THE MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT, 1912-1973 A BRIEF HISTORY By Harold W. Stephens 1 MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT ] OF MATHEMATICS TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE A BRIEF iii 1 HISTORY West Tennessee State Normal West Tennessee State Teachers Memphis State Graduate Memphis Courses and Search Ph.D. Degree Honors Paper Read 10 in Mathematics 14 Expanded 17 Department . Chairman 23 26 . 29 in Hungary 32 Program LIST Degrees . in Mathematics Program NSF-SSTP APPENDIX: New 3 8 in Mathematics Activities for College 5 University M.S. Professional 1 College State M.S.T. School 34 in Mathematics OF FACULTY MEMBERS, 1973-74 36 iii PREFACE With Memphis that the State appointment University, histories Dr. Stanley asked me weeks, of Franklin, I have various the years the Mathematics of historian. to compile from from 1912 to the to facilitate made to eliminate such an attempt everyone who covering courses has been in existence. Mrs. Mary this history Thorpe, events I wish to my wife who form history years to express assisted me looking in typing the and of in sub- attempt concise has been to hope that I am grateful provided this special secretary, from materials is too successful. who the records, it is too much the with of mentioned every f ew past Highlights this and of from been to me departmental in final and have I realize entirely other faculty. Although suggestions and been since chapters. errors, made on the present reading, into office, Department, history and requested whereupon In the a brief catalogs colleagues of the University Chairman as department of my of President be written, in the Mathematics to be divided and officials of Mathematics files of a new departments attempted recollections heads the to serve Department in 1973 who materials department gratitude managed over first her has to to type shoulder, draft. ~w:~ August 9, 1973 Harold W. Stephens to THE MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT, A BRIEF 1912-1973 HISTORY By Harold The of what the faculty is now years 1912 institution was The through the preparation to fit II surge needs mathematical research, national time a new and the preparation and in college reflected purpose over of beginning, schools student in faculty of a student the teaching and of emphasis upon of Tennessee. an expansion seeking 1970's awareness of population body The international Department in Mathematics secondary professions. departmental have In the increase for varied increased a growing the University society. elementary War in the Mathematics present to the in a necessary of courses by an State the post-World resulted Memphis geared for Stephens courses in a changing primarily teachers and W. the have academic been importance graduate reputation marked of degrees, for and professional excellence. West When Memphis as: on the Tennessee State September Normal 15, of Mathematics T. B. Loggins, who held School 1912, "Ma t h em a t Lc s , Including In charge State Normal for this an A.B. was from West Tennessee department Commercial courses School Courses Dean of Glasgow opened in was designated and Penmanship.1I the College Normal School and 2 an A.M. from President Georgie Mathematics and department Accounts and the for plane elective; and a course and years with the The were ment 53 years. and the Mathematics held to serve CharI year, Union year; with year, normal University. included advanced as an bookkeeping with course an plane for electives to seniors, faculty courses of 1913, trig- the junior to juniors analytical only "assistant building, "Administration geometry for a former of Germantown High summer in the Miss of summers Williams in Mathematics" for "Academic Building." Williams, in the however, main as headquarters Ormond Principal fall in the as the was Miss and, of arithmetic as mathematical algebra, in Master program commercial two-year an A.M. arithmetic. building for from first fourth with in fact--was his academic the of State "assistant one degrees the as Department--a obtained third geometry offered to be known joined year, in college Classes schools algebra solid teacher's later and an elective. senior who four-year geometry was it became served Conductor Commercial of Science the second elective; onometry The had B. Ijams, College, before Bachelor arithmetic algebra and Science." He later, Charles Robertson J. M. Walters, Courses advanced and, Mr. in practice by Mr. University. College in Tennessee. from headed Normal of Dickson Institutes degree National Hall," This the Mathematics teacher School for Mr. Ijams of 1913 and 1914. six years, taught as Dean the winter-spring Depart- in rural 1913. is listed central some In the Loggins' terms. 3 In the "Dr. Hood,lI who faculty who summer B.A. and and Commercial Commerce Department, W. M. McLaurin Mathematics for who had the from been before from courses Dean assuming of West the Proctor, who first and A.M. degrees She served Miss Jane became West joined name Tennessee the Mathematics Armstrong of faculty here in 1924, received and in a separate Department. instructor in the Mathematics O. Q. Poindexter, Mechanical State Normal of in 1915. the fall Teachers year Virginia her A.B. in 1921. of 1923, when College College. Mr. and He assistant. a change A.B. Miss College underwent became one obtained Women's State the College. for was She until and the Mathematics Poindexter succeeding his Female of Mississippi Poindexter's Teachers held Transyl- Bourbon taught of Professor teacher college Department, had was of Chairman Mr. (later special as Chairman Tennessee the State as Randolph-Macon as Mathematics Jones in 1917. Tennessee taught being of S. Jones, Mr. of by a list in the Mathematics Professor from Morrow now University duties Wharton University Agricultural Assisting The the assisted catalog 1915-19. staff period from Department. West the Loggins Mississippi Bursar than 1920 in the as President were rather was instructor Kentucky joined B.S. Loggins years served in September held M.S. in the a brief Succeeding Department special had College. Mr. by degrees College) Dean to be included Mathematics and M.A. vania failed members, taught of 1915, becoming P. L. Armstrong, the third Mr. Poindexter. A.M. in 1925, Chairman degrees of who the Professor from Southwestern 4 Presbyterian Mr. University. Elmore Chemistry" for Chemistry his the from was summer Department. B.S. South Holmes of 1926 Mr. taught and with in Mathematics only, George the Citadel Carolina, "assistant his joining the W. Nicholson, who received M.A. University Professor later and from the Armstrong one of year, 1927-28. Mrs. Paula University Mr. Henry of Texas, Armstrong Pepper, joined and Mrs. with B.A. and the Mathematics Pepper were the M.A. from faculty only the in 1928. Mathematics teachers in 1929-30. Mr. T. P. University Mrs. taught plane differential plane spherical analytic Solid geometry, solid of mathematics, teaching of junior Smith, school the in 1931 and who (1931) of for Department held the the the Mathematics two B.S. the M.S. from years. with and from from