校園規劃及可持續發展處 Campus Planning and Sustainability Office 2016 環保迎新營贊助計劃 Green O’Camp Sponsorship 2016 參加計劃的流程 •6月20日或之前 報名 • 遞交「2016環保迎新營贊助計劃」申請表 • 參加的迎新營籌委將最遲於6月24日獲發通知 •7月8日至9月8日 贊助內容 及履行 綠色行動 • 計劃將贊助迎新營印製迎新營的常用物品,包括T-shirt、毛巾或環保水樽 • 將至少一個綠色訊息及CPSO之標誌印製於申請贊助的物品上,印製前必 須將設計遞交CPSO作審批,設計指引見附件A • 舉辦迎新營時履行「環保迎新營」清單上最少10個行動(見附件B及D) • 「環保迎新營」清單中部分行動需要拍照以作證明,其中一張相必須為一 群參加者與贊助物品的合照 (見附件C) • 保留正本單據作將來申請發還款項之用,如申請贊助之物品價格超過 $10,000,必須取得至少兩份報價 •9月9日前 報告及發 還款項 • 網上填寫:(1)已填妥之「環保迎新營行動清單」,報告履行了的行動數 目及上載相關相片 • 親身遞交:(2)開支正本單據、(3)水樽不含雙酚A(BPA)的證明(如適用) 及 (4)報價記錄(如適用) • 款項發還程序需時約一個月 •10月13日 典禮及 獎勵 • 履行最多綠色行動的迎新營可獲頒「最綠迎新營大獎」 • 所有參與的迎新營籌委將獲發參與證書 • 迎新營籌委將獲邀參加10月13日的頒獎典禮,屆時迎新營籌委請派代表 出席 校園規劃及可持續發展處 Campus Planning and Sustainability Office 2016 環保迎新營贊助計劃 Green O’Camp Sponsorship 2016 Aim To encourage O’Camp organizers (OCs) to incorporate green elements in their O’Camps in order to reduce the environmental impact of the event, and to help introduce a green life style to the freshmen and also the green resources on campus which they can use. Green O’Camp Sponsorship Types of items sponsored: (Each O’Camp can select only one item type to be sponsored) 1. T-shirts 2. Towels 3. Reusable water bottles: the bottles to be produced must not contain bisphenol A (BPA) Rules of sponsorship: • Maximum sponsorship of $25 per item. Sponsorship per item shall not exceed $25 or the actual production cost per item, whichever is lower. • T-shirts, towels and reusable water bottles for organizers or ‘jobamas’ are eligible for sponsorship, but only if the number of items requested for organizers and ‘jobamas’ (combined) does not exceed the number of items requested for freshmen. • The total sponsorship for each O’Camp may be subject to a maximum to be defined by the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office (CPSO). • Subsidies will be paid in the form of reimbursement after production. • Due to budget constraint and to avoid duplication of resources, preference will be given to application from O’Camp OC at Faculty and College levels. Green O’Camp Sponsorship Requirements To be eligible for the sponsorship, the O’Camp must: 1. Apply on or before 20 June 2016 (see ‘How to apply for the sponsorship’). 2. Incorporate one of the green messages and the logo ‘CPSO of CUHK’ into the design of the sponsored items* in accordance with the design guidelines as appended to this document (see Appendix ‘A’). 3. Submit the item design to cpso@cuhk.edu.hk for checking and approval prior to production (please note that some lead time is required for item production, so submit your design for our review early so that you can place your order on time!) 4. Fulfill at least 10 of the 20 actions listed in the ‘Green O’Camp Action List’ (see Appendix ‘B’ ), including the first 4 actions labelled as ‘mandatory actions’. 5. Take photos during O’Camp as proof of fulfilling the actions (see Appendix ‘C’). Each O’Camp must also submit a group photo featuring a large group of students holding/wearing the sponsored item. 6. Fill in a ‘Green O’Camp Action List’ e-survey after O’ Camp to let us know how many green actions your O’ Camp has fulfilled. Submission deadline: 9 Sept 2016. 1 7. O’Camps that meet the requirements of the sponsorship will be asked to bring original receipts* to the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office (Rm 328, Pi Ch’iu Building). Invoice will not be accepted. In circumstances where the cost exceeds $10,000, a minimum of two quotations must be provided. Reimbursement normally takes around one month to process. How to apply for the sponsorship Please send the application form (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/documents/2016_GreenOCamp_Form.docx) to cpso@cuhk.edu.hk latest by 20 June 2016. ‘Greenest O’Camp Award’ The O’Camp that has fulfilled the highest number of actions in the ‘Green O’Camp Action List’ (See Appendix ‘B’) will be acknowledged as the ‘Greenest O’ Camp’, and each OC member will receive a special gift as a prize! O’Camps applying for the ‘Green O’Camp Sponsorship’ will be entered into the competition automatically when they submit