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Jesse Parker Sew ell w as born a t Viola, T ennessee, January 2 1, 1876. H e attended Viola
Normal Colle~e and Nashville Bibl e School,
which is now David Lipscomb College. H e received an LL.D from H ardin g College in 1934.
Brother Sewell began to preach the gospel
of Chri st in 1895. During hi s 60 years of service to God h e ha s conducted evangelistic
m eetings in 19 states and W ashin gton D . C. H e
has preach ed for a number of years to congreg-ations at Sherman , Dallas, San Angelo, and
Abil ene, T exa s. From 1912-24 he was president
of Abilene Christian College. During that time,
the school developed from a non-accredited
academ y of 35 to a standard four-year college
of 700 students. H e also found time to write
several volumes of Bible school literature and
Bible lectures.
Brother Sewell cam e to H arding in January, 195 0, to teach educa tional work in the
local church for one term . H e was per suaded to
teach for four and one-half years. Though h e is
now r etired, h e rem ains th e director of the Monday night preachers' meetings, and serves as
special counselor for preaching students.
Jesse Parker Sewell
Brother and Sister Sewell in their living room at Sewell Hall ,
the buil di ng made possible by t hese two dedicated Christians.
To one w ho has devoted his life in
service to God; who has preached the gospel fo r 60 years, who has always put his
Lord first and himself last ; who h as been a
leader in teaching the work of the local
church ; who is a fri endly and sy mpa theti c
counselor ; w ho is an insp iration to all who
know hi m - to Jesse Parker Sewell, w e
dedica te this 1956 Pel it Jean .
- the class of '56
L. Ganlls. Sr.. chairman of thc Board of Tmstecs of Har·
dillp; Collcp;c from 1<)-10 to 195·1. liycd only fifty .onc years. yet his influ·
cncc will bc kIt for p;cncrations. ll c was eminently ucccss ful from both
a lIlaterial and a spiritual viewpoint and Christian education was one of
his primary interests.
Mr. Ganus was a 111ajor supporter of Hardin~ Co II c::.;('. giving-
unsclfishly of both timc and moncy . Thc studcnt ccntcr. which bcars
his namc. was madc poss iblc by hi s p;cnerosity. In addition. hc has
placcd morc than S 17.000 in loan funds far Hardinp; studcnts. Upon his
rc tircmC'nt as chairman of th e Board tlf Tru s tees. he was g-iven the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.
His death on Septcmber 20. 1955. foll(lwinp; an extended illness.
broup;ht sorrow to thc many who had learned to apprcciate him for his
Christian c harac ter. his interes t ill young people. and his cxalnplc of
Christian service.
Lowery, a pioneer preach er in Illinois, Kansas, Montana, and Nebraska, contributed
much to the cause of Christ and Harding College.
A member of the Board of Trustees for more than
15 years, he also served as business manager of the
college from 1927 to 1929 . Bro. Lowery, editor of
The People's Journal, Davenport, Neb., for 26
years, gave liberally of his printing facilities, financial means, and time to Christian education.
Of his six children, four of them, J. Frank Lowery,
Rose Marie Llw~ry, Mrs. J . E. Bartley, and Mrs.
E. R. Stapleton, attended Harding College. Bro.
Lowery's death on September 27,1955, at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. E. R. Stapleton, marked another deeply felt loss to Harding College.
Bertha Dykes spent twenty-five years
on the Harding cam pus and was an inspiration to
all who knew her. Interested in giving their children a Christian education, she and her husband
moved first to Cordell , Oklahoma, then to Morrilton, and finally, in 1934, to Searcy.
Mrs. Dykes served as house mother to the boys
in old Godden Hall until the dea th of her husband
in 1941 and then she served as house m other to
the g irls in Gray Gables, until it was rem oved duro
ing th e expa nsion progmm.
