HDI # -Voltage Drop

Watch Hewitt-Drew-it! Voltage Drop #92 and complete #1 through #11 below
1. The voltages across each of the bulbs shown in the figure below is called a
_________ drop.
2. Using Ohm’s Law, it can be determined that the current in the circuit is
_______ A because the current is found by taking the voltage across the two
bulbs, _______ V and dividing by the total resistance, _______ Ω .
3. The one amp of current determined above flows through _______ bulb.
4. The voltage impressed across each bulb can be found using ________ Law
solved for V. That is, V = _________ × __________. The voltage drop across
the 2 Ω bulb is therefore ______ × ______=_____V and the voltage drop
across the 4 Ω bulb is therefore ______ × ______=______V.
5. The sum of the voltage drops across the two bulbs equals the ______ supplied
by the battery or ______ V.
6. If the voltage of the battery in the circuit were doubled and the bulbs were as
is, the new current would __________ ,the voltage drops across the 2 Ω and 4
Ω bulbs would each ________ , and the sum of the voltage drops would equal
7. Consider the circuit shown below which has three identical bulbs in series and a
6 V battery. Since there is _____ current in the bulbs, the voltage drop across
the three bulbs is also _______.
8. When the switch is closed, the sum of the voltage drops across the three bulbs
is _________ ,the voltage drop across the bulb on the left is ________ and
the voltage drop from c to d is ___________. If a voltmeter were placed
across the two bulbs on the right it would read __________.
9. The voltage drop across points f and e when the switch is closed is ________
because the resistance between these two points is practically ________. The
voltage drop between a and b is also _______. For circuits, we assume _______
resistance for the wires that connect the bulbs.
10. If more bulbs were connected in series, the resistance of the circuit would
_________ and the current would __________. Less current supplied by the
battery means _______ power consumption, which means the battery will last
for a ________ time.
11. In a multi-bulb series circuit, how does the sum of the individual voltage drops
compare with the voltage of the battery?