An Example of an Optimal Control Problem Whose Extremals Possess a Continual Set of Discontinuities of the Control Function ALEXEI A. MILYUTIN Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 ul. Kosygina, Moscow, Russia Received March 9, 1992 We present an example of a classical optimal control problem having solutions that are nonsingular extremals and whose control functions have a continual discontinuity set. Moreover, for any closed, nowhere-dense set, there exists a solution such that the set of discontinuities of the control coincides with this set. W e consider the control system 2 z - (Spy, u), x = |y| , y = u, \u\^\ (1) and the optimization problem V = — ~ ~ * x(T) — x(0) m a x under the constraint y(0) = y(T). (2) Here Syy = (£iyy,£2yy) is a quadratic vector field on the two-dimensional y-plane. This problem belongs to a class of problems which is important for higher order condition theory. However, the problem itself is o f interest since it extends our comprehension o f singularities in control systems. W e assume that the field Syy is not a gradient one, since otherwise the functional J vanishes on any admissible trajectory. Setting dSiyy l ( y ) dS yy 2 = we readily see that l(y) is a linear function o f y. Therefore l(y) = (/, y), where / is some vector from the plane M . Our assumption means that / ^ 0. W e shall find all solutions o f the problem (1), (2). Let us write out the most important conditions. T h e Pontryagin function o f the problem has the form: H = tp (£yy, u) + ^x\y\ + V'y *Since H does not depend explicitly on z, x, and t, it follows from the adjoint equations that 2 2 1 z ip = const, z 1061-9208/93/010397--6 © 1994 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ipx — const, H = const RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS VOL. 1 NO. 3 397 ALEXEIA. MILYUTIN on any extremal o f the system ( 1 ) . T h e transversahty conditions give: a *' = , *(T)-*(0)' z(T)-z(0) = ^ -° T)-x(0))»' W iMO) = ^ ( T ) = / ? , (3) H = 0. y A c c o r d i n g to the nontriviality condition, we have a + |/?| > 0. Let us write out the Hamiltonian: 2 H = m a x / f = l ^ y y + V'J + V'xLvl 1 w 1 It follows from condition (3) that the solution of the problem (more precisely, the corre­ sponding extremal) lies on the zero level of the Hamiltonian. Now we can easily prove that a > 0. In fact, otherwise we would have tp — xp = 0. Then from 7i — 0 it follows that ip = 0, hence 0 — 0, and the nontriviality condition is violated. Thus, a > 0. Taking into account the obvious inequalities z x y z(T)-z(0)>0, x(T)-x{0)>0, we obtain \j) > 0, ip < 0. In order to solve problem ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , we use the Hamilton-Jacobi equation which has the form dS. dS ,. dS „ 3S z x l 2 oz x oy On account o f the transversahty condition, it is natural to suppose that S — z — jx + s(y). T h e n the Hamilton-Jacobi equation takes the form: |£yy + « ; i - 7 l i / l 2 = o. (5) Since s'y is related, by virtue of this equation, to the quadratic field Syy, one may guess that s' is also a quadratic field, i.e., the function s(y) is a cubic form. Put Syy = £yy + s' . y y T h e n it follows from ( 5 ) that i ic SZivy d^iyy i i i 1^1 = 7, - |y| = i, v n - (/,y). (6) Let us find all solutions o f ( 6 ) . Let £\yy = aiyj + 2&iyiy + c i y f . 2 2 £syy = «2y + 2 6 y i y + c ^ 2 2 Put yi = cos (f, y = sin <p, then we obtain: 2 £i y(<p)y{(p) = ri (p) = j4i cos 2y? + 5 i sin 2<p + d, where A\ = (cti — ci)/2, B\ — &i, C i = (ai + c i ) / 2 . Similarly, C , where r(<£>) = A 2 2 cos 2 <^+J5 sin 2<p+ 2 2 A = ^ 2 , B 2 = 6 , C = ^ 2 2 . (7) If we set r((p) — {r\{<p), r (<p)), then (7) implies that the condition \r(<p)\ — const is equiv­ alent to one of the following two conditions: 2 a)Ai = Bi = A 2 6)i4? + B 398 2 1 = = B ^l 2 = 0, + B|, ^li5i+^ 5 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS VOL. 1 NO. 3 2 2 = 0, Ci = C = 0. 2 ( 8 ) AN EXAMPLE OF THE OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEM Put / = (l\,l ), 2 then, in view o f ( 7 ) , we have k = 2(B 1 In case a), we have C\ = h/2, - A C 2 - C ), l = 2(-B 2 2 = — 2 - A 2 (9) Therefore, (f(v,v),-|(y,y)), Syy= + Ci). t T = f - (10) In case b ) , we have in view o f ( 9 ) : Y = *i-4», I = -£2-^1. However, it follows from (7) that (B B ) U = 2 ±(-A ,A ). 