CTP CPA LIMITED 〄㊺㛪姯⸒堳㛰昷⅓⏟ Our Core Mission We focus on providing clients with reliable financial information. Our personalized services take care of your financial and tax issues, assist you to make operation decisions and accomplish your business development. We will be rewarded and have the joy of your success for the value we create. ᆀлⅎᘧ࿅↔ល ᆀл⦃ؗᆚዌϫ۶㣘⅌ㅹع ЛဿǍ ᆀл͟Ճ㣜д̾٢ᕃⴃعၦл ⅎㅻ̢ػ⏮ݰػ䠽್؟ڑᶭ 㐄ᥤⓟݰ㓒ػ᜔܉ⅈൔǍ ᆀлസՈ܋㏨⅌Ӫќ䠽ːㇸ֫ ̸ྡྷॅⅎׇݰᅿࡂⅎؘ၌Ǎ Our services 服務範圍 Statutory Audits 㮓⩘㛶㐶 ŶAudit annual accounts of companies ŶAdvise clients on full range of accounting and auditing matters ŶഈᘧՇ̃܀ᣝໍㆽ↔ Ŷዌϫᕁ㟞ᔽۛㆽ↔ഈᘧ̃ജ᜔Ⴚ⾓ Accountancy Services 㗁壆㗋↗ Ŷ$FFRXQWLQJIXQFWLRQVRXWVRXUFLQJ Ŷ0DLQWDLQDFFRXQWLQJERRNVDQGUHFRUGV Ŷ3UHSDUHWKHSHULRGHQGFORVLQJHQWULHVDQG SHULRGLFILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV Ŷᇑክᔽֿ Ŷ⿰㙀ۛⴃᔽㆽ↔ Ŷ♑ຝۛ⛋ᕓ㞥ㅻػ⺮ Taxation Services 䣃↗㗋↗ ŶAct as client’s tax representative, prepare and file tax returns ŶAssist in handling IRD enquiries, field audit and appeals ŶAdvise on corporate and individual tax compliance, corporate structure and cross border issues Ŷεᆚ̃⏮⺮͝ػ䠽⛋݂ۛ⏮⺮ Ŷॅ؟ڑⓝ⏮̃ൂػᗩ〤䠽അॻഈᘧۛ۞ഡ〛⏮ ŶዌϫͲ᜔ۛж̀⏮⾔܉ػᕅػ䠽 ഡͲ᜔ᗁۛ㉏ੱ̢ዌϫႺ⾓ Special Audits and Reports 䄷⃣䖬䕂⪧㛶⊈䲦⛯⌈ ŶInvestigate into irregularities and make recommendations to clients ŶValuation of companies and assessment on operational efficiency Ŷഡᆚሷ್ࠉ㦏㏳⺙なᗩۛዌ֢Ꮺ༵ ŶՇ܀Ύўۛᶭ㐄Ꮺ〛Ύ Company Secretarial Services ⊶䢖㖶㗋↗ ŶAssist in setting up new companies and business registration application ŶMaintain statutory records ŶArrange meetings of directors and shareholders and prepare minutes ŶProvide registered office and mail handling ŶHandle commercial papers for virtual office Ŷ؟ڑᅿ⑻ᑀՇۛ܀ⅇ⿰⏲ ŶⴃۛЙಚՇ⿰್ᦰ̃܀㙀䠽ଠ⢂ᖎ Ŷುኝ⭫̢ۛ⢂ᖎᔽ䠽˪ⴃᔽ⿰㙀 Ŷዌϫ〆ॻংݰᏧНⴃ Ŷⴃࠁ᜔ᐣͫ Human Resources ᵸ⅙宅㵎 ŶDefine job specifications and requirements of the accounting functions ŶScreen appropriate candidate(s) from the job application letters for interview ŶPerform interviews and verify the abilities of the candidates Ŷ؟