

Section I: Mission and Goals, Program Assessment, and Program Quality

Standard 1 The program has a written mission that aligns with the mission of the institution and its associated units, and with the preparation of athletic trainers.

Annotation None.

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 2 The program has written goals and related outcomes that pertain to its mission.

Annotation Goals describe what must be achieved for a program to meet its mission. Goals are generally broad and form the foundation for program planning. The extent to which goals are achieved are

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) assessed with program outcomes


Standard 3 A formal assessment plan is established, reviewed at least annually, and used for on-going program evaluation and quality improvement.

Annotation The plan must relate to the program’s stated educational mission, goals , and outcomes and address the quality of instruction, student learning, and overall program effectiveness. The formal assessment

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) plan must also include the required student achievement measures identified in Standard 6.

4, 5

Standard 4 The assessment plan is developed and reassessed using a collaborative effort among core faculty .

Annotation All core faculty must be engaged in the development and

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) modification of the assessment plan on an on-going basis.

4, 5, new concept that process must engage faculty

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 1


Section I: Mission and Goals, Program Assessment, and Program Quality

Standard 5 The program meets its mission and goals as demonstrated by metrics that assess program outcomes .

Annotation Program outcomes that assess the extent to which a program meets its mission and goals must be developed and assessed. These program-specific outcomes are defined by the program and include measures such as student learning, quality of instruction, and overall program effectiveness. Programs must minimally incorporate the student achievement measures identified in Standard 6 as outcomes.

The program is responsible for identifying an acceptable level of

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) achievement for each outcome (with the exception of the BOC pass rate, Standard 8).

6, 9

Standard 6 The program collects student achievement measures on an annual basis.

Annotation The following student achievement measures must be collected:

• graduation rate

• program completion rate

• placement rate

• Board of Certification pass rate (or international equivalent)

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

Note that the required reporting of this information is described in

Standard 35.

6,7 (revisions from previous open comment still ongoing)

Standard 7 The core faculty analyze the results of the assessment plan, and use the analysis to direct curricular change.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

10, 12

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 2


Section I: Mission and Goals, Program Assessment, and Program Quality

Standard 8 The program meets or exceeds a three-year aggregate of 70% firsttime pass rate on the BOC examination.

Annotation BOC pass rates are reviewed via the Annual Report that each professional program submits each year. These reports are reviewed each year after October 15th. The BOC exam data contains BOC exam results through the October exam window and is applied to the appropriately assigned student cohort. A student cohort comprises a group of students who are admitted together. Students remain in this cohort regardless of graduation year. The scores of students who take the exam in the years following graduation still apply to their originallyassigned cohort year.

Pass rate review and accreditation actions are subsequently made at the Commission’s winter meeting in February. Initial non-compliance with this Standard will result in the program being placed on Probation and a requisite response to Standard 9. Programs that have been on Probation for Standard 8 for more than a single year and that continue to have a 3-year aggregate first time pass rate below 70% remain in non-compliance with Standard 8. The Commission reviews these programs individually and may move to continue PROBATION, have the program SHOW CAUSE, or to WITHDRAW THE PROGRAM’S

ACCREDITATION. In taking action, the Commission considers factors such as the program’s current and historical pass rates, plan(s) of action, the likelihood of coming into compliance, annual report data,

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) and history of previous accreditation actions.


Standard 9 Programs that have a three-year aggregate BOC first-time pass rate below 70% must provide an analysis of the deficiencies and develop and implement an action plan for correction of BOC deficiency.

Annotation Compliance with this standard does not constitute compliance with

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

Standard 8.


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 3


Section II: Curriculum and Instruction

Standard 10 The program uses a curricular plan to sequence teaching and learning across the curriculum to facilitate achievement of program outcomes, acquisition of curricular content (see Section III), and the core competencies .

Annotation A curricular plan includes a description of the curriculum model and

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) the educational principles on which the professional curriculum is built.