2 1 It is clear that only the first possibility is to be retained, since in the second case l\ = l = 0. Thus, B\ — —A ,B — A\. Now we can express A], A \B\, B by means o f l\ and l . W e obtain 2 2 2 2 *=-7- B ' =7 2 ^ = -7- B 2 2 = -7 4 4 4 Therefore, in the case b ) the following equalities hold: c h / 2 2\ , '1 £ i y y = -j(vi -y2) + -^ym, ^ ( 2 c 4 2\ ^2 Kl hvy =—^ivi -ifi) --^vm, T = ^ - (H) Equalities (10) and (11) contain the complete solution o f equations ( 6 ) . W e consider the cases (10) and (11) simultaneously. Put / v u{y) = £yy \£yy\ T h e function u(y) is well-defined everywhere excluding the point y — 0, since in both cases (10) and (11) we have 7 > 0. It is obvious that u(y) is smooth for y ^ 0 and 2 Nv)l = l Vy€M -{0}. Let z(t), x(t), y(t) be an arbitrary solution defined in some interval [/o,*i] and contained in the domain y ^ 0 o f the system 2 z = (Eyy,u(y)), x - |t/| , y = «(y). (12) Let 5 = 2: — 7X + « ( y ) be a solution of equation ( 5 ) . Then it is easy to see that S = const (13) along the above trajectory. In fact, ^ = (emmMyit))) = (iy(t)y(t), u(y(t))) - 7|y(*)l + 2 2 ^(vM) 2 - | < / ( * ) | = I W M O I " 7 l < / ( 0 | = 0. 7 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS VOL. 1 NO. 3 399 ALEXEI A. MILYUTIN Therefore our assertion is true. On the other hand, if z(t), x(t), y(i), u(t) is an arbitrary trajectory o f the system (1) such that y(t) ^ 0 for all t in some interval [2o,<i] and the inequality u(t) ^ u(y(t)) holds on a subset of positive Lebesgue measure, then S(z(h), z(h), y(h)) - S(z(t ), x(t ), 0 y(t )) 0 < 0. 0 (14) T h e proof o f this assertion is similar to the proof o f assertion (13). In fact, for such a trajectory ^ = (£y(t)y(t),u(t)) - |y(*)| 2 T \£y(t)M\ ~ ^ 2 T | y ( 0 | = 0, and the inequality is strict if u(t) ^ u(y(t)). Now, (14) follows easily. Now we again consider the cases (10) and (11) separately. In case ( 1 0 ) , V l t \ u{y) = j T/ 0 ( V = [ _ y 1 o l and, consequently, there are no cycles among solutions of the equation y = u(y). Therefore, there are no admissible trajectories of the problem (1),(2) among solutions of system ( 1 2 ) . Thus, case (10) has nothing to d o with the solution of problem ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) . In case ( 1 1 ) , we represent u(y) in the form: u(y) = («i(y),«2(y)), Wl(y) = W 2 ( y ) Put C = yi + iy ,e 2 = -h/\l\ n(v) = W y22)+ li("l " i i ( ~ l - ih/\l\. ( y i 2 " " 2 2 2yiy2 Ff )' ) " l 2 y i y T Then 2 = j^WC ), My) = 2 ^(OC ). Therefore, the last equation of system (12) can be rewritten in the form <= (», 2 Put dr = dt/\£\ . Then equation (15) takes the form d^/dr general solution of this equation is given by < = \ TTlc' 2 = 9( . Up to a shift in r, the ( 1 6 ) where C is an arbitrary real number. For C = 0 we do not get a cyclic (periodic) solution of equation ( 1 5 ) . However, for any C ^ 0 the corresponding solution of (15) will be cyclic. We put 400 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS VOL. 1 NO. 3 AN EXAMPLE OF THE OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEM Then the corresponding solution y ( / , C ) of equation (12) takes the form: er(t) + iCJ \9r(t) + iClJ It is obvious that y(t,C) is a solution of (12) in the closed interval [ 0 , T ( C ) ] where T(C) = 7r/|C|. The solution y(t,C) is continuous in the closed interval [ 0 , T ( C ' ) ] , does not vanish in the open interval ( 0 , T ( C ) ) , and vanishes at its endpoints. Therefore, the function y{t,C) is an admissible trajectory for any C ^ 0. By using (13) and ( 1 4 ) , it is not hard to show that y(t, C) is a solution of problem ( 1 ) , (2) for any C ^ 0. In fact, let z(t), x(t), y(t, C) be a solution of system ( 1 2 ) . Then, according to ( 1 3 ) , z(T(C))-z(Q)-^(x(T(C))-x(0)) = 0. Hence, z(T(C)) - z(0) _ |/| x(T{C)) - x(0) (17) 4 Now let z(t), x(t), y(t), ti(t) be any admissible trajectory defined in a closed interval [0, T]. Then, in view o f ( 1 4 ) , z(T) - z(0) - | ( x ( T ) - * ( 0 ) ) 0. If y(t) / 0, i.e., if x{T) - x(0) > 0, then it follows that z(T) - z ( 0 ) l/[ *(T)-x(0) ^ 4' 1 ; T h e comparison o f (17) and (18) gives the desired conclusion. T h e existance of a multiplicity of solutions is related to the invariance o f problem ( 1 ) , (2) under a similarity group. Namely, if y(t) is an admissible function, then the function \y(t/fi), | A / / i | = 1, is also admissible and gives the same value o f the functional J as the initial one. By using the solutions y(t,C),C / 0 and the fact that problem is invariant with respect to shifts of the variable we shall construct the general solution of the problem. Let [ 0 , T ] , T > 0, be an arbitrary interval, and T C [0, T] be a closed set which contains the endpoints o f the interval but does not coincide with it. W e define a function y?