their ‘Green O’Camp Action List’ e-survey forms online. All O’Camps OCs that fulfill the requirements of the Sponsorship will be invited to a celebration on 13 October 2016, at which they will be awarded prizes and recognized for their achievements. All O’Camps should appoint their representative(s) to attend the ceremony. Personal Information Collection (PIC) Statement • The personal data collected will be used for - The Campus Planning and Sustainability Office (CPSO) to contact you and send you information related to campus sustainability. • The personal data will not be kept or used for other purposes apart from the above. • You have the right of access to, and correction of, personal data kept and used by CPSO in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. For access or correction requests, please contact CPSO. Enquiries For enquiries, please contact Flora Lee (3943 3925/ floralee@cuhk.edu.hk) or Eliza Mok (3943 3924/ elizamok@cuhk.edu.hk) of the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office. 2 Green O’Camp Sponsorship 2016 - Appendix A Design Guidelines 1. The design must include one of the green messages below as well as the logo ‘CPSO of CUHK’ (available online). 2. Please check the requirements below for displaying the slogan and the logo. 3. The words must be legible and clearly visible, not distorted or blurry and of a size no smaller than that stated in the requirements below). 4. The reusable water bottles to be produced must not contain bisphenol A (BPA). This must be supported by a typed/ written description (e.g. product type: BPA-free bottles) on the bottle or on the invoice or receipt issued by the supplier. 5. All final design of the sponsored item should be submitted to CPSO (cpso@cuhk.edu.hk) for approval before order of production is placed or confirmed. If the final design is considered in line with these design guidelines, approval will be given normally within one-week time. Green messages • • • • OCs should choose one of the Chinese AND/OR the English messages below. Please check the table below to see which messages are applicable to which type of sponsored item. OCs are free to use any colour, font type and graphic design for the green message. The green message shall be larger than the CPSO logo. Please check the table below for the minimum height of each letter / character. Chinese English Applicable to item type 減碳救地球 從慳電着手 分類回收用心做 消滅廢物無難度 慳錢又減廢 自攜水樽最實際 樂步健行 環保又醒神 珍惜樹木 減少用紙最綠 Save Energy for a T-shirts Greener Future Got Trash? Sort and T-shirts Recycle Bring Your Own! Reusable water bottles Walk to Cut Carbs and T-shirts Carbon Like Trees? Save Paper Towels Minimum height of each letter / character 15 mm (Chin text) / 10 mm (Eng text) 15 mm (Chin text) / 10 mm (Eng text) 10 mm (Chin text) / 5 mm (Eng text) 15 mm (Chin text) / 10 mm (Eng text) 10 mm (Chin text) / 5 mm (Eng text) CPSO logo • The “CPSO of CUHK” logo (featured below) MUST be used (file can be downloaded from: www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/documents/CPSO-CUHK-words.eps) • The logo must be at least 25mm in width and 2.7mm in height and must be smaller than the green message above. The logo should not be amended or distorted in any way. The logo should be shown against a background of uniform colour. The logo itself can be in any colour. 3 • • Green O’Camp Sponsorship 2016 - Appendix B (English version follows Chinese version) 環保迎新營行動清單 (要求: 完成「環保迎新營行動清單」内20項行動中至少10項行動,包括首4項必須履行的行動) 註有 ‘*’ 的行動項目,請參閱「附件 D」了解相關資料及細則。 參加籌委需妥善保存各項與完成綠色迎新營行動的證明,例如:拍照。詳情可參考「附件 C 」內所列舉的 例子。我們亦鼓勵迎新營在提供資料證明有執行「環保迎新營行動清單」上的行動時發揮創意,以「附件 C 」建議外的方式證明已執行行動。 必須履行的行動 1. (必須履行的行動) 我們拒玩「水戰」或任何浪費食水的遊戲。 2. (必須履行的行動) 我們禁止使用任何破壞大學環境的玩具或物品,例如:花炮、氦氣球、五彩紙屑及閃 光粉。 3. (必須履行的行動) 我們沒有或盡量減少派發即用即棄包裝飲品。我們要求迎新營的所有參加者盡可能自 備水樽。 4. *(必須履行的行動) 在備餐前,我們預先諮詢飯堂及餐廳的管理人員,揀選比較受歡迎而較少機會成為 剩菜的菜式。此外,我們按參加者的人數多寡,決定訂餐份量,盡量減少廚餘。 認識校園內的綠色資源 5. *我們向新生放映「『Like』環保 - 自備水樽!」投影片,鼓勵他們自攜水樽及使用校園内的飲水機;或 將投影片內的訊息以電子方式傳遞給各新生(例如:將投影片下載連結與他們分享)。 6. *我們向新生示範同如何使用「CUHK Mobile」 應用程式搜索校内飲水機位置。 7. *我們帶領新生行走過綠色「大」「部」行中其中一路段,並告知他們只需用「中大通」在路段起點及 終點的拍卡器上各拍咭一次,行程便會被記錄下來,而學生可獲得相應積分。 8. 我們向新生介紹一些取得二手課本的途徑。 