SEASONAL RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION POST ROM. 12:10 • VOL 18, No. 3 DO YOU MATCH THE PROFILE OF A WISCONSIN CABIN OWNER? on 150' of water frontage. Many of you pay more in property taxes on your second home than your primary residence and because of that (and utility costs) are not planning to retire to Wisconsin. On average when you’re here you usually boat, fish, and fix-up/maintain your place while mostly relaxing. However, while not relaxing you will entertain on average three houseguests per visit, and your range of outside activities with your guests is quite large—from golfing and antiquing to snowmobiling and bicycling. We can see many changes in the data going back to 1996 and at that time, we could also see some trends for the future. For example, as of 2005 we could see a trend toward more expensive second homes and more affluent owners given the upward volatility of the recreational real estate market. Since so much has happened in the world around us in the last Back in 2006, we reported on the results of the 2005 seven years, we’re anxious to see if some of the trend lines survey of members and compared a few of our data points have continued or have changed. with national statistics where possible. For example, the Would you invest your time and money in Wisconsin median average Wisconsin “cabin” owner respondent was again? (i.e., do it over?) That’s one of the last questions of 66 years old, had an income of $125,000, drove 200 miles the survey. By far most of you said “yes” in 2005 but the to get to the $300,000 cabin trend in “no” answers was for about six weeks (30 days growing against the “not Please complete the attached questionnaire or 15 weekends) a year. On a sure” answers since 1996. It national basis, he or she would will be interesting to see how and return to the address indicated. be 47 making $80,000 driving you all feel after we analyze Thank you. 100 miles to the $200,000 cabin the results from the new for eight weeks a year. Given survey on the next pages. property taxes and maintenance at about $7,000/year, an Please join us in completing and returning the questionnaire. average nights stay at your Wisconsin “home away from home” All the information is confidential; we do not need your name is about $235 per night. Add to that $300 per visit for gas, fees, on the form and the survey is immediately destroyed once meals out, and entertainment and the average overnight goes up the data is entered. If you are concerned about including to $385. And that’s already seven years ago. the data with your dues, then mail the form in a separate Here are a few more characteristics from 2005—and envelope with no return address. we’ll use descriptions like “many” and “most” to give you We’ll be giving a complete an idea without bogging you down with percentages, ratios, report on the analysis of and statistics. the date in upcomMost of you are college graduates and originally born and ing issues of the raised in another state. You bought your property to “get SRA POST. away” (not to work from home or as an investment) and its Th e PAG E 2 SRA POST LAKE ASSOCIATION/CONDO MEMBERSHIP What do you think? It’s been suggested by member Mark Buschman that we consider an annual fee for condo associations who have a majority of its members from out-of-state. Mark, who is a condo owner in the Lake Geneva area, feels that his neighbors would profit from the work and benefits of SRA. “If WiSRA offered an annual rate to the condo association based on the number of condo units, it might be more affordable for everyone all around and simple to administer,” writes Mark. SRA reached out to a sample of lake associations a few years ago with lackluster interest and response but condo associations are a different group all together. As a result of this suggestion, we’ve included two questions at the end of the five-year survey (part of this issue) to see what sort of organizational participation exists among you. As to an “association rate” we await your thoughts. Do you think your lake/condo/ homeowners association would be open to using some of your dues for group membership? There’s a comment line after question 24 and you can offer your thoughts. If it’s an idea worth pursuing, we’ll bring it up to the advisory board after we hear from you. FROM THE FOUNDERS Nick and Sylvia Kaufmann It’s that time again. Every five years or so SRA updates the profile of our members (and a few nonmembers) as part of a more comprehensive survey to determine trends in recreational land use, costs, attitudes, etc. SRA performed this cycle in 1996, 2001, and 2005 and now in 2012 we’ve chosen the fall communications period since not much will be happening at the local, state, and national levels until the elections are over and policymakers get back to work. At the same time, we’ve used the dues notice as a vehicle to give you an Annual Report on our programs and finances. Given the cost of printing and postage—and the similarity of 2012 compared to 2011, the staff decided it would be best to do the survey since we’re already running two years behind collecting the data. If you would like a copy of our annual financials, give us a call and we’ll send them. We might also get around to posting them online. So be sure to fill this out and (hopefully) return it with your dues. A few tidbits from the annual report to give you an idea of how things are looking for the first three quarters: roster of active members 1,915; active charter members 355; full roster of regular and family members 5,612. Income $74,000; program expenses $37,000; administrative expenses $27,000; reserves $10,000. Overall pretty much the same as the last two years. A little soft on the income side since we’ve allowed members to opt for a “basic” membership at $25 and contributions to the Legal Trust Fund is down. We are tracking the economy; down but not out! Warmly, Nick & Sylvia Kaufmann Founder and CoFounder 2012 S easonal R esidents S ur v ey Please take a few moments to answer the following questions (front and back), then fold and return the questionnaire to SRA anonymously. If both you and your spouse want to answer the questions, please make a copy of the form, or use two different colors of ink so that we can enter your answers appropriately. Directions: Check the box next to the most appropriate answer, then fill in the blanks with the detail requested. 