Modbus (RTU) Manual TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 TRICOR® Coriolis Mass Flow Meter Version Manual-Version TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 SW-Version This manual is valid for Main SW: V3.33 and higher Display SW: V3.20 and higher 2 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 Index Index 1. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION OF RS-485 ................................................................................................. 4 1.1. Single-mode connection ............................................................................................................................. 4 1.2. Operating TCE 8000 in multi-drop network ................................................................................................ 5 2. EX INSTALLATION OF RS-485 ................................................................................................................. 5 3. TCE 8000 MODBUS RTU INTERFACE OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 6 3.1. RS-485 settings .......................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 3.2.4. Frame structure........................................................................................................................................... 6 Address = Slave address ............................................................................................................................ 6 Function Code ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Data Field .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Error Checking Field ................................................................................................................................... 8 3.3. Exception responses................................................................................................................................... 8 3.4. TCE 8000 Modbus data model ................................................................................................................... 8 3.5. 3.5.1. Examples of use ......................................................................................................................................... 9 ModScan64 ................................................................................................................................................. 9 3.6. Tricor Configurator ...................................................................................................................................... 9 3.7. TCE 8000 Modbus register map ...............................................................................................................11 4. ADDRESSES ............................................................................................................................................19 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 3 Electrical connection of RS-485 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Communication Modbus is an application layer messaging protocol for client/server communication between devices connected on different types of buses or networks. On TCE 8000 Modbus is implemented using the asynchronous serial transmission over the RS-485 physical interface. The TCE 8000 is equipped with an RS-485 Interface as a standard. 1. Electrical connection of RS-485 Prepare the TCE 8000 and the cable as described in chapter 3.2.2 or 3.2.3 in the Tricor manual. Connect the signal RS-485A, RS-485+ or D1+ (all three names are used in the literature) to terminal 22 and RS485-, RS-485B or D0- to terminal 21. Terminal 20 is the ground reference pin for the interface and is connected to GND (terminal 8) with the non- Ex versions and connected to PE (terminal 52) with the Ex versions. NOTE: The operating range of the data terminals (21 and 22) is -7V to +12V referred to the reference pin (20). Voltages outside that range could damage the TCE 8000. 1.1. Single-mode connection 4 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 Ex installation of RS-485 1.2. Operating TCE 8000 in multi-drop network 2. Ex installation of RS-485 The RS-485 terminals are designed for an operating voltage of -7V to +12V and a rated voltage of 30V AC. For connecting the interface refer to chapter 5.1.1 and 3.2.7. in the Tricor manual. WARNING! Applying more than 30V DC to any of the RS-485 terminals will damage the TCE and destroy the protection of the TCM! WARNING! If more than 30V have been applied to any of the RS-485 terminals, the unit must be returned to KEM/AWL for repair as the safety barrier might have been destroyed! Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 5 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview 3. TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview 3.1. RS-485 settings The TCE 8000 uses a Modbus data byte structure without parity bit. The characters are transmitted in the following structure: • • • • 1 Start Bit 8 Data Bit No Parity Bit 1 Stop Bit The baud rate can be set to 9600, 19200, 57600 or 115200 Baud (see chapter in the Tricor manual). 