Special Provisions File

DP 11410
STRUCTURE NO. 0806-151, M.P. 6.30
C.E. NO 2621584
The Contract is authorized by the provisions of Title 27 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey and supplements thereto,
and Title 23 of the United States Code - Highways.
The 2007 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, of the New Jersey Department of Transportation as
amended herein will govern the construction of this Project and the execution of the Contract.
These Special Provisions consist of the following:
Pages 1 to 120 inclusive.
State wage rates may be obtained from the New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development (Telephone:
609-292-2259) or by accessing the Department of Labor & Workforce Development’s web site at
http://lwd.dol.state.nj.us/labor/wagehour/wagehour_index.html The State wage rates in effect at the time of award
are part of this Contract, pursuant to Chapter 150, Laws of 1963 (NJSA 34:11-56.25, et seq.).
If an employee of the Contractor or subcontractor has been paid a rate of wages less than the prevailing wage, the
Department may suspend the Work, and declare the Contractor in default.
The following Wholly State funded project Attachments that are located at the end of these Special Provisions:"
State of New Jersey Equal Employment Opportunity Special Provisions for Construction Contracts Funded by
Wholly or partially State Funds.
Payroll Requirements for 100 Percent State Projects.
Americans with Disabilities Act for 100 Percent State Funded Contracts.
Small Business Enterprise Utilization Attachment for 100% State Funded Contracts.
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101.03 TERMS
MBEG: The Department’s Movable Bridge Engineering Group.
1. Before Award of Contract.
Submit inquiries and/or view other questions/answers by following the format prescribed on the project’s
electronic bidding web page.
The deadline for submitting inquiries is 12:00 noon, 7 days before the opening of bids.
2. After Award of Contract.
Submit inquiries to RE through the Bureau of Bridge Maintenance Engineering and Operations, at the below listed
Mr. Ahmad Ghorbani, Manager
Bureau of Bridge Maintenance Engineering and Operations
1035 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey 08625
Telephone: 609.530.3708
The Bidder shall not alter or in any way change the software.
The Bidder shall acknowledge all addenda posted through the Department’s website. The addenda acknowledgement
folder is included in the Department’s electronic bidding file. The Department has the right to reject the bid if the Bidder
has not acknowledged all addenda posted.
The existing structure within the project is:
Str. No.
Route 44 Over Mantua Creek
Paulsboro Borough
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104.03.04 Contractual Notice
Immediately provide written notice to the RE of a circumstance that is believed to be a change to the Contract. If notice
is not provided on Contractual Notice (Form DC-161), include the following in the initial written notice:
A statement that this is a notice of a change.
The date when the circumstances believed to be a change were discovered.
A detailed and specific statement describing the nature and circumstances of the change.
If the change will or could affect costs to the Department.
If the change will or could affect Contract Time as specified in 108.11.01.C.
In addition to the hard copy of the notice, email the notice to the RE. It is not necessary to attach listed documents to the
104.03.09 Delay Damages
Non-Productive Activity.
e. Equipment.
If as the result of the delay, equipment cannot be used for any active work, and is directed by the RE to
remain on the work site during the delay, the Department will make payment as specified in
Ensure that working drawing submissions also conform to the Department design manuals and other Department
standards for the proposed work. Ensure that working drawings are signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer. After
Award, the Department will provide additional formatting information, the number of copies required, and the address of
the receiving designated design unit.
105.07.01 Working in the Vicinity of Utilities
Initial Notice.
Structure No. 0806-151 Route 44 Over Mantua Creek
Atlantic City Electric
Melvin Gregory
428 Ellis Street
Glassboro, NJ 08028
(856) 863-7913
Water and Sewer
Paulsboro Borough
John Daly
1211 Delaware Street
Paulsboro, NJ 08066
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Cable TV:
(856) 423-1500
c/o Thomas Reber, Engineer
10 Tansboro Rd, Fl #2
Berlin, NJ 08009
(856) 753-0795
Adriana Keith
676 Island Pond Road
Manchester, NH 03109
Route 44
Locating Existing Facilities.
Bureau of Traffic Operations, South Region (TOCS)
1 Executive Campus-Route 70 West
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002-4106
Telephone: 856-486-6650
Bureau of Electrical Maintenance, South Region
One Executive Campus Route 70 West
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002-4106
Telephone: 856-486-6627
Bureau of Transportation Data Development
PO Box 600
Trenton, NJ 08625
Bureau of Maintenance Engineering & Support - Electrical Section
PO Box 600
Trenton, NJ 08625
105.07.02 Work Performed by Utilities
Company Name & Address
676 Island Pond Road
Manchester, NH 03109
Contact Person
Adriana Keith
Number of Day/s Advance Notice
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The Contractor selected for this project, or his Mechanical and Electrical Subcontractor, must demonstrate a successful
track record of mechanical and electrical work on movable bridges, with at least three (3) similar projects involving a
vertical lift bridge.
The Contractor or Mechanical and Electrical Subcontractors must be prequalified under the work type classification code
#41 (Movable Bridge Installations). The prequalification documents must be submitted for the RE’s approval prior to
the commencement of any work. The Contractor’s, or Mechanical and Electrical Subcontractor’s, work type
classification must be in effect for the entire duration of the project.
The Contractor will provide adequate plant, material, and personnel for proper execution of the work. The work to be
managed in a professional manner and in compliance with all applicable safety regulations. Contractor’s superintendent,
who is fully authorized to act on behalf of the Contractor, must be continuously present at the site during the work. The
Contractor will be responsible for repairs of all damage to the bridge, the bridge equipment, and surroundings that result
from the Contractor’s operations.
For steel and iron products incorporated into the Project, provide a certification from the manufacturer stating the
country where the steel or iron product was melted and manufactured including application of coatings which protect or
enhance the value of the material. Ensure that 4 copies of the manufacturer’s certification are provided with each
delivery of steel and iron products. Retain 1 copy and submit 3 copies to the RE. Ensure that the certification includes,
materials description, quantity of material represented by the certification, country of manufacture, and notarized
signature of a person having legal authority to bind the supplier. If a Certification of Compliance as specified in 106.07
contains a statement regarding the country of manufacture, a separate certification is not necessary.
For ITS systems as specified in Section 704, obtain approval of system working drawings including individual
components and Electrical material instead of submitting a materials questionnaire.
No substitution is permitted for the following items:
Monitoring System ICM-NJDOT-2 by Rockwell Automation
Data Logger INSITE-NJDOT-2 by Rockwell Automation
Programmable Logic Controller PLC-5/40E by Allen-Bradley
In-Site Surveillance, Warranty and Part management Programs by Rockwell Automation
Motor Drive, Series 755 by Allen-Bradley.
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107.01.02 Permits, Licenses, And Approvals
Construction Over or Adjacent to Navigable Waters
The Contractor will be required to operate the bridge during construction, as the waterway under the bridge will be open
to navigation during construction. The Contractor is responsible for coordination with the United States Coast Guard
(USGS) for authorized period of closure of the bridge, as described below. Except during the authorized period for
navigation closure, do not impede the normal operation of the bridge.
Coordinate channel navigation with the USCG. Submit a plan and schedule of operation for approval at least 45 days
prior to commencement of work in the waterway. Submit two (2) concurrent copies of such information to the RE and
the USCG. Include a sketch of the waterway; the bridge; the location of any restrictions that will be placed in the
waterway such as barges, anchors, and anchor lines; the location and height above mean high water and detailed
descriptions of any scaffolding, or netting; and a project set of dates and length of time each operation will take. The
schedule should also include the hours of operation and whether or not the equipment will be removed at night. No
deviation from the approved plan and schedule of operation may be made unless the modification has previously been
submitted and approved by the USCG. Comply with all provisions of the Navigation Rules International – Inland,
available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Submit to the RE
a copy of all correspondence between yourself and the USCG.
The construction of falsework, or other obstructions, if required, to be in accordance with plans submitted to and
approved by the District Commander prior to construction of the bridge. Conduct all work so that the free navigation of
the waterway is not unreasonably interfered with and the present navigable depths are not impaired. Give timely notice
(at least 45 days) of any and all events that may affect navigation to the District Commander during construction of the
bridge. Promptly clear the channels through the structure of all obstructions placed therein or caused by the construction
of the bridge to the satisfaction of the District Commander, when in the judgment of the District Commander the
construction work has reached a point where such action should be taken.
The Fifth District USCG office contact information is as follows:
Commander (dpb)
Fifth Coast Guard District
431 Crawford Street
Portsmouth, Virginia 23704-5004
In addition, coordinate with NJDOT maritime police for continued maintenance of the waterway. While the channel is in
operation, all restrictions placed on the waterway to be able to clear the channel within one hour’s notice.
Take positive means to prevent any hot work, debris or construction material from entering the waterway. This includes
sand blasting material, paint and any concrete work by-products. If welding or burning is to take place, some type of
flameproof material to be the upper most protective containment material. All welding and burning to cease upon
approach of a vessel and to not start again until the vessel is past the bridge. Station an observer or observers so as to
have an unimpeded view of both upstream and downstream access to the waterway area thereby assuring that all
workmen can be alerted of a vessel’s approach by appropriate, mechanical means, such as an air horn.
Provide a radiotelephone on floating equipment capable of operation from its main control station as specified in Part 26
Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations and monitor during all periods the floating equipment is on station.
Light all construction equipment (including falsework, buoys, barges, cranes, and any other obstruction in or above the
waterway) placed in the waterway in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Navigation Rules InternationalInland and the Code of Federal Regulations, 33.
Move floating work equipment (barges, etc) out of the navigable channel during darkness after work hours or, upon
approval of the Fifth District Commander, may remain in the channel with appropriate lighting. Do not impair or block
existing bridge navigation lights during periods of darkness or periods of reduced visibility. Notify the Fifth District
USCG at least 45 days in advance of placement of the equipment in the channel. If barges are used and held in place by
anchors orient them so as to minimize reduction of the horizontal clearance. Mark all anchor lines by lighted anchor
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If permanent navigational lighting cannot be maintained operable, install identical, temporary battery or power-operated
lights at the same locations. These temporary lights to be visible for a distance of 2,000 yards on 90 percent of the nights
of the year. Generally, a lamp of 20-foot candles will meet these requirements. The temporary lights to be in place until
the repairs have been completed or permanent navigational lighting has been installed and determined to be operating
satisfactorily. Submit plans for temporary lighting (if used) during periods of construction to the USCG for written
approval. If temporary lights are not installed in the same locations as permanent lights, provide specific information
regarding proposed locations compared to the permanent position. Deviations from the approved temporary lighting to
be permitted only upon written authorization from the RE.
During the progress of work should any material, machinery or equipment be lost, dumped, thrown overboard, or sunk
so as to obstruct, interfere with or hazard navigation, give immediate notice to the USCG and remove the object as soon
as possible. Until removal can be effected, properly mark the obstruction in order to protect navigation. Give a
description and location to the USCG of any such object and the action taken or being taken to protect navigation and of
the action to remove the obstruction.
Spillage of oil and hazardous substances is specifically prohibited by Section 311 of the Clean Water Control, as
amended. Take measures including: (1) proper maintenance of construction equipment, (2) arrangement of
fuel/hazardous substances handling areas so as to ensure that any spills are contained before reaching navigable
waterways or their adjoining shorelines, (3) instructions to personnel not to dispose of hazardous substances into drains
or the navigable waterways directly or onto adjoining shorelines and (4) other procedures to prevent spillage. If in spite
of such planning oil/hazardous substances are spilled into a navigable waterway or adjoining shoreline, notify the USCG
immediately. Retain a supply of an absorbent material so that it may be rapidly deployed to soak up any spillage,
pending Coast Guard arrival on the scene. The use of chemical dispersing agents and emulsifiers is not authorized
without prior, specific, Federal approval.
Upon completion of the bridge work, perform an inspection of the waterway bottom to ensure that all bridge construction
waste materials have been completely removed from the waterway. The USCG will require certification in writing by a
licensed Engineer, licensed Surveyor or responsible official of the Contractor that the waterway has not been impaired
and all construction related debris has been cleared from the same. The USCG recommends that a bar sweep (wire drag)
or side-scan sonar be used as the method of determining that the waterway is cleared of debris. The Contractor’s
certification to include the actual method used to conduct the inspection. Remove any bridge related debris, resulting
from the current or prior work or occurrences, discovered during this survey. Perform channel surveys in accordance
with the requirements of the USCG as many times as required and this work will not be measured for payment. No
payment will be made for surveys required based on the Contractor’s methods of operation.
It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the waterway depths are not affected by his work. If it is suspected that
waterway depths have been impaired or that an obstruction resulting from the work may exist, the Contractor, upon
request of the USCG or ACOE, must provide the necessary equipment and personnel to undertake a survey to determine
the presence of such impairment or obstruction. The cost of this work will be the responsibility of the Contractor.
Remove all instrumentation from the waterway upon termination of its use.
Compliance with the requirements stated herein does not relieve the Contractor of the obligations or responsibility for
compliance with the provisions of any other law or regulation as may be under the jurisdiction of the State of New
Jersey, or any other federal, state or local authority having cognizance of any aspect of the location, construction or
maintenance of said bridge.
Strictly adhere to all time restrictions for the navigational traffic shutdown. It is advised that the USCG may levy
monetary civil penalties for violations of bridge regulations and statutes. If the Contractor fails to comply with any of the
aforementioned requirements and if the Federal Government is required to take action for the protection of navigation,
the Government reserves the right to recover costs for any such action from the Contractor.
For purposes of determining the date of “completion of the contract” pursuant to N.J.S.A. 59:13-5, “completion of the
contract” occurs on the date that the Contractor provides written notice to the Department of Acceptance or conditional
Acceptance of the Proposed Final Certificate or the 30th day after the Department issues the Proposed Final Certificate,
whichever event occurs first.
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The relationship of the Contractor to the State is that of an independent contractor. Conduct business consistent with
such status. Do not hold out or claim to be an officer or employee of the Department by reason hereof. Do not make a
claim, demand, or application to or for the rights or privileges applicable to an officer or employee of the Department,
including, but not limited to, Workers Compensation Insurance, unemployment insurance benefits, social security
coverage, or retirement membership or credit.
107.12.01 Satisfying the Notice Requirements
Upon request, provide the RE with 3 copies of all documentation submitted in support of the claim.
107.12.02 Steps
3. Step III, Claims Committee.
The Claims Committee will not review a claim or combination of claims valued less than $250,000 until after
the receipt of conditional release as specified in 109.11. If the Contract is 75 percent complete or greater as
measured by Contract Time or Total Adjusted Contract Price, the Claims Committee will not review a claim
or combination of claims valued more than $250,000 until after receipt of conditional release as specified in
109.11. If the Claims Committee does not review a claim or combination of claims before Completion, the
Claims Committee will review the claim or combination of claims at a single session of the Claims
Committee after the receipt of the conditional release as specified in 109.11 and all claims have been reviewed
at Steps I and II of the Claims Resolution Process. When reviewing a combination of claims, the Claims
Committee will not review any individual claim valued less than $20,000.
Do not communicate with the news media or issue a news release without obtaining a prior written approval from the
Values and Quantities.
Specialty Items are as listed below:
Monitoring System
Data Logger
Real Time (In-Site) Surveillance, Warranty and Parts Management programs for Movable Bridge
Monitoring System
Electrical Testing
Training and Manuals.
If a partial quantity of work for a unit price Item is subcontracted, the Department will determine the value of
the work subcontracted by multiplying the price of the Item by the quantity of units to be performed by the
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If only a portion of work of an Item is subcontracted, the Department will determine the value of work
subcontracted based on the value of the work subcontracted as indicated in the subcontract agreement and as
shown in a breakdown of cost submitted by the Contractor.
2. Limits and Restrictions.
5. Subcontractors contracted for Specialty Items shall have a minimum of ten (10) years of experience from the
date of the contract awarded, in procurement, configuration, integration, installation, adjustment, programming,
testing and training of the Specialty Item.
Progress schedule as specified in 153.03
2. Visibility Requirements for Workers and Equipment.
Ensure that workers wear a 360° high-visibility retroreflective safety garment meeting ANSI/ISEA Class 3,
Level 2 standards.
108.07.03 Traffic Control Plan (TCP)
Typical Traffic Control Plans and Construction Details will not be provided. The Contractor will submit Traffic Control
Plans prepared in accordance with the 2007 NJDOT Standard Roadway Construction/Traffic Control/Bridge
Construction Details Booklet, for approval by the RE. The Contractor will install approved Traffic Control devices,
when directed by the RE, at no additional cost to the State. The Department will not make payment for the Traffic
Control Plans.
General Note number 25, subheading B, paragraph 3 on sheet TCD-1 of the 2007 NJDOT Standard Roadway
Construction/Traffic Control/Bridge Construction Details Booklet is changed to:
The hours for the establishment of a new traffic pattern are as directed by the RE, or as permitted by the
General Note number 25, subheading D, paragraph 3 on sheet TCD-1 of the 2007 NJDOT Standard Roadway
Construction/Traffic Control/Bridge Construction Details Booklet is changed to:
The RE will keep record of each occurrence as well as the cumulative amount of time that a lane is kept closed beyond
the lane closure schedule and provide the record to the Contractor. The Department will calculate the lane occupancy
charge by multiplying the length of time of the delayed opening, in minutes, by the rate of $10 per minute per lane,
unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions. The total amount per day for the lane occupancy charge that the
Department will collect will not exceed $10,000.00.
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Access to ITS devices and their respective controllers and meter cabinets is maintained throughout the
duration of the project.
Complete all work required for Substantial Completion on or before April 30, 2013.
Achieve Completion on or before June 30, 2013.
108.11.01 Extensions to Contract Time
Types of Delays.
1. Non-Excusable Delays.
For work performed by Utilities, delays up to 30 percent of the estimated duration specified in 105.07.02 are
considered non-excusable. The duration includes both the advance notice and the completion of the work by
the Utility.
For delays caused by Railroads, delays up to 30 percent of the estimated availability specified in 105.07 are
considered non-excusable.
Excusable, Non-Compensable Delays.
b. Utilities.
For delays caused by Railroads, when the availability to access is reduced by more than 30 percent greater
than the estimated availability specified in 105.07.
If approved excusable, non-compensable delays exceed a total of 90 days, the time in excess of 90 days will
become excusable and compensable as specified in 108.11.01.B.3.
No Incentive Payment for Early Completion is specified for this project.
Liquidated damages are as follows:
For each day that the Contractor fails to complete a work assignment within this Contract, the Department will
assess liquidated damages in the amount of $500 per day.
For each hour that the Contractor fails to provide the labor, tools, materials or equipment necessary to perform such
Work the Department will assess damages in the amount of $1000 per hour.
The Department will recover all damages specified above by deducting the amount thereof from any monies due or that
may become due the Contractor, or from the Contractor or from its surety.
If the Contractor fails to respond to emergency call-outs by not furnishing all of the work force, equipment, and materials
as required by the RE to the work site within the time specified elsewhere herein, the Contractor shall pay the
Department liquidated damages in accordance with this Subsection. Such liquidated damages shall be paid for each hour
that the Contractor is in default on responding to a call from the Department.
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If the Contractor fails to respond to a routine call-out by not furnishing all of the work force, equipment, and materials as
required by the RE to the work site within the time specified elsewhere herein, the Contractor shall pay the Department
liquidated damages in accordance with this Subsection.
Such liquidated damages shall be paid for each and every day, as herein defined, that the Contractor is in default on
responding to a call from the Department.
When the Contractor may be subjected to more than one rate of liquidated damages established in this Section, the
Department will assess liquidated damages at the higher rate.
The Department will designate Items as Measured Items or as Proposal Items by having a suffix of M or P in the Item
number respectively. The Department will measure quantities of Measured Items for payment.
The Department will not make additional or separate payment for work or portion of work unless specifically provided
for in the “Measurement and Payment” Subsection.
The Contractor may deposit negotiable bonds of the State or any of its political subdivisions, which have been approved
by the Department, in an escrow account to secure release of all or a portion of the retainage withheld as specified in
109.05. Establish the account under the provisions of an escrow agreement to be entered into between the Contractor,
the Department, and a bank located in the State that is an authorized depository with a trust department. Pay the charges
of the bank for services rendered according to the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement.
109.09 AUDITS
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:15C-14(d), relevant records of private vendors or other persons entering into contracts with the
Department are subject to audit or review by the New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller. Therefore, the Contractor
shall maintain all documentation related to products, transactions or services under the Contract for a period of five years
from the date of final payment. Such records shall be made available to the New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller
upon request.
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151.03.01 Performance Bond and Payment Bond
Submit the broker’s fees, the certified rate schedule, paid invoices and the report of execution for the bond to the RE.
152.03.01 Owner’s and Contractor’s Protective Liability Insurance
A. Policy Requirements.
Ensure that policies are underwritten by companies with a current A.M. Best rating of A- with a Financial Size
Category of VII or better.
3. Owner’s and Contractor’s Protective Liability Insurance.
Procure a separate Owner’s and Contractor’s Protective Liability Insurance Policy with a minimum limit of
liability in the amount of $4,000,000 per occurrence as a combined single limit for bodily injury and property
damage. Ensure the policy is endorsed to include Severability of Interest/Separation of Insureds clause.
Ensure the policy names the State, its officers, employees, and agents as additional insured. Provide
documentation from the insurance company that indicates the cost of the Owner’s and Contractor’s Protective
Liability Insurance Policy.
Ensure the policy is endorsed to include per project aggregate.
6. Marine Liability Insurance.
If construction operations require marine operations, procure Marine Liability Insurance with a minimum
limit of liability in the amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence. Ensure the policy is endorsed to include:
Personal injury.
Contractual liability.
Waiver of Subrogation for all claims and suits, including recovery of any applicable deductibles.
Per project aggregate.
Ensure the policy names the State, its officers, employees, and agents as additional insured.
152.03.03 Pollution Liability Insurance
Per project aggregate.
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The Department will make initial payment for OWNER’S AND CONTRACTOR’S PROTECTIVE LIABILITY
at the lesser of the bid amount, or actual costs as documented from paid invoices. If the Bid amount is greater than the
amount indicated on the documented paid invoices, the Department will make payment for any remainder, up to the Bid
amount, with the final monthly Estimate.
The Contractor may propose alternate staging. Ensure that proposed alternate staging does not interfere with work done
by Others without written concurrence from the affected Others. The Department may reject the proposed alternate
staging if it causes an increase to the cost of work done by Others. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of changes
or additional work required as a result of completing the work according to the proposed alternate staging.
1. Preliminary Schedule Submission.
The RE may require 3 color paper copies of the preliminary schedule, Gantt Chart, as specified in, and a network diagram (PERT) printed on 36 × 22-inch plans detailing the activity
2. Baseline Schedule Submission.
The RE may require the Contractor to submit 3 color paper copies of the baseline schedule.
The RE may require 3 color paper copies of the tabular reports, as specified in, and a
printed network diagram (PERT) on 36 × 22-inch sheets detailing the activity relationships.
153.03.02 CPM Progress Schedule Updates
If the project falls behind schedule for nonexcusable delays, so that the schedule indicates that the Work will not be
completed by the Completion date, as specified in 108.10, take the necessary steps to improve progress. Under such
circumstances, the RE may direct the Contractor to increase the number of shifts, begin overtime operations, work extra
days including weekends and holidays, and supplement its construction plant. Furthermore, the RE may require the
Contractor to submit for approval a recovery schedule showing how the Contractor proposes to meet the directed
2. Tabular Reports.
The RE may require 3 color paper copies of the longest path sort, total float sort, responsibility sort, area sort,
and Gantt chart.
153.03.03 Bar Chart Progress Schedule and Updates
A. Schedule.
Provide 3 color paper copies of a bar chart progress schedule or similar type that is acceptable to the RE for
approval as follows:
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If the project falls behind schedule for nonexcusable delays, so that the schedule indicates that the Work will not be
completed by the Completion date, as specified in 108.10, take the necessary steps to improve progress. Under such
circumstances, the RE may direct the Contractor to increase the number of shifts, begin overtime operations, work extra
days including weekends and holidays, and supplement its construction plant. Furthermore, the RE may require the
Contractor to submit for approval a recovery schedule showing how the Contractor proposes to meet the directed
If the Contractor’s CPM Progress Schedule update is not approved by the date of the progress meeting for the following
update, the Department will assess liquidated damages to recover the Department’s increased administrative costs. The
Department will assess damages for each delinquent update as follows:
The Contractor will supply the RE with a BAR CHART PROGRESS SCHEDULE AND UPDATES when request by
the RE. The Department will not make payment for BAR CHART PROGRESS SCHEDULE AND UPDATES. Include
the costs in the various Items schedule in the Proposal.Section 155 – Construction Field Office
155.03.01 Field Office
Communication Equipment.
Telephones. Provide Two (2) cordless phones with auto-switching.
Cell Phones. Provide One (1) cellular phone. Ensure the cellular phone plan provides for unlimited
mobile to mobile in-network usage, unlimited push-to-talk/ walkie-talkie usage and an anticipated
monthly usage of 900 any-time minutes for each phone. Ensure the phones are on the same plan.
Ensure the cellular phone plan has a home rate with no roaming charges within the state. Ensure each
cellular phone has the following features:
Push to Talk / Walkie-Talkie capable
Camera with 1 megapixel picture capability
Battery life capable of 180 minutes of continuous use and 72 hours of standby use
Equipped with a hands-free headset
Base charger and car charger
Computer System. Provide a computer system meeting the following requirements:
One (1) computer configuration meeting the following:
Processor having a clock speed of 3.5 GHz or faster, six (6) GB RAM, one (1) MB Video
RAM, one (1TB) Terabyte hard drive designated as drive C, one DVD (+/-) Writer Drive, one
CD-R Recordable Drive. Ensure the system is USB 2.0/3.0 compatible and has at least two
front USB ports. Include Keyboard, optical mouse and 2 piece desktop speakers.
Wired Router with appropriate number of ports and cables and a print server. Ensure there is
at least one wired Ethernet switch.
High-speed broad band connection and service with a minimum speed of 3 Megabits per
second (mbps) with dynamic IP address for the duration of the project.
Nineteen (19) inch or larger Flat Screen LCD monitor with tilt/swivel capabilities.
Two hundred fifty (250) Gigabyte or larger external drive with backup software for MSWindows, and fifteen corresponding formatted data cartridges corresponding to the tape drive
One (1) Flatbed USB version 2.0 or greater Color Scanner with automatic document feed.
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
Surge protector for the entire computer configuration to be used in conjunction with the UPS.
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Two (2) Computer workstations, chair, printer stand, and/or table having both appropriate
surface and chair height.
10. One (1) can of compressed air and screen cleaning solution every other month of the duration
of the contract.
If more than one computer configuration is specified, provide one network interface card for the
base computer configuration and hardwire connections between computer configurations as
directed by the RE.
Also provide:
Twelve (12) USB sixteen (16) GB Flash/Jump memory drives
Fifty (50) CD-R seven hundred (700) MB (or larger) recordable CD’s compatible with the CD
drive and fifty (50) recordable DVD’s.
One (1) CD/DVD Holder (each holds 50)
One (1) color laser printer and supplies as follows:
HP PCL 5 emulation, Minimum of 192 Megabytes of expanded memory, printer cable, and
legal size paper tray.
One (1) set of printer ink cartridges every other month for the duration of the construction
project for each printer.
Software as follows:
Microsoft Windows, latest version with future upgrades for the duration of the entire project.
Ensure one (1) computer has a Microsoft Windows XP; 32 Bit Operating System for ACES,
Extra and Groupwise.
Microsoft Office Professional, latest version.
Norton’s System Works for Windows, latest version, or compatible software package with
future upgrades and latest virus patches.
Anti-Virus software, latest version with monthly updates for the duration of the contract.
Visio Professional Graphics Software for Windows, latest version
Primavera Project Management, latest version
Adobe Acrobat Professional, latest version, or compatible software for Scanner
When the computer system is no longer required by the RE, the Department will remove and destroy the
hard drive, and return the computer system to the Contractor. The Department will retain other data
storage media.
Office Equipment.
Two (2) digital camera(s). Ensure each digital camera has auto-focus, with rechargeable batteries
and charger, 16 GB memory card, USB Memory Card Reader compatible with camera and field
office computer, 1.5 inch LCD monitor (minimum), 10 mega pixel resolution, 5 X optical zoom
lens, built in flash, image stabilization, computer connections, and a carrying case
One (1) video camcorder(s). Ensure each video camcorder is a mini DVD camcorder with 5 optical
zoom, 2" LCD monitor, USB 2.0 compatible and includes USB 2.0 connections.
Inspection Equipment.
Three (3) Calculators with trigonometric capability
One (1) Date/ Received stamp and ink pad
One (1) Electronic Smart level, 4 foot
Four (4) Electronic Smart levels, 2 foot
Four (4) Carpenter rulers
One (1) Steel tape, 100 feet
One (1) Cloth tape, 100 feet
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One (1) Illuminated measuring wheel
Four (4) Plumb bobs and cords
One (1) Line level and cord
Zero (0) Surface thermometer
Zero (0) Concrete thermometer
One (1) Digital infrared asphalt thermometer
One (1) Direct Tension Indicator (DTI) Feeler Gage, 0.005 inch
One (1) Sledge hammer, 8lb
Six (6) Self leveling laser levels with range of 100 feet and an accuracy of ¼ inch per 100 feet
Six (6) Hard hats - orange, reflectorized hard hats according to ANSI Z89.1.
Six (6) Safety garments – orange, reflectorized, 360º high visibility safety garments according to
ANSI/ISEA Class 3, Level 2 standards. To be replaced yearly for the duration of the contract.
Six (6) Sets of rain gear with reflective sheeting
Six (6) Sets of hearing protection with a NRR rating of 22 dB
Two (2) Sets of eye protection according to ANSI Z87.1
Zero (0) Set of fall arrest equipment according to ANSII Z359.1 standards consisting of a full body
harness, lanyard and anchor.
One (1) Light meter - capable of measuring the level of luminance in foot-candles
Six (6) Lantern flashlights, 6V with monthly battery replacements
One (1) Digital Psychrometer
Zero (0) Chain Drag according to ASTM D4580-86
Zero (0) Testing equipment and apparatus conforming to AASHTO T23, T119, T152
Six (6) Hard Bound Daily Diaries, 5-½” X 8” minimum with one day per page. To be provided
yearly for the duration of the contract.
Three hundred (300) Legal size hanging folders
Three hundred (300) Legal size manila file folders – three tab
155.03.03 Telephone Service
TELEPHONE SERVICE consists of monthly charges for telephone, cellular phones and computer broadband access
provided excluding set up charges.
Pay Unit
The Department will not make payment for Field Office. Include the costs of all other equipment in the various items
schedule in the Proposal.
The Department will make payment for TELEPHONE SERVICE for the actual costs of the charges as evidenced by paid
bills submitted within 60 days of receipt from the service provider for telephone, cell phones and broadband access.
No separate payment will be made for Porting Phone Numbers, Activation Fee, Termination Fee, Equipment, Extended
Warranty and Insurances. Include these costs in the various items scheduled in the Proposal.
157.03.01 Construction Layout
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Provide the Utilities with the layout needed to install relocated utility facilities and coordinate the Work. Ensure that
relocated facilities do not conflict with proposed construction, including High Voltage Proximity Act conflicts.
For each bridge and sign structure within the Project Limits, provide the RE as-built measurements of the vertical under
clearance at each lane line, shoulder line, curb line and edge of pavement line under a structure to the nearest inch. For
each bridge structure, provide vertical under clearance measurements at each fascia beam.
The Department will not make payment for CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT. Include the costs in the various Items
schedule in the Proposal.
159.03.02 Traffic Control Devices
2. Construction Barrier Curb.
Provide top and side mounted flexible delineators on the construction barrier curb. For delineators located on
the right side when facing in the direction of traffic, ensure that the retroreflective sheeting is white. For
delineators located on the left side when facing in the direction of traffic, ensure that the retroreflective
sheeting is yellow. Attach flexible delineators according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Starting at the beginning of the construction barrier curb section mount top delineators at 100-foot intervals on
tangent sections, curves of radii greater than 1,910 feet, and at 50-foot intervals on curves of radii of 1,910
feet or less.
Mount side delineators at the lead end of each barrier segment with the top of the delineator 3 inches from the
top of the barrier.
6. Traffic Control Truck with Mounted Crash Cushions.
Submit drawings to the RE detailing the manner of securing the ballast, signed and sealed by a Professional
Engineer, certifying that it is capable of withstanding the impact forces for which the impact attenuator is
159.03.08 Traffic Direction
A. Flagger.
Ensure that the flagger is equipped with a STOP/SLOW paddle and follows MUTCD flagging procedures.
C. When a temporary one-lane closure, or traffic lanes shifting is necessary for the removal of equipment, the
mobilization of new materials to the machinery house, and the installation, the contractor shall submit his
request of such lane closure or lanes shifting to the RE for approval. After the approval of the request by the
RE, the contractor will submit traffic control plans in accordance with the 2007 NJDOT Standard Roadway
Construction/Traffic Control/Bridge Construction Details Booklet, for review and approval by the RE prior to
any work that will interrupt or modify normal vehicular traffic. These plans must show maintenance and
protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
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The Contractor will install approved Traffic Control devices, when directed by the RE, at no additional cost to
the State.
The Department will measure and make payment for Items as follows:
Pay Unit
The Department will not make payment for the following items:
Movement of equipment, and personnel required to be in service at any time to perform the work under this contract as
required by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, 2007 Traffic Control Plans and Section 159 of the Standard
Specifications and these Special Provisions. Include the costs in the various Items scheduled in the Proposal.
The Department will measure and make payment for the lump sum pay item TRAFFIC CONTROL for the costs of all
labor, coordination, submittals, charges by local Municipality /Borough Police providing traffic safety services,
equipment, approved traffic control devices as directed by the RE, and materials necessary to complete and to provide
the necessary vehicular and pedestrian traffic control during the construction.
The Department will not make payment for relocating Traffic Control Devices and the lighting system for nighttime
operations, additional time required for traffic control to remain in place or again to be placed as a result from increased
areas for bridge repairs. Include the costs in the proposal for the lump sum pay item TRAFFIC CONTROL.
The Department will not make payment for FUEL PRICE ADJUSTMENT and ASPHALT PRICE ADJUSTMENT.
Include the costs in the various Items scheduled in the Proposal.
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This section describes the requirements for replacing the existing motor disconnect switches and replacing and installing
instruments and control devices on the existing Bridge Control Console.
This section describes the requirements for constructing cast-in-place concrete foundations for the new barrier gates.
518.02.01 Console Meters
Provide 6-inch, horizontal, edgewise case meters with 101 red LED segment, bar-graph display and with integral 4-digit
red LED display to measure voltage, amperage, kilo-watts and RPM. Use meter with bar-graph and digital displays,
input accuracy of +/- 0.07% of reading plus 5 counts, digital display of 0.3 inch high digit with position of decimal point
selectable from the front panel. Input voltage must be 120 volts AC, with capability of retransmitting 4-20 mA signals,
and operating temperature ranging from 0 to 60 degrees C at 95% relative humidity without condensing.
Calibrate voltmeter for AC voltage reading ranging from 0 to 600 volts with line-to-line voltage selectable from the
existing phase selector switch.
Calibrate ammeter for AC amperage reading ranging from 0 to 200 amps.
Calibrate RPM meter for motor RPM reading ranging from 0 to 1000 RPM.
Calibrate kilo-watt meter for system kilo-watt reading from 0 to 1000 AC kW.
Provide current transformers and potential transformer with ratio to produce compatible output for the voltmeter,
ammeter, and kilo-watt meter. Use output signals from the tachometer for the RPM meter readings.
Use meter as manufactured by Weschler Instruments, or an approved equal.
518.02.03 By-Pass Switch
Use a UL listed toggle switch for the span-seated by-pass function as described on plan, having the following ratings and
15 amp, 120/277 volt, double pole AC quiet switch, commercial grade with grounding
Pad-lockable switch cover similar to the existing switches used on the control console to cover the switch when
switched in the OFF position
Laminated nameplate permanently affixed on the control console with engraved lettering to indicate the by-pass
function of the switch
Switch by Leviton type 5502-8, or approved equal.
518.02.04 Control Devices
Provide UL listed control devices such as pushbuttons, selector switches, and indicators or pilot lights for modifications
of the existing control console. Use oil-tight, square indicator with legend plate and light color as indicated on plans
furnished with lamp with type and voltage rating to match those of existing pilot lights, by Honeywell Microswitch CMC
Series, or an indicator to match the existing indicators in use, or an approved equal. Use heavy-duty, 30 mm, oiltight/water-tight, selector switches and pushbuttons with contact rating of 10 amps continuous at 120 volts AC, and
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constructed from zinc base die casting with chrome plated finish, as manufactured by Cutler Hammer, type 10250T, or
an approved equal.
518.02.05 Motor Disconnect Switch Provide U.L. listed non-fused disconnect switches for replacement of existing
motor disconnect switches as shown on plans. Provide NEMA 4X, stainless steel disconnect switches with external
operating handle, rated 3 pole, 600 volts AC, and amperage ratings as shown on plans. Provide auxiliary contacts
connected and interlocked with ON and OFF positions of switch. Include all necessary stainless steel mounting brackets
and hardware.
518.02.05 Barrier Gate Foundation
Materials per section 504.02 of standard specifications
Equipment per section 504.02 of standard specifications
See section 706.02 for General Requirements. Perform Work only after all required submittals including, but not limited
to, working drawings, shop drawings, catalog cuts of the following have been approved by the Department:
Meters, selector switches, by-pass switches, indicators, and pushbuttons
Disconnect switches and associated components
Layout of new devices and instruments on the existing control console.
518.03.01 Removals
See section 706.04.02.
518.03.02 Control Console Modifications
Fabricate templates for each instrument and control device to match the device foot prints prior to cut holes on the
existing control console for installation. Install meters in the same locations of the meters to be replaced. Locate and
install new control device such that it is in the center of the horizontal and vertical spacing between two existing adjacent
control devices. Mount the meters and control devices horizontal and plumb with respect to the edges of the control
console. Wire all meters and control devices to be integrated in the bridge control system. Verify, calibrate and adjust
meters to measure and indicate the correct readings.
518.03.05 Motor Disconnect Switch.
Ensure correct rating of the disconnect switch for each motor prior to installation. Mount each disconnect switch plumb
on stainless steel mounting struts manufactured by Cooper/B-Line, or Unistrut, or Thomas & Betts, or on fabricated
stainless steel supports. Ensure correct motor phase connections to each switch to avoid motor phase reversal.
518.03.06 Barrier Gate Foundation Reinforcement Steel
Reinforcement Steel per section 504.03.01 of standard specifications
518.03.07 Barrier Gate Foundation Constructing Concrete
Constructing Concrete per section 504.03.02 of standard specifications
The Department will measure and make payment for Items as follows:
Pay Unit
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The Department will make payment for the item CONTROL DESK MODIFICATIONS in 3 installments. The first
installment will be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the
required submittals of all materials proposed for the Control Desk Modifications. The second installment will be valued
at 70% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation. The third
installment will be valued at 20% of the item lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance by the
Department of the installation. No other partial payments will be made.
The Department will make payment for the item MOTORDISCONNECT SWITCH in 3 installments. The first
installment will be valued at 10% of the item total bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required
submittals of the material proposed for the Moor Disconnect Switch. The second installment will be valued at 70% of the
item unit bid price and paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation. The third installment will be valued
at 20% of the item unit bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance by the Department of the installation. No other
partial payments will be made.
The Department will make payment for the item BARRIER GATE FOUNDATION which includes all concrete,
reinforcement, anchor bolts, excavation, materials, equipment and labor necessary to construct the BARRIER GATE
FOUNDATIONS. The Department will make payment in 3 installments. The first installment will be valued at 10% of
the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals of the material
proposed for the Barrier Gate Foundation. The second installment will be valued at 70% of the item lump sum bid price
and paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation. The third installment will be valued at 20% of the item
lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance by the Department of the installation. No other partial
payments will be made.
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701.03.01 Existing Systems
Deliver and unload salvaged materials to:
NJDOT Movable Bridge Maintenance Facility
Route 130 South and Route 33
Robbinsville, New Jersey
If new cable or wire is designated to be installed into existing conduit systems, clean and swab the conduit system prior
to installing the cable or wire. After cleaning, test each conduit by pulling through a metal ball with a diameter at least
85 percent of the nominal inside diameter of the conduit to ensure the conduit is free of any obstruction or foreign
material. If the ball fails to pass through the conduit, repair or replace the defective conduit as directed by the RE.
Restore disturbed areas to original condition.
701.03.05 Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit
B. Installation.
Install true tape marked in 1-foot increments for the length of the rigid non-metallic conduit. Install a tracer wire
continuously for the entire run of conduit, including through the junction boxes, mounting it on the wall. Splice the
tracer wire only in the junction box. Seal the ends of rigid nonmetallic conduit carrying the tracer wire. If wire or
cable is not scheduled to be installed within 6 months of conduit installation, cap and seal the other conduits leaving
the true tape inside. Install warning tape in the trench above the conduit.
701.03.07 Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit
B. Installation.
Terminate flexible nonmetallic conduit according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
Install true tape marked in 1-foot increments for the length of the flexible non-metallic conduit. Install a tracer wire
continuously for the entire run of conduit, including through the junction boxes, mounting it on the wall. Splice the
tracer wire only in the junction box. Seal the ends of flexible nonmetallic conduit carrying the tracer wire. If wire
or cable is not scheduled to be installed within 6 months of conduit installation, cap and seal the other conduits
leaving the true tape inside. Install warning tape in the trench above the conduit.
701.03.15 Cable and Wire
A. Installing.
Test the existing tracer wire in the conduit for continuity. If there is no existing tracer wire in any of the conduits in
the same trench, then install a continuous tracer wire between the adjacent junction boxes without any splice when
installing the cable and wire as directed by the RE.
C. Connection and Coordination with Utility Services.
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At Substantial Completion provide the RE with a letter requesting transfer of utility services providing the latest
copy of the utility bill from each utility company. Such transfers are to be effective beginning the next monthly
billing cycle after Substantial Completion or as directed by the RE.
For transfer of utility services involved with ITS system devices, successful ITS system testing is also required to
be completed as specified in Section 704.
If restoration of disturbed areas includes pavement, curb, sidewalk, driveway or island, the Department will make
payment for such work as specified in 104.03.03.
When the RE directs the installation of a new conduit or a repair to the defective conduit, the Department will make
payment for this work as specified in 104.03.03.
When the RE directs the Contractor to install a tracer wire in existing conduit, the Department will make payment for
this work as specified in 104.03.03.
After placing a new, temporary or interim traffic signal system into operation, inspect the traffic signal system every 2
months. Fill out a Contractor Maintenance Traffic Signal Inspection Report (Form EL-16C) when the traffic signal
system becomes operational, when the traffic signal system is modified, and at every 2-month inspection.
Maintain as-built drawings of each signal modification. Place copies of the as-built drawings for each traffic signal
system modification, Forms EL-16C, and Forms EL-11C in a plastic pocket mounted inside the cabinet door of each
controller cabinet. Also provide a copy of all forms and as-built drawings to the RE.
If a new, temporary or interim traffic signal system fails or becomes damaged, repair and restore the traffic signal system
to normal operation. Begin repair of the traffic signal system within 2 hours of receiving notice of damage or
malfunction from the Department, State police, or local authorities. Ensure that workers assigned to such repair work
continuously until the traffic signal resumes normal signal operation.
For each response to a system failure or damage, fill out a Contractor Maintenance Emergency Call Record (Form EL11C) and place it in a plastic pocket mounted inside the cabinet door of each controller cabinet.
If the Contractor fails to respond to a failure or damage notification and begin work within 2 hours of notification, or
does not continue to work until the traffic signal system resumes normal operation, the Department, in the interest of
safety, will respond with its own forces to restore normal operation. If the Department mobilizes its forces to effect
repairs, the Contractor agrees to pay the Department a sum of $3000 for costs of mobilizing its forces and equipment. In
addition, the Contractor must pay the Department the actual cost of material used for the repair and pay the actual costs
of police traffic protection.
The RE must be notified immediately of any and all Traffic Control System Equipment failures, outages, and/or damage.
This is to include any outages required by the Contractor in order to perform his work.
The Structure shall not be left without a working Traffic Control System.
702.03.11 Temporary and Interim Traffic Signal Systems
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The RE is to be notified immediately of any and all Roadway Lighting System failures, outages, and/or damage. This is
to include any outages required by the Contractor in order to perform his work.
The Structure shall not be left without a working Roadway Lighting System.