1. How long have you owned land and/or property in Wisconsin? ❍❍ Less than 2 years ❍❍ Between 2-5 years ❍❍ Between 5-10 years ❍❍ Between 10-30 years ❍❍ Over 30 years 2. Which best describes your property? (choose one) ❍❍ Waterfront (feet___________) ❍❍ Farmland/woods (acres_________) ❍❍ Condo ❍❍ Vacant lot 3. For the most part, why did you acquire your property? ❍❍ Inherited ❍❍ Investment ❍❍ For hunting/fishing ❍❍ Retirement ❍❍ A place to “get away” 4. Does your property include a building which can be used for overnight accommodations? ❍❍ Yes, a year-round home ❍❍ Yes, a three-season home ❍❍ No, we use an RV ❍❍ No, we tent/camp ❍❍ We don’t stay on the property 5. What is the approximate assessed value of your land and improvements? ❍❍ Less than $5,000 ❍❍ $5,000 - $25,000 ❍❍ $25,000 - $75,000 ❍❍ $75,000 - $125,000 ❍❍ $125,000 - $250,000 ❍❍ $250,000 - $350,000 ❍❍ Over $350,000 6. What were your property taxes last year? $___________________ 7. How does your Wisconsin tax compare to your primary residence? Wisconsin is: ❍❍ Much lower ❍❍ Lower ❍❍ About the same ❍❍ Higher ❍❍ Much higher 8. On average, how much do you spend each year in improving or maintaining your property? $___________________ 9. Generally, when do you visit your property? ❍❍ One or two weeks in the summer ❍❍ Almost full-time ❍❍ On weekends only (how many times/year?_________) ❍❍ All summer 10.How is your land primarily used? ❍❍ It’s left alone ❍❍ It's farmed/rented ❍❍ For recreation (hunting/fishing/boating, etc.) ❍❍ For sitting around, relaxing, socializing 11a. Tell us about your visiting patterns over the last year. Fill in the following table with number of times you came, how long you stayed, and the number of guests. (For example: if you come in May and stay through August, that's ONE visit of about 120 nights. During that period, you might have had 14 relatives or guests visit you (it’s okay to count the same person(s) again if they’ve visited more than once). If you come on weekends year-round, that would be 52 visits of two nights each. (Again, count family and guests each time they came.) # Visits # Nights # Family # Guests per visit per visit per visit 11b. Dec.-Apr. _______ _______ _______ _______ 11c. May-Aug. _______ _______ _______ _______ 11d. Sept.-Nov. _______ _______ _______ _______ 12. What do you, your family, and guests do when visiting your property? (check your top 3 choices) ❍❍ Hunt ❍❍ Fish ❍❍ Snowmobile ❍❍ Water sports ❍❍ Boat ❍❍ Dine out ❍❍ Golf ❍❍ Fix up the cottage ❍❍ Sit around and relax ❍❍ Socialize with others ❍❍ Attend events/attractions ❍❍ Visit parks 13.What would you say is the average amount you spend in Wisconsin annually? (Include gas, food, entertainment, materials, supplies, labor for services, licenses, fees, lodgings, etc. a) Average per visit $_____________________ b) Estimate per year $____________________ 14.Which fees do you usually pay annually (circle as many as apply) ❍❍ Hunting ❍❍ Fishing ❍❍ State park ❍❍ Boat/snowmobile ❍❍ Other________________________________ 15.How many miles do you travel one way to visit your Wisconsin property? ❍❍ Less than 100 miles ❍❍ 100-150 miles ❍❍ 150-200 miles ❍❍ 200-500 miles ❍❍ Over 500 miles 16. Do you enjoy the local, full-time residents in your Wisconsin community? ❍❍ Very much ❍❍ Somewhat ❍❍ They're okay ❍❍ Not so much ❍❍ Not at all 17.Besides reducing taxes and recreational fees, what would you improve for seasonal residents if you could? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 18.Do you plan on becoming a full-time resident of Wisconsin some day? ❍❍ Yes ❍❍ No ❍❍ Maybe Why?_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ D. Do you consider yourself originally a native of Wisconsin? ❍❍ Yes ❍❍ No E. Number of people in your household, including yourself: (circle one) 1 2 3 4 5 6 or more F. Indicate the highest level of formal education that applies to you: ❍❍ High school ❍❍ Some college ❍❍ Trade/Technical graduate ❍❍ College graduate ❍❍ Graduate school G. Your occupational status: ❍❍ Employed ❍❍ Self-employed ❍❍ Semi-retired ❍❍ Retired H. Do you use your cottage for business? ❍❍ Yes ❍❍ No ❍❍ If yes, what percent of time?___________% I. Your total annual household income: ❍❍ Under $25,000 ❍❍ $25,000-$50,000 ❍❍ $50,000-$75,000 ❍❍ $75,000-$100,000 ❍❍ Over $100,000 19.If fishing and/or hunting license fees were lower, you or members of your family would participate: ❍❍ More than you do now ❍❍ About the same as you do now ❍❍ N/A 22.If you had it to do all over again, would you choose Wisconsin for a second home location? ❍❍ Yes ❍❍ No ❍❍ Not Sure 20.Do you think there should be a separate class of recreational fees for nonresident landowners like yourself (as opposed to current nonresident/tourists fees)? ❍❍ Definitely not ❍❍ Unfavorably inclined ❍❍ Perhaps ❍❍ Favorably inclined ❍❍ Absolutely 23. Please indicate your participation in any of the following (Wisconsin only): ❍❍ Lake Association ❍❍ Condo Association ❍❍ Homeowners Association ❍❍ None 21.A few demographic questions: A. In what county is your Wisconsin property located? ___________________________________________________ B. Gender: ❍❍ Male ❍❍ Female C. Age group: ❍❍ Under 40 ❍❍ 40-55 ❍❍ 56-70 ❍❍ 71-85 ❍❍ Over 85 24. Do you think lake/condo/homeowners associations would be interested in a group membership rate in SRA? (see accompanying article on this subject) ❍❍ Yes ❍❍ No ❍❍ Maybe Why? ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Thank you for participating! Please tear off and mail to: SRA Data Processing Box 212 New Lisbon, WI 53950