United States
More Than
More Than Implants™
Customer Loyalty
Program 2016
More Than Implants™ 2016
The Next Level of Service
Welcome to Straumann More Than Implants, our customer loyalty program that recognizes and
rewards Straumann customers.
More Than Implants delivers a variety of value-added benefits and services to provide increased
value and practice support to our customers, including world class service and support, patient
education, practice building tools, and training and education programs.
More Than Implants offers services for every Straumann customer, and as your purchases with
Straumann increase, so do the benefits. Membership levels include Platinum, Gold, and Customer,
and your status is achieved through purchases made during the previous calendar year. Each
Program Year begins the March after the qualifying calendar year end and concludes the following
Any Straumann
300+ implants or
$100,000+ annual
net purchases or
50+ Emdogain
600+ implants or
$200,000+ annual
net purchases or
100+ Emdogain boxes
We appreciate your commitment to Straumann, and hope that you utilize the resources available
through the More Than Implants program to achieve your practice growth goals. Please take
a few moments to review this program brochure, and keep it on hand to make the most of the
services available to you as a Straumann customer.
The 2016 More Than Implants Program Year runs from March 1, 2016 – February 28, 2017.
The purchase volumes above are required to maintain membership status from year to year. Any benefits or services not
utilized in the Program Year may not be carried over to the following year. A clinician must be part of a qualifying practice during
the Program Year to enjoy member benefits and services, regardless of purchase volumes or practice affiliations during the previous
calendar year.
The terms and benefits identified here are current as of January 1, 2016. Straumann reserves the right to modify or cancel terms
of membership or benefit program available through the program at any time and without notice. Straumann is not responsible
for any claims or damages asserted by customers in reliance upon the terms and benefits of the program. The benefits of the
More Than Implants program are subject to Federal and State law; including, but not limited to, the exclusion of select benefits
and mandatory reporting.
Simply doing more
More Than Implants™ 2016
The More Than Implants 2016 service areas are organized into easy-to-navigate categories. Use
each section to select services and take advantage of those that best fit your needs.
Practice Management
Practice management, marketing and business tools for the entire dental team.
Training & Education
Comprehensive training and education programs for all types of dental professionals and
expertise levels, designed to help you achieve optimal treatment outcomes and security in product
Patient Pro
Straumann Patient Pro is a new integrated marketing program that delivers content for use
at each step of the patient journey. With content on your website and social media channels,
and in your practice – Patient Pro covers all your patient communication needs.
Service & Support
Best-in-class services and support set Straumann apart and allow you to focus on your
priorities as a dental professional.
Browse the following pages to learn about More Than Implants’ range of services that offer
practical solutions for your practice, lab, and partners.
Training &
More Than
Service &
Patient Pro
More Than Implants™ benefits and services
Platinum Implant User Conference (600+ implants or $200K+ surgeons only)
Online speaker consortium access
Referral survey
Practice marketing materials design service
Referral and Rx forms
Straumann media CD
Straumann logo labels
Referral communication template CD
Emdogain™ referral communication package
Online CARES® Lab Finder
Straumann CARES Interactive Treatment Guide and app
Straumann course discounts
North American Education Center VIP access
Educational demonstration materials access
Education program flyer creation
Straumann education event support
Lunch-and-Learn training sessions
Lab technical training
Online Straumann Dentist Finder listing
Complimentary Patient education models
Sesame Communications Online Patient Marketing Support
Straumann® Patient Pro Marketing Packages
• Digital Pro – Online and digital content for websites, social media & eMarketing
• Practice Pro – In-office print and digital materials
• Patient Relations Pro – Tools for a positive treatment experience
• Engagement Pro – Help satisfied patients become advocates for your practice
More Than Implants E-Newsbrief
Priority toll-free hotline
Straumann product first look
Service & Support
Membership plaque
Complimentary shipping on all orders
Straumann Young Professional Job Board Access
Straumann Young Professional Program
Straumann RDH C.A.R.E. Network
STARGET digital magazine and app
The Straumann Guarantee®
Straumann manufacturing tour
Straumann eShop
Online Straumann Verification Tool
Customer service and specialized sales team support
 = Provided service, see following pages for details
1 Excludes CARES products
iPad® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.
Practice management
Featured benefits
Platinum Implant User Conference:
November 11 – 14, 2016 – Belmond Charleston Place; Charleston, South Carolina
The Platinum Implant User Conference is a unique event for our Platinum implant customers
to share clinical expertise, interact with Straumann® executives, and review new developments
Implant user conference
in dentistry. Plan to join us this year in historic Charleston, South Carolina, at the Belmond
Charleston Place! Straumann® covers airfare, hotel, meals, and airport transfers.1 Details regarding registration will be
sent directly to invitees.
Straumann Online Speaker Consortium Access
Platinum members enjoy exclusive access to our online Speaker Consortium Resource Portal to download educational
presentations and product images. Visit straumann.cvent.com/straumann_speaker_consortium and under the
“Speaker Resources” tab, select the “Resource Portal” button to create a login.
 