This section describes the requirements for providing, and installing the electrical conduit, wireway, junction and pull
boxes, electrical cables and wiring, and the Work for reconnecting wiring to various existing and new electrical
equipment, and for bonding the bridge structures to ground. The Work in this section shall also comply with the
following codes and standards:
National Fire Protection Association NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC) (2008 Edition)
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway
Bridge Design Specifications (Latest Edition)
Provide materials as specified:
705.02.01 General
Coarse Aggregate ................................................................................................................................ 901.03
Concrete .............................................................................................................................................. 903.03
Grout........................................................................................................................................... 903.08.02.A
Reinforcement Steel ............................................................................................................................ 905.01
Structural Steel Materials .................................................................................................................... 906.01
Miscellaneous Hardware .......................................................................................................................... 908
Adhesive Anchor Bolt Systems ...................................................................................................... 908.01.04
Rigid Metallic Conduit ..................................................................................................................... 918.01.1
Flexible Metallic Conduit ................................................................................................................. 918.01.3
Multiple Lighting and Service Wire ............................................................................................... 918.02.03
Bonding and Grounding Materials ...................................................................................................... 918.03
Electrical Tape ..................................................................................................................................... 918.06
705.02.02 Instrumentation Cable for Motor Encoder
Use UL listed as NEC Type ITC/PLTC cable, suitable for use in wet locations, rated 300 volts AC with multiple,
individual pairs of shielded conductors and a drain wire. Provide the cable meeting the following requirements:
Conductors. Soft bare annealed copper per ASTM B-3, class B stranding per ASTM B-8 with flame-retardant
PVC insulation and individual shield of aluminum-polymer tape providing 100% coverage for each twisted
conductor pair
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Conductor overall shield. Aluminum-polymer tape providing 100% coverage on all shielded conductor pairs
with a tinned copper drain wire
Cable inner jacket. PVC flame-retardant PVC to cover the cable shield
Outer jacket. Oil and sunlight resistant, black PVC outer jacket to cover the cable corrugated armor.
Provide the encoder cable with a continuously welded and corrugated aluminum protective armor to cover the cable
inner jacket.
Size the conductor as indicated on plans, or as required for the equipment served, but it shall not be less than size 16
AWG. Provide permanent imprints on the cable jacket and on the insulation of each conductor to indicate the insulation
type, voltage rating and wire size throughout the entire conductor length.
Use cable as manufactured by Okonite, Houston Wire and Cable Company or approved equal.
705.02.03 Multi-conductor Power and Control Cables
Use UL listed as NEC Type MC Cable, suitable for use in wet locations, rated 600 volts AC with multiple conductors
and a green ground wire for power and control as indicated on plans. Provide the cable meeting the following
Conductor. Soft bare annealed copper per ASTM B-3, class B stranding per ASTM B-8 with cross-linked
polyethylene insulation meeting UL 44 for type XHHW-2 conductors with by a binder tape over all conductors
Protective armor. Interlocked and corrugated aluminum armor to protect the cable
Outer jacket. Oil and sunlight resistant, black PVC to cover the cable corrugated armor.
Size the conductor as indicated on plans, or as required for the equipment served. Provide permanent imprints on the
cable jacket and on the insulation of each conductor to indicate the insulation type, voltage rating and wire size
throughout the entire conductor length.
Use cable as manufactured by Okonite, Houston Wire and Cable Company or approved equal.
705.02.04 Three-Conductor Instrumentation Cable for Displacement Sensing Probes and Resistance Temperature
Provide UL Recognized, 300-volt AC rated cable with 3 tinned-copper conductors sized #16 AWG, meeting the
following requirements:
Conductors meeting class B stranding per ASTM B-8 with polyethylene insulation with a 100% shielded
coverage of an aluminum-polyester foil, and a #18 AWG drain wire.
Nominal capacitance between conductors not more than 33 pF per foot.
PVC overall jacket.
Unless recommended otherwise by the sensor manufacturers, use cable as manufactured by Belden type 8618, or
approved equal.
705.02.05 Twisted and Shielded Pair Cable.
A. Provide UL Recognized, 300-volt AC rated cable with 2 tinned-copper conductors sized #20 AWG, meeting the
following requirements:
Conductors within the cable meeting class B stranding per ASTM B-8 with polyethylene insulation, twisted and
shielded with a 100% shielded coverage of an aluminum-polyester foil, and with a #20 AWG drain wire
Nominal capacitance between conductors not more than 33 pF per foot
PVC overall jacket.
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Unless recommended otherwise by the manufacturer of the accelerometer or connected device, use cable as
manufactured by Belden type 8762, or approved equal.
B. Provide UL Recognized, 600-volt AC rated cable with 2 tinned-copper conductors sized #16 AWG, meeting the
following requirements:
Conductors within the cable meeting class B stranding per ASTM B-8 with polyethylene insulation, twisted and
shielded with a 100% shielded coverage of an aluminum-polyester foil, and provided with a #18 AWG drain
Nominal capacitance between conductors not more than 33 pF per foot
PVC overall jacket.
Unless recommended otherwise by the manufacturer of the strain gage sensor, use cable as manufactured by Belden type
8719, or approved equal.
705.02.06 Profibus DP Communication Cable
Provide 300-volt AC rated cable with 2 solid bare copper conductors sized #22 AWG, meeting the following
Conductors within the cable having foamed high-density polyethylene insulation, 100% shielded coverage of an
aluminum-polyester foil and a 65% coverage of tinned-copper braided shield
Nominal capacitance between conductors not more than 8.5 pF per foot
PVC overall jacket.
Unless recommended otherwise by the manufacturer of the brake monitoring module, use cable as manufactured by
Belden type 3079A, or approved equal.
705.02.07 Riser Ethernet/IP Cable
Provide cable with 4 individually-twisted pairs of #24 AWG insulated and stranded tinned-copper conductors, meeting
ODVA Ethernet standards and TIA/EIA 568-B standard, category 5e, UL listed, and compatible with RJ45 connector
terminations on the Ethernet switch used for installation. Provide cable with a nominal data rate of up to 1 GB per
second. Provide cable with an operating temperature ranging from -40 degrees to +167 degrees F, and a PVC cable
jacket suitable for installation in vertical raceways. Use cable by Allen-Bradley 1585-C8PB-S, or approved equal.
Use 8-conductor, highly flexible Ethernet cable with thermoplastic elastomer jacket and RJ45 crimp connectors with
boot for installation in locations other than conduit. Manufactured by Rockwell Automation 1585 series, or approved
equal, and installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Terminate each end of the cable in a UL listed, male RJ45 standard crimp connector with rugged boot, meeting TIA/EIA
standard category 5e, and the following requirements:
(a) 360-degree shielded connector which accepts 8 conductors sized from #26 AWG to #22 AWG
(b) Gold-plated copper alloy contacts
(c) Clear polycarbonate enclosure, and rated IP20
(d) Use manufacturer’s recommended tools for installation of the connectors to the cable
(e) Use connector by Allen-Bradley 1585J-M8CC-C or approved equal.
705.02.08 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Cable
Provide UL listed VFD cable for the drive motor, meeting the following requirements:
90 degree C, 600 Volt AC rating
Tin-coated, high strand-count, copper conductors with cross-linked polyethylene insulation, and 3
symmetrically placed bare ground conductors of tin-coated, high strand-count copper, placed in contact with
the shield
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Metallic overall shield of helically applied 5-mil copper tape to provide 100% coverage
Flame retardant, moisture and sunlight resistant, polyvinyl chloride overall jacket
Meeting crush and impact requirements for NEC type MC cable
Permitted for exposed run use in accordance with the NEC
As manufactured by Houston Wire & Cable Company, type TC-ER, or an approved equal.
705.02.09 Temperature Sensor Extension Cable
Provide UL listed extension grade thermocouple cable meeting the following requirements:
UL listed type PLTC cable with a twisted and shielded pair of #20 AWG extension grade wires for type K
Aluminized polyester overall shield with a tin-copper drain wire
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulation and PVC overall jacket, resistant to moisture, abrasion and sun light
As manufactured by Omega type EXPP-K-20-TWSH-UL, or as recommended by the manufacturer of the
thermocouple proposed for installation.
705.02.10 Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC) – Plastic Coated Steel
For exposed runs of conduit installed outdoor, and for underground conduit, use rigid metal conduit with plastic coatings
meeting the following requirements:
UL Listed, threaded rigid metal conduit and fittings, and manufactured from high-strength steel, conforming to
ANSI C80.1, UL6 and UL 514B. Use ¾ inch diameter, minimum size.
Manufactured from steel tubing with a wall thickness equivalent to Schedule 40 pipe, with the entire length of
the conduit hot-dip galvanized.
Coat the exterior surface of the hot-dip galvanized conduit with a factory-applied Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
coating, at least, 40-mil thick. Provide an exterior coating that is permanently fused to the hot-dip galvanized
surface of the conduit. The adhesion of the PVC coating to the conduit must be greater than the strength of the
coating itself. The overall conduit must be UL listed with the PVC coating as the primary corrosion protection
and the underlying galvanized coating as supplemental protection.
Use the PVC coated galvanized rigid steel conduit ETL-verified to the Intertek ETL SEMKO High Temperature
H2O PVC Coating Adhesion Test Procedure for 200 hours, and bear the ETL Verified PVC- 001 Label.
Comply with the requirements of NEMA RN1. Independent certified test results must be available to confirm
coating adhesion under the following conditions:
(a) Conduit immersed in boiling water with a minimum mean time to adhesion failure of 200 hours per ASTM
(b) Conduit and condulet exposure to 65 degrees Celsius and 95 percent relative humidity with a minimum
mean time to failure of 30 days per ASTM D1151.
(c) Confirm the interior coating bond using the Standard Method of Adhesion by Tape Test per ASTM D3359.
(d) No trace of the internal coating visible on a white cloth following six wipes over the coating which has
been wetted with acetone per ASTM D1308.
(e) Confirm the exterior coating bond using the methods described in Section 3.8 of NEMA RN1. After these
tests, the physical properties of the exterior coating must exceed the minimum requirements specified in
Table 3.1 of NEMA RN1.
Coat the interior surface of the hot-dip galvanized conduit with a factory-applied urethane coating with at least
2 mils in thickness. The interior coating must afford sufficient flexibility to permit field bending of the conduit
without causing cracking or flaking of the interior coating. After the PVC coating of the conduit, clean conduit
Page 27 of 120
threads and hot-dip galvanize. Apply a urethane topcoat to the conduit threads after hot-dip galvanizing. Cap all
threaded ends of conduit.
Coat couplings, elbows, fittings and conduit bodies used with the PVC coated steel conduit with the same
coating as the conduit. Unless otherwise shown on contract drawings, coat U-bolts and conduit clamps used for
conduit mounting with the same coating as the conduit.
Use components (fittings, clamps, etc.) manufactured by the same manufacturer as the PVC coated steel
All conduit installers will be certified by the conduit manufacturer.
10. Use PVC coated steel conduit by Robroy Industries Plasti-Bond REDH2OT, OCAL/Thomas Betts, or approved
705.02.11 Conduit Bodies
Use conduit bodies as manufactured by O-Z/Gedney, Robroy Industries, or approved equal, meeting the following
UL Listed, galvanized cast iron alloy with threaded hubs and integral bushings, and with galvanized
steel or iron alloy covers. Use screw-in type covers. Do not use clip-in or other wedge type covers.
Use stainless steel cover screws.
Provide PVC coated conduit bodies and associated covers and screws for use with plastic coated
Use PVC coating of the same manufacturer as the PVC coated steel conduit.
705.02.12 Pull Boxes, Junction Boxes, and Terminal Cabinets
Size boxes and cabinets as required by the NEC, and as appropriate for the conductors or equipment served. Use hinged
doors on large terminal cabinets, and pull/junction boxes, Provide bonding jumpers between the door and the box or
cabinet body on boxes and cabinets with hinged doors.
Provide aluminum or steel mounting panels with corrosion resistant finishes, heavy duty terminal blocks for wire
terminations, and uninsulated ground bars. Ground bars shall be copper for use with copper conductors, such as ILSCO
Use surface-mounted boxes and cabinets meeting to the requirements of NEMA 250 and UL 50, and as follows:
Wet Locations:
NEMA 4X Type 316 stainless steel with stainless steel hinges and hardware.
NEMA 4 hot-dip galvanized cast iron with stainless steel, or similarly corrosion resistant, hinges and/or
Dry and Damp Locations:
NEMA 4X Type 316 stainless steel with stainless steel hinges and hardware.
Use boxes and terminal cabinets as manufactured by O-Z/Gedney, Cooper Crouse-Hinds, Hammond Manufacturing,
Hoffman, or approved equal.
Provide in-ground, cast-in-place concrete junction boxes using materials and construction in accordance NJDOT
Standard Electrical Details Sheet L-0601, with dimensions as shown on plans. Install a 5/8-inch diameter, 5 feet long,
copper clad ground rod in the pull box. Bond all metallic conduits to the ground rod with a #6 AWG ground wire. Use
type 316 stainless steel hardware. Bond the metal framing of the box to the ground rod provided in each box by
exothermically welding.
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705.02. 13 Wireways
Provide wireways conforming to the requirements of UL 870, and comply with the applicable requirements for junction
boxes, pull boxes, and terminal cabinets given in this section. Use Nema 1 wireway fabricated with minimum 14 gauge
galvanized sheet steel for indoor installation as shown on plans. Provide a barrier integral to the wireway to separate
power and control wiring. Provide all necessary supports, accessories such as couplings, elbows, supports, telescope
fittings, adapters and other fittings specifically manufactured for use with the wireway. Use wireways as manufactured
by Hammond Manufacturing, Hoffman, or approved equal.
705.02.14 Terminal Blocks and Power Distribution Blocks
Use heavy duty, UL Listed or Recognized terminal blocks and power distribution blocks which shall be rated 600 volts,
90 degrees Celsius, suitable for use with copper conductors, NEMA style, barrier type, tin plated copper or aluminum,
and Valox or phenolic insulated, with set-screw type terminals. Mount terminal blocks with stainless steel bolts or
machine screws. Provide printed or engraved labels for all terminals. Use terminal blocks as manufactured by ILSCO,
Buchanan, or approved equal.
705.02.15 Outlet and Device Boxes
Use outlet and device boxes meeting the following requirements:
Shall be UL Listed and appropriate for the intended use, galvanized cast iron alloy with threaded hubs, integral
bushings, and internal ground screw. Covers shall be galvanized steel or iron alloy.
Shall be PVC coated when used with PVC coated rigid steel conduit. Covers shall be plastic coated steel or iron
alloy. Coatings shall satisfy the requirements for coating for plastic coated rigid metal conduit.
Shall include external mounting ears where required to permit secure mounting of the box without compromising
its integrity.
Shall be as manufactured by O-Z/Gedney, Robroy Industries, or approved equal. Box covers and device cover
plates shall be as manufactured by O-Z/Gedney, Robroy Industries, Hubbell, or approved equal.
705.02.16 Cable Tray
Use UL listed cable tray conforming to NEMA VE-1 Standards, ladder type fabricated entirely from 14-gauge, type 316
stainless steel. Shall have an inside loading depth of 6 inches, and width as shown on plans The rungs shall be installed
on 9 inches centers, and of the box construction with minimum 1 inch width. Provide all type 316 stainless steel cover,
fittings, splice plates, accessories, clamps, and hardware necessary to complete the installation. Shall be as manufactured
by Chalfant, or approved equal.
705.03.01 General Requirements
See section 706.02 for General Requirements. Perform Work only after all required submittals including, but not limited
to, working drawings, shop drawings, catalog cuts of the following have been approved by the Department:
Point-to-point wiring diagrams
Grounding of bridge structures
All materials, as listed under 705.02, proposed for installation.
Provide all miscellaneous products, tools, equipment, and labor necessary to properly complete all Work. Install all
products in accordance with their manufacturers' recommendations and the requirements of the NEC and these contract
documents. Physically install all products in a secure manner as indicated and as required to provide a reliable
installation. Inspect and test all installed products for correct installation, performance, and workmanship.
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705.03.02 Documentation of Existing Wiring and Conduits
Prior to beginning any on-site work, carefully and thoroughly locate and trace all existing wiring and conduits, and
develop detailed point-to-point diagrams documenting all existing wire, conduits, boxes, etc.
Use these diagrams, along with the changes shown on the Contract Documents, as the basis for wire and conduit
replacement on the bridge.
Carefully and neatly prepare these diagrams, and submit to the Engineer, the MBEG, and the RE for review per the
normal submission procedure. The RE’s review will not be for accuracy which is the sole responsibility of the
Contractor, but for completeness, neatness, and general acceptability.
705.03.03 Conductors
Use insulated wire and cables with stranded copper conductors for the installation. Do not use solid and/or aluminum
conductors. Use conductors with green colored insulation only for grounding conductors. The re-identification of
conductors with green colored insulation, such as with colored tape, is not permitted. For general wiring, use Type
XHHW-2 conductors.
Supply a dedicated neutral conductor for all branch and feeder circuits requiring a neutral. A dedicated neutral conductor
shall not be shared by phase conductors of other circuits.
Provide equipment grounding conductors in all conduit and cable runs. Size equipment grounding conductors equal to
the largest circuit conductor in the conduit or cable, except where shown otherwise on the plans.
Coordinate all wire and cable requirements with manufacturers of equipment served.
Run neatly and bundle wiring in enclosures, terminal cabinets and junction boxes. Where practical, install wiring plumb
or level, parallel to edges of cabinets, or at right angles.
Handle and install wires and cables with care to avoid damage to conductors, insulation, jackets, armor, etc. Wire or
cable which is found to be damaged shall be replaced at no additional cost.
Permanently label all conductors, cables, and terminal blocks at every terminal or connection, splice, and tap. Each
conductor and cable shall be assigned an identifying number (including spares), and shall be assigned only one number
throughout the entire electrical or control system. Identification numbers shall be coordinated for consistency and
accuracy with conductor numbers on Contractor's approved wiring diagrams and shop drawings, field wiring diagrams,
and any other diagrams containing the same respective conductor or cable.
Install conductor for power and control circuits with sizes as shown on plans, and as required for the circuit served. Use
minimum wire sizes, as follows:
Field wiring for power circuits: at least 12 AWG copper.
Field wiring for control circuits: at least 12 AWG copper.
Power and control wiring inside factory assembled control panels: at least 14 AWG, except that at least 18
AWG shall be permitted for low power control circuits (20 volt-amperes, or less, maximum steady-state load).
Label all conductors with machine printed sleeve-type labels. Text shall be water and smudge resistant. Label text shall
be coordinated with shop drawings and wiring diagrams. Hand written labels are not acceptable.
705.03.04 Conduit and Cable
Provide 20% spare conductors (minimum 2) in all conduit and cable runs longer than 10 feet. Increase size of conduits
where necessary to accommodate required spare conductors. Quantity of conductors shown on plans for each conduit
and cable are approximate, the contractor shall prepare tabulations of conductor counts for each conduit and cable run to
complete all systems, including all required spare conductors.
Unless specifically indicated otherwise, install connections of conduit and cable entrances only in the bottom of cabinets
and enclosures located in damp and wet locations.
To the extent practical, maintain at least a 4-inch separation between power wiring and communication and/or
instrumentation cables.
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Install conduits, cable trays, cable armor, boxes and other raceways such that they are electrically continuous from end to
end. Provide bonding jumpers and related hardware at expansion fittings and elsewhere as necessary to ensure electrical
Provide insulated throat bonding bushings or bonding nuts where conduits or metal armored cables enter metal boxes or
enclosures. Connect bonding bushings and bonding nuts to the equipment grounding conductor included in the conduit
or cable.
Provide riser supports for vertical conduits as required by the NEC. Riser supports shall consist of stainless steel mesh
cable grips mounted inside a pull box or similar enclosure. Secure the bottom end of the cable grip mesh to the cable
with stainless steel hose clamps. In-conduit type supports shall not be used.
Provide conduit expansion/deflection fittings at all structural expansion joints, as required to comply with the NEC, and
as required to provide a complete and reliable installation.
Install metal conduit and tubing in accordance with the Steel Tube Institute of North America's Guidelines for Installing
Steel Conduit / Tubing.
Make bends in rigid conduit with tools which are specifically designed for bending the type and size of conduit in
question. Exercise care when bending conduit to maintain proper internal diameter and wall thickness.
Do not make more than three quarter bends, equivalent to 270 degrees, in one conduit run between pull points such as
conduit bodies, junction/pull boxes, terminal cabinets, and enclosures.
Make field cuts square to conduit and ream conduit ends to remove burrs. Field cut threads shall have same length,
dimensions, and taper as factory-cut threads. Clean field cut threads with an appropriate degreasing solvent after cutting
and coat with a touch-up compound as recommended by the conduit manufacturer and a urethane topcoat. Provide
similar repair to any area on the interior of the conduit which has been disturbed by reaming.
All installers of PVC coated conduit shall be certified by the manufacturer of the conduit.
Install PVC coated rigid metal conduit using tools and methods which will not cause damage to the PVC coating, and be
in strict accordance with installation instructions provided by the conduit manufacturer. Coat any area on the exterior of
the conduit which has been damaged during installation with an exterior patching compound as recommended by the
conduit manufacturer.
Repair conduit that has any defect (nick, scar, cut, tear, abrasion, etc.) of 2 inches or more in length to the PVC coating
by replacing the entire section of conduit. Repair with an appropriate repair compound as recommended by the conduit
manufacturer and approved by the RE, any defect to the PVC coating which is less than 2 inches in length. However, the
RE may, at his discretion, alternatively require that any defect of 2 inches long or less must be repaired by replacing the
entire section of conduit. Any required replacement of conduits resulted from damaged coating will be at no additional
cost, even if such replacement requires the removal and reinstallation of conductors. Submit proposed conduit repair
details for approval.
Unless explicitly indicated otherwise, install conduits as follows:
All wet or outdoor locations: use plastic-coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC), liquidtight flexible
metal conduit (LFMC)
Damp and Dry (Indoor) Locations: use galvanized-steel rigid metal conduit (RMC), liquidtight flexible metal
conduit (LFMC).
Use flexible conduits in accordance to the following conditions:
In lengths not to exceed 24 inches for final connection to motors and similar equipment subject to vibration.
Where flexibility is required:
Lengths not to exceed 24 inches, unless explicitly indicated otherwise or with the special permission of
the RE. Do not use flexible conduit in lieu of bends in rigid conduit, except as may be allowed by the
RE by special permission.
Use Wireways only where specifically indicated.
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Label conduits at all termination points with stamped brass tags. Tags will be 1.5 inches in diameter and minimum 19gauge. Secure tags with weather and UV resistant PVC cable ties. Coordinate tag text with the plans and the required
conduit layout drawings and tabulations.
705.03.05 Wire and Cable Pulling
Thoroughly swab raceway system before installing conductors.
Use pulling lubricant to facilitate installation of wire and/or cable in conduits. Lubricant shall be UL Listed,
environmentally friendly, Teflon based lubricant which is safe for use with all cable types and does not harden in
Replace conductors and cables, as required or as directed by the RE to his satisfaction, which are damaged during
shipping, handling, storage or during the installation, or due to high pulling tension during the installation as revealed
during any inspection or tests. Such replacement shall not be considered cause for delay or additional payment.
705.03.06 Conduit and Cable Supports
Support rigid conduits near each elbow and within 18 inches of each box, enclosure, conduit body, or similar
termination, and at regular intervals not to exceed 6 feet.
Support flexible conduits near each elbow and within 12 inches of each box, enclosure, conduit body, or similar
termination, and at regular intervals not to exceed 3 feet, except where flexibility is required.
Install conduit and cable supports and attachment methods as indicated. Where not explicitly shown on the plans, support
types and attachment methods shall be as follows or as otherwise directed by the RE:
Inside the Operator’s House, and Machinery House:
Any method permitted under "all other locations", below.
Galvanized malleable iron mechanical type clamps (i.e. "Right Angle", "Parallel", and "Edge" type).
Stainless steel metal framing strut by B-Line, Unistrut, Thomas & Betts, with compatible stainless steel
Stainless steel one hole straps or hangers.
All Other Locations
Galvanized malleable iron one-hole clamps with clamp backs
Type 316, stainless steel U-bolts with fabricated stainless steel brackets, or with type 316 stainless steel
metal framing strut and stainless steel conduit/cable clamps by B-Line, Unistrut, Thomas & Betts
Stainless steel U-bolts with trapeze hangers which shall be constructed from type 316 stainless steel angle
or channel and stainless steel threaded rod.
Unless indicated otherwise on plans, use plastic-coated clamps and U-bolts with plastic coated rigid metal conduit.
Plastic coating shall satisfy the requirements for coating for plastic coated rigid metal conduit. PVC coated conduit
supports shall be of the same manufacturer as the PVC coated conduit.
Install buried conduits in accordance with section 701.03.02.
705.03.07 Conduit Penetrations
Provide conduit penetrations through walls, floors, and ceilings at indicated locations and as necessary for the installation
of conduits. Following the installation, restore floors, walls and ceilings with materials equal to the original construction
and finish to match surrounding surfaces. Materials used shall be subject to the approval of the RE for appropriateness.
Repair conduit penetrations in concrete with non-shrink grout, and seal with silicone caulk as necessary. The RE will
advise the Contractor regarding the method to be used at each penetration location.
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705.03.08 Conduit Drains
Arrange all conduit runs installed in wet or damp locations to allow drainage at low points. Install conduit drain fittings
at the low point(s) of all conduit runs in wet and damp locations.
To the practical extent, arrange conduit runs between dry locations and wet or damp locations to drain away from the dry
location and toward the wet or damp location.
Arrange conduit runs to drain away from boxes and enclosures in wet and damp locations. Where this is not practical, a
drain fitting as described herein shall be installed immediately adjacent to the box or enclosure.
Use conduit drain and breather fittings consisting of a conduit body and screened drain. Install the screened drain down
to permit proper drainage and help prevent water ingress through the drain. Use copper-free aluminum drain body, and
stainless steel screen. Crouse-Hinds CD Series, or approved equal. Apply an anti-oxidant and anti-seizing compound
(Ideal Noalox, or equal) to the threads of the drain before installing in the conduit body.
705.03.09 Low Voltage Splices, Terminals, and Terminal Blocks
Splice and tap conductors only in equipment enclosures, cabinets or junction boxes, and on terminal blocks or with
insulated compression crimping-type connectors or as described herein. Do not terminate more than two conductors per
terminal block. Splices and/or taps made at equipment or in locations which do not permit the use of terminal blocks may
be made with crimp or mechanical type connectors with the RE’s permission.
Make splices and taps in conductors 10 AWG and smaller for making final connection to luminaires, receptacles, or
devices with insulated, set-screw type connectors (Ideal Models 10, 11, or 22, or approved equal). Provide set-screw
connectors with a flame retardant insulating shell and wrapped with vinyl electrical tape after installation.
Make connections of motor terminal leads only with means which will allow for disconnection without cutting motor
leads, such as two crimp type lugs bolted together or mechanical type connectors. The use of wire nut connectors is not
Insulate all splices made with crimp or mechanical type connectors with rubber and vinyl tape, or an insulating cover
specifically designed for use with the connector, after installation. The RE may require the use of special splices or splice
kits to address specific application considerations.
For splices without integral insulating sleeves, tightly apply a minimum of one half-lapped layer of rubber tape, tacky
side up, over entire splice and extending onto the conductor insulation at least one tape width on both sides of splice.
Apply a minimum of two (2) half-lapped layers of vinyl tape completely over rubber tape and extending onto conductor
insulation past ends of rubber tape.
For splices which are provided with integral insulating sleeves, apply a minimum of two (2) half-lapped layers of vinyl
tape completely over splice and extending onto conductor insulation past ends of splice.
Provide special splices and splice kits, with all required accessories and appurtenances, as shown on the plans, as
required elsewhere in these Special Provisions, or as required by the RE to address specific application considerations for
splices allowed by special permission.
Vinyl electrical tape shall be 3M 33+ or Super 88, or approved equal. Rubber insulating tape shall be 3M 130C linerless
rubber splicing tape, or approved equal.
705.03.10 Enclosures, Cabinets, Junction/Pull Boxes, Device/Outlet Boxes
Install boxes and cabinets plumb and level. Anchor cabinets securely as indicated and as required to provide a
dependable installation.
Isolate aluminum boxes and cabinets from concrete and dissimilar metals with neoprene shims. Do not install aluminum
boxes and cabinets in contact with the ground. Isolate boxes and cabinets which are not stainless steel from unpainted
and/or "weathering" steel with neoprene shims.
Install drains and breathers in all boxes and enclosures installed in wet locations, and as otherwise indicated. Use drains
and breathers having the capability to pass 50 cc of water per minute and 0.2 cubic feet of air per minute at atmospheric
pressure, stainless steel body with 1/2 inch male external thread. Crouse-Hinds ECD15 "Universal", or approved equal.
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Provide additional drain holes as maybe required by the RE in boxes and enclosures as necessary to prevent the
excessive accumulation of water.
Bond boxes, cabinets, and enclosures directly to each equipment grounding conductor, not just through the conduit and
or connectors. This connection may be made by a jumper tapped to the main equipment grounding conductor.
Install cast-in-place concrete pull boxes in accordance with section 701.03.08.
705.03.11 Grounding and Bonding
Provide grounding and bonding in compliance with the requirements of NEC Article 250 for grounding and bonding.
Do not use raceways and metallic cable armor/sheaths as the sole grounding or bonding conductor for any circuit.
Solidly connect all electrical equipment to the equipment grounding conductor serving that equipment.
Bond the ground buses of all panelboards, motor control centers, and similar equipment to the nearest substantial
structural steel member. Size bonding jumpers equal to the equipment grounding conductors serving the equipment.
Installation of the bonding jumper shall conform to the requirements for grounding electrode conductors given in the
NEC. Ensure that bare ground wire is used when installing a bonding wire in junction boxes, terminal cabinets and
Where bolted connections are used for connecting equipment grounding conductors to equipment, clean the area around
the connection down to bear metal prior to making the connection. Touch-up the area with paint after the connection is
Provide a ¾ inch diameter stainless steel ground rod driven in the channel at the east tower pier and the west tower pier.
Provide a #2/0 AWG bare, 19 strand copper grounding wire to connect the ground rod to each tower. Use stainless steel
or cast bronze connector for connection of ground wire to the ground rod, and exothermic weld for connection of the
ground wire to the steel base of each tower. Attach the ground rod to the bridge structure at 3 foot intervals with hot-dip
galvanized iron clamps or with 316 stainless steel clamps.
The Department will measure and will make payments for Items as follows:
Pay Unit
All accessories and labor such as conduit bodies, conduits, elbows, couplings, connectors, supports, fasteners, and
clamps furnished and installed for the conduit, as described herein and shown on plans, shall be incidental to the bid item
All accessories and labor such as wire terminals, lugs, connectors, fittings, tape, wire labels, and appurtenances furnished
and installed for the conductor and cable, as described herein and shown on plans, shall be incidental to the bid item for
All terminal blocks and labels furnished and installed for wiring, and all channels, framing, supports, and fasteners
furnished to install each junction/pull box, enclosure, or terminal cabinet shall be incidental to the bid item for
The Department will make payment for all electrical boxes, conduits, wiring, and related items of the lump sum pay item
ELECTRICAL BOXES, CONDUIT, AND WIRING in 4 installments. The first installment will be valued at 10% of the
item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals of all materials
proposed for electrical boxes, conduits, wiring, and related items. The second installment will be valued at 40% of the
item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation of all required electrical boxes,
conduits, wiring, and related items within the operator’s house. The third installment will be valued at 40% of the item
lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation of all required electrical boxes,
conduits, wiring, and related items on all other areas outside the operator’s house. The fourth installment will be valued
at 10% of the item lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the acceptance by the Department of the installation of all
electrical boxes, conduits, wiring, and related items. No other partial payments will be made.
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This section describes the requirements for providing, constructing, and installing various electrical and mechanical
Items for the rehabilitation of the movable bridge. The Work includes the replacement of the following principle
The replacement of the existing span drive motor with a new gear–motor and encoder
The replacement of the existing motor drive with a new flux-vector, variable frequency AC drive
The replacement of the existing motor control center with a new motor control cabinet with associated circuit
breakers, starters, surge suppressor, and appurtenances
The replacement of the existing non-automatic transfer switch with a new transfer switch, including the
replacement of the main circuit breaker with a new breaker
The replacement of the existing automatic transfer switch with a new transfer switch
The replacement of the existing motor and machinery brake with new brakes, brake drums, keys, coupling
and covers
The provision of supporting pedestal, mounts, keys, mounting bolts, shims and other assembly hardware
necessary to complete the installation, and properly align the new span drive motor, the new brakes, and all
components to the existing machinery primary gear reducer.
The replacement of the existing generator and fuel storage tank with a new diesel engine-generator and tank
The provision of new load banks for the generators
10. The replacement of the existing auxiliary engine drive and clutch with a diesel hydraulic power unit,
hydraulic motor, and shifter coupling
11. The modifications of the existing primary gear reducer
12. The replacement of the existing panelboards with new panelboards.
. The Work in this section also complies with the following codes and standards:
National Fire Protection Association NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC) (2008 Edition)
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway
Bridge Design Specifications (2nd Edition, 2007)
International Electrical Testing Association, NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications (Latest Edition)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), latest version of all applicable standards.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), latest version of all applicable standards.
American Welding Society (AWS), Structural Welding Code, D1.1 (Latest Edition)
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), latest version of all applicable standards.
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), latest version of all applicable standards and specifications.
A. Character of Work and Quality Control. Perform Work to not pose any unusual and/or unreasonable danger to
persons and/or property. All work will not be likely, in the RE’s judgment, to expose persons and/or property to any
unusual and/or unreasonable danger as a result of normal service, including normal wear and tear.
All work must be aesthetically acceptable in every way, including neatness and cleanliness.
Coordinate all features, ratings, etc. of products as may be required to provide complete, operational, reliable and
safe system(s) and sub-system(s) in accordance with the requirements and intents of these contract documents.
Perform all coordination necessary to perform all work, including, but not be limited to, coordination with and/or
between suppliers, vendors, sub-contractors, trades, and Utility Companies. Ensure proper interfacing between
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electrical systems and sub-systems, and the bridge operating machinery, the bridge structure, and miscellaneous
Verify all dimensions and details at the site before proceeding with any work, purchasing any items, or fabrication
of any custom components. The Contractor will bear all costs and/or damages that may result from the ordering or
fabrication of any items or materials prior to such verifications.
Fully determine the nature and location of the work, the character, quality and quantity of the materials that are
required, the nature of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the performance of the work, the
general and local conditions, and of all other matters which can in any way affect the work for this project. Failure
to comply with these requirements does not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for completion of all
specified work, and is not considered cause for delay or additional payment.
All products and work, including fabrication, erection, and/or installation procedures, are subject to inspection and
testing by the RE at all times. If any products and/or installations are found to be defective, coordinate repair or
replacement at no additional cost. Under no circumstances will any inspection and/or test by the RE or his duly
authorized representative, or any approval granted as a result thereof, relieve the Contractor from responsibility for
full compliance with the requirements of these contract documents.
B. Field Measurements and Verification. Before ordering any materials or fabricating any items, verify all pertinent
dimensions at the job site and ensure their accuracy.
Verify all field point-to-point wiring. Verify all field measurements that are critical to the fabrication of new items,
and clearly indicate to differentiate from other dimensions on working drawings that are submitted for review and
The Department and RE will not, as a part of shop drawings review, bear responsibility for verification of any field
measurements made by the Contractor. Review of shop drawings by the Department and RE does not in any way
relieve the Contractor from responsibility for the accuracy of field measurements. The Contractor bears full
responsibility for any errors that may result from inaccuracy of field measurements.
C. Brand Name Products and Substitutions. Provide identification by “brand name” to include manufacturer name
and model name or number.
The identification of products, both on the plans and in these Special Provisions, by brand name or equal description
is intended to be descriptive, but not restrictive, and is to indicate the characteristics, performance, and quality of
products that are satisfactory. Except when noted otherwise, the Contractor may propose "equal" products for
consideration by the RE. Such "equal" products may be used only if the RE determines that the proposed product
satisfies the requirements identified in the contract documents, is acceptable for the intended use, and is substantially
equal in characteristics, performance, and quality to the specified product.
Where a product is identified by brand name, that brand name product was used as the design basis. Where the
Contractor proposes to use an approved "equal" product, even if such a substitution is approved by the RE, the
Contractor will assume all responsibility for its proper installation and fit into the system and will bear sole
responsibility for any resultant extra work, including products, labor, and related costs.
Supply to the RE all information required for the RE to determine the acceptability of a proposed "equal" product or
procedure. The RE may request additional information, beyond what is explicitly required by these contract
documents, to assist in determination of acceptability.
The Contractor will bear full and final responsibility for selection of products that satisfy all identified requirements.
In case of any discrepancy, or other conflict, between the salient requirements identified in the contract documents
and products identified by brand name, the salient requirements will govern. Any such conflict, or other
discrepancy, will not be considered cause for delay or additional payment.
D. Submittal Requirements and Procedures. Follow submittal procedures as specified in Section 105.05 and as
required by the MBEG.
Submit working drawings for the required Work and product to include, but to not be limited to, the following
requirements applicable to all electrical and mechanical work covered by Division 700 for this project.
Page 36 of 120
Submit all required submittals within 30 days of contract award.
All equipment and/or materials must be approved by the designer and the Department prior to their
use/installation on this project.
Do not perform any work without approved working drawings.
Submit brochures, catalog cut, certified prints with certified ratings and dimensions, and specification sheets,
and other product literature for all products.
Submit certified drawings for standard or semi-standard products when requested by the RE or as otherwise
required by the contract documents. Certified drawings must clearly depict all critical dimensions, as well as all
electrical and mechanical ratings. Manufacturer's standard catalog drawings are not acceptable in place of
certified drawings.
Submit material test certificates for raw materials when requested by the RE, or as otherwise required by the
contract documents.
Each set of product submittal information must cover only one distinct product.
Submit assembly drawings for fabricated items and assemblies.
Submit working drawings to include, but not be limited to, the following:
Full schematic wiring diagrams depicting all required power and control wiring, including connections to
existing wiring and equipment.
Field hook-up drawings.
Layout drawings showing the installation of the new equipment, and related existing equipment and
Complete bill of materials for all components. Present bill of materials in tabular format. Clearly identify
all components by designation and/or description, along with manufacturer's name and complete model or
catalog number.
A complete step-by-step shop test procedure for the span drive gear-motor, and drive in conjunction with
the PLC systems described in section 750. This shop test shall be witnessed by personnel of the Department
and the Engineer at the facility of the Control System Vendor.
A complete listing of proposed spare parts to be provided, in accordance with the requirements given
elsewhere herein, submitted for approval prior to delivery of the spare parts.
The required component descriptive data and system shop drawings submitted all together.
Installation drawings clearly illustrate the physical relationship between new and existing components and
features, including mounting methods and critical dimensions. All pertinent information regarding existing
features, dimensions, etc., will be field verified by the Contractor prior to preparation of the drawings.
Dimensions obtained by field measurement will be clearly indicated as such on the drawings.
Submit layout and installation drawings to show proposed locations, dimensions, and clearances to floors, walls,
ceilings, structural members, mechanical components, and other nearby objects and equipment. Drawings need
not necessarily be to scale, but items must be shown in their proper relative positions and be dimensioned.
Clearly show on drawings the proposed method of attachment, mounting details, specific hardware, holes to be
drilled or cut in structural steel or masonry, etc... List all applicable fits, finishes, and tolerances.
Complete descriptive data (catalog cut sheets, etc.) for all components.
Factory-certified dimensional drawings for the machinery components with rating and performance curves.
On conduit and raceway layout diagrams, show each raceway utilized, with all wire numbers installed therein,
in tabular or spreadsheet format. Assign wire numbers to spare wires. Use different symbols to clearly
distinguish between underground, concrete encased, in-wall, and exposed conduits, as well as cable trays,
flexible cables, wireways, junction boxes, terminal cabinets, equipment, and enclosures. Fully coordinate
drawings with all wiring diagrams, tabulations, and shop drawings.
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On multi-line wiring diagrams, show all circuit phase, neutral, and grounding conductors. Identify all
conductors on the diagrams by wire numbers that match the same respective conductors or connections shown
on other diagrams and shop drawings. Clearly indicate the size and type of all conductors on wiring diagrams.
Wiring diagrams are not intended to be to scale, but must show all equipment, terminal cabinets, splices, etc.
Show items in their approximate geographic orientation to each other to the extent practical.
Provide conduit and conductor tabulations to clearly indicate all wire numbers passing through or terminating in
each raceway, box, cabinet, and equipment enclosures. Tabulate all raceways, boxes, cabinets, and equipment
enclosures, device served and function of each conductor, and spare conductors with assigned wire numbers.
Include proposed text for nameplates for electrical equipment. The text of nameplates that are part of a product
depicted on a shop drawing must be clearly shown on that shop drawing.
Submit drawings and installation procedures showing how each machinery item will be mounted. The
submittals must be submitted to the RE for review and approval. Details provided in the drawings and
procedures to include, but not be limited to, the complete part number, catalog cut, and certified drawing of
commercial components, scaled drawings of the new and associated existing machinery component, accessories
to be utilized, description of the mounting detail to be employed, and the modifications required to be made to
the existing machinery housing and or surrounding bridge steel. Detail custom or commercial mounting
hardware or mounting brackets, and submit for review and approval. Describe all installation procedures
including alignment, testing, calibration, waterproofing etc. as recommended by the manufacturer of the
equipment being installed.
Prepare and submit as-approved, as-shipped, and as-built drawings as described in section 706.02D.
All copies of electrical and mechanical working drawings, procedures, fabrications and catalog cuts will be
submitted by the Contractor to the Designer for their review and stamp. The number of copies to be submitted
will be determined at the preconstruction meeting. Except for those stamped “Revise and Resubmit”, the
Designer will stamp the submittals using the appropriate stamp and forward to the Movable Bridge Engineering
Group (MBEG) for the appropriate official Department stamp. All submittals must be stamped on the front of
the document. Only if there is insufficient room on the front of the document will it be permissible to apply
review stamps on the back of the submitted document. A separate page for review stamps will not be accepted.
All submittals will be reviewed for general conformance with the design concept of the project. Approved
submittals do not relieve the Contractor from compliance with the requirements of the contract documents.
Submittals are not officially approved until stamped by the DOT.
The following stamps will be used:
“REVISE AND RESUBMIT” If the Designer rejects the submittal, it is stamped “Revise and Resubmit”
and returned directly to the Contractor with explicit notation and/or instruction. A copy of the Designer’s
transmittal must be sent to the MBEG and the RE for tracking purposes.
“NO EXCEPTIONS” Submittals reviewed by the Designer and determined to be accurate and in
compliance with the contract documents are stamped “No Exceptions” and forwarded to the MBEG for
review and DOT stamp. The MBEG will distribute as noted below.
“EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED” Submittals reviewed by the Designer and determined to require minor
revisions to be accurate and compliant, must be stamped “Exceptions as Noted”. The required revisions
must be clearly noted on the submission and forwarded to the MBEG for their review and stamp. The
MBEG will distribute as noted below. The Contractor, upon receipt of the submittal marked “Exceptions
as Noted” is free to begin the specified work, but must return corrected copies of the submittal
incorporating the noted exceptions, along with a copy of the returned submission, within 30 days to the
Designer. The Designer will ensure that the noted exceptions were corrected, apply the “No Exceptions”
stamp, and forward to the MBEG.
“CERTIFIED” Submittals involving electrical and/or mechanical catalog cuts of “off the shelf” items that
are reviewed by the Designer and determined to comply with the contract documents, must be stamped
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“Certified” and forwarded to the MBEG for their review and stamp. The MBEG will distribute as noted
“CERTIFIED AS NOTED” Submittals involving electrical and/or mechanical catalog cuts of “off the
shelf” components that are specified in the contract documents will be reviewed by the Designer for
conformance with the contract documents. If the Designer feels that further clarification is needed on the
submittal for its use in the project, it is stamped “Certified As Noted”. The Designer’s comments must be
clearly noted on the submission and forwarded to the MBEG for their review and stamp. The MBEG will
distribute as noted below. The Contractor, upon receipt of the submittal marked “Certified As Noted” is
free to place the order for the specified material. The submitted catalog cut copies must be clean and
legible. Details of size, dimension, options, etc. must be clearly indicated on all copies so that the specific
version of the component is indicated.
A Working (or Shop) Drawing is any submission that is drawn or created by the Contractor. A Catalog Cut is
an original or copy of a page from a supplier’s catalog. The exact item and all attributes, options and/or
peripherals associated with that item must be clearly indicated.
For all electrical and mechanical submittals, except those stamped “Revise and Resubmit”, the MBEG will
review and apply the appropriate DOT stamp. All electrical and mechanical submittals are considered not
approved until the official DOT stamp is applied by the Movable Bridge Engineering Group. Should the
MBEG have additional or differing comments from the Designer’s review, the MBEG will notify the Designer
for discussion and agreement before the submission receives the DOT stamp. MBEG will then forward the
officially stamped submission in the following manner:
One (1) copy will be retained for the MBEG file.
