International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 Analysis of Closed loop Current controlled BLDC Motor Drive P.Sarala Dr. S. F Kodad Dr. B. Sarvesh Research Scholar Professor & Head, Dept of EEE Professor, Dept of EEE JNTUA, Ananthapur, A.P India. PESITM, Sivmogga, Karnataka, India JNTUA, Ananthapur, A.P, India Abstract—DC motors are simple choice for drive systems having very easy speed control techniques. DC motors are used where DC supply is available. Commutation in the conventional DC motors is carried out by commutator which is rotating part placed on the rotor and brushes. Due to these mechanical parts, conventional DC motor consist high amount of losses. Brushless DC (BLDC) Motors are very extensively used motors these days because of its advantages over conventional DC motors. Commutation is carried out with the help of solid-state switches in BLDC motor instead of mechanical commutator as in conventional DC motor. This improves the performance of the motor. BLDC motor shows good speed control characteristics especially in low power applications like hard-disk drives, laser printers and many more. BLDC with current control scheme was discussed in this paper. BLDC drive with fixed speed and variable speeds are developed using Matlab/Simulink and results were shown for both fixed and variable speed applications. Basic operation of BLDC motor was explained with open loop and closed loop speed control. Matlab results were shown for BLDC motor with open loop speed control, BLDC motor for fixed speed closed loop control and BLDC motor with variable speed closed loop control. Keywords—BLDC, Conventional, DC, commutator, solid-state switch, hall sensor. I. INTRODUCTION Motor is an electromechanical machine which converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. Basically, every motor works on the same conversion principle. The electrical energy which is given as an input produces torque due to interaction of current carrying coils with the magnetic field. In the process of conversion, the electro-magnetic field (EMF) inside the conductors will be an alternating quantity. For a DC motor, supply will be DC type but the EMF should be AC type. This operation is done by commutator and brushes in a conventional DC motor. Commutator is mechanical part placed on the rotor segment for the purpose of commutation. This commutator along with brushes produces wear and tear on the commutator surface and hence commutation might not be effective. Also this mechanical commutator produces high amount of losses. Since both brushes and commutator are good conductors, they produce copper losses. The wear and tear of the commutator surface produces sparks due to uneven current distribution. Sparks produces heat which is a major drawback. The above said disadvantages are mainly due to the presence of commutation process by commutator and brushes. Thus the disadvantages in a conventional DC motor can be 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE overcome by eliminating brushes. This led to the realization of motors without brushes called brushless DC (BLDC) motor [1-2]. Electrical commutation in BLDC motor is carried out by electronic solid-state switches. Due to the usage of electronic switches for commutation, the drawbacks in conventional DC motor are eliminated thus improving the system performance. Though conventional DC motors show very good speedtorque characteristics and can be used for servo applications, consequences due to brush and commutator requires maintenance. DC motors have very good speed control and especially BLDC exhibits many advantages [3-4] over conventional DC motor like high efficiency, reliability, low acoustic noise, good dynamic response, lighter, improved speed-torque characteristics, higher speed range and requires very less maintenance. The type of supply given decides whether the motor is AC or DC motor. BLDC motor is a type of AC synchronous motor [5] with small constructional variations. A synchronous machine consists of both stator windings and rotor windings whereas BLDC motor has stator windings but the rotor consists of permanent magnets with no windings wound on rotor. BLDC motor is something different from AC Synchronous motor where the earlier integrates hall sensors [6] to sense the rotor position. Fig 1: Typical BLDC Motor BLDC motor shown in figure 1 is typically a combination of permanent magnet (PM) AC machine with electronic commutator. Sensor less operation [7] of BLDC is also possible with the help of monitoring back EMF signals. Back EMF is proportional to the speed of the rotor. So, at starting condition of the motor or low speeds, sensor less operation needs additional set-up to control the rotor position. Fig 2: Diagram of BLDC Motor with AC Supply in this paper, needs to be controlled. In this paper, a current controlled BLDC drive was discussed with fixed speed and also with variable speed. The basic operation of BLDC motor without speed control was discussed and later the same was discussed with speed control. Simulation work was carried out by Matlab/Simulink and the results were discussed in detail for each case. II. BLDC MOTOR FED WITH AC SUPPLY BLDC motor requires DC supply but generally available supply is of AC type. To feed the BLDC, this available AC supply is to be rectified and then fed to the BLDC motor which is commutated electronically. The basic diagram of BLDC motor fed with AC supply is shown in figure 2. BLDC is similar to that of AC Synchronous machine. Stator consists of windings to produce flux but the rotor does not have any windings wound on them instead permanent magnets on rotor. The rotation of the rotor depends on the attraction or repulsion of stator poles and rotor poles. Rotor consists of one or multiple poles. When a pair of poles of stator windings are excited, this attracts the nearest opposite pole of rotor. By continuously switching the poles of stator attracts or repulses the nearest poles and thus the rotor continuously rotates producing torque. The general available supply is AC. But the supply required for BLDC motor should be DC. So when AC supply is given, this AC supply should be rectified and sent to the BLDC motor. This rectification is done by a simple diode bridge rectifier. The internal electronic commutation of BLDC motor takes this DC supply through a DC link capacitor. This DC link capacitor maintains constant DC voltage at the input of inverter circuit before actually exciting BLDC motor. By proper switching of inverter switches, the current in the stator windings can be controlled. The rotor position is sensed by using the hall sensors. This is open loop type of BLDC motor without current control. The speed and remaining parameters pertaining to the motor were not fed back for proper driving of BLDC. But open loop control is very simple in construction and low