ڑ㔾ε⡥ㆅݰᔽؘ⣇⾊ᤸ Ŷ┾㐪ᅌྐྵ⠗ Ŷ㏳⺙㣜〦͟㝜್ᅌྐྵ⠗ⅎ⣇ؗ Other Services ‴ᶔ㗋↗ ŶAssist clients to arrange bank financing and prepare necessary supporting documents ŶAssist individual to prepare Debt Relief Proposal (DRP) 70 ŶTailormade accounting system on the GL2K platform, accommodate to client’s environment and requirements Ŷ؟ڑುኝ㗋⺙ⷵ㆝䠽ᬄңᆡ㢒ⅎᏡሴᐣͫ Ŷ؟ڑж̀㏳⺙ҵ⛌⦛ػ 5. Ŷ͟(-,໌۹ⲕᕞ䠽 ᘨᆚᶭ㐄Ὺੱݰ㢒⾊㋳㏪ᔽ☉♬ Company Profile 公司簡介 Core Value and Commitment 㛶⺁ᾷỺ⍊ㄽ妼 ŶIntegrity ŶFulfill our commitment ŶFair deal ŶConfidentiality of client information ŶこН Ŷ㐧ೀᇑゞ ŶՇ໌̴ᒍ Ŷᆚ㆝ᐮЙ೬ Our firm distinguishes from other local CPA firms in terms of : ᆀл⦒Ս͓ᔽບ̢ػᆡ˚ⴃ̃܍ ŶThe manner we serve our clients and our commitment to follow the assignment to its completion. ŶOur aspiration to achieve client satisfaction. ŶOur China exposure and our network with various CPA firms in different regions of China Ŷ͟ᕞ䠽ᆚୣᨆⅎ̢ػ䠽 ᆀлᇑゞ㉇㏳↚ׇೃᅿͮػᢐ Ŷ㔻⾙ᆚ᭜Ⴚ Ŷᆀл⦒˚ػ̢ⅎځॻ܍ᆡЙሴ၁⡞✵䠽 ഡॢՂ̢ػᕁː್ⅎ̞⿈ No. of StaffŮ ̀ᐖ䠝 㩂᪷䠝 Ս͓ॻᑇ ᅿ⑻ໍͯ䠝 Year of establishment: Hong Kong : >5 Elsewhere : >30 2013 S.M. Tang & Co., Certified Public Accountants merged with Y.C. Cheung & Co. Certified Public Accountants officially on 2 January, 2013 and practiced under CTP CPA Limited . 㒰ഫᐣᔽບ̢ػᆡݰཝ㑠ᔽທ̢ػᆡᑉໍᕀᑨ܉ ωᅿဂሒᔽບ⺙ᕁ㠎Շ܀Ǎ Networked Firm 伭廡ヾ Accuracy Corporate Services Limited operates in the same premises and jointly serves the clients. 㝜ᬄͲ᜔ᕅػᕁ㠎Շ܍ॴ܀ːॻং㐄ε䠽 Պ܍ᕅػᆚǍ Our Clients ⩠ヴ Mainly small to medium sized privately owned Hong Kong companies and groups engaged in ˹⾊㩂᪷ᅿ⑻ⅎ⏂̀˯ണͲ᜔ݰ㡦४䠽Ս᜔ٗػሟ ŶInvestment holding ŶProperty development and investments ŶTrading (with offshore claim) ŶInformation technology (software) ŶManufacturers in HK and/or China ŶEnvironmental engineering (one of them is listed on AIM) Ŷᇥ㆝ Ŷḕ᜔ᇥ㆝ Ŷ㆖ᒍ㑺ͯ⁑㡾ඛ⏮ Ŷ㌑ͫ Ŷ⼠㏪᜔ ŶῪЙ⏲Ս˯ː㞥ॴ"*.˗ Partners 合夥人 Simon S.M. Tang CPA(practising) 忥⫘㑅 䏝 Certified Tax Auditor (HK) Certified Internal Auditor (IIA) FCCA Mr. Tang started his career in 1989 in a small CPA firm whose partner came from one of the big 4. He joined Coopers & Lybrand in 1991 and later worked in Kwan Wong Tan & Fong. Mr. Tang then worked for a garment manufacturer (with over 2000 workers) in Dongguan, China for 3 years. Mr.Tang