One (1) copy will be forwarded to the Engineering Document Control Unit.
One (1) copy will be forwarded to the Designer.
All remaining copies will be forwarded to the RE of the project for distribution to the RE’s inspection staff
and the general contractor. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to distribute to any subcontractors. Work performed by the contractor or their sub-contractors without a DOT stamped drawing is
at risk of rejection and non-payment in accordance with the contract documents.
The address of the Movable Bridge Engineering Group is as follows:
NJDOT Movable Bridge Engineering Group
Attn: John Longworth
1035 Parkway Avenue
Trenton, New Jersey 08618
Phone: 609-530-2163
Fax: 609-530-4444
E. Warranties. Warrant the Work against defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one year from the date
of final acceptance of the project. Perform at no additional cost all required corrections or adjustments to electrical
Work during this period. Assign manufacturer’s warranties on products furnished and installed for the project to the
Department in writing.
F. Execution. Employ electricians and helpers who are trained and experienced in the installation and maintenance of
industrial electrical power and control systems to perform electrical Work, and specialty technicians, mechanical
and structural workers who are trained and experienced in the type of work they are performing. All electrical work
will be supervised by properly qualified supervisory personnel.
Complete all work in a professional and safe manner. Verify all relevant dimensions prior to performing any work,
and ensure compliance with NEC required clearances (i.e. "Working Space", "Dedicated Equipment Space", etc.).
The RE must immediately be informed of any conflict between equipment locations shown on the plans and NEC
required clearances. In the case of any such conflict, the equipment in question must be relocated or similar remedial
action taken, as may be directed by the RE and at no additional cost.
Page 39 of 120
Physically install all products in a secure manner as indicated and as required to provide a reliable installation.
Inspect and test all installed products for correct installation, performance, and workmanship. Torque all terminals
and other current carrying connections per the manufacturer's recommendations using calibrated tools. Provide
nameplates and necessary warning labels for all equipment, cabinets, and boxes.
G. Operation and Maintenance of Bridge During Construction. Prior to commencing the construction, operate the
bridge, inspect the entire bridge, record, and document the working conditions of all existing equipment, systems
and sub-systems. Document all recorded data and findings in the format prepared by the Contractor. Submit all
documentation and bring to the attention of the RE in writing any deficiency and finding revealed during the
inspection and operation of the bridge. All findings shall be supported by dated photographs taken at time of the
inspection, which clearly show the existing conditions of the equipment. Operate and maintain the bridge, beginning
from the first time that the contractor is on-site to carry-out his activities for the construction. During the period of
time that the contractor is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the bridge, respond within two (2) hours
of any emergency call from the bridge having to do with operational issues or errors.
Operate and maintain the bridge until all of the following conditions are satisfied:
The RE judges that all work related to the bridge operational systems is complete, properly operable, reliable, and in
need of no further adjustments.
All required adjustments, testing, and training for work related to the bridge operational system are complete. The
RE judges that any remaining work which is not directly related to the bridge operational systems is not likely to
significantly impact the bridge operation.
During the time that the Contractor is responsible for operation of the bridge, provide at least one (1) operator at the
bridge at all times (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). The Contractor is also responsible for maintenance according to
the Department standard electrical and mechanical maintenance manuals as well as any other related standard
Provide a two-person list of primary contacts to respond to the site in the event of an emergency related to bridge
operation, maintenance of traffic, etc. Provide key personnel qualified in the operation, maintenance and repair of all
systems at the site. Respond within two (2) hours notification. Notification will be primarily by phone. A followup email from the caller to the Contractor and applicable Department personnel will list the time the notification call
ended. The time listed will be the start time for the two (2) hour response window. The Department will assess
damages in the amount of $1000 per hour for additional time required to respond.
Coordinate with the US Coast guard and acquire permits and/or permission for the work performed in and/or over
the navigable waterways. Obtain explicit permission and/or permit from the US Coast Guard for any bridge closure
or delay of the marine traffic.
Permanent mode of operation shall include two modes, electric and auxiliary drives. During construction maintain
lift span operation in at least one operating mode at all times. Install the new diesel hydraulic power unit auxiliary
drive prior to removing the existing span drive motor. Maintain all ancillary drives such as barrier gates and locks
operable through two modes such as electric and manual at all times. This includes the Traffic Control System
equipment and devices. Prior to the removal of any existing barrier gate for replacement, submit proposed plans of
Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT) or lane closure to the RE at least 14 days in advance for approval.
Maintain the bridge navigation lighting system in continuous operation, 24 hours a day for the duration of the
During the time that the Contractor is responsible for operation and maintenance of the bridge, provide at no
additional cost any adjustments or corrections, and maintenance to maintain the bridge operational at all times,
including electrical system, operational machinery, span locks, traffic signals, barrier gates, lighting, heating and
ventilation system, communications system, and related appurtenances. Carry out maintenance in accordance with
the Department's standard written practices and procedures, including lubrication of the machinery components
according to the lubrication procedure or chart of the Department or as directed by the RE.
The Department shall have the right to assign Department personnel to supervise the Contractor's personnel during
operation of the bridge. The purpose of such supervision shall be to ensure that the Contractor complies with all
Department procedures regarding operation of the bridge. However, this supervision shall in no way relieve the
Page 40 of 120
Contractor from full and final responsibility for safe operation of the bridge, including the safety of the public as
related to bridge operation.
The Work may be of an emergency nature therefore maintain and have available on 4 hours notice, 24 hours a day
during any day of the year, until the Contract reaches completion as set forth in these Special Provisions, the labor,
tools, materials and equipment necessary to perform such Work as designated in these Special Provisions, including
all related work as required. If the emergency work is electrical in nature and a solution, acceptable to the RE,
cannot be determined by the Contractor’s electricians within 2 hours after arriving at the worksite, the RE reserves
the right to request the SYSTEM TECHNICIAN to arrive on-site within 4 hours. The ability to begin Work on the
emergency job site within 2 hours notice is an essential part of this Contract.
No specific payment will be made for the cost of maintaining the Contractor, Subcontractor or Vendor owned
material, labor, tools, and equipment at a ready status. The cost of doing so shall be deemed included in the prices
bid for the various scheduled Items. The Department will not pay for any Contractor owned material that is not used.
Provide all necessary material other than those provided by the Department and provide required access and
handling equipment to perform the Work in a safe and workmanlike manner. No payment will be made for
consumables. They shall be deemed included in the prices bid for the various Items included in the Proposal. Have
available all necessary equipment to perform the emergency work or work as required in the Items 24 hours a day
during any day of the year. Provide documentation of availability for equipment not owned, prior to the start of the
H. Control System Integrator (CSI). Engage a properly qualified Control System Integrator to procure, integrate,
configure, program, shop-assemble, and test all systems, sub-systems and components of the new bridge control
system, new PLC, new motor controls, new automatic transfer switches, new span drive motor and drive, new
brakes, new generator, and new auxiliary drive system. The CSI will perform all of this Work. The Contractor will
do only field wiring and equipment installation as directed by the CSI. The CSI will also perform the following:
Develop any additional detail, software development and debugging, coordination, and all similar activities
necessary to provide for a safe and reliable bridge operation using the new motor control system and span drive
system, in accordance with the requirements and intents of the plans and special provisions.
Assist the Contractor in the development and execution of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals and
Make one or more designated representatives available to be contacted by the Contractor. Such representatives
will be intimately familiar with the bridge control and drive systems, and be able to provide the Contractor with
advice and guidance in any necessary troubleshooting or adjustment of the bridge control and drive systems. At
least one such representative will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the duration of the project.
Coordinate with the manufacturers of the new PLC, new motor control center, new transfer switches, new span
drive systems, new brakes, new span locks, new generator load bank, and new traffic control equipment in order
to ensure compatibility between the new bridge control system and the span drive systems.
Coordinate, and provide services to assist the supplier of the new data logger and monitoring system, as
described in section 707, in interfacing bridge control system and components by the CSI with the data logging
and monitoring system, in the retrieval of necessary data from bridge PLC and drive for monitoring, in
reviewing modifications of bridge PLC program deemed necessary for the monitoring system without altering
the intended bridge controls programmed by the CSI, in testing of the entire system of the bridge including the
power distribution, control system and monitoring system. Coordinate any necessary data exchange with the
data logger and monitoring system supplier. Provide additional assistance deemed necessary for the integration
of the bridge operations systems and the automated monitoring system as directed by the RE.
Provide start-up services. The Control System Vendor will provide a factory-trained field service
engineer/technician to check out all equipment and system installation on-site, including wiring
interconnections to the PLC system and other equipment described herein, prior to the initial operation of the
bridge. The field service engineer/technician will remain or return on-site during system startup, and will return
for at least one additional site visit immediately prior to final acceptance of the control system to make final
adjustments to the control system as directed by the Engineer.
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The CSI will be primarily and regularly engaged in the integration, installation, and maintenance of vertical lift
bridge control systems with programmable logic controllers and flux vector motor drives. The CSI shall have been
in the business of integrating, installing, and maintaining bridge control systems for at least ten continuous years as
of the bid date and for at least three (3) projects involving vertical lift bridges, and shall be Link Controls Inc.,
Panatrol Corporation, or a Control System Integrator with approved qualifications and experience as stated herein.
Delivery, Storage, and Handling. Properly store and protect all materials and products until installation, including
during shipment and storage. Securely mount and store all large, bulky and/or heavy items on skids or pallets of
ample size and strength. Box all small parts in sturdy wood or heavy corrugated paperboard boxes. Perform
skid/pallet mounting and boxing in a manner that will prevent damage to the equipment during loading, unloading,
storage and any associated and/or subsequent handling. Provide weatherproof covers to protect materials from
weather, when stored outdoor.
Store products so as to permit easy access for inspection and identification, and provide pallets, platforms or other
means to support from the ground. Do not store products in a manner that would cause distortion or damage. Provide
for all large units with lifting eye bolts or lifting holes properly sized for safe working loads and located to provide a
balanced lift.
Store electronic components and/or equipment in temperature controlled facilities in order to protect them from
weather related damage.
Protection and Maintenance of Facilities and Work. Protect and preserve at all times all materials and work. The
Contractor will repair any damage to materials or work during construction to the satisfaction of the RE, at no
additional cost. Maintain all work, and the project site in general, in top condition. Keep the project site free of
excess material, debris, and rubbish caused by the Contractor's operations at all times.
If the Contractor causes any damage to any existing facility, he will immediately begin prosecuting the repairs of
such damage, and will continue prosecuting such repairs continuously (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) until they are
complete to the satisfaction of the RE.
The Contractor will assume all penalties that may be assessed against the Department due to the inoperation of the
K. As-Built Documentation. Maintain, on site, full size sets of contract plans, shop drawings, erection and installation
drawings, layout drawings, and similar drawings and tabulations, marked up with changes and revisions in red to
reflect the as-built or as-installed condition. All mark-ups must be neat and clearly legible. Weekly update as-built
documentation, such that no changes or deviations are more than one week old without being correctly recorded.
Store all as-built documentation in such a manner as to prevent damage due to dirt, water, sunlight, insects, rodents,
etc., and as to be continuously available for the RE’s inspection at the project site. Turn over all as-built
documentation to the RE at the completion of the project. The RE will review the submitted, as-built documentation
for thoroughness, accuracy, and general acceptability. If the provided as-built documentation is not acceptable in
every respect, it will be returned to the Contractor for correction. The project will not be granted final acceptance
until all required as-built documentation is provided, and judged acceptable by the RE.
At the end of the project, submit one complete set of as-built-drawings to the Department for approval before final
distribution. Upon approval, perform any needed corrections and provide two complete sets of as-built drawings on
reproduction quality Mylar (one set for NJDOT Movable Bridge Engineering, and one set for NJDOT Document
Control). Electronic files of all submitted as-built drawings must also be included with the submission.
Provide materials as specified:
Coarse Aggregate ................................................................................................................................ 901.03
Concrete .............................................................................................................................................. 903.03
Grout........................................................................................................................................... 903.08.02.A
Reinforcement Steel ............................................................................................................................ 905.01
Structural Steel Materials .................................................................................................................... 906.01
Miscellaneous Hardware .......................................................................................................................... 908
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Adhesive Anchor Bolt Systems ...................................................................................................... 908.01.04
706.03.01 Flux Vector Adjustable Frequency AC Drive and Drive Motor.
Flux Vector Adjustable Frequency AC Drive. Provide AC drives with all necessary system development details
and control system interfacing, prepared in advance and submitted for approval, as one complete package with
drive motor and encoder. Provide AC drive to replace the existing motor drive to meet and include the following
requirements and features:
UL listed, three phase AC drive providing static (contactorless) reversing control, true closed loop, flux vector
speed and torque control of an induction motor with encoder feedback, and with dynamic braking for raising
and lowering the vertical lift bridge span.
One complete AC drive with embedded Ethernet/IP adapter, rated 75 horse-power normal duty, 60 horsepower heavy-duty in Nema 12 floor-mounted cabinet. The components of each set shall be sized for speed
regulation of the AC squirrel-cage, 60 horse-power, 460 volt, three-phase, 60-Hertz, inverter/vector duty type
motor as described herein.
Capable of continuously providing 100% rated motor torque from zero to base speed, and 150% overload for
one minute. Capable of stalled operation at 100%, or less, rated motor torque for 30 seconds.
Speed regulation of 0.02%, or better, and displacement power factor of 0.93, or better.
Operable from 0 to 40 degrees Celsius without derating, and 95% relative humidity non-condensing at 40
degrees Celsius.
Microprocessor-based control includes an operator interface, with backlit LCD display and keypad, usable for
drive status monitoring and adjustment of all parameters.
Operating modes fully programmable and selectable via external control inputs as required.
At least 8 programmable discrete inputs, 4 discrete outputs, two (2) analog inputs, and analog outputs as
shown on plans. Shall have an analog output, 0 to 10 volts DC or 4 to 20 mA, for the indication of the RPM of
the driven motor.
At least 4 preset speeds selectable via external discrete control input, as well as external analog speed and
torque reference. Provided with multiple independently adjustable acceleration and deceleration times
selectable via external discrete control input. Include multiple independently adjustable driving and braking
torque limits selectable via external discrete control input, or external analog torque limit reference.
10. Properly interfaced with the control circuit through discrete (contacts) inputs. Provide independent digital
adjustments in each drive for:
Creep Speed – Initial setting approximately 5 percent of motor nameplate speed
Jog (slow) Speed - Initial setting approximately 50 percent of motor nameplate speed
Running Speed – Initial setting of approximately 95 percent of motor nameplate speed
Reduced Torque Limit – Initial setting of approximately 70 percent of rated motor full load torque
(this value to be used only at bridge seating)
Normal Torque Limit – Initial setting of approximately 150 percent of motor nameplate full load
torque. (This current limiting shall be in effect at all times of motor operation, except when reduced
torque is in effect at seating)
Acceleration/Deceleration Ramp Time - Initial setting of 10 seconds (adjustment range of at least 0.5
second to 20 seconds).
11. Door mounted NEMA Type 4/13 water tight / oil tight, 30mm, LED pilot lights in parallel with each of the
discrete inputs below for visual indication, with appropriate nameplate label, of when the respective mode is
Span Raise
Page 43 of 120
Span Lower
Run Enable
Running Speed
Jog (slow) Speed
Creep Speed
Reduced Torque.
12. Provided with internal diagnostics, fault indication and trouble-shooting charts.
13. Provided with factory-wired within its control cabinet, with each wire identified to agree with connection
diagrams furnished by the control manufacturer and terminated on pre-labeled terminal blocks for external
wiring. Provide engraved nameplates affixed to the panel for each major component of the drives, and
nameplate for the drive cabinet.
14. Provide protective features as: torque limit, overtemperature, overvoltage, undervoltage, ground fault,
overcurrent, output short circuit, CPU error, electronic inverse time motor overload per UL standards, and
motor stall protection (with adjustable time delay).
15. Completely enclosed in a cabinet meeting the following requirements:
U.L. listed, Nema 1, heavy duty, free standing, approximately 72 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 18
inches deep
Fabricated from 12 gauge steel with continuously welded seams. All welds ground smooth
Three point latching mechanism with padlockable handle
Steel or aluminum inner panels as required for component mounting
Filtered fan and louver as required for proper cooling of components
Door operated fluorescent light, and interior receptacle
Polyester power coat finish (inside and out)
Provision for flange-mounted disconnect
Door switch for the indication of each cabinet door being opened
Additional features as noted on the plans.
16. UL listed, three pole, single throw, fused, main cabinet disconnect switch with external flange mount type
operator and rating as shown on the plans and as required for the main drive. Provide 10 amp auxiliary
contacts for the indication of the disconnect switch in the OFF position, and for the indication of the cabinet
door being opened.
17. UL recognized, three phase, copper wound, 3% impedance input line reactor designed for use with flux
vector adjustable frequency AC drive systems, and sized as required for the drive.
18. UL listed, three phase, dv/dt type output filter designed for use with flux vector adjustable frequency AC
drives to limit voltage spike magnitude, voltage spike rise time, and reflected wave voltage, and sized as
required for the drive. Filters shall not cause any degradation to speed and/or torque regulation performance
of drive system.
19. Dynamic braking resistors, modules, and related hardware as required to provide dynamic braking torque
equal to 150% of motor rated full load torque for 90 seconds, followed by a “rest” time of 5 minutes. Mount
resistors in stainless steel Nema 1 enclosure. Use stainless steel hardware, with factory provided terminal
blocks allowing the use of standard 90 Celsius rated wiring for field connections to the resistor bank. Use
appropriately sized melting alloy thermal overload relays to protect the resistor banks from overloading.
Page 44 of 120
20. Test the performance test of each drive assembly in conjunction with the bridge PLC, with the witness by the
Engineer at the control system vendor's facilities before shipment to the project site. Two weeks written
advance notice of the test date will be given by the Contractor.
21. Manufacturer of drives shall be regularly engaged in the manufacture of flux vector type AC drives, and have
produced such products for a period of at least 7 continuous years as of the project award date. Engage a
factory-trained field service personnel experienced in the installation and start-up of their products to assist in
the installation, testing, adjustment, and start-up of the drive Include documentation that the drive
manufacturer satisfies these requirements with the drive system submittals.
22. Supply the drive with the capability to communicate with the bridge PLC via Ethernet/IP networking for data
acquisition of the setting parameters and continuous monitoring of the drive.
23. Provide latest version software with functionality for programming and maintaining the drive, and to facilitate
the drive set-up and troubleshooting.
24. Use Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 755 drive.
Span Drive Gear-Motor. Provide a span drive gear-motor meeting Electrical standards per NEMA MG1 with an
integral encoder, with all necessary accessories as required to be compatible with the motor drive, and with all
required modifications to the existing motor mounts and provisions to properly install the motor aligned with the
existing machinery. Provide the span drive gear-motor meeting the following requirements:
Inverter/vector duty, 2000:1 constant torque, squirrel cage induction motor, rated 60 Hp, 460 volts AC, 3
phase, 60 Hertz, 1750 RPM full load speed, service factor of 1.15, TEFC housing with an IP55 enclosure
rating, attached to an enclosed, foot mounted gear reducer, with a 4.12:1 ratio. Full-load current shall not
exceed 84 amps.
Gear-motor output rated at 8800 lb-in torque with an AGMA service factor of 2.7.
Class H insulation system, continuous duty cycle, and ambient temperature of 40 degrees C.
Heavy duty, foot mounting, cast-iron frame.
Rear end shaft extending inside the fan cover, onto which is factory-mounted an encoder compatible with the
flux vector type AC drive as specified herein.
Constructed with corrosion and moisture resistant components and sealed against moisture ingress, suitable
for installation in harsh industrial environments.
Dimensions of front and rear end shafts, and keyways as required for compatibility with connected equipment.
All cast iron construction with a two-component, aliphatic polyurethane finish with 316 stainless steel flakes,
epoxy coating on rotor and stator bore, lead separator, normally closed protectors embedded in windings,
double coated magnetic wire insulation, moisture-resistant motor windings, shaft lip seals on both ends of the
motor shaft, precision balance, and actual test data. Locate the terminal box on the motor housing on the righthand side of the housing, looking toward the output shaft of the gear motor.
Mount the gear-motor to a welded support which is bolted to the bottom portion of the existing drive motor
pedestal as indicated on plans.
Use gear-motor model SK 72-225M/4 by NORD Gear Corporation, or approved equal.
Motor Encoder. Provide an encoder with a sealed hollow shaft design, heavy duty, incremental, quadrature
encoder, with 1024 pulses per revolution and 5-26 volt DC line driver. Construction of an anodized aluminum,
NEMA 4/IP67 enclosure. Resistant to grease, oil, salt water, dirt, fibers, and dust with heavy-duty shaft seals, and
sealed connector. Operable from -40 to +100 degrees Celsius, to 98% relative humidity (non-condensing). Output
compatible with the AC flux vector motor drive. Use Dynaher Industrial controls (Dynapar), type HS35 encoder, or
an encoder as recommended by the drive manufacturer with hollow shaft design, or an approved equal.
706.03.02 Motor Control Cabinet
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Provide motor control cabinet meeting the following requirements:
Molded Case Circuit Breakers.
UL- Listed, thermal-magnetic, molded case circuit breaker rated 600 volts AC, meeting NEMA Standard No.
AB1, sizes as indicated on plans.
Toggle-type operating mechanisms, with quick-make, quick-break action and positive handle indication.
Circuit breaker operating handles shall assume a center position when tripped. Two-pole and three-pole
breakers with common-trip. Permanent trip unit containing individual thermal and magnetic trip elements in
each pole. Calibrate all breakers for operation in an ambient temperature of 40 Degrees C.
Suitable for mounting and operating in any position. Copper lugs UL listed for copper conductors.
Provide for the main circuit breaker with an interchangeable trip unit with trip rating as indicated on plans,
shunt trip, and an industrial-grade mechanism and external operating handle for cabinet flange-mounting and
external operation of the circuit breaker. Provide interlocking mechanism for the operator handle with the
cabinet door so the disconnect switch cannot be switched to the ON position unless the cabinet
door is closed. Provide a means to purposely defeat the interlock during maintenance or testing. Operator
handle lockable in both the off and on positions with a shackle padlock.
Panel mounted in the motor control cabinet.
Contactors and Starters.
UL Listed and comply with the requirements of NEMA ICS 2.
Full voltage, NEMA style, electro-mechanical type, electrically held. Reversing or non-reversing contactors,
number of poles, and ratings as indicated and as required by the circuits and/or equipment served. Do not use
contactors smaller than NEMA size 1, unless specifically indicated otherwise.
120 volt, 60 Hz Coils, unless indicated otherwise. Field replaceable contacts.
Electrically isolated auxiliary contacts as required, plus one normally-open and one normally-closed spare per
5. Overload Relays ambient compensated, bimetallic type with field replaceable heater elements. Do not use
electronic type overload relays, unless specifically noted otherwise. Class 10 heater elements for motors which
will normally run for 30 seconds or less at a time. Class 20 heater elements for all other motors. Provide
manual reset type relays with visual indication of tripping. Alarm and auxiliary contacts as required, plus one
normally-open and one normally-closed spare per relay.
Coordinate heater element trip ratings and adjustable settings with equipment served and the power system
coordination study. Further adjust settings as directed by the Engineer.
Service Entry Surge Protector. Provide surge protection for the 300-amp, 480 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire service to
the bridge. Use surge protective devices, meeting requirements of UL 1449, 3rd edition, and consisting of metal
oxide varistor (MOV) modules, protective fuses, solid-state mother-board for control, diagnostic and monitoring
purpose, control and monitoring devices, and terminal blocks.
Use surge protector rated 300 kA per phase, nominal current discharge of 20 kA, and 3kA/6kV voltage protection
rating with test conducted with 6 inch lead length, provided with internal protective fuses rated 200 kA,
interrupting capacity. Include an internal disconnect suitably rated for the surge suppressor by the manufacturer.
Provide monitoring and non-volatile event recording capabilities, Ethernet communication capability, and
software to access monitoring and event data.
Enclose the entire surge protector unit in an enclosure. Provide replaceable MOV modules and fuses, and spares.
Use maximum operating AC voltage of 115% of the rated line voltage, a response time of 1 nanosecond, nominal.
Use Eaton, type PTX300 surge protector, or an approved equal.
Cabinet. Provide U.L. listed, Nema 12, heavy duty, free standing cabinet for flange-mounted disconnect,
fabricated from 12 gauge steel with continuously welded seams. All welds shall be ground smooth. Three point
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latching mechanism with padlockable handle, steel or aluminum inner panels as required for component
mounting, door operated fluorescent light, and interior 120 volt AC receptacle, and polyester power coat finish
inside and outside over the phosphatized surfaces. Provide door switch for the indication of each cabinet door
being opened.
706.03.03 Service Entrance Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)
Provide UL listed, service entrance automatic transfer switch for the 480 volt, 3 phase system consisting of a line-side
circuit breaker and an automatic transfer switch, all enclosed in a free-standing cabinet, and meeting the following
A. Main Disconnect. Provide a UL listed, molded-case circuit breaker for the service entrance main disconnect.
Circuit breaker rating must be as indicated on plans, conforms to NEMA Standard No. AB1, and the following
Toggle-type operating mechanisms, with quick-make, quick-break action and positive handle indication.
Circuit breaker operating handle shall assume a center position when tripped.
Calibrated for operation in an ambient temperature of 40 Degrees C, and suitable for mounting and
operating in any position.
Copper lugs UL listed for copper conductors.
Provide ground fault protection, shunt trip, industrial-grade mechanism, auxiliary contact for indication of breaker
tripping status, and external operating handle for external operation of the circuit breaker.
Use Cutler-Hammer, type KD3400F circuit breaker, or an approved equal.
B. Automatic Transfer Switch. Provide UL listed automatic transfer switch meeting the following requirements:
Ratings as shown on plans, withstanding 42,000 amps RMS symmetrical at 480 volts AC, and as manufactured
by ASCO, Series 7000
Electrically operated and mechanically held. Provide the electrical operator with a momentarily energized,
single-solenoid mechanism mechanically interlocked so as to positively preclude both power sources, normal
and emergency, from being closed at the same time.
Silver composite main contacts. Construct to allow inspection of all contacts from the front of the switch
without disassembly of operating linkages and without disconnection of power conductors. All stationary and
moveable contacts shall be replaceable without removing power conductors and/or bus bars.
The single controller provided with twelve selectable nominal voltages for maximum application flexibility and
minimal spare part requirements, true RMS voltage sensing type accurate to ± 1% of nominal voltage,
frequency sensing accurate to ± 0.2%, and capable of operating over a temperature range of -20 to +60 degrees
C and storage from -55 to +85 degrees C.
The controller to be connected to the transfer switch by an interconnecting wiring harness. The harness shall
include a keyed disconnect plug to enable the controller to be disconnected from the transfer switch for routine
maintenance. Interfacing relays shall be industrial grade plug-in type with dust covers. The panel shall be
enclosed with a protective cover and be mounted separately from the transfer switch unit for safety and ease of
maintenance. The protective cover shall include a built-in pocket for storage of the operator’s manuals.
Integral four line, 20 character LCD display and keypad of the controller for viewing all available data and
setting desired operational parameters. Provide the following parameters adjustable via DIP switches on the
(a) Nominal line voltage and frequency
(b) Single or three phase sensing
(c) Operating parameter protection
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(d) Transfer operating mode configuration (Open transition, Closed transition, or Delayed transition)
Provide user-friendly instructions and controller settings which are easily accessible and readable without the
instruction manuals.
Voltage, Frequency and Phase Rotation Sensing to be continuously monitored, with the following pickup,
dropout, and trip setting capabilities:
70 to 90% dropout, and 85 to 100% pickup
102 to 115% trip, and 2% below trip to reset
85 to 98% dropout, and 90 to 100% pickup
102 to 110% trip, and 2% below trip to reset
Voltage unbalance:
5 to 20% dropout, and 1% below dropout to reset.
Repetitive accuracy of all settings to be within ± 0.5% over an operating temperature range of -20°C to 60°C,
with voltage and frequency settings field-adjustable in 1% increments either locally with the display and keypad
or remotely via serial communications port access.
Controller capable (when activated by the keypad or through the serial port) of sensing the phase rotation of
both the normal and emergency sources. The source shall be considered unacceptable if the phase rotation is
not the preferred rotation selected (ABC or CBA).
Source status screens provided for both normal and emergency to provide digital readout of voltage on all 3
phases, frequency, and phase rotation.
10. Adjustable time delay of 0 to 6 seconds to override momentary normal source outages and delay all transfer and
engine starting signals, and time delay on transfer to emergency, adjustable from 0 to 60 minutes, for controlled
timing of transfer of loads to emergency.
11. Two time delay modes, independently adjustable, provided on re-transfer to normal, 1 time delay for actual
normal power failures and the other for the test mode function. The time delays shall be adjustable from 0 to 60
minutes, and capable of being automatically bypassed if the emergency source fails and the normal source is
12. Time delay provided on shut down of engine generator for cool down, adjustable from 0 to 60 minutes.
13. All time delays adjustable by using the LCD display and keypad or with a remote device connected to the serial
communications port.
14. Enclosed in Nema 1, heavy duty, free standing cabinet.
15. Provided with a 3 position momentary-type test switch for the “test / automatic / reset” modes. The test position
will simulate a normal source failure. The reset position shall bypass the time delays on either transfer to
emergency or retransfer to normal.
16. Provided with a SPDT contact, rated 5 amps at 30 VDC, for a low-voltage engine start signal. The start signal
shall prevent dry cranking of the engine by requiring the generator set to reach proper output, and run for the
duration of the cool down setting, regardless of whether the normal source restores before the load is
17. Auxiliary contacts, rated 10 amps, 250 VAC, consisting of one contact, closed when the ATS is connected to
the normal source and one contact closed, when the ATS is connected to the emergency source with LED
indicating lights shall be provided; one to indicate when the ATS is connected to the normal source (green) and
one to indicate when the ATS is connected to the emergency source (red).
18. LED indicating lights energized by controller outputs to provide true source availability of the normal and
emergency sources, as determined by the voltage sensing trip and reset settings for each source.
19. Internal engine exerciser to allow the user to program up to seven different exercise routines, as follows:
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Enable or disable the routine
Enable or disable transfer of the load during routine
Set the start time
time of day
day of week
week of month (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, alternate or every)
Set the duration of the run.
20. Data Logging capability to log data and to maintain the last 99 events, even in the event of total power loss.
The following events shall be time and date stamped and maintained in a non-volatile memory:
(a) Event Logging:
Data and time and reason for transfer normal to emergency.
Data and time and reason for transfer emergency to normal.
Data and time and reason for engine start.
Data and time engine stopped.
Data and time emergency source available.
Data and time emergency source not available.
(b) Statistical Data
Total number of transfers.
Total number of transfers due to source failure.
Total number of days controller is energized.
Total number of hours both normal and emergency sources are available.
21. Provided with a full duplex RS485 interface installed in the ATS controller to enable serial communications.
22. Factory tested to ensure proper operation of the individual components and correct overall sequence of
operation and to ensure that the operating transfer time, voltage, frequency and time delay settings are in
compliance with the specification requirements.
23. Provide auxiliary contacts for interlock with the load dump circuit of the associated load bank described herein.
C. Cabinet. U.L. listed, Nema 1, heavy duty, free standing cabinet to enclose main circuit breaker and the ATS,
fabricated from 12 gauge steel with continuously welded seams. All welds shall be ground smooth. Three point
latching mechanism with padlockable handle, steel or aluminum inner panels as required for component mounting,
door operated fluorescent light, and polyester power coat finish inside and outside over the phosphatized surfaces.
Provide door switch for the indication of cabinet door being opened.
706.03.04 Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) for 240 volt Power
Provide UL listed automatic transfer switch for the 240 volt AC service, meeting the following requirements:
Having identical design characteristics as of, and meeting requirements of the automatic transfer switch as
described in section 706.03.03.
706.03.05 Engine-Generator
A. Engine-Generator Set. Provide a new diesel engine-generator set for the replacement of the existing 125 kW
generator, meeting the following requirements:
Conforming to UL 2200, Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies
Engine certified to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Non-road Source Emissions Standards, 40 CFR
89, Tier 3
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To accept fully rated load in a single step in accordance with NFPA 110 level 1 systems
277/480 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hz with reconnectable leads
150 kW/188 kVA Standby Rating, and 135 kW/169 kVA Prime Rating
Brushless, 4-pole, revolving field
Class H insulation per NEMA MG1
Temperature rise of 150 degrees C at 40 degrees C ambient
Phase rotation: A, B, C
Cooling by direct drive centrifugal blower fan
4-cycle, turbocharged and charge air-cooled
Direct injection fuel system, number 2 diesel fuel
Single-element, spin-on fuel filter with water separator
Integral, high-ambient radiator cooling
Rated 1800 RPM
Approximate fuel consumption: 7.75 gallons/hours at 100% prime rating
Cast iron cylinder block with in-line 6-cylinder configuration
Battery capacity 1100 minimum at 0 to 32 degrees F ambient
100 amp battery charging alternator
12 volt, negative ground starting voltage
Air cleaner with dry replaceable element
Single spin-on, full-flow lubrication oil filter
Control system equipped with metering and control devices to provide total system integration of the enginegenerator set. Provide programmable output relays for monitoring of engine-generator running and enginegenerator malfunction.
Silencer included with exhaust system.
Rack-mounted batteries and battery charger
Main line circuit breaker with rating as shown on plans
10. Remote annunciator mounted in the control room beside existing control console
11. UL listed, dual-wall sub-base fuel tank with approximate capacity of 100 gallons and integral fuel containment
basin. Conforming to applicable NFPA 30 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids, NFPA 37 – Standard for
Installation and Use of Stationary Combustible Engine and Gas Turbines, and NFPA 110 – Standard for
Emergency and Standby Power Systems. Provide all necessary fuel pump, fuel gauges, venting, pressure relief,
fuel fill with lockable flip top, and fuel piping. Provide diesel fuel transfer provisions for the sub-base tank with
controls and necessary connecting piping to allow transferring of diesel fuel from the fuel storage tank when the
generator sub-base tank is low.
12. Spring isolators included with engine-generator set mounting
13. Fully interfaced with the automatic transfer switch for starting/stopping, exercising, and necessary controls
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14. Totally enclosed in a Level III sound-attenuated and Level III weather-protective enclosure, meeting UL
requirements, factory-assembled, integrated and delivered as part of the entire engine-generator set. Enclosure
with steel construction and stainless steel hardware to fully enclose the exhaust silencer. Provide exterior oil and
coolant drains with interior valves for ease of service. Constructed with cambered roof, recessed lockable doors,
air inlet and outlet louvers, and barriers in all openings to prevent entrance of rodents.
15. Batteries and battery charger with output relays for monitoring of battery low, and charger mal-function.
16. As manufactured by Cummins, model DSGAC, Kohler, or approved equal.
B. 480 Volt, 3 Phase Load Bank. Provide a resistive load bank for the periodic exercise and test of the existing 480
volt, 3 phase generator, meeting the following requirements:
UL listed per UL 508A, rated 100W at 480 Volts, 3-Phase, 3-Wire, 60 Hertz, with unity Power Factor and load
steps of 5 KW, 10 KW, 10 KW, 25 KW, and 50 KW, capable of delivering full rated KW at rated voltage.
Designed for continuous duty cycle operation with no limitations with an operating temperature range of -20°F
to 120°F in an ambient temperature. Resistive load elements, helically wound chromium alloy rated to operate
at approximately ½ of maximum continuous rating of the wire, and fully supported across the entire length by
segmented ceramic insulators on stainless steel rods. Element supports designed to prevent a short circuit to
adjacent elements or to ground. Load elements contained in an integral resistor case allowing resistors to be
individually removed for inspection or service.
Provided with an integral, direct-drive cooling fan with an aluminum fan blade. The fan motor shall operate
from the generator power, be electrically protected against overload using an overload device and against shortcircuit with current limiting fuses supplied by the manufacturer.
Provide the following protective devices:
A differential pressure switch to detect air loss to be electrically interlocked with the load bank controls to
prevent the load from being applied if cooling air is not present.
An over-temperature switch to sense the load bank exhaust in the heater case assembly, and to be
electrically interlocked with the load bank controls to remove the load from being applied in the event of an
over temperature condition.
Current limiting type branch fuses with an interrupting rating of 200 kAmps on all three phases of switched
load steps for fault protection.
“Caution - High Voltage“warning sign and other appropriate safety warning/caution statements on the
exterior of access panels.
Enclosure constructed of heavy gauge aluminized steel per ASTM A463, weatherproof and equipped with base
channels suitable for outdoor installation on a concrete pad. All fasteners and hardware shall be stainless steel.
All main input load bus, load step relays, fuses and blower control relays located within the load bank
enclosure. Provide the intake opening with screens to prevent objects greater than 0.25” diameter from entering
the unit.
The enclosure coated with a baked-on polyester powder finish.
Nema 4 control panel enclosure, remotely wall-mounted at the location indicated on plans. Provide the control
panel with the following manual controls and pilot lights:
Power ON/OFF switch with power ON pilot light
Blower START/STOP pushbuttons with blower ON pilot light and blower FAILURE pilot light
Master load ON/OFF switch.
Load step switches for ON/OFF application of individual load step
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Provide a load dump circuit as part of the load bank control circuit to remove the load bank off lines. Connect
this circuit to be controlled by normally closed auxiliary contacts from the non-automatic transfer switch
provided for the engine-generator under test.
10. Install on a class C reinforced concrete pad as indicated on plans.
11. Manufactured by a firm who regularly engages in the manufacture of load banks at least 10 years from the day
of the contract award and has at least 20 installations of load banks similar or equal to the specified load bank.
Acquire manufacturer’s services to assist in the field adjustments and settings of the load bank, the preparation
of Operating and Maintenance Manuals, and to assist the Contractor during start-up and testing.
12. Provide a digital AC power meter with display of 3 lines of 4 red LED, 0.6-inch high digits to measure the 480
volt, 3 phase power of the engine-generator load bank. Measured parameters will be line-to-line AC voltage,
AC amperage, AC kilo-wattage, reactive power kVAR, apparent power kVA, and power factor. Input voltage
rated 120 volts AC with input current of 5 Amps. Accuracy of 1% of reading +/-2 digits. Include a non-volatile
memory to store setup parameters and RS232 communication capability. Operating temperature range from -20
degrees C to 70 degrees C. Mount the meter in a Nema 12 box, and install in the operator’s house. Meter as
manufactured by Weschler Instruments, type MD3000, or approved equal.
13. As manufactured by Avtron Loadbank, Inc., model SPIRIT (LSH), or approved equal.
C. Concrete Pad
Provide a concrete pad for the outdoor installation of the engine-generator and the 100 kW load bank as
shown on plans.
Diesel Fuel Storage Tank
Provide a UL listed above-ground diesel fuel storage tank for the in-kind replacement of the existing diesel fuel storage
tank, meeting the following requirements:
Double-wall, skid-mounted, secondary containment worktop tank, 180 gallon capacity, rectangular in
shape with dimensions equivalent to those of the existing tank as 5’-8” long, 36” high, and 24” wide, to fit
in an existing fenced in area
Steel tank with continuous welds on all exterior seams, and manufactured in accordance with UL 142, Steel
Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Provided with 4” primary emergency vent, two 2” fuel supply lines for 2 separate day tanks, two 2”
primary working vents, 7 gallon spill box, 2” fill with drain, 4” secondary containment emergency vent, 2”
secondary containment working vent, and fuel level gauge which produce 4-20 mA signals for fuel level
monitoring and a remote fuel level display or meter installed inside the control house. Provide all line
connection, venting, and product fill provisions on top of the tank.
Tested in accordance with applicable requirements of UL 142 and 2085
Finished epoxy coat
As manufactured by Containment Solutions, Benchtop Multi-purpose tank, or an approved equal.
706.03.06 Single Phase, 240 volt Load Bank
Provide a resistive load bank for the periodic exercise and test of the existing 120/240 volt, single phase generator,
meeting the following requirements:
Rated 10W at 120/240 Volts, single phase, 60 Hertz, with unity Power Factor and 1, 2, 2, 2, 3 KW load steps, to
deliver full rated KW at rated voltage, and designed for continuous duty cycle operation with no limitations
Compact design suitable for indoor installation
Resistive, sealed and tubular-type load elements consisting of nichrome resistance wires sealed within nickel
alloy sheath. Use rust-proof, vibration- and shock-proof elements
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Provided with integral cooling fans operated from the generator power, electrically protected against overload
using an overload device and against short-circuit with fuses supplied by the manufacturer
Provide an over-temperature sensor to trip the main contactor and activate an alarm indicator, a main circuit
breaker with overload/short circuit trips, and a overvoltage sensor to protect against incorrect connection of the
load bank (connection of 240 v to 120 v circuits) and to trip the main contactor and activate an alarm indicator
Front control panel equipped with Master Load on/off switch, load step switches, meters, over-temperature
indicator, and protective fuses. Safely cover all exposed terminals in protective box(es) to avoid accidental
contact of personnel to live terminals
Aluminum enclosure coated with a powder nickel-metallic coating, and supported on rubber feet
Fully tested the load bank at the factory by the supplier prior to delivery to the site. Tests shall include electrical
functional test, and verification of conformance to assembly drawings and specifications. Check cold resistance
of each load step to verify proper calibration of resistive load steps and proper ohmic value. Perform a high
potential insulation resistance test at twice the rated voltage plus 1000 VAC for all electrical circuits to assure
insulation integrity. Submit all test data for records.
As manufactured by Simplex, model Swift-e-AC, or an approved equal.
706.03.08 Panelboard
Use panelboard meeting the following requirements:
UL Listed and comply with the requirements of NEMA PB 1, and fully rated to withstand short circuit currents
of 65,000 amp at 240 volts AC. Do not use series ratings. Use ratings as indicated and as required by the circuits
Completely factory assembled and designed such that switching and protective devices may be replaced without
disturbing adjacent devices and without removing the main bus connections
Provide copper tin-plated busses, sized in accordance with UL and NEMA standards. Use full-size (100 percent
rated), insulated, copper neutral bus, furnished with suitable lugs to provide a connection for each branch circuit
requiring a neutral. Use un-insulated, copper ground bus. Arrange switching and protective device taps to the
main bus for the "distributed phase" or ABC phase sequencing such that adjacent poles are not connected to the
same phase
Enclosed in a NEMA 12 enclosure, constructed from steel, minimum 14 gauge, conforming to UL 50, with rustinhibiting primer and finish, and sized in accordance with UL, NEMA, and NEC requirements. Use corrosionresistant hardware. Construct the front panel flush and removable to permit access to the panelboard interior,
with a hinged and lockable door to cover all switching and protective device handles. Fabricate the front panel
with at least 12 gage steel, and the door to have a flush, stainless steel, cylinder tumbler-type lock with a catch
and spring-loaded door pull, flush with the front panel
Opening the door will permit access to all device handles, but will not uncover any energized parts. Provide the
enclosure with an engraved nameplate with the manufacturer's name, model number, serial number, system
electrical data, bus ampacity, and bus short circuit rating.
Include main and branch circuit molded-case circuit breakers having both inverse-time and instantaneous
tripping characteristics, and ratings as indicated
Use UL listed, thermal-magnetic molded-case circuit breakers of the same manufacturer as of the panelboard,
with tripping characteristic complying with UL 489 / NEMA AB 1. Use bolt-on type breakers with a permanent
trip unit containing individual thermal and magnetic trip elements in each pole, calibrated for operation in an
ambient temperature of 40 Degrees C.
Provide spaces for 42 circuits, or 30 circuits as indicated, with blank covers for all unused spaces.
Provide a typewritten circuit directory placed in a clear plastic cover inside the panelboard door, for each
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10. Include a UL Listed, surge suppressor rated 50 kA per phase and 25 kA per mode for the L-G, L-N, N-G
protective modes, to provide surge protection and EMI/RFI filtering for the single phase, 120/240 volt AC
panelboard. Use the surge suppressor by Cutler-Hammer, type CVL50, or approved equal.
11. As manufactured by Cutler-Hammer, or approved equal.
706.03.09 Auxiliary Hydraulic Drive Machinery
A. Hydraulic Motor. Supply a new radial piston fixed displacement hydraulic motor. The new hydraulic motor shall
meet the following requirements:
Displacement of 68.7 cubic inch per revolution.
Deliver 1,100 foot-pounds minimum actual starting torque at 2,230 psi.
Rated for speeds up to 330 RPM and pressure ratings of 3,626 psi and 6,092 psi for continuous
Flushing circuit with a hot oil relief valve.
5. Install RTD type temperature sensor on the hydraulic motor for the monitoring system.
Hydraulic motor model MR1100-P1-N1-N1-C1-N by Parker, or equal.
