SPECIFICATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, AND PROPOSAL FORMS RFP Number: 21157 for E-RATE PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 1111 Superior Avenue East Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Under the direction of the Department of Technology of the Board Of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Table of Contents Part 1: Required Purchasing Division Documents and Instructions Section I Letter Requesting Proposal Letter to Proposers 4 5 Section II Instructions to Proposers Intent to Submit Form Acknowledgement Vendor Request Form Taxpayer ID Form Declaration Regarding Material Assistance (DMA) No Proposal Form Conflict of Interest Form Certificate of Debarment 6-9 10 11 12 13 14-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 Section III Proposer’s Qualification Form 23-26 Section IV Non Collusion Affidavit Section V Diversity Business Enterprise Participation Forms EOA Contractual Declaration Forms 27 28-41 42-50 PART 2: E-RATE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, FORMS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Introduction 2. Cleveland Municipal School District General Information 3. CMSD Technology Vision 4. Information Technology Overview 5. E-RATE Program Overview 6. General Service Requirements 7. Vendor Profile 8. Proposal Process 9. Evaluation Criteria 10. Proposal Requirements 11 Proposal Submission Instructions Section A: E-rate Category One – Telecom Services E-rate RFP #05-1516 – High Speed Internet Service Section B: E-rate Category 2 – Internal Connections, Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections, Managed Internal Broadband Service E-rate RFP #06-1516 – Managed Internal Broadband Service PART 3: APPENDICES Appendix A – Network and Servers Equipment Inventory Merged Server Inventory UPS Inventory – Segment 1 and 2 UPS Inventory - Segment 3 UPS Inventory - Segment 4 UPS Inventory Legacy New Network Equipment – Cisco UCS & N5k Switch New Network Equipment – EMC SAN Page: 2 of 289 51 52 52 52 53 53 54 55 55 56 57 59 62 63 67 67 67 67 69 83 85 85 248 251 255 259 260 261 262 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 New Network Equipment – Cisco 7k Switch & UCS New Network Equipment – EMC Avamar Backup New Network Equipment – F5 Network Diagram – Current State Network Diagram – Future State (July 1, 2015) 262 263 263 264 265 Appendix B – Phone System 266 Session Manager CS1000 Info Document Nortel Avaya BCM Systems School CS1000 Phone System Diagram 266 267 275 277 Appendix C - Video 278 Video Diagram 278 Appendix D - Glossary of Acronyms and Terms Appendix E - List of Sites Eligible Sites Appendix F - Submitter Experience and Support Capabilities Form 279 281 285 Note: The Appendix F: Submitter Experience and Support Capabilities Form, which is the last section in this CMSD RFP#21157, must be filled out in full and submitted by the proposer. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 3 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 SECTION I REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS #21157 Separate sealed proposals for the requirement set forth below will be received at the Cashier’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Room 400S, Board of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District, 1111 Superior Avenue East, 1st floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, before 12:00 p.m. current local time on Friday, February 13, 2015. 2014-2015 E-RATE PROGRAMS FOR THE CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Copies of this Proposal including all mandatory District Documentations; Proposal Specifications; Affirmative Action; Diversity Business Enterprise; and Proposal Forms may be downloaded directly from the District’s Web page: www.cmsdnet.net/E-rate. If you need assistance please contact: Dedra.Ross@ClevelandMetroSchools.org, telephone (216) 432-6240. There will be a pre proposal conference held on Friday, January 23, 2015 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon) in the Cleveland Municipal School District’s Woodland Data Center, 3rd floor, 4966 Woodland Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44104. The Cleveland Municipal School District is providing USA Toll-Free number 888-808-6929, Access Code 5269583 for those unable to attend the pre-proposal conference Attending the pre-proposal conference is not mandatory, but encouraged. Attendees should bring copy of the RFP and will be required to present proper identification when entering the Woodland Data Center. The Cleveland Municipal School District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any and all informalities or irregularities, and to disregard all non-conforming responsive conditional proposals. The Cleveland Municipal School District does not discriminate in educational programs, activities or employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability. Proposers on this work will be required to comply with all applicable requirements pertaining to fair labor, state and local government. No proposal may be withdrawn for at least ninety (90) days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of proposals by order of the Board of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Joseph Podach Deputy Chief, Technology and Procurement Page: 4 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 5 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 2014-2015 E-RATE PROGRAMS FOR THE CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 1. All proposals shall be made upon the Proposal Form furnished by the Cleveland Municipal School District in the proposal package. All information requested in the proposal and in the proposal package must be filled in legibly and completely, with blue ink signatures or the proposal will be disqualified. No stamped or electronic signatures will be accepted for any of the proposer documents. No oral, telephonic or telegraphic proposal or modifications will be considered. Submissions must state RFP Name, Number, and Sub-division(s) on outside of submission package, including shipping labels. 2. Proposals are due in the Cashier’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer, 1st Floor, Board of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District, 1111 Superior Avenue East, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, by 12:00 p.m. (noon) current local time on Friday, February 13, 2015. A pre-proposal conference will be held Friday, January 23, 2015 from 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. (noon) at the Woodland Data Center, 3rd Floor, 4966 Woodland Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44104. The Cleveland Municipal School District is providing USA Toll-Free number 888-808-6929, Access Code 5269583 for those unable to attend the pre-proposal conference. Prospective proposers are strongly urged to attend and have access (electronic or hard copy) to this request for proposal package. Proper I.D. is required to enter the CMSD Administration Building. 3. Written questions will be accepted via email or fax until 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, January 28, 2015. No telephone calls will be permitted. Send questions to fax nos: 216361-4717, or email to: Dedra.Ross@ClevelandMetroSchools.org. RFP number and E-rate proposal number must be referenced. All questions must reference the section, specifications or item within the Request for Proposal document, and include the page number where the reference may be found. There will be no response provided to questions that do not include a specific reference point or item. Responses will be sent to all parties that have indicated an interest in proposing on this RFP. Errors/omissions will be corrected/clarified via Addendum. Under no circumstances should any firm interested in providing services identified in this RFP, their designees, or anyone affiliated with their firm, contact any other District employee or official during the RFP process, in an attempt to lobby or influence the selection of a vendor pursuant to this RFP. 4. All submissions must include two (2) complete originals (with blue ink signatures), eight (8) paper copies of proposal, and one (1) electronic copy. Vendors not complying with this requirement will be sent a fax notifying them that they have twenty-four (24) hours in which to submit the required copies or their proposal will be disqualified. This applies to the copies ONLY. The two (2) originals must be submitted to the Cashier’s Office of the Page: 6 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Chief Financial Officer, 1st Floor, Board of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District, 1111 Superior Avenue East, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, by 12:00 p.m. (noon) current local time on Friday, February 13, 2015 otherwise, they will be disqualified. 5. No Binding of any kind: use only binder clips. No staples, No paperclips, No binders, No tabs No spiral binding should be used; use colored paper to separate sections. Failure to comply with submission formatting may result in the submittal being disqualified. 6. This is a Request for Proposals, and as such will not be publicly opened. After all submissions have been received, the final evaluations of the committee will determine the awarded vendor. Public record requests will not be accepted until a contract is signed. Vendors will be notified, in writing, of award or non-award status upon the finalization of a District resolution approving a contract. 7. No proposal may be withdrawn for at least ninety (90) days after proposal due date of 12:00 p.m. (noon) current local time on Friday, February 13, 2015. 8. The Cleveland Municipal School District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any and all informalities or irregularities, and to disregard all non-conforming responsive conditional proposals. 9. Proposer understands and agrees that subsequent to submission of the proposal, any District resolution authorizing the award of a contract or agreement does not vest any contractual rights in the proposer. 10. Proposer understands and agrees that any such District resolution operates only to encumber funds necessary for the project and does not create a binding contract. 11. Proposer further acknowledges and agrees that any such District Resolution may be revoked, at any time prior to execution of a formal, written contract. 12. Proposer acknowledges and agrees that it has no vested contractual right until such time as a purchase order or contract has been issued. 13. Proposer further acknowledges and agrees that execution of a contract and the issuance of a purchase order is not a ministerial function, but is a formal requirement for acceptance of the proposal. 14. Proposers must present evidence to the District upon request, that they are fully competent and have the necessary facilities, equipment and financial resources to perform the work required in the Specifications within the agreed upon time frame. 15. This request for Proposal should be submitted before 12:00 p.m. (noon) current local time, Friday, February 13, 2015 to the Cashier’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer, 1st Floor, Board of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District, 1111 Superior Avenue East, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, The submission must include two (2) complete originals (with blue ink signatures), eight (8) paper copies of proposal, and one (1) electronic copy for all submitted material including all forms. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 7 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 List of Forms a. Intent to Submit b. Acknowledgement c. Vendor Request Form d. W-9 e. Homeland Security – DMA form (Declaration of Material Assistance/No Assistance) f. No Proposal Form g. Conflict of Interest Form (Notarized) h. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Etc. i. Proposer’s Qualification Form (Notarized) j. Non-collusion Affidavit (Notarized) k. DBE Form A-General Information l. DBE Form B-Notice of Requirement to Ensure DBE Opportunity m. DBE Form C-Schedule MBE/FBE Participation n. DBE Form D-DBE Letter of Intent o. DBE Form E-DBE Unavailability Certification p. Non-Minority Prime’s Affidavit for DBE (Notarized) q. DBE Form F-Information for Determining Joint Venture Eligiblity r. Non-Minority Prime’s Affidavit (Notarized) s. Form 1-Finance Department-Affirmative Action Division t. Form 2-Finance Department-Compliance Declaration u. Form 3-Current Employment Data Proposer acknowledges that all material and information responsive to specifications must be furnished or the proposal may be deemed non-responsive and not considered. 13. Proposer shall not include Ohio Sales Tax in the price quoted. The Cleveland Municipal School District will provide tax-exempt certificate to the successful proposers. 14. SECURITY: Contractor's workmen, foremen, other personnel, and subcontractors will be required to meet Cleveland Municipal School District security requirements. Contractor must issue personnel I.D. badges. Any worker not complying with CMSD security requirements will be immediately ordered off project and without prejudice or recourse to CMSD. • 15. Contractor agrees to successfully complete background checks on all of its employees, agents and subcontractors who provide services under this agreement to CMSD facilities. Contractor to warrant that it will not at any time hire or utilize any individual to provide services under this Agreement on CMSD premises where such person has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any criminal offense enumerated in O.R.C. 3319.39(B) Vendors are not permitted to declare their responses as proprietary, confidential, copyrighted, or any other method that would exclude them from public records. The District accepts all public record requests under Public Law 149.43 O.R.C., so any vendor declaring all or part of their submittal as proprietary or confidential must include a detailed Page: 8 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 rationalization citing page, paragraph, and sentence they are claiming proves proprietary and confidentiality. 16. INSURANCE The successful submitter and his subcontractors and suppliers of labor and/or materials for E-rate Services to the Cleveland Municipal School District, including organizations having personnel, equipment, and vehicles on the District property, shall provide evidence of insurance as follows: 1. Comprehensive General Liability – (both bodily injury and property damage) – $1,000,000 Limit of Liability – (per Occurrence) 2. Automobile Liability – including non-owned $1,000,000 Limit of Liability – (per Occurrence) 3. Workers Compensation – Workers compensation and employer’s liability insurance to the full extent as require by applicable law. This requirement must be fulfilled by the successful vendor providing the Insurance Division of the CMSD with a current Certificate of Insurance (standard ACORD form) showing the Board of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District as an additional insured (Certificate Holder does NOT constitute being an additional insured) with a sixty (60) day written notice of cancellation provision. The required insurance must be provided by a company licensed by the State of Ohio, which company must be financially acceptable to the CFO of the Cleveland Municipal School District 17. DIVERSITY BUSINESS GOAL The Diversity Business and Vendor Contract Compliance Programs shall make every good faith effort to ensure that certified diversity business enterprises in the Cleveland Public School's relevant geographic market area shall be afforded the maximum opportunity to compete for contracts, services, and purchases. The general goals for diversity business participation are: 15% service, 20% goods and supplies, and 30% maintenance, construction/repair. Non-diversity vendors will have their diversity business participation counted toward their goal attainment only with diversity vendors who are certified and demonstrate previous experience in the respective business classification of the prime contractor. Only direct participation in the subcontract will be counted toward diversity business enterprise goal attainment. The diversity business goal for providing E-rate funded services to CMSD is: 15%. The Cleveland Municipal School District reserves the right to award to one or multiple vendors. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 9 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 INTENT TO SUBMIT – RFP #21157 2014-2015 E-RATE PROGRAMS FOR THE CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Any Firm that intends to submit a proposal for the above captioned service must complete and return this “Intent to Submit” form to the Purchasing Division of the CMSD prior to the deadline for submission of questions: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Completed forms may be faxed to: 216-361-4717, or they may be sent via e-mail to: Dedra.Ross@ClevelandMetroSchools.org or via U.S. mail to: Purchasing Division, 1111 Superior Avenue East, 19th Floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. PLEASE PRINT Name of Company:________________________________________________________ Company Representative:__________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________ City; State:__________________________________________Zip Code:___________ Telephone No: (_____)_________________________Fax No: (_______)____________ E-Mail Address:__________________________________________________________ (Toll Free) Telephone No: (______)___________________________ Date:__________ Page: 10 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT hereby (Name of Company) acknowledges receipt of this request for proposal and the reading of these Instructions to Proposers. We further agree that if awarded the contract, we will submit (if required) a Performance Bond and/or Insurance Certificate within five (5) days of written notification that the District has adopted a resolution authorizing the encumbrance of funds for the project. We understand, however, that a formal written contract, will need to be executed or a purchase order issued by the District before we have any vested contractual rights. Wherever, we agree to commence the work as required herein and timely complete the project pursuant to the Specifications. By:_______________________________________________________ (Signature) __________________________________________________________ (Print name and title) Date:______________________________________________________ Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 11 of 289 VENDOR REQUEST FORM NEW ( ) YES ( ) NO CORRECTION ( ) YES ( ) NO VENDOR INFORMATION VENDOR NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) _____________________________________ VENDOR NAME ________________________________________________________ ADDRESS LINE 1 _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS LINE 2 _______________________________________________________ CITY ________________________ STATE ______________ ZIP _________________ TELEPHONE NO. ( )___________________ FAX NO. ( ) _________________ REMIT TO (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE VENDOR NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS LINE 1 _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS LINE 2 _______________________________________________________ CITY ________________________ STATE _______________ZIP_________________ TELEPHONE NO. ( ) ___________________FAX NO. ( ) _________________ 1099 INFORMATION 1099 VENDOR YES ( ) NO ( ) SS NO. _________________________FEDERAL I.D. NO. _______________________ PRIMARY SERVICE, PRODUCT, OR SPECIALTY: ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ NOTE: VENDOR NAME AND ID NUMBER MUST BE AS FILED WITH THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. PLEASE INDICATE WHERE APPLICABLE DIVERSITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE: YES __________ NO ___________ MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE: ________________________ FEMALE BUSINESS ENTERPRISE: ________________________ RETURN TO: CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 1111 SUPERIOR AVENUE East, 19th Floor CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114 TELEPHONE (216) 838-0410 FAX (216) 436-5118 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 *************************** FOR INSTRUCTIONAL USE ONLY *************************** READ BEFORE COMPLETING YOUR DMA FORM Forms not conforming to the specifications listed below or not submitted to the appropriate agency or office will not be processed. • To complete this form, you will need a copy of the Terrorist Exclusion List for reference. The Terrorist Exclusion List can be found on the Ohio Homeland Security Web site at the following address: http://www.homelandsecurity.ohio.gov/dma.asp • Be sure you have the correct DMA form. If you are applying for a state issued license, permit, certification or registration, the “State Issued License” DMA form must be completed (HLS 0036). If you are applying for employment with a government entity, the “Public Employment” DMA form must be completed (HLS 0037). If you are obtaining a contract to conduct business with or receive funding from a government entity, the “Government Business and Funding Contracts” DMA form must be completed (HLS 0038). The Pre-certification form (HLS 0035) should only be completed if you are specifically instructed to do so by the agency or office requesting the form. • Your DMA form is to be submitted to the issuing agency or entity. “Issuing agency or entity” means the government agency or office that has requested the form from you or the government agency or office to which you are applying for a license, employment or a business contract. For example, if you are seeking a business contract with the Ohio Department of Commerce’s Division of Financial Institutions, then the form needs to be submitted to the Department of Commerce’s Division of Financial Institutions. Do NOT send the form to the Ohio Department of Public Safety UNLESS you are seeking a license from or employment or business contract with one of its eight divisions listed below. • Department of Public Safety Divisions: Administration Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles Ohio Emergency Management Agency Ohio Emergency Medical Services • Ohio Homeland Security* Ohio Investigative Unit Ohio Criminal Justice Services Ohio State Highway Patrol * DO NOT SEND THE FORM TO OHIO HOMELAND SECURITY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. FORMS SENT TO THE WRONG AGENCY OR ENTITY WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. *************************** FOR Page: 14 of 289 INSTRUCTIONAL USE ONLY *************************** Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 15 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Page: 16 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 NO PROPOSAL FORM CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT RFP NO: 21157 To All Prospective Bidders/Proposers: It is the intent of the District to update our vendor list subsequent to the bidding cycle. Please note the following and take action accordingly. If you are making a bid/proposal this cycle, disregard the remainder of this letter. Your name will remain on the active bidder list. ___________ (1) If you are not making a bid/proposal this cycle, but want to remain on the active bidder’s list for future bids, place a check mark in the box to the left. Complete the name and address section below and return this letter to the Purchasing Division at the address below. ____________ (2) If you do not wish to remain on the active bidder’s list, place a check mark to the left. Complete the name and address section below and return this letter to the Purchasing Division at the address below. PLEASE PRINT Name of Company:_____________________________________________________________ Company Representative:________________________________________________________ Representatives Title:___________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City; State:__________________________________________Zip Code:__________________ Telephone No: (_____)_________________________Fax No:___________________________ Email Address:____________________________________________ Date:________________ Representatives Signature:_______________________________________________________ Purchasing Division 1111 Superior Avenue East, 19th Floor Cleveland, OH 44114 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 17 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 This page has been intentionally left blank Page: 18 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Statement of Potential Conflicts of Interest Vendor Name: Address 1: Address 2: City; State; Zip: Primary Contact: Telephone No: Fax No: Email: Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD) adheres to Ohio Ethics Law and strictly follows the opinions of the Ohio Ethics Commission. As such, each vendor is requested to submit this statement declaring any potential conflicts of interest in doing business with the CMSD. Please answer the following two questions, providing all requested information. 1. Are any current Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD) employees, Cleveland Board of Education members, or any of their immediate family members, also members of the provider's board of directors, hold any officer position with the provider, or own any shares of any stock issued by the provider? Yes No If Yes, and if the CMSD employee, CMSD board member, or immediate family member is a member of the provider's board of directors or holds an office with the provider, please state the person's name and position with the provider: Name:______________________________________________________________ Position:_____________________________________________________________ If Yes, and if the CMSD employee, CMSD board member, or immediate family member owns shares of any stock in the provider, state the percentage of all outstanding company shares owned by the CMSD employee or board member: ________% 2. Are any current CMSD employees, CMSD board members, or any immediate family members also employee's of the provider? Yes No If Yes, state the person's name and provide a description of their job duties for the provider: Name:____________________________________________________________________ Job Duties:________________________________________________________________ If Yes, describe the contact the provider will have with the CMSD employee or CMSD board member in the course of providing services to the CMSD: Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 19 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 CERTIFICATION I do hereby certify that the foregoing statements are true and accurate, and that my signature below attests to the authenticity of my identity as the person actually signing this form. This document is not a contract. In order for a binding Agreement to exist, a signed Agreement will be required prior to any legally binding commitment by the District. NOTARIZED STATEMENT _______________________________being duly sworn and deposes, says that he/she is the _______________________________________________________________________ of TITLE ___________________________________________________________, and answers to all ORGANIZATION the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. _________________________________________________ SIGNATURE Subscribed and sworn before me this ________ day of ______________________, 20____. Notary Public: ______________________________________________ My Commission Expires: Page: 20 of 289 _______________________________________ Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 21 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Page: 22 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 SECTION III PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION FORM (Proposer must answer all questions or attach a written explanation for each question.) PROPOSERS NAME: _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________ CITY; STATE:______________________________________ZIP____________________ CONTACT PERSON:________________________________________________________ TITLE:____________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:( )___________________ TOLL FREE:( ) ________________________ TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER:_____________________________________ 1. What type of organization? (i.e., corporation, partnership, etc.) 2. How many years has your organization been in business? 3. How many years has your organization been in business under its current name? 4. List any other alias' your organization has utilized in the last two years and the form of business. 5. If you are currently a corporation list the following: a. State of incorporation b. Date of incorporation c. President's name d. Secretary's name e. Treasurer's name Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 23 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 6. f. Statutory agent's name g. Name of shareholders, if less than 10 h. Principal place of doing business If you are currently a partnership list the following: Name and address of all general and limited partners. Original name and date of organization's inception. 7. If you are neither a corporation or a partnership, please describe your organization and list principals. 8. Are you legally qualified to do business in the State of Ohio? 9. Are you legally qualified to do business in Cuyahoga County and licensed by the City of Cleveland? 10. Has your organization ever been sued by a customer for failure to timely complete a contract or properly perform services? If so, where, when and why? 11. Has your organization ever been cited by a local, county, state, or federal authority for violation of a regulation or statute or failing to timely complete a contract in accordance with specification? If yes, state date, agency, and final decision. 12. Has your organization ever filed for bankruptcy? If so, where, when and why? Page: 24 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 13. On a separate sheet, list the major customers for whom your organization has provided this type of equipment or service in the past five years. Include owner's name and type of work performed. 14. Has your organization ever been sued by a supplier for failure to timely pay for materials or equipment provided? If yes, provide details. 15. What is the dollar limit of your firm's General (CLS) Liability Insurance? Name of insuring company___________ Policy number___________________________________________________________ 16. What is the dollar limit of your firm's Automotive Liability Insurance? Owned vehicles_______________________________________________________ Non-Owned vehicles___________________________________________________ Name of insuring company______________________________________________ Policy number________________________________________________________ 17. List the name and address of every person having an interest in this proposal. 18. Has any federal, state or local government entity ever cited or taken any action against your organization or any of its principals for failure to pay or remit any taxes including but not limited to income, withholding, sales, franchise or PERSONAL PROPERTY taxes? If yes, give name of agency, date and amount of taxes overdue and resolution of the issue. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 25 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 19. Is your organizations and its principals current in payment of PERSONAL PROPERTY taxes? 20. The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment or suspension, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. 21. Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION FORM NOTARIZED STATEMENT ___________________________________being duly sworn and deposes says that he/she is the ____________________________________________________________________ of (title) _____________________________________________________________, and answers to all (organization) the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. _______________________________________________ (Signature) Subscribed and sworn before me this ______ day of__________, 20___. Notary Public: ___________________________________ My commission expires: ___________________________________ Page: 26 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 SECTION IV (This Affidavit must be executed and shall accompany the proposal in order for the proposal to be considered) NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OHIO ) CUYAHOGA COUNTY) __________________________________________, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is __________________________________________________________________ (sole owner, partner, president secretary, etc.) of ______________________________________________________________ of the party making the foregoing proposal; that such proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that said proposer has not colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any proposer or person, to put in a sham proposal, or that such other person shall refrain from proposing, and has not in any manner, directly or indirectly sought by agreement or collusion, or communication or conference, with any person, to fix the proposal price of affiant or any other proposer, to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of said proposal price, or of that of any proposer, or to secure any advantage against the Board of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District, or any person or persons interested in the proposed contract; and that all statements contained in said proposal are true; and further that such proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted this proposal, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto to any Association or to any member or agent thereof. ______________________________ Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me this_____day of _______________, 20_____. ___________________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires: ___________________ Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 27 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 PART I THE DISTRICT'S DBE PROGRAM It is the goal of the Diversity Business Enterprise (DBE) program to ensure the firms owned and/or controlled by minorities and women have the opportunity to compete for any expenditure of funds including but not limited to contracts, lease purchase requisitions, and all forms of equipment, work services, supplies, materials, construction, etc. The DBE program shall make every good faith effort to ensure that certified DBE's in the relevant Cleveland Municipal School District geographic market have the maximum opportunity to respond to request for proposals for contracts. The Cleveland Municipal School District geographic market is Cuyahoga, Summit, Lake and Lorain counties. The District has established goals for DBE participation in all contracts that it awards. The goals range from 15 to 30 percents and vary by the type of contract awarded: ♦ 15% service contracts ♦ 20% goods and supplies ♦ 30% maintenance/construction repair For example if the District awards a roof repair contract in the amount of $ 100,000 to a Non DBE contractor, 30% or $ 30,000 of the contract work could be awarded to a DBE subcontractor. A Diversity Business Enterprises encompasses Minority Business Enterprise (MBE's) and Female Business Enterprises (FBE's). A DBE is an enterprise in which minorities, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic or Latino Americans, Asian Pacific Islander Americans and/or women own at least 51% of the shares of stock or controlling interest. An FBE is a female-owned enterprise with at least 51% of the shares of stock or controlling interest, which is held by a female. A company may be in compliance with the District's DBE program although the applicable numerical goal is not met if the company makes a food faith commitment to comply with DBE regulations. The Purchasing Director determines whether a company has made a good faith commitment. DBE requirements under certain circumstances can be waived by the District with convincing proof of good faith efforts. Page: 28 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OHIO Terms and Conditions Of Notice and Requirements to Ensure Diversity Business Enterprise (DBE) Opportunity Definition of DBE: A Diversity Enterprise (DBE) "Small Diversity business concern" means a small business concern that is at least (51) percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically diverse, or a publicly owned business that has at least (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically diverse individuals and that has its management and daily business controlled by one or more such individuals. This term also means a small business concern that is at least (51) percent unconditionally owned by an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization, or a publicly owned business that has at least (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one of these entities, that has its management and daily business controlled by members of an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization. (a) "Socially diverse individuals" means individuals who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias because of their identity as a member of a group without regard to their qualities as individuals. (b) "Economically diverse individuals" means socially diverse individuals whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system is impaired due to diminished opportunities to obtain capital and credit as compared to others in the same line of business who are not socially diverse. Individuals who certify that they are members of named groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans or Latino Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Islander Americans, Subcontinent-Asian Americans) are to be considered socially and economically diverse. A Female Business Enterprise (FBE) "Female-owned small business concern" means a small business concern: (a) Which is at least (51) percent owned by one or more women; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least (51) percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more women: and (b) Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 29 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 1. DBE participation will be counted toward meeting the goals outlined in the notice as follows: a. The total dollar value of a direct contract or subcontractor indirect subcontract Awarded to a certified DBE will be counted toward the applicable goal. b. In the case of a joint venture, certified by the Cleveland Municipal School District, the portion of the total dollar value of the contract equal to the percentage of the ownership and control of the DBE partner in the joint venture will be counted toward the applicable goal, (PLEASE RETURN DBE FORM B). c. Only expenditures to DBE that perform a commercially useful function in the work of a contract or subcontract or indirect subcontract will be counted toward DBE goals. A DBE is considered to perform a commercially useful function when it is responsible for execution of a distinct element of the work of a contract or subcontract and carries out its responsibilities by actually performing, managing, and supervising the work involved. If a DBE contractor subcontracts a significantly greater portion of the work of the contract than would be expected on the basis of normal industry practices, the DBE is presumed not to be performing a commercially useful function. The DBE may present evidence to rebut this presumption. d. The total dollar value of materials and supplies obtained from DBE suppliers and manufacturers will be counted toward DBE goals if the DBE assumes the actual and contractual responsibility for the provision of the materials and supplies. 2. A proposer who fails or refuses to complete and return this Notice may be deemed a nonresponsive proposer. 3. The contractor's goals as set forth in this Notice shall express the contractor's commitment to the percentage of DBE utilization during the term of this contract. The contract shall be deemed to have met its commitment for DBE utilization if the DBE utilization rate of the contractor meets the goals established by this Notice. 4. The contractor must receive the approval of the District before making substitutions for any subcontractors listed in the Notice. Substitution of DBE is not allowed unless the contractor receives District approval. 5. The contractor's commitment to a specific goal is to meet the DBE objectives and is not INTENDED and shall not be used to discriminate against any qualified company or group or companies. 6. Only DBE's and joint ventures that have been certified by the District will be considered eligible for inclusion in the contractor's goals for DBE utilization. Where a contractor wishes to include as a subcontractor or joint venture, a DBE which has not been certified by Page: 30 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 the District, the contractor must request and receive such certification from the Diversity Officer prior to submission of the proposal. a. 7. Any firm which believes that it has been wrongly denied certification as a DBE or Joint venture may request reconsideration by the Purchasing Director. However, the decision of the Purchasing Director, which must be presented in writing, will be considered final. The contractor's commitment to a specific goal for DBE utilization as required by this Notice shall constitute a commitment to make every good faith effort to meet such goal by a subcontracting to or undertaking to joint venture with DBE firms. If the contractor fails to meet the goal, it will carry the burden of furnishing sufficient documentation as part of the proposal response of its good faith efforts to justify a grant of relief from the goals set forth in this Notice. Such justification will take the forms of a detailed report which will document at least the following information. a. Attendance at the pre-proposal meeting, if any, scheduled by the District to inform DBE's of Subcontracting opportunities under a given solicitation. b. Advertisement in general circulation media, trade association publications, and minority-focus media for at least twenty (20) days before proposals are due. If twenty (20) days are not available, publication for a shorter reasonable time is acceptable. c. Written notification to DBE that their interest in the contract is solicited, and follow-up contact to determine whether the DBE's were interested. d. Efforts made to select portions of the proposed work to be performed by DBE in order to increase the likelihood of achieving the stated goals. e. Efforts to negotiate with DBE for specific sub-proposals, including at a minimum: f. I. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of DBE's that were contacted. II. A description of the information provided to DBE regarding the plans and specifications for portion of the work to be performed; and III. A statement of why additional agreements with DBE were not reached. IV. Completion of (Form E) if DBE's are not involved in the proposal. Concerning each DBE the supplier/contractor contacted but rejected as unqualified, the reasons for the supplier's/contractor's conclusion. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 31 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 g. Efforts made to help the DBE's contacted that needed assistance in obtaining required bonding, lines of credit, or insurance. h. Use of the services of minority community organizations, minority contractor's groups, governmental minority business assistance offices, and other organizations that assist in the recruitment and placement of DBE's. 8. Suppliers/contractors that fail to meet DBE goals and fail to demonstrate sufficient good faith efforts are may not eligible for contract awarded 9. The District, through its Diversity Officer will review the contractor's minority business enterprise involvement efforts during performance of this contract. Such review will include, but not be limited to, contractor's quarterly statement of income from the District and what portion of said income went to the DBE enterprise(s) as evidenced by affirmation of the DBE enterprise(s) which the contractor hereby agrees to supply each quarter during the term of its contract with the District. If the contractor meets its goal or if the contractor demonstrates that every reasonable effort has been made to meet its goal, the contractor shall be presume to be in compliance. Where the Diversity Officer finds that the contractor shall be presume to be in compliance. Where the Diversity Officer finds that the contractor has failed to comply with the requirements of this Notice, said Diversity Officer shall inform the Purchasing Director who shall immediately notify the contractor to take corrective action. If the contractor fails or refuses to comply promptly, then the Purchasing Director, upon approval of the District, shall issue an order shopping all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. No part of the time lost due to any such stop orders shall be made subject of claim for extension of time or for excess costs or damages by the contractor. When the District proceeds with such formal action it has the burden of proving that the contractor has not met the requirements of coming forward and showing that it has met the good faith requirements of the Notice, specifically including paragraph 7 hereof. Where the contractor is found to have failed to exert every good faith effort to involve DBE in the work provided, the District may declare that the contractor is ineligible to receive further District funds, whether as a contractor, subcontractor, or as a consultant, for a period of up to three (3) years. 10. The contractor will keep records and documents for three (3) years following performances of this contract to indicate compliance with this Notice. These records and documents, or copies thereof, will be made available at reasonable times and places for inspection by any authorized representative of the District upon request together with any other compliance information which such representative may require. 11. Proposers and contractors are bound by all requirements, terms and conditions of this Notice. 