the in 1930. He and geometry, college teaching analytic calculus, statistics, in high Carolina, Ph.D. integral and methods faculty M.S. trigonometry, of of South College of 1931: analysis the Mathematics Chairman fall and college mathematical Joining the in the the B.A. calculus, and materials P. K. joined his calculus, equations, of received trigonometry, of arithmetic, history who of Mississippi, Pepper algebra, Scott, high geometry, differential theory of equations, school mathematics, mathematics. becoming the first a doctorate was Professor M.A. degrees the University University Department of Illinois. from Chairman the University of Chicago, He had at Mississippi and been Women's 5 Courses arithmetic, and in the plane teaching B.S. and for sequence his did succeeded The Chairman B.S. held faculty the Ph.D. A.B. From the Mathematics who 1926, and from his his M.A. arts State 15, State curriculum, the name College. Mathematics of for Locke faculty was the received the M.A. in 1929 from of the Univer- the Mathe- in 1934. the M.A. She and Teachers. spring Teachers of 1942, and Mr. College the C. W. two Stout, at Memphis in in 1931. College after the came long. having member and University S~ate 1941, the of Dr. Mercer Memphis On February through the Department who College for joined in 1933 College Peabody from from Shuler, prepara- teachers. received second B was a two-year college, Ph.D. the Winthrop consisted B.S. who this Locke the as of 1936 teachers received and of and chairman of the Mathematics Eucebia George fall B.S. as departmental J. F. Locke, Pepper Miss from to the school serve to the Curriculum elementary degree degrees teachers; to prepare Mrs. was leading C was University Succeeding years, Curriculum Professor of Illinois. four leading in 1927. sity matics over a graduate Vanderbilt calculus, teachers; not of mathematics. was from teaching differential elementary Chairman who here taught by Professor new included geometry, of courses school Smith of 1932 school for of courses in 1932. first A was series high Dr. He was high preparation a four-year tion analytic junior Curriculum summer an enlargement college courses was offered of changed in 1941 the liberal to Memphis included 6 solid analytic calculus, and Mr. tics geometry, differential differential R. P. Clark, teacher a member of held the B.S. from George When at had Dr. War II and 1944, Mr. Clark of the for Teachers. to the on military became Acting supervisor School College responded went as State College Locke World faculty Memphis Peabody served the Training the Mathematics from calculus, integral equations. who training calculus, since He the M.A. call of absence of became in 1942. and nation's Chairman 1934, college (1928) leave of Mathema- to arms January in 1, the Mathematics Department. In January Mathematics in the 1946, Department, Physics her Mathematics Department. the teaching at inventory test to determine courses. The quarters The matics Department, including a new the B.S. and had were at the with the the half-time of 1946 basis done M.S. and in the degrees graduate work addition Howard at this the Mathematics time level, senior a milestone of five of Mr. a Mathematics in Freshman at was direction given junior equations 1946-47 and term and under curriculum year Chairman. summer placement of calculus academic there joined of Michigan. students Mathematics of differential half-time Department, McBride, quarters held University Mrs. three McBride on a full-time of Tennessee, the Browning the was She In the Mathematics and With appointment University in Mathematics Clark Elna Department. thereafter, from Mrs. new S. Kaltenborn, included and three level. for the Mathe- faculty whose members, degrees 7 included M.S. was a B.S. (1931) and from Carnegie Ph.D. (1934) named Chairman left the department and, later, Mr. Dean his M.A. Three Lana College Helen from from new and Mrs. Kaltenborn of M.A. the mental enrollment the United staff in 1947. Crisp Badger, University year from of the Clark college from George and and of Southwestern were Mrs. Southern of Alabama; College Mrs. (1931), in Biology Dorothy for and M.A. from Wilson College Chairman joined Teachers. Birmingham Mrs. the from faculty Ph.D. Peabody principal, A.B. for Barnard (1934), the wife ever States John fall that up to that from the Clark, Teachers. Mrs. Clark was Winthrop F. Williams 577, highest officer a B.S. the Mathematics was College and M.A. M.A. rising depart- with in 1948 to the (B.A., was time. joined Thomas Additions the naval Academy, Mr. of 1946 year, a retired Naval Succeeding A.B. of reached P. Thomas, with in the quarter of Tennessee. included B.A. enrollment in the winter from Mr. Registrar. to 643 Frank his the University (1936); from was school College the A.B. from with Mathematics Mr. Peabody held of Michigan B.S. high He obtained University with Registrar in 1928, of Michigan, Department. to the Mathematics the M.A. Kaltenborn, University the University Acting a former George who Columbia of Technology of Admissions. women and the wife to become faculty. C. Almond, from the Mathematics Sam Anderson, the Mathematics and of Institute faculty Mrs. the University Blanche from the following of Tennessee) 8 and Thomas Mrs. C. Yarbrough, McBride was on leave Graduate Because Assembly Jr. (B.S., of absence Co~~sesin of educational of 1949 authorized graduate under jurisdiction. The the demands needs almost that Memphis degree of Master in approved were graduate program in Education Sciences, with and area graduate extended in 1950 to include vector were increased available theory and to graduate of numbers, geometry, advanced school a seminar in the by 1959 (two modern teaching following students: calculus teachers, the theory Chemistry, sub- courses for history of mathe- of In the 1950's the (two these courses of mathematics, sequences), for and equations, following history geometry in Mathematics theory sequences), of algebra, minors in other offerings geometry. algebraic the College in Biology, undergraduates: so that recom- of Mathematics. probability, college with State courses program, advanced calculus, analysis, courses and a minor and to offer of Education, elective collateral observed profession at Memphis colleges Council, authorized field of state in Tennessee, be fields. the General Board President's teaching College of this advanced in the matter the students divisions the in the in general, State work Because matics, high Social including graduate were initial or jects, of Arts a major English State subject The from College). a year. Tennessee College graduate entirely mended required for State Mathematics the to establish studying for expansion Education its Memphis modern high college algebra school a seminar for teachers, in the 9 teaching of geometry. Several ment in the and M.A., versity Mr. new faculty members early 1950's. Among University during M.S., Mrs. this State Ruth Bevin 1953-55; Robert Duke (B.S., taught George Teachers). staff Dale Oklahoma College; 1951 to 1954; 1951-54; M.S. (B.A., College Houston University and Luther D. Hagewood Sam of