Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus

(Annual Subscription Rs. 25/- only)
I Corin. 15:57.
February 2007
Volume : 7
Issue : 7
Mohan C. Lazarus
Editor: J. Selvakumar
n the sweet name of our Lord Jesus Christ I convey my loving
greetings to you!
How are you and your family members? We pray very specially
for you and your family. As He has promised, the Lord shall give you
honour and praise. Pray every day repeating His promise.
Our children are getting ready for the exams. We, the Jesus
Redeems team, have been praying for our children who are
going to write the exams. Please send us the exam schedule so
that we can pray for them specially on the scheduled days, at the
time of their writing the exam. You too shall pray for your
children and encourage them.
Horrifying events would happen on earth!
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the
moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with
perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the
powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy
to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the
Son of man.” Luke 21:25,26 & 36.
To escape all these horrible things which will happen, be awake and pray always.
Increase your prayers.
God blessed our entire ministry in January. This year the first
Deliverance Festival was held in Salem. The Lord won many
souls for himself as He had promised. He performed many
wonders and signs. The name of Christ Jesus was glorified!
Praise the Lord!
This month we have Deliverance Festival in Avadi (From
15th - 18th). Please pray for this meetings and attend them
with your family.
The construction of the Tabernacle of God has been going on very fast.
Work has been in progress in the Prayer Mountain too. We are getting the
mountain ready so that the children of God could pray there.
Please pray for me and for the Jesus Redeems ministries.
Grace be with you!
Your Brother,
I Corin. 15:57.
Don’t worry; we have a God; He is
the God who gives victory!
He has many names - The Lord of peace!
The Lord of might! The Lord of
Hope1 The Lord of solace!
Besides all these, He is also the
Lord who gives victory!
Once a father came to me for prayer and
he said, “My daughter is very weak in her
studies. In a short while, she has to sit for the
board exams. So far she has failed in a few
subjects in the quarterly and half yearly
“Will I be successful in my studies? Will I
achieve the expected result in the exam that I
am preparing for? In this competitive field, will
I be successful in my job?
So far she has never passed all her
subjects in any of the exams. If she passes in
this Government Board Exam, I would have
the satisfaction that she has at least completed
her schooling. Please pray for her.
In this jealous world, will I achieve my goal
in my business? Will I emerge victorious in my
attempts? Will I be successful at least this
I don’t have any hope that she would study
and succeed. Only if God does a miracle, can
she succeed. Please pray.”
-Such questions may be popping up in your
I prayed with the father for the daughter’s
success in the exams.
Jesus Redeems
February 2007
shall have victory! Your problem may be
big; but the Lord who is with you is
greater than your problem! So, you are
sure to succeed!
The exam got over and the results were
published. The father came to see me and he
brought news that his daughter had passed in
the exam. He exclaimed: “This has happened
only because of God’s miracle.” When I heard
this, we both praised the Lord who gave
Let us see how David overcame the giant
and how we shall confront our problems!
Jesus Christ is the Lord who gives
victory in all circumstances and in all matters
for everybody! He shall give victory to you too.
Don’t be troubled. Repeat the words: “I
thank the Lord who gives me victory!”
When David said, “Let no man’s heart fail
because of him ; your servant will go and fight
with the Philistine,” the King of Israel Saul said
to David, “You are not able to go against this
Philistine and fight with him, for you are a
youth, and he a man of war from his youth.”
God gave a great victory to the young
shepherd boy David, over the giant Goliad.
Please read about this instance in I Samuel,
Chapter 17.
Goliad, the giant rose against the Israelites,
the people of God. He is about 10 feet tall!
Looking at his imposing stature and listening to
his words of ridicule, the Israelites were terror
stricken and troubled.
At this instant, David recollects all the
victories that God has bestowed on him so far.
Today, the exam that you are going to face
may trouble you like a Goliad. In college, your
final examination may be like a Goliad to you.
In your business, or family, or in your ministry,
a Goliad may rise against you and may torment
Fear not! The Lord who gave victory to
David shall give you victory today!
David was not a trained warrior; he was just
a shepherd. He was never accustomed to
wielding a sword in a duel. Yet, he confronted
Goliad courageously. As the Lord of victory
was with David, he could vanquish Goliad.