The plan includes a blueprint for the organization, sequencing, and integration of courses (both didactic and clinical) within an athletic training program. The curricular plan aligns with the program’s mission/ goals and is designed to meet the stated program outcomes.


Standard 11 The program has a process to adapt the curricular plan based on information from the outcomes assessment.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 12 All core faculty participate in the process to create and adapt the curricular plan.

Annotation The collaborative process to create and adapt is documented and on-going, minimally on an annual basis. While all core faculty must be involved the nature and extent of involvement may vary and should

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) be described.


Standard 13 The program has a formal process for disseminating the curricular plan to all program faculty, administrators, and preceptors .

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 14 The program incorporates planned interprofessional education across the professional program.

Annotation The methods that are used by the program to incorporate interprofessional education can vary but must be congruent with the resources and personnel available to the program. Interprofessional education must occur on a planned and continuous basis across the curriculum. A single exposure to interprofessional education does not meet this standard.

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 4


Section II: Curriculum and Instruction

Standard 15 The program uses clearly written course syllabi for all courses that are part of the professional program .

Annotation Course syllabi includes clearly written course objectives, assessment methods, and a course planner. The syllabi include sufficient information in the objectives and/or the daily/weekly schedule to

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) ascertain the curricular content (see Section IV) that is being taught in this/these course(s).


Standard 16 The program has a written policy that delineates the minimum and maximum amount of combined time that a student spends meeting academic and clinical education requirements.

Annotation The policy must address all required hours in the program, including time spent in didactic/laboratory classes, required outside activities related to class (eg, additional required lectures, surgical observations, journal clubs, research), and hours spent in clinical education. This time may or may not include travel time for related clinical education experiences or time for reading, studying and academic preparation.

The policy must include a provision for days off.

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

The policy must be consistent with university policy.

57, 58

Standard 17 A program’s clinical education requirements are met through individual academic courses and span a minimum of 2 academic years.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 18 A program’s clinical education component is planned and demonstrates a logical progression of increasingly autonomous, yet supervised , client/patient-care experiences under the direction of a preceptor.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

11, 46

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 5


Section II: Curriculum and Instruction

Standard 19 The program develops and upholds a student progression policy for clinical education experiences and patient/client safety.

Annotation The clinical education progression policy include the process used by the program to determine that students are ready to engage in clinical education and are competent and safe to perform skills on a patient/client population. The progression policy also defines the criteria and process used by the program to determine that a

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new student has attained requisite clinical competence to progress to a subsequent clinical education experience.


Standard 20 A program’s clinical education component is planned to include at least one immersive clinical education experience . The immersive experience is full-time for a period of time determined by the program but must minimally be a continuous 4-week period.

Annotation An immersive clinical education experience is a practice-intensive experience that allows the student to experience the totality of care provided by athletic trainers. Students must participate in the full-time,

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) day-to-day role of athletic trainer for a period of time identified by the program.


Standard 21 A program’s clinical education component provides students with authentic, real-time opportunities to practice, make decisions, and demonstrate professional behaviors required of the profession.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 6


Section II: Curriculum and Instruction

Standard 22 A program’s clinical education component is planned to include exposure to and engagement in interprofessional practice on a planned and on-going basis.

Annotation Students must receive meaningful exposures to interprofessional practice where “interaction and knowledge sharing between professionals, organized to solve or explore a variety of education and care issues all while seeking to optimize the patient’s participation” (see IPP document) occurs with multiple healthcare providers. The methods that are used by the program to incorporate interprofessional education can vary but must be congruent with the

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) resources and personnel available to the program.


Standard 23 A program’s clinical education component is planned to include clinical practice opportunities with varied client/patient populations.

