Statics – ENG GEN 131 Fall 2016 Section # 0334 Meeting Times: T & Th 9:35 am – 11:00 am, CFS 91008 1. Instructor Information: Elizabeth Cheung Office: AT 3803 Office Hours: M W 11:45 am – 1:30 pm; Th 11:00 am – 12:00 pm or by appointment Email: Website: 2. Course Description: This is a first course in engineering mechanics. Students will analyze two and three dimensional force systems for particles and rigid bodies in equilibrium. Topics also include static analysis of trusses and beams; determination of center of gravity, centroids, friction, and moments of inertia of area and mass. 3. Prerequisites: PHYS 101 (Physics for Engineers and Scientists I) or equivalent, MATH 261 (Calculus I) or equivalent. Corequisite: MATH 262 (Calculus II) or equivalent (either currently taking or previously passed). 4. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: a. Analyze rigid bodies in equilibrium using vector algebra b. Compute reaction forces and moments in two and three dimensional equilibrium. c. Evaluate internal forces in static structures 5. Required Course Materials: a. Textbook + MasteringEngineering – There are 3 methods for obtaining these items: Note: Our MasteringEngineering course ID is MECHEUNG96748. i. Purchase a MasteringEngineering access code and eText for Engineering Mechanics Statics, 13th ed., R.C. Hibbeler online. Go to and click on ‘Student’ under ‘Register Now’ OR ii. In the book store – buy the physical textbook and MasteringEngineering access code bundle ISBN: 1-2566-4371-8. OR iii. Purchase ME access code online as instructed in method “i.” above, but also get a copy of Engineering Mechanics Statics, 13th ed., R.C. Hibbeler from wherever you’d like. b. Scientific or graphing calculator c. 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper for taking notes and working out problems. I suggest using dividers so that you can organize your notes and submit individual pages in class when required. See notebook instructions posted online. d. Pencil(s) and eraser(s). Page 1 of 7 Statics – ENG GEN 131 Fall 2016 6. Course Format: This class will require active engagement from you, because that’s truly how we learn best. This is a flipped class, which means that in-class time will be primarily spent on what was traditionally called “homework” (in this case, solving statics problems). The course format looks like this: a. Before each class: Watch the assigned videos, read the assigned sections from the textbook, and complete the MasteringEngineering Homework assignment for the corresponding sections. Take notes in your notebook. If you have questions about assignments that are due at the beginning of the next class, contact your classmates or me ahead of time. b. In class: Turn in notes as requested. Ask any questions that have come up when preparing for class and completing assigned problems. Work on the EOS problems for the current sections, and ask questions as they come up. Some days there will be a quiz. c. After each class: Finish the assigned EOS problems from the previous class and submit the answers via MasteringEngineering. If you have questions, contact your classmates or me before the assignments are due. d. Then repeat the cycle 7. Grades: Your grade for the course will come from the following categories: I. MasteringEngineering Problems (20%): You will work on MasteringEngineering problems both outside of and during class. This is the primary way you’ll practice working out solutions to problems. The MasteringEngineering assignments will be submitted online and counted toward your homework grade. II. Note Checks, Quizzes, and other in-class assignments (20%): I will check your notes for a randomly selected video or ME problem at the start of each class period, and you will be given up to 2 points for thoroughly completing them. Quizzes will be given most weeks throughout the semester and may or may not be announced. You are expected to come prepared to each class meeting. There will occasionally be other activities or assignments in class to supplement your learning. The lowest quiz score and lowest two notebook scores from the semester will be dropped. III. Tests (30%): There will be three tests given during the semester, as shown in the schedule of topics. Each test is worth 10% of your grade. IV. Final Exam (30%): The Final Examination will be comprehensive and worth 30% of the semester grade. Letter grades correspond to the Final % as follows: A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F = 0-59 8. Online Discussion/Communication: Canvas Rather than emailing questions to me, I ask that you post your questions in the Canvas Q&A/Discussion forum so that your classmates can benefit from the question and ensuing discussion and answer. I encourage all of you to respond to each other’s questions – this way you may get an answer much faster, and you can just as easily learn from each other. Page 2 of 7 Statics – ENG GEN 131 Fall 2016 Tips & Guidelines for posting in Canvas: In the topic name, state the specific problem, assignment, and/or section number (as applicable) that you are asking about. Before posting, check that someone hasn’t already posted about a similar topic. If so, see if you can find your answer there, and post within the same thread if you need to ask something additional but related. Be detailed - the more detailed you are when asking your questions, the more likely some is going to be able to help you. Describe what you have tried and where you are stuck. Please respond to other students when possible, and be respectful in your responses. 