3.2. Frame structure The Modbus frame contains the following blocks: Address Func. Code Data Field (command address + data) CRC (error check) 1 byte 1 byte up to 80 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 characters must not be separated by more than 1.7ms at 9600 baud or by more than 0.75ms at 19200 or 56000 baud. 2 Frames must be separated by at least 4ms at 9600 baud or at least 1.75ms at 19200 or 56000 baud. 3.2.1. Address = Slave address The slave addresses can be set between 1 and 247 (see chapter in the Tricor manual). Address “0” is reserved for broadcast communication and addresses 248 to 255 are reserved for special purposes. Those addresses cannot be assigned to a unit. 3.2.2. Function Code The following Modbus RTU function codes are available in the TCE 8000 electronics. Code Function Data Access 0x01 Read Coil 0x02 Read Discrete Input 0x03 Read Holding Registers 0x04 Read Input Registers 0x05 Write Single Coil Bit access Internal Bits or Physical Coils 0x06 Write Single Register 16-bit access Internal Registers or Physical Output Registers 0x0F Write Multiple Coils Bit access Internal Bits or Physical Coils 0x10 Write Multiple Registers 16-bit access Internal Registers or Physical Output Registers Bit access 16-bit access Description Internal Bits or Physical Coils Physical Discrete Inputs Internal Registers or Physical Output Registers Physical Input Registers 6 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview 3.2.3. Data Field The data field is function code specific. See tables below for descriptions: 0x01 Read Coil / 0x02 Read Input / 0x03 Read Holding Registers / 0x04 Read Input Registers Request: Address Function Start Address Number of coils/registers 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte Address Function Byte Count Data 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte (up to 80 bytes) 1 byte 1 byte CRC 1 byte 1 byte Response: CRC 1 byte 1 byte 0x05 Write single Coil / 0x06 Write single Register Request: Address Function Start Address Data 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte Address Function Start Address Data 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte CRC 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte Response: 1 byte CRC 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 0x10 Write multiple Register Request: Address Function 1 byte 1 byte Number of registers (max. 40) Start Address 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte Byte Count (2 x number of registers) Data 1 byte (up to 80 bytes) CRC 1 byte 1 byte Response: Address Function 1 byte 1 byte Number of registers (max. 40) Start Address 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 1 byte CRC 1 byte 1 byte 7 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview 3.2.4. Error Checking Field The content of the 2 bytes of the error-checking field are calculated according to the Modbus rules. Byte ordering of Floating Point Data The TCE 8000 uses by default a “big-Endian” representation for floating point or 32-bit data. This means that when a numerical quantity larger than a single byte is transmitted, the most significant byte is sent first. The byte order is not changeable through the Modbus protocol! This can only be changed through the display unit. 3.3. Exception responses In case the TCE 8000 receives a complete frame, but with invalid addresses or data, an exception response is returned. In the returned function code the MSB will be set to “1”. The returned function code can be calculated as: Returned function code = received function code + 0x80 The data field will contain one of the following error codes: Code Name Description 01 02 03 Illegal Function Illegal Data Address Illegal Data Value The requested function is not existing / not implemented The address (plus length) is not existing / not allowed The transferred data are out of range 3.4. TCE 8000 Modbus data model Modbus defines the following data: Primary Table Object type Communication type Discrete inputs Coils Input registers Holding registers Single bit Single bit 16 bit 16 bit Read-Only Read-Write Read-Only Read-Write 8 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview 3.5. Examples of use 3.5.1. ModScan64 See screen shots below for the communication example with ModScan64 (reading out the process parameters: Mass Flow Rate [g/s], Density [g/cc], Temperature [°C], Volume Flow Rate [cc/s]). The ModScan64 Modbus RTU master uses like many others the one-based addressing. You can use the TCE 8000 Coil/Register Addresses as listed in the last chapter “TCE 8000 Modbus register map”. The start register address to be read is 247 for Mass Flow Rate see TCE 8000 Modbus register map. The last register would be 254 (the end address of Volume Flow Rate). The number of registers is therefore 8. See screen shot below for reading out the 4 floating point parameters (using the IEEE 754 standard) or 8 16-bit Modbus registers. In the next screen shot you can see the traffic corresponding to the data shown above (therefore see the data field description in section: 0x01 Read Coil / 0x02 Read Input / 0x03 Read Holding Registers / 0x04 Read Input Registers. 