B. Shifter Coupling. Provide a new shifter coupling between the modified shaft S11 and the new hydraulic motor with
the following requirements:
Double engagement gear type shifter coupling, Falk 1020G72 or equal.
Custom locking shifter mechanism for the engaged and disengaged positions.
Provide a lever arm limit switch, Cutler Hammer E50SB34 or equal, mounted and adjusted to trip when
shifter engages the hydraulic motor. Program the control circuit to ensure that energizing the main
motor will not be possible when this limit switch is tripped.
C. Hydraulic Pump. Provide a variable displacement over center axial piston type hydraulic pump with integral
charge pump with through shaft to drive an additional variable displacement pump listed below. Operate the
hydraulic pump in a closed loop configuration with the hydraulic motor. Include horsepower limiting control.
Provide a remote hydraulic manual joystick to control pump direction. Also include the following features:
4.33 cubic inches per revolution maximum displacement.
5,800 psi maximum nominal pressure rating.
Set the pressure override at 2,520 psi and the high pressure relief valve to 2,955 psi.
3,300 rpm and 4,100 rpm for continuous and intermittent maximum rated input speeds respectively.
Install a flow switch energized and monitored by the monitoring system to indicate when there is flow to/from
the hydraulic motor.
Install RTD type temperature sensor on the hydraulic pump for the monitoring system.
D. Additional Variable Displacement Pump. Provide an additional variable displacement pump which is mounted to
and driven by the through shaft of the main pump described above. Use this pump to actuate the motor brake
hydraulic override cylinder via a foot pedal controlled directional valve in an open loop style as shown on the
contract plans. Provide this additional pump with the following requirements:
Variable displacement axial piston pump of swash plate design for hydrostatic drive of an open loop system.
Internal pressure and flow control and provide 1.10 cubic inches of displacement per revolution.
Provide 500 psi at 4 GPM at 2000 RPM.
Install directional valve operated by foot pedal which is spring-return to center and allows free
tank through the normal position of the valve.
flow back to
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E. Diesel Engine. Provide a diesel engine, air cooled, electric start, rated at 54 HP at 2,000 rpm. Include a flywheel
engaging 12 volt starting motor, battery charging alternator, and 12 volt battery with manual starting available.
Provide a trickle charger to keep the battery at full charge during periods of inactivity. Supply with adjustable
governor preset to 2,000 rpm. Provide the engine with the following additional requirements:
Belt-driven cooling fan with axial flow type blower.
Battery powered glow-plugs.
Utility powered block heater.
External fuel tank mounted to the power unit with a capacity of 10 gallons, model #PY10 by Pryco Inc. or
equal. Fit the fuel tank with the required fuel level sensor for the monitoring system as described below.
Positive pressure pump and spin-off replaceable oil filter Lubrication system.
New muffler and insulated exhaust piping to the outside of the machinery house. All exposed exhaust piping
shall be insulated.
Provide a gauge panel mounted to the hydraulic power unit. Include gauges for engine oil pressure, engine oil
temperature, battery volt meter, and tachometer, a push-pull throttle hand knob, cold starting aid indicator light
and pre-heat selector switch.
Provide output relays and an electrical panel box to provide interfacing connections for monitoring low fuel
level, low battery, battery charger malfunction, operating intervals of the engine (alternator), hydraulic motor,
pump, and reservoir temperature, reservoir level, and hydraulic motor fluid flow. The monitoring system vendor
will connect to this panel box, coordinate between all parties for this work.
F. Hydraulic Piping. Use stainless steel piping fully annealed, Type 316, seamless hydraulic piping, rated for 3,000
psi minimum working pressure. ASTM A269 or A213. Meet the requirements of SAE J517, 100R9 and 8,000 psi
burst pressure for all fittings. Locate piping which is run on top of the floor between the power unit and the
hydraulic motor and motor brake to areas not used for walkways to the extent possible. Cover any piping which
could be a tripping hazard with a rigid protective cover in a contrasting color to the floor such as yellow. Rigid
piping shall be used in all cases excluding those areas where vibration or relative movement requires flexible hoses
(see hydraulic hose requirement below).
G. Hydraulic Hoses. Rate all pressurized hydraulic hose, less than ¾” at 5,000 psi; hose ¾” and larger at 6,000 psi.
Limit hydraulic hose to short runs adjacent to operating equipment to isolate vibration from the rigid piping runs.
H. Reservoir. Provide a 40 gallon minimum stainless steel tank reservoir with internal baffles and a clean out cover.
Include a fluid level/temperature sight gauge and a top mounted filler/strainer. Provide fluid level monitor sensor
and reservoir RTD type temperature sensor for the monitoring system.
HPU Assembly. Mount the entire hydraulic power unit on a common skid or base frame with shock mounts and oil
containment tray which has the capacity to hold a 40 gallon hydraulic fluid spill. Adapter-mount the pump to the
engine including a flexible coupling or equivalent means to accommodate misalignment. Install the new power unit
on the existing engine support and/or machinery room floor framing and as specified by the HPU manufacturer.
Reuse and/or modify the existing engine support frame as approved by the Engineer. Verify and consider the small
space (floor plan and window size) for erecting and installing in the machinery house when designing and
fabricating the HPU assembly. Repair or replace any portions of the machinery house which are disturbed during
this erection. Mount a panel box on the power unit for output relays to the monitoring system as stated above in the
engine section.
J. HPU Painting. Clean and paint the complete engine/pump/tray/skid frame assembly thoroughly with one coat red
oxide primer, and two coats gray synthetic enamel of manufacturer’s standard paint system.
K. Operating Panel/Foot Pedal. Provide a spring centering manually operated joystick, panel mounted with pressure
gages on a pedestal or post attached to reservoir/pump skid, located on the HPU but as far from diesel engine as
possible. Ensure the operator will have clear site of the bridge height indicator while operating the bridge as well as
viewing through the upstream and downstream windows. Provide 4-inch, glycerin filled pressure gages with needle
valve shut-offs at the following ranges: main pump gage 0-3,000 psi range; charge pump gage 0-1,500 psi range.
Locate the foot pedal for the motor brake release at the floor level adjacent to the operating panel.
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706.03.10 Brake Replacement
Provide a new motor and machinery brake to replace the existing motor and machinery brakes, a total of one (1) motor
brake and one (1) machinery brake. Provide brakes meeting the following requirements:
Motor brake rated for 1700 Newton-meters (1250 ft.-lb.) and set to exert an actual retarding torque of 915
Newton-meters (675 ft.-lb.).
Machinery brake rated for 2650 Newton-meters (1950 ft.-lb.) and set to exert an actual retarding torque of 2440
Newton-meters (1800 ft.-lb.).
Provide each motor and machinery brake with an output interface module and sensors to monitor the pad thickness,
brake drum speed, actuator stroke, pad temperature, braking force, and contact force. Use Pintsch Bubenzer Monitoring
System CMB II or approved equal. See the monitoring system details herein for more details.
Provide motor brake as manufactured by Pintsch Bubenzer, Drum Brake Type EBN 400-80/6 with special double
engagement gear coupling #KBT-09 and rigid brake drum combination, or approved equal. Supply the motor brake with
a hydraulic cylinder override mounted parallel with the external spring. Ensure that a hydraulic pressure of
approximately 500 psi supplied to the blind end of this one-way cylinder releases the brake without damage to the
electro-hydraulic thrustor via the foot-pedal on the auxiliary drive diesel hydraulic power unit. Configure the motor
brake such that it will set in a failsafe fashion due to loss of hydraulic pressure from the brake thrustor or the override
Provide machinery brake as manufactured by Pintsch Bubenzer, Drum Brake Type EBN 400-121/6 with brakewheel hub
bored and keyed for specified fit with existing shaft, or approved equal.
Provide thrustors with adjustable delay valves for the setting stroke for each motor and machinery brake. Provide
nitriding finish on all ferrous parts for each brake and a stainless steel brake cover.
Furnish, install, and align the motor and machinery brakes in the machinery room as shown on the plans. Modify the
existing machinery brake support as required to support the new machinery brake. Ensure that each brake is a spring-set,
thrustor-released, shoe-type, drum brake, with a low-force manual release lever. Provide the brake with corrosionresisting fittings. Each brake must be furnished with an external torque spring capable of providing stepless torque
adjustment down to 40% of the maximum brake torque. The actual setting must be visible from a calibrated torque
indicator provided on the torque spring assembly.
Use brake wheels supplied by the brake manufacturer. Undersize the bores and ship the wheels to the machinery
manufacturer who will finish-bore and key seat the wheels and fit them onto the machinery shafts. Provide all new keys.
Provide FN2 fit between the brake wheel bore and shaft. Provide FN2 fit for sides of keys and LC4 fit for top and
Equip each brake with a low-force hand release that will not change the torque setting or require removable levers or
wrenches. Locate the hand release mechanism on the side of the brake away from the motor at the motor brake and on
the side of the primary gear reducer at the machinery brake. Provide each hand release with a lever type limit switch for
interlocking purposes. It must not be possible to lift the hand release lever of the brakes without tripping these switches.
In addition to the hand release limit switch, mount two (2) lever arm type limit switches on each brake. One must
indicate that the brake is fully set and the other indicates that the brake is fully released. Use the brake released limit
switch with two (2) N.O. contacts, which trip when the brake is electrically released or hand released. Ensure that the
brake set limit switch has two (2) N.O. and two (2) N.C. contacts, and trip when the brake is fully set.
Set the down-stroke (set) time delays of the thrustor in such a manner that the motor and machinery brakes will not be
applied simultaneously should electric power fail or a stop be activated with the lift span in motion. Initially set the
setting stroke time to 1 to 2 seconds for the new motor brake and 3 to 4 seconds for the new machinery brake. If
necessary, adjust the intervals between the setting of the brakes to obtain smooth stopping of the lift span in the shortest
possible time as directed by the RE and the NJDOT MBEG.
Ensure that the oil in the thrustor operating chambers of the brakes has a free operating temperature between -40 degrees
and 150 degrees Fahrenheit, and is a grade as approved by the RE and the NJDOT MBEG.
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Use the thrustor motor rated 460-volt, 3-phase, 60 Hertz, totally enclosed, squirrel cage motor controlled by magnetic
contactors with manual-reset thermal overload relays. Ensure that the rated and stalled thrust of each thrustor is not less
than 135 percent of the thrust actually required to release the brake with the torque adjusted to the continuous rated
706.03.11 Welded Machinery Pedestals and Bolsters
Steel for the support weldment shall be ASTM A588 HSLA steel, unless otherwise specified, and always weldable
grades as designated by applicable ASTM standards. Welding materials and methods shall conform to the AWS
Structural Welding Code D1.1-2008. Where fillet weld size is not specified, use minimum size as given by AWS, based
on plate thickness. All weldments shall be stress relieved with heat. Any machining shall be done after the weldment is
stress relieved. Submit a description of the part and the schedule of the proposed stress relief for approval including
soaking times and temperatures, cooling rates, and temperature at which the part will be withdrawn from the chamber.
Soaking times of less than one hour will not be approved.
706.03.12 High Strength Bolts, Nuts, and Washers
Heavy hexagonal head structural bolts, heavy hexagonal nuts, and hardened washers complying with respectively ASTM
A325, Type 1, A563, Grade C, and F436 shall be used for bolting the new support weldment to structural steel.
706.03.13 High Strength Turned Bolts
A. Use turned bolts to bolt the new gear-motor and new motor and machinery brakes to their supports. Install turned
bolts to mount the span drive gear motor support to the existing motor support as shown on the plans.
B. Fabricate turned bolts from ASTM A325, Type 3. Heavy, hexagonal nuts and hardened washers complying with
A563, Grade C, and F436 respectively shall be used with the turned bolts. Locking shall preferably be by the use of
double nuts.
C. Finish the body of the turned bolts to 63 micro-inches or better. Ensure that the threads for the turned bolts and nuts
conform to the Unified Thread Standards, coarse thread series with a Class 2A tolerance for bolts and Class 2B
tolerance for nuts, in accordance with ANSI B1.1, unless otherwise specified. Turned bolts are designated by their
nominal thread size. Make the turned bolt body 1/16th of an inch larger in diameter than the nominal size specified,
and provide for an ANSILC6 fit with reamed holes. The thread size determines the head and nut size. Provide bolt
head and nut bearing surfaces that are flat and square with the axis of the bolt holes and spot/back face if necessary.
Unless otherwise noted, bolt holes in machinery parts required for connecting to supporting steelwork may be sub
drilled (in the shop) smaller than the turned bolt diameter and shall be reamed together with supporting structural
steel either during assembly or at erection, after the parts are correctly assembled and aligned. Provide positive type
locking. Double nuts are preferred. Where double nuts are used, heavy hex and jam nuts may be used. Submit
alternate locking methods to the Engineer for approval.
706.03.14 Shims
Use stainless steel, ASTM A167, Type 302/304 for all machinery shims required for leveling and alignment of
equipment neatly trimmed to the dimensions of the assembled parts and drilled for all bolts that pass through. Ensure
that the total shim pack thickness is no less than twice the nominal thickness shown on the drawings, and of sufficient
varying thicknesses to secure 0.003-inch variations of the shim allowance including one shim equal to the full allowance.
Provide full contact between machinery and machinery supports with all shims. Show shim details on the shop
706.03.15 Fabricated Mounting Brackets and Supports for Electrical Items
Unless indicated otherwise on plans, use stainless steel type 316 for all stainless steel plates, shapes (angles, channels,
etc.), fabricated brackets, and similar items shown on plans. When stainless steel type 316 is not available for the
structural item and shape in question, a lesser grade, such as Type 304, may be used. If stainless steel material is not
available, use hot-dip galvanized steel ASTM A36, or approved equivalent. Hot-dip galvanizing shall be performed after
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For fabricated items which are constructed by welding, allow items to be thermally stress-relieved after welding and
before any additional machining or finishing. Welding shall be in accordance with American Welding Society standards
appropriate for the material(s) and final product in question.
Use type 316 stainless steel bolts, threaded rods, machine screws, nuts, washers, and similar hardware. Use type 316
stainless steel concrete anchors with adhesive (epoxy) type anchor.
706.03.16 Metal Framing Strut
Use metal framing struts meeting the following requirements:
A. Metal framing strut (unistrut) and fittings shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the Metal
Framing Manufacturers Association.
B. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, metal framing strut shall not be used where it is subject to vibration without
the explicit written permission of the RE on a case by case basis. Where the use of metal framing strut is permitted,
the RE may require the use of special hardware and/or installation configurations to increase vibration resistance.
C. Metal framing strut and fittings shall be stainless steel, type 316, as manufactured by Cooper B-Line, Allied PowerStrut, Unistrut Corporation, Thomas and Betts, or approved equal.
706.03.17 Bearing Bushings
Unless otherwise specified on the plans, material for bushings and liners will conform to ASTM B22, Alloy C91100.
Provide grease distribution grooves and passages for each bushing. Provide smooth radiused transitions for all grooves,
holes, and corners. Follow the fit and finish recommendations from AASHTO unless otherwise noted in the Contract
706.03.18 Fits and Finishes
Follow the fits and surface finishes of the AASHTO specifications, when not included on these Contract Documents, and
as modified below.
Surface finishes are given as the roughness height in micro-inches.
Machinery base on steel
Shaft journals
Journal bushings
Split bushing in base
Solid bushing in base (to 1/4" wall)
Solid bushing in base (over 1/4" wall)
Hubs on shafts (to 2" bore)
Hubs on shafts (over 2" bore)
Turned bolts in finished holes
Sliding bearings
Keys and keyways (top and bottom)
Keys and keyways (sides)
Machinery parts in fixed contact
Teeth of open spur gears:
Under 1 inch circular pitch
1 inch to 1 3/4 inch circular pitch
Over 1 3/4 inch circular pitch
The above fits for cylindrical parts will also apply to the major dimensions of non-cylindrical parts.
706.03.19 Shafting and Pins
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Reduce all forged shafts to size from a single bloom or ingot until perfect homogeneity is secured. Ensure that the
blooms or ingots, from which shafts or pins are to be made, have a cross-sectional area at least three times that required
after finishing. Forge at no less than red-heat. Provide forged rounds for shafts and pins that are true, straight, and free
from any defect. Submit proof of equal or greater strength and ductility for any rolled steel shafting substituted for
forged steel to the RE for approval.
Accurately finish all shafting and pins, round, smooth, and straight; and when turned to different diameters, provide
round fillets at the shoulders.
706.03.20 Gear Type Couplings
Couplings used for machinery components will comply with the following:
Gear-type couplings will be used to connect all machinery components, except where other types of couplings are called
for on the plans. The couplings will be full-flexible (double engagement) or half flexible (single engagement) as per the
Contract Plans. The couplings will be made of forged steel, have exposed bolts, curved face teeth, and provide for at
least a ±3/4° misalignment per gear mesh.
Gear-type couplings will be the standard product of an established manufacturer.
The coupling manufacturer will bore coupling hubs to the required size and tolerances, including keyways, and each hub
will be shipped to the proper location for installation on its shaft by the manufacturer of the connected component.
All couplings must have machinery covers, with the exception of those on the main pinion shaft.
706.03.21 Shaft Journals
Accurately turn all journal bearing areas on shafts and pins and grind and polish them with no trace of tool marks or
scratches on the journal surface or adjoining shoulder fillets. Finish the journal bearing area to a 16 micro-inch finish or
better. Ensure that the journal diameters are finished to the limits of an ANSI Class RC6 running fit unless otherwise
noted. Before erection, coat the journals with the approved lubrication, thoroughly worked into the surface by hand.
706.03.22 Hubs and Bores
Finish the hubs of all gears and couplings on both faces and polish where the hub face performs the function of a collar
to prevent shaft movement. Bore the hubs concentric with the rims of gears or with the outside of couplings. Provide a
fit for all hubs as ANSI Class FN2 medium drive fit on the shafts unless otherwise specified. Finish the hubs to a 32
micro-inch finish or better for 2 inch or smaller bore, or a 63 micro-inch finish or better for a bore larger than 2 inches,
unless noted otherwise in the Contract Documents.
706.03.23 Resolver Rotary Cam Limit Switch
Provide rotary cam limit switches with 6 circuits for replacement of the existing switch assembly for bridge span
position indication and monitoring. Construct the switch assembly to include double-pole, double throw, snap action
precision switches, each driven by an independently adjustable two-piece plastic cam. Mount all cams on a common
heavy-duty 19 mm (3/4-inch) shaft, mounted in sealed ball bearings. Use NEMA 4X stainless steel housing.
Field-verify gearing, driving machinery, and rotation direction of timing dial of the existing switch assembly prior to
ordering. Install the new switch assembly to be driven by the same machinery as of the existing switch. Configure and
set the rotating cam limit switch to duplicate the functionality of the existing switch assembly.
Assemble the cams to directly actuate the snap switch plungers with simple harmonic motion, and contact settings to be
continuously adjustable from approximately 4 degrees to 356 degrees. Allow adjustments to be made without loosening
bolts or screws, and without removing or relocating the switches or cams.
Provide each plastic cam to consist of an assembly of two overlapping cam discs, each provided with a separate
reduction drive with an outer pinion band or adjusting disc. One revolution of the adjusting disc will result in 10 degrees
of adjustment to the respective cam disc, thereby altering both the dwell and timing of the cam assembly.
Use snap switch contacts rated 120 volts, 10 amps continuous, and molded nylon operating plunger with a roller follower
which rides the cam. Mount each snap switch via two machine screws and be readily removable without loosening or
removing other snap switches.
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Provide an integral, rugged, single-turn resolver to be coupled to the shaft of the limit switch, and enclosed in the limit
switch housing.
As manufactured by Gemco/Ametek, model 1980R, or an approved equal.
706.03.24 Barrier Gate
Provide barrier gates as manufactured by B&B Roadway or approved equal, including the following requirements:
A crashworthy, positive protection traffic resistance gate, as customized for the Department bridge
applications, designed to prevent intrusion of vehicles into areas where occasional restriction is required,
with dimensions and characteristics as shown on the plans and described herein. Deploy the barrier arm
using a vertical pivot action, and utilize a positive locking device at each side of the roadway to secure the
barrier during an impact.
The barrier gate will be designed, tested and approved by the Federal Highway Administration to meet
Test Level 2 (TL-2) conditions as specified in NCHRP 350. Provide barriers capable of stopping a 4410
pound vehicle, traveling at 43MPH, and impacting the barrier arm at 90 degrees (perpendicular to vertical
face of barrier arm). Provide at no additional cost any modification to the details shown on the plans
and/or described herein, including the addition of features or provisions, required in order to comply with
this requirement. A Licensed Professional Mechanical or Structural Engineer will review the barrier gate
design for compliance with the above requirements, including sizing of the barrier mounting and cable
anchorage provisions, and take into account all project specific conditions. The reviewing engineer will
provide the barrier manufacturer with a letter certifying that the barrier is properly designed in accordance
with the above requirements, along with signed and sealed back-up calculations. Submit the letter along
with the barrier working drawings. Submit the associated back-up calculations if requested by the RE.
Fabricate the housing from 3/8 inch steel plate and hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. Use formed,
channel shaped side plates to produce a strong configuration without welded corners. Continuously weld
all seams and grind smooth. Break all sharp edges. Provide for the right and left side walls of the housing
with internal stiffeners to prevent failure of the arm shaft bearings due to flexing of the housing. Provide 8
holes in the base of the housing for mounting the barrier gate on the existing structural steel mounting
pedestal. Coordinate the sizes and layout of the mounting holes for each individual barrier with those of
the existing mounting pedestals.
Hang the front and rear access doors on slip-off type hinges. Seal doors with neoprene strip gaskets. Equip
door with a three-point latching mechanism with provision for attaching a padlock. Coordinate the height
of the front side (toward the roadway) door with the housing side arm receiver such that the door can be
fully opened without removal of the receiver.
Seal openings for arm shafts with a bead of 100 percent silicone. Use stainless steel, hot-dip galvanized, or
mechanically galvanized external fasteners. Fabricate the arm from a pair beams, each made of 4 inch
schedule 40 aluminum pipe, 3 1/2 inch schedule 40 aluminum pipe, and 3 1/2 inch aluminum round
tubing, spaced 14 inches apart in the vertical plane with aluminum rectangular tubing, and diagonal
bracing between the 2 arm tubing. Cover the arm on both sides with 16 inch engineering grade
reflectorized sheeting with alternating colors meeting MUTCD requirements. Provide for the barrier arms
with red L.E.D. warning lights as shown on the plans. Provide two (2) End-of-Roadway markers (18 inch
by 18 inch diamond panel, consisting of nine 3 inch diameter red retroreflectors on a 0.08 inch red
aluminum background) conforming to Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) OM4-1,
and one custom "DANGER" sign, on the arm as shown on the plans.
Provide stainless steel truss cables, with stainless steel hardware, to stabilize the arm. Provide one (1) or
more, as determined by the barrier manufacturer, spring loaded bumper rods on the arm to help stop the
arm travel when the arm is in the horizontal position.
Provide the arm assembly with a switch that will disable control circuitry in the event of a barrier arm
impact, preventing damage to the system and to people nearby. This switch will be engaged while the arm
is attached to the side arms. Provide arm assembly with electrical plugs for all wires between the housing
and the barrier arm to aid in the quick removal of a damaged arm.
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Equip the barrier arm with a system of three 3/4 inch diameter annealed stainless steel cables, laced
together into a net-like structure. Anchor the cables at the housing end of the barrier arm with a galvanized
steel receiver. Each barrier arm will also latch into the arm of the barrier opposite it by means of a malefemale type latch. Equip one (1) barrier of each mating pair with a magnetic proximity switch installed on
the tip of its arm and properly arranged to detect proper engagement of the end latch with the arm of the
opposite barrier.
Provide hot-dip galvanized steel arm mounting tubes. Connect the tubes rigidly to the arm operating shaft
in such a manner as to prevent horizontal migration of the tubes on the shaft during normal operation, such
as by through bolting or similar means.
Equip each barrier with suitable hot-dip galvanized steel counterweights. The manufacturer will determine
the counterweight mass and offset to balance the arm in both the raised and lowered position.
Mount the main arm shaft in heavy-duty ball bearings to be lubricated from the inside. Use the main arm
shaft with 3 1/2 inches in diameter, and the shaft material complied with ASTM A311 Class B high
strength, stress proof steel or approved equal.
The vertical pivot action will be driven through a linkage mechanism that provides field adjustable arm
travel from 85 to 95 degrees, and keeps the arm parallel with the road when closed. Provide the
connecting rod with self-aligning spherical rod ends. Construct the connecting rod and the upper and
lower pins of ASTM A311, Class B, Grade 1144 high strength stress proof steel or approved equal, and
plate to prevent corrosion, wear, galling or sticking. Mount the arm shaft and auxiliary crank in ball
bearings. Provide a fully enclosed transmission that drives the linkage mechanism and all gear direct drive
unit running in an oil bath with a sight glass to check oil level.
m. Provide a slip clutch and set to allow momentary slippage to protect mechanism when the motor is
instantly reversed or when the arm encounters an obstruction. Assemble all limit switches to rotate with
the arm to prevent setting changes. Provide the slip clutch capable of holding the arm vertical against a 90
MPH wind.
During the opening and closing cycles, the arm will begin with zero velocity and accelerate smoothly
reaching maximum velocity at mid-stroke (45 degrees). The arm will then decelerate smoothly to zero
velocity at full stroke (90 degrees) preventing bounce or whip of the arm. Standard operating time to fully
raise or lower the arm will be approximately 13 seconds.
The gate manufacturer will size the barrier drive motor to properly operate the gate arm under 40 MPH
wind loading with ice accumulation of 5/8” over the entire surface area. Motor voltage and phase will be
as shown on the plans. Install a solenoid-actuated brake on top of the motor. The brake will allow for
manual operation of the barrier with a release lever.
Include a hand crank and drill crank with each barrier to permit manual operation during installation or an
emergency. All normal control operations will be cancelled upon engagement of the hand crank that
activates a safety interlock double-pole switch.
Provide mechanically-operated side arm lock to secure the side arm tubes in the down position in the
event of a vehicle impact. When the barrier arm is struck in the down position, the arm assembly must
shear away from the side arm tube assembly. The side arm locks will rotate to lock onto rods welded
solidly in the side arm tubes. Mechanically link the locks to the barrier lowering mechanism and allow
manual un-locking. Mount the lock shaft in spherical bearings.
The barrier limit switch assembly will be enclosed and contain 10 SPDT individual switches. Provide
environmentally sealed contacts having UL rating of not less than 15 amps at 480 volts AC. Use limit
switches readily accessible and easily replaced with normal hand tools. Each individual switch will be
controlled by an independent, adjustable cam. The limit switch body, shafts and cams will be of corrosion
resistant non-ferrous materials. Four of the switches will be for customer use. The limit switch assembly
will be driven by a covered chain drive.
Provide a manual disconnect switch fully wired at the factory to protect operating and maintenance
personnel from injury during service or installation. Provide automatic safety interlock switches consisting
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of two (2) switches or a double-pole switch per door with rotating arms and arranged to break the control
circuit and for indication when either door is opened. Provide pressure type NEMA rated terminal blocks
and install inside the housing. Terminate all control wires on these blocks. Clearly label each terminal and
color-code or number all conductors. The wiring diagram will reflect such colors or numbers. Provide for
the housing with a thermostatically controlled heater.
Install the drive motor starter within the gate housing. The starter will be an electrically and mechanically
interlocked reversing contactor that does not allow improper powering of the motor. All control circuits
will operate at 120 volts AC. House electrical components in a NEMA 4 compartment located within the
gate housing. Provide an epoxy impregnated and encapsulated control transformer protected by circuit
breakers with auxiliary contacts on the primary and secondary sides. Connect the circuit breaker auxiliary
contacts to cut-out power to the motor starter when either circuit breaker is tripped to prevent the gate
from being operated without limit switch position controls.
Use factory supplied wiring, as follows:
(1) Power circuits: minimum 14 AWG, moisture and sunlight resistant Type XHHW-2 stranded copper.
(2) Control circuits: minimum 16 AWG, moisture and sunlight resistant Type XHHW-2 stranded copper.
(3) Wiring to the arm lights: At least 16 AWG, water-, sunlight-, and oil-resistant, extra-flexible,
stranded copper multi-conductor cable.
Provide material with specifications as follows, unless specifically noted otherwise herein:
(1) Fabricate metal-work from either MIO20 Merchant Quality or ASTM A36 steel. Galvanize metal
work after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A¬123. All welding will be done by or under the
direction of a certified welder.
(2) Assemble the system with galvanized and stainless steel fasteners. Unless otherwise specified, provide
Commercial Quality "American National Standard" bolts, nuts and washers.
w. Arrange all components mounted within the barrier gate housing such that manual operation, and all
normal maintenance, is from the rear of the barrier (away from the roadway).
A representative of the barrier gate manufacturer will visit the project site to examine the site and directly
supervise the gathering of all field data (characteristics of the site and existing features, critical dimensions, etc.)
necessary for preparation of the barrier gate submittals. This representative will be a properly qualified engineer
who is directly and regularly employed by the barrier gate manufacturer.
706.03.25 Spare and Renewal Parts
Provide spare and renewal parts in compliance with AASHTO, Standard Specifications for Movable Highway Bridges,
Division II, Section 10, and as specified below. It is required that recommended spares be listed in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual, in three or more categories arranged in order of importance to operations, inspection, maintenance,
trouble-shooting, and repair. Copies of the manufacturer's recommendations shall be included in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual.
Provide the following mandatory items for the motor control cabinet, drives automatic transfer switch, and motors:
Two (2) complete set of stationary and moving contacts for each size of each device incorporating replaceable
Two (2) coils for each size magnetic contactor, and relay used
Two (2) sets of overload devices and/or bimetallic element of each size and type used
Four (4) complete control relays and two (2) timing relays of the type used
Three (3) fuses for each size and type used
One (1) flux vector drive unit
One (1) complete motor encoder
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One (1) complete set of split bolts, split cover gasket, and hub seals for each new coupling.
One (1) complete set of filters for the new diesel engine and HPU assembly.
10. In addition to the mandatory items listed above, obtain supplementary spare and renewal parts list
recommended for optional purchase from each manufacturer supplying the various items and auxiliary
equipment approved for permanent installation.
Carefully package all spare parts, preferably in their original manufacturer's packaging, for long term storage. Clearly
label all packaging as to its contents. Replace any of the required spare parts which are used by the Contractor or Control
System Vendor prior to final acceptance of the new PLC system at no additional cost.
706.04.01 General
Provide all miscellaneous products, tools, equipment, and labor necessary to properly complete all work in accordance
with the requirements and intents of the plans and special provisions. Install all products in accordance with their
manufacturers' recommendations and the requirements of the NEC and these contract documents. Physically install all
products in a secure manner as indicated and as required to provide a reliable installation. Inspect and test all installed
products for correct installation, performance, and workmanship.
Install all machinery components by certified millwrights experienced in precision machinery alignment.
Prior to commencing the construction, operate the vertical lift bridge, inspect the entire bridge, record, and document the
working conditions of all existing equipment, systems and sub-systems that are to remain. Document all recorded data
and findings in the format prepared by the Contractor. Any deficiency and finding revealed during the inspection and
operation of the bridge will be brought to the attention of the RE in writing. All findings will be supported by dated
photographs taken at time of the inspection, which clearly show the existing conditions of the equipment.
Handle, store and protect materials in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Equipment, materials and
components intended for indoor installation shall not be stored outdoors. Damage to material caused by the Contractor’s
operations shall be repaired at no expense to the State.
Submit working drawings, wiring diagrams and list of equipment to be furnished for approval prior to starting the work.
Wire numbers shall be provided on the wiring diagrams. Descriptive brochures describing the electrical characteristics of
the various components shall be included. Submit all working drawings in accordance with the specified guidelines and
procedure. No installation or rehabilitation work may take place until the working drawings and procedures are approved
by the Engineer. Submit shop/working drawings of all materials proposed for installation as listed under section 706.03.
Sequence work to complete and test the new auxiliary drive to the approval of the Engineer prior to disconnecting,
disabling and removing the main electric span drive motor.
706.04.02 Removals
Prior to the removal, prepare and submit working drawings as described herein to include conduit and wiring diagrams,
conduit and wiring tabulations and schedules, circuit diagrams or schematics of existing equipment and devices which
are to remain, and to be modified. These working drawings and documents will be reference documents for the
Contractor to install the bridge control system and the power distribution system, and to reconnect wiring to all existing
equipment to ensure that, after the installation, all existing-to-remain systems, equipment and devices will function
properly as they are intended before the removal, and as they are modified in accordance with the requirements described
herein and shown on the plans.
Remove materials, equipment and devices required for replacement, as described herein and shown on the plans.
Salvage removed electrical and mechanical equipment as directed by the RE (with the exception of wire and conduit).
The salvaged equipment will remain the Department’s property for use by NJDOT Bridge Maintenance. Remove all
equipment required to be removed, intact and handled with care to avoid damage. The Contractor shall reimburse the
Department for any costs associated with repairing and/or replacing any removed equipment which is damaged by the
Contractor's activities.
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Upon removal, carefully and suitably package all equipment in wooden or heavy cardboard boxes, neatly and accurately
label as to contents, and deliver to the location designated by the RE.
Dispose of unused or unsalvaged materials away from the construction site in accordance with the requirements specified
in section 210.03.09, Disposal of Removed Materials and Debris.
Verify presence of asbestos in the foot/band brake and cone clutch which are to be removed in this project. Abate,
contain and dispose of as per appropriate Federal, State, and Local regulations if asbestos is found.
Except where specifically indicated otherwise, abandon in place only existing raceways and boxes which are embedded
in concrete. Remove all conductors in abandoned concrete-embedded raceways. Cap all conduit stub-outs on the sides
and on the underside of the structure. Cut flush with the concrete and fill with non-shrink grout all abandoned conduit
stub-outs, and other abandoned anchorages which may become hazard to pedestrians and personnel. Clearly document
on the as-built drawings the locations and characteristics of all raceways, boxes, and equipment which are abandoned in
Plug or fill with non-shrink grout, and make water-tight all openings in walls, floors, ceilings resulted from removed
conduit, pipes, and equipment.
The contractor may remove the existing window in the machinery house to transport removed large equipment from the
house such as existing motor and existing auxiliary drive engine, and new materials in the house for the bridge
machinery. Prior to the removal, prepare and submit plans, procedures, or details for the temporary removal, including
all preventive details and treatments required to maintain the room from the entrance of water, debris, and dust to the RE
for review and approval, take photographs of the window, and document its existing condition. When access through
removed window or door is no longer needed for the construction, immediately re-install and restore all removed
structures to the condition equal to or better than the existing condition before the removal, to the satisfaction of the RE.
The Contractor will repair, or replace, and clean at his own expense to the satisfaction of the RE, any damage to existing
equipment and building resulted from the temporary removal, or water entrance, or any contamination of debris or dust.
Ensure the new auxiliary drive is installed, tested, and fully operational prior to replacing the existing span drive motor
with the new gearmotor. Sequence brake replacements to ensure that proper braking capacity is maintained during times
when bridge is to remain operational.
706.04.03 Installation.
Prior to commencing installation:
Verify that all surfaces upon or in which enclosures are to be mounted, are properly prepared, and that all wire
pulling required before enclosure mounting, has been completed and all wires are properly tagged. Take
corrective action, if necessary.
Verify that enclosure mounting provisions are suitable for intended mounting. Make corrective adjustments, if
Verify that all factory-installed circuit breakers have the correct rating for the applicable circuit, as indicated.
Take corrective action, if necessary.
706.04.04 Enclosures.
Perform the following work for the installation of enclosures:
Install at indicated or approved locations, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Install wall-mounted
enclosures at convenient operating height, such that unless shown otherwise, no manually operable device will be within
2-1/2 feet of the floor or more than 6-1/2 feet above the floor.
Adjust, straight, plumb, and fasten securely in place. Align, and securely and independently fasten each section of multisection enclosures.
Install all wall-mounted enclosures and cabinets, for indoor use, on structural channel erector systems, such as Unistrut,
B-Line or an approved equal. Neatly route, harness and support conductors in gutters, wiring spaces and compartments.
Bending radii shall not be less than as recommended by the conductor manufacturer.
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Isolate all aluminum boxes and enclosures from dissimilar metals with neoprene shims.
Ground as specified in section 705.03.11
706.04.05 Drive.
The control system vendor shall acquire the services of the drive manufacturer’s field service engineer/technician to be
on-site with and in addition to his own personnel during the start-up and adjustment period.
All initial field adjustments and settings of the drive shall be made by or in the presence of the drive manufacturer’s field
startup technician as directed by and to the satisfaction of the RE. As deemed necessary by the Engineer or the drive
manufacturer’s field technician after observing the motor and drive performance, the drive shall be further adjusted for
improvements in operational performance. A process of fine tuning with multiple adjustments shall be assumed by the
Prior to energizing the drive for the first time, the Contractor shall confirm the connections of all drive motor conductors
for continuity, freedom from short circuits, and correct phase rotation. The supply voltage shall also be measured and
verified correct. All control circuit connections shall be verified. Only after these preliminary checks have been
performed may the drive be energized.
Motor and Brakes.
Ensure the new auxiliary drive is fully operational as stated in the Removals paragraph above. Install the new span drive
arrangement as shown on the plans. All dimensions relating to existing equipment and pedestals must be verified by the
contractor on site. The Contractor shall supply all apparatus, tools, devices, materials and labor to manufacture, paint,
ship, install, erect, align, adjust, lubricate, and test the new span drive gear-motor and the new motor and machinery
brakes in an approved manner. Furnish any apparatus, tools, devices, materials and labor, not specifically stated or
included, which may be necessary for the work. The installation and adjustment of all new components shall be by
millwrights experienced in this class of work. Use painting specifications and color as required by the Department.
The new span drive machinery: motor brake, machinery brake, brake-drum coupling and gear-motor, gear-motor/motor
brake bolsters, modified machinery brake pedestal, shall be erected and adjusted by competent mechanics and
millwrights skilled in the type of work involved. Provide all necessary precision measuring and leveling instruments as
may be required. Erect the new machinery with exactness so the various parts are truly aligned in their proper positions
and, when entirely assembled, will operate smoothly without binding or undue looseness of the parts. Take special care
on the alignment of the brake-drum coupling so that manufacturer’s installation limits on parallelism and angularity are
not exceeded.
Prior to mounting the new span drive gear-motor and the repositioned motor brake, remove the existing drive motor,
motor brake and machinery brake. Modify the existing pedestals to accommodate the installation of the new motor
brake, machinery brake and gear-motor. Align and bolt the new mounting weldment to the base of the existing drive
motor and brake mounting, using the existing mounting holes as shown on plans. Install the new brake-wheel coupling
with new keys and motor brake on the new gearmotor support.
Fits and finishes shall comply with AASHTO LRFD Movable Bridge Specifications and as shown herein.
Details shown on plans for the modifications of the existing motor mounts are based on the dimensional data of the
specified gear-motor and the existing motor brake. The Contractor is responsible for verifying, making field
measurements of the existing motor mounts and dimensional layout of the existing machinery, and modifying as
necessary the details shown on plans to accommodate the motor approved for installation. Submit working drawings per
the specified procedure for approval prior to fabrication of the motor mounts.
Install and adjust the gear-motor and brakes for proper alignment with the existing machinery. Verify the alignment of
the motor shaft prior to initial operation, and again after all connections and after the flux vector drive has been installed
and the bridge has been operated through at least 10 full open-close cycles.
Use 24 inches of liquid-tight flexible metal conduit with slack for the final connections of rigid conduit to the motors.
Relocate and/or replace existing junction boxes as required to accommodate the new layout of the gear-motor and
repositioned motor brake.
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Provide shims, as specified, for leveling and alignment of the gearmotor and brakes. Shims shall be full depth, drilled for
all bolts that pass through and trimmed to the dimensions of the assembled unit. Thin brass shims with precision
thickness may be used for final adjustments.
706.04.07 Diesel Hydraulic Power Unit Auxiliary Drive
Coordinate and sequence this work to maintain bridge operations as required.
Remove the existing auxiliary drive engine, reversing gear transmission, couplings, and band brake.
Temporarily remove the primary gear reducer cover and drain the oil. Cut a hole in reducer cover and install a new
inspection port with gasket and removable inspection port over the modified shaft S11 area. Replace existing inspection
port gasket and missing or stripped inspection port studs and nuts. Remove the existing cone clutch and shaft S11.
Remove the existing auxiliary drive cone clutch and lever components, gear G4, and associated shaft bushings. Modify
existing shaft S11. Provide and install new bronze bushings for the modified shaft S11.
Remove shaft S12. Provide and install plugs to seal the bearing bores left open from the removal of shaft S12.
Reinstall primary gear reducer components and reseal the cover to the lower gear tub.
Provide and install the new hydraulic motor, shifter clutch coupling, diesel engine driven hydraulic power unit and
associated support brackets, fills, shims and fasteners.
Provide and install all necessary piping, hoses, manual joystick, foot pedal control, and other related items called for in
the Contract Documents. Modify the existing engine support pedestal as necessary for mounting the new power unit.
Install the new diesel hydraulic power unit and operator’s panel on the existing engine support. Modify the existing support as
necessary for the new hydraulic power unit. Install the new hydraulic motor, support and shifter coupling as per the installation
recommendations of the motor and coupling manufacturer. All dimensions relating to existing equipment and pedestals
must be verified by the contractor on site. The Contractor shall supply all apparatus, tools, devices, materials and labor
to manufacture, paint, ship, install, erect, align, adjust, lubricate, and test the new auxiliary drive in an approved manner.
Furnish any apparatus, tools, devices, materials and labor, not specifically stated or included, which may be necessary for
the work. The installation and adjustment of all new components shall be by millwrights experienced in this class of
work. Use painting specifications and color as required by the Department and as listed herein.
Perform hydraulic system break-in by repeated operations continuously bleeding air from the system. Continuously add
hydraulic fluid to the reservoir as needed and observe and change filters as needed. Install new filters when break-in is
complete. Ensure that all containers used in handling the hydraulic oil are clean and all necessary precautions are taken
to prevent entry of foreign material. Use the same oil for flushing and testing as for operation. Use a 10 micron filter for
adding hydraulic oil to the system.
Connect exhaust and intake vent louver operators and fan with the HPU engine operation.
706.04.08 Engine-Generator and Load Bank
Construct a reinforced concrete pad for the outdoor installation of the engine-generator and the 480 volt load bank.
Verify all existing underground utilities prior to performing any excavation. Excavate as specified in section 202.03.02.
Backfill and compact using the directed method as specified in section 203.03.02D. Dispose of excessive excavated
materials as specified in section 202.03.07. Prior to pouring concrete, provide a 5/8-inch diameter, 8 feet long, pointed
copper-bonded ground rod driven in ground and exothermically welded to the reinforcing steel bars of the concrete pad
for grounding of the engine-generator.
Acquire the service of the field technician from the manufacturer to assist the contractor in the installation, start-up,
adjustments, and testing of the engine-generator and load bank.
Provide necessary piping to connect the engine-generator to the diesel fuel storage tank. Install the engine-generator and
load bank plumb and level. Provide all necessary conduit, wiring, and piping to complete the installation. Install all fuel
piping from the diesel fuel storage tank to the generator sub-base tank in hot-dip galvanized steel sleeves which shall be
mounted on the control house wall and on top of the generator concrete pad.
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Provide circuits for all control features specified for the engine-generator and the load bank to operate in conjunction
with each other and with the automatic transfer switch specified herein. Additional circuits may be provided per
recommendations of the manufacturers of the load bank and generator, or as directed by the RE.
Ground as specified in section 705.03.11
Terminate rigid conduits connected to the load bank and the engine-generator with 24 inches long liquid-tight flexible
metal conduits.
Anchor pad-mounted load bank and engine-generator with stainless steel anchors bolts and adhesive type anchor.
Erect mounting rack for the 240 volt, single phase load bank, using stainless steel strut channels as manufactured by
Cooper B-Line.
706.04.09 Panelboard
Verify that all factory-installed circuit breakers have the correct rating for the applicable circuit, as indicated. Take
corrective action, if necessary. Rearrange branch circuits of the panelboard as necessary to achieve balanced loading.
Complete directory cards of new panelboards by typewriting the location and equipment served by each branch circuit.
706.04.10 Mounting Brackets
Fabricate mounting brackets as shown on plans, or as required for the specific equipment and devices, or as proposed by
the Contractor to accommodate the specific mounting locations and equipment. Submit to the RE for approval working
drawings and details of mounting brackets proposed for installation, with indicated dimensions, materials, type, and
materials of anchorage. Ensure mounting brackets for sensors are sufficiently rigid to achieve meaningful data as per the
706.04.11 Cutting, Patching, and Welding
Perform cutting, patching, and welding only by tradesmen familiar with the construction involved. Perform welding only
by welders certified according to American Welding Society or American Society of Mechanical Engineers standards
appropriate for the work being performed.
