Invest Northern Ireland Selective Financial Assistance Scheme July 2014 __________________________________________________________________________ This document sets out scheme information for Invest Northern Ireland’s Selective Financial Assistance Scheme and how it will operate under Commission Regulation (EU) 651/2014, the General Block Exemption Regulation. 1. Member State United Kingdom 2. Region Northern Ireland For the purposes of Regional Investment Aid, Northern Ireland will remain a 100% TFEU Article 107 (3) (c) assisted area for the medium term at which point the position may be reviewed by HM Government in the context of the UK’s Regional Aid map. 3. Title of Scheme Invest NI Selective Financial Assistance Scheme 4. UK Legal Basis The relevant legal powers under which support will be provided under this Scheme are contained in: 5. - The Industrial Development (Northern Ireland) Order 1982 1 - The Industrial Development (Northern Ireland) Act 2002 2 - The European Communities Act (1972)3. EC Legal Basis All aid provided under this Scheme will be within the limits and conditions set out in Commission Regulation (EU) 651/2014, the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) 4. 1 3 4 2 1 6. Definitions To the extent that they apply to the aid categories set out in paragraph 12, the definitions in Article 2 of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014 shall apply to the Selective Financial Assistance scheme. 7. Objective of the Scheme The objective of the Selective Financial Assistance scheme is to secure increased private sector investment and employment growth in Northern Ireland. Beneficiaries must be able to demonstrate the viability of their projects, there must be need for public funds and there should be a net economic benefit as a result of supported projects. The scheme will not assist those companies which cater purely for a Northern Ireland market if it is already well served. The scheme is not sector specific and is open to SMEs and large companies. Invest NI will apply the definition of SME as set out in Annex I of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014 and summarised below: Company category Medium-sized Small Micro Employees < 250 < 50 < 10 Turnover or Balance sheet total ≤ € 50 m ≤ € 43 m ≤ € 10 m ≤ € 10 m ≤€2m ≤€2m Large companies may only receive Regional Investment aid in favour of new economic activity as provided for in Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014. 8. Estimated Annual Scheme Expenditure £50 million 9. Maximum Aid Intensity The Selective Financial Assistance Scheme will respect the relevant maximum aid intensities as set out in Chapter 3 of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014. Where the maximum aid intensity cannot be set, because eligible costs cannot be identified or in order to provide simpler instruments for small amounts, the Selective Financial Assistance scheme will respect the relevant maximum aid amounts set out in Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014. 10. Date of Implementation 2 July 2014 2 11. Government body authorised to implement the scheme The Government Body authorised to implement the scheme is Invest Northern Ireland, a non-departmental public body under the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment for Northern Ireland. 12. Scope of Scheme The Selective Financial Assistance scheme will be open to undertakings proposing to set up, locate and invest in Northern Ireland. Funding awarded will be discretionary and will align with Invest NI’s legal powers and will support Northern Ireland’s Programme for Government 5 and Regional Economic Strategy6. The Selective Financial Assistance Scheme will provide the following categories of aid as set out Chapter III of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014. Section Article 1 - Regional aid 14 - Regional Investment Aid 2 - Aid to SMEs 18 - Aid for consultancy in favour of SMEs 19 - Aid to SMEs for participation in fairs 3 - Aid for access to finance for SMEs 22 - Aid for start-ups 4 - Aid for research and development and 28 - Innovation aid for SMEs innovation 6 - Aid for disadvantaged workers and for 32 - Aid for the recruitment of disadvantaged workers workers with disabilities in the form of wage subsidies 7 - Aid for environmental protection 38 - Investment aid for energy efficiency measures The Selective Financial Assistance Scheme will respect the exclusions set out in paragraphs 2 to 4 of Chapter I (Common Provisions), Article 1 (Scope). 13. Duration The Selective Financial Assistance scheme will operate until 31 December 2020. 14. Form of Aid Aid awarded under the Selective Financial Assistance scheme will be predominantly grant, although loans may also be provided. Only aid for which it is possible to calculate a gross grant equivalent will be awarded under the scheme. 5 6 3 15. Eligible Costs Aid will be awarded against only the eligible costs set out in Articles 14, 18, 19, 22, 28, 32 and 38 of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014. 16. Incentive Effect Aid awarded under the Selective Financial Assistance scheme must demonstrate an incentive effect. To that end, beneficiaries must submit written applications for aid before work on a project or activity starts. Invest NI will further comply with the provisions of Article 6 of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014 (Incentive Effect) in respect of ad hoc aid awarded to large enterprises. 17. Cumulation The Selective Financial Assistance Scheme will respect the cumulation conditions detailed in Article 8 of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014 and will not cumulate aid such that the relevant maximum aid intensities or aid amounts are exceeded. Aid awarded under the Selective Financial Assistance scheme shall not be cumulated with any de minimis aid in respect of the same eligible costs if such cumulation would result in an aid intensity exceeding those laid down in Chapter III of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014. 18. Notification Thresholds In accordance with Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014 the Selective Financial Assistance Scheme will respect the following notification thresholds: 19. i. for regional investment aid: the ‘adjusted aid amount’ of aid, as calculated in accordance with the mechanism defined in Article 2, point 20 for an investment with eligible costs of EUR 100 million; ii. for aid for consultancy in favour of SMEs: EUR 2 million per undertaking, per project; iii. for aid to SMEs for participation in fairs: EUR 2 million per undertaking, per year; iv. for aid for start-ups: the amounts laid down per undertaking in Article 22(3), (4) and (5); v. for innovation aid for SMEs: EUR 5 million per undertaking, per project; vi. for aid for the recruitment of disadvantaged workers: EUR 5 million per undertaking, per year; and vii. for investment aid for energy efficiency projects: EUR 10 million as laid down in Article 39(5); Reporting and Monitoring An annual report on the expenditure under the Selective Financial Assistance scheme will be provided to the Commission. 4 Records will be kept for 10 year from the date of the last award of aid under the Scheme. Records will be sufficiently detailed to establish that the conditions of Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014 are met. 20. Name and Address of Granting Authority Invest Northern Ireland Bedford Square Bedford Street Belfast BT2 7ES +44 28 9023 9090 5