When David was tending to the sheep, once
a lion, and another time, a bear came and took a
The Lord who was with David and gave
him victory is with you today! He shall
give you victory too! Face the examination
confidently! Confront your problems boldly!
With courage, move forward during trials. You
Jesus Redeems
David, with the help of the Lord, went
behind them, struck them, and killed the lion
and the bear and delivered the lamb from them.
February 2007
“David said moreover, The
LORD that delivered me out of
the paw of the lion, and out of the
paw of the bear, he will deliver
me out of the hand of this
Philistine.” I Sam. 17:37.
When David confronted Goliad, he
“Thou comest to me with a
sword, and with a spear, and
with a shield: but I come to thee
in the name of the LORD of
hosts, the God of the armies of
Israel, whom thou hast defied.”
I Sam. 17:45.
The victories that the Lord had given him
earlier gave him the confidence and the
courage. You too ponder over the path
along which the Lord has guided you;
think about the victories He has brought you!
Whatever matter I pray for, I make a note of
it in my Prayer Diary. When God replies, I
again make an entry.
David never boasted, “I have the
capability! I have the experience! I who killed
the lion and the bear would kill you too!’ He
never had this attitude and he never depended
on his own strength. He relied entirely on the
At times, when some needs and problems
intimidate me, I flip through my Prayer Diary.
When I again and again recount the wonders
that the Lord has done to me, all my fears
vanish and I gain courage and confidence.
“David said moreover, The
LORD that delivered me out of
the paw of the lion, and out of the
paw of the bear, he will deliver
me out of the hand of this
Philistine.” I Sam. 17:37.
Then I feel assured that the Lord who has
done such great things in the past shall again do
a miracle for me at present in this matter.
You too should consider the previous
victories that the Lord has given you.
“...but I come to thee in the name
of the LORD of hosts, the God of
the armies of Israel, whom thou
hast defied.” I Sam. 17:45.
Are you going to take your Std. X exams?
The Lord who helped you to succeed till Std.
IX shall definitely help with this exam too. Are
you going to appear for your Std. XII exams?
Won’t the Lord who has given you success till
Std. XI give you success now too?
This is the reason why the Lord blessed
David with victory. You too should depend on
the Lord and not on your skills, talents, and
You can be absolutely sure that the Lord
who has helped you to be successful in your
studies shall help you in your business or job!
So, fear not! Face the exams confidently!
Go ahead with your job boldly! Move forward
in your business courageously.
Once, a college student wrote to me in
great anguish: “I have been getting the first
rank in all my subjects, so far; but, in the final
year examination, to my shock, I have failed
in a few papers. As I was expecting the top
rank, this failure is too much to bear. “
The Lord who gave victory to David
shall bless you too with victory!
I prayed for her and wrote a consoling
letter to her. After a few days, she wrote again.
Jesus Redeems
February 2007
So set aside time for the preparation. God can’t
help the lazy; He only helps those who toil
In her letter she explained, “I have now
understood the reason for my failure!
I was so proud thinking that I am very
good at my studies! I have a good memory!
With my hard work and consistent effort, I
shall succeed and score the first mark. God
has now made me realize my pride.
Work as hard as you can. Rely on the
Lord for your victory and the victory
comes from the Lord.
Now I have shed this pride and I have
changed. Now I depend only upon the Lord
for my success.” When she repeated her
papers, she got a commendable victory.
For your success, you too shall rely on
the Lord.
David challenged Goliad: “This day
will the LORD deliver thee into
mine hand; for the battle is the
LORD’S, and he will give you
into our hands.” I Sam. 17:46, 47.
“The horse is prepared against
the day of battle: but safety is of
the LORD.”Prov. 21:31.
David never said, “I shall try my best and
fight and I shall fight as valiantly as possible.
Then it is left to the Lord.”
It is necessary for the horse to get ready for
the war; however, the victory is not
achieved because of the horse, but
because of the Lord.
Even before the fight, he was certain about
his victory.
In the similar way, it is necessary that you
should prepare well for the exams. However,
you should know that the victory comes
from the Lord.
Though you may burn the midnight oil for
your study, it is the Lord who gives you the
grace to study! He is the one who gives you
good memory! He is the one who gives you
good health and strength to write the exam.