"Mother Dykes," as she was affectionately
known on the campus, was a devout Christian and
demonstrated her deep faith in God by r emaining
cheerful during a long illn ess that preceded her
dea th on August 5, 1955.
The Administration Renders
Geor ge Stu art Benson, presiden t of
H arding Coll ege for 20 years, h as gu ided
H a rding in achieving its presen t high
sta nda rds. A g radua te of H ard in g College
a nd Okl ah oma A a nd M , he h olds the M. A.
degree from th e U ni ve rsity of Chi cago and
hono ra ry degrees from Kn ox College and
H a rd ing College. Returnin g to the United
Sta tes in 1936, a fter ser ving 11 yea rs as a
mission ar y in Chin a, h e accepted th e position h e now holds. By the a dditi on of new
buildin gs, in creasing sa la ries, assembling a
stro ng facul ty, develop in g a School of
America n Studies a nd the graduate sch ool
of Bi ble and educa ti on, Dr. Benson h as
wea tly impro ved the pos iti on of th e college.
Although his major concerns h ave been the
church a nd H arding Coll ege, Dr. Benson h as
a lso m ade valua bl e contributions to Arka nsas a nd the n a ti on . H is exampl e, tha t of a
God-fea rin g m a n li vin g a dy na mi c Christia n life, is a n in spira ti on to all.
George Stuart Benson, M.A., LL.D., President of th e College.
William KnOll: Summitt, Ph .D., Reg~
istrar, Professor of Psychology and
Chairman of th e Department.
Frank L. Holmes, Ph .D., Adminis trative Consul tant ; Director S chool of America n Studies;
Professor of Econo mics, Busi ness and Political
Inez Pickens, B.A., Dean of Women
and Director o f Pattie Cobb Hall .
Unselfish Service To Harding
Dean Lloyd Cline Sears has directed the
academic life and affairs of Harding College since
its early years. Beginning his teaching career at
Harper Christian College in 1918, he became
dean of Harding College in 19Z4. As dean, he
has been active in aiding Harding's growth and
development during the past 3Z years. A graduate of Cordell Christian College and the Uni versity of Oklahoma, he has received graduate
degrees from the University of Kansas and the
University of Chicago. In addition to his duties as
dean. he is also head of the English Department.
Lloyd Cline Sears. Ph .D.. Dean of the College; Professor
of English and Chairman of the Department.
Adlai S. Croom, M.A., Business Manager.
William Peyton Campbell, B.S., Brig. Gen.,
U . S. Army Ret., Executive Assistant in Finance.
Fount William Mattox. Ph.D., [)(
Students; Professor of Church H:'
The Board or Trustees - W. D. Rhodes, Wichita, Kansas; Flanoy Alexander, Delight; Louis Green, Tulsa, Okla.; Or. John Young, Dallas,
Tex .; T. J . McReynolds, Morrilton ; J. A. Thompson , Searcy; Milton Peebles, Saratoga: Dr. George Benson . Searcy: Dr. L. M. Graves, Memphis. Tenn .: Or. Houston T. Karnes. Baton Rouge . La. ; W. O. Beeman , Memphis. Tenn. ; John E. Kirk . Topeka . Kansas; D. F. Anguish,
Cleveland. Ohio; G. W. Kieffer, Florence. Ala.; Jim Bill McInteer. Nashvill e, Tenn. ; R. D. Fuller , Memphis. Tenn.; Le man Johnson, Wenatchee. Wash.: NOT PICTURED: R. V. Lovinggood. Memphis, Tenn .
Those Who Are Consecrated To Christian Ideals
The Board of Trustees of Harding College is
indispensable in providing a program that will lead
to a philosophy of life consistent with Christian
ideals. These outstandin g men are devoted to the
Christian way of life. With the interest of the student body foremost in their minds, they have formulated the policies, made the decisions, and guided the college throughout the thirty-two years of
its existence. Rendering unselfish service and ded-
icated to the progress of Christian education, these
men are the backbone of Harding College.