Populations must include clients/patients:

• throughout the lifespan (eg, pediatric, adult, elderly);

• of different sexes;

• with different socioeconomic statuses;

• of varying levels of activity athletics (eg competitive and recreational, individual and team activities, high and low intensity activities); and

• non-sport patient populations (eg, participants in military, industrial, occupational, leisure activities)

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

48, 50

Standard 24 A program’s clinical education is planned to provide sufficient experiences for patients/clients with emergent, preventive, behavioral (mental health), musculoskeletal, neurological, endocrine, dermatological, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, otolaryngological, ophthalmological, dental, and environmental conditions.

Annotation Students should gain experience to individuals with a variety of

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) conditions. Experiences can be gained with real or simulated patients.


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 7


Section II: Curriculum and Instruction

Standard 25 Athletic training students must be officially enrolled in the professional program prior to performing skills on patients.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 8


Section III: Curricular Content

Standard 26 The professional program requires prerequisite knowledge in biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, anatomy, and physiology.

Annotation Prerequisite coursework serves as the foundation for study in the professional program. Student must complete coursework in these

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) areas prior to admission into the professional program.


Standard 27 The professional program content incorporates foundational knowledge in statistics, research design, epidemiology, pathophysiology, biomechanics and pathomechanics, exercise physiology, human anatomy, and public health.

Annotation Foundational knowledge serves as the basis for applied learning.

Foundational knowledge can be required as prerequisite knowledge or as a part of the professional program. The content is integrated into

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) the professional program.



Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 9


Section IV: Institutional Organization and Administration

Standard 28 The sponsoring institution is be accredited by an agency recognized by the United States Department of Education or by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and must be legally authorized to provide a program of post- secondary education. For programs outside of the United States, the institution must be accredited by a recognized post-secondary accrediting agency, and the program must be delivered in the English language.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 29 CAATE-accredited professional athletic training programs results in the granting of a Master of Athletic Training (MAT) degree. The program must be identified as an academic athletic training degree in institutional academic publications.

Annotation The degree must appear on the official transcript similar to normal designations for other degrees at the institution. International programs must use language consistent with the host country’s nomenclature and have approval of that language by the CAATE. Programs that cannot meet this standard must provide verification of the process

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) used to make that determination.


Standard 30 Programs must be housed in schools of health professions.

Annotation If no school of health professions, or one exists and the professional program is not housed within it, explain how this organizational

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) structure benefits the student.


Standard 31 All didactic and clinical courses in the professional program are delivered at the graduate level.

Annotation The designation of graduate-level course is institution-specific.

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 10


Section IV: Institutional Organization and Administration

Standard 32 All sites where students are involved in patient care experiences have a current affiliation agreement or memorandum of understanding that is endorsed by the appropriate administrative authority at both the sponsoring institution and site.

Annotation When the administrative oversight of the preceptor differs from the

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) affiliate site, formal agreements must be obtained from all parties.


Standard 33 The program has written policies and procedures that affect the rights and responsibilities of program students.

Annotation Policies and procedures must include:

• Grievance policy

• Student withdrawal and refund of tuition and fees policy

• Academic dishonesty policy

• Technical standards or essential functions

• Non-discrimination policies

• Matriculation requirements

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

• Requirements for graduation

64, 95, 96

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 11


Section IV: Institutional Organization and Administration

Standard 34 Prospective and enrolled students are provided with relevant and accurate information about the institution and program.

Annotation The following information must be available to prospective and enrolled students:

• Catalogs;

• Recruitment and admissions information, including admissions criteria, transfer of credit policies and any special considerations used in the process;

• Procedures governing the award of available funding for scholarships;

• Academic calendars;

• Grading policies;

• Technical standards or essential functions;

• All costs associated with the program (including but not limited to tuition, fees, refund policies, travel costs, and clothing);

• Financial aid;

• Criminal background check policies;

• Non-discrimination policies;

• Information about the clinical education program, including travel expectations to clinical sites;

• Immunization requirements;

• Academic curriculum and course sequence;

• Program mission, goals, and outcomes;

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

• Matriculation requirements; and

• Degree requirements

64, 69, 88 , 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 12


Section IV: Institutional Organization and Administration

Standard 35 Programs post data describing its student achievement measures

(Standard 6) either on or directly linked to the program’s home page.