Woods in 1953. Department Institute; Peabody M.A., (B.S., M.S., the (A.B.E. (B.S.,Uni- for from of Toronto), William 1954-55; College; (B.A., Polytechnic D. Perry University), State who 1952-54; Vause joined Depart- H. Potter L. Reeves College Wollen University M.A., Larry in the Mathematics Iowa), College; Zeno Henry Reeves Gerhard Alabama of Georgia), Haile Missouri (B.A., Mr. the Mathematics were Peabody or two of (B.S., 1953-54; M.A., were: University Lipscomb and a year period K. Youse University David for Bannon and M.A.,George carne in 1952, Teaching these of Florida) of Alabama; Potter joined for State South College), Carolina; (B.S., Agricultural Teachers), Southwest and Mechanical College). In 1955, held the and Ph.D. Meredith B.S. from Poole necessitated (B.A., for became the the joined College M.A., Mr. Gough addition and of Georgia. University a special department the Mathematics (1949), the University Department. College) part-time T. Walker Wofford (1955)from Mathematics State David (B.S., instructor, whenever of another the M.S. That of Mississippi) Wheat faculty M.S., teaching increasing faculty. (1951) same year, joined the Memphis Mathematics enrollment member. He 10 Memphis On July changed 1, 1957, to Memphis lature. three the State Mathematics in the State courses schools--Arts mathematics, basic analytic geometry, applied mathematics, and In 1957, versity) M.S., and Mr. University William Frances Street needs and theory students Business concepts of statistics, of numbers, mathematical Memphis Memphis of Tennessee) joined the Mathematics received his M.S. Institute for degree of and calculus, (B.S., legis- trigonometry, (B.S., Bethany first Mathematics Summer at Memphis through July Science Foundation. 10, institute and of 1960, 1962, NSF algebra, of finance, Bethany the was state fundamental college geometry, the Education, of mathematics, Frank L. Sciences, College State in 1958 analysis. State Uni- College; Departfrom the Teachers of of Mississippi. The first history of to meet following: mathematics, college University ment. the State by act offered mathematics theory, of Memphis University, Administration--included algebraic name University 1959, 1964, institute Stephens of New Professor Henry of funds at this and 1965. School was granted Howard held were, university Teaching Reeves College, the Kaltenborn in addition State held by to Dr. Union, of the Mathematics from June directed for the Professor this summers this Kaltenborn: New 8 National during courses Southwestern-at-Memphis; Jersey L. with University Professor others M. L. Macqueen State High Professor Harold Jersey; Department. and W. 11 Courses in the of Mathematics, Professors June taught Institute 13 - August Kaltenborn, of the University also Summer Macqueen, of Tennessee. at a short-term Southwestern-at-Memphis, for High School Teachers 5, 1960, were taught by Stephens, and In 1960, area Professor institute sponsored by Edgar D. Eaves Stephens in Mathematics the National at Science Foundation. In the NSF institute New Mexico, Murray summer for and State The courses taught theory, history matrix advances teachers, and statistical a seminar ing late of advanced 1950's hours high and time and Macqueen. Bulletin listed required. Graduate theory foundations of numbers, advanced high school school a seminar offered the Master modern high and of algebraic calculus, science algebra for teachers, in the of teachers, high school probability teaching a seminar recent of algebra, in the teach- mathematics. joined 1960's. at 1962, for included of geometry, school members early for 10, School theory, mathematics, teaching new being geometric applications, of institute Stephens, in requirements for University 18 - August the Graduate at this geometry in the Several June Kaltenborn, area at an Kentucky. mathematics to modern modern taught of mathematics, theory, in general introduction held semester in Mathematics mathematics, at an NSF of 1962, nine taught Stephens in Murray, as a minor Kaltenborn at the by Professors fall degree, courses Harold Howard schoolteachers institute In the Arts high College NSF Mathematics of 1961, the Mathematics Among them were faculty John in the A. Winfrey 12 (B.S., U. S. Naval in 1958; Ben came M.S., Purdue Harold W. and his his M.A. who Purdue McEachern Purdue included M.S., and and Marvin State Barbara Edward University Newton of Arkansas), instructors teaching of Illinois); Institute of Technology); Louisiana State Northwestern Union Parry U. Melvin University Mosley from Thomas Roger Van (B.S., -1962-65; University), College; M.S., 1968. Special Farrimond (B.A.E., Smith, time Academy; State William Jr. J. Garfield and a short 1962 through Lowe, College; of Arkansas), Arkansas included Washing- V. Foster Memphis (B.A., taught for S. Military 1962-63; M.A., Albert Mathematics. Mathematics (B.A., Dakota; Jr. (B.S., Georgia (B.S.C.E., Brocklin (B.S.J., University). In the summer of 1962, Professor professor of Mathematics Professor Kaltenborn to teach of North (B.S. M.S., in 1960. He came William (B.S., College, In 1962, Joe staff. teaching Stephens State George taught University); Jersey M.S., part-time University New institutes Professor University the of Illinois), McBride in 1959; and at NSF summers. who Academy; of Tennessee; Jacobs College; Naval University. (B.S., began who Leroy Kate 1962-63. Sherman members University Southern University University) Faculty Columbia University), staff teaching two joined U.S. the in 1941 from University), (B.S., been L. Heen State (B.S., joined for in 1944 from ton University) M.S., had degree In 1961, Mylo M.S. who University B.S. Memphis Prewitt University), State M.S., Francis Stephens, at Memphis obtained Academy; at another at returned NSF Stephens was Southwestern-at-Memphis, to the insXitute. University visiting and of New Mexico 13 For obtained the a grant In-Service Teaching year from the Institute courses , f Kaltenborn, •• Stephens ~. academic from who and for was 1963-64, National High Science School September also the Mathematics Foundation Teachers 28 through director of the Department for an of Mathematics. May 10 were institute, Professor and Professors Bethany. £ From Institute State and June 22 - August for High University School were 1964, Teachers taught courses for an NSF of Mathematics by Professors Summer at Memphis Kaltenborn, Stephens, Walker. In December degree 1964, in Mathematics From June Teachers of Mathematics 1964. Roy 1965, from the Also coming degree Lee Instructors Georgia; (A.A., Oklahoma Oklahoma Jr., Seok State with who Auburn University), Christian State Jerome College; University), Ed.D. and High School University. Department College University B.A. who in 1961, in 1962. and M.A. in In degrees faculty. received his M.S. of Delaware. Mathematics Joseph Junior the Mathematics Wong, previously for Hendrix both joined Pin the Kaltenborn Mathematics from the University 1963-64; M.S. the degree Florida teaching Farrimond, instructor, State of Texas, from Professors at Memphis B.A. was 1965, joined received University. Institute Minton, in 1965 Stephens