L. M. Graves, M.D. , Memphis, Tenn., is present
Chairman of the Board. Dr. Graves took this position following the retirement of C. L. Ganus in 1954.
In September, 1955, Harding CoUege and the
Board suffered a tremendous loss in the death of Mr.
Ganus, who rendered invaluable service to this institution while chairman of the board.
The student center proves inviting to fa culty as well as stud ents. Professors here take their daily break.
Harding women at one of their monthly m eetings designed t o
promote fri endship and better acquaintance.
A Look At The Faculty Outside The Classroom
Before discussion of Harding's pertinent problems, faculty members enjoy a short social.
The Dedication To Their Profession
ROW ONE: Woodson Harding Armstrong.
B.A., Prof. Emerita of Speech and Dean of
Women ... James H. Atkinson, M.A., Asst.
Prof. of English . . . James L. Atteberry, olr.,
M.A., Asst. Prof. of English.
ROW TWO: Richard C. Baker, Ph.D., Prof. of
Political Science ... James D. Bales, Ph.D.,
Prof. of Christian Doctrine .. . William Bryan
Barton, Jr., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Christian
ROW THREE: Cecil Murl Beck, M.A., Asst.
Prof. of Physical Education and Health .. .
Samuel Albert BeU, B.A., Assoc. Prof. Emeritus of Bible ... Thelma Dumas Bell, M.S.,
Prof. of Hom e Economics and Chairman of
the Department.
ROW FOUR: William Leslie Burke, M.A., Prof.
of Greek and German and Chairman of the
Departmen t of Foreign Languages and Literature . .. James G. Burrow, M.A., Asst. Prof.
of History ... Florence M . Cathcart, B.A., Inst.
of Elementary Education and Dean Emerita
of Women .
ROW FIVE: Neil B. Cope, M.S.J., Prof. of
J ournalism and Chairman of the Department
... Kenneth Davis, Jr., M.M., Asst. Prof. of
Music ... John Lee Dykes, M.S., Asst. Prof. of
Christian Education.
ROW SIX: J . D. Fenn. M.A. , Prof. of Business
Administration .. . Pattie Jo Russell Fenn.
M.A .. Assoc. Prof. of Business Education
... E. Glenn Fulbright, M.M., Asst. Prof. of
s Sincere And ~xemplifing
ROW ONE: Benny Paul Gallaway, M.A., Asst .
Prof. of History a nd Political Science ...
Parlee P. Glass. M.S.L.S., Librari a n ... Ea rl
C"onnrd Hays, B.D., Asst. Prof. of Bible and
Church History.
ROW TWO: James Acton Hedrick, Ed .D.,
Assoc. Prof. of Accounting and Bus iness ...
John Bell Lasater. M.A., Asst. Prof. of Biological Science ... Pearl La tham, M.A., Asst.
Prof. of English.
ROW THREE: Maurice L. La wson, M.S., Asst.
Prof. of Physics ... Jack Pearl Lewis, Ph .D.,
Assoc. Prof. of Bible ... Leonard Lewis , Ed .D.,
Prof. of Education.
ROW FOUR: Russell A. Lewis. Ph .D., Prof. of
Education and Chairman of t he Department
Jo Lilly Alexander, B.A .. Asst. Librarian ... Imogene McAlister, B.S., lost. in Ph ysical Educatio n.
ROW FIVE: Elizabeth B. Mason , M.A.• Prof .
of Art and Cha irman of th e Department ...
Erie Thomas Moore, Ed .D., Prof. of Music and
Chairma n of the Department ... Frances
Murdock. B.S.L.S .• Asst. Libra ria n .
ROW SIX: James Roy
Ott, M.A., Asst. P ro f. of
Economics . . . Charles
G. Pitner, M.A ., Prof. of
Mathematics and Ch a irman of the Department
. . . Joseph E. Pryor,
Ph .D. Ptof. of Physical
Science a nd Chairma n of
the Department . . .
