Gastric Cancer Treatment Guideline V1. 2014. PNTN Reference Version 2.2013, 04/25/13 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2013, All rights reserved. 屏東醫院 (1) 有關治療指引的部份,參閱 NCCN guidelines 進行相關修正以符合本院現行之治療模式。 (2) 化療指引修定主要為 Adjuvant 與 Recurrent。 2014 胃部惡性腫癌臨床指引修増內容 版本 V1.2014 (1030715) 修改內容 臨床指引內容: 1.新增 T1a 可選擇 ESD or EMR。 2. R2 resection 的術後輔助性選擇包含:(1) CCRT。(2) chemotherapy。(3) Palliative care。 3.追蹤項目更正如下: (1) H&P檢測,術後3-6個月檢測一次,若為陽性反應則先予投藥治療;爾後若再次 檢測結果為陰性者,則改為每年檢測一次即可。 (2) Endoscopy 一年一次,若為陰性則改為每兩年一次。CEA每三個月檢測一次。 Abd sono每半年一次。CXR每年一次。 (3) PET/CT scan 改為 option。 4. ECOG score>3 Support care。 化療指引內容: 新增 Adjuvant 與 Recurrent (PHDEL、XELOX、DCF、EOX等regimen)。 其餘內容詳見內文敘述 屏東醫院 Clinical practice guidelines in Gastric Cancer in Situ V.1.2014 WORKUP *H&P *Upper GI endoscopy and biopsy *Chest/abdominal CT with oral and IV contrast *Pelvic CT as clinically indicated *PET-CT evaluation if no evidence of M1 disease *CBC and chemistry profile *Endoscopic ultrasound(EUS) if no evidence of M1 disease (preferred) *Endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR) CLINICAL STAGE Medically fit Tis or f T1a Medically unfit Medically fit, postentially resectable Locoregional may contribute to accurate staging of early stage cancers *Nutritonal assessment and counseling *Biopsy of metasatic disease as clinically indicated (M0) *HER2-neu testing if metastatic adenocarcinoma is documented/ suspected *Smoking cessation advice, counseling and pharmacotherapy Seage Ⅳ (M1) f ADDITIONAL EVALUATION Medically fit, unresectable Consider Iaparoscopy (category 2B) Multidis ciplinary review preferred (See GAST-2) Medically unfit Tis or T1a:Defined as carcinoma in situ(Tis) or invasion of mucosa without submucosal invasion(T1a) Palliative Therapy (see GAST-7) GAST-1 屏東醫院 Clinical practice guidelines in Gastric Cancer in Situ V.1.2014 POST LAPAROSCOPY FINDINGS Medically unfit Medically fit FINAL STAGE Tis or T1a Tis or T1a T1b Medically fit, postentially respectable Locoregional disease(M0) Medically fit unresectable Medically unfit Laparoscopic findings of Metastatic disease(M1) I T2 or higher, Any N PRIMARY TREATMENT Endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR) or ESD EMR or ESD or Surgery SurgeryI SurgeryI or Preoperative chemotherapy (category 1) or SurgeryI Preoperative chemoradiation (category 2B) Concurrent fluoropyrimidine-or taxane-based chemoradiation(category 1) or Chemotherapy Concurrent fluoropyrimidine-or taxane-based chemoradiation(category 1) (Definitive) or Palliative Therapy (see GAST-7) Periodic endoscopic surveillance Surgical Outcomes for Patients Who Have Not Received Preoperative Therapy (see GAST-3) Surgical Outcomes for Patients Who Have Received Preoperative Therapy(see GAST-4) Post Treatment Assessment/ Adjunctive Treatment (see GAST-5) Post Treatment Assessment/ Adjunctive Treatment (see GAST-5) Palliative Therapy (see GAST-7) Surgery as primary therapy is appropriate for≥ T1b cancer or actively bleeding cancer , or when postoperative therapy is preferred GAST-2 屏東醫院 Clinical practice guidelines in Gastric Cancer in Situ V.1.2014 SURGICAL OUTCOMES/CLINICAL PATHOLOGIC FINDINGS (Patients Have Not Received Preoperative Chemotherapy or Chemoradiation) Tis or T1, N0 R0 resection R1 resection R2 resection M1 POSTOPERATIVE TREATMENT Observe T2,N0 Observe or 5-FU± leucovorin or capectiabine then fluoropyrimidine-based chemoradiation, then 5-FU± leucovorin or capectiabine for selected patients T3,T4,Any N or Any T, N+ 5-FU± leucovorin or capectiabine, then fluoropyrimidine-based chemoradiation, then 5-FU± leucovorin or capectiabine(category) or Chemotherapy for patients who have undergone primary D2 lymph node dissection Follow-up (see GAST-6) Chemoradiation (fluoropyrimidine-based) Chemoradiation (fluoropyrimidine-based) or Chemotherapy Palliative Therapy (see GAST-7), as clinically indicated Palliative Therapy (see GAST-7) GAST-3 屏東醫院 Clinical practice guidelines in Gastric Cancer in Situ V.1.2014 SURGICAL OUTCOMES/CLINICAL PATHOLOGIC FINDINGS (Patients Have Not Received Preoperative Chemotherapy or Chemoradiation) TUMOR CLASSIFICATIONS T2, N0 POSTOPERATIVE TREATMENT Observe or Chemotherapy, if received preoperatively(category1) R0 resection T3,T4,Any N or Any T, N+ Chemotherapy, if received preoperatively(category1) Follow-up (see GAST-6) R1 resection R2 resection Chemoradiation(fluoropyrimidine-based) only if not received preoperatively Chemoradiation (fluoropyrimidine-based) only if not received preoperatively or Chemotherapy Palliative Therapy (see GAST-7), as clinically indicated M1 Palliative Therapy (see GAST-7) GAST-4 屏東醫院 Clinical practice guidelines in Gastric Cancer in Situ V.1.2014 POST TREATMENT ASSESSMENT OUTCOME Resectable and medically operable Medically fit, unresectable or Medically unfit patients Restaging: *Abdominal/pelvic CT with oral and IV contrast *CBC and chemistry profile following primary treatment *PET/CT scan (option) *Chest CT as clinically indicated Unresectable or Medically inoperable and/or Medastatic disease ADJUNCTIVE TREATMENT Surgery (preferred) if appropriate or Follow-up (see GAST-6) Palliative Therapy (see GAST-7) GAST-5 屏東醫院 Clinical practice guidelines in Gastric Cancer in Situ V.1.2014 FOLLOW-UP RECURRENCE Resectable and medically operable *H&P every 3-6 mo for 1-2y, every 6-12 mo for 3-5y, then annually *CBC and chemistry profile as indicated *Radiologic imaging or Endoscopy, as clinically indicated *Monitor for nutritional deficiency (eg, B12 and iron) in surgically resected patients and treat as indicated. *HER2-neu testing, if not Locoregional recurrence (see GAST-7) Unresectable or medically inoperable Metastatic disease Consider surgery or Palliative Therapy See Palliative Therapy (GAST-7) See Palliative Therapy (GAST-7) Done previously GAST-6 屏東醫院 Clinical practice guidelines in Gastric Cancer in Situ V.1.2014 PERFORMANCE Karnofsky performance score ≥60% or ECOG performance score≤2 PALLIATIVE THERAPY Chemotherapy or Clinical trial Best supportive care Unresectable locally advanced , Locally recurrent or metastatic disease Karnofsky performance score<60% or ECOG performance score≥3 Best supportive care GAST-7 屏東醫院 Clinical practice guidelines in Digestive System V.1.2014 Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant 最近改版期 103.07.15 (主要修訂 adjuvant 與 Recurrent) Adjuvant 處方內容 1. Xeloda 625mg/m2 po BID + CCRT 2. UFUR 200mg/m2 QD + Xeloda 625mg/m2 po BID 1. Abiplatin (Cisplatin) 60-100mg/m2 (50mg/amp) + N/S Neo- 處方內容 adjuvant 500cc IVD 4hrs on D1 2. Flurouracil (5FU) 1000mg/m2(1000mg/amp)+ N/S 500cc IVD 24hrs on (D1-D4 ) 1. PHDFL Cisplatin 85mg/m2 D1 + High dose 5-FU 1-10mg/m2+ Leucovorin Recurrent Metastatic Locally advanced 200mg/m2 for Q8 weeks 2. XELOX 處方內容 Oxalipltin 130mg/m2 D1 + Capecitabine 850-100mg/m2 Q12H on D1 to D14 for Q3 weeks 3. EOX Epirubicin 50mg/m2 D1 + Oxaliplatin 130mg/m2 D1 + Capecitabine 625mg/m2 po BID D1-D21 for 3 weeks a cycles 4. High dose 5-FU + FOLFOX 4 +Leucovorin 5. Oral UFUR 200mg/m2 QD + Xyloda 625mg/m2 po BID 6. Docetaxel 60-75mg/m2 D1 + Cisplatin 60-75mg/m2 D1 for Q3 weeks 7. DCF Docetaxel 60-75mg/m2 D1 + Cisplatin 60-75mg/m2 + 5-FU 750mg/m2/day continuous infusion on D1-D5 for Q3 weeks GAST-8