Summer from University in 1962 William his degree Hubert 13, Caplinger He received his M.A. M.S., an NSF W. Columbia 21 - August conducted Thomas Harold from Stephens and 14, at taught Day time part-time (B.S., 1963-66; B.A. this 1963-64. as a special University Robert Abilene included Dee of McMillan Christian College; 14 Other Blanton Wayne instructors, (B.S., Beaty 1965-68; M.S., University), Funds for and this Kaltenborn, and were obtained Stephens, Elna Mathematics McBride in April In the fall including the Chemistry Building. field for Science Graduate mathematics, real numerical shop Courses variables, in senior matics, algebra, algebraic real variables, Purdue Uni- 1965-67. for High September School Science 25, Teaching 1965 were the degree Teachers Founda- - May 14, Professors of 1966-67, of the was in Applied of Michigan. the Mathematics moved Department, into the Smith in Mathematics Mathematics graduate Master of Science. offered at this linear variables, of Ed.D. University Degrees time were: algebra introduction algebraic complex variables, a major of Master history and of of matrix mathematics, high theory, became degrees applied in junior mathematics, number (B.S., National offices, workshop high the a part of numbers, complex analysis, L. Persky the from year and theory Illinois held and M.S. acquirement in Teaching Southern Institute administrative the (B.A.,M.S., received 1966 In the academic Frank Walker. of 1966, M.S.T. 1965-70; College), University. and Lanier Teachers from was Larry State of Cincinnati), In-Service State were of Arkansas), Ronald an 1966, at Memphis Mrs. McDonald institute in 1965, Missouri University of Mathematics tion Lee 1965-67; M.A., came University (B.S.E., M.A., Kendall versity; who theory, topology, mathematics, work- to modern mathe- theory, calculus abstract for secondary 15 teachers, and special probability Dr. man of for Harold W. of North Stephens New in the faculty fall members (B.A., Ray (B.S., Arkansas of Pittsburg), Mukhoti (B.Sc., Ph.D., 1965, (B.S., Arkansas 1966-71; M.S., Darlene Texas Seok from the Wong University to the Ph.D., University; Sarah Jenson Carolina (B.A., Arkansas 1967-71; University staff Burla the Uni- to Memphis and in 1966 from (B.S., M.S., 1966 the State of Calcutta; James Ira College Sparks of Arkansas), University); and of Technology; University), degree State Santiranjan University Purdue Ph.D. to 1970; 1966-69; Mechanical Wilson Kansas University M.S., Lamar were of Texas); College; College; in 1967 were Joseph University), University; M. (B.S., University), College; Jean Sims of Arkansas), who Ronald S., Memphis Miravalle State became Chair- 1966-68. in January 1967 of Illinois. State State staff 1952, (B.B.S., Washington 68 at Memphis geometry, to become He returned of London), Tvedt received later University M.Sc., Agricultural Pin Added M.S., Beegle the taught University Gilford department at what State Polytechnic Robert LaNelle and algebraic of 1967. M.A., who 1947, from the joining Brooks College left at Asheville. Sam Raymond Crisler theory, teachers. Department Carolina University geometric secondary the Mathematics versity State functions, M.S., Arkansas and in the Foster Alvin Louisiana Wyatt year 1967- Murray 1967-68; M. S., North Bullington State Polytechnic; Wylie (B.S., (B.S., of Alabama; Charles Northeast 1967-70; Rosen University), University (B.S., taught Lynn State 1967-68; Selwyn College), M. A. Washburn (B.S., 16 Arkansas State Teachers College; M,S' University J of Arkansas), 1967-69. Joong M.A., Fang Yale held Institute University; Ph.D., a joint-appointment matics, an NSF summer Summer Secondary University as Professor Students McHenry Peabody College; University Also (B.S., Seoul, of Mainz, Korea; Germany) of Philosophy and Mathe- State faculty Robert Henderson taught for High University in 1968 and the Oxford were Ability Hugh Lansden M. A., Nason Teachers at in Clarksville. University; State at S., Memphis 1968-70; David University Mount Gable Ph.D., this were Ph.D., Hughes (B.S., Tri- College; time M. S., 1968-69; 1968-71; M. A., Dame), Betty State and University 1968-69. Campbell Indiana Jacksonville of (B. A., Catherine Carolyn M.A.T., Harkin Institute of Notre included of Illinois; College; Bernard Dauenhauer University), (B. A., Joseph Illinois University of Mississippi), Holyoke year M.S., State University Lee this and Mary M.S., teaching (B.S., staff College; 1968-69; Cocking (B.A., Peay College), joining Others S., at Austin B. S., Stephens in Mathematics Technological College; M. Program W. of Arkansas). Technology), (B.S., Harold Tennessee St. Mary's Spalding Dr. the Mathematics (B.S., George of 1968, Training Joining State of Technology, 1967-69. In the M. (B.S., Louise University), University; Linda Helen Wilson of Colorado), 1968-70. In June 1968, Sam Anderson retired from teaching Mathematics. 17 Dr. Award Elna McBride at Memphis Mr. August State Minton Mylo was was L. Heen University on leave was inside and 1968-69 Teacher to 1970. in an automobile included Dr. Hans accident in J. Fang In the Science of Kansas, professional committee was program as colloquium of Ohio State Dr. academic Foundation State year established in the of visiting lecLecturers University, Dr. P. Krishnaiah of Base Dr. Richard the Cole Air in Ohio, Karl of Force and University. 1968-69, In-Service in Forrest activities, chairman. of Technology, at Wright-Patterson of Memphis of Mathematics upon department. served Institute Laboratory Expanded an expanded Zassenhaus Illinois University Research of the to organize Dauenhauer of placed colloquium Dr. Menger was outside turers. Dr. 1968 Actiyities emphasis A departmental the Distinguished 1968. Increased year the in 1968. from killed Professional both presented Dr. Stephens Institute City, for Arkansas, taught High for a National School Teachers the University of Arkansas. From 1969 Department Teachers served University institute Health, 1971, Dr. as President David of Walker of the Tennessee the Mathematics Mathematics Association. In the Courses through summer of 1969, of Arkansas' in Mathematics. was funded Education, --- --- .. Harold Institute Held on by a grant and Welfare. Stephens for the from College was Teachers Fayetteville the In the U. professor campus, year the of Methods S. Department academic at this of 1969-70, -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Dr. Stephens School the again Teachers College Ohio Earl duties, Stevenson M.Ed., University in September 1969. Dr. of Dr. Kaltenborn M. A., also the M.A., Also Proctor 1967; (B.S., 1966, 1965; M. 1954; M.A., Columbia University), Hugh Peabody S., Shanks 1969-72; College. at this 1969-70; Jack and received 1970, Texas Charlotte affairs. the University of Alabama), Finch (B. S., of Alabama). were 1969, (B.A., 1969-71; 1963, L. Chairwith University time Ph.D., Purifoy departmental Associate from George Ph.D., faculty closely 1959, University (B.A., University), McHenry as did Denton Ph.D., first 1969, of Texas), Ph.D., his departmental (B.S., 1966; Allen 1961; Judith 1964; 1969, Jesse 1969-73; the Ph.D., Mathematics (B.S., State by Teachers in 1952; he began other Jr. and Ph.D., University Memphis High sponsored State He worked and in 1969, 1969, University), for the Mathematics after appointed Stover, 1969-70; M.S., City, of Houston Department. Ph.D., 1962; Institute Buffalo joined months was staff teaching Houston), (B.S., in scheduling of Georgia; 1966; Two Anderson joined Forrest University the Mathematics James at in 1961) Stevenson man In-Service of Arkansas. in 1944; State an NSF of Mathematics University Everett taught Clark University 1963; Ja~es University Vanderbilt Ellsworth of M.A., Thomas 1965; Darwin, of Texas), University; Doyle Agricultural M. Mashburn Wayne M.A., (B.S.E.E., and (B.S., Mechanical M.S., 1969-73. the Ph.D. degree in 1970 from George Jr. 19 Chairman Darwin. of the Visiting of Tennessee; ratory; l! l Dr. Missouri Dr. also Haddock, presented State Dr. request for awarded in May Among 1969-70 Ridge Proctor University the Mathematical State Finch, of University; University. Dr. Labo- University Kansas and Dr. National and E. Jamison, Illinois proposed Colloquiums both of the Department. a National Science scientific Foundation equipment, grant which was 1970. were Dr. National in November, ference in Mathematics versity. In March, College, at the meeting members Harold Council Memphis Brothers James was Plemmons, University Southern departmental of the Oak Schelp, by Dr. in 1969-70 Robert Richard instructional year Dr. Emory Mathematics Doyle were Dr. Dr. program A. Gardiner, Evans, of America; John Memphis ing Donald at Rolla; and Dr. were lecturers Trevor Association colloquium and W. Hugh Education Dr. Seok the Wong during meet- in at a regional at Auburn lectured David the regional of Mathematics McHenry, Dr. the Mid-South at in February Pin and papers Stephens, of Teachers Dr. Memphis, of presenting Uni- at Christian Walker Association con- gave of a talk Independent , ; l Schools Dr. in Memphis. Howard Kaltenborn presented two lec- t f ~ ~ tures at a summer Mathematics summer Everett instructional the the for University secondary school of Tennessee teachers in Knoxville of in the of 1970. Dr. cational at institute Stevenson materials Development summer of 1970. served in the Corporation on a writing physical sciences at Newton, panel for to prepare the Edu- Massachusetts, in 20 John Winfrey retired in the Mathematics In the his of 1970, Illinois M.S., at Rolla. and State 1968, Richard H. State from College from Kansas in 1959, Instructors of University), Jerry years of teaching that his and from the B. B.S. his and 1965; of Missouri in 1960 from 1962, Central and in Southern Mechanical 1961, joined B.A. B.S., M.S., S. from the M.S., year Southern M.S., A. Mathews held his the University Agricultural and in 1970 obtained the doctorates received E. Jamison from with and University. Missouri Ph.D., 1970, University. 1970-71; University; twelve men Ph.D. of Technology, received State University his 1970, Texas Schelp young R. Haddock C. Rousseau College Ph.D., and James Ph.D., Cecil four John in 1968, University. 1967, Lamar staff. M.S. after Department. fall the Mathematics 1966, in 1970, included Florence Mississippi; John Memphis (B.S., M.S., W. Kendall State M.S., S. Bryan Louisiana (B.S., Memphis State Murray University), (B.S., State 1970-72; State and University), 1970-71. Dr. by Dr. Dr. R. ducted Faudree, by Dr. Dr. Elna was published the spring Dr. State Dr. of all of New and Colloquiums of Dr. Walker, for York Dr. were Dr. the Mathematics lectures at Buffalo; Richard also J. con- Jamison, Depart- University. book, Springer-Verlag of 1971. arranged Illinois; Rousseau, Purifoy, McBride's by University of Missouri. Darwin, and Memphis State chairman, University University Stover, ment, colloquium J. Kryscio, Ralph Fleming, Dr. Stephens, Obta~ning G~nerating of Heidelberg, Functions, Germany, in 21 Members schools of the in Memphis Stevenson Schools spoke and at an in August, In-Service Sherman W. Parry matics Teachers In May and laboratory, and main in the 4,418 fall M.S., and Joseph M.S., the high Mathe- moved university a computing speed was students, computer located Departments, connected the containing graduate high into in the including to the computer the by year 1970-71, at Memphis State degrees and forty-eight were 4,345 bachelor's University presented Department in 1970, to Mathematics in Mathematics. rose from to a total 4,210 of 4,589 of 1971. University; joined were in 1969; Jasper College; Tennessee a library, A new in the Mathematics Ralph Richard statewide Building, faculty, Center. master's Enrollment in 1968; the Geometry. terminals. granted Twelve majors. the of the Computer academic were for administration. or other degrees the City at Mathematics II and Department room for Department, In the by Languages halls, offices University teletype Foreign departments Mathematics of sponsored the Mathematics lecture all talks of Algebra chairman Dr. for Memphis gave of high Association. Mathematics serving at a number Program teachers general talks organizations. McHenry contest 1971, department Dr. for classrooms, and In-Service was Mathematics gave for various and Programs school new department Faudree 1963, (B.S., and Fleming 1962; Mathematics Ph.D., Ph.D., (B.S., 1965, faculty 1961, from 1964, 1960, Baptist Purdue University), Northwest Missouri Florida in the Oklahoma fall State University) of 1971. State 22 Geoffrey M.A., 1971 1969; until The for Ph.D., May University, Dr. Richard Donald Klamkin, Ford Southern Methodist Dr. Lida Barrett, Dr. Stanley of ment, speakers Dr. Fleming Arkansas sented also Dr. staff and a colloquium the Under spoke Billy B. L. from arranged of Tennessee of Vanderbilt of Kentucky; at Rolla; Mr. G. Dr. Murry S. Claybrook, Sanders, University of Tennessee Texas Christian of Wyoming; at Knoxville; University; at Columbia; Schelp, and at that at Dr. Dr. W. A. Mr. Michael members from new be State Rousseau, developed could this by Memphis was University University a colloquium Mr. Dr. Stephens, University; presented at the University State Mathematics L. Hemminger E. Smithson, program Southwestern, institutions. in 1966; of Wisconsin. were A reciprocal whereby Research; of Missouri members cooperation Florida the University Carnegie-Mellon University by Dr. of Missouri State University Franklin, faculty taught University University Raymond Colloquiums matics B. Coleman, Arkansas University of Robert University; Dr. Minkoff, chaired Robinson Dr. Scientific University; and Harry L. Tangeman, Thompson, of South University) committee, L. Gaitros, K. Duke in Memphis, Dr. Donald University 1973. by Dr. Units (B.A., 1971, colloquium lectures Medical R. Webb through Arkansas exchanged program, in April Dr. the support Southwestern-at-Memphis the presented in October 1972 Dr. depart- participating Rousseau and Webb. University, with in February 1972, Dr. between of Mississippi university and State of Mississippi, Mathe- 1971; and Faudree in March at pre- 1972. 