{t). First we set yr(t) = 0 VteF. Let A C [ 0 , T ] be the complementary interval o f T. Put yHOU = y ( < - « L ( A ) , C ( A ) ) , where ti(A) is the left end o f A , | C ( A ) | = 7r|A|. N o w the function y?{t) is completely defined. It is easy to see that y?(t) satisfies the Lipschitz condition with constant 1 in [0,T] and that y ^ ( 0 ) = y j - ( T ) = 0. Thus, y?(t) is an admissible function. Since T does not coincide with the entire interval [0, T ] , this function is not equal to zero on a set of positive Lebesgue measure. Put uj:(i) — ^yj{i)It is obvious that Jo (£yryr,ur) dt _ E a J a u {£yryr> r)dt RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS VOL. 1 NO. 3 401 ALEXEI A. MILYDTIN But Ja {£yryF,u )dt _ \i\ T 2 LM dt 4 Consequently, y?{t) is a solution of problem ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) . T h e family yp{t) contains essentially all the solutions of this problem. Let y(t) be a solution o f the problem in a certain interval [ 0 , T ] . It is not hard to show that there exists a point t in the interval such that y(t) — 0. Otherwise, according to (14), the equation y — u(y) must hold on the entire segment. However, as we have already seen, it does not possess a cyclic solution in the domain y ^ 0. Let t G [ 0 , T ] , y(to) = 0. By a change o f variables we reduce the situation to the case to = 0. T o this end we put: 0 y(to+t), y(t to+t^T, + t-T), 0 t + t>T. 0 Then it is obvious that yi(t) is an admissible trajectory in [ 0 , T ] and y i ( 0 ) = yi(T) = 0. It is quite clear that J [ y i ( ) ] = J[?/(•)], and thus yi(t) is also a solution. Denote by T the set o f zeros of the function y\(t) in the interval [0, T ] . It is clear that T satisfies all the necessary conditions. W e shall prove that (t) yi = y {t). (19) T Let A be the complementary interval of T. Then y\(t) is a cyclic solution of the equation y — u(y) in A . Hence, there exist C, \C\ = 7r/|A|, such that yi{t)\ = A y(t-t (A),C). L Eq. (19) is now proved. Hence, an arbitrary solution o f the problem differs from the corresponding solution o f the family { y j - ( ^ ) } only by the choice of the initial point of the cycle. Thus, the problem ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) is completely solved W e note the following fact. Each solution of problem ( 1 ) , (2) is a trajectory c o m p o n e n t o f an extremal. T h e adjoint variables of any solution are described, according to the HamiltonJacobi theory, as follows: xp = 1, z where s' (y) = Syy — Syy, y 4> = - j , x = s' (y(t)), y y(t) is a component of the solution. T h e extremal is singular on the set of points t where Syy = 0 if the measure of this set is positive. It follows from (6) that this set coincides with the zero set o f y(t). On the complementary set y(t) ^ 0 (or, what is the same, Syy ^ 0) the extremal is nonsingular since the control is expressed, according to the m a x i m u m principle by means of y and ip . Let T be a perfect set and mesJf = 0. Then, since T is just the zero set o f y?{t), the corresponding extremal is nonsingular. On the other hand, since there are infinitely complementary intervals in any neighborhood of any point o f JT, any point o f T is a point of discontinuity of the control uj:{i). Therefore, the system (1) is an example of a control system having nonsingular extremals such that the control has a continuum o f discontinu­ ities. In the theory o f higher order conditions for singular extremals due to A . V . Dmitruk, a somewhat more general problem than ( 1 ) , (2) is important. Namely, instead o f the constraint |w| ^ 1, one must consider the restriction u £ U, where U is a convex c o m p a c t set such that 0 G intf/. Using the above ideas, A . V . Dmitruk shows that if the boundary of U is a shifted ellipse, then solutions of this new problem have a structure similar to that of problem ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) . This result is unpublished. It seems that this result holds in dimension 2 for any U, while the proof requires much more complicated considerations. y Translated by A. I. OVSEEVICH 402 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS VOL. 1 NO. 3