12. Nothing in this Notice shall be interpreted to diminish the present contract compliance review. Page: 32 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM PART II DBE Form A THE CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCE DEPARTMENT General Information Name of Firm: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code: _________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: __________________________________________________________________ Type of Business (Product or Service): ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Proposed Contract Award: _______________________________________________________ Amount of Proposed Contract Award: ____________________________________________________ Diversity Business Enterprise Subcontractor(s): ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Dollar Amount Subcontract Award: ______________________________________________________ Percent of Subcontract Award: __________________________________________________________ D.B.E. Participation ____________ $ ____________ F.B.E. Participation ____________ $ ____________ Name of EEO Officer: ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of owner, partner or authorized officer Name (name or print): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Title: __________________________ DO NOT COMPLETE BELOW THIS LINE Compliance Compliance-pending Non-compliance Compliance Date ___________________ _______________________________________________ Signature, Diversity Business Enterprise Department ____________________ Date RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 DBE Form B CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT TO ENSURE DIVERSITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) OPPORTUNITY Note: All eligible proposers for award of the contract, should comply with the Requirements, Terms, and Conditions of this Notice. The undersigned proposer hereby agrees that the goal it has established for DBE participation in this project through either subcontracting or entering into a joint Venture with DBEs in conformity with the Requirements. Terms and Conditions of this Notice is a goal of thirty 30% percent for a construction/repair/ maintenance contract, twenty (20%) percent for a supply contract, and fifteen (15%) for a service contract of the total contract amount of this project. In no event will the absence of goals as stated above be deemed as compliance with the requirements, terms and conditions of this notice. In addition, the undersigned will complete and attach hereto the DBE (Form C) Schedule for DBE participation, showing all DBE/FBE that will participate as subcontractors or joint ventures in this contract and a DBE (Form D), DBE Letter of Intent form for each DBE/FBE listed on the Schedule. ________________________________________ Proposer ________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ By ________________________________________ Title Definition of DBE: A Diversity Business Enterprise (DBE) "Small Diversity business concern" means a small business concern that is a least (51) percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically diverse, or a publicly owned business that has at least (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically diverse individuals and that has its management and daily business controlled by one or more such individuals. This term also means a small business concern that is at least (51) percent unconditionally owned by an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization, or a publicly owned business that has least (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one of these entities, that has its management and daily business controlled by members of an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization. Page: 34 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 DBE Form C CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Schedule MBE/FBE Participation Project Name: ________________________________________________________________ Name of NON-DBE Contractor __________________________________________________ Identification No.: _____________________________________________________________ Location: ____________________________________________________________________ Name of minority contractor _____________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________ Type of work to be performed and work hours involved _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Projected commencement and completion dates for work ______________________________ Agreed price in dollars or percentage ______________________________________________ The undersigned will enter into a formal agreement with DBE for work listed in this schedule conditioned upon execution of a contract with the Cleveland Municipal School District. TO BE RETURNED WITH PROPOSAL ______________________________________________ Signature of NON-DBE Prime Contractor Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 35 of 289 Identification No. _____________________ Location ___________________________ THE CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT For Office Use Only DBE Form D DBE Letter of Intent To: Non-DBE Prime or General Proposer Project: NON-DBE PRIME OR GENERAL PROPOSER The Undersigned intends to perform work in connection with the above-referenced project as (check one): an individual a corporation a partnership a joint venture DBE status of the undersigned is confirmed in the Cleveland Municipal School District's DBE file of bona fide enterprises with a certification date of _______________________________ The Undersigned is prepared to perform the following described work in connection with the above referenced project. Specify in detail particular work items or parts thereof to be performed: at the following price or percent of contract: $ . You have projected the following commencement date of such work, and the undersigned is projecting completion of such work as follows: Items Projected Commencement Date Projected Completion Date % (percent) of the dollar value of the subcontract will be sublet and/or awarded to NON-DBE contractor (s) and/or NON-FBE SUPPLIERS. The undersigned will enter into a formal agreement for the above work with you conditioned upon your execution of a contract with the Cleveland Municipal School District. Name of DBE Firm (where applicable) Date Signature of DBE (where applicable) Signature of MBE Firm Name of FBE Firm Signature of FBE Firm (TO BE RETURNED WITH PROPOSAL) CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT DBE Form E DBE Unavailability Certification I, ______________________________________,____________________________________ Name Title Of ____________________________________________, certify that on _________________ Non-DBE Prime Proposer I contacted the following DBE business enterprise to obtain a proposal for work items to be performed on Board Project. ________________________________________________________________ Minority Contractor ____________________________________________________________ Work Items Sought ____________________________________________________________ Form of Proposal Sought ________________________________________________________ Female Contractor _____________________________________________________________ Work Items Sought ____________________________________________________________ Form of Proposal Sought ________________________________________________________ To the best of my knowledge and belief said minority business enterprise was unavailable (exclusive of the unavailability due to lack of agreement on price) for work on this project or unable to prepare a proposal for the following reason (s): _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _________________ Signature, Non-DBE prime Proposer Date __________________________was offered an opportunity to propose on the above-referenced work on _________________________________ by _____________________________________ Date Non-DBE Prime Proposer ____________________________________________________________________________ Signature, Non-DBE Prime Proposer The above statement is a true and accurate account of why I did not submit a proposal on this project._____________________________ ________________________________________ Signature, Non-DBE prime Proposer 28-A RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT DIVERSITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE DEPARTMENT TO BE COMPLETED BY NON-MINORITY PRIME STATE OF COUNTY OF } } SS. AFFIDAVIT The undersigned swear that the foregoing statements are correct and include all material information necessary to identify and explain the items and operation of our subcontract and the intended participation by each party in the undertaking. Further, the undersigned convenant and agree to provide to the Cleveland Municipal School District current, complete, and accurate information regarding actual subcontract work and the payments thereof, and any proposed changes in any of the subcontract arrangements and to permit the audit and examination of the books, records and files of the subcontract or those of each party relevant to the subcontract, by authorized representatives of the Cleveland Municipal School District. Any material misrepresentation will be grounds for terminating any contract which may be awarded and for initiating action under federal and state laws concerning false statements. Name of Firm:________________________________________________________________ Signature:____________________________________________________________________ Name and Title:_______________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________ STATE OF COUNTY OF } } SS. On this __________day of ________________________ 20_____, before me appeared ____________________________________, to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did execute the foregoing affidavit, and did state that they were properly authorized by _____________________________to execute the affidavit and did so as their free act and deed. (Seal) Notary Public___________________________ Commission expires______________________ Page: 38 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT DBE FORM F Information for Determining Joint Venture Eligibility (This form need not be completed if all joint venture firms are DIVERSITY business enterprises). 1. Name of Joint Venture: _________________________________________________________________ 2. Address of Joint Venture: _______________________________________________________________ 3. Phone Number of Joint Venture: _________________________________________________________ 4. Identify the firms which comprise the joint venture. (The DBE partner must complete DBE Form A or have current DBE certification) __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ (a) Describe the role of the DBE firm in the joint venture: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Describe briefly the experience and business qualifications of each non-DBE Joint Venture: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Nature of Joint Venture's business: _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Provide a copy of the Joint Venture Agreement. 7. What is the percentage of DBE ownership? DBE __________ %FBE __________% 8. Ownership of Joint Venture: (This need not be completed if described in the Joint venture agreement provided in response to question 6). (a) Profit and loss sharing ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Capital contributions, including equipment: ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (c) Other applicable ownership interests: __________________________________________________ Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 39 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 9. Control of and participation in this contract. Identify by name, race and "firm" those individuals and their titles who are responsible for day-to-day management and policy decision making, including, but not limited to, those with prime responsibility for: (a) Financial decisions _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Management decisions, such as (1) Estimating _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (2) Marketing and Sales _____________________________________________________________ (3) Hiring and firing of Management Personnel __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (4) Purchasing of major items or supplies _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (c) Supervision of Field Operations _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Page: 40 of 289 If, after completing the DBE Form B and before the completion of the joint venture's work on any contract awarded, there is any significant change in the information submitted, the joint venture must inform the Cleveland Municipal School District, either directly or through the non-DBE prime contractor if the joint venture is a subcontractor. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM PART II CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Finance Department TO BE COMPLETED BY NON-MINORITY PRIME STATE OF COUNTY OF ] ]SS. AFFIDAVIT The undersigned swear that the forgoing statements are correct and include all material information necessary to identify and explain the items and operation of our subcontract and the intended participation by each joint venture in the undertaking. Further, the undersigned covenant and agree to provide to the Cleveland Municipal School District current, complete, and accurate information regarding actual joint venture work and the payments thereof and any proposed changes in any of the subcontract arrangements and to permit the audit and examination of the books, records and files of the joint venture or those of each party relevant to the joint venture, by authorized representatives of the Cleveland Municipal School District. Any material misrepresentation will be grounds for terminating any contract which may be awarded and for initiating action under federal and state laws concerning false statements. ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Name of Firm (Prime) Name of Firm (DBE) ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature Signature ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Name and Title Name and Title ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Date Date STATE OF COUNTY OF ] ]SS. On this ______________________ day of _______________________ 20 ___ , before me appeared ___________________________________, to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did execute the foregoing affidavit, and did state that they were properly authorized by ______________________________ to execute the affidavit and did so as their free act and deed. (Seal) ________________________________________________ Notary Public ________________________________________________ Commission expires RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 PART III CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM VENDOR CONTRACT COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES NOTE: Please read carefully all of the information contained in these documents. Pursuant to the Affirmative Action Policy adopted by the Cleveland Municipal School District, the following guidelines and procedures will be implemented to ensure that all vendors doing business with the District are in compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity Standards. A. SUBMISSION OF VENDOR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE REPORT All vendors and contractors who propose to provide goods, services, supplies and equipment through formal proposals, informal proposals, and contract term agreements are required to submit a Vendor Employment Practice Report with each proposal. Approved status by the Vendor Employment Practice Report includes the following documents which must be completed in their entirety and returned with the proposal. Please note, compliance approval consists of both DBE and Vendor Contract Compliance approval. 1. General Information Sheet (Form 1) - Provides basic information on the vendor. 1a. SMSA/OR RECRUITMENT AREA Indicates the relevant labor area in which your facility is located. Designate the Standard Municipal Statistical Area, county or city from which the facility can draw applicants or recruit for most positions. In making relevant labor area determinations, examine the statistics on racial, ethnic, and gender composition of the Standard Municipal Statistical Area, county, or city surrounding your organization, as well as other appropriate adjacent areas. The relevant labor area should be the SMSA, county or city with the highest population of minorities and women. Page: 42 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 DEFINITION: As defined by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, SMSA is: "Except in the New England States, a county or group of contiguous counties which contains at least one city of 50,000 inhabitants or more, or 'twin cities' with a combined population of at least 50,000; in addition contiguous counties if they are socially and economically integrated within the central city; in the New England States towns and cities instead of counties. Each SMSA must include at least one central city." 2. Compliance Declaration Form (Form 2) - The Agreement indicating the vendor is In compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity requirements, will take affirmative action, and will comply with all Fair Labor Standard practice. 3. Current Employment Data Form (Form 3) - Current personnel data indicating employees in each job category classified by gender and race. 4. Existing Affirmative Action Program - If any, and copies of any agreement between the vendor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program or court order pertaining to equal employment opportunity. B. EVALUATION OF COMPLIANCE DATA 1. The Diversity Officer will evaluate data submitted by vendors who are recommended to receive District proposals and contracts. Vendors found in compliance with the District's Equal employment opportunity standards (Affirmative Action and DBE Program) will be placed on the approved vendor's list. 2. In the event that a vendor is found not in compliance with the District's equal employment opportunity standards, the Diversity Officer will inform the Purchasing Director of the Reason(s) and ask that the Purchasing Director not award the contract or proposal to the vendor pending compliance. The Purchasing Director or Manager of Diversity will inform the vendor of reason(s) for non-compliance. Vendors found not in compliance will be given ten (10) business days from the time of notification by the Purchasing Director or Manager of Diversity to submit an acceptable affirmative action program to the Diversity Officer. 3. If the vendor which has been found not in compliance, submits an acceptable affirmative action plan to the Diversity Officer within ten (10) business days of notification, the vendor may be given conditional approval. 4 If the vendor fails to submit an acceptable affirmative action program to the Diversity Officer, the officer will notify the Purchasing Director who will disallow the proposal. Vendors who fail to comply with the District's equal Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 43 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 employment opportunity standards may be disapproved to do business with the District by the Cleveland Municipal School District. 5 C. D. Any company which believes that it has been wrongly found not in compliance thus preventing business opportunities with the District because it does not meet the District's equal employment opportunity standards may request reconsideration by the Diversity Officer. However, the decision of the Cleveland Municipal City School District will be considered final. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN 1. Vendors found not in compliance with the District's equal employment opportunity standards are expected to develop and implement affirmative action programs if they expect to be eligible to successfully propose for District contracts. 2. While it is the vendor's responsibility to develop an affirmative action program which will result in equal employment opportunity for persons from all sectors of the community, the Officer in Charge of the Diversity Program may refer prospective proposers to resources which may be of assistance in developing affirmative action programs. 3. In the event that a vendor who has been awarded a District contract does not make satisfactory progress towards goals in the affirmative action program, the District will not negotiate a new contract until the vendor assures the Diversity Officer, that significant progress will make. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH PROPOSALS MAY BE REJECTED OR CONTRACTS TERMINATED ON EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY GROUNDS Page: 44 of 289 1. Vendor fails to submit completed and signed EEO documents with proposals or other requested information in a timely manner. 2. The vendor is found not to be in compliance with EEO laws, regulations and District policy, and does not have an acceptable Affirmative Action Program, or if the vendor has an acceptable Affirmative Action Program but the Diversity Officer determines the vendor has not made satisfactory progress toward goals in the plan and shows no promise of achieving the goals. 3. Any inconsistencies or misrepresentation of the facts in any of the requested information designed to portray the vendor in a more favorable position with respect to Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance will be grounds for cancellation of the contract by the Purchasing Director, upon recommendation by the Diversity Officer and confirmation by the Cleveland Municipal School District. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 FORM 1 CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Finance Department Affirmative Action Division Vendor contract Compliance Program General Information Name of Firm: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________________________________ Standard Municipal Statistical Area ______________________________________________ Recruitment Area: ______________________________________________________________ Type of Business (product or service): ______________________________________________ Name of EEO Officer: ___________________________________________________________ Signature of Owner, Partner or Authorized Officer: ____________________________________ Name (type or print): ____________________________________________________________ DATE: _____________________________ TITLE: _____________________________ DO NOT COMPLETE BELOW THIS LINE STATUS OF VENDOR Compliance Conditional Compliance Non-Compliance Compliance Pending Comments:___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Date Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM ____________________________________ Signature Affirmative Action Division Page: 45 of 289 FORM 2 CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Finance Department Affirmative Action Division Compliance Declaration The following must be filled out completely. It is the policy of _____________________________ that equal employment opportunity be afforded to all qualified persons without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, or handicap. In support of this policy, _____________________________ will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, or handicap. ________________________________ will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to race, color, sex, natural origin, age, or handicap. Such action will include, but not be limited to: Recruitment, advertising, or solicitation for employment, hiring, placem4ent, upgrading, transfer or demotion, selection for training, including apprenticeship rates of pay or other forms of compensation, layoffs or termination. The undersigned company states that they are of current applicable requirement pertaining to Fair Labor Standards and Non-Discriminatory Practices of Federal, State and Local Governments. The undersigned further acknowledges that if the contract is awarded to the undersigned, that the undersigned will comply with all Fair Labor Standard Practice. ________________________________ ___________________________________________ Name of Company Signature of company Official Date: _____________________________________ STATE OF ( COUNTY OF ( ) )SS. BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for said County and State personally appeared the abovenamed Company ________________________ by ____________________________________ Its ____________________________________, who acknowledged that they knowingly signed the aforesaid instrument, and that the same is their free act and deed duly authorized and the free act and deed of said company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed seal at ____________________________, __________________________________, this _________, day of ______________________________________, 200 ____. CURRENT EMPLOYMENT DATA FORM 3 Please note this data may be obtained by visual survey or post-employment records. Neither visual surveys nor post-employment records are prohibited by any Federal, State or local law. All specified data are required to be filled by District policy. ALL EMPLOYEES MALES FEMALES TOTAL Male Female White Black Asian America Hispani White Black Asian America Hispani MALES & s s (Not of (Not of America n Indian c (Not of (Not of America n Indian c Job FEMALE Hispani Hispani n or or Hispani Hispani n or or Categorie S c c Pacific Alaskan c c Pacific Alaskan s Origin) Origin) Islander Native Origin) Origin) Islander Native Officials MGRS and Supervisors Professionals Technicians Sales Workers Off/Clericals Craft workers (Skilled) Operations (Semiskilled) Laborers (Unskilled) Service Workers Apprentices TOTALS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) Describe any other action taken which show that all employees are recruited, hired, or trained or promoted without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, handicap, age or national origin. Use second sheet if additional space is needed. The undersigned certifies that they are legally authorized by the proposer to make the statements and representations contained in this report and that they have read all of the foregoing statements and representations which are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief FIRM OR CORPORATE NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: TITLE: RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 This page has been intentionally left blank Page: 48 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 DESCRIPTION OF JOB CATEGORIES OFFICIAL, MANAGERS AND SUPERVISORS Occupations requiring administrative personnel who set District policies, exercise overall responsibility for execution of the plaices, and direct individual departments or special phases of a firm's operations includes: officials, executives, middle management, plant managers, department managers and superintendents, salaried supervisors who are members of management, purchasing agents and buyers, and kindred workers. PROFESSIONALS Occupations requiring either college graduation or experience of such kind and amount as to provide a background. Includes: accountants and auditors, airplane pilots and editors, engineers, lawyers, librarians, mathematicians, natural scientists, personnel and labor relations workers, physical scientists, physicians, social scientists, teacher's and kindred workers. TECHNICIANS Occupations requiring a combination of basic scientific knowledge and manual skill which can be obtained through (about) two years of post high school education, such as that which is offered in many technical institutes and junior colleges, or through equivalent on-the-job training. Includes: drafters, engineering aides, junior engineers, mathematical aids, nurses, photographers, radio operators, scientific assistants, surveyor of technical illustrators, technicians (medical, dental, electronic physical sciences), and kindred workers. SALES WORKERS Occupations engaging wholly or primarily in direct selling. Includes: advertising agents and salespersons, insurance agents and brokers, real estate agents and brokers, stock bond salespersons, demonstrators, sales persons, sales clerks, and kindred workers. OFFICE AND CLERICAL Includes all clerical-type work regardless of level of difficulty, where the activities are predominantly nonmanual, includes: bookkeepers, cashiers, collectors (bills and account), messengers and office clerks, office machine operators, shipping and receiving clerks, stenographers, typists and secretaries, telegraph and telephone operators and kindred workers. CRAFTWORKERS (SKILLED) Manual workers of relatively high skill level having a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the process involved in their work, exercise considerable independent judgment, and usually receive an extensive period of training. Includes: the building trades hourly paid foremen who are not members of management, mechanics and repairers, skilled machine operators, compositors and typesetters, electricians, engravers, job setters (metal), motion picture projectionists, pattern and model makers, stationary engineers, tailors and kindred workers. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 49 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 PART III OPERATIVE (SEMI-SKILLED) Workers who opE-rate machine or processing equipment or perform other factor-type duties of intermediate skill level which can be mastered in a few weeks and require limited training. LABORERS (UNSKILLED) Workers in manual occupations which generally require no special training. Perform elementary duties that may be learned in a few days and require the application of little or no independent judgment. Includes: garage laborers, car washers and greasers, gardeners (except farmers), ground-keepers, long-shore workers, craftsperson and stevedores, lumber's and wood chippers, laborers performing lifting, digging, mixing, loading, and pulling operations, and kindred workers. SERVICE WORKERS Workers in both protective and non-protective service occupations. Includes: attendants (hospital and other instruction, professional and personal service), barbers, and cleaners, cooks, guards, doorkeepers, stewards, janitors, police officers and detectives, porters, food servers, and kindred workers. APPRENTICES Persons employed in a program including work training and related instruction to learn a trade or craft which is traditionally considered an apprenticeship, regardless of whether the program is registered with a Federal or State agency. Page: 50 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 PART 2: E-RATE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, FORMS AND SPECIFICATIONS #21157 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 51 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 1. Introduction The Cleveland Municipal School District (“District”, “CMSD”) is soliciting proposals for diverse E-rate funded services, such as telecommunications, Internet access, basic maintenance services and internal connections. The services and products will be supplied by one or more vendors to support voice, video and data communications throughout the District’s sites via the technology network. Qualified vendors interested in this Request for Proposal set (RFP) are invited to submit proposals for the various products and services described herein. The District will evaluate the proposals based on the Federal Communication Commission’s Schools and Libraries Division (“SLD”, “E-rate”) program rules to fund economically disadvantaged rural and urban schools and libraries. The RFP process will also adhere fully to District and State procurement rules and requirements. Evaluation criteria are noted in section 9, “Evaluation Criteria”; The District has participated in the E-rate program since its inception in 1998. The District wishes to maintain industry standards for its robust infrastructure that requires complex support and services in the E-rate categories of Telecommunications, Internet access, Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections, and Internal Connections to support student achievement. The primary goal of the Cleveland Municipal School District is to become a premier school district in the United States of America. For further information, please visit the Cleveland Municipal School District Website: http://www.ClevelandMetroSchools.org/ 2. Cleveland Municipal School District General Information The Cleveland Municipal School District is a large urban school system with over 100 instructional and non-instructional sites, approximately 5,000 teachers and administrative staff, 40,000 students and 3,500 classrooms. 3. CMSD Technology Vision The District’s Technology vision is: • Technology will be effectively integrated into the daily curriculum, expanding the teaching capacity of every teacher and the learning capacity of every child. • Technology solutions will be delivered as reliable, easy to use, and adaptable packages that support classroom needs. • Technology infrastructure will consistently provide a responsive platform for all academic and administrative operations. • Effectively implemented technology becomes nearly invisible to the user communities allowing them to focus on academic goals. Page: 52 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 4. Information Technology Overview CMSD information technology includes: • Network hardware infrastructure such as servers, SANs, routers, switches, IP PBX, virtual networking and phone lines; • Network/Internet/Intranet software infrastructure such as, email, application streaming, VPN, and portal; • End-user devices & supplies including PCs, laptops, printers, PDAs, mobile devices and handsets; • End device operating system and basic productivity software; • System and equipment security, inventory, and disaster recovery; • Support for student/parent/teacher access; • Instructional management systems; • External hosted systems; cloud services • Diverse instructional software; • Instructional content including lesson plans and on-line textbooks; • Student support services, tools and integration, for example Special Education; • Enterprise resource planning tools for finance, HR, and other departments; • Business process redesign systems such as, Purchasing and Supply Mgmt; • External partner data exchange (e.g., Medicaid billable services). 5. E-RATE Program Overview The Federal Universal Service Discount Program for Schools and Libraries, commonly referred to as the “educational rate program” (E-rate) was established via the Telecommunications Act of 1996. E-rate’s purpose is to provide funding for access to advanced telecommunications services for eligible schools and libraries, particularly those in rural and economically disadvantaged areas. The Universal Services Administration Corporation (USAC), Schools and Libraries Division (SLD), with the oversight of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), administers the national program. E-rate funds are intended to provide the conduits for voice, video, and data flow within and among eligible organizations; they are not intended to provide data content or end user equipment and software. Eligible equipment includes: • Wiring and physical network components necessary to enable data transmission among schools and libraries. • Basic conduit access to the Internet, including necessary wiring, network components, ISP services and email. • Leased, tariffed, contracted or month-to-month telecommunications services from eligible providers that are used to transmit information electronically among sites. • Servers and operating systems necessary to manage networks. • Internal wiring and components necessary to expand data access within a school or library (e.g. wiring to individual classrooms). The E-rate program facilitates funding by subsidizing vendors to provide discounts between 20% and 90% for eligible products to eligible institutions. For a school, the discount is based on Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 53 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 the percentage of students in that school that qualify for the National School Lunch Program, the recognized measure of economic disadvantage. CMSD’s annual discount has been an 86% for most years. The FCC’s and USAC’s highest priorities are program compliance and integrity. The program's operations are strictly controlled via designated filings and timelines; all organizations’ information is closely reviewed prior to fund allocation. The CMSD’s E-rate program is administered by the E-rate office in the District’s Procurement Department. Vendors are encouraged to visit http://www.sl.universalservice.org/ to learn more detail about the E-rate program, with particular attention to the Disbursements page (http://www.universalservice.org/hc/tools/disbursement-data-search.aspx), which presents vendor participation requirements, and the Eligibility List, which details eligible and ineligible products and services http://www.universalservice.org/sl/tools/eligible-services-list.aspx) and cost allocation guidelines http://www.universalservice.org/sl/applicants/step06/cost-allocationguidelines-consortia-comprising.aspx and http://www.universalservice.org/sl/applicants/step06/cost-allocation-guidelines-productsservices.aspx . 6. General Service Requirements The following general service requirements apply to each of the RFPs and are in addition to any component or service-specific requirements presented in the individual RFP. • All prices must clearly delineate eligible and ineligible costs. • All prices must be line itemized. • General production support to include repair, error correction, file recovery, and documentation interpretation must be provided. • Where applicable, time and materials costs must be listed clearly, by like item. • Service providers should note that there may be changes in the site list due to new constructions sites, demolished sites, merged sites, swing sites, and other changes that may come after the signing of contracted services and/or products. The site list may include addresses for demolished buildings. Thus, the number of sites for services and/or products may be less than noted on the list. Costs must be adjusted accordingly. • Negotiable production support Service Level Agreements must be provided. SLA’s, for the most part, are provided within each of the individual RFP’s with specifics negotiated with the selected vendor(s). • A negotiable problem management and escalation mechanism must be provided. • Periodic, systematic status reporting must be provided. • A process for review and replacement of vendor personnel unacceptable to CMSD must be provided. • A single point of contact with sufficient authority to direct and redirect vendor resources for problem resolution must be provided. • A formal installation review and acceptance process must be provided for all new products and services. • An agreed-upon dispute resolution mechanism must be defined. Page: 54 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 • Willingness to invoice the District at the E-rate approved discount percentage, with the remainder directly to the SLD (“SPIF” form), pending District certification for services performed. 7. Vendor Profile The primary attributes CMSD seeks in a vendor include: • A demonstrated, verifiable capability to provide support and maintenance services similar to those described in this RFP. • A company business and financial performance history consistent with solid, stable and reliable operations over a multi-year period. • A reasonable exposure to education industry concepts; ideally a history of providing products or services to members of the education industry. • An existing, stable staff of highly trained professionals who have demonstrated successful track records of customer service and who have mastered the technical skills necessary to support the products and services outlined in the applicable RFP. • An understanding of the legal and financial compliance requirements of E-rate, or a willingness to commit to acquire this knowledge. • A demonstrated track record in successful E-rate funding approvals in the last three years. 8. Proposal Process The proposal process will proceed along the following guidelines, for which pertinent dates are presented in the RFP transmittal letter and respective RFPs: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Release in email of RFP to self registered vendors on E-rate vendor list. Notice in local newspaper regarding RFP posting Concurrent submission and posting of Forms 470 with the SLD Vendor submission of written questions Proposers’ pre-proposal conference On-line publication of written questions and responses Issuance of addendum, if needed. Receipt of vendors' intent to propose or not propose Receipt of proposals at CMSD Evaluation Committee review Oral presentations as requested by the Evaluation Committee Notification of proposal award to selected vendors only; Contract negotiation(s) with selected vendor(s) Submission of funding request for respective services and products to E-rate Posting on District Web site of selected vendors and services after submittal to E-rate All questions other than those presented at the Proposers’ Conference must be written and directed to Dedra.Ross@ClevelandMetroSchools.org All questions received and responses Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 55 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 thereto will be distributed via the District’s Web site to all vendors expressing an intent to propose. A Proposers’ Conference for vendors intending to propose will be hosted during which an introduction of parties, and an open question and answer period will take place. In order to facilitate the conference and ensure information transfer, vendors are invited to forward questions or topics intended for discussion in advance of the Conference to the email addresse above. Please include the RFP number and the E-rate RFP reference number. CMSD reserves the right to decline answering any questions or engage in any discussions for reasons that include confidentiality, and its sole determination, that such information is relevant or specific to a single vendor. Vendors requesting data not provided herein or at the Proposers’ Conference agree to bear the cost of collecting and providing such data. Proposers may be requested to give an oral presentation to CMSD staff in order to clarify their proposal. All information received by CMSD shall become the property of CMSD. CMSD reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without explanation. Proposers should note that the following Request for Proposals are specifically general to express a wide-ranging need. Proposers should feel free to define and specify in detail their services and products.. 9. Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated, first, as responsive or non-responsive to the RFP’s specifications. Second, the proposals will be evaluated based on the information presented in the proposal and on additional information obtained during the evaluation process. Price is the heaviest weighted criteria. Other criteria are considered as stated below. The evaluation criteria and their respective weights are: • • • • price of eligible products/services (40%); other price factors, including ineligible products/services; warranties (15%); local access, prior experience, and personnel qualifications (15%); specifications satisfied/understanding of District needs and requirements (30%); Evaluations are based solely on the submitted proposal and, where applicable, the in-person presentation. Page: 56 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 10. Proposal Requirements The Requests for Proposal herein have been separated into E-rate RFPs by product or service category. Some of the E-rate RFPs may have one or more options, or several RFPs may be grouped together as one RFP. Service providers may respond to any one of the options within a given RFP, to the entire individual RFP, or the grouped RFP as a unit. The District will not consider any options or bundled services unless so specified in the RFP. While the District RFP carries the overall RFP number (#21157), vendors may respond with a proposal on any one or all of the E-rate RFPs. To comply with E-rate rules, vendors are required to respond to each E-rate RFP separately, including the Compliance Section Part I (Purchasing documents), need be presented with two (2) original copies. Combined proposals, except where specifically in response to the already grouped RFP, will be rejected as non-responsive. Proposal responses are to be divided into sections as follows: 1. Cover Letter that includes the total annual cost for the respective service/product 2. A completed set of Required Purchasing Division documents set forth in Part 1 of this RFP 3. General Information Section • • • • • • • • • Executive summary: information about the firm’s history, structure, organizational metrics and qualifications for fulfilling CMSD’s requirements. Business Health: information about the firm's financial structure and viability, particularly as it relates to fulfilling a multiple year agreement. Product and service provision approach, particularly where sub–contractors are to be employed. Experience and expertise: information about the firm’s current and previous contracts, particularly those with organizations similar to CMSD. General narratives about at least two clients using products or services similar to those being proposed for CMSD (include detailed reference information for these clients in the compliance section). Management support services: information about staff, project, issue, performance, quality and risk management methodology. Security: information about the firm’s policies, practices and standards for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of client’s data, intellectual property and trade secrets. Risks: firm’s evaluation of the greatest challenges and risks associated with the particular products or services and suggestions for mitigating risk Dispute resolution: information about firm’s standard dispute resolution methodologies. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 57 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 4. Technical Section • Assumptions: information about assumptions, inclusions, exclusions, exceptions and caveats that aid in specifically defining the firm’s understanding of the product or service being addressed. • Services, materials and equipment descriptions, including diagrams of Proposed system where and when applicable. All infrastructure proposals require system/network diagrams. • Equipment and Materials Specifications (Include information on extended warranty and support programs available from either the manufacturer or vendor; include manufacturer’s brochures and full technical specifications for all equipment and materials proposed.) • Implementation plan (required only for new products and services): information about the tasks, methodology and timing for implementing the product or service, including activities to be provided by CMSD. • Staffing and resumes: information about permanent and subcontracted staff proposed to service the client, particularly the single point of contact person. • Pricing: Information about initial and ongoing costs and cost timing over the proposed contract period. This information is to be summarized in this section as well as presented in detail on the individual RFP form. Supplemental explanatory information should be provided in this section. Include overall price with actual breakdown cost of each project component into E-rate eligible and non-E-rate eligible columns or sections, including the cost of any additional services that may be needed to provide the requested service. 5. A completed Proposer Experience and System Capabilities form (see Appendix F) This is the last form in this document and must be completed. Please fill it out. It is placed last for easy removal and use during the evaluation and selection process. Page: 58 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 11 Proposal Submission Instructions It is extremely important that vendors adhere to the following guidelines for submission of proposals.* • The proposal RFP reference numbers must be clearly written on all submitted materials (including the submission envelope and shipping labels). This includes the overall RFP # and the individual E-rate RFP numbers. • All proposals must be received no later than 12:00 Noon on Thursday, January 16, 2015 and must be labeled with the corresponding RFP Name, number, and subdivision. • • • • • Each and every page must have the proposer’s company name in the header or footer. All information must be filled legibly and completely in ink, or the proposal may be excluded from consideration. Any and all changes must be initialed by the proposer. All proposal submission materials must consist of two (2) complete originals, with blue ink signatures, eight (8) paper copies of the specifications, and one (1) electronic copy. No binding of any kind: use only binder clips. No staples, No paperclips, No binders, No tabs should be used; use colored paper to separate sections. Failure to comply with submission formation may result in the submittal be disqualified. Three-hole punch all proposal copies, if possible, but not required. * Proposers not complying with the above submission requirement will receive a fax/e-mail notifying them that they have twenty-four (24) hours in which to submit the required copies, or their proposal will be disqualified. This applies to copies only, not originals. By submitting a proposal, the proposer agrees to the following operational items: a. The proposer must be accessible to meet with the Proposal Evaluation Committee, if the committee requests a presentation. b. No proposal may be withdrawn for at least ninety (90) days after the proposal due date. c. The Cleveland Municipal School District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any and all formalities or irregularities, and to disregard all non-conforming responsive conditional proposals. d. Proposer understands and agrees that, subsequent to submission of the proposal, any District resolution authorizing the award of a contract or agreement does not vest any contractual rights in the Proposer. e. Proposer understands and agrees that any such District resolution opE-rates only to encumber funds necessary for the project and does not create a binding contract. f. Proposer further acknowledges and agrees that any such District resolution may be revoked, at any time prior to execution of a formal, written contract. g. Proposer acknowledges and agrees that it has no vested contractual right until such time as a purchase order or contract has been issued. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 59 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 h. Proposer further acknowledges and agrees that execution of a contract or issuance of a purchase order is not a ministerial function, but is a formal requirement for acceptance of the proposal. i. Proposer must present evidence to the District, upon request, that they are fully competent and have the necessary facilities, equipment and financial resources to perform the work required in the specifications within the time frame required. j. Proposer acknowledges that all material and information responsive to specifications must be furnished or the proposal may be deemed non-responsive and not considered. k. The District reserves the right to award the proposal in whole or in part, by item, by group of items; to a single vendor; or to multiple vendors, where such action serves the best interests of the Cleveland Municipal School District. l. Proposer shall not include Ohio Sales Tax in the price quoted. The Cleveland Municipal School District will provide tax-exempt certificate to the successful proposer. Send all proposals to: Cleveland Municipal School District Chief Financial Officer, 19th Floor RE: RFP #21157 – E-rate RFP#XX-1516 1111 Superior Avenue East Cleveland, Ohio 44114 16. Written questions may be directed to the Purchasing Division via fax/e-mail to: 216-3614717; or Dedra.Ross@ClevelandMetroSchools.org. The District will NOT ACCEPT any telephone calls regarding any of the submittals and/or “short lists”. This includes the E-rate office. Under no circumstances should any firm interested in providing services identified in this RFP, their designees, or anyone affiliated with their firm, contact any other District employee or official during the RFP process, in an attempt to lobby or influence the selection of a vendor pursuant to this RFP. . * * NOTE: No oral, telephonic, telegraphic or electronic proposal or modifications will be considered; all materials submitted are as is. Page: 60 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 This page has been intentionally left blank Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 61 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Section A: E-rate Category One – Telecom Services Page: 62 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 E-rate RFP #05-1516 – High Speed Internet Service Posting Date: Friday, January 16, 2015 Due Date: Friday, February 13, 2015 by 12:00 pm (noon) Award Date: TBA (at close of E-rate filing window) Functional Description The District requires High Speed Internet service for three sites, however there may be changes to these and/or other sites added over the course of the service term Minimum Requirements 3MB per second upload/download 24x7x365 online and/or telephone support 1-hour same day, 2-hour, on-site service response; 99.97%+ uptime guaranteed Locations 1 Cleveland Christian Home 2 Jones Home 3 South 11401 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44111 3518 W 25rh St, Cleveland OH 44109 7415 Broadway Avenue, Cleveland OH 44105 Special Considerations The District has no current contract for the above services. The District wishes take this service as a month-to-month. Per USAC the Lowest corresponding price (LCP) is the lowest price that a service provider charges to non-residential customers who are similarly situated to a particular school, library, or library consortium for similar services. Providers of eligible services shall not charge schools, school districts, libraries, library consortia, or consortia including any of these entities a price above the lowest corresponding price for supported services, unless the Commission, with respect to interstate services or the state commission with respect to intrastate services, finds that the lowest corresponding price is not compensatory. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 63 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 This page has been intentionally left blank Page: 64 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Cost Summary for E-rate RFP #05-1516 – High Speed Internet Service SERVICE MONTHLY CHARGE PER YEAR (MONTHLY X 12) Installation Line Service GRAND TOTALS *Please include a description of other services that may be needed to provide the requested service herein, and their respective costs, if applicable. (Please use as many additional sheets, as necessary to provide complete pricing information.) Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 65 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 SIGNATURE The undersigned certifies he/she is authorized to obligate the represented firm and further agrees with all terms, conditions, and requirements of the Cleveland Municipal School District Request for Proposal E-rate RFP #05-1516 – High Speed Internet Service. The undersigned certifies that the costs are all-inclusive of any necessary services that may be needed to deliver the requested service and/or product. Should there be additional cost(s) for the service after the District has selected the service provider, whether via contract or on month-to-month terms, the District will be responsible only for the costs noted in the vendor's proposal response, and will not be responsible for any additional charges to deliver the service. Firm Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Print Name: __________________________________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________________________________________ Date signed: __________________________________________________________________ Page: 66 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Section B: E-rate Category 2 – Internal Connections, Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections, Managed Internal Broadband Service Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 67 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 This page has been intentionally left blank Page: 68 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 E-rate RFP #06-1516 – Managed Internal Broadband Service Posting Date: Friday, January 16, 2015 Due Date: Friday, February 13, 2015 by 12:00 pm (noon) Award Date: TBA (at close of E-rate filing window) Functional Description The District seeks a service provider for managed internal broadband services that includes the operation, management and/or monitoring of the eligible components of the District’s LAN and wireless WAN. In this RFP, the District also requests services for the ineligible components as a service. The cost of the eligible service and of the ineligible service must each be on separate line items as noted in the cost summary. These costs must also be separately itemized in the proposal itself. The District strongly recommends that interested proposers thoroughly review the Eligible Services List for FY 2015 (http://e-ratecentral.com/files/fcc/DA-14-1556A1.pdf ) about which components are eligible and which components are no longer eligible per the recent modernization Orders: FCC 14-99 (http://e-ratecentral.com/files/fcc/FCC-14-99A1.pdf ) and FCC 14-189 (http://e-ratecentral.com/files/fcc/FCC-14-189A1.pdf). Minimum service requirements: • E-rate eligible services and ineligible services MUST be clearly line-itemized. • Interested service providers must be willing to engage in tracking service costs BY SITE – for both eligible and ineligible costs. Costs should be detailed by month and annual (12 months) cost FOR EACH ELIGIBLE DISTRICT SITE, and noted as a total amount for all eligible sites on a monthly and on an annual (12-month) basis. The separation of the costs by site is per the recent FCC Modernization Order and the Eligible Services List which mandate budgets based on student populations per site. Knowing the cost per site for the Managed Internal Broadband Service will allow the District to budget E-rate funds effectively. The funding request may be submitted for the full amount on the Form 471, with detailed records maintained by eligible site; or by site, or by groups of sites. Non-instructional Facilities are not eligible sites for Category 2 services. • Service provider will conduct a network infrastructure survey at the commencement of the service contract and annually during the contract term and extensions. The survey will inventory all managed equipment and map all associated broadband services. The initial and annual survey will be performed at no additional cost to the District and copies of all documents created will be provided to the District. • All managed equipment and associated broadband services will be monitored for acceptable availability and performance metrics. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 69 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 • Service provider will manage all configuration and changes to internal network infrastructure equipment needed to deliver associated broadband services. • Service provider will manage all configuration and changes to internal telecommunications infrastructure equipment needed to deliver associated broadband services. • Service provider will have staff with appropriate vendor certifications to service and maintain managed internal network equipment and managed internal telecommunications equipment. Service provider will provide documentation of service provider’s staff certifications upon request. 1. Data Network 1.1. Hardware 1.1.1. Refer to Appendix A 1.2. Protocols 1.2.1. BGP 1.2.2. EGIRP 1.2.3. LAT 1.2.4. OSPF 1.2.5. TCP/IP 1.2.6. TCP/UPD 1.3. Responsibilities 1.3.1. General 1.3.1.a. All Configuration changes including moves, ads, and changes. 1.3.1.b. DHCP/DNS/WINS Administration 1.3.1.c. Equipment Moves, ads, and changes 1.3.1.d. IIS support and administration 1.3.1.e. Internet filtering 1.3.1.f. Intrusion detection, prevention, deterrent, and tracking. 1.3.1.g. IOS Upgrades and Patches including testing. (Note: Testing method results, plan and contingency plan must be approved by CMSD before release into production environment.) 1.3.1.h. IP address Administration 1.3.1.i. MAC Administration where deemed applicable by CMSD. 1.3.1.j. Maintenance of Access Lists. 1.3.1.k. Microsoft, Linux, and Unix Administration for network devices such as DHCP that utilize these operating systems. 1.3.1.l. Multiple recommendation of measures to correct network traffic bottlenecks that fall below set benchmarks. 1.3.1.m. Traffic shaping 1.3.1.n. Troubleshooting and Technical support for all LAN, WAN, and Internet Issues. 1.3.1.o. VLAN configuration and administration. (NOTE: administrative function is INELIGIBLE) 1.3.1.p. Must submit a daily check list that confirms that specific duties have been performed. 1.3.2. Troubleshooting of all reported problems. Page: 70 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 1.3.3. Network Technical support and documentation. 1.3.4. Participation at Daily status meeting. (Erate INELIGIBLE) 1.3.5. Participation at CMSD Projects meeting as required. (Erate INELIGIBLE) 2. Servers, SAN, and backup System (NOTE: SANs are ineligible, backup system is also ineligible. Those servers that carry ineligible services, e.g. applications, are prorated vis-àvis eligibility; cost of tech support and maintenance is prorated accordingly. Current server eligibility is at 42%. This may change with the network’s new configuration and replacement and reconfiguration of selected servers.) 2.1. Hardware 2.1.1. Refer to Appendix A 2.2. Responsibilities 2.2.1. Backups (NOTE: INELIGIBLE) 2.2.1.a. At least 1 incremental backup will be taken of all servers per day and kept for 30 days. 2.2.1.b. At least 1 full backup herewith known as the “standard full backup”, will be taken of all servers once per 7-day period that will remain on CMSD property for one (1) year. 2.2.1.c. At least 1 full backup herewith knows as the “disaster recovery backup”, will be taken of all servers once per 7 day period and will be stored at a location designated by CMSD for 1 year. 2.2.1.d. Notify CMSD when unused tape count is less than what is needed for a typical 30 day period. 2.2.1.e. Periodic testing and validation of the integrity of backups as directed by CMSD. 2.2.1.f. Restoration as needed and/or requested by CMSD. 2.2.1.g. Inventory and tracking of all media. 2.2.2. User account maintenance (NOTE: INELIGIBLE) 2.2.3. All configuration changes including moves, adds and changes. 2.2.4. Equipment moves adds and changes. 2.2.5. Software Upgrades and Patches including testing. Note: Testing method results, plan and contingency plan must be approved by CMSD before release into production environment. (NOTE: OS software upgrades are ELIGIBLE – see below 2.3.14; all other software applications are INELIGIBLE) 2.2.6. Troubleshooting and technical support for all network-related server issues. 2.2.7. Documentation.as specified by CMSD 2.2.8. Representation at status meetings and or CMSD projects meetings as needed.(NOTE: INELIGIBLE) 2.2.9. Break Fix with the exception of providing the replacement equipkent. 2.2.10. SANS administration and configuration (NOTE: only Email SANs are ELIGIBLE; all other SANS are INELIGIBLE; administrative function as it pertains to end-users is INELIGIBLE.) 2.2.11. Regular disk defragmentation as determined by CMSD 2.2.12. Configuration of UPS and automatic shutdowns. 2.2.13. All configuration and maintenance of the Operating system and everything that is packaged with it. (IIS, .NET framework, FrontPage Extensions, Activity Directory.) Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 71 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 2.2.14. 2.2.15. 2.2.16. 2.2.17. 2.2.18. 2.2.19. Periodic cleaning of the tape drive. Regular PM maintenance on all equipment as agreed upon by CMSD. AD structure configuration, and administration Login script creation, maintenance, documentation and administration. Server script creation, maintenance, documentation and administration. Creation, maintenance, and administration of software installation packages. (ONLY OS is ELIGIBLE; other SW is INELIGIBLE.) 2.2.20. Installation, configuration and maintenance of application software (not including in-house applications not created by vendor.) 3. Wireless (Clients include Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Cellphones, PDAs and 802.11x Phones. NOTE: End-devices are not Erate eligible. ) 3.1. Hardware (Access Points) 3.1.1. Refer to Appendix A 3.2. Security 3.2.1. 802.1x Open WEP/EAP-PEAP/EAP-MS-CHAP 3.2.2. TACACS authentication 3.3. Responsibilities 3.3.1. All configuration changes including moves, ads, and changes. 3.3.2. Equipment moves, ads, and changes except end user devices. 3.3.3. Software upgrades and patches including testing. (Note: Testing method results, plan and contingency plan must be approved by CMSD before release into production environment.) 3.3.4. Troubleshooting and Technical support for all VOIP issues regarding 802.11 wireless phones.. 3.3.5. Documentation.as specified by CMSD 3.3.6. Break fix with the exception for providing replacement equipment. 3.3.7. Regular testing of connectivity to equipment, as agreed upon the vendor and CMSD. 3.3.8. Representation at status and/or CMSD projects meeting as needed. (NOTE: INELIBILE) 4. Problem tracking tool’s standard requirements for related areas. 4.1. Problem tracking tool’s queues are to be noted during normal CMSD hours of business. 4.2. Problem tracking tool’s tickets are to be acknowledged within 5 minutes of their creation. 4.3. Problem tracking tool’s tickets must be closed within 1 business day of work being completed. 4.4. All tickets must be updated at least once per business day. 4.5. Problem tracking tool’s tickets are required for all work performed by vendor. (Vendor may open tickets as necessary) 4.6. Problem tracking tool’s tickets must contain detailed information regarding the work performed as well as a resolution such that the information may be 4.7. incorporated into a knowledge base for future use. Page: 72 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 5. Security (NOTE: All Tech support tasks should provide basic and reasonable protections to prevent unauthorized access to the information, software, and systems of District’s eligible network components. All other tasks are INELIGIBLE.) 5.1. Daily review of all logs, and security reports. 5.2. Regular maintenance and updates of Anti-Virus and related software and hardware. 5.3. Block and unblock sites using CMSD’s preferred web filtering tool as per CMSD procedures. (INELIGIBLE) 5.4. Maintain and Administrator CMSD’s preferred web filtering tool including but not limited to software upgrades. 5.5. Creation of Help Desk tickets for discovered security issues. (End-devices are INELIGIBLE as are all tech support tasks related to end-devices.) 6. Monitoring and First Level Support 6.1. Minimum Requirements 6.1.1. A CMSD specific portal with secure access that will provide the District and its support vendors with ability to see the health of each device, resource, and or service that is being monitored, as well as the health history. 6.1.2. The CMSD specific portal must allow the District and its support vendors to have a real time view of all critical hardware, application, network and security pieces. 6.1.3. Monitor at network interface and port level, and raise alert when any loss of connectivity is detected. 6.1.4. Identify and document root cause of issues. 6.1.5. Troubleshoot network communications issues between the client and server and between the server and external resources, such as, but not limited to, a database server. The ideal solution would be able to monitor response time between the different pieces and assemble a complete picture. 6.1.6. Monitor HTTP response time, and alert accordingly. 6.2. Monitor servers including, but not limited to, processor load, memory usage, disk usage. 6.2.1. Monitor the processes running on a server and alert accordingly. 6.2.2. Monitor SNMP alerts and alert accordingly. 6.2.3. Monitor specific web sites and alert when content changes. 6.2.4. Monitor MS-SQL, Oracle, and DB2/400 databases by sending test transactions and verifying the results including response time. The response time should be able to be utilized to identify peak usage periods. 6.2.5. Monitor backups and report Daily on servers that did not get backed up. 6.2.6. Collect network data for historical reporting, trend analysis, performance, utilization, and future planning. The data must be stored/replicated/updated on a MS SQL database server on CMSD Property provided by CMSD. 6.2.7. Monitor telephony and video equipment for alerts, alarms thresholds, environmentals, latency, jitter, packet loss etc.. 6.2.8. Monitoring Dashboard for alerts, alarms thresholds and environmentals etc... at facilitiesSLA monitoring of mean time to repair. 6.2.9. Must perform remote first level support 24x7x365. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 73 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 6.2.10. Must contact CMSD support providers to notify them of problems and issues, open tickets, and escalate as necessary to resolve issues. 6.2.11. Must work with CMSD support providers to resolve problem and issues, as well as identify the root cause. 6.2.12. Must have demonstrated experience in monitoring and first level remote support. 6.2.13. Responsibilities The service, to begin effective July 1, 2015, will monitor devices, resources and services 24/7/365; these devices, resources and services will be mutually agreed-upon before the start of the contract. 6.2.14. Work with CMSD support providers to resolve problems and issues, as well as identify the root cause. 6.2.15. Contact CMSD points of contact and/or support providers to notify them of problems and issues, open tickets, and escalate as necessary to resolve issues. 6.2.16. Manage quickly and effectively SLA violations before they become customer-affecting issues, reducing Help Desk call volume and improve customer satisfaction. 6.2.17. Track SLA violations and provide timely and regularly scheduled reports to CMSD management. 6.2.18. Escalate problems and issues as necessary. 6.2.19. Identify and track network and service bottlenecks. 6.2.20. Provide timely and regularly scheduled reports to CMSD management regarding the network’s performance. 6.2.21. Work continuously with CMSD and its vendors to improve the overall efficiency of the Network and its services. 6.2.22. Open CMSD help desk tickets ad deemed necessary by the District using the District’s ticket tracking tool. 7. Avaya Phone System 7.1. Hardware 7.1.1. Please Refer to Appendix B 7.2. Responsibilities 7.2.1. Problem determination on the above equipment. 7.2.2. Installation of software upgrades, and patches to the BCM System. Please note that the software on the BCM is required for the phone system to operate, and it cannot operate without it and is therefore e-rate eligible.. The vendor is responsible for obtaining the above upgrades, and patches. The cost of upgrades and patches are to be part of this contract. 7.2.3. Repair and replacement of broken equipment. 7.2.4. All configuration changes. 7.2.5. Moves, adds, and changes to the IP trunking configuration including but not limited to the IP trunking between the CS1000, and BCMs 7.2.6. Vendor must provide their own equipment that is needed for testing, and upgrades. The cost of this equipment is the responsibility of the proposer, and cannot be included. 8. Video Conferencing and Video Distribution 8.1. Video Conferencing Hardware Page: 74 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 8.1.1. Core 8.1.1.a. 8.1.1.b. 8.1.1.c. 8.1.1.d. 1 - Polycom V21U 6400-E85 Firewall/NAT traversal unit. 1 - Polycom IP Multipoint Conference Unit (MCU) RMX 2000 3 – Polycom RSS 3000 Video recording and streaming Solution 1 – Polycom SE 200 Network Appliance, loaded with ReadiManager SE200 Management Suite Software 8.1.2. End Points 8.1.2.a. 10 - Polycom VSX 3000 8.1.2.b. 15 - Polycom VSX 7000S 8.1.2.c. 1 – Polycom HDX 9002 8.2. Video Distribution Hardware 8.2.1. Refer to Appendix C. 8.3. Responsibilities 8.3.1. All Configuration changes. 8.3.2. Break/Fix on All Equipment include replacements and parts. 8.3.3. Software Upgrades and Patches including testing for all equipment. (Note: Testing method results, plan and contingency plan must be approved by CMSD before release into production environment.) 8.3.4. Troubleshooting and problem resolution support for all Video issues. 8.3.5. Documentation as specified by CMSD. Documentation Creating, updating, and maintaining network configuration documentation in electronic format. Network Diagrams Core Internet connection Non Standard remote connections. Standard remote connection. Standard Configurations for all equipment covered under this contract by type. Wireless Configuration instructions for Laptops running Microsoft XP Service Pack 2, and later include but not limited to Windows Vista. Labeling UPS must indicate the Breaker box, and breaker they are connected to. Network cables must be labeled at both ends. All Network, and services devices in the Datacenter, MDI and/or IDF must be labeled with their respective IP Address. Other Service Levels and Response Times The service levels noted below are negotiable. Please include any changes that you may wish. The foundation of the basic maintenance contracts, one for E-Rate eligible services and one for E-Rate ineligible services will be the mutually agreed-upon SLA’s for the supported equipment. Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 75 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Priority 1 – Equipment/services that impact the entire District or core District functions such as Payroll, and Finance. 24x7x365 support Immediate notification to CMSD designated staff, and to the Help Desk 10-minute initial response time of remote first level support. Problem resolution continues until resolved. All events, from time of discovery until time of resolution including any lessons learned, must be documented fully. Updates to designated CMSD staff and Helpdesk every 30 minutes until resolved. Priority 2 – Equipment/Services that impact a Key site or department, such as the Administrative building. 24x7x365 support Immediate notification to CMSD designated staff, and to the Help Desk 15-minute initial response time of remote first level support. Problem resolution continues until resolved. All events, from time of discovery until time of resolution including any lessons learned, must be documented fully. Updates to designated CMSD staff and Helpdesk every hour on the hour until resolved. Priority 3 – Equipment/Services that impact a non-key site or department 24x7x365 support Notification to CMSD designated staff, and to the Help Desk as deemed by the District. 15-minute initial response time of remote first level support. Problem resolution continues until resolved during normal business hours. All events, from time of discovery until time of resolution including any lessons learned, must be documented fully. Updates to designated CMSD staff and Helpdesk daily until resolved. Priority 4 – Equipment/ Services that impact a classroom or a group of 5 to 20 users. and Priority 5 Equipment/Services that impact less than 5 users. 8x5x260 support 20-minute initial response time of remote first level support. Problem resolution continues until resolved during normal business hours. Updates to designated CMSD staff and Helpdesk weekly until resolved. . Assumptions All individuals assigned to this contract must be able to speak, write, and understand English. CMSD will not be directly billed nor additionally charged for ancillary costs, such as, but not limited to, travel time, long distance charges, cell phone cost, office supplies, CMSD required background checks, attendance at meetings, and other similar items that are part of doing business,. Page: 76 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 CMSD will provide Media for CMSD required backups. SAN hardware, drivers, and software including configuration changes are considered part of the server maintenance and this RPF. (Ineligible) UPS testing, and battery replacement (CMSD will provide the battery) is also included in this contract CMSD will not be directly billed nor additionally charged for The physical movement of equipment within a building. Meeting expenses. Shipping of any kind. Any transportation costs. Overtime. Standard CMSD business day is 7 am to 7 pm Monday thru Friday. (Except for designated CMSD business holidays.) The provided list of facilities (reference Appendix E) is subject to change. At the District's discretion sites may be added or removed in accordance with the District's needs during the course of the contract. The lists of Server and Network equipment is subject to change as the District does not specify any particular make and or model for new construction sites. Meetings (INELIGIBLE) As part of the normal course of “doing business”, i.e. not billing the District, the vendor is expected to provide proper representation at meetings as needed, particularly as they pertain to issues. The representatives are expected to be on time and that they will notify regarding their unavailability 24 hours in advance, and will not substitute another staff person without advance notice to CMSD/MIS. Meetings may be in person and/or via telephone conference bridge at the discretion of the District. Other Requirements All individuals assigned to this contract must submit to background checks at the employer’s expense and may only perform service upon successful clearance. CMSD reserves the right to refuse any individual from performing any and all services under this contract. The vendor will maintain an electronic copy of the configuration of each device in a shared location that designated CMSD staff can access as needed. The vendor shall maintain an accurate inventory in electronic Microsoft SQL database form that is readable by designated CMSD staff of all equipment covered by this contract. The database must include the following fields: Building Number Building Address CMSD Asset Tag Room Number Location within room Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 77 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Inventory Database must be updated in near real-time with movement of equipment by the service provide. Change Control CMSD takes very seriously the education of Cleveland’s Children and the impact of service interruption to the District’s end users; and therefore takes change control very seriously. Prior to the start of the contract, vendors must present and work with CMSD to develop a change control process that meets the following criteria: Changes must be documented that include but are not limited to: Scope of change Communication plan of change Reason for change Change testing/validation plan Plan for implementation of change which includes measurable milestones. Back out and/or contingency plan if change is unsuccessful Identification of conditions in which back out/contingency plan must be implemented. Problems encountered during the change Any deviations from original plan. Plan for after change support Impact on cost of contract Lessons Learned Plan and test results must be approved by CMSD prior to implementation of the change. Deviations must be approved by CMSD. Page: 78 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Certifications Please indicate in the table below the number of staff that has the following certifications. Only include staff that are currently employed by your company, and whose certifications have not expired. CERTIFICATION EMPLOYED STAFF CONTRACTED STAFF Cisco - CCDA Cisco - CCDP Cisco - CCIE Cisco - CCIP Cisco - CCNA Cisco - CCNP Cisco - CCSP Cisco - CCVP Dell - EMC Dell - Hardware Microsoft - MSCE Avaya – NCA Avaya – NCDE Avaya – NCDS Avaya – NCSE Avaya - NCSS Avaya – NCTE Avaya – NCTS VMWare VCA-DCV VMWare VCAp-DCV VMWare VCAP-DCA VMWare VCAP-DCD VMWare VCDX-DCV . Special Considerations The District will award only a 12 month contract with two (2) one-year options to renew at the same terms and conditions at the discretion of the District. The term is, in part, due to the changes in the E-Rate program and allows the District flexibility as the E-rate modernization program matures. Cost Summary Table for Managed Internal Broadband Services: Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 79 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 The pricing MUST be filled in the Cost Summary Table. The detailed pricing information should be in the proposal pages, albeit the monthly cost and annual cost must be the same in both the Cost Summary Table and within the proposal pages. This page has been intentionally left blank Page: 80 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Cost Summary for This page has been intentionally left blank E-rate RFP #06-1516 – Managed Internal Broadband TERM OF ONE YEAR (12 MONTHS), RENEWABLE FOR TWO OPTIONAL YEARS ELIGIBLE COST MONTHLY COST ANNUAL COST (12 MONTHS) INELIGIBLE COST *Please include a description of other services and their respective costs, if applicable. (Please use as many additional sheets, as necessary to provide complete pricing information.) Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 81 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 SIGNATURE The undersigned certifies he/she is authorized to obligate the represented firm and further agrees with all terms, conditions, and requirements of the Cleveland Municipal School District Request for Proposal This page has been intentionally left blank E-rate RFP #06-1516 – Managed Internal Broadband The undersigned certifies that the costs are all-inclusive of any necessary services that may be needed to deliver the requested service and/or product. Should there be additional cost(s) for the service after the District has selected the service provider, whether via contract or on month-to-month terms, the District will be responsible only for the costs noted in the vendor's proposal response, and will not be responsible for any additional charges to deliver the service. Firm Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Print Name: __________________________________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________________________________________ Date signed: __________________________________________________________________ Page: 82 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 PART 3: APPENDICES Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 83 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 This page has been intentionally left blank. Page: 84 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Appendix A – Network and Servers Equipment Inventory Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n WDC MOC MOC Rack SF3.5 MOCRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W076 WDC MOC MOC Rack SF3.5 MOCRTRA 3550-12G CHK0630V1VV WDC MOC MOC MDF MOCRTRF 3550-12G CHK0630W1R7 WDC MOC MOC MDF MOCRTRG 3550-12G CHK0634W085 WDC MOC MOC Rack SF3.5 CMSD_MOC_6507 6509 SCA0446012H WDC MOC MOC Rack 2.5.4 CMSD_MOC_6508 6509 SCA044902MS WDC MOC MOC MDF MOCSWT09 WS-C2960G24TC-L FOC1418X21Y WDC MOC MOC MDF MOCSWT10 WS-C2960G24TC-L FOC1350Y1Y9 WDC MOC Rm 318 West SW274f013 2924M XL FAB0524T0MR WDC MOC MOC MDF SW274f014 3548 XL FAA0449H00N WDC MOC MOC Team MOC AS/400 cabinet Operators under floor MOC conference area SchoolNet Rack 3.5.4 Help Desk IDF #2, Room 353 Operators by window MOC Team SW274f017 3548 XL FAA0506L0ZX SW274f018 3548 XL FAA0506G144 SW274F027 2912 XL SW274f143 2924M XL FAB0451P1RB SW274f149 3548 XL FAB0602Q1JA WDCSWT15-IDF2 WS-C3548-XL FAA0428Y054 SW274f179 2912 XL SW274f203 2912 XL WDC MOC WDC MOC WDC MOC WDC MOC WDC MOC WDC MOC WDC MOC Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag FAB0428S0V2 FAA0311M0FY Page: 85 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n WDC MOC MOC Team Ardence Lab rm 336 SW274F222 2912 XL FAA0311K0ZR SW274F236 2924M XL WDC MOC WDC MOC 3rd Floor Help Desk Stage Lab WDC MOC 3rd Floor Help Desk Stage Lab WDC MOC 3rd Floor Help Desk Stage Lab WDC MOC WDC MOC WDC MOC COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility COLO facility MOC MDF MOC Rack SF3.5 MOC Rack SF3.5 WDCSWTHelpDesk_LAB_SW 01 WDCSWTHelpDesk_LAB_SW 02 WDCSWTHelpDesk_LAB_SW 03 CCSD_AS5300 Asset Tag FAA0310T097 2924M XL 2924M XL 2924M XL AS-5300 09353725 GRERTR 3640 JAB0419878T DLSWRTRB 2620 JAD06210QYD GSTWRLS WS-C2960G8TC-L FOC1221U05P GST-WRL-ASA ASA5505 JMX1720Z04R ar1.1111sprior ASR1002-X FOX1816GNRS VPN VPN COLO-DMZWGUEST CORE-WLCA CORE-WLCB ASA5585SSP-10 ASA5585SSP-10 AIR-CT5508K9 AIR-CT8510K9 AIR-CT8510K9 JMX18318076 JMX1831806V FCW1707L097 KQ7H9WR KQ7H9TH ASA5520 JMX111BL0US ASA5520 JMX1140L16D Cabinet 3 CMSD-7513 7513 73019299 Cabinet 3 CMSD-3845 3845 FTX1143A3VP Cabinet 3 CMSD-7201 7201 78008376 Juniper EX3200 8500 WLC 8500 WLC COLO facility Cabinet 3 Internet-RTRA 3550-12G CAT0852Z0LT COLO facility Cabinet 3 Internet-RTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W06W Cabinet 3 Cmsd-INet-Switch 2924M XL FAA0310J0RQ Left Core CORE-RTRA 6509 SMC1122004P COLO facility COLO 191881 Page: 86 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n COLO facility Right Core CORE-RTRB 6509 SMC1122004B COLO facility Left Core COLO-DMZ-SWT01 Netgear 724 0014.6c53.f6e5 COLO facility Right Core COLO-DMZ-SWT02 Netgear 724 0014.6c53.f6ab COLO facility Cabinet 3 COLO-WGUEST 2620 JAD06210QZQ COLO facility Left Core COLORTRC 6509 SMG0918N49A COLO facility Right Core COLORTRD 6509 SMG0918N4AA Admin MDF ADMINRTRB-NEW WS-C3750G24PS-E FOC0938U0CS Admin MDF CMSD-ADMN-8610 ERS-8600 SSPNDTOA07 Admin MDF ADMN-MDF-14-SW10 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190PK4 Admin MDF ADMN-MDF-14-SW14 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMMD1900M T Admin 1ST FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-1-SW-47 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMMD1900W V Admin 2ND FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-2-SW-111 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMMD1900FY Admin 2ND FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-2-SW-21 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190T0D Admin 2ND FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-2-SW-62 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190T6M Admin 2ND FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-2-SW-28 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190T6M Admin 17TH FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-17-SW106 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190J8C Admin 17TH FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-17-SW-64 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190PRY Admin 17TH FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-17-SW-67 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190PF0 Site Asset Tag facility Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 87 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Admin 17TH FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-17-SW-29 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190PKG Admin 17TH FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-17-sw117 ERS4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG W Admin 18th FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-18-87 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190T09 Admin 18th FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-18-123 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190PK5 Admin 18th FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-18-124 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMMD1900E7 Admin 18th FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-18-108 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190J8D Admin 19th FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-19-SW-27 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190J8H Admin 19th FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-19-SW-86 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMJL190J84 Admin 19th FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-19-SW191 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMMD1900H M Admin 19th FLOOR IDF ADMN-TR-19-SW102 ERS4550TPWR LBNNTMMD1900M P Asset Tag Admin F5 Vipron C2400 F5 Vipron C2400 ASR1002-X Nexus 5548UP Nexus 5548UP Nexus 7000 JAF1752AKET Admin Nexus 7000 JAF1752AKGH Admin Admin Admin Admin Admin A. Stevenson CHS408478S CHS408301S CMMHW10ARB SSL181901QH SSL1819008G MDF ASTNEWRTRB 3560G-24TS FOC1315Z5C5 MDF ASK8A_Stevenson_8600: 5 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT0CPW A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT12-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD46070N A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT13-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D C A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT14-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D6 A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT15-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D V A. Stevenson Page: 88 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606PX A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD460C73 A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G X A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT19-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608T4 A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT20-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G W A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT21-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G T A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT22-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G V A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT23-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMJL4601G0 A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT24-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMJL4600EX A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT25-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4604C C A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT26-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G7 A. Stevenson MDF ASTSWT27-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G8 A. Rickoff MC AJRRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634V05Z A. Rickoff MC Rickoff-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C01T3 A. Rickoff MC Rack1 SW1 AJRSWT12-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602KL A. Rickoff MC Rack2 SW1 AJRSWT13-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602NN A. Rickoff MC Rack2 SW2 AJRSWT14-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602C4 A. Rickoff MC Rack3 SW1 AJRSWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602J4 A. Rickoff MC Rack3 SW2 AJRSWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602NS A. Rickoff TR2 Rack1 SW1 AJRSWT17-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602EY A. Rickoff TR2 Rack1 SW2 AJRSWT18-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602J0 A. Rickoff TR2 Rack2 SW1 AJRSWT19-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602CM Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 89 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n A. Rickoff TR2 Rack2 SW2 AJRSWT20-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC260298 A. Rickoff TR3 Rack1 SW1 AJRSWT21-TR3 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602JE A. Rickoff TR3 Rack1 SW2 AJRSWT22-TR3 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602NG A. Rickoff TR3 Rack2 SW1 AJRSWT23-TR3 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602H6 A. Rickoff TR3 Rack2 SW2 AJRSWT24-TR3 Nortel 425-48 SACC260238 A. Rickoff TR4 SW1 AJRSWT25-TR4 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602BR A. Rickoff TR4 SW2 AJRSWT26-TR4 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602CP A. Rickoff MC Rack4 SW2 AJRSWT27-TR4 Nortel 4526TPWR Almira MC-T120 ALMRTRB Almira MC-T120 Almira-Core-SX800 Almira MC-T120 Almira-MC-SW-01 Almira MC-T120 Almira-MC-SW-02 Almira MC-T120 Almira-MC-SW-03 Almira TR1 Almira-TR1-SW-01 Almira TR1 Almira-TR1-SW-02 Almira TR1 Almira -TR1-SW-03 Almira TR1 Almira -TR1-SW-04 Almira TR2 Almira -TR2-SW-01 Almira TR2 Almira-TR2-SW-02 Anton Grdina MC AGRRTRB WS-C3560G24TS-S FOC1315Z5CY Anton Grdina MC AGK8A_Grdina_8600 ERS-8610 SSPNDT0CL3 Anton Grdina MC AGK8-MCSW-01 AGSWT12-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607FL Anton Grdina MC AGK8-MCSW-02 AGSWT13-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607F W Anton MC AGK8-MC- AGSWT14-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607FX Page: 90 of 289 WS-C3750X12S SX 800-PREM ICX6430-48p POE ICX6430-48p POE ICX6430-48 ICX6430-48p POE 48-port ICX6430-48p POE ICX6430-48HPOE ICX6430-48 ICX6430-48HPOE ICX6430-48HPOE Asset Tag FDO1711Z0FM B32550H028 BZP2545H6GC BZP2545H6GK BZQ2545H5MJ BZP2545H64E BZP2545H6GN BZP2532H663 BZQ2545H5P9 BZP2532H66E BZP2532H667 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Hostname Model Chassis s/n MC AGK8-MCSW-04 AGSWT15-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607FR Anton Grdina MC AGK8-MCSW-05 AGSWT16-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607FP Anton Grdina MC AGK8-MCSW-06 AGSWT17-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4604PF Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-01 AGSWT32- TR1 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607FV Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-02 AGSWT33 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607FT Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-03 AGSWT34 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607FY Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-04 AGSWT35 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607G0 Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-05 AGSWT36 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607G N Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-06 AGSWT37 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607G M Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-07 AGSWT38 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607F0 Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-08 AGSWT39 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607EY Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-09 AGSWT40 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607G9 Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-10 AGSWT41 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607G C Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-11 AGSWT42 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607F8 Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-12 AGSWT43 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607F7 Anton Grdina TR1 AGK8-TR1SW-13 AGSWT44 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607FK MC AWARTRA 2620 JAD06210G5J MC AWARTRB 3550-12G CAT0815N1ME MC Ward-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT05Z6 MC SW1 AWASWT12-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M Site Location Grdina SW-03 Anton Grdina A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 91 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Chassis s/n 8 Location Hostname Model MC SW2 AWASWT13-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M 9 MC SW3 AWASWT14-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606J2 MC SW4 AWASWT15-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606J3 MC SW5 AWASWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M K MC SW6 AWASWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606MJ MC SW7 AWASWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD46070H MC SW8 AWASWT19-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD46070J MC SW9 AWASWT20-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD460706 MC SW10 AWASWT21-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD460705 MC SW11 AWASWT22-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606H Y MC SW12 AWASWT23-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606H X MC SW13 AWASWT24-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XY TR1 SW1 AWASWT32-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M C TR1 SW2 AWASWT33-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M D TR1 SW3 AWASWT34-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M T TR1 SW4 AWASWT35-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M R TR1 SW5 AWASWT36-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M X TR1 SW6 AWASWT37-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606N3 A.Benesch MDF GCRTRB WS-C3750X12S FDO1638Z2KY A.Benesch MDF GCSWT02-MDF 3560G-48TS FOC1221Y262 (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) A. Ward (new building) Page: 92 of 289 Asset Tag Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname A.Benesch MDF GCSWT03-MDF A.Benesch Back Office GCSWTBACKOFFICE A.Benesch Office/Admin GCSWT100-OFFICE A.Benesch 101 GCSWT101 A.Benesch 102 GCSWT102 A.Benesch 105A GCSWT105A A.Benesch 105 GCSWT105 A.Benesch 106 GCSWT106 A.Benesch 107 GCSWT107 A.Benesch 108 GCSWT108 A.Benesch 109 GCSWT109 A.Benesch 110 GCSWT110 A.Benesch 111 GCSWT111 A.Benesch 112 GCSWT112 A.Benesch 152 GCSWT152 A.Benesch 201 GCSWT201 A.Benesch 202 GCSWT202 A.Benesch 203 GCSWT203 A.Benesch 204 GCSWT204 A.Benesch 205 GCSWT205 A.Benesch 206 GCSWT206 A.Benesch 207 GCSWT207 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960G24TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1650X1MY FOC1643Y30N FOC1646Y1G8 FOC1652Y5H2 FOC1650X1N5 FOC1652Y3KM FOC1652Y5GG FOC1652Y3JE FOC1649Y40L FOC1652Y3KB FOC1652Y383 FOC1649Y47Y FOC1652W3LG FOC1428X0RX 24095 FOC1652W3LF FOC1646Y1AZ FOC1652Y5E6 FOC1649Y3ZY FOC1652Y3KS FOC1616Y2GM FOC1652Y3KL FOC1646Y1D3 Page: 93 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname A.Benesch 208 GCSWT208 A.Benesch 209 GCSWT209 A.Benesch 210 GCSWT210 A.Benesch 211 GCSWT211 A.Benesch 212 GCSWT212 A.Benesch 213 GCSWT213 A.Benesch 214 GCSWT214 B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin MDF-Boiler Room 1 MDF-Boiler Room 1 B25 101 102 103 104 105 106 Switch-1 106 Switch-2 108 201 BFRTRB BFSWT07-MDF BFSWT11 BFSWT16 BFSWT09 BFSWT20 BFSWT47 BFSWT17 BFSWT19 BFSWT106 BFSWT14 BFSWT22 B. Franklin 202 BFSWT45 B. Franklin 203 BFSWT44 Page: 94 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1649Y482 FOC1652Y3KD FOC1649Y40Q FOC1652Y5H3 FOC1652Y3KU FOC1646Y19B FOC1652Y3KG FDO1638Z2K1 FOC1637W2S5 14850 14851 FOC1643Y0TM 14855 FOC1643Y3CN 14856 FOC1643Y36T 14857 FOC1643Y0SH 14858 FOC1643Y0VY 14859 FOC1643Y3EE 14860 FOC1643Y3F6 14861 FOC1649Y40X 20266 FOC1643Y0TF 14862 FOC1643Y3EF 14863 FOC1643Y0UF 14864 FOC1643YOU4 14865 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin Location 204 204A 205 206 206A 207 208 Hostname BFSWT10 BFSWT46 BFSWT15 BFSWT23 BFSWT100 BFSWT08 BFSWT13 B. Franklin 209 BFSWT21 B. Franklin 210 BFSWT18 B. Franklin 211 BFSWT12 B. Franklin 218 B. Franklin IDF2-Gym Closet BFSWT06-IDF2 B. Franklin 100/Office/SEC BFSWT39-Office B. Franklin B. Franklin Art B17 BFSWT41 BFSWT34 BFSWT37 B. Franklin B18 BFSWT43 B. Franklin 112 BFSWT40 B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin 113 114 115 116 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM BFSWT36 BFSWT35 BFSWT115 BFSWT42 Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1643Y0UK 14866 FOC1643Y0TL 14867 FOC1643Y0SF 14868 FOC1643Y3EB 14869 FOC1643Y0UC 14870 FOC1643Y0SJ 14871 FOC1643Y37D 14872 FOC1619W1HN 14895 FOC1638Y2BX 14873 FOC1638Y184 14874 FOC1643Y0TT 14875 FOC1637W2RG 14853 FOC1638Y158 14884 FOC1643Y0SK 14885 FOC1643Y0UU 14886 FOC1643Y0TW 14887 FOC1643Y3F0 14888 FOC1643Y0U7 14889 FOC1643Y0TZ 14890 FOC1643Y3C7 14891 FOC1643Y0T5 14892 Page: 95 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L B. Franklin 117 B. Franklin IDF1-Boiler Room 2 BFSWT05-IDF1 B. Franklin 219 BFSWT32 B. Franklin 109 BFSWT24 B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin B. Franklin Bolton 109A 111 212 213 214 215 216 217 MDF-Boiler Room 1 IDF1-Boiler Room 2 IDF2-Gym Closet MDF-212B BFSWT33 BFSWT110 BFSWT31 BFSWT26 BFSWT29 BFSWT27 BFSWT25 BFSWT30 BFSWT28 BFSTW170 BFSWT171 BFSWT172 BOLSWT170 Bolton MDF-212B BOLRTRB Bolton MDF-212B BOLSWT02-MDF Bolton 207 BOLSWT21 Bolton 209 BOLSWT14 Bolton 210 BOLSWT210 Bolton 211 BOLSWT211 Page: 96 of 289 WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WSC2960CGSTC -L POE WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1643Y0TU 14893 FOC1616Y2GP FOC1644Y2QP 14852 14894 FOC1643Y3CH 14876 FOC1643Y0TJ 14854 FOC1643Y0SE 14877 FOC1643Y0SM 14878 FOC1643Y0TR 14879 FOC1638Y2AF 14880 FOC1643Y0U8 14881 FOC1643Y0TP 14882 FOC1643Y0SG 14883 FOC1715Z212 21028 FOC1718X0U4 FOC1718X0U2 21027 21026 FOC1718X0T2 21046 FDO1703X1GE 20074 FOC1705X3VX 20073 FOC1702Y2B8 20071 FOC1650Y2EM 20034 FOC1703Y0T6 20068 FOC1702Y2F7 15330 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Bolton 212 BOLSWT212 Bolton 212A BOLSWT15 Bolton 213 BOLSWT213 Bolton 214 BOLSWT09 Bolton 215 BOLSWT11 Bolton 216 BOLSWT37 Bolton 217 BOLSWT217 Bolton 218 BOLSWT04 Bolton 219 BOLSWT10 Bolton 220 BOLSWT08 Bolton 221 BOLSWT05 Bolton 208 BOLSWT13 Bolton IDF BOLSWT171 Bolton IDF BOLSWT03-IDF Bolton Main Office BOLSWT29-OFFICE Bolton Library/Media Center-Switch-1 BOLSWT38 Bolton Library/Media Center-Switch-2 BOLSWT35 Library/Media Center-Switch-3 BOLSWT40 Bolton Kitchen BOLSWT18 