Annotation The following student achievement measures must be posted:

• graduation rate

• program completion rate

• placement rate

• Board of Certification pass rate (or international equivalent), including number of students graduating from the program who took the examination; number and percentage of students who passed the examination on the first attempt, and overall number and percentage of students who passed the examination regardless of the number of attempts.

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 36 The program has written policies that protect the health and safety of clients/patients and the student. These policies are publicly available and pertain to all learning environments where students are involved in real or simulated patient/client care (including teaching laboratories).

Annotation At a minimum, the policies must address the following:

• Calibration and maintenance of equipment according to manufacturer guidelines

• Blood borne pathogen protection and exposure plan (including a requirement that students receive training before students are placed in a potential exposure situation and that students have access to and use of appropriate blood-borne pathogen barriers and control measures at all sites.)

• Radiation exposure (as applicable)

• Communicable and infectious disease transmission

• A requirement for all students to have emergency cardiac care certification when engaged in clinical education;

• A mechanism by which clients/patients can differentiate students from credentialed providers.

• Venue-specific emergency action plans that are immediately accessible to students in an emergency situation

• Patient/client privacy protection (FERPA, HIPAA)

• Immunization requirements

• Sanitation precautions, including availability to clean hands

Encompassed Current Standards before and after patient encounters

67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 80



Section IV: Institutional Organization and Administration

Standard 37 The program maintains appropriate student records in secure locations.

Annotation Student records must include documentation of the following:

• Admissions application

• Progression through the curriculum

• Disciplinary actions

• Clinical placements

• Annual blood borne pathogen training

• On-going emergency cardiac care certification (during all patient care experiences)

• Verification of each student’s ability to meet a program’s technical standards (with or without accommodations)

• Verification of completed criminal background checks

(if applicable)

• Verification of HIPAA / FERPA (where applicable) training

• Verification of notification of communicable and infectious disease transmission policy

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

• Verification of immunization status

65, 66, 68, 70, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105

Standard 38 Program students have liability insurance.

Annotation Proof of insurance is documented through policy declaration pages or

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) other legally binding documents.


Standard 39 Admission of students to the professional program is made in accordance with the program’s identified criteria and processes.

Annotation The criteria must include verification of each student’s ability to meet

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) a program’s technical standards, with or without accommodation.

88 and new

Standard 40 All program’s policies, procedures, and practices are applied consistently and equitably.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

95, 96

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 14


Section IV: Institutional Organization and Administration

Standard 41 All program documents must use accurate terminology of the profession and program offered (eg, BOC certification, athletic training student, and the program title of athletic training).

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 42 Program policies, procedures, and practices provide for compliance with accreditation policies and procedures including:

1. maintenance of accurate information, easily accessible to the public, on the program website regarding accreditation status and current student achievement measures;

2. timely submission of required fees and documentation, including reports of graduation rates, and employment rates; and

3. timely notification of expected or unexpected substantive change(s) within the program and of any change in institutional accreditation status or legal authority to provide post-secondary education.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 43 The program/institution demonstrates honesty and integrity in all interactions with the CAATE, students, and the public.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

In Open Comment now

Standard 44 Program specific policies and procedures for venue-specific written

Emergency Action Plans (EAP) must be written, disseminated, and visible at that site.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

78, 79, 80

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 15


Section IV: Institutional Organization and Administration

Standard 45 The program has a plan to ensure that each student is oriented to a site’s policies and procedures at the beginning of each experience.

Annotation The orientation must include (but is not limited to):

• Emergency action plan

• Blood-borne pathogen exposure plan

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


• Communicable and infectious disease policies

• Documentation policies and procedures

• Patient privacy and confidentiality protections

• Plan for clients/ patients to be able to differentiate practitioners from students

Standard 46 Clinical education experiences are managed to ensure that clinical education assignments do not discriminate based on current federally-defined protected classes.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 47 Students do not receive any monetary remuneration for participation in clinical education experiences, excluding scholarships.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 48 Students will not replace professional athletic training staff or medical personnel

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 49 A preceptor who is an athletic trainer supervises a majority of each student’s clinical education experience. The remaining clinical education may be supervised by any appropriately state-credentialed health care professional .