Do not cut or drill structural elements (steel or concrete) without explicit written permission from the RE. Do not weld to
structural elements without explicit written permission from the RE.
Apply an approved, zinc rich, cold galvanizing compound prior to installation all field-cuts to, or drilled-holes in
galvanized materials. Apply a rust-inhibiting primer on all field-cuts to, or drilled-holes in painted structural members.
Paint to match the surrounding structure on all primer or paint over spray.
Perform all welding in accordance with the requirements of the American Welding Society Structural Welding Code
(AWS D1.1). Give a stress relief heat treatment to all welded steel machinery parts and machinery supports. The
Contractor shall submit a schedule of the proposed stress relief heat treatment to the Engineer for approval, including a
description of the part and an explanation of the proposed heat treatment, the rate of heating, the soaking temperature, the
time at the soaking temperature, the rate of cooling, and the temperature at which the part is to be withdrawn from the
chamber. Soaking times less than one hour will not be acceptable.
706.04.12 Keys and Keyways.
Perform Work of Keys and keyways in conformance with the dimensions and tolerances for square and flat keys of the
ANSI standared B17.1, “Keys and Keyseats”, unless otherwise specified. Machine keys for a FN2 side fit and an ANSI
LC4 top and bottom fit with keyways in shafts and hubs and a 63 micro-inch finish or better. Cut keyway and key
corners with fillet radii and chamfers respectively as specified by ANSI standard B17.1 Install all keys by effectively
holding in place, preferably by setting them into closed-end keyways milled into the shaft. Round the ends of all such
keys to a half-circle equal to the width of the key. Do not extend keyways into any bearing. Unless otherwise specified
herein or on the contract drawings, machine keys from cold finish carbon steel bar, ASTM A311, Class A, Grade 1045.
Keys less than ½-inch square size may be cold finished carbon steel bar that meets the requirements of ASTM A311,
Class A, Grade 1018.
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706.04.13 Painting
Touch-up paint all scratches and damage to factory-applied finishes on electrical equipment cabinets and enclosures,
raceways, and boxes, as required to repair the damage to the factory finish. Use touch-up painting, at least, one (1) coat
of primer and two (2) coats of finish paint. Primer and paint shall be as supplied or recommended by the manufacturer of
the item being painted.
Prime coat all non-lubricated surfaces of the new machinery and supports and fasteners in the shop and apply an
intermediate and top coat of paint as approved by the RE in the field. Submit the final coat paint color for the approval of
the RE. Apply a protective film to all finished surfaces to be removed in the field when lubricated.
Follow the requirements of the following portions of Section 554 for painting the existing machinery supports to be reused and the new machinery and their supports and fasteners.
03.01-1, 2, 3, 4
03.02-A, B-1, C, D, E (epoxy mastic coating system)
706.04.14 Identification Nameplates
Permanently mark all major items of equipment, enclosures and major components with an identification name to
identify the equipment by type or function and specific unit number as indicated. Designate the motor to coincide with
its designation in the motor control cabinet. Unless otherwise specified, use identification nameplates made of laminated
plastic with black outer layers, a white core, and chamfered edges. Fasten plates flat with black-finished round-head
drive screws, or other approved non-adhesive metal fasteners. When the nameplate is to be installed on an irregularshaped object, the Contractor shall devise an approved support suitable for the application and ensure the proper
installation of the supports and nameplates.
In all instances, install the nameplate in a conspicuous location. At the option of the Contractor, and with prior approval
from the RE, the equipment manufacturer's standard embossed nameplate material with black paint-filled letters may be
furnished in lieu of laminated plastic. As a minimum, provide nameplates for equipment such as control power
transformer, motor starter, drive, drive motor, control devices, safety switch, instrument transformer, including
nameplates for spare units.
706.04.15 Shop Test
The Control System Integrator shall shop-test at his facility the complete electrical system including the motor control
cabinet, motor drive, and the PLC system specified in section 750. This test must be witnessed by the RE. Deliver the
complete electrical system and system components to the project site only after the test results deemed acceptable by the
RE. The system shop drawings shall all be approved prior to scheduling the shop test. Smaller horse-power motors may
be used during the shop test for simulation.
Assemble and load test the complete hydraulic power unit for the auxiliary drive at the manufacturer’s plant prior to shipment.
Submit specifications of the tests to the RE, including a record of maximum pressures measured during simulated stall of the
hydraulic motor for both directions. Perform a separate no load test to monitor for leakage and any overheating. The no load
test shall include all components of the auxiliary hydraulic drive from the hydraulic power unit up to and including the
hydraulic motor. Perform the no load test for 30 minutes in each direction of the hydraulic motor.
The Department will measure and will make payment for Items as follows:
Pay Unit
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The Department will make payment for Item PANELBOARD including the cost of all circuit breakers provided with the
panelboard, and will make payment in 3 installments. The first installment will be valued at 10% of the item unit bid
price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals of all materials as listed in section 706.03,
proposed for the Panelboard. The second installment will be valued at 70% of the item unit bid price and paid for upon
the satisfactory completion of the installation. The third installment will be valued at 20% of the item unit bid price, and
paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation by the Department. No other partial payments will be made.
The Department will make payment for Item REMOVAL, RELOCATION, AND INSTALLATION OF
MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL ITEMS in 3 installments. The first installment will be valued at 10% of the item
total lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals of all materials as listed
in section 706.03, proposed for the Removal, Relocation, and Installation of Miscellaneous Electrical Items. The second
installment will be valued at 70% of the item unit bid price and paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the Work.
The third installment will be valued at 20% of the item unit bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance by the
Department. No other partial payments will be made.
The Department will make payment for Item GENERATOR LOAD BANK in 3 installments. The first installment will
be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals
of all materials as listed in section 706.03, proposed for the GENERATOR LOAD BANK. The second installment will
be valued at 70% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation. The
third installment will be valued at 20% of the item lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance of the
installation by the Department. No other partial payments will be made.
The Department will make payment for the item MOTOR CONTROL CABINET, AUTOMATIC TRANSFER
SWITCH, MOTORS, AND DRIVES in 4 installments, each of which will be valued at the percentage of the total lump
DRIVES, as follows:
10% of the item total lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required
submittals of all materials as listed in section 706.03, proposed for the item Motor Control Cabinet, Automatic
Transfer Switch, Motors, and Drives.
35% of the item total lump sum price bid paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation of the
Motor Control Cabinet, and Automatic Transfer Switches.
35% of the item total lump sum price bid paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation of the
Motor and Drive.
20% of the item total lump sum price bid and paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation of all
equipment and items associated with this pay item by the Department. No other partial payment will be made.
The Department will make payment for the item AUXILIARY DRIVE REPLACEMENT, including the costs of labor,
materials of the hydraulic power unit, hydraulic motor, clutch and all appurtenances in 3 installments. The first
installment will be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the
Page 69 of 120
required submittals of all materials as listed in section 706.03, proposed for the AUXILIARY DRIVE REPLACEMENT.
The second installment will be valued at 70% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the completion of the
installation of auxiliary drive system and ready for acceptance testing. The third installment will be valued at 20% of the
item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation by the Department. No other partial
payment will be made.
The Department will make payment for the item ENGINE GENERATOR REPLACEMENT, including the costs of
labor, materials of the engine generator, concrete pad, all fuel piping, and all appurtenances in 3 installments. The first
installment will be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the
required submittals of all materials as listed in section 706.03, proposed for the ENGINE GENERATOR
REPLACEMENT. The second installment will be valued at 70% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the
completion of the installation and ready for acceptance testing. The third installment will be valued at 20% of the item
lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the acceptance of the installation by the Department. No other partial payment
will be made.
The Department will make payment for Item BRAKE REPLACEMENT in 3 installments. The first installment will be
valued at 10% of the item total bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals of all
materials as listed in section 706.03, proposed for the Brake Replacement. The second installment will be valued at 70%
of the item unit bid price and paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation. The third installment will be
valued at 20% of the item unit bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation by the Department. No
other partial payments will be made.
The Department will make payment for Item BARRIER GATE in 3 installments. The first installment will be valued at
10% of the item total bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals of all materials as
listed in section 706.03, proposed for the Barrier Gate. The second installment will be valued at 70% of the item unit bid
price and paid for upon the satisfactory completion of the installation. The third installment will be valued at 20% of the
item unit bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation by the Department. No other partial
payments will be made.
This section describes the Work to include the following requirements:
Provide for the bridge a complete monitoring system with programmable controllers, sensors, housings,
monitoring devices, and all other associated supports, hardware and accessories to monitor and collect data of
the operational conditions of the movable bridge control system, machinery, equipment, and security of cabinet
doors of electrical equipment as shown on plans.
Coordinate, arrange, and provide connections to the new CATV internet service to the bridge.
This Work must also comply with the following codes and standards:
National Fire Protection Association NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC) (2005 Edition)
National Fire Protection Association NFPA 79 – Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery (2007 Edition)
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway
Bridge Design Specifications (Latest Edition).
707.01.01 General Requirements
See Section 706.02, General Requirements
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A. Senior Application Engineer (SAE)
Engage a Senior Application Engineer (SAE) from the manufacturer or supplier of the Monitoring system and data
logger to assist the Contractor in the procurement, integration, configuration, installation, programming and testing of all
equipment and components of the monitoring system, and sensors. The SAE shall assist all work on the monitoring
system including the following:
Development of mounting details for sensors, specifically for each monitored equipment, location, and sensing
device, and other related details.
Supervision of the installation of sensors at each specific location and device, and the installation and wiring
interconnections of the monitoring system and data logger, system interfacing and networking, debugging,
coordination, and all similar activities necessary to provide a reliable, accurate system for the In-Site
surveillance (as defined in section 708) of the bridge operational conditions in accordance with the requirements
and intents of the plans and special provisions.
Assist the Contractor in the testing, the development and execution of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals,
and Training.
Be intimately familiar with the monitoring and data logger systems and all associated sensors, and be able to
provide the Contractor with advice and guidance in any necessary troubleshooting or adjustment of the systems.
The SAE shall be available to be contacted by the Contractor for assistance during work hours and days of the
Contractor for the duration of the project.
The SAE shall have been in the business of integrating, installing, and maintaining programmable automation
controllers, programmable logic controllers, monitoring and data logging systems, and sensors by the supplier for at least
ten continuous years as of the bid date.
B. Bridge Control System Integrator (CSI).
Engage the bridge control system integrator, as described in section 706.02, to assist the integration, PLC program
modifications, the bridge PLC system and other equipment of the bridge control system. Adjust the PLC program and
components to support the new data logger of the monitoring system. The CSI shall coordinate any necessary data
exchange with the SAE.
The bridge CSI shall primarily perform the following work:
Coordinate with the monitoring system supplier to verify that the correct bridge control system data is being
obtained. If any program change affecting the bridge operations is deemed necessary for accurate data
collection, approval of the RE must be obtained prior to making such change
Assist the Contractor in the system testing and the development and execution of the Operation and
Maintenance Manuals and Training.
Make one designated engineer available to be contacted by the Contractor. This engineer must be intimately
familiar with the bridge PLC control system, and be able to advise or provide necessary troubleshooting or
adjustment of the systems. The designated engineer shall be available during work hours and days of the
Contractor for the duration of the project.
Provide materials as specified:
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707.02.01 Monitoring System.
Provide a complete monitoring system, consisting of a processor-based controller, associated control modules, I/O
modules, and components to monitor the displacement, vibration, wear, and temperature of bearings of the bridge
machinery shafts, trunnions, drive motors, gear reducers, to measure the temperature of the bridge steel and the indoor
and outdoor ambient temperatures, to measure the torque, vibration, speed, and direction of the machinery shafts, to
monitor the operational status and drum parameters of the brakes, and to monitor cabinet doors of electrical enclosures
with the use of sensors, monitoring devices, and appurtenances. Enclose all components of the monitoring system in a
free-standing cabinet.
Use processor-based and programmable controllers and all associated modules of the Monitoring Systems by Rockwell
Automation, part number ICM-NJDOT, including the following minimum requirements:
Modular system consisting of processor-based controller, digital and analog I/O modules, vibration
measurement modules, dynamic measurement modules, RTD and thermocouple input modules, special function
modules, and AC and DC power supplies. Use components for the system that are UL listed, compatible, and by
the same manufacturer, except for any required special-function components not available from the
Use the processor-based controllers compatible in Ethernet/IP networking, hardware, and software
programming language with the bridge PLC system described in section 750 and data logger. Provide the
system complete with all components and accessories required for proper operation in accordance with the
requirements and intents of these Contract Documents.
System to monitor, record, and store in non-volatile memory all status of the bridge machinery, bridge operating
status, and security of electrical equipment connected to the system. Provide 1.5 Mb user memory.
System to accept total inputs, including inputs to the monitoring system and the data logger, of at least 20
accelerometers, 20 displacements sensing probes, 30 resistive temperature detectors (RTD), 4 torque monitors,
10 thermocouples, and at least 25 analog inputs from the brake monitoring modules and other devices like the
auxiliary hydraulic power unit, inputs from one (1) resolver, 30 cabinet door switches, and 50 digital or dry
contact inputs. Coordinate with the brake manufacturer for digital and analog input signals from the brake
monitoring modules and provide interface modules for communications between the monitoring system and the
brake modules, and the resolver. The system supplied voltage must be 120 volts AC.
At least 1 Ethernet/IP port and 1 serial port (RS232) with the ability to support multiple data communications
networks in the same chassis by using Ethernet/IP, Programmable Multi Vendor Interface (RS232) modules, as
well as other commonly used networks.
System to have operating temperature ranging from 32 degrees to 140 degrees F, with relative humidity rating
of 95% non-condensing.
System processor to provide an advanced instruction set including file handling, sequencing, diagnostics, shift
register(s), program control instructions, timing, and mathematical functions, and programmable in ladder-logic,
sequential function block, function block diagram, and structured text programming formats. System
programming must typically be accomplished in ladder-logic format. Other formats may be submitted to the RE
on a case-by-case basis in order to accomplish specific functions.
Ethernet bridge module certified as Ethernet compliant by Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA) or
one of its approved certification agents.
System programmed via Microsoft Windows based software provided by the manufacturer. Provide an original
licensed copy of the programming software, registered to the Department, as part of the monitoring system, and
any cables or other hardware necessary to interface a standard laptop computer to the system.
10. Available slots in each chassis to house all required modules with at least 2 spare slots. Provide blank covers for
all unused slots. Provide power supplies as necessary to serve all required modules, and sensors, plus at least 20
percent spare capacity.
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11. Vibration Monitoring with at least 4 user programmable frequency “Bands” per channel. These Bands must
have programmable alarms transmitted to the controller that will receive the alarm information and provide
intelligent advisories and shutdowns when necessary.
12. Accelerometer vibration monitoring able to perform both a traditional vibration measurement like velocity or
acceleration and to perform a bearing high frequency measurement like gSE (Acceleration Spike Energy).
13. In the event a random machinery problem surfaces, the vibration monitoring must have a feature that will allow
programmable vibration values and either a spectrum or a waveform to be captured during an event. The
amount of the vibration values taken before the event must be programmable. This data must be latched in the
vibration monitoring until it is unloaded either manually or during a scheduled time.
14. Use surge protection, grounding, interposing relays and control relays meeting requirements of section 750.
15. Provide a heavy duty, Nema 12, free-standing, industrial enclosure to enclose the entire monitoring system.
Adequately size enclosure to enclose all necessary equipment and components of the monitoring system with at
least 72 inches high, 36 inches wide, and 18 inches deep, and formed from 12 gauge steel with smooth and
continuously welded seams. Grind all sharp edges smooth. Provide full gaskets on all openings. Provide a
polyester powder coat finish, lockable three point door latch and heavy duty continuous door hinge, "half door"
1/4 inch thick clear acrylic window, filtered and louvered vents, vent fans, fluorescent light with door actuated
switch, TVSS type receptacle, steel or aluminum inner back and side mounting panels as required to
accommodate all components, stiffeners as required, 200 W 120 V AC thermostat-controlled space heater, and
heavy duty lifting eyes for handling during installation. Provide each cabinet door with a 120 volts AC, 10 amp
door- activated switch for monitoring cabinet door opening by the monitoring system. Use Hoffman Enclosure,
or an approved equal.
707.02.02 Sensors, Switches, and Detectors.
ACCELEROMETER. Use top exit or side exit accelerometers as applicable for installation at each specific
location on the existing bridge machinery and drive motor. Use Rockwell Automation, EK-43792I accelerometers,
or approved equal, to monitor radial vibration of roller bearings, gear tooth mesh for the enclosed gear reducers
with plain sleeve bearings of the existing machinery and drive motor roller bearings, meeting the following
minimum requirements:
Accelerometer with connector. Bias output of 8 to 12 volts DC with sensitivity of 100 mV/g.
Use wiring as specified in section 706.02.02A for connections of the accelerometers to the monitoring
Sealed housings similar to STI Vibration Monitoring Inc. model #CMCP 280 shall be used for all outdoor
accelerometers. Mounting shall be as per the accelerometer manufacturer’s recommendation.
Stainless steel protective covers shall be installed over indoor accelerometers.
SAE to verify running speeds for shafts associated with each accelerometer.
SAE to propose mounting details for the new gear motor accelerometers.
DISPLACEMENT SENSING PROBE (DSP). Use displacement sensing probes by Rockwell Automation, EK2106-70-00-1-10, or approved equal, to monitor radial and axial vibration of plain sleeve bearings of the existing
bridge machinery, meeting the following minimum requirements:
An 8 mm, non-contact pick-up tip with threaded body, encapsulated armored probe cable, connectors,
armored extension cable and driver.
Non-contact, eddy current type sensor meeting requirements of American Petroleum Institute standard 670
(API 670) Machinery Protection Systems, to measure the dynamic displacement or vibration of rotating
Use stainless steel driver to provide power and signal conditioning to the probe.
Provide manufacturer’s supplied extension cable with matching electrical characteristics of the probe, and
associated connectors to extend the probe length to 30 feet for connections to its driver.
Page 73 of 120
Unless recommended otherwise by the SAE for each specific location, provide the probe having the following
Range: 2 mm
Sensitivity: 200 mV/mil
Body Length: 70 mm
Thread Size: 3/8-24
Use cable wiring as specified in section 706.02.02A for connections of drivers to the monitoring system.
Enclose outdoor DSP’s in stainless steel housings of rigid construction. Make all such housings to include
removable gasketed cover plates. Support all housings with stainless steel weldments and/or bolted brackets.
Provide strip heaters and thermostats for probe drive enclosures.
Locate target areas for DSP’s as per the SAE. Submit SAE approved procedures for grinding and coating
target areas. Supply SAE approved target adapters at each outboard main pinion shaft DSP.
Mount DSP sensors in minimum 3/8” thick material drilled and tapped 3/8”-24.
TORQUE MONITOR. Use torque monitors by Binsfield Engineering Inc., TorqTrak Revolution System, or
approved equal, to monitor positive and negative torque of machinery shafts of the existing bridge machinery.
Ensure that the torque monitor has the following minimum capabilities:
Transmitter Module (mounted inside Rotating Collar)
Sensor Input: Full Bridge strain gage (4 active arms. 350Ω standard; up to 1000Ω acceptable.)
Bridge Excitation: 2.5 VDC, Regulated
Sensor Range: ±500 microstrain (Full Bridge, 4 active arms - Torque)
Temperature Coefficient - Gain: ≤ 0.005% FS/°C (50 ppm/°C) +20°+70°C
≤ 0.010% FS/°C(100 ppm/°C) -40°+85°C
Temperature Coefficient - Zero: ≤ 0.005% FS/°C (50 ppm/°C) +20°+70°C
≤ 0.010% FS/°C (100 ppm/°C) -40°+85°C
Linearity: ≤ 0.05% FS
G-force Rating: Greater than 3000 g's.
For example, 5700 rpm on a 4 inch (102 mm) shaft.
Rotating Collar (shaft diameter to be field measured and submitted by Contractor)
Material: Cast nylon standard
Assembly: Split collar bolts together onto shaft
Dimensions: Outer Diameter: 4 to 6 inches (102 to 152 mm) greater than shaft diameter
Width: 1.25 inches (32 mm)
Master Control Unit and Power Coil
Receiver Output Signal: Four independent current output signals:
Torque: 12 ± 8 mA, scalable
Power: 12 ± 8 mA, scalable
Shaft Speed/RPM: Pulse Indicator, 5-19 mA
Shaft Direction: Binary Indicator, 5 or 19 mA
Receiver Input Power: 115VAC
Receiver Output Connection: Screw Terminals
Mounting: Mounting Flanges on Master Control Unit
Dimensions: Master Control Unit: 6 x 6 x 4 inches (152 x 152 x 102 mm)
Power Coil - Outer Diameter: same as Rotating Collar OD
Page 74 of 120
Width: 0.25 inches (3 mm)
TorqueTrak Revolution System
Resolution: 14 bits (16384 points of resolution)
Noise Level: < 0.10% RMS FS
Frequency Response:
(Torque and Power) Switch selectable:
1000 Hz, 12 Hz, 1.5 Hz or 0.1 Hz
(-3dB frequency, typical)
Delay: 1 msec, typical (at 1000 Hz setting)
Slew Rate: 33 mA/msec, typical (at 1000 Hz setting)
Sampling Rate: 4800 Hz
Operating Temperature: -40°+85°C
0% to 90% relative humidity, noncondensing
Continuous inductive power and data transfer from shaft to the monitoring system with no batteries required,
and no wear surfaces.
Customized machined inner rotating collar for each shaft location.
Provide two biaxial strain gages by Vishay Micro-Measurements part number CEA-06-187UV-350 adhesive
type strain gages, or an approved equal, for each torque monitor. Install the two strain gages in pairs 180
degrees apart and wired together to cancel out bending strain, accomplished via a bondable terminal strip 90
degrees from each strain gage. Use wire by Vishay Micro-Measurements #326 DFV, or approved equal.
Solder all wire connections. Use Vishay Micro-Measurements M Bond 200 mounting kit #GAK-2-200, or an
approved equal, to install the strain gages and terminal strips. Protect the strain gages and terminal strip with a
two-part coating system. Use Vishay M-Coat A, or approved equal, for the primary layer of protection. This
is included in the mounting kit specified. Use Vishay M-Coat J, or approved equal, that is sold separately, for
the secondary coat. Completely enclose each torque monitor and strain gage location by a Falk Type CCG
Polyethylene Guard cover, or an approved equal.
Use cable wiring as specified in section 705 for connections to the monitoring system.
Utilize the OpDAQ Systems, Inc. Torque-Trak Revolution Installation Kit or equal.
RESISTANCE TEMPERATURE DETECTOR (RTD). Provide RTDs to measure the temperature of the
machinery bearings, drive motors, the bridge steel and the indoor and outdoor ambient temperatures as indicated on
plans, meeting the following minimum requirements:
Use stainless steel bolt-on temperature sensors with platinum sensing RTD element rated 100 ohms +/- 0.12%
at 0 degree C, temperature coefficient of 0.00385 encased in stainless steel casing for machinery bearing and
bridge steel temperature measurement. Temperature range must be – 58 degrees to + 500 degrees F. Provide
RTD withstanding 10 to 2 kHz at 20 g vibration. Provide RTD with factory-attached lead with
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation and stainless steel braid covering. Manufactured by Minco type
S101733, or approved equal.
Use air temperature sensors with platinum sensing RTD element rated 100 ohms +/- 0.12% at 0 degree C,
temperature coefficient of 0.00385 encased in type 316 stainless steel casing for room air and outside air
temperature measurements. Temperature range must be -50 degrees to +212 degrees F. Provide stainless steel
sensing probe and threaded body for connection to a protective box. Use weather-proof box connections.
Provide factory-supplied leads with PTFE insulation. Provide a sunshield for the outside air RTD. The room
air RTD may be installed in a wall-mounted plastic box. Manufactured by Minco type S454PD for outside
air, type S473PD for room air, or approved equal.
Use wiring as specified in section 706.02.02A for long run of wires in conduit.
THERMOCOUPLES. Provide thermocouples to measure the temperature of the counterweight trunnion shaft
bearings, as indicated on plans, meeting the following minimum requirements:
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Use tip sensitive spring loaded thermocouple assemblies with extension wires to be connected at junction
boxes with cold junction compensation to the long extension wires back to the monitoring system cabinet.
Use stainless steel conduit head integral with thermocouple housing similar to Minco
#AS519KUxxP2S190XF. Measure the trunnion bearings in the field and submit a drilling and tapping plan
for approval by the Engineer.
Use wiring as specified in section 705.02 for extension wires in conduit.
MOUNTING HARDWARE. Use type 316 stainless steel and hardware for sensor mounting. Aluminum mounting
blocks similar to Sales Technology, or equal blocks, may be submitted for approval.
UNDER CURRENT MONITOR RELAY. Provide UL listed, under current monitor relays to detect the under
current condition that occurs in each circuit to the west fender lights, east fender lights and span navigation lights,
when any one of the lights in the circuit is out of service, or when there is a power loss in each circuit. Use monitor
relay with multiple current measuring ranges, and adjustable ON time delay of at least 7 seconds, adjustable
hysteresis over the measured current value, double-pole double-throw relay contacts rated 5 amps, automatic reset,
LED light for indication of relay status, and UL approved socket for plug-in unit as necessary. Verify in field the
exact total current drawn in each circuit for proper measuring current range prior to ordering the monitor relay.
Input voltage must be 120 volts AC. Manufactured by Entrelec type SRN, or Macromatic type CUP, or approved
DC CONTROL RELAY. Use DC control relay with coil voltage of 12 volts DC, silver tin oxide contacts rated 10
amps at 120 volts AC for resistive loads, and operating temperature ranging from -40 degrees to 158 degrees F.
Provide finger-grip cover to allow easily removing the relay from its socket. Use Allen-Bradley relay type D2PF2,
or approved equal.
CABINET DOOR-ACTIVATED SWITCH. Provide plunger type, door-activated switches with terminal block to
be mounted in existing electrical enclosures to monitor openings of enclosure doors, dedicated for monitoring
system use without any interlock to the existing bridge PLC system. Provide 120 volts AC, 10 amp rated switch
mounted on a 14 gauge mounting plate for mounting on door opening frame of the enclosures. Use switch to be
wired for NO or NC contact, and wired to close contact when the enclosure door is opened or when the switch is
de-activated by the enclosure door. Use Hoffman type PLFSWD switch, or approved equal.
As specified on plans.
As specified on plans and Section 706.
As specified on plans and Section 706.
707.02.03 Miniature Circuit Breakers
Use miniature circuit breakers for protection of 120 volts AC branch circuits for power supplies of control modules and
I/O modules with ratings as shown on plans for each bridge. Shall meet the following requirements:
UL Listed, thermal magnetic circuit breaker by Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1489, or approved equal.
Having finger-safe design with a positively trip-free mechanism to maintain the breaker operation even if the
handle is forced in the ON position.
Interrupting rating of 10,000 amps. Operating temperature range of 23 to 131 degrees F. Suitable for DIN-rail
Having toggle-type operating mechanisms, with quick-make, quick-break action and positive handle
indication. Circuit breaker operating handles must assume a center position when tripped. Each circuit breaker
must have a permanent trip unit containing individual thermal and magnetic trip elements in each pole.
Calibrate all breakers for operation in an ambient temperature of 40 Degrees C.
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707.02.04 Data Logger
Provide the data logger meeting the following minimum requirements:
Use the data logger by Rockwell Automation, part number INSITE-NJDOT-1.
Modular, field-expandable, consisting of controller, communication modules, digital and analog I/O modules,
multi-slot chassis, power supply, and/or special function modules installed together in a multi-slot chassis.
Provide components compatible for the bridge PLC and monitoring systems, and by the same manufacturer,
except for any required special function components not available from the manufacturer of the other
Use the processor-based controllers compatible in Ethernet/IP networking, hardware, and software
programming language with the bridge PLC system described in section 750 and the monitoring system.
Provide the system complete with all components and accessories required for proper operation in accordance
with the requirements and intents of these Contract Documents.
Color indicators on the front panel on the Controller to show the following status information:
Program or Run mode of the controller
Fault status of the controller.
I/O status
RS-232 activity
Battery status
Force LED
System programming must typically be accomplished in ladder-logic format. Other formats may be submitted
to the RE on a case-by-case basis in order to accomplish specific functions.
Capable of communicating with the bridge PLC system and monitoring system via Ethernet/IP networking.
Controller to provide an advanced instruction set including: file handling, sequencing, diagnostics, shift
register(s), immediate I/O, program control instructions, timing, counters, and mathematical functions, to be
programmable in ladder-logic, function block diagram, sequential function charts, and structured text
programming formats, and capable of addressing up to 128000 discrete points or 4000 analog points, and to
have at least 2 meg battery backed user memory, and built in RS232 serial (1 port)
Having the ability to support multiple data communications networks in the same chassis by using
ControlNet, Ethernet/IP, Programmable Multi Vendor Interface (RS232) modules, as well as other commonly
used networks.
Ethernet interface module supporting bridging between Ethernet/IP links within the data logger chassis, and
being certified as Ethernet compliant by ODVA or one of its approved certification agents.
Remote data acquisition of the data logger must be via Community Access Television (CATV) internet
modem. The modem must be supplied by or as recommended by the local CATV internet provider.
Coordinate all wiring connections for the remote data acquisition with the local CATV internet service
Provide a mixture of input and output modules with a minimum of 16 installed spare inputs and 16 installed
spare outputs. Provide necessary analog I/O modules for the required monitoring parameters.
Provide a CompactFlash memory module for each controller for non-volatile backup of the operating
program. Provide memory module with capacity equal to, or larger than, the processor's built-in memory.
Provide the chassis designed to prohibit upside down insertion of the modules as well as safeguard against
the insertion of a module into the wrong slot via an electronic method for identifying a module. Provide
number of available slots in each chassis to house all required modules. Chassis for I/O racks must also have
at least two (2) spare slots. Provide blank covers for all unused slots.
Provide power supplies for the data logger with surge protection and isolation to serve all required modules,
plus at least 20 percent spare capacity.
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Provide a UL listed, compact, non-display, industrial computer compatible with and integral to the data logger with all
necessary interfacing hardware and software to support the In-Site surveillance, remote access, and to provide a firewall
protection of the local network of the entire bridge PLC control system, data logging, and monitoring systems.
Provide system programmed via Microsoft Windows based software, Windows XP Professional version with an antivirus/spyware software. Provide Man Machine Interface (MMI) software for data acquisition, supervisory control,
operator interface, and information management that obtains data from the processor over the ControlNet, Ethernet/IP,
Data Highway Plus or Serial communication network. Provide an original licensed copy of the programming software
including Rockwell Automation’s Factory-Talk Historian software, and Remote Agent Service Software. All software
must be registered to the Department, as part of the data logger. Provide any cables or other hardware necessary to
interface the local and remote networks. The remote access must be set-up with the In-Site surveillance data logging
The data logger system with the integral industrial computer and software must communicate with the active bridge PLC
processor, the motor drive, the UPS, the monitoring system, and all connected sensors, switches, contacts and detectors
to monitor and record for data collection of the equipment or device conditions as shown on plans and specified herein.
A list of parameters to be monitored includes, but is not limited to:
Fuse blown on each PLC I/O module as inputted in bridge PLC
Tripping of each circuit breaker as inputted in bridge PLC
Span Raise Permissive
Barrier Gate Red Signals
Navigation Lights Out
Each Barrier Gate Hand Cranks Inserted/Door open
PLC Modes
Cabinet Doors Open
Gate Raise Fault (for each barrier gate)
Gate Lower Fault (for each barrier gate)
Span Lock Pull Fault (for each span lock)
Span Lock Drive Fault (for each span lock)
Brake Set Fault (for each brake)
Brake Release Fault (for each brake)
Brake Hand-released Fault (caused by simultaneously hand-released motor and machinery brakes)
Seated Proximity Switch Fault (for each switch): when indication of span seated of any switch is False AND
indication of other 3 switches is True, or when indication of span seated of any switch is True AND indication
of span 12” above seated is also True.
Full Open Limit Switch Fault (for each full open and past full open limit switch): when indication of span
fully open is True AND indication of span fully seated from at least three (3) fully seated switches is also
True, or when span past open indication is True and full open indication is False.
Span Motor Underspeed: when motor fails to run at full running speed, or when it remains in creep speed at
the end of the acceleration ramp time and the Span Speed is selected “full speed”.
Span Motor Overspeed
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Span Motor Deceleration Fault
Span Drive Permissive Fault
Span Motor Drive Fault indicated by drive output
Span drive parameter settings (via system Ethernet networking)
Drive Input Current of each phase (monitored via new current transformer or communications with power
Motor Drawn Current of each phase (monitored via new current transducer on each phase conductor on the
load side of drive)
Bridge PLC Processor Battery Fault (for each bridge PLC processor)
Bridge PLC Processor Fault (for each bridge PLC processor)
Bridge on Normal Power
Bridge on 480 volt Generator Power
Bridge on 240 volt Generator Power for lighting
Bridge Operation Over 15 Minutes for any bridge operation cycle from red traffic signal lights activated to
green traffic signal lights that take more than 15 minutes.
Drift Test Active
Incomplete Opening for any bridge opening that omits any of the following sequences: traffic signals red,
traffic barrier gates lowered, span locks pulled, span fully opened, span fully seated, span locks driven, traffic
gates lowered, and traffic signals green.
Total Failures for the Month: any fault occurrence listed in this section, or any motor overload tripped is
accounted as one (1) failure.
Total Bridge Operations for the Month: total of incomplete and complete bridge operations
Total Delays to Vehicular Traffic for the Month: any bridge operation that takes longer than 15 minutes.
Total Bypass Usage for the Month (for each bypass function)
Total Drive Permissive Faults for the Month
Total Incomplete Openings for the Month
Total PLC Communications Failures for the Month
Normal Bridge Operations for the month: total number of complete bridge openings
Total generator exercises of the month (for each generator): total number of times the generator is running
more than 5 minutes, including the preset periodic exercises of each generator
Bridge in operation indicated by control devices provided on the control console including, but not limited to,
the following:
Meter Readings: AC Kilowatt Meter, Motor RPM, AC volts, AC amps as inputted in bridge PLC
Fully Open
Nearly Open
Nearly Closed
Fully Closed
Traffic Light Signal Bypass
Span Seated Signal Bypass
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Barrier Gate Signal Bypass
Span Locks Signal Bypass
Machine Brakes Signal Bypass
Drift Test
Signal Horn
Reset activated
PLC A or B selected
PLC 1 failed
PLC 2 failed
Sequence time out
Span Speed: 100%, 50%
Emergency Stop activated
Control Power – On, Off
Traffic Signal – Green, Amber, Red
Near Barrier Gate – Switch activated to Raise, Lower, Push-to-stop
Near Barrier Gate – Raised and Lowered
Far Barrier Gate – Switch activated to Raise, Lower, Push-to-stop
Far Barrier – Raised and Lowered
480 V Stand-by Generator Fault
240 V Stand-by Generator Fault
480 volt transfer switch to start generator in: Auto mode, running generator without transfer, running
generator without transfer, running generator with transfer
Span Locks – Switch activated to Drive, Pull, Push-to-stop
Span Locks – Driven, Pulled, Hand crank used
Machine Brake – Released, Set, Hand Released, Push to SET activated
Motor Brake – Released, Set, Hand Released, Push to SET activated
Span Raise/Lower – Raising, Lowering, Push to STOP activated
All other bridge operational fault indication and warnings programmed in the bridge PLC
All sensor and device inputs to the monitoring and data logger systems as shown on plans
Monitoring data of all UPSs (via system Ethernet networking).
Provide additional monitored and recorded parameters as may be directed by the RE. Events and bridge operations must
be time-stamped with the date and time (to the minute). Label all logged data with appropriate tag/address to direct
personnel to the exact location of the error.
Provide a modem with Ethernet/IP networking connected to the Ethernet network of the data logger, the bridge PLC
control system, and monitoring system to permit remote access for viewing of monitored parameters. Remote access
must be via a secure internet connection to a local CATV Internet Service Provider. Provide a CATV internet modem
with firewall in accordance with the requirements of the CATV internet service provider.
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Connect the data logger to the CATV internet modem as recommended by the data logger manufacturer. Configure and
provide all necessary settings for secured internet connections.
Provide a UL Listed, heavy duty, NEMA 1, free standing, single access, industrial enclosure with climate control for the
entire new data logger system. Use enclosure formed from 12 gauge steel with smooth and continuously welded seams.
Grind all sharp edges smooth. Provide full gaskets on all openings. Provide a polyester powder coat finish, lockable
three-point door latch and heavy duty continuous door hinge, fluorescent light with door actuated switch, steel or
aluminum inner back and side mounting panels as required to accommodate all components, and stiffeners as required.
Provide full size mounting panel in cabinet. Hoffman Enclosures, or approved equal
707.02.05 Shop Wiring
Use UL listed, internal shop wiring Type SIS rated 600 volts and 90 Celsius. Stranded tinned copper conductors. Use
minimum size of 14 AWG for shop control wiring, except that minimum 18 AWG permitted for low power control
circuits (20 volt-amp, or less, maximum steady-state load). Use minimum size of 12 AWG for shop power wiring.
Manufactured by Belden, or approved equal. The Monitoring System Vendor shall ensure that all conductors are
properly sized in accordance with their maximum connected load and ampacity per the National Electrical Code.
707.02.06 Ethernet Switch
Provide 8-port switch with one (1) fiber Small-Form-Factor-Pluggable (SFP) slot Ethernet switch, operating temperature
ranging from 32 degrees to 140 degrees F, by Rockwell Automation Stratix 6000 Series, or approved equal.
707.02.07 Uninterruptible Power Supply
Use uninterruptible power supply meeting the following requirements:
UL Listed, industrial grade, double conversion online uninterruptable power supply (UPS) providing both
frequency and voltage regulation. 120 volts AC, 3000 volt-amperes, 2100 watts. At least 15 minutes backup run
time at full rated-load, and at least 4 hour backup run time at maximum actual connected load. Rated for operation
from 0 degree Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius without derating. Furnished with Network Management Card and
software, dry contact, serial communication, Ethernet communication, and remote monitoring.
Only the following loads shall be powered from the UPS unit: monitoring rack power supplies, Ethernet switch,
datalogger, and remote access modem. Do not supply power to other control circuits from the UPS unit.
Compatible with and capable of communicating with Allen-Bradley PLC via Ethernet/IP networking.
As manufactured by Allen-Bradley 1609-P-3000-N, or approved equal.
706.02.08 Surge Protection and Grounding
Provide surge protection for all conductors and data network cables as follows:
All conductors and cables entering and/or leaving the data logger cabinet.
All conductors and cables entering or leaving the monitoring cabinet.
Use surge protection and grounding meeting the requirements as specified in section 750.04.03.
707.02.09 Spare Parts
Provide the following loose spare parts for each bridge:
Four (4) relays of each type used, each with all required accessories.
Four (4) fuses and miniature circuit breakers of each type and size used.
Four (4) control circuit surge protectors (base and plug-in module).
Four (4) communications network surge protectors (base and plug-in module) of each type used.
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Four (4) Ethernet communication surge protectors.
One (1) remote access modem.
Two (2) sensors of each type used.
One (1) torque monitoring system complete with strain gages.
Two (2) monitoring devices such as door switch, and auxiliary contact, of each type used.
10. Two (2) sensor drivers of each type used.
Carefully package all spare parts, preferably in their original manufacturer's packaging, for long term storage.
Clearly label all packaging as to its contents. Replace any of the required spare parts which are used by the
Contractor prior to final acceptance at no additional cost. Store the spare parts listed above, and any existing
small electrical spare parts including all existing spare PLC components in the storage cabinet provided in
section 708, as directed by the RE.
707.03.01 General Requirements
Provide all miscellaneous products, tools, equipment, and labor necessary to complete all work in accordance with the
requirements and intents of the plans and special provisions. Install all products in accordance with their manufacturers'
recommendations, the requirements of the NEC, the plans and special provisions. Physically install all products in a
secure manner as indicated and as required to provide a reliable installation. Inspect and test all installed products for
correct installation, performance, and workmanship.
Coordinate with Comcast, the local Community Access Television (CATV) internet service provider, and the
Department for the connection of the new CATV internet service to the bridge for the data logger. Provide all required
modem and media for the new internet service connections in compliance with the requirements of Comcast.
Coordinate with the supplier of the new motor and machinery brakes as well as the supplier for the new diesel hydraulic
power unit.
707.03.02 SUBMITTALS
See Submittal Requirements and Procedures, section 706.02D, and to include the following:
Complete descriptive data (catalog cut sheets, etc.) for all components. Descriptive data shall clearly address
all requirements given herein.
Working drawings for the new monitoring system. Submit required working drawings all together, and to
include, but not be limited to, the following:
Layout drawings for the new monitoring and data logging systems.
Complete printed program for the monitoring and data logging system for approval. Present program
logic in ladder-logic format, and extensively commented to identify the functions of each individual rung
and each bit in the rung within the program. Clearly reference all inputs and outputs to their I/O numbers
as identified on the shop drawings. Provide printed copy of the program on standard letter size (8.5" x
11") white sheets, with pages numbered and bound together in a three-ring type binder. An Adobe
Acrobat (pdf) format copy must also be provided on a Compact Disc.
A complete listing of all parameters, conditions, alarms, status, and other information of the bridge
operating machinery, PLC control system, and equipment security being monitored.
Submit for approval a complete listing of proposed spare parts to be provided, as specified elsewhere
Submit required component descriptive data and system shop drawings all together. The monitoring
system programs may be submitted at a later date, but any changes to system hardware resulting from the
RE’s review of the programs must be provided regardless of any previous approval of the component
descriptive data and/or system shop drawings.
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Submit drawings and installation procedures showing how each type of sensor will be mounted on each
unique piece of machinery. The submittals must be as specified, and be approved by the SAE prior to
submitting to the RE for review and approval. Provide details in the drawings and procedures to include,
but not be limited to, the complete sensor part number and catalog cut, sensor specifications and ratings,
scaled drawings of the sensor and machinery component, accessories to be utilized, description of the
mounting detail to be employed, and the modifications required to be made to the existing machinery
housing and or surrounding bridge steel. Detail custom or commercial mounting hardware or mounting
brackets, and submit for review and approval. Describe all installation procedures including alignment,
testing, calibration, waterproofing etc. as recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment being
Prepare and submit as-approved, as-shipped, and as-built drawings as described in section 706.02D.
707.03.03 Commissioning
Acquire services of the SAE and the bridge control system vendor.
The SAE shall advise, oversee, and assist in the installation, calibration, and adjustments of the monitoring system, data
logger, accelerometers, thermocouples, RTDs, torque monitors, and the displacement sensing probes. Submit mounting
details with all proposed accessories for each sensor and system at each specific location to the RE for review and
approval prior to installation.
The bridge control system vendor shall provide at least one (1) engineer or technician to check out the on-site installation
of the monitoring system, including wiring interconnections in accordance with the instructions of the SAE, and make
final adjustments to the monitoring system components prior to the initial operation of the bridge. The engineer or
technician, and the SAE shall remain, or return, on-site during system startup, and shall return for at least one (1)
additional site visit immediately prior to the final acceptance of the monitoring system to make final system adjustments.
The engineer or technician shall make any additional visits to make supplemental corrections and/or adjustments, even
after final acceptance of the new systems, as required by the RE and the MBEG to address deficiencies that were not
evident before or during a previous visit, or that have not been corrected to the satisfaction of the RE and the MBEG.
Such additional visits must be at no additional cost.
Engage an Information Technology (IT) technical specialist to coordinate with the Department, the data logger
manufacturer and the CATV internet service provider in the configuration and settings of the firewall as recommended
by the data logger manufacturer. The IT technical specialist must have at least 5 years of experience from the date of the
contract reward, in configuring and setting hardware and software firewall for computer networking. Submit all
configuration and settings of the firewall to the RE, promptly after the final acceptance of the system by the Department.
707.03.04 Field Verification
Perform field verification accompanied by the SAE before submitting construction documents for approval. This field
verification must include, but not be limited to, field measurements, photographs of existing conditions, comparison to
existing as-built drawings, and sketching. Carefully inspect and measure any piece of existing bridge machinery or other
bridge steel that is required to be drilled, tapped, or otherwise altered for the installation. All sensors shall be calibrated
after installation as per manufacturer instructions. A unique calibration shall be made for each group of sensors
monitoring a similar group of equipment. A baseline condition shall be established for each sensor.
