also met the
needs of a couple moving in to their first home that
was capable of supporting a growing family.
We helped review and detail the specification, using
products and solutions from the breadth and depth
of the Saint-Gobain product range. Of modular
construction, the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E was first
assembled in Nottingham, exhibited at EcoBuild in 2010,
returned to Nottingham for final development before
being transported to Madrid to compete in the 2010
Solar Decathlon competition where it was awarded for
its sustainability credentials. After this success it was
returned to Nottingham, adapted for the UK’s climate
and is now permanently sited at the Creative Energy
Homes at Green Close on the University of Nottingham’s
Park Campus.
The UK Housing Market Challenge*
“Research undertaken through industry/academia
partnerships is a vital part of developing sustainable
housing solutions to tackle the key issues of climate
change, fuel poverty and the provision of warm and
affordable housing. It is also vital that we educate the next
generation of professionals with the knowledge to design
and deliver these solutions - something we are doing here
at Nottingham with our own students. We are delighted
to be working in partnership with Saint-Gobain on this
exciting innovative project which is the latest addition
to our Green Close research houses. Not only will the
Nottingham HOUSE act as a research test bed but also
as a teaching and learning facility to inform people about
energy saving and renewable energy technologies.”
Professor Mark Gillott, Chair in Sustainable Building Design
University of Nottingham
The result of the extraordinary journey provides an
exemplar ‘zero carbon’ solution, that is a viable,
repeatable, family home suitable for the UK housing
market of the future.
Saint-Gobain Nottingham H.O.U.S.E
Stacey Temprell Mark Allen
New-Build Sector Director
UK & Ireland
Technical Manager
UK & Ireland
Creative Energy Homes
Green Close University Park,
Nottingham, NG7 2RD.
Design Summary04-05
Modular Construction06
Design Aims07
Design Strategy08-09
Internal Design Strategy08
External Design Strategy09
Industry & Academia10-11
A Saint-Gobain Solution12-13
UK Targets & Standards14-16
Thermal Performance17
The Zero Carbon Hub is delighted to work in conjunction with Saint-Gobain and the University
of Nottingham as we develop the theory and practice to deliver zero carbon homes from 2016.
Government and industry are working closely to overcome the challenges and find practical solutions
on this journey to zero carbon. We are pleased that Saint-Gobain UK and the Hub are helping to
coordinate industry views, find consensus and forge a way forward so the 2016 ambition can be
realised. The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E is a good example of how the Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard
(FEES) can be met cost effectively and provide a viable, repeatable design for low-cost, low-energy
housing for the UK.
Rob Pannell
Zero Carbon Hub
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E:
Design Summary
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E (Home Optimising the Use of
Solar Energy) is a truly family oriented ‘zero-carbon’ house.
It demonstrates how low-energy architecture can be used,
combining both tradition and modernity, to provide a
‘zero carbon’ design solution to provide viable, repeatable,
low cost family homes for the UK’s housing market.
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E is based on the principles of
PassivHaus design, meaning that it requires minimal energy
for space heating. Comprising a heavily insulated building
fabric, making well-considered use of glazing, offering good
daylighting and low summer solar gains.
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E was designed and constructed
by the University of Nottingham team for a small ‘starter’
family. In addition, it provides interesting and useful spaces
 encourage and support family life. The Nottingham
H.O.U.S.E has a total floor area of just 80m2, but through
an effective open plan layout and use of double height space
in the central family area, creates an unexpected sense
of space.
The UK Housing Market Challenge
It has been clear for some time that housing supply
is not keeping up with demand. Reasons for rising
demand include improved life expectancy rates
and a growing number of one-person households.
There are almost 1.8 million households on English
Local Authority housing registers and significant
levels of overcrowding in the private and social
housing stock. Poor housing impacts directly on
residents’ health and educational attainment,
while difficulties in accessing affordable housing
can also limit the
ability of people to move to find
work. The need to increase the supply of housing
and tackle affordability issues is a key housing
policy issue.
The base model
The built
base in
in TAS
the initial of
energy consumption
of energy consumption
Ground floor
was made isGroud
was made
in Figure
is shown
2. in Figure 2.