Only with His help you can gain
victory, So, rely completely on Him.
But, this doesn’t mean that you can be
casual about your preparations, saying that
God will anyway give me success and I needn’t
study. In that case God cannot give you
success, You should also prepare well.
He declared, “The Lord shall deliver you
into my hands.”
God respected this faith and in the way he
believed, God gave him the victory.
God doesn’t help those who do not study.
Jesus Redeems
February 2007
You too should believe! Believe and
repeat, “I shall succeed in my exams. I shall be
successful in my job! I shall be successful in
my business!
The Lord, who gave victory to this boy,
shall give you victory too.
Proclaim your faith, saying, “I thank the
Lord who gives me victory.”
The Lord shall respect your faith and He
shall bless you with success.
Victory comes from the Lord!
Once, a father and son came to me for
I thank you Lord who
gives me victory!
The father said, “ My son is going to
appear for his final year exams. Due to lack of
preparation, he has so far failed in many
subjects. Now, together with his arrears, he
has to take 13 exams.
I thank you for all the
successes you bestowed on me in
the past!
I believe that you shall give me
success in this exam, as you had
given me in the past.
In this final semester, he wants to write all
13 exams and he claims that he will pass all of
He was not able to pass even 4 or 5 papers;
how is it possible for him to pass all 13
subjects simultaneously? So, I have been
advising him to take his exams a few at a time.
He is not listening to me. Please advise him.”
I thank the Lord who gives
success in my business… in job…in
ministry…in family…!
He replied, “In the past I was going my
own way, displeasing the Lord; that was why I
I believe that the victory comes
from the Lord!
I can’t succeed in anything
I tried to advise the boy, “Why don’t you relying on my own strength and
accept your father’s suggestion and write intelligence. Only you can give me
success and I rely only on you!
your exams a few at a time and pass?”
I expect a miraculous victory
from you!
Now, I have changed, and I have accepted
Jesus into my heart. Hence, He shall help me
to pass all 13 papers.”
The Lord who gives me victory, I
I was amazed at his faith. I told him, “I thank you…I thank you…!
wouldn’t stand against your faith. As you
wish, you take all the exams and God shall
give you victory. “ I prayed for him and sent
him away.
In the name of Jesus Christ…
He wrote all 13 papers and with God’s
help he succeeded in all 13.
Jesus Redeems
February 2007
he construction work of the Tabernacle of
God is progressing day by day by the prayer
support of the children and the Lord’s immense
Many of you love this great plan of God and
hence you are supporting this work through your
contribution and prayer. I thank you all from the
depth of my heart.
Roofing works for the first floor are
completed. Raising pillars in the Hall is
being done rapidly.
³ For 1 sq.ft., Rs.300/³ For 1, Rs. 3,000/If God gives you a leading to contribute to this
great project, you can do so by contributing for 1
sq.ft., or 1 or more than that. According to
the verse:
Bro. Kannan of Tanjore shares his testimony
with us:
“While we were thinking of purchasing a
house of our own, one inspiring message was
published in the Jesus Redeems
magazine: “Whatever you ask in
the name of Jesus, you shall
receive certainly.” Having obeyed
the voice of God echoed in our hearts,
we sent Rs.300/- (for 1 sq. ft ) to the
Tabernacle of God and prayed for our
need with faith. Within a month, the LORD
blessed us with a good house worth of Rs.
8,50,000/- situated in the midst of a garden in a
natural surrounding.”
“The LORD shall bless thee out of
Zion.” (Psa. 128:5)
As per this verse may the Lord will bless you
and exalt you.
If your are inspires by the Lord to give for this
project, You may send your offering by way of DD
or CHEQUE in the name of MOHAN C.
LAZARUS to any of the Branch in
TIRUNELVELI to the following address.
- Mohan C. Lazarus
Jesus Redeems'
Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus
Bro. A. Appadurai
Place : House of God
Date : 2007 March
God's Message & Blessing Prayer:
(Messages will be given in Tamil)
Time : 9 a.m to 3:00 p.m
To make your job easy, an Account has been opened as,"Anywhere Bank Account" in the
Prahasapuram - Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. You can get your things done in anyone of the
nearby Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Branches, either by Cash, D.D., or Cheque through the
Account No : 054150330890001. If you send the Counter Foil of your remittance to us along with
your full address, we will send the receipt back to you in time. There is no fee for your remittance
(offering amount) in the Bank.
