Oct. l, 1929. P. THOMAS 1,730,254 connor. srsru Filed lay 3, 1928 /9 l INVENTOR Phillips Thomas BY ATTORNEY Patented Oct. l, 1929 1,730,254 ._ vum'rrso STATES-PATENT ori-'ica PHILLIPS THOIAS, OF EDGEWOOD, PENNSYLVANIA, ASSIGNOB 'I‘O WESTINGEOUIE ELECTRIC à HANUFACTUBING COMPANY, A CORPORATION OF PENNSYLVANIA CONTROL SYSTEM Application ßled Nay 3, 1928. Serial No. 274,762. This invention pertains to electrical -con tion circuit 12 and the control system indi-` I trol systems and has for its principal object cated generall at 13. the provision of a control system which This contro system consists of two of the shall be capable of controlling considerable above-mentioned iron-core reactors 14 and amounts of alternatin -current ener in ac 15. _ The reactor 14 is provided with an alter cordance with variatlons in a smal direct natlng-current winding 16 and a direct-cur~ 55 current. rent winding 17. The alternating-current A further object of my invention is to pro 10 winding 16 is evenly divided between the two vide an electrical system of control of the type outside arms of the magnetic circuit so that described which is adaptable for manual or the net alternating flux in the center arm is automatic operation. always zero. The direct-current winding 17 A further object of this invention is to may be energized from any suitable control ' provide a control system characterized by sim source, as an example of which I have illus plicity and cheapness of construction and trated a thermo-couple 18. 15 reliability in operation. , Connected in parallel with the alternatin In accordance with my invention I employ current winding 16 of the reactor 13 is a ful l a pluralit of saturable iron-core reactors of wave rectifier 19 which ma be of any suitable 20 30 the ty e escribed in my copending applica-l type but is, preferably, o the copper-oxide tion, erial No. 221,490, filed Septem er 23, disc type. 1927 for Synchronizing relay systems. These The reactor 15, like the reactor 14, is pro reactors are provided with alternating-cur vided with an alternating-current winding 70 rent windings similar to those of the usual 20 and a direct-current winding 21. The al core-type distribution transformer and, in ternating-current winding 20 and the load addition, with a direct-current winding the device 11 are connected in series, and in series function of which is to saturate the reactor with the reactor 14 and the rectifier 19 in core and thereby reduce the net alternating parallel, across the distribution circuit 12. flux in the 'core so that the voltage induced vAlthough the load device 11 may be of in the alternating-current winding is corre any type whatever, my invention is particu spondingly reduced and the effective reac larly suited for the control of such load de tance of the reactor itself is likewise reduced. vices as electric furnaces or other heating The operation of the reactors above de ' A scribed follows from the well known principle devices, and, according to one modification of my invention, it is possible to maintain 75 80 that the super osition of a uni-directional automatically a constant temperature at any flux upon an a ternating flux in a magnetic desired point. 85 circuit has the eíit‘ect of reducing the net alter nating flux in the ma 40 etic circuit. l The method of operation of the system shown 'in Fig. 1 will now be described. Further objects o my invention will be As is apparent from Fig. 1, the alternat come apparent in the course of the following ing-current windings 16 and 20 of reactors description thereof and the features which 14 and 15 are connected in series across dis I consider novel will be particularly pointed tribution circuit 12, the load device 11 being out in the appended claims. connected in series with the reactors 14 and A com lete understanding of my invention 15. When the direct-current windings 17 85 90 may be o tained from a consideration of the and 21 of the reactors 14 and 15 are de 45 50 accompanying drawings, in which energized the reactance of the alternating Figs. 1, 2 and 3 illustrate, schematically, current windings 16 and 20 of the reactors various modifications of the control system of `14 and 15 attains its maximum value and the my invention. voltage across the circuit 12 is divided be Referring particularly to Fig. 1, a source tween t-he reactors 14 and 15 and the load of alternating current 10 is adapted to suppl device 11. energy to a load devicev 11 over the distri ~ Obviously, the same voltage that exists 95 100 2 1,780,254 across the alternating-current winding 16 of the reactor 35 is connected across the cir cuit 32 in series with the load device 3l. The reactors 34 and 35 are provided with direct-current windings 39 and 40. The winding 39 is connected to any suitable source of energy such as a battery 41, in series with 70 a control device such as the rheostat 42. The y As lon as the Winding 21 is de-energized, direct-current winding 40 of the reactor 35 is as a resu t of an open circuit, for example, connected to the direct-current terminals of of the reactor 14 appears across the alter nating-current terminals of the rectifier 19 and a direct current, proportional thereto, flows from the remaining terminals of the rectifier to the direct-'current winding 21 of the reactor 15.