This handout contains:
• today’s iClicker Questions
• HMNH Lab Tips
• Figures for this lecture
Which of the following could not be caused by natural selection?
Cheetahs’ ability to run fast.
The camouflage pattern on the skin of a snake.
The ability of a bacterium to resist an antibiotic.
The loss of eyes in fish that live in caves with no light.
None of the above; that is, all of the above could be caused by natural selection.
Beaming in your answers
Figure out your answer and select the appropriate letter (A-E).
Turn on your iCliker by pressing the “ON/OFF” button; the blue “POWER” light should come on. If the red “LOW BATTERY” light comes on, you should replace your batteries soon.
Transmit your answer as follows: a.
Press the button corresponding to the answer you’ve selected (A thru E). b.
The “STATUS” light will flash green to indicate that your answer has been received.
If the “STATUS” light flashed red, your answer was not received; you should resend it until you get a green “STATUS” light.
There is no pre lab for this lab.
We will hand out free tickets to the HMNH on Friday.
You should read over the lab & be prepared (be sure to have notes on the phyla that are present at the HMNH- otherwise, 3 hours will not be enough time.
Your answers need not be long (1 to 3 sentences each), but they should be specific and concrete. Be sure to mention specific features, adaptations, etc..
You should bring a copy of Campbell to help you find the organisms in various questions.
You can go to the HMNH anytime it is open (mon - sat 9-5 & sun 1-5).
Your lab report will be due in your assigned lab section during the week of February 10.
Evolution 2 - 1
Which of the following is true? a) The arrow at (1) shows that individual cheetahs get faster over their lifetimes. b) The fast cat “long ago” is fast due to some mutation(s) that make it faster. c) The cats had to get faster over time or they would die because they could not catch fast prey. d) The cats got faster because evolution always favors faster, stronger, or physically fitter organisms. e) All of the above.
Evolution 2 - 2
Which of the following is true? a) The low oxygen levels caused the mutation in EPSA1. b) Normal humans respond to low oxygen by making fewer RBCs. c) Tibetans respond to low oxygen by making many more RBCs. d) Making more RBCs increases the amount of oxygen each cm 3 e) All of the above.
of blood can carry.
Which of the following must be true in order for the Tibetans to have a higher frequency of the mutant EPSA1 gene? a) Not all people born at high altitudes live to reproduce. b) Some people carry a mutation in EPSA1 that causes them to make fewer RBCs in response to low oxygen levels. c) People with the EPSA1 mutation are more likely to survive living for their entire lives at high altitudes. d) More than one of the above. e) All of the above.
Evolution 2 - 3
What is the most likely explanation for why the first cow herders made cheese from milk? a) Cheese tastes better than milk. b) Cheese has the lactose that the herders needed. c) Cheese does not have lactose, so it was the only way they could eat milk. d) Cheese is a way to preserve milk without refrigeration. e) More than one of the above.
Why is there a high percentage of lactase-persistent (LP) people in Sweeden? a) The mutation that causes LP first happened in a person in Sweeden. b) The mutation that causes LP happens more often in Sweeden. c) People in Sweeden with the LP mutation have more children than those without it. d) The LP mutation is caused by the Sweeds’ high milk diet. e) More than one of the above.
Why is there a low percentage of lactase-persistent (LP) people in China? a) The low milk Chinese diet does not cause the LP mutation. b) People in China with the LP mutation have about as many children as those without it. c) People in China with the LP mutation have fewer children than those without it. d) More than one of the above.
Evolution 2 - 4