CCP Survey Date: _____________ Please check your CCP Status: [ ] ESL Student getting credit for CCP [ ] Non-ESL Student getting credit for CCP [ ] Instructor’s Name: _______________(if above is checked) [ ] Volunteer ESL Student [ ] Volunteer Non-ESL Student Are you an International Student? Yes No 1. Have you met your partner? If so, how many times? (circle one) 0 1 2 3 4 5 over 5 If you haven’t met, why not? 2. How satisfied are you with your meetings so far? (0-not at all to 5-very satisfied) 0 1 2 3 4 5 over 5 3. Have you had problems with your meetings? (Yes or No) Can you give us an example? 4. Do you feel you are well matched with your partner? If not, why not? Questions for ESL or International Students: 5. Do you have enough opportunity to practice your English and share your culture with your partner? 6. What about your CCP experience do you most or least enjoy? Can you describe? 7. Has the CCP staff been considerate, and helpful to you? If not, can you give an example? 8. In what ways can CCP make your partnership experience better? 9. Did you attend the Final Get-together on March 11th ? 10. Do you have any additional comments or suggestion that would help CCP?