3.6. Tricor Configurator Tricor Configurator is Windows based software for communication with TCE 8000 electronics. Please download the current revision from the KEM ( or AW-Lake homepage. Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 9 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview For connecting the TCE 8000 electronics on your Laptop/PC please use the FTDI USB to RS485 Serial Converter Cable (s .wiring diagram below). The current revision of Tricor Configurator is operable only in combination with the FTDI Converter! The FTDI USB driver is also available on our homepage. Please install both Tricor Configurator and the FTDI driver on your Windows Laptop/PC. Connect the TCE 8000 as shown in the diagram above and start Tricor Configurator. The screen shot below shows the main window with the list of connected TCE 8000 devices. The Tricor Configurator operation manual can be also downloaded from KEM/AW-Lake homepages . 10 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview 3.7. TCE 8000 Modbus register map NOTE: If your equipment or software uses zero-based addressing, you will need to subtract one from the coil/register start address in the map below. The EEPROM Write Enable Coil 11 has to bet set before writing the new values to the Holding Registers permanently. The TCE 8000 implements 32-bit (2 Modbus registers) floating point data using the IEEE-754 standard. Name Coil/Register Start Addr. Address Count Value Type Value Units / Description DISCRETE INPUTS (read-only bit addresses, read function byte 0x02) CtrlIn Level 208 1 Boolean CtrlIn2 Level 209 1 Boolean TCE 6000 only EEPROM Backup Matches Working 210 1 Boolean Memory EEPROM Factory Backup Done 211 1 Boolean DISCRETE COILS (read/write bit addresses, read function byte 0x01, write function byte 0x05 for single or 0x0f for multiple coils) Reset Batch Totals 003 1 Boolean Reset Grand Totals 004 1 Boolean Start Zero Offset Procedure 005 1 Boolean duration: 10sec. EEPROM Write Enable Flag EEPROM Customer Backup Enable Flag EEPROM Factory Backup Enable Flag EEPROM Start Customer Backup EEPROM Start Customer Restore EEPROM Start Factory Backup EEPROM Start Factory Restore 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean FreqOut Direction 101 1 Boolean Primary mA Output Setup Mode Enable Secondary mA Output Setup Mode Enable Pressure Compensation Enable 201 202 203 1 1 1 Boolean Boolean Boolean CtrlOut Level 207 1 Boolean Density Correction Factors Calculation 301 1 Boolean Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 write: 1 – start backup/restore read: 1 – procedure running 11 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview Coil/Register Start Addr. 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 Address Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 429 1 Boolean 451 1 Boolean INPUT REGISTERS (read-only register addresses, read function byte 0x04) Primary mA Output Current Value 203 Secodnary mA Output Current Value 213 Frequency Output Value 229 2 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Mass Flow Rate 247 2 Floating Point Density 249 2 Floating Point Temperature 251 2 Floating Point Volume Flow Rate 253 2 Floating Point Pressure Rate 257 2 Floating Point Mass Flow Batch Total 259 2 Floating Point Volume Flow Batch Total 261 2 Floating Point Mass Flow Grand Total 263 2 Floating Point Volume Flow Grand Total 265 2 Floating Point Mass Flow Grand Total Forward 267 2 Floating Point Volume Flow Grand Total Forward 269 2 Floating Point Mass Flow Grand Total Reverse 271 2 Floating Point Volume Flow Grand Total Reverse 273 2 Floating Point Name Air Density Calibration Water Density Calibration Write 4mA to Primary mA Output Write 20mA to Primary mA Output Write 4mA to Secondary mA Output Write 20mA to Secondary mA Output Start Pt1000 Amplitude Calibration Start Pt1000 Offset Calibration Activate Pressure Compensation of the Zero Offset Write Calibration Values To EEPROM Value Type Value Units / Description Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean milliamps milliamps Hz selected mass flow units selected density units selected temperature units selected volume flow units selected pressure units selected mass flow total units selected volume flow total units selected mass flow total units selected volume flow total units selected mass flow total units selected volume flow total units selected mass flow total units selected volume flow total units 12 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview Sensor Frequency Sensor A Voltage Sensor B Voltage Drive Current Coil/Register Start Addr. 285 287 289 291 Address Count 2 2 2 2 Temperature (internal value) 293 2 Floating Point PT1000 value Time Shift with