First Floor
dimensions (mm)
floor dimensions
Ground floor
04. Ground
D1 m 935x2055 m
D1 935x2055
D2 m 935x2055 m
D2 935x2055
First floor
dimensions (mm)
First floor dimensions
First floor dimensions
W6 mm
1550x1260 mm
W6 1550x1260
W7 m760x1260 m
W7 760x1260
Space Area (m2)
Passages (GF)
Stair (GF)
Toilet (GF)
Utility area
Utility area
Entrance foyer
Bedroom 1
Cut-out (dining)
Bedroom 2
Passages (FF)
Stair (FF)
Toilet (FF)
The intention of the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E was to provide high-density urban living by using a design that can be used
as part of a terrace (continuous row), as courtyard housing, or as semi-detached housing. The L-Shaped plan creates a
private courtyard within the footprint and can be joined to other houses on two of its sides.
*Images provided by the University of Nottingham.
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E:
Modular Construction
A prefabricated modular construction scheme was employed to enable an efficient and controlled construction process.
Modular panel design means that the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E is essentially split into 8 parts. Timber framed panels externally
clad with insulation provide a thermal
bridge free construction which is needed to achieve such low energy performance.
The nature of the construction means that the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E can be entirely pre-fabricated and erected very quickly
once on-site, but by using panelised construction it also allows an option of a more traditional site based approach.
“The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E: Built From 8 Fully Pre-Fabricated Modules
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
SDE 2010 - UoN Team - The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E - Deliverable # 5 – 02.06.2010 – Version 2202
SDE 2010 - UoN Team - The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E - Deliverable # 5 – 02.06.2010 – Version 2201
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
SDE 2010 - UoN Team - The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E - Deliverable # 5 – 02.06.2010 – Version 2202
SDE 2010 - UoN Team - The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E - Deliverable # 5 – 02.06.2010 – Version 2201
SDE 2010 - UoN Team - The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E - Deliverable # 5 – 02.06.2010 – Version 2204
SDE 2010 - UoN Team - The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E - Deliverable # 5 – 02.06.2010 – Version 2203
SDE 2010 - UoN Team - The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E - Deliverable # 5 – 02.06.2010 – Version 2203
SDE 2010 - UoN Team - The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E - Deliverable # 5 – 02.06.2010 – Version 2204
Design Aims
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E:
Design Aims
Passive environmental design strategies were incorporated into the design to provide a comfortable environment. The building
envelope is heavily insulated and the use of glazing is controlled to offer good daylight, to reduce summer gains and to maximize
winter gains. The PV array system on the roof provides electricity for the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E. The Mechanical ventilation & heat
recovery system is used for ventilation, heating, and cooling when passive stack methods are inappropriate. The design aims of the
Nottingham H.O.U.S.E were to provide the following:
Minimisation of thermal bridging to
increase the thermal performance of
the building envelope.
Heating through the ventilation
air to maintain a high level of
thermal comfort.
High levels of insulation to provide
improved occupier comfort.
Heat recovery from
ventilation exhaust air.
Improved indoor
air quality (IAQ).
High standard of
air-tightness to
provide improved
occupier comfort.
Optimisation of
passive solar gain.
Minimisation of energy consumption
to provide a low-energy home with
low running costs.
Solar shading to
mitigate instances of
overheating in summer.
Internal & External
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E:
Design Strategy
Internal Design Strategy
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E was designed on the architectural premise that a family home should be acoustically and visibly
permeable in its communal areas to encourage and aid family life. The circulation areas were designed as interesting and useful
spaces rather than just a link from one space to another; for example these spaces are big enough to use as a place for children’s
play or other activities
The design also concentrated on making the most of the small overall footprint of the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E. Part of this space
strategy was making links across both storeys; creating an open plan ground floor with some double height spaces and private
rooms above. This was tied in to the environmental strategy which uses the void above the dining area for stack ventilation to keep
the house fresh in summer. This void also provides a visual and acoustic link between the communal areas of the house – this is
reinforced by the application of colour in a vertical band of Ecophon acoustic absorption panels to visually link the spaces and
to ensure the acoustic link is useful rather than transferring unwanted noise.
To make a small footprint bigger and maximise usable space, the design concentrated on integrating storage into the walls
and using fixed furniture.
Internal & External
External Design Strategy
Whilst the internal strategies concentrate on providing a beautiful and efficient family space, the external design is influenced
strongly by the sustainable strategies. The main entrance is on the North façade which has a limited amount of glazing,
but enough to ensure an active street frontage, which is critical in developing safe communities. An application of the prototype
on a site in Nottingham showed that recommended densities could be achieved while still maintaining optimal orientation and
respecting the existing street pattern.