Referral Survey
Straumann’s referral survey template helps you better understand how to support referring dentists. Use it as-is or
customize it to better suit your practice. Contact the Straumann marketing department to obtain a copy.
 
Practice Marketing Material Design Service2
Anthem Periodontics
Anthem Periodontics • 2610 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Suite 202 • Henderson, NV 89052 • phone (702) 270-4600 • fax (702) 270-7773
From surgical doctor to restorative dental team. If you need an additional supply, this form can be photocopied. (please do not fax this form to Straumann’s Customer Service Department.)
The Straumann Marketing Department can help you create materials to fit your practice marketing
needs.2 This includes design services only and does not include printing or distribution costs. Your
Straumann representative can show you samples on their iPad® to get started.
Surgical doctor: Anthem Periodontics
Date of implant placement:______________________________
Phone: 702/270 4600
Fax: 702/270 7773
Restorative doctor:________________________________________
Straumann Representative: Chris Mabeus
Anthem Periodontics places
Straumann products
Implant(s) placed
Tooth #
Place the
Certification of Authenticity
sticker here
• Platinum: Custom-designed materials for the practice, events and referral or patient marketing needs.
For additional information, please contact your local Straumann representative, Chris Mabeus at 760/587 5809 or chris.mabeus@straumann.com
• Gold: Personalized Straumann materials with the practice logo and contact information.
  
Sesame Communications Support
A leader in online patient marketing, Sesame Communication offers educational opportunities and discounts
exclusively for Straumann customers to help manage your website, social media, and online presence, and our Patient
Pro materials (see the Patient Pro services). Contact Sesame to learn more at straumann@sesamecommunications.com
• F ree online effectiveness assessment for Straumann customers (a $395 value)
• S
pecial Straumann pricing on Sesame solutions:
• P
latinum: 50% off setup fees
• G
old: 40% off setup fees
• C
ustomer: 30% off setup fees
1 The
Platinum Implant User Conference is by invitation only. This annual conference is designed exclusively for Platinum level
implant customers at $200,000+ annual sales or 600+ implants.
2 Straumann may decline to produce materials that do not comply with legal or regulatory requirements.
Rx and Referral Forms
Straumann Rx Forms help ensure that your dental partners use genuine Straumann implants and prosthetics
for patient cases, and help to maintain consistent communication between the dentist, surgeon and labs.
Forms are available for Roxolid® (USLIT 484), Straumann Restoration (USLIT 279), and our interactive general
implant referral form (www.straumann.us/implantreferralform).
  
Straumann Media CD
Request a complimentary Straumann media CD, containing a library of lifestyle photos and images that
illustrate the use of Straumann products. Available through the Straumann Marketing Department, it is a
valuable tool to develop your marketing materials and practice growth activities.
  
Straumann logo labels
Order Straumann logo labels to help organize your office supply areas, label Straumann-related files,
documents and products, and to brand your office or lab as a Straumann provider. Order your labels from
customer service using article number USLIT 386.
  
Straumann’s Referral Communication Template CD helps surgical practices create their own referral
marketing brochures. This complimentary CD can be ordered from Straumann Customer Service using article
number USADV 035, and contains samples and design files for you to provide to a local design service for
personalization and printing of your own brochures.
  
There are a variety of tools for Emdogain users to improve patient communication, assist with Emdogain case
management and help referring dentists understand procedures and identify patients. This package includes
brochures, PDF samples, letter templates, and more. Order a complimentary Emdogain Referral Package
(USLIT 381) from Customer Service at 800/363 4024.
  