Bolton 103 BOLSWT31 Bolton 104 BOLSWT23 Bolton Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CGSTC -L POE WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1703Y0VC 20067 FOC1703Y0VP 20066 FOC1703Y0VS 20065 FOC1703Y5AY 20064 FOC1703Y0SL 20063 FOC1703Y0VT 20062 FOC1703Y1TX 20061 FOC1703Y1Q2 20060 FOC1646Y1DA 20059 FOC1703Y0WL 20058 FOC1703Y1RH 20057 FOC1703Y0Q2 20056 FOC1715z20D 21041 FOC1650Y2EJ 20072 FOC1703Y0ST 20055 FOC1703Y0W5 20054 20045 FOC1703Y1PP FOC1652Y3JB FOC1703Y0TJ 20053 FOC1703Y0SA 20052 FOC1703Y0TD 20051 Page: 97 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L Bolton 105 BOLSWT19 Bolton 106 BOLSWT17 Bolton 108 BOLSWT51 Bolton 109 BOLSWT109 Bolton 113 BOLSWT33 Bolton 114 BOLSWT20 Bolton 115 BOLSWT12 Bolton 116 BOLSWT241 Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton 117 118 119 201 202 203 204 205 206 BOLSWT30 BOLSWT22 BOLSWT25 BOLSWT34 BOLSWT27 BOLSWT36 BOLSWT24 BOLSWT28 BOLSWT26 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1703Y0QF 20049 FOC1703Y40P 20048 FOC1703Y0W4 FOC1702Y2CF 15331 20047 FOC1703Y0PZ 20046 FOC1703Y0X9 FOC1705X3VC 20033 20044 FOC1703Y0S1 20043 FOC1703Y0WV 20042 FOC1703Y5BD 20041 FOC1703Y1U5 20040 FOC1703Y0VZ 20039 FOC1703Y1TF 20038 FOC1703Y0X4 20037 FOC1703Y0TN 20036 FOC1703Y1VC 20035 FOC1643Y30X Bolton MDF-212B BOLSWT170-MDF Bolton IDF BOLSWT171-IDF Bratenahl MDF BDCRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634V094 Bratenahl MDF BDCSWT02-MDF 3550-48 CAT0802R39Z Page: 98 of 289 20050 FOC1718X0T2 FOC1715Z20D Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Bratenahl MDF BDCSWT03-MDF 3550-48 CAT0751R1W7 Bratenahl Computer Lab BDCSWT06 2912 XL FAA0310J07H Bratenahl Computer Lab BDCSWT07 2912 XL FAB0443T2UX Bratenahl MDF BDCSWT08-MDF 3550-48 CAT0802R2PT Bratenahl 107 BDCSWT09 2950G-48 FOC0943Z1B7 Bratenahl IDF BDCSWT11-IDF 3550-12G CHK0634V077 Bratenahl IDF BDCSWT15-IDF 2950G-24 FHK0717Y1W2 Bratenahl IDF BDCSWT16-IDF 2960-24 FCQ1531Z4NA Bratenahl IDF BDCSWT17-IDF 2960-24 FCQ1531Z4M0 MDF100D/Office BLRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W08C MDF100D/Office BLSWT03-MDF 2924M XL FAA0348L020 BLSWT100-Office 2912 XL FAB0509Y01Z BLSWT130-Library 2912 XL FAA0312H079 GYM BLSWT128 2912 XL Food Service BLSWT132 2912 XL 100C BLSWT129 2912 XL FAA0312L03M 101 BLSWT101 2912 XL FAA0311J15Q 102 BLSWT102 2912 XL FAA0311L111 BLSWT104 2924M XL 105 BLSWT105 2912 XL FAA0311G0SK 107 BLSWT107 2912 XL FAA0311G0XK BLSWT113 2912 XL FAA0312L02Y BLSWT114 2912 XL FAA0311J10N 115 BLSWT115 2912 XL FAA0312G106 MDF100D/Office BLSWT04-MDF 2924M XL FAA0310J110 116 BLSWT116 2912 XL FAA0310S055 117 BLSWT117 2912 XL FAA0310M081 BLSWT118 2912 XL FAA0311H0N8 120 BLSWT120 2912 XL FAA0310F07A 121 BLSWT121 2912 XL FAA0310K077 121A BLSWT131 2912 XL Bard @Brooklaw n Bard @Brooklaw n Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn 100 / Sec. Off. Library 104 113 114 118 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag FAA0311L11C FAA0312L04H FAA0402K156 FAB0541Y1FZ Page: 99 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n 122 BLSWT122 2912 XL FAA0310M024 BLSWT123 2912 XL FAA0311L0X3 124 BLSWT124 2912 XL FAA0312K04J 125 BLSWT125 2912 XL FAA0312M05G 126 BLSWT126 2912 XL FAA0312M04F 126A BLSWT127 2912 XL MDF100D/Office BLSWT170-MDF WS-C2960S24PD-L MDF-Office BWRTRB MDF-Office BWSWT02-MDF MDF-Office BWSWT170 MDF-Office BWSWT171 BuckeyeWoodland Office BWSWT15-OFFICE BuckeyeWoodland Media Center BWSWT04 BuckeyeWoodland 011 BWSWT12 BuckeyeWoodland 012 BWSWT32 BuckeyeWoodland 014 BWSWT08 BuckeyeWoodland 018 BWSWT16 BuckeyeWoodland 019 BWSWT35 BuckeyeWoodland 020 BWSWT29 BuckeyeWoodland 103 BWSWT06 BuckeyeWoodland 104 BWSWT30 BuckeyeWoodland 105 BuckeyeWoodland 106 Site Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @ Brooklawn Bard @Brooklaw n BuckeyeWoodland BuckeyeWoodland BuckeyeWoodland BuckeyeWoodland 123 Page: 100 of 289 BWSWT31 BWSWT25 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS WS-C296048-S POE WS-C296048S POE WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Asset Tag FAA0310T02N FOC1635Y588 82118 FDO1711Z0J7 15493 FOC1652Z0QW 15494 FOC1721Z3A3 22075 FOC1721X3ET 22076 FOC1705Y0FJ 15524 FOC1705Y0CZ 15523 FOC1705Y0CA 15521 FOC1705Y0C8 15520 FOC1705Y0A7 15519 FOC1705Y0CW 15518 FOC1705Y0F3 15517 FOC1705Y0EN 15516 FOC1705Y0CC 15515 15514 FOC1705Y0CL 15513 FOC1705Y0FM 15512 FOC1705Y0C4 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname BuckeyeWoodland 117 BWSWT28 BuckeyeWoodland 118 BuckeyeWoodland 119 BuckeyeWoodland 120 BuckeyeWoodland MDF-Office BWSWT03-MDF BuckeyeWoodland 203 BWSWT10 BuckeyeWoodland 204 BuckeyeWoodland 205 BuckeyeWoodland 206 BuckeyeWoodland 207 BuckeyeWoodland 208 BuckeyeWoodland 214 BuckeyeWoodland 215 BWSWT26 BuckeyeWoodland 217 BWSWT07 BuckeyeWoodland 218 BuckeyeWoodland 219 BuckeyeWoodland 220 BuckeyeWoodland BuckeyeWoodland BWSWT27 BWSWT21 BWSWT19 BWSWT09 BWSWT24 BWSWT14 BWSWT22 BWSWT23 BWSWT18 BWSWT17 BWSWT11 BWSWT05 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n 15511 FOC1705Y0F2 15510 FOC1705Y0FS 15509 FOC1705Y0FG 15508 FOC1705Y0CH FOC1632W2GW 15495 15507 FOC1705Y0EX 15506 FOC1705Y0B6 15505 FOC1705Y0FC 15504 FOC1705Y0CN 15503 FOC1705Y0BS 15502 FOC1705Y0E9 15501 FOC1705Y0C6 FOC1705W12U 15496 15500 FOC1705Y0BF 15499 FOC1705Y0FB 15498 FOC1703Y5BL 15497 FOC1705Y0B0 MDF-Office BWSWT170-MDF MDF-Office BWSWT171-MDF Buhrer MC Buhrer-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT088L Buhrer MC SW01 BUHSWT12-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X G Buhrer MC SW02 BUHSWT13-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XF Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag FOC1721Z3A3 FOC1721X3ET Page: 101 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Buhrer MC SW03 BUHSWT14-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y N Buhrer MC SW04 BUHSWT15-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y M Buhrer MC SW05 BUHSWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y8 Buhrer MC SW06 BUHSWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y7 Buhrer MC SW07 BUHSWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X5 Buhrer MC SW08 BUHSWT19-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X6 Buhrer MC SW09 BUHSWT20-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606YJ Buhrer MC SW10 BUHSWT21-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y H Buhrer TR1 SW01 BUHSWT32-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y6 Buhrer TR1 SW02 BUHSWT33-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y5 Buhrer TR1 SW03 BUHSWT34-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD46084 W Buhrer TR1 SW04 BUHSWT35-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X8 Buhrer TR1 SW05 BUHSWT36-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4604C D C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes MDFOffice/Closet MDFOffice/Closet Auditorium East 109 111 131/Band 135 Page: 102 of 289 CLSRTRB CLSSWT05-MDF CLSSWT07 CLSSWT40 CLSSWT44 CLSSWT26 CLSSWT09 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Asset Tag FDO1638Z2KY FOC1650X1L1 15265 15267 FOC1649Y3ZY 20299 FOC1652Y3JB 20297 FOC1646Y1D3 20296 FOC1646Y19B 20295 FOC1646Y1AZ 20294 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L C. Stokes 147 CLSSWT147 C. Stokes 200/Library CLSSWT04 C. Stokes C. Stokes 205 207 CLSSWT29 CLSSWT39 C. Stokes 209 C. Stokes MDFOffice/Closet CLSSWT03-MDF C. Stokes 211 CLSSWT47 C. Stokes 233 CLSSWT41 CLSSWT146 C. Stokes 247 Switch-1 CLSSWT45 C. Stokes 247 Switch-2 CLSSWT48 C. Stokes 249 CLSSWT53 C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes 300 303 305 307 309 311 CLSSWT27 CLSSWT55 CLSSWT52 CLSSWT36 CLSSWT128 CLSSWT46 C. Stokes 347 CLSSWT23 C. Stokes 349 CLSSWT17 C. Stokes IDF-224/Men CLSSWT06-IDF C. Stokes 200/Library-2 CLSSWT102 C. Stokes Food Service Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM CLSSWT31 WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- FOC1650X1NG 20293 FOC1652Y5H2 20279 FOC1652Y3KB 20278 FOC1649Y418 20277 FOC1652Y3K1 20276 FOC1652W3LF 15266 FOC1646Y1GV 20275 FOC1646Y1L3 20274 FOC1652W3LG FOC1616Y2GM 20244 20243 FOC1643Y30N 20273 FOC1652Y3K5 20272 FOC1649Y40L 20271 FOC1652Y3KM 20270 FOC1652Y3AW 20269 FOC1652Y3JE 20268 FOC1652Y3K0 20267 FOC1644Y2K8 FOC1649Y3ZP 20265 FOC1650X1N5 20282 FOC1652Y5GG 20264 FOC1652Y3KG 20263 Page: 103 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes 004 008 010 012 040 050 102 106 CLSSWT14 CLSSWT19 CLSSWT11 CLSSWT157 CLSSWT18 CLSSWT51 CLSSWT30 CLSSWT20 C. Stokes 110 CLSSWT101 C. Stokes 112 CLSSWT15 C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes 138 138A 138B 148 206 208 210 212 CLSSWT28 CLSSWT33 CLSSWT24 CLSSWT148 CLSSWT35 CLSSWT25 CLSSWT37 CLSSWT42 C. Stokes IDF-224/Men CLSSWT02-IDF C. Stokes 214 CLSSWT16 C. Stokes 218 CLSSWT218 Page: 104 of 289 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S- FOC1649Y40B 20262 FOC1652Y3KU 20261 FOC1652Y5H4 20260 FOC1649Y46S 20259 FOC1652Y5E6 20258 FOC1652Y3KL 20257 FOC1652Y3JY 20291 FOC1649Y40Q 20290 FOC1650X1MY 20288 FOC1652Y383 20287 FOC1652Y5H3 20286 FOC1652Y3KS 20285 FOC1649Y482 20284 FOC1652Y3KD 20283 FOC1646Y1G8 20256 FOC1649Y408 20255 FOC1649Y47Y 20254 FOC1652Y3AV 20253 FOC1652X2VC 20281 FOC1649Y415 20252 FOC1652W3ML 20241 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 24TS-S C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes C. Stokes 246 248 304 308 CLSSWT110 CLSSWT60 CLSSWT32 CLSSWT103 C. Stokes 310 CLSSWT100 C. Stokes 312 CLSSWT43 C. Stokes C. Stokes Campus Internationa l Campus Internationa l Campus Internationa l Campus Internationa l Campus Internationa l Campus Internationa l Campus Internationa l - South Campus Internationa l - South Campus Internationa l - South Campus Internationa l - South Case Case 348 350 CLSSWT21 CLSSWT34 CIK8RTRB MDFMechanical closet MDFMechanical closet MDFMechanical closet MDFMechanical closet MDFMechanical closet CIK8-Campus4507 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C3560G24TS WS-C4507RE FOC1643Y30P 20251 FOC1649Y41L 20250 FOC1652Y5LA 20249 FOC1649Y426 20248 FOC1650X1L0 FOC1652Y3KF 20247 FOC1652Y3KW 20245 FOC1414Y4JK FOX1427GAJR WS-C296048TT-L FOC1412X0VU CIK8SWT13-MDF WS-C296048TT-L FOC1412X0VY CIK8SWT14-MDF WS-C296048TT-L FOC1412X0K5 CIK8SWT15-MDF WS-C2960S48FPS-L FOC1419Z5KR MDF - next to Room 108 CICRCHRTRB WS-C355012G CHK0634V08Z MDF - next to Room 108 CICRCHSW02 WS-C2950G48-EI FOC0922W11H MDF - next to Room 108 CICRCHSW03 WS-C2950G48-EI FOC0944Z2C8 MDF - next to Room 108 CICRCHSWT170IDF WS-C2960S24PD-L FOC1718W0DA Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM 20246 FOC1646Y1HH CIK8SWT12-MDF MDF-Gym Closet 211 20242 164180 CASERTRB WS-C3750X12S-E FDO1706Z1G1 20031 CASESWT106 WS-C2960S- FOC1704W26B 20028 Page: 105 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 48TS Case MDF-Gym Closet CASESWT02-MDF Case Office/SEC CASESWT06-Office Case Food Service CASESWT43 Case Media Center CASESWT07 Case Art Room CASESWT42 Case 106 CASESWT45 Case 107 CASESWT138 Case 108 CASESWT103 Case 109 CASESWT140 Case 110 CASESWT141 Case 112 CASESWT20 Case 113 CASESWT16 Case 206 CASESWT66 Case 207 CASESWT09 Case 208 CASESWT102 Case 209 CASESWT15 Case 210 CASESWT104 Case 308 CASESWT61 Case 309 CASESWT44 Case 310 CASESWT18 Page: 106 of 289 WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1650Y2F0 20029 FOC1703Y0TP 20000 FOC1703Y0WX 20001 FOC1703Y0VM 20070 FOC1703Y1V1 20002 FOC1703Y1LU 20003 FOC1703Y1RF 20004 FOC1703Y0WK 20005 FOC1703Y0W0 20006 FOC1646Y18G 20007 FOC1649Y49S 20008 FOC1703Y0VA 20009 FOC1703Y1TV 20010 FOC1703Y0S4 20011 FOC1643Y30L 20012 FOC1703Y1UH 20013 FOC1703Y1T9 20014 FOC1703Y0W6 20015 FOC1703Y0RY 20016 FOC1703Y1V8 20017 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Case IDF CASESWT03-IDF Case 102 CASESWT105 Case 103 CASESWT49 Case 104 CASESWT135 Case 105 CASESWT50 Case 201 CASESWT51 Case 202 CASESWT54 Case 203 CASESWT56 Case 204 CASESWT57 Case 205 CASESWT48 Case 301 CASESWT52 Case 302 CASESWT53 Case 303 CASESWT10 Case 304 CASESWT55 Case 305 CASESWT58 Case 306 CASESWT47 Case 307 CASESWT25 Case MDF-Gym Closet CASESWT170 Case IDF CASESWT171 C. Dickens MDF CDINEWRTRB CDK8C_Dickens_8600:5 CDSWT12-MC C. Dickens C. Dickens MDF MDF Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1705X3VQ 20030 FOC1703Y5AZ 20018 FOC1703Y1UB 20019 FOC1703Y1RR 20020 FOC1703Y1U9 20021 FOC1703Y1TM 20022 FOC1703Y0SP 20023 FOC1703Y1UK 20024 FOC1703Y1Q0 20025 FOC1703Y0S0 20026 FOC1703Y1UT 15286 FOC1703Y1TN 15285 FOC1649Y411 15284 FOC1703Y1R4 15283 FOC1703Y0V6 15282 FOC1703Y0X1 15281 FOC1703Y0UH 15280 FOC1711X3S2 FOC1718X0U9 3560G-24TS FOC1314W2DB Nortel 8610 SSPNDT0BWZ Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H1 Page: 107 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname C. Dickens MDF CDSWT13-MC Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag LBNNTMMD4607H2 Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT14-MC LBNNTMMD4607G2 Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT15-MC LBNNTMMD4607G1 Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT16-MC LBNNTMMD4607E8 Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT17-MC LBNNTMMD4607E7 Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT18-MC LBNNTMMD4607E2 Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT19-MC LBNNTMMD4607E1 Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT20-MC Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT21-MC LBNNTMMD4607E D LBNNTMMD4607EE Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT22-MC Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT24-MC LBNNTMMD4607E H LBNNTMMD4607E9 Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT25-MC Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT26-MC LBNNTMMD4607E C LBNNTMMD4607E3 Nortel 2550T C. Dickens MDF CDSWT27-MC LBNNTMMD4607E4 Nortel 2550T C. Eliot MDF-100B CWERTRB C. Eliot MDF-100B CWESWT05-MDF C. Eliot MDF-100B CWESWT170-MDF C. Eliot MDF-100B CWESWT171-MDF C. Eliot 100/Office/SEC CWESWT18-Office C. Eliot C. Eliot 109 Food Service CWESWT109 017A CWESWT51 Page: 108 of 289 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FDO1642P10H 14733 FOC1637X0M6 14734 FOC1727Z4LR 23570 FOC1727Y4K2 23571 FOC1639Y1JD 14737 FOC1642Y1PK 14738 FOC1639Y1A8 14739 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname C. Eliot 102 CWESWT102 C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot 103 105 120 121 CWESWT42 CWESWT44 CWESWT43 CWESWT45 C. Eliot 122 CWESWT35 C. Eliot 130 CWESWT161 C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot 136 145 200A 200B 201 202 CWESWT30 CWESWT41 CWESWT31 CWESWT24 CWESWT25 CWESWT29 C. Eliot MDF-100B CWESWT02-MDF C. Eliot 203 CWESWT15 C. Eliot 204 CWESWT19 C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot 205 210 211 212 213 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM CWESWT27 CWESWT39 CWESWT16 CWESWT52 CWESWT10 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1639Y1ED 14740 FOC1639Y1GH 14741 FOC1639Y1AA 14742 FOC1639Y1G4 14743 FOC1638Y23N 14744 FOC1639Y4Y5 14776 FOC1639Y19W 14745 FOC1639Y1A5 14746 FOC1639Y1GL 14747 FOC1639Y1AK 14748 FOC1642Y1P8 14749 FOC1639Y1GQ 14750 FOC1642Y1PR 14751 FOC1639X1SM 14735 FOC1637X0L4 14775 FOC1642Y1PQ 14752 FOC1642Y3QE 14753 FOC1642Y3QY 14754 FOC1642Y40C 14755 FOC1642Y1PF 14756 FOC1639Y1H2 14757 Page: 109 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname C. Eliot 214 CWESWT34 C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Eliot C. Mooney 216 220 IDF151C/Library IDF151C/Library 151/Library/Medi a Center 115 135 150A 150B 152 153 250 251 252 253B 254 255 256 257 MDF-119 Page: 110 of 289 CWESWT160 CWESWT166 CWESWT03-IDF CWESWT172-IDF CWESWT21 CWESWT23 CWESWT22 CWESWT40 CWESWT17 CWESWT37 CWESWT14 CWESWT08 CWESWT12 CWESWT26 CWESWT33 CWESWT13 CWESWT38 CWESWT11 CWESWT09 CMRTRB Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C3750X12S-E Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1642Y42G 14758 FOC1642Y3XV 14759 FOC1642Y1LD 14760 FOC1627Y2FL 14736 FOC1727Z4LV 23572 FOC1639Y4RP 14774 FOC1642Y406 14761 FOC1642Y1L9 14762 FOC1642Y1K3 14763 FOC1639Y1K7 14764 FOC1642Y1K8 14765 FOC1642Y1KD 14766 FOC1639Y1K5 14767 FOC1642Y1PL 14768 FOC1642Y3X7 14769 FOC1639Y1AS 14770 FOC1642Y3QD 14771 FOC1642Y3QP 14772 FOC1638Y2DV 14678 FOC1628Y3JG 14198 20123 FDO1705P17G Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname C. Mooney MDF-119 CMSWT02-MDF C. Mooney Food Service CMSWT27 C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney 116 117 123 211 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 228 229 230 231 233 234 240 240A Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM CMSWT10 CMSWT76 CMSWT17 CMSWT38 CMSWT36 CMSWT20 CMSWT16 CMSWT15 CMSWT12 CMSWT28 CMSWT22 CMSWT11 CMSWT14 CMSWT35 CMSWT37 CMSWT34 CMSWT26 CMSWT33 CMSWT18 Model WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag 20124 FOC1704W27 U 20121 FOC1703Y1S4 20120 FOC1646Y149 20119 FOC1703Y5B3 20118 FOC1703Y1U2 20117 FOC1703Y1U P 20116 FOC1646Y14T 20115 FOC1649Y3R2 20114 FOC1703Y5BB 20113 FOC1703Y1U M 20112 FOC1703Y0R6 20111 FOC1702Y2C3 20110 FOC1702Y2D9 20109 FOC1703Y0TK 20108 FOC1649Y49 W 20107 FOC1702Y2C7 20106 FOC1646Y1A M 20105 FOC1703Y5BS 20104 FOC1703Y1U U 20103 FOC1646Y1H7 20102 FOC1646Y1CT Page: 111 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney 240B 326 327 CMSWT240 CMSWT40 CMSWT21 328 CMSWT32 C. Mooney MDF-119 CMSWT81-MDF C. Mooney MDF-119 CMSWT82-MDF C. Mooney IDF1-139 CMSWT03-IDF C. Mooney 100 CMSWT66 C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney 101A 101B 102A 102B 102D 107 107B 108 109 111 CMSWT69 CMSWT70 CMSWT56 CMSWT58 CMSWT55 CMSWT72 CMSWT57 CMSWT67 CMSWT64 CMSWT71 C. Mooney 132 CMSWT75 C. Mooney 133 CMSWT74 C. Mooney 134 Page: 112 of 289 CMSWT62 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C3560X48PF-S WS-C3560X24P-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L 20101 FOC1703Y5BT 20100 FOC1703Y1UF 20099 FOC1703Y0VJ 20098 FOC1703Y5AX FDO1428P09J FDO1621V1G S 20126 FOC1650X1Q5 20097 FOC1702Y2C P 20096 FOC1703Y0T5 20095 FOC1703Y1U6 20094 FOC1703Y1R A 20093 FOC1646Y1C C 20092 FOC1703Y1TS 20089 FOC1703Y5A U 20088 FOC1703Y0V4 20086 FOC1638Y101 20085 FOC1652Y5H8 20083 FOC1703Y0W N FOC1703Y5B C 20082 FOC1703Y0V D 20081 FOC1703Y5B9 20084 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname C. Mooney 204 CMSWT68 C. Mooney C. Mooney 235 236 CMSWT65 CMSWT53 C. Mooney 306 CMSWT54 C. Mooney 310 CMSWT225 C. Mooney 335 CMSWT61 C. Mooney C. Mooney 336 337 CMSWT48 CMSWT52 C. Mooney 210 switch 1 CMSWT07 C. Mooney 210 switch 2 CMSWT49 C. Mooney IDF1-139 CMSWT04-IDF1 C. Mooney IDF1-139 CMSWT91-IDF1 C. Mooney IDF2-337B CMSWT101-IDF2 C. Mooney IDF2-337B CMSWT102-IDF2 C. Mooney IDF2-337B CMSWT103-IDF2 C. Mooney MDF-119 CMSWT170-MDF C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Mooney C. Westropp C. Westropp MDF-119 IDF1-139 IDF-139 CMSWT171-MDF CMSWT172-IDF1 CMSWT173-IDF1 MDF-126 CEWRTRB MDF-126 CEWSWT02-MDF C. Westropp 100/Office/SEC CEWSWT30-Office C. Westropp C. Westropp Library/Media Switch-1 Library/Media Switch-2 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM CEWSWT44 CEWSWT100 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C3560X48PF-S WS-C3560X48PF-S WS-C3560X48PF-S WS-C3560X48T-S WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag 20081 FOC1703Y1V2 20080 FOC1646Y1D G 20079 20091 FOC1702Y2BX FOC1704W27 Q FOC1704W27 W 20078 FOC1703Y0QL 20077 FOC1703Y0Q B 20076 FOC1703Y0U C 20090 20159 20122 20125 FOC1702Y196 FOC1651W33 Z FOC1618W0B S FDO1623V1W L FDO1623V22B FDO1651W19 M FDO1551V02R 23064 FOC1721X1F4 23065 FOC1721X3H D 23066 FOC1721Z15Q 23067 FOC1721X3FK FDO1648P1HA 15176 FOC1647Y33G 15178 FOC1646Y1L2 15183 FOC1652Y1K4 15180 FOC1646Y1HB 15184 Page: 113 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L C. Westropp 119/Food Service CEWSWT119 C. Westropp 102 CEWSWT17 C. Westropp 103 C. Westropp 105 C. Westropp 106 C. Westropp 107 C. Westropp 113 C. Westropp 114 C. Westropp 117 C. Westropp 120 C. Westropp 128 C. Westropp 129 C. Westropp 130 C. Westropp 131 C. Westropp 132 C. Westropp 133 C. Westropp 134 C. Westropp 135 C. Westropp 138 C. Westropp 139 Page: 114 of 289 CEWSWT103 CEWSWT12 CEWSWT153 CEWSWT154 CEWSWT24 CEWSWT26 CEWSWT45 CEWSWT38 CEWSWT157 CEWSWT20 CEWSWT39 CEWSWT07 CEWSWT28 CEWSWT14 CEWSWT06 CEWSWT32 CEWSWT19 CEWSWT13 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- FOC1646Y1KP 15185 FOC1646Y1KX 15186 FOC1646Y1G7 15187 FOC1649Y48R 15188 FOC1646Y1KQ 15189 FOC1646Y1GS 15190 FOC1649Y492 15191 FOC1649Y46K 15192 FOC1646Y1EG 15193 FOC1646Y1L5 15194 FOC1646Y1HF 15195 FOC1646Y1EF 15196 FOC1646Y1GR 15199 FOC1646Y1HL 15197 FOC1646Y1H1 15200 FOC1649Y46J 15201 FOC1646Y1GN 15198 FOC1645Y37W 15202 FOC1646Y1BD 15203 FOC1646Y1HM 15204 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L C. Westropp MDF-126 CEWSWT03-MDF C. Westropp 140 CEWSWT151 C. Westropp 141 C. Westropp 202 C. Westropp 203 C. Westropp 206 C. Westropp 207 C. Westropp 208 C. Westropp 209 C. Westropp 210 C. Westropp 211 C. Westropp 212 C. Westropp 214 C. Westropp 215 C. Westropp 216 C. Westropp 217 C. Westropp 218 C. Westropp 219 C. Westropp 220 C. Westropp 221 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM CEWSWT09 CEWSWT16 CEWSWT43 CEWSWT155 CEWSWT15 CEWSWT21 CEWSWT41 CEWSWT156 CEWSWT47 CEWSWT18 CEWSWT22 CEWSWT37 CEWSWT46 CEWSWT10 CEWSWT08 CEWSWT25 CEWSWT23 CEWSWT40 WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1637W2V3 15179 FOC1649Y46G 15205 FOC1649Y46L 15206 FOC1649Y494 15207 FOC1646Y1H2 15208 FOC1646Y1KJ 15209 FOC1646Y1HG 15210 FOC1646Y1KW 15211 FOC1649Y493 15212 FOC1649Y47W 15213 FOC1649Y44E 15214 FOC1649Y487 15215 FOC1646Y1FD 15216 FOC1646Y1B5 15217 FOC1646Y159 15218 FOC1646Y1BU 15219 FOC1646Y15U 15220 FOC1649Y46N 15221 FOC1649Y48N 15222 FOC1646Y156 15223 Page: 115 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname 222 Switch-1 CEWSWT101 222 Switch-2 CEWSWT11 C. Westropp MDF-126 CESWT170 C. Westropp MDF-126 CESWT171 C. Westropp MDF-126 CEWSWT172 Clark MDF-Office CLKRTRB Clark MDF-Office CLKSWT02-MDF Clark Office CLKSWT05-Office Clark Library CLKSWT102 Clark Library CLKSWT100 Clark Food Service CLKSWT30 Clark 101 CLKSWT31 Clark 102 CLKSWT18 Clark 103 CLKSWT25 Clark 104 CLKSWT104 Clark 105 CLKSWT29 Clark 106 CLKSWT26 Clark 107 CLKSWT21 Clark 108 CLKSWT108 Clark 109 CLKSWT27 Clark 110 CLKSWT32 Clark 201 CLKSWT33 C. Westropp C. Westropp Page: 116 of 289 Model WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1635Z4K3 15228 FOC1652W3PJ 15181 FOC1715Z20T FOC1715Z1XN FOC1718X0UE FDO1649P2FS 15080 FOC1647Y32T 15081 FOC1646Y1GH 15085 FOC1647Y35V 15103 FOC1646Y1JW 15086 FOC1646Y1JM 15087 FOC1646Y1JQ 15088 FOC1646Y1FT 15089 FOC1646Y154 15090 FOC1646Y1B3 15091 FOC1646Y1G2 15092 FOC1646Y1D5 15093 FOC1645Y37Q 15094 FOC1646Y1JH 15095 FOC1646Y14L 15096 FOC1646Y190 15097 FOC1646Y150 15105 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Clark MDF-Office CLKSWT06-MDF Clark 202 CLKSWT34 Clark 203 CLKSWT22 Clark 204 CLKSWT28 Clark 205 CLKSWT205 Clark 206 CLKSWT16 Clark 207 CLKSWT19 Clark 208 CLKSWT208 Clark 209 CLKSWT12 Clark 210 CLKSWT13 Clark 211 CLKSWT211 Clark 212 CLKSWT212 Clark 213 CLKSWT35 Clark IDF-Annex CLKSWT04-IDF Clark 111 CLKSWT111 Clark 112 CLKSWT112 Clark 113 CLKSWT09 Clark 114 CLKSWT114 Clark 115 CLKSWT14 Clark MDF-Office CLKSWT170-MDF Clark MDF-Office CLKSWT171-MDF Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model C2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1618X3PJ 15082 FOC1646Y19X 15106 FOC1646Y1KS 15107 FOC1646Y1KN 15108 FOC1646Y1H6 15109 FOC1646Y15B 15110 FOC1646Y1BL 15111 FOC1646Y158 15112 FOC1646Y152 15113 FOC1627Y0DV 15114 FOC1646Y1BK 15115 FOC1646Y193 15116 FOC1646Y1BV 15117 FOC1652Z20D 15083 FOC1646Y1B4 15098 FOC1646Y1JG 15099 FOC1646Y1CU 15100 FOC1646Y1D0 15101 FOC1646Y1JY 15102 FOC1721X3GY 22071 FOC1721X3H2 22072 Page: 117 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Location Hostname Model MDF204C/Library HEDRTRB WS-C3750X12S-E MDF204C/Library SEC1 LIB2 106 108 109 111 Switch-1 111 Switch-2 124 125 126 127 130 200 Page: 118 of 289 HEDSWT08-MDF HEDSWT29 HEDSWT42 HEDSWT18 HEDSWT40 HEDSWT41 HEDSWT210 HEDSWT44 HEDSWT37 HEDSWT39 HEDSWT26 HEDSWT32 HEDSWT24 HEDSWT28 Chassis s/n Asset Tag FDO1540Z0LN 14652 FOC1635X09T 14663 FOC1639Y1KA 14677 FOC1605W54P 14550 FOC1639Y1K1 14679 FOC1634Y0Y2 14680 FOC1639Y1AT 14681 FOC1639Y1AU 14683 FOC1639Y1G5 14682 FOC1639Y1AZ 14684 FOC1638Y10V 14685 FOC1634Y2LC 14686 FOC1637Y44Z 14687 FOC1639Y1A7 14688 FOC1639Y1B0 14689 WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Location Hostname Model 201 HEDSWT33 WSC2960CG8TC-L 202 203 205 207 224 226 227 230 231 300 301 302 303 MDF204C/Library Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM HEDSWT104 HEDSWT203 HEDSWT23 HEDSWT102 HEDSWT43 HEDSWT101 HEDSWT36 HEDSWT34 HEDSWT103 HEDSWT51 HEDSWT49 HEDSWT52 HEDSWT48 HEDSWT09-MDF WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1639Y1FU 14690 FOC1638Y11A 14691 FOC1639Y1EB 14692 FOC1615W20T 14693 FOC1639Y1EF 14694 FOC1638Y29C 14695 FOC1639Y1AY 14696 FOC1639Y1H4 14697 FOC1637Y0PT 14698 FOC1638Y16L 14699 FOC1639Y1FT 14700 FOC1639Y1B5 14701 FOC1639Y1G0 14702 FOC1639Y1E9 14703 FOC1605Z27K 14655 WS-C2960S24TS-S Page: 119 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland Location Hostname Model 304 HEDSWT54 WSC2960CG8TC-L 305 306 307 308 309 314 315 316 317 320 321 IDF1-220 114A 115 117 Page: 120 of 289 HEDSWT110 HEDSWT109 HEDSWT113 HEDSWT108 HEDSWT55 HEDSWT46 HEDSWT47 HEDSWT53 HEDSWT111 HEDSWT112 HEDSWT50 HEDSWT07-IDF1 HEDSWT14 HEDSWT22 HEDSWT12 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1639Y1AN 14704 FOC1639Y1AC 14705 FOC1634Y0V5 14706 FOC1639Y1G3 14707 FOC1639Y1KC 14708 FOC1634Y0WD 14709 FOC1637Y459 14710 FOC1639Y1AB 14711 FOC1634Y2LW 14712 FOC1638Y121 14713 FOC1638Y17X 14714 FOC1638Y122 14715 FOC1605Z2AH 14657 FOC1639Y1G2 14716 FOC1638Y126 14717 FOC1638Y2F4 14718 WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag C2960CG8TC-L 118 118A 119 208 210 210B 211A Switch-1 214 215 216 217 218 IDF1-220 211 Switch-1 211 switch 2 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM HEDSWT20 WSC2960CG8TC-L HEDSWT16 WSC2960CG8TC-L HEDSWT38 HEDSWT15 HEDSWT150 HEDSWT35 HEDSWT30 HEDSWT13 HEDSWT19 HEDSWT31 HEDSWT11 HEDSWT10 HEDSWT03-IDF1 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1639Y1A9 14719 FOC1638Y11U 14720 FOC1638Y0YP 14721 FOC1632Y2KQ 14722 FOC1638Y2DG 14723 FOC1639Y1AR 14724 FOC1608Y0Q2 14656 FOC1638Y0YS 14726 FOC1639Y1DW 14727 FOC1639Y1AQ 14728 FOC1639Y1AM 14729 FOC1639Y1AJ 14730 FOC1639X1V3 14659 FOC1639X1RY 14660 FOC1639X1UX 14661 WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S HEDSWT211 WS-C2960S24TS-S HEDSWT21 WS-C2960S24TS-S Page: 121 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Cleveland School of Arts @ H. Davis Location Hostname Model IDF2-131 HEDSWT05-IDF2 WS-C2960S24TS-S 140 147 MDF204C/Library HEDSWT17 HEDSWT27 HEDSWT02-MDF WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1639X1U6 14662 FOC1637Y0QL 14731 FOC1639Y1DD 14732 3508G XL WS-C3750-12S-S 204 MDF204C/Library MDF204C/Library IDF1-220 IDF2-131 HEDSWT06 HEDSWT170-MDF HEDSWT171-MDF HEDSWT172-IDF1 HEDSWT173-IDF2 WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L FOC1616X2RZ 14653 FOC1715Z1ZX 21009 FOC1718Y0XM 21008 FOC1718X0U3 21007 FOC1715Z1Y0 21006 Collinwood MDF-265 CWRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634V08X Collinwood MDF-265 3548 XL FAA0506H12Q Collinwood IDF-OFFICE 2912 XL FAA0310U0LU Collinwood IDF-OFFICE C2912-XL FAA0310K0BD Collinwood IDF-OFFICE 2912-XL FAA0312G03U Collinwood IDF-OFFICE 2912-XL FAA0305G05P Collinwood LIB B2 CWSWT05-MDF CWSWT19-IDF1OFFICE CWSWT88-IDF1OFFICE CWSWT50-IDF1OFFICE CWSWT121-IDF1OFFICE CWSWT97 2924M XL FAA0310G0TM Collinwood 110 CWSWT18 2912 XL FAA0310T020 Collinwood 150 CWSWT107 2912 XL FAA0311H0MG Collinwood 151 CWSWT32 2912 XL FAA0311K00U Collinwood 152 CWSWT150 2912 XL FAA0311M0E5 Collinwood 153 CWSWT54 2912 XL FAA0311U0FA Collinwood 157 CWSWT117 2912 XL FAA0311K15V Page: 122 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Collinwood 159 CWSWT167 2912 XL FAA0312M04K Collinwood 160 CWSWT34 2912 XL FAA0312H03C Collinwood ex CWSWT201 2912 XL FAA0312M049 Collinwood 206 CWSWT35 2912 XL FAA0311M0KA Collinwood 208 CWSWT112 2912 XL FAA0312J026 Collinwood 210 CWSWT234 2912 XL FAA0312K06Z Collinwood 216 CWSWT137 2912 XL FAA0311U0EY Collinwood 217 CWSWT52 2912 XL FAA0311K15K Collinwood 250 CWSWT109 2912 XL FAA0312M03J Collinwood 252 CWSWT123 2912 XL FAA0311T0DV Collinwood 259 CWSWT110 2912 XL FAA0312K01Y Collinwood 260 CWSWT51 2912 XL FAA0311S0AA Collinwood MDF-265 CWSWT44-MDF 3548 XL FAB0534N1TK Collinwood 261 CWSWT101 2912 XL FAA0311J136 Collinwood 262 CWSWT116 2912 XL FAA0312G04B Collinwood 268 CWSWT53 2912 XL FAA0310H08Q Collinwood 270 CWSWT41 2912 XL FAA0311H0LA Collinwood 274 CWSWT242 2912 XL FAA0310K0YS Collinwood 301 CWSWT301 2924M XL FAA0402K1H1 Collinwood 304 CWSWT103 2912 XL FAA0310J075 Collinwood 306 CWSWT30 2912 XL FAA0311V0CJ Collinwood 308 CWSWT28 2912 XL FAA0312H00X Collinwood 316 CWSWT125 2912 XL FAA0312J011 Collinwood 363 CWSWT33 2912 XL FAA0325K0YP Collinwood 370 CWSWT47 2912 XL FAA0311G0W3 Collinwood 374 CWSWT40 2912 XL FAA0310H09H Collinwood MDF-265 CWSWT45 FAB0505V13Z Collinwood LIB EAST WALL CWSWT134 Collinwood CWSWT124 CWSWT36 2912 XL FAA0310H0A9 Collinwood LIB LEFT WALL LIB RIGHT WALL IDF2-239 2912 XL WS-C2950G48-EI 2912 XL CWSWT04-IDF2 2924M XL FAA0313M15T Collinwood 36 CWSWT14 2912 XL FAA0311U0F7 Collinwood 40 CWSWT240 2912 XL FAA03119G5M Collinwood 43 CWSWT217 2912 XL FAA0311M0E4 Collinwood 120 CWSWT38 2912 XL FAA0330H1R4 Collinwood 122 CWSWT171 2912 XL FOC0847W11P Collinwood 124 CWSWT31 2912 XL FAA0311H0P5 Collinwood 128 CWSWT23 2912 XL FAA0311S0BB Collinwood 130 CWSWT17 2912 XL FAA0311G0Y8 Collinwood 132 CWSWT37 2912 XL FAA0311S0A7 Collinwood Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag FHK0841Z07V FAA0311M0H0 Page: 123 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Collinwood 136 CWSWT143 2912 XL FAA0311K106 Collinwood 140 CWSWT140 2912 XL FAA0310M091 Collinwood 142 CWSWT122 2912 XL FAA0310U06G Collinwood 144 CWSWT216 2912 XL FAA0310M091 Collinwood 220 CWSWT09 2912 XL FAA0310K0Y7 Collinwood IDF2-239 CWSWT205-IDF2 2924M XL FAA0313M15T Collinwood 222 CWSWT204 2912 XL FAA0312J0AC Collinwood 224 CWSWT105 2924M XL FAA0312J0FQ Collinwood 228 CWSWT10 3548 XL FAB0607P17U Collinwood 234 CWSWT07 2924M XL FAA0310K0WY Collinwood 236 CWSWT170 2912 XL FAA0311H0MD Collinwood 238 CWSWT104 2912 XL FAA0311S0BP Collinwood 240 CWSWT238 2912 XL FAA0310S02Z Collinwood 241 CWSWT111 2912 XL FAA0311V0C Collinwood 242 CWSWT245 2912 XL FAA0312M02L Collinwood 243 CWSWT113 2912 XL FAA0312K01U Collinwood 244 CWSWT25 2912 XL FAA0312G02V Collinwood 245 CWSWT172 2912 XL FAA0310H09Y Collinwood 247 CWSWT106 2912 XL FAA0312K02W Collinwood 320 CWSWT120 2912 XL FAA0310T0HC Collinwood IDF2-239 CWSWT03-IDF2 2924M XL FAA0312L0EN Collinwood CWSWT115 2912 XL FAA0311S0G7 CWSWT15 2912 XL FAA0312J07R Collinwood 134 FOOD SERVICE 324 switch 2 CWSWT20 2924M XL FAA0310J1AX Collinwood 234 CWSWT24 2924M XL FAA0310K0YG Collinwood 220 switch 2 CWSWT26 2924M XL Collinwood 201 switch 2 CWSWT102 2924M XL FAA0310J19Q Collinwood 222 switch 3 CWSWT200 2912 XL FAB0437N2L0 Collinwood 222 switch 2 CWSWT203 2924M XL FAB0435V0F9 Collinwood 334 CWSWT119 2912 XL FAA0312K048 Collinwood 336 CWSWT108 2912 XL FAA0311K012 Collinwood 339 CWSWT235 2912 XL FAA0311L01Z Collinwood 341 CWSWT11 2912 XL FAA0312K05K Collinwood 342 CWSWT246 2912 XL FAA0310K07A Collinwood 343 CWSWT16 2912 XL FAA0312L070 Collinwood CWSWT115 2912 XL FAA0311S0G7 CWSWT15 2912 XL FAA0312J07R Collinwood 134 FOOD SERVICE 234 switch 1 CWSWT24 2924M XL FAA0310K0YG Collinwood 220 switch 2 CWSWT26 Collinwood 201 switch 1 CWSWT06 2924M XL WS-C2924MXL Collinwood Collinwood Page: 124 of 289 Asset Tag FAA0310F0P8 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Chassis s/n Site Location Hostname Model Collinwood 201 switch 2 CWSWT102 FAA0310J19Q Collinwood MDF-265 CWSWT173 Collinwood MDF-265 CWSWT174 Collinwood IDF-OFFICE CWSWT175 Collin wood IDF2-239 CWSWT176 Collinwood IDF-OFFICE CWSWT177 Collinwood MDF-265 CWSWT08 2924M XL WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L D Morgan MC DMRTRA 2620 JAD06220DRG D. Morgan MC DMRTRB 3550-12G CAT0738X0AB D. Morgan MC DanielMorgan-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C0AV7 D. Morgan MC Rack2 SW4 DMSWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5001QN D. Morgan MC Rack2 SW5 DMSWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC500578 D. Morgan MC Rack2 SW6 DMSWT17-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5001EL D. Morgan TR1 Rack1 SW1 DMSWT18-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5002GC D. Morgan TR1 Rack1 SW2 DMSWT19-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001Q7 D. Morgan TR1 Rack1 SW3 DMSWT21-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001NA D. Morgan TR1 Rack2 SW1 DMSWT22-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001P2 D. Morgan TR1 Rack2 SW2 DMSWT23-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001TH D. Morgan TR1 Rack2 SW3 DMSWT24-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5005M7 D. Morgan TR1 Rack2 SW4 DMSWT25-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC50059M D. Morgan TR2 Rack 1 SW1 DMSWT26-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001KR D. Morgan TR2 Rack 1 SW2 DMSWT28-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC5005AQ D. Morgan TR2 Rack 2 SW1 DMSWT29-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC5002NU D. Morgan TR2 Rack 2 SW2 DMSWT30-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC500446 D. Morgan TR2 Rack 2 DMSWT31-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC50058L Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag FOC1721Z1KD 22518 FOC1721X3G8 22517 FOC1721W2K2 22516 FOC1721Z2V7 22515 FOC1731Z34K FCQ1531Z4M0 83734 Page: 125 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag SW3 Denison Denison MDF-Utility Rm 2 next to Library Library/Media Switch-1 DENRTRB DENSWT02 Denison Library/Media Switch-1 DENSWT06 Denison MDF-Utility Rm 2 next to Library DENSWT03-MDF Denison Office/SEC DENSWT41-Office Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Kitchen 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Page: 126 of 289 DENSWT36 DENSWT26 DENSWT17 DENSWT22 DENSWT16 DENSWT35 DENSWT40 DENSWT39 DENSWT21 DENSWT19 DENSWT38 DENSWT14 DENSWT27 DENSWT24 DENSWT42 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L 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DENSWT12 DENSWT31 DENSWT23 DENSWT07 DENSWT34 DENSWT09 Denison 217 DENSWT13 Denison 218 DENSWT33 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1643Y352 14986 FOC1643Y36L 14987 FOC1643Y37T 14988 FOC1646Y18M 14989 FOC1643Y38M 14990 FOC1643Y39B 14991 FOC1646Y18C 14992 FOC1643Y38W 14993 FOC1623W4KB 14912 FOC1643Y37X 14994 FOC1643Y373 14995 FOC1643Y312 14996 FOC1646Y1GK 14997 FOC1643Y34G 14998 FOC1646Y1H9 14999 FOC1646Y1CJ 14913 FOC1643Y3AY 14914 FOC1646Y17U 14915 FOC1643Y346 14916 FOC1644Y2SG 14918 FOC1643Y38L 14917 Page: 127 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Model Chassis s/n WSC2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1718X0VE 21003 FOC1715Z203 21002 CHK0634W08A 164055 Site Location Hostname Denison MDF-Utility Rm 2 next to Library DENSWT170 Denison MDF-Utility Rm 2 next to Library DENSWT171 MDF LKSRTRB 3550-12G MDF LKSSWT02-MDF 5509 MDF LKSSWT03-MDF 5509 IDF Basement LKSSWT04-IDF1 5509 IDF 2nd floor old closet LKSSWT05-IDF2 2924M XL IDF basement LKSSWT06-IDF1 2924M XL IDF Basement LKSSWT07-IDF1 2924M XL 217 (HUB 218) LKSSWT08 2912 XL IDF 3rd floor LKSSWT11 2924M XL IDF 5th floor LKSSWT13 2924M XL Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Digital Arts at Lakeside Dike Montessori (ARTS Lower) Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori MDF LKSSWT14 Room 203 LKSSWT20 Room 203a LKSSWT21 Room 204 LKSSWT22 Room 204a LKSSWT23 Room 205 LKSSWT24 MDF-Closet in stairwell-B DIKERTRB C2960-24PCS PoE WS-C2912XL-EN WS-C2924XL-EN WS-C2912XL-EN WS-C2912XL-EN WS-C2924XL-EN Asset Tag 067533841 067506408 067508617 FAA0310J0QQ M 53961 no s/n none FAA0311K0LT none FAA0310K083 Office/Admin FAA0313K03W 501768 FAA0311J1AH 501778 FCQ1531Z4N0 FAB0520W0CN FOC0528X0CQ FAA0311K11D FAB0418S0NJ FAB0447W1VU 3550-12G CAT1005N0UV MDF DIKESWT03-MDF 2924M XL 103 DIKESWT13 2912 XL 104 DIKESWT16 2912 XL 105 DIKESWT18 2912 XL 106 DIKESWT106 2912 XL 107 DIKESWT107 2950G-48 108 DIKESWT19 2912 XL 109 DIKESWT23 2912 XL Page: 128 of 289 FAB0443V106 FAA0311T0G0 FAA0312J084 FAA0312H087 FAB0421R0QT FOC0609X02W FAA0311K13L FAA0312H01J Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Dike Montessori Location Hostname Model 110 DIKESWT24 2912 XL 111 DIKESWT14 2912 XL 112 DIKESWT140 2912 XL 113 DIKESWT113 2912 XL 201 DIKESWT20 2912 XL MDF-Closet in stairwell-B DIKESWT15 2924M XL 202 DIKESWT25 2912 XL 203 DIKESWT27 2912 XL 204 DIKESWT26 2912 XL 205 DIKESWT17 2912 XL 206 DIKESWT96 2912 XL 207 DIKESWT22 2924M XL 207A DIKESWT101 2912 XL 208 DIKESWT12 2950G-48 209 DIKESWT152 2912 XL IDF-117 DIKESWT02-IDF 2924M XL Office/SEC DIKESWT08-Office 2912 XL Media Center DIKESWT06 2912 XL 114 DIKESWT11 2912 XL 115 DIKESWT142 2912 XL 116 DIKESWT103 2912 XL 117 DIKESWT117 2912 XL 118 DIKESWT10 2912 XL 210 DIKESWT102 2912 XL 211 DIKESWT05 2912 XL 212 DIKESWT07 2912 XL 213 DIKESWT09 2912 XL MDF-Closet in stairwell-B DIKESWT170 IDF-117 DIKESWT171 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FAA0311J10T FAA0310S0JJ FAA0310U05V FAA0312M09T FAA0310U0MT FAA0317J14J FAA0322F0KD FAA0311S0D1 FAA0312M044 FAA0310S0H5 FAA0310U05M FAA0311K0LP FAA0311H0J5 FAA0310V046 FAA0310T0GM FAA0311J0VM FAA0312G067 FAA0311G0X1 FAA0310V0LJ FAA0310H09P FAA0311U0DA FAA0310U05W FAA0311G0U3 FAA0310T05D FAA0310M098 FAA0310H08P FAA0310F0AZ FOC1721X3FH 22077 FOC1721Z1BM 22078 Page: 129 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname D. McArthur MDF DMARTRB D. McArthur MDF DMASWT02-MDF D. McArthur 1 DMASWT06 D. McArthur 2 DMASWT07 D. McArthur 3 DMASWT08 D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DMASWT04 DMASWT10 DMASWT11 DMASWT12 DMASWT13 DMASWT14 DMASWT15 D. McArthur 11 DMASWT20 D. McArthur 12 DMASWT30 D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur D. McArthur East East 13 14 15 Modular Classroom 1 Modular Classroom 2 Modular Classroom 3 MDF East-MDF R.123B EAST-MDF R.123B Page: 130 of 289 DMASWT33 DMASWT31 DMASWT16 DMASWT32 DMASWT222 DMASWT23 DMASWT170-MDF EASTRTRB EASTSWT02-MDF Model WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WS-C2960S48TS WS-C2960S24TS WS-C2960S24PD-L WS-C355012G WS-C3508GXL-EN Chassis s/n Asset Tag FDO1707Z0F8 15770 FOC1711W1YT 15765 FOC1713Y3PY 15753 FOC1711W1YQ 15766 FOC1712Y01Y 15754 FOC1713Y3NH 15751 FOC1713Y3K2 15755 FOC1713Y3QY 15756 FOC1713Y3QJ 15757 FOC1713Y3QH 15758 FOC1713Y3RF 15759 FOC1713Y3QC 15760 FOC1701X06K 15767 FOC1713Y3QG 15762 FOC1713Y3MP 15764 FOC1713Y3QU 15763 FOC1712Y3BX 15761 FOC1702Y0V2 15768 FOC1704W2XR 15435 FOC1702X0UY FOC1811V2EB CAT0717Y0XQ CHK0633W0RG Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname East EAST-MDF R.123B EASTSWT03-MDF East East-RM 221 EASTSWT41 East EAST-MDF R.123B EASTSWT04-MDF East EAST-IDF R.113 EASTSWT05-IDF East EAST-IDF R.113 EASTSWT06-IDF East EAST-IDF R.113 EASTSWT07-IDF EAST-IDFWEST R.102 EAST-IDFWEST R.102 EASTSWT-08-IDFWEST EASTSWT-09-IDFWEST East EAST R.103 EASTSWT40 East EAST-RM 101 EASTSWT26 East EAST-RM 104 EASTSWT28 East EAST-RM 106 EASTSWT29 East East Kitchen EASTSWT32 East East-RM 203 EASTSWT33 East East-RM 202 EASTSWT35 East East -RM 208 EASTTSWT37 EAST-IDFWEST R.102 EAST-IDF-EAST R. 113 EAST-MDF R.123B EAST-IDF-EAST R. 113 EASTSWT-10-IDFWest EASTSWT-11-IDFEAST East East -RM211 EASTSWT25 East East Facilities Room EASTSWT100 East East East East East East East East East EASTSWT12 EASTSWT13 EASTSWT15 EAST-MDF R.123B EAST-MDF R.123B EASTSWT20 EASTSWT21 East EAST-IDF113 EASTSWT22 East EAST-RM116 EASTSWT31 East EAST-IDFWEST R.102 EASTSWT23 East Tech MDF-Main Office Closet ETRTRB Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WS-C2960G24TC-L WS-C2950G24-E WS-C2960SF48FPS-L WS-C3508GXL-EN WS-C2960G24TC-L WS-C355024PWR-SMI WS-C3508GXL-EN WS-C2960G24TC-L WS-C2950G48-EI WS-C2950G24-EI WS-C2950G24-EI WS-C2950G24-EI WS-C2950G24-EI WS-C2950G24-EI WS-C2950G24-EI WS-C2950G24-EI WS-C355024PWR-SMI WS-C2960G24TC-L WS-C2960SF48FPS-L WS-C2960SF48FPS-L WS-C2960G24TC-L WS-C2950G12-EI WS-C2950G24-EI WS-C2950G48-EI WS-C296048PST-L WS-C2950G48-EI WS-C2950G24-EI WS-C296024PC-S WS-C3750X12S Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1428X0Q4 FHK0616W37K FOC1720Y5P9 CHK0634W0BH FOC1428X0RU CAT0832Z0E3 CHK0634W0BA FOC1427X57P FOC0802W1P2 FOC0951Z7GY FHK0616W0P4 FHK0720W0B5 FHK0717Y1UQ FHK0616W0N8 FOC0648W1HM FHK0717Y1VE CAT1018Z35N FOC1403Y7HE FOC1720Z3AM FOC1720Y5L4 FOC1428X0L7 FHK0813Z0ZG FOC0932ZESA FOC0822Y1H6 FOC1344Z3A3 FOC1007Z6EV FOC0951Y1HG FCQ1531Z4NX FDO1634Z1ZF 14040 Page: 131 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname East Tech MDF-Main Office Closet ETSWT03-MDF East Tech Library/Media Center ETSWT80 East Tech S.R. ETSWT191 East Tech Food Service ETSWT21 East Tech East Tech East Tech 101 102 103 ETSWT10 ETSWT22 ETSWT25 East Tech 201 ETSWT13 East Tech 203 ETSWT14 East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech 204 Switch-1 204 Switch-2 205 206 ETSWT23 ETSWT220 ETSWT24 ETSWT106 East Tech 207 East Tech MDF-Main Office Closet ETSWT04-MDF East Tech 208 ETSWT11 East Tech 209 ETSWT12 East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech 301 302 303 304 305 Page: 132 of 289 ETSWT235 ETSWT250 ETSWT17 ETSWT16 ETSWT09 ETSWT105 Model WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1619X0S8 14005 FOC1634Y0WC 14108 FOC1618W0HX 14145 FOC1630Y0ME 14080 FOC1637Y45W 14031 FOC1632Y1DG 14086 FOC1634Y32Q 14134 FOC1616X3BB 14160 FOC1637Y471 14129 FOC1637Y463 14171 FOC1646Y1KC 15225 FOC1637Y45T 14172 FOC1637Y45D 14128 FOC1637Y43Z 14127 FOC1618W06U 14039 FOC1619Z1H4 14173 FOC1634Y0VF 14126 FOC1634Y0V1 14114 FOC1634Y0V2 14113 FOC1634Y2M3 14117 FOC1632Y1EG 14042 FOC1637Y44Q 14102 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname East Tech 306 ETSWT20 East Tech 307 ETSWT156 East Tech 308 ETSWT113 East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech 309 MDF-Main Office Closet MDF-Main Office Closet IDF-Closet Across Rm 221 Media Center 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ETSWT18 ETSWT02-MDF ETSWT33-MDF ETSWT202-IDF1 ETSWT19 ETSWT56 ETSWT38 ETSWT161 ETSWT245 ETSWT50 ETSWT109 ETSWT45 ETSWT39 ETSWT42 ETSWT104 ETSWT103 ETSWT51 East Tech 122A ETSWT155 East Tech 210 ETSWT36 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2924MXL-EN WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1637Y46G 14097 FOC1627Y2BF 14144 FOC1637Y44J 14109 FOC1634Y2MS 14111 FOC1623Z4CV 14011 FOC1619W1JA 14038 FOC1627Y2FS 14178 FOC1628Y3K5 14072 FOC1637Y44Y 14033 FOC1634Y0WV 14034 FOC1637Y43W 14035 FOC1634Y2M7 14036 FOC1634Y33F 14037 FOC1634Y33E 14132 FOC1634Y0V6 14131 FOC1637Y46C 14166 FOC1634Y0TZ 14130 FOC1637Y46W 14135 FOC1637Y45X 14136 FOC1637Y464 14176 FAB0516Y1W6 FOC1637Y44H 14174 Page: 133 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname East Tech 211 ETSWT52 East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 ETSWT49 ETSWT43 ETSWT110 ETSWT41 ETSWT35 ETSWT116 ETSWT34 ETSWT219 East Tech 220 East Tech IDF-Closet Across Rm 221 ETSWT204-IDF1 East Tech 221A ETSWT40 East Tech 221 ETSWT221 East Tech East Tech 222 224 ETSWT75 ETSWT165 ETSWT47 East Tech 226 Switch-1 ETSWT101 East Tech 228 ETSWT102 East Tech 310 ETSWT15 East Tech 311 ETSWT48 East Tech East Tech East Tech 312 313 314 Page: 134 of 289 ETSWT53 ETSWT108 ETSWT114 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1634Y2LB 14175 FOC1637Y44S 14137 FOC1637Y45Q 14170 FOC1637Y452 14125 FOC1637Y44P 14124 FOC1634Y33P 14123 FOC1634Y32Z 14122 FOC1637Y45Z 14121 FOC1637Y44D 14120 FOC1632Y1DV 14093 FOC1627Y2BY 14179 FOC1619X0N0 14146 FOC1637Y45G 14162 FOC1637Y43P 14119 FOC1637Y46R 14206 FOC1616Y2DW 14147 FOC1637Y45B 14169 FOC1627Y2AT 14148 FOC1637Y469 14105 FOC1634Y32V 14106 FOC1637Y454 14104 FOC1637Y461 14103 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech 315 316 317 318 ETSWT44 ETSWT112 ETSWT111 ETSWT46 East Tech 319 ETSWT107 East Tech CWA-2 Drop 421 Switch-1 ETSWT214 East Tech CWA-2 Drop 421 Switch-2 ETSWT215 East Tech 321 ETSWT216 East Tech IDF1 - Closet Across Rm 221 ETSWT05-IDF1 East Tech 223 Switch-1 ETSWT31 East Tech 223 Switch-2 ETSWT72 East Tech 225 Switch-1 ETSWT71 East Tech 225 Switch-1 ETSWT30 East Tech 227 switch-1 ETSWT227 East Tech 227 switch-2 ETSWT29 East Tech Hi-Tech Lab (MC2) ETSWT28 East Tech 229 Switch-1 ETSWT27 East Tech 229 Switch-2 ETSWT37 East Tech IDF2-Music Office 100A ETSWT07-IDF2 East Tech 100/Music ETSWT115 East Tech 100B ETSWT162 East Tech 100C ETSWT253 East Tech East Tech East Tech IDF3-New Tech East Tech 123 IDF3-New Tech East Tech 123 IDF3-New Tech East Tech 123 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM ETSWT123-IDF3 ETSWT200-IDF3 ETSWT206-IDF3 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C3750X12SS WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C3750X12SS WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S FOC1634Y0VC 14101 FOC1634Y32E 14110 FOC1634Y33G 14100 FOC1634Y2M6 14116 FOC1634Y330 14107 FOC1651W2VB 14115 FOC1634Y2N4 14099 FOC1634Y31M 14112 FDO1632Z0FL 14177 FOC1616Y2G7 14149 FOC1637Y45Y 14161 FOC1616Y2G2 14151 FOC1623W45P 14150 FOC1627Y2FF 14153 FOC1627Y2D4 14152 FOC1627X0GX 14154 FOC1616Y2F0 14155 FOC1616Y2HF 14156 FOC1616Y268 14157 FOC1634Y0W2 14098 FOC1627Y2FB 14158 FOC1627Y2DC 14159 FDO1636Z0MK 14138 FOC1627Y2G2 14139 FOC1617W5PL 14141 Page: 135 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech East Tech Location IDF3-New Tech East Tech 123 IDF3-New Tech East Tech 123 IDF3-New Tech East Tech 123 IDF3-New Tech East Tech 123 IDF3-New Tech East Tech 123 MDF-Main Office Closet MDF-Main Office Closet IDF1 - Closet Across Rm 221 IDF1 - Closet Across Rm 221 IDF3-New Tech East Tech 123 IDF2-Music Office 100A Hostname ETSWT201-IDF3 ETSWT203-IDF3 ETSWT207-IDF3 ETSWT59IDF3_PoE ETSWT222-IDF3 ETSWT170-MDF ETSWT171-MDF ETSWT172-MDF ETSWT173-MDF ETSWT174-MDF ETSWT175-MDF Model WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S 2960-24PC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1618Y1XN 14142 FOC1627Y2DP 14143 FOC1613Y0JQ 14018 FOC1435W1EN FOC1627Y2F8 14140 FOC1715Z1PZ 21032 FOC1715Z1TZ 21031 FOC1718X0SF FOC1715Z1R8 FOC1717X31T East Clark MC East_Clark-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT0DSE East Clark MC SW01 ECLSWT12-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607F5 East Clark MC SW02 ECLSWT13-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608V M East Clark MC SW03 ECLSWT14-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607FD East Clark MC SW04 ECLSWT15 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607FE East Clark MC SW05 ECLSWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H E East Clark MC SW06 ECLSWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H D East Clark MC SW07 ECLSWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H6 East Clark MC SW08 ECLSWT19-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H5 East Clark MC SW09 ECLSWT20-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H4 East Clark MC SW10 ECLSWT21-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H3 East Clark MC SW11 ECLSWT22-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H8 East Clark MC SW12 ECLSWT23-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H7 Page: 136 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n East Clark MC SW13 ECLSWT24-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G Y East Clark MC SW14 ECLSWT25-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H0 East Clark MC SW15 ECLSWT26-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H C East Clark MC SW16 ECLSWT27-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607H9 East Clark MC SW17 ECLSWT28-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608TF East Clark MC SW18 ECLSWT29-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMJL46006D East Clark MC SW40 ECLSWT40-MC Avaya 4626TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG T Euclid Park MDF 3560G-24TS SSPNDT0EEP Euclid Park MDF EuclidPark_RTRB EPK8EuclidPark_8600:5 Nortel 8610 FOC131547CS Euclid Park MDF EPSWT12-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606P R Euclid Park MDF EPSWT13-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4601M X Euclid Park MDF EPSWT14-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606P D Euclid Park MDF EPSWT15-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606R7 Euclid Park MDF EPSWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606R3 Euclid Park MDF EPSWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607DT Euclid Park MDF EPSWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606P C Euclid Park MDF EPSWT19-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606R H Euclid Park MDF EPSWT20-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606R2 Euclid Park MDF EPSWT21-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606PV Euclid Park MDF EPSWT22-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606R5 Euclid Park MDF EPSWT23-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4604P G Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 137 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Euclid Park MDF EPSWT24-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606R6 Euclid Park MDF EPSWT25-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606P W Euclid Park TR1 EPSWT32-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4603R V Euclid Park TR1 EPSWT33-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMJL4601F8 MC FDRRTRB 3550-12G CAT0739R04U MC FDR-8610 Nortel 8010 SSPN6C06YE F. D. Roosevelt MC Rack2 SW1 FDRSWT12-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5002P6 F. D. Roosevelt TR1A Rack1 SW2 FDRSWT13-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC500141 F. D. Roosevelt MC Rack2 SW3 FDRSWT14-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC50019D F. D. Roosevelt MC Rack2 SW4 FDRSWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC500117 F. D. Roosevelt MC Rack2 SW5 FDRSWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC500190 F. D. Roosevelt TR0A SW1 FDRSWT18-TR0A Nortel 425-48 SACC2602ML F. D. Roosevelt TR0A SW2 FDRSWT19-TR0A Nortel 425-48 SACC5000SU F. D. Roosevelt TR0A SW3 FDRSWT20-TR0A Nortel 425-48 SACC5001H8 F. D. Roosevelt TR0A SW4 FDRSWT21-TR0A Nortel 425-48 SACC260AV4 F. D. Roosevelt TR1A SW4 FDRSWT22-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC5001KS F. D. Roosevelt TR1A SW1 FDRSWT24-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC260ATZ F. D. Roosevelt TR1B SW2 FDRSWT32-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC50015K F. D. Roosevelt TR1B SW3 FDRSWT33-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC5002QM F. D. Roosevelt TR2A SW1 FDRSWT35-TR2A 3548XL FCZ1009Y0YF F. D. TR2A SW2 FDRSWT36-TR2A 3548XL FOC1007Z6DQ F. D. Roosevelt F. D. Roosevelt Page: 138 of 289 Asset Tag Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n F. D. Roosevelt TR2A SW3 FDRSWT37-TR2A Nortel 425-48 SACC50029S F. D. Roosevelt TR2A SW4 FDRSWT38-TR2A Nortel 425-48 SACC5001HS F. D. Roosevelt TR2B Rack 2 SW1 FDRSWT42-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC500150 F. D. Roosevelt TR2B Rack 2 SW2 FDRSWT43-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC260APE F. D. Roosevelt TR2B Rack 2 SW3 FDRSWT44-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC5001JG F. D. Roosevelt TR2B Rack 2 SW4 FDRSWT45-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC5001E8 F. D. Roosevelt TR2B Rack 2 SW5 FDRSWT46-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC5001DX 008 training FDRSWT61 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4604X3 005 training FDRSWT62 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4604C9 004 training FDRSWT63 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD460526 FDRSWT65 Nortel 2526T LBNNTMMD440F1C FDRSWT66 Nortel 2526T LBNNTMMD440F1D Site Asset Tag Roosevelt F. D. Roosevelt F. D. Roosevelt F. D. Roosevelt F. D. Roosevelt F. D. Roosevelt 002 training switch 1 002 training switch 2 Fullerton MDF-Office Closet FULLRTRB Fullerton Trailer FULLSWT55 Fullerton MDF-Office Closet FULLSWT02-MDF Fullerton Office/SEC FULLSWT18-Office Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Kitchen/Food Service FULLSWT24 Media/Trainig Lab FULLSWT25 Ms Warlop (Speech) FULLSWT224 Media (LIB) FULLSWT13 101 102 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM FULLSWT21 FULLSWT14 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S24TS WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FDO1709P033 15462 FOC1632X1VS 15490 FOC1705W12K 15463 FOC1705Y0GS 15464 FOC1705Y0E7 15465 FOC1705Y0G1 15466 FOC1705Y0H0 15467 FOC1705Y0GP 15468 FOC1705Y0BX 15469 FOC1705Y0CD 15470 Page: 139 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Fullerton 103/Switch 1 FULLSWT05 Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton 103/Switch 2 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 201 FULLSWT51 FULLSWT20 FULLSWT12 FULLSWT07 FULLSWT11 FULLSWT26 FULLSWT16 FULLSWT27 FULLSWT15 Fullerton 202 FULLSWT09 Fullerton 203 FULLSWT04 Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton Fullerton 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 MDF-Office Closet MDF-Office Closet Page: 140 of 289 FULLSWT23 FULLSWT08 FULLSWT22 FULLSWT17 FULLSWT19 FULLSWT06 FULLSWT10 FULSWT170-MDF FULSWT171-MDF Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1705Y0FH 15471 FOC1705Y0EW 15472 FOC1705Y0F5 15473 FOC1705Y0DU 15474 FOC1705Y0H1 15475 FOC1705Y0DV 15476 FOC1705Y0CR 15477 FOC1705Y0HB 15478 FOC1705Y0CQ 15479 FOC1705Y0F4 15480 FOC1705W13Z 15491 FOC1705Y0BU 15481 FOC1705Y0CJ 15482 FOC1705Y0CG 15483 FOC1705Y0BN 15484 FOC1705Y0GB 15485 FOC1705Y0F7 15486 FOC1705Y0E2 15487 FOC1705Y0BW 15488 FOC1721X3FW 22068 FOC1721Z2V0 22067 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Garfield MC GARRTRB 3550-12G CAT061106Z1 Garfield MC GAR-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C06YE Garfield MC SW04 GARSWT15-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606JD Garfield MC SW05 GARSWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606JC Garfield MC SW06 GARSWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608VP Garfield MC SW07 GARSWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M F Garfield MC SW08 GARSWT19-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M H Garfield TR1 SW01 GARSWT32-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y C Garfield TR1 SW02 GARSWT33-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XJ Garfield TR1 SW03 GARSWT34-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X H Garfield TR1 SW04 GARSWT35-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X2 Garfield TR1 SW05 GARSWT36-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X1 Garfield TR1 SW07 GARSWT38-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y1 Garfield TR1 SW08 GARSWT39-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y2 Garfield TR1 SW09 GARSWT40-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y9 Garfield TR1 SW05 GARSWT36-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X1 Garfield TR1 SW07 GARSWT38-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y1 Garfield TR1 SW08 GARSWT39-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y2 Garfield TR1 SW09 GARSWT40-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y9 G. W. Carver MC RGWCRTRB WS-C3560G24TS FOC1315Z5NS G. W. MC GWK8-Carver-6509 WS-C6509-E SMG1418N027 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 141 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-01 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SB G. W. Carver MC GWKC8-MC-SW-02 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1PW G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-03 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1PN G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-04 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1RX G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-05 WS-C3560G FOC1415W5R3 G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-06 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1S1 G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-07 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1PR G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-08 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SA G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-09 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1PQ G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-10 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SG G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-11 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1Q3 G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-12 WS-C3560G FOC1410W09A G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-13 WS-C3560G FOC1410Z02Q G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-14 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0H8 G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-15 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0J4 G. W. Carver MC GWCK8-MC-SW-16 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0HC G. W. Carver TR GWCK8-TR1-SW-01 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1S2 G. W. Carver TR GWCK8-TR1-SW-02 WS-C3560G FOC1410W08U G. W. Carver TR GWCK8-TR1-SW-03 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0D9 G. Morgan MDF-Office GMRTRB WS-C3750X- FDO1638Z2KE Site Asset Tag Carver Page: 142 of 289 20162 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 12S-E G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan 101new Switch1 101new Switch2 205new Switch1 205new Switch2 GMSWT05 GMSWT33 GMSWT08 GMSWT10 G. Morgan MDF-Office GMSWT14-MDF G. Morgan Library GMSWT45 G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan 100new 102new 103new 104new 105new 108new 107new 106new 109new 110new GMSWT37 GMSWT46 GMSWT122 GMSWT105 GMSWT17 GMSWT55 GMSWT26 GMSWT106 GMSWT20 GMSWT44 G. Morgan 200new GMSWT38 G. Morgan 201new GMSWT40 G. Morgan MDF-Office GMSWT07-MDF G. Morgan 202new GMSWT39 G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan 203new 204new Switch1 204new Switch- Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM GMSWT42 GMSWT09 GMSWT52 WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S- FOC1705X3RZ 20161 FOC1705X3JM 20160 FOC1705X3S0 20142 FOC1705W3W6 20141 FOC1650Y2FS 20144 FOC1703Y0UB 20157 FOC1702Y2G4 20156 FOC1703Y0VE 20155 FOC1703Y0V7 20128 FOC1649Y40W 20154 FOC1702Y2EL 20153 FOC1649Y410 20152 FOC1702Y2E0 20151 FOC1702Y2E6 20150 FOC1703Y0V3 20149 FOC1703Y0TW 20148 FOC1705W3W3 20147 FOC1646Y18U 20146 FOC1702X0QM 20158 FOC1703Y0WA 20143 FOC1649Y40D 20145 FOC1705W3VS 20140 FOC1705X3R4 20139 Page: 143 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname 2 G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan 302new GMSWT18 MDF-Office GMSWT11MDF_PoE MDF-100C MSRTRB 3550-12G 207new 208new GMSWT12 GMSWT32 GMSWT29 GMSWT34 209new G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan G. Morgan Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy 210new 211new Switch 1 211new Switch 2 300 301new Chassis s/n Asset Tag 24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C296024PC-L 206new G. Morgan G. Morgan Model GMSWT25 GMSWT240 GMSWT210 GMSWT140 GMSWT43 FOC1703Y0UQ 20136 FOC1703Y0UW 20138 FOC1703Y0UZ 20133 FOC1703Y0UY 20137 FOC1703Y0UX 20132 FOC1652Y1KG 20135 FOC1652Y1K5 20134 FOC1703Y0VN 20131 FOC1703Y0V2 20130 FOC1703Y0UF 20129 FOC1435Z4G7 CHK0634V075 MDF-100C MSSWT05-MDF 2924M XL FAA0312H0GS Office/SEC 101A 101B 119/Food Service 125 Page: 144 of 289 MSSWT30-Office 2912 XL FAA0310U0LV 2924M XL FAB0608P072 2912 XL FAB0430U176 2912 XL FAA0311S0AR 2912 XL FAB0406U0AT MSSWT42 MSSWT46 MSSWT31 MSSWT32 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Location Hostname 128 MSSWT17 129 138 139 140 MDF-100C Model Chassis s/n 2912 XL FAA0312K04R 2912 XL no s/n 2912 XL FAA0311V0EE 2912 XL FAA0312J03C 2912 XL FAA0312M01S Asset Tag MSSWT34 MSSWT15 MSSWT21 MSSWT09 MSSWT06-MDF 3548 XL FAA0506X16E 102 103 105 113 114 117 120 MDF-100C MSSWT12 2912 XL FAA0311L12E 2912 XL FAA0311U0DX 2950G-48 FOC1114Z2LL 2912 XL FAA0311L0YL 2912 XL FAA0311K13S 2912 XL FAA0312K02Y 2912 XL FAA0311U0FR MSSWT36 MSSWT60 MSSWT45 MSSWT24 MSSWT11 MSSWT101 MSSWT07MDF_PoE 2960-24PC-L FOC1434Z4K5 IDF-118 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM MSSWT106-IDF 2950G-24 FHK0720X0BW Page: 145 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy Ginn Academy @ M. Spellacy GLENVILL E GLENVILL E Location Hostname Model MDF-100C MSSWT107-MDF 2950G-48 Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC0609X02V MDF-100C MSSWT108-MDF 2950G-48 FOC0946Z5AH IDF-118 MSSWT08-IDF_PoE 2960-24PC-L FOC1434Z4FG IDF-118 MSSWT14-IDF 3508G XL FAA0312M0FM IDF-118 MSSWT103-IDF 2950G-48 FOC0803W1B5 IDF-118 MSSWT105-IDF 2950G-48 FAA0428I03J IDF-118 MSSWT109-IDF 2950G-48 FOC1017Z3GA IDF-118 MSSWT110-IDF 2950G-48 FCZ0946X1WD MDF-232B GLNRTRB MDF-232B GLNSWT02-MDF GLENVILL E 11 GLNSWT167 GLENVILL E 113 GLENVILL E 114 GLENVILL E 120 GLENVILL E 121 GLENVILL E 124 GLENVILL E 224 GLENVILL E 225 Page: 146 of 289 GLNSWT75 GLNSWT210 GLNSWT62 GLNSWT209 GLNSWT69 GLNSWT224 GLNSWT102 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- FDO1640P01B 14551 FOC1606W4M5 14552 FOC1638Y17Q 14554 FOC1638Y125 14562 FOC1638Y12G 14563 FOC1638Y145 14564 FOC1638Y12S 14565 FOC1638Y12N 14566 FOC1638Y1A6 14567 FOC1638Y12F 14568 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L GLENVILL E 226 GLENVILL E 230 GLENVILL E 231B GLENVILL E MDF-232B GLNSWT03-MDF GLENVILL E 232A GLNSWT59 GLENVILL E 233 GLNSWT61 GLENVILL E 234 GLNSWT64 GLENVILL E 325 GLNSWT201 GLENVILL E 326 GLNSWT226 GLENVILL E 327 GLNSWT76 GLENVILL E 329 GLNSWT151 GLENVILL E 330 GLNSWT65 GLENVILL E 331 GLNSWT58 GLENVILL E 332 GLNSWT71 GLENVILL E IDF1-235A GLNSWT09-IDF1 GLENVILL E 235B GLNSWT45 GLENVILL E 236 GLNSWT43 GLENVILL E 236B GLNSWT27 240 GLNSWT240 242 GLNSWT30 GLENVILL E 333 GLNSWT36 GLENVILL 334 GLNSWT41 GLENVILL E GLENVILL E Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM GLNSWT57 GLNSWT140 GLNSWT74 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- FOC1638Y10P 14569 FOC1637Y460 14570 FOC1638Y17N 14571 FOC1608Y0Q7 14553 FOC1635Y2AG 14572 FOC1635Y2AD 14573 FOC1635Y2A7 14574 FOC1637Y48H 14575 FOC1634Y313 14576 FOC1637Y47Y 14507 FOC1638Y10N 14577 FOC1638Y187 14578 FOC1638Y119 14579 FOC1638Y19H 14580 FOC1635X0A0 14561 FOC1638Y11W 14581 FOC1605Z29W 14633 FOC1638Y156 14582 FOC1635X09J 14624 FOC1605Z27J 14583 FOC1638Y0Z4 14584 FOC1638Y17P 14585 Page: 147 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname E GLENVILL E 335 GLNSWT49 GLENVILL E 336 GLNSWT47 337 Switch-1 GLNSWT161 337 Switch-2 GLNSWT160 IDF2-205 GLNSWT10-IDF2 IDF2-205 GLNSWT04-IDF2 GLENVILL E MAIN OFFICE GLNSWT82-Office GLENVILL E DOCK GLNSWT211 GLENVILL E 130 GLNSWT130 GLENVILL E 131 GLNSWT131 132 GLNSWT88 133 GLNSWT133 GLENVILL E 134B GLNSWT132 GLENVILL E 134E GLNSWT141 GLENVILL E 200 GLNSWT29 GLENVILL E 201 GLNSWT33 GLENVILL E 202 GLNSWT202 GLENVILL E 203 GLNSWT223 GLENVILL E 204 GLNSWT19 GLENVILL E 209 GLNSWT81 GLENVILL E 243 GLNSWT31 GLENVILL E 244 GLNSWT22 GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E Page: 148 of 289 Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C3750X12S-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1638Y19S 14586 FOC1638Y1AC 14587 FOC1607W0P8 14634 FOC1605Z266 14555 FDO1639P188 14272 FOC1637W2R6 14559 FOC1638Y11R 14589 FOC1638Y110 14590 FOC1638Y12D 14591 FOC1638Y1A0 14592 FOC1635X09D 14625 FOC1613Y0LB 14626 FOC1638Y15D 14593 FOC1638Y15A 14594 FOC1638Y120 14595 FOC1638Y18F 14596 FOC1638Y182 14597 FOC1637X0LM 14627 FOC1638Y185 14598 FOC1638Y12B 14599 FOC1627X0V3 14628 FOC1638Y118 14600 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname GLENVILL E 246A GLNSWT80 GLENVILL E 246B GLNSWT21 GLENVILL E 300 GLNSWT203 GLENVILL E 302 GLNSWT28 GLENVILL E 303 GLNSWT60 GLENVILL E 304 GLNSWT25 GLENVILL E 305 GLNSWT89 GLENVILL E 306 GLNSWT206 IDF2-205 GLNSWT11-IDF2 338 GLNSWT26 339 Switch-1 GLNSWT79 339 Switch-2 GLNSWT83 341A Switch-1 GLNSWT77 GLENVILL E 341A Switch-2 GLNSWT225 GLENVILL E 341A Switch-3 GLNSWT250 GLENVILL E 342B Switch-1 GLNSWT78 342B Switch-2 GLNSWT84 IDF3-212A GLNSWT06-IDF3 311/Library GLNSWT48 GLENVILL E 13B GLNSWT55 GLENVILL E 16 GLNSWT118 GLENVILL E 18 GLNSWT116 GLENVILL E 104 GLNSWT66 GLENVILL 105 GLNSWT34 GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1638Y11X 14588 FOC1638Y14Z 14601 FOC1638Y12C 14602 FOC1627X0WZ 14629 FOC1638Y12Q 14603 FOC1638Y124 14604 FOC1635X09U 14630 FOC1638Y11Q 14605 FOC1635X09G 14558 FOC1635X0A6 14651 FOC1605Z26B 14637 FOC1608Y0QF 14638 FOC1605W54V 14636 FOC1637Y488 14607 FOC1638Y180 14608 FOC1638Y18D 14606 FOC1609W1WF 14635 FOC1637W2TA 14560 FOC1627X0Y6 14631 FOC1638Y11V 14609 FOC1638Y11P 14610 FOC1639Y1B4 14664 FOC1638Y11T 14611 FOC1637Y47A 14612 Page: 149 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname E GLENVILL E 108 GLNSWT109 GLENVILL E 109 GLNSWT52 GLENVILL E 111 GLNSWT72 GLENVILL E 112 GLNSWT17 GLENVILL E 211 GLNSWT174 GLENVILL E 212 GLNSWT73 GLENVILL E 213 GLNSWT15 GLENVILL E 214 GLNSWT108 GLENVILL E 215 GLNSWT14 GLENVILL E IDF3-212A GLNSWT08-IDF3 GLENVILL E 216 GLNSWT208 GLENVILL E 217 GLNSWT38 GLENVILL E 218 GLNSWT35 GLENVILL E 219 GLNSWT67 GLENVILL E 220 GLNSWT56 GLENVILL E 313 GLNSWT68 GLENVILL E 314 GLNSWT150 GLENVILL E 315B GLNSWT16 GLENVILL E 316 GLNSWT46 GLENVILL E 318 GLNSWT23 Page: 150 of 289 Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1638Y186 14613 FOC1638Y189 14614 FOC1638Y128 14615 FOC1638Y11H 14616 FOC1638Y17V 14617 FOC1638Y12H 14639 FOC1638Y10G 14618 FOC1638Y11S 14619 FOC1638Y11M 14620 FOC1605Z27R 14556 FOC1637Y47L 14621 FOC1638Y123 14622 FOC1638Y12A 14623 FOC1638Y12J 14640 FOC1652Z1T8 14641 FOC1638Y11Y 14642 FOC1638Y13M 14643 FOC1638Y17T 14644 FOC1638Y11L 14645 FOC1638Y18L 14646 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname GLENVILL E 319 GLNSWT120 GLENVILL E 324 GLNSWT40 GLENVILL E 348 GLNSWT101 GLENVILL E 349 GLNSWT90 GLENVILL E 350 GLNSWT63 MDF-232B GLNSWT170 MDF-232B GLNSTW171 IDF1-235A GLNSWT172 IDF2-205 GLNSWT173 H. Booker MDF-204 HBBRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634V062 H. Booker MDF-204 HBBSWT50-MDF 2950G-24 FAA0311H0L1 H. Booker MDF-204 HBBSWT02-MDF 2924M XL FAA0314F0FZ H. Booker HBBSWT09 2912 XL FAA0311L0VU HBBSWT14-Office 2912 XL FAA0311G01W H. Booker 101 103/Secertary Office 105 HBBSWT17 2912 XL FAA0311S0C1 H. Booker 106 HBBSWT19 2912 XL FAA0311L10V H. Booker 107 HBBSWT26 2912 XL FAA0311H00D H. Booker 108 HBBSWT21 2912 XL FAA0312K02X H. Booker 109 HBBSWT08 2912 XL FAA0311K13T H. Booker 110 HBBSWT61 2912 XL FAA0311L0WD H. Booker 113 HBBSWT102 2912 XL FAA0305U0GA H. Booker 114 HBBSWT10 2912 XL FAA0311T0EC H. Booker 115 HBBSWT20 2912 XL FAA0312J00H H. Booker 116 HBBSWT07 2912 XL FAA0310J09A H. Booker 117 HBBSWT60 2912 XL FAA0311L10T H. Booker 118 HBBSWT118 2912 XL FAA0311H0MW H. Booker HBBSWT04-MDF 2924M XL FAB0536Q1JV HBBSWT101 2924M XL FAA0311L0SF HBBSWT35 2912 XL FAA0311G0X7 H. Booker MDF-204 Library/Media switch 1 Library/Media switch 2 201 HBBSWT18 2912 XL FAA0311T0E4 H. Booker 202 HBBSWT13 2912 XL FAA0311H00A H. Booker 203 HBBSWT15 2912 XL FAA0311T0E5 H. Booker 204 HBBSWT200 2950G-48 FOC0729W2UX GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E GLENVILL E H. Booker H. Booker H. Booker Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model Chassis s/n Site WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS WS-C2960S24PS WS-C2960S24PS WSC2960S-24PS Asset Tag FOC1638Y12L 14647 FOC1638Y12E 14648 FOC1637W2SJ 14632 FOC1637Y46E 14649 FOC1638Y181 14650 FOC1721W2PF 23077 FOC1721Z3A6 23076 FOC1721X3EP 23074 FOC1721Y0VP 23073 Page: 151 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n H. Booker 205 HBBSWT11 2912 XL FAA0311U0GX H. Booker 206 HBBSWT06 2912 XL FAA0312K003 H. Booker 207 HBBSWT28 2912 XL FAA0311J0ZY H. Booker 208 HBBSWT05 2912 XL FAA0312G001 H. Booker 209 HBBSWT62 2912 XL FAA0311G0T1 H. Booker 210 HBBSWT51 2912 XL FAA0311V0FN H. Booker 211 HBBSWT52 2912 XL FAA0311K12F H. Booker 212 HBBSWT12 2912 XL FAA0311L0ZF H. Booker 213 HBBSWT29 2912 XL FAA0312G00A H. Booker 214 HBBSWT23 2912 XL FAA0312H09Y H. Booker 215 HBBSWT56 2912 XL FAA0312M094 H. Booker 216 HBBSWT25 2912 XL FAA0312M08T H. Booker 217 HBBSWT27 2912 XL FAA0311K12J H. Booker 218 HBBSWT24 FAA0312J02T H. Booker 204-MDF HBBSWT170 H. Booker 204-MDF HBBSWT171 2912 XL WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L MC HGRTRA 2620 JAD06210QY7 MC HGRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W07D MC H_Gibbons-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C06G6 Hannah Gibbons MC Rack2 SW1 HGSWT12 Nortel 425-48 SACC260A7R Hannah Gibbons MC Rack2 SW2 HGSWT13 Nortel 425-48 SACC260B66 Hannah Gibbons MC Rack2 SW3 HGSWT14 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AV8 Hannah Gibbons MC Rack2 SW4 HGSWT15 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AHM Hannah Gibbons MC Rack2 SW5 HGSWT16 Nortel 425-48 SACC260A31 Hannah Gibbons TR1A Rack1 SW1 HGSWT17 Nortel 425-48 SACC260A6Q Hannah Gibbons TR1A Rack1 SW2 HGSWT18 Nortel 425-48 SACC2609CN Hannah Gibbons TR1A Rack1 SW3 HGSWT19 Nortel 425-48 SACC2609G6 Hannah Gibbons TR1A Rack1 SW4 HGSWT20 Nortel 425-48 SACC2609GS Hannah TR1A Rack1 HGSWT21 Nortel 425-48 SACC2609EC Hannah Gibbons Hannah Gibbons Hannah Gibbons Page: 152 of 289 Asset Tag FOC1717X351 FOC1718X0UL Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Hostname Model Chassis s/n TR2A Rack1 SW1 HGSWT22 Nortel 425-48 SACC2609CT Hannah Gibbons TR2A Rack1 SW2 HGSWT23 Nortel 425-48 SACC2608HQ Hannah Gibbons TR2A Rack1 SW3 HGSWT24 Nortel 425-48 SACC26096B Hannah Gibbons TR2A Rack1 SW4 HGSWT25 Nortel 425-48 SACC26093B Hannah Gibbons TR2A Rack1 SW5 HGSWT26 Nortel 425-48 SACC2609R5 Harvard Bus Depot Harvard Bus Depot Harvard Bus Depot MDF-Custodial Closet MDF-Custodial Closet MDF-Custodial Closet H. Rice MC HRIRTRB 3560G-24TS FOC1315Z5CZ H. Rice MC Harvey_Rice-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT0C68 H. Rice MC Rack 2 SW1 HRISWT12-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4601NF H. Rice MC Rack 2 SW2 HRISWT13-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD46037V H. Rice MC Rack 2 SW3 HRISWT14-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607E R H. Rice MC Rack 2 SW4 HRISWT15-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4601N H H. Rice MC Rack 3 SW1 HRISWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4601M N H. Rice MC Rack 3 SW2 HRISWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD46070R H. Rice MC Rack 3 SW3 HRISWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606V9 H. Rice TR1 Rack 1 SW1 HRISWT32-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606PY H. Rice TR1 Rack 1 SW2 HRISWT33-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD46037T H. Rice TR1 Rack 1 SW3 HRISWT34-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D R H. Rice TR1 Rack 1 SW4 HRISWT35-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4601N G Site Location Gibbons SW5 Hannah Gibbons Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM HDRTRB HDSWT02-MDF HDSWT03-MDF WS-C355012G WS-C2924MXL-EN WS-X2931XL Asset Tag CHK0634W089 FAA0313L04C FAA0339K1BG Page: 153 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n H. Rice TR1 Rack 2 SW1 HRISWT36-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606P M H. Rice TR1 Rack 2 SW2 HRISWT37-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D8 H. Rice TR1 Rack 2 SW3 HRISWT38-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D E H. Rice TR1 Rack 2 SW4 HRISWT39-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D H H. Rice TR1 Rack 2 SW5 HRISWT40-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606R D HECRTRB 3550-12G CHK0630W1RG HECSWT102-MDF 2924M XL FAA0311G0AF Main Office HECSWT02 2912 XL FAA0312G047 Library Switch-1 HECSWT199 2912 XL FAA0312L01J Library Switch-2 HECSWT77 2912 XL FAB0522W0PB 102 HECSWT202 2912 XL FAA0312H05V 103 HECSWT05 2912 XL FAA0312M032 104 HECSWT09 2912 XL FAA0312H02E 105 HECSWT12 2950G-48 FOC0847W1KP 106 HECSWT105 2912 XL FAA0311S0DR 107 HECSWT52 2950G-48 FOC1111W199 108 HECSWT106 2912 XL FAA0311S0E5 109 HECSWT109 2912 XL FAA0312G024 110 HECSWT54 2950G-48 FOC1114Z2LR MDF-Main Office HECSWT100-MDF 2924M XL FAA0311L09N 200 HECSWT07 2948G JAE0549075P 201A HECSWT06 2912 XL FAA0311L0YE 201 HECSWT13 2912 XL FAA0312G02T 202 HECSWT16 2948G JAE05480180 203 HECSWT15 2948G JAE06370197 204 Switch-1 HECSWT103 2924M XL FAA0316L05F 204 Switch-2 HECSWT101 2924M XL FAA0316H051 Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers MDF-Main Office MDF-Main Office Page: 154 of 289 Asset Tag Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n 205 HECSWT11 3548 XL FAB0610W03A 206 HECSWT17 2912 XL FAA0312K02G 207 HECSWT51 2912 XL FAA0312G02W 210 HECSWT104 2912 XL FAA0312L01K MDF-Main Office HECWPOESW01 WS-C356024PS-E FDO1429K0RX Iowa-Maple MDF-118 IOWRTRB Iowa-Maple MDF-118 IOWSWT02-MDF Iowa-Maple 100-Office/SEC IOWSWT05-Office Iowa-Maple Library/Media IOWSWT19 Iowa-Maple 100B IOWSWT11 Iowa-Maple 102 IOWSWT27 Iowa-Maple 103 IOWSWT103 Iowa-Maple 104 IOWSWT17 Iowa-Maple 105 IOWSWT21 Iowa-Maple 106 IOWSWT30 Iowa-Maple 107 IOWSWT20 Iowa-Maple 108 IOWSWT51 Iowa-Maple 109 IOWSWT23 Iowa-Maple 110 IOWSWT22 Iowa-Maple 111 IOWSWT16 Iowa-Maple 120 IOWSWT120 Iowa-Maple 128 IOWSWT26 Iowa-Maple 132 IOWSWT18 Site Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Health Careers Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- Asset Tag FDO1706Z1LZ 15288 FOC1704W2WW 15289 FOC1703Y0X0 15291 FOC1705X3V7 15318 FOC1703Y0WJ 15292 FOC1703Y0WH 15293 FOC1703Y0U8 15294 FOC1652Y5K7 15295 FOC1703Y0TU 15296 FOC1702Y2CY 15297 FOC1702Y2HR 15298 FOC1702Y2GX 15299 FOC1703Y0UP 15300 FOC1703Y0VB 15301 FOC1702Y2FM 15302 FOC1703Y0W2 15303 FOC1703Y0QG 15304 FOC1703Y0UM 15305 Page: 155 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Iowa-Maple 133 IOWSWT133 Iowa-Maple 134 IOWSWT15 Iowa-Maple 135 IOWSWT12 Iowa-Maple 137 IOWSWT137 Iowa-Maple 138 IOWSWT09 Iowa-Maple 200 IOWSWT28 Iowa-Maple 201 IOWSWT13 Iowa-Maple 202 IOWSWT202 Iowa-Maple MDF-118 IOWSWT03-MDF Iowa-Maple 203 IOWSWT29 Iowa-Maple 205 IOWSWT205 Iowa-Maple 204 IOWSWT14 Iowa-Maple 206 IOWSWT07 Iowa-Maple 207 IOWSWT08 Iowa-Maple 208 IOWSWT208 Iowa-Maple 209 IOWSWT209 Iowa-Maple 210 IOWSWT210 Iowa-Maple 211 IOWSWT10 Iowa-Maple 217 IOWSWT217 Iowa-Maple 218 IOWSWT24 Page: 156 of 289 Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1703Y0X5 15306 FOC1703Y0VU 15324 FOC1703Y0X7 15307 FOC1702Y2J2 15332 FOC1703Y0WZ 15308 FOC1702Y2E3 15309 FOC1703Y0V1 15310 FOC1703Y0WC 15325 FOC1705X3WG 15290 FOC1704W2ZA 15317 FOC1703Y0UR 15311 FOC1703Y0UG 15312 FOC1702Y2HP 15313 FOC1703Y0Q7 15314 FOC1703Y0Q6 15315 FOC1703Y0X3 15316 FOC1703Y0W3 15319 FOC1702Y2HV 15320 FOC1703Y0UT 15321 FOC1703Y0SM 15322 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Iowa-Maple 220 IOWSWT220 Iowa-Maple MDF-118 IOWASWT170-MDF Iowa-Maple MDF-118 IOWASWT171-MDF MDF-102 JARTRB 3550-12G CHK0625W1D4 MDF-102 JASWT02-MDF 2924M XL FAA0312K0GG Office/SEC JASWT07-Office 2912 XL FAA0312H07K 109 JASWT109 2912 XL FAA0309K0T0 117 JASWT138 3548 XL FAA0516I0PQ 118 JASWT06 2912 XL FAA0312M04Q 120 JASWT120 WS-C2950SX24 FOC1207Z2CG MDF-102 JASWT03-MDF 2924M XL FAA0311K1AP MDF-102 JASWT170-MDF IDF1-304 JASWT171-IDF1 IDF1-304 JASWT172-IDF1 IDF1-304 JASWT201-IDF1 3508G XL CHK0633W0S3 IDF1-304 JASWT205-IDF1 3548 XL FAB0539V0D0 IDF1-304 JASWT223-IDF1 2950G-24 FHK0720W0B4 217 JASWT52 2950G-24 FOC0629X0LL 219 Switch-1 JASWT16 2924M XL FAA0316J05B 320 Switch-1 JASWT45 2924M XL FAA0312M0FK IDF1-304 JASWT203-IDF1 3548 XL FAB0603Q0Q9 201 JASWT30 2912 XL FAA0312H02D 202 JASWT21 2912 XL FAA0312J068 203 JASWT26 2912 XL FAA0312H012 204 JASWT24 2912 XL FAA0311T0DH 205 JADLSWT135 3548 XL FAB0606W0VV 206 JADLSWT34 2912 XL FAA0311T0DJ 206A JADLSWT206 2950G-24 FHK0616W3AC Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model Chassis s/n Site WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1703Y0UL Asset Tag 15323 FOC1718X0VC FOC1718X0TV 191802 FOC1721Z1CY 23074 FOC1721Z1J6 23075 FOC1721Z1HW 23076 191989 Page: 157 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n 210 JADLSWT210 3548 XL FAA0445H01E 211 JADLSWT211 2912 XL FAA0312L060 212 Switch-1 JADLSWT212 2912 XL FAA0311S0B9 212 Switch-2 JADLSWT253 2912 XL FAA0310H090 215 JASWT41 2924M XL CAM0719Z0A7 216 JASWT44 2912 XL FAA0312H03U 218 Switch-1 JASWT55 2912 XL FAB0443T2MP 218 Switch-2 JASWT56 2912 XL FAA0312J03A 219 Switch-2 JASWT48 2912 XL FAA0310M02X IDF1-304 JASWT202-IDF1 3548 XL FAA0446I0G0 300 Switch-1 JASWT15 2924M XL CAM0730Z07T 300 Switch-2 JASWT50 2924M XL FAA0310K0YU 301 JASWT14 2912 XL FAA0312J009 302 JASWT32 2912 XL FAA0311S0BL 303 JASWT19 2912 XL FAA0310G0AE 305 Switch-1 JASWT05 2924M XL FAA0405G0FR 305 Switch-2 JASWT61 2912 XL FAA0310K0BK 306 JASWT27 2912 XL FAA0310G0CF 307 JASWT12 2924M XL FAA0313K04U 309 JASWT29 2912 XL FAA0311G0VD 310 Switch-1 JASWT20 2924M XL FAB0435T0E9 310 Switch-2 JASWT49 2912 XL FAA0311H0K3 315 JASWT28 2912 XL FAA0311U0DS 316 JASWT17 2912 XL FAA0312H00B 317 JASWT42 2912 XL FAA0312K019 318 Switch-1 JASWT38 2950G-24 FHK0720X0CH 318 switch-2 JASWT51 2912 XL FAA0311K12C Asset Tag Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Page: 158 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n 318 switch-3 JASWT57 2912 XL FAA0311H0M6 319 JASWT60 2912 XL FAA0312K010 320 Switch-2 JASWT11 2912 XL FAB0541U11S 320 Switch-3 JASWT31 2912 XL FAA0311K15U 208 JADLSWT208 3548 XL FHK0618Y0DM IDF2-207 JADLSWT76IDF2_PoE 3560-48PS FDO1218X4NL IDF2-207 JADLSWT75-IDF2 3560-48TS FDO1230X3DE IDF2-207 JADLSWT77-IDF2 3560-48PS FDO1218X4QU J. Rhodes MC2A JFRRTRA 2620 JAD06220DS8 J. Rhodes MC2A JFRRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W08E J. Rhodes MC2A Rhodes-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C06PC J. Rhodes MC2A SW1 JFRSWT12-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5002BU J. Rhodes MC2A SW2 JFRSWT13-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AWA J. Rhodes MC2A SW3 JFRSWT14-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260ASQ J. Rhodes MC2A SW4 JFRSWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5002V4 J. Rhodes MC2A SW5 JFRSWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5002PC J. Rhodes MC2A SW6 JFRSWT17-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC500197 J. Rhodes MC2A SW7 JFRSWT19-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC500115 J. Rhodes TR1B Rack1 SW1 JFRSWT20-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC5001T5 J. Rhodes TR1B Rack1 SW2 JFRSWT21-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC5001QD J. Rhodes TR1B Rack1 SW3 JFRSWT22-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC5001SD J. Rhodes TR1B Rack1 SW4 JFRSWT23-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC5001RY J. Rhodes TR1B Rack2 JFRSWT25-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC5004EJ Site Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Design Lab @ Jane Addams Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 159 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag SW2 J. Rhodes TR1B Rack2 SW3 JFRSWT26-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC50049S J. Rhodes TR1B Rack2 SW4 JFRSWT27-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC5004GM J. Rhodes TR1A Rack1 SW1 JFRSWT31-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC5003ER J. Rhodes TR1A Rack1 SW2 JFRSWT32-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC5003DK J. Rhodes TR1A Rack1 SW3 JFRSWT33-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC5001A9 J. Rhodes TR1A Rack2 SW1 JFRSWT34-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC50039N J. Rhodes TR1A Rack2 SW3 JFRSWT36-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC50014K J. Rhodes TR1A Rack2 SW4 JFRSWT37-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC5004GS J. Rhodes TR2B Rack1 SW1 JFRSWT39-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC50049P J. Rhodes TR2B Rack1 SW2 JFRSWT40-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC500475 J. Rhodes TR2B Rack1 SW3 JFRSWT41-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC5004D2 J. Rhodes TR2B Rack1 SW4 JFRSWT42-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC5002VZ J. Rhodes TR2B Rack2 SW1 JFRSWT43-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC5002D9 J. Rhodes TR2B Rack2 SW2 JFRSWT44-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC5002VX J. Rhodes TR2B Rack2 SW3 JFRSWT45-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC5003MA J. Rhodes TR2B Rack2 SW4 JFRSWT46-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC50032M J. Rhodes TR3A Rack1 SW1 JFRSWT50-TR3A Nortel 425-48 SACC50013W J. Rhodes TR3A Rack1 SW2 JFRSWT51-TR3A Nortel 425-48 SACC5002X7 J. Rhodes TR3A Rack2 SW1 JFRSWT53-TR3A Nortel 425-48 LBNNTMJX50018R J. Rhodes TR3A Rack2 SW2 JFRSWT54-TR3A Nortel 425-48 LBNNTMJX5001C9 Page: 160 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n J. Rhodes TR3A Rack2 SW3 JFRSWT55-TR3A Nortel 425-48 LBNNTMJX500174 J. Rhodes TR3A Rack2 SW4 JFRSWT56-TR3A Nortel 425-48 SACC50046K J. Rhodes TRBA SW1 JFRSWT58-TRBA Nortel 425-48 SACC5003LU J. Rhodes TRBA SW2 JFRSWT59-TRBA Nortel 425-48 SACC5002S5 J. Rhodes TRBA SW3 JFRSWT60-TRBA Nortel 425-48 SACC50024V J. Rhodes TRBA SW4 JFRSWT61-TRBA Nortel 425-48 SACC5002TS J. Rhodes TR1B JFRSWT63-TR1B Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220MV G J. Rhodes TR1B JFRSWT65-TR1B Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220MV G J. Rhodes TR1B JFRSWT66-TR1B Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220MV M J. Rhodes TR2B JFRSWT67-TR2B Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG J J. Rhodes TR2B JFRSWT68-TR2B Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG 0 J. Rhodes TRBA JFRSWT69-TRBA Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG X J. Rhodes TRBA JFRSWT69-TRBA Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NF K MC2A JOARTRA 2620 JAD06210G45 MC2A JOARTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W07Q MC2A JohnAdams-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C06MD John Adams MC2A Rack2 SW1 JOASWT12-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AUS John Adams MC2A Rack2 SW2 JOASWT13-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AK9 John Adams MC2A Rack2 SW3 JOASWT14-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260ACF John Adams MC2A Rack3 SW1 JOASWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AV0 John Adams MC2A Rack3 SW2 JOASWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260APQ John Adams John Adams John Adams Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 161 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n John Adams MC2A Rack3 SW3 JOASWT17-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AY5 John Adams MC2A Rack3 SW4 JOASWT18-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260B7C John Adams MC2A Rack4 SW1 JOASWT19-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AUC John Adams MC2A Rack4 SW2 JOASWT20-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AWK John Adams MC2A Rack4 SW3 JOASWT21-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AUT John Adams MC2A Rack4 SW4 JOASWT22-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260B8Q John Adams MC2A Rack4 SW5 JOASWT23-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260ASJ John Adams MC2A Rack4 SW6 JOASWT24-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AXK John Adams TR1A Rack2 SW1 JOASWT25-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC260B1U John Adams TR1A Rack2 SW2 JOASWT26-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC260A6Z John Adams TR1A Rack2 SW3 JOASWT27-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC260AW7 John Adams TR1A Rack2 SW4 JOASWT28-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC260AVK John Adams TR1A Rack1 SW1 JOASWT29-TR1A Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG G John Adams TR1A Rack1 SW2 JOASWT30-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC2607VR John Adams TR1A Rack1 SW3 JOASWT31-TR1A Nortel 425-48 SACC2608WS John Adams TR1B Rack1 SW1 JOASWT32-TR1B Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG 4 John Adams TR1B Rack1 SW2 JOASWT34-TR1B Nortel 425-48 SACC260AUL John Adams TR2B Rack2 SW1 JOASWT36-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC260AU7 John Adams TR2B Rack2 SW2 JOASWT37-TR2B Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG D John Adams TR2B Rack2 SW3 JOASWT38-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC260AKS John TR2B Rack3 JOASWT39-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC260B9G Page: 162 of 289 Asset Tag Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Hostname Model Chassis s/n TR2B Rack3 SW2 JOASWT40-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC260B4P John Adams TR2B Rack3 SW3 JOASWT41-TR2B Nortel 425-48 SACC2606Z7 John Adams John Adams John Adams John Adams John Adams John Adams TR2B Rack4 SW1 TR2B Rack4 SW2 TR2B Rack4 SW3 TR2B Rack4 SW4 TR2B Rack4 SW5 TR2B Rack4 SW6 John Adams MC2A Rack4 SW7 JOASWT48-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260ASX John Adams MC2A Rack4 SW8 JOASWT49-MC Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220N1 E JFK MDF-101F JFKRTRB JFK MDF-101F JFKSWT02-MDF JFK 100E JFKSWT106 JFK 103 JFKSWT12 JFK 104 JFKSWT103 JFK 104 JFKSWT104 JFK 105 JFKSWT16 JFK 106 JFKSWT07 JFK 137A JFKSWT220 JFK 200 JFKSWT162 JFK 201 JFKSWT10 JFK 202 JFKSWT19 JFK 203 JFKSWT159 Site Location Adams SW1 John Adams Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM JOASWT42-TR2B JOASWT43-TR2B JOASWT44-TR2B JOASWT45-TR2B JOASWT46-TR2B JOASWT47-TR2B Nortel 425-48 Nortel 425-48 Nortel 425-48 Nortel 425-48 Nortel 425-48 Nortel 425-48 WS-3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG- Asset Tag SACC260AUD SACC260ATH SACC260AVV SACC260AXZ SACC260AV7 SACC260ASU 14464 FOC1637X0JU 14512 FOC1634Y2MQ 14451 FOC1631Y29N 14452 FOC1637Y48J 14453 FOC1652Y3JY FOC1638Y102 14454 FOC1637Y0MU 14456 FOC1612X2KU 14535 FOC1630Y0HY 14455 FOC1630Y0XG 14457 FOC1620X20F 14536 FOC1638Y2DA 14458 Page: 163 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L JFK 204 JFKSWT18 JFK 205 JFKSWT17 JFK 206 JFKSWT20 JFK 249 JFKSWT13 JFK 302 JFKSWT108 JFK 304 JFKSWT15 JFK 305 JFKSWT105 JFK 310 JFKSWT08 JFK 315 JFKSWT14 JFK 347 JFKSWT09 JFK MDF-101F JFKSWT03-MDF JFK 221A JFKSWT80-IDF1 JFK 112 JFKSWT64 JFK 113 JFKSWT113 JFK 116 JFKSWT59 JFK 117 JFKSWT117 JFK 207 JFKSWT63 JFK 208 JFKSWT62 JFK 209 JFKSWT78 JFK 213 JFKSWT61 JFK 214 JFKSWT219 Page: 164 of 289 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24-TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1634Y2LR 14459 FOC1637Y47K 14460 FOC1638Y2DM 14461 FOC1638Y24M 14462 FOC1529W3F5 14463 FOC1634Y2N5 14466 FOC1638Y0ZU 14465 FOC1634Y2LE 14467 FOC1634Y2LP 14468 FOC1616Y2FT 14537 FOC1616Y2FV 14509 FOC1612Z5GN 14514 FOC1637Y478 14469 FOC1612Y5C3 14538 FOC1638Y2BE 14470 FOC1634Y0S9 14471 FOC1638Y103 14472 FOC1638Y11D 14473 FOC1632Y2NU 14474 FOC1638Y25A 14475 FOC1638Y10B 14306 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname JFK 215 JFKSWT214 JFK 221 JFKSWT74 JFK 222B JFKSWT79 JFK 224A JFKSWT75 JFK 224B Switch -1 JFKSWT224 JFK 224B Switch -2 JFKSWT201 JFK 225A Switch-1 JFKSWT226 JFK 225A Switch -2 JFKSWT225 JFK 225B JFKSWT54 JFK 311 JFKSWT58 JFK 312 JFKSWT57 JFK 317 JFKSWT56 JFK 318 JFKSWT66 JFK 319 JFKSWT65 JFK 320 JFKSWT76 JFK 324 JFKSWT77 JFK 325 JFKSWT204 JFK 326A JFKSWT67 JFK 326B JFKSWT68 JFK 326C JFKSWT71 JFK 326D JFKSWT229 JFK 327 JFKSWT72 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1634Y2KX 14476 FOC1638Y0ZA 14477 FOC1630Y0G9 14478 FOC1612X2KT 14539 FOC1616Y2G4 14540 FOC1616X311 14541 FOC1638Y24L 14479 FOC1616Y2GL FOC1638Y0YT 14480 FOC1638Y0Z0 14481 FOC1627X2X9 14542 FOC1637Y0PH 14482 FOC1637Y43T 14483 FOC1637Y44X 14484 FOC1630Y0YQ 14485 FOC1638Y0YA 14486 FOC1637Y468 14487 FOC1637Y476 14490 FOC1612X2KZ 14543 FOC1637Y46M 14489 FOC1638Y11K 14488 FOC1634Y2MW 14491 Page: 165 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname JFK 328 JFKSWT73 JFK 221A JFKSWT222-IDF1 JFK 232 JFKSWT81-IDF2 JFK 123A JFKSWT174 JFK 123B JFKSWT107 JFK 124 JFKSWT42 JFK 124B JFKSWT124 JFK 126 JFKSWT52 JFK 126A JFKSWT127 JFK 131 JFKSWT49 JFK 132 JFKSWT47 JFK 136D JFKSWT51 JFK 229 JFKSWT45 JFK 230 JFKSWT37 JFK 231 JFKSWT138 JFK 232 JFKSWT39 JFK 233 JFKSWT102 JFK 235 JFKSWT233 JFK 239 Switch-1 JFKSWT24 JFK 239 Switch-2 JFKSWT06 JFK 240 JFKSWT35 JFK 241 JFKSWT40 Page: 166 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24-TS-S WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1637Y46Z 14492 FOC1617W60P 14510 FOC1612X2JS 14513 FOC1637Y47N 14494 FOC1637Y47J 14493 FOC1638Y2EM 14495 FOC1637Y47F 14496 FOC1637Y458 14497 FOC1628Y3EN 14498 FOC1634Y0XU 14499 FOC1634Y2LX 14500 FOC1638Y2EZ 14501 FOC1637Y0LH 14502 FOC1637X0J5 14544 FOC1638Y25F 14504 FOC1638Y2EX 14505 FOC1631Y29Q 14506 FOC1637X0LH 14305 FOC1632Y1E0 14508 FOC1638Y2EE 14515 FOC1637Y47G 14516 FOC1638Y2DN 14517 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L JFK 242 JFKSWT38 JFK 243 JFKSWT34 JFK 244 JFKSWT31 JFK 247 JFKSWT247 JFK 329 JFKSWT41 JFK 330 JFKSWT25 JFK 334 JFKSWT101 JFK 335 JFKSWT50 JFK 336 JFKSWT46 JFK 337 JFKSWT26 JFK 341 JFKSWT27 JFK 342 JFKSWT28 JFK 343 JFKSWT53 JFK 344 JFKSWT44 JFK 345 JFKSWT43 JFK 348 JFKSWT30 JFK 349 JFKSWT29 JFK 350 JFKSWT32 JFK 333 Switch-1 JFKSWT82 JFK 333 Switch-2 JFKSWT22 JFK IDF 232 JFKSWT83-IDF2 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24-TS-S FOC1631Y28W 14518 FOC1638Y2F5 14519 FOC1637Y47W 14521 FOC1638Y0YW 14520 FOC1630Y0H6 14522 FOC1638Y25E 14523 FOC1627X0L5 14545 FOC1638Y2B6 14524 FOC1637Y445 14525 FOC1637Y45R 14526 FOC1632Y1DJ 14527 FOC1637Y0LS 14528 FOC1637Y443 14529 FOC1630Y0ZF 14530 FOC1637Y484 14531 FOC1634Y2LQ 14532 FOC1630Y0W7 14533 FOC1634Y2L6 14534 FOC1616Y29J 14548 FOC1616Y2EB 14549 FOC1636X2V7 14511 Page: 167 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname JFK 331 Switch-1 JFKSWT202 JFK 331 Switch-2 JFKSWT21 JFK MDF-101F JFKKSWT170 JFK MDF-101F JFKSWT171 JFK IDF-221A JFKSWT172 JFK IDF-221A JFKSWT173 JFK IDF-232 JFKSWT176 JFK IDF-232 JFKSWT175 MDF-101/Office CRARTRB MDF-101/Office CRASWT02-MDF JFK 9th @ Cranwood 102 Office CRASWT34-Office JFK 9th @ Cranwood 100 CRASWT07 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 104 CRASWT08 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 105 CRASWT09 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 106 CRASWT10 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 124 CRASWT22 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 125 CRASWT23 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 130 CRASWT35 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 131 CRASWT24 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 132 CRASWT25 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 133 CRASWT26 JFK 9th @ Cranwood JFK 9th @ Cranwood Page: 168 of 289 Model WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1612Y52Q 14546 FOC1612Y5BU 14547 FOC1721X3H1 23069 FOC1721X3EN 23068 FOC1721Z30L 23070 FOC1721Z3AH 23071 FOC1721Z1K6 23072 FOC1721X3FJ 23073 FDO1711Z1QS 15562 FOC1705W137 15563 FOC1705Y0DE 15561 FOC1710Y3LW 15567 FOC1705Y0JH 15568 FOC1705Y0D5 15569 FOC1705Y0H8 15570 FOC1705Y0GE 15571 FOC1705Y0H9 15572 FOC1710Y3MG 15573 FOC1705Y0GX 15574 FOC1710Y3LN 15575 FOC1705Y0J5 15576 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname JFK 9th @ Cranwood 134 CRASWT27 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 135 CRASWT28 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 137 CRASWT29 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 138 CRASWT30 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 139 CRASWT31 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 140 CRASWT32 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 141 CRASWT33 JFK 9th @ Cranwood IDF-123A CRASWT03-IDF JFK 9th @ Cranwood 121/Library CRASWT36 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 110 CRASWT11 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 111 CRASWT12 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 112 CRASWT13 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 113 CRASWT14 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 115 CRASWT16 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 116 CRASWT17 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 117 CRASWT18 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 118 CRASWT19 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 119 CRASWT20 JFK 9th @ Cranwood 120 CRASWT21 122 PC lab CRASWT06 MDF-101/Office CRASWT170-MDF JFK 9th @ Cranwood JFK 9th @Cranwoo d Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C296048TS-S WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1705Y0GD 15577 FOC1705Y0BZ 15578 FOC1705Y0CP 15579 FOC1705Y0GJ 15580 FOC1705Y0H4 15581 FOC1705Y0D3 15582 FOC1705Y0HD 15583 FOC1652Z1TN 15564 FOC1705Y0JK 15584 FOC1705Y0HE 15585 FOC1710Y3NL 15586 FOC1705Y0H3 15587 FOC1705Y0DS 15588 FOC1710Y3JB 15590 FOC1705Y0H2 15591 FOC1705Y0H6 15592 FOC1705Y0HC 15593 FOC1705Y0HP 15594 FOC1705Y0AQ 15595 FOC1652Z0PX 15565 FOC1721Z39Z Page: 169 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n JFK 9th @ Cranwood MDF-101/Office CRASWT171 WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1721X3HA John Hay MC JHRTRA 2620 JAD06220DQV John Hay MC JHRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W07Z John Hay MC JohnHay-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C01WZ John Hay MC Rack3 SW1 JHSWT12 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602JH John Hay MC SW2 JHSWT13 Nortel 425-48 SACC2601P6 John Hay MC SW3 JHSWT14 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602A5 John Hay MC SW4 JHSWT15 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602LW John Hay MC SW5 JHSWT16 Nortel 425-48 SACC260299 John Hay MC SW6 JHSWT17 Nortel 425-48 SACC260234 John Hay TR1 SW1 JHSWT18 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602MA John Hay TR1 SW2 JHSWT20 Nortel 425-48 SACC26031U John Hay TR1 SW3 JHSWT21 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602ZB John Hay TR1 SW4 JHSWT22 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AW1 John Hay TR2 SW1 JHSWT23 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602DB John Hay TR2 SW2 JHSWT24 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602M0 John Hay TR2 SW3 JHSWT25 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602MK John Hay TR2 SW4 JHSWT26 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602DD John Hay TR2 SW5 JHSWT27 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602NM John Hay TR2 SW6 JHSWT28 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602KZ John Hay TR3 SW1 JHSWT29 Nortel 425-48 SACC26036Y John Hay TR3 SW2 JHSWT30 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602HK Page: 170 of 289 Asset Tag Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n John Hay TR3 SW3 JHSWT31 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602F4 John Hay TR3 SW4 JHSWT32 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602DP John Hay TR3 SW5 JHSWT33 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AUM John Hay TR3 SW6 JHSWT34 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AWG John Hay TR3 SW7 JHSWT35 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AW6 John Hay TR3 SW8 JHSWT36 Nortel 425-48 SACC260APJ John Hay TR4 SW1 JHSWT37 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602EW John Hay TR4 SW2 JHSWT38 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602MP John Hay TR4 SW3 JHSWT39 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602ZZ John Hay TR4 SW4 JHSWT40 Nortel 425-48 SACC26035E John Hay TR4 SW5 JHSWT41 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602C7 John Hay TR4 SW6 JHSWT42 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AUN John Hay TR5 SW1 JHSWT43 Nortel 425-48 SACC260320 John Hay TR5 SW2 JHSWT44 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602HS John Hay TR5 SW3 JHSWT45 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602BG John Hay TR5 SW4 JHSWT46 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602Z6 John Hay TR5 SW5 JHSWT47 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602SZ John Hay TR5 SW6 JHSWT48 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AWB John Hay TR6 Rack1 SW1 JHSWT49 Nortel 425-48 SACC260342 John Hay TR6 Rack1 SW2 JHSWT50 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AW2 John Hay TR6 Rack1 SW3 JHSWT51 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AYG Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 171 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n John Hay TR6 Rack1 SW4 JHSWT52 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AY8 John Hay TR6 Rack1 SW5 JHSWT53 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AXQ John Hay TR6 Rack1 SW6 JHSWT54 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AVW John Hay TR6 Rack2 SW2 JHSWT56 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AK7 John Hay TR6 Rack2 SW3 JHSWT57 Nortel 425-48 SACC260ARQ John Hay TR7 SW1 JHSWT58 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AVG John Hay TR7 SW2 JHSWT61 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AFQ MDF JMGRTRB MDF JMGSWT05-MDF Library/Media Center JMGSWT02 J. Gallagher 101 JMGSWT21 J. Gallagher 102 JMGSWT49 J. Gallagher 103 JMGSWT47 J. Gallagher 104 JMGSWT24 J. Gallagher 105 JMGSWT105 J. Gallagher 106 JMGSWT31 J. Gallagher 107 JMGSWT14 J. Gallagher 108 JMGSWT45 J. Gallagher 109 JMGSWT109 J. Gallagher Vivarium JMGSWT39 J. 201 JMGSWT101 J. Gallagher J. Gallagher J. Gallagher Page: 172 of 289 WS-C375012S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C296024TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- Asset Tag FDO1642P10B 14777 FOC1637X0JH 14778 FOC1639X1R7 14843 FOC1638Y2BT 14779 FOC1638Y2A9 14780 FOC1638Y17H 14781 FOC1638Y17K 14782 FOC1638Y2A4 14783 FOC1638Y2B2 14784 FOC1638Y15U 14785 FOC1638Y26Y 14786 FOC1638Y2C3 14787 FOC1642Y1N2 14788 FOC1638Y2DJ 14789 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Gallagher J. Gallagher 202 JMGSWT46 J. Gallagher 203 JMGSWT48 J. Gallagher 204 JMGSWT25 J. Gallagher 205 JMGSWT15 J. Gallagher 206 JMGSWT30 J. Gallagher 207 JMGSWT22 J. Gallagher 208 JMGSWT17 J. Gallagher 209 JMGSWT52 J. Gallagher MDF JMGSWT07-MDF J. Gallagher 301 JMGSWT241 J. Gallagher 302 JMGSWT27 J. Gallagher 303 JMGSWT18 J. Gallagher 304 JMGSWT51 J. Gallagher 305 JMGSWT13 J. Gallagher 306 JMGSWT50 J. Gallagher 307 JMGSWT34 J. Gallagher 308 JMGSWT20 J. Gallagher 309 JMGSWT19 J. Gallagher 310 JMGSWT37 J. Gallagher IDF-2nd Flr Kitchen Storage JMGSWT03-IDF Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1638Y2BC 14790 FOC1638Y2C5 14791 FOC1638Y17Y 14792 FOC1638Y2BD 14793 FOC1638Y26E 14794 FOC1638Y29X 14795 FOC1638Y2BR 14796 FOC1638Y2BF 14797 FOC1616X31N 14654 FOC1638Y2BW 14798 FOC1638Y27H 14799 FOC1638Y17U 14800 FOC1638Y271 14801 FOC1638Y18E 14802 FOC1638Y15J 14803 FOC1638Y19Q 14804 FOC1638Y159 14805 FOC1638Y2AE 14806 FOC1638Y26M 14807 FOC1644Y2Q0 14839 Page: 173 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname J. Gallagher Food Service JMGSWT55 J. Gallagher Instrument JMGSWT16 J. Gallagher J. Gallagher J. Gallagher J. Gallagher Library-3 Switch1 Library-3 Switch2 JMGSWT64 JMGSWT69 Library-4 JMGSWT32 110 JMGSWT09 J. Gallagher 111 JMGSWT23 J. Gallagher 112 JMGSWT61 J. Gallagher 113 JMGSWT40 J. Gallagher 114 JMGSWT36 J. Gallagher 115 JMGSWT28 J. Gallagher 116 JMGSWT70 J. Gallagher 117 JMGSWT41 J. Gallagher 118 JMGSWT118 J. Gallagher 119 JMGSWT66 J. Gallagher 120 JMGSWT59 J. Gallagher 121 JMGSWT58 J. Gallagher 210 JMGSWT08 J. Gallagher 211 JMGSWT29 J. Gallagher IDF-2nd Flr Kitchen Storage JMGSWT33-IDF J. Gallagher 212 JMGSWT42 J. Gallagher 213 JMGSWT12 Page: 174 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C296024TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C296024TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1638Y17F 14820 FOC1638Y2BZ 14808 FOC1644Y2P6 14841 FOC1639X1R6 14844 FOC1637W2T6 14842 FOC1639X1RC 14845 FOC1638Y2C8 14809 FOC1638Y2AZ 14810 FOC1638Y26R 14812 FOC1638Y2BH 14814 FOC1638Y26B 14815 FOC1638Y278 14813 FOC1638Y17L 14811 FOC1638Y29W 