23 Talks Science on aspects Foundation Seminars for Brothers College Rousseau, were convention of a paper Working talks Mathematik, A graduate of 1971. Katz, the Talks James At of Teachers read Dr. Association a regional of Mathematics a paper. State presented in and near Dr. University by Rousseau in the Mathematics Memphis. for mathematical Editor Faudree, of reviewer Association and Michael and for nature fur Society, Monthly. initiated were Cartwri~ht, Dr. Solutions," Mathematical was were Zentralblatt of America colloquium of a historical journals "Problems of the American student Chiu, Haddock, Teachers McHenry. Tennessee were Proceedings the Mathematical Dr. McHenry on assignment Dr. at Christian 1971. schools and Dr. Engineering Walker. Council Dr. Collaborating Review, Faudree, at a National and students Mathematics and at Middle of at high Rousseau, Fleming in November A number Dr. presented Mathematics, high-school Tennessee Alabama, Murfreesboro and Dr. were Science, by Dr. and the National in Birmingham, Siam in Memphis at the in Memphis of senior Stephens, Speaking faculty series superior Dr. presented of Mathematics given graduate in the fall by Harold students in department. Search With would spring retire the For Department announcement as Chairman of 1972, New the of President by Dr. Chairman Howard S. Kaltenborn the Mathematics appointed Department a Search and that in the Screening he 24 Committee to interview Dr. Victor was chairman of each Feisal, of candidates and Associate Dean then this professorial committee, which rank: Elna Dr. Stephens, professors; Dr. James associate professors; Dr. Richard assistant professors. ment of Chemistry, In the with and Recommended known Dr. Franklin Memphis State both Franklin State from Memphis State He has its been origin. the his two members Dr. Harold Mr. Fleming, Sherman of Parry, the Depart- member. members corresponded interviews. Chairman Franklin, of the internationally University. In June He became the (excluding Chairman and new department. the M.S. B. 1972, seventh Acting Chair- to be an alumnus Editor Chairman Dr. of S. degree in 1962, professional journa~Gene~~l Managing his of California of this research of received University Appointment members Sciences, Richard Chairman Department University; the mathematical Dr. and of new position. second and Chairman. of University. Stanley Memphis the and personal Phillip and McBride committee at Carnegie-Mellon R. P. Clark) of Guyon, Stanley the Mathematics consisted Schelp position this and ex officio months, a new of Arts Darwin the assumed of as conducted for Dr. topologist Chairman man was John served succeeding applicants Department Dr. recommend at Los Ph.D. in 1963, activity accomplishments Topdlogy from Angeles. intensified Franklin this and in 1959 brought and professional with Its in among him to Applications. journal since 25 Also joining M. Rajagopalan in India, the Mathematics who 1950, held and the faculty B. S. degree the M.A., 1961, in 1972 from and was Andhra Ph.D., University 1963, from Yale University. Instructors for 1972-73 Southwestern-at-Memphis; Karen Bowyer, in the fall appointed 1972, after with department. contained doctorates While Later, with was Mathematics assistants effective and he was among were with in June Chairman of the the member only six' teachers retirement, members, Thomas serving Press classes Helen in August survey with York, at Memphis Kaltenborn 1972. his who the Dr. published Sam Anderson, of New from as Chairman, Mathematics, Professor Caplinger, in 1972 in Mathematics Dr. ment these he collaborated (Ronald matics faculty in Mathematics used was as professor of his taught 1972-73. retirement year (B.A., University). graduate he came, Ridgway in the department twenty-one holding in Mathematics. Among Meaningful degree, in Mathematics In the thirty-four Ed.D. Department, When degree State Twenty-one years Department. Charlotte Memphis the Kaltenborn's twenty-six a doctor's degree possessed of 1972. Howard Mathematics and term M.S., in the Mathematics Dr. the who included University Kaltenborn courses wife, in the Dr. wrote 1958), a textbook University retired Helen from Ph.D. a book, of New early Basic his of Mississippi. by Prentice-Hall in writing State received York 1950's. Kaltenborn, and Mathematics used for in some a number the Mathematics Mathe- of years. Depart- T 26 ! Under the leadership of Professor Stanley Franklin, the r I Mathematics f , progress I various ional Department or planned, fields continued and a proposal approved for by 19, spring 1972, Teaching research, in recognition teaching, and in profess- that of a major Computer Ph.D. for the Stevenson in Mathematics, was submitted which on Higher implemented. doctorate the to two in General was Education The designated was collateral area Graduate of mathematics, linear variables, mathematics, duction to modern algebra for with by Master area on of as College special graduate problems in senior abstract department work; in and Master and a of mathematics, in mathematics, algebra, advanced topology, workshop high algebraic algebra or in adviser. philosophy analysis, of Science, in Mathematics mathematics, mathematics, of in any student's abstract numerical workshop area a major the courses in Statistics, to do included applied teachers, degrees: qualified algebra, programming, offering a collateral approved courses was Mathematics, with student of numbers, department graduate in Teaching, puter Everett Commission immediately of Science complex Dr. degree and Science, the history in Mathematics 1972, Tennessee time leading which Degree of Mathematics. At study the the concentration high new already growth. In the with programs to achieve of Mathematics Ph.D. May began many calculus, advanced for com- in junior mathematics, number theory intro- theory, teachers, linear real 27 variables, functional special functions, theory, point modern analysis, advanced set for differential topology, differential calculus geometry geometry, and listed secondary equations, theory, teachers, stability algebraic probability for geometry, secondary teachers. Other graduate courses of computer science, automata systems simulation, programming lems matics, ring techniques, in computer problems topics science, theory, algebraic topology, probability and seminar in mathematics, matical reading education, applied and topics of mathe- theory, research, homological theory, optimization and advanced techniques, topics science, in mathematics, seminar equations, and in analysis, topology, in computer problems in differential topics algebra in advanced mathe- in mathematics and topics in mathematics. Courses in statistics ductory statistical methods, stochastic design, teaching topics special prob- in college in geometry statistics, teachers, special analysis, topics non-linear science, lattice functional for analysis, in computer practicum group foundations numerical techniques, programming seminar theory, mathematical advanced programming in algebra, field theory, computer in mathematics, theory, measure linear were least nonparametric of nonparametric in statistics. squares included statistical theory, probability, processes, analysis and statistical