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E is clad externally in radiata pine from Chile (PEFC Certified) and then processed to produce
‘Thermowood’. The house provides a beautiful and cost effective option that is appropriate to a number of contexts. The nature
of the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E design means that other more traditional external treatments such as brick, render etc. can easily
be used instead.
The design of the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E is different in that part of its architectural footprint has been given over to a semiconditioned South-facing courtyard which can either be shared with a neighbour’s courtyard or enclosed by the next house,
making the design more attractive to home-buyers.
Industry & Academia
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E
An Industry/Academia Partnership
Saint-Gobain Research & Innovation
Research and innovation are critical factors in Saint-Gobain’s sustainable habitat and construction strategy, as well as a key
component of our competitive edge. The group has consistently increased its R&D budget for several years and has signed
partnership agreements with internationally recognised organisations and universities.
Collaboration between industry and the academic world is becoming increasingly beneficial. The main benefit for companies from
this cooperation is the access to latest research and innovative new methodologies. For Universities, companies offer business
insights and to the students can contribute proven methodologies and industry expertise.
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E. Collaborative Project
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E. was originally designed by Rachel
Hibbert, Ben Hopkins and Chris Dalton, through a diploma
*The Solar Decathlon Europe is an international
studio at the University of Nottingham’s Department of the
competition that challenges architectural student teams
Built Environment. Groups of 5th year and Masters students
to design and build houses powered exclusively by the
of architecture were asked to produce designs for a Zero Carbon
sun. The winner of the competition is the team able
house which could compete in the Solar Decathlon Europe
to score the most points in 10 contests. A 45-strong
competition*, but that could also form part of a sustainable
team of students from The University of Nottingham
master plan in a deprived area of Nottingham. Once the winning
represented Britain in the first ever Solar Decathlon
proposal had been selected, all of the students came together
Europe, which took place in Madrid, Spain in June
to refine the design, aided by Saint-Gobain for technical advice
2010, to compete against 18 universities from across
on products and solutions from our extensive portfolio** that
the World.
would meet the ethos of sustainability, innovation and economy.
Once the design had been detailed and progressed, a group of
thirty second-year architecture students and fifteen third-year MEng students were enlisted to help build the H.O.U.S.E and create
the prototype that is situated at the University of Nottingham’s Creative Energy Homes park today.
Industry & Academia
** Saint-Gobain UK & Ireland comprises some of the best known and trusted brands in the Construction industry.
We are known for our expertise, technical know-how and innovation. Our products offer acoustic and thermal insulation
products, pipes, industrial and construction mortars and other interior and exterior building solutions that deliver a wide
range of benefits including energy saving, acoustic performance and thermal efficiency. Our businesses also include those that
manufacture, distribute and install glass and glazing products, high performing plastics, ceramics and abrasives. When placed
together our products provide an unrivalled and unique offer to the construction market.
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E. project gave Architecture and Engineering students from the University of Nottingham, an opportunity
to prototype an architecture solution for the real world problems of climate change, fuel poverty, comfort and energy efficiency,
using real world solutions from the portfolio of Saint-Gobain.
Such projects help to train the next generation of architects and engineers through live projects supported by industry, meaning
the students gain industry experience in addition to their University education, providing invaluable preparation for the real world
upon graduation. Tackling the substantial problem of reducing energy usage in the built environment will take further collaboration.
Often, industry has the solutions, such as in the solutions from Saint-Gobain but it is imperative that tomorrow’s designers, installers
and engineers are trained in their proper an efficient use.
University of Nottingham HOUSE team: Mark Gillott, Lucelia Rodrigues, Brian Ford, Robin Wilson, Guillermo Guzman, Michael
Stacey, John Ramsay, Mike Siebert, Dave Oliver, Lyn Shaw, Ben Hopkins, Chris Dalton, Rachael Hibbert, Year 2 BArch & Year 3 MEng
Undergraduate Studio and MSc/MArch students.
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E:
A Saint-Gobain Solution
As Saint-Gobain, we are known for our expertise, technical know-how and innovation. Our UK and Ireland Construction Products
and Innovative Materials sectors comprise some of the best known and trusted brands in the Construction industry. Our products
offer acoustic and thermal insulation products, pipes, industrial and construction mortars and other interior and exterior building
solutions that deliver a wide range of benefits including energy saving, acoustic performance and thermal efficiency. Our businesses
also include those that manufacture, distribute and install glass and glazing products, high performing plastics, ceramics
and abrasives. When placed together our products provide an unrivalled and unique offer to the construction market. In order
to achieve its remarkable performance, the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E. used products and systems from the Saint-Gobain portfolio.