correction (s. Coil 429) Time Shift 295 297 299 2 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point SW SW SW SW 7567 7568 7569 7570 1 1 1 1 Integer Integer Integer Integer 8001 1 Integer Name Version Byte 1 Version Byte 2 Version Byte 3 Version Byte 4 Fault Word Value Type Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Value Units / Description Hz millivolts millivolts milliamps selected temperature units Ohms micro seconds micro seconds HOLDING REGISTERS (read-write register addresses, read function byte 0x03, write function byte 0x06 for single or 0x10 for multiple registers) selected mass Mass Flow Rate High Limit 3001 2 Floating Point flow units K-Factor 3003 2 Floating Point Low Flow Cut Off in % f.s. 3005 2 Floating Point percentage Flow Filter Step Response in % f.s. 3007 2 Floating Point percentage selected mass Low Flow Cut Off 3009 2 Floating Point flow rate units selected mass Flow Filter Step Response 3011 2 Floating Point flow rate units Flow Filter Value 3013 2 Floating Point seconds Density Filter 3015 2 Floating Point seconds 1 = Forward Flow Direction 3017 2 Floating Point -1 = Reverse selected density Low Density Cut Off 3019 2 Floating Point units RR Filter Value 3021 2 Floating Point samples Temperature Filter Value 3023 2 Floating Point seconds Sensor Amplitude Set Value Current Resistor Value Sensor Amplitude Control PID KP Sensor Amplitude Control PID KI Sensor Amplitude Control PID KD Meter Variable Zero Offset Value PT1000 Correction Value Temperatue Correction Value On Density Calculation ToD_b Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 3051 3053 3055 3057 3059 3061 3063 3065 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point 3067 2 Floating Point millivolts Ohms g/s per µs timer ticks 13 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Value Units / Description Hz °C g/cc Hz °C g/cc 2 Floating Point milliamps 3083 2 Floating Point milliamps 3085 2 Floating Point milliamps 3087 2 Floating Point milliamps 3089 3091 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point °C milliamps 3093 2 Floating Point 0-4095 3095 2 Floating Point 0-4095 3097 2 Floating Point 0-4095 3099 2 Floating Point 0-4095 3101 3103 3105 3107 2 2 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms 3109 2 Floating Point 3111 2 Floating Point Primary mA Output Flow Rate At 4mA 3201 2 Floating Point Primary mA Output Flow Rate At 20mA 3203 2 Floating Point Primary mA Output Density At 4mA 3205 2 Floating Point Primary mA Output Density At 20mA 3207 2 Floating Point Primary mA Output Temperature At 4mA 3209 2 Floating Point Primary mA Output Temperature At 20mA 3211 2 Floating Point Primary mA Output Batch Total At 4mA 3213 2 Floating Point Primary mA Output Batch Total At 20mA 3215 2 Floating Point Name Frequency At Air Temperature At Air Density At Air Frequency At H2O Temperature At H2O Density At H2O Primary mA Output 4mA Calibration Value Primary mA Output 20mA Calibration Value Secondary mA Output 4mA Calibration Value Secondary mA Output 20mA Calibration Value Temperature Calibration Value Analog Input Calibration Value Primary mA Output 4mA Calibration DAC Value Primary mA Output 20mA Calibration DAC Value Secondary mA Output 4mA Calibration DAC Value Secondary mA Output 20mA Calibration DAC Value Pt1000 Amplitude Calibration Resistor Pt1000 Offset Calibration Resistor Pt1000 Offset Calibration Ro Pt1000 Amplitude Calibration K Temperatue Correction Value On Density Calculation ToD_a Temperatue Correction Value On Density Calculation ToD_c Coil/Register Start Addr. 3069 3071 3073 3075 3077 3079 Address Count 2 2 2 2 2 2 3081 Value Type selected flow units selected flow units selected density units selected density units selected temperature units selected temperature units selected flow total units selected flow total units 14 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview Name Coil/Register Start Addr. Address Count Value Type Secondary mA Output Flow Rate At 4mA 3217 2 Floating Point Secondary mA Output Flow Rate At 20mA 3219 2 Floating Point Secondary mA Output Density At 4mA 3221 2 Floating Point Secondary mA Output Density At 20mA 3223 2 Floating Point 3225 2 Floating Point 3227 2 Floating Point 3229 2 Floating Point 3231 2 Floating Point mA Input Pressure Rate at 4mA 3241 2 Floating Point mA Input Pressure Rate at 20mA 3243 2 Floating Point Pressure Rate Manual Input 3245 2 Floating Point 3251 2 Floating Point 3253 2 Floating Point Frequency Out Total Count Value 3255 2 Floating Point Ctrl Out Batch Value 3257 2 Floating Point Fault LED Turn On Time Fault LED Turn Off Time 3259 3261 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point CtrlOut Flow Limit Value 3263 2 Floating Point CtrlOut Flow Limit Hysteresis 3265 2 Floating Point CtrlOut Flow At Full Scale Frequency 3267 2 Floating Point CtrlOut Full Scale Frequency 3269 2 Floating Point selected flow units Hz selected flow total units selected flow total units seconds seconds selected flow units % selected flow units Hz Zero Offset Procedure Elapsed Time Zero Offset Value 3301 3303 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point seconds micro seconds Frequency Out Fixed Value Primary mA Output Fixed Value Secondary mA Output Fixed Value 3351 3353 3355 2 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Hz milliamps milliamps Secondary mA Output Temperature At 4mA Secondary mA Output Temperature At 20mA Secondary mA Output Batch Total At 4mA Secondary mA Output Batch Total At 20mA Frequency Out Flow At Full Scale Frequency Frequency Out Full Scale Frequency Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 Value Units / Description selected mass flow units selected mass flow units selected density units selected density units selected temperature units selected temperature units selected temperature units selected temperature units selected pressure units selected pressure units selected pressure units 15 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview Name Pressure Compensation Corr. Value 1 Pressure Compensation Corr. Value 2 Pressure Compensation Corr. Value 1 Pressure Compensation Corr. Value 2 Pressure Compensation Pressure Value 1 Pressure Compensation Pressure Value 2 Pressure Compensation Pressure Value 3 Pressure Compensation Pressure Value 4 Temperature Correction Value On Flow Calculation Pressure Correction of the Zero A Pressure Correction of the Zero B Pressure Correction of the Zero Offset Drive Current Min Threshold Drive Current Max Threshold Coil/Register Start Addr. 3401 3403 3405 3407 Address Count 2 2 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Value Units / Description % % % % 3421 2 Floating Point bar 3423 2 Floating Point bar 3425 2 Floating Point bar 3427 2 Floating Point bar 3501 2 Floating Point 3503 3505 3507 4001 4003 2 2 2 2 2 Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Floating Point Value Type Meter Mode 7011 1 Integer Device Code 7012 1 Integer RS485_0 Modbus Additional Time Delay 7021 1 Integer RS485_0 Mode 7022 1 Enum RS485_0 Device Address 7023 1 Integer RS485_0 Modbus Baud Rate 7024 1 Enum Mass Flow Units Density Units Temperature Units Volume Flow Units Mass Flow Total Units Volume Flow Total Units Pressure Units 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer pressure units mA mA 0 = Mass Meter 1 = Volume Meter 2 = Reference Volume Meter 3 = Net Oil ms 0 - Modbus RTU 1 - KEM proprietary 1-246 (default: 1) 0 - 9600 1 - 19200 2 - 57600 3 - 115200 16 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview Name Coil/Register Start Addr. Address Count Value Type Primary mA Out Mode 7151 1 Enum Secondary mA Out Mode 7152 1 Enum Frequency Out Mode 7153 1 Enum Ctrl Out Mode 7154 1 Enum Ctrl In Mode 7155 1 Enum Ctrl Out Active State 7156 1 Enum Analog Input Mode 7157 1 Enum Pressure Measuring Mode 7158 1 Enum Ctrl In 2 Mode (TCE 6000 only) 7159 1 Enum Ctrl In Active State 7160 1 Enum Device Access Code 7301 1 Integer Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 Value Units / Description 0 = Mass Flow 1 = Density 2 = Temperature 3 = Batch Total 0 = Mass Flow 1 = Density 2 = Temperature 3 = Batch Total 0 = Frequency 1 = Total Count 0 = Fault 1 = Freq. Out Direction 2 = Batch 4 = Flow Limit 0 = Zero Offset 1 = Reset Batch Total 2 = Off 3 = Hold 0 = Active High 1 = Active Low 0 = Off 1 = Pressure Input 0 = Off 1 = Analog In 2 = Manual Input 0 = Off 1 = Pressure Input 0 = Active High 1 = Active Low 0 – 9999 17 TCE 8000 Modbus RTU Interface Overview Name Sensor Type Byte 1 Sensor Type Byte 2 Sensor Type Byte 3 Sensor Type Byte 4 Sensor Type Byte 5 Sensor Type Byte 6 Sensor Type Byte 7 Sensor Type Byte 8 Serial Number Byte 1 Serial Number Byte 2 Serial Number Byte 3 Serial Number Byte 4 Serial Number Byte 5 Serial Number Byte 6 Serial Number Byte 7 Serial Number Byte 8 Coil/Register Start Addr. 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 Address Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Value Type Value Units / Description Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer 18 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 Addresses 4. Addresses TRICOR web page Sales Contact America: AWL AW-Lake Company 8809 Industrial Drive Franksville, WI 53126 USA Tel.: +1 800-850-6110 Europa, Asia: KEM Küppers Elektromechanik GmbH Liebigstraße 5 DE-85757 Karlsfeld Germany Tel.: +49 8131 593910 China: KEM Flow Technology China Rm. 430, JInYuan Building, No. 36 BeiyuanLu, CN- Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012 P.R.CHINA Tel.:+86 10 84929567 / +86 10 84929577 Fax:+86 10 52003739 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 19 Addresses Manufacturer KEM Küppers Elektromechanik GmbH Liebigstraße 5 DE-85757 Karlsfeld Germany Tel.: +49 8131 593910 AWL AW-Lake Company 8809 Industrial Drive Franksville, WI 53126 USA Tel.: +1 800-850-6110 20 Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 Addresses Copyright KEM, Subject to change without notice Version: TCM COMO_S_EN_150408_E003 21