707.03.05 Construction/Installation
Monitoring System Cabinet. Relocate existing equipment as necessary to provide mounting space for the
monitoring system cabinet. Prior to disconnecting existing equipment for relocation, carefully trace, photograph,
and document on working drawings each existing circuit including quantity and size of wires and conduit, wire
labeling, junction boxes, and terminations points. Provide new wiring with same phase and size as the existing
wiring to connect the relocated equipment to its nearest junction box or termination points. Make all wire splicing
in junction boxes or equipment enclosures.
Accelerometers, RTDs, Thermocouples, and Displacement Sensors. Certified millwrights skilled in the type of
work involved shall perform all installation work to mount and adjust the sensors. Use all necessary measuring and
leveling instruments as may be required for installation. Perform all work under the supervision of the SAE.
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Make every effort to avoid moisture contamination between all assembled parts of the monitoring system. Use
sealant between the mounting hardware and the machinery being monitored. Limit mounting of sensors to the steel
housing of the machinery component being monitored. Locate sensors as close to the bearing or shaft being
monitored as possible. Do not drill holes through to bearing materials such as outer races or bushing sleeves.
Mount displacement sensors on the steel bearing housings to provide support for the sensor to monitor the adjacent
shaft extension. Orient the displacement sensors in the direction of loading for the sleeve bearing. Grind all shaft
areas used as targets smooth, and coat with protective coating less than 10 mil thicknesses, as per manufacturer
recommendations. Submit a procedure for preparation, installation, and calibration including all mounting details to
the RE for approval prior to installation. Where not shown on plans, make all connections of integral cable of the
displacement sensor to its extension cable in Nema 4X junction boxes. Do not install cable connectors in conduit.
Place accelerometers in tapped holes of special brackets or directly into the steel housing material of the machinery
component. All holes in machinery must be blind holes to avoid damaging or contaminating machinery. Use
mineral oil or silicone grease between the accelerometer (or special bracket) and the machinery surface. To
accommodate for new span drive gearmotor accelerometer mounting, coordinate with the motor manufacturer.
Mount RTD sensors to machinery being monitored in the location most likely to produce heat in the event that
lubrication is inadequate, or overloading occurs. Typically this will be in the base of bearings. All other
components must be evaluated on a case by case basis. Mount RTD sensors in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations and the input of the RA-SAE.
Submit a thermocouple installation procedure for approval based upon field measurements and manufacturer
recommendations. Modify the counterweight sheave covers as shown on the plans and provide new access ports in
the area of the thermocouples.
C. Cabinet Door-Activated Switches. Install door switches on sturdy, fabricated brackets or on cabinet structure and
adjust to ensure positive activation of the switches upon closure of the cabinet or housing door.
Torque Monitoring System. Submit proposed mounting details for all torque monitors, strain gages, and
associated guard covers for approval prior to installation.
Install, set up, adjust, and calibrate the torque monitor system as per the manufacturer’s instructions and user’s
guide and using the OpDAQ Systems, Inc. Torque-Trak Revolution Installation Kit or equal. Follow all
precautions necessary for outdoor service, including those for sealing all splits in the torque monitor housings and
any wire penetrations with recommended gaskets and/or waterproofing material. Ensure proper alignment via the
use of shims and/or slotted holes in the new supports. Locate all supports for proper operation and rigidity in
construction. Ensure that no surrounding metal is within 1” of the power coil.
Install strain gages as per the torque monitor and strain gage manufacturer’s recommendation. Include shaft
preparation, wire attachments, weather-proofing, and protection from mechanical impact in the installation of the
strain gages. Use severe duty and any other outdoor service coatings recommended by the manufacturers. Secure
lead wires as necessary to avoid excessive movement when in service.
Simultaneously reset all four torque monitor output to be 12 mA once all torque is released from the shafts. Ensure
raising torque (positive torque) will correspond with the 12-20 mA response and lowering torque (negative torque)
will correspond with 12-4mA response.
Install guard covers over each torque monitor and strain gage area. Provide hinges for the guard covers for easy
access to the torque monitor and strain gages. Torque monitor supports may incorporate attachment of this guard
cover. Alternatively, separate guard cover supports may be provided as necessary.
Mounting Supports and Hardware. Use type 316 stainless steel housings, supports, brackets and hardware for
sensor mounting as specified herein.
Motor Brake, Machinery Brake, Auxiliary Diesel Hydraulic Power Unit Monitoring Systems, and Sensors
Integral to Equipment. Submit the proposed connections and details for the monitoring system and data logger of
these machinery components and sensors for approval prior to installation.
707.03.06 System Programming
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The supplier of the monitoring system shall program the integrated monitoring and data logging systems and configure
all sensors, monitoring devices and detectors for equipment monitoring and data logging, and for local and real-time,
remote accesses to the data logger and the In-Site surveillance system, as described in section 708, via CATV internet for
data acquisition of the operational status, parameters, machinery monitoring status, bridge PLC control system, and
notification of alarm, danger and warning conditions of the movable bridge as intended and as specified. Use software
and programming language compatible with the PLC as specified in section 750.
Tag Naming:
Fully document the bridge monitoring system programs with tag names given to every item and with extensive rung
comments. All I/O tag names used in programming the bridge monitoring system and data logger must match exactly the
device description shown in the I/O drawings, and working drawings.
Data File Optimization:
To optimize remote data collection and monitoring, all data that is to be read and written by the "offsite system" must be
contained in a "Data Communication Tag". The "Data Communication Tag" must consist of arrays of data tables for the
remote system to read and write. Construct this Data Communication Tag from a User Defined Datatype (UDT) built
with the array structures of the necessary data types.
707.03.07 Equipment Nameplates and Labels
Label all new equipment cabinets and enclosures as to their functions. Use labels with engraved plastic laminate, and
attach labels with stainless steel machine screws. Use 3/16 inch high labels with white lettering on black background.
Label all individual components of the monitoring system and data logger as to their functions. Labeling must clearly
relate back to the system shop drawings. Use labels with at least 1/8 inch high, machine printed text. Use contrasting text
and background colors. Labels may be either engraved plastic laminate mounted adjacent to the identified item with
stainless steel machine screws, or adhesive type labels attached on or adjacent to the identified item.
707.03.08 Wire Numbering and Labels
Label all conductors and cables, both internal shop wiring and field wiring at both ends, and at any intermediate splices.
The Contractor shall determine the wire numbering scheme, and clearly show it on the system working drawings. The
scheme selected must be consistent and logical, and be carefully coordinated with the existing bridge wiring to prevent
any confusion between existing and new wiring.
Use internal shop wiring with permanent "hot stamping" directly on the conductor insulation, machine printed heatshrink labels, or sleeve type labels. Use machine printed heat-shrink labels for labeling communications cables. Conduits
are to be labeled with brass tags.
707.03.09 Testing
See section 712.
The Department will measure the Work in this section and will make payment as follows:
Pay Unit
The department will make payment for the item MOVABLE BRIDGE MONITORING SYSTEM, including the
costs of material, shipping and handling for the movable bridge monitoring system including the data logger
charged by the manufacturer, and all costs associated with the procurement of the item, in 3 installments. The first
installment will be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of
the required submittals of all materials as listed in section 707.02, proposed for the MOVABLE BRIDGE
MONITORING SYSTEM. The second installment will be valued at 70% of the item lump sum bid price and paid
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for upon the completion of the installation and ready for acceptance testing. The third installment will be valued at
20% of the item lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation by the Department.
No other partial payment will be made.
The department will make payment for the item INSTALLATION OF BRIDGE MONITORING SYSTEM,
including the costs of all labor, all necessary coordination for material ordering, submittals preparation and
execution, wire connections, and appurtenances to complete the entire work of the monitoring and data logger
systems installed in place, connected and ready for final testing. This payment will also include the costs of all
coordination with the CATV provider, submittals, and all fees charged by the local CATV internet service provider,
including any cost of CATV internet modems, and spare modem, materials and installation charged by the CATV
service provider for the service connections to complete the work. The Department will make payment for this bid
item in 2 installments. The first installment will be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the
Department’s approval of the required submittals proposed for the Work. The second installment will be valued at 90% of the
item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation by the Department. No other partial payment
will be made.
The Department will make payment for the item SENSORS, DETECTORS, AND MONITORING DEVICES,
including the costs of all coordination, preparations, labor, materials, mountings, and supports to complete the
installation of the Item, including all necessary adjustments to provide a properly working system. The Department
will make payments for this bid item in 3 installments. The first installment will be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid
price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals of all materials as listed in section 707.02,
proposed for the SENSORS, DETECTORS, AND MONITORING DEVICES. The second installment will be valued at
70% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the completion of the installation and ready for acceptance testing. The
third installment will be valued at 20% of the item lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation
by the Department. No other partial payment will be made.
The Department will make payment for the item PROGRAMMING MOVABLE BRIDGE MONITORING SYSTEM,
including the costs of all labor, software, setup, system configurations, programming the new monitoring and data
logging systems, programming system for local and remote accesses to the data logger, and all necessary materials
to complete the entire project. The Department will make payment for this item in 2 installments. The first
installment will be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of
the required submittals proposed for the Work. The second installment will be valued at 90% of the item lump sum
bid price and paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation by the Department. No other partial payment will
be made.
This section describes the requirements of the following work and services for the bridge monitoring and data logging
Provide 10-year In-Site surveillance services of the bridge and machinery operational conditions and security of
electrical equipment via the monitoring system and data logger system which can be accessed on-site and from
two remote locations via the CATV internet for data acquisition. Provide on-call services, dispatched on-site
services, diagnostic supports, maintenance supports, reports, meetings, and other services as described in this
section. A protocol will be set up between the surveillance Contractor and the Department for proper chain of
communication for monitoring alerts. Start the 10-year period when final acceptance of the project is given by
the Department.
Set-up, configure and update existing desk-top computers at two remote locations of the Department to allow
accessing the bridge monitoring and data logging system via the internet, and a new lap-top computer for onsite access to the systems.
Provide a 10-year warranty program for the bridge PLC system, the monitoring and data logging systems. This
warranty program will include the requirements of the spare part management, and on-site replacement of
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warranted components of all equipment covered under the 10-year warranty program. Start the 10-year period
when final acceptance of the project is given by the Department.
The statement “In-Site surveillance” used in these special provisions means the near real-time surveillance service
provided to monitor the PLC control system, the operating machinery, working conditions and status, alarms, and the
security of equipment of the bridge, as described herein.
The term “the Provider” used in these special provisions means the service provider of the In-Site surveillance, warranty
and part management services.
Submit as specified in section 706.02D, and as follows:
Proposed policy, service agreement, and service coverage for the 10-year In-Site surveillance, 10-year warranty and
part management programs.
Shop drawings and specifications of all servers, computers proposed for the project.
Layout, configuration, and protocol setup for the surveillance system.
Proposed data management analytics and reporting including mimic graphics, formats, charts, layout, and displays
of data, parameters, status, conditions, and all necessary information to be displayed on the Department remote site
and on-site computers.
Listing of all necessary software for the remote site and on-site computers for accessing the In-Site surveillance,
and the bridge monitoring and data logging systems.
Listing of all equipment and parts proposed for the warranty and part management service.
Acquire pre-paid services provided by the equipment manufacturer such as Rockwell Automation or other manufacturer
of the substituted equipment, who shall be the sole and direct insurer and Provider of all of the services agreed upon
between the Provider and the Department for the 10-year In-Site surveillance, 10-year warranty and spare part
management for the monitoring system, the data logger, the bridge PLC, and the computers for access to the In-Site
708.04.01 In-Site Surveillance Service.
Provide a pre-paid 10-year, near real-time surveillance service to include the following services through-out the 10-year
service period, and the following materials:
Continuously monitor the bridge PLC control system, operating machinery, and equipment security of the bridge.
Provide surveillance service to include service start-up, diagnostics support, on-site dispatching, incident analysis
and reporting, disaster recovery administration, knowledge management and support services as described herein.
Provide, manage, and maintain the In-Site surveillance at the service Provider’s location for the Department’s access
to the surveillance from the following remote locations:
New Jersey Department of Transportation, Maintenance Engineering Office, Robbinsville, NJ.
New Jersey Department of Transportation, Movable Bridge Engineering Office, Trenton, NJ.
Classify monitored data from the monitoring system into three (3) categories, “Critical/Error”, “Warning”,
and “Info”. Notify Department personnel via phone call and text message anytime a “Critical/Error” type
event occurs. Send a text message to Department personnel anytime a “Warning” type event occurs. Store
all monitored data of the 3 categories for access by Department personnel for 60 days. Archive all data and
save in *.pdf on disc and send to the Department on a monthly basis.
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Include event time stamp, description, name of bridge and structure number, and specific location
monitored from (i.e. machinery room, control desk, module X- PLC X, etc.) in the notifications.
Submit data to be logged with a table of the descriptions and criticality for review and approval by the
Provide at least two (2) demonstrations of the performance of the In-site surveillance system in connection with the
bridge data logging and monitoring system at the site as directed by the Department.
Provide a lap-top computer and all necessary hardware and software compatible for the remote access to the In-Site
surveillance and for the on-site access to the monitoring and data logging systems. Set-up, configure and update the
existing desk-top computers of the Department for access to the bridge monitoring system via the In-Site
Provide the deliverables and services for the In-Site surveillance as specified.
A. Service startup process
Begin the surveillance contract with the assignment of a designated team led by a Primary Support Leader that executes
a comprehensive and disciplined initiation process for at least two (2) weeks and not more than 8 weeks. The team will
travel to the site to become highly familiar with the system, people, and processes. The process will follow a disciplined
script and project plan that results in the team becoming experts on the systems. The following start-up phases will be
included in the process:
Startup Phase
Description of Deliverable
Assign Primary Support Leader (PSL) to the contract
Review the contract
Select a Team
Conduct internal kickoff meeting
Conduct welcome call with the Department
Begin kiosk order process (if needed)
Perform administrative tasks
Schedule Installed Base Evaluation (IBE)
Conduct Department’s kickoff meeting/call
Complete project plan of site audit
Initiate knowledge portal project
Conduct IBE
Complete site audit planning call
Submit work orders for connectivity to the Department’s sites
Deliver IBE report to the InSite surveillance project team
Update call with all stakeholders
Begin site audit
Update call with all stakeholders
Continue site audit
Update call with all stakeholders
Complete site audit report and deliver to the Department
Update data collection strategy based on findings of site audit
Update call with all stakeholders
Deliver Kiosk data collection computers to the site (if needed)
Update call with all stakeholders
Deliver Support Strategy Guide to the Department
Confirm connection and data monitoring
Turn-on the service
Final update call with all stakeholders
The Support Strategy Guide includes:
Instructions of contacting the Provider team and contract authorization number
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Designated Provider team and contact information
Designated Client team and contact information
Delegation of Authority levels for Client and Provider teams
Incident management process
Rules of engagement
How In-Site surveillance will respond to each incident class
Remote Connection and Security Policy
Safety Protocols
• What the Provider can do
• What the Provider will not or cannot do
10. Escalation procedures and contact information
• Automated time-based escalations
• Manual escalations
• Engineer dispatch to the site
• When and how the In-Site team will escalate issues with the Client
11. Regular update meetings
12. System Tuning and Maintenance Processes
13. Change Management Process
Diagnostic support.
Overview of Service
Provide diagnostics with a system and application level help desk, on-line troubleshooting and diagnostics, online incident correction including application modifications and work-arounds, complete incident logging,
tracking and reporting including root cause analysis, periodic incident technical reviews, and integrated field
engineering dispatch to the Department’s sites. The primary goal of the diagnostics service is to return the
monitored systems and machinery of the bridge to its prior operational state only. Make modifications to the
monitoring and data logging system and other systems of the bridge only at the written request or explicit
permission of the Department. Promptly notify the Department in writing of any alteration or modification
made to the systems.
Service Level Objectives
In general, the service Provider is responsible for the automation and information systems of the monitoring
and applications as such. The Provider will not make any modification to the PLC control system, monitoring
and data logging system, and other systems of the bridge without written permission or request from the
Department. The Provider may not be responsible for negative consequences because of a change that has been
made on request of the Department. However, in case a change that was not made correctly or not in
accordance with the Department’s written instructions, the Provider will develop and implement a Corrective
Action/Preventive Action (CAPA) plan within one (1) week of written notification by the Department.
Support Team
The team will be led by a Primary Support Leader (PSL). The PSL is the primary contact for all inquiries.
Select the PSL based on technical skill, industry knowledge, and management ability. The PSL is also the first
point of contact for all support inquiries. If the PSL is unavailable or off duty, inquiries will be routed to
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another team member. Provide support via phone, e-mail, technical notes, technical bulletins and an ondemand or continuous online connection to the supported systems. Roles and responsibilities of the PSL are:
Evaluate and verify reported problems in hardware, firmware, software and documentation
Maintain communications with the Department regarding status of any outstanding issues
Provide troubleshooting assistance
Initiate, document, and follow-up on an action or activity needed to resolve a problem being
Facilitate acquisition of replacement assemblies, parts, software, firmware, training and field service
Coordinate regularly scheduled phone meetings to review support issues.
Incident and Problem Management
From Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59 or other agreed upon schedule, the Provider will be available on-call to
solve software and hardware related problems. The Provider will first try to restore normal operation via
remote access. If the incident cannot be solved via remote access, the Provider will coordinate the dispatch of a
field service engineer with the approval by the Department.
The Provider will work with the Department’s maintenance personnel to troubleshoot and correct problems
with devices, process and application software to return the bridge machinery or control system to the previous
state of operation until the problem is resolved without system design changes and/or enhancements. If the
root cause indicates needed changes to system design or to device configuration or process and application
software, the Provider will provide up to four hours of assistance without additional cost.
The Department will provide the Provider with the listing of system, software or hardware problems
differentiated in accordance with the following degrees of problem criticality, or issue types:
Issue type
and Events
Issues and Events
An issue or event that immediately threatens to stop, has stopped, or seriously
hampers production, data recording and processing or product quality
An issue or event that may threaten to impact system performance, impact
production, data recording and processing or product quality within 24 hours.
Issues or events that are not expected in the normal operation of the process, asset or
The provider will respond to a problem or issue call starting at the moment that the Department has contacted
the Provider (in case the Provider cannot be reached, the response time starts from the moment that the
problem has been reported via the electronic incident reporting system). Issues critical will be notified to the
Provider via telephone by the Department. The maximum Provider response time is:
Issue type
Critical Issue and
and Events
Minor irritation
10 minutes
30 minutes
1 workday
After addressing the incident, the Department will be contacted and verify the correct functioning of the
chosen solution. When the Department accepts that the incident has been properly addressed, the Department
will formally accept the incident as being resolved. If the Department is unreachable after 4 hours for a critical
issue, or after two (2) workdays for a non-critical issue, or after one (1) week for a minor irritation with
supported records, and the bridge operations system is or has been returned to normal operations, the issue will
be deemed resolved. After each accepted change in the software, the corresponding application software will
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be backed up. Where production of a back-up copy is not permitted by the Department or by other legacy
platforms, the Department will transmit the software changes to the Provider.
On-site Dispatch
In the event the problem cannot be solved via remote access, the Provider has two additional hours of repair
time to dispatch a maintenance engineer on-site at the Provider expense. During this onsite dispatch and
deployment time, the Provider will continue to resolve the incident remotely. Under this On-site Dispatch
Option, a field service engineer will be dispatched to the bridge site for service at no additional cost to the
Department, under the following conditions:
Bridge is inoperable.
The Provider and the Department agree that progress is not being made and the bridge operating
system has been down two (2) hours. The two (2) hours begins at time of the notification of a
The Department has qualified maintenance personnel, or qualified technicians knowledgeable and
capable of performing basic maintenance / troubleshooting tasks directed by The Provider’s
technical support team, and capable to follow troubleshooting guidance.
The problem is related to system and equipment covered under the service, excluding initial
automation/drive system commissioning activities or scheduled bridge outages.
After the resolution of the incident, a report of the root-cause of the problem including re-occurrence
prevention will be submitted to The Department.
Escalation Process
An escalation process within the organization and management structure of the Provider and of the Department
will be developed and included in the Support Strategy Guide delivered by the Provider.
Incident Analysis and Reporting
The Provider log will include all incidents and communications in the Provider’s Incident Management
system. These incident logs will be made available to the Department on-demand via a secure web portal and
provided in a periodic report. Include the following in the incident log:
Bridge name, location, date & time of incident initiation
Name, phone number, job role, and e-mail address of Client personnel initiating the incident
Name, job role of Provider’s responder
Detailed description of the reported incident
Detailed notes of actions taken by the Provider
Detailed notes of actions requested of the Client
Detailed notes of the results of either action class described above
Notes/Minutes of the conversation
Detailed notes regarding the resolution of the incident
The above items will also be logged if incident is “sub-cased” to other Provider team members. A sub-case is
defined as an action on the part of the Provider that passes resolution ownership, in whole or in part, to a
Provider engineer that did not initially respond to the Client incident, including engaging additional resources
with specialized technical expertise needed to resolve an aspect of the incident and/or transferring resolution
ownership to another Provider engineering resource.
Periodic Review
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The Provider will schedule and host a periodic meeting to review and discuss all incidents that occurred in the
period and all incidents that have occurred from the beginning of the contract to the review date, and that are
still unresolved or open. A copy of this report will be provided one (1) week in advance of the meeting. The
meeting will be held on the second Monday of each next calendar month and will be at the discretion of the
Knowledge Management.
Overview of Service
Provide a knowledge base system tailored to the application of the real-time surveillance and for the Department’s
use. The system will capture all on-going solutions to problems or issues, and simple answers to questions such as
“How do I…?” questions recorded in the Provider’s Knowledge Management System for quick answers to future
incidents. The system will be implemented with the application of self-learning technology that delivers relevant
and fresh information, allowing the Department to quickly gain access to information from the Provider’s
Knowledge Management System that powers the knowledge base system tailored for the Department’s use.
The Self-learning features will include:
Continuous, Artificial-Intelligence-driven (AI-driven) self-tuning. Use the latest-advanced, artificial
intelligence providing capability to the knowledge engine to continuously learn how the user’s search for
information and to automatically apply that insight to make the system faster and easier for users to find
what they need.
Customer-driven content development. Provide this feature to allow the Department to achieve high selfservice rates by means of the Knowledge Engine which enables the Provider to build content based on the
questions the users actually ask, and to make the information available to the users more and more tightly
aligned with the user’s actual needs over time.
2. Service Level Objectives
General. The Knowledge base system will be a Web-hosted application, having an availability level of
99.9 % for the web interface and core data.
Incident and Problem Management. Use the following incident management levels applied to the
Knowledge base access by the Department:
Issue type
Knowledge base is down
Account access issues
Answer create or access issue
The Department reports the knowledge base is down
The Department reports issues with their specific account
Issues or events that are not expected in the normal
operation of the process, asset or system
The Provider will respond to the notification of a problem or issue, which starts at the moment that the
event has been detected by the Provider, at the following maximum response times based on the type of the
Issue type
Knowledge base is down
Maximum Response Time
1 hour
Reply Response
By E-mail
Account access issued
1 day
By E-mail or phone
message to individual
Answer created or access issued
2 business days
By E-mail
Escalation Method
Department’s key personnel
after issue resolution.
No escalation
No escalation
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Escalation Process. The escalation specifics will be defined at the time the In-Site agreement is
initiated. The distributed information includes contact names at both the Department and Provider so
that quick and easy access to key individuals is possible in the event of an interruption of access to the
Knowledge Management System.
Incident Reporting. Incidents with the Knowledge Management System such as outages or gaps in
availability will be reported on a monthly basis.
Reporting Portal. Set the Knowledge Management System with implements to give the Department
the ability to access reports via the online Knowledge Management portal. The reports will contain
support statistics allowing the Provider and the Department to insure that the required service levels
are maintained. Provide the following metrics:
Call volume
Ticket volume
Average answer speed
Average talk time
Abandon rate
Maximum wait time
Average time to ticket closure
Percentage cases solved at each tier
Web portal volume
Overview of Service. The In-Site Surveillance provides remote, near real-time monitoring of alarms,
warnings, faults, conditions, system variables, connected device health, health of system network(s),
server health, data and status indication issue, and other events agreed upon between the Department
and the Provider. Set up a full time connection between the Provider’s operations center and the bridge
monitoring and data logging systems accomplished by the Provider owned hardware and software
located at the bridge site which connect to the bridge systems and transmit data over a telecom link to
the Provider’s operation center. A full time connection protocol is to be agreed upon between the
Department and the Provider.
Surveillance Options. Surveillance will provide monitoring of the following:
Devices and Application: Surveillance of servers and databases health to provide monitoring of
transaction processing, data storage levels, communication between server nodes and or HMIs
and other agreed upon parameters. Monitoring software may be installed on the Department’s
servers. Surveillance of automation devices such as drives, PLC hardware, HMI hardware,
server hardware, remote (devices that are network connected) actuators/transducers, intelligent
sensors, I/O hardware, network hardware and condition monitoring of machinery will provide
monitoring of device health.
Application operation : Surveillance including PLC ladder logic, function block, basic and
other control languages, set points, references and feedbacks and other system level variables to
provide monitoring for proper function, tolerance and effectiveness, including monitoring and
logging of equipment cabinet door opening and closing.
Notifications. Notification of an issue or event will be made by the Provider to the Department. Upon
annunciation in a Provider’s operations center of an alarm, fault, operator, warning, system variable
out of tolerance, device health issue, network health issue server health issue or other agreed upon
data, parameters, or status indication issue, or other issue, the Department will be notified.
Notifications will be made according to the Surveillance Incident and Problem Management and
Escalation Process.
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Service Level Objectives
General. In the event the Provider’s Surveillance does not correctly evaluate an on-site incident
of the bridge which is annunciated in the Provider’s InSite monitoring facility, the Department
will notify the Provider for timely notification to the Provider’s InSite if a critical issue or event
was not correctly differentiated by the Provider as noted in the below table. In the event a
notification of a specific incident was not made correctly or not in accordance with the
Department’s written instructions, the Provider will develop and implement a Corrective
Action/Preventive Action (CAPA) plan within one (1) week of written notification by the
Incident and Problem Management. From Monday 0000 to Sunday 2359, or other agreed upon
schedule, the Surveillance will monitor the Department’s covered assets.
In case of an annunciated problem, corresponding incidences will be differentiated in accordance with the
following types of issue:
Issue type
Critical Issues and
Non-Critical Issues
and Events
An issue or event that immediately threatens to stop, has stopped, or seriously hampers the
bridge operation, data recording and processing
An issue or event that may threaten to impact system performance, data recording and
processing within 24 hours
Issues or events that are not expected in the normal operation of the bridge, or system
Based on the type of issue, the Provider has a maximum amount of time to notify the Client. The
notification time starts at the moment that the event has been detected by the Provider.
Issue type
Notification Time
10 Minutes
Notification Method
Escalation Method
Phone Call/Page
Non-Critical Issues
and Events
1 hour
E-mail & Phone Call
1 business day
Provider immediately begins
Department’s Escalation path
if no answer by the
Voice Message will be left, no
escalation unless/until the
issue/event becomes critical
Not applicable
Alarms, Faults and
Escalation process. An escalation process within the Provider’s and the Department’s organization and
management structure will be developed and included in the Support Strategy Guide delivered by the
Provider. The escalation process includes the Provider’s and Department’s names, titles, telephone,
pager and e-mail contact information and the defined order and timing of notifications.
Incident Reporting. The Provider will log all incidents, notifications and communications in the
Provider’s Incident Management system. These incident logs will be made available to the Department
on-demand via a secure web portal and provided in a periodic report. The periods are one month, one
quarter or other agreed upon period. The incident log will include:
Bridge name, location, date & time of incident notification
Name, job role of Provider notifying the Department of the incident
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Name, job role of the Department responding to notification of the incident
Detailed description of the notified incident
Detailed notes of actions taken by the Provider
Detailed notes of actions requested of the Department
Notes/Minutes of the conversation.
Periodic Review. The Provider will schedule and host a periodic meeting to review and discuss all
incidents that occurred in the period and all incidents that have occurred from the beginning of the
contract to date that are still unresolved or open. The meeting place will be at a location agreed upon
between the Department and the Provider. A copy of this report will be provided one (1) week in
advance of the meeting. The meeting will be held on the second Monday of each next calendar month
and will be at the discretion of the Department.
System administration.
1. Overview of Service.
Disaster recovery for all covered systems. The basic capabilities of the deliverables include the storage
of automation programs and configuration for PLCs, HMIs, communications, and drives at the
Provider’s location. These will be acquired at an interval dependent upon the connection type allowed
by the Department.
One Annual Preventive Maintenance activity for each covered site. Provide the following activities:
Disaster recovery administration
Disaster recovery:
Provide the fundamental scope of disaster recovery for restoration of the Department’s automation
servers, PLCs, and automation equipment programs. Include in the scope image restoration,
application programs, and configuration files. The capture of the information and files will be
dependent upon the network connection allowed into the Department’s facility as noted below.
For a full time connection the Provider will automatically access all network connected
automation devices on a regular basis to update the backup information. For an on-demand
connection, information and files are to be accessed manually in coordination with the
Department’s personnel. This approach is dependent upon the availability of personnel and at
predetermined times when backups are permitted.
The standard backup interval is once per month. At this interval, the programs, data and
images of covered devices will be saved to a Provider’s location. These will be kept for two
months, and are to be available for restoration to the Department’s devices on demand.
Included are images of the Department’s servers to allow for quick rebuild of these critical
operation components, PLC programs, HMI programs, drive configuration files and other
critical information.
2. Preventive maintenance
System Preventive Maintenance. Evaluate the system’s maintenance status and summarize the results
in an evaluation report on a mutually agrees schedule. This report will describe the results and also
contain clear and objective advice with regard to the system’s maintainability for the coming years.
Part of this advice will be a yearly cost estimate of the maintenance (preventive) activities that are
proposed by the Provider.
Before any indicated visit, the Provider will send a pre-visit checklist for the Department to prepare
required information. To allow time for clarification, this checklist will be sent at least two (2) weeks
before the visit. The Provider will confirm back to the Department that the completed list has been
returned and provides sufficient information.
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During the maintenance activity, the following items will be addressed:
Check on new software updates and releases
Make data back-up before conducting any maintenance
Check the period of system hardware and software support that is guaranteed by the manufacturer
Check the software performance for fault log, and un-necessary file volume
Check physical status of the system hardware and possible risks of hardware failure
Test PC drives for bad sectors, free drive capacity, etc.
Check battery of PLCs
Test the UPS
Visually check hardware such as hubs, PCs, PLCs, network cabling, etc.
Check the remote support system
Check the status of anti-virus protection
708.04.02 Warranty and Part Management Services
The manufacturer of the PLC control system, data logger and monitoring system shall provide pre-paid 10-year warranty
and part management services for the PLC control system, the data logger, the monitoring system, and the personal
computers to include the following services throughout the 10-year service duration:
Provide part and labor warranty for the parts and equipment listed in section 708.04.02B, and the computers for the
In-Site surveillance access described in section 708.04.03. Provide on-site and no-cost part replacement for any
part or equipment that fails during the 10-year warranty period.
Coordinate, allocate and maintain inventory of the covered equipment with spare parts stored on-site in a cabinet
properly sized by the Provider to enclose all spare parts covered under the warranty and spare part management and
other loose parts provided for the monitoring system, data logger and the bridge existing PLC. Provide a key-swipe
lock on the storage cabinet doors. Install the cabinet at the location on the bridge as directed by the RE. The
Provider retains title to the items in the inventory until the item is consumed by the Department. The Department
will notify the Provider of the use of any parts within 24 hours for replenishment purposes. Failed core units
become the property of the Provider subject to applicable repair/exchange charges.
Inventory audits will be on a quarterly basis based upon the following conditions:
Any box found opened, damaged or missing will be subject to the standard charges associated with
replenishing or remanufacturing the item.
Warranty will be voided on equipment which was previously opened or put into service and then
returned to inventory and will be subject to the standard charges associated with replenishing or
remanufacturing the item
Options upon expiration of the agreement term:
The Department will return the inventory to the Provider without any open, damaged or unsealed item.
Offer a contract extension to the Department for an additional term.
The Department may purchase the inventory at 50% of the list price of the equipment applicable at the
beginning of the term.
Include at least the following spare parts in the inventory for the main bridge PLC control system, and the
monitoring and data logging systems installed on the bridge:
Spare parts for the Monitoring System:
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One (1) Processor with Ethernet capability of the programmable controller for the main
monitoring system
One (1) DeviceNet scanner
One (1) resolver interfacing module
One (1) interface module, if used to interface the Profibus-DP communications of the brake
Two (2) 6-channel RTD/Resistance input modules
Two (2) 8-point AC/DC volt individually isolated modules
Two (2) 8-point 120 volt AC individually isolated modules
One (1) 8-channel analog input modules of the type used for voltage, current and thermocouple
One (1) 2/4-channel high speed counter/encoder modules
One (1) output module of the type used for installation
One (1) 120/240 volt AC input rack power supply, 4A at 5 V DC
One (1) 24 volt DC power supply
Two (2) Dynamic Measurement modules or Vibration modules of each type used, 2-channel
standard dynamic modules.
Spare parts for the data logger:
One (1) Ethernet processor of the programmable controller
One (1) backplane of the programmable controller
One (1) I/O rack power supply
Two (2) 16-point, 120 volt input modules
Two (2) analog input modules as in use
One (1) output module of the type used for installation
One (1) power supply
Bridge PLC:
One (1) Ethernet processor of the programmable logic controller
One (1) I/O rack
One (1) in-rack power supply
One (1) remote I/O adapter module
One (1) 16-slot remote I/O module
Two (2) discrete input modules
Two (2) discrete output modules
Two (2) BCD modules
Two (2) analog input modules
One (1) flux vector drive
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One (1) Ethernet switch of the type used for installation
One (1) power supply.
Include all other spare parts recommended by the manufacturer and deemed necessary to be covered under the Warranty
and Part and Management Program.
708.04.03 Computer
The Provider will configure, and update the existing desk-top computers of the Department. Provide one (1) lap-top
computer with all necessary software and setups for on-site and remote access to the monitoring and data logging
Provide the lap-top computer to meet the following minimum requirements:
14” diagonal high definition display
Equipped with an Intel Dual Core processor having a clock speed of 2.4 GHz or faster
Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphic card
6 GB DDR3 system memory
750 Gigabyte, 5400 rpm hard drive with built-in protection
Internal 8X DVD+/-Read-write Drive, and Wireless Card with Blue Tooth
Integrated 10/100/1000 RJ45 Ethernet port, at least two front USB 2.0 ports, one (1) serial port, one (1) parallel
port, two (2) PS/2, and stereo line-in and headphone line-out.
Wireless Ethernet Hub Switch with appropriate number of ports and cables and a print server
Wireless mobile broadband access
Adapter, carrying case and extra battery for the laptop computer.
4 USB 16 GB Flash/Jump memory drives
Provide the following software of the latest version:
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office Professional.
Anti-Virus software (e.g., Norton’s Anti-Virus or MacAfee Anti Virus
Visio Professional Graphics Software for Windows
Primavera Project Planner
DVD/CD burner software
Adobe Acrobat Pro also licensed for the laptop computer and for both existing desktop computers setup for the
In-Site surveillance
All necessary software to access the InSte surveillance via the internet.
All necessary software for the lap-top computer for access to the bridge PLC, and monitoring and data logging
Set-up all computer for proper access to the In-Site surveillance.
The Department will not measure the Work in this section, and will make payment as follows:
Pay Unit
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The Department will make payment for the bid item IN-SITE SURVEILLANCE, WARRANTY AND PART
provided by Rockwell Automation as described herein and the warranted computers required for the In-Site surveillance,
in 3 installments. The first installment will be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s
approval of the required submittals, as stated in section 708.03, proposed for the Work of the REAL-TIME SURVEILLANCE,
installment will be valued at 70% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the completion of the Work and ready for
acceptance testing. The third installment will be valued at 20% of the item lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance
of the Work by the Department. No other partial payment will be made.
This section describes the testing and measurements of, and adjustments to, the electrical Work and equipment installed
for the vertical lift bridge. The Work in this section shall also comply with the following codes and standards:
National Fire Protection Association NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC) (2008 Edition)
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO LFRD Highway Bridge Design
Specifications (Latest Edition)
International Electrical Testing Association, NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications (Latest Edition)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), latest version of all applicable standards.
American Welding Society (AWS), Structural Welding Code, D1.1 (Latest Edition)
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), latest version of all applicable standards.
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), latest version of all applicable standards and specifications.
Submit as specified in sections 105, 706, and as follows:
Submit proposed testing procedures, including test instruments and other equipment to be used, per the
specified submission procedure for approval at least 15 working days prior to testing
Accurately record the results of all tests in a neat and orderly manner along with time and date of test(s),
environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, general weather conditions, etc.), testing equipment used,
conditions of test(s), and the name(s) of person(s) performing the test(s).
Submit all test results with all text in typewritten format, per the specified submission procedure and no later
than 10 working days from date of test(s). The results of these tests must be deemed acceptable by the RE prior
to acceptance of the work in question.
Submit the following:
Insulation resistance testing, including the continuity and resistance testing of the existing submarine cables
before and after all work.
Voltage and current tests on motors and machinery, including the new drive motors, existing brakes, new
span lock motors, the new traffic gates and new barrier gates.
Operational testing of installed systems and sub-systems.
Perform all testing, inspections, and any resulting corrective work to ensure that, after the installation of the new
electrical materials and equipment, the entire bridge power and control systems will properly function as intended and as
recorded by the Contractor prior the removals and as modified and required by the plans and Special Provisions.
In addition to the specific tests described herein, perform all additional testing, and make any necessary repairs or
adjustments, as required elsewhere in these Special Provisions and as otherwise necessary to provide a complete,
Page 99 of 120
functional, and reliable installation. All testing, inspections, and demonstrations, and any resulting remedial work, will
be deemed solely the responsibility of the Contractor and will not be considered cause for delay or additional payment.
Use test procedures and equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, NETA Acceptance Testing
Standards, any other applicable industry standards, and be appropriate for the specific test being performed.
Use true RMS type voltmeters and ammeters. Where recording instruments are required, use three phase, strip chart or
computer based type instruments.
Maintain in proper calibrated condition and use all tools and instruments specifically designed for measuring the quantity
in question.
712.04.01 Visual Inspection
After the installation of the conduit system and prior to the installation of the wiring, visually inspect the conduit to
ensure that the conduit has no physical damage that reduces its cross-sectional area such as dent, kink, or twist, and is
ready for wire pulling. Visually inspect to ensure that all conduit supports, clamps, and hardware are properly installed
and torqued, and conduit expansion/deflection fittings, flexible conduits or other means are properly bonded and
provided at proper locations to compensate for the movement of the structures.
Visually inspect to verify the proper operation of the operating mechanism and mechanical interlocks, and the proper
installation of all newly-installed equipment and devices.
712.04.02 Testing
After all wires have been installed and prior to connections of any circuit, test to verify that all installed conductors are
free of shorts, opens, or unintentional grounds, and properly terminated.
Test the insulation resistance of the installed conductors with a megger at 1000 volt DC for a duration of 60 seconds.
Phase to phase, phase to neutral, and phase to ground resistance values shall be measured as appropriate for the circuit
under test. The minimum acceptable resistance is 100 megaohm.
Disconnect, measure and record the insulation resistance of all existing power and control circuit conductors, including
the existing submarine cable, which are to remain. Do not perform insulation resistance testing on data logger and
communications circuit conductors. Perform insulation resistance testing on instrumentation circuit conductors only as
directed by the RE.
Measure and record the insulation resistance of all new and existing power transformers. The minimum acceptable
resistance of the newly-installed transformers is 100 megaohm.
Measure and record the insulation resistance of all new and existing motors, including those provided as an integral piece
of bridge machinery. Measurements shall be made at the motor, or may be made at the local disconnect switch when
Perform tests after energizing any circuit and prior to connections to equipment or motors to verify the following
Correct no-load voltage for the equipment to be powered
Correct phase sequence
Correct polarities.
After all connections have been made to all equipment and devices, visually inspect all electrical connections, and verify
that all lugs, connectors, and terminals are tightened and torqued to the levels recommended by the manufacturer.
712.04.03 Testing of Motor and Machinery
Prior to first operation of any motor or motor driven machinery, confirm proper motor rotation with all driven machinery
disconnected or otherwise suitably arranged to prevent damage in the event of incorrect rotation. After confirming proper
rotation, record the correct circuit phase to motor terminal connections on the as-built plans and working drawings.
Page 100 of 120
Visually inspect all motors and motor driven machinery, including, but not being limited to, checking for excess
mechanical or electrical noise, for excessive heating, for vibration, verifying proper tightening of all mounting bolts and
coupling connections, and observation of any other physical indications of improper installation and/or operation.
Measure and record the terminal voltage and current of all motors in the normal running condition with driven machinery
Perform 3-phase chart-recording of each existing span drive motor at the existing motor drive cabinet with approved
chart type voltmeter, and ammeter to continuously monitor the voltage and amperage of each motor throughout each test
cycle of the machinery. The positions of the span shall be noted on each recording along with position designations of
start, stop, open and close. Chart-recording shall be performed only after all final adjustments have been made with the
bridge running the full cycle in both opening and closing operations, with the new main and back-up PLC.
712.04.04 Operational Tests and Demonstrations
Conduct operational tests on individual, group or system of new equipment, and on existing equipment and systems to
remain in place, which are affected by the construction, including existing barrier gates, existing traffic signals, existing
gongs, existing span locks, existing and new limit switches, new brakes, new motor and drive, new motor control
cabinet, new transfer switches, existing control console, new meters, new programmable controller (PLC), new enginegenerator, new auxiliary hydraulic drive system, new load banks, existing navigational lighting, existing roadway
lighting, existing indoor and maintenance lighting, existing fire alarm system, existing voice communication system,
existing HVAC systems, and all other systems to demonstrate that an acceptable and reliable operation can be assured.
Prepare a format and record thereon all test results observed. Perform chart-recording of the current and RPM of the
drive motor after all work is complete.
When the installation of all systems is complete and ready for testing, test-run the vertical lift bridge. The bridge shall
demonstrate a trouble-free operation, meeting all specified requirements with all interlocks properly functioning through
the PLC.
Engage a manufacturer’s field service technician or engineer of the engine-generator to assist in the operational and
performance tests of the new 150 kW engine-generator and the existing 25 kW engine-generators in conjunction with the
connected load banks. Perform tests on the engine-generators through all load steps provided on each load bank.
Engage a manufacturer’s field service technician or engineer to assist in the operational and performance test of the new
auxiliary drive system including the hydraulic power unit, the hydraulic motor and clutch.
Perform additional miscellaneous operational tests as requested by the RE or the MBEG to demonstrate and establish
that a given product, system, or subsystem meets all specified requirements, and is operating in a reliable manner.
After the conclusion of all testing, turn over to the Department all test results including the recorded charts, voltage and
current readings, insulation resistance test readings, and all other required test readings performed by the Contractor.
712.04.05 Field Acceptance Testing of the PLC
The Contractor and Control System Vendor will jointly prepare a detailed testing procedure for acceptance testing of the
installed new PLC system. The procedure will be based on the shop test procedure, modified as appropriate for field
testing. Submit the procedure per the specified submission procedure for approval prior to schedule the acceptance
Schedule the test at a time agreeable to all parties involved. Determine the schedule at least two (2) full weeks in advance
of the proposed start date for the testing. Include one (1) complete run-through of the operating sequence for opening and
closing the span in the acceptance testing. All interlocking, fault modes, and miscellaneous functions will be individually
confirmed during this test, including tests on the control system safety interlocks including full traffic control equipment
interlocks, bridge seated and locked, and bypass functions.
A minimum of five consecutive, successful, error free, and full bridge operations on all systems (complete cycle "from
red light to full open to green light") are required. Perform all five operations within one single day. In the case of any
error or required adjustment, the count of successful operations will start over.
Perform additional tests and demonstrations to demonstrate to the RE and the MBEG that the new PLC system satisfies
the requirements and intents of the plans and special provisions.
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Perform acceptance testing to meet the following minimum requirements:
All components of the new PLC system must be installed in their final and permanent location and state, fully
operational and in need of no further major adjustment.
All bridge operational machinery, and similar equipment controlled by the PLC system, must be installed in
their final and permanent location and state, and in need of no further major adjustment.
All major adjustments to existing-to-remain components which are necessary to achieve proper interfacing and
coordination with the new PLC system, must be complete.
Correct any deficiencies revealed by this testing and repeat the test until such time as the RE is satisfied with all test
results and the overall performance of the bridge control system. In addition, any change to the PLC program will
require retesting.
712.04.06 Corrective Actions
For any test failure, or for any test result which fails to meet the specified requirements or the stated acceptable values or
conditions, or the RE finds unacceptable, the Contractor shall investigate the cause of the failure, take appropriate
corrective actions, and repeat the test(s). This procedure shall be repeated until such time as all test results are deemed
acceptable by the Department Representative or by the RE.