< 10 15 the voltage across the alternating-current the rectifier 37. The operation of the system winding 20 of the reactor l5 is large com illustrated in Fig. 2 is similar to that shown pared to that across the terminals of the load in Fig. 1 except that the reactor 35 controls device l1 which is, therefore, energized only the current through the load device 31 while the reactor 15 controls the voltage across the to a slight degree. The energization of the direct-current load device 11. An increase in the energiza winding 21 of the reactor 15, however, tion of the winding 39 of the reactor 34 satu saturates the core of the reactor and, in ac 75 80 rates the core thereof and reduces the voltage cordance with the foregoing explanation, re across the winding 36. An increased voltage duces the net alternating flux in the reactor is thus impressed upon the alternating-cur and, consequently, reduces the voltage rent terminals of the rectifier 37 so that the l2c core, across the alternating-current Winding 20 energization of the direct-current winding 40 and increases the voltage across the load of the reactor 35 is increased. This results device 11 in series therewith. The energiza in a corresponding decrease in the voltage tion of the load/device 11 is, of course, in across the winding 38 of the reactor 35 and 25 creased in proportion to the increase in the an increase in the voltage across the load de vice 31 or, in other words, an increase in the voltage thereacross. y' If it be now assumed that'the temper current therethrough. 85 90 Conversely, a decrease in the energization ature of Vthe thermo-couple 18 is increased, the direct-current winding 17 of the reactor of the winding 39 will cause the voltage in 30 14 will be correspondingly energized. The duced in the winding 36 to increase so that a voltage across the alternating-current wind smaller ortion of the line voltage is effective ing 16 will thereupon be reduced and like across tlie rectifier 37. A reduced current wise the voltage across the rectifier 19 so thereby energizes the Winding 40 of the reac that, as a result- of the increase in the tem 35 40 45 95 tor 35 so that the voltage across the alternat perature of the thermo-couple 18, a decrease ing-current winding 38 thereof is increased in the energization of the Winding 21 of and the voltage drop across the load device the reactor 15 occurs. As already explained, 31 is correspondingly decreased. It will _be obvious that, if the impedance the reduction in the energization of the wind ing 21 causes an increase in the voltage in 42 is the exploring coil of a resistance ther duced in the winding 20, and a decrease in mometer, the energization of the device 31 the voltage impressed upon the load device may be automatically controlled in accord-ance with the temperature at any given point. 11. 1f the device 31 is an electric furnace or It is thus apparent that variations in the temperature of the thermo-couple 18 will be other heating apparatus, and if the exploring eñ'ective to cause corresponding changes in coil 42 is placed in close proximity thereto, the following operation will result: An in the energization of the device 11. l 100 105 110 The reactor 15 should bë‘dcsigned so that crease in the temperature of the device 31 will 50 its impedance will be high when unsaturated likewise increase the resistance of the explor and low when saturated, as compared with ing coil 42 and decrease the energization of the impedance of the load device 11. This the winding 39. As already explained, this relation between the load impedance andthe decrease in the energization of the winding variable controlling impedance makes pos 39 causes an increase in the voltage across 115 sible a continuous control of the former over the winding 36 and a decrease in the voltage across the rectifier 37 with a consequent de a wide range. 55 60 65 Referring now to Fig. 2, which is a dia-> gram illustrating a modification of my in vention, the alternating-current source 30 is adapted to supply a load device 31 over the distribution circuit 32 and the control sys tem 33. crease in the energization of the winding 40. This last variation causes the voltage across the winding 38 to increase and that across thedevice 31 to decrease so that its energiza tion is decreased and its temperature reduced. Should the temperature of the heating de The control system 33 comprises a plurality vice 31 be .reduced beyond a predetermined of reactors 34 and 35. The alternating-cur value, the energization of the winding 39 rent winding 36 of the reactor 34 is connected would be increased as a result of the decrease across the circuit 32 in series with the rectifier in the resistance of the‘eoil 42. Thus the 37 while the alternating-current winding 38 voltage across the winding 36 will be de 125 130 3 1,730,254 \` l 0 creased and that across the rectifier mcreased including thewinding 60, causes the voltage 10 15 20 causing an increase in the energization of across the windin 57 and the rectifier 63 to the winding 40 and a 'decrease in the voltage' be decreased an the energization of the across the winding 38 followed by a cor winding 61 is, therefore, correspondingly de respondin increasepin the volta e on the de creased. The resulting increase in the volt vice 31. Ihe temperature of t e device 31 age across the winding 58 and the rectifier 64 70 is, therefore, increased to the aforo-mentioned further the effect of the increased energiza predetermined value. tion of the winding 60. The winding 62 is The constant temperature maintained by also subject to an increased voltage and the the system of my invention, as explained voltage across the winding 59 decreases and 75 above, obviously epends upon the design of that across the load device 51 increases. the reactors 34 and 35 and the extent to which It is apparent from the foregoing descrip