9. MasteringEngineering: You will use MasteringEngineering to access reading and video assignments, tutorials, and assigned endof-section problems. MasteringEngineering assignments will be due on Tuesdays and Thursdays prior to the start of class. All due dates will be given within MasteringEngineering. Your MasteringEngineering assignments must be submitted on time in order to receive full credit. I still encourage you to complete assignments, even if they will be late. Late assignments will be accepted with a 1% deduction for each hour they are late. The MasteringEngineering assignments are grouped into one of two categories: o Homework includes video lectures, tutorial-type problems, where you will be given hints along the way; coaching activities, in which you will watch a video solution example prior to solving a similar problem on your own. For the tutorial-type problems, I encourage you to use the hints when needed. You will not be penalized for using the hints, nor will you receive bonus points if you do not use them. o End-of-Section (EOS) problems are problems from your textbook, but may have different numerical values. Although MasteringEngineering only requires that you submit your answers, and not your work that led to the answer, I’m going to require that you neatly complete the work by hand on paper, identifying each problem. See the posted instructions for formatting problem solutions. This habit will be helpful for several reasons: o On quizzes, tests, and exams you will be required to submit all work. In order to award you credit, even if the answer is wrong, I’ll need to be able to follow what you’ve done. If you get in the habit of working out your problems neatly, it won’t be hard for you to keep doing this when taking the tests. o If the answer is wrong and you need to go back to see what mistake(s) you made, you’ll need to be able to follow your work. o If you need to ask for help on solving the problem, you’ll need to be able to explain what you tried. 10. Attendance and Make-ups: Page 3 of 7 Statics – ENG GEN 131 Fall 2016 I will be keeping attendance through the last day to drop. Attending class is essential to your success in learning. This is not an online class. The “flipped” model only works if you come to class prepared, and are able to engage with me and each other. In addition to time spent solving statics problems, class time may include quizzes and other important activities. Therefore, my drop/exclusion policy is as follows: 4 unexcused absences (=2 weeks of class) and you will be excluded from the class. However, if your intention is to drop the class, do not just stop attending and assume you’ll be dropped. It is still your responsibility to drop the class. Excused absences: If you will be absent due to religious holidays or other planned events, please let me know the date(s) and reason in writing as soon as you are able to. If you miss class because of illness or emergency, contact me as soon as you can. If you miss class for any reason, please be sure to obtain any missed information from another student. In-class activities (quizzes, notebook checks, other activities) may not be made up for any reason. Make-up tests/final exam will not be given except under extraordinary situations (such as a severe illness or an emergency) and when proof is provided that you were physically unable to take the exam. If you need to request a makeup test/exam, please follow this procedure: Ask in writing as soon as possible (email), and include an explanation for your request, and the earliest date you will be able to take the test. 11. How to succeed in this class Come to class prepared and on time, and be mentally present while engaging with course material. Successfully learning statics (or anything else) requires active involvement on your part, both in class and on your own. Outside of class, you should expect to spend approximately 10 hours per week studying, with the majority of this time spent working out practice problems. While reading the text and watching video lectures is important, you cannot adequately learn statics without lots of practice solving problems. Begin assignments early. Even if you know how to do all of the problems, they will take time to complete. More than likely you’ll have some questions along the way, and starting early will give you time to ask me or your classmates questions if you get stuck. Ask for help when you need it. Don’t be shy – if you already knew it all you wouldn’t be taking this class. The most successful students are those who ask for help when needed. There are several ways to ask for help: o Ask in class: there will generally be lots of time to do this, as you’ll be watching the lectures outside of class. o Come to see me during office hours. o Ask in the online (Canvas) discussion forum outside of class. When studying for exams, go back and rework problems that have been assigned (in-class and through Mastering) and solve new problems from your textbook. I will assign bonus problems in MasteringEngineering for each chapter that serve both as extra practice as well as extra credit. It’s just like physical exercise: the more problems you work, the better you’ll be at solving them on your own. Page 4 of 7 Statics – ENG GEN 131 Fall 2016 Work collaboratively. I strongly encourage you to form study groups to work on practice problems. This helps with keeping you motivated and keeps you from getting stuck on something for too long with no one to ask. Make sure you can solve problems successfully on your own! This is critical. Although working in groups is great, you do need to be able to solve problems without help too. I am aware that solutions manuals are available, however, copying from them will not help you learn. It’s obvious when students do this – the result is great homework grades and terrible quiz and test grades. Before submitting an answer, be sure your answer makes sense. Ask yourself, “Does it have the right units? Is it physically reasonable?” 