712.04.07 Final Testing
At the completion of the installation with the bridge control system interlocked with all existing and new equipment
installed for the bridge operation, operate the bridge span in the presence of and witnessed by the RE. Accordingly,
notify the RE, at least, two (2) weeks prior to the test date. Operate the bridge through at least 5 complete consecutive
and error free cycles in all operating modes, without failure of any system or component, including the opening and
closing sequences with the main PLC and with the back-up PLC, and including all the control modes provided on the
existing control console and on the relocated control cabinets. Conduct the test with the commercial power and the
emergency power.
Operate the bridge through at least three (3) complete open and close cycles of the bridge with the auxiliary drive system
without failure of any system or component. Perform these operations including manual release of the machinery brake
and release of the motor brake via the hydraulic cylinder override, and all lift span movement made by the hydraulic
For final acceptance by the Department, restore all existing systems and equipment, which are to remain and are affected
by the construction, to their existing working conditions in accordance with the data recorded by the Contractor prior to
the construction as described herein. The bridge power distribution and control system will demonstrate a trouble-free
operation through all control modes and functions as intended for the vertical lift bridge, including all modifications and
replacements as shown and described in the contract drawings and Special Provisions. As a minimum, the operation of
the vertical lift bridge will demonstrate the following conditions to the satisfaction of the RE:
The PLC-based control system shall demonstrate a trouble-free operation of the bridge with all correct status and
position indications of the lift span, the existing traffic signals, the existing barrier gates, the existing span locks, and the
existing brakes and with all control modes, bypasses and functions as provided on the existing control console and the
existing control cabinet.
712.04.08 Testing of the Monitoring System
Coordinate the tests of the monitoring and data logging systems with the tests of the bridge machinery and control
Inspect and verify that all sensors and devices have been properly installed as recommended by the manufacturer, and as
instructed by the SAE.
A. Operational Tests and Demonstrations.
Conduct operational tests on individual, group or system of new equipment and systems after the installation to ensure
proper operation. All outdoor RTD temperature sensors will be tested by recording data at different times of the day and
Page 102 of 120
night to show proper function. Test the Indoor RTD temperature sensors manually via heat guns. To the practical extent,
test all new monitoring relays and switches by simulating a fault condition and confirming the correct response from the
monitoring system and data logger. Test the thermocouples and other sensors as recommended by the manufacturer of
the components.
When the installation of all systems is complete and ready for testing with all operational tests on individual equipment,
sub-system and system have been satisfactorily completed, test-run the bridge. Perform additional miscellaneous
operational tests as requested by the RE or the MBEG to demonstrate and establish that a given product, system, or
subsystem meets all specified requirements, and is operating in a reliable manner.
The monitoring system testing will include at least 5 complete operations of the lift bridge including all necessary
systems (i.e. locks, gates, etc.) Connect the new lap-top computer to the data logger for on-site testing of the monitoring
and data logging system. All status, parameters, indication of new sensors and switches, notification of alarm, warning,
danger conditions from the monitoring system will be correctly displayed on the Insite computer, and on all remote-site
computers as well as the In-Site Surveillance group location. Provide a written report showing that the entire monitoring
system with all sensors, relays and switches function appropriately for 10 consecutive bridge operations.
After the conclusion of all testing, turn over to the Department all test results including the recorded charts, voltage and
current readings, insulation resistance test readings, and all other required test readings performed by the Contractor.
Make final adjustment of all elements of the monitoring system to ensure that they function as described in the Contract
B. Corrective Actions.
For any test failure, or for any test result which fails to meet the specified requirements or the intended purpose of the
system, or the RE finds unacceptable, investigate the cause of the failure, take appropriate corrective actions, and repeat
the test(s). Repeat this procedure, as needed, until such time as all test results are deemed acceptable by the RE.
C. Final Testing.
Make final adjustment of all elements of the monitoring and data logging system to ensure that they function as
described in the Contract Documents.
The Contractor, bridge control system vendor, SAE, and Monitoring System Vendor will jointly prepare a detailed
testing procedure for final testing of the installed monitoring and data logging system, and the InSite surveillance system.
The procedure will be based on the test procedure prepared for the operational tests, modified as appropriate for field
testing. Submit the procedure per the specified submission procedure to schedule the acceptance testing. Schedule the
test at a time agreeable to all parties involved.
Final testing will include final tests of the entire bridge monitoring and data logging systems in the presence and
witnessed by the RE and MBEG at the bridge site, and at each remote site of the Department, a total of three (3) remotesite tests. Notify the RE at least two (2) weeks prior to the test date of each final test.
On-site Final Testing. At the completion of the installation of all systems with all equipment and components
interconnected, interfaced, and adjusted for the operation of the bridge monitoring system, including the InSite
surveillance system set-up and ready for final testing, operate the bridge span in the presence of and witnessed
by the RE and MBEG at the bridge site. Connect the new lap-top computer to the data logger for
communications with the bridge monitoring system and PLC control system and operate the bridge through at
least 5 complete consecutive cycles in all operating modes, including the opening and closing sequences with
the main PLC and with the back-up PLC, and including all the control modes and the use of each by-pass
function provided on the existing control console. Conduct the test with at least two (2) bridge operations with
the auxiliary drive system. Conduct the test with the commercial power and the emergency power. All data
collection via the lap-top computer including status, parameters, operational conditions, control modes,
machinery monitoring, notification of by-pass function used, warning, alarm and danger conditions of the
bridge control system and equipment will be correct and correspondent to all indications displayed on the
existing control console, and the graphic display with appropriate and correct displays.
Provide a written report of all test results to the RE.
Remote Site Final Testing. Repeat the test procedures as performed for the on-site final testing in the
presence of and to be witnessed by the RE and MBEG at each remote site of the Department. Each final test
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performed for the remote site monitoring will also be monitored by the on-site lap-top computer. Test results at
each remote site must be equivalent to those recorded on-site and collected by the lap-top computer.
Provide a written report of all test results at each remote site to the RE.
Perform corrective actions for final testing as specified.
D. Final Acceptance. A minimum of five consecutive, successful, error free, and full bridge operations on all systems
are required, and a minimum of two (2) full operations of the bridge with the auxiliary drive system. All operations will
be performed within one single day. In the case of any error or required adjustment, the count of successful operations
will start over.
Perform additional tests and demonstrations to demonstrate to the RE and the MBEG that the new monitoring and data
logging system, and the InSite surveillance system satisfy the requirements and intents of the plans and special
For final acceptance by the Department, the entire bridge monitoring and data logging systems interfaced with the bridge
PLC control system and equipment will demonstrate a trouble-free operation including all on-site and remote-site data
acquisition via the InSite surveillance system. The bridge monitoring and data logging systems will at least demonstrate
the capability of recording, storing in memory, and providing data collection of all events, alarms, conditions of the
control system, and status of all sensors and devices as required elsewhere in the Special Provisions.
Perform additional tests and demonstrations as requested by the RE or the MBEG to demonstrate that the entire new
monitoring system, data logging system, and In-Site surveillance satisfy the requirements and intents of the plans and
special provisions.
Correct any deficiencies revealed by this testing and repeat the test until such time as the RE and MBEG are satisfied
with all test results and the overall performance of the bridge monitoring and data logging system, and In-Site
The Department will not measure the Work in this section, and will make payment as follows:
Pay Unit
The Department will make payment for the bid item ELECTRICAL TESTING AND MEASUREMENTS, including the costs
of testing the bridge system, the monitoring and In-site surveillance systems, in 3 installments. The first installment will be
valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals of the test
procedures proposed for the Work of this item. The second installment will be valued at 70% of the item lump sum bid price and paid
for upon the completion of all tests to the satisfaction of the RE. The third installment will be valued at 20% of the item lump sum bid
price, and paid for upon the final acceptance of the bridge control system, monitoring system and In-site surveillance system by the
Department. No other partial payment will be made.
This section describes the requirements for training and manuals to be provided as part of the Work for the vertical lift
bridge rehabilitation and the monitoring system.
Submit the following:
Proposed training syllabus
Preliminary and final editions of the manuals as described elsewhere herein.
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Provide all training and manuals prior to the completion of the project. The overall project will not be granted final
acceptance, and/or final payments under this contract, until all required training and manuals have been provided and
The Contractor shall provide a total of 40 hours of comprehensive and detailed training and instructions, covering all
aspects of operation and maintenance of the bridge electrical and drive systems, and the monitoring system for the
Department's bridge operation and maintenance personnel. Schedule Training in consecutive work days, and coordinate
with the Department. Submit the training and instruction schedule and program for approval by the RE at least two (2)
weeks prior to the scheduled date.
The Contractor may perform training, when the control system operation and monitoring system are deemed satisfactory
by the RE and in need of no further major adjustments or modifications. The Control System Vendor, monitoring system
vendor and all relevant sub-contractors and vendors shall assist the Contractor in development and execution of the
training program. The field engineers or technicians of the Control System Vendor and the Monitoring System Vendor
shall participate in the training program.
Submit the proposed syllabus for the training to the RE for approval prior to beginning the training program. Include two
(2) separate categories in the training, one (1) for the bridge control and drive systems, and the other for the monitoring
713.05 MANUALS
Prepare complete sets of manuals as follows:
Coordinate manual contents with all trades. The Control System Vendor, the monitoring system, and all relevant
sub-contractors and vendors shall assist the Contractor in the development of, and contribute materials to, the
Develop maintenance information from the recommendations of the manufacturers of the various components, and
the experience of the Contractor, sub-contractors, and vendors.
Applicable information from the Owner's relevant publications and manuals (safety, operation and maintenance,
etc.) shall be referenced and/or included. The Contractor shall request, in writing, a list of applicable publications
and manuals, and shall obtain such publications, at no additional cost, for use in developing the manuals.
Use hardback vinyl three ring loose leaf type binders for binding 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheets. Binders shall be of
manageable size, preferably 10 inches by 12 inches and not over 3 inches thick. Place labels containing the name of
the bridge, the bridge location, the name of the Prime Contractor, and dates of the work on the binder spine and
front cover. The binder holes shall be reinforced for all contents. The paper and ink shall resist smearing, fading
and deterioration from age. All lettering shall be clear and legible. Index all chapters.
Use new material. Do not re-use copies of prior submittals. Provide index tabs for each major piece of equipment
and systems, and a table of contents indicating each chapter, sub-chapter, specific equipment, and page numbering.
Use a separate binder, or set of binders for each volume as described herein. Each volume shall be further broken
down into logical groupings by system and/or sub-system.
Use 11 inches by 17 inches in size drawings for inclusion in the manuals. Use drawings 8.5 inches by 11 inches in
size only if their contents remain readable at that scale.
Use manufacturer's publications (catalog pages, standard product manuals, etc.) with original colors. If standard
parts drawings are used, they shall be modified to be suitable, and irrelevant material shall be blocked out. Where
manufacturer's standard publications are used, clearly indicate the precise items used in this installation.
Use US Customary (inch-pound) system units.
VOLUME 1: BRIDGE PLC CONTROL SYSTEM shall cover all components and aspects of the bridge PLC
control system. Contents shall include the following:
Page 105 of 120
Copies of approved catalog cuts for all system components.
Copies of the as-built shop and installation drawings.
Copies of manufacturer's installation, use, and maintenance literature for all system components.
Operation and maintenance instructions.
Troubleshooting procedures.
Printed copy of the final, as-built PLC program.
A complete list of all provided spare parts.
VOLUME 2: BRIDGE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM shall cover all electrical work not specifically covered in another
volume. Contents shall include the following:
Copies of as-built shop and installation drawings.
Copies of approved catalog cut sheets, and similar descriptive literature, for all materials and products.
Copies of manufacturer's installation, use, and maintenance literature for all materials and products.
Operation and maintenance instructions, including a complete listing of the as-built parameter settings of the
flux Vector drive.
Troubleshooting procedures.
VOLUME 3: AUXILAIRY DRIVE SYSTEM shall cover all components and aspects of the bridge auxiliary drive
system. Contents shall include the following:
Copies of as-built shop and installation drawings.
Copies of catalog cut sheets for all components.
Copies of manufacturer's installation, use, and maintenance literature.
Operation and maintenance instructions, including bridge operating sequences with the auxiliary drive.
Troubleshooting procedures.
components and aspects of the monitoring system, In-Site surveillance, warranty and part management programs.
Contents shall include the following:
Copies of the policies and terms for the In-Site Surveillance, warranty and part management programs
Listing of all status, conditions and alarms being monitored by the automated monitoring system
Copies of approved catalog cuts for all system components.
Copies of the as-built shop and installation drawings.
Copies of manufacturer's installation, use, and maintenance literature for all system components.
Operation and maintenance instructions.
Troubleshooting procedures.
Printed copy of the final, as-built program.
A complete list of all spare parts under the part management program.
Page 106 of 120
713.06.01 Preliminary Editions
Submit preliminary editions of the operation and maintenance manuals for approval. Preliminary editions shall contain
all required information, and shall generally be identical in all respects to the final editions. Each volume shall be
submitted whole and complete. Volumes submitted piecemeal will not be reviewed.
The Contractor may, at his option and with the permission of the RE, submit "pre-preliminary" editions of the manuals
for the exclusive purpose of review and approval of the general format of the manuals only. However, such review and
approval shall not in any way prevent the RE from requiring additional changes to the format of the manuals during
subsequent reviews.
713.06.02 Final Editions
Once the completed manuals have been granted final approval by the RE, provide 10 complete sets (all volumes) of the
final approved edition, and deliver to the Movable Bridge Engineering Group (MBEG), the Maintenance Engineering,
the Drawbridge Operations, the South Electrical Maintenance, and others as directed by the RE. Acceptance of the final
editions shall not imply final acceptance of the work described therein.
The Department will not measure the Work in this section, and will make payment as follows:
Pay Unit
The Department will make payment for the bid item TRAINING AND MANUALS in 3 installments. The first installment will
be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the Department’s approval of the required submittals of the
syllabus for training and preliminary manuals proposed for the Work of this item. The second installment will be valued at 70% of the
item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the completion of the training and manuals to the satisfaction of the RE. The third
installment will be valued at 20% of the item lump sum bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance of the Work by the
Department. No other partial payment will be made.
This section describes the requirements for replacing the existing bridge control programmable logic controller (PLC)
system with a new PLC system. The Work in this section will also comply with the following codes and standards:
National Fire Protection Association NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC) (2005 Edition)
National Fire Protection Association NFPA 79 – Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery (2007 Edition)
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway
Bridge Design Specifications (Latest Edition)
Submit working drawings as specified in sections 105, 705.05, and as follows:
Complete descriptive data (catalog cut sheets, etc.) for all components. Descriptive data clearly addresses all
requirements given herein.
Working drawings for the new PLC system. Required working drawings submitted all together, and to include, but
not be limited to, the following:
Full schematic wiring diagrams depicting all required power and control wiring, including connections to
existing wiring and equipment. All PLC system inputs and outputs clearly identified by rack, slot, and module
I/O point number. All inputs and outputs with a uniquely assigned I/O number. (It is recommended that the I/O
Page 107 of 120
numbering scheme used by the PLC programming software be utilized, but any consistent and unambiguous
scheme may be used.) All wires and terminal blocks uniquely numbered.
Field hook-up drawings.
Layout drawings for the new PLC and data logger cabinets.
Layout drawings showing the installation of the new I/O rack, UPS, and related items in the existing control
Complete bill of materials for all components. Bill of materials presented in a tabular format. All components
clearly identified by designation and/or description, along with manufacturer's name and complete model or
catalog number.
Complete printed program for the new PLC system. Program logic presented in a ladder-logic format, and
extensively commented to identify the functions of each individual rung and each bit in the rung within the
program. All inputs and outputs clearly referenced to their I/O numbers as identified on the shop drawings.
Provide the printed copy of the PLC program on standard letter size (8.5" x 11") white sheets, with pages
numbered and bound together in a three-ring type binder. Provide an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format copy on a
Compact Disc.
A complete step-by-step shop test procedure for the PLC system submitted for approval. This shop test will be
witnessed by personnel of the Department and the Engineer at the facility of the Control System Vendor.
A complete listing of proposed spare parts to be provided, in accordance with the requirements given elsewhere
herein, and submitted for approval prior to delivery of the spare parts.
Submit the required component descriptive data and system shop drawings all together. The PLC and data
logger system programs may be submitted at a later date, but any changes to system hardware resulting from the
RE’s review of the programs must be provided regardless of any previous approval of the component
descriptive data and/or system shop drawings.
Prepare and submit as-approved, as-shipped, and as-built drawings as follows:
After the required submittals are approved, incorporate any comments made by the RE and issue a complete set of
"as-approved" drawings. Provide for the RE with complete sets of the as-approved drawings. These drawings will
not be further approved or disapproved, but the RE will examine them for completeness and accuracy, and may
advise the Contractor and Control System Vendor of required revisions. Clearly identify each sheet of the asapproved drawing set as such. Provide electronic copies of the as-approved drawings in both Adobe Acrobat (pdf)
and AutoCAD (dwg) format, on compact disc. Provide electronic copies, in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format, of all
approved catalog cuts and similar descriptive data.
The Control System vendor shall maintain a complete set of the approved working drawings, updated with any
changes made during fabrication and shop testing. After the shop test is successfully completed and the RE has
approved the new PLC system for delivery to the bridge for installation, incorporate all recorded changes into the
affected drawings, and issue a complete set of "as-shipped" drawings. Provide for the RE with complete sets of the
as-shipped drawings. These drawings will not be approved or disapproved, but the RE will examine them for
completeness and accuracy, and may advise the Contractor and Control System Vendor of required revisions. Also
provide for the Contractor with as-shipped drawings for use during installation of the system. Clearly identify each
sheet of the as-shipped drawing set as such. Provide electronic copies of the as-shipped drawings in both Adobe
Acrobat (pdf) and AutoCAD (dwg) format, on compact disc, including a copy of the PLC program, in Adobe
Acrobat (pdf) format.
The Contractor and Control System Vendor shall maintain a complete set of the as-shipped drawings at the project
site, updated with any changes made during installation and commissioning. After the entire project is successfully
completed and the RE has granted final acceptance for the new PLC system, incorporate all recorded changes into
the affected drawings, and issue a complete set of "as-built" drawings. Provide for the RE with complete sets of the
as-built drawings. These drawings will not be approved or disapproved, but the RE will examine them for
completeness and accuracy, and may advise the Contractor and Control System Vendor of required revisions.
Clearly identify each sheet of the as-built drawings set as such. Provide electronic copies of the as-built drawings in
both Adobe Acrobat (pdf) and AutoCAD (dwg) format, on compact disc.
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D. After the entire project is successfully completed and the RE has granted final acceptance for the new PLC system,
provide a copy of all final programs of the PLC and data logger on compact discs. Provide the program in a format
readable by the PLC programming software, and in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. Also include hard copies of the
complete printed program(s) for the new PLC system, and submit within 30 days after the final acceptance.
Extensively comment on the printed program(s) to identify the functions of each individual rung and each bit in the
rung within the program. Provide the printed copy of the program on standard letter size (8.5" x 11") white sheets,
with pages numbered and bound together in a three-ring type binder. Provide for the RE with all set-up user names
and passwords to access the PLC system.
See section 706.02H.
Provide materials as specified:
750.04.01 Bridge PLC System
Use the Ethernet Programmable Logic Controller PLC-5/40E by Allen Bradley, no substitution is permitted, including
the following requirements:
A. Programmable logic controller (PLC) system to provide sequential control and interlocking functions for operation
of the bridge machinery and related items, completed with all components and accessories as described herein,
shown on the plans, and otherwise required for proper operation in accordance with the requirements and intents of
these Contract Documents.
B. The new PLC system, as finally installed and adjusted, to provide for safe and reliable operation of the bridge, and
functionality not less than that of the existing PLC system.
C. System programming accomplished in ladder-logic format. Other formats may be submitted to the RE on a case-bycase basis in order to accomplish specific functions.
D. Two processors, each installed in a dedicated chassis, both installed in the PLC cabinet; one to be the active
processor while the other serves as an offline "cold" backup. Remote I/O racks installed in both the PLC cabinet and
the existing control console. Processors and I/O racks interconnected via a dedicated digital Remote I/O
communications network. Provide an Ethernet network.
E. Standard form-factor, modular system consisting of individual processor, input, output, and special function
modules installed together in a multi-slot chassis along with required power supplies. All components of the PLC
system must be compatible, and by the same manufacturer, except for any required special function components
which are not available from the manufacturer of the other components.
F. PLC system processor to provide an advanced instruction set including: file handling, sequencing, diagnostics, shift
register(s), immediate I/O, program control instructions, timing, and mathematical functions, programmable in
ladder-logic, sequential function charts, and structured text programming formats, and capable of addressing at least
2048 I/O points or 64 analog points, and having at least 48,000 battery backed user memory words, built in RS232
serial (1 port), remote I/O (2 selectable ports) networking, Data Highway communication (1 port), and Ethernet (1
RJ45 port), and instruction execution times equal to, or faster than, those published by Allen-Bradley for a standard
PLC-5 (1785).
G. Programmable Logic Controller to have the ability to support multiple data communications networks in the same
chassis by using Data Highway Plus, Ethernet/IP, Programmable Multi Vendor Interface (RS232) modules, as well
as other commonly used networks.
H. The Ethernet bridge module must be certified as Ethernet compliant by Open DeviceNet Vendors Association
(ODVA) or one of its approved certification agents
PLC I/O Modules. Provide a mixture of input and output modules as shown on the plans, and as follows:
Standard input modules with sixteen 120 volt AC opto-isolated inputs (16 inputs per common). Allen-Bradley
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Isolated input modules, for interfacing with the traffic signals feedback circuits, with sixteen 120 volt AC optoisolated inputs (isolated one (1) input per common). Allen-Bradley 1771-ID.
Output modules with 16 AC/DC relay outputs (isolated one (1) output per common). Output contacts rated 24 to
138 volts AC and 1 ampere. Allen-Bradley 1771-OW.
A minimum of 16 installed spare inputs and 16 installed spare outputs in the PLC cabinet. A minimum of 8
installed spare inputs and 8 installed spare outputs in the control console.
PLC EEPROM Memory Modules. Provide an EEPROM memory module for each processor for non-volatile
backup of the operating program. Memory module capacity shall be equal to, or larger than, the processor's built-in
memory. Allen-Bradley 1785-ME64.
K. PLC Specialty Modules. Special function modules shall be provided as required.
L. PLC Chassis and Power Supplies. Provide number of available slots in each chassis to house all required
modules. Chassis for I/O racks shall also provide for at least two (2) spare slots in both the PLC cabinet and the
control console. Blank covers shall be provided for all unused slots. Provide power supplies as necessary to serve all
required modules, plus at least 20 percent spare capacity.
M. PLC Programming Software. Provide system programmed via Microsoft Windows based software provided by
the PLC manufacturer specifically for that purpose. Provide an original licensed copy of the programming software,
registered to the Department, as part of the PLC system, and any cables or other hardware necessary to interface a
standard laptop PC to the PLC system.
750.04.02 Uninterruptible Power Supply
Use uninterruptible power supply meeting the following requirements:
UL Listed, industrial grade, double conversion online uninterruptable power supply (UPS) providing both
frequency and voltage regulation. 120 volts AC, 3000 volt-amperes, 2100 watts. At least 15 minutes backup run
time at full rated-load, and at least 4 hour backup run time at maximum actual connected load. Rated for operation
from 0 degree Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius without derating. Provide the UPS with Network Management Card
and software, dry contact, serial communication, Ethernet communication, and remote monitoring.
Only the following loads shall be powered from the UPS unit: PLC rack power supplies, Ethernet switch, and
remote access modem. Do not supply power to other control circuits from the UPS unit.
Compatible with and capable of communicating with Allen-Bradley PLC via Ethernet/IP networking for
continuous monitoring of the UPS status.
As manufactured by Allen-Bradley 1609-P-3000-N, or approved equal.
750.04.03 Surge Protection and Grounding
Use surge protection and grounding meeting the following requirements:
Provide surge protection for all conductors and data network cables as follows:
All conductors and cables entering and/or leaving the PLC cabinet.
All conductors and cables entering or leaving the control console which interface with the new I/O rack.
Provide surge protection for 120 volt AC control and power wiring via modular surge protection modules
consisting of separate mounting bases and pluggable MOV based protection modules. Each module must provide
protection for two lines, nominal 120 volts AC, maximum continuous 150 volts AC, nominal 26 amp, 10,000 amp
discharge current (8/20 microsecond pulse), 600 volts peak clamping voltage. Use screw terminals. As
manufactured by Phoenix Contact Plugtrab PT 2x1 VA, or approved equal.
Provide surge protection for PLC remote I/O network wiring via modular surge protection modules consisting of
separate mounting bases and pluggable protection modules. Nominal voltage and current ratings shall be as
recommended by the module manufacturer, 10,000 amp discharge current (8/20 microsecond pulse). Use screw
terminals. As manufactured by Phoenix Contact Plugtrab PT 3-HF-12DC, or approved equal.
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Provide surge protection for RS232 serial network wiring via modular surge protection modules consisting of
separate mounting bases and pluggable protection modules. Nominal voltage and current ratings shall be as
recommended by the module manufacturer, 10,000 amp discharge current (8/20 microsecond pulse). Use screw
terminals. As manufactured by Phoenix Contact Plugtrab PT 5-HF-12DC, or approved equal.
Provided surge protection for Ethernet/IP network wiring via modular surge protection modules consisting of an
adapter with RJ 45 socket for network connection and a RJ 45 plug for data line connection on the terminal.
Nominal voltage and current ratings shall be as recommended by the module manufacturer, 350 A/2.5 kA nominal
discharge current (8/20 microsecond pulse). As manufactured by Phoenix Contact DataTrab D-LAN-CAT.5E, or
approved equal.
Provide surge protection for telephone network wiring via modular surge protection modules consisting of separate
mounting bases and pluggable protection modules. Nominal voltage and current ratings shall be as recommended
by the module manufacturer. 10,000 amp discharge current (8/20 microsecond pulse). Use screw terminals. As
manufactured by Phoenix Contact Plugtrab PT 2-TELE, or approved equal.
Use the required surge protection modules, as described above, generally as the terminal blocks for interconnection
of shop and field wiring.
Provide common, uninsulated ground bars in the PLC cabinet, and control console for the interconnection of all
equipment grounding conductors. Ground bars shall be UL Recognized, and fabricated from copper. Use screw
type terminals for size 6 AWG to 14 AWG copper conductors, number of terminals as required, plus at least two
spare. As manufactured by Ilsco N-174, or approved equal.
750.04.04 Control Relays
Use control relays meeting the following requirements:
UL Listed, NEMA type, heavy duty, electromechanical, machine tool relay. Field replaceable and reversible,
double-break, bifurcated contacts rated 10 amp continuous (thermal) and NEMA A600 (60 amps make, 6 amps
break at 120 volts AC inductive). Number of contacts as required plus two (2) spare. Screw on contact and coil
terminals. Coil voltage as required. Allen-Bradley 700-P, or approved equal. Direct mounted RC type coil surge
Relays for use on traffic signal circuits shall comply with the above requirements, but have contacts rated for 20A
tungsten lighting loads to 600 volts. Allen-Bradley 700-PK, or approved equal.
750.04.05 Interposing Relays
Use interposing relays meeting the following requirements:
UL Listed, electromechanical, "slim line" relay. Double-pole, double-throw silver-nickel contacts rated 8 amp
continuous (thermal) and NEMA B300 (30 amps make, 3 amps break at 120 volts AC inductive). Coil voltage as
required. Allen-Bradley 700-HK, or approved equal.
Compatible mounting socket providing coil and contact separation, with retainer clip. Plug-in RC type coil surge
Interposing relays shall be provided for all outputs, except for those interfacing to pilot lights. A minimum of 16
spare relays shall be mounted in the PLC cabinet and wired to spare PLC outputs.
750.04.06 PLC Select Relay
Use PLC select relay meeting the following requirements:
UL Listed, electromechanical, interposing/isolation relay. Four-pole, double-throw gold plated silver-nickel
contacts rated for low energy switching down to 1 milliamp at 10 volts. Coil voltage as required. Allen-Bradley
700-HC, or approved equal.
Compatible mounting socket providing coil and contact separation, with retainer clip. Plug-in RC type coil surge
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750.04.07 Fuses
Use fuses meeting the following requirements:
UL Listed Class CC. Ampere rating as indicated, or as required for equipment served. Rated 300 volts minimum.
100,000 amp minimum RMS symmetrical interrupt current. Fuses for PLC input circuits shall be fast acting; fuses
for all other circuits shall be time-delay. Bussmann LP-CC and KTK-R, or approved equal.
UL Listed, Class CC compatible "finger safe" (dead front) fuse holders, with integrated fuse puller. Rated 600
volts, 30 amps, Class CC compatible rejection feature. Maximum 0.8 milliamp indicating light leakage current.
Allen-Bradley 1492-FB, or approved equal.
750.04.08 PLC Cabinet
Provide cabinets meeting the following requirements:
UL Listed, heavy duty, NEMA 12, free-standing, single access, industrial enclosure. Minimum size of 72 inches
high, 36 inches wide, 18 inches deep, formed from 12 gauge steel with smooth, continuously welded seams. All
sharp edges must be ground smooth. All openings must be fully gasketed. Coat with a polyester powder coat finish.
Provided with lockable three point door latch and heavy duty continuous door hinge, "full door" 1/4 inch thick clear
acrylic window, filtered and louvered vents, vent fans, fluorescent light with door actuated switch, TVSS type
receptacle, steel or aluminum inner back and side mounting panels as required to accommodate all components,
stiffeners as required, and heavy duty lifting eyes for handling during installation. Hoffman, Hammond
Manufacturing, or approved equal.
750.04.09 Wiring
Provide internal shop wiring UL Listed Type SIS rated 600 volts and 90 Celsius, stranded tinned copper conductors.
Minimum size for shop control wiring must be 14 AWG, except that minimum 18 AWG will be permitted for low power
control circuits (20 volt-amp, or less, maximum steady-state load). Minimum size for shop power wiring must be 12
AWG. Manufactured by Belden, or approved equal. The Control System Vendor shall ensure that all conductors are
properly sized in accordance with their maximum connected load and ampacity per the National Electrical Code.
750.04.10 Remote I/O Cable
Provide cable with the following requirements:
PLC communications cable compatible with the PLC remote I/O network, UL Listed Type TC; NEC Type CMG,
rated 600 volts and 75 Celsius, stranded tinned copper conductors. Shall have overall foil and tinned copper braid
shield with tinned copper drain wire, and sun-light resistant PVC jacket. Belden DataTray, or approved equal.
Remote I/O cabling routed separately from power circuit wiring, and not be placed in any raceway along with
power circuit wiring, including plastic wiring duct within enclosures.
The Control System Vendor shall provide the Contractor with all remote I/O cable required for field
750.04.11 RS232 Cable
Provide RS322 cable with the following requirements:
Shielded multi-pair communications cable suitable for RS232 applications, four 24 AWG bonded copper pairs,
industrial grade, 0.03 inch thick, sunlight resistant PVC jacket, as manufactured by Belden, or approved equal.
RS232 cabling routed separately from power and control circuit wiring, and not be placed in any raceway along
with power and/or control circuit wiring, including plastic wiring duct within enclosures.
The Control System Vendor shall provide the Contractor with all RS232 cable required for field interconnection.
750.04.12 Ethernet Cable and Switch
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Ethernet twisted pair cabling of 8-conductor cable by Rockwell Automation 1585 series, or approved equal, and
installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Use 8-port switch with one (1) fiber Small-Form-Factor-Pluggable (SFP) slot Ethernet switch by Rockwell
Automation Stratix 6000 Series, or approved equal.
750.04.13 Plastic Wiring Duct
Provide wiring duct with the following requirements:
All wiring, except for communications network wiring, in the PLC cabinet enclosed in plastic wiring duct.
UL Recognized plastic wiring duct, lead-free PVC, wide slot wiring duct with matching covers. Shall comply with
NFPA 79 requirements for non-flammability. As manufactured by Panduit, or approved equal.
Duct shall sized such that the total cross sectional area of all conductors and cables contained within the duct, at
any cross section, does not exceed 50 percent of the cross sectional area of the duct.
750.04.14 Bridge Graphic Display
Provide a new bridge graphic display, housed in a NEMA 12 steel cabinet and installed on a free-standing pedestal.
Coordinate with the RE, configure and program the display to have printing capability, and functionality similar to the
existing display at the NJDOT Rt. 30 Bridge, but with such differences as are appropriate for this bridge.
Provide the new display with the following:
15 inch 18 bit color anti-glare touch screen
120 volts AC operating voltage
Built in 512 MB of RAM memory
Communications ports: Ethernet, RS-232, USB host and USB device based on Windows CE operating software
Software: Factory Talk Machine Edition, data logging, trending, no hard drive or moving parts, MPEG and
JPEG viewers, Microsoft Office viewers, Active X Controls, CAD viewer, Microsoft Internet Explorer,
terminal services, virtual network computing, and Active Sync.
Configure the display to include the layout of the control console.
As manufactured by Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus CE catalog No. 2711P-T15C4A8, or approved equal.
750.04.14 Spare Parts
Provide the following loose spare parts:
Four (4) interposing relays, each with all required accessories
Four (4) relays of each type used, each with all required accessories, other than interposing relays
Six (6) sets of control relay replacement contacts
Six (6) fuses of each type and size used
Six (6) control circuit surge protectors (base and plug-in module)
Four (4) communications network surge protectors (base and plug-in module) of each type used
Two (2) Ethernet communication surge protectors
One (1) specialty PLC modules of each type used
Carefully package all spare parts, preferably in their original manufacturer's packaging, for long term storage. Clearly
label all packaging as to its contents. Replace any of the required spare parts which are used by the Contractor or Control
System Vendor prior to final acceptance at no additional cost.
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750.05.01 General Requirements
See section 706.02.
Provide all miscellaneous products, tools, equipment, and labor necessary to complete all work in accordance with the
requirements and intents of the plans and special provisions. Install all products in accordance with their manufacturers'
recommendations, the requirements of the NEC, the plans and special provisions. Physically install all products in a
secure manner as indicated and as required to provide a reliable installation. Inspect and test all installed products for
correct installation, performance, and workmanship.
750.05.02 Existing Documentation and On-site Meeting
Upon award of the contract, the RE will provide the Contractor and Control System Vendor with documentation for the
existing PLC system. Such existing documentation will consist of one copy of the "as-built" drawings for the existing
bridge control system, and one printed copy of the existing PLC program. While the existing documentation to be
provided to the Contractor is believed to be reasonably accurate, it is provided as-is; no representation is made that it is
perfectly accurate in all respects, or that is depicts all characteristics of the existing system. The Contractor and Control
System Vendor shall bear full responsibility for field verification of all required data regarding existing characteristics of
the bridge structure, electrical system, control system, mechanical systems, and related appurtenances.
After the Contractor and the Control System Vendor have had sufficient time to review the provided existing
documentation, an on-site meeting between the Control System Vendor, the Contractor, the MBEG and the RE shall be
scheduled. The purpose of this meeting shall be to discuss the existing characteristics of the bridge, especially the
existing PLC system, as well as the required characteristics of the new systems. The Contractor shall coordinate the date
and time of this meeting with all relevant parties at least two (2) weeks in advance.
The Contractor and Control System Vendor must submit, in writing, any questions which may have arisen during review
of the provided existing documentation in advance of the on-site meeting so that all parties can be reasonably prepared to
address them.
750.05.03 System Programming
The programming of the new PLC system shall provide for functionality no less than that of the existing PLC system.
Changes to system operation shall be limited to only those necessary for compliance with the following requirements:
Interlocking shall be provided in accordance with the following:
Closing the roadway and opening the bridge
Any barrier gate that is less than 80 degrees vertical will turn the traffic signals to red and sound the gongs.
Barrier gates cannot be operated unless the traffic signals have been red for a period of 6 seconds.
The operator must keep pressure on the barrier gate control switch to “lower” for continued operation.
Releasing the switch will stop the barrier gate lower operation.
The oncoming gates must be lowered before the offgoing gates can be lowered. Gates that lock together in the
lowered position shall follow these operating sequences.
Span locks cannot be pulled unless the traffic signals are red, and all barrier gates are lowered.
The span permissive will not allow the span to move unless the traffic signals are red, all barrier gates are down,
and all span locks are pulled.
Closing the bridge and opening the roadway
Span locks cannot be driven unless the span is fully seated.
If span locks are not driven and the span is not fully seated, the traffic signals will remain red. This cannot be
Barrier gates cannot be raised unless the span is fully seated and the span locks are driven.
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The offgoing gates must be raised before the oncoming gates can be raised. Gates that lock together in the
lowered position shall follow these operating sequences.
Operation of the barrier gates will be by turning on and releasing the barrier gate control switch. The barrier
gate can be stopped at any position during operation by pushing on the “push-to-stop” pushbutton, except at the
fully closed and fully open positions where the barrier gate will automatically stop.
Traffic signals will not be allowed Green until the span is fully seated, span locks are driven, and barrier gates
are raised.
Bypass functions and control circuit interlocking
All bypass switches must be returned to the off position at the completion of the span operating cycle or the
bridge will not operate for a second time if the switches remain in the bypass position.
Span cannot be raised if the barrier gate and span lock bypass switches are both on.
Any operation of a hand crank limit switch will turn off the control circuit power to that device. This shall be
accomplished via a hard-wired disconnection, not by a PLC control alone.
No cascading interlocks are allowed. All interlocks must be in the individual circuits. For example, a fully
seated limit switch contact must appear in the span lock circuit, the barrier gate raise circuit, the warning gate
raise circuit, and the traffic signal red circuit. Just because the span locks can be driven (with the seated limit
bypass) does not mean that the barrier gates can automatically be raised because the span locks have been
Use of bypass switches must not cause illumination of the indicator light(s) related to the interlock being
bypassed. For example, if the fully seated bypass is on the fully seated indicator light must not illuminate. If
there is a failure in the span seated limit switches, only the span locks are allowed to be driven through the span
seated bypass. Turning the span seated and span lock bypass switches on will not allow raising operation of the
barrier gates. The span seated interlocks in the barrier gate raise circuits shall not be bypassed.
Provide Bypass functions to allow bypassing an interlock in the sequence control of the bridge operation with the use of
the existing BYPASS switches and a new SPAN SEATED bypass switch on the existing bridge control console. Provide
bypass functions in accordance with the following:
Traffic Light – Signal Bypass. Forces traffic lights Red immediately. The Operator must ensure clearance of
Barrier Gate – Signal Bypass. Allows operation of the offgoing barrier gate if the oncoming gate is not
lowered. Bypasses the barrier gate down interlock in the span lock control circuit and in the master permissive
circuit to allow the span locks to be pulled, if the barrier gates are down and there is a barrier gate limit switch
Span Locks – Signal Bypass. Allows the barrier gates to be raised if the span locks are driven but there is a
limit switch failure.
Machine Brakes – Signal Bypass. Bypasses all machinery brakes and motor brake hand-released limit switches
to allow operation of the span.
Span Seated – Signal Bypass. Allows the span locks to be driven if there is a limit switch failure.
Tag Naming
Fully document the bridge PLC program with tag names given to every item and with extensive rung comments.
All I/O tag names used in programming the bridge PLC and the data logger must match exactly the device
description shown in the I/O drawings, and working drawings.
750.05.04 Shop Test
The Control System Vendor shall shop-test the complete new PLC control system at his facility. This testing must be
witnessed by the RE. Deliver the PLC system and system components to the project site only after the test results have
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been deemed acceptable by the RE. The system shop drawings, PLC program must all be approved prior to scheduling
the shop test.
Schedule the test at a time agreeable to all parties involved. The schedule shall be determined at least two (2) full weeks
in advance of the proposed start date for the testing. Prepare a detailed, step-by-step test procedure for use during the
shop test, along with a listing of the components to be included in the testing and a description of the test setup. This
procedure must be submitted and approved per the specified submission procedure and must also be approved by the RE
prior to setting the testing date.
Include one (1) complete run-through of the operating sequence for opening and closing the span during the test.
Connect the PLC system with other bridge equipment such as motor control cabinet, drive. All interlocking, fault modes,
and miscellaneous functions shall be individually confirmed during this test. Provide temporary wiring as required to
simulate field wiring for interconnection of system components. Use a "test panel" of individual toggle switches and
pilot lights to simulate existing-to-remain devices which will interface with the new system (e.g. limit switches, starters,
etc.). Arrange toggle switches and pilot lights for the bridge operations to simulate the layout of the existing control
console for the test. Correct any deficiencies revealed by this testing and repeat the test until such time as the RE and the
MBEG are satisfied with the results of all testing and the overall performance of the new PLC system.
750.05.05 Commissioning
The Control System Vendor shall provide at least one (1) factory-trained engineer or technician to check out the new
PLC system installation on-site, including wiring interconnections, and make final adjustments to the control system
components prior to the initial operation of the bridge using the new PLC system. The engineer or technician shall
remain, or return, on-site during system startup, and shall return for at least one (1) additional site visit immediately prior
to the final acceptance of the new PLC system to make final system adjustments. The engineer or technician shall make
any additional visits to make supplemental corrections and/or adjustments, even after final acceptance of the new PLC
system, as required by the RE and the MBEG to address deficiencies which were not evident before or during a previous
visit, or which have not been corrected to the satisfaction of the RE and the MBEG. Such additional visits shall be at no
additional cost.
750.05.06 Field Acceptance Testing
The Contractor and Control System Vendor shall jointly prepare a detailed testing procedure for acceptance testing of the
installed new PLC system. The procedure shall be based on the shop test procedure, modified as appropriate for field
testing. Submit the procedure per the specified submission procedure to schedule the acceptance testing.
Schedule the test at a time agreeable to all parties involved. The schedule shall be determined at least two (2) full weeks
in advance of the proposed start date for the testing. Include one (1) complete run-through of the operating sequence for
opening and closing the span in the acceptance testing. All interlocking, fault modes, and miscellaneous functions shall
be individually confirmed during this test.
A minimum of 5 consecutive, successful, error free, and full bridge operations on all systems (complete cycle "from red
light to full open to green light") are required. All five operations shall be performed within one single day. In the case of
any error or required adjustment, the count of successful operations shall start over.
Perform additional tests and demonstrations to demonstrate to the RE and the MBEG that the new PLC system satisfies
the requirements and intents of the plans and special provisions.
Perform acceptance testing to meet the following minimum requirements:
All components of the new PLC system must be installed in their final and permanent location and state, fully
operational and in need of no further major adjustment.
All bridge operational machinery, and similar equipment controlled by the PLC system, must be installed in their
final and permanent location and state, and in need of no further major adjustment.
All major adjustments to existing-to-remain components which are necessary to achieve proper interfacing and
coordination with the new PLC system, shall be complete.
Correct any deficiencies revealed by this testing and repeat the test until such time as the RE is satisfied with all test
results and the overall performance of the bridge control system.
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750.05.07 Equipment Nameplates and Labels.
Label the new PLC cabinet as to its function. Use labels with engraved plastic laminate, and attach labels with stainless
steel machine screws. Use 3/16 inch high labels with white lettering on black background.
Label all individual PLC system components as to their function. Labeling shall clearly relate back to the system shop
drawings. Use labels with at least 1/8 inch high, machine printed text. Text and background colors shall be contrasting.
Labels may be either engraved plastic laminate mounted adjacent to the identified item with stainless steel machine
screws, or adhesive type labels attached on or adjacent to the identified item.
750.05.08 Wire Numbering and Labels
Label all conductors and cables, both internal shop wiring and field wiring at both ends, and at any intermediate splices.
The Control System Vendor shall determine the wire numbering scheme, and clearly show it on the system working
drawings. The scheme selected shall be consistent and logical, and shall be carefully coordinated with the existing bridge
wiring to prevent any confusion between existing and new wiring.
Use internal shop wiring with permanent "hot stamping" directly on the conductor insulation, machine printed heatshrink labels, or sleeve type labels. Machine printed heat-shrink labels shall be utilized for labeling communications
750.05.10 Removals and Salvage
See Section 706.
The Department will not measure the Work in this section and will make payment as follows:
Pay Unit
The Department will make payment for the lump sum pay item PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER
SYSTEM in 3 installments. The first installment will be valued at 10% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for upon the
Department’s approval of the required submittals of all materials as listed in section 750.04, proposed for the PROGRAMMABLE
LOGIC CONTROLLER SYSTEM. The second installment will be valued at 70% of the item lump sum bid price and paid for
upon the completion of the installation and ready for acceptance testing. The third installment will be valued at 20% of the item lump
sum bid price, and paid for upon the final acceptance of the installation by the Department. No other partial payment will be made.