The products and systems chosen for the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E where chosen with regards to minimising total energy consumption
and maintaining an inexpensive structural scheme.
1. British Gypsum – Rigidur H with ACTIVair Technology
High performance impact resistant gypsum fibre board that gives high levels of sound insulation, Class
A2 and Class 0 reaction to fire performance and excellent fixing strength. Offering superior mechanical
strength, dimensional stability and environmental benefits, Rigidur H is a gypsum fibre board, manufactured
from recycled paper fibre. It has been developed for high traffic applications and to meet the specialist
requirements of modern methods of construction, including off-site
manufacturing. The 100% recyclable board is also available in bespoke
sizes for improved productivity and reduced jointing.
2. Ecophon – Ecophon Akusto™ Wall Panels
Ecophon Akusto™ Wall Panels, can be hung vertically or
horizontally, available in two edge details with a wide
range of colours and surfaces and the possibility to
digitally print your own design. There is a choice
of profiles to compliment the wall panels
which are manufactured from high density
glass wool.
3. Isover – Vario Membrane
A high performance membrane unique
in providing excellent levels of airtightness
with unparalleled protection against moisture.
Improves the energy efficiency of the building
by reducing heat loss through the building
envelope to a tenth of that of a conventional
house. Vario also improves thermal comfort
by protecting against leaky cracks and
joints which invariably cause uncomfortable
draughts. Vario is ideal for use in low energy
and Passivhaus constructions and buildings
with mechanical ventilation
and heat recovery systems.
Neff Appliances
Designed to make life easier, Neff appliances make the
perfect kitchen partner. Innovative features such as
the unique Neff ‘Slide & Hide’ oven door demonstrate
Neff’s attention to great design. For more information
Sonnenkraft® offer a wide range of optimum solutions
to exploit solar energy. Whether the need is for
heat, hot water or electrical power, Sonnenkraft®
can accommodate your needs in the right system
configuration. For more information visit
Isover Frame Façade Slab
A low lambda rigid glass mineral wool slab providing a continuous layer of insulation around timber
frame constructions, reducing cold bridging through the frame enabling U-values down to zero carbon
levels. The weatherproof, breathable facing protects the construction and negates the need for an
additional breather membrane. The product features tongue and groove vertical joints to aid installation
and minimise air gaps and has a full range of accessories available including wall-ties, spacers and
sealing tape.
4. International Timber – Thermowood® Radiata Pine External Cladding
Thermowood® is produced from the finest quality Radiata Pine sourced from Chile, which is virtually clear
of knots. It comes with PEFC certification and a fully independent audited energy and carbon trial which
gives the product carbon neutral certification. The thermal process enhances the physical properties of
timber improving durability to class 2 (BS EN 350) and provides a
superior finish with a beautiful, lustrous dark brown appearance.
5. Pasquill – Engineered Timber Cassettes
Panelised roof systems can play a key role for house building in
these times of increasing energy performance standards, thanks
to a number of their attributes. These roof and spandrel panels
produced factory conditions, combined with optional floor
cassettes can create a co-ordinated house kit for a complete
solution. Once installed, the systems are weather-tight in hours,
and tile-ready in one day, plus they offer reduced air leakage and
thermal bridging. Pasquill ‘PasRoof’ pre-insulated panelised roof
solution achieves a U value of 0.16W/m2K, upgradable to 0.12W/
m2K with the addition of British Gypsum’s Thermal Laminates.
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E:
UK Targets & Standards
The UK government is committed to sustainable growth and the green agenda. This is demonstrated through various legally binding
targets and standards, from which the Climate Change Act 2008 (CCA) is considered one of the most important. The Act mandates
an 80% reduction in CO2 from the 1990 levels, which are used as a baseline, by 2050. The Zero Carbon Buildings policy forms
part of Government’s wider strategy to achieving the CCA target, while at the same time assists in tackling other important issues
including energy security and fuel poverty.
Zero Carbon Policy
The policy, as set out today, requires all new homes from 2016
to mitigate, through various measures, all the carbon emissions
produced on-site as a result of the regulated energy use. This
includes energy used to provide space heating and cooling, hot
water and fixed lighting, as outlined in Part L1A of the Building
Regulations. Emissions resulting from cooking and ‘plug-in’
appliances such as computers and televisions are not being
addressed as part of this policy.