  
Straumann CARES Scanner labs are listed on the Straumann Lab Finder at www.straumann.us/labfinder,
ensuring dentists can obtain original CARES abutments and prosthetics.
www.straumann.us/caresguide – App Store, and iPad® App
The Straumann CARES Interactive Treatment Guide help you navigate our CARES Prosthetics Portfolio. Users
can search by indication or materials to explore the variety of choices available for indications and upcoming
  
Motivation and commitment of each employee
Reliability and respect
Straumann® cARES® cS2 Scanner
Straumann® gonyXTM table
ceramic / veneering materials
Accepting digital impression scans
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________ State: ________________ Zip: ________________
Contact details / Location
 Male  Female
Deliver By: _______________________________________________________________________
Straumann cadcam materialS
X:XX a.m. – X:XX p.m.
Lab Name
123 Main St.
implant platform, Straumann cuStom abutmentS (available in zro2 or ti)
 zerion
zerion is a zirconium dioxide ceramic material for use in the oral cavity
 Straumann synOcta RN
 ticon™
ticon is pure titanium for use in the oral cavity
 Straumann synOcta WN*  Straumann CrossFit RC
 coron™
coron is a cobalt-chromium non-precious alloy for use in the oral cavity
*WN available in Ti only
 polycon™ ae
polycon ae is a PMMA-based material for use in the oral cavity
Material Type:
Straumann crown and bridge
Lingual or Buccal Margin
*Porcelain fused to zirconia
 Zirconia-Porcelain Junction Margin
 Metal-Porcelain Junction Margin
 Full Metal
 Porcelain Butt Margin
Fax (555) 555-5555
 Titanium
 Cemented crown for the custom abt.
 Screw retained crown (porcelain
applied to custom abt.)
 ZrO2
Pontic Design
implant platform, Straumann Stock abutmentS
 Straumann NN, octagon hex connection
 Straumann Narrow CrossFit™ Connection
 Straumann RN
 Anatomic  Cementable  Multi-Base
 Solid Abutment  synOcta®
 LOCATOR  Meso  Gold
 LOCATOR®  Gold
 Straumann Regular CrossFit Connection
 Straumann WN
 Anatomic  Cementable  Multi-Base
 Solid Abutment  synOcta
 LOCATOR  Meso  Gold
 LOCATOR®  Gold
LOCATOR® is a registered trademark of Zest Anchors, Inc. All rights reserved.
Referral communication
 Straumann CrossFit NC
Specific inStructionS ― uSe only genuine Straumann componentS
 PFZ*
Anytown, US 00000
Tel. (555) 555-5555
E-mail info@labemail.com
Place Laboratory Sticker Here
Phone: __________________________________________________________________________
Patient Name: _________________________________________________
Monday – Friday
Lab equipment
Dr. Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Dr. Signature: _____________________________________________
License #: __________________________ Date: ________________
REMINDER: Please enclose models, impressions, and/or bite registration templates with this form.
No Substitutions.
And SUppliERS"
Lab Name
© Straumann USA, LLC 2009. Straumann®, synOcta®, and CrossFit™ Connections are trademarks or registered trademarks of Straumann Holding AG, or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
prescription Form For the straumann® restoration
Lab Name
Lab philosophy
Straumann Restoration Form
Straumann Cares Interactive
Treatment Guide + App
Training & education
Featured benefits
 
Straumann Course Discounts
Enjoy discounts for Straumann courses3 during the program year:
• P
latinum: 20% discount
• G
old: 10% discount
 
VIP North American Education Center Access
Platinum and Gold members are invited to hold their educational events at our state-of-theart facility in Andover, Massachusetts. The Straumann Education Team will provide support
to coordinate and manage your event, including planning, on-site logistics, and tours of our
manufacturing facility. Program costs (food and beverage, speaker fees, etc.) and travel are not
covered by Straumann. Contact Straumann Education at 978/747 2553 or
education.us@straumann.com for information.
  
Educational Demonstration Materials access
Educational demonstration materials are available for loan for hands-on training sessions conducted by a Straumann
sales professional. Demo materials are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Ask your Straumann representatives
about demo materials for your next educational program.
  