Jesus Redeems
6 February 2007
In Church of South India - Dubai
Rev. Chandra Sekar
(Church of South India - Dubai)
Devotion for Construction
workers held in the garden
With Bro. Stalin
In Fujairah Church Retreat
With Bro. Manuel Mani
(Church Secretary)
Night Gospel Meeting in Dubai
Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ras-Al-Khaimah and Ajman
are the nations that form the United Arab Emirates. The Government of
U.A.E. has granted permission for our believers living there to worship
the Lord. There are many places in the U.A.E. where believers gather to
worship the Lord and have fellowship.
God graciously enabled us to minister in U.A.E. through the Churh
of South India- Dubai, on 28, 29 and 30, November and on 1 and 2,
December, 2006. Excellent arrangements were made for the meetings
at Dubai, Fujairah, Ras-Al-Khaimah and Abu Dhabi. Each meeting
was attended by a large number of people with a great thirst for
the Word of God. The Lord revealed His glory and magnified His
Name here. Praise the Lord! I praise God for Rev. M. Chandra
Sekar, Pastor of Church of South India, and the Secretary, Bro.
Manuel Mani. The Reverend Pastor invited me into his home
and took good care of me.
I also praise God for Bro. Stalin who was
with me throughout the meetings and attended to
my needs during the ministry. May God bless each
one of them.
In Ras-Al-Khaimah Church Retreat
Night Gospel Meeting in Church of South India - Abu Dhabi
With Bro. Ebenezer
and his wife Sis. Rebecca
In Yemen Meeting
With the Pastor of
Ethiopian Church
Pas. Jacob
Yemen is a small nation situated close to Saudi
Arabia. I was invited to minister in Yemen after the
Dubai ministry. Very few such spiritual meetings are
conducted in this part of the world. Bro. Ebenezer
and his wife Sis. Rebecca cordially invited me to
minister to the believers gathering there.
In accordance with God’s leading, the Ethiopian
Church and the Tamil Church, organized special
meetings on December 9 and 10, 2006. The
arrangements for the meetings were wonderful. The
Lord met his people and blessed them. I convey my
love and gratitude to Bro. Ebenezer and Sis.
Rebecca who organized the meetings, and took very
good care of me during my stay in their home. May
God bless them.
Asst. Pas. Stephen
(Bahrain-Heavenly Worship Centre)
Bro. Saju who take
incharge of meetings
After concluding the Bahrain ministries, our next
stop was at Bahrain. The Bahrain- Heavenly
Worship Centre had organized meetings for three
days on December 15, 16 and 17, 2006. The messages
were translated into English. Many people attended the
night meetings during these days.
The theme in most of these meetings was
prayer. I praise God for Pas. Jacob and Bro. Saju
of the Heavenly Worship Center. I praise God for
Bro. David who lovingly invited to the meetings. I
also praise God for Bro. Roy Mathew, at whose
home I stayed, for his loving care and attention. I
express my love and gratitude to them. May God bless
each one of them.
- The Editor.
With Bro. Roy Mathew
Bro. Jeyakumar who interpreting the God’s message in English - (Bahrain-Day Meeting)
With Pas. Lawrence
(Tamil Church)
& Bro. David
Submitting themselves to
Jesus Christ
Brothers who toiled for the meetings
Night Gospel Meeting - Bahrain
ur God is faithful in HIS promises!
HE always keeps His word fulfills His
promises. In 2010, Tamilnadu will
become the most blessed state in
India. We have been praying for this cause
for the past two years earnestly. God has
been granting blessed, miraculous changes in
God is going to bring about a glorious revival
among the youth. Satan has also laid many
snares to attract the youth. Pray earnestly!
ë From this year, we are going to see revival
in Tamilnadu in all stages. As Egypt had a
flourishing period for 7 years in the days of
Joseph, there will be prosperity in
Tamilnadu ! Churches will expand and
multiply ! New Ministers of God are going
to be raised!
ë The Spirit of prayer will be poured out and
there will be a revival of prayer in our
ë Popular personalities will proclaim: “The Lord
is God!”