regression methods, statistics, quantitative of variance, analysis, theory inference methods, of theory, statistical experimental sampling linear and intro- techniques, models, theory advanced topics 28 Contributing degree in Mathematics Library library of Professors holdings of Parry, acquired for a departmental The accomplishments Ralph Professors year of was spent through for the University library, spring imately 5,500 books the Mathematics direction Darwin. the rationale the of 1972 Department Faudree for Building. of which and intensive entire plans budget had 162 in 1971-72 Darwin. were In to enlarge of $18,550 to books of in the Dr. efforts orders, library made obtained the Memphis State mostly files. back journals and approx- in Mathematics. summer in the Mathematics Languages Parry, policy of Professors Dr. Wong, journal Schelp, culminated him acquisition of 1972, In the with in addition 146 and com- building. orders, and increased the Parry, committees, The Wong, the Mathematics committees continued consisting In 1970-71, Working Haddock, book for periodicals library two and Haddock, new Building. 1969-70, library. collection. 400 year journals and the Ph.D. Languages Purifoy, Finch, chairman. automatic In the and the next committee the mathematical Foreign in the these Fleming, the Mathematics Finch, books library was equipped in the Darwin, of Faudree newly university more work of and books of Professors Wong approval the Darwin, the main and to the committee of reference Section mittee was in the Mathematics The this largely having Library the academic Library Faudree, and The and Dr. became Fleming, Fleming Mathematics wrote a reality Haddock, the journals in the Mathematics proposal was year approved 1972-73, under the Parry, and proposal and books and Foreign in August stating placed 1972. 29 Journals 1973, were and received for books arrived some An ad hoc ian and served sity with of books and of other and those of Dr. Harold Richard Honors spring W. Schelp, 20, fall and librarMcBride, in determining in the shelves of the departmental the main univer- summer of 1972, chairman; James proposal Dr. Jamison, a committee formed criteria State to university was consisting C. C. Rousseau, at Memphis a proposal The approved for University. officials for Dr. an The on implementation in of 1973. this had of five calculus Advanced credit participation time (1) algebra all students to successfully courses, toward in the semester in an area science. Program in Mathematics 1972. Mathematics and Dr. submitted At eighteen and Stephens, and Program committee ity the university Fleming, to be placed on in February library. In the the the Faudree, journals Honors June by departments to remain library 1973. appointed of Professors as liaison library departmental in July committee, consisting selection the Advanced and analysis, statistics, Students and from (4) numerical semester hours. An electives the in sequence be earned Program. division chosen majoring a prescribed could Placement (2) applied minoring university eighteen requirement of upper of concentration the complete totaling this hours at through additional were following required four areas: mathematics, (3) probabil- analysis computer in Mathematics had and to complete at 30 least the eighteen three courses semester prescribed basic of course calculus highly ability the Honors motivated in depth the Program student in secondary courses school fundamental who has concepts the last he will have latitude two years, advanced range offerings of course statistics. These in teacher liberal work by outstanding chairman of this Bellman, professor Louisiana Howard University; division designed for superior will explore Mathematics years. During in constructing the his own Dr. Dr. J. of Dr. Saaty, Thomas professor from Eotovos the covered science, to satisfy business, and arranged Dr. medicine requireall University; University Brown Walter of were Laszlo University; at McMaster at Berkeley; Fuchs, Dr. University and at Vanderbilt Loranft University Richard engineering of California Rudin, was Dr. Banaschewski, Dr. a number R. D. Anderson, of Pennsylvania; of Mathematics for Fleming and Dr. Bernard University Dr. Dr. speakers California; K. Hale, Indiana; designed of 1972-73 Among Enflo, Columbia computer mathematicians. University; Fehr, were of Mathematics, Per Department of study. committee. University leave two engineering, of Southern State University; visiting first in Mathematics, Committee of lectures Dr. upper a student the Mathematics courses programs Colloquium University of education, arts The the either program. In 1973 the two of contemporary over ments or demonstrated Mathematics, courses and including in Mathematics, in seminar-type a full work, in Mathematics. Under the hours in Budapest, Paul Tulane Halmos, of Wisconsin; Dr. Laszlo University, appointed Lovasz, on research 31 mathematician Academy of of Science Others were Dr. beginning presenting Barbara Margaris, of the University Dr. University Georgia of at Buffalo; Dr. J. A. State of Missouri; Dr. members University in this Caplinger, Dr. Papers 1972-73 Jamison, Fleming, Kentucky and and Dr. Dr. were read State Technological of New York Dr. Guari L. University University. at Memphis State Dr. Thomas C. C. Rousseau. at other Kentucky at Temple institutions University; at Rolla; Haddock, papers T. G. J. K. Ghosh, Bernfeld, presented Dr. Dr. Rajagopalan, of Missouri Rajagopalan, Rousseau M. Dr. of Waterloo; Ohio Angelo University Michigan colloquiums Dr. Dr. B. J. Trawinski, University Stephen and University; Dr. State at Western University Dr. D'Angelo, J. Chen, Finch, and University were on Mathematics at the University; Franklin George by Dr. at Eastern period colloquiums S. Ladde, of Technology; presenting Hungarian 1973. at Birmingham; Dr. Hubert G. Sallin, Subrahmanian, Bondy, of the of Pittsburgh; Dr. Henry University; and Staff Dr. of at departmental of Alabama Illinois; H. Iowa A. Institute Dr. fall University Edward University; in in the papers Thomas, Island; Windeknecht, Ghai, Institute Southwestern-at-Memphis; of Rhode both the Mathematical Dr. Caplinger, at Florida University. on programs at Dr. State Dr. the University of Mississippi. In January She faculty. M.S. in 1969, University. 1973, received and her Dr. Barbara Thomas her B.A. in 1964 Ph.D. in 1972, joined from both Reed from the Mathematics College; her Carnegie-Mellon 32 Many members at professional Rajagopalan in December meeting of Brown Society in Dallas, Schelp, Dr. Faudree; Stover, conference and of campus Hill. Dr. Dr. of Society the Rajagapolan in Pittsburgh, a paper papers the American on the presented meeting Texas, Dr. Dr. Pennsylvania, at a regional in October Rousseau August also 1972 at 1973, papers Dr. At program, of which were read by himself Purisch. on the Mathematical and Thomas, the Dr. Dallas working he has by with been a member 1972. the Read International in Keazthely, Faudree presented himself and Dr. R. H. and Dr. Dr. Stanley In Hungary Conference Hungary, a paper to be published Schelp Steve was American Rajagopalan, Olympiad, Paper At the of research Dr. student U.S.A.