Payment for the lump sum pay item BRIDGE AND MONITORING SYTEM INTEGRATION includes all services and
assistance provided by the CSI to coordinate the installation, adjustments, data exchange between bridge system and
automated monitoring system, and test of the automated movable bridge monitoring system, as shown on plans and
described in Subsection 707, to complete the entire project to the satisfaction of the RE.
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903.03.06 Tables
Table 903.03.06-2 Requirements for Structural Concrete Items
Table 903.03.06-2 Requirements for Structural Concrete Items
Decks, Sidewalks, Curbs, Parapets, Concrete Patch
Percent Air Entrainment for
Coarse Aggregate1
No. 57 & No. 67
No. 8
6.0 ± 1.5
7.0 ± 1.5
903.05.04 Control and Acceptance Testing Requirements
For chloride permeability testing, the ME will mold 4 additional cylinders, taking 2 cylinders each from 2 randomly selected
delivery trucks for testing at 56-days.
If, upon testing at 56 days, 1 or more individual test results exceed 2000 coulombs, the RE may:
1. Require that the Contractor remove and replace the defective lot, or
2. Allow the Contractor to submit a corrective action plan for approval.
904.01.02 Fabrication
If using SCC, minimize or eliminate the use of vibrators to prevent segregation.
904.02.06 Quality Control and Acceptance Requirements
Dimensions not conforming to the tolerances specified in Table 904.02.02-1.
905.01.03 Welded Wire Reinforcement
When approved as an alternate to galvanized reinforcement bars, use galvanized welded wire reinforcement that meets
the requirements of ASTM A 641, Table 1, Class 1.
905.01.05 Dowels
Use plain reinforcement bars according to ASTM A 615, Grade 60. Galvanize according to ASTM A 123.
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905.03.03 Dowel Bars
For dowel bars in transverse joints, use epoxy-coated, Grade 60, plain reinforcement steel according to ASTM A 615. If
shown on the Plans, use dowel bars fitted with end caps. Ensure that the end caps are non-metallic and designed to
prevent the entrance of grout or mortar into the expansion void.
912.03.01 Epoxy Traffic Stripes
B. Glass Beads.
Ensure that glass beads do not contain more than 200 ppm of lead, 200 ppm of antimony, or 200 ppm of arsenic.
912.03.02 Thermoplastic Traffic Markings
Ensure that glass beads do not contain more than 200 ppm of lead, 200 ppm of antimony, or 200 ppm of arsenic.
912.04.01 Latex Paint
Ensure that glass beads do not contain more than 200 ppm of lead, 200 ppm of antimony, or 200 ppm of arsenic.
4. Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit.
For colored conduits (other than black and natural) ensure the “X” designation as part of the Cell
Classification under Section 6.2 of ASTM D 3350 is “E”.
For ITS Conduit Type __, one of the conduits that is designated for electrical use is to be extruded integrally
colored red to indicate its use for Electrical wiring.
For movable bridge applications, unless otherwise indicated, use 600-volt rated wire conforming to requirements of
ICEA S-95-658 / NEMA WC-70, of the National Electrical Code, and UL Listed Type XHHW-2. Use soft annealed
copper wire per ASTM B3, stranded per ASTM B8 Class B. Ensure that the insulation is abrasion, moisture and heatresistant and sunlight resistant with a cross-linked-thermosetting-polyethylene insulation with permanent imprints
throughout the entire length of the wire, indicating the insulation type, voltage rating, and wire size. The Contractor may
use UL Listed Type SIS, MTW, or THWN wire insulated with moisture- and heat- resistant insulation inside factory
assembled control panels.
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Provide polyester matting of commercial quality that is a composite of polyester base fiber and vinyl chloride resin and
is permeable to air and water, but shall prevent sunlight from reaching the soil. Ensure that the matting resists ultraviolet
light, mildew and algae. Ensure that the matting is self-extinguishing when removed from flame. Ensure that the
matting has a minimum thickness of 1/4 inch.
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It is the policy of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (hereafter “NJDOT”) that its contracts
should create a workforce that reflects the diversity of the State of New Jersey. Therefore, contractors
engaged by the NJDOT to perform under a construction contract shall put forth a good faith effort to
engage in recruitment and employment practices that further the goal of fostering equal opportunities to
minorities and women.
The contractor must demonstrate to the NJDOT’s satisfaction that a good faith effort was made to
ensure that minorities and women have been afforded equal opportunity to gain employment under the
NJDOT’s contract with the contractor. Payment may be withheld from a contractor’s contract for failure
to comply with these provisions.
Evidence of a “good faith effort” includes, but is not limited to:
The Contractor shall recruit prospective employees through the State Job bank website,
managed by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, available online at
Note: Posting shall not be required where the employer intends to fill the job
opening with a present employee, a laid-off former employee, or a job
candidate from a previous recruitment, where pre-existing legally binding
collective bargaining agreements provide otherwise, or where an exception has
been granted to the NJDOT by the Department of Labor and Workforce
The Contractor shall keep specific records of its efforts, including records of all individuals
interviewed and hired, including the specific numbers of minorities and women;
The Contractor shall actively solicit and shall provide the NJDOT with proof of solicitation
for employment, including but not limited to advertisements in general circulation media,
professional service publications and electronic media; and
The Contractor shall provide evidence of efforts described at 2 above to the NJDOT no
less frequently than once every 12 months.
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements set forth at N.J.A.C. 17:27.
The Contractor is required to implement and maintain a specific Affirmative Action Compliance Program
of Equal Employment Opportunity in support of the New Jersey “Law Against Discrimination”, N.J.S.A.
10:5-31 et seq., and according to the Affirmative Action Regulations set forth at N.J.A.C. 17:27-1.1 et
The provisions of N.J.S.A. 10:2-1 through 10:2-4 and N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq., as amended and
supplemented) dealing with discrimination in employment on public contracts, and the rules and
regulations promulgated pursuant thereunto, are hereby made a part of this contract and are binding
upon the Contractor.
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Noncompliance by the Contractor with the requirements of the Affirmative Action program for Equal
Employment Opportunity may be cause for delaying or withholding monthly and final payments pending
corrective and appropriate measures by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Department.
The Contractor will cooperate with the state agencies in carrying out its Equal Employment Opportunity
obligations and in their review of its activities under the contract.
The Contractor and all its subcontractors, not including material suppliers, holding subcontracts of
$2,500 or more, will comply with the following minimum specific requirement activities of Equal
Opportunity and Affirmative Action set forth in these special provisions. The Contractor will include
these requirements in every subcontract of $2,500 or more with such modification of language in the
provisions of such contracts as is necessary to make them binding on the subcontractor.
During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:
1. The Contractor or subcontractor, where applicable, will not discriminate against any employee or
applicant for employment because of age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital
status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, nationality or sex.
Except with respect to affectional or sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, the
Contractor will ensure that equal employment opportunity is afforded to such applicants in
recruitment and employment, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to
their age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, nationality or sex. Such equal employment
opportunity shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or
transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of
compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post
in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be
provided by the Public Agency Compliance Officer setting forth provisions of this nondiscrimination
2. The Contractor or subcontractor, where applicable will, in all solicitations or advertisements for
employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive
consideration for employment without regard to age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry,
marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, nationality
or sex.
3. The Contractor or subcontractor, where applicable, will send to each labor union or representative
of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a
notice, to be provided by the agency contracting officer advising the labor union or workers’
representative of the contractor’s commitments under this act and shall post copies of the notice in
conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment.
4. The Contractor or subcontractor, where applicable, agrees to comply with any regulations
promulgated by the Treasurer pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq., as amended and supplemented
from time to time and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
5. When hiring or scheduling workers in each construction trade, the Contractor or subcontractor
agrees to make good faith efforts to employ minority and women workers in each construction
trade consistent with the targeted employment goal prescribed by N.J.A.C. 17:27-7.2; provided,
however, that the The Division of Public Contracts Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance
(hereafter “Division”) may, in its discretion, exempt a Contractor or subcontractor from compliance
with the good faith procedures prescribed by the following provisions, a, b, and c, as long as the
Division is satisfied that the Contractor or subcontractor is employing workers provided by a union
which provides evidence, in accordance with standards prescribed by the Division, that its
percentage of active “card carrying” members who are minority and women workers is equal to or
greater than the targeted employment goal established in accordance with N.J.A.C. 17:27-7.2.
The Contractor or subcontractor agrees that a good faith effort shall include compliance with the
following procedures:
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a. If the Contractor or subcontractor has a referral agreement or arrangement with a union for a
construction trade, the Contractor or subcontractor shall, within three business days of the
contract award, seek assurances from the union that it will cooperate with the Contractor or
subcontractor as it fulfills its affirmative action obligations under this contract and in accordance
with the rules promulgated by the Treasurer pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et. seq., as
supplemented and amended from time to time and the Americans with Disabilities Act. If the
Contractor or subcontractor is unable to obtain said assurances from the construction trade
union at least five business days prior to the commencement of construction work, the
Contractor or subcontractor agrees to afford equal employment opportunities to minority and
women workers directly, consistent with this chapter. If the Contractor’s or subcontractor’s prior
experience with a construction trade union, regardless of whether the union has provided said
assurances, indicates a significant possibility that the trade union will not refer sufficient
minority and women workers consistent with affording equal employment opportunities as
specified in this chapter, the Contractor or subcontractor agrees to be prepared to provide
such opportunities to minority and women workers directly, consistent with this chapter, by
complying with the hiring or scheduling procedures prescribed under (b) below; and the
Contractor or subcontractor further agrees to take said action immediately if it determines or is
so notified by the Division that the union is not referring minority and women workers
consistent with the equal employment opportunity goals set forth in this chapter.
b. If good faith efforts to meet targeted employment goals have not or cannot be met for each
construction trade by adhering to the procedures of (a) above, or if the Contractor does not
have a referral agreement or arrangement with a union for a construction trade, the Contractor
or subcontractor agrees to take the following actions:
(1) To notify the Public Agency Compliance Officer, the Division, and minority and women
referral organizations listed by the Division pursuant to N.J.A.C. 17:27-5.3, of its workforce
needs, and request referral of minority and women workers;
(2) To notify any minority and women workers who have been listed with it as awaiting available
(3) Prior to commencement of work, to request that the local construction trade union refer
minority and women workers to fill job openings, provided the Contractor or subcontractor
has a referral agreement or arrangement with a union for the construction trade;
(4) To leave standing requests for additional referral to minority and women workers with the
local construction trade union, provided the Contractor or subcontractor has a referral
agreement or arrangement with a union for the construction trade, the State Training and
Employment Service and other approved referral sources in the area;
(5) If it is necessary to lay off some of the workers in a given trade on the construction site,
layoffs shall be conducted in compliance with the equal employment opportunity and nondiscrimination standards set forth in this regulation, as well as with applicable State and
Federal court decisions;
(6) To adhere to the following procedure when minority and women workers apply or are
referred to the Contractor or subcontractor:
(i) The contractor or subcontractor shall interview the referred minority or women worker.
(ii) If said individuals have never previously received any document or certification
signifying a level of qualification lower than that required in order to perform the work of
the construction trade, the Contractor or subcontractor shall in good faith determine the
qualifications of such individuals. The Contractor or subcontractor shall hire or
schedule those individuals who satisfy appropriate qualification standards in conformity
with the equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination principles set forth in
this chapter. However a Contractor or subcontractor shall determine that the individual
at least possesses the requisite skills and experience recognized by a union,
apprentice program or a referral agency, provided the referral agency is acceptable to
the Division. If necessary, the Contractor or subcontractor shall hire or schedule
minority and women workers who qualify as trainees pursuant to these rules. All of the
requirements, however, are limited by the provisions of (c) below.
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(iii) The name of any interested women or minority individual shall be maintained on a
waiting list, and shall be considered for employment as described in paragraph (i)
above whenever vacancies occur. At the request of the Division, the Contractor or
subcontractor shall provide evidence of its good faith efforts to employ women and
minorities from the list to fill vacancies.
(iv) If, for any reason, said Contractor or subcontractor determines that a minority individual
or a woman is not qualified or if the individual qualifies as an advanced trainee or
apprentice, the Contractor or subcontractor shall inform the individual in writing of the
reasons for the determination, maintain a copy of the determination in its files, and
send a copy to the Public Agency Compliance Officer and to the Division.
(7) To keep a complete and accurate record of all requests made for the referral of workers in
any trade covered by the contract, and on forms made available by the Division and
submitted promptly to the Division upon request.
The Contractor or subcontractor agrees that nothing contained in (b) above shall preclude the
Contractor or subcontractor from complying with the hiring hall or apprenticeship policies in any
applicable collective bargaining agreement or union hiring hall arrangement, and, where
required by custom or agreement, it shall send journeymen and trainees to the union for
referral, or to the apprenticeship program for admission, pursuant to such agreement or
arrangement. However, where practices of a union or apprenticeship program will result in the
exclusion of minorities and women or the failure to refer minorities and women consistent with
the targeted county employment goal, the contractor or subcontractor shall consider for
employment persons referred pursuant to (b) above without regard to such agreement or
arrangement; provided further, however, that the Contractor or subcontractor shall not be
required to employ women and minority advanced trainees and trainees in numbers which
result in the employment of advanced trainees and trainees as a percentage of the total
workforce for the construction trade, which percentage significantly exceeds the apprentice to
journey worker ratio specified in the applicable collective bargaining agreement, or in the
absence of a collective bargaining agreement, exceeds the ratio established by practice in the
area for said construction trade. Also, the Contractor or subcontractor agrees that, in
implementing the procedures of (b) above, it shall, where applicable, employ minority and
women workers residing within the geographical jurisdiction of the union.
After notification of award, but prior to signing a construction contract, the Contractor shall
submit to the Public Agency Compliance Officer and the Division an initial project workforce
report (Form AA 201) provided to the public agency by the Division for distribution to and
completion by the contractor, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 17:27-7.
The Contractor and each subcontractor must submit monthly employment and wage data to the
Department via a web based application using electronic Form CC-257R. Instructions for
registering and receiving the authentication code to access the web based application can be
found at:
Instructions on how to complete Form CC-257R are provided in the web application. Submit
Form CC-257R through the web based application within 10 days following the end of the
reporting month.
All employment and wage data must be accurate and consistent with the certified payroll
records. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their subcontractors comply with these
reporting requirements. Failure by the Contractor to submit Monthly Employment Utilization
Reports may impact the contractor’s prequalification rating with the Department.
d. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall furnish such reports or other documents to the
Division of Public Contracts Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance as may be requested
by the Division from time to time in order to carry out the purposes of these regulations, and
public agencies shall furnish such information as may be requested by the Division of Public
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Contracts Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance for conducting a compliance
investigation pursuant to Subchapter 10 of the Administrative Code (NJAC 17:27).
e. The Contractor agrees to cooperate with the public agency in the payment of budgeted funds,
as is necessary, for on-the-job and off-the-job programs for outreach and training of minority
and female trainees employed on the construction projects.
The Contractor agrees that it will accept and implement during the performance of this contract as its
operating policy the following statement which is designed to further the provision of Equal Employment
Opportunity to all persons without regard to their age, race, color, religion, creed, national origin,
ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability,
nationality or sex and to promote the full realization of Equal Employment Opportunity through a
positive continuing program:
“It is the policy of this company that it will not discriminate against any employee or
applicant for employment because of age, race, creed, color, national origin,
ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression, disability, nationality or sex and that it will take Affirmative Action to
ensure that applicants are recruited and employed and that employees are treated
during employment without regard to their age, race, creed, color, national origin,
ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression, disability, nationality or sex. Such action shall include, but not be
limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment
or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of
compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship.”
The Contractor will designate and make known to the Department contracting officers an Equal
Employment Opportunity Officer (hereafter “EEO Officer”) who will have the responsibility for and must
be capable of effectively administering and promoting an active Equal Employment Opportunity
program and be assigned adequate authority and responsibility to do so.
A. All members of the Contractor’s staff who are authorized to hire, supervise, promote, and discharge
employees, or who recommend such action, will be made fully cognizant of, and will implement, the
Contractor’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and contractual responsibilities to provide Equal
Employment Opportunity in each grade and classification of employment. To ensure that the above
agreement will be met, the following actions will be taken as a minimum:
1. Periodic meetings of supervisory and personnel office employees will be conducted before the
start of work and then not less often than once every 6 months, at which time the Contractor’s
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and its implementation will be reviewed and explained.
The EEO Officer or other knowledgeable company official will conduct the meetings.
2. All new supervisory or personnel office employees will be given a thorough indoctrination by the
EEO Officer or other knowledgeable company official covering all major aspects of the
Contractor’s Equal Employment Opportunity obligations within 30 days following their reporting
for duty with the Contractor.
3. All personnel who are engaged in direct recruitment for the project will be instructed by the EEO
Officer or appropriate company official in the Contractor’s Procedures for locating and hiring
minority and women workers.
B. In order to make the Contractor’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy known to all employees,
prospective employees and potential sources of employees, i.e., schools, employment agencies,
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labor unions (where appropriate), college placement officers, etc., the Contractor will take the
following actions:
1. Notices and posters setting forth in the Contractor’s Equal Employment Opportunity policy, as
set forth in Section 2 of these Equal Employment Opportunity Special Provisions will be placed
in conspicuous places readily accessible to employees, applicants for employment and
potential employees.
2. The Contractor’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and the procedures to implement such
policy will be brought to the attention of employees by means of meetings, employee
handbooks, or other appropriate channels.
A. In all solicitations and advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, the
Contractor will state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without
regard to age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, nationality or sex. All such advertisements will
be published in newspapers or other publications having a large circulation among minorities and
women in the area from which the project workforce would normally be derived.
B. The Contractor will, unless precluded by a valid bargaining agreement, conduct systematic and
direct recruitment through public and private employee referral sources likely to yield qualified
minority and women applicants, including, but not limited to state employment agencies, schools,
colleges and minority and women organizations. To meet this requirement, the Contractor will,
through his/her EEO Officer, identify sources of potential minority and women employees, and
establish with such identified sources procedures whereby minority and women applicants may be
referred to the Contractor for employment consideration.
C. In the event the Contractor has a valid bargaining agreement providing for exclusive hiring hall
referrals, he is expected to observe the provisions of that agreement to the extent that the system
permits the Contractor’s compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity contract provisions. (The
US Department of Labor has held that where implementations of such agreements have the effect
of discriminating against minorities or women, or obligates the Contractor to do the same; such
implementation violates Executive Order 11246, as amended).
D. In the event that the process of referrals established by such a bargaining agreement fails to
provide the Contractor with a sufficient number of minority and women referrals within the time
period set forth in such an agreement, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of “Section IX
Unions” of the EEO Special Provisions.
A. The New Jersey Department of Transportation has established, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 17:27-7.2, the
minority and women goals for each construction contractor and subcontractor based on availability
statistics as reported by the New Jersey Department of Labor, Division of Planning and Research,
in its report, “EEO Tabulation - Detailed Occupations by Race/Hispanic Groups” as follows:
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Cape May
The Division of Public Contracts Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance has interpreted
Section 7.2 of the State of New Jersey Affirmative Action Regulations as applicable to work hour
goals for minority and women participation.
If a project is located in more than one county, the minority work hour goal will be determined by the
county which serves as the primary source of hiring or, if workers are obtained equally from one or
more counties, the single minority goal shall be the average of the individual goal for the affected
B. The State Division of Public Contracts Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance may designate a
regional goal for minority membership for a union that has regional jurisdiction. No regional goals
shall apply to this project unless specifically designated elsewhere herein.
C. When hiring workers in the construction trade, the Contractor and/or subcontractor agree to
attempt, in good faith, to employ minority and women workers in each construction trade, consistent
with the applicable county or, in special cases, regional goals.
D. It is understood that the goals are not quotas. If the Contractor or subcontractor has attempted, in
good faith, to satisfy the applicable goals, he will have complied with his obligations under these
EEO Special Provisions. It is further understood that if the Contractor shall fail to attain the goals
applicable to this project, it will be the Contractor’s obligation to establish to the satisfaction of the
Department of Transportation that it has made a good faith effort to satisfy such goals. The
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Contractor or subcontractor agrees that a good faith effort to achieve the goals set forth in these
special provisions shall include compliance with the following procedures:
1. Requests shall be made by the Contractor or subcontractor to each union or collective
bargaining unit with which the Contractor or subcontractor has a referral agreement or
arrangement for the referral of minority and women workers to fill job openings. Requests shall
also be made for assurances for the referral of minority and women workers to fill job openings.
Requests shall also be made for assurances from such unions or collective bargaining units
that they will cooperate with the Contractor or subcontractor in fulfilling the Affirmative Action
obligations of the Contractor or subcontractor under this contract. Such requests shall be made
prior to the commencement of construction under the contract.
2. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall comply with Section IX, Unions of these EEO
Special Provisions and, in particular, with Section IX, Paragraph D, if the referral process
established in any collective bargaining arrangement is failing to provide the Contractor or
subcontractor with a sufficient number of minority and women referrals.
3. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall notify the Department’s Compliance Officer, the
Division of Public Contracts Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance of the Department of
Treasury and at least one approved minority referral organization of the Contractor’s or
subcontractors work force needs and of the Contractor’s or subcontractor’s desire for
assistance in attaining the goals set forth herein. The notifications should include a request for
referral of minority and women workers.
4. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall notify the Department’s Compliance Officer and the
Division of Public Contracts Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance of the Department of
Treasury in the event that a union or collective bargaining unit is not making sufficient minority
and women referrals to enable the Contractor or subcontractor to attain the workforce goals for
the Project.
5. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall make standing requests to all local construction
unions, the state training and employment service and other approved referral sources for
additional referrals of minority and women workers until such time as the project workforce is
consistent with the work hour goals for the project.
6. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall make standing requests to all local construction
unions, the state training and employment service and other approved referral sources for
additional referrals of minority and women workers until such time as the project workforce is
consistent with the work hour goals for the project.
7. In the event that it is necessary to lay off some of the workers in a given trade on the
construction site, the Contractor and its subcontractors shall ensure that fair layoff practices are
followed regarding minority, women and other workers.
8. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall comply with the other requirements of these EEO
Special Provisions.
Wages, working conditions, and employee benefits shall be established and administered, and
personnel actions of every type, including hiring, upgrading, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, and
termination, shall be taken without regard to age, race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital
status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, nationality or sex. The
following procedures shall be followed:
A. The Contractor will conduct periodic inspections of project sites to ensure that working conditions
and employee facilities do not indicate discriminatory treatment of project site personnel.
B. The Contractor will periodically evaluate the spread of wages paid within each classification to
determine any evidence of discriminatory wage practices.
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C. The Contractor will periodically review selected personnel actions in-depth to determine whether
there is evidence of discrimination. Where evidence is found, the Contractor will promptly take
corrective action. If the review indicates that the discrimination may extend beyond the actions
reviewed, such corrective action shall include all affected persons.
D. The Contractor will promptly investigate all complaints of alleged discrimination made to the
Contractor in connection with his/her obligations under this contract, will attempt to resolve such
complaints, and will take appropriate corrective action within a reasonable time. If the investigation
indicates that the discrimination may affect persons other than the complainant, such corrective
action shall include such other persons. Upon completion of each investigation, the Contractor will
inform every complainant of all of his/her avenues of appeal.
The Contractor will assist in locating, qualifying, and increasing the skills of minority group and women
workers, and applicants for employment.
Consistent with the Contractor’s workforce requirements and as permissible under State regulations,
the Contractor shall make full use of training programs, i.e., apprenticeship, and on-the-job training
programs, for the geographical area of contract performance. Where feasible, 25 percent of
apprentices or trainees in each occupation shall be in their first year of apprenticeship or training.
The Contractor will advise employees and applicants for employment of available training programs and
entrance requirements for each.
The Contractor will periodically review the training and promotion potential of minority group and
women workers and will encourage eligible employees to apply for such training and promotion.
If the Contractor relies in whole or in part upon unions as a source of employees, the Contractor will use
his/her best efforts to obtain the cooperation of such unions to increase opportunities for minority
groups and women within the unions, and to effect referrals by such unions of minority and women
workers. Actions by the Contractor either directly or through a Contractor’s association acting, as agent
will include the procedures set forth below:
A. The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a
collective bargaining agreement or other contract of understanding, a notice advising the labor
union or workers’ representative of the Contractor’s commitments under both the law against
discrimination and this contract and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places readily
accessible to employees and applicants for employment. Further, the notice will request assurance
from the union or worker’s representative that such union or worker’s representative will cooperate
with the Contractor in complying with the Contractor’s Equal Employment Opportunity and
Affirmative Action obligations.
B. The Contractor will use their best efforts to develop, in cooperation with the unions, joint training
programs aimed toward qualifying more minority group members and women for membership in the
unions and increasing the skills of minority group employees and women so that they may qualify
for higher paying employment.
C. The Contractor will use their best efforts to incorporate an Equal Employment Opportunity clause
into each union agreement to the end that such union will be contractually bound to refer applicants
without regard to their age, race, color, creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, marital status,
affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or nationality.
D. The Contractor is to obtain information as to the referral practices and policies of the labor union
except to the extent that such information is within the exclusive possession of the labor union and
such labor union refuses to furnish such information to the Contractor, the Contractor shall so
certify to the NJDOT and shall set forth what efforts have been made to obtain such information.
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E. In the event the union is unable to provide the Contractor with a reasonable flow of minority and
women referrals within the time limit set forth in the collective bargaining agreement, the Contractor
will, through independent recruitment efforts, fill the employment vacancies without regard to age,
race, color, creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation,
gender identity or expression, disability, or nationality making full efforts to obtain qualified and/or
qualifiable minority group persons and women. (The US Department of Labor has held that it shall
be no excuse that the union with which the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement
providing for exclusive referral failed to refer minority employees). In the event the union referral
practice prevents the Contractor from meeting the obligations pursuant to Executive Order 11246,
as amended, and these Special Provisions, such Contractor shall immediately notify the NJDOT.
A. The Contractor will use his best efforts to solicit bids from and to utilize minority group and women
subcontractors or subcontractors with meaningful minority group and women representation among
their employees. Contractors may use lists of minority owned and women owned construction firms
as issued by the NJDOT and/or the New Jersey Unified Certification Program (NJUCP).
B. The Contractor will use his best efforts to ensure subcontractor compliance with their Equal
Employment Opportunity obligations.
A. The Contactor will keep such records as are necessary to determine compliance with the
Contractor’s Equal Employment Opportunity obligations. The records kept by the Contractor will be
designed to indicate:
1. The work hours of minority and non-minority group members and women employed in each
work classification on the project;
2. The progress and efforts being made in cooperation with unions to increase employment
opportunities for minorities and women (applicable only to Contractors who rely in whole or in
part on unions as a source of their workforce);
3. The progress and efforts being made in locating, hiring, training, qualifying, and upgrading
minority and women workers; and
4. The progress and efforts being made in securing the services of minority group and women
subcontractors or subcontractors with meaningful minority and women representation among
their employees.
B. All such records must be retained for a period of 3 years following completion of the contract work
and shall be available at reasonable times and places for inspection by authorized representatives
of the NJDOT.
C. The Contractor shall submit monthly reports to the NJDOT after construction begins for the duration
of the project, indicating the work hours of minority, women, and non minority group employees
currently engaged in each work classification required by the contract work. This information is to
be reported on a form supplied by the NJDOT.
The Contractor hereby agrees to the following requirements in order to implement fully the
nondiscrimination provisions of the Supplemental Specifications:
The Contractor agrees that in instances when it receives from any person working on the project site a
verbal or written complaint of employment discrimination, prohibited under N.J.S.A. 10:5-1 et seq. 10:21 et seq., 42 U.S.C. 2000 (d) et seq., 42 U.S.C. 2000(e) et seq. And Executive Order 11246, it shall
take the following actions:
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1. Within one (1) working day commence an investigation of the complaint, which will include but not
be limited to interviewing the complainant, the respondent, and all possible witnesses to the alleged
act or acts of discrimination or sexual harassment.
2. Prepare and keep for its use and file a detailed written investigation report which includes the
following information:
a) Investigatory activities and findings.
b) Dates and parties involved and activities involved in resolving the complaint.
c) Resolution and corrective action taken if discrimination or sexual harassment is found to have
taken place.
d) A signed copy of resolution of complaint by complainant and Contractor.
(In addition to keeping in its files the above-noted detailed written investigative report, the
Contractor shall keep for possible future review by the NJDOT all other records, including, but
not limited to, interview memos and statements.)
3. Upon the request of the NJDOT provides to the NJDOT within ten (10) calendar days a copy of its
detailed written investigative report and all other records on the complaint investigation and
4. Take appropriate disciplinary actions against any Contractor employee, official or agent who has
committed acts of discrimination or sexual harassment against any Contractor employee or person
working on the project. If the person committing the discrimination is a subcontractor employee,
then the Contractor is required to attempt to effectuate corrective and/or disciplinary action by the
subcontractor in order to establish compliance with project’s contract requirements.
5. Take appropriate disciplinary action against any Contractor employee, official or agent who
retaliates, coerces or intimidates any complainant and/or person who provides information or
assistance to any investigation of complaints of discrimination or sexual harassment. If the person
retaliating, coercing or intimidating a complainant or other person assisting in an investigation is a
subcontractor’s employee, then the Contractor is required to attempt to effectuate corrective and/or
disciplinary action taken by the subcontractor in order to establish compliance with the project’s
contract requirements.
6. Ensure to the maximum extent possible that the privacy interests of all persons who give
confidential information in aid of the Contractor’s employment discrimination investigation are
7. In conjunction with the above requirements, the Contractor herein agrees to develop and post a
written sexual harassment policy for its workforce.
8. The Contractor also agrees that its failure to comply with the above requirements may be cause for
the New Jersey Department of Transportation to institute against the Contractor any and all
enforcement proceedings and/or sanctions authorized by the contract or by state and/or federal
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1. Each contractor and subcontractor shall furnish the RE with payroll reports for each week of contract
work. Such reports shall be submitted within 10 days of the date of payment covered thereby and shall
contain the following information:
A. Each employee’s full name and the last four digits of social security number of each such employee.
B. Each employee’s specific work classification (s).
C. Entries indicating each employee’s basis hourly wage rate(s) and, where applicable, the overtime
hourly wage rate(s). Any fringe benefits paid to the employee in cash must be indicated.
D. Each employee’s daily and weekly hours worked in each classification, including actual overtime
hours worked (not adjusted).
E. Each employee’s gross wage.
F. The itemized deductions made.
G. The net wages paid.
2. Each contractor or subcontractor shall furnish a statement each week to the RE with respect to the wages
paid each of its employees engaged in contract work covered by the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act
during the preceding weekly payroll period. The statement shall be executed by the contractor or
subcontractor or by an authorized officer or employee of the contractor or subcontractors who supervises
the payment of wages. Contractors and subcontractors must use the certification set forth on New Jersey
Department of Transportation Form FA-7 “Statement of Compliance,” or the same certification set forth on
(1) U.S. Department of Labor Form WH-348, (2) the reverse side of U. S. Department of Labor Form WH347, or (3) any form with identical wording.
3. Contractor and subcontractor shall maintain complete social security numbers and home address for
employees. Government agencies are entitled to request or review all relevant payroll information,
including social security numbers and addresses of employees. Contractors and subcontractors are
required to provide such information upon request.
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Equal Opportunity For Individuals With Disabilities.
The CONTRACTOR and the STATE do hereby agree that the provisions of Title II of the American With
Disabilities Act of 1990 (the “ACT”) (42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of disability by public entities in all services, programs, and activities provided or made available by
public entities, and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereunto, are made a part of this
contract. In providing any aid, benefit, or service on behalf of the STATE pursuant to this contract, the
CONTRACTOR, agrees that the performance shall be in strict compliance with the Act. In the event that the
CONTRACTOR, its agents, servants, employees, or subcontractors violate or are alleged to have violated the
Act during the performance of this contract, the CONTRACTOR shall defend the STATE in any action or
administrative proceeding commenced pursuant to this Act. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, protect, and
save harmless the STATE, its agents, servants, and employees from and against any and all suits, claims,
losses, demands, or damages of whatever kind or nature arising out of or claimed to arise out of the alleged
violation. The CONTRACTOR shall, at its own expense, appear, defend, and pay any and all charges for
legal services and all costs and other expenses arising from such action or administrative proceeding or
incurred in connection therewith. In any and all complaints brought pursuant to the STATE’S grievance
procedure, the CONTRACTOR agrees to abide by any decision of the STATE which is rendered pursuant to
said grievance procedure. If any action or administrative proceeding results in an award of damages against
the STATE or if the STATE incurs any expense to cure a violation of the ADA which has been brought
pursuant to its grievance procedure, the CONTRACTOR shall satisfy and discharge the same at its own
The STATE shall, as soon as practicable after a claim has been made against it, give written notice thereof to
the CONTRACTOR along with full and complete particulars of the claim. If any action or administrative
proceeding is brought against the STATE or any of its agents, servants, and employees, the STATE shall
expeditiously forward or have forwarded to the CONTRACTOR every demand, complaint, notice, summons,
pleading, or other process received by the STATE or its representatives.
It is expressly agreed and understood that any approval by the STATE of the services provided by the
CONTRACTOR pursuant to this contract will not relieve the CONTRACTOR of the obligation to comply with
the Act and to defend, indemnify, protect, and save harmless the STATE pursuant to this paragraph.
It is further agreed and understood that the STATE assumes no obligation to indemnify or save harmless the
CONTRACTOR, its agents, servants, employees and subcontractors for any claim which may arise out of
their performance of this Agreement. Furthermore, the CONTRACTOR expressly understands and agrees
that the provisions of this indemnification clause shall in no way limit the CONTRACTOR’S obligations
assumed in this Agreement, nor shall they be construed to relieve the CONTRACTOR from any liability, nor
preclude the STATE from taking any other actions available to it under any other provisions of this Agreement
or otherwise at law.
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The New Jersey Department of Transportation advises each contractor or subcontractor that failure to
carry out the requirements set forth in this attachment shall constitute a breach of contract and, after
notification to the applicable State agency, may result in termination of the agreement or contract by the
Department or such remedy as the Department deems appropriate. Requirements set forth in this
section shall also be included in all subcontract agreements in accordance with State of New Jersey
It is the policy of the New Jersey Department of Transportation that Small Business Enterprises, as
defined in N.J.A.C. 12A: 10A-1.2 et seq., and N.J.A.C. 17:14-1.2 et seq., shall have the maximum
opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed wholly with 100% state funds.
The New Jersey Department of Transportation and its Contractor agree to ensure that Small Business
Enterprises (SBE), as defined in N.J.A.C. 12A: 10A-1.2 et seq., and N.J.A.C. 17:14-1.2 et seq., have
maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts financed wholly
with 100% state funds. In this regard, the New Jersey Department of Transportation and all Contractors
shall take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that Small Business Enterprises are utilized on,
compete for, and perform on NJDOT construction contracts. The New Jersey Department of
Transportation and its Contractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or
sex in the award and performance of State-funded contracts.
To signify and affirm compliance with the provisions of this attachment, the bidder shall complete the
Schedule of Small Business Participation “Form CR-266S” included in the Proposal and all forms and
documents required in Sections VII and VIII of these provisions which will be made a part of the
resulting contract.
A. This project includes a goal of awarding 0 % percent of the total contract value to subcontractors
qualifying as SMALL BUSINESSES.
B. Only Small Business Enterprises registered prior to the date of bid, or prospective Small Business
Enterprises that have submitted to the New Jersey Commerce and Economic Growth Commission
on or before the day of bid, a completed “State of New Jersey Small Business Vendor Registration
Form” and all the required support documentation, will be considered in determining whether the
contractor has met the established goals for the project. Early submission of required
documentation is encouraged.
C. If a prospective Small Business Enterprise fails to meet the eligibility standards for participation the
department’s Small Business Program, the contractor shall, prior to the award, make reasonable
outreach efforts to replace that ineligible subcontractor with a registered Small Business whose
participation is sufficient to meet the goal for the contract.
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D. Prospective Small Businesses whose registration applications are denied or rejected by the New
Jersey Commerce and Growth Commission are ineligible for participation on the project to meet
Small Business goals, regardless of any pending appeal action in progress.
E. A directory of registered Small Businesses Enterprise firms is available upon request to the New
Jersey Commerce and Growth Commission or the New Jersey Department of Transportation,
Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative Action. The directory is to be used as a source of information
only and does not relieve the Contractor of their responsibility to seek out Small Businesses
Enterprises not listed.
A. Each Small Business Enterprise (SBE) is subject to a registration procedure to ensure their SBE
eligibility prior to the award of contract. In order to facilitate this process, it is advisable for the
bidder to furnish the names of proposed SBEs to the Department before bid opening. Once a firm is
determined to be a bona fide SBE by the New Jersey Commerce and Growth Commission, the total
dollar value of the contract awarded to the SBE is counted toward the applicable goal.
B. The Contractor may count toward its SBE goal only expenditures to SBEs that perform a
commercially useful function in the work of a contract. A SBE is considered to perform a
commercially useful function when it is responsible for execution of a distinct element of the work of
a contract and carrying out its responsibility by actually performing, managing and supervising the
work involved. To determine whether a SBE is performing a commercially useful function, the
Contractor shall evaluate the amount of work subcontracted, industry practice and other relevant
C. If an SBE does not perform or exercise responsibility for at least 30 percent of the total cost of its
contract with its own work force, or the SBE subcontracts a greater portion of the work of a contract
than would be expected on the basis of normal industry practice for the type of work involved, you
must presume that it is not performing a commercially useful function.
D. If a Contractor is part of a Joint Venture and one or more of the Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships,
Limited Liability companies or Corporations comprising the Joint Venture is a registered SBE, the
actual payments made to the Joint Venture for work performed by the SBE member, will be applied
toward the goal. Payments made to the Joint Venture for work performed by a non-small business
firm will not be applied toward the applicable goal.
E. If the Contractor is a registered SBE, payments made to the Contractor for work performed by the
Contractor will be applied toward the SBE goal. Payments made to the Contractor for work
performed by non-SBE’s will not be applied toward the goal.
F. When a SBE subcontracts part of the work of its contract to another firm, the value of the
subcontracted work may be counted towards the SBE goals only if the SBE’s subcontractor is also
a SBE. Work that a SBE subcontracts to a non-SBE firm does not count toward the assigned goal.
A. Contractors are required to submit annually on their due date, their firm’s Affirmative Action
Program to the Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative Action. Contractors must have an approved
Affirmative Action Program in the Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative Action no later than seven (7)
State business days after receipt of bids. No recommendations to award will be made without an
approved Affirmative Action Program on file in the Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative Action.
B. The Annual Affirmative Action Program will include, but is not limited to the following:
1. The name of the company’s Liaison Officer who will administer the Small Business Enterprise
2. An explanation of the affirmative action methods used in seeking out and considering Small
Business Enterprises as subcontractors, material suppliers or equipment lessors.
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3. An explanation of affirmative action methods which will be used in seeking out future Small
Business Enterprises as subcontractors, material suppliers or equipment lessors after the
award of the contract and for the duration of said project.
C. The following shall be submitted either with the bid or to the Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative
Action no later than seven (7) state business days after the receipt of bids.
1. SBE FORM CR-266S Schedule of SBE Participation. The Contractor shall list all SBEs that will
participate in the contract including scope of work, actual dollar amount and percent of total
contract to be performed. This form should be submitted only if the goal level established for
the contract has been met or exceeded;
Note: If a change occurs to the Contractor’s original Form A submission which was previously
approved by the Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative Action, a Revised Form CR-266S must be
submitted naming the replacement Small Business Enterprise subcontractors. A written
explanation should be included with the submission of the revised Form CR-266S.
2. Request for Exemption - In the event the Contractor is unable to meet the specified goal level,
that Contractor must submit a written request for a partial or full exemption from the SBE goal.
This request shall include the names of all SBE firms that the contractor will utilize on the
contract and shall describe the specific work to be performed by each SBE together with the
actual dollar amount of that work. Additionally, this request must address the Contractor’s
efforts to make Reasonable Outreach Efforts as enumerated in Section VIII.
3. Additional Information - The Department in its sole discretion may request additional
information from the Contractor prior to award of the contract in order to evaluate the
Contractor’s compliance with the SBE requirements of the bid proposal. Such information must
be provided within the time limits established by the department. The Contractor shall, prior to
the award of the contract, submit a completed SBE “Form CR-266S”, even if it has been
granted an exemption from the SBE goal.
If a Contractor fails to meet the goal for Small Business Enterprise participation, the Contractor shall
document its reasonable outreach efforts to meet the SBE goal. Reasonable outreach shall include, but
not be limited to the following:
A. Attendance at a pre-bid meeting, if any, scheduled by the Department to inform SBE’s of
subcontracting opportunities under a given solicitation.
B. Advertisement in general circulation media, trade association publications, and small business
enterprise-focus media for at least 20 days before bids are due. If 20 days are not available,
publication for a shorter reasonable time is acceptable.
C. Written notification to SBE’s that their interest in the contract is solicited;
D. Efforts made to select portions of the work proposed to be performed by SBEs in order to increase
the likelihood of achieving the stated goal;
E. Efforts made to negotiate with SBE’s for specific sub-bids including at a minimum
1. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of SBE’s that were contacted;
2. A description of the information provided to SBE’s regarding the plans and specifications for
portions of the work to be performed; and
3. A statement of why additional agreements with SBE’s were not reached;
F. Information regarding each SBE the bidder contacted and rejected as unqualified and the reasons
for the bidder’s conclusion;
G. Efforts made to assist the SBE in obtaining bonding or insurance required by the Bidder or the
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A. If the Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative Action determines that the apparent successful bidder has
failed to make reasonable outreach efforts to meet the requirements of this section, the Department
must, before awarding the contract, provide the bidder an opportunity for administrative
B. As part of this reconsideration, the bidder will have the opportunity to provide written documentation
or argument concerning the issue of whether it met the goal or made adequate good faith efforts to
do so. NJDOT will send the bidder a written decision on reconsideration, explaining the basis for
finding that the bidder did or did not meet the SBE goal or make an adequate good faith effort to do
C. Within seven (7) State business days of being informed by the Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative
Action that it is not a responsible bidder because it has not made or documented sufficient outreach
efforts to SBEs, a bidder may make a request in writing to the Director, Division of Procurement,
PO Box 605, Trenton, New Jersey, 08625-0605; Telephone (609) 530-6355. The Director, Division
of Procurement, does not participate in the initial determination of whether reasonable outreach
was performed by the Contractor.
If at any time following the award of contract, the Contractor intends to sublet any portion(s) of the work
under said contract, or intends to purchase material or lease equipment not contemplated during
preparation of bids, said Contractor shall take affirmative action:
A. To notify the RE, in writing, of the type and approximate value of the Contractor intends to
accomplish by such subcontract, purchase order or lease.
B. To signify and affirm compliance with the provisions of this Section, the Contractor shall submit the
Post-Award SBE Certification Form to the Regional Supervising Engineer with his application to
sublet or prior to purchasing material or leasing equipment. Post Award SBE forms may be
obtained from the RE.
C. To give small business enterprise firms equal consideration with non-small business firms in
negotiation for any subcontracts, purchase orders or leases.
A. The Department will not approve any subcontracts proposed by the Contractor unless and until said
contractor has complied with the terms of this SBE Utilization Attachment.
B. The Contractor shall provide the RE with a listing of firms, organizations or enterprises to be used
as subcontractors on the proposed project. Such listing shall clearly delineate which firms are
classified as SBEs.
C. Notification of a subcontractor’s termination shall be sent to the Department by the Contractor
through the RE.
In cases of alleged discrimination regarding these and all equal employment opportunity provisions and
guidelines, investigations and conciliation will be undertaken by the Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative
Action, New Jersey Department of Transportation.
A. Records and Reports
The Contractor shall keep such records as are necessary to determine compliance with its Small
Business Enterprise Utilization obligations. The records kept by the Contractor will be designed to
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1. The names of the small business enterprise subcontractors, equipment lessors and material
suppliers contacted for work on this project.
2. The type of work to be done, materials to be utilized or services to be performed other than by
the prime contractor on the project.
3. The actual dollar amount of work awarded to SBE’s.
4. The progress and efforts being made in seeking out and utilizing Small Business Enterprise
firms. This would include solicitations, quotes and bids regarding project work items, supplies,
leases, etc.
5. Documentation of all correspondence, contacts, telephone calls, etc, to obtain the services of
Small Business Enterprise firms on this project.
B. The contractor shall submit reports, as required by the Department, on those contracts and other
business transactions executed with Small Business Enterprise firms in such form and manner as
may be prescribed by the Department.
C. All such records must be maintained for a period of three (3) years following acceptance of final
payment and will be available for inspection by the Department.
The Contractor agrees to pay its subcontractors in accordance with the Specifications.
Failure of a Contractor to comply with these provisions may result in bid rejection, reduced
classification, suspension, debarment, or the institution of other appropriate action by the New Jersey
Department of Transportation.
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