cost. III. CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL OF BLDC DRIVE BLDC motor without speed control was discussed in the previous section. BLDC motor drive needs speed control for smooth control of drive to run the motor at variable speeds. BLDC motor drive with closed loop speed control is shown in figure 3. This ensures that the drive can operate at any desired speed. In open loop control the speed is set to the reference value and in closed loop operation; this reference speed can be changed at any desired time for the drive to operate at desired speed. In closed loop speed control drive, the actual motor speed is fed back to the input. By using a proper control system, this speed can be varied and brought to desired speed. The actual speed is fed back to the input and is measured with the reference speed value producing an error signal. This is fed to a PI controller which controls the speed with proper proportional and integral gain value. This PI controller nullifies the present error and the past error. Speed when passed through PI controller produces reference torque value. This reference torque value was compared with the actual ωref ωact Fig 3: Diagram of closed-loop speed control of BLDC Motor motor torque which was fed back from the output with the help of hall sensors. The error signal produced due to the measurement of actual torque with reference torque produces reference current. This reference current is again measured with actual stator current and produced error is fed to the hysteresis current controller. Hysteresis current controller produces gate pulses to the VSI (voltage source inverter) switches to turn ON or OFF. By proper switching operation, the VSI is controlled thus controlling the stator currents to the BLDC motor. VSI is operated with a DC link capacitance which acts as a source to the voltage source converter. All the feed backs fed to produce the error signals are sensed by hall sensors. The closed loop speed control gives a very smooth sped control and can be run at any desired speeds. Current control method for speed control yields better results. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Matlab models with simulation results were discussed for the BLDC motor without current control, BLDC motor with closed loop control run at fixed speed and BLDC motor with closed loop operation run at variable speed. Fig 5: Simulation result of stator current and back EMF for open loop BLDC motor Case 1: BLDC motor without current control Fig 4: Simulation model of open loop BLDC motor Fig 6: Simulation result of speed for open loop BLDC motor Fig 7: Simulation result of torque for open loop BLDC motor The model of BLDC motor drive with open loop control is shown in figure 4. The model discussed is without current control. The simulink results of stator current and back EMF of BLDC motor with open loop control was shown in figure 5. Trapezoidal back EMF can be observed at the output of motor. The speed of the open loop control for BLDC motor without current control was shown in figure 6 and its corresponding torque waveform was shown in figure 7. There is a high content of ripple in torque which can be observed from the torque waveform. Case 2: Closed loop BLDC motor with fixed speed Fig 11: Simulation result of torque for open loop BLDC motor drive with fixed speed The model of BLDC motor drive with closed loop control and running with fixed speed was shown in figure 8. The model discussed is with current control. The simulink results of stator current and back EMF of BLDC motor with closed loop control was shown in figure 9. Trapezoidal back EMF can be observed at the output of motor. The speed of the closed loop control for BLDC motor with current control was shown in figure 10 and its corresponding torque waveform was shown in figure 11. In speed waveform, the reference speed wave is shown in green and the blue represents actual speed of the motor. Torque contains very less ripples when compare to open loop control. Case 3: Closed loop BLDC motor with variable speed Fig 8: Simulation model of closed-loop BLDC motor with fixed speed Fig 12: Simulation model of closed-loop BLDC motor with variable speed Fig 9: Simulation result of stator current and back EMF for closed loop BLDC motor drive with fixed speed Fig 10: Simulation result of speed for closed loop BLDC motor drive with fixed speed Fig 13: Simulation result of stator current and back EMF for closed loop BLDC motor drive with variable speed Fig 14: Simulation result of speed for closed loop BLDC motor drive with variable speed brushes and mechanical commutator for the commutation purpose called brushless DC (BLDC) motors. BLDC motors eliminate all the disadvantages in conventional DC motors due to the absence of brushes and can give better performance characteristics with smooth speed torque characteristics. BLDC motors use electronic commutator for the purpose of commutation. A converter with solid-state switches was employed to convert DC to AC EMF inside the machine. The operation along with the diagrams of BLDC was discussed. The operation of BLDC with open loop control without current control was explained. Closed loop operation of BLDC motor with current control was also explained. Closed loop BLDC motor with current control running at fixed speed and variable speed was simulated and their corresponding characteristics for speed, torque, back EMF and stator currents were discussed. Results obtained were simulated using Matlab/Simulink. Results validate the use of BLDC motor with closed loop operation running with fixed and variable speeds. REFERENCES [1] Fig 15: Simulation result of torque for open loop BLDC motor drive with variable speed The model of BLDC motor drive with closed loop control and running with variable speed was shown in figure 12. The model discussed is with current control. The simulink results of stator current and back EMF of BLDC motor with closed loop control was shown in figure 13. Trapezoidal back EMF can be observed at the output of motor. The speed of the closed loop control for BLDC motor with current control was shown in figure 14 and its corresponding torque waveform was shown in figure 15. The variation of speed at 0.35 sec and 0.65 sec can be observed from the speed waveform. The reference speed wave is shown in green and the blue represents actual speed of the motor. The variation of speeds at different time can be observed from the speed characteristics but still maintaining constant torque. Table 1 represents the torque ripple content which shows the BLDC drive without current control contains more torque ripples than in closed loop current control BLDC drive system. Table 1: Torque ripple Torque ripple Without current control With current control 68 % 4.5 % V. CONCLUSION DC motors have very good speed-torque characteristics. 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