the ener ization of the windings 39 and 40 tion that I have provided means for varying is varie vby the changes in the temperature thedivision of the voltage across a distribu of the explorin coil 42. A third modi cation of my control system is illustrated in Fig. 3 wherein'an alternat ing-current source 50 supplies energy to a load device 51 through a dlstributing circuit 52 and a control system 53. tion circuit between a load device and a con trol impedance. As previously stated, this control may be effected manually or auto matically and may be utilized in a wide variety of applications. Among the particular advantages of the The control system 53 comprises three re >system of -my invention is the fact that the actors 54, 55 and 56 having alternating-cur 25 devices. ` As an example of the effectiveness of my connected across the circuit 52 in series with system, a practical embodiment thereof dis the load device 51. closed results as follows: A variation in the The rectifier 63 supplies direct current to energization of the Winding 39 of Fig. 2 from the Winding 61 of the reactor 65 while the zero to .5 of a watt caused a change in the rectifier 64 energizes the direct-current Wind power supplied to the load device from 200 to ings 60 and 62 of the reactors 54 and 56. 35 v control is effected without the use of any lmov rent Windin s 57, 58 and 59 and the direct ing parts. The reactors and their windings current-Win ings 60, 61 and 62. The wind are entirel static and no circuits need be ings 57 and 58 are connected in series across made nor ¿roken to obtain a positive, con the circuit 52 and rectifiers 63 and 64 are con tinuous control of the energization of the load nected in parallel vwith the windings respec tively. The winding 59 of the reactor 56 is 30 85 , 95 800 watts. Thus a variation of .5 of a watt in A rheostat 65 controls the energization of the energization of the winding 39 produced the winding 60. » a change of 600 watts in the energization of 100 The operation of the system shown in Fig. the load device 31. The amplification factor, 3 is similar to that of those modifications al 40 therefore, was 600/.5 or 1200. These figures ready described, but in the system of Fig. 3, show that a large change in the energization a slight change in_the setting of the _rhcostat of the load device may be effected by com 65 causes a ‘greater change in the energization paratively small change in the energization 105 >of the load device 51 than in the systems of of the direct-current Winding of the control- Figs. 1 and-2 because of the regenerative or ling reactor. ' amplifying effect made possible by the use of Although I _have described but three modi the third reactor. fications of the system embodying my inven 45 An increase in the resistance of the circuit tion, and mentioned only one specific applica including the Winding 60 of the reactor 54, tion thereof, it is not my intention that the which is energized by the rectifier 64 connect scope of the invention be limited to the modi ed across the winding 58 of the reactor 55, fications herein disclosed except as necessi 110 Winding 57 and the rectifier 63. The in creased energization of the winding 61, re 115 50 will cause an increase in the voltage across the tated by the appended claims. I claim as my invention: 1. A control system comprising a plurality sulting therefrom, decreases the voltage in of iron-core reactors having alternating-cur duced in the winding 58 which is impressed rent windings and direct-current windings, u on the rectifier 64. Thus the energization means for controlling the energization of the of) the winding 60 is still further decreased direct-current Winding of one of said reactors, 60 65 120 and the effect introduced by the increase in and means connected to the alternating-cur the resistance in the circuit of the winding rent winding of said reactor for energizing 60 is, therefore, magnified. The reduction in the direct-current winding of another of said the voltage across the rectifier 64 effects a . decrease in the energization of the winding 62 of the reactor 66 so that the voltage across the winding 59 is increased and that across the load device 5l is decreased. reactors, and a load device connected to the alternating-current Winding of said last-men 125 tioned reactor. 2. An electrical system of control compris ing a plurality of iron-core reactors having A decrease in the resistance of the circuit, alternating-current and direct-current windî 130 4 1,780,254 ings, means for energizing the direct-current winding of one of said reactors, a rectifier connected to the alternating-current winding of said reactor for energizlng the direct-cur rent winding of another of said reactors, and a load device connected to the alternating current winding of said last-mentioned re actor. 3. A ower-amplifying system comprising 10 a. plura ity of iron-core reactors having di rect-current and alternating-current wind ings, the direct-current winding of one of sald reactors being connected to an input cir cuit, the alternating-current winding of an other of said reactors bein connected to an 20 output circuit, and means or energizing the direct-current winding of the last-mentioned reactor in accordance with the voltage in duced in the alternating-current winding of said first-mentioned reactor, whereby the variations in the power supplied to said in put circuit are amplified in said output cir cuit. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto sub 25 30 35 40 45 50 l55 scribed my name this 24th day of April, 1928. PHILLIPS THOMAS.