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 16


Section IV: Institutional Organization and Administration

Standard 50 Regular communication occurs between the program and the preceptor.

Annotation All parties are informed about the curricular plan, individual student

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) needs and characteristics, student progress, and assessment procedures.


Standard 51 All clinical education sites are evaluated by the program on an annual and planned basis.

Annotation The evaluations must serve as part of the program’s assessment plan.

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 17


Section V: Program Resources

Standard 52 The program director is a faculty member who is assigned to the athletic training program on a full-time basis.

Annotation The director may be assigned to other institutional duties that do not interfere with the management and administration of the program.

The institution must document that the program director has sufficient release time to ensure that the needs of the program are being met.

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

The program director’s faculty status, rights, and responsibilities are consistent with similar positions at the institution and provide appropriate program representation in institutional decisions.

14, 15, 17

Standard 53 The program director is certified and in good standing with the Board of Certification. The program director also possesses a current state athletic training credential and is in good standing with the state regulatory agency (in states with regulation).

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

19, 20

Standard 54 The program director has an earned doctoral degree and demonstrated contemporary clinical expertise in the field of athletic training.

The PD must have a minimum of 8 years of documented experience in the field of athletic training. This experience must include

• Clinical practice as an athletic trainer;

• Administrative experience including, but not limited to, program planning and implementation, personnel management, evaluation, and budgeting;

• Scholarship ; and

• At least 3 years of experience in a full-time academic appointment with teaching responsibilities at the postsecondary level.

Any person who has been employed as a program director in a

CAATE-accredited program prior to this date [date of Commission vote to approval] will be considered in compliance with this standard.

Annotation Any person meeting this grandfather clause will be eligible to serve

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) as program director for a professional program for the remainder of her/his career at whatever institution may employ her/him.


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 18


Section V: Program Resources

Standard 55 The program director is responsible for the management and administration of the program, including planning, evaluation, budgeting, selection of program faculty and staff, maintenance of accreditation, and commitment to strategies for professional development.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

16, 18

Standard 56 The Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCE) is a faculty member with an understanding of contemporary clinical practice in athletic training.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 57 The Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCE) is an athletic trainer who is certified and in good standing with the Board of Certification.

The CCE also possesses a current state athletic training credential and is in good standing with the state regulatory agency (in states with regulation).

Annotation The CCE must have the title of “Coordinator of Clinical Education”.

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 58 The Coordinator of Clinical Education has a dedicated load appropriate for the responsibilities of the role.

Annotation The load of the CCE is comparable to other faculty with similar roles

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) within the institution or at other peer institutions.


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 19


Section V: Program Resources

Standard 59 The Coordinator of Clinical Education is responsible for oversight of the clinical education portion of the program

Annotation The CCE reports to the program director provides oversight for student clinical progression, clinical site evaluation, student evaluation, regular communication with preceptors, professional

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) development of preceptors, and preceptor evaluation.


Standard 60 The program must have at least three core faculty .

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 61 The core faculty have contemporary clinical expertise in assigned teaching areas and demonstrated expertise in teaching.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

25, 27

Standard 62 Each core faculty member has an identified line of scholarship.

Annotation Core faculty are expected to contribute to knowledge beyond

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) the immediate classroom.


Standard 63 All faculty assigned and responsible for the instruction of skills necessary for direct patient care are appropriately credentialed.

In states where the faculty member’s profession is regulated, the faculty member has a current state credential and is in good standing with the state regulatory agency. In addition, faculty who are solely credentialed as athletic trainers and who teach skills necessary for direct patient care must be BOC certified.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

28 - The Standards Committee is still reviewing the public comment on this standard. This is the language currently being considered.