ë The people who pay attention to the word of God
will be flourish. There will be a sharp difference
between the Godly people and the unGodly.
Those who follow the Lord faithfully will
ë Extraordinary miracles and signs will be
manifested through very ordinary people and the
servants of God. Churches that give room to
the Holy Spirit will grow! Churches that
abandon the Holy Ghost will decline.
Within a short
time, the Lord
will shake the
heaven and
earth, the sea
and the land.
There will be
fear and
among the
people. God’s
should pray
¤ Pray
more for
protection of the Pilgrim centers where a lot of
people assemble and for seaside villages.
Hence, dear children of God, Pray fervently!
Pray for the nation! Stand in the breach and
make an interceding prayer! If you are in need
of prayer points, kindly inform us. We will send
them to your address.
“Raise an Army of God in every district to
stand in the breach and pray,” thus the Lord had
spoken to us. You may be work as a team and do the
ministry. You might work with a vision for your
district. If so, kindly be in touch with us.
We are willing to help you in prayer and
ministerial activities. You are the chosen
Joshuas to take part in this great task of inheriting
your area.
Pray united! Rise up and act ! Let us
see the revival !
- Mohan C. Lazarus.
BLESS - 2010 !
Contact: BLESSED TAMILNADU 2010, Jesus Redeems,
Nalumavadi-628 211. Thoothukudi Dt.,
On one side, there will be a blessing and
prosperity; on the other side, dangers and
disasters will take place! Incidents which
leave the Scientists amazed and dismayed will
Jesus Redeems'
happen. The powers of heaven shall be shaken!
Signs will be seen that presage the
coming of the Lord ! Blessed are those who
Place : House of God, Nalumavadi.
put their trust in the Lord.
Date : May 24th morning 9:00 to
¤ Pray more for the protection of the Delhi city. In
26th evening 3:00
addition, Pray for God’s protection for the
metropolitan cities namely; Bangalore,
Pondicherry and Chennai.
Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus,
Bro. A. Appadurai, Bro. Yesanna (A.P)
¤ Revival will take place in Mizoram, Manipur and
Jesus Redeems
11 February 2007
News from House of God-Nalumavadi:-
Do not be afraid;
Only Believe!
(Mark 5:36)
Fear not; The Lord Jesus will do miracles for you. You
only need to believe; You will see miracles. The LORD
has started this Thirappin Vaasal Prayer in order to pray
for you with faith. Here are some miracles done by
JESUS who answered our prayers during the previous
Thirappin Vaasal Prayers.
After my marriage all of a
sudden I took ill and no one
could diagnose the
disease. I was at the
edge of death. At this
juncture, I requested our
respected brother to pray for
me. He also prayed and the
LORD rendered me a divine healing. In the
meantime, I conceived. At the time of medical
check-up, doctors declared strictly that I should
not have no a baby and advised me to
undergo abortion. With much burden, I
requested our brother once again to pray for me.
The LORD heard the prayer and enabled me to
give birth to a handsome baby boy
miraculously. In such a way I have been
- Merlin Christopher, Ellai Naickanpatti.
We belong to a Hindu
family. My daughter was
struggling with the
spirit of fear for the
past 6 years after
her marriage and she
used to come to our
house as a result of some
misunderstandings with
her husband frequently. Her
family life was so miserable and she couldn’t
express her mental agony. Efforts that were taken
to cure her problem through medication ended in
a failure. There was no peace and
happiness in the family. In this situation, I
attended this prayer and beseeched our LORD to
Jesus Redeems
heal my daughter. This fervent prayer reached the
Heavenly Father and my daughter was relieved of
her problem. Praise the LORD for this
- Umaya Parvathi, Melakulam.
We had a debt of Rs.
50,000. I attended the
Thirappin Vasal Prayer and
prayed for the removal of
this problem. The LORD
heard the prayer and
enabled us to settle all
our debts.
Besides, when was pregnant for 4 months, I
fad a serious illness. Doctors were sure that I
would have a miscarriage. My sorrow had
no limits. I had faith in this Thirappin Vasal
Prayer and requested the prayer warriors to pray
for my healing. They also prayed. The LORD
heard the prayer and I found grace in HIS eyes. I
gave birth to a beautiful child in a normal
- Dhanaselvi Sasikumar, Nagalpakkam.
During the eighth month of
my pregnancy, I fell sick that
resulted in weakness of my
body. When medical check up
was done, doctors said,
“your heart is weak and
the blood count also is
less. Moreover, there is a
growth in your stomach.
Hence, chances were fewer for a normal
delivery. But surgery may be risky.” With
February 2007
much burden, I requested Jesus Redeems prayer
team to pray for my healing in the Thirappin
Vaasal Prayer. They also prayed. The Lord heard
the prayer, and the cyst disappeared, my
weakness changed and the LORD
enabled me to give birth to a child in a
normal delivery.
- Binu Jeyakumari, Kallanguzhi.
My daughter- in- law had
a bitter experience of two of
her babies dying soon
after birth within five
years of her married life.
When she conceived for the
3rd time, as per the instruction
of the doctors, we planned to get
the child delivered through Caesarian as a
precautionary measure. I attended the
Thirappin Vaasal Prayer and prayed for my
daughter-in-law’s safe delivery earnestly. The
LORD showed His mercy on her and helped her
to give birth to a child in normal delivery.
- Gnanasundari, Pannavilai Pudur.
I was suffering from
unbearable pain on my
hip for the past 4 years. I
found it difficult to do even a
very small chore at home.
With hope and expectation, I
attended in the Thirappin
Vaasal Prayer. While the prayer
for the sick was going on, Holy Spirit
revealed my problem through our brother
and he prayed for me by mentioning my name. As
soon as he prayed, the hip pain vanished.
Now, I can do my work well.
- Chandran, Arasakulam.
I was childless for 8
years of my married life.
Various kinds of treatments in
this regard ended in failure. I
wrote a letter to Jesus
Redeems ministries,
requesting them to pray for
the blessing of a child in my
family. They also prayed and sent
a reply. The LORD heard the prayer and granted
the blessing of a child in my life.
- Jonitta Rani, Thoothukudi.
After I finishing my nursing
course, in spite of seriously
hunting for a job for 20
long years, I never got a
job. All my efforts ended in
failure. Job opportunities
appeared but they seemed like
“Mirage” in the desert. In this
state of anguish, I attended the
Thirappin Vaasal Prayer and
prayed for my job with broken heart.
Besides, I requested the prayer team to pray for
this cause through letter. My waiting time was not
at all a wasting time. GOD of compassion
showed mercy on me and I got a job after 20
- Ulagammal, Palayamkottai.
Jesus Christ who did miracles to these people will also do the same for you.
Whatever may be your situation, write to us with your postal address clearly.
Please fast and pray on this day with faith. “Jesus Christ will do a miracle for
you too!” On this Thirappin vasal prayer day, we will pray from 9.00am to
3.00pm.You do pray in the same hour wherever you are. We shall let you know the
answer given by God.
Contact Address: Thirappin Vasal Jebam, Nalumavadi-628 211. Thoothukudi Dt.,
Jesus Redeems
February 2007
[Continued from January 2006 Issue]
Later in 1902, around 1,84,752 people
became victims. After two years, the number
of people who died rose to 1,94,000,
according to statistics.
Man has battled with many deadly diseases
and viruses down the ages. In the olden days,
diseases like malaria, cholera and chicken pox
terrified people. In the end however, man found a
remedy for these diseases and after appropriate
research and treatment, he has brought these under
his control.
He also succeeded in rooting out several
deadly disease causing viruses that existed in the3
olden days.
Tiding of
Bro. Vincent Selvakumar
Voice of Jesus Ministries, Ramanathapuram
Today however, man is himself creating the
same deadly viruses.
Viruses and disease-causing germs are being
deliberately produced and spread by man.
In ancient times, dogs were used during wars.
Later, horses were also used. In countries like
India, Elephants were used for war. Today,
however, the trend is to make use of deadly killer
germs/viruses to destroy the enemy.
(Let us hasten to be prepared!)
This is what we dislike about preachers If then
T.V. is a craze , if the voter's identity card is
issued, if there's no water in the tap it I s a sign of
the end times. They will say that the Lord's coming
is at hand.
Study the Bible closely. Find out if what I'm
saying is right and then accept the truth. Otherwise
reject what I'm saying here. No harm done!
Okay, what does the Bible say?
"For nation shall rise, against
nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
and there shall be famines, and
pestilences, and earthquakes." Matt
24: 7
"And great earthquakes shall
be in divers places, and famines, and
pestilences; and fearful sights and
great signs shall there be from heaven."
Luke 21: 11
The Bible does not merely say
that there will be famines and deadly
diseases. The Word begins with "nation
shall rise, against nation," and then
continues to say, "…there shall be
famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes." Thus
we understand that this reference is not to famines,
deadly diseases and earthquakes that occur
naturally but are a consequence of wars.
This means that the famines, deadly diseases
and earthquakes that occur during the last days, are
not a natural phenomenon, but a product of man's
How True this is today!
We are not afraid of the deadly viruses.
At the time when Lord Jesus Christ revealed
However, our hearts are troubled when we
no one would have even imagined such a
recollect what the Bible says about the signs of the
germ warfare.
End Times that such killer germs will be spread
during wars and that the number of diseases will
Today, these deadly diseases are produced and
Jesus Redeems
14 February 2007
spread in many places, by countries, which want to
seek vengeance against their enemies.
This is an emphatic sign of the last days.
Whenever we preach that "famines, and
pestilences, and earthquakes" are a sign of the end
times, many mockingly question, "When was
there ever a time without famines or diseases?
They have occurred from time to time in several
The famines and diseases that have occurred
up to now have been due to natural reasons. The
ones that will occur in the end times, however, will
be a result of the enmity between nations.
Therefore, there need be no second thought
about this There is very little time left.
Friend, pay close attention!
The Lord Jesus' second coming is seen in
every movement of the world. If you are prepared
to meet him, then join with me to joyfully say,
Amen! Even so come Lord Jesus!
"Blessed is he that readeth, and
they that hear the words of this
prophecy, and keep those things
which are written therein: for the
time is at hand. " Rev. 1:3.
The question is a reasonable one! But, the
answer is not so simple.
Everything that has a 'beginning' must also
have an 'end'. Almost all the Books of the Bible
speak about this and the Book of Revelation deals
with this fact in great detail.
Even religious texts belonging to the other
religions of the world agree on the fact that "the
world has an end".
Every sensible person will agree that ' the
world we live in is facing a terrible destruction'.
A close look will plainly reveal that this
awareness of the world's end has gripped
The main topic of conversation amongst
scientists, theologists, journalists, national leaders
and common people belonging to every class, is
about the End Times. This awareness has been
prevalent in mankind only in the last few years.
Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, Vice Chancellor at
The University of Chicago says: "I cannot even
imagine that there will be a future beyond the
next fifty years."
"But the end of all things is at
hand: be ye therefore sober, and
watch unto prayer." I Pet. 4:7.
Listen to what research historian H.G.Wells
says: "The world is in its last moments. It is
clear that there is an end to everything in this
world." ('Mind at the end of the Earth.' By
H.G. Wells)
"He that is unjust, let him be unjust
still: and he which is filthy, let him be
filthy still: and he that is righteous, let
him be righteous still: and he that is
holy, let him be holy still. And,
behold, I come quickly; and my
reward is with me, to give every man
according as his work shall be. " Rev.
22: 11-12.
Earlier, the world thought that the idea of 'last
days' and 'end times' was merely a fanciful notion
held by Christian leaders. Today, however, after
seeing what is going on, the people of the world
themselves are speaking loudly and clearly about
the end times.
Beware! This is the End Time! Was the focus
of the previous article.
Jesus Redeems
Does the world too have an end just as man's
life does? Don't people say that the world came
into existence many thousands of years ago? Then,
how can it come to an end?
(If this is so, is it true then that this is really the
End Time? Let us discuss about this in the next
February 2007
ö Tamilnadu Administrative
N E W S !
Bureau of
Regularizations had taken vehement action in all
government offices to eradicate the social evil called
“Bribe.” As a feedback to this implementation, it
has been resolved that the wall - posters entitled the
slogans such as; “Eradicate Bribe, Prevent
Bribe”, Let us create an incredible and
resourceful India” would be pasted in the
Government offices. In addition, some more
information such as; Telephone numbers and address
to the Bribe Eradication Wing and a sharp note of “
Getting as well as Giving Bribe is considered as
crime”, are also seen in the posters. Complaints and
grievances may be forwarded to the Bribe
Eradication Bureau along with the name of the
persons who asked for bribe. (Courtesy : ‘Dhinakaran’,
assault. This atrocious incident which shook the
entire nation into a frozen state. One way or other
compel us the need to initiate a new law to prevent
such brutal crimes. Doctors said,” murdering the
innocent blood by sexual assault is also a kind of
Psychological disease”. There are such hare brained
persons living not only in India, but also in other
countries. But, Stringent laws are there in these
countries in order to penalize such culprits. Oh! what
a pity! In India, there is no such stringent laws.
“The awareness of such sexual assault
against children, is found very low in the
minds of the Indians. They hesitate to
debate this crucial issue and also to oppose
as well. Most of the parents who lost their
dear children in this brutal battering have
concealed the issue and also avoid - giving
complaints in the police station” says
Sis.Pooja, of, “Blue Angel” child protection
organisation situated in France.(Let us pray with burden
Jan.,13, 2007, Page No:3). ( Pray that the LORD may purify our
nation by eradicating bribe, the worst social evil.)
7 Rocket has been
launched from the
SriHarikotta Missile
Propelling station on Jan.10,
2007 successfully. This Indian
made rocket contains modern
artificial satellite which could
be used again and it has the
capacity to propel 4 artificial
satellites into space. Indian
space Research organisation
had used this PSLV Rocket
since 1993. Even though, the
first test Launching ended in a failure, the other 8
subsequent launching of PSLV Rocket into space
have been successfully carried out. (Courtesy:
for the elimination of such abominations from our nation that
leads into the bondage of curse.)
‘Dhinakaran’ -Nellai Edition, Jan., 8, 2007, Page No:14).
the conference held in Delhi for the NonResident Indians living in foreign countries on
Jan.6th, Hon. President Dr.Abdul Kalam Azad
distributed the, “Paravasi Bharathiya Samman
Award” to 15 Indians for their commendable
service done in the alien soil in order to upgrade
India’s name and fame. Notable personalities among
the Award Winners are, Mr.Diljit Rana who resides
in England and Mr. Gopal Raju who resides in
America. (Courtesy: ‘Dhinakaran’, Jan., 10, 2007.Page 7).
Our Address
M i n i s t r y
(Pray that the LORD bless India and make it affluent in all
Nalumavadi-628 211.
Thoothukudi Dt., Tamil nadu, INDIA.
children were killed brutally under sexual
assault at Nithari village, a suburb of Noida city
which is in Uttar Pradesh. The police has arrested 2
harebrained persons in view of this unpardonable
Jesus Redeems
Death sentence was given to Mr. Sadam
Hussen, Iran’s ex-president, Mr. Parsen
Ibrahim, a cousin to Mr.Sadam and the ex- Judge
Mr. Al-Pundar for the brutal killing of 148 innocent
Shia Muslims happened in the city of Dujail which
belong to Iraq. In accordance with this, death by
hanging was executed to Mr.Sadam Hussein.
Regarding the case of other two persons, death
penalty was being withheld. Most of the nations
having membership in the U.N.O have raised their
condemning call to the death sentence given to
Sadam. Mr. Paun - Kie - Moon, the new General
Secretary of the U.N.O was the exceptional case in
this regard. because, he didn’t raise his voice against
the death sentence executed in the case of Mr.Sadam.
To compensate for his stand in the UNO, he
expressed his opposition in the matters concerning
the hanging death penalty to the other companians
of Mr.Sadam.
For 24 Hrs Prayer Request: 04639 - 235 315
Ph : (04639) - 235 305, 235 705
Fax : (04639) - 235 415
February 2007
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Jesus Redeems'
In Kanyakumari
In Ooty
2007 March
22, 23, 24, 25
2007 April
(Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
19, 20, 21, 22
(Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Nagercoil Main Road,
Vivekananthapuram, Kanyakumari.
Daily evening 6:00
Bro. Christopher
(Cell: 9443091947)
Pas. Suresh Rajan
(AG Church) (Ph: 9443117704)
Messages :
Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus
Bro. A. Appadurai