College Credit Plus - Ohio Board of Regents

Highlights of Ohio’s dual enrollment program.
This tool is designed for Ohio’s educators. It is meant to explain selected elements and principles of the College
Credit Plus program and to provide guidance. It is not meant to represent the law in its entirety.
Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3365 and corresponding Rules 3333-1-65.1 through 3333-1-65.10 govern this program.
Key for this tool
Text distinctions:
• Orange text reflects responses to common questions and
regulations that pertain to program operation.
 College Credit Plus (CCP)
 Early College High School (ECHS) program
 Institution of Higher Education (IHE)
 Secondary Career Technical Alignment Initiative (SCTAI)
All Advanced Standing Opportunities are Not the Same
Advanced Standing Program
Credit earned
Advanced Placement (AP)
Secondary credit only
International Baccalaureate
Secondary credit only
Articulated Credit
(statewide (SCTAI) or bilateral)
Secondary credit only
Future potential to earn
college credit
Opportunity to earn college
credit during high school
Requires a third-party assessment, a
score of 3 or above for guaranteed
credit upon enrollment in a USO
Requires a third-party assessment.
Score may be recognized by IHE for
credit. Has no credit award guarantee
in Ohio.
Requires timely enrollment in USO
institution. Credit for SCTAI
course/program guaranteed upon
enrollment in a USO institution. Credit
for other course/program may be
conditionally awarded.
Secondary and college credit
Requires college enrollment during
high school. College credit is
transcripted upon student’s successful
completion of the course.
Early College High School
Requires District and IHE formal
relationship. Courses for college credit
governed by College Credit Plus.
College Credit Plus (CCP)
Secondary and college credit
College Credit Plus (CCP)
 CCP program operational 2015/16 school year.
 CCP replaces Ohio’s Post-Secondary
Enrollment Options program (PSEO) and all
alternative dual enrollment programs previously
governed by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3365.
 The sole “grandfathering” exception applies
to ECHS programs
CCP Participation
• All public districts and public institutions of higher education
(IHE) must allow college-ready students, grades 7-12, who
qualify for college admission to participate.
• All nonpublic secondary schools must allow college-ready
students, grades 7-12, who qualify for college admission
and receive state funding to participate.
• All nonpublic postsecondary schools may participate.
• Each participating IHE must consistently apply its
established admission standards. In conjunction with
those standards and prior to making a final admission
decision, the IHE shall evaluate the student against one
of the standards identified in the "Uniform Statewide
Standards for Remediation-Free Status.”
IHE Must…
• Provide 3-hours professional development to all
high school teachers who instruct a CCP course
as an adjunct.
• Conduct at least one observation of each CCP
course taught by adjunct high school teacher
during 2015-2016 school year, and then
alternating academic years thereafter.
• Assign an advisor to each CCP student and
schedule a meeting of CCP student and advisor
prior to institution’s effective academic no-fault
drop course date. Advisor meeting may be
individual or group, in person or virtual.
Secondary Schools Must…
Provide program information prior to March 1 to grades 6 to 11
Provide counseling services to interested students grades 6 to 11
Verify each CCP student is not taking more than 30 college
credit hours per academic year and not more than 120 college
credit hours in high school.
Assure each student does not exceed full-time status.
Calculate full-time status as follows:
Determine student’s number of high school ONLY units,
Multiply that number by 3, and
Subtract the result from the number 30.
That number is the total number of college credits that CCP
student may earn that academic year.
Secondary Schools Must…
 Convert college credit as follows:
Per CCP course: If 3 or more college credits convert to 1
Carnegie unit. If less than 3 college credits convert
 Weight grades as follows:
All advanced standing programs must be weighted the
same within subject area. Honors classes may not be
weighted higher than any advanced standing program.
 Develop a process to identify students who are economically
 Provide (sample) Pathways
CCP Pathway Requirements
• Each public high school must develop two pathway
opportunities through CCP.
o One where a student can earn 15 transcripted credits
o One where a student can earn 30 transcripted credits
• Pathways must be developed in coordination with at least one
partnering IHE and published as part of school district’s
official course offerings.
CCP Pathway Expectations
 All courses included in a Pathway must adhere to the
CCP program requirements and do not have to be
delivered at a high school.