Standard 64 Program faculty numbers are sufficient to meet the demands and needs of the athletic training program.

Annotation The needs of the program include advising and mentoring students,

Encompassed Current Standards meeting program outcomes, scholarship, program administration, recruiting and admissions processes, and offering courses on a regular and planned basis.

30, 31, 32, 33, 34



Section V: Program Resources

Standard 65 Program faculty receive regular evaluations and create plans to improve performance.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 66 A preceptor is a licensed healthcare professional and credentialed by the state in which they practice. Preceptors who are athletic trainers are state credentialed (in states with regulation), certified and in good standing with the Board of Certification.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 67 Preceptors function to:

• Supervise students during clinical education

• Provide instruction and assessment of the curricular content standards (Section III)

• Facilitate the clinical integration of skills, knowledge, and evidence of contemporary clinical expertise in the practice of athletic training

• Demonstrate understanding of and compliance with the program’s policies and procedures

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)

37, 38

Standard 68 A preceptor must not be currently enrolled in the professional athletic training program at the institution.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 69 The number and qualifications of preceptors is sufficient to meet the demands and needs of the athletic training program

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 21


Section V: Program Resources

Standard 70 Preceptors receive planned and on-going education from the program designed to promote an effective learning environment.

Annotation The program has a written plan that it follows to provide preceptor training. Preceptor training is of sufficient frequency to meet

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) program goals.


Standard 71 Preceptors receive regular evaluations and feedback on their performance as preceptors.

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Standard 72 The medical director is a currently licensed allopathic or osteopathic physician and certified by an ABMS- or AOA-approved specialty board, and is an active participant in the program

Annotation The medical director supports the program director in insuring that both didactic instruction and supervised clinical practice experiences meet current practice standards as they relate to the AT role in providing patient care. The medical director may be actively involved in developing the mission statement for the program; providing instruction; evaluating student performance; designing, implementing, coordinating and evaluating curriculum,

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) and evaluating the program.

35, 36

Standard 73 The program has, or has access to, administrative, secretarial, and technical support staff to meet its professional education, scholarship, and service goals and expected program outcomes

Annotation None

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new)


Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 22


Section V: Program Resources

Standard 74 The program has, or has ensured access to, classroom and laboratory space of sufficient quality and quantity to carry out program goals. The physical environment is supportive of effective teaching and learning processes.

Annotation • Classrooms and labs are of adequate number and size to accommodate the number of students

• Necessary equipment required for teaching a contemporary athletic training curriculum is provided

• The students’ privacy is preserved

• An adequate learning environment should include access to current technology (library and current electronic or print editions of books, periodicals, and other reference materials and tools related to program goals)

• Offices are provided for program staff and faculty on a consistent basis to allow program administration and confidential

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) student counseling

83, 84, 85, 86, 87

Standard 75 Financial resources are adequate to achieve the program’s stated mission, goals, and expected program outcomes and to support the academic integrity and continuing viability of the program

Annotation Funding must be available for expendable supplies, equipment maintenance and calibration, course instruction, operating

Encompassed Current Standards

(or new) expenses, faculty professional development, capital equipment

81, 82

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 23



Academic year: Two academic semesters or three academic quarters.

Action Plan for Correction of BOC Deficiencies: Strategy to address programmatic deficiencies contributing to below benchmark BOC results. The action plan must include the following information:

1. A review and analysis of any of the program’s previously submitted action plans. This should include: a. Any assessment data used to evaluate the previous action plan.

b. A discussion of which strategies have worked and which ones have not.

c. Any revisions that have been made to the previous action plan based on subsequent assessment data.

