Chemistry 140A Syllabus California State University, Sacramento 0B Fall 2016, Chemistry 140 A – Physical Chemistry Lecture I (3 units) 1B Tues, Thurs 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. 2B Eureka Hall 309 3B Instructor: Office Hours: Office: Phone: E-mail: Website: Benjamin Gherman Wednesdays, 11:00a.m. – 12:30p.m. and by appointment (appointments must be made 24 hours ahead) Sequoia Hall 416-C 916-278-6600 (please include “Chem140A” in the subject line) Course description 4B Introduction to chemical thermodynamics and kinetics. Prerequisite: CHEM 001B, CHEM 024, CHEM 031, MATH 032, PHYS 005A, PHYS 005B, or PHYS 011A, PHYS 011B, PHYS 011C; PHYS 011C may be taken concurrently. Course Texts 5B Required: T. Engel, P. Reid, “Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kinetics,” 3rd edition, 2012. (ISBN: 0-32176618-0) 19B Recommended: T. Engel, P. Reid, Student Solutions Manual for “Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kinetics,” 3rd edition, 2012. (Solutions Manual ISBN: 0-321-76684-9) 20B Course Website 6B The course website is The main page of the website will show announcements, and have links to the syllabus, course calendar, and homework assignments. Solutions to quizzes, exams, and practice exams can be found here. Any material presented in PowerPoint in lectures will also be posted. page 1 Chemistry 140A Syllabus Problem Sets 7B Problem sets composed of problems from the text will be assigned approximately weekly. Homework assignments will generally be assigned on Tuesdays; it is expected that they will be completed within one week. Solutions to the problems will be posted on the course website on the same day that homework is assigned. It is strongly recommended that the solutions not be accessed until after the problem set is completed. The solutions are provided to check your work and should not be used as a crutch for solving the problems. Problems sets will neither be collected nor graded. They will however form in part the basis for the quizzes. Quizzes 8B A total of 8 quizzes will be given during the course of the semester. Each quiz will be worth 20 points. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped. There will be no make-up quizzes; if you miss a quiz, your score on that quiz will be 0. Quizzes are generally scheduled for the Thursday of every week (see page 4 for details), except for exam weeks. U U Each quiz will be comprised of 2-3 problems. At least one of these problems will be taken directly from the past week’s problem set (only the numbers will change; everything else will remain exactly the same as the assigned problem). Consequently, careful attention to the problem sets will lead to greatly improved quiz performance. Exams 9B There will be 3 exams and a final exam according to the following schedule: Exam 1 Thursday, September 29 Exam 2 Thursday, October 27 Exam 3 Tuesday, November 22 Final Exam Thursday, December 15, 10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Each mid-term exam will be worth 100 points; the final exam will be worth 150 points. There will be no make-up exams. If you miss an examination, your score will zero. Exceptions regarding missed exams will be made only in legitimate cases, in which case an appropriate fraction of the final exam score will replace the missed exam. U U Regrade Requests 10B All regrade requests must be made in writing within 1 week of when papers are returned. Your attached note must make clear why you think an error exists. Any requests beyond this point will be not be considered. U U Course Grade 1B Grades in the course will be based on the total number of points received on quizzes and exams: 7 best quizzes x 20 pts each = 140 points 3 mid-term exams x 100 pts each = 300 points 1 final exam x 150 pts each = 150 points ----------------590 points Grade Scale (Subject to Change) 12B A to AB to BC to CD to DF 100-90% 89-80% 79-70% 69-60% <60% page 2 Chemistry 140A Syllabus Attendance 13B Class sessions will typically involve a mix of lecture, example problems, and in-class exercises. Lectures will not repeat the content of the assigned readings and will be used to highlight key points, concepts, and applications. Quizzes and exams will be based upon both the material from class and the readings. Thus, attendance is highly encouraged. U U How to succeed in this course 14B Complete the assigned readings before the class session. Lecture can than serve to reinforce, build upon, and add to the material in the text. Allow adequate time to complete the homework assignments. Completion of the homework is crucial to developing a real understanding of the material. The importance of the homework lies not so much in obtaining the right numerical answer at the end of a problem, but much more so in experiencing how concepts, equations, and questions work together. Homework provides essential practice of the steps involved in solving a full range of thermodynamics problems. Review the solutions posted on the course webpage for homeworks, quizzes, and exams. Do not peak into your solutions manuals until you have worked on the homework problems yourself. One of the most important goals of the course is to learn to how to approach and solve thermodynamics and kinetics problems. On all homeworks, quizzes, and exams, you must show your work to receive full credit on a problem. Take advantage of the resources available to you. Ask questions when there are things you don’t understand. Come to my office hours. Visit the course webpage regularly. U U Academic Dishonesty 15B Academic integrity is essential to a positive teaching and learning environment. All students enrolled in University courses are expected to complete coursework responsibilities with fairness and honesty. Failure to do so by seeking unfair advantage over others or misrepresenting someone else's work as your own can result in disciplinary action. The University policy on academic honesty can be found at Special Needs 16B Students with special needs should contact the office of Services to Students with Disabilities (, Lassen Hall 1008, 916-278-6955) and be prepared to provide them with disability documentation. Please then discuss accommodation needs with me after class or during my office hours early in the semester. Disruptive Classroom Behavior 17B Please silence all cell phones during class. You may use an audio recorder if you wish. page 3 Chemistry 140A Syllabus Course Calendar 18B T 8/30 R 9/1 T 9/6 R 9/8 T 9/13 R 9/15 T 9/20 R 9/22 T 9/27 R 9/29 T 10/4 R 10/6 T 10/11 R 10/13 T 10/18 R 10/20 T 10/25 R 10/27 T 11/1 R 11/3 T 11/8 R 11/10 T 11/15 R 11/17 T 11/22 R 11/24 *NO CLASS * (Thanksgiving) T 11/29 R 12/1 T 12/6 R 12/8 R 12/15 (10:15am – 12:15p.m.) topic intro to thermodynamics The First Law reading Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Internal Energy and Enthalpy Thermochemistry Chapter 3 Chapter 4 The Second and Third Laws Chapter 5 EXAM #1 Equilibrium Chapter 6 Properties of Gases Chapter 7 Phase Equilibria Chapter 8 EXAM #2 Solutions Chapter 9 Electrolyte Solutions Chapter 10 Electrochemistry Chapter 11 homeworks & quizzes HW #1 due quiz #1 HW #2 due quiz #2 HW #3 due quiz #3 HW #4 due HW #5 due quiz #4 HW #6 due quiz #5 HW #7 due HW #8 due quiz #6 HW #9 due HW #10 due / quiz #7 EXAM #3 Kinetics Chapter 18 Reaction Mechanisms Chapter 19 HW #11 due / quiz #8 HW #12 due FINAL EXAM Note: This schedule is tentative and subject to change. However, the dates of the exams will remain fixed. page 4