 Students shall have no obligation to take courses
identified on a Pathway.
A Pathway may:
o Be organized by a major or career path
o Include various core courses required for a degree or
professional certification by the college
CCP Courses Must…
• Be the same as those offered on campus (included in IHE
course catalogue)
• Be nonsectarian and non-remedial
• Apply toward a degree or professional certificate
• Be taught by instructors who meet BOR’s academic credential
IHEs, Districts and Non-Public High
Schools Must…
• Promote CCP opportunities on websites and in all
communication sent to students and parents related to
• Each high school must annually coordinate with each public and
participating private IHE within a 30 mile radius to present a
dedicated CCP event to students and parents prior to March 30.
• A CCP event may include multiple high schools within a
district and multiple districts AS LONG AS, students & parents
have opportunity to ask specific questions and get information
from their high school and from representatives from all
colleges within 30 mile radius.
IHEs, Districts and Non-Public High Schools
 Assure CCP classrooms at the high school
adhere to all requirements.
CCP Courses delivered on-line or not on
a college campus may…
Include students who are not enrolled in the college under the following
 ALL students in the class follow the same course syllabus, use the same text
book and materials, aspire to achieve the same learning outcomes and are
assessed using the same methods as the college course delivered on the
college campus; and
 All CCP students (enrolled therefore receiving college and high school credit)
must be assessed with the same standard of achievement and held to the
same grading standards, regardless of where the course is delivered.
 A student (not enrolled) shall, along with the student’s parents, be notified
the student is not earning college credit and would likely be required to
retake the course upon college enrollment if college credit is desired.
CCP Funding
• Funding formulas based on per college credit hour basis
• Ceiling and Floor based on 83% of K-12 per-pupil foundation
funding amount. At no time will District be required to pay a per
credit hour rate more than the Ceiling.
FY15 Example:
Per-pupil foundation amount = $5,800
Ceiling = $160 ($5,800 X .83 / 30)
Floor = $40 ($160 X 25%)
Note: “30” is the number of credits earned by a full-time college student.
IHE and District are encouraged to negotiate a local agreement
(Alternative Funding Structure agreement) within Floor and
Ceiling. When no alternative agreement is negotiated, the Default
funding structure applies.
CCP Funding
Alternative Funding Structure Agreements must…
• be applied as a uniform rate for each course delivery option
identified under the agreement, for all students enrolled subject
to the agreement.
• be approved by the Chancellor if the agreed per credit hour rate falls
below the floor. The Chancellor shall approve the below the floor
rate if program’s quality assurances are affirmed and submitted
as required.
• February 1 deadline for below the floor submission to the
Chancellor; 30 days beyond the confirmation of the rules for
the 2015-16 academic year.
CCP Funding
Submission of below the floor approval requires:
A letter signed by the IHE president (for 2015-2016)
approving the negotiated rate and signed by the IHE’s board
of trustees’ or equivalent governing authority thereafter.
Specific to private IHE:
Any amount negotiated by the parties resulting in an
amount charged to students must include all costs
associated with the program, including but not limited to,
textbooks and associated course fees and must not exceed
student cost caps pursuant to division (B) of section
3365.07 of the Revised Code.
CCP Data
• CCP participation requires the collection
and reporting of program data by July 15
of each year.
• BOR and ODE will post data reporting
guidelines and other pertinent
information on their websites.
CCP and Early College High
School Programs (ECHS)
• ECHS beginning operation after 2014-15
school year are subject to CCP requirements
• ECHSs existing during 2014-15 school year
are grandfathered until 2015-16, or until
satisfaction of current ECHS agreement,
whichever is later
• CCP governs only portions of ECHS
agreement that relate to conference of
college credit
CCP Going Forward
• Rules are under the jurisdiction of Joint
Committee on Agency Rule Review
• Rules are anticipated to be in place midFebruary 2015.
CCP Going Forward
The Chancellor and State Superintendent
will jointly establish a CCP Advisory
Committee to…
• Assist in developing performance metrics
• Monitor the progress of the CCP program
Board of Regents:
Stephanie Davidson:
Lauren McGarity:
Charles See:
Rebecca Watts:
Department of Education:
Steve Gratz:
Stephanie Siddens: