Electrical Circuits – Basics (assuming you already know it !) Terminology • Ohm’s Law: the voltage measured across a resistor is linearly proportional to the current flowing through it. • 1st Kirchoff Currents Law (KCL): the algebraic sum of the currents flowing into any node in a network must be zero. • 2nd Kirchoff Voltages Law (KVL): the algebraic sum of the voltages around any closed path in a network must be zero Electronics - Physics 2011/12 v iR N i n 1 n N v n 1 n 0 0 Electrical Circuits – Voltage divider (assuming you already know it !) • Voltage divider: Circuit that produces a predictable fraction of the input voltage as the output voltage. Schematic R1 Vin • Current (same everywhere) is: I R1 R2 R2 • Output voltage (Vout) is then given by: Vout R2 IR2 Vin R1 R2 Now attach a load resistor RL across the output. R2 and RL can be modeled as one resistor (parallel combination): Vout R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R Electronics - Physics 2011/12L R1 R2 R1 RL = R2 RL Vin it depends on RL unless RL>>R1R2 Ideal Voltage and Current Sources (assuming you already know it !) • Ideal Voltage Source: a source of voltage with zero internal resistance (a perfect battery). It will supply the same voltage regardless of the amount of current drawn from it. • Ideal Current Source: it will supply a constant current regardless of what load is connected to it. It has infinite internal resistance (transistors can be represented by ideal current sources). Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Dependent Sources - Control concept • Independent sources: the voltage and the current sources, considered as ideal models for energy sources, are called independent sources because their values are independent of circuit operation. • Dependent sources: many sources have values that are dependent on, that is, controlled by some other parameters in the system. • A linear voltage-controlled current source is characterized by the equation iout g vin where g (transconductance) is a constant coefficient. • Two different types of voltage controlled current sources: i.e. vin controls the current source, which determines vout , either directly (a) or through resistor RI (b). Electronics - Physics 2011/12 gvin is a dependent source Superposition Method 1. For each independent source, form a subcircuit with all other independent sources set to zero. – setting a voltage source to zero: replace the voltage source with a short circuit. – setting a current source to zero: replace the current source with an open circuit. 2. From each subcircuit corresponding to a given independent source, find the response to that independent source acting alone. This step results in a set of individual responses. 3. Obtain the total response by summing together each of the individual responses. Leave all the dependent sources in the circuit as they are ! Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Superposition Method – Example 1 Show that the node voltage v0 in the circuit shown is the average of the two input voltages, by using the method of superposition. average of the two input voltages ! Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Superposition Method – Example 2 Figure shows a circuit containing an independent voltage and current sources. Determine the current I in the vertical 2 W resistor. By superposition, Electronics - Physics 2011/12 and Superposition Method – Ex. 2 (alternative) We will directly determine I using superposition. Superposition says that I can be determined by summing the currents generated by each of the sources acting alone. By the current divider relation at the node By superposition, Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Network Theorems A simple extension of the concept of superposition yields two additional network theorems of great power, which allow us to suppress a lot of detail in circuit analysis and focus attention only on that part of a network we are really interested in. Any collection of voltage sources, current sources, and resistors can be represented (at any one pair of terminals) by one voltage source and one resistor, or by one current source and one resistor. We wish to find the relationship between v and i at these terminals. Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Thevenin (1) To find v in terms of i, we need to apply some form of excitation and measure the response. Let’s use a current test source (itest), rather than a complicated excitation network. To calculate the response vt by superposition: 1. set all the internal independent sources to zero and calculate the voltage va (leave dependent sources as is). 2. set itest to zero and calculate vb. Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Thevenin (2) The desired value of vt is the sum va + vb. We can write va=itestRt, where Rt is the net resistance measured between the two terminals when all internal independent sources are set to zero (Thévenin Equivalent Resistance). vb=voc is obviously just the voltage appearing at the terminals of the original network when no current is flowing (open-circuit voltage). By superposition vt = va + vb = voc + itestRt This simple relation between voltage and current at a pair of terminals applies regardless of the complexity of the network, provided only that the network is linear. Given the open-circuit voltage and the Thévenin equivalent resistance, a system is completely characterized as it appears at its terminals. Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit The preceding calculation can be interpreted in terms of a circuit called the Thévenin equivalent circuit. Real circuit Thevenin equivalent circuit If voc and Rt are calculated using the appropriate subcircuits, then the two circuits are equivalent, in the sense that any measurement at the indicated terminals of the two circuits will yield identical results. Two independent measurements on a circuit are required to determine the parameters for the Thévenin model: (output voltage at terminals with no current flowing) (resistance at terminals with zeroed sources) Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Determining Thévenin Equivalent Circuit The Thévenin equivalent circuit for any linear network at a given pair of terminals consists of a voltage source vTH in series with a resistor RTH. The voltage vTH and resistance RTH can be obtained as follows: 1. vTH can be found by calculating or measuring the open-circuit voltage at the designated terminal pair on the original network. 2. RTH can be found by calculating or measuring the resistance of the open-circuit network seen from the designated terminal pair, with all independent sources internal to the network set to zero. That is, with independent voltage sources replaced with short circuits and independent current sources replaced with open circuits. (Dependent sources must be left intact, however.) Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Thévenin method – simple example Determine the Thévenin equivalent circuit for the network in figure. Solution vTH is given by the open-circuit voltage of the network at the aa’ port. It is the voltage at the aa’ network port when there is no external circuit element connected across the port. (Note that the 2W resistor is internal to the network and should not be disconnected.) The open-circuit voltage that would be measured at the aa’ port is given by the voltage-divider relation as: RTH is found by measuring the resistance of the open-circuit network seen from the aa’ port with the independent voltage source set to zero (replaced with a short circuit). Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Thévenin method – example (1) Determine the current I1 through the voltage source for the circuit in figure. Solution To apply the Thévenin method, we will replace the network to the left of the voltage source (that is, to the left of the aa’ terminal pair) with its Thévenin equivalent network. The current I1 can be written: and, finally Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Thévenin method – example (2) Find the Thévenin equivalent circuit for the network to the left of the aa’ terminal pair (this circuit contains a dependent source). Solution Let’s determine vTH. The current of the dependent source is expressible directly in terms of a node voltage vI 2 cos t then KCL at node a gives vTH 8 v 0 I 2k W 100W and vTH 160 vI 320 cos t determine RTH RTH 2 k W Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Network to be replaced by its Thévenin equivalent The resulting Thevenin circuit is Norton equivalent network (1) To find i in terms of v, we need to apply some form of excitation and measure the response. Let’s use a voltage test source (vtest), rather than a complicated excitation network. To calculate the response current it by superposition: 1. set vtest to zero and calculate ia. 2. set all the internal independent sources to zero and calculate the current ib (leave dependent sources as is). Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Norton equivalent network (2) The desired value of it is the sum ia + ib. From figure ia=-isc (the short circuit current that flows across the network terminals in response to the internal sources ). We can write ib=vtest/Rt, where Rt is the net resistance measured between the two terminals when all internal independent sources are set to zero (Equivalent Resistance, like Thévenin). By superposition it = ia + ib = -isc + vtest/Rt This simple relation between current and voltage at a pair of terminals applies regardless of the complexity of the network, provided only that the network is linear. Norton equivalent circuit Note that v0c = iscRt and only two quantities are required to completely characterize the system (e.g. only v0c and isc since Rt=v0c/isc). Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Determining Norton Equivalent Circuit The Norton equivalent circuit for any linear network at a given pair of terminals consists of a current source iN in parallel with a resistor RN. The current iN and resistance RN can be obtained as follows: 1. iN can be found by applying a short at the designated terminal pair on the original network and calculating or measuring the current through the short circuit. 2. RN can be found in the same manner as RTH, that is by calculating or measuring the resistance of the open-circuit network seen from the designated terminal pair, with all independent sources internal to the network set to zero. That is, with voltage sources replaced with short circuits and current sources replaced with open circuits. (Dependent sources must be left intact, however.) Electronics - Physics 2011/12 Norton method – example (1) Determine the current I1 through the voltage source for the circuit in figure. Solution To apply the Norton method, we will replace the network to the left of the voltage source (that is, to the left of the aa’ terminal pair) with its Norton equivalent network. Since all of the 2A current flows through the short: Electronics - Physics 2011/12 KCL at node a :