-Mathematical since results Caplinger, graduate of in January encompassing and meeting. is 1972 Mathematical the national Dr. Sets Fleming meeting at Chapel Haddock the American Dr. read University. At the Carolina Dr. Department at a sectional at a topology 1972. year. in November of North a paper this papers Society University read meetings read Mathematical of the Mathematics June 25 - July reflecting Schelp. in the The paper, also of attended and 1, 1973, research proceedings C. C. Rousseau on Finite done "Ramsey the Infinite Dr. Ralph jointly Type Results," conference. the by Dr. conference in Hungary. Special Symposium University Franklin on Topology in Carbondale and and Dr. Barbara on the presented campus Thomas of a paper attended Southern reflecting a Illinois their 33 joint research. Dr. Thomas University and At versity the Rousseau Dr. President line for for the County Carnegie-Mellon this period. at Memphis Dr. Marshall was guest State Hall, Uni- Jr. speaker, of the Dr. at which read staff Council in May papers. At presidency for the in 1974. Workshops 1972 Dr. TMTA, Dr. of Memphis where of Dr. the McHenry Dr. topics of Stephens Tennessee spoke. McHenry Stephens City discussed of Teachers the meeting in Knoxville, College members is in also Schools As gave and talks Shelby Schools. Dr. journals, of The large Conference in Memphis for In-Service '72 during the National Association Vice at a paper. meeting Mathematics Tapa of Technology included McHenry a paper at which conferences in Mathematics and 1972, presented Mathematics for Combinatoric Institute Other presented a paper in August California also Rajagopalan including was referee the Analysis Proceedings of Mathematics Department number the early The Journal Section the American of professional 1970's, in this including of Combinatorial journals Theory, Society, Pacific Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Mathematics. in the Journal for the several Topology Section Society. published American Mathematical Discrete and Mathematical Faculty The period articles late 1960's Mathematical Proceedings of of Mathematics, Applicable in a and Monthly, the American Journal Analysis, of and 34 Several members of the Mathematics high schools in this area, talk at Lane College in Jackson. MAC-a-TOM which (the Memphis is affiliated Mathematics) Dr. were Fleming. and Area with Dr. Mr. Treasurer Joseph Among Council Dr. those Council at gave speaking a before of Mathematics, of Teachers Caplinger, of MAC-a-TOM spoke McEachern of Teachers the National Rousseau, faculty in this Dr. of Schelp, period was and Sherman Parry. In the clerical staff secretary 1972. of to Dr. came the her was and the Franklin ment for the were Dr. Elna honor named 9 through August 10, 1973, Institute was Dr. were the National Dr. Forty attended the students were Stephens, students who institute. Dr. to assist Rousseau retired Ralph Mrs. in the edited of Outstanding in the Sarah in December, Jo Nelle typing by Dr. (Jan) of articles Franklin. the Mathematics Educators Crizer, Depart- of 1973. They Faudree. in Mathematics Training Science Harold W. to be Speakers and Dr. State was at and in Mathematics, held Dr. On the July Director teaching Stevenson. seniors in the special seminars Fleming. from University. Stephens. McHenry, were Program Foundation, at Memphis Dr. Mrs. Thorpe. journal Science by staff years, 1973 Program sponsored of the five Mary Dr. occurred Department. two members and Student changes Mrs. of being McBride first for topology NSF-SSTP The several Kaltenborn in January, staff Dr. 1972-73, the Mathematics Succeeding McDowell for year 1973-74 for year the 35 afford and The major the opportunity background with in any Added were and Taiwan University of New York, M.S.E., school (B.S., University University, 1955; D.A., 1973, The year with twenty-five and all from 1973-74 graduate position to assistantships. meet the community, and 1964); Thomas result growth, Department needs and of the and Ph.D., * * * * Ph.D., (B.S.E., 1958; Institute M.S., of 1971, faculty in Mathematics, Five of one continue University to attain research. University thirty-four to society prominence (B.A., University). conversion State Chen 1957; 1970; in Mathematics. service students, Case (B.S., 1973-74 1973, City Windeknecht includes the not Institute, ph.D., (B.S., doctorates of Memphis to achieve 1971; L. Naber from year Hubert University, 1959; assistants assistants Change, 1969), Carnegie-Mellon graduate Mathematics State having courses material in the D'Angelo Kansas twenty-three talent Mathematics Polytechnic M.A., projection to program. of Maryland, Gregory were superior covered Rensselaer of Michigan, 1964), modern courses 1967; program with Department Henry M.S., University members high of Wisconsin, Technology, and regular of Rochester); University to take The Bernfeld training students professors. Ph.D., National to selected to the Mathematics Stephen 1965, of this in Mathematics university included objectives stature in the areas of and these faculty as the strives to in the of academic teaching 36 APPENDIX Faculty - Department of Mathematics TITLE NAME - 1973-74 HIGHEST DEGREE Stephen Bernfeld Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics William Bethany Assistant Professor M. S. Jr. Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Thomas R. Caplinger Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Hubert Chen Assistant Professor M.A. Mathematics Professor Ph.D. Elec. Sam R. Brooks, Henry D'Angelo Ralph George Mathematics Eng. J. Faudree Associate Professor Ph.D. Mathematics L. Finch Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Richard J. Fleming Associate Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Stanley P. Franklin Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Professor Ed.D. Applied John R. Haddock James Elna Joe E. Jamison B. McBride McEachern Hugh L. McHenry Mathematics Assistant Professor M. S. Associate Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Engineering Hubert L. Minton Assistant Professor M.A. Mathematics Gregory L. Naber Lnstructor D.A. Ma themat ic s 37 TITLE NAME Robert O. Nason Sherman W. Meredith Larry Ben Parry Poole H. Potter F. Prewitt Assistant Professor HIGHEST DEGREE M. S. Computer Assistant Professor Mathematics Assistant Professor M.A. Mathematics Assistant Professor M.A. Mathematics Assistant Professor Mathematics M. S. M. S. M. Rajagopalan Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Henry Assistant Professor 1'1. A. Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Schelp Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Stephens Professor Ed.D. Mathematics Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Assistant Professor M. S. Assistant Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Professor Ph.D. Mathematics Associate Professor Ph.D. Mathematics L. Reeves Cecil C. Rousseau Richard Harold H. W. Everett James A. Frances Barbara David Stevenson Stover L. Street S. Thomas T. Walker Thomas Seok E. G. Windeknecht P. Wong Mathematics Education Sci.