This policy is well aligned with European Policy, specifically the
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (recast) which requires
all new buildings to be nearly Zero Energy Buildings from 2020
(nZEB), as described in Article 2 of the EPBD.
There are three core requirements which must all be met for
a home to qualify as zero carbon:
There are three core requirements which must all be met for
a home to qualify as zero carbon:
1. The fabric performance must, at a minimum, comply with the defined standard known as the Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard
(FEES) and
2. Any CO2 emissions that remain after consideration of heating, cooling, fixed lighting and ventilation, must be less than or equal
to the Carbon Compliance limit established for zero carbon homes, and
3. Any remaining CO2 emissions, from regulated energy sources (after requirements 1 and 2 have been met), must be reduced
to zero.
Requirement 3 may be met by either deliberately ‘over performing’ on requirements 1 and 2 so that there are no remaining
emissions, or by investing in Allowable Solutions.
Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard (FEES)
The Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard (FEES) is the proposed maximum space heating and cooling energy demand for zero carbon
homes. This is the amount of energy which would normally be needed to maintain comfortable internal temperatures and in
a dwelling this can be influenced by:
Building fabric U-values
Thermal bridging
Air permeability
Thermal mass
External heat gain (solar)
Internal heat gains such as metabolic activity or as a by-product of services
FEES should ensure that a good minimum standard of building fabric (the longest-lasting part of a home) will be embedded
in all new homes. It is measured in kWh/m2yr and is therefore not affected by carbon emission factors for different fuel types.
The Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard allows flexibility in design approach, and can be achieved in a variety of ways and with
combinations of different materials or product specifications.
FEES Recommended Levels
For the majority of homes, levels of 39 and 46kWh/m2/year are proposed:
• 39kWh/m2/year for apartment blocks and mid-terrace homes.
• 46kWh/m2/year for end terrace, semi-detached and detached homes.
Carbon Compliance
The Carbon Compliance limit is the maximum permitted amount of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases expressed as equivalents)
arising from a home’s heating, cooling, hot water use, fixed lighting and ventilation systems.
This can be achieved by:
• Ensuring an energy efficient approach to building design.
• Reducing CO2 emissions on-site through low and zero carbon technologies.
The Carbon Compliance Limit is expressed in kgCO2(eq)/m2/year to provide a clear link with Government’s carbon reduction strategy,
and it can be met by use of a wide range of heating/fuel types.
Recommended Carbon Compliance Levels
Extensive work on Carbon Compliance was carried out in 2010 by The Zero Carbon Hub’s Task and Working Groups, comprising
members from the house building and supply industries, related trade associations, consumer representatives and bodies with
a specific interest in environmental objectives. Proposals for Carbon Compliance levels were published in 2011 and represent
a challenging but deliverable national minimum standard. Recommended levels are:
• 10 kg CO2(eq)/m2/year for detached houses.
• 11 kg CO2(eq)/m2/year for attached houses.
• 14 kg CO2(eq)/m2/year for low rise apartment blocks (up to 4 storeys)
Allowable Solutions
Allowable solutions are part of the Government’s strategy for the delivery of mainstream zero carbon new homes from 2016.
Through the mechanism of Allowable Solutions, the carbon emissions which can’t be cost-effectively off-set on-site, after Carbon
Compliance has been achieved, will be tackled though nearby or remote measures. The specific framework under which Allowable
Solutions will operate has not yet been defined.
The Nottingham H.O.U.S.E:
Thermal Performance
From the SAP calculations performed, the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E achieves 36kWh/m2/yr for the fabric alone. This gives an EPC rating
of B. This represents a 46% reduction in CO2 emissions when compared with the requirements of Part L 2010 Building Regulations.
This means the building fabric exceeds the fabric standards required under FEES for even an apartment block.
However, as the services to the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E are electric, these are penalised under SAP as the Carbon Compliance aspect
of FESS gives a CO2 rating above the regulatory requirement. Therefore, when PV generation is added to the SAP calculation the
energy usage is 0.4kWh/m2/yr and the CO2 rating is within regulatory parameters. This gives an EPC rating of A. This represents
a 97.6% reduction in CO2 emissions when compared with the requirements of Part L 2010 Building Regulations.