9. *我們鼓勵新生登記成為「中大綠色達人」。 綠色的活動規劃 10.*我們請迎新營的所有工作人員及「組爸媽」閱讀《可持續發展迎新營指引及向新生推廣大學的 環保指引》,認識一些舉辦環保迎新營的貼士。 4 Green O’Camp Sponsorship 2016 - Appendix B 減少碳排放 11. 我們將室內活動場地的温度設定在 25.5°C±2°C 之間,並提醒新生將自己房間的冷氣溫度設定於此範 圍内。 12. 在活動期間,我們與新生都盡量以走樓梯代替乘搭電梯。 13. 選擇校外活動地點時,我們盡量選擇可以步行或乘搭港鐵到達之地方,以減低運輸的碳足印。 14. 我們點菜時不揀選含牛肉的菜式,以減低膳食的碳足印。 減少廢物 15. *我們提醒新生分類處理廢物 (例如:紙、膠和金屬),並將它們放入分類回收筒。 16. 我們不使用即棄餐具 (例如:膠或紙的杯和碟)或餐具(例如:膠刀、膠叉和木筷等)。 17. 我們向新生提供不多於4款贊助禮品。 18. 我們於迎新營完畢後收集並捐贈新生不要/多餘的禮品並將物品捐贈給慈善團體。 珍惜食物減少廚餘 19. 享用中餐時,我們揀選六道菜,以取代傳統的八道菜。 20. 我們鼓勵新生在飯堂用膳發覺飯量過多時要求「少飯 」,以減少浪費食物及避免製造廚餘。 Green O’Camp Action List (Requirement: fulfill at least 10 out of 20 items, including the first 4 mandatory actions) For items marked with ‘*’, please feel free to check the ‘Resources’ section below (see Appendix ‘D’) for supporting information and resources! Please retain proof of fulfilling the actions during O’Camp (e.g. by taking photos). For some examples of proof, please see Appendix ‘C’. We encourage O’Camps to be creative when submitting proof of implementing the actions on the Green O’Camp Action List. It is all right for O’Camps to prove that they have fulfilled the actions by means other than those recommended in Appendix ‘C’. Mandatory actions 1. (Mandatory action) We have forbidden water games. 2. (Mandatory action) We have forbidden the use of toys that pollute the campus landscape like: crackers with paper streamers (花炮), helium balloons, confetti (五彩紙屑) and glitter (閃光粉). 3. (Mandatory action) We have not distributed or we have minimized the distribution of drinks in disposable packaging. We have requested all members of O’Camp to bring their own reusable water bottles where possible. 4. *(Mandatory action) We have consulted canteen and restaurant management prior to ordering meals to find out which dishes are most popular and less likely to generate leftovers. Also, we have minimized food waste by ordering food portion as appropriate to the number of participants. 5 Green O’Camp Sponsorship 2016 - Appendix B Learn about green resources on campus 5. *We have presented the Powerpoint ‘“Like” our Earth- Bring Your Own Bottle!’ to freshmen and encouraged them to bring their own bottles and use water dispensers on campus, OR, we have conveyed the message in the Powerpoint to them by electronic communication (i.e. by sending them the web link to the said Powerpoint file). 6. *We have shown freshmen how to access the location map of water dispensers in the CUHK Mobile App. 7. * We have taken the freshmen on a walk along one of the walking trails of the ‘Walk for Green’ Programme and informed them that they can accumulate points by tapping their CU Link cards at the card readers at the start and end points of each route. 8. We have given freshmen tips on how to obtain second-hand textbooks. 9. *We have encouraged freshmen to register as ‘CU Green Buddies’. Green event planning 10. *We have asked all organizers and ‘jobamas’ to read the ‘Guidelines for Sustainable O’ Camps and Promoting the University’s Green Guidelines to Freshmen’ for tips on how to make our O’ Camp greener. Carbon footprint reduction 11. We have set the thermostat temperature of air conditioning at our event venues to 25.5°C +/- 2°C and reminded new students to observe the temperature range for air conditioning in their own rooms. 12. We together with the freshmen have taken the stairs instead of the lifts as far as practicable. 13. We reduce our carbon footprint from commuting by visiting places within walking distance or accessible by MTR. 14. We reduce our carbon footprint from food consumption by not ordering any dishes that contain beef. Waste reduction 15. *We have asked freshmen to separate their recyclable waste (i.e. paper, plastic and metal) and dispose of them properly in recycling bins. 16. We did not use disposable dishware (e.g. plastic or paper plates, cups) or cutlery (e.g. plastic forks, chopsticks, knives, etc.). 17. We accepted four or fewer types of sponsored items for freshmen. 18. If we had any excess or unwanted sponsored items left after O’Camp, we donated them to a charity organization. Love food hate waste 19. For Chinese banquets, we ordered just six main dishes per table instead of the usual eight. 