14816 FOC1638Y155 14817 FOC1638Y2C1 14818 FOC1638Y26G 14819 FOC1638Y15L 14822 FOC1638Y24W 14824 FOC1639Y4RV 14840 FOC1638Y2BU 14826 FOC1642Y1LA 14827 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname J. Gallagher 214 JMGSWT44 J. Gallagher 215B JMGSWT26 J. Gallagher 216 JMGSWT62 J. Gallagher 217 JMGSWT38 J. Gallagher 218 JMGSWT218 219 JMGSWT63 312 Switch-1 JMGSWT251 J. Gallagher 312 Switch-2 JMGSWT252 J. Gallagher 313 JMGSWT35 314 Switch-1 JMGSWT253 314 Switch-2 JMGSWT53 J. Gallagher 314A JMGSWT231 J. Gallagher 315 JMGSWT56 J. Gallagher 316 JMGSWT111 J. Gallagher 317 JMGSWT57 J. Gallagher 318 JMGSWT195 J. Gallagher 319 JMGSWT240 J. Gallagher 320 JMGSWT43 MDF JMGSWT170 MDF JMGSWT171 J. Gallagher J. Gallagher J. Gallagher J. Gallagher J. Gallagher J. Gallagher J. Gallagher J. Gallagher John IDF-2nd Flr Kitchen Storage IDF-2nd Flr Kitchen Storage MDF- Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM JMGSWT172 JMGSWT173 CFSRTRB Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C296024TS-S WS-C296024TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C296024TS-S WS-C296024TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1638Y2BN 14828 FOC1642Y1NZ 14829 FOC1638Y297 14821 FOC1638Y2B4 14823 FOC1638Y188 14825 FOC1639X1V7 14846 FOC1619X0SK 14847 FOC1638Y18G 14830 FOC1638Y152 14831 FOC1639X1V9 14848 FOC1619Z1GJ 14849 FOC1638Y2BP 14832 FOC1638Y2C2 14838 FOC1638Y25N 14836 FOC1642Y1MG 14834 FOC1638Y2C2 14837 FOC1638Y15R 14833 FOC1638Y2BL 14835 FOC1718X0V7 21025 FOC1718Y0XB 21024 FOC1715Z1PU 21023 FOC1718X0U7 21022 FDO1717R2T8 15775 Page: 175 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Marshal@ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shulerr John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ 101F/Office Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 12S-E MDF101F/Office CFSSWT02-MDF WS-C2960S48TS FOC1701Y0XE 15773 Food Service CFSSWT20 WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1710Y3M5 15776 LIB1 Switch-1 CFSSWT200 WS-C2960S48TS FOC1708Z5FX 15812 OFFICE E CFSSWT39 FOC1710Y3M9 15777 100 CFSSWT37 FOC1713Y3QT 15778 101 CFSSWT152 FOC1712Y02P 15779 103 CFSSWT225 FOC1708W1UX 15818 104 CFSSWT151 WS-C2960S24TS FOC1701W042 15813 105 CFSSWT12 WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1713Y3R5 15781 106 CFSSWT110 WS-C2960S48TS FOC1708Z5FW 15814 107 CFSSWT210 FOC1715Y0HW 15782 107 CFSSWT211 108 CFSSWT11 T Prep room 2nd floor CFSSWT24 201 CFSSWT45 202 CFSSWT51 203 CFSSWT15 204 CFSSWT204 205 CFSSWT43 206 CFSSWT44 Page: 176 of 289 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- FOC1705Y0C0 FOC1713Y3DK 15783 FOC1713Y3R3 15784 FOC1713Y3PK 15785 FOC1713Y3K3 15786 FOC1713Y3R8 15787 FOC1713Y3Q6 15788 FOC1713Y3QW 15789 FOC1715Y13A 15790 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shulerr John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L 207 CFSSWT207 208 CFSSWT23 209 CFSSWT25 210 CFSSWT26 211 CFSSWT86 MDF CFSSWT03-MDF 2nd floor office CFSSWT33 212 CFSSWT31 213 CFSSWT30 214 CFSSWT228 301 CFSSWT36 302 CFSSWT42 303 CFSSWT35 304 CFSSWT98 305 CFSSWT99 306 CFSSWT32 T Prep room 3rd flor CFSSWT07 307 CFSSWT21 308 CFSSWT38 309 CFSSWT28 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- FOC1715Y0JB 15791 FOC1715Y16E 15792 FOC1713Y3QD 15793 FOC1715Y0GC 15794 FOC1713Y3ML 15795 FOC1701Y11J 15774 FOC1715Y13L 15796 FOC1713Y3N7 15797 FOC1715Y0GA 15798 FOC1708Z5GP 15815 FOC1715Y13G 15799 FOC1715Y16F 15800 FOC1715Y0JP 15801 FOC1715Y0G4 15802 FOC1713Y3N9 15803 FOC1715Y13C 15804 FOC1713Y3QQ 15805 FOC1715Y0GF 15806 FOC1715Y0G5 15807 FOC1713Y3H0 15808 Page: 177 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal @ C. Shuler John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L 310 CFSSWT18 WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1715Y13F 15809 311 CFSSWT41 WS-C2960S48TS FOC1709W00Z 15816 312 CFSSWT87 FOC1713Y3R0 15810 313 CFSSWT09 FOC1715Y13T 15811 MDF CFSSWT170-MDF WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1721X3GX MDF CFSSWT171-MDF WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1721X3EK MDF CFSSWT172-MDF WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1720Z07C TR1 CFSSWT173-TR1 WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1721Z33W TR2 CFSSWT174-TR2 WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1721W2PH MDF NHWRTRB C3750X-12SE FDO1712P179 15727 MDF NHWSWT02-MDF C2960S48TS-S FOC1705W12B 15597 Office NHWSWT05 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y5GF 15600 10 NHWSWT25 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y0GU 15601 11 NHWSWT13 C2960S-8TC FOC1703Y5BE 15602 12 NHWSWT17 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y0GK 15603 13 NHWSWT07 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y5FX 15604 Page: 178 of 289 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n 14 NHWSWT12 C2960S-8TC FOC1701Y0W7 15599 16 NHWSWT21 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y5FV 15606 100 NHWSWT15 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y5G2 15607 101 NHWSWT22 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y0DJ 15608 102 NHWSWT06 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y5EV 15609 103 NHWSWT19 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y5FT 15610 104 NHWSWT09 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y5G1 15611 105 NHWSWT16 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y0DG 15612 107 NHWSWT239 C2960S-8TC FOC1705Y5FW 15613 MDF NHWSWT03-MDF C2960S24TS-S FOC1702Y0ZP 15598 108 NHWSWT10 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y0D4 15614 109 NHWSWT26 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y5EU 15615 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 179 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n 200 NHWSWT24 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y5BW 15616 201 NHWSWT20 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y5ET 15617 202 NHWSWT18 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y5GC 15618 203 NHWSWT23 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y0HF 15619 204 NHWSWT08 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y5G0 15620 205 NHWSWT14 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y0D6 15621 206 NHWSWT64 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y0EM 15622 207 NHWSWT28 C2960S-48TS FOC1701Y11F 15623 208 NHWSWT63 C2960-8TC FOC1710Y3N2 15624 209 NHWSWT65 C2960-8TC FOC1705Y0CX 15625 Trailer NHWSWT77 C2960S24TS-S FOC1702Y0VX 15631 MDF NHSWT170 WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1721Z1C3 22425 Page: 180 of 289 Asset Tag Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Nathaniel Hawthrone John Marshal 9th @ Nathaniel Hawthrone Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kenneth Clement Kentucky Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n MDF NHSWT171 WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1721X3H9 MDF -OFFICE KCRTRB MDF -OFFICE KCSWT02-MDF MDF -OFFICE KCSWT03-MDF Office KCSWT05 RM001 KCSWT08 RM106 KCSWT11 RM101 KCSWT101 K Clement Trailer KCSWT100 RM102 KCSWT102 RM103 KCSWT103 RM104 KCSWT104 RM105 KCSWT105 Library KCSWT107 RM201 KCSWT201 RM202 KCSWT202 RM203 KCSWT203 RM204 KCSWT204 RM205 KCSWT205 RM206 KCSWT206 RM207 KCSWT207 RM208 KCSWT208 RM227 KCSWT227 MDF -OFFICE KCSWT170 MDF -OFFICE KCSWT171 MDF-1st Flr Storage Room KTYRTRB Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WSC3550-12G WSC2950G-24-EI WSC2924-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2924M-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2924M-XL WSC2912-X WSC2950G-48 WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WSC2912-XL WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E Asset Tag 22463 CHK0634W06Y FOC0835Y01Q FAB0411R0T8 FAA0312M040 FAA0312M020 FAA0311G01X FAA0305J1CF CAM0802Z052 FAA0305J1BE FAA0311K0Z2 FAA0310U0Q7 FAB0446W1C1 FAA0316M04T FAA0311J00X FOC0609X02V FAA0305K0LT FAA0310K090 FAA0312L06P FAA0310F0CJ FAA0310G0D6 FAA0312J03S FAA0312H078 FOC1718X0TW FOC1715Z20W FDO1706R09U 15433 Page: 181 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Kentucky MDF-1st Flr Storage Room KTYSWT02-MDF Office/SEC KTYSWT101-Office 104/Food Services KTYSWT127 211/Library KTYSWT28 211/Library KTYSWT29 101 KTYSWT22 102 KTYSWT21 103 KTYSWT11 104 KTYSWT104 105 KTYSWT07 116 KTYSWT26 200 KTYSWT200 201 KTYSWT201 202 KTYSWT17 203 KTYSWT13 204 KTYSWT15 205A KTYSWT08 205B KTYSWT03 216 KTYSWT19 300 KTYSWT55 301 KTYSWT27 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Page: 182 of 289 Model WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1704W2XR 15435 FOC1705Y0EJ 15436 FOC1705Y0EV 15437 FOC1705Y0FE 15438 FOC1702Y2H1 15335 FOC1705Y0CB 15439 FOC1705Y0CU 15440 FOC1705Y0G7 15441 FOC1705Y0BD 15442 FOC1705Y0FR 15443 FOC1703Y0UA 15444 FOC1704W2X5 15434 FOC1702Y2CS 15445 FOC1703Y0QZ 15446 FOC1705Y0E8 15447 FOC1702Y2BY 15448 FOC1703Y0XA 15449 FOC1703Y0S2 15450 FOC1703Y0QM 15451 FOC1705Y0AR 15452 FOC1705Y0CE 15453 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Hostname 302 KTYSWT06 303 KTYSWT50 304 KTYSWT44 305 KTYSWT24 306 KTYSWT09 307 KTYSWT156 316 KTYSWT18 MDF LDRTRA WS-C355012G CHK0634W06W MDF LDSWT02-MDF WS-C2912XL-EN FAA0310J0CE MDF LDSWT03-MDF WS-C2912XL-EN FAA0311V0D1 MDF-200/Office LWRTRB MDF-200/Office LWSWT08-MDF Lincoln West LIB3 Switch-1 LWSWT38 Lincoln West Lincoln West LIB3 Switch-2 LWSWT34 RC2 LWSWT53 Lincoln West Main Office/SEC LWSWT46 Lincoln West 210 LWSWT51 Lincoln West 211 LWSWT28 Lincoln West 213 LWSWT39 Lincoln West 214 LWSWT50 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Lake Center Bus Depot Lake Center Bus Depot Lake Center Bus Depot Lincoln West Lincoln West Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model Chassis s/n Location WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Asset Tag FOC1705Y0B1 15454 FOC1705Y0FD 15455 FOC1705Y0DC 15456 FOC1705Y0C0 15457 FOC1705Y0FP 15458 FOC1705Y0FZ 15459 FOC1705Y0CT 15460 FDO1634Z1ZY 14168 FOC1627X0UG 14301 FOC1637Y44U 14274 FOC1637Y450 14275 FOC1616X2SG 14378 FOC1634Y2MV 14276 FOC1634Y2LA 14277 FOC1634Y0XK 14278 FOC1637Y47U 14279 FOC1634Y2MR 14280 Page: 183 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Lincoln West 215 LWSWT32 Lincoln West 216 LWSWT30 Lincoln West 217 LWSWT47 Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West 218 LWSWT29 MDF-200/Office LWSWT07-MDF 219 Switch-1 LWSWT27 Lincoln West 219 Switch-2 LWSWT219 Lincoln West 220 LWSWT222 Lincoln West 221 LWSWT52 Lincoln West 222 LWSWT165 Lincoln West Lincoln West 223 LWSWT42 224 LWSWT31 Lincoln West 225 LWSWT40 Lincoln West 226 LWSWT36 Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West 227 LWSWT33 IDF1-301 LWSWT06-MDF 312 Switch-1 LWSWT19 312 Switch-2 LWSWT55 317 Switch-1 LWSWT16 317 Switch-2 LWSWT35 IDF1-301 LWSWT17-IDF1 301 Switch-1 LWSWT15 301 Switch-2 LWSWT153 Lincoln West 313 LWSWT77 Page: 184 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-3750X12-S-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1637Y43X 14281 FOC1634Y2LZ 14282 FOC1633Y0T6 14283 FOC1637Y46V 14284 FOC1637X0LS 14377 FOC1636X2UZ 14294 FOC1646Y1GT 15226 FOC1637Y465 14285 FOC1637Y453 14286 FOC1637Y47R 14287 FOC1637Y0MA 14288 FOC1637X0M4 14300 FOC1637Y0N2 14289 FOC1637Y0P8 14290 FOC1637Y0NF 14291 FDO1639P17B 14271 FOC1636X2V1 14295 FOC1636X2W0 14437 FOC1636X2VZ 14296 FOC1636X2V6 14438 FOC1636X2V4 14298 FOC1636X2UX 14435 FOC1636X2VA 14436 FOC1637Y47V 14379 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Lincoln West 314 LWSWT67 Lincoln West 315 LWSWT78 Lincoln West 316 LWSWT72 Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West 318 LWSWT183 319A Switch-1 LWSWT14 319A Switch-2 LWSWT41 Lincoln West 321 LWSWT79 Lincoln West 323 LWSWT71 Lincoln West 324 LWSWT74 Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West 325 LWSWT253 IDF1-301 LWSWT20-IDF1 326 LWSWT224 Lincoln West 327 LWSWT76 Lincoln West 328 LWSWT44 Lincoln West 329 LWSWT66 Lincoln West 401 LWSWT68 Lincoln West 402 LWSWT73 Lincoln West 403 LWSWT64 Lincoln West 404 LWSWT75 Lincoln West Lincoln West 405 LWSWT69 IDF2-room 131 LWSWT05-IDF2 Lincoln West 101 LWSWT58 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1634Y0SB 14380 FOC1637Y46L 14381 FOC1634Y2KV 14382 FOC1634Y2N2 14383 FOC1636X2VF 14297 FOC1627X0UF 14443 FOC1637Y47M 14384 FOC1637Y47B 14385 FOC1634Y2LL 14386 FOC1637Y44N 14387 FOC1636Z326 14299 FOC1617W5CQ 14444 FOC1637Y45U 14388 FOC1628Y3FH 14389 FOC1637Y45N 14390 FOC1634Y0XM 14391 FOC1630Y0WU 14392 FOC1634Y0XG 14393 FOC1637Y0MQ 14394 FOC1637Y46B 14395 FOC1636W2J9 14442 FOC1637Y47C 14396 Page: 185 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Lincoln West 102 LWSWT102 Lincoln West 104 LWSWT104 Lincoln West 105 LWSWT61 Lincoln West 106 LWSWT106 Lincoln West 131 LWSWT59 Lincoln West 132 LWSWT43 Lincoln West Lincoln West 133 LWSWT49 133A LWSWT133 Lincoln West Lincoln West 134 LWSWT190 135 LWSWT22 Lincoln West Lincoln West 136 LWSWT63 IDF2-room 131 LWSWT09-IDF2 Lincoln West 140 LWSWT65 Lincoln West 140A LWSWT48 Lincoln West 142 LWSWT172 Lincoln West 143A LWSWT57 Lincoln West 143A LWSWT206 Lincoln West 143B LWSWT45 Lincoln West Lincoln West 144 LWSWT56 145 LWSWT200 Lincoln West Lincoln West 145B LWSWT145 145C LWSWT125 Page: 186 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1634Y0UV 14397 FOC1637Y482 14398 FOC1637Y0NV 14399 FOC1637Y46X 14400 FOC1637Y44V 14401 FOC1634Y2N0 14402 FOC1637Y48S 14403 FOC1637W2SV 14445 FOC1637Y480 14404 FOC1636X2W3 14293 FOC1637Y46J 14405 FOC1636X2VQ 14439 FOC1637Y48B 14407 FOC1637Y0N1 14406 FOC1637Y44T 14408 FOC1637Y472 14412 FOC1637Y477 14449 FOC1637Y0NM 14409 FOC1637Y457 14413 FOC1637W2RH 14446 FOC1637Y47D 14414 FOC1637Y48F 14415 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L Lincoln West 146 LWSWT146 Lincoln West 147 LWSWT136 Lincoln West Lincoln West 151 LWSWT95 IDF3-100/Office LWSWT26-IDF3 Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West Food Service LWSWT92 LIB1/Media Center LWSWT186 110 LWSWT83 Lincoln West 111 LWSWT90 Lincoln West 112 LWSWT91 Lincoln West 113 LWSWT87 Lincoln West 114 LWSWT140 Lincoln West 115 LWSWT86 Lincoln West 116 LWSWT141 Lincoln West Lincoln West Lincoln West 117 LWSWT117 IDF3-100/Office LWSWT24-IDF3 118 LWSWT89 Lincoln West 121 LWSWT121 Lincoln West 122 LWSWT84 Lincoln West 123 LWSWT85 Lincoln West 124 LWSWT82 Lincoln West 125 LWSWT205 Lincoln 126 LWSWT88 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- FOC1634Y0WG 14416 FOC1637Y44R 14417 FOC1634Y2MJ 14418 FOC1627X0YE 14450 FOC1637Y462 14419 FOC1627X0TA 14447 FOC1636X2VG 14292 FOC1637Y467 14420 FOC1634Y2LN 14421 FOC1637Y456 14422 FOC1634Y0V9 14423 FOC1634Y0TF 14424 FOC1637Y0P6 14425 FOC1634Y2NA 14426 FOC1636W2JN 14441 FOC1636Z07X 14448 FOC1634Y2MX 14427 FOC1637Y46A 14428 FOC1634Y2N7 14429 FOC1637Y45V 14430 FOC1634Y0XC 14431 FOC1633Y37Q 14432 Page: 187 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname West Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag Lincoln West 127 LWSWT81 Lincoln West Lincoln West 129 LWSWT80 135B LWSWT60 Lincoln West IDF4-Coaches Office LWSWT23-IDF4 Lincoln West MDF-200/Office LWSWT170-MDF Lincoln West IDF1-301 LWSWT171-IDF1 Lincoln West IDF2-room 131 LWSWT172-IDF2 Lincoln West IDF3-100/Office LWSWT173-IDF3 Lincoln West IDF4-Coaches Office LWSWT174-IDF4 MDF-102/Office LARTRB 3550-12G CHK0634V07S MDF-102/Office LASWT100-MDF 2950G-24 FHK0720X0C6 309 LASWT26 2950-48 FCZ1016X10D 100/Office/SEC LASWT12-Office 2912 XL FAA0310M038 208/Library/Medi a LASWT02 2912 XL FAA0310M02L Food Service LASWT08 2912 XL FAA0310K09D 015 LASWT24 2912 XL FAA0311H0GP 103 LASWT09 2912 XL FAA0310L07F 105 LASWT05 2912 XL FAA0309S0LQ 108 LASWT10 2912 XL FAA0311F00E 110 LASWT16 2912 XL FAA0310L0BL 200 LASWT14 2912 XL FAA0310G0H9 203 LASWT07 2912 XL FAA0310H0BB 204 LASWT11 2912 XL FAA0310U005 205 LASWT23 2912 XL FAA0310M02G MDF-102/Office LASWT03-MDF 3548 XL FAB0603W3M9 Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Page: 188 of 289 FOC1634Y0XQ 14433 FOC1637Y46F 14434 FOC1636X2W2 14440 FOC1634Y2N1 14302 FOC1718X0NU 21058 FOC1715Z1PW 21057 FOC1718X0V5 21056 FOC1718X0U1 21055 FOC1715Z1TX 21054 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n 207 LASWT207 2912 XL FAA0311S0BK 209 LASWT51 2912 XL FAA0312G05B 210 LASWT19 2912 XL FAA0310V0LR 212 LASWT20 2912 XL FAA0310J0EV 301 LASWT17 2912 XL FAA0345G0JF 302 LASWT25 2912 XL FAA0309T0L3 305 LASWT58 2912 XL FAA0310G0D2 307 LASWT22 2912 XL FAA0310F0EZ 308 LASWT13 2912 XL FAA0310G091 310 LASWT06 2912 XL FAA0310L0B4 312 LASWT101 2912 XL FAB0430V0Y0 Louis Agassiz MDF-102/Office LASWT170 Louis Agassiz MDF-102/Office LASWT171 MDF LMARTRB MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01Core Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW01 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW02 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW03 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW04 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW05 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW06 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW07 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW08 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW09 Site Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louis Agassiz Louisa M. Alcott Louisa M. Alcott Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WS-C355012G HP J8698A 5412Z HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE Asset Tag FOC1715Z20F 21040 FOC1718Y0X6 21039 CHK0634W08H SG26DXV1HJ SG228IRHVW SG228IRHML SG228IRHWZ SG228IRHSV SG228IRHXT SG228IRHYR SG228IRHV8 SG228IRHTN SG227ISHZC Page: 189 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW10 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW11 Louisa M. Alcott MDF CMSD-LMK8-ER01SW12 MDF LMMRTRB Library/Media LMMSWT02 MDF-201 LMMSWT05-MDF Luis M. Marin Office/SEC LMMSWT21-Office Luis M. Marin 101 LMMSWT56 Luis M. Marin 102 LMMSWT16 Luis M. Marin 103 LMMSWT29 Luis M. Marin 104 LMMSWT20 Luis M. Marin 105 LMMSWT43 Luis M. Marin 106 LMMSWT62 Luis M. Marin 107 LMMSWT48 Luis M. Marin 200 LMMSWT22 Luis M. Marin 201A LMMSWT09 Luis M. Marin 201B LMMSWT13 Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin 202 LMMSWT39 203 LMMSWT63 Luis M. Marin 204 LMMSWT08 Luis M. Marin 205 LMMSWT26 Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin Page: 190 of 289 Model HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE HP J9148A 2910al-48GPoE WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag SG227ISHZL SG227ISJ69 SG227ISJ6G FDO1651R1JK 14898 FOC1647Z22R 14903 FOC1637X0LW 14900 FOC1642Y1KM 14946 FOC1538W1WB 14725 FOC1642Y1KJ 14947 FOC1642Y1NK 14948 FOC1643Y38X 14949 FOC1643Y3EC 14950 FOC1642Y1KK 14951 FOC1642Y1M9 14952 FOC1642Y1NL 14936 FOC1642Y1KR 14937 FOC1642Y1MM 14938 FOC1643Y3CL 14939 FOC1639X1GM 14904 FOC1643Y0V8 14940 FOC1642Y1N7 14941 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin 206 LMMSWT52 MDF-201 LMMSWT03-MDF Luis M. Marin 207 LMMSWT14 Luis M. Marin 213 LMMSWT101 Luis M. Marin 214 LMMSWT44 Luis M. Marin 301 LMMSWT18 Luis M. Marin 302 LMMSWT12 Luis M. Marin 303 LMMSWT11 Luis M. Marin 304 LMMSWT58 Luis M. Marin 305 LMMSWT15 Luis M. Marin 306 LMMSWT19 Luis M. Marin 307 LMMSWT17 Luis M. Marin 322 LMMSWT102 Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin 324 LMMSWT203 IDF-Custodian Office LMMSWT07-IDF Luis M. Marin 095 LMMSWT70 Luis M. Marin 3Café Switch-1 LMMSWT81 Luis M. Marin 3Café Switch-2 LMMSWT82 Luis M. Marin 108 LMMSWT55 Luis M. Marin 109 LMMSWT40 Luis M. Marin 110 LMMSWT33 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1642Y1KN 14942 FOC1635X2WS 14899 FOC1639Y19C 14943 FOC1642Y1K7 14944 FOC1643Y3DU 14945 FOC1643Y36P 14927 FOC1643Y3CW 14928 FOC1642Y1KU 14929 FOC1643Y3DL 14930 FOC1643Y36H 14931 FOC1643Y3AF 14932 FOC1642Y1N9 14933 FOC1642Y1N1 14934 FOC1642Y1JZ 14935 FOC1637W2UD 14901 FOC1643Y36Q 14979 F0C1643Y38C 14921 F0C1643Y39A 14922 FOC1642Y1N5 14953 FOC1642Y1NB 14954 FOC1642Y1MD 14955 Page: 191 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Luis M. Marin 111 LMMSWT57 Luis M. Marin 120 LMMSWT204 Luis M. Marin 121 LMMSWT31 Luis M. Marin 122 LMMSWT24 Luis M. Marin 123 LMMSWT53 Luis M. Marin 124 LMMSWT124 Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin 125 LMMSWT32 208 LMMSWT96 Luis M. Marin 209 LMMSWT209 Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin 210 LMMSWT210 211 Switch-1 LMMSWT110 211 Switch-2 LMMSWT61 Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin 212 LMMSWT42 Library/Media LMMSWT45 IDF-Custodian Office LMMSWT113-IDF 220 LMMSWT220 Luis M. Marin 221 LMMSWT59 Luis M. Marin 222 LMMSWT34 Luis M. Marin 223 LMMSWT47 Luis M. Marin 224 LMMSWT27 Luis M. Marin 225 LMMSWT28 Luis M. Marin 308 LMMSWT60 Page: 192 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1642Y1MH 14956 FOC1642Y1KW 14957 FOC1643Y3C3 14958 FOC1642Y1N6 14959 FOC1642Y1PS 14960 FOC1642Y1NY 14961 FOC1639Y3DD 14962 FOC1644Y2SM 14908 FOC1643Y3DV 14963 FOC1639Y3F0 14964 FOC1616X30C 14906 FOC1639X1H8 14907 FOC1643Y36U 14974 FOC1647Z22N 14905 FOC1637W2S8 14902 FOC1644Y2RN 14909 FOC1642Y1KV 14965 FOC1643Y0TY 14966 FOC1643Y3F1 14967 FOC1642Y1P0 14968 FOC1642Y1N3 14969 FOC1642Y1KL 14970 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Luis M. Marin 309 LMMSWT51 Luis M. Marin 310 LMMSWT111 Luis M. Marin 311 LMMSWT54 Luis M. Marin 312 LMMSWT141 Luis M. Marin 313 LMMSWT35 Luis M. Marin 314 LMMSWT37 Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin Luis M. Marin 321 LMMSWT25 MDF-201 LMMSWT170-MDF MDF-201 LMMSWT171-MDF MDF-201 LMMSWT172 M. Seltzer M. Seltzer MDF-2nd Flr Hallway MDF-2nd Flr Hallway MCSRTRB MCSSWT02-MDF Trailer MCSSWT201 Modular MCSSWT200 S.O. (Small Office) MCSSWT16 Media Center MCSSWT07 Food Service MCSSWT11 101 MCSSWT50 102 MCSSWT51 103 MCSSWT41 104 MCSSWT43 106 MCSSWT38 M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1642Y1NX 14971 FOC1642Y1NE 14972 FOC1642Y1K5 14973 FOC1642Y1MQ 14975 FOC1643Y3DS 14976 FOC1642Y1ND 14977 FOC1643Y3E1 14978 FOC1718X0U6 FOC1715Z20N FOC1718X0TR FDO1648Z14R 14923 FOC1647Y31A 14925 FOC1646Y1K0 15078 FOC1646Y1JT 15077 FOC1642Y1MS 15018 FOC1644Y2TX 15034 FOC1642Y1NW 15016 FOC1642Y1KT 15000 FOC1644Y2T3 14926 FOC1642Y1MN 15001 FOC1646Y1D4 15002 FOC1646Y19C 15003 Page: 193 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname 107 MCSSWT47 108 MCSSWT55 109 MCSSWT56 110 MCSSWT17 201 MCSSWT45 202 MCSSWT42 203 MCSSWT230 204 MCSSWT52 205 MCSSWT19 206 MCSSWT48 207 MCSSWT36 208 MCSSWT54 209 MCSSWT53 210 MCSSWT44 300A MCSSWT37 300B MCSSWT248 MDF-2nd Flr Hallway MCSSWT03-MDF 300C MCSSWT231 300D MCSSWT57 301 MCSSWT39 302 MCSSWT49 M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer Page: 194 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1642Y1NP 15004 FOC1642Y1MP 15005 FOC1646Y1D2 15006 FOC1642Y1M8 15007 FOC1642Y1MA 15011 FOC1642Y1MU 15010 FOC1642Y1NN 15008 FOC1646Y1CW 15022 FOC1642Y1NC 15028 FOC1642Y1N4 15027 FOC1642Y1NV 15030 FOC1646Y1DD 15029 FOC1642Y3ZH 15026 FOC1643Y382 15025 FOC1642Y1NJ 15017 FOC1642Y1NT 15019 FOC1639Z085 14924 FOC1646Y15M 15020 FOC1642Y1NQ 15021 FOC1643Y35W 15023 FOC1646Y1CY 15024 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L 303 MCSSWT15 304 MCSSWT12 305 MCSSWT195 306 MCSSWT05 307 MCSSWT09 308 MCSSWT14 309 MCSSWT13 310 MCSSWT101 M. Seltzer MDF-2nd Flr Hallway MCSSWT170-MDF M. Seltzer MDF-2nd Flr Hallway MCSSWT171-MDF MarionSterling MarionSterling MDF-Teacher's Lounge MDF-Teacher's Lounge MarionSterling Sec. Office MARSWT22OFFICE MarionSterling Library/Speech MARSWT20 MarionSterling Food Service MARSWT154 MarionSterling 001 MARSWT11 MarionSterling 002 MARSWT19 MarionSterling 003 MARSWT51 MarionSterling 101 MARSWT18 MarionSterling 102 MARSWT102 M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer M. Seltzer Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM MARRTRB MARSWT02-MDF WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1642Y1MR 15033 FOC1642Y0U9 15031 FOC1642Y1NA 15032 FOC1642Y1MZ 15009 FOC1642Y1KS 15015 FOC1642Y1N8 15012 FOC1642Y1NF 15014 FOC1646Y1DC 15013 FOC1715Z1XP 21053 FOC1715Z20R 21052 FDO1704P04P 20238 FOC1635Z4NP 20239 FOC1652Y3K2 20298 FOC1649Y403 20289 FOC1646Y1HU 20237 FOC1652Y5DK 20236 FOC1652Y5EJ 20235 FOC1652Y5FE 20234 FOC1652Y3L0 20233 FOC1652Y5E9 20232 Page: 195 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname MarionSterling 103 MARSWT07 MarionSterling 104 MARSWT09 MarionSterling 105 MARSWT15 MarionSterling 106 MARSWT21 MarionSterling 107 MARSWT24 MarionSterling 108 MARSWT17 MarionSterling 109 MARSWT16 MarionSterling 110 MARSWT13 MarionSterling MarionSterling 111 MARSWT08 112 MARSWT10 MarionSterling 113 MARSWT14 MarionSterling 114 MARSWT12 MarionSterling 115 MARSWT115 MarionSterling 201 MARSWT05 MarionSterling 202 MARSWT29 MarionSterling MarionSterling 203 MARSWT203 MDF-Teacher's Lounge MARSWT03-MDF MarionSterling 204 MARSWT31 MarionSterling 205 MARSWT28 MarionSterling 206 MARSWT34 MarionSterling 207 MARSWT26 Page: 196 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1652Y5FQ 20231 FOC1652Y5EL 20230 FOC1652Y5FV 20229 FOC1652Y3KT 20228 FOC1652Y3K6 20227 FOC1643Y311 20226 FOC1649Y41N 20225 FOC1649Y48K 20224 FOC1649Y3QY 20223 FOC1652Z0FV 20203 FOC1631Y293 20221 FOC1652Y5GX 20220 FOC1652Y5FL 20219 FOC1652Y5HW 20218 FOC1652Y5JY 20217 FOC1646Y1FK 20216 FOC1652W3PU 20240 FOC1652Y5G3 20215 FOC1652Y5ES 20214 FOC1652Y3JC 20213 FOC1652Y3AY 20212 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname MarionSterling 208 MARSWT32 MarionSterling 209 MARSWT35 MarionSterling 210 MARSWT36 MarionSterling 211 MARSWT27 MarionSterling 212 MARSWT33 MarionSterling 213 MARSWT30 MarionSterling 214 MARSWT25 MarionSterling MarionSterling MarionSterling 215 MARSWT23 M. Bethune MC MMBRTRA M. Bethune MC MMBRTRB 3550-12G CHK0630W1RK M. Bethune MC MaryBethune8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C06TC M. Bethune MC Rack2 SW1 MMBSWT12-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2607LK M. Bethune MC Rack2 SW2 MMBSWT13-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AVE M. Bethune MC Rack2 SW3 MMBSWT14-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AWU M. Bethune MC Rack2 SW4 MMBSWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260AWW M. Bethune MC Rack2 SW5 MMBSWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2606W4 M. Bethune MC Rack2 SW6 MMBSWT17-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC260B1D M. Bethune MC Rack2 SW7 MMBSWT40-MC Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG R M. Bethune TR1 Rack2 SW1 MMBSWT19 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AV9 M. Bethune TR1 Rack2 SW2 MMBSWT20 Nortel 425-48 SACC50029T MDF-Teacher's Lounge MDF-Teacher's Lounge Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM MARSWT170 MARSWT171 Model Chassis s/n Site WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Asset Tag FOC1652Y3KE 20211 FOC1652Y5H6 20210 FOC1646Y1CL 20209 FOC1649Y3ZG 20208 FOC1649Y40S 20207 FOC1652Y5GE 20222 FOC1652Y5GD 20205 FOC1652Y5FM 20204 FOC1715Z1PM 21019 FOC1718X0VA 21018 JAD06210QXY Page: 197 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n M. Bethune TR1 Rack2 SW3 MMBSWT21 Nortel 425-48 SACC5002BA M. Bethune TR1 Rack2 SW4 MMBSWT22 Nortel 425-48 SACC50024K M. Bethune TR1 Rack2 SW5 MMBSWT41 Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NG V M. Bethune TR2 Rack1 SW1 MMBSWT24 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AN2 M. Bethune TR2 Rack1 SW2 MMBSWT25 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AWX M. Bethune TR2 Rack1 SW3 MMBSWT26 Nortel 425-48 SACC260ALQ M. Bethune TR2 Rack2 SW1 MMBSWT27 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AX2 M. Bethune TR2 Rack2 SW2 MMBSWT28 Nortel 425-48 SACC260ASK M. Bethune TR2 Rack2 SW3 MMBSWT29 Nortel 425-48 SACC2609W2 M. Bethune TR2 Rack2 SW4 MMBSWT30 Nortel 425-48 SACC2609FV M. Bethune TR2 Rack2 SW5 MMBSWT42 Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220N09 Mary Martin MC MBMRTRA 2620 JAD06220DQ3 Mary Martin MC MBMRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634V080 Mary Martin MC MaryMartin8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C06HE Mary Martin MC Rack2 SW1 MBMSWT12 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AVP Mary Martin MC Rack2 SW2 MBMSWT13 Nortel 425-48 SACC260B8P Mary Martin MC Rack2 SW3 MBMSWT14 Nortel 425-48 SACC260ARK Mary Martin MC Rack2 SW4 MBMSWT15 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AX7 Mary Martin MC Rack3 SW1 MBMSWT17 Nortel 425-48 SACC260B8S Mary Martin MC Rack3 SW2 MBMSWT18 Nortel 425-48 SACC260B4C Mary Martin MC Rack3 SW3 MBMSWT19 Nortel 425-48 SACC2605VB Mary Martin MC Rack4 SW1 MBMSWT20 Nortel 425-48 SACC260ATL Mary Martin MC Rack4 SW2 MBMSWT21 Nortel 425-48 SACC260B38 Mary Martin MC Rack4 SW3 MBMSWT22 Nortel 425-48 SACC2608MR Mary Martin MC Rack4 SW4 MBMSWT23 Nortel 425-48 SACC260AC8 Page: 198 of 289 Asset Tag Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Mary Martin MC Rack4 SW5 MBMSWT24 Nortel 425-48 SACC2607NR MLKJRTRB 3750X-12S-E FDO1633V05M 14004 FOC1612X2JL 14008 FOC1632Y1EF 14041 FOC1630Y0C2 14042 FOC1613Y0KV 14021 FOC1630Y0K4 14044 FOC1630Y0YU 14045 FOC1631Y287 14046 FOC1630Y0W0 14047 FOC1630Y0P9 14048 FOC1619X0U3 14007 FOC1632Y0F7 14049 FOC1630Y0JM 14050 FOC1631Y28R 14051 FOC1630Y0W5 14062 FOC1632Y1E3 14053 FOC1630Y0HS 14054 FOC1630Y0MH 14055 FOC1652Y3K9 20292 FOC1630Y0QL 14057 MLK MLK MDF-ROOM 216 MDF-ROOM 216 MLKJSWT11-MDF KIT MLKJSWT35 104 MLKJSWT14 105 MLKJSWT31 205 MLKJSWT205 206 MLKJSWT06 207 MLKJSWT43 208 MLKJSWT47 209 MLKJSWT216 MDF-ROOM 216 MLKJSWT02 210 MLKJSWT46 211 MLKJSWT27 212 MLKJSWT44 213 MLKJSWT42 214 MLKJSWT51 215 MLKJSWT102 216 Switch-1 MLKJSWT05 216 Switch-2 MLKJSWT217 217 MLKJSWT38 MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Asset Tag Page: 199 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L 218 MLKJSWT04 MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK IDF1-ROOM 231-1 108A Lib1 Switch-1 108A Lib1 Switch-2 MLKJSWT07-IDF1 MLKJSWT226 MLKJSWT225 108C MLKJSWT103 220 Switch-1 MLKJSWT220 220 Switch-2 MLKJSWT48 223 Switch-1 MLKJSWT223 223 Switch-2 MLKJSWT224 229 MLKJSWT08 IDF1-ROOM 231-1 MLKJSWT10-IDF1 106 MLKJSWT16 108A MLKJSWT15 108B MLKJSWT17 111A MLKJSWT45 111B MLKJSWT111 111C MLKJSWT32 111D MLKJSWT154 112 MLKJSWT40 113 MLKJSWT22 114B MLKJSWT18 201 MLKJSWT55 202 MLKJSWT52 203 MLKJSWT24 MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK Page: 200 of 289 WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C3750X12S WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- FOC1630Y0W8 14056 FOC1633X3BB 14013 FOC1620X21M 14019 FOC1613Y0KL 14020 FOC1616Y42X 10422 FOC1618X3MM 14027 FOC1616Y3ZS 14026 FOC1618W06F 14025 FOC1617W5XM 14024 FOC1612X2L1 14017 FOC1613Y0L3 14015 FOC1623Z4D3 14023 FOC1612X2JD 14016 FOC1630Y0HP 14058 FOC1630Y0WW 14060 FOC1630Y0W6 14061 FOC1630Y0ZS 14062 FOC1630Y0Z9 14059 FOC1632Y1E1 14063 FOC1630Y0FK 14064 FOC1623Y12W 14065 FOC1630Y0J1 14066 FOC1630Y0HF 14067 FOC1652Y3K0 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L 204 MLKJSWT101 219 MLKJSWT19 221 MLKJSWT25 222 MLKJSWT54 224 Switch-1 MLKJSWT56 224 Switch-2 MLKJSWT33 225 Switch-1 MLKJSWT58 225 Switch-2 MLKJSWT30 226 MLKJSWT28 227 MLKJSWT36 IDF1-ROOM 231-1 MLKJSWT253-IDF1 228 MLKJSWT59 230A MLKJSWT20 231 MLKJSWT34 232 MLKJSWT53 233 MLKJSWT23 234 MLKJSWT21 302 MLKJSWT39 IDF2- Closet by ROOM 250 MLKJSWT12-IDF2 150 MLKJSWT41 151A MLKSWT159 MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- FOC1630Y0C9 14069 FOC1630Y0YL 14070 FOC1630Y0HR 14071 FOC1630Y0YJ 14072 FOC1632Y1EC 14075 FOC1632Y1DM 14074 FOC1632Y1EE 14077 FOC1630Y0VZ 14076 FOC1628Y3DC 14078 FOC1630Y0EF 14079 FOC1619W1JQ 14012 FOC1632Y1DF 14080 FOC1630Y0YA 14082 FOC1630Y0YW 14083 FOC1630Y0ZR 14084 FOC1630Y0VU 14085 FOC1630Y0DL 14087 FOC1630Y0XS 14088 FOC1619Z1FV 14006 FOC1630Y0GN 14089 FOC1630Y0ZL 14092 Page: 201 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname 151B MLKJSWT62 154 MLKJSWT222 250 MLKJSWT250 MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK MLK IDF2- Closet by ROOM 250 MDF-ROOM 216 MDF-ROOM 216 IDF2- Closet by ROOM 250 MLKJSWT50-IDF2 MLKJSWT170 MLKJSWT171 MLKJ172 Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1630Y0KJ 14090 FOC1619Z1H6 14028 FOC1637Y45E 14164 FOC1616Y41Y 14014 FOC1718X0TK FOC1718X0UG FOC1718X0TN Max Hayes MDF-112B MHRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634V073 Max Hayes MDF-112B MHSWT76-MDF 2924M XL CAM0751Z0D7 Max Hayes 112 MHSWT57 2912 XL FAA0305K0MQ Max Hayes 115 MHSWT42 2912 XL FAA0312H022 Max Hayes 120 MHSWT120 2912 XL FAB0446Y3N4 Max Hayes 201 MHSWT14 2912 XL FAA0310S04X Max Hayes 205 MHSWT205 2912 XL FAA0310V0P9 Max Hayes 206 MHSWT11 2912 XL FAA0310F06W Max Hayes 207 MHSWT24 2912 XL FAA0310T069 Max Hayes Max Hayes 208 MHSWT208 2912 XL FAA0310H09U MDF-112B MHSWT77-MDF 2924M XL FAA0312L0H2 Max Hayes 208B MHSWT34 2912 XL FAA0310K08W Max Hayes 210 MHSWT111 Max Hayes 211 MHSWT19 2912 XL FAA0310G08Z Max Hayes 213 MHSWT16 2912 XL FAA0311L01S Max Hayes 214 MHSWT118 2912 XL FAA0310S05P Max Hayes 215 MHSWT25 2912 XL FAA0310T05M Max Hayes Max Hayes 216 MHSWT10 2912 XL FAA0311J00Q MDF-112B MHSWT66-MDF 3548 XL FAA0446X05F Max Hayes MDF-112B MHSWT81-MDF 2924M XL FAA0310G0W3 Max Hayes IDF1-238D MHSWT48-IDF1 2924M XL FAA0313M05J Max Hayes 122 MHSWT51 2912 XL FAA0312G01U Max Hayes 130 MHSWT130 2950G-24 FOC0932ZF0T Max Hayes 139 MHSWT133 2912 XL FAA0311K021 Max Hayes 140 MHSWT30 2912 XL FAA0312M048 Max Hayes 146 MHSWT28 2912 XL FAA0310U0PY Max Hayes 148 MHSWT148 2912 XL FAA0311T0HN Max Hayes 151 MHSWT101 2912 XL FAA0310J0FF Page: 202 of 289 NO S/N Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Max Hayes 155 MHSWT155 2912 XL FAA0311G01Z Max Hayes 156A MHSWT35 2912 XL FAA0310U074 Max Hayes 220 MHSWT13 2912 XL FAA0311G01Y Max Hayes Max Hayes 222 MHSWT12 2912 XL FAA0310G09Y IDF1-238D MHSWT62-IDF1 2924M XL FAA0311J1BA Max Hayes 224 MHSWT78 2912 XL NO S/N Max Hayes 226 Switch-1 MHSWT91 3548 XL FAA0506J0XM Max Hayes 226 Switch-2 MHSWT61 3548 XL FAA0311G11F Max Hayes 227 MHSWT227 2924 XL FAA0311M015 Max Hayes 232 MHSWT21 2912 XL FAA0310G098 Max Hayes 235 MHSWT23 2912 XL FAA0310K07S Max Hayes 237 MHSWT26 2950G-48 FOC0820W2FG Max Hayes 240A MHSWT03 3548 XL FHK0620Z0JH Max Hayes 240B MHSWT220 2950G-48 FOC0832Z2E2 Max Hayes 241A MHSWT74 2912 XL FAA0313J055 Max Hayes Max Hayes 241B MHSWT75 2912 XL FAA0313L03P MDF-112B MHSWT93-MDF 3508 XL CHK0634W0A6 Max Hayes 209 Switch-1 MHSWT87 2950G-24 FHK072W0BE Max Hayes MHSWT85 2924M XL FAA0313H03M MHSWT211-IDF2 2924M XL FAB0610W004 Max Hayes 209 Switch-2 IDF2-264A ANNEX 260 MHSWT02 2924M XL FAB0533P0VV Max Hayes 261 MHSWT41 2912 XL FAA0310J0EZ Max Hayes 275 MHSWT29 2912 XL FAA0312K0HD Max Hayes MHSWT65 2912 XL FAA0312G082 MSH-SW-01 2960M XL FOC1437W301 MSH-SW-02 2960M XL FOC1517W1SG MSH-SW-03 2960M XL FOC1517W1SZ Max Hayes 276 IDF2-264A ANNEX IDF2-264A ANNEX IDF2-264A ANNEX IDF1-238D MHSWT94-MDF 3508 XL CHK0633W1NN Max Hayes IDF1-238D MHSWT63-IDF1 2924M XL FAA0341G0RJ Max Hayes 246 MHSWT80 2912 XL FAA0311G0X5 Max Hayes 247 MHSWT45 2912 XL FAA0311T0J8 Max Hayes 248 MHSWT86 2950G-48 FOC0936Z13M Max Hayes 253 Switch-1 MHSWT70 2924M XL FAA0312L0H4 Max Hayes 253 Switch-2 MHSWT73 2924M XL FAA0311L0J9 Max Hayes 256 MHSWT158 2912 XL FAA0310F05L Max Hayes 257 MHSWT102 2912 XL FAA0309H0TH Max Hayes 320B MHSWT20 2912 XL FAA0312K01Q Max Hayes 324 MHSWT06 2912 XL FAA0310M020 Max Hayes 325B Switch-1 MHSWT127 2950G-24 FHK0616X36E Max Hayes 325B Switch-2 MHSWT84 2912 XL FAA0312J04D Max Hayes Max Hayes Max Hayes Max Hayes Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 203 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Max Hayes IDF1-238D MHSWT67-IDF1 3548 XL FAB0610W004 Max Hayes 326 MHSWT201 2912 XL FAA0310L05V Max Hayes 330A MHSWT59 2912 XL FAA0311K14W Max Hayes 334 MHSWT08 2912 XL FAB0541U16X Max Hayes 335 MHSWT05 2912 XL FAA0310U00J Max Hayes 336 MHSWT236 2912 XL FAA0311V0FS Max Hayes 339B MHSWT231 2912 XL FAA0311K00A Max Hayes 340B MHSWT64 2912 XL FAB0443T2YV Max Hayes 350 MHSWT56 2912 XL FAA0312H002 Max Hayes 353 MHSWT22 2912 XL FAA0310H0A2 Max Hayes 356 MHSWT32 2912 XL FAA0310U0PJ Max Hayes 357 MHSWT27 2912 XL FAA0311F013 Max Hayes MHSWT37 2950G-48 FOC1047Z48P MHSWT83 2924M XL FAA0424L0MV Max Hayes 231B Library/Media Center 330B Switch-1 MHSWT72 2924M XL FAA0310K0YJ Max Hayes 330B Switch-2 MHSWT71 FAA0310K0YJ Max Hayes MDF-112B MHSWT170 Max Hayes IDF1-238D MHSWT171 Max Hayes IDF1-238D MHSWT172 2924M XL WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Max Hayes Max Hayes Max Hayes Max Hayes IDF2-264A ANNEX IDF2-264A ANNEX IDF2-264A ANNEX MHSWT173 MHSWT174 MHSWT175 McKinley MDF MCKRTRB McKinley MDF MCKSWT02-MDF 200 Sec. Off. MCKSWT17-Office Library MCKSWT230 101 MCKSWT21 102 MCKSWT19 103 MCKSWT07 104/Food Service MCKSWT81 106 MCKSWT28 McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley Page: 204 of 289 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- Asset Tag FOC1721X3FD 23564 FOC1721X3HE 23565 FOC1721Z32Z 23566 FOC1721Z39W 23567 FOC1727Y4K9 23568 FOC1731Z3CE 23569 FDO1710P07V 15627 FOC1652Z0VQ 15628 FOC1705Y0DH 15632 FOC1712Y01U 15633 FOC1705Y5EG 15634 FOC1705Y0D7 15635 FOC1705Y0DK 15636 FOC1705Y0GM 15637 FOC1705Y0GC 15638 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname 107 MCKSWT14 108 MCKSWT18 109 MCKSWT16 201 MCKSWT27 202 MCKSWT23 203 MCKSWT22 204 MCKSWT29 205 MCKSWT06 206 MCKSWT11 207 MCKSWT12 301 MCKSWT20 302 MCKSWT09 303 MCKSWT25 304 MCKSWT08 305 MCKSWT04 306 MCKSWT13 307 MCKSWT26 308 MCKSWT10 MDF MCKSWT170 MDF MCKSWT171 McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1705Y5F4 15639 FOC1710Y3J0 15640 FOC1710Y3J6 15641 FOC1712Y034 15642 FOC1712Y00T 15643 FOC1705Y5HE 15644 FOC1702Y0WZ 15629 FOC1705Y0DA 15645 FOC1710Y3N8 15646 FOC1712Y01N 15647 FOC1710Y3N7 15648 FOC1705Y0FW 15649 FOC1705Y0GZ 15650 FOC1711Y59U 15651 FOC1712Y010 15652 FOC1705Y0E0 15653 FOC1710Y3NC 15654 FOC1705Y5F7 15655 FOC1721Z1AC 22079 FOC1721W2KH 22060 Page: 205 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Memorial MC MEMRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W07R Memorial MC Rack1 Memorial-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C01X8 Memorial MC Rack1 SW1 MEMSWT12-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC26022Y Memorial MC Rack1 SW2 MEMSWT13-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC26020M Memorial MC Rack2 SW1 MEMSWT14-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC26023F Memorial MC Rack2 SW2 MEMSWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2601YE Memorial MC Rack2 SW3 MEMSWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602LC Memorial MC Rack2 SW4 MEMSWT17-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602KQ Memorial MC Rack3 SW1 MEMSWT18-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602KJ Memorial MC Rack3 SW3 MEMSWT19-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602BV Memorial MC Rack3 SW2 MEMSWT20-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602L8 Memorial TR Rack1 SW2 MEMSWT21-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC26017Z Memorial TR Rack2 SW1 MEMSWT22-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC26023P Memorial TR Rack1 SW1 MEMSWT23-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602VC Memorial TR Rack2 SW2 MEMSWT24-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602BE Memorial TR Rack1 SW3 MEMSWT25-TR1 Nortel 2550TPWR LBNNTMJL190T07 M. White MDF MWRTRB M. White MDF-Custodian Closet MWSWT05-MDF Library/Media MWSWT09 Office/SEC MWSWT08-Office 200A MWSWT50 IDF1-North Lounge MWSWT02-IDF1 M. White M. White M. White M. White Page: 206 of 289 WS-C3750X12S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S Asset Tag 15888 FDO1605Z02S FOC1625X0ZL FOC1621Y3KM FOC1621Y3WL 969434 FOC1621Y3X4 FOC1619Z1ML 969438 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname M. White IDF1-North Lounge MWSWT03-IDF1 103 Switch-1 MWSWT04 103 Switch-2 MWSWT10 M. White IDF1-North Lounge MWSWT07-IDF1 M. White Principal's Office MWSWT16-Office M. White 101 MWSWT27 M. White 104 MWSWT38 M. White 105 MWSWT35 M. White 106 MWSWT24 M. White 107 MWSWT28 M. White 108 MWSWT108 M. White 109 MWSWT30 M. White 110 MWSWT110 M. White 111 MWSWT31 M. White 112 MWSWT37 M. White 113 MWSWT29 M. White 114 MWSWT33 M. White 114B MWSWT32 M. White 115 MWSWT34 M. White IDF2-South Lounge MWSWT06-IDF2 M. White 116 MWSWT18 M. White 118 MWSWT17 M. White M. White Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2950G48-EI WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n FOC1619Z1FS Asset Tag 969439 FOC1625Z0KN FOC1618X3NC FOC1625X0PT 969430 FOC1621Y3VX FOC1621Y38U 969458 FOC1621Y3VK 969463 FOC1621Y3WF 969463 FOC1621Y392 969452 FOC1621Y3K2 969459 FOC1621Y3X0 14030 FOC1621Y3KP 969444 FOC1621Y3HF 969466 FOC1621Y3BU FOC1621y398 969441 FOC1621Y3L0 969465 FOC1621Y3K9 969461 FOC1621Y3EW 969462 FOC1627X0GX FOC1625X0PW FOC1621Y3C1 969447 FOC1630Y0D4 969447 Page: 207 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname M. White 119 MWSWT15 M. White 120 MWSWT11 M. White 121 MWSWT20 M. White 122 MWSWT13 M. White 123 MWSWT26 M. White 124 MWSWT19 M. White 125 MWSWT125 M. White 126 MWSWT14 M. White 127 MWSWT68 M. White 128 MWSWT22 M. White 129 MWSWT23 M. White 130 MWSWT21 M. White 202 MWSWT202 M. White M. White IDF2-South Lounge IDF1-North Lounge MWSWT170 MWSWT171 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WSC3750X-12S SX 1600PREM ICX643048-HPOE Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1630Y0CQ 969456 FOC1630Y0CL 969457 FOC1630Y0DE FOC1630Y0DH FOC1630Y0DC FOC1630Y0HA 969463 FOC1630Y0FE 969451 FOC1630Y0EC FOC1630Y0GD FOC1630Y0DF FOC1630Y0EM FOC1630Y0GH FOC1630Y0DA FOC1721Z3AJ 23577 FOC1721X3G3 23578 Miles TR-1-108 MLSRTRB Miles TR-1-108 Miles-Core Miles TR-1-108 Miles-TR1-SW-01 Miles TR-1-108 Miles-TR1-SW-02 ICX6430-48p POE BZP2532H67N Miles TR-2-311 Miles-TR2-SW-01 ICX6430-48p POE BZP2537H3T5 Miles TR-2-311 Miles-TR2-SW-02 ICX6430-48p POE BZP2545H6GB Miles TR-2-311 Miles-TR2-SW-03 Page: 208 of 289 969440 FDO1605Z0A6 B62527J01K BZP2532H67W BZP2537H3TR Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag ICX6430-48p POE Miles TR-2-311 Miles-TR2-SW-04 Miles TR-2-311 Miles-TR2-SW-05 Miles Park MC MPRTRB 3550-12G CAT0829Y1FH Miles Park MC MilesPark-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C0AQK Miles Park MC Rack2 SW1 MPSWT12-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5001PK Miles Park MC Rack2 SW2 MPSWT13-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5001PS Miles Park MC Rack2 SW4 MPSWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5001R3 Miles Park MC Rack3 SW1 -MPSWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5001Y4 Miles Park MC Rack3 SW2 MPSWT17-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5001CL Miles Park MC Rack3 SW3 MPSWT18-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC50015G Miles Park TR1 SW2 MPSWT20-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5002T2 Miles Park TR1 SW3 MPSWT21-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001QF Miles Park TR1 SW4 MPSWT22-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001P5 Miles Park TR1 SW5 MPSWT23-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001QQ Miles Park TR1 SW6 MPSWT24-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001QH Miles Park TR1 SW7 MPSWT25-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001P0 Miles Park TR1 SW8 MPSWT26-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001PQ Miles Park TR1 SW9 MPSWT27-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001Q8 Miles Park TR1 SW10 MPSWT28-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001NG Miles Park TR1 SW11 MPSWT29-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001NQ Miles Park TR1 SW12 MPSWT30-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001UD Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM ICX6430-48 ICX6430-48 BZQ2545H5PH BZQ2545H5PJ Page: 209 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Miles Park TR1 SW13 MPSWT31-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001SZ Miles Park TR1 SW14 MPSWT32-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001NB Mound MC MOUNDRTRB WS-C3560G24TS FOC1414Y4HE Mound MC WS-C6509-E SMG1418N03J Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-01 MSWT12 WS-C3560G FOC1415W5QF Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-02 MSWT13 WS-C3560G FOC1426Y4UM Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-03 MSWT14 WS-C3560G FOC1426Y4UW Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-04 MSWT15 WS-C3560G FOC1426Y4UY Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-05 MSWT16 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SH Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-06 MSWT17 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1RN Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-07 MSWT18 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1S4 Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-08 MSWT19 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1RV Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-09 MSWT20 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1RK Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-10 MSWT21 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0BZ Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-11 MSWT22 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0GE Mound MC MDK8-MCSW-12 MSWT23 WS-C3560G FOC1424Z6P3 Mound TR MDK8-TR1SW-01 MSWT32 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SP Mound TR MDK8-TR1SW-02 MSWT33 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1RP Mound TR MDK8-TR1SW-03 MSWT34 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1RR Mound TR MDK8-TR1SW-04 MSWT35 WS-C3560G FOC1426Y503 Page: 210 of 289 MDK8-Mound-6509 Asset Tag Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Mound TR MDK8-TR1SW-05 MSWT36 WS-C3560G FOC1424Z6S9 Mound TR MDK8-TR1SW-06 MSWT37 WS-C3560G FOC1424Z6Q6 Nathan Hale MC NHARTRB WS-C3560G24PS FOC1414Y4FK Nathan Hale MC WS-C6509-E SMG1418N03L Nathan Hale MC NHK8-MC-SW-01 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SE Nathan Hale MC NHK8-MC-SW-02 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1PS Nathan Hale MC NHK8-MC-SW-03 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SK Nathan Hale MC NHK8-MC-SW-04 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1S5 Nathan Hale MC NHK8-MC-SW-05 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1RH Nathan Hale MC NHK8_MC-SW-06 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0CK Nathan Hale MC NHK8_MC-SW-07 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0GW Nathan Hale MC NHK8_MC-SW-08 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0GC Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8-TR1-SW-01 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SD Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8-TR1-SW-02 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SL Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8-TR1-SW-03 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1S6 Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8-TR1-SW-04 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SJ Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8-TR1-SW-05 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1SM Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8-TR1-SW-06 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1R4 Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8-TR1-SW-07 WS-C3560G FOC1416Y1RL Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8_TR1-SW-08 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0H3 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM NHK8-Hale-6509 Asset Tag Page: 211 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8_TR1-SW-09 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0EQ Nathan Hale TR1 NHK8_TR1-SW-10 WS-C3560G FOC1410W0FV MC NPSTEMRTRB 3550-12G CAT0803N09T MC NelaPark-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT08EE STEM @ Nela Park TR1 SW1 NPSTEMSWT32 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y0 STEM @ Nela Park TR1 SW2 NPSTEMSWT33 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M G MDF-101F NDBRTRB IDF-101F NDBSWT02-IDF Newton D. Baker 152 NDBSWT12 Newton D. Baker 153 NDBSWT10 Newton D. Baker 154 NDBSWT15 Newton D. Baker 155 NDBSWT11 Newton D. Baker 156 NDBSWT08 Newton D. Baker 159 NDBSWT07 Newton D. Baker 227 NDBSWT14 Newton D. Baker 228 NDBSWT09 Newton D. Baker 231 NDBSWT231 Library/Media Switch NDBSWT06 232 NDBSWT51 235 NDBSWT53 MDF-101F NDBSWT03-MDF 100/Office/SEC NDBSWT37-Office STEM @ Nela Park STEM @ Nela Park Newton D. Baker Newton D. Baker Newton D. Baker Newton D. Baker Newton D. Baker Newton D. Baker Newton D. Baker Page: 212 of 289 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG- Asset Tag FDO1710P070 15657 FOC1702Y195 15658 FOC1712Y029 15662 FOC1712Y025 15663 FOC1712Y02J 15664 FOC1712Y02W 15665 FOC1710Y3NR 15666 FOC1712Y030 15667 FOC1711Y59T 15668 FOC1712Y02T 15669 FOC1712Y00A 15670 FOC1702Y16T 15661 FOC1702Y17G 15672 FOC1711Y5A3 15671 FOC1701Y0YZ 15659 FOC1711Y59Z 15687 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L Newton D. Baker 102 NDBSWT31 Newton D. Baker 103 NDBSWT33 Newton D. Baker 105 NDBSWT63 Newton D. Baker 109 NDBSWT32 Newton D. Baker 115 NDBSWT38 Newton D. Baker 120 NDBSWT24 Newton D. Baker 121C NDBSWT60 Newton D. Baker 121 NDBSWT18 Newton D. Baker 123 NDBSWT39 Newton D. Baker 135 NDBSWT23 Newton D. Baker 136 NDBSWT26 Newton D. Baker 139 NDBSWT17 Newton D. Baker 200 NDBSWT16 Newton D. Baker 201 NDBSWT19 Newton D. Baker 202 NDBSWT25 Newton D. Baker MDF-101F NDBSWT04-MDF Newton D. Baker 204 NDBSWT30 Newton D. Baker 205 NDBSWT34 Newton D. Baker 210 NDBSWT29 Newton D. Baker 211 NDBSWT27 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1712Y01T 15688 FOC1712Y032 15689 FOC1712Y02Y 15690 FOC1712Y011 15691 FOC1712Y00J 15692 FOC1710Y3P8 15693 FOC1712Y020 15694 FOC1712Y01L 15695 FOC1712Y01P 15681 FOC1711Y59Q 15696 FOC1705Y5FU 15697 FOC1710Y3MD 15698 FOC1711Y59Y 15676 FOC1712Y03M 15677 FOC1712Y3C1 15678 FOC1632W2MU 15660 FOC1710Y3NU 15679 FOC1712Y02S 15680 FOC1712Y02X 15682 FOC1712Y02R 15683 Page: 213 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Newton D. Baker 212 NDBSWT28 Newton D. Baker 213 NDBSWT35 Newton D. Baker 214 NDBSWT21 Newton D. Baker 216 NDBSWT22 Newton D. Baker 219 NDBSWT61 Newton D. Baker 221/225 