A typical FEES standard thermal bridge value is set at 0.05W/m2/k (y-value), however with the good practice principles and detailing
employed on the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E to contribute towards the SAP ratings, the y-value achieved was 0.02W/m2/k.
Saint-Gobain Specification Details
Corner External Wall Details: In Plan
• The specification detail is designed to
deliver superior airtightness and removes air
permeability that can degrade the u-value.
• Vertical 18mm T&G Thermowood fixed to
horizontal 18x44 P.S.E hardwood battens
at 400 centres on 18 x44mm hardwood
vertical battens fixed to the structure at 600
centres through 50mm Isover RKL Façade
rigid insulation (External breather membrane
attached) taped at joints to ensure the
integrity of a wind barrier on 9mm sheathing
ply (Could be replaced with OSB for racking
• Internal 245 I-joists in-filled with Isover MultiMax 30 mineral fibre insulation, with Isover
Vario membrane, British Gypsum Rigidur
(with ActivAir) to provide inertia in the design
and reduce overheating.
• Overall U-value 1.0
Saint-Gobain Specification Details
Window to Wall Detail: In Plan
• All of the timber cassette panels are linked together with hot
rolled mild steel angles 75x75x8mm (Rolled to EN10025, 2004,
Part2), fixed with 5x50mm zinc coated steel screws at minimum
of 300mm centres.
• The ground floor of Modules 1 & 4 have additional racking
stiffness to resist wind loads in the form of 4 mild steel flats
that (Rolled to EN10025, 2004, Part2) with full strength welds
forming a steel vierendeel frame, fixed with 5x50mm zinc
coated steel screws at minimum of 200mm centres. All hot
rolled mild sections are within the thermal envelope and are
therefore primed with oil base red oxide metal primer.
• 50mm Isover RKL Façade rigid insulation is used to reduce the
overall frame width and to improve thermal efficiency. The
insulation is placed in front of the window frame. This reduces
the thermal bridging of the window frame.
Saint-Gobain Specification Details
Ground Floor Foundation Raft Detail: Section
• Roof is Sarnafil G410-EL PVC 1.2mm thick membrane (In
accordance with EN 13956 - loose laid and ballasted with concrete
paving slabs). Thermal protection of the roof construction provided
by 50mm Isover Roofline P35 Insulation on 18mm WBP ply fixed to
195mm timber I-joists fully filled with Isover Multi-Max 30 mineral
fibre insulation. Overall U-value 0.13W/m2K.
• Moisture Protection of the roof is provided by a fully taped Isover
Vario KM Duplex breather membrane above a 12.5mm British
Gypsum Rigidur lining. Protection from rain is provided by the
single ply membrane noted above.
• Thermal protection of the floor construction is provided by 245mm
timber I-joists fully filled with Isover Multi-Max 30 mineral fibre
insulation on WBP 9mm ply sheathing with Glydvale TF 200 10mm
thermal break on bearing grid. Overall U-value 0.10W/m2K.
• Moisture Protection of the floors is provided by a fully taped Isover
Vario KM duplex breather membrane over WBP 18mm ply, below
the floating bamboo floor finish.
Nottingham H.O.U.S.E: Overall Thermal and Building Comfort
According to modelling the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E in both SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) and PHPP (Passivhaus Planning
Package) the building would stay below the 25oC threshold in the peak of summer, due to its thermal design, orientation, window
design and use of solar shading. The specification and construction of the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E provides the benefits of thermal
mass but in the form of lightweight construction. This reduces the requirement for excessive operation of mechanical ventilation.
To also ensure that thermal comfort is achieved, the MVHR system is reliant on the control of in-filtration and ex-filtration of air.
This was achieved of achieving an air-tightness performance of >3m2/m2.h@50pa. The air-tightness performance, combined
with HEPA-filter technology ensures the indoor air quality (IAQ) in which ever locality the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E type would be
constructed. An additional benefit to improved air-tightness as achieved with the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E, is the removal of unwanted
draughts around ankles, lower back and neck, which are perceived by the human body to be cold, thereby increasing the necessity
of higher indoor air temperatures than the 20oC typically found in the Nottingham H.O.U.S.E.
Issue Number: 1
Issue Date: June 2014
Saint-Gobain House
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Coventry CV3 2TT
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Every care has been taken to ensure that the contents
of this publication are accurate but Saint-Gobain Limited
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Copyright © 2014 Saint-Gobain.