Lonnie E. Pryor. M.A.,
Assoc. Prof. Emeritus of
Social Science.
These Are Our Wise Counselors,
ROW ONE: Hugh Harvley Rhodes. M.A..
Assoc. Prof. o f Physi cal Education and Health
a nd Acting Head of the Department ... Andy
T. Ritchie, M.A.. Asst. Prof. of Bibl e ...
Orlan Lester Sawey, Ph.D .. Assoc. Prof. of
ROW TWO: Jac k Wood Sears, Ph.D .. Prof. of
Biologica l Science and Chairman of the Department ... Edward G. Sewell. M.A .. Assoc.
Prof. of Education ... J esse P. Sew ell, LL.D ..
Lecturer in Bible an d President Emeritus of
Abil ene Ch ristian College.
ROW THREE: Richard F. Staar. Ph .D .. Prof.
of Pol itical Science ... Cah"in Stanl ey, Ph .D ..
Assoc. Prof. of Elementary Education .. Ruby
Lowery Stapleton. M.A .. Assoc. Prof. of English.
ROW FOUR: William Clark Ste vens, Ph .D..
Prof. of Biol ogica l Science ... Elaine Camp
Thompson. B.S. E .. In st. in Home Economics
... Evan Ulrey, Ph.D., Prof. of Speech and
Chairman of the Department.
ROW FIVE: Ric hard WaHe r Walke r , M.A..
Asst. Prof. of Speech ... Velma R. West,
M.A .. Asst. Prof. of Greek ... W. B. West,
Jr., Th.O .. Prof. of Bible and Religion and
Chairman of the Department of Bibl e. Relig.
ion. and Philosophy.
ROW SIX: Roge r Glen Wil ey, B.S., Asst.
Pror. of Speech ... Wanda Luttrell Wiley,
M.A.. Asst. Prof. o f Speech ... William D.
Williams, Ph .. D.. Asst. Prof. of Ch e mistry.
Instructors, And Friends
ROW ONE: Corrine W. Burke, B.A., Postmistress ... Robin Burrow, Asst. to Director of
Publicity and Publications . .. Ann Cigrang,
Sec. to Chairman of the Department of Bible
. Billie Louise Dixon. Asst. to the Office
ROW TWO: Martha DuBois. Sec. to Dietitian
. . . Grrtrude Dykes. Manager, College Book
Store ... Lenore Felix, R.N .. Asst. Nurse.
Mabel French. R.N .. College Nurse.
ROW TIiREE: Edward Gurganus, Manager,
College Inn . .. Corinne Hart, Dietitian and
Manager, Cafeteria ... J erry Chesshir McNutt,
See. of Alumni Assoc .. , . Betty Jean Norris.
Sec. to Chairman of the Department of Education.
ROW FOUR: Marguerite O'Banion, B.A.. Sec.
to the President . .. Doris Pace, Sec. to Busi.
ness Manager . . . Edwina Pace. Sec. to Administrative Consultant . . . Gregg Rhodes.
Manager, College Laundry.
ROW FIVE: Jess Rhodes, M.A., Asst. Business
Manager . . . Phyllis Ritchie, Sec. Publicity
and Publications ... Billie Rowlett, Accountant . .. Russell L. Simmons, Director, Publicity and Publications.
ROW SIX: Ludene Slatton, B.A., Asst. Registrar ... Jonn Stotts. Sec. to Manager of Col . Lott Tucker, B.A., Office
lege Laundry.
Manager ... Elbert Turman, Chief Engineer.
ROW SEVEN: Herman 'Vest, Manager, College Press ... Mary Ann Whitaker, B.A., Asst.
to Director of Publicity and Publications . . .
Edwina Wilson, Counselor, Cath cart Hall . . .
Roy Yoh.e, Manager, Concrete Materials Plant.
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