Education Program Flyer Creation
Straumann provides design services to help promote your Straumann education program. This
The Hygienist’s Role in
Regenerative Periodontics
includes design services only, and does not include printing costs or distribution of materials.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
• P
latinum: Custom-designed program flyer
• Gold: Personalized program flyer
• Customer: Straumann-branded program flyer
3 Discounts
do not apply to ITI or other 3rd party educational courses.
In Association with Anthem Periodontics and Dental Implants,
Ed DeAndrade, DDS and Jessica Allen, DMD, MSD
Program DeScriPTion
This program focuses on the key role hygienists play in ultimate patient care. Emphasis will be
placed on the evolution of periodontal and regenerative therapies, and the significant impact
these therapies have on comprehensive care dentistry. The program provides practices tips and
tools to optimizing periodontal therapy and explores the advances, capabilities and benefits of
periodontal regeneration. Emphasis is placed on implementing effective treatment protocols
and how biologic modifiers, particularly enamel matrix derivatives are used to regenerate lost
hard and soft tissue. Establishing effective practice and patient communication to enhance case
presentation and case acceptance of these therapies is a highlight of the program.
Learning objecTiveS
• Establish evidence based decision tree to enhance periodontal awareness
• Understand the biologic basis of periodontal regeneration versus repair
• Understand the indications, method of use and regenerative potential of enamel matrix derivative
and other biologic modifiers
• Implement effective communication to enhance treatment acceptance
Tracy Butler, RDH, MFT
Subject code 495
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Food will be served
Springhill Suites Las Vegas
Convention Center
2989 Paradise Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89109
702/443 5880
ce credit
2.0 Hours
Questions? Contact Territory Manager Todd Buchanan at
702/994 9755 or todd.buchanan@straumann.com
Straumann Education Event Support
Education is the cornerstone of our commitment to deliver reliable and esthetic tooth replacement solutions.
Our experienced education team and sales representatives provide exceptional education programs for all
types of dental professionals. The Straumann Education Team provides support to coordinate and manage
events, including online program registration sites to help you with registration management, promoting the
program and managing CE. Contact education.us@straumann.com for more information.
  
Lunch-and-Learn Training Sessions
Straumann’s well-trained sales representatives deliver “Lunch-and-Learn” training sessions at your practice,
providing the opportunity to discuss the basic principles or new developments in dental implant solutions
with you and your staff.
  
Lab Technical Training
With your investment in the Straumann CARES Scanner, Straumann waives tuition for two members of the lab
team to attend our specialized CADCAM user training. Our technical training experts help users understand
the Straumann CARES workflow, capabilities of the scanner and design functions to help ensure success with
Straumann CARES CADCAM. Visit our website or contact your Straumann Lab Territory Manager to find a
training session in your area.
  
Straumann Patient Pro.
The plus for your business.
Patient Pro delivers marketing content for each stage of the patient journey
The four Patient Pro marketing “packages” listed below will help you guide patients through the entire journey – from
consideration and decision-making to aftercare, and, finally, to advocacy of your treatments and practice. Contact your
representative or customer service to order materials or the Patient Pro program brochure (NAMLIT 1093), or visit our new
media portal on Straumann eShop.
Digital Pro
Online & digital content and support for your website, social media, and eMarketing
ѹѹ Online dentist finder (Platinum and Gold customers) straumann.us/dentistfinder
ѹѹ Sesame Communications – Straumann customer support
Patient Pro
ѹѹ Special Straumann customer discounts on Sesame Communications services
ѹѹ Complimentary online effectiveness analysis from Sesame Communications
ѹѹ Learn more: straumann@sesamecommunications.com or www.sesamecommunications.com
Content – Digital Pro portal on www.straumann.us/eShop
ѹѹ Patient content for your website, social media and eMarketing
(images, text, illustrations, videos available on eShop)
Guidance & Support on www.straumann.us/eShop
ѹѹ eBook online marketing manual
ѹѹ Playbook for social media episodes
Engagement Pro
Build business & leverage your existing patients as advocates of your practice
ѹѹ Recommendation cards to encourage word-of-mouth referrals
ѹѹ Feedback cards to help collect testimonials
ѹѹ Online marketing guidance for your practice (e.g., how to get online reviews)
Straumann® Patient iPad® app
Patient education literature
Sesame Communications Support
Practice Pro
Print and digital materials for your office to help your patients make the right choice
o-4 packages
ѹѹ Patient education models: 3:1 Patient Education, Pro Arch, or Periodontal Disease model
ѹѹ Platinum: 2 complimentary models per practice each Program Year
ѹѹ Gold: 1 complimentary model per practice each Program Year
Awareness & education tools
ѹѹ Print posters for the office
ѹѹ Patient literature for introductory information
ѹѹ Movies for waiting room
ѹѹ Open-house presentation template
ѹѹ Straumann user certificate
Information & Consultation tools
ѹѹ Patient education literature for in-depth education
ѹѹ Straumann® Patient iPad® app
ѹѹ 3D animations for treatment education
Patient Relations Pro
Tools to help you create a positive treatment experience
Aftercare tools
ѹѹ Aftercare flyer
ѹѹ Online patient aftercare information at www.straumann.us/patients
Follow-up tools
ѹѹ Implant passport with implant & abutment information
ѹѹ Patient appointment cards
Social media and website content
via Straumann eShop
Office posters and presentations
Referral cards
iPad® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.
Service & support
Featured benefits
 
Enjoy the convenience of quarterly updates and benefits reminders with the MORE THAN IMPLANTS E-Newsbrief,
a quarterly e-newsletter delivered directly to Platinum and Gold members. To confirm your subscription to the
E-Newsbrief send an e-mail to feedback.nam@straumann.com and include your email address with subject line
‘MTI E-Newsletter.’
 