20. We have encouraged freshmen to request ‘less rice’ when dining at canteens to keep food waste to a minimum. 6 Green O’Camp Sponsorship 2016 - Appendix C How to prove that my O’Camp has fulfilled the actions? O’Camps can be creative with ways to prove that they have fulfilled the actions. Examples of valid proof can include: - Actions 1 and 2: Photos of all O’Camp members holding a ‘No water games’ sign, a ‘no paper streamers’ sign, etc. Action 3: Email announcement, or a photo of all O’ Camp members holding their water bottles Action 4, 14, 19: Menu and name of caterer Actions 5, 6, 8, 9, 10: Email correspondence Action 15: One or more O’ Camp members putting recyclable materials in the recycling bin Actions 7, 12, 16: Photo of one or more O’Camp members taking part in the green actions Action 11: A photo of the room thermostat Action 13: Itinerary of O’Camp / freshmen taking MTR Action 17, 18: List of sponsored items received, or receipt from charity organization Action 20: A photo of freshmen with their food ordered If you are unsure whether your O’Camp’s proof for an action is valid, please contact Flora Lee of Campus Planning and Sustainability Office for enquiries at: floralee@cuhk.edu.hk / 3943 3925. 7 Green O’Camp Sponsorship 2016 - Appendix D Resources Action 4: ‘Food Waste Reduction’ Guideline for University Special Events ‐ Orientation Camp and Thousand People Feasts「舉 辦迎新營、千人宴及其他活動惜食指引」 Guide (English version): http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/go!/resources/special_events_guideline_en.pdf Guide (Chinese version): http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/go!/resources/special_events_guideline_c.pdf Poster for Food Waste Reduction for University Special Events「舉辦迎新營、千人宴及其他活動惜食資訊海報」 http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/go!/resources/special_events_poster.pdf Action 5: “Like” our Earth - Bring Your Own Bottle!’ 「Like」環保 - 自備水樽! • Pdf (English version): http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/documents/BYOppt_Eng.pdf • Pdf (Chinese version): http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/documents/BYOppt_Chin.pdf Action 6: Accessing the locations of water dispensers in the CUHK Mobile App • A non-exhaustive list of locations of easy-to-access water fountains on campus is available in the CUHK mobile app’s campus map under Facilities> Living Essentials> Water Dispensers. Action 7: Learn more about CUHK’s‘Walk for Green’ Campaign here: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/proj/walkforgreen/index.html Simply record walking trips by tapping CU Link cards at card readers at the designated start and end points of walking trails. Participants can receive prizes for walking credits. Walking routes: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/proj/walkforgreen/Walk%20for%20green_2.html 8 Green O’Camp Sponsorship 2016 - Appendix D Action 9: CU Green Buddies – Become a CU Green Buddy by pledging to take 6 simple green actions in daily life. CU Green Buddies receive updates about CUHK’s green events/news and also invitations to exclusive events. Registration (English): https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=48024 Registration (Chinese): https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=47140 Posters on the CU Green Buddies Scheme will be available from CPSO upon request. Action 10: Guidelines for Sustainable O’ Camps and Promoting the University’s Green Guidelines to Freshmen 《迎新營的環保 須知及環保意識推廣》 • Pdf (English version): http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/documents/green_ocamp_eng.pdf • Pdf (Chinese version): http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/documents/green_ocamp_chi.pdf Action 15: Poster with waste separation tips「回收分類指引」海報: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/go!/resources/recycling_tips-Poster.pdf Campus recycling locations poster「回收箱位置」海報: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/go!/resources/recycling_locations-Poster.pdf 9