2. Analysis of the program’s current pass-rate (3-year aggregate) and progress toward compliance, including the: a. number of students enrolled in the program in each of the past 3 years; b. number of students who have attempted the exam in each of the past 3 years; c. cohort by cohort first-time pass rate for each of the past 3 exam cohorts; d. 3 year aggregate first-time pass rate for each of the past 3 years

3. Projection for the program’s anticipated exam outcomes for next year. This is an analysis of how well the program believes its next action plan (see below) will improve exam performance for the next exam cohort and how they expect this to affect their 3-year aggregate first time pass rate next year.

The analysis must include: a. An analysis of the number of students expected to take the exam in the next year based on current enrollment.

b. A conservative estimated annual first time pass rate for the upcoming year given steps outlined in the action plan (see below) and current student potential.

c. A conservative estimated 3-year aggregate first time pass rate for the upcoming year based on the projection provided in 3.b above.

d. A narrative discussing the likelihood that the program will come into compliance with Standard X in the next year given the data provided in 3.a-c above.

The action plan must include:

1. Developing targeted goals and action plans for achieve the desired outcomes.

2. Stating the timelines for reaching the outcomes.

3. Identifying the person(s) responsible for each element of the action plan.

4. Updating the elements of the action plan as they are met or circumstances change

Affiliation agreement: formal, written document signed by administrative personnel, who have the authority to act on behalf of the institution or affiliate, from the sponsoring institution and affiliated site. This agreement defines the roles and responsibilities of the host site, the affiliate, and the student. Same as the memorandum of understanding.

Appropriate administrative authority: Individuals identified by the host institution and, when applicable, the affiliate who have been authorized to enter an agreement on behalf of the institution or affiliate. The individuals having appropriate administrative authority may vary based on the nature of the agreement.

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) 2015 24



Assessment Plan: A single document that identifies the program’s stated educational mission, goals, and outcomes. The plan describes how quality of instruction, student learning, readiness to practice, and overall program effectiveness are assessed. The plan includes the metrics used to examine the extent to which program outcomes are met, and how those metrics are analyzed and the outcomes used to drive curricular change.

Clinical Education: Comprises all of the formal and practical learning experiences provided for students to apply classroom knowledge, skills and professional behaviors in the clinical environment

Immersive Clinical Education: formal and practical learning experiences that place the learner at the center of the educational process and should promote ‘whole encounters’

Completion Rate: the percentage of students who matriculate into the professional program that complete the professional program within the published time for the program.

Core Competencies: patient-centered care, interprofessional education and collaboration, evidencebased practice, quality improvement, use of healthcare informatics, and professionalism. (See preamble for detailed descriptions of each of the core competencies)

Curricular Content: academic content and clinical abilities to be taught and evaluated for proficiency within the professional program.

Curriculum Model: a general description of the organization of the professional curriculum content and the pedagogical techniques used by the program for student learning.

Emergency Action Plan: A venue-specific “blueprint” used for the management of medical emergencies.

Faculty: An individual who has full faculty status, rights, responsibilities, privileges, and full college voting rights as defined by institution policy and that are consistent with similar positions at the institution necessary to provide appropriate program representation in institutional decisions. Additionally, faculty are defined as follows:

Core Faculty: Administrative or teaching faculty devoted to the program who has full faculty status, rights, responsibilities, privileges, and full college voting rights as defined by the institution. This person is appointed to teach athletic training courses, engage in scholarship, and advise and mentor students in the AT program. Core full-time faculty report to and are evaluated and assigned responsibilities exclusively by the administrator (chair, dean, or program director) of the academic unit in which the program is housed.

Associated Faculty: Individual(s) with a split appointment between the program and another institutional entity (e.g., athletics, another program, or another institutional department). These faculty members may be evaluated and assigned responsibilities by multiple different supervisors.

Adjunct Faculty: Individual(s) contracted to provide course instruction on a full-course or partialcourse basis, but whose primary employment is elsewhere inside or outside the institution. Adjunct faculty may be paid or unpaid.