started his full time practise in 1996. For the past 10 years, Mr. Tang focuses on audit of Hong Kong companies, tax arrangement, handling accounting and tax issues arising from HK-China cross border transactions, management consultancy and accounting and development of related accounting information system. During 2004 to 2008, Mr. Tang is the signing partner of another Hong Kong CPA firm being founded by one of the top 20 CPA firm in China. Mr. Tang was assigned the responsibility of auditing their clients with operations in Hong Kong. Those companies are mainly subsidiaries of listed companies in China. Vincent Y.C. Cheung CPA(practising) 㒰Ԭ⁁ᑉໍॴː㞥˯ണᔽບ̢ػᆡ㞝 ͓ⅎ᜔̢⁁ᩑǍໍ䠽ؙ͓Ձ㐌ᔽ ບ̢ػᆡ䠽˪ॴ̃ྜྷؙՁ㟞㶌㠦ᑇᔽບ⺙Ǎ Սྜྷ䠽㒰Ԭ⁁ː㞥ॴᖎ⫊ᎇᕁ㈂㐇 ̀ⅎ㆝ᅿ⺪༡εክ㎯˖ໍǍ 㒰Ԭ⁁ᑉໍ㞝㍪Ճ⡥ਂ᜔Ǎॴ㐇ⅎ۔ ڂໍ㞥䠽ജᧀᆚⴃഈnj⏮ػುኝnj ˯᪷㉏ੱᔽۛ⏮ࠉػ㦏nj᎖ͮ┐㦥ࠉݰ㞝 ⅈ↝㟞ᔽ㆝☉♬Ǎ ໍ⦂ໍᕓ㞥䠽㒰Ԭ⁁؟ڑː㞥ָ˯ॢ ̣ڂⅎᔽບ⺙ᑉ㩂᪷⑻̢ػᆡ䠽˪᎖ͮ ̀΅܉Ǎ㒰Ԭ⁁ⅎ˹⾊ε〰ᔽບ⺙ⅎॢ Ղᆚॴ㩂᪷㐄εⅎՇ܀ዌϫഈᘧᕅػ䠽Ս˯ 㑺ͯॢՂ˗̃ಓՇ܀Ǎ ⷳ彿㳃 䏝 ICAEW Mr. Cheung started his career in accounting in 1990. He had been working as an auditor in PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young. He later worked as an Internal Auditor of a foreign bank for two years. Mr. Cheung set up his accounting firm in 1997 in Hong Kong, majoring in auditing, tax filing, accounting and company secretary services. He has accumulated more than 23 years practical working experience in accounting and financial aspect. In recent years, he focuses on assurance work. 㩂᪷ਂ᜔ᔽບ 〆⏮ػບ㩂᪷ ॢ㡇〆Ղ㑺ഈບ ⩊ॢՇぅᔽບՇᔽ㆝ᔽ 㩂᪷ਂ᜔ᔽບ ⩊ॢḡ ᔽບՇᔽᔽ ཝԬ⁁ᑉໍ㞝ⅈൔՍᔽ᜔̢䠽͓Ԭྜྷ ᑉ➧Ռޗ㐌ᔽບ̢ػᆡۛುᔽບ̢ػᆡ ᎖ͮᘧᐖεǍཝԬ⁁Սྜྷ̶ᑉ㆝㗋⺙֢ͮՂ 㑺ഈՄໍǍ ཝԬ⁁ᑉໍॴ㩂᪷㞝Սᔽບ̢ػᆡ䠽 ˹⾊ㅺㆅ˯ണͲᘧᐖnj⏮njᔽۛ᎖ͮՇ⏒܀ ᔵⓓεǍ൫͍☶␠㐍ໍ⦒ᔽݰㅻ↝ػ㟞 ⅎഅ㡇ε⚃㫡䠽㆝ᢜㄾڽǍ㎯ໍ䠽͓˹⾊ ᆚዌϫഈᕅػǍ ⊶◮◾ Address Room 1011, 10/F, 655 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel.: (852) 2380 0801 Fax: (852) 2380 0805 㩂᪷̏㸩ᑶ⾺ཫᐈ㐌ⴉផೕ 㢏〯䡋 ҳ↹䡋 Office Hours 幤㔀摑 Saturday Sunday & Public Holiday 9:30a.m. - 1:00p.m. 2:00p.m. - 6:00p.m. 9:30a.m. - 1:00p.m. Closed ᒔᕓː⦂̩ ˗̏ڈᒬ˖ڈ˘⦂֫ڂːᒬ ˘̣ڈᒬ⦂Ոᒬ ᒔᕓՈ ˗̏ڈᒬ˖ڈ˘⦂֫ڂːᒬ ᒔᕓᑨۛՇ⇓ѤᕓՃᑨͿ၁ Email: Website: info@ctpcpa.com www.ctpcpa.com 㢏㒆䡋 ⚜ং䡋 Monday – Friday info@ctpcpa.com www.ctpcpa.com