NDBSWT20 MDF-101F NDBSWT170 MDF-101F NDBSWT171 iDF-101F NDBSWT172 O. Perry MDF-121 OHPRTRB O. Perry MDF-121 OHPSWT02-MDF O. Perry 100/Office/SEC OHPSWT14-Office O. Perry 116/Food Service OHPSWT55 O. Perry 102A OHPSWT24 O. Perry 104 OHPSWT27 O. Perry 105 OHPSWT17 O. Perry 106 OHPSWT23 O. Perry 115 OHPSWT20 O. Perry 117 OHPSWT08 O. Perry 118 OHPSWT22 O. Perry 119 OHPSWT19 O. Perry 120 OHPSWT18 Newton D. Baker Newton D. Baker Newton D. Baker Page: 214 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1712Y3CG 15684 FOC1712Y02Q 15685 FOC1711Y5A7 015686 FOC1711Y5B1 15673 FOC1712Y3CB 15674 FOC1648Y0V7 15675 FOC1721X3GF FOC1721Z335 FOC1721Z1AJ FDO1705Z1JG 15396 FOC1705W11D 15377 FOC1703Y0X2 15374 FOC1703Y0VH 15373 FOC1705W118 15375 FOC1703Y0SR 15372 FOC1703Y0S6 15371 FOC1702Y2CJ 15370 FOC1703Y0TQ 15369 FOC1703Y0QN 15368 FOC1702Y2CQ 15367 FOC1702Y2BD 15366 FOC1652Y5D7 15365 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L O. Perry 200 OHPSWT56 O. Perry 201 OHPSWT29 O. Perry 202 OHPSWT30 O. Perry 203 OHPSWT25 O. Perry 204 OHPSWT26 O. Perry 205 OHPSWT31 O. Perry 206 OHPSWT33 O. Perry 215 OHPSWT215 O. Perry 216 OHPSWT32 O. Perry 217 OHPSWT28 O. Perry 218 OHPSWT16 O. Perry 219 OHPSWT07 O. Perry MDF OHPSWT03-MDF O. Perry 220 OHPSWT36 O. Perry 300 OHPSWT09 O. Perry 302 OHPSWT15 O. Perry 303 OHPSWT51 O. Perry 304 OHPSWT35 O. Perry 305 OHPSWT21 O. Perry 306 OHPSWT34 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1652Y5DU 15364 FOC1703Y0R9 15363 FOC1702Y2BJ 15362 FOC1652Y5KV 15361 FOC1703Y0QS 15360 FOC1703Y0RV 15359 FOC1702Y2E7 15358 FOC1702Y2FF 15357 FOC1703Y0U3 15380 FOC1703Y0S7 15381 FOC1702Y2C9 15382 FOC1702Y2HT 15383 FOC1632X1VN 15376 FOC1702Y2CD 15384 FOC1703Y0SJ 18385 FOC1703Y0TL 15386 FOC1702Y2D5 15387 FOC1703Y0V9 15388 FOC1702Y2C4 15389 FOC1703Y0SV 15390 Page: 215 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname O. Perry 316 OHPSWT06 O. Perry 317 OHPSWT11 O. Perry 318 OHPSWT12 O. Perry 319 OHPSWT13 O. Perry 320 OHPSWT10 O. Perry MDF-121 OHPSWT170 O. Perry MDF-121 OHPSWT171 MC-T202 (Cisco edge) ORCRTR WS-C3750X12S FDO1634P29L MC-T202 HP Core CMSD-OPK8ER201-5412-CORE HP Switch 5412zl(J8698 A) SG31DXV1KS Orchard STEM MC-T202 SW01 CMSD-OPK8ER201-5406 Orchard STEM TR1-T131A SW02 CMSD-OPK8TR131-5412 Orchard STEM TR2-T302 SW03 CMSD-OPK8TR301-5412 MC Cisco Edge PDBRTRB WS-C3750X12S FDO1706R09U MC DUNBAR CORE SX800 SX 800-PREM B32543H00G MC DUNBAR-MC-SW-01 ICX6430-48HPOE BZP2532H66S MC DUNBAR-MC-SW-02 ICX6430-48 BZQ2545H5R4 MC DUNBAR-MC-SW-03 ICX6430-48 BZQ2545H5SC DUNBAR-TR1-SW01 DUNBAR-TR1-SW02 DUNBAR-TR1-SW03 DUNBAR-TR1-SW04 DUNBAR-TR2-SW01 DUNBAR-TR2-SW02 ICX6430-48HPOE ICX6430-48HPOE ICX6430-48HPOE ICX6430-48HPOE ICX6430-48HPOE ICX6430-48HPOE Orchard (STEM, new 2013/2014) Orchard (STEM, new 2013/2014) Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar Paul Dunbar TR1 TR1 TR1 TR1 TR2 TR2 Page: 216 of 289 Model Chassis s/n Site WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L HP Switch 5406zl(J8697 A) HP Switch 5406zl(J8697 A) HP Switch 5406zl(J8697 A) Asset Tag FOC1703Y0SD 15391 FOC1703Y0SN 15392 FOC1702Y2EP 15393 FOC1652Y5GB 15394 FOC1702Y2CM 15395 FOC1721Z3A4 FOC1721X3FC SG33DXT41W SG33DXV224 SG33DXV02D BZP2532H67P BZP2537H3TC BZP2545H6GG BZP2545H64F BZP2545H6GD BZP2517H00X Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n P. Henry MC PHRTRB 3550-12G CHK0631W2DZ P. Henry MC PatrickHenry-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT0DHB P. Henry MC SW01 PHSWT12-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X4 P. Henry MC SW02 PHSWT13-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y D P. Henry MC SW03 PHSWT14-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XX P. Henry MC SW04 PHSWT15-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606YF P. Henry MC SW05 PHSWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y G P. Henry MC SW06 PHSWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X3 P. Henry MC SW07 PHSWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X W P. Henry MC SW08 PHSWT19-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606YE P. Henry MC SW09 PHSWT20-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y3 P. Henry MC SW10 PHSWT21-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606Y4 P. Henry MC SW11 PHSWT22-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606N2 P. Henry MC SW12 PHSWT23-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD46081P P. Henry MC SW13 PHSWT24-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD46078X P. Henry MC SW14 PHSWT25-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608N7 MDF-220 PRRTRB MDF-220 PRSWT03-MDF Paul Revere 118 PRSWT161 Paul Revere 122 PRSWT05 Paul Revere 123 PRSWT28 Paul Revere Paul Revere Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WS-C3750X12S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Asset Tag FDO1634Z205 14208 FOC1616Y2CP 14209 FOC1637Y47X 14213 FOC1637Y44W 14214 FOC1637Y474 14215 Page: 217 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Paul Revere 124 PRSWT70 Paul Revere 125 PRSWT29 Paul Revere 126 PRSWT31 Paul Revere 127 PRSWT14 Paul Revere 128 PRSWT08 Paul Revere 129 PRSWT34 Paul Revere 130 PRSWT07 Paul Revere 131 PRSWT52 Paul Revere 147 PRSWT162 Paul Revere 148 PRSWT06 Paul Revere MDF-220 PRSWT02-MDF Paul Revere 149 PRSWT15 Paul Revere 150 PRSWT11 Paul Revere 218 PRSWT218 Paul Revere 223 PRSWT09 Paul Revere 224 PRSWT16 Paul Revere 225 PRSWT13 Paul Revere 226 PRSWT33 Paul Revere 227 PRSWT163 Paul Revere 228 PRSWT12 Paul Revere 229 PRSWT164 Page: 218 of 289 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1637Y0MT 14216 FOC1638Y23W 14217 FOC1637Y485 14218 FOC1638Y2DK 14219 FOC1637Y448 14220 FOC1637Y0PG 14221 FOC1637Y44L 14222 FOC1638Y2CB 14223 FOC1637Y0PL 14224 FOC1637Y43K 14225 FOC1616X31J 14210 FOC1637Y45M 14226 FOC1628Y3GB 14227 FOC1637Y43Y 14228 FOC1637Y46Q 14229 FOC1637Y46T 14230 FOC1637Y455 14231 FOC1637Y47Z 14232 FOC1637Y48Q 14233 FOC1638Y24P 14234 FOC1637Y46Y 14235 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L Paul Revere 230 PRSWT102 Paul Revere IDF-211 PRSWT04-IDF Paul Revere Office/SEC PRSWT41-Office Paul Revere Library/Media Center PRSWT26 Paul Revere Art PRSWT44 Paul Revere 103/Food Service PRSWT51 Paul Revere 104 PRSWT42 Paul Revere 105 PRSWT24 Paul Revere 106 PRSWT35 Paul Revere 107 PRSWT156 Paul Revere 108 PRSWT158 Paul Revere 109 PRSWT25 Paul Revere 110 PRSWT23 Paul Revere 111 PRSWT39 Paul Revere 115 PRSWT43 Paul Revere 140 switch 1 PRSWT249 Paul Revere 140 switch 2 PRSWT18 Paul Revere 141 PRSWT20 Paul Revere 142 PRSWT21 Paul Revere 143 PRSWT22 Paul Revere IDF-211 PRSWT38-IDF Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S FOC1637Y48R 14236 FOC1616Y2FU 14211 FOC1637Y43M 14237 FOC1612Y5BC 14267 FOC1637Y47E 14238 FOC1637Y440 14239 FOC1638Y2EF 14240 FOC1637Y46K 14241 FOC1637Y451 14242 FOC1638Y2EV 14243 FOC1637Y45C 14244 FOC1637Y44B 14245 FOC1638Y2EG 14246 FOC1637Y47T 14247 FOC1637Y46N 14248 FOC1612Y5CW 14268 FOC1637Y483 14249 FOC1638Y24A 14250 FOC1637Y479 14251 FOC1637Y44K 14252 FOC1616Y2HW 14212 Page: 219 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Paul Revere 203 PRSWT151 Paul Revere 204 PRSWT159 Paul Revere 205 PRSWT160 Paul Revere 206 PRSWT71 Paul Revere 207 PRSWT17 Paul Revere 208 PRSWT36 Paul Revere 209 PRSWT169 Paul Revere 210 PRSWT27 Paul Revere 211 PRSWT155 Paul Revere 212 PRSWT40 Paul Revere 215 PRSWT19 216 PRSWT32 217 Switch-1 PRSWT216 217 Switch-2 PRSWT217 MDF-220 SWT170-MDF Paul Revere MDF-220 SWT171-MDF Paul Revere IDF-211 SWT172-IDF Paul Revere IDF-211 SWT173-IDF Riverside MC RSRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634V08Y Riverside MC Riverside-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C01XC Riverside MC Rack1 SW1 RSSWT12-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602YX Riverside MC Rack1 SW2 RSSWT13-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602NV Paul Revere Paul Revere Paul Revere Paul Revere Page: 220 of 289 Model Chassis s/n Site WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48-TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L Asset Tag FOC1631Y2AB 14253 FOC1637Y43Q 14254 FOC1637Y48A 14255 FOC1637Y47P 14256 FOC1637Y0P2 14257 FOC1637Y0PB 14258 FOC1637Y47H 14259 FOC1637Y44C 14260 FOC1637Y48L 14261 FOC1638Y2DL 14262 FOC1637Y0M8 14263 FOC1627X0XA 14165 FOC1636X2VY 14167 FOC1612Y5CA 14269 FOC1721Z3A8 22521 FOC1721Z1HS 22520 FOC1721W2KB 22519 FOC1721X3F8 22518 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Riverside MC Rack2 SW1 RSSWT14-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602H2 Riverside MC Rack2 SW2 RSSWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602P2 Riverside MC Rack3 SW1 RSSWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2609CN Riverside MC Rack3 SW2 RSSWT17-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602N8 Riverside MC Rack3 SW3 RSSWT18-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602WA Riverside MC Rack3 SW4 RSSWT19-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602SQ Riverside TR1 Rack1 SW2 RSSWT20-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC26028W Riverside TR1 Rack1 SW1 RSSWT21-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC2602KF Riverside MC Rack3 SW3 RSSWT22-MC Nortel 4550TPWR LBNNTMMD1900E H MC RJARTRB n/a FOC1315Z5B7 MC Jamison-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT0DTH Robert Jamison MC SW01 RJASWT12 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607JD Robert Jamison MC SW02 RJASWT13 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607E6 Robert Jamison MC SW03 RJASWT14 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607E5 Robert Jamison MC SW04 RJASWT15 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607GJ Robert Jamison MC SW05 RJASWT16 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G H Robert Jamison MC SW06 RJASWT17 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607J9 Robert Jamison MC SW07 RJASWT18 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607JC Robert Jamison MC SW08 RJASWT19 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608T8 Robert Jamison MC SW09 RJASWT20 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608R M Robert MC SW10 RJASWT21 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608T9 Robert Jamison Robert Jamison Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag 15889 Page: 221 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Robert Jamison MC SW11 RJASWT22 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMJL4600H2 Robert Jamison MC SW11 RJASWT23 Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NF X Robert Jamison TR1 SW01 RJASWT32 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4601M P Robert Jamison TR1 SW02 RJASWT33 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608T5 Robert Jamison TR1 SW03 RJASWT34 Nortel 2550T Robert Jamison TR1 SW04 RJASWT35 Nortel 2550T Robert Jamison TR1 SW05 RJASWT36 Nortel 2550T Robert Jamison TR1 SW6 RJASWT37 Nortel 2550T MC RJORTRA 2620 JAD06220DWS MC RJORTRB 3550-12G CAT0839R0KK MC Jones-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT09YT Robinson G. Jones MC SW1 RJOSWT12 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X M Robinson G. Jones MC SW2 RJOSWT13 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X N Robinson G. Jones MC SW3 RJOSWT14 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XT Robinson G. Jones MC SW4 RJOSWT15 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XV Robinson G. Jones MC SW5 RJOSWT16 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X C Robinson G. Jones MC SW6 RJOSWT17 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X9 Robinson G. Jones MC SW7 RJOSWT18 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XE Robinson G. Jones MC SW8 RJOSWT19 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X D Robinson G. Jones MC SW9 RJOSWT20 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XL Robinson MC SW10 RJOSWT21 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XK Site Asset Tag Jamison Robinson G. Jones Robinson G. Jones Robinson G. Jones Page: 222 of 289 24120 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Robinson G. Jones MC SW11 RJOSWT22 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606X R Robinson G. Jones MC SW12 RJOSWT23 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606XP Robinson G. Jones MC SW13 RJOSWT24 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606YL Robinson G. Jones TR1 SW1 RJOSWT32 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M N Robinson G. Jones TR1 SW2 RJOSWT33 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M P Robinson G. Jones TR1 SW3 RJOSWT34 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M V Robinson G. Jones TR1 SW4 RJOSWT35 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M W Robinson G. Jones TR1 SW5 RJOSWT36 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M L Robinson G. Jones TR1 SW6 RJOSWT37 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M M Robinson G. Jones TR1 SW7 RJOSWT38 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4606M Y Robinson G. Jones MC SW39 RJOSWT39 Avaya 4526TPWR LBNNTMMD220NF T Site Asset Tag G. Jones LBNNTMMD220NH O Robinson G. Jones Scranton Scranton TR SWT40 MDF-Gym Storage Closet MDF-Gym Storage Closet RJOSWT40 SRTRB SSWT02-MDF Scranton Office/SEC SSWT24-Office Scranton Library/Media SSWT04 Scranton Food Service SSWT23 Scranton 900 / Kinder 2 SSWT22 Scranton 100 / Kinder 1 SSWT18 Scranton 101 SSWT28 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Avaya 4526TPWR WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- LBNNTMMD220NF G FDO1706R0BK 15398 FOC1647Y339 15399 FOC1702Y2CW 15403 FOC1632W2MW 15401 FOC1702Y2E1 15404 FOC1703Y0SF 15405 FOC1702Y2BB 15406 FOC1703Y0UN 15407 Page: 223 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Scranton 102 SSWT19 Scranton 103 SSWT17 Scranton 104 SSWT14 Scranton 105 SSWT27 Scranton 106 SSWT21 Scranton 107 SSWT31 Scranton 108 SSWT26 Scranton 109 SSWT29 Scranton 110 SSWT30 Scranton 201 SSWT15 Scranton 202 SSWT32 Scranton 203 SSWT33 Scranton MDF-Gym Storage Closet SSWT03-MDF Scranton 204 SSWT16 Scranton 205 SSWT20 Scranton 206/Switch-1 SSWT13 Scranton 206/Switch-2 SSWT35 Scranton 207 SSWT34 Scranton 208 SSWT25 Scranton 209 SSWT09 Page: 224 of 289 Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1702Y2CT 15408 FOC1703Y0T7 15409 FOC1703Y0QW 15410 FOC1703Y0S9 15411 FOC1703Y0TT 15412 FOC1703Y0RH 15413 FOC1703Y0S8 15414 FOC1703Y0SK 15415 FOC1703Y0XG 1516 FOC1702Y2BC 15417 FOC1703Y0QJ 15418 FOC1702Y2BZ 15419 FOC1705X3EL 15400 FOC1703Y0QR 15420 FOC1702Y2CR 15421 FOC1705X3F0 15402 FOC1703Y0R2 15422 FOC1703Y0W9 15423 FOC1702Y2CG 15424 FOC1703Y0S5 15425 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Scranton 210 SSWT08 Scranton 211 SSWT10 Scranton 212 SSWT11 Scranton 213 SSWT12 Scranton 214 SSWT07 Scranton 215 SSWT05 Scranton Scranton Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech MDF-Gym Storage Closet MDF-Gym Storage Closet SSWT170 SSWT171 Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PSWS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n FOC1702Y2BK 15426 FOC1702Y2CV 15427 FOC1703Y0SW 15428 FOC1702Y2BH 15429 FOC1703Y0QP 15430 FOC1702Y2DZ 15431 FOC1721X3E4 22081 FOC1721Z1AN 22082 MDF 5th Floor STRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W088 MDF 5th Floor STSWT08-MDF 3548 XL FAA0506M20K IDF1 4th Floor STSWT102-IDF1 5509 067506447 IDF1 4th Floor STSWT13 2950-48 FOC0740Y31S IDF1 4th Floor STSW04-IDF1 IDF1 4th Floor STSWT07 IDF1 4th Floor STSWT06 WS-C4006 JAB05020B93 IDF2 3rd Floor STSWT103-IDF2 5509 067509807 IDF2 3rd Floor STSWT11-IDF2 3548 XL FAB0609W023 IDF2 3rd Floor STSWT22-IDF2 3548 XL FAB0610Y0DQ IDF2 3rd Floor STSWT30-IDF2 3548 XL FAA0310J0F6 IDF2 3rd Floor STSWT05-IDF2 2924M XL FAA0310J0XV IDF2 3rd Floor STSWT10-IDF2 WS-X2931-XL FAA0311H0TZ IDF2 2nd Floor STSWT15 3548 XL FAB0602P1WY IDF2 2nd Floor STSWT16-IDF WS-C2950G IDF2 2nd Floor STSWT17-IDF WS-C2950G IDF2 2nd Floor STSWT18-IDF WS-C2950G IDF2 2nd Floor STSWT19-IDF WS-C2960G Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WS-C3508GXL-EN WS-C3548XL-EN Asset Tag CHK0633W0RD FAA0409G0CY Page: 225 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model IDF2 2nd Floor STSWT33-IDF WS-C2960G IDF2 2nd Floor STSWT35-IDF WS-C2960G Receptionist area STSWT12-Office 2912 XL MDF 5th Floor STSW170 IDF2 3rd Floor STSWT104 IDF2 3rd Floor STSWT173 IDF2 3rd Floor STSW174 IDF1 4th Floor STSW171-IDF1 IDF1 4th Floor SWT172 IDF2 2nd Floor STSWT175-IDF Sunbeam MDF SUNRTRB Sunbeam MDF SUNSWT02-MDF Sunbeam Office/Sec. SUNSWT22-Office Sunbeam Media Center SUNSWT06 Sunbeam Library SUNSWT18 Sunbeam Food Service SUNSWT52 Sunbeam 101 SUNSWT16 Sunbeam 102 SUNSWT32 Sunbeam 104 SUNSWT10 Sunbeam 105 SUNSWT13 Sunbeam 107 SUNSWT24 Sunbeam 108 SUNSWT26 Sunbeam 109 SUNSWT23 Sunbeam 110 SUNSWT17 Sunbeam 111 SUNSWT14 Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Success Tech Page: 226 of 289 WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C355012G WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FAB0503V33C FOC1721X3ES 22536 CHK0634V065 FOC1721X1GF 22533 FOC1721Z1JT 22532 FOC1721X3F5 FOC1721X3GT FDO1714Z03P 15526 FOC1702Y19C 15527 FOC1710Y3PD 15530 FOC1652Z0R6 15531 FOC1702Y176 15560 FOC1710Y3M7 15532 FOC1710Y3P9 15533 FOC1710Y3MA 15534 FOC1710Y3MK 15535 FOC1710Y3KL 15536 FOC1710Y3KH 15537 FOC1710Y3NG 15538 FOC1710Y3M8 15539 FOC1710Y3NP 15540 FOC1710Y3NV 15541 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Sunbeam 112 SUNSWT08 Sunbeam 113 SUNSWT25 Sunbeam 114 SUNSWT27 Sunbeam 115 SUNSWT115 Sunbeam 116 SUNSWT28 Sunbeam 117 SUNSWT15 Sunbeam 118 SUNSWT19 Sunbeam MDF SUNSWT03-MDF Sunbeam 119 SUNSWT30 Sunbeam 120 SUNSWT05 Sunbeam 121 SUNSWT121 Sunbeam 124 SUNSWT07 sunbeam 125 SUNSWT125 Sunbeam 127 SUNSWT12 Sunbeam 130 SUNSWT51 Sunbeam 131 SUNSWT20 Sunbeam 133 SUNSWT04 Sunbeam 135 SUNSWT09 Sunbeam 136 SUNSWT11 Sunbeam MDF SUNSWT170-MDF Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1710Y3LY 15542 FOC1710Y3KG 15543 FOC1710Y3MP 15544 FOC1710Y3N5 15545 FOC1710Y3MS 15546 FOC1710Y3MN 15547 FOC1710Y3LZ 15548 FOC1652Z0QT 15528 FOC1710Y3N0 15549 FOC1710Y3ME 15550 FOC1710Y3N9 15551 FOC1710Y3NX 15552 FOC1710Y3LU 15553 FOC1710Y3NJ 15554 FOC1705Y0B3 15555 FOC1705Y0F0 15556 FOC1705Y0BY 15557 FOC1705Y0EU 15558 FOC1705Y0D8 15559 FOC1727Z4LM 23573 Page: 227 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Sunbeam MDF SUNSWT171-MDF WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1727Z4PA Thomas Jefferson MC TJRTRB-MDF WS-C3560G24TS FOC1315Z5BZ Thomas Jefferson MC TJK8TJefferson_8600 ERS-8610 SSPNDT0EAB Thomas Jefferson TR1 TJSWT32-TR1 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4606PT Thomas Jefferson TR1 TJSWT33-TR1 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4601N1 Thomas Jefferson TR1 TJSWT34-TR1 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4601H N Thomas Jefferson TR1 TJSWT35-TR1 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4601N3 Thomas Jefferson TR1 TJSWT36-TR1 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD46013F Thomas Jefferson TR1 TJSWT37-TR1 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4606PJ Thomas Jefferson TR1 TJSWT38-TR1 ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4606P9 Thomas Jefferson TR1 TJSWT39-TR1 ERS-2550T LBNNTMJL4601FR Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT12-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4608R P Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT13-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4608R N Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT14-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4608T3 Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT15-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4608T2 Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT16-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607G4 Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT17-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4607G3 Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT18-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4606PK Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT19-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4601N2 Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT20-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4601M Y Thomas MC TJSWT21-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD46070 Page: 228 of 289 Asset Tag 23573 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Chassis s/n M Location Hostname Model Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT22-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4608T6 Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT23-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4608T7 Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT24-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4601H P Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT25-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD4606PL Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT26-MC ERS-2550T LBNNTMMD46037 W Thomas Jefferson MC TJSWT27-MC ERS-2550T Tremont MDF TMRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W06M Tremont MDF TMSWT03-MDF 2924M XL FAA0312L1JA Tremont 033 TMSWT22 2912 XL FAA0311M0HC Tremont 131 TMSWT17 2912 XL FAA0311V0FP Tremont 132 TMSWT12 2912 XL FAA0310L077 Tremont 133 TMSWT14 2912 XL FAA0311T0F2 Tremont 134 TMSWT23 2912 XL FAA0311K12P Tremont 137 TMSWT137 2912 XL FAA0310U04V Tremont 138 TMSWT19 2912 XL FAA0311J0ZW Tremont 139 TMSWT31 2912 XL FAA0310F06B Tremont 140 TMSWT28 2912 XL FAA0312L016 Tremont 141 TMSWT08 2912 XL FAB0418V0MC Tremont 229 TMSWT11 2912 XL FAA0310M03H Tremont 231 TMSWT16 2912 XL FAA0312M00S Tremont 232 TMSWT33 2912 XL FAA0311S0CC Tremont 233 TMSWT26 2912 XL FAA0311K12S Tremont 234 TMSWT32 2912 XL FAA0312J00F Tremont 235 TMSWT24 2912 XL FAA0311M0GT Tremont MDF TMSWT02-MDF 2924M XL FOC0933Z0QK Tremont 238 TMSWT21 2912 XL FAA0311H0MU Tremont 239 TMSWT25 2912 XL FAA0311L0ZB Tremont 240 TMSWT27 2912 XL FAA0311H008 Tremont 241 TMSWT34 2912 XL FAA0301V0C4 Tremont 331 TMSWT147 2912 XL FAA0310F08M Tremont 332 TMSWT09 2912 XL FAA0312M09J Tremont 333 TMSWT15 2912 XL FAA0312L09Z Tremont 334 TMSWT10 2912 XL FAA0312H09L Jefferson Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 229 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Tremont 335 TMSWT18 2912 XL FAA0311K10K Tremont 338 TMSWT13 2912 XL FAA0311G0Y4 Tremont 339 TMSWT30 2912 XL FAB0430T1CX Tremont 340 TMSWT29 2912 XL FAA0312J003 Tremont 341 TMSWT20 2912 XL FAA0311K14Q Tremont IDF TMSWT04-IDF 3508G XL CHK0633W0Q3 Tremont 215 /Switch-1 TMSWT05 2924M XL FAA0313H042 Tremont 215 /Switch-2 TMSWT53 2912 XL FAA0312G01R Tremont IDF TMSWT06-IDF 2924M XL FAA0313K04D Tremont Office/SEC TMSWT47-Office 2912 XL FAA0312G02M Tremont Food Service TMSWT39 2912 XL FAA0311J0Z9 Tremont 320/Library TMSWT52 2924M XL FAA0313L03N Tremont 015 TMSWT40 2912 XL FAA0311S0CB Tremont 016 TMSWT50 2912 XL Tremont 019 TMSWT42 2912 XL FAA0311U0F0 Tremont 020 TMSWT45 2912 XL FAA0310H0AW Tremont 022 TMSWT43 2912 XL FAA0311K10G Tremont 024 TMSWT41 2912 XL FAA0311G0VK Tremont 115 TMSWT54 2912 XL FAA0310S0HJ Tremont 122 TMSWT55 2912 XL FAA0311L11U Tremont 124 TMSWT56 2912 XL FAA0312K00K Tremont 125 TMSWT46 2912 XL FAA0310H0B6 Tremont 215 TMSWT53 2912 XL FAA0312G009 Tremont 222 TMSWT48 2912 XL FAA0310T0G8 Tremont IDF TMSWT07-IDF 2924M XL FAA0313L053 Tremont 224 TMSWT35 2912 XL FAA0311L0X8 Tremont 226 TMSWT36 2912 XL FAA0310G0DJ Tremont 315 TMSWT38 2912 XL FAA0311S0BF Tremont 316 TMSWT101 2948G JAE0548022Y Tremont 317 TMSWT57 2950G-48 FOC071317RV Tremont 318 TMSWT37 2912 XL FAA0310J097 Tremont 319 TMSWT44 2912 XL FAA0311L11K Tremont 322 TMSWT49 2912 XL FAA0311L0ZM Tremont 324 TMSWT51 2912 XL FAA0310U0L5 Tremont 326 TMSWT74 FAA0311K0Z5 Tremont MDF TMSWT170-MDF Tremont MDF TMSWT171-MDF Tremont IDF TMSWT172-IDF 2912 XL WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L ValleyView MDF VVRTRB Page: 230 of 289 WS-C3750X12S Asset Tag FOC1721Z2VC FOC1721W2K3 FOC1721Z162 FDO1707Z0K6 15738 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site ValleyView ValleyView ValleyView Location Modular Classroom 1 Modular Classroom 2 Modular Classroom 3 Hostname VVSWT13 VVSWT14 VVSWT15 ValleyView Modular Classroom 4 VVSWT16 ValleyView MDF VVSWT02-MDF ValleyView 100 VVSWT100 ValleyView 101 VVSWT04 ValleyView 102 VVSWT11 ValleyView Office 103 VVSWT06-Office ValleyView 104 VVSWT07 ValleyView 106 VVSWT106 ValleyView 108 VVSWT10 ValleyView 110 VVSWT110 ValleyView 112 VVSWT12 ValleyView 116 VVSWT127 ValleyView 120 VVSWT120 ValleyView 121 VVSWT121 ValleyView 122 VVSWT122 ValleyView 123 VVSWT09 ValleyView MDF VVSWT170 ValleyView MOD2 VVSWT171 ValleyView Mod1 VVSWT172 ValleyView MOD# VVSWT173 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WS-C2960S24TS WS-C2960S24TS WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1702X0WA 15740 FOC1652Z1Q8 15741 FOC1702Y0W1 15771 FOC1705Y0CT 15460 FOC1708Z5H0 15739 FOC1652Z0YL 15743 FOC1713Y3QP 15744 FOC1652Z1T1 15742 FOC1715Y0HF 15745 FOC1713Y3QV 15746 FOC1702Y14W 15772 FOC1713Y3B2 15748 FOC1712Y3CD 15749 FOC1637Y44V 14401 FOC1638Y18A 14641 FOC1638Y25F 14504 FOC1637Y45H 14118 FOC1710Y3P5 15750 FOC1713Y3DP 15747 FOC1721Z3AD FOC1721X3H5 FOC1721Z1AQ FOC1721X3G1 Page: 231 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 24PS-L Wade Park MC WPRTRB 3560G-24TS FOC1225W0JW Wade Park MC WadePark-8600 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT0BTM Wade Park MC SW01 WPSWT12-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607F1 Wade Park MC SW02 WPSWT13-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607EX Wade Park MC SW03 WPSWT14-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607E W Wade Park MC SW04 WPSWT15-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608TC Wade Park MC SW05 WPSWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607FN Wade Park MC SW06 WPSWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607F9 Wade Park MC SW07 WPSWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607FC Wade Park MC SW08 WPSWT19-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607F2 Wade Park MC SW09 WPSWT20-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607FF Wade Park MC SW10 WPSWT21-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607F4 Wade Park MC SW11 WPSWT22-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607F3 Wade Park MC SW12 WPSWT23-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608TE Wade Park MC SW13 WPSWT24-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4601M W Wade Park TR1 SW01 WPSWT32-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607F M Wade Park TR1 SW02 WPSWT33-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607FH Wade Park TR1 SW03 WPSWT34-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607F G Wade Park TR1 SW04 WPSWT35-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607FJ Walton MDF-230A WALRTRB Walton Media/Library WALSWT02 Page: 232 of 289 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S- FDO1650Z2PZ 15036 FOC1647Z1ZM 15075 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 24TS-S Walton MDF 230A WALSWT03-MDF Walton Office WALSWT16 Walton 131 WALSWT10 Walton 132 WALSWT13 Walton 133 WALSWT14 Walton 140 WALSWT12 Walton 141 WALSWT07 Walton 142 Switch-1 WALSWT42 Walton 142 Switch-2 WALSWT142 Walton 142a WALSWT09 Walton 143 WALSWT06 Walton 230 WALSWT20 Walton 231 WALSWT231 Walton 232 WALSWT19 Walton 233 WALSWT17 Walton 240 WALSWT08 Walton 241 WALSWT24 Walton 242 WALSWT11 Walton 243 WALSWT22 Walton Hallway Closet by 222 WALSWT05-IDF Walton 110 WALSWT34 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1644Y2MJ 15037 FOC1646Y189 15039 FOC1646Y1JJ 15040 FOC1643Y384 15041 FOC1646Y1J7 15042 FOC1646Y160 15043 FOC1646Y1KK 15044 FOC1625X4SH 15079 FOC1639Z095 15076 FOC1646Y1EQ 15046 FOC1646Y1JS 15047 FOC1646Y1KD 15048 FOC1646Y18A 15049 FOC1646Y1J1 15050 FOC1646Y1DE 15051 FOC1646Y1ET 15052 FOC1643Y37V 15053 FOC1646Y1JP 15055 FOC1646Y1CZ 15054 FOC1644Y2LM 15038 FOC1643Y34L 15056 Page: 233 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Walton 110A WALSWT26 Walton 111 WALSWT28 Walton 112 WALSWT23 Walton 113 WALSWT40 Walton 120 WALSWT21 Walton 121 WALSWT30 Walton 122 WALSWT32 Walton 123 WALSWT41 Walton 210 WALSWT29 Walton 211 WALSWT31 Walton 212 WALSWT38 Walton 213 WALSWT35 Walton 220 WALSWT33 Walton 221 WALSWT39 Walton 222 WALSWT36 Walton 223 WALSWT25 Walton LIB2-1 WALSWT51 Walton LIB3-1 WALSWT52 Warner MC Rack 2 WARRTRB 3550-12G CAT0749X07Z Warner MC Rack 2 Warner-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPN6C0A2X Warner MC Rack3 SW1 WARSWT13-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC2602CJ Page: 234 of 289 Model Chassis s/n Site WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Asset Tag FOC1646Y1CQ 15057 FOC1646Y15G 15058 FOC1646Y1JV 15059 FOC1646Y1HW 15060 FOC1646Y1JU 15061 FOC1646Y1JR 15062 FOC1646Y1J6 15063 FOC1643Y3AX 15064 FOC1642Y1NS 15065 FOC1646Y1CS 15066 FOC1646Y1JL 15067 FOC1642Y1LQ 15068 FOC1646Y1JX 15069 FOC1646Y1J5 15070 FOC1646Y1J0 15071 FOC1646Y1CX 15072 FOC1646Y1JK 15073 FOC1646Y1J9 15074 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Warner MC Rack3 SW2 WARSWT14-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5002Z4 Warner MC Rack3 SW3 WARSWT15-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5003ZK Warner MC Rack3 SW4 WARSWT16-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC500301 Warner MC Rack4 SW1 WARSWT17-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5002SL Warner MC Rack4 SW2 WARSWT18-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5002LD Warner MC Rack4 SW3 WARSWT19-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5002LW Warner MC Rack4 SW4 WARSWT20-MC Nortel 425-48 SACC5002NL Warner TR1A SW1 WARSWT21-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5002WR Warner TR1A SW2 WARSWT22-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5002W7 Warner TR1A SW3 WARSWT23-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001AB Warner TR1A SW4 WARSWT24-TR1 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001AB Warner TR2A SW1 WARSWT25-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC5002WC Warner TR2A SW3 WARSWT27-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001N1 Warner TR2A SW4 WARSWT28-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC5001U6 Warner TR2A SW5 WARSWT29-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC5002UE Warner TR2A SW6 WARSWT30-TR2 Nortel 425-48 SACC5002XH Washington Park Washington Park Washington Park Washington Park Washington Park MDFMedia/Library MDFMedia/Library WPHRTRB WPHSWT02-MDF Trailer 4B WPHSWT10 Trailer 6A WPHSWT12 Trailer 5A WPHSWT11 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S24TS WS-C296024PC-L WS-C296024PC-L WS-C296024PC-L Asset Tag FDO1706R0A6 15728 FOC1616Y2DW 14147 FOC1435Z4EQ FOC1446W12B FOC1446W12M Page: 235 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Office (SEC) WPHSWT13 Pavillion WPHSWT14 MDFMedia/Library WPHSWT02-MDF Media/Library WPHSWT53 Washington Park room 4 WPHSWT03 Washington Park room 5 WPHSWT55 Washington Park room 7 WPHSWT04 Washington Park room 6 WPHSWT08 Washington Park Media/Library WPHSWT51 Washington Park room 3 WPHSWT54 Washington Park Kitchen WPHSWT07 IDF-Trailer 1A WPHSWT106-IDF IDF-Trailer 1A WPHSWT107-IDF IDF-Trailer 1A WPHSWT103-IDF Mechanics Building WPHSWT52 MDF-210 WLRTRB MDF-210 WLSWT02-MDF WattersonLake Office WLSWT33-Office WattersonLake Library/Media WLSWT13 WattersonLake Kitchen WLSWT35 WattersonLake TL/210A WLSWT210 WattersonLake 104 WLSWT30 WattersonLake 105 WLSWT28 WattersonLake 106 WLSWT17 Washington Park Washington Park Washington Park Washington Park Washington Park Washington Park Washington Park Washington Park WattersonLake WattersonLake Page: 236 of 289 Model WS-C296024PC-L WS-C296024PC-L 2924M XL WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C296048PST-L WS-C2960S48TS WS-C2960S24TS WS-C296048PST-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1434Z4K6 FOC1446W13B FAA0339L1AZ FOC1652Z0W9 15735 FOC1634Y2N4 14099 FOC1702Y1BL 15736 FOC1703Y0Q4 20069 FOC1634Y2LU 14115 FOC1705Y0CF 15522 FOC1652Z1SX 15737 FOC1705Y0GQ 15623 FOC1436Z243 FOC1711Y1CX 15729 FOC1702Y14U 15730 FOC1436W518 FDO1638Z2LP 15229 FOC1647Z2WZ 15230 FOC1652Y5HX 15234 FOC1652W3N3 15232 FOC1652Y5HF 15233 FOC1652Y5JM 15235 FOC1652Y5K8 15236 FOC1652Y3LZ 15237 FOC1652Y5HU 15238 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname WattersonLake 107 WLSWT29 WattersonLake 109 WLSWT23 WattersonLake 110 WLSWT31 WattersonLake 201 WLSWT27 WattersonLake 202 WLSWT21 WattersonLake 203 WLSWT22 WattersonLake 204 WLSWT19 WattersonLake 205 WLSWT24 WattersonLake 206 WLSWT25 WattersonLake 207 WLSWT18 WattersonLake 208 WLSWT51 WattersonLake 209 WLSWT34 WattersonLake 301A WLSWT15 WattersonLake 301B WLSWT26 WattersonLake MDF-210 WLSWT03-MDF WattersonLake 302 WLSWT32 WattersonLake 303 WLSWT16 WattersonLake 304 WLSWT20 WattersonLake 305 WLSWT08 WattersonLake 306 WLSWT04 WattersonLake 307 WLSWT10 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1652Y5JE 15239 FOC1652Y5FK 15240 FOC1652Y5GV 15241 FOC1652Y5EH 15242 FOC1652Y5KB 15243 FOC1652Y5EY 15244 FOC1652Y5KX 15245 FOC1652Y5H1 15246 FOC1652Y5HZ 15247 FOC1652Y5E7 15248 FOC1652Y5F9 15249 FOC1652Y5F6 15250 FOC1652Y5HR 15251 FOC1652Y5EP 15252 FOC1616Y2DS 15231 FOC1652Y5HB 15253 FOC1652Y5EC 15254 FOC1652Y5J5 15255 FOC1652Y5JQ 15256 FOC1652Y5EW 15257 FOC1652Y5HC 15258 Page: 237 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L WattersonLake 308 WLSWT07 WattersonLake 309 WLSWT11 WattersonLake 310 WLSWT14 WattersonLake 312 WLSWT09 WattersonLake 313 WLSWT06 WattersonLake 314 WLSWT12 MDF-210 WLSWT170 MDF-210 WLSWT171 Waverly MDF-205 WAVRTRB Waverly MDF-205/Closet WAVSWT02-MDF Waverly 203 PC Lab WAVSWT203 Waverly Office/SEC WAVSWT80-Office Waverly Library/Media WAVSWT13 Waverly Food Service WAVSWT15 Waverly 101 WAVSWT25 Waverly 102 WAVSWT21 Waverly 103 WAVSWT51 Waverly 104 WAVSWT22 Waverly 105 WAVSWT23 Waverly 106 WAVSWT28 Waverly 107 WAVSWT107 WattersonLake WattersonLake Page: 238 of 289 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L FOC1652Y5K1 15259 FOC1652Y5JP 15260 FOC1652Y5J9 15261 FOC1652Y3KN 15262 FOC1652Y5EA 15263 FOC1652Y5HH 15264 FOC1721Z1M1 22073 FOC1721X3EX 22074 FDO1650Z2R6 20201 FOC1635Z4ND 20200 FOC1652Z0FK 20176 FOC1703Y0W7 20187 FOC1702Y19A 20175 FOC1649Y406 20186 FOC1649Y419 20185 FOC1649Y3QJ 20184 FOC1649Y414 20183 FOC1649Y402 20182 FOC1649Y416 20181 FOC1702Y2EY 20180 FOC1649Y40R 20179 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Waverly 108 WAVSWT27 Waverly 109 WAVSWT30 Waverly 110 WAVSWT38 Waverly 200 WAVSWT08 Waverly 201 WAVSWT20 Waverly 202 WAVSWT26 Waverly 204 WAVSWT204 Waverly 205 WAVSWT29 Waverly 206 WAVSWT06 Waverly 207 WAVSWT10 Waverly 208 WAVSWT18 Waverly 209 WAVSWT34 Waverly MDF-205/Closet WAVSWT03-MDF Waverly 210 WAVSWT36 Waverly 301 WAVSWT05 Waverly 300 WAVSWT24 Waverly 302 WAVSWT99 Waverly 303 WAVSWT09 Waverly 304 WAVSWT17 Waverly 305 WAVSWT12 Waverly 306 WAVSWT07 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG- Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1649Y40A 20178 FOC1702Y2D4 21098 FOC1702Y2G9 20197 FOC1649Y3PW 20196 FOC1649Y40C 20195 FOC1649Y41M 20194 FOC1703Y0WP 20193 FOC1703Y0UJ 20192 FOC1703Y0U9 20191 FOC1649Y412 20190 FOC1649Y40G 20189 FOC1649Y40V 20188 FOC1702Y26A 20199 FOC1649Y40U 20177 FOC1703Y0VL 20174 FOC1703Y0VG 20173 FOC1703Y0V0 20172 FOC1703Y0UU 20171 FOC1702Y2EG 20170 FOC1646Y19W 20169 FOC1702Y2CU 20168 Page: 239 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Asset Tag 8TC-L Waverly 307 WAVSWT16 Waverly 308 WAVSWT31 Waverly 309 WAVSWT14 Waverly 310 WAVSWT140 Waverly MDF-205/Closet WAVSWT170 Waverly MDF-205/Closet WAVSWT171 Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young MDF-Closet Across from Main Office MDF-Closet Across from Main Office Library/Media Center Switch-1 WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L FOC1702Y2DU 20167 FOC1702Y2CH 20166 FOC1649Y41D 20165 FOC1702Y2DW 20164 FOC1715Z1Q3 FOC1715Z1PT WYRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634V063 WYSWT03-MDF 3548 XL FAA0428H0KK WYSWT05 2924M XL FAA0316H04U Office/SEC WYSWT27-Office 2924 XL FAB0430V4D1 Library/Media Center Switch-2 WYSWT07 2912M XL FAA0310S06M 103 WYSWT22 2912 XL FAA0310F076 118 WYSWT118 2912 XL FAA0310V0P7 125 WYSWT101 2912 XL FAA0310F077 127 WYSWT09 2912 XL FAA0310F075 136 WYSWT39 2912 XL FAA0310V0P3 232 WYSWT232 2912 XL FAA0311K130 233 WYSWT233 2912 XL FAA0311F00K 241 WYSWT15 2912 XL FAA0310V01T 243 WYSWT18 2912 XL FAA0310V01H 244 WYSWT34 2912 XL FAA0311L01J 246 WYSWT17 2912 XL FAA0310U0PZ 247 WYSWT19 2912 XL FAA0310U0Q5 316 WYSWT106 2912 XL FAA0310U0QA 317 WYSWT13 2912 XL FAA0311K01V Page: 240 of 289 21043 21044 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Whitney Young Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n 319 WYSWT16 2912 XL FAA0310G0A3 320 WYSWT40 2912 XL FAA0310T01S 323 WYSWT35 2912 XL FAA0310K08V 324 Switch-1 WYSWT12 2950G-24 FHK0616Y05E 324 Switch-2 WYSWT11 2912 XL FAA0310V01Z 325 WYSWT10 2912 XL FAA0310V0PG 326 WYSWT14 2912 XL FAA0311F00U 327 WYSWT102 3548 XL FAA0446H05P 332 WYSWT105 2912 XL FAA0312J007 WYSWT04-MDF 2924M XL FAA0325M0T6 WYSWT08-IDF1 2924M XL FAA0312H0GP WYSWT37 2912 XL FAA0312L05K 131 WYSWT41 2912 XL FAA0310U009 137 WYSWT38 2912 XL FAA0310U0PE 138 WYSWT36 2912 XL FAA0310U020 Next to 117 (Annex) WYSWT02-IDF2 2924M XL FAA0316J04W 101 WYSWT103 2912 XL FAA0310U0Q3 102 WYSWT29 2912 XL FAB0439T177 105 WYSWT44 2912 XL FAA0311J020 109 WYSWT24 2912 XL FAA0311M0FR 117 WYSWT25 2912 XL FAA0310V01W 202 WYSWT104 2912 XL FAA0310G0BW 204 WYSWT26 2912 XL FAA0310F065 208 WYSWT21 2912 XL FAA0310S06N 210 WYSWT210 3548 XL FAB0602P2JK 214 WYSWT28 2912 XL FAA0310K08M 303 WYSWT20 3548 XL FAA0506H12R 303A WYSWT31 2912 XL FAA0312G07V MDF-Closet Across from Main Office WYSWT170-MDF WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1718X0UF MDF-Closet Across from Main Office IDF1-Kitchen Storage Room FOOD SERVICE Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag 21012 Page: 241 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Whitney Young Whitney Young Wilbur Wright Wilbur Wright Location MDF-Closet Across from Main Office IDF1-Kitchen Storage Room Hostname Model Chassis s/n WYSWT171-MDF WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1718Y0XA WYSWT172-IDF2 WS-C2960S24PS-L FOC1718X0V2 MDF-Fan Room WWRTRB MDF-Fan Room WWSWT02-MDF Wilbur Wright 028 Music Room WWSWT09 Wilbur Wright 111 WWSWT14 Wilbur Wright 113 WWSWT113 Wilbur Wright 115 WWSWT15 Wilbur Wright 116 WWSWT12 Wilbur Wright 117 WWSWT13 Wilbur Wright 118 WWSWT118 Wilbur Wright 119B WWSWT119 Wilbur Wright 120 WWSWT10 Wilbur Wright 122 WWSWT122 Wilbur Wright 124 WWSWT124 Wilbur Wright 126 WWSWT126 Wilbur Wright 128 WWSWT11 Wilbur Wright IDF WWSWT03-IDF Wilbur Wright 100-Office/SEC WWSWT27-Office Wilbur Wright 109 Library WWSWT04 Wilbur Wright Food Service WWSWT31 Wilbur 009 WWSWT41 Page: 242 of 289 WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- Asset Tag 21011 FDO1645P1VM 15121 FOC1647Y333 15122 FOC1646Y1BH 15125 FOC1646Y1BH 15148 FOC1646Y162 15045 FOC1646Y1K8 15126 FOC1646Y17Z 15127 FOC1646Y1E7 15128 FOC1646Y15D 15129 FOC1646Y1KV 15130 FOC1645Y37Y 15131 FOC1646Y1FB 15132 FOC1646Y1A9 15133 FOC1646Y16B 15134 FOC1646Y1CM 15135 FOC1647Y32F 15123 FOC1646Y1BR 15136 FOC1646Y18W 15137 FOC1646Y1A8 15138 FOC1646Y1BN 15139 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Wright Wilbur Wright 103 WWSWT103 Wilbur Wright 105 WWSWT35 Wilbur Wright 106 WWSWT36 Wilbur Wright 107 WWSWT44 Wilbur Wright 108 WWSWT101 Wilbur Wright 110 WWSWT29 Wilbur Wright 112 WWSWT46 Wilbur Wright 114 WWSWT49 Wilbur Wright 200B WWSWT40 Wilbur Wright 202 Switch-1 WWSWT202 Wilbur Wright 202 Switch-2 WWSWT26 Wilbur Wright 203 WWSWT43 Wilbur Wright 204 WWSWT34 Wilbur Wright 205 WWSWT25 Wilbur Wright 206 WWSWT33 Wilbur Wright 207 WWSWT47 Wilbur Wright 208 WWSWT38 Wilbur Wright 209 WWSWT22 Wilbur Wright 210 WWSWT210 Wilbur Wright 211 WWSWT28 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag FOC1646Y1AF 15140 FOC1646Y15V 15141 FOC1646Y1AL 15142 FOC1646Y1F2 15143 FOC1646Y148 15144 FOC1646Y185 15145 FOC1646Y14H 15146 FOC1646Y197 15147 FOC1646Y1CF 15151 FOC1652W3GX 15149 FOC1649Y4AF 15152 FOC1646Y1A2 15153 FOC1646Y1AD 15154 FOC1646Y19M 15155 FOC1646Y1CB 15156 FOC1646Y16D 15157 FOC1646Y1DX 15158 FOC1646Y14U 15159 FOC1646Y14K 15160 FOC1646Y1BZ 15161 Page: 243 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Wilbur Wright 212 WWSWT23 Wilbur Wright 213 WWSWT37 Wilbur Wright IDF-Office Closet WWSWT05-IDF Wilbur Wright 214 WWSWT50 Wilbur Wright 219 WWSWT48 Wilbur Wright 300 WWSWT39 Wilbur Wright 302 WWSWT24 Wilbur Wright 303 WWSWT32 Wilbur Wright 305 WWSWT21 Wilbur Wright 307 WWSWT30 Wilbur Wright 308 WWSWT19 Wilbur Wright 309 WWSWT20 Wilbur Wright 311 WWSWT230 Wilbur Wright 313 WWSWT245 Wilbur Wright 324 WWSWT102 Wilbur Wright MDF-Fan Room WWSWT172 Wilbur Wright IDF-Office Closet WWSWT170 Wilbur Wright IDF-Office Closet WWSWT171 MDF-200 WCBRTRB 3550-12G CHK0634W073 MDF-200 WCBSWT02-MDF 3548 XL FAB0602P0LB Office/SEC WCBSWT19-Office 2912 XL FAA0312H07J 102 WCBSWT12 2912 XL FAA0310L0AA William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Page: 244 of 289 Model Chassis s/n Site WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S24TS-S WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L WSC2960S24PS-L Asset Tag FOC1646Y18T 15162 FOC1646Y15Z 15163 FOC1652Y1LC 15124 FOC1649Y44B 15177 FOC1646Y1EL 15165 FOC1646Y14E 15166 FOC1646Y16H 15167 FOC1646Y1BS 15168 FOC1646Y1DT 15169 FOC1646Y161 15170 FOC1646Y199 15171 FOC1646Y1J2 15172 FOC1646Y179 15173 FOC1652Y1LZ 15150 FOC1646Y14A 15174 FOC1721X3GZ` 22319 FOC1721W1F1 22317 FOC1721Z1BX 22318 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n 103 WCBSWT10 2912 XL FAB0443T2W6 110 WCBSWT21 2912 XL FAA0310G0F9 111 WCBSWT13 2912 XL FAA0312L07Q 112 WCBSWT11 2912 XL FAA0311J0Z1 201 WCBSWT17 2912 XL FAB0443S20Z 202 WCBSWT23 2912 XL FAA0312L01A 203 WCBSWT03 2912 XL FAA0312H09V 204 WCBSWT20 2912 XL FAA0311G0X0 206 WCBSWT51 2912 XL FAA0310S0HD 210 WCBSWT09 2912 XL FAA0310T0GZ MDF-200 WCBSWT25-MDF 2924M XL FAA0316H04S 211 WCBSWT06 2912 XL FAB0443T2ZK 212 WCBSWT15 2912 XL FAA0312J015 300 WCBSWT14 2912 XL FAB0421V186 302 WCBSWT16 2912 XL FAB0409X1WH 303 WCBSWT05 2912 XL FAA0311G0YG 304 WCBSWT18 2912 XL FAA0310S0GJ 306 WCBSWT07 2912 XL FAA0320H1CU 310 WCBSWT08 2912 XL FAA0310G0AT 311 WCBSWT04 2912 XL FAA0312M021 312 WCBSWT22 2912 XL FAA0312J02G MDF-200 WCBSWT170 MDF-200 WCBSWT171 Willow MDF-102 WILRTRB Willow MDF-102 WILSWT02-MDF Willow 100 / Sec. Off. WILSWT22-office Willow Library WILSWT05 Willow 105/Food WILSWT06 Site Asset Tag Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant William C. Bryant Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C2960S24PS-L WS-C3750X12S-E WS-C2960S48TS WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS- FOC1718X0TS 21001 FOC1715Z1PX 21000 FDO1645Z1B0 15704 FOC1711W1YU 15705 FOC1711Y59R 15706 FOC1711Y59X 15707 FOC1711Y59N 15708 Page: 245 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Service Model C2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WSC2960CG8TC-L WS-C2960S48TS 2924M XL WS-C2960S24PS-L Chassis s/n Asset Tag Willow 103 WILSWT20 Willow 104 WILSWT18 Willow 105/Teacher's Lounge WILSWT51 Willow 116 WILSWT12 Willow 117 WILSWT10 Willow 118 WILSWT11 Willow 119 WILSWT08 Willow 120 WILSWT16 Willow 121 WILSWT40 Willow 200 WILSWT19 Willow 201 WILSWT14 Willow 203 WILSWT09 Willow 204 WILSWT42 Willow 205 WILSWT13 Willow 206 WILSWT15 Willow 207 WILSWT07 Willow 216 WILSWT21 Willow MDF-102 WILSWT03-MDF Willow MDF-102 WILSWT170-MDF Willson MC WLSRTRB 3560G-24TS FOC1315Z5FB Willson MC Willson-8610 Nortel 8610 SSPNDT0AXQ Page: 246 of 289 FOC1711Y5A9 15709 FOC1712Y014 15710 FOC1712Y01Z 15711 FOC1712Y01Q 15712 FOC1712Y031 15713 FOC1712Y3C3 15714 FOC1712Y01W 15715 FOC1712Y016 15716 FOC1712Y02G 15717 FOC1712Y021 15718 FOC1711Y59C 15719 FOC1711Y5A1 15720 FOC1712Y001 15721 FOC1711Y59D 15722 FOC1712Y01E 15723 FOC1712Y01S 15724 FOC1701Y0V0 15725 FAB0435S0EZ FOC1718Y0X5 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Location Hostname Model Chassis s/n Willson MC SW01 WLSSWT12-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607C V Willson MC SW02 WLSSWT13-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607CT Willson MC SW03 WLSSWT14-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607C W Willson MC SW04 WLSSWT15-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607C X Willson MC SW05 WLSSWT16-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607C R Willson MC SW06 WLSSWT17-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607C P Willson MC SW07 WLSSWT18-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4603RT Willson MC SW08 WLSSWT19-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D2 Willson MC SW09 WLSSWT20-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607E N Willson MC SW10 WLSSWT21-MC Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607E M Willson TR1 SW01 WLSSWT32-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G D Willson TR1 SW02 WLSSWT33-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G E Willson TR1 SW03 WLSSWT34-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D4 Willson TR1 SW04 WLSSWT35-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607D3 Willson TR1 SW05 WLSSWT36-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G6 Willson TR1 SW06 WLSSWT37-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4607G5 Willson TR1 SW07 WLSSWT38-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4608TD Willson TR1 SW08 WLSSWT39-TR1 Nortel 2550T LBNNTMMD4602N4 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Asset Tag Page: 247 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Merged Server Inventory Hostname Make None Cisco None Cisco None None None Cisco EMC EMC srv-license.cmsd.net IBM EqualLogic Silkworm Silkworm Clariion CX700 Dell EMC Silkworm Silkworm EMC McData Fiber Switch McData McData Fiber Switch Iboss Reporter Iboss#1 Iboss#2 PowerEdge R310 PowerEdge R410 PowerEdge R720 PowerEdge 2850 PowerEdge 1950 PowerEdge 1955 PowerEdge 2950 ProLiant DL385 G5 McData iBoss iBoss iBoss Dell Inc. Dell Inc. Dell Inc. Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Inc. Dell Inc. Dell Inc. HP VMware Virtual Platform maccte1.cmsd.net VMware Apple Corp. VMware Virtual Platform SRWDCNOTESARC01.cmsd.net VMware Clariion CX300 PowerEdge 1850 PowerEdge 1855 PowerEdge 2650 MIS01.cmsd.net or8prod2.cmsd.net SISDEV02.cmsd.net srlb3esxi03.cmsd.net SRLD1LNX09.cmsd.net srle9esxi09.cmsd.net SRRB1VMX03.cmsd.net Page: 248 of 289 Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Model UCS6296UP UCS6296UP UCS5108 Caption FOX1821 GVJQ FOX1823 GP09 FOX1826 GPYH SAN Avamar IBM System x3550 -[7978PPD]EqualLogic (Imagine Learning) Clariion CX300 200E(CMSDSW02) 200E(CMSDSW01) Clariion CX700 Fibre Switch (FCDIR02) Fibre Switch (FCDIR01) Reporter 14500 14500 PowerEdge R310 PowerEdge R410 PowerEdge R720 Multiple PowerEdge 1850 PowerEdge 1855 Multiple PowerEdge 2650 PowerEdge 2850 PowerEdge 1950 PowerEdge 1955 PowerEdge 2950 ProLiant DL385 G5 VMware Virtual Platform Macintosh VMware Virtual Platform PowerEdge 1850 Location Qty 1111 1 1111 1 1111 1111 1111 1 1 1 Admin 1 WDC WDC WDC WDC Bluebridge 1 1 1 1 1 Bluebridge 1 Bluebridge Bluebridge Bluebridge Bluebridge WDC Bluebridge WDC 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Bluebridge 1 Bluebridge 36 WDC 1 WDC Bluebridge Bluebridge Bluebridge Bluebridge 2 1 7 1 1 Multiple Bluebridge WDC 61 4 Multiple WDC WDC 43 1 WDC 1 WDC 1 WDC Bluebridge Bluebridge Bluebridge Bluebridge 1 1 1 1 1 Multiple Multiple Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Hostname Make Model Caption srrb3iwx04.cmsd.net SRRF3SF303.cmsd.net VMware Virtual Platform BRKCMSDEDFIDB01.cmsd.net BRKCMSDEDFIWB01.cmsd.net SR-tech.cmsd.net INVNTRSRV01.cmsd.net AGK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net AJRK8AVGNVR001.cmsd.net ALK8AMAGTCPC.cmsd.net AMAGSVR4.cmsd.bet AMAGWEBSRV.cmsd.net AMAGWEBSVR3.cmsd.net BLHSAVIGNVR001.cmsd.net CDK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net CLWHSAVGNVROO1.cmsd.net CLWHSAVIGNVR001.cmsd.net DMK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net DMK8AMAGPREVPC.cmsd.net EAB-NVR-001.cmsd.net ECK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net EUK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net GATEWAYPC9.cmsd.net GFK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net GWK8-AMAGPC.cmsd.net HRK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net JHHS0284NVR002.cmsd.net JRHS0273NVR1.cmsd.net JRHS0273NVR2.cmsd.net Bluebridge Bluebridge VMware LK8-AMAGNVR2.cmsd.net Dell Inc. ProLiant DL320e Gen8 MDK8-AMAGPC.cmsd.net MIK83368AMAGPC.cmsd.net MIK8AMAGNVR1.cmsd.net MIK8AMAGNVR2.cmsd.net MPK8AMAGPRVPC.cmsd.net MPK8-AMAGPRVPC1.cmsd.net NK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net ORK8AMAGTCPC.cmsd.net PHK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net PHK8AVIGNVR001.cmsd.net RJK8AMAGPC.cmsd.net RSK8AVIGNVR001.cmsd.net schoolnet.cleveland.k12.oh.us SRRA3READ180.cmsd.net TJK8-AMAGPC.cmsd.net HP Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Location VMware Virtual Platform Multiple PowerEdge R510 ProLiant DL320e Gen8 LK8AMAGNV R2 ORK8AM AGNVR1 Intellinet Lubrizol Lubrizol East Tech Max Hayes Louisa May Alcott Louisa May Alcott Qty 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page: 249 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Hostname WLK8-AMAGPC.cmsd.net wpk8amagpc.cmsd.net WRK8-AMAGPRVPC1.cmsd.net *Servers with "Vmware" in the serial number and make are virtual servers Page: 250 of 289 Make Model Caption Location Qty 1 1 1 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 UPS Inventory – Segment 1 and 2 Site Serial Number Model UPS MFG Software version Riverside 9419ALCSM522600103 TrippLite SMART3000RM2U TrippLite 3.0.35 2012 Riverside JS0539020094 APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC 666.6.D 2011 Riverside 9419ALCSM522600104 TrippLite SMART3000RM2U TrippLite 3.0.35 2012 Riverside JS0508033911 APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC 666.6.D 2011 Riverside JS0539018475 APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC 666.6.D 2011 Riverside 9419ALCSM522600110 TrippLite SMART3000RM2U 3.0.35 2012 J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500076 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 12.03.24 2012 J. Rhodes 9536alcsm583100324 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.0 (28) 2012 J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500078 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 12.03.24 2012 J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500079 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 12.03.24 2012 J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500080 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 12.03.24 2012 J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500086 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 12.03.24 2012 J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500090 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 12.03.24 2008 J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500089 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 12.03.24 2008 J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500088 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 12.03.24 2012 J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500087 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 12.03.24 2008 J. Rhodes 9536alcsm583100329 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2012 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600129 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600140 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600143 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600141 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600142 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600138 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600134 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600135 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600139 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600130 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600133 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U 3.0.35 2006 John Hay 9419ALCSM522600131 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite Tripp- 3.0.35 2006 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Battery date Page: 251 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Serial Number Model UPS MFG Software version Battery date Lite John Hay 9419ALCSM522600132 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600155 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600102 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600144 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600148 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9519ALCSM522600134 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600157 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600136 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600154 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600153 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 95424lcsm583100630 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 95424lcsm583100704 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 9536alcsm583100318 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 9536alcsm583100320 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 9536alcsm583100319 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 9536alcsm583100317 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 95424lcsm583100622 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 95424lcsm583100621 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100335 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100325 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100336 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100326 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100334 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100313 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9542ALCSM583100062 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U D. Morgan Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U D. Morgan 9536ALCSM583100312 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U D. Morgan 9536ALCSM583100315 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U D. Morgan IS1147004375 Smart-UPS 2200 AP9630 Page: 252 of 289 TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite APC 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 v5.1.6 2007 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 UPS MFG Site Serial Number Model D. Morgan 9536ALCSM583100308 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U D. Morgan 9536ALCSM583100307 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600310 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600331 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600323 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9530ALCSM522600149 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600330 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600328 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600322 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600325 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9536ALCSM583100140 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Success Tech ws0353150403 SU5000RMXLT5U APC Success Tech xa0352001234 SUTF2 APC Success Tech ws0353150408 SU5000RMXLT5U APC Success Tech xa0352001235 SUTF2 A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600170 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600172 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600161 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600171 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600164 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600169 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600163 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600174 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9452ALCSM522600336 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600057 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600052 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600060 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600049 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600059 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600050 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite Software version Battery date 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 APC TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite Page: 253 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Serial Number Model UPS MFG Software version Battery date WDC XS0104003386 Smart-UPS 3000 RM TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite APC APC TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite APC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC XS0104003388 QS0528111353 XS0104003332 QS0528111360 XS0044006627 YS0324210499 XS0104003384 XS0032003098 XS0104003382 Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC APC APC APC APC APC APC APC APC 92.11.D 93.14.D 92.11.D 93.14.D 92.11.D 666.1DL3.D 92.11.D 92.11.D 92.11.D 2009 2005 2000 2005 2009 2003 2000 2009 2009 WDC YS0327211302 Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC 666.4.D 2003 M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600340 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600333 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600326 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600329 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9506ALCSM522600053 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9457ALCSM5226R0012 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9547ALCSM583100206 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9506ALCSM522600058 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600324 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600056 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600055 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600062 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600051 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600063 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600054 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600061 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Memorial 9419ALCSM522600176 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Memorial Memorial JS0614009039 JS0622011743 Memorial 9419ALCSM522600149 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Memorial 9419ALCSM522600145 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Memorial 9419ALCSM522600146 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Page: 254 of 289 APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 3.0.35 2012 666.6.D 666.6.D 2011 2011 3.0.35 2011 3.0.35 2012 3.0.35 2012 92.11.D 2009 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 UPS Inventory - Segment 3 Site Serial Number Model UPS MFG Software version Riverside 9419ALCSM522600103 TrippLite SMART3000RM2U TrippLite 3.0.35 2012 Riverside JS0539020094 APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC 666.6.D 2011 Riverside 9419ALCSM522600104 TrippLite SMART3000RM2U TrippLite 3.0.35 2012 Riverside JS0508033911 APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC 666.6.D 2011 Riverside JS0539018475 APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC 666.6.D 2011 3.0.35 2012 12.03.24 2012 3.0.0 (28) 2012 12.03.24 2012 12.03.24 2012 12.03.24 2012 12.03.24 2012 12.03.24 2008 12.03.24 2008 12.03.24 2012 12.03.24 2008 3.0.35 2012 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 Riverside 9419ALCSM522600110 TrippLite SMART3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500076 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536alcsm583100324 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500078 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500079 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500080 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500086 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500090 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500089 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500088 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536AYAC601500087 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U J. Rhodes 9536alcsm583100329 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600129 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600140 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600143 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600141 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600142 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600138 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600134 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600135 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600139 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600130 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600133 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Hay 9419ALCSM522600131 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite Battery date Page: 255 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Serial Number Model John Hay 9419ALCSM522600132 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600155 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600102 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600144 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600148 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9519ALCSM522600134 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600157 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600136 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600154 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U John Adams 9419ALCSM522600153 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 95424lcsm583100630 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 95424lcsm583100704 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 9536alcsm583100318 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 9536alcsm583100320 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 9536alcsm583100319 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 9536alcsm583100317 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 95424lcsm583100622 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Warner 95424lcsm583100621 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100335 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100325 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100336 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100326 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100334 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9536ALCSM583100313 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Miles Park 9542ALCSM583100062 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U UPS MFG D. Morgan 9536ALCSM583100312 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U D. Morgan 9536ALCSM583100315 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U D. Morgan IS1147004375 Smart-UPS 2200 AP9630 TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite APC D. Morgan 9536ALCSM583100308 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Tripp- D. Morgan Page: 256 of 289 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Software version Battery date 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 3.0.35 2006 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 v5.1.6 2007 12.03.0024 2007 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Serial Number Model UPS MFG Software version Battery date Lite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite D. Morgan 9536ALCSM583100307 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600310 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600331 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600323 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9530ALCSM522600149 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600330 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600328 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600322 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9452ALCSM522600325 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U FDR 9536ALCSM583100140 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Success Tech ws0353150403 SU5000RMXLT5U APC Success Tech xa0352001234 SUTF2 APC Success Tech ws0353150408 SU5000RMXLT5U APC Success Tech xa0352001235 SUTF2 APC A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600170 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600172 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600161 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600171 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600164 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600169 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600163 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U A. Rickoff 9419ALCSM522600174 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9452ALCSM522600336 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600057 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600052 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600060 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600049 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600059 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Martin 9506ALCSM522600050 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600340 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite Tripp- 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 12.03.0024 2007 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 3.0.35 2005 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 Page: 257 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Serial Number Model UPS MFG Software version Battery date Lite WDC XS0104003386 Smart-UPS 3000 RM TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite APC APC TrippLite TrippLite TrippLite APC 92.11.D 2009 WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC XS0104003388 QS0528111353 XS0104003332 QS0528111360 XS0044006627 YS0324210499 XS0104003384 XS0032003098 XS0104003382 Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC APC APC APC APC APC APC APC APC 92.11.D 93.14.D 92.11.D 93.14.D 92.11.D 666.1DL3.D 92.11.D 92.11.D 92.11.D 2009 2005 2000 2005 2009 2003 2000 2009 2009 WDC YS0327211302 Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC 666.4.D 2003 M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600333 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600326 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600329 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9506ALCSM522600053 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9457ALCSM5226R0012 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9547ALCSM583100206 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9506ALCSM522600058 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U M. Bethune 9452ALCSM522600324 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600056 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600055 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600062 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600051 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600063 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600054 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U H. Gibbons 9506ALC522600061 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Memorial 9419ALCSM522600176 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Memorial Memorial JS0614009039 JS0622011743 Memorial 9419ALCSM522600149 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Memorial 9419ALCSM522600145 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Memorial 9419ALCSM522600146 Tripp-Lite 3000RM2U Page: 258 of 289 APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 12.03.0024 2006 3.0.35 2012 666.6.D 666.6.D 2011 2011 3.0.35 2011 3.0.35 2012 3.0.35 2012 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 UPS Inventory - Segment 4 Site Serial Number Model UPS MFG Software version Battery date Mound JS1032024579 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.16D 2010 Mound Mound Mound Mound Mound JS1032024572 JS1032024557 JS1032024603 JS1032024558 JS1032024515 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC APC APC APC APC 691.16D 691.16D 691.16D 691.16D 691.16D 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Mound JS1040007412 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.16D 2010 Thomas Jefferson JS0948022407 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.16D 2009 Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson JS0948022397 JS0948022318 JS0948022317 JS0948022337 JS0948022332 JS0948022331 JS0948022330 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC APC APC APC APC APC APC 691.16D 691.16D 691.16D 691.16D 691.16D 691.16D 691.16D 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Thomas Jefferson AS1002290710 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.16D 2009 George W. Carver JS0948022527 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19D 2010 George W. Carver George W. Carver George W. Carver George W. Carver George W. Carver George W. Carver JS0948022525 JS0948022533 JS0948022526 JS0948022528 JS0948022508 JS0940000014 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC APC APC APC APC APC 691.19D 691.19D 691.19D 691.19D 691.19D 691.18D 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 George W. Carver JS0940000238 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.18D 2010 Robert Jamison JS0934019680 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.18.D 2009 Robert Jamison Robert Jamison Robert Jamison Robert Jamison Robert Jamison JS0934019675 JS0934019679 JS0934019674 JS0934019677 JS0934019631 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC APC APC APC APC 691.18.D 691.18.D 691.18.D 691.18.D 691.18.D 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Robert Jamison JS0934019716 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.18.D 2009 Adlai Stevenson JS1032024609 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Adlai Stevenson Adlai Stevenson Adlai Stevenson Adlai Stevenson JS1032024615 JS1032024617 JS1032024667 JS1032024671 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC APC APC APC 691.19.D 691.19.D 691.19.D 691.19.D 2010 2010 2010 2010 Adlai Stevenson JS1032024681 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Charles Dickens JS1032024687 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Charles Dickens Charles Dickens Charles Dickens Charles Dickens JS1032024682 JS1032024637 JS1032024665 JS1032024656 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC APC APC APC 691.19.D 691.19.D 691.19.D 691.19.D 2010 2010 2010 2010 Charles Dickens JS1032024658 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Nathan Hale JS1032024599 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 259 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Site Serial Number Model UPS MFG Software version Battery date Nathan Hale JS1032024602 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Nathan Hale JS1032024688 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Nathan Hale JS1032024620 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Nathan Hale JS1032024664 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Nathan Hale JS1032024660 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Nathan Hale JS1032024616 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Euclid Park JS0948022272 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Euclid Park JS0948022268 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Euclid Park JS0948022267 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Euclid Park JS0948022269 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Euclid Park JS0948022271 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Euclid Park JS0948022273 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Anton Grdina JS1040007416 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Anton Grdina JS1040007417 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Anton Grdina JS1040007415 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Anton Grdina JS1040007418 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Anton Grdina JS1040007392 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Anton Grdina JS1040007389 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 Anton Grdina JS1040007414 Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL APC 691.19.D 2010 UPS Inventory Legacy Site Serial Number Model Model Number UPS MFG Walton QS1224231178 Smart-UPS RT 2200 5URTA2200RMXL2 U APC Page: 260 of 289 Softwar e version Batter y date 2012 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 New Network Equipment – Cisco UCS & N5k Switch Quantity Part Number Item Description 1 UCS-SP-INFRA-CHSS UCS SP BASE 5108 Blade Svr AC Chassis 1 CON-SNT-SPINFRAC SMARTNET 8X5XNBD 5108 Blade Server Chassis 2 UCS-SP7-INFR-FI96 (Not sold standalone) UCS 6296UP 2RU Fabric Int w/18p LIC 2 CON-SNT-SP7F6296 SMARTNET 8X5XNBD TBD 4 UCS-SP7-SR-B200-P (Not a standalone SKU) B200M3 w/ 2xE52680B,16x16GB,VIC1240 4 CON-SNT-SP7B200P SMARTNET 8X5XNBD TBD 12 SFP-H10GB-CU5M= 10GBASE-CU SFP+ Cable 5 Meter 2 N5K-C5548UP-FA Nexus 5548 UP Chassis, 32 10GbE Ports, 2 PS, 2 Fans 2 CON-SNT-C5548UP SMARTNET 8X5XNBD Nexus 5548 UP Chassis, 32 10GbE Ports 2 SFP-CX1-32PK 32 units of CX1 cables 2 N55-M16UP Nexus 5500 Unified Mod 16p 10GE Eth/FCoE OR 16p 8/4/2/1G FC 20 GLC-T 1000BASE-T SFP 2 N55-8P-SSK9 Nexus 5500 Storage License, 8 Ports 2 DCNM-LAN-N5K-K9 DCNM for LAN Advanced Edt. for Nexus 5000 2 CON-SAU-N5LDCNM SW APP SUPP + UPGR DCNM for LAN Advance 2 ASR1002x-10G-HA-K9 ASR1002-X, 10G, HA Bundle, K9, AES license 2 CON-SNT-ASR1007X SMARTNET 8X5XNBD ASR1002-X, 10G, HA Bundle, K9, AES licen 2 CON-SNT-FLSASR11 SMARTNET 8X5XNBD SW Redundancy License for ASR1000 2 CON-SNT-FLSA510G Upgrade from 5 Gbps to 10Gbps License for ASR 1002-X 2 CON-SNT-SLASR1AM SMARTNET 8X5XNBD Cisco ASR 1000 Advanced Enterprise Ser 4 SPA-1X10GE-L-V2 Cisco 1-Port 10GE LAN-PHY Shared Port Adapter 4 CON-SNT-1X10GEV2 SMARTNET 8X5XNBD 1-Pt 10GE LAN-PHY Shared PT Adptr 2 M-ASR1002X-16GB Cisco ASR1002-X 16GB DRAM 2 ASA5585-S10P10SK9 ASA 5585-X w/SSP10,IPS SSP-10,16GE,5K VPN PR,1 AC,3DES/AES 2 CON-SUSW-A8S1P1S9 IPS SIG AND SW ASA 5585-X w/SSP10,IPS SSP-10,16GE,5K VP Nexus 5548 ASR1002x ASA 5585X Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 261 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Quantity Part Number Item Description 2 ASA5585-PWR-AC ASA 5585-X AC Power Supply 2 ASA5585-SEC-PL ASA 5585-X Security Plus License (Enables 10G SFP+ Ports) 1 ASA5585-BOT-1YR= ASA 5585-X Botnet Traffic Filter License for 1 year New Network Equipment – EMC SAN Quantity 1 Part Number VNX5400 Item Description 38.2 TB FAST Tiering VNX New Network Equipment – Cisco 7k Switch & UCS Quantity Part Number Item Description N7K-C7009-B2S2ER CON-SNT-N7KC7009 Nexus7009 Bundle(Chassis 2xSUP2E 5xFAB2) No Power Supplies 4 N7K-AC-6.0KW Nexus 7000 - 6.0KW AC Power Supply Module 2 N7K-SBUN-P1 Includes LAN ADV TRS EL2 DCNM License - Promotion 2 CON-SAUN7DCNMSB SW APP SUPP + UPGR DCNM for LAN Enterpr 4 N7K-F248XP-25E= Nexus 7000 F2-Series 48 Port 1/10G (SFP+) Enhanced 8 GLC-SX-MMD 1000BASE-SX SFP transceiver module MMF 850nm DOM 4 SFP-10G-ER 10GBASE-ER SFP Module 8 SFP-10G-LR 10GBASE-LR SFP Module 24 SFP-10G-SR 10GBASE-SR SFP Module 20 SFP-H10GB-CU5M 10GBASE-CU SFP+ Cable 5 Meter 6 N7K-F248XT-25E= Nexus 7000 F2-Series 48 Port 1/10GBase-T (RJ-45) Enhanced 2 2 SMARTNET 8X5XNBD Nexus7009 Bundle(Cha Prime Security Manager 1 PRSMV9-SW-10-K9 1 CON-SAU-PRSM10 Prime Security Manager - Software - 10 Device Management SW APP SUPP + UPGR Prime Security Manager Software - 10 D UCS Blades 4 Page: 262 of 289 UCS-EZ7-B200-P UCS SP7 B200 PERF EXP w/ 2xE5-2680v2 256G VIC1240 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Quantity Part Number CON-SNTEZ7B200P 4 Item Description SMARTNET 8X5XNBD TBD New Network Equipment – EMC Avamar Backup Quantity Part Number Item Description 1 456-103-950 Backup and Recovery Manager Avamar 1 WU-PREHWB-M00 Premium Hardware Support-WARR UPG(ANDL) 1 M-PREHWDP-M1 PREMIUM HARDWARE SUPPORT 1 M-ENHSWDD-M1 ENHANCED SOFTWARE SUPPORT (DD) 1 M-ENHHWDD-M1 ENHANCED SYSTEM SUPPORT (DD) 1 M-ENHSWDD-M1 ENHANCED SOFTWARE SUPPORT (DD) New Network Equipment – F5 Quantity Part Number Item Description 8 F5-UPG-SFP+-R BIG-IP & VIPRION SFP+ 10GBASE-SR Transceiver (Short Range, Field Upgrade) 2 F5-VPR-LTM-C2400-AC VIPRION 2400 Local Traffic Manager Chassis (4 x Slots, Dual AC Power Supplies) 2 F5-SVC-VPR-PRE-L1-3 Level 1-3 Premium Service for VIPRION (7x24) 2 F5-ADD-VPR-BT-C2X00 VIPRION Best Bundle for 2X00 Chassis 2 F5-SVC-VPR-PRE-L1-3 Level 1-3 Premium Service for VIPRION (7x24) 2 F5-VPR-LTM-B2150 VIPRION 2150 Blade (32 GB Memory, SSD, 8 x SFP+ Ports with 2 x 10GBASE-SR Transceivers included) 2 F5-SVC-VPR-PRE-L1-3 Level 1-3 Premium Service for VIPRION (7x24) 2 F5-TRG-BIG-LTM-CFG-3 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager Configuration Training (3 days) 1 F5-INST-BIG-LTM+3 BIG-IP Installation: LTM + 3 Module Implementation (Up to 10 days) Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 263 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Network Diagram – Current State Page: 264 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Network Diagram – Future State (July 1, 2015) Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 265 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Appendix B – Phone System Session Manager Page: 266 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 CS1000 Info Document CS1000 E Release 7.5 SYSID: 318820641 Pass Coverage: Pass Basic Telecom Services: Total of 7 PRI circuits and 24 SIP Trunks CS1000 IP users: Currently over 1200 IP users. District continues to move to VOIP phones as the standard phone type. Call Pilot Release 05.01.01 Aura Contact Center Release Avaya Session Manager Release 6.3 TYPE cequ CEQU SUPL V000 V004 V008 V012 V092 V096 V100 V104 N196 N200 SUPC SUPF XCT 016 CONF *017 MGTDS IPMG IPMG_TYPE 156 000 0 MGC 157 000 1 MGC 158 004 0 MGC 159 004 1 MGC 160 000 0 MGC MGCONF IPMG PORTS IPMG_TYPE 206 000 0 30 MGC 207 000 1 30 MGC 208 004 0 30 MGC 209 004 1 30 MGC IPCONF NODE IPTONE NODE DLOP NUM DCH FRM TMDI LCMT YALM T1TE TRSH MG_CARD PRI 120 24 ESF YES B8S FDL 0 00 000 0 01 121 24 ESF YES B8S FDL 0 00 000 0 02 122 24 ESF YES B8S FDL 0 00 004 0 01 123 24 ESF YES B8S FDL 0 00 000 1 01 MISP MG_CARD EXT0 3PE EXT1 3PE MCFN 006 MB REQ IPMGs Configured/unregistered: 0 RELEASE 7 ISSUE 50 Q + IDLE_SET_DISPLAY Cleveland Metro Schools Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 267 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 DepList 1: core Issue: 01(created: 2014-04-25 13:21:28 (est)) IN-SERVICE PEPS CR # PATCH REF # NAME DATE FILENAME SPECINS wi00882163 iss1:1of1 p30038_1 27/12/2014 p30038_1.cpm NO wi01163727 ISS1:1OF1 p33228_1 27/12/2014 p33228_1.cpm NO MDP>LAST SUCCESSFUL MDP REFRESH :2014-04-30 21:01:32(Local Time) MDP>USING DEPLIST ZIP FILE DOWNLOADED :2014-04-25 13:21:28(est) LOADWARE VERSION: PSWV 100+ INSTALLED LOADWARE PEPS : 7 PAT# CR # PATCH REF # 00 wi00839337 ISS1:1OF1 01 wi00839337 ISS1:1OF1 02 wi00839337 ISS1:1OF1 03 wi00946109 ISS1:1OF1 04 wi00946113 ISS1:1OF1 05 WI00998702 ISS1:1OF1 06 ISS1:1OF1 wi00952789 NAME DATE FILENAME DSP3AB06 24/07/2013 DSP3AB06.LW DSP4AB06 24/07/2013 DSP4AB06.LW DSP5AB06 24/07/2013 DSP5AB06.LW MGCABA15 24/07/2013 MGCABA15.LW MGCBBA15 24/07/2013 MGCBBA15.LW MGCCCD03 24/07/2013 MGCCCD03.LW MGCMAB02 24/07/2013 MGCMAB02.LW ENABLED PLUGINS : 0 REQ TYPE cfn ADAN HIST SIZE 25000 USER MTC BUG ADAN TTY 0 CTYP MGC IPMG 0 0 DNUM 0 PORT 0 DES maint BPS 9600 BITL 8 STOP 1 PARY NONE FLOW NO USER MTC SCH BUG OSN TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 1 CTYP MGC IPMG 0 0 DNUM 1 PORT 1 DES seb BPS 9600 BITL 8 STOP 1 PARY NONE FLOW NO USER MTC SCH BUG OSN TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 2 Page: 268 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 CTYP MGC IPMG 0 0 DNUM 2 PORT 2 DES CDR BPS 9600 BITL 8 STOP 1 PARY NONE FLOW NO USER MTC TRF SCH CTY BUG OSN TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 3 CTYP QSDI GRP PAGE 001 DNUM 3 DES FLOW NO USER MTC TRF SCH BUG OSN TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 4 CTYP CPSI DNUM 4 PORT 0 DES BPS 9600 BITL 8 STOP 1 PARY NONE FLOW NO USER MTC TRF SCH BUG OSN TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 5 CTYP CPSI DNUM 5 PORT 1 DES BPS 9600 BITL 8 STOP 1 PARY NONE FLOW NO USER MTC TRF SCH BUG OSN TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 12 CTYP PTY DNUM 12 PORT 12 DES FLOW NO USER MTC SCH BUG TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 13 CTYP PTY Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 269 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 DNUM 13 PORT 13 DES FLOW NO USER MTC SCH BUG TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 14 CTYP PTY DNUM 14 PORT 14 DES FLOW NO USER MTC SCH BUG TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 15 CTYP PTY PAGE 002 DNUM 15 PORT 15 DES FLOW NO USER MTC SCH BUG TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN ELAN 16 CTYP ELAN DES Elan16 N1 512 ADAN ELAN 17 CTYP ELAN DES aacc N1 512 ADAN ELAN 18 CTYP ELAN DES Pilot2 N1 512 ADAN DCH 101 CTYP DCIP DES Virtual USR ISLD ISLM 4000 SSRC 1800 OTBF 32 NASA NO IFC SL1 CNEG 1 RLS ID 25 RCAP ND2 TAT MBGA NO H323 OVLR NO OVLS NO ADAN DCH 120 CTYP TMDI MG_CARD 000 0 01 PORT 1 DES lp120 USR PRI Page: 270 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 DCHL 120 OTBF 32 PARM RS232 DTE DRAT 64KC CLOK EXT IFC NI2 ISDN_MCNT 300 CLID OPT0 CO_TYPE STD SIDE USR CNEG 1 RLS ID ** RCAP COLP MBGA NO OVLR NO OVLS NO T310 120 T200 3 T203 10 N200 3 PAGE 003 N201 260 K 7 BSRV NO ADAN DCH 121 CTYP TMDI MG_CARD 000 0 02 PORT 1 DES lp121 USR PRI DCHL 121 OTBF 32 PARM RS232 DTE DRAT 64KC CLOK EXT IFC NI2 ISDN_MCNT 300 CLID OPT0 CO_TYPE STD SIDE USR CNEG 1 RLS ID ** RCAP COLP MBGA NO OVLR NO OVLS NO T310 120 T200 3 T203 10 N200 3 N201 260 K 7 BSRV NO ADAN DCH 122 CTYP TMDI MG_CARD 004 0 01 PORT 1 DES lp122 USR PRI DCHL 122 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 271 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 OTBF 32 PARM RS232 DTE DRAT 64KC CLOK EXT IFC NI2 ISDN_MCNT 300 CLID OPT0 CO_TYPE STD SIDE USR CNEG 1 RLS ID ** RCAP COLP MBGA NO OVLR NO OVLS NO T310 120 T200 3 T203 10 N200 3 N201 260 K 7 BSRV NO PAGE 004 ADAN DCH 123 CTYP TMDI MG_CARD 000 1 01 PORT 1 DES lp123 USR PRI DCHL 123 OTBF 32 PARM RS232 DTE DRAT 64KC CLOK EXT IFC NI2 ISDN_MCNT 300 CLID OPT0 CO_TYPE STD SIDE USR CNEG 1 RLS ID ** RCAP COLP MBGA NO OVLR NO OVLS NO T310 120 T200 3 T203 10 N200 3 N201 260 K 7 BSRV NO PARM LPIB 3500 HPIB 3500 500B 2000 NCR 20000 MGCR 25 CSQI 255 CSQO 255 Page: 272 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 TUBO NO NCPU 2 CFWS NO PCML MU ALRM YES ERRM ERR BUG AUD DTRB 100 TMRK 128 FCDR OLD PCDR NO TPO NO TSO NO CLID NO DUR5 NO MLDN YES MARP YES IPIE NO FRPT NEFR DCUS 1 MSCL 2500 PMSI MANU PMS1 PMCR 0 PORT NONE PAGE 005 NDIS 20 OCAC NO MTRO MR SBA_ADM_INS 000 SBA_USER 100 BCAP SPEECH IDLE_SET_DISPLAY Cleveland Metro Schools ICON NO MSEC ON MSSD MSNV NKEY 31 TKEY 24 DLAC YES CEQU SUPL V000 V004 V008 V012 V092 V096 V100 V104 N196 N200 SUPC SUPF XCT 016 CONF *017 MGTDS IPMG IPMG_TYPE 156 000 0 MGC 157 000 1 MGC 158 004 0 MGC 159 004 1 MGC 160 000 0 MGC MGCONF IPMG PORTS IPMG_TYPE 206 000 0 30 MGC 207 000 1 30 MGC 208 004 0 30 MGC 209 004 1 30 MGC IPCONF NODE IPTONE NODE Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 273 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 DLOP NUM DCH FRM TMDI LCMT YALM T1TE TRSH MG_CARD PRI 120 24 ESF YES B8S FDL 0 00 000 0 01 121 24 ESF YES B8S FDL 0 00 000 0 02 122 24 ESF YES B8S FDL 0 00 004 0 01 123 24 ESF YES B8S FDL 0 00 000 1 01 MISP MG_CARD EXT0 3PE EXT1 3PE MCFN 006 MB OVLY SID 0 BKGD 044 FR44 1 PBXH X TODR 00 DROL 030 032 045 135 137 MID_SCPU NO MULTI_USER ON VAS VSID 016 ELAN 016 SECU YES INTL 0001 MCNT 9999 VSID 017 PAGE 006 ELAN 017 SECU YES INTL 0001 MCNT 9999 ATRN CODE 0 SOLR 12 ROLR +45.00 AOLR +45.00 TOLR -45.00 AGCD NO VOLR NO HRLR +42.00 HTLR -44.00 ESA LIS NONE DYNAMIC_ELIN_TIMEOUT 180 DYNAMIC_ELIN_REUSE YES REQ Page: 274 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Nortel Avaya BCM Systems School Facility Adlai E. Stevenson Andrew J. Rickoff Anton Grdina Artemus Ward Buhrer Dual Language Charles Dickens Daniel E. Morgan East Clark Euclid Park Franklin D. Roosevelt PLC Garfield George Washington Carver Hannah Gibbons- STEM Harvey Rice Wraparound James F Rhodes Campus John Adams Campus John Hay Campus Mary B. Martin- STEM Mary M. Bethune 2 MC STEM H.S. Great Lakes Science Center (9th grade) 2 MC STEM H.S. Nela Park (10th grade) Metro Cleveland Consortium Memorial Miles Park Mound- STEM Nathan Hale Patrick Henry Riverside Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM ADDRESS 18300 Woda Avenue 3500 E 147th Street 2955 East 71st St 4315 W 140th Street 1600 Buhrer Avenue 13013 Corlett Ave 8912 Morris Court 885 E 146th Street 17914 Euclid Avenue 800 Linn Dr 3800 West 140th Street 2201 East 49th Street 1401 Larchmont Road 2730 E 116th Street 5100 Biddulph Avenue 3817 MLK Jr. Drive 2075 Stokes Blvd 8200 Brookline Avenue 11815 Moulton Avenue 601 Erieside Ave 1975 Noble Rd, Bldg #336 410 E 152nd Street 4090 E 93rd Street 5935 Ackley Rd 3588 Martin Luther Jing Jr. Dr 11901 Durant Avenue 14601 BCM/SRG # of Systems System Software Version BCM450 1 BCM400 1 3.7 BCM450 1 BCM400 1 BCM400 1 BCM450 1 BCM400 1 BCM450 1 BCM450 1 BCM400 1 3.7 BCM400 1 SRG50 1 BCM400 1 3.7 BCM450 1 BCM400 1 BCM400 2 3.7 BCM400 2 3.7 BCM400 1 BCM400 1 3.7 BCM50 1 BCM400 1 BCM450 1 BCM400 1 SRG50 1 SRG50 1 BCM450 1 BCM400 1 3.7 Comments To be removed Remote PRI for CS1000 Remote PRI for CS1000 Remote PRI for CS1000 To be Page: 275 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Facility Robert H. Jamison @ Moses Cleaveland Robinson G. Jones Thomas Jefferson - Newcomer's Program Wade Park Warner Girls Leadership Academy Washington Park - Environmental Studies Academy Willson Page: 276 of 289 ADDRESS Montrose Avenue 4092 East 146th Street 4550 W 150th Street 3145 West 46th Street 7600 Wade Park Avenue 8315 Jeffries Avenue 3875 Washington Park Blvd 1122 Ansel Road BCM/SRG # of Systems System Software Version Comments removed BCM450 1 BCM400 1 BCM450 1 BCM450 1 BCM400 1 BCM450 1 BCM450 1 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 CS1000 Phone System Diagram Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 277 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Appendix C - Video Video Diagram Page: 278 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Appendix D - Glossary of Acronyms and Terms CMSD E-rate FCC IDF IVR MDF PDA RFP SLA SLD USAC VoIP Cleveland Municipal School District “Educational” Rate, shorthand for the Schools and Libraries Division; Federal Communications Commission Intermediate Distribution Facility Interactive Voice Response Main Distribution Facility Personal Digital Assistant Request for Proposal Service Level Agreement Schools and Libraries Division of the USAC Universal Service Administrative Corporation Voice Over Internet Protocol Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 279 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 This page has been intentionally left blank. Page: 280 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Appendix E - List of Sites Eligible Sites All sites are located in Cleveland, Ohio Facility Adlai E. Stevenson Admin Building Alfred Benesch Almira Andrew J. Rickoff Anton Grdina Artemus Ward Bard Early College at Brooklawn Benjamin Franklin Bolton Buckeye-Woodland Buhrer Dual Language Campus International CSU Cole Center (North Campus) Campus International South Campus Case Central Kitchen Charles A. Mooney Charles Dickens Charles W. Eliot Clara E. Westropp Clark Cleveland Early College High School @ John Hay Cleveland High School for Digital Arts Cleveland School of Architecture and Design @ John Hay Cleveland School of Arts - Lower Campus Cleveland School of Science and Medicine @ John Hay Cleveland School of the Arts @ Harry E. Davis Collinwood Campus Daniel E. Morgan Denison Design Lab Early College @ Health Careers Douglas MacArthur Girls Leadership Academy Downtown Educational Center Eagle at Cranwood East 49th Street Depot East Clark East Preofessional Center East Tech Campus - Community Wraparound Academy Euclid Park Facing History/New Tech @ Charles Mooney Franklin D. Roosevelt PLC Fullerton Garfield Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM ADDRESS 18300 Woda Avenue 1111 Superior Ave 5393 Quincy Ave 3375 W 99th Street 3500 E 147th Street 2955 East 71st St 4315 W 140th Street 11801 Worthington Ave 1905 Spring Road 9803 Quebec Avenue 9511 Buckeye Road 1600 Buhrer Avenue 3100 Chester Ave 3000 Euclid Ave 4050 Superior Avenue 16807 ST. Clair Ave 3213 Montclair Avenue 13013 Corlett Ave 15700 Lotus Drive 19101 Puritas Avenue 5550 Clark Avenue 2075 Stokes Blvd 1440 Lakeside Avenue 2075 Stokes Blvd 2501 E 61st Street 2075 Stokes Blvd 10700 Churchill Avenue 15210 St. Clair Avenue 8912 Morris Court 3799 West 33rd 1740 East 32nd St 4401 Valleyside Road 2209 Central Avenue 13604 Christine Ave 4177 E 49th 885 E 146th Street 1349 East 79th St 2439 East 55th Street 17914 Euclid Avenue 3213 Montclair Avenue 800 Linn Dr 5920 Fullerton Avenue 3800 West 140th Street Zip 44122 44114 44104 44102 44120 44104 44135 44111 44109 44106 44104 44109 44114 44115 44103 44110 44109 44120 44128 44135 44102 44106 44114 44106 44104 44106 44106 44110 44106 44109 44114 44135 44105 44105 44110 44103 44104 44112 44109 44108 44105 44111 Page: 281 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Facility Garrett Morgan - School of Science George Washington Carver Ginn Academy @ Margaret Spellacy Glenville High School H. Barbara Booker Wraparound Hannah Gibbons- STEM Harvey Rice Wraparound Health Careers Center @ MLK Jr Iowa-Maple James F Rhodes Campus Jane Addams Campus - Business Careers School John Adams Campus John F. Kennedy John Marshall - Ninth Grade Academy @ Hawthorne John Marshall @ Carl Shuler Joseph M. Gallagher Kenneth Clement Boys Leadership Academy Lake Center Depot Law and Municipal Careers @MLKJr Lincoln-West Louis Agassiz Louisa May Alcott Luis Munoz Marin Marion C. Seltzer Marion-Sterling Mary B. Martin- STEM Mary M. Bethune Max S. Hayes High School 2 MC STEM H.S. at CSU Rhodes Tower (11th & 12th grade) 2 MC STEM H.S. Great Lakes Science Center (9th grade) 2 MC STEM H.S. Nela Park (10th grade) McKinley Memorial Michael R. White- STEM Miles Miles Park Mound- STEM Nathan Hale New Tech @ East Tech New Tech @ Max Hayes Newton D. Baker Oliver H. Perry Orchard PACT at Cranwood Patrick Henry Paul Dunbar Paul Revere Ridge Road Depot Riverside Robert H. Jamison @ Moses Cleaveland Page: 282 of 289 ADDRESS 4016 Woodbine Avenue 2200 e 55th st 655 E 162nd Street 650 East 113th Street 2121 W 67th Street 1401 Larchmont Road 2730 E 116th Street 1651 E 71st Street 12510 Maple Avenue 5100 Biddulph Avenue 2373 E 30th Street 3817 MLK Jr. Drive 17100 Harvard Avenue 3575 W 130th St. 13501 Terminal Avenue 6601 Franklin Blvd 14311 Woodworth Rd 870 Eas 79th Street 1651 E 71st Street 3202 West 30th Street 3595 Bosworth Road 10308 Baltic Road 1701 Castle Avenue 1468 W 98th Street 3033 Central Avenue 8200 Brookline Avenue 11815 Moulton Avenue 4600 Detroit Avenue 1740 E. 32nd Street 601 Erieside Ave 1975 Noble Rd, Bldg #336 3349 W 125th Street 410 E 152nd Street 1000 E 92nd Street 11918 Miles Ave 4090 E 93rd Street 5935 Ackley Rd 3588 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr 2439 E. 55th Street 4600 Detroit Avenue 3690 W 159th Street 18400 Schenely Avenue 4200 Bailey Ave 13604 Christine Ave 11901 Durant Avenue 2159 W 29th St 10706 Sandusky Avenue 3832 Ridge Rd 14601 Montrose Avenue 4092 East 146th Street Zip 44113 44103 44110 44108 44102 44110 44104 44103 44108 44114 44115 44105 44128 44111 44135 44102 44112 44103 44103 44109 44111 44102 44113 44102 44115 44103 44106 44102 44114 44114 44112 44111 44110 44108 44105 44105 44105 44105 44104 44104 44102 44119 44113 44105 44108 44113 44105 44114 44111 44128 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Facility Robinson G. Jones School of One Scranton SuccessTech Academy Sunbeam Thomas Jefferson - Newcomer's Program Tremont Montessori Valley View Boys Leadership Academy Wade Park Walton Warner Girls Leadership Academy Washington Park - Environmental Studies Academy Watterson-Lake Waverly Whitney M. Young Gifted Education Campus Wilbur Wright William Cullen Bryant Willow Willson Woodland Data Center Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM ADDRESS 4550 W 150th Street Multiple Sites 1991 Barber Avenue 1440 Lakeside Avenue 11731 Mt. Overlook Avenue 3145 West 46th Street 2409 W 10th Street 17200 Valleyview Avenue 7600 Wade Park Avenue 3409 Walton Avenue 8315 Jeffries Avenue 3875 Washington Park Blvd 1422 W 74th Street 1810 W 54th Street 17900 Harvard Avenue 11005 Parkhurst Drive 3121 Oak Park Avenue 5004 Glazier Avenue 1122 Ansel Road 4966 Woodland Ave Zip 44135 44113 44114 44120 44102 44113 44135 44103 44113 44105 44105 44102 44102 44128 44111 44109 44127 44108 44104 Page: 283 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 This Page has been intentionally left Blank Page: 284 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Appendix F - Submitter Experience and Support Capabilities Form Submitter Experience and Support Capabilities Form Information about the Vendor • Company Name ____________________________________________________ • Legal Name (if different) _____________________________________________ • Years in Business ___________________________________________________ • Number of years installing systems similar to this proposal __________________ • Contact Person/Title _________________________________________________ • Full Mailing Address ________________________________________________ • Telephone Number __________________________________________________ • FAX Number _______________________________________________________ • E-Mail Address _____________________________________________________ • Names and titles of personnel who would work on this project (attach resumes and extra sheets, if necessary): Name Title ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ • Name of person who would be Project Manager for this project (attach resume): This person will be required to meet with the District Project Manager and/or his designee(s) regularly during the entire course of the installation to discuss, track and document progress. Name Title _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 285 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Experience and Existing Customers The District is interested in the vendor’s experiences that most closely resemble this implementation. How many such systems has the vendor installed? How many statewide? How many nationwide? Area ________________________________________________________________ State-Wide ____________________________________________________________ Nationwide ____________________________________________________________ Record of E-rate Funding Request Participation for the Last Five Years E-RATE FUNDING YEAR 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 FRN # APPROVED (YES) /DENIED (NO) PRODUCT/SERVICE DOLLAR AMOUNT References Include below three references of equal or larger size to this current RFP project. K-12 implementation experience is preferred, but not required. Please attach relevant supporting documentation, such as project plans, scopes of work. Reference #1 Company/School Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Type of Business_____________________________________________________ Contact Person_______________________________________________________ Telephone and Fax #’s_________________________________________________ Dates of Installation ___________________________________________________ Page: 286 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Description of system _________________________________________________ Reference #2 Company/School Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Type of Business_____________________________________________________ Contact Person_______________________________________________________ Telephone and Fax #’s_________________________________________________ Dates of Installation ___________________________________________________ Description of system _________________________________________________ Reference #3 Company/School Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Type of Business_____________________________________________________ Contact Person_______________________________________________________ Telephone and Fax #’s_________________________________________________ Dates of Installation ___________________________________________________ Description of system _________________________________________________ Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 287 of 289 RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Subcontractors/Partners Every subcontractor must be bound by the applicable terms and provisions of the contract documents the vendor may certify. Further information about subcontractors may be requested prior to the award. Identify all subcontractors or partners you intend to use for any purposes. Include separate sheet(s) labeled “Subcontractors/Partners” if necessary. The District reserves the right of prior approval of all subcontractors prior to signing a contract. BUSINESS NAME YEARS EXP. FUNCTION 1. 2. 3. References for Subcontractors/Partners Include below two references of equal or larger size to this current RFP project for EACH subcontractor (duplicate this section if needed for multiple subcontractors). K-12 implementation experience is preferred, but not required. Please attach relevant supporting documentation, such as project plans, scopes of work. Reference #1 Company/School Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Type of Business_____________________________________________________ Contact Person_______________________________________________________ Telephone and Fax #’s_________________________________________________ Dates of Installation ___________________________________________________ Description of system _________________________________________________ Page: 288 of 289 Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM RFP #21152 E-RATE PROGRAMS FY 2015-2016 Reference #2 Company/School Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Type of Business_____________________________________________________ Contact Person_______________________________________________________ Telephone and Fax #’s_________________________________________________ Dates of Installation ___________________________________________________ Description of system _________________________________________________ Reference #3 Company/School Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Type of Business_____________________________________________________ Contact Person_______________________________________________________ Telephone and Fax #’s_________________________________________________ Dates of Installation ___________________________________________________ Description of system _________________________________________________ Rev: 1/16/2015 at 5:39:45 PM Page: 289 of 289