Priority Toll-Free Hotline
Platinum and Gold members have a priority toll-free telephone line, listed on your membership card, direct to our most
experienced Customer Service and Technical Support representatives. Calls to this dedicated line are given priority to
facilitate your orders and answer product questions.
 
Straumann Product First Look
Platinum and Gold customers receive priority email announcements when new Straumann products are on the horizon
– you’ll receive direct notification to your office when a new product or service introduced to the market.
 
Membership Plaque
New Platinum and Gold members receive a personalized plaque to recognize their status as a top Straumann customer.
 
Complimentary Shipping on All Orders4
Platinum and Gold members receive complimentary shipping on all orders.
  
Straumann Young Professional Program
The Straumann Young Professional Program is a community of dental students and professionals, providing support
during and immediately after dental school. Our Young Professional Portal is the entry point to the program and is the
key to accessing the networking and ongoing learning opportunities, business resources, and ongoing insights into the
dental market and industry – www.straumannYP.com.
• P
latinum and Gold members: Post your open positions on our Young Professional Portal job board! Your post will be
seen by Straumann Young Professionals from across North America.
4 Excludes
CARES products
5 For
implants placed as of April 1, 2011, Straumann will replace any failed implant under the lifetime limited warranty,
provided that genuine Straumann products have been used to place and restore it.
STARGET Digital Magazine and app
STARGET, Straumann’s official magazine is going digital! STARGET will still feature product innovations,
clinical cases, and industry trends, but coming in June 2016 our new STARGET digital site and App will
launch for all customers.
  
Straumann RDH Network to C.A.R.E
We invite all RDH’s to become members of our Network to C.A.R.E. – “Communicate. Assess. Refer. Educate.”
– with this complimentary membership, you’ll gain access to a full library of resources, continuing education,
research, and our monthly e-news. Register today to gain valuable knowledge and advance the CARE you
provide every day for your patients, visit www.straumann.us/RDH.
  
THE Straumann Guarantee®
We deliver top quality products that offer simplicity, precision, and reliability. So firm is our belief in our quality
that we provide a limited lifetime warranty on all Straumann implants.5
  
Straumann Manufacturing Tour
All Straumann customers are invited to visit our North American Headquarters in Andover, Massachusetts
for a personal tour of our world class education, training and manufacturing facility. Gain an appreciation
for the quality, precision, and reliability that is designed and manufactured into every implant. Contact your
representative to learn more.
  
Straumann eShop and my account – shipping discounts
Straumann eShop and My Account offers fast, easy and convenient online ordering. eShop gives you 24/7
access to real-time order tracking, free shipping for all customers on orders of $500 or more, and online bill pay.
Register online at www.straumann.us/eShop, or contact Straumann Customer Service to receive an eShop user
ID and password.
  
Online Straumann Verification Tool
The Straumann Online Verification Tool enables you to confirm that you have purchased and received an
original Straumann component. By entering the product number and lot number, you receive instant
verification that a component is authentic. Eliminate all doubt and ensure that you have a genuine Straumann
abutment via the Online Verification Tool under the “Services” section of our www.straumann.us Professionals
  
Customer Service and Specialized Sales Team Support
Straumann sales representatives with expertise in surgical, restorative, digital, and regenerative solutions
are available to answer questions, and deliver the solutions that are right for you. Additionally, the Customer
Service Team is available Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm ET at 800/363 4024 to support your practice.
  
Straumann Young Professional Program
The Straumann Guarantee®
© Straumann USA, LLC 2016. All rights reserved.
Straumann® and/or other trademarks and logos from Straumann® that are mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Straumann Holding AG
and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Straumann North American Headquarters
Straumann USA, LLC
60 Minuteman Road
Andover, MA 01810
Phone 800/448 8168 (US)  800/363 4024 (CA)
978/747 2490
www.straumann.us  www.straumann.ca
International Headquarters
Institut Straumann AG
Peter Merian-Weg 12
CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
Phone +41 (0)61 965 11 11
+41 (0)61 965 11 01