New York City College of Technology The City University of New York DEPARTMENT: Mathematics PREPARED BY: Professors Victoria Gitman, Jonas Reitz, COURSE: MAT 2071 TITLE: Introduction to Proofs and Logic DESCRIPTION: The course is designed to prepare students for an advanced mathematics curriculum by providing a transition from Calculus to abstract mathematics. The course focuses on the processes of mathematical reasoning, argument, and discovery. Topics include propositional and first order logic, learning proofs through puzzles and games, axiomatic approach to group theory, number theory, and set theory, abstract properties of relations and functions, elementary graph theory, sets of different cardinalities, and the construction and properties of real numbers. TEXT: Hammack, R. (2009). Book of Proof. Edition 1.3. Creative Commons Attribution - No Derivative Works 3.0 CREDIT HOURS: 4 cl hrs, 0 lab hrs, 4 cr PRE- or COREQUISITES: MAT 1575 LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1 Students will be able to evaluate truth of statements in propositional and first order logic. 2 Students will be able to understand and use formal reasoning methods. 3 Students will be able to recognize the role of sets in mathematics. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT For successful completion of the course, students should be able to: Instructional Activity, Evaluation Methods and Criteria Reason in accordance with laws of propositional and first-order logic Lecture, group work, homework assignments, examinations Evaluate truth of statements in propositional and first-order logic Use the axiomatic method in establishing the truth of mathematical statements Analyze and prove elementary statements about group theory, number theory, set theory, and graph theory View mathematics from the perspective of its constituent blocks – sets Construct real numbers and derive their properties starting from the natural numbers GENERAL EDUCATION LEARNING OUTCOMES Gather, interpret, evaluate, and apply information discerningly from a variety of sources. Employ scientific reasoning and logical thinking. Acquire tools for lifelong learning. Use creativity to solve problems. Show curiosity and the desire to learn. Lecture, group work, homework assignments, examinations Lecture, group work, homework assignments, examinations Lecture, group work, homework assignments, examinations Lecture, group work, homework assignments, examinations Lecture, group work, homework assignments, examinations ASSESSMENT Classroom discussion, writing assignments, student presentations, problem sets, tests, exams. Classroom discussion, writing assignments, student presentations, problem sets, tests, exams. Classroom discussion, writing assignments, student presentations, tests, exams. Problem sets, group work. Classroom discussion, groups work, presentations. GRADING PROCEDURE: ● Homework assignments and oral presentations ● Midterm ● Final Exam TEACHING/LEARNING METHODS: ● Lecture and guided discussion ● Student presentations ● Use of online resources ● Writing intensive assignment 30% 35% 35% WEEKLY COURSE OUTLINE: WEEK TOPIC CHAPTERS/SECTIONS 1 Sets sets, cartesian products, subsets 3 Logic propositional logic, statements, logical connectives, truth tables, logical equivalence 2 Sets 4 Logic Counting 6 Proof 5 7 8 9 10 11 Counting Proof Proof Midterm Proof Proof Proof Relations Relations 12 Functions 13 Functions 15 Final exam 14 Cardinality set operations, collections of sets first order logic, quantifiers, inference, lists, factorials counting subsets, binomial theorem, direct proof, examples from number theory contrapositive proof proof by contradiction if-and-only-if proofs, existence proofs, proofs involving sets disproof, counterexamples, proof by induction, logic puzzles strong induction, minimal counterexamples, relations and their properties equivalence relations and partitions, integers modulo n, real numbers, graph theory, relations between sets injective and surjective functions, pigeonhole principle, composition of functions inverse functions, image and preimage, cardinalities countable and uncountable sets, comparing cardinalities