12. Collaboration vs. Cheating: I encourage students to work together to understand concepts and tackle assignments. This is collaboration, when each student still submits his/her original work. Cheating is a different thing entirely and involves submitting work that has been copied for an assignment, quiz, or test. Examples of cheating include copying work from another student or any other source, allowing someone else to assume your identity for submitting assignments online, using references not allowed by the instructor during a quiz or exam, or copying text from any other source without proper citation (see If you are caught cheating, all students involved will receive a zero on the assignment(s), quiz, or test, a report may be submitted to the Dean of Student Services, and more serious consequences may result. The purpose of the assignments given in this course are to give you practice applying the concepts you’re learning, and are therefore part of the learning process. Cheating directly threatens the goal of learning. If you don’t understand how to do something, ask for further help so that you understand to the point where you can complete the assignment yourself. Students who have been copying work never do well on tests because they haven’t learned the concepts. 13. Mobile Devices: Because of the flipped model of the class, I will allow you to use a mobile device in class exclusively for the use of completing class related work. You will not be permitted to use mobile devices for any other purpose, as this is a distraction both to you and everyone else in the room. If you are using your device for an unrelated purpose, I will count you as absent for that day. The use of mobile devices is prohibited on quizzes or exams. Note: It is not a requirement that you have a mobile device in class, but it will assist by allowing you to access MasteringEngineering. 14. Email Communication Guidelines: Please only use my email to send me private messages that are not related to course content. Otherwise, use the Canvas discussion forum. Written communication is an extremely important skill, even for engineers. Please keep all email messages to me professional by following these guidelines: o Include a brief subject related to the reason for your email. o Include a greeting (Ex. Dear Professor Cheung,). o Use complete sentences. o Spell check – almost all email systems can do this. Page 5 of 7 Statics – ENG GEN 131 Fall 2016 o Include a salutation followed by your name on the next line. 15. Campus Resources: Being a student can be stressful. There are a lot of campus resources in place to help you navigate and succeed. Some of these resources are listed below. Refer to for a more complete list. Special Services Program: Students with disabilities, who believe that they may need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact Special Services as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Authorization, based on verification of disability, is required before any accommodation can be made. Location: Student Services Building, Phone: (818) 719-6430, Email: Counseling Center: Offering academic, transfer, and personal counseling services Location: Student Services Building, Phone: (818) 719-6440 Student Health Center: The SHC staff provides cost-effective physical and mental health care services to currently enrolled students. For an appointment, call the Student Health Center at 818-710-4270. Refer to the Pierce College Catalog for the student academic integrity policy statement, and additional information related to student conduct, grading, attendance, and other Pierce College & LACCD policies. Page 6 of 7 Statics – ENG GEN 131 Fall 2016 16. Course Schedule Week Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Topics In-Class 30-Aug 1-Sep 6-Sep 8-Sep Introduction & General Mechanics Principles; Vector Addition of forces 1.1-6a & b 2.1-3b, 2.4b and rectangular force components and resultant forces in 2-D Rectangular force components and resultant forces in 3-D; Position 2.5-6b 2.7-8b vectors; Force directed along a line *Last Day to Drop without a "W" - Sept. 11* 13-Sep Dot product and its applications; 2.9b 15-Sep Equilibrium of a particle in 2D 3.1-3b 20-Sep Equilibrium of a particle in 3D 3.4b 22-Sep 27-Sep **Test 1 - Tuesday, Sept. 27** 29-Sep Moment of a force about a point 4.1-4b 4-Oct Moment of a force about an axis; Couples; Equivalent Force Systems 4.5-4.6b 6-Oct 4.7-8b 11-Oct Simple Distributed Loading; Rigid-Body Equilibrium in 2-D 4.9b 13-Oct 5.1-4b 18-Oct Rigid-Body Equilibrium in 3-D; Truss Analysis: Method of Joints; Zero5.5-7b 20-Oct Force Members 6.1-3b 25-Oct 27-Oct **Test 2 - Thursday, Oct. 27** 1-Nov Truss Analysis: Method of Sections; Frames and Machines 6.4b 3-Nov 6.6b 8-Nov Internal Forces; Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams 7.1b 10-Nov 7.2-3b 15-Nov Friction 8.1-2b 17-Nov *Last Day to Drop with a "W" - Nov. 22* 22-Nov **Test 3 - Tuesday, Nov. 22** 24-Nov *Nov. 24 - Thanksgiving - No Class* 29-Nov Center of Gravity and Centroids 9.1-2b 1-Dec 9.3b 6-Dec Moment of Inertia for areas; Parallel Axis Theorem; Composite Areas 10.1b, 10.2-4b 8-Dec 17-Dec **Final Exam - Thursday, Dec. 15, 9-11 am** HW (due the next Reading class period) Hibbeler 13 ed. 2.1-3a, 2.4a Ch. 1; 2.1-2.4 2.5-6a 2.7-8a 2.5-2.8 2.9a 3.1-3a 3.4a 3.4 4.1-4a 4.1-4.4 4.5-6a 4.7-8a 4.9a 5.1-4a 5.5-7a 6.1-3a 4.5-4.8 4.9; 5.1-5.4 5.5-5.7; 6.1-3 6.4a 6.4 6.6a 7.1a 7.2-3a 8.1-2a 6.6 7.1-7.3 8.1-8.2 9.1-2a 9.3a 10.1a, 10.2-4a Course content may vary slightly from the outline given in this syllabus. Check Canvas and MasteringEngineering for up-to-date topics and assignments. Page 7 of 7 2.9; 3.1-3.3 9.1-9.3 10.1-10.4