Program Faculty: All faculty who teach curricular content (as identified in Section III) Program faculty include Core Faculty, Associated Faculty, and Adjunct Faculty)

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Foundational Knowledge: concepts or coursework that serves as the basis for applied learning. Foundational knowledge can be required as prerequisite knowledge or as a part of the professional program. The content is integrated into the professional program.

Goals: Goals describe what must be achieved for a program to meet its mission. Goals are generally broad and form the foundation for program planning.

Graduation Rate: the percentage of a program’s admitted students who complete their program within

150% of the published time for the program.

Health Care Professional: Athletic Trainer, Chiropractor, Dentist, Registered Dietician, Nurse Practitioner,

Nutritionist, Occupational Therapist, Optometrist, Orthotist, Paramedic, Pharmacist, Physical Therapist,

Physician Assistant, Physician (MD/DO), Podiatrist, Prosthetist, Psychologist, Registered Nurse, or Social

Worker. These individuals must hold a current credential to practice the discipline in the state and whose discipline provides direct patient care in a field that has direct relevancy to the practice and discipline of

Athletic Training. These individuals may or may not hold formal appointments to the instructional faculty.

(*this definition will be revised to include international clinical education opportunities)

Independent Practice: opportunity provided for student to practice skills and concepts previously taught on an actual patient/client population

Interprofessional education: the process of learning with, about, and from other health care providers.

Interprofessional education must include the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice:

1.) Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice,

2.) Roles/Responsibilities,

3.) Interprofessional Communication, and

4.) Teams and Teamwork.

Interprofessional Practice: the development of a cohesive practice between professionals of different disciplines that allows professionals to reflect on and develop ways of practicing that provides an integrated and cohesive answer to the needs of the client/family/population.


Majority: a number that is greater than half of a total

Memorandum of Understanding: Similar to an affiliation agreement, but tends not to include legallybinding language or intent.

Mission: A formal, written summary of the program’s aims, values, and purpose that guides the actions taken by the program.

Objective: Sub-goals required to meet the larger goal. Generally objectives are focused, clear and shortterm statements than the overarching goal.

Outcomes: The quantification of the program’s ability to meet its published mission. The outcome is generally formed by multiple goals and objectives. For example, based on the evaluation of the goals associated with the outcomes, each outcome may be measured as “met,” “partially met,” or “not met.”

Placement Rate: the percentage of students employed, enrolled in subsequent degree program, or placed in a post-professional residency program within 6 months of program completion.

Preceptor: A certified/licensed professional who teaches and evaluates students in a clinical setting using an actual patient base.

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Prerequisite Knowledge: concepts or coursework required prior to matriculation into the professional program

Professional Program: Begins following formal admission to the graduate program; incorporates clinical education, curricular content, and all components necessary for the granting of a master’s degree

Scholarship: Scholarly contributions are broadly defined in four categories. 2

Scholarship of Discovery contributes to the development or creation of new knowledge.

Scholarship of Integration contributes to the critical analysis and review of knowledge within disciplines or the creative synthesis of insights contained in different disciplines or fields of study.

Scholarship of Application/Practice applies findings generated through the scholarship of integration or discovery to solve real problems in the professions, industry, government, and the community.

Scholarship of Teaching contributes to the development of critically reflective knowledge associated with teaching and learning.

Supervision/Supervised: Experiences in which the preceptor must be physically present and have the ability to intervene on behalf of the athletic training student and the patient. All clinical education experiences must be supervised.

Technical Standards: Program-defined required abilities and skills in the areas of observation, communication, motor, intellectual/critical thinking, interpersonal, and behavioral/social attributes necessary to complete the program. The standards promote compliance with the Americans with

Disabilities Act (ADA) and must be reviewed by institutional legal counsel.

1 Adapted from D’Amour D. and Oandasan I. Interprofessionality as the Field of Interprofessional Practice and Interprofessional Education: An Emerging Concept. J of Interprof Care, 19 (sup1), 8-20; 2005.

2 Adapted from Boyer EL. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. San Francisco, CA:

Jossey-Bass, 1991.

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