Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – II EC6211 Circuits and Devices Laboratory Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment 1. BC 107, BC 148,2N2646,BFW10 25 2. 1N4007, Zener diodes 25 3. Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors - 50 4. Bread Boards 15 5. CRO (30MHz). 10 6. Function Generators (3MHz) 10 7. Dual Regulated Power Supplies ( 0 – 30V) 10 1 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – III EC6311 ANALOG AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. 1 Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment CRO (30MHz) 15 2 Signal Generator /Function Generators (3 MHz) 15 3 Dual Regulated Power Supplies ( 0 – 30V) 15 4 Standalone desktop PCs with SPICE software 15 5 Transistor/FET (BJT-NPN-PNP and NMOS/PMOS) 50 6 Dual power supply/ single mode power supply 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 IC Trainer Kit 15 Bread Boards 15 Computer with HDL software 15 Seven segment display 15 15 Multimeter ICs 7400/ 7402 / 7404 / 7486 / 7408 / 7432 / 7483 / 74150 / 74151 / 74147 / 7445 / 7476/7491/ 555 / 7494 / 7447 / 74180 / 7485 / 7473 / 74138 / 7411 / 7474 50 2 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information and Communication Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – III EC6312 OOPS AND DATA STRUCTURES LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. 1 2 Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment Standalone desktops (or) Server supporting 30 C++ compiler 30 3 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – IV EC6411 CIRCUITS AND SIMULATION INTEGRATED LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. 1 Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment CRO (Min 30MHz) 15 2 Signal Generator /Function Generators (2 MHz) 15 3 Dual Regulated Power Supplies ( 0 – 30V) 15 4 Digital Multimeter 15 5 Digital LCR Meter 2 6 Standalone desktops PC 15 7 Transistor/FET (BJT-NPN-PNP and NMOS/PMOS) 50 8 Transistors, Resistors, Capacitors, diodes, Bread Boards, Transformers 50 9 SPICE Circuit Simulation Software (any public domain or commercial software) 15 4 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – IV EC6412 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. 1 Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment CRO (Min 30MHz) 15 2 Signal Generator /Function Generators (2 MHz) 15 3 Dual Regulated Power Supplies ( 0 – 30V) 15 4 Digital Multimeter 15 5 IC tester 5 6 Standalone desktops PC 15 7 8 SPICE Circuit Simulation Software Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) 15 Transistors, Resistors, Capacitors, diodes, Zener diodes, Bread Boards, Transformers, wires, Power transistors, Potentiometer, A/D and D/A convertors, LEDs 50 Note: Op-Amps uA741, LM 301, LM311, LM 324, LM317, LM723, 7805, 7812, 2N3524, 2N3525, 2N3391, AD 633, LM 555, and LM 565 may be used. 5 Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – IV EE6461 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND CONTROL SYSTEM LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. 1 2 Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment DC Shunt Motor with Loading Arrangement 2 3HP,220V,14A,750RPM,0.6A(Shunt field) 1 DC Shunt Motor Coupled With Three phase Alternator 3 DC Shunt Motor - kW: 5.2 / volts: 220 / Amps: 27.5/ Speed: 1500 RPM/ Field current: 0.9A 1 4 Three phase Alternator - kVA: 7.5/ volts: 415/ Amps: 10.4 Speed: 1500 RPM/ Field current: 2A. 1 5 Single Phase Transformer; 2 KVA,230/110-166 V 1 6 Three Phase Arrangement Induction Motor with Loading 1 (3.7KW,415v,7.5A,1430 RPM) 7 Single Phase Arrangement Induction Motor with Loading 1 (230V,5HP,17A) 9 Tachometer –Digital/Analog 8 10 Single Phase Auto Transformer;(0-270)V 2 11 Three Phase Auto Transformer;(0-270)V 1 12 MC Voltmeter-(0-300/600)V 5 6 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) 13 MC Ammeter (0-10/20)A 5 14 MC Ammeter (0-2/1)A 4 15 MI Voltmeter (0-300/600)V 5 16 MI Ammeter (0-10/20)A 6 17 MI Ammeter (0-1/2)A 4 18 UPF Wattmeter (300/600V,10/20A) 4 19 LPF Wattmeter (300/600V,10/20A) 4 20 Single Phase Resistive Loading Bank(10KW) 2 21 Three Phase Resistive Loading Bank(10KW) 2 22 SPST switch 2 23 Fuse various ranges As per the requirement 24 Wires As per the requirement 25 Rheostats(100Ω,1A;250Ω,1.5A;75Ω,16A,1000Ω,1A) 26 Computers with MATLAB or equivalent Software 7 Each 2 30 Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – V EC6511 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment 1 PCs with Fixed / Floating point DSP Processors (Kit / Add-on Cards) 15 2 MATLAB with Simulink and Signal Processing Tool Box or Equivalent Software in desktop systems 15 3 Signal Generators (1MHz) 15 4 CRO (20MHz) 15 8 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – V EC6512 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students (3 STUDENTS PER EXPERIMENT): Sl. No. Description of Equipment Quantity required (R) 1 Kits for Signal Sampling, TDM, AM, FM, PCM, DM and Line Coding Schemes 10 CROs 15 3 MATLAB / SCILAB or equivalent software package for simulation experiments 10 4 PCs 10 2 9 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – V EC6513 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment 8086 Microprocessor trainer kit with power supply 15 8051 Microcontroller trainer kit with power supply 15 3 Traffic light control Interfacing card compatible with 8086 & 8051 Trainers 5 4 Stepper motor control Interfacing compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits 5 5 Digital Clock Interfacing board compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits 5 6 Keyboard & Display Interface board compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits 5 7 Printer Interfacing card compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits 5 8 A/D and D/A Interfacing card compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits 5 9 Serial and Parallel Interfacing card compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits 5 1 2 10 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – VI EC6611 COMPUTER NETWORKS LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment 1 C / C++ / Java / Equivalent Compiler 30 2 Network simulator like NS2/ NS3 / Glomosim /OPNET/ Equivalent 30 3 Standalone desktops 30 11 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – VI EC6612 VLSI DESIGN LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students Sl. No. Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment 1 Xilinx or Altera FPGA 2 Cadence/MAGMA/Tanner or equivalent software package 3 PCs 10 10 User License 10 12 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – VII EC6711 EMBEDDED LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students (3 students per batch) Sl. No. Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment 1 Embedded trainer kits with ARM board 10 2 Embedded trainer kits suitable for wireless communication 10 3 Adequate quantities of Hardware, software and consumables 13 Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (R 2013) Semester – VII EC6712 OPTICAL AND MICROWAVE LABORATORY Requirements for a batch of 30 students (3 students per batch) Sl. No. Quantity required (R) Description of Equipment Quantity available (A) Deficiency (R - A) Trainer kit for carrying out LED and PIN 2 diode characteristics, Digital multi meter, optical power meter 2 Trainer kit for determining the mode 2 characteristics, losses in optical fiber Trainer kit for analyzing Analog and Digital link performance, 2 Mbps PRBS 2 Data source, 10 MHz 3 signal generator, 20 MHz Digital storage Oscilloscope Kit for measuring Numerical aperture 2 4 and Attenuation of fiber 5 MM/SM Glass and plastic fiber patch 2 Set chords with ST/SC/E2000 connectors LEDs with ST / SC / E2000 receptacles 2 Set 6 – 650 / 850 nm PiN PDs with ST / SC / E2000 2 Set 7 receptacles – 650 / 850 nm Microwave test Bench at X band to 8 2 determine Directional coupler characteristics Microwave test Bench at X band and Antenna turn table to measure Radiation 2 9 pattern of Horn antenna, 2 Horn antennas Microwave test Bench at X band to determine VSWR for Isolator and 2 10 Circulator, VSWR meter, Isolator, Circulator, E Plane Tee, H plane Tee Microwave test Bench at X band, 2 11 Variable attenuator, Detector and 20 MHz Digital / Analog Oscilloscope Note: Microwave test bench comprises of Reflex klystron or Gunn diode with power supply, Gunn oscillator, PIN modulator, Isolator, Fixed and Variable Attenuator, frequency meter, Slotted section, Wave guides, detector with mount, Termination, Movable short, Slide screw tuner, Horn